Uncommon Difference (Merits & Flaws)

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Uncommon Difference
Last updated :
1st day of the Ascending Water, Realm Year 769
1st January 2002
Document Maintained by Silesia DeuMachinus
Email : Silesia_DeuMachinus@hotmail.com ICQ # : 7102371

LAST Merit/Flaw ADDED : Style Disadvantage

Exalted Compendium : Uncommon Difference 24NOV01 Page 1

MERITS Twilight caste skills, (Craft, Investigation, Lore, Medicine and
Occult) regardless of difficulty. This applies even if the Solar
Ancient Oath has no dots at all in that particular skill.
write by DarkRiver
Character: Any The player can choose when to employ this merit, even using
Type: Social after it a normal roll fails if she so wishes.
Value: 1-7 Points Merit
In a past life the character made a bargain with a spirit or a Occasionally, the Storyteller may wish to use this merit as a
group of spirits, a bargain that would reach beyond the grave. plot tool, revealing information in the form of a divine vision
The oath was sanctified by a powerful member of the Eclipse or 'hunch' so as to guide the character's circle (though the
Caste or someone of similar authority. Even though the player should not be penalised for this; she should still be
character is merely a reincarnation the spirits will still fully allowed to use the power by choice once during the Episode as
recognize her as the oathpartner and will act accordingly. normal. Let's just say that the Unconquered Sun is feeling
particularly generous on that day :) ).
Brigid's Blessing
write by Yoshi For 5 points the Solar can do all of the above, but in addition,
Character: Exalted once per Episode, she gains the ability to cast one spell
Type: Magical unknown to her. The appropriate incantation simply flies free
Value: 7 Points Merit of her lips, and the magic just happens.
You have a natural understanding of the flow essence in the
world, you follow the same path that "the Bearer of Magic" In order for this to happen, she must possess the amount of
Brigid, and are true to his lineage. essence needed to power the spell. However, she need not
deduct any Willpower points; this is not a conscious action on
Your magic has not to shame to the lost magic of the first age, her part, not the use of occult education, the Solar is simply
you can research spell at the same speed that if you learn it. the conduit through which the magic flows.
More all minimum aptitude of the occult charms are consider
three points lower, and you spend one less willpower point to When this happens is NOT up to the player: the Storyteller
cast spell. decides when the spell is cast, which spell it is and where it is
targeted. This is so that the merit cannot become unbalancing.
Caste's Blessing The Storyteller must not abuse this though, and must always
write by Winteredge act with the character's best interests in mind.
Character: Solar
Type: Magical This more powerful aspect of the merit should typically be
Value: 2 Points Merit used during a climatic battle scene, or in a situation where all
Your character has a special connection with the symbolic hope of escape or survival is lost and divine intervention is the
time of day associated with their caste. For the Dawn caste its only way out.
morning, for Zenith caste its high noon, for Twilight caste its
sunset, for Night caste its midnight, for Eclipse caste its the Extremely Auspicious Destiny
entire period of Calibration, and during any Eclipse. During write by Winteredge
the scenes during, preceding, and following these times the Character: Any
character gains 2 additional dice on all rolls where they spend Type: Magical
willpower to gain virtue dice. Value: 7 points Points Merit
This merit may not be taken by an exalted. It is instead the
Divine Inspiration merit most commonly seen in un-exalted humans who, for
write by Duck Plasterer whatever reason, accompany the exalted on their journies.
Character: Solar
Type: Mental A character with the Extremely Auspicious Destiny is one that
Value: 3 or 5 Points Merit is truly blessed by fate. They are likely to be exalted at some
Truly the favoured of the Unconquered Sun, the Solar with time in the future, though many never do. Such characters are
this merit is blessed with sporadic glimpses of lost, arcane extremely hard to kill, not so much in the fact that they are
knowledge. incredibly resistant to damage, but rather in that the world
seems to keep them safe from harm, as though destiny had
For 3 points, once every Episode the Solar enjoys an other plans for them.
automatic success when making a roll involving any of the

