Modern Physics Question Ex-2

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1. As an electron makes a transition from an exited state to Number of decays in 7.5 hr are
the ground state of a hydrogen – like atom/ion: (2015) = Number of  emissions
(a) Kinetic energy decreases, potential energy increase
N0  1 
but total energy remains same N  N 0   N 0 1  
2  2
(b) Kinetic energy and total energy decrease but potential
 N  N0 (1  0.707)  0.3 N0
energy increases
23 21
(c) Its kinetic energy increases but potential energy and  N  0.3  0.25  10  7.5  10
total energy decrease 3. Half-lives of two radioactive elements A and B are 20
(d) Kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy minutes and 40 minutes, respectively. Initially, the samples
decrease have equal number of nuclei. After 80 minutes, the ratio of
decayed numbers of A and B nuclei will be : (2016)
Ans. (c)
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 4
Sol. KE, PE and TE of elelctron in a hydrogenic atom according
(c) 5 : 4 (d) 1 : 16
to Bohr model is given as :
Ans. (b)
2 2 2
TE   ; KE  ; PE   n
2rn 2rn rn 1
Sol. N  N0  
When electron makes a transition from excited state to ground
state rn decreases. For A,
As KE is positive n 4
1 1 N
N  N0    N0    0
KE  (  ve); PE  (  ve);TE  (  ve) 2 2 16

2. Let N be the number of  particles emitted by 1 gram of  t 80 

Na24 radioactive nuclei (half life = 15 hrs) in 7.5 hours, N is  n  T  20  4 
 
close to (Avogadro number = 6.023 × 1023/g. mole) :
For B,
(2015 Online)
n 2
(a) 6.2 × 1021 (b) 7.5 × 1021 1 1 N
N B  N0    N 0    0
(c) 1.25 × 1022 (d) 1.75 × 1022  2 2 4
Ans. (b)
NA 1
Sol. Number of Na nuclei in beginning (at t = 0) are 
NB 4
1103  6.023 1023 4. A neutron moving with a speed ‘v’ makes a head on
N0 
24  103 collision with s stationary hydrogen atom in ground state.
The minimum kinetic energy of the neutron for which
6.023 1023
 N0   0.25  1023 inelastic collision will take place is :(2016 Online Set-2)
(a) 10.2 eV (b) 16.8 eV
by radioactive decay equation number of Na nuclei left at
(c) 12.1 eV (d) 20.4 eV
t = 7.5 hr are
Ans. (d)
 t /T 7.5/15 N0
N  N0 (2)  N0 (2) 
   3eV ...(2)
(1)  3 – (2) gives

By conservation of momentum if inelastic collision occurs 3hc hc 3hc hc

mv = 2mvf      2    2  2
1 2 1 2

v When wavelength 3 is used

 vf 
Loss in KE hc
   eV0
1 1 v 1
E 2  mv 2  (2m)    mv 2
2 2 2 4 1  hc  hc  1 3 1 
 V0          
e  3  e  3 21 22 
For this collision to happen E 2 must be minimum 10.2 eV
(Minimum energy which can be absorbed by H-atom in 6. A photoelectric surface is illuminated successively by
excitation from n = 1 to n = 2). 
monochromatic light of wavelengths  and . If the
1 2
 mv 2  10.2 eV
4 maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons in
the second case is 3 times that in the first case, the work
 Kin = 20.4 eV
function of the surface is : (2016 Online Set-2)
5. When photons of wavelength λ1 are incident on an isolated
sphere, the corresponding stopping potential is found to hc hc
(a) (b)
be V. When photons of wavelength λ 2 are used, the 3 2
corresponding stopping potential was thrice that of the
hc 3 hc
above value. If light of wavelength λ3 is used then find the (c) (d)
 
stopping potential for this case : (2016 Online Set-1)
Ans. (b)
hc  1 1 1 Sol. We use photo electric effect equation which gives
(a) e       
 3 2 1

hc  1 1 1
(b) e       
 3 2 1

hc  1 1 3 
(c) e    2  2 
 3 2 1

hc  1 1 1 hc
 k ...(1)
(d) e    2    
 3 2 1

   3k ...(2)
Ans. (c) ( / 2)

Sol. Using photo electric effect equation we have

   eV ...(1)
hc hc (c) B, A, D, C (d) D, B, A, C
Using (1)  3 – (2)   2   
 2 Ans. (d)
7. Radiation of wavelength , is incident on a photocell. The
Sol. E  h
fastest emitted electron has speed V. If the wavelength is
3 where  : frequency
changed to , the speed of the fastest emitted electron
4 Given waves in increasing order of frequency are :
will be : (2016)
1 1 Radiowaves, yellow light, Blue light, X-ray.
 4 2  4 2
(a)  V   (b)  V  
3 3 9. A hydrogen atom makes a transition from n= 2 to n = 1 and
emits a photon. This photon strikes a doubly ionized lithium
1 1
atom (z = 3) in excited state and completely removes the
 3 2  4 2
(c)  V   (d)  V   orbiting electron. The least quantum number for the excited
4 3
state of the ion for the process is :
Ans. (d)
(2016 Online Set-1)
Sol. If  be the work function of metal used, then we have
(a) 2 (b) 3.5
1 hc (c) 3 (d) 5
mv 2  
2  Ans. (b)

2 hc 2
 v  ...(1) Sol.
m m

If  is changed to so now the speed of fastest electron +2
4 Energy required to completely remvoe the electron of Li in
emitted now will be n state is

2hc  4  2 13.6 Z2 13.6(3) 2

v'   ...(2) E IP n   
m  3  m n n2
From equation (1) 13.6  9
 10.2 
4 hc  4  2  4  n2
v     ...(3)
3 m  3  m  3  2 13.6  9
 n 
From equation (2) and (3) comparing, we get 10.2

4  n 2  12
v  v
3  n  2 3  3.5
8. Arrange the following electromagnetic radiations per 10. A Laser light of wavelength 660 nm is used to weld Retina
quantum in the order of increasing energy : (2016) detachment. If a Laser pulse of width 60 ms and power 0.5
kW is used the approximate number of photons in the
A : Blue light B : Yellow light
pulse are :
C : X-ray D : Radiowave
[Take Planck’s constant h = 6.62 × 10–34 Js]
(a) A, B, D, C (b) C, A, B, D
(2017 Online Set-2)
(a) 1020
(b) 10 18 Mass of fuel consumed per second is
(c) 1022 (d) 1019 P 109
m'   kg
Ans. (a) c2 2
 3  108 
n hc
Sol. Power due to laser = . Mass of fuel consumed per hour is m  m ' 3600
t 
3600  109
n  Number of photons per pulse  m  4  10 5 kg
8  1016
t  60ms
 m  4 102 gm
13. A particle A of mass m and initial velocity v collides with
n 6.62  1034  3  108
0.5  103 W  
60  103 660  109 m
a particle B of mass which is at rest. The collision is
996.97  1017  n head on, and elastic. The ratio of the de-Broglie
wavelengths A to B after the collision is : (2017)
n  0.99  1020
A 1 A
n  1020 (a)   3 (b)   2
11. Two deuterons undergo nuclear fusion to form a Helium
nucleus. Energy released in this process is : (given binding A 2 A 1
energy per nucleon for deuteron = 1.1 MeV and for helium (c)   3 (d)   2
= 7.0 MeV) (2017 Online Set-1)
Ans. (b)
(a) 30.2 MeV (b) 32.4 MeV
(c) 23.6 MeV (d) 25.8 MeV A u1 = v B after
A v1 A v2
Ans. (c) m m/2 m m/2
u1 = 0
Sol. The nuclear reaction is rest
2 2 For head-on elastic collision we use
1 H1H  42 H  E
The released energy is equal to difference in total binding  m  m2   2m 2 
v1   1  u1    u2
energies of product in this reaction.  m1  m 2   m1  m 2 
Total BE of the reaction ER = 4  1.1  4.4 MeV
m/2 v
 v1  .v  0 
Total BE of the reaction E p  7  4  28MeV 3m / 2 3
Energy released (Q-value) E = EP –ER = 28 – 4.4 = 23.6MeV
 m1  m1   2m1 
12. Imagine that a reactor converts all given mass into energy  v2   m  m  u 2   m  m  u1
 1 2   1 2 
and that it operates at a power level of 109 watt. The mass
of the fuel consumed per hour in the reactor will be : 2m 4v
(velocity of light, c is 3 × 108 m/s) (2017 Online Set-2)  v2  0  .v 
3m / 2 3
(a) 0.96 gm (b) 0.8 gm After collision de-Broglie wavelength of A and B are
(c) 4 × 10–2 gm (d) 6.6 × 10–5 gm
Ans. (c)
Sol. Mass m produces energy E = mc
Power of reactor P = 10 W

h h 3h hc 12431
 A  and  B    min   Å
mv1 m 2mv eV V
  v2
2 Taking log on both sides

