The Hidden Secrets of Mind Power Technology Introduction
The Hidden Secrets of Mind Power Technology Introduction
The Hidden Secrets of Mind Power Technology Introduction
The mind does strange things at times.
Have you noticed that occasionally when you are desperate to
drive to a destination in the quickest possible time that most of the
traffic lights turn green to help you? Or when you're driving down
town and mentally focusing on a parking just seems to
materialize for you. Or you may be thinking intently of a friend and at
that very moment they telephone you.
But what if you were told that you could determine your luck
cycle in advance so that you could use it for dollar windfall
situations......would this give you a sense of personal satisfaction?
But even better still, what if you were informed that you could
use an easy-to-learn mental trigger that will tell you which slot
machine to play, which scratch-it ticket to buy, which color to bet on
at roulette and which likely numbers to enter in the lotto....with a
possible 70-80% chance of being correct? Then would you find all this
"beyond belief?"
Well, you may be somewhat stunned to learn that all of this is
now more!!
A handful of individuals in Australia and New Zealand are using
combinations of the above mind-power techniques to improve their
personal lifestyle dramatically.
But you won't hear these people talk about it, because it is an
in-house secret.
The reports you are about to read explains in detail how these
extraordinary mental manipulations are achieved. The methods can
be used by any open-minded individual of average intelligence.
All that is required is the ability and willingness to look at
personal mind-power in a different way and the dedication to practice
these procedures, some of which can be learned in one night.
The reports are not a theoretical "mumbo-jumbo" documents
designed to merely titillate your interest, then leave you with no
practical formula to follow. They are hands-on instruction manuals
which have been developed by a group of serious businessmen in a
dedicated research laboratory. It is designed to take you through the
various mind-power disciplines step by step so that you can
understand, learn and use them.
They might well turn out to be the most practical reports on
personal mind-power ever written.
The human mind was capable of vastly more then even I ever
Then the results of the U.S.Government military remote viewing
program became public knowledge. What this team of dedicated
people at Ft. Meade had discovered was nothing short of incredible.
Basically after 20 odd years of experimentation they uncovered
an extraordinary human potential ability which can be summed up as
When a trained individual relaxes into a meditative state, then
focuses his or her thoughts on a specific geographically distant target,
they tend to mentally lock on to it, as if they were being reliably
connected by a universal telephone exchange.
They can then "sense" information about this target with an
accuracy that sometimes takes the breath away.
But that is nothing compared to what they subsequently discovered.
They found that they could also access the same target in the
past or in the future. There is no time zone at all when retrieving
psychic information.
But even more startling is the fact that they did not have to
know what the target was. They had only to work off a random group
of numbers that had been "mentally attached" to that specific target
by the tasker who had organised that particular remote viewing
That is, in the tasker's mind a specific group of numbers related
only to the target in question.
The whole process was based on "Intent". The remote viewer
was then given that group of numbers....nothing else......and usually
managed to access the correct target. The "universal coordinates"
provided as a group of mentally attached numbers was sufficient to
tag that particular target, sometimes with unnerving accuracy.
The implications of this mental process are enormous. Further,
the remote viewer sometimes connected with the target so well that he
or she felt they were actually at the scene. That is, they could feel the
wind, detect the smells, sense the emotions, etc. This became known
as "bilocation" whereby the remote viewer appeared to have most of
his or her senses located at the actual site.
As this formerly secret military knowledge slowly became public,
various groups of fascinated individuals started Internet newsgroups
and around late 1997 several experienced individuals started giving
remote viewing training.
My research group became involved with this field in late 1994
when there was no instructional material available. We carried out all
sorts of experiments and concluded that it definitely worked, but was
not consistent.
It was also during this time that we discovered that luck cycles
appeared to be personal psychokinetic events and we were able to
develop methods not only to track these luck cycles, but under certain
circumstances to enhance them.
Later reports explain precisely how this is done.
This was all new knowledge. There appeared to be no one
anywhere researching this field.
As our research efforts evolved we presented our findings in the
form of written reports which were sold to our subscriber base. We
found that our members had a very high interest level in our
discoveries and we were able to sell enough reports over the years to
partially finance our mental exploration program. Investor funds from
various business people kept our working capital topped up.
