African Medicinal Plants
African Medicinal Plants
African Medicinal Plants
This series of working papers is intended to provide information and to generate fruitful discussion on key issues in the sustainable and equitable use of plant resources. Please send comments on this paper and suggestions for future issues
to People and Plants Initiative, Division of Ecological Sciences, UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris CEDEX 07 SP, France.
The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The opinions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the author and do not commit any Organization.
Author's address: A.B. Cunningham 84 Watkins Street - White Gum Valley, Fremantle 6162 Western Australia - Australia
Published in 1993 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris CEDEX 07 SP. Printed by UNESCO Presse on chlorine-free recycled paper. Series editor: Alison Semple Design and layout: Ivette Fabbri Suggested citation: Cunningham, A.B. (1993). African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary health care. People and Plants working paper 1. Paris. UNESCO.
Sustainable management of traditional medicinal plant resources is important, not only because of their value as a potential source of new drugs, but due to reliance on traditional medicinal plants for health. The vast majority (70-80%) of people in Africa consult traditional medical practitioners (TMPs) for healthcare. With few exceptions, traditional medicinal plants are gathered from the wild. Although reliance on TMPs may decline in the long term as alternative healthcare facilities become available, increasing demand for popular herbal medicines is expected in the foreseeable future. Over the same period, certain vegetation types that were sources of supply of traditional medicines will drastically decline due to forest clearance for agriculture, afforestation of montane grasslands, uncontrolled burning and livestock grazing. Exclusion from core conservation areas adversely affects TMPs who previously gathered medicinal plants in those sites. In addition, supplies of herbal medicines to TMPs are affected by competing resource uses such as timber logging, commercial harvesting for export and extraction of pharmaceuticals, and use for building materials and fuel. This creates a growing demand for fewer resources, in some cases resulting in local disappearance of favoured and effective sources of traditional medicine and reduced species diversity. The most vulnerable species are popular, slow growing or slow to reproduce, or species with specific habitat requirements and a limited distribution. Although in theory, sustainable use of bark, roots or whole plants used as herbal medicines is possible, the high levels of money and manpower required for intensive management of slow growing species in multiplespecies systems are unlikely to be found in most African countries. The cultivation of alternative sources of supply of popular, high conservation priority species outside of core conservation areas is therefore essential. However, commercial cultivation of such species is not a simple solution and at present is unlikely to be profitable due to the slow growth rates for most tree species and low prices paid for traditional medicines. These slow growing species are a priority for ex situ conservation and strict protection in core conservation areas. By contrast, the high price paid for some species does make them potential new crop plants for agroforestry systems (e.g. Warburgia salutaris, Garcinia kola, G. afzelii, G. epunctata) or agricultural production (e.g. Siphonochilus aethiopicus). Pilot studies on these species are needed. Priority areas for cooperative action between healthcare professionals and conservationists are rapidly urbanizing regions with a high level of endemic taxa, particularly west Africa (Guineo-Congolian region), specifically Cte dIvoire, Ghana, and Nigeria; east Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania); south-eastern Africa (South Africa, Swaziland). The most threatened vegetation types are Afro-montane forest and coastal forests of the ZanzibarInhambane regional mosaic.