3h 12431
log  min  log  log 12431  log V
A mv V
  2
B 3h
2mv  log min   logV  log 12431
14. An electron beam is accelerated by a potential difference 15. The acceleration of an electron in the first orbit of the
V to hit a metallic target to produce X-rays. It produces
hydrogen atom (n = 1) is : (2017 Online Set-2)
continuous as well as characteristic X-rays. If min is the
smallest possible wavelength of x-ray in the spectrum, the h2 h2
(a) 2 2 3 (b)
 m r 8 m 2 r 3
variation of log min with log V is correctly represented
in: (2017) h2 h2
(a) (c) (d)
4 2 m 2 r 3 4m 2 r 3
Ans. (c)
Sol. From Bohr’s II postulate we use

mvr  [n  1] ...(1)
(b) Acceleration of electron in first orbit of H-atom is:

From equation (1) we use

(c) v
From equation (2) we have
 h  1 h2
a     2 2 3
 2mr  r 4 m r
16. The maximum velocity of the photoelectrons emitted from
the surface is v when light of frequency n falls on a metal
surface. If the incident frequency is increased to 3n, the
maximum velocity of the ejected photoelectrons will be :
(2017 Online Set-1)

(a) less than 3v (b) v

Ans. (a) (c) more than 3v (d) equal to 3v

Sol. For continuous X-Ray the cut of wavelength  min is related
Ans. (c)
to the voltage applied in discharge tube V as
Sol. By photo electric effect equation we use

 1.3(2)  t/T  1

 2 t/T  1.3

T log (1.3)
 t  log (2)

18. According to Bohr’s theory, the time averaged magnetic

field at the centre (i.e. nucleus) of a hydrogen atom due to
the motion of electrons in the nth orbit is proportional to :
hn    mv 2 (n = principal quantum number) (2017 Online Set-1)
–4 –5
(a) n (b) n
 v (hn  ) ...(1) (c) n–3 (d) n–2
Ans. (b)
If incident radiation frequency is increased to 3n  The th
Sol. Due to motion of electron in n orbit, the magnetic induction
speed of ejected fastest electron is given as at centre is given by Biot Savart’s law as
2  0 qv sin   0 ev n
 v'  (3hn  ) B  .
m 4 r2 4 rn2

 v'  3 v
17. A radioactive nucleus A with a half life T, decays into a
nucleus B. At t = 0, there is no nucleus B. At sometime t,
the ratio of the number of B to that of A is 0.3. Then, t is
given by : (2017)

T log 2 log1.3
(a) t  2 log1.3 (b) t  T log 2
As for n orbit - for Z = 1

T 2ke2
(c) t  T log 1.3 (d) t  log 1.3 vn 

Ans. (b) n 2h 2
rn 
Sol. After time t, number of undecayed nuclei of A is given by 42 ke2 m
radioative decay equation as
N A  N0 (2) t /T ...(1)  2ke2  42 ke 2 m 
 Bn  0 e  
4 nh  n 2 h 2 
[where N0  number of nuclei of A at t = 0]  

Number of nuclei of B at time t are  Bn  n 5

N B  N 0  N A  N 0 1  (2)  t /T  ...(2) 19. Some energy levels of a molecule are shown in the figure.
The ratio of the r  1 / 2 , is given by: (2017)
NB N 0 1  (2) t /T 
(2)  (1)    0.3
NA N 0 (2)  t /T

 1  (2) t /T  0.3(2) t /T
E2 is the IP for He which is given by Bohr model as
2 2
E2 = 13.6 Z = 13.6 ×(2) = 13.6 × 4 = 54.4 eV
It is given that
E2 = 2.2 E1

54.4 272
 E1    24.72 eV
2.2 11
Total required energy is E1 + E2 = 54.4 + 24.72 = 79.12 eV
4 2 21. Both the nucleus and the atom of some element are in their
(a) r  (b) r 
3 3 respective first excited states. They get de-excited by
emitting photons of wavelengths  N ,  A respectively..
3 1
(c) r  (d) r  N
4 3
The ratio  is closest to : (2018 Online Set-3)
Ans. (d)
Sol. For first transition, we use (a) 10-6 (b) 10
(c) 10-10 (d) 10-1
 E   2E   E Ans. (a)
Sol. We consider an element X
 1  ...(1) X*  X  E r
For second transition, we use   N ~ 0.1Å or less  0.01Å 
hc  4E  E (Er = Energy of the order of some MeV)
 E     –
2  3  3 For atom X when its e transit from n = 2 to n = 1

 2  ...(2)
From Equation (1) and (2)
1 21 1
hc  R  z    2  2 
1 1 A 1 2 
 E 
 2 3hc 3 Energy is of the order of few eV only.
E For photons we can use
20. The energy required to remove the electron from a singly
hc hc
ionized Helium atom is 2.2 times the energy required to Er  and E A 
N A
remove an electron from Helium atom. The total energy
required to ionize the Helium atom completely is :
N EA order of eV 1 6
(2018 Online Set-1)    E  order of MeV  6  10
A r 10
(a) 20 eV (b) 34 eV
(c) 79 eV (d) 109 eV
22. If the series limit frequency of the Lyman series is VL, then
Ans. (c)
the series limit frequency of the P fund series is :
E1 E2 (2018)

+1 +2
He He He (a) (b)
16 25
Total energy required to completely ionize He atom is (E1 +
E2). As He is a hydrogenic atom (single electron system) so
th –
(c) 25VL (d) 16VL For n state de-Broglie wavelenth of e is given as:

Ans. (b) h h
n  
Sol. Series limit of Lyman series is corresponding to transition p n mv
 1 By angular momentum quantization postulate of Bohr model,
Here by using Rydberg’s formula, we have we use

c  1 1  nh
vL   c  RZ 2  2  2   mvr 
 1   1   2

 vL  RcZ2 ...(1)  n 
For Pfund series limit is corresponding to transition   5 .
So we use 2
  (0.529  n 2 )  1.06 n ...(2)
c   1 1 
vF   c  RZ 2  2  2   From equation (1) we have
 5  5  
1 1
n  
 1  vL
2 RZ 2
RZ2 n 2
 vF  RcZ  25   25
 
1 (1.6)2 1
23. An electron from various excited states of hydrogen atom  n   .
RZ2 RZ2  2n
emit radiation to come to the ground state. Let n ,g be
the de Broglie wavelength of the electron in the nth state B
 n  A 
and the ground state respectively. Let  n be the  2n

wavelength of the emitted photon in transition from the 24. An unstable heavy nucleus at rest breaks into two nuclei
nth state to the ground state. For large n, (A, B are which move away with velocities in the ratio of 8 : 27. The
constants) : (2018) ratio of the radii of the nuclei (assumed to be spherical) is:
(2018 Online Set-2)
(a)  2n  A +B 2n (b)  2n 
(a) 8 : 27 (b) 4 : 9
B (c) 3 : 2 (d) 2 : 3
(c)  n  A + (d)  n  A +B n
 2n Ans. (c)
Ans. (c) Sol. Formula for fermi (radius) is R = R0 (A)
Sol. For transition for n state to ground state emitted
wavelength is given as

1 1 1 
 RZ 2  2  2 
n 1 n 
As n >>1
1  1 
n  2 
1 2 
RZ  n  By conservation of linear momentum we use
m1 (8v)  m 2 (27v)
1  1 
n  2 
1 2  ...(1)
RZ  n  8m1  27m 2

1 If R1 and R2 are the radii of nuclei of masses m1 and m2, we

[As  1 we use (1+ x)b = (1 + bx)] have
1/3 Ans. (d)
R1  m1 
 
R2  m2  Sol. At t = 0, Activity of sample is AC0  0.8 Ci

R1  27 
3  0.8 106  3.7 1010 dps
    3 3
R2  8  2 At t = 10 hrs, activity/cm is (given as Ac/cm ) = 300 dpm

