for a probable eventuality. No physician ever attained success in his profession by excluding himself from humanity and its ailments. No prospector ever found rich veins of ore by sailing the seven seas. No man or woman ever found the real joys of living by drifting with the tide of the times. Life can be successive steps toward the highest ideals you can imagine, each one rich in beautiful experiences and the fullness of living, or it can be a hideous memory, punctuated with the recollection of false starts and disillusionments. Remember, life owes you nothing; you are indebted to it for the opportunity it has glven you.
There is nothing like a pointed question for compelling thought, causing reflection and self-analysis, if we attempt to answer it fairly, even to ourselves. Therefore, throughout this booklet questions will appear which you should, without hesitation, be able to answer to your own inner satisfaction. If you are not certain of your answers, if they do not bring that immediate intuitive response, that feeling that you are right, it reveals that your personal philosophy of life is not as stable as it should be; that inwardly you have not come to a conclusion regarding some of life's greatest problerns, problems which affect you and every other human being. It is the other purpose of the Rosicrucian teachings to help men and women establish a sound philosophy of living that can and wiU bring them the greatest good in life.
Many are successful only because their surroundings, like a rich soil alive with potential gestation, bear fruit without their efforts. But unfortunate are the many who are planted in a sterile environment which, like a poor soil wanting in fertility, brings forth an everyday monotonous existence, lacking in the beauty and splendor of a radiantly happy life. Humans that are left to the mercy of environment bring about strange effects in society and civilization. To again quote Mr. Bradley: "The works and thought of the Montanan are not those of the Mississippian. Their outlooks on life are different, largely because nature has given metals to the one and denied them to the other." But men and women need not be denied by nature because of where they were born, for they can bring into their province the things they need and desire, or wish to comprehend. You can shake off the shackles of old habits, the association and influence of people around you with limited minds, biased opinions, and outworn ideas. Therefore, why push against a stone wall? Why try to change day into marble? You can, if you but know the simple secret, take your present environment and make it produce rich returns, for everything has its purpose when you learn the Cosmic plan.
Man or Mind?
Soon the world will be facing again a great economic and social crisis. Why? Because there wiIJ have been too much concern over the employment of man and too little concern over the employment of his mind. What wiIJ the thousands who will be in line in front of the gates of milis, factories, and doors of large corporations, be waiting for? For employment? Yes, eventually. But tirst they are dependent upon some individual or group of individuals employing their minds, their inner creative faculties, to set into motion the business, the demands. which will give these thousands work. Man must employ his mind before he can ernploy his hands or his trade. Every act worth while is precede'd by thought and the exercise of the mental faculties. Thousands tomorrow, if they learn to employ the innate faculties of their minds, wiIJ not tind their hands or feet idle. They will not be subject to the whims and fancies of those few who do think, plan, and control the destiny or our present civilization.
QUESTION TWO: Just what do you really think is the purpose of lije, and are you living according to that purpose?
have finally reached their goals too late in life to enjoy them. Look back over your life today. If you were to live it again would you do many of the things you have done? Certainly noto Then why wait until tomorrow arrives to reveal to you the mistakes that you are making today? You can be directed. You can be shown how to avoid these things that would hinder yOU.
QUESTION TRREE: Do you actually know what your latent talents or slumbering abilities are? QUESTION FOUR: Do you act only according to suggestions made by those around you, and do you let the affairs 01 the day suggest the things you should do? QUESTION FIVE: Do you knoio how to aioaken the creatiue [crees 01 your mind, to arouse the dormant intuitiue ideas unthin you?
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Investigate the Rosicrucians (NOT a religion), the oIdest practical philosophicaI fraternity on earth. Let them show you a method for attainment which has been followed by Ieading thinkers for centuries. Thousands of men and women today are enjoying self-mastery ... the realization of ideaIs ... the attainment of their objectives ... through the application of Rosicrucian principIes.
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