We ascertained that there appeared to be a direct subconscious
mental connection at all times between individuals and this explained
why a friend might call on the telephone just as you were thinking of
Research at one overseas laboratory found that if you happen to
start thinking intently about a distant individual, then under certain
circumstances that individual's blood pressure will change
measurably. This can only occur if a mental connection exists between
the two parties.
Further, the military remote viewers found that if they had two
or three remote viewers "working" the same target simultaneously
then a "telepathic overlay" could occur, whereby one of the remote
viewers would erroneously described a target....and the other remote
viewers would immediately described the exact same target...which
happened to be the wrong target anyway.
We struck this problem in our own remote viewing experiments
when we had several people working the same target at the same time.
It was genuine proof that a telepathic connection can exist between
What I am saying here is that there is enough scattered
evidence like this to indicate that not only are individuals in
subconscious mental contact, but also under some circumstances
they can establish conscious mental contact.
Any mother who has had a sudden strong intuitional hunch
that her child is in danger will understand exactly what I am talking
about. There is a direct mental connection between the sibling and its'
mother. Under times of stress and dire necessity this mental
connection "kicks in".
What the remote viewers have found is that there is no need for
a "dire necessity" situation to be present. This natural mental ability
can be evoked at will after suitable training.
There are rare individuals for whom this is a natural talent, but
because it appears to be an inherent latent ability built into all of us
then it is considered that the vast majority of people on this planet
could learn this procedure.....providing they had the interest and the
belief system.
Under normal circumstances when a remote viewer locks on to
a target the input "signal" from the target is buried in mental
background "noise". The procedures that have been developed tend to
raise the strength of the signal above the noise level so it can be
mentally processed and decoded.
times a second, and seeing whether it comes down heads or tails. The
random number generator can therefore be considered as a high
speed electronic coin flipping mechanism.
A fair percentage of PK experiments are based on influencing
the pulse output of this random number device in an attempt to
produce either a higher than average number of "heads"...or
alternatively a higher number of "tails".
I originally set out to build one of these devices but found
problems in finding simple circuitry that produced truly random
Then during a trip to Las Vegas I picked up a book describing
the inner workings of slot machines and realized that all slot
machines have such circuitry all ready built in. In fact, the random
on/off pulses are the very basis of the slot machine operation.
With this knowledge I decided to do a series of experiments
using slot machines to see if PK could affect the outcome. I reasoned
that if it could then the results would be immediately apparent in the
form of winnings.
To say this was a success would be a gross understatement.
Over the past 5 years I have personally won more than 130 individual
jackpots on slot machines. Most of these were small but there were
several larger ones that created a profound impact on my rather
skeptical belief system. Details as to how this was achieved are
covered in later reports.
On one particular occasion I was sitting in a casino with a lady
client. She had just undergone some remote viewing training and had
a fairly open frame of mind, due to her remote viewing successes.
She asked if I could demonstrate how this PK influencing
worked. Well, this was some challenge. Here I was sitting in front of a
slot machine which had a $310 jackpot available (it was a small 5 cent
machine) and I was being asked to "put my money where my mouth
minutes and I couldn't recall ever having had a sneezing attack like
When it was all over and Paul and I were able to discuss the
reaction, it was concluded that I had remote viewed the correct target
several hundred years in the past and had effectively bilocated to the
point where the pollen in the atmosphere had severely effected my
sinuses. Well, maybe I didn't actually bilocate, but my nostrils
certainly did!
When remote viewing targets like this, it is important that
"present time" be specified, otherwise the remote viewer can end up in
the past or maybe even the future.
And the strange thing is that 5 years earlier, as a serious nononsense businessman, I would never have seriously entertained the
idea of dabbling in psychokinetics or this new field of human
awareness, called remote viewing. The whole lot sort of crept up on
me. I guess my original background of hypnosis left a few mental
channels open over the years.
I'm very glad it did!
A whole new world of personal mental manipulation has opened
up....something that would not have happened if I had retained my
earlier skepticism.
The most important aspect of all this however, is that I have
been able to use these "new found" mental abilities to enhance both
my financial situation....and my lifestyle.
I can now remote view potential business decisions to see the
likely outcome and find that these days there are few problems arising
that cannot be handled, without all the stress and frustration that
used to occur. Business orientated individuals reading this will easily
recognize the significance of what they have read so far.
To round out this chapter I will now explain our research
results on the human alpha/theta/delta states generally known as
the "mind-awake-body-asleep" states.