25. At some instant, a radioactive sample S1 having an activity 300

  5dps
5  Ci has twice the number of nuclei as another sample S2 60
which has an activity of 10  Ci. The half lives of S1 and S2 If V is the volume of animal’s blood then total activity at
are : (2018 Online Set-3)
t = 10 hr is AC  5V dps
(a) 20 years and 5 years, respectively
Using radioactive decay equation, we have
(b) 20 years and 10 years, respectively
(c) 5 years and 20 years, respectively A C  A C0 e t

(d) 10 years and 20 years, respectively

5V  0.8  3.7  104  0.84
Ans. (c)
Sol. Activity of a sample 0.8  3.7  104  0.84 3
V cm
A C  N
 V  4.94 103 m3  5ltr
If S1 has N0 nuclei then S2 will be having nuclei at that 27. If the de Broglie wavelengths associated with a proton and
instant, so we use an  -particle are equal, then the ratio of velocities of the
proton and the  -particle will be : (2018 Online Set-2)
A CS  1 N 0 ...(1) (a) 4 : 1 (b) 2 : 1

(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 4
N 
and A CS 2  2  0  ...(2) Ans. (a)
 2 
Sol. It is given that de-Broglie wavelength for proton and
   particle are equal
(1)  (2)   1
10  2 / 2   P  

1 1 T2 h h
  4T  m v m v
2 1 p p  

 T1 = 4T2 v p m 4m p 4
So half life of S1 is 4 times that of S2.  v m  m 1  As m   4m p 
 p p
26. A solution containing active cobalt 27 Co having activity
28. The de-Broglie wavelength   B  associated with the
of 0.8 Ci and decay constant  is injected in an animal’ss
electron orbiting in the second excited state of hydrogen
body. If 1 cm3 of blood is drawn from the animal’s body
atom is related to that in the ground state   G  by :
after 10 hrs of injection, the activity found was 300 decays
per minute. What is the volume of blood that is flowing in (2018 Online Set-3)
the body? ( 1 Ci = 3.7 ×1010 decays per second and
(a)  B = 2G (b)  B = 3 G
- t
at t = 10 hrs e = 0.84 ) (2018 Online Set-1)
(c)  B =  G /2 (d)  B =  G /3
(a) 6 liters (b) 7 liters
Ans. (b)
(c) 4 liters (d) 5 liters
  
Sol. By Bohr’s 2nd postulate we have mv1  mv 2 1  
VC    v1  v 2 
mm 2
nh nh
mvr   mv 
2 2r  1 h 1 ˆ 1
 VC   i ˆj 
de-Broglie wavelength of electron in second excited state (n 2 m  1 2 
= 3), we use
If reference frame of COM, velocity of first electron travelling
h 2 r 2 in X-direction is given as
   (0.529 n 2 ) [ as Z = 1]
mv n n   
V1C  v1  v 2
   1.06 n    n
 h ˆ  h ˆ h ˆj 
As n = 3 for  B and n = 1 for  G so we use  V1C  m i   2m i  2m
1  1 2 
B 3
  h ˆ h ˆ
G 1  V1C  2m i  2m j
1 2
  B  3 G
 h 1 1
29. Two electrons are moving with non-relativistic speeds  1C  2m  2   2
perpendicular to each other. If corresponding de Broglie 1 2

wavelengths are 1 and  2 , their de Broglie wavelength [speed of first elelctron in frames of COM]
in the frame of reference attached to their centre of mass de-Broglie wavelength of first electron in COM frame is given
is: (2018 Online Set-1) as

21 2 h h 1
(a)  CM = 1 =  2 (b)  CM = 1C   
12 +  22 mv1C m h 1 1

2m 1  22
1 1 1   + 2 
(c)  = + (d)  CM =  1
   21 2
CM 1 2  2   1C 
Ans. (b) 12   22
30. A plane electromagnetic wave travels in free space along
the x-direction. The electric field component of the wave at
a particular point of space and time is E = 6 Vm–1 along y-
Sol. direction. Its corresponding magnetic field component, B
would be:
(2019-04-08/Shift -1)
 h ˆ (a) 2 × 10–8 T along z-direction
v1  v1ˆi  i (b) 6 × 10–8 T along x-direction
(c) 6 × 10–8 T along z-direction
(d) 2 × 10–8 T along y-direction
 h ˆ
v2  v 2 ˆj  j Answer: (a)
m 2 Solution:
The relation between amplitudes of electric and magnetic field in
We also use
free space is given by
h h E0 6
1  and  2  B0    2 108 T
mv1 mv2 c 3 108
Vector speed of COM of this two electron system is given Propagation direction = Eˆ  Bˆ
iˆ  ˆj  Bˆ
 Bˆ  kˆ
The magnetic field component will be along z direction.
31. Two particles move at right angle to each other. Their de 1 1 
 E2  13.6  4    2   10.2 eV
Broglie wavelengths are 1 and 2 respectively. The particles  4 n1 
suffer perfectly inelastic collision. The de Broglie wavelength
, of the final particle, is given by:  n1  4
(2019-04-08/Shift -1) So, possible transition is n = 2  n = 4
33. The ratio of the mass densities of nuclei of 40Ca and 16O
1 1 1 isclose to :
(a)  
2 12 22 (2019-04-08/Shift -2)
(a) 1
(b)   12 (b) 0.1
2  2 (c) 5
(c)   (d) 2
Answer: (a)
2 1 1 Solution:
(d)   Nuclear density is independent of atomic number.
 1 2
34. A nucleus A, with a finite de-broglie wavelength  A,
Answer: (a)
undergoes spontaneous fission into two nuclei B and C
ofequal mass. B flies in the same direction as that of A,
From the de-Broglie relation,
whileC flies in the opposite direction with a velocity equal
h tohalf of that of B. The de-Broglie wavelengths  B and
p1 
 C ofB and C are respectively:
h (2019-04-08/Shift -2)
p2 
2 (a)  A , 2 A
Momentum of the final particle (Pf) is given by (b) 2A ,  A
pf  p12  p22 A
(c) A ,
h h2 h2
   A
 12 22 (d) , A
1 1 1 Answer: (d)
  
 2
 2
22 Solution:
  
32. Radiation coming from transitions n = 2 to n = l of hydrogen P  P  P2
atoms fall on He+ ions in n = l and n = 2 states. The possible  
  P P
transition of helium ions as they absorb energy from the or P  P   
radiation is : 2 2
(2019-04-08/Shift -1) h 
(a) n = 2  n = 3 As  =  B  A and C  A
P 2
(b) n = 1  n = 4
(c) n = 2  n = 5 35. The electric field of light wave is given as
(d) n = 2  n = 4   2 x  N
Answer: (d) E  10 –3 cos  7
 2  6  1014 t  xˆ
 5  10  C
This light falls on a metal plate of work function 2eV. The
Energy released by hydrogen atom for transition n = 2 to n
stopping potential of the photo - electrons is:
1 1  3 12375
E1  13.6   2  2    13.6 eV  10.2eV Given, E  in eV   o
1 2  4   in A 
 
This energy is absorbed by He+ ion in transition from n = 2
to n = 1 (say) (2019-04-09/Shift -1)

(a) 2.0 V
(b) 0.72 V 38. 50W / m2 energy density of sunlight is normally incident
(c) 0.48 V
on the surface of a solar panel. Some part of incident energy
(d) 2.48 V
(25%) is reflected from the surface and the rest is absorbed.
Answer: (c)
Solution: The force exerted on 1m 2 surface area will be close to
Here   2  6  1014 ( c  3 108 m / s )
(2019-04-09/Shift -2)
 f  6  1014 Hz
(a) 15  108 N
(b) 20  10 8 N
c 3  10 o
(c) 10  108 N
=   0.5  10 6 m  5000 A
f 6  1014 (d) 35  10 8 N
12375 Answer: (b)
Given E   2.48eV Solution:
Using E  W  eVs F  1  r 
 2.48  2  eVs
1  0.25  50 1
or Vs  0.48V 
3 108
36. Taking the wavelength of first Balmer line in hydrogen
spectrum (n = 3 to n = 2) as 660 nm, the wavelength of the  20 108 N
2ndBalmer line (n = 4 to n = 2) will be (in nm, as nearest 39. A particle ‘P’ is formed due to a completely inelastic collision
integer); of particles ‘x’ and ‘y’ having de-Broglie wavelengths
Answer: 489.00 '  x ' and '  y ' respectively. If x and y were moving in opposite
directions, then the de-Broglie wavelength of ‘P’ is:
1  1 1  5R (2019-04-09/Shift -2)
 R 2  2  
1  2 3  36 x  y x  y
(a)    (b)   
1  1 1  3R x y x y
 R 2  2  
2  2 4  16
(c) x   y (d) x   y
2 80 Answer: (b)
 