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Abstract Contents Introduction
The role of traditional medical practitioners Customary controls on medicinal plant gathering Dynamics of the commercial trade Domestic trade International trade The impact of the trade in medicinal plants Sustainable supplies of traditional medicines Sustainability of chewing stick harvesting Supplying international trade The real price of trade The reasons for concern Focus of management effort Conditions for cultivation as an alternative source of supply
35 Conclusions
Acknowledgements Personal communications References Appendix 1: African medicinal plants observed in trade Appendix 2: Plant species mentioned in text
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
If there is to be any real improvement in the health of the under-served populations of the world, then there will have to be full utilization of all available resources, human and material. This is fundamental to the primary healthcare approach. Traditional medical practitioners constitute the most abundant and in many cases, valuable health resources present in the community. They are important and influential members of their communities who should be associated with any move to develop health services at a local level. Akerele (1987) First the unukane (Ocotea bullata) trees were killed by ring-barking for sale in the cities. Now the same is happening to igejalibomvu (Curtisia dentata) and umkhondweni (Cryptocarya myrtifolia) trees. Soon they will be gone as well and we will have to buy the barks from the herb traders. Herbalist, Nkandla forest, Natal, South Africa, 1987 The populations of developing countries worldwide continue to rely heavily on the use of traditional medicines as their primary source of healthcare. Ethnobotanical studies carried out throughout Africa confirm that native plants are the main constituent of traditional African medicines (Adjanohoun et al., 1980; Adjanohoun et al., 1984; Adjanohoun et al. , 1985; Adjanohoun et al., 1986; Adjanohoun et al., 1988; Ake Assi, 1988; Ake Assi et al., 1981; Hedberg, et al., 1982; Hedberg et al., 1983a; Hedberg et al., 1985b; Kokwaro, 1976; Oliver Bever, 1987). With 70-80% of Africas population relying on traditional medicines, the importance of the role of medicinal plants in the healthcare system is enormous. Medicinal plants are now being given serious attention, as is evidenced by the recommendation given by the World Health Organization in 1970 (Wondergem et al., 1989) that proven traditional remedies should be incorporated within national drug policies, by recent moves towards a greater professionalism within African medicine (Last and Chavunduka, 1986) and also by the increased commercialization of phar-
maceutical production using traditional medicinal plants with known efficacy (Sofawara, 1981). Little attention however, has been paid to the socio-economic and conservation aspects of medicinal plant resources, probably due to the relatively small volumes involved and the specialist nature of the informal trade in them. However, the management of traditional medicinal plant resources is probably the most complex African resource management issue facing conservation agencies, healthcare professionals and resource users. As pressure is increasing on diminishing medicinal plant supplies, constructive resource management and conservation actions must be identified, based upon a clear understanding of the surrounding medicinal plant use. This study seeks to respond to three central questions: (1) What are the causes behind the depletion of wild populations of medicinal plant species in Africa? (2) Which species are of particular concern and should be given priority for positive action? (3) What can be done to ensure the effective conservation of all medicinal plant species? An explanation of the present situation in the first section (Medicinal plant use in Africa) illustrates the urgent need for action. The actions required to alleviate problems and an assessment of priorities for medicinal plant conservation and resource management are discussed in the second section (Policy priorities in conservation and primary healthcare). The study is based on research and literature surveys, correspondence with other researchers, field visits to establish contact with traditional medical practitioners (TMPs) and herbalists and visits to Cte dIvoire, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe in 1990. I have chosen not to make distinctions between plant species with symbolic or psychosomatic uses and those with active ingredients in this study, the main issue being whether or not a species is threatened.
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
are affected by unprecedented economic deterioration. Per capita income has reportedly fallen by 4% since 1986, whilst Africas foreign debt is three times greater than its export earnings. In Zambia, government spending on education has fallen by 62% in the last decade, and that on essential pharmaceutical drugs by 75% from 1985 to 1989 (Zimbabwe Science News, 1989). At the same time, the African population has grown by 3% per annum, increasing the difficulty of adequate provision of Westerntype health services. For this reason, there is a need to involve TMPs in national healthcare systems through training and evaluation of effective remedies, as they are a large and influential group in primary healthcare (Akerele, 1987; Anyinam, 1987; Good, 1987). Sustainable use of the major resource base of TMPs - medicinal plants - is therefore essential.
Photo 1. Trainee diviner (twasa) with a small quantity of Boophane disticha (Amaryllidacea e) bulbs for local use.
size of major urban centres. Examples of factors which have limited pressure on species which would otherwise be vulnerable to overexploitation include: (1) Taboos against the collection of medicinal plants by menstruating women in South Africa and Swaziland; it is believed that this would reduce the healing power of the plants (Scudder and Conelly, 1985). (2) The tendency in southern Africa for women to practise as diviners, while men practise as herbalists (Berglund, 1976; Staugard, 1985). This limits the number of resource users.