It is now generally accepted that the daydream, or alpha state
opens up intuitive channels in the mind. Hunches and inspirations
often come from this relaxed mind state. Under normal waking
circumstances the brain tends to tick over in the wide-awake beta
state which is an electrical frequency of 14 cycles per second and
When we mentally relax our dominant brain frequency can drop
to between 7 and 13 cycles per second, which is regarded as the alpha
state. This can happen while we are taking a shower, meditating,
driving a car, etc.
Our research group explored this mind state and then
proceeded to investigate the lower brain frequency range of theta,
which is generally acknowledged as producing brain frequencies of 3-7
cycles per second.
Methods have been discovered whereby it is possible to
intentionally induce this frequency range, while simultaneously
maintaining a wide awake beta state. The human mind, after suitable
training, can operate in both frequency bands at once. The theta
condition is usually regarded as a light sleep state. While in this state,
you can be lightly snoring but still have full consciousness of what is
going on around you.
You might recall the odd occasion where you are lying in bed on
a Sunday morning and having had a full night's sleep don't feel like
moving. Maybe the sounds of rain on the roof have lulled you into a
sleep/awake state and your muscles feel too relaxed to move. You are
on the verge of sleep but are also alert and you probably feel
delightfully relaxed. Under these conditions it is highly likely that you
are in a mild theta state. So you can now understand why meditation
enthusiasts are keen on developing the ability to induce this magical
relaxed state at will.
your overstressed system and can make daily activities far more
manageable. A brief 10 minute alpha session can have the same
beneficial effect as a 45 minute nap. Also in the alpha state you are
liable to get spontaneous answers to current problems.......sort of
inspirational flashes. There is no danger at all in using alpha at will,
because you usually drop into this state "accidentally" dozens of times
a day.
The simple process of alpha tends to induce a feeling of serenity
and most people find this sensation highly rewarding.
Alpha is a safe natural state....theta requires some caution as
you can inadvertently reprogram yourself....and delta is highly
I had a classic example of how effective the alpha/theta state
was during a mental communication exercise recently with Dolphins
around the big Island of Hawaii.
A whole team of us were in the water trying to attract a shoal of
these magnificent creatures. We were having no luck at all as they
would not approach us. I was floating in the water with a face mask
and snorkel, feeling totally relaxed. The sun's rays were reflecting off
the white sandy bottom about 40 feet below and the effect was almost
hypnotic. I did a simple mental exercise that quickly caused my brain
waves to drop to the alpha/theta region. As I felt the familiar theta
relaxation wash over my body I started "sending" a mental picture to a
dolphin pod only just discernible near the bottom. A few seconds later
I was jolted wide awake by the immediate presence of three of these
beautiful adult creatures, plus a calf. They swam past, slowly circled
then descended back to the bottom. I was so overawed I almost forgot
I had an underwater camera but I managed to capture 3 quick closeup shots before they swam away. These pictures turned out
beautifully and I shall treasure them as a classic example of direct
mind-to-mind communication. This experience had a profound effect
on me, as it would on any individual who was able to mentally
communicate with another species. I'm told that dolphins are quite
But ..... any single one of these senses can be tricked! That is,
under certain circumstance, they are not accurate. We normally trust
our sense of sight because when we observe something with our eyes
we know it to be true. However, a good magician can totally trick our
sense of sight and what we absolutely believe we are seeing can be
100% wrong!
Likewise under hypnosis we can be made to see things that just
dont exist.
For example, if somebody opens a jar of Vegemite and places it
on a table before us, we can detect exactly what it is by using one or
more of our 5 senses.
However if somebody placed the same open jar of Vegemite in
another room and asked us to intuitively guess what was on the
table in the other room, our chances of getting it right would probably
be less than 1 in 1000 ..... under normal circumstances!!
And this is where mind-power training comes to the fore via the
Princeton University and Stanford Research Institute remote viewing
People who have trained in intuitive remote viewing, would have
better than a 50/50 chance of guessing that the object was indeed
an open vegemite jar.
This 6th sense ..... intuition ..... is available to all of us but we
have never been trained to use it.