1 108 Solution:

80 80 P1  P2   P1  P2   P
2  1   660  488.9 nm.
108 108 1
As P 

37. A He ion is in first excited state. Its ionization energy is: 
(2019-04-09/Shift -2) 1 1 1
(a) 48.36 eV or     
(b) 54.40 eV x y

(c) 13.60 eV
 y  x 1
(d) 6.04 eV
or    
Answer: (c) x y

x  y
Z2  
En  13.6 2  y  x
40. Light is incident normally on a completely absorbing surface
13.6  2  with an energy flux of 25 Wcm 2 . If the surface has an area
For He , E2  2
 13.60 eV
of 25 cm 2 , the momentum transferred to the surface in 40min
Ionization energy  0  E2  13.60 eV
time duration will be
(2019-04-10/Shift -2)
(a) 6.3 104 Ns 1 1
(a) (b)
(b) 1.4 10 Ns 6 2 4
(c) 5.0 103 Ns 1 2
(c) (d)
(d) 3.5 10 Ns 6  
Answer: (c) Answer: (a)
Solution: Solution:
Let N1 and beN2 the number of radioactive nuclei of substance at
I anytime t.
Pressure, P 
N1  at t   N 0 e5t i 
  N 2  at t   N 0 e t  ii 
A c
Dividing equation(i) by (ii), we get
IA p
F  N1 1
c t  2  e 4  t
N2 e
 p  At  4 t  2
2  1 
 25  25  104 104  40  60 t   
 N s 4  2 
3  108
43. In Li   ,electron in first Bohr orbit is excited to a level by a
 5  103 N  s
radiation of wavelength  . When the ion gets deexcited to
41. A 2 mW laser operates at a wavelength of 500 nm. The number
the ground state in all possible ways (including intermediate
of photons that will be emitted per second is:
emissions), a total of six spectral lines are observed. What
[Given Plank’s constant h  6.6 1034 Js , speed of light is the value of  ?
c  3.0 108 m / s ] (2019-04-10/Shift -2)
(2019-04-10/Shift -2) (Given: h  6.63  1034 Js; c  3  108 ms 1 )
(a) 5 1015 (b) 1.5 1016 (a) 11.4 nm (b) 9.4 nm
(c) 2 1016 (d) 11016 (c) 12.3 nm (d) 10.8 nm
Answer: (d)
Answer: (a)
Spectral lines obtained on account of transition from nth orbit to
Energy of photon (E) is given by
n  n  1
hc various lower orbits is
E 2

n  n  1
Number of photons of wavelength  emitted in t second from 6
laser of power P is given by 2
pt 
hc hc Z 2
E   13.6eV 
 n2
2   2  103  5 107
n   t  1S
hc 2 1025 1  13.6 eV   1 1 
  Z2    2 2
 5 1015   hc   n2 n1 
42. Two radioactive substances A and B have decay constants
2  1
5 and  respectively. At t  0, a sample has the same  13.4  3 1   eV
 16 
number of the two nuclei. The time taken for the ratio of the
2 1242  16
1  nm  10.8 nm
number of nuclei to become   will be: 13.4    9 15 
(2019-04-10/Shift -2)
44. The stopping potential V0 (in volt) as a function of frequency to the first excited state. The ratio of the respective
(  ) for a sodium emitter, is shown in the figure. The work
function of sodium, from the data plotted in the figure, will wavelengths,  , of the photons emitted in this process is:
be : (Given : Planck’s constant (h) = 6.63 × 10-34 Js, electron 2

charge, e = 1.6 × 10-19 C) (2019-04-12/Shift -2)

(2019-04-12/Shift -1)
20 27
(a) (b)
7 5
7 9
(c) (d)
5 7
Answer: (a)
1 1 1  7R
 R 2  2 
1 3 4  16  9

1  1 1  5R
And   R  22  32  
(a) 1.82 eV (b) 1.66 eV 2   36
(c) 1.95 eV (d) 2.12 eV
Answer: (b)  5R 
Solution: 1   20
36 
  
 0  4  1014 Hz Now 2 7R 7
16  9 
W0  h 0  6.63  1034   4  1014  J
47. Consider an electron in a hydrogen atom, revolving in its

 6.63 10    4 10 
34 14
second excited state (having radius 4.65 A ). The de-

1.6 1019 Brogliewavelength of this electron is :

 1.66eV (2019-04-12/Shift -2)
45. An excited He+ ion emits two photons in succession. With (a) 3.5 A (b) 6.6 A
wavelengths 108.5 nm and 30.4 nm, in making a transition to O O
ground state. The quantum number n, corresponding to its (c) 12.9 A (d) 9.7 A
initial excited state is (for photon of wavelength  , energy E Answer: (d)
1240eV Solution:
=   in nm  ) c c
v 
(2019-04-12/Shift -1) 137 n 137  3
(a) n = 4 (b) n = 5 h h h h o
(c) n = 7 (d) n = 6       3  137   9.7 A
Answer: (b) p mv  m  c  mc
 
Solution:  3  137 
E = E1 + E2 48. Half lives of two radioactive nuclei A and Bare 10 minutes
2 and 20 minutes, respectively. If, initially a sample has equal
z 1240 1240
13.6 2
  number of nuclei, then after 60 minutes, the ratio of decayed
n 1 2 numbers of nuclei A to that of B will be:
2 (2019-04-12/Shift -2)
13.6  2   1 1  1 (a) 3 : 8 (b) 1 : 8
or  1240     9
n2  108.5 30.4  10 (c) 8 : 1 (d) 9 : 8
On solving, n = 5 Answer: (d)
46. The electron in a hydrogen atom first jumps from the third Solution:
excited state to the second excited state and subsequently
N A N0 1  e

 At

N B N 0 1  e  B t 

 0.693
 4hc hc
N A  1  e 10  60  1  e  9
 4.2
   3
   2 1
or N 
 1  e  20  60  1  e  8
0.693 2.1
 
1  4 1
49. A sample of radioactive material A, that has an activity of 10    hc   
3  2 1 
mCi (1 Ci = 3.7 × 1010 decays/s), has twice the number of
nuclei as another sample of a different radioactive material 1  4  350  540 
B which has an activity of 20 mCi. The correct choices for   1240  
3  350  540 
half-lives of A and B would then be respectively:
(2019-01-9/Shift -1)  1.8eV
(a) 5 days and 10 days 51. At a given instant, say t = 0, two radioactive substances A
(b) 10 days and 40 days RB
(c) 20 days and 5 days and B have equal activities. The ratio R of their activities
(d) 20 days and 10 days A