Exalted Compendium : Uncommon Difference 24NOV01 Page 2

There are no mechanics associated with this merit. The exact Mystic Library
way in which a character with Extremely Auspicious Destiny's write by Awaikaze
good fortune occurs is left up to the storyteller, though no two Character: Any
people with this merit should experience the same types of Type: Magical
auspicious good luck. Value: 3 Points Merit
You have access to a sorceror's library. As obvious, it allows
Ex: Tra Ahad Mahil Amah Jazzarik is a traveling companion the possessor access to much knowledge of various things,
of Jo's. Jo is a Dawn Caste Solar with a habbit of ticking off including both mundane applications that would relate to
large groups of archers who like to set up ambushes. The magical lore as well as what would be expected. It's unlikely
storyteller has determined that Tra Ahmad Mahil Amah one is able to find much in the way of Sorcery with this,
Jazzarik has an Extremely Auspicious Destiny, which is lucky however, one might find the fragmented beginnings of a spell,
for Tra Ahmad since he's traveling with Jo. One morning, just and Terrestrial Circle is much easier to acquire than anything
after breakfast, the pair are ambushed by 100 archers. Tra higher, which might be unattainable. It does allow one to buy
Ahad Mahil Amah Jazzarik cowers, squeeling like a little girl, the Occult and Lore abilities, as well as any other at the
praying to whatever gods he can think of, all the while Storyteller's discretion, fairly easily, however, and look up
squatting on the ground and covering his head with his hands various arcana that are likely to date back to the First Age.
while the arrows whiz around him. Incredibly, not a single
arrow strikes Tra Ahmad. Jo kills the archers, and the two go Past Life
to town. Later, while Tra Ahmad brags about his good fortune, write by Ghost Rider
he pinches what he refers to as the "Sweetly rounded buttocks Character: Solar
of a most becoming drink wench" in front of all his buddies, Type: Mental
only to have the "drink wench" knock him unconcious with a Value: 1-5 Points Merit
single blow. THe other side of "Past Voices".

Characters like Tra Ahmad are comedy relief, though not all When a Solar Exalts with this merit, he regains knowledge of
characters with this merit are going to fill the same role. Many varying degrees. For one point, she will have strong feelings
will be serious friends and companions who may later become of familiarity with important aspects of their former life: their
exalted themselves. While such characters are most often Lunar mate, their Grand Daiklave used to defeat the
storyteller characters, storytellers may allow players to run Primordials, etc. For more points, the Solar will remember
them. Storytellers should keep a close eye on the player more and/or with more clarity. For 5 points, the Solar will
character with this merit, and should remind them that if they have complete and seemless recolaection of their former life,
push their luck too far their good fortune is certain to fail. gaining the life knowledge of their former self. This
sometimes causes problems, as characters will find themselves
Mantle of Rulership talking to friends about events of their former life as if it had
write by Winteredge just happened, or possibly slipping into other languages that
Character: Any they formerly spoke.
Type: Social
Value: 3 points Points Merit Quiet Anima
Some people are born to rule. Their orders are often followed write by BrandonQ
without question, even by those who do not owe alegiance to Character: Solar
the character. Type: Magical
Value: 7 Points Merit
A character with this merit gains an additional 2 dice on all Your anima tends to release spent essence slowly, leaking it
rolls associated with leadership. out gently over time rather than exploding it out immediately
after you spend it. The result of this is that your anima banner
Midnight memories takes longer to appear, and only rarely gets as severe as that of
write by Earthbinder other Solars.
Character: Any
Type: Mental SYSTEM: Add +5 to your Anima Chart to determine how
Value: +1 Point Merit quickly you're anima flares up. That means you can spend five
the characters dreams are haunted by memories fo times long periphereal essence without any outward sign, 6-8 essence
past and live long forgotten. the character gain +1 die to any causes your caste mark to glow, 9-12 essence makes your
situation where knowledge of the first age may be useful. caste mark shine through clothing and other concealments, and
however they tend to call out names and information in their so on.
sleep often waking with a feeling of loss or regret

