Lecture 12
Lecture 12
Lecture 12
Quantised Lattice vibrations: Diatomic systems in 1-D and in Phonons in 3-D Aims:
Model systems (continued):
Lattice with a basis: Phonons in a diatomic chain origin of optical and acoustic modes
December 06
Lecture 12
Diatomic lattice
Technically a lattice with a basis
mAA m
mBB m
u2 n +1 = U 2 exp{ i(( 2n + 1) qa t )}
substituting gives
2 2 )U1 + (2 cos qa )U 2 = 0 A
December 06
m A mB
[(mA + mB )
+ mB ) 4m A mB sin qa
Lecture 12
2(m A + mB )
m A mB
m A mB
[(mA + mB )
(mA + mB ) 1 4 mA mB 2 (qa )2 (m A + m B )
2a 2 q m A + mB
=(2/mB)) =(2/mB
=(2/mA)) =(2/mA
Periodic: all Periodic: all distinguishable distinguishable modes lie in modes lie in |q|</2a |q|</2a
Lecture 12 3
December 06
period in q is /2a period in q is /2a for diatomic chain for diatomic chain
Acousticand Optical and Acousticand Optical and optical modes acousticmodes optical modes acousticmodes
December 06
Lecture 12
Displacement patterns
Displacements shown as transverse to ease visualisation.
Zone-boundary modes
q=/2a; =2/q=4a (standing waves)
December 06
Lecture 12
Optical modes:
In the long-wavelength limit, optical modes interact strongly with electromagnetic radiation in polar crystals. Hence the name. Strong optical absorption is observed (Photons annihilated, phonons created). finite value as q 0 Optical modes arise from folding back the dispersion curve as the lattice periodicity is doubled (halved in q-space).
Zone boundary:
All modes are standing waves at the zone boundary, / q = 0: a necessary consequence of the lattice periodicity. In a diatomic chain, the frequency-gap between the acoustic and optical branches depends on the mass difference. In the limit of identical masses the gap tends to zero.
December 06 Lecture 12 6
Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. B 11, 1681, (1975) 11, 1681, (1975)
Many features are explained by our 1-D model: Dispersion is sinusoidal (n.n. interactions) All modes are acoustic (monatomic system)
December 06 Lecture 12 7
Minor point (demonstrating that real systems are subtle and interesting, but also complicated):
L mode along (0) has 2 Fourier components, suggesting next-n.n. interactions (see Q 8, sheet 2). In fact there are only n.n. interactions The effect is due to the (110) fcc structure. Nearestneighbour interactions from atom, A (in plane I) join to atom C (in plane II) and to B C atom B (in plane III) thus linking nearest- and A next-nearest-planes. C
December 06
Lecture 12
Main points:
Phys. Rev. 178 Phys. Rev. 178 1496, (1969) 1496, (1969)
NaCl phonons
Notes, continued
Note the energy scale. The highest energy optical modes are ~8 THz (i.e. approximately 30 meV). Higher phonon energies than in Neon. The strong, polar bonds in the alkali halides are stronger and stiffer than the weak, van-der-Waals bonding in Neon. Minor point:
Modes with same symmetry cannot cross, hence the avoided crossing between acoustic and optical modes in (00) and (0) directions. Ignore the detail for present purposes
December 06
Lecture 12