(3) The perceived toxicity of some medicinal species which reduced their use in the past: the level of toxicity is sometimes given mythical proportions. Synadenium cupulare for example, is considered so toxic that birds flying over the tree are killed; special ritual preparations are made in west Africa before the bark of Okoubaka aubrevillei is removed (Good, 1987). (4) The traditional use of a wooden batten for removal of bark from Okoubaka aubrevillei - under no circumstances may a machete or other metal implement be used (Good, 1987).
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
For any society to institute intentional resource management controls, certain conditions have to be fulfilled: (1) the resource must be of value to the society; (2) the resource must be perceived to be in short supply and vulnerable to over-exploitation by people; (3) the socio-political nature of the society must include the necessary structures for resource management. Intentional resource management controls have endured in Africa in various forms and for various reasons and some have affected the abundance and availability of medicinal species. The widespread practice in Africa of conserving edible wild fruit-bearing trees for their fruits or shade also ensures availability of some traditional medicines as several are multiple-use species. For example the following six trees are conserved for their fruit: Irvingia gabonensis and Ricinodendron heudelotii in west Africa (barks are used for diarrhoea and dysentery); from southern Africa Trichilia emetica (enemas), Parinari curatellifolia (constipation and dropsy), Azanza garkeana (chest
pains), and Sclerocarya birrea (diarrhoea). Albizia adianthifolia, used for enemas, is conserved for its shade. Protection of vegetation at grave sites, for religious and spiritual reasons, is a common feature in many parts of Africa (including Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Swaziland) and an important means through which biotic diversity is maintained outside core conservation areas. In south-eastern Africa during the nineteenth century, specific Zulu regiments were called up annually to burn fire-breaks around the grave sites of Zulu kings: these woodland or forested sites were considered to be a sanctuary for game animals (Webb and Wright, 1986). An important feature of vegetation conservation around grave sites is that this practice is maintained even under high population densities and tremendous demand for arable land, for example in Malawi. The practice might possibly be strengthened through the burial of prominent leaders in conservation areas. Religious beliefs have also helped to ensure careful harvesting of Helichrysum kraussii, an aromatic herb known as impepho in Zulu which is widely burnt as an incense in Natal. Diviners
Table 1.
Ratios of traditional medical practitioners (TMPs) and medical doctors to total population in selected African countries.
NIGERIA Benin City National average GHANA Kwahu district KENYA Urban (Mathare) Rural (Kilungu) TANZANIA Dar es Salaam ZIMBABWE Urban areas Rural areas SWAZILAND SOUTH A.RICA Venda area
1 : 110 ? 1 : 224 1 : 833 1 : 146 - 345 1 : 350 - 450 1 : 234 1 : 956 1 : 110 1 : 700 - 1 200
Oyenye & Orubuloye, 1983 Gestler, 1984 Anyinam, 1984 Good, 1987 .amily Health Institute, 1987 Swantz, 1984
Gelfand et al, 1985 Green, 1985 Savage, 1985 Arnold & Gulumian, 1987
Figure 1. Assessment of debarking damage to Cassine papillosa (Celastraceae) trees in an area where subsistence harvesting rather than commercial exploitation is taking place (Cunningham, 1988a)
are careful not to rip the plant out by its roots (Cooper, 1979). In Swaziland and South Africa, taboos also restrict the seasonal (summer) collection of Alepidea amatymbica roots, Siphonochilus aethiopicus and Agapanthus umbellatus rhizomes. In each case, collection is restricted to the winter months after seed set as summer gathering is believed to cause storms and lightning. In Zimbabwe, clearance has to be obtained from ancestral spirits before entering certain forests where Warburgia salutaris occurs. In each of the above cases (excepting Agapanthus umbellatus), the species concerned are popular, scarce and effective. These intentional conservation practices may be due to the century-old history of trade in these plants in the southern African region. Government legislation has played a largely ineffective role in controlling the use of medicinal plants in Africa. Under colonial administration, religious therapy systems practised by diviners were equated with witchcraft and legislated against almost everywhere (Cunningham, 1990; Gerstner, 1938; Staugard, 1985). In South Africa (and possibly other parts of Africa) during the colonial era, there were also attempts to prohibit the sale of traditional medicines within urban areas, such as the efforts made by the Natal Pharmaceutical Society in the 1930s in Durban, South Africa. Apart from having the temporary effect of driving informal sector plant sellers and TMPs
