Uncommon Difference (Merits & Flaws)
Uncommon Difference (Merits & Flaws)
Uncommon Difference (Merits & Flaws)
Uncommon Difference
Last updated :
1st day of the Ascending Water, Realm Year 769
1st January 2002
Document Maintained by Silesia DeuMachinus
Email : Silesia_DeuMachinus@hotmail.com ICQ # : 7102371
Characters like Tra Ahmad are comedy relief, though not all When a Solar Exalts with this merit, he regains knowledge of
characters with this merit are going to fill the same role. Many varying degrees. For one point, she will have strong feelings
will be serious friends and companions who may later become of familiarity with important aspects of their former life: their
exalted themselves. While such characters are most often Lunar mate, their Grand Daiklave used to defeat the
storyteller characters, storytellers may allow players to run Primordials, etc. For more points, the Solar will remember
them. Storytellers should keep a close eye on the player more and/or with more clarity. For 5 points, the Solar will
character with this merit, and should remind them that if they have complete and seemless recolaection of their former life,
push their luck too far their good fortune is certain to fail. gaining the life knowledge of their former self. This
sometimes causes problems, as characters will find themselves
Mantle of Rulership talking to friends about events of their former life as if it had
write by Winteredge just happened, or possibly slipping into other languages that
Character: Any they formerly spoke.
Type: Social
Value: 3 points Points Merit Quiet Anima
Some people are born to rule. Their orders are often followed write by BrandonQ
without question, even by those who do not owe alegiance to Character: Solar
the character. Type: Magical
Value: 7 Points Merit
A character with this merit gains an additional 2 dice on all Your anima tends to release spent essence slowly, leaking it
rolls associated with leadership. out gently over time rather than exploding it out immediately
after you spend it. The result of this is that your anima banner
Midnight memories takes longer to appear, and only rarely gets as severe as that of
write by Earthbinder other Solars.
Character: Any
Type: Mental SYSTEM: Add +5 to your Anima Chart to determine how
Value: +1 Point Merit quickly you're anima flares up. That means you can spend five
the characters dreams are haunted by memories fo times long periphereal essence without any outward sign, 6-8 essence
past and live long forgotten. the character gain +1 die to any causes your caste mark to glow, 9-12 essence makes your
situation where knowledge of the first age may be useful. caste mark shine through clothing and other concealments, and
however they tend to call out names and information in their so on.
sleep often waking with a feeling of loss or regret
You and the Storyteller should discuss what kind of agreement If the rituals may compel the Exalted to kill or place himself
was made in the past. Or have some fun and let him build a into danger, add 4 points (not cumulative with the prior
campaign around it. condition).
Demonic Enmity If the ritual may block the Exalted's access to Essence
write by beemanfunk temporarily, add 4 points.
Character: Any
Type: Magical Driven By Passion
Value: 2,4 or 6 Points Flaw write by Bob The Pariah
Whether you were part of, or the caster of the ritual, a horrible Character: Solar
mistake was made in a binding ritual of a demon and caused it Type: Mental
to fail. Fortunately, the demon did not have the energy to Value: 5 Points Flaw
extract revenge on you (or your fellow participants) right then The Solar possessing this flaw is unusally passionate,
and there and just fled the scene. Unfortunately, the demon is controlled by his virtues more than even normal Solars.
still plotting revenge and it's not going back to Malfeas until it
does. For 2 points, the demon is of the first circle. For 4 Someone Drive By Passion must choose a second Virtue. This
points, it’s of the second circle and for 6 points, it’s of the second virtue also has a Limit Break tied to it.
third circle.