Exalted Compendium : Uncommon Difference 24NOV01 Page 3

write by Winteredge Type: Social
Character: Any Value: 1 Point Merit
Type: Physical This Merit is mostly roleplayed. The character has a True
Value: 2 Points Merit Love, he/she may not love the character in return but the
Your character is particularly attractive to those who would be character with this merit gains an extra 2 die in rolls involving
attracted to your sex normally. You have that special his love's protection. There is a downside the character while
something that just drives these people wild. do just about anything to protect their love and can also get
very jealous about it.
Characters should be aware, however, that people with the
"jealousy" flaw will likely not get along well with your FLAWS
character, either by viewing your character as a threat, or
being jealous of attentions that they percieve you give to Brigid's Curse
others. write by Yoshi
Character: Exalted
Add one die to all presence and socialize rolls when dealing Type: Magical
with those attracted to the character's sex. Value: 7 Points Flaw
Like Brigid, the legendary "Mother of All Spell", you are
Stable Form nearly unable to learn charms. For you, all the minimum
write by beemanfunk aptitude of all charms are consider three point higher, so it's
Character: Any impossible for you to learn charms that need a minimum
Type: Physical aptitude of three.
Value: 1-7 Points Merit
You have received a special blessing during your Exaltation. Caste Scar
The warping effects of the wyld do not affect you as severely write by DarkRiver
as others. Whenever the storyteller rolls a die to determine Character: Solar
whether or not your character suffers the mutating effects of Type: Physical
the Wyld, subtract from the result equal to the Merit value to a Value: 3 Points Flaw
minimum of 1. So for example, if the storyteller rolled a 7 and Upon the character's exaltation her caste mark was burning so
you had 3 points invested in the merit, the end result would be intensly that she was left with a scar in form of the mark,
4 and you would suffer the 4-5 result (P. 280). The merit value forever visible on her forehead. Unless she covers it she will
also adds to your willpower dice pool in fighting the be clearly recoginzed as a solar. Furthermore her essence
maddening effects of the Wyld. This Merit does not protect seeps through the scar when she uses it to fuel her charms. The
from creatures (or their Powers, such as the Fair Folk's first two steps of the anima banner apply to her even if she
Glamour magic) of the Wyld or outside hazards of the Wyld uses essence from her personal pool.
environment, only the mutating effects that are caused by
spending too much time in the Wyld. City Folk
write by M. Roark
Talismanic Fortune Character: Any
write by john Type: Social
Character: Any Value: 2 points Points Flaw
Type: Magical The Imperial City, Nexus, Thorns. The great metropoli of the
Value: 5 Points Merit Second Age. Whether raised in the hallowed halls of the
The character is so blessed with good luck, that those Imperial Palace or the back alley squalor of the Nighthammer
travelling with her often consider her a lucky mascot for them, district, you are accustomed to the ways and wherefores of
rival to any talisman. city life.
This makes you particularly apt at dealing with people while
Once a session the character may reroll any dice pool of her inundated with this environment. When in any settlement with
own, or allow a re-roll of any other players dice pool. Once a population of over 5,000, you are at + 2 die to all social
the dice are re-rolled the second result must stand. interactions due to your comfort in the surroundings.
However, this comfort comes at a price. Outside of the city
The lucky character must be present in a scene for a re-roll to walls and in more rural villages, your character is out of her
be allowed, they are the one favoured by fate after all... element. Rural peoples tend to see her as soft, and will tend to
be suspicious around her. Your character is at - 2 dice when
True Love dealing with any social situation outside of her comfort zone.
write by Craig Sambells
Character: Any

Exalted Compendium : Uncommon Difference 24NOV01 Page 4

Additionally, your character is used to the convinience of city If it is a major religion practiced in the Realm or near
life, and is thus at - 1 die to all Survival and Resistance rolls Threshhold (Immaculates, cults of Nexus etc) then this flaw's
while in the wilds. value starts at 2 points.

Past Contract If it is a minor religion practiced in the Threshhold or lands of

write by Demetrius one region of Wyld barbarians, then this flaw's value starts at
Character: Any 1 point.
Type: Magical
Value: 3 or 5 Points Flaw If the rituals may bar the Exalted from entry into a location,
In the past you were subject to a contract with another solar, a add 1 point.
spirit, or some other being that was sanctified by a powerful
Eclipse. Unfortunately the spirit remembers your past If the rituals may summon the Exalted to a location, add 2
incarnation and is going to hold you to the contract. And even points.
though you're the reincarnation, you still owe debt on the deal.
If the rituals may banish the Exalted from his present location,
The three point flaw is just a minor agreement, something that add 3 points.
could be accomplished with a dangerous mission or two in
order to finish the deal. With the five point flaw it's going to If the rituals may compel the Exalted to perform nonlethal,
take a bit more work to follow through on things. non-dangerous actions, add 3 points.

You and the Storyteller should discuss what kind of agreement If the rituals may compel the Exalted to kill or place himself
was made in the past. Or have some fun and let him build a into danger, add 4 points (not cumulative with the prior
campaign around it. condition).