underground, this kind of legislation has been ineffective in reducing traditional medicine use. Attempts to suppress traditional medicine are not, however, solely restricted to the colonial era: in post-independence Mozambique, for example, diviners involved in symbolic or magico-medicinal aspects of traditional medicine were sent to re-education camps in an effort to do away with obscurantism (Adjanohoun et al., 1984). Although forest legislation in most African countries generally recognizes the importance of customary usage rights (including gathering of dead-wood for fuel, felling poles and gathering latex, gums, bark resins, honey and medicinal plants) conservation land or certain plant species are often set aside for strict protection (Schmithusen, 1986). In South Africa, for example, forestry legislation was promulgated in 1914 for the protection of economically important timber species such as Ocotea bullata. Specially protected status has been given since 1974 to all species within the families Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Orchidaceae due to their prominence in the herbal medicine trade. At best, this legislation has merely slowed down the rate of harvesting. Extensive exploitation within forest reserves still occurs in South Africa. One of the main reasons for this is that legislation for core conservation areas (CCAs) in the past has concentrated on a holding action to maintain the status quo and neglected
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Domestic trade
Africa has the highest rate of urbanization in the world, with urban populations doubling every 14 years as cities grow at 5.1% each year (Huntley et al., 1989). In rural areas throughout Africa, wild plant resources fulfill a wide range of basic needs and are a resource base harvested for informal trade or barter, whereas in urban areas, a much smaller range of species and uses is found. In rural areas of the Mozambique coastal plain for example, 76 edible wild plant species are used (Cunningham, 1988a) but only five species are sold in urban markets in Maputo. Urbanization results in this general reduction in the number of species and the quantities of certain wild plant resources used as people enter the cash economy, and alternative foods, utensils and building materials become available. However, informal sector trade in two categories of wild plant resources continues to be very important in many cities: fuelwood (alternative energy sources such as electricity, gas and paraffin are not available or affordable; Eberhard, 1986; Farnsworth, 1988) and medicinal plants. The range of commercially sold medicinal species in southern Africa remains wide despite urbanization (over 400 indigenous species in Natal, South Africa, for example; Cunningham, 1990). Little attention has been paid to the cultural, medical, economic or ecological significance of the herbal medicine trade, yet traditional medicine sellers are a feature of every African city (ECP/GR, 1983). Cities are concentrated centres of demand drawing in traditional medicines from outlying rural areas and across national boundaries. Despite the differences in volume and range of species used, parallels can be drawn between the trade in medicinal plants and that in fuelwood: (1) high proportions of people use medicinal plants (70-80%) and fuelwood (60-95%) (Leach and Mearns, 1988); (2) high urban demand can undermine the
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
rural resource base by causing the depletion of favoured but slow growing species such as Combretum (fuelwood, Botswana; Kgathi, 1984) and Warburgia salutaris (bark medicines, Zimbabwe); (3) harvesting is a strenuous and labour intensive activity with financial returns, carried out by rural people with a low level of formal education and poor chance of formal employment; (4) supplies may be drawn from a long distance away - from 200-500 km for fuelwood in many African cities (Leach and Mearns, 1989) and as far as 800-1200 km for certain medicinal plants in west Africa such as Entada africana and Swartzia madagascariensis or Synaptolepis kirkii in southern Africa (Cunningham, 1988a). The herbal medicine trade is characterized by two features. First, from being almost solely an activity of traditional specialists, medicinal plant collection has now shifted to involve commercial harvesters in the informal sector, and (in South Africa at least) formal sector traders (Table 2) who supply the large urban demand. Women, rather than men, are increasingly involved as non-specialist sellers of traditional medicines, and this general pattern is seen throughout Africa. In rural areas and small villages, male and female TMPs practise from their homes. In larger villages, herbalists (mainly men) dispense from a small quantity of traditional medicines that they have gathered themselves. In towns, larger quantities of material are sold, some of which are bought from commercial harvesters, and in cities or large towns, large quantities of plant material are supplied by commercial harvesters and sold through increasing numbers of informal sector sellers (mainly women) to urban herb traders or herbalists for self-medication. Men drop out of non-specialist sales as it becomes an increasingly marginal activity, and only persist as sellers of animal material. Second, demand for traditional medicines is highly species specific and alternatives are not easily provided due to the characteristics of the plant or animal material, their symbolism, or the form in which they are taken. These large urban areas dictate prices, which are kept low because of rising unemployment, over-supply and cheap labour. Thus nothing is paid towards the replacement of the wild stocks. In the stressful environment which is a feature of many urban areas in Africa, it is not surprising that demand has increased for traditional medicinal plant and animal materials which are believed to have symbolic or psychosomatic value.