Answer: (c) after time t itself decays with time t as e–3t. If the half-life of A
Solution: is ln 2 , the half-life of B is:
Activity A = N (2019-01-9/Shift -2)
For material, A 10  2 N0  A 4 ln2
(a) 4 ln 2 (b)
For material, B 20  N 0  B 2
 B  4  A ln 2
(c) (d) 2 ln 2
 0.693 
 T1/ 2 A  4Ta / 2 B  T1/ 2  Answer: (c)
  
i.e . 20 days half -lives for A and 5 days (T1/2)B For material B. Half life of A=  n2
50. Surface of certain metal is first illuminated with light of
wavelength 1 = 350 nm and then, by light of wavelength n 2
 t1/ 2  A 
2 = 540 nm. It is found that the maximum speed of he 
photo electrons in the two cases differ by a factor of (2).  A  1
The work function of the metal (in eV) is close to:
at t  0 RA  RB
(Energy of photon =   in nm  eV ) N A e   AT  N B e   BT
(2019-01-9/Shift -1) N A  N B at t  0
(a) 1.8 (b) 2.5
(c) 5.6 (d) 1.4 RB N 0 e  B t
At t  t 
Answer: (a) RA N 0 e  A t
 B  A  3
From Einstein’s photoelectric equation,
B  3   A  4
hc 1
   m(2v) 2 ....  i 
1 2 n 2 n2
 t1/ 2  B  
B 4
hc 1
and    mv 2 ....  ii  52. The magnetic field associated with a light wave is given at
2 2
the origin by B = B0 [sin(3.14 × 107)ct + sin(6.28 × 107)ct]. If
As per question, maximum speed of photoelectrons in two cases this light falls on a silver plate having a work function of 4.7
differ by a factor 2 eV, what will be the maximum kinetic energy of the
From eq (i) & (ii) photoelectrons?
(c = 3 × 108 ms-1, h = 6.6 × 10-34J-s)
 (2019-01-9/Shift -2)
1 hc 4hc (a) 6.82 eV (b) 12.5 eV
 4    4
hc 1 2 (c) 8.52 eV (d) 7.72 eV
2 Answer: (d)
Solution: Solution:
According to question, there are two EM waves with different W  U
2 2
frequency,  CE   CE 
  1 
B1 = B0 sin (π × 107c)t 2kC 2C

and B2 = B0 sin (2π × 107 )t E 2C k  1

 
To get maximum kinetic energy we take the photon with higher 2 k

frequency  508 pJ
54. The Wheatstone bridge shown in the figure. here, gets
using, B  B0 sin  t  2   10 c  t

balanced when the carbon resistor used as R1 has the colour

To get maximum kinetic energy we take the photon with higher
code (Orange, Red, Brown). The resistors R2 and R4 are 80 Ω
frequency and 40 Ω, respectively. Assuming that the colour code for

Using, B  B0 sin t and   2  v  v  the carbon resistors gives their accurate values, the colour
107 code for the carbon resistor, used as R3, would be:
B1  B0 sin   10 c  t  v1 
B2  B0 sin  2  107 c  t  v2  107 c

Where c is speed of light c = 3 × 108 m/s

Clearly, v2 > v1

So, KE of photoelectron will be maximum for photon of higher


v2 = 107 cHz

hv =  + KEmax energy of photon

Eph = hv = 6.6 × 10-34 × 107 × 3 × 109

Eph = 6.6 × 3 × 10-19J

6.6  3 1019
 eV  12.375 eV
1.6 1019
KEmax  E ph   (2019-01-10/Shift -2)
 12.375  4.7  7.675  7.7 eV (a) Brown, Blue, Brown
53. A parallel plate capacitor having capacitance 12 pF is charged (b) Brown, Blue, Black
by a battery to a potential difference of 10 V between its (c) Red, Green, Brown
plates. The charging battery is now disconnected and a (d) Grey, Black, Brown
porcelain slab of dielectric constant 6.5 is slipped between Answer: (a)
the plates. The work done by the capacitor on the slab is: Solution:
(2019-01-10/Shift -2) Given, colour code of resistance,
(a) 692 pJ R1 = Orange, Red and Brown
(b) 508 pJ  R1  32  10  320
(c) 560 pJ using balanced Wheatstone bridge principle,
(d) 600 pJ R1 R2 320 80
  
Answer: (b) R3 R4 R3 40
 R3  160 i.e. colour code for R3 Brown, Blue and Brown atom in the excited state, in terms of Bohr radius a0, will be:
(hc = 12500 eV–Å)
55. Consider the nuclear fission Ne20  2He4  C12 (2019-01-11/Shift -1)
Given that the binding energy/nucleon of Ne20, He4 and C12 (a) 25a0 (b) 9a0
(c) 16a0 (d) 4a0
are, respectively, 8.03 MeV 7.07 MeV and 7.86 MeV, identify
Answer: (c)
the correct statement: Solution:
(2019-01-10/Shift -2)
hc 12500
(a) energy of 12.4 MeV will be supplied Energy of photon =   12.7 eV
 980
(b) 8.3 MeV energy will be released
Energy of electron in n th orbit is given by
(c) energy of 3.6 MeV will be released
(d) energy of 9.72 MeV has to be supplied 13.6  1 1
En  2
 En  E1  13.6  2 2 
Answer: (d) n n 1 
Solution:  1 1 
 12.75  13.6  2 2   n  4
Ne  2he  C 4 12 1 n 
8.03  20 2  7.07  4  7.86 12 Electron will excite to n = 4
We know that ' R '  n 2
 E B   BE react   BE  product  9.72 MeV
Radius of atom will be l6a0.
Therefore, energy has to be supplied. 58. If the deBroglie wavelength of an electron is equal to 10–3
times the wavelength of a photon of frequency 6 × 1014 then
56. A metal plate of area 1104 m 2 is illuminated by a radiation
the speed of electron is equal to :
of intensity 16mW/m2. The work function of the metal is 5 (Speed of light = 3 × 108 m/s)
eV. The energy of the incident photons is 10eV and only Planck’s constant = 6.63 × 10–34 J.s
Mass of electron = 9.1 × 10–31 kg)
10% of it produces photo electrons. The number of emitted
(2019-01-11/Shift -1)
photo electrons per second and their maximum energy, (a) 1.1 × 106 m/s
respectively, will be: 1 eV  1.6  10 J  (b) 1.7 × 106 m/s
(c) l.8 × 106 m/s
(2019-01-10/Shift -2) (d) l.45 × 106 m/s
(a) 10 and 10 eV Answer: (d)
(b) 1012 and 5 eV
de-Broglie wavelength,
(c) 1011 and 5 eV
h  3 108   c
(d) 1010 and 5 eV   103 
mv 14    v 
Answer: (c)  6 10   

Solution: 6.63  1034  6  1014

v  1.45  106 m/s
nE 9.11031  3 105
Using, intensity I  59. In a hydrogen like atom, when an electron jumps from theM-
shell to the L-shell, the wavelength of emitted radiationis .
n = no. of photoelectrons
If an electron jumps from N-shell to the L-shell, the
 n  10 1.6 10
n wavelength of emitted radiation will be:
 16  103     or,  1012 (2019-01-11/Shift -2)
t 104 t
So, effective number of photoelectrons ejected per unit time = 27 16
(a)  (b) 
20 25
1012   1011 25 20
100 (c)  (d) 
16 27
Kmax = 10 eV – 5 eV = 5 eV
Answer: (d)
57. A hydrogen atom, initially in the ground state is excited by When electron jumps from M ”’ L shell
absorbing a photon of wavelength 980 Å. The radius of the

1  1 1  K 5 (c) rn  n, E n  n
 K 2  2  ....(i ) When electron jumps from N ”’ L
 2 3  36
2 1
shell (d) rn  n , E n 
1  1 1  K 3 Answer: (a)
 K 2  2  ....(ii ) Solution:
 2 4  16
Let force of attraction towards the centre is F, then
solving equation (i) and (ii) we get
dU mv 2
20 F  kr  = centripetal force
   dr r
60. In a photoelectric experiment, the wavelength of the light nh
mvr  [Bohr’s Quantization rule]
incident on a metal is changed from 300 nm to 400 nm. The 2
decrease in the stopping potential is close
m2 v 2  nh  1
 hc  So,  kr 2     kr 2
to:  1240nm  V  m  2 r  m
 e 
(2019-01-11/Shift -2)
(a) 0.5 V (b) 1.5 V  r2  n
(c) 1.0 V (d) 2.0 V
Answer: (c) r n
Solution: Also E = K.E + P.E.
Let  = work function of the metal, 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
E kr  mv  kr    kr 2 
2 2 2 2
   eV1 ....(i )  kr 2  n [as k is constant and r 2  n]
62. A particle A of mass ‘m’ and charge ‘q’ is accelerated by a
hc potential difference of 50 V. Another particle B of mas ‘4m’
   eV2 ....(ii )
2 and charge ‘q’ is accelerated by a potential difference of

Subtracting (ii) from (i) we get A

2500V. The ratio of de-Broglie wavelength  is
1 1 
hc     e V1  V2  (2019-01-12/Shift -1)
 1 2  (a) 10.00 (b) 0.07
(c) 14.14 (d) 4.47
  Answer: (c)
 1  300 nm  Solution:
hc        de Broglie wavelength () is given by K = qV
 V1  V2   2 1   2  400 nm 
e  12   
hc h h h
  1240 nm  V 
e 