This is what the commercial mind courses touch upon. They
make you aware that your intuition can not only be trained ..... but
can be relied upon! A recent survey of the top executives in the large
American Fortune 500 companies revealed that almost without
exception they had a highly developed 6th sense. (Intuition is
This intuition, or the ability of your subconscious mind to
know something which is undetectable via your normal 5 senses,
can also be taught to manifest itself via your nervous system. The
To everyones total amazement (but not his) he won the trip! The
radio announcer, his wife, and various associates were interviewed on
this Australian made documentary - it was a 100% genuine case of
highly accurate intuition.
Once you start getting your 6th sense to work for you, a strange
thing happens ..... you always seem to be in the right place at the
right time. It seems to manifest itself in the form of urges. If you
listen to these, good things seem to happen. Also a side effect of
training your intuition to work is that you seem to have the occasional
dream which is so strong that you can remember it for weeks
afterwards, for weeks and it seems to be directing you towards a
certain course of action. One of the more amazing aspects of the Silva
Mind Course for example, is the way they teach you to program up the
dreams you want .....and then actually remember them.
When I have a business problem I simply program up a dream
that will provide an answer. It never fails and Ive been doing it for
years. What happens is that you program your intuition, while in an
alpha state, to supply an answer. It is yet another way to make your
intuition work for you!
This intuition ability is incredibly handy. Imagine being able to
walk into a casino and after looking at some of the poker machines,
develop the feeling that one specific machine is just right for you. And
you walk out with $500 in your pocket!
It works!
There are many other aspects to the use of the right-hemisphere
intuitive brain including subjective communication. Intuition is tied in
directly with our right-hemisphere brain that seems to be responsible
for our 6th sense. The problem is that our entire society and
education is geared to training and encouraging us to use our lefthemisphere brain. The normal schooling system does not teach us
specifically to use our intuitive brain. However, it must be
remembered, when talking about left and right-hemisphere brain
activities, that these are generalisations. We use our whole brain, but
some activities utilise more of one brain hemisphere, than the other.
This intuition ability of ours can be put to use in the form of
remote viewing. You will hear a lot about this over the coming years.
Basically remote viewing involves a person closing their eyes,
relaxing and visualizing a specific scene some distance away.
They are then read out a checklist and are asked to verbally identify a
number of aspects of the pictures they are seeing.
For example they are asked: are there any trees ...... any
animals ...... any water ...... any power lines ...... etc. All these items
are then correlated to produce a final score. Amazingly enough after
a little practice the average person can identify up to 70-80% of these
points accurately and geographical distance appears to present no
Any situation, anywhere on or off the planet can be remote
Also the viewing can be done precognitively! That is, the viewer
can see some scenes that will take place some days ahead! He or she
sees them before they happen. Likewise the past can be remote
At least one group in the States used remote viewing
commercially for looking at the silver commodities prices 3-5 days into
the future. Their accuracy was such that they are reportedly made
substantial profits. And remote viewing is a relatively easy process to
learn! I have seen rank beginners achieve amazingly accurate results
on their first try!
Yet another aspect of right-brain intuition possibly deals with
psychokinetic abilities. This is the power of the mind to influence
matter - either directly or indirectly. The Princeton University PEAR
Lab experiments use both a random number generator (like an
electronic heads/tails coin tossing device) and a mechanical cascade
device. A cascade of small ping-pong type balls is dropped down a
vertical panel covered with small pegs like golf-tees. The whole
As you get deeper into personal mind control you will start to
notice a lot of this synchronicity appearing in your life. Some of it
might have been there before but the alpha training gives you a new
awareness and you really notice these unusual events.
I tend to get it a lot these days and it sometimes startles me.
But each and every event that I have consciously noticed has been
positive. Nothing nasty at all. Without a shadow of doubt the more
you encourage your intuitive brain to function as it was intended the
more luck you appear to have.
You usually seem to be in the right situation where nice things
Yet another technique you will learn in this book is the ability,
not only to order up the dreams you want, but also to actually
remember them.
A normal dream memory only lasts 7 seconds or so after waking
up unless you pre-program your mind to transfer the dream memory
to your conscious brain immediately. By programming up specific
dreams to solve problems you can obtain dream inspired answers.
They may be in symbolic form but when programming the dream
initially you instruct your subconscious mind to present the dream in
a manner you will easily interpret.
It works! And it works reliably! You can actually get to the point
where you can program to remember every dream you have but you
may not be comfortable with this.
The actual process is similar to light hypnosis but it is not the
usual form of hypnosis where you give over control of your mind to
another person. In this case you are in control.