Table 2.
Number of traditional medicine sellers (this excludes chewing stick sellers) and herb trader shops in selected African urban areas, small towns (#), large towns (*) and cities (capital letters) from counts during 1989 and early 1990.
DURBAN ABIDJAN Bouake* Harare* Maputo* Lusaka* Mongu# Lilongwe* Blantyre* Zomba# Mzuzu# Mbabane* Manzini#
(3) (4) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
392 111 64 36 25 16 3 3 8 3 2 3 4
22 4 26 25 19 5 3 3 8 3 2 2 2
270 107 37 11 6 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
c.100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Figure 2. A. Acquisition of usual chewing stick by buying (shaded columns) and collecting (open columns) among people of various sizes of settlement (after Cunningham, 1988a) B. Acquisition of usual chewing stick by buying (shaded columns) and collecting (open columns) among people differing in educational background (after AduTutu et al. , 1979). Traditional plant or animal materials which bring luck in finding employment, which guard against jealousy (such as that engendered when one person has a job whilst their peer group are unemployed), or love-charms and aphrodisiacs to keep a wife or girlfriend are popular. Thus, employment options for TMPs have increased with the stresses of urban life. In addition, western-type medical facilities have not been able to cope with the rapidly growing urban population. In Lagos, Nigeria, for example, the ratio of medical doctors to total population was 1 : 5000 in 1975 compared with 1 : 2000 in 1955 (Udo, 1982). Traditional medical practitioners are therefore attracted to urban centres where employment benefits can be good, as shown in studies in Nairobi (Kenya), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Kampala (Uganda), Kinshasha (Zaire) and Lusaka (Zambia) (Good and Kimani, 1980) (Table 1). In Zimbabwe there is a higher ratio of TMPs to total population in urban areas (1 : 234) than in rural areas (1 : 956) (Gelfand et al., 1985). This is not always the situation, however: in the Kilungu district of Kenya, the ratio of rural TMPs to people averaged 1 : 224, while in urban Mathare, the overall ratio was 1 : 883 (Good, 1987).
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
International trade
The herbal medicine trade is booming business worldwide. In India, for example, there are 46 000 licensed pharmacies manufacturing traditional remedies, 80% of which come from plants (Alok, 1991). Another example is Hong Kong, which is claimed to be the largest market in the world, importing over US$ 190 million annually (Kong, 1982). In Durban (South Africa), in 1929 there were only two herbal traders; by 1987, there were over 70 herbal trader shops registered. The species specific nature of the demand for medicinal plants is responsible for generating long distance trade across international boundaries. According to Malla (1982), 60-70% of the medicinal herbs collected in Nepal are exported to India, with 85-200 tons exported annually between 1972 and 1980. Similarly the Hong Kong market imports Aquilaria heart-wood for incense manufacture from rain forest in Thailand and Malaysia. This is devastating Aquilaria populations in core conservation areas such as Khao Yai National Park, Thailand (Cunningham, pers. obs.; Cunningham, 1988a; Cunningham, 1988b). Africa is no exception to this pattern and an informal sector trade in medicinal plants spans long distances:
Figure 3. Long distance trade in Natal province, South Africa, from the remotest rural areas to major urban centres through formal and informal trade networks, including mail order sales.
