Ang. of Assistance

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Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:26:36 -0500 22 degrees Pisces

The Angels of Assistance Also known as The Angels of 'Armefia'

Beloved, When a spiritually mature person seeks help for ordinary people that are in great danger, we answer the call for assistance. We respond to the prayers of spiritually mature people who invoke us on behalf of those who are not personally connected in consciousness with the beings of heaven. Even though there are many groups of angels who offer protection and assistance to world servers and seekers of truth, we especially make ourselves available to those who are beginners on the path to wisdom. Anyone, even a person who is not versed in higher wisdom, that needs the protection of very important people, or who needs a just sentence if summoned to court innocently, or who needs leniency when they are guilty, can secure our assistance. Many ordinary people do not think to pray, or if they do, have experienced frustration in the process of invoking and praying to the heavenly hosts. Perhaps there has been a sense of futility or doubt whether their prayers are being answered. This negative emotional energy attracts unwanted results. Sometimes the level of attunement, especially the refinement of the heavenly hosts, is so subtle that the ordinary person cannot perceive the existence of angelic realms without first attaining a deeper state of consciousness. In the case of many people, the coarse attunement of ordinary consciousness, beta brain waves, is so dense that no signal is consciously received. Another problem, similar to the one just noted, is that spiritually unaware people, even if they were to consider the possibility of prayer, might not approach with an open heart full of unconditional love. In this case communication is very difficult. As above, so below. Consider when humans listen to one another. It is much easier for anyone to communicate with someone who approaches him or her with tremendous love, gratitude, humility, patience and appreciation. Right away they get response. Contrast that situation with someone who is distrustful, or asking frantically for more favors, and do not know how to listen, to top it off. Communication is very difficult. Many people in this state are the ones that we help when asked by any child of God on their behalf. When the wisdom of the heart prompts one person to pray for another who needs protection and assistance, Divine Providence sends us to operate through this request. Our primary purpose is to protect any that are under threat of great danger and seek help. At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that the angels of protection of every kind focus upon the affairs of earth in answer to the will-to-live and the will-to-spiritual-perfection that is awakening within the hearts of every being. Even the most unenlightened being on earth is feeling the desire to live in bliss very strongly now, and the affairs of earth are at a point where this is only possible if the entire energy field of earth is restored to harmony and unconditional love. Bringing the entire earth, and all who live upon her, into a state of enlightenment, unconditional love, and attunement to Divine Will is absolutely necessary for the health of Divine Providence itself. Because of the prayers of so many, we have now been given permission, under the laws of intercessory prayer, to do whatever is necessary to restore perfection and happiness upon the earth. The experiment to allow forgetfulness of the interconnectedness of all life has reached its time of completion in its cycle. Like any dream that has run its course, the time for awakening has come. The time between sleep and waking is now. With every moment the nightmares and dreams of sleep are loosening their grip on the consciousness of humanity. As this is happening, the awareness is growing that what has just been experienced as vivid reality is really a dream. Along with realizing that it has been a dream is the awareness that the actual truth is something altogether different. Just as awakening from a nightmare or dream results in a person opening their eyes and realizing that they have been asleep; as complete wakefulness arrives, each person remembers and senses their natural Divine Unity, and experiences a natural attunement to Divine Will as they did as an infant. They naturally access Divine Intelligence as they did as a small

child, and experience the natural feeling of Unconditional All-encompassing Love as they once did in their hearts as an adolescent. Then heaven on earth is attracted into form and the five senses, logic and memory of adult consciousness awakens naturally to beauty. This completion of the process of transition to wakefulness for humanity is set for Sunset December 21, 2012, as the setting sun on winter solstice conjuncts Galactic Center. Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter [awaken] to the kingdom of God. Meditate on the divine virtues of the letters of our name, Armefia , to become one in consciousness with us. Armefia The letter A of our name represents the divine virtue of wisdom and enlightenment. The wisdom of the open heart, through this virtue, instinctively understands the original purity of all ideas that exist within all of creation and therefore has the occult faculties and artistic gifts with which to work the miracles to bring heaven to earth. In order to experience the infinite wonders of free will, The One Indivisible Divine Consciousness dreams that it is many different forms and beings and it dreams that it exists in many different times and places. The divine virtue of free will, or inner guidance, in each of the unique individual expressions of the One Life, is the letter R of our name. This inner guidance connects the many with the one and is responsible for keeping impeccable harmony in the web of life. By experiencing this dream, the feeling of Divine Love is expressed in infinite ways, because there exist many Lovers and many Beloveds. The Divine Virtue of feeling and emotion is the letter M. Emotion is the magnetic force and attracts realities into form. Divine Consciousness is omnipresent, which is the letter E of our name. Whatever is done to anything, anywhere, affects the One Divine Indivisible Being everywhere, like a stone thrown into a pond creating ripples over the entire surface. A person with this virtue understands the unity, interconnectedness, and awareness that exists everywhere in all time and space. They are able to join individual consciousness with Universal Consciousness and to transfer consciousness to any part of the One Being. The understanding that the perfection of heaven is reflected in the created visible worlds is the Divine Virtue of the legality of the harmony of the visible microcosms and the macrocosms. The is the Divine Virtue expressed by the letter F. This virtue governs the necessity for earth to be as heaven. As above, so below. Whenever any part of the Being of God creates kindness and goodness in any way towards any one, the effects of this goodness are returned to the part that created it after affecting the entire unified field of consciousness. The understanding of the virtue of Cause and Effect and Karma is the letter I. This virtue also allows mastery over will, thought, feeling, and form. This is used through eloquence, artistic gifts, occult faculties and the state of wisdom and enlightenment, which is the virtue of the last letter of our name, A. The melody of our name is G, C, D, D, F sharp, G, and G. . * Miracles

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