Demonic Enmity If the ritual may block the Exalted's access to Essence
write by beemanfunk temporarily, add 4 points.
Character: Any
Type: Magical Driven By Passion
Value: 2,4 or 6 Points Flaw write by Bob The Pariah
Whether you were part of, or the caster of the ritual, a horrible Character: Solar
mistake was made in a binding ritual of a demon and caused it Type: Mental
to fail. Fortunately, the demon did not have the energy to Value: 5 Points Flaw
extract revenge on you (or your fellow participants) right then The Solar possessing this flaw is unusally passionate,
and there and just fled the scene. Unfortunately, the demon is controlled by his virtues more than even normal Solars.
still plotting revenge and it's not going back to Malfeas until it
does. For 2 points, the demon is of the first circle. For 4 Someone Drive By Passion must choose a second Virtue. This
points, it’s of the second circle and for 6 points, it’s of the second virtue also has a Limit Break tied to it.
third circle.
This demon is bent on your destruction. The only way to get The wickedness of the Great Curse was able to turn to most
rid of this flaw is to find a way to banish it back to Malfeas, or beloved and pure of the Solars into the most hated and debase.
destroy the demon, both of which are difficult to do especially
if the demon is of the third circle. Hunted
write by Christopher
Dogma Character: Any
write by Sargon Type: Social
Character: Any Value: 3 Points Flaw
Type: Magical Be it the Wyld Hunt of by a guild assasin you are hunted
Value: Variable Points Flaw where ever you go. So you have to take precaution about
Your kinship to the spirits is closer than other Exalted, and where you are and what you do.
you are bound by the rituals of a religion regarding them. The
value of this flaw varies with the frequency and severity with Jealousy
which it may be called upon. Determine its worth by adding write by Winteredge
the values below together. Character: Abyssal
Type: Social
Value: 2 points Points Flaw

Exalted Compendium : Uncommon Difference 24NOV01 Page 5

You deserve at least as good as anyone else! Whenever are in Type: Social
a situation when someone has something better than you do, Value: 3 Points Flaw
whether it be a possession, a significant other, or even Maybe you have pointed ears or a reaction to iron or
physical prowess. If one particular thing makes you jealous, something else, but what ever it is people know that you have
and one thing only, then this must be cleared with your ST the blood of the Fair Folk. Because of this normal humans do
when you take the flaw. not trusted you and you get another sucess for any social rolls
with humans; also true fair folk seem to be like you and go out
Normally, when your character's Jealousy rears its ugly head of thier to make trouble for you
you suffer a -1 dice penalty to all social rolls for the remainder
of the scene as your embittered whiny nature iritates those Obligation/Compulsion
around you. write by Awaikaze
Character: Any
If your character is only set off by one particular thing (a Type: Mental
better girlfriend, a better job, a wealthier person), when its set Value: 3 Points Flaw
off you suffer -3 dice to all social rolls for the remainder of the You have some form of goal, compulsion, or requirement. It is
scene. typically an undertaking of your own design, or it could be a
mystical one. Likely, it is something that came upon you as a
Lost Soulmate burden of responsibility with your Exalted powers.
write by Singing_Wind Regardless, outline the desires of this compulsion. It should be
Character: Exalted massive such as, "free every slave you find" or "overthrow the
Type: Magical Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears." You may spend Willpower
Value: 4 Points Flaw to overcome this for a scene, but otherwise you are must act in
In a previous existence, your Essence belonged to an Exalt a manner supporting your obligation.
who was bound so tightly by love and oaths of spiritual unity
to another Exalt that you still feel the bond for her. Until you Past Voices
find her, you will feel a nagging emptiness in a corner of your write by Ghost Rider
soul that never goes away. At best, you can numb the feeling Character: Abyssal
with intoxicants, but this is temporary and makes you feel all Type: Mental
the worse for it later with the amount it requires. Value: 1-5 Points Flaw
Solars become Exalted when the Essence of a past Solar joins
In game terms, you recover Willpower twice as slowly as with them. However, sometimes a piece of those former Solars
most. To represent this, whenever you gain a single point of comes along with it.
Willpower, mark a single check in a box, similarly to Bashing
damage in your Health levels. When you regain another, draw At 1 point, this manifests as quiet whispers in the back of the
another line to turn it into a cross, just like Lethal Damage. Solar's head that can be quelled by epending a point od
Half points cannot be spent in any way, although they do Willpower. At higher levels, the voices are louder and may
protect you from the effects of having no temporary even wrestle the Solar for control of their body. Whenever a
Willpower left. If you have only half a Willpower point left Solar expends Essence to use Charms or Sorcery, the voices
and are forced to spend a point by external forces, you lose it, become louder and at higher levels, becomes harder to
but are affected as if you had no Willpower remaining. maintain control over their body.