(1) the roots of Swartzia madagascariensis and Entada africana are traded 500-800 kms from Burkina Faso and Mali to Abidjan, Cte dIvoire; (2) the roots of Synaptolepis kirkii are traded 1200 km from the southern border of Mozambique and South Africa, via Johannesburg, to Maseru (Lesotho); (3) the bark of Warburgia salutaris is traded from Swaziland to Johannesburg (South Africa) and Namaacha (on the Swaziland/Mozambique border) to Maputo (Mozambique); (4) the roots of Alepidea amatymbica and bark of Warburgia salutaris are traded from the Eastern Highlands (Zimbabwe) to urban
centres in the west of the country such as Bulawayo; (5) mail-order trade in traditional medicines is common in South Africa (Figure 3). An average of 25% of prescription drugs sold in the USA during the period 1959-1973 contained active principles extracted from higher plants (Farnsworth and Soejarto, 1985). Many of these are derived from the same source as those used in traditional medicine. On a global scale, 74% of these chemicals have similar or related uses in traditional medicine (Farnsworth, 1988). Similarly, many African plant species are the source of a number of active ingredients for the export market (Table 3, Photo 2). Because of the low price
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Table 3.
Indigenous plants that are harvested as a source of active ingredients for export purposes, indicating what part of the plant is harvested for extraction of active ingredients and whether the plants are used in traditional medicine or not.
Adhatoda robusta Allanblackia floribunda Ancistrocladus abbreviatus Corynanthe pachyceras Dennetia tripetala Duparquetia orchidacea Griffonia simplicifolia Harpagophytum procumbens Harpagophytem zeyheri Hunteria eburnea Jateoriza palmata Pausinystalia johimbe Pentadesma butryacea Physostigma venenosum Prunus africana Rauvolfia vomitoria Strophanthus spp. Voacanga africana Voacanga thouarsii Note :
? fruit ? ? ? ? seed root root bark root bark fruit fruit bark root fruit seed seed
? fat** ? corynanthine corynathidine yohimbine ? ? BS11 lectin glucoiridoids glucoiridoids eburine and other alkaloids palmatrin jateorhizine colambamine yohimbine fat** physostigmine (eserine) sterols triterpenes n - docosanol reserpine yohimbine etc. ouabain voacamine voacamine
Ghana (1) Cote dIvoire (2) Ghana (1) Ghana (1) Ghana (1) Ghana (1) Cte d Ivoire, Cameroon & Ghana (1,2,5) Namibia (3) Namibia (3) Ghana (1) Tanzania (4) Cameroon (5) Cte dIvoire (2) Cte dIvoire (2) Ghana (1) Cameroon, Kenya Madagascar (6) Zaire, Rwanda, Mozambique West Africa Cte dIvoire, Cameroon, Ghana (1,2,5) Cameroon(1,2,5)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
.at from Allanblackia stuhlmannii fruits, used in soap making and cosmetics industry (Lovett, 1988). Use of products from Jateorhiza now limited mainly to veterinary medicine (Oatley, 1979). References: 1 = (Abbiw, 1990); 2 = L. Ake Assi, pers. comm.; 3 = (Nott, 1986); 4 = J. Seyani, pers. comm.; 5 = (.AO, 1986); 6=(Catalano et al., 1985).
demanded by plant traders, even when technology for chemical synthesis is available, it can be cheaper for pharmaceutical companies to continue to extract the active ingredients from plants. In the mid-1970s, for example, synthesis of reserpine cost $1.25 g-1, compared to a cost of $0.75 per g-1 for commercial extraction from Rauvolfia vomitoria roots (Oldfield, 1984).
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
According to the UNCTADD/GATT International Trade Centre, the total value of imports of medicinal plants for OECD countries, Japan and the USA increased from US$ 335 million in 1976 to US$ 551 million in 1980 (Husain, 1991). Of the 200 tons of Harpagophytum procumbens and H. zeyheri tubers exported annually from Namibia, Germany imported 80.4%, with the remaining
Photo 2. Medicinal plant seller at a market in Abidjan, Cte dIvoire, showing the dominance of fresh leaf material as a source of herbal medicines.