Awareness during Alpha
For many years the psychology field assumed it was impossible
for a person to drop voluntarily down to alpha and retain conscious
thinking control.
together it would still not match the computing abilities of one single
human brain!
Most office computers have the capacity to communicate with
outside computers such as vast data banks, through a modem
connected to a telephone line. The human mind, under certain
circumstances, appears to have this same capacity. It appears that it
can be triggered to interact with other minds and universal forces.
Famed psychologist Karl Jung called this the Universal
Consciousness. Dr. Peter Russell calls it the global brain. World
famous Biologist Rupert Sheldrake refers to it as the morphogenetic
All living creatures appear to have their own distinctive energy
field. As far back as 1940 Harold Burr, a Neuroanatomist at Yale
University, conducted a study of energy fields around living plants
and animals. He discovered that a young Salamander exhibited an
energy field approximately the same shape as the adult it would
eventually become. Also he found that the axis of the field could even
be detected in the egg stage. When he studied seedlings he found that
the electrical field around the sprouts resembled the adult plant. But
it wasnt until the Russians discovered Kirlian Photography that these
energy fields around living objects could be photographed.
A Russian experimenter, Kirlian, discovered accidentally that
photographs taken in the presence of high voltage fields contained an
aura around the living object being photographed. Kirlian was an
electrician of some renown and lived in a small cramped flat with his
wife. He had no credibility at all in the scientific world and it wasnt
for many years that the significance of his discovery was realized. He
persevered with this unusual photography for many years until it
caught the attention of the Russian Agricultural Department. One
day, a senior official visited the Kirlians one day with two identical
plants and asked Kirlian to photograph them both to see if there was
any noticeable difference. Both plants looked exactly the same.
neurons. This would clearly explain why the brain has such incredible
storage ability. That is, the brain might well be storing information
spatially rather than in the standard three-dimensional patterns
that we currently believe it is working in.
Likewise, if the theories of universal consciousness and the
morphogenetic field are correct (and the indications are that they may
be at least partially correct) then each individual human brain is
acting as a tiny holographic part of a total hologram.
That is, your brain is part of a whole! It logically follows that
your brain has access to the universal brain via this morphogenetic
field - if you can figure out how to tap into it!
The initial scientific research on mind power was started many
years ago at Duke University, headed up by Dr. J.B. Rhine. He was
largely ostracized by the scientific community at that time, some of
whom still believed that the earth was flat. But he did prove that some
form of controllable extra-sensory perception existed and that some
people were more gifted than others.
So when one of the worlds most prestigious universities Princeton in the USA permitted their engineering department to set up
an anomalies division, the scientific community sat up straight and
started to take notice. The results of these experiments also bought a
new batch of skeptics out of the woodwork, but after all this time it is
generally accepted that mind/matter interaction exists.
Two of Princeton's scientists, Dr. Dean Radin and Dr. Roger
Nelson reviewed and evaluated over 800 experiments conducted under
strictly controlled conditions. Their subjects were tested on an
electronic random number generator - something like a computerized
version of a heads/tails coin flipping device. When the subjects set out
to influence the otherwise random results with mind power, they were
statistically successful. The scientists concluded that under certain
circumstances, consciousness interacts with random physical
systems. The experiments are still ongoing and include the
investigation of remote viewing.
The contents of your mind are the result of everything in life
that has impacted upon it. Mentally, you are the result of a lifetime
of cumulative influences and experiences. This is true of everybody,
including the author of this book. So if, for example, you have been
told as a child that mental telepathy does not exist then you accept
this subconsciously as a fact. This might be your inherent belief about
the reality of telepathy, not a statement of fact about it. But because
you accept this belief as true (subconsciously anyway), you consider it
to be a fact. Facts cannot be changed but the beliefs about the facts
can! So if somebody actually demonstrates to you that telepathy exists
your subconscious cannot accept it. This is a mind-block bought
about by strongly implanted facts during your upbringing.
(In fact telepathy can be a considerable annoyance to remote
viewers who can find themselves sharing spurious identical
information with a fellow viewer).
The fact that an estimated 2 million commercial mind-power
graduates world wide have proven to themselves that telepathy exists
simply does not impact upon the skeptic's mind.
When proof is offered the skeptically-programmed mind simply
blocks it out.