2 mK

 p  2 mK 
Substituting the values we get
 100nm 
 1240 nm  V     1.03V  1V A 2mB qBVB 4m.q.2500
 300 nm  400 nm    
61. A particle of mass m moves in a circular orbit in a central B 2mA q AVA m.q.50
potential field. If Bohr’s quantization conditions are applied,
radii of possible orbits and energy levels vary with quantum  2 50  2  7.07  14.14
number n as 63. When a certain photo-sensistive surface is illuminated with
(2019-01-12/Shift -1) monochromatic light of frequency v, the stopping potential
for the photo current is –V 0/2 . When the surface is
(a) rn  n , E n  n illuminated by monochromatic light of frequency v/2, the
stopping potential is –V0. The threshold frequency for
(b) rn  n , E n  photoelectric emission is :
n (2019-01-12/Shift -2)
5v 4 n
(a) (b) v 1.5 a0  2 a0
3 3 2
3v n 3
(c) 2v (d)   0.75
2 z 4
Answer: (d)
66. In a reactor, 2 kg of 92 U 235 fuel is fully used up in 30 days.
eVs  hv –  The energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Given that the
Avogadro number, N = 6.023 × 1026 per kilo mole and 1 eV =
 – eV0  1.6 × 10–19 J. The power output of the reactor is close to
  hv –    2 .....(1) (2020-09-2/Shift -1)
 2 
(a) 60 MW (b) 54 MW
hv (c) 125 MW (d) 35 MW
– eV 0  – .....(2) Answer: (a)
hv 2kg 2000
0  2hv – 2 –  Solution: n (moles)  235gm  235
64. In a radioactive decay chain, the initial nucleus is 232
Th . At no. of nucleus = N A  n

the end, there are 6  and 4  -particles which are emitted. 2000
 6.022  1023 
A 235
If the end nucleus is Z X , A and Z are given by
(2019-01-12/Shift -2)  51.25  10 23
(a) A = 208 ; Z = 80 Total energy released = 200 × 51.25 × 1023 MeV
(b) A = 202 ; Z = 80 = 102.5 × 1025 MeV
(c) A = 208 ; Z = 82 = 102.5 × 1025 × 106 × 1.6 × 10–16J
(d) A = 200 ; Z = 81 = 164 × 106 MJ
Answer: (c)
Solution: 164  106 MJ
power =
When one  -particle is emitted, then daughter nuclei has 4 unit 30  24  60  60S
less mass number (A) and 2 unit less atomic number (Z). = 0.063 × 103 MW
232 208 4
90 Th  78 Y  6 He
2  60 MW
208 208
78Y 82 X  4  Particle 67. When radiation of wavelength  is used to illuminate a metallic
65. If the de Broglie wavelength of the electron in nth Bohr orbit surface, the stopping potential is V. When the same surface
in a hydrogenic atom is equal to 1.5 a0 (a0 is Bohr radius), is illuminated with radiation of wavelength 3, the stopping
then the value of n/z is V
potential is. If the threshold wavelength for the metallic
(2019-01-12/Shift -2) 4
(a) 0.40 (b) 1.50 surface is n then value of n will be ……….. .
(c) 1.0 (d) 0.75
(2020-09-2/Shift -1)
Answer: (a)
Answer: (009.00)
Given   1.5 a0 hc
Solution:    eV …….(1)

n  2 r …(1)
Radii of stationary states (r) is expressed as: hc eV
  ……….(2)
n2 3 4
r  a0 …(2)
z eq.(1)   eV
From equation (1) and (2) 3
eq.(2) eV
2 a0 n 2 2 a0 n 4
n  ; 
z z 3eV
3     eV
eV Me V 
2   Mp   e 
4  Vp 
1.878  104  
8 9.11 1031 1
 
4 5
hc eV 9 1.878  10
  eV  eV
 8 8 7.11  10 1
 
4 5
8 hc 1.878  10
 eV 
9 
 0.97  1027 kg
hc 8 hc
so     9.7  1028 kg
 9 
69. In a hydrogen atom the electron makes a transition from (n
1 hc + 1)th level to the nth level. If n >> 1, the frequency of radiation
9  emitted is proportional to :
(2020-09-2/Shift -2)
hc hc
 1
 th 9 1
(a) (b)
n2 n
  th  9
68. A particle is moving 5 times as fast as an electron. The ratio 1 1
(c) 3 (d)
of the de-Broglie wavelength of the particle to that of the n n4
electron is 1.878 × 10–4. The mass of the particle is close to : Answer: (c)
(2020-09-2/Shift -2)
 Rhc
(a) 4.8 1027 kg Solution: E n 
(b) 9.1 10 31 kg Rhc
E n 1 
(c) 9.7 10 28
kg (n  1) 2

(d) 1.2  10 28 kg E  E n 1  E n

Answer:(c) 1 1 
h  RhC   
h  n (n  1) 2 
Solution: P 

 (n  1)2  n 2 
h   Rc  
 2 2
P  n . (n  1) 

 Particle  1  2n 
 1.878  104  Rc 
e 2 2

 n (n  1) 
h Pe if n >> 1
   13.878  104
Pparticle h 2n 2n 2
  
2 2 4
Pe n n n n3
  1.878  10
Pparticle 1
M e .Ve n3
  1.878  104 70. When the wavelength of radiation falling on a metal is
M p .Vp
changed from 500 nm to 200 nm, the maximum kinetic energy
of the photoelectrons becomes three times larger. The work
function of the metal is close to :
(2020-09-03/Shift -1)
(a) 1.02 eV (b) 0.61 eV (c) 500 (d) 250
(c) 0.52 eV (d) 0.81 eV Answer: (a)
Answer: (b)
hc Solution: P 
Solution: KE max 
 const
hc 
3KE max  
2 n1 1 1nm 1
  
 hc  hc n 2  2 500nm 500
3      73. If a semiconductor photodiode can detect a photon with a
 1  2
maximum wavelength of 400 nm, then its band gap energy is
3hc hc :
  2 Planck’s constant h = 6.63 × 10–34J.s. Speed of light c = 3 ×
1  2
108 m/s
3  1240 1240 (2020-09-03/Shift -2)
  2 (a) 1.5 eV (b) 2.0 eV
500 200
(c) 3.1 eV (d) 1.1 eV
  0.62 Answer: (c)
71. In a radioactive material, fraction of active material remaining
after time t is 9/16. The fraction that was remaining after t/2 Solution: E 
is : 
(2020-09-03/Shift -1)
6.63  1034  3  108
3 7 400  109
(a) (b)
4 8
4 3 E eV
(c) (d) 400
5 5
Answer: (a) E  3.1 eV
74. The radius R of a nucleus of mass number A can be estimated
N  N 0 et
by the formula R = (1.3  1015 ) A1/3 m. It follows that the
 N  t mass density of a nucleus is of the order of :
 e
 N0  (M prot.  M neut  1.67  1027 kg)
9 (2020-09-03/Shift -2)
 e t
16 (a) 10 17 3
(b) 10 10 3
kg m kg m
After t/2 time
(c) 10 24 kg m 3 (d) 103 kg m 3
 et/2 Answer: (a)
Solution: R  (1.3  10 15 ) A1/3
N 9 3 2 m  V
  