12.8% sold to France, 1.9% to Italy, 1.5% to USA, 1% to Belgium and 1.2% sold locally or to South Africa (Nott, 1986). Unfortunately, the low prices paid for the plants do not cover replacement or resource management costs, and as such, major importers demanding high volumes of plant material are contributing to the decline of medicinal plant species in Africa.
ty resource instead of a resource only used by specialists. The resultant commercial, largescale harvesting has been the most significant change, although seasonal and gender related restrictions have also altered. Rural traditional medical practitioners and the hereditary chiefs who traditionally regulate resource management practices admit that ring-barking and over-exploitation by commercial gatherers are bad practices that undermine the local resource base. In Natal (South Africa) it appears that restrictions placed by traditional community leaders and enforced by headmen and traditional community policemen have reduced commercial exploitation of local traditional medicinal plant resources. With cultural change, increased entry into the cash economy and rising unemployment however, these controls are breaking down. Ring-barking or uprooting of plants is the commonest method of collection used by commercial gatherers (Photo 6). Where urban populations (and resultant commercial trade in traditional medicines) are relatively small, but high rural population densities and an agricultural economy have cleared most natural vegetation, tree species such as Erythrina abyssinica and Cassia abbreviata, which are popular and accessible, have small pieces of bark removed (Photos 3 and 4), rather than a oneoff removal of trunk bark (Photos 5 and 6). In South Africa, where the taboo against gathering of traditional medicines by menstruating women was widespread in the past, urban herbalists now no longer place importance on this when buying plants from urban markets,
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Photos 3 to 6. Declining rural resource base under non-commercial demand, but limited supplies (3) Erythrina abyssinica (Fabaceae), Malawi (death from a thousand cuts) and (4) Cassia abbreviata (Fabaceae), Zimbabwe, (5) Large pieces of Warburgia
or in some cases, treat the plants to magically restore their power. Strict seasonal restrictions are still placed on the gathering of Siphonochilus aethiopicus rhizomes in South Africa and Swaziland, but commercial collection of Alepidea amatymbica rhizomes now takes place on misty days in summer (although harvested material is stored away from the homestead for fear of lightning). Even where seasonal restrictions are still in place, demand can exceed supply. Siphonochilus natalensis for example, had disappeared from its only known locality in Natal before 1911 as a result of trade between Lesotho and Natal (South Africa) (MedleyWood and Evans, 1898). It is clear that medicinal plant species gathered for commercial purposes represent the most popular and often most effective (physiologically or psychosomatically) herbal remedies. From historical records (Gerstner, 1938, 1939; Medley-Wood, 1896) it is clear that the majority of species that were popular in the past are still popular today. Examples in southern Africa include Erythrophleum lasianthum, Cassine transvaalensis, Alepidia amatymbica
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
and Warburgia salutaris. Commercially sold species thus represent a short list of the medicinal plants used nationally, since many species that are used to a limited extent in rural areas are not in demand in the urban areas. Also important from a resource management point of view, is that in virtually all African countries, it is not the limited, selective harvesting by specialist TMPs that represents the problem. In most cases, non-sustainable use of favoured species results from commercial harvesting to supply an urban demand for traditional medicines, after clearing for agricultural or urban associated development has already taken place. The widespread commercial harvesting and sale of the same genera and species throughout their distribution range is significant (e.g. Solanum fruits, Erythrophleum bark, Abrus precatorius seeds, Myrothamnus flabellifolius stems and leaves and Swartzia madagascariensis roots) (Appendix 1). Medicinal plant gatherers are familiar with which species are becoming difficult to find, either because of limited geographical distribution, habitat destruction or over-exploitation.
salutaris (Canellaceae) bark from Namaacha on the Swaziland border commercially gathered for sale in Maputo, Mozambique, (6) Curtisia dentata (Cornaceae) tree in Afromontane forest, South Africa, debarked for sale in Durban, a city 100 km away.