This demon is bent on your destruction. The only way to get The wickedness of the Great Curse was able to turn to most
rid of this flaw is to find a way to banish it back to Malfeas, or beloved and pure of the Solars into the most hated and debase.
destroy the demon, both of which are difficult to do especially
if the demon is of the third circle. Hunted
write by Christopher
Dogma Character: Any
write by Sargon Type: Social
Character: Any Value: 3 Points Flaw
Type: Magical Be it the Wyld Hunt of by a guild assasin you are hunted
Value: Variable Points Flaw where ever you go. So you have to take precaution about
Your kinship to the spirits is closer than other Exalted, and where you are and what you do.
you are bound by the rituals of a religion regarding them. The
value of this flaw varies with the frequency and severity with Jealousy
which it may be called upon. Determine its worth by adding write by Winteredge
the values below together. Character: Abyssal
Type: Social
Value: 2 points Points Flaw
Lure of the Underworld This can also be transerref into a Merit if the player wishes the
write by TeancumChristiansen voices to offer [good] advice, give information, and even take
Character: Any over the body as a reflex when the player is incapacitated,
Type: Mental depending on the level.
Value: 1 Point Flaw
You share the morbid fascination with the Underworld (For those who haven't picked up on it, this flaw is directly
displayed by those that congregate at the edges of the related to the insanity of Rand al'Thor in Robert Jordan's
Shadowlands. Perhaps you or your family once lived there, or Wheel of Time series)
perhaps you are just intrigued by the haunting beauty of their
beliefs. You may even begin to manifest the physical traits of Sorcerous Prohibition
this preoccupation, becoming thin, gaunt and pale. write by Mourn
Character: Exalted
Mark of the Fair Folk Type: Magical
write by Christopher Value: 3, 5 or 7 Points Flaw
Character: Any
The character may be a good student, but has poor aptitude in Unconquered Flame
making his teaching practical. His movements are wooden and write by Duck Plasterer
rigid, and he has a tough time using his skills outside of a very Character: Solar
specific environment. Additionally, because of his (over- Type: Physical
)reliance on traditional method, learned opponents have an Value: 7 points Points Flaw
easier time defeating him. Unable to fully contain the almighty power of the Exaltation,
the Solar with this flaw has an extra reason to exercise caution
In game terms, this flaw has two effects. The first is that the in her use of Essence.
Character may not perform stunts with his martial arts except
under very specific circumstances (for example, in a Whenever the Solar burns 16+ motes of Peripheral Essence,
tournament or classroom setting), and always with regard to her anima takes upon the form of some totemic image, as with
Storyteller approval (perhaps with a successful Wits + Martial other Exalted. However, the Solar with this flaw cannot safely
Arts roll). channel this level of raging energy, and will be physically
scorched by her own flames every time this happens. She
Second, if an opponent makes a successful Intelligence + immediately loses one health level of bashing damage
Martial Arts roll, he may adds a number of dice to his pool whenever her anima is pushed to this point. This includes
equal to his Wits when battling the character. This bonus lasts turns in which the full anima remains in place due to
for one combat, after which the opponent must roll again. additional expenditure of Essence.
A character with this disadvantage will usually be noticable Therefore, this Solar must always skillfully calculate her use
and identifiable with the way he fights, which may cause of Essence, lest she be consumed by her own power.
trouble if people are looking for him.
Touch of the Wyld write by Sargon
write by Spider Character: Abyssal
Character: Any Type: Mental
Type: Social Value: 3 or 5 Points Flaw
Value: 1 Point Flaw As an emissary between the gods and man, you hear the
The character, whether before or after their exaltation, was prayers of the common people as a constant murmur in the
exposed to the wyld for a time. The character has one of the back of your mind. For 3 points you are down one die on
poxes described in the corebook from pointed ears to an perception based rolls unless a Willpower is spent to suppress
animal pattern over their body. While they may recieve some it for a scene. For five points, you must answer at least one
advantage from this such as 2 dice on appropriate awareness prayer a day or else it will rise to a cacophany by nightfall and
roles they are down two dice on social interaction roles with disturb your sleep (as per the Nightmares flaw, in addition to
individuals of a culture where wyld taints are considered the perception penalties).
abominations, this is most cultures. This penalty does not
apply if the target has wyld marks as well or in intimidation
write by ratfruit
Character: Any