N 0  16  4 m
72. Two sources of light emit X-rays of wavelength 1 nm and V
visible light of wavelength 500 nm, respectively. Both the
m A
sources emit light of the same power 200 W. The ratio of the 
number density of photons of X-rays to the number density 4 3
of photons of the visible light of the given wavelengths is : 3
(2020-09-03/Shift -2)
1 1
(a) (b)
500 250
Which is less than the amount of heat (mLf) required to melt ice
m A
 completely.
 (1.3  1015 )3 A mi L  21000 J
To find the amount of ice melt (m), take
  1017 kg / m
m mi = ×103 gm = 61.7 grams
75. Particle A of mass m A = moving along the x-axis with 3.4×10
77. In the line spectra of hydrogen atoms, difference between
velocity V0 collides elastically with another particle B at rest the largest and the shortest wavelengths of the Lyman series
m 0
having mass m B = . If both particles move along the x- is 304 A . The corresponding difference for the Paschenseries
axis after the collision, the change  in de-Broglie 0
in is A :_______.
wavelength of particle A, in terms of its de-Broglie
(2020-09-04/Shift -1)
wavelength (0 ) before collision is: Answer:(10553)
(2020-09-04/Shift -1) Solution: For shortest wave length in Lyman, we have
5 1
(a)  = 0 (b)  = 2 0 = R [1](i.e.n =  to n = 1)
2 
3 For longest wave length in Lyman we have
(c)  =40 (d)  = 0
2 1  1  3R
= R 1-  =
Answer: (c) '  4 4
Solution: Speed of particle A after collision will be, In Paschen series, for shortest wave length
m - m2 2m 2
V1 = 1 .u1 + .u 2 1  1 1 
m1 + m 2 m1 + m 2 = R - 
s  2 2
 3 () 
-m/3 1  1  R
V1 = 2 V0 = V0 / 5 = R  =
m s  32  9
de-Broglie wave length of particle A after collision will be And for longest wave length

h h 1  1 1  7R
' = = 5. = 5 0 = R -  =
m V0 m l  32 42  144
. .V0
2 5 2 Now, taking ratio we get
 change in wavelength  = 4 0
(l - s ) = 10553A
76. The specific heat of water = 4200 j kg-1K–1and the latent heat
78. Find the Binding energy per neucleon for 120
50 Sn . Mass of
of ice = 3.4×105 J kg -1 , 100 grams of ice at 0 C is placed in
200 g of water at 250C. The amount of ice that will melt as the proton mp = 1.00783 U, mass ofneutron mn = 1.00867 U and
temperature of water reaches 00C is close to (in grams):
mass of tin nucleus mSn = 119.902199 U. (take 1U = 931MeV)
(2020-09-04/Shift -1)
(a) 63.8 (b) 64.6 (2020-09-04/Shift -2)
(c) 61.7 (d) 69.3
Answer: (c) (a) 8.0 MeV (b) 9.0 MeV
(c) 7.5 MeV (d) 8.5 MeV
Heat loss by water when it cools down to 0° C is,
Q = m w s Answer: (d)
 200  Solution:B.E. = mc
=  .(4200)(25) = 21000 J
 1000   m  931
m   50 1.00783   70 1.00867   119.902199

= {120.9984 – 119.902199} U

= 1.0962 U

BE = 1.0962  931 = 1020.5622 MeV

BE per nucleon  1020.5622/120  8.5 MeV

79. In a photoelectric effect experiment, the graph of stopping

potential V versus reciprocalof wavelength obtained is (a) 3 : 2 : 1 (b) 2 : 1 : 1

shown in the figure. As the intensity of incident radiation (c) 4 : 3 : 1 (d) 2 : 1 : 3
Answer: (d)
Solution: R  R 0 e (t)
(2020-09-04/Shift -2) (  slope of graph)

(a) Straight line shifts to right

(b) Straight line shifts to left 6 ln 2

A  
(c) Slope of the straight line get more steep 10 TA

(d) Graph does not change 6 ln 2

B  
5 TB
Answer: (d)
2 ln 2
Solution:ev = hv – w (w = work function) C  
h w 5 TC
v 
e e
h w 5 
As and  constant TA  ln 2 
e e 3

Therefore no change in graph. 5  1 1 1
I B  ln 2   TA : TB : TC  : :
80. Activities of three radioactive substances A, B and C are 6  3 6 2
represented by the curves A, B and C, in the figure. Then 5 
TC  ln 2
their half-lives T1 (A) : T1 (B) : T1 (C) are in the ratio : 2 
2 2 2
(2020-09-05/Shift -1) 2 :1: 3
81. A beam of electrons of energy E scatters from a target having
atomic spacing of 1Å. The first maximum intensity occurs at
  60º Then E (in eV) is ………….. .
(Planck constant h = 6.64 × 10–34Js, 1 eV = 1.6 × 10–19 J,
electron mas m = 9.1 × 10–31 kg)
(2020-09-05/Shift -1)
ratio of maximum speeds of the photoelectrons emitted in
150 
2d sin   n  1   1010 ,   90  the two cases is 2. The work function of the metal in (eV) is
v 2 …………… .
(2020-09-05/Shift -2)
150 60
2 1010  sin 60   1010 ,   90   60 Answer:(002.00)
V 2 Solution:
3 150 1
2  mV12 E   4  0
2 V 2  1 0

150 mV22 E 2  0 2.5  0
V  50 volt 2
E = qv = ev = 50ev 2
 V1  4  0
82. The correct match between the entries in column I and   
column II are :  V2  2.5  0
IRadiation IIWavelength 4  0
(A) Microwave (i) 100 m (2) 2 
2.5  0
(B) Gamma rays (ii) 10–15 m
(C) A.M. radio waves (iii) 10–10 m 10  40  4  0
(D) X-rays (iv) 10–3 m
(2020-09-05/Shift -2) 30  10  4  6
(a) (A) – (ii), (B) – (i), (C) – (iv), (D) – (iii) 0  2eV
(b) (A) – (iii), (B) – (ii), (C) – (i), (D) – (iv)
85. An electron, a doubly ionized helium ion (He++) and a proton
(c) (A) – (iv), (B) – (ii), (C) – (i), (D) – (iii)
are having the same kinetic energy. The relation between
(d) (A) – (i), (B) – (iii), (C) – (iv), (D) – (ii)
their respective de-Broglie wavelengths
83. A radioactive nucleus decays by two different processes.
The half life for the first process is 10 s and that for the e ,  and P is:
second is 100 s. The effective half life of the nucleus is close (2020-09-06/Shift -1)
to :
(2020-09-05/Shift -2) (a) e  P  He
(a) 55 sec. (b) 6 sec.
(b) e  He  P
(c) 12 sec. (d) 9 sec
Answer: (d) (c) e  P  He
ln 2 (d) e  He  P
T1  10 sec 1 
T1 Answer: (a)
ln 2 ln 2 Cp
T2  100 s, 2  ,  eq  h h 2 2 7
T2 Teq     1  1 
p 2mK .E Cd f 5 5
we know
mHe  m p  me
eq  1   2
He   p  e
ln 2 ln 2 ln 2
  You are given that Mass of 7
Teq T1 T2 86. 3 Li  7.0160u , Mass of
2 He  4.0026u and Mass of 11 H  1.0079u. When 20g of
1 1 1 10  1 11
    7 4
Teq 10 100 100 100 3 Li is converted into 2 He by proton capture, the energy
liberated, (in kWh), is: [Mass of nucleon = 1 GeV/c2]
100 (2020-09-06/Shift -1)
Teq   9s
11 (a) 6.82  105 (b) 4.5 105
84. The surface of a metal is illuminated alternately with photons
(c) 8  106 (d) 1.33  106
of energies E1  4 eV and E 2  2.5 eV respectively. The
Answer: (d)
Solution: 37 Li  1e  2 24 He (b) e  e  

m  mu  mH   2 M He  (c) p  n  e  v

 m   7.0160  1.0079   2  4.0003 (d) n  p  d  

 0.0187 Answer: (d)
Solution:Answer - 1 incorrect
Energy released in 1 reaction  mc 2 (because n + p d)
2 Answer - 2  incorrect
In use of 7.016 u Li energy is mc
(because e  e   )
mc 2 Answer -3 incorrect
In use of 1gm Li energy is 
mu (because mass )
89. The time period of revolution of electron in its ground state
In use of 20 gm energy is  mc  20 g orbit in a hydrogen atom is 1.6 10 16 s . The frequency of
revolution of the electron in its first excited state  in s  is

0.0187  931.5  106 1.6 1019   6.023  1023 :
7 (2020-01-07/Shift -1)
36  105 15
(a) 6.2 10 (b) 1.6 1014
= 1.33 × 106
87. Assuming the nitrogen molecule is moving with r.m.s. (c) 7.8  1014 (d) 5.6  1012
velocity at 400 K, the de-Broglie wavelength of nitrogen Answer: (c)
molecule is close to : (Given : nitrogen molecule weight : Solution:
4.64 × 10-26 kg, Boltzman constant : 1.38 × 10-23 J/K, Planck
constant : 6.63 × 10-34 J.s) Time period is proportional to
(2020-09-06/Shift -2) Z2
(a) 0.44 Å Let T1 be the time period in ground state and T2 be the time
(b) 0.34Å period in it’s first excited state.
(c) 0.20Å
(d) 0.24Å n3
T1 
Answer: (d) 22
(Where, n = excitation level and 2 is atomic no.)