Their insights, coupled with botanical and ecological knowledge of the plant species involved, provide an essential source of information for a survey of this type. In this survey, it was not considered constructive to distinguish between plant species with symbolic uses and those with active ingredients. The important question here is whether the species are threatened or not, because: (1) species that have a purely symbolic value are nevertheless important ingredients of traditional medicines for their psychosomatic value and are as effective as placebos are in urban-industrial society; (2) the majority of traditional medicines have not been adequately screened for active ingredients and a number of species, for example Rapanea melanophloes in southern Africa, while being primarily used for symbolic purposes, also have active ingredients. Conservation efforts must therefore be directed at all species vulnerable to over-exploitation. For any resource, a relationship exists between resource capital, resource population size and
sustainable rate of harvest. Low stocks are likely to produce small sustainable yields, particularly if the target species is slow growing and slow reproducing. Large stocks of species with a high biomass production and short time to reproductive maturity could be expected to produce high sustainable yields, particularly if competitive interaction is reduced by thinning. The impact of gathering on the plant is also influenced by factors such as the part of the plant harvested and harvesting method.
Photo 7. Medicinal plants for sale at a market in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, showing the dominance of bark and root material as a source of herbal medicines.
the southern African region (Photo 7). Throughout Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and particularly South Africa, herbal material that is dried (roots or bark), or has a long shelf-life (bulbs, seeds and fruits) dominates herbal medicine markets (see Appendix 1). In contrast, six sellers in Abidjan, Cte dIvoire, primarily sold leaf material (20-41 spp.), followed by roots (1-16 spp.), bark (0-8 spp) and whole plants (0-3 spp.). This situation was typical of the 111 traditional medicine sellers in Abidjan, apart from those bringing material from Burkina Faso and Mali, who sell more root and bark material. The situation with chewing stick sellers in Cte dIvoire and other parts of west Africa is somewhat different however, as stems and roots are the major plant parts used, with consequent higher impact on favoured species. Despite limited information on the population biology of medicinal plants, it is possible to classify target plant species according to demand, plant life-form, part used, distribution and abundance (Cunningham, 1990). The large category of traditional medicinal plants which are under no threat at all are the cause of little concern to TMPs or to conservation biologists. For these species, demand easily meets supply. From a conservation viewpoint, on an Africa-wide scale, there are two categories of medicinal plants that are of concern: (1) Slow growing species with a limited distribution which are the focus of commercial gathering where demand exceeds supply. Harvesting expands to areas progressively further afield, where rising prices for the target species are incentives to collect. This results in the species being endangered regionally and causes widespread depletion of the rural resource base
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
of TMPs. Examples of this include Warburgia salutaris in east and southern Africa and Siphonochilus aethiopicus in Swaziland and South Africa. Endemic species with a very localized distribution are a particular problem, for example: (a) Ledebouria hypoxidoides, which is endemic to the eastern Cape region (South Africa). Herbalists were observed removing the last bulbs from the locality near Grahamstown (F. Venter, pers. comm.). (b) Mystacidium millari, also endemic to South Africa, which is threatened due to harvesting and commercial sale as a traditional medicine in the nearby city of Durban, South Africa (Cunningham, 1988a). (2) Popular species which are not endangered because they have a wide distribution, but where habitat change through commercial harvesting is cause for concern. Trichilia emetica and Albizia adianthifolia for example, are not a high priority for conservation in southern Africa, although they are a popular source of traditional medicines. What is of concern however, is that ring-barking in conserved forests is causing canopy gaps and changing the forest structure, which can lead to an influx of invasive exotic species. This is important for local habitat conservation. Both categories are of particular concern in protected area management, as core conservation areas will ultimately come under pressure from harvesting for favoured species if they are difficult to obtain elsewhere. Information on the quantities of traditional medicines being harvested or sold is sparse,
whether for the local trade in traditional medicines, or for export and extraction of active ingredients. Apart from placing the quantities required from cultivation into perspective, the information available is of little relevance unless expressed in terms of impact on the species concerned. In South Africa, harvesting from wild populations of certain species is on a scale that gives cause for concern amongst conservation
organizations and rural herbalists, and a listing of priority species is available (Cunningham, 1988a) (Box 2). The same applies to some chewing stick species, such as Garcinia afzelii in west Africa. The only quantitative data on the volume of plant material sold comes from Natal (South Africa), where medicinal plants are ordered by urban based herb traders in standardsize maize bags (Table 4).
Table 4.
The quantities of the herbal medicines sold annually in the largest quantity (in standard 