Lure of the Underworld This can also be transerref into a Merit if the player wishes the
write by TeancumChristiansen voices to offer [good] advice, give information, and even take
Character: Any over the body as a reflex when the player is incapacitated,
Type: Mental depending on the level.
Value: 1 Point Flaw
You share the morbid fascination with the Underworld (For those who haven't picked up on it, this flaw is directly
displayed by those that congregate at the edges of the related to the insanity of Rand al'Thor in Robert Jordan's
Shadowlands. Perhaps you or your family once lived there, or Wheel of Time series)
perhaps you are just intrigued by the haunting beauty of their
beliefs. You may even begin to manifest the physical traits of Sorcerous Prohibition
this preoccupation, becoming thin, gaunt and pale. write by Mourn
Character: Exalted
Mark of the Fair Folk Type: Magical
write by Christopher Value: 3, 5 or 7 Points Flaw
Character: Any

Exalted Compendium : Uncommon Difference 24NOV01 Page 6

For some reason, you are denied access to the circles of Type: Social
sorcery. For 3 points, you are unable to gain the Terrestrial Value: 2 Points Flaw
Circle Sorcery Charm. For 5 points, you are denied Celestial You come from a land considered savage and primitive by the
Circle Sorcery as well. For 7 points, you cannot cast spells of general populace. You may be Haltan, from an unknown
the Solar Circle at all. island in the west or a barbaric northlander who has not been
in contact with civilization for long. Civilization may casue
Style Disadvantage you discomfort, and your presence causes some discomfort in
write by Khaizard those who would call themselves civilized civilized.
Character: Any SYSTEM:When ever you are in any social setting considered
Type: Physical civilized (such as a huge city like Nexus or a nobles party) you
Value: 2 Points Flaw are at -2 to all social rolls. In these situations you can still
>>This may only be taken by someone with a Martial Arts communitcate to another member of you "primitive"
skill of 2 or greater<< group/tribe/nationality with no social penalty.

The character may be a good student, but has poor aptitude in Unconquered Flame
making his teaching practical. His movements are wooden and write by Duck Plasterer
rigid, and he has a tough time using his skills outside of a very Character: Solar
specific environment. Additionally, because of his (over- Type: Physical
)reliance on traditional method, learned opponents have an Value: 7 points Points Flaw
easier time defeating him. Unable to fully contain the almighty power of the Exaltation,
the Solar with this flaw has an extra reason to exercise caution
In game terms, this flaw has two effects. The first is that the in her use of Essence.
Character may not perform stunts with his martial arts except
under very specific circumstances (for example, in a Whenever the Solar burns 16+ motes of Peripheral Essence,
tournament or classroom setting), and always with regard to her anima takes upon the form of some totemic image, as with
Storyteller approval (perhaps with a successful Wits + Martial other Exalted. However, the Solar with this flaw cannot safely
Arts roll). channel this level of raging energy, and will be physically
scorched by her own flames every time this happens. She
Second, if an opponent makes a successful Intelligence + immediately loses one health level of bashing damage
Martial Arts roll, he may adds a number of dice to his pool whenever her anima is pushed to this point. This includes
equal to his Wits when battling the character. This bonus lasts turns in which the full anima remains in place due to
for one combat, after which the opponent must roll again. additional expenditure of Essence.

A character with this disadvantage will usually be noticable Therefore, this Solar must always skillfully calculate her use
and identifiable with the way he fights, which may cause of Essence, lest she be consumed by her own power.
trouble if people are looking for him.
Touch of the Wyld write by Sargon
write by Spider Character: Abyssal
Character: Any Type: Mental
Type: Social Value: 3 or 5 Points Flaw
Value: 1 Point Flaw As an emissary between the gods and man, you hear the
The character, whether before or after their exaltation, was prayers of the common people as a constant murmur in the
exposed to the wyld for a time. The character has one of the back of your mind. For 3 points you are down one die on
poxes described in the corebook from pointed ears to an perception based rolls unless a Willpower is spent to suppress
animal pattern over their body. While they may recieve some it for a scene. For five points, you must answer at least one
advantage from this such as 2 dice on appropriate awareness prayer a day or else it will rise to a cacophany by nightfall and
roles they are down two dice on social interaction roles with disturb your sleep (as per the Nightmares flaw, in addition to
individuals of a culture where wyld taints are considered the perception penalties).
abominations, this is most cultures. This penalty does not
apply if the target has wyld marks as well or in intimidation

write by ratfruit
Character: Any

Exalted Compendium : Uncommon Difference 24NOV01 Page 7

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