Solution:   mv 3
r .m . s T1  n1 
 
T2  n2 
V  Given,
T1 = 1.6  10-16 s
 So,
1.6  1016  1 
6.6  10 34  
 T2 2
3  4.6 1026  1.38  1023  400
T2  12.8  10 16 s
  2.4 10 M
 0.24Å Frequency is given by f 
88. Given the masses of various atomic particles m p = 1.0072
u, mn = 1.0087 u, me = 0.000548 u, mv  0, md  2.0141u, f   1016 Hz
where p proton, n  neutron, e  electron, v  antineutrino
and d  deuteron. Which of the following process is f  7.8128  1014 Hz
allowed by momentum and energy conservation? 90. A beam of electromagnetic radiation of intensity
(2020-09-06/Shift -2) 6.4  105 W / cm 2 is comprised of wavelength,
(a) n + n deuterium atom (electron bound to the nucleus)
  310nm . It falls normally on a metal (work Dividing the equations,
function   2 eV )of surface area 1cm 2 . If one in t1
ln 2
103 photons ejects an electron, total number of electrons  2
 7  30
ejected in ls is 102 (hc = 1240eV – nm, 1eV = 1.6 × 10–19J)then ln  
x is 5
(2020-01-07/Shift -1)
 t 1  61.8 minutes
Answer: 11.00
92. An electron (of mass m) and a photon have the same energy
P  intensity  Area E in the range of few eV. The ratio of the de Broglie
 6.4  10 5 W / cm 2  1 cm 2 wavelength associated with the electron and the wavelength
of the photon is. (c = speed of light in vacuum)
 6.4 105W (2020-01-07/Shift -1)
For photoelectric effect to take place, energy should be greater 1
than work function  E 2 1  2E  2
Now, (a)   (b)  
 2m  c m 
E  4eV  2eV 1
310 1 1  E 2
Therefore, photoelectric effect takes place (c) c  2mE  2 (d)  
c  2m 
Here n is the number of photons emitted.
Answer: (d)
n E  I  A Solution:
IA 6.4 105 h
n   1014
E 6.4  1019 d for electron 
Where, n is number of incident photons
Since, I out of every 1000 photons are successful in ejecting 1  p for photon  p
Therefore, the number of photoelectrons emitted is h
E 1 E
Ratio  
2mE hc c 2m
 93. When photons of energy 4 eV strikes the surface of a metal
A, the ejected photoelectrons have maximum kinetic
 x  11 energyTA eV and de-Broglie wavelength A . The maximum
91. The activity of a radioactive substance falls from 700 s-1 to
kinetic energy of photoelectrons liberated from another metal
500 s-1 in 30 minutes. Its half-life is close to
(2020-01-07/Shift -1) B by photon of energy 4.50 eV is TB  TA  1.5  eV. If the
(a) 66 min
de-Broglie wavelength of these photoelectrons B  2A
(b) 62 min
(c) 52 min then the work function of metal B is
(d) 72 min (2020-01-08/Shift -1)
Answer: (b) (a) 3 eV (b) 1.5 eV
Solution: (c) 2 eV (d) 4 eV
Answer: (d)
A0 Solution:
Using the half-life equation, ln  t
h 1
 ∝
A0 2  KE  mB KE
At half-life, t  t 1 and At 
 ln 2   t 1 ... 1 
2 B KEA
Also given
1 T  1.5
700  A
ln    30  ...  2  2 TA
TA  2eV
KEB  2  1.5  0.5eV
B  4.5  0.5  4eV
94. The graph which depicts the result of Rutherford gold foil
experiement with   particle is:  : Scattering angle N :
Number of scattered   particles is detected (Plots are
schematic and not to scale)
(2020-01-08/Shift -1)

N∝ 4
sin  / 2 

95. An electron (mass m) with initial velocity v  v0 iˆ  v0 ˆj

is in an electric field E   E0 kˆ . If 0 is initial de-Broglie
wavelength of electron, its de-Broglie wavelength at time t
is given by
(2020-01-08/Shift -2)
0 0
2 2 2
(a) e E t 0 (b) e 2 E02t 2
1 2 2
mv 0 m 2 v02

0 0
2 2 2
(c) e E t (d) e2 E 2 t 2
1 2
(c) 2m 2 v02 m2 v02
Answer: (a)
Momentum of an electron, p  mv 

Initially p  mv  h

eE0 ˆ
(d) Velocity as a function of time  v0 iˆ  v0 ˆj  tk

So, wavelength  
e 2 E02 2
m 2v02  t

e2 E02 2
1 t
m 2 v02
Answer: (b) 96. The first member of Balmer series of hydrogen atom has a
Solution: wavelength of 6561 Å. The wavelength of the second
member of the Balmer series (in nm) is
(2020-01-08/Shift -2)
Answer: 486.00 98. Kinetic energy of the particle is E and it’s de–Broglie
Solution: wavelength is  On increasing its K.E by ΔE, it’s new de–

1  1 1  
 RZ 2  2  2  Broglie wavelength becomes . Then E is
 n 2
 1 n2 
(2020-01-09/Shift -1)
1 2 1 1  5R (a) 3E (b) E
 R 1  2  2  (c) 2E (d) 4E
1 2 3  36
Answer: (a)
1 2 1 1  3R Solution:
 R 1  2  2 
2 2 4  36 h h
 
mv 2m( KE )
2 20

1 27 1
 KE
2   6561A  486nm
27  KE f
97. Radiation with wavelength 6561 A falls on a metal surface to 
/2 KEi
produce photoelectrons.The electrons are made to enter a
uniform magnetic field of 3×10"4 T. If the radius oflargest 4 KEi  KE f
circular path followed by electron is 10 mm, the work function
of metal is close to KE f  KEi  4 KEi  KEi  3KEi  3E
(2020-01-09/Shift -1) 99. The energy required to ionise a hydrogen like ion in its
(a) 1.8 eV ground state is 9 Rydbergs. What is the wavelength of the
(b) 0.8 eV radiation emitted when the electron in this ion jumps from
(c) 1.1 eV the second excited state to the ground stare ?
(d) 1.6 eV (2020-01-09/Shift -2)
Answer: (c) (a) 8.6
Solution: (b) 11.4
From photoelectric equation, (c) 24.2
(d) 35.8
 W  K .E.max Answer: (b)
 Solution:
Where hc  12400 eV Å
hc  1 1 
 13.6eV  Z 2  2  2 
12400   n1 n2 
  W  K .E.max
n1  1
 1.89eV  W  K .E.max...... 1
n2  3
Radius of charged particle moving in a magnetic field is given by
For an H-like atom, ionization energy is (R)Z2
mv 1 This gives Z = 3
r and mv 2  K.E max  eV
qB 2 hc 1 1
 13.6eV   32   2  2 
 1 3 
m 1 2mV hc 8
r    13.6eV  9  
eB B e  9

1 2  9.1  10 31  V 1240

 102  Wavelength  nm
3  104 1.6  1019 8  13.6

 V  0.8V   11.4nm
So, K.Emax=0.8 eV 100. An electron of mass m and magnitude of charge |e| initially
Substituting in (1), 1.89 =W+0.8 at rest gets accelerated by a constant electric field E. The of
i.e. W=1.1 eV (approx)
charge of de-Broglie wavelength of this electron at time
tignoring relativistic effects is
(2020-01-09/Shift -2)
e Et
(a) 
(b) e E t

(c)  e Et 2

2ht 2
(d)  e E

Answer: (c)
D 
Where, v  at
eE  e E
v t a  
M  M 

D 
m t

D 
e Et

d D h
dt e Et 2

101. Statement-I : Energy is released when heavy nuclei undergo

fission or light nuclei undergo fusion.
Statement-II : For heavy unclei, binding energy per nucleon
increases with increasing Z while for light nuclei it decreases
with increasing Z.
(a) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is
not a correct explanation for Statement-I.
(b) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is false.
(c) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true.
(d) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is a
correct explanation for Statement-I.
Ans. (b)
Sol. Statement-I states that energy is released when heavy nuclei
undergo fission and light nuclei undergo fusion is correct.
Statement-II is wrong.
The binding energy per nucleon, B/A, starts at a small value,
rises to a maximum at Ni, then decreases to 7.5 MeV for the
heavy nuclei.

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