AE426: Flight Dynamics

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KING FAHD UNIVERSITY Department of Aerospace Engineering

What is flight dynamics ?

Is the study of aircraft motion and its characteristics.

AE426: Flight Dynamics

Is it safe to fly? Instructor
Dr. Ayman Hamdy Kassem

Is the pilot comfortable with it? Would it do its mission?

Flight Dynamics AE426

Is Wright brothers flight on December 17, 1903 really the first successful flight?

Course Description: Introduction to stability, performance and control of fixed-wing aircrafts.


AE 220

Textbook: Nelson, R. C., Flight Stability and Automatic Control, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Co., 1998. References: Etkin, B., and Reid, L. D., Dynamics of Flight: Stability and Control, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
These hieroglyphic was found on the walls in a temple at Abydos in Egypt.

Instructor: Dr. Ayman Kassem Office Building 22 Room 161 Class Schedule: SMW (1:10 2:00). building 24 - room 149 Office Hours: SMW (2:00-3:00) or by appointment. Email

Course objectives:
To introduce students to the fundamental concepts of atmospheric flight dynamics. To allow students to analytically estimate static and dynamic stability derivatives. To enable students to study and predict aircraft performance. To allow students to study the stability of longitudinal and lateral motions using the linearized equations of motion. To enable students to control aircraft using the root locus method.

Course outcomes:
Course Outline Introduction Static Stability (Chapter 2) Aircraft Equations of Motion (Chapter 3) Aircraft Performance (Handouts) Longitudinal Motion (Chapter 4) Lateral Motion (Chapter 5) Introduction to Control Theory (Chapter 7) Aircraft Autopilot Design Using Control Theory (Chapter 8) Review and final exam 14-15 16 Weeks (approximately) 1 2-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13

Outcome#1: Students will demonstrate a understanding of flight dynamics. (Objectives 1-2)


Outcome#2: Students will demonstrate a good understanding of flight performance, stability, and control. (Objectives 2-5) Outcome#3: Students will demonstrate the ability to use MATLAB as a tool for matrix manipulations and dynamic simulation. (Objectives 2-5) Outcome#4: Students will demonstrate the ability to work as a team in a project, give a professional PowerPoint presentation and write a technical document. (Objectives 1-5)

Project: You are required to evaluate the stability and performance characteristics of actual airplanes. Each team selects an airplane, obtains its geometric and inertia data, computes its stability derivatives, and studies the longitudinal and lateral-directional motions. submit work-in-progress report at mid-semester and make a final report and oral presentation at the end of the semester.

Evaluation Methods:
[1] Homework [2] Attendance [3] Midterm exam 1 [4] Midterm exam 2 [5] Project [6] Final Exam 10% 10% 15% 15% 20% 30%

4 6 7 2


XB pointing through the nose of the aircraft (longitudinal axis). ZB pointing down (directional axis). YB pointing to the right wing (lateral axis).

Main Topics



Main Topics
Performance. Customer related. How high will it go ? How Fast? Fuel consumption? Range? Stability. Performance.

Main Topics

Stability (Static and Dynamic) Pilot related. Is it stable? Can it do this maneuver? How easy? Flying qualities.



Main Topics


Stability (Static and Dynamic). Control.

Engineer related. (This is your work!!) Control theories (classical and modern). How to make the A/C stable? Improving flying qualities. Company secrets. MISSION

It is how the aircraft will perform its job. what are Performance characteristics? Range. Rate of climb. Take off and landing distances. Flight path optimization.

Stability & Control

Stability Result of small disturbances from equilibrium which arise at random from external loads. It is categorized as static or dynamic. Stability is a characteristic of the vehicle dynamics which is independent of the pilots actions. Control Response of aircraft to intentionally applied forces/moments which causes aircraft to deviate from initial equilibrium condition in a desired fashion. Control relates to a pilots interaction with the aircraft.

Static Stability

Longitudinal Static Stability

(a) Negative static stability (b) Positive static stability (c) Neutral static stability

Dynamic Stability
For dynamic stability, motions have to be convergent or damped out. (The vehicle will return to its original equilibrium condition after some interval of time and settle there). If divergent then dynamic instability exists. Cases (a) & (b) here are longitudinally dynamically stable, case (c) is longitudinally dynamically unstable (all are statically stable).

It is important to observe that a dynamically stable airplane must always be statically stable. On the other hand, a statically stable airplane is not necessary dynamically stable.

Our particular interest are the following questions: Can the aircraft perform its mission? How reliable? How much effort is required from the pilot ? To do that we need to know : Aircraft anatomy especially controls (aileron, rudder, throttle, thrust vectoring, etc.) What parts do the job? Aircraft equations of motions. How is it done? Automatic control theory. How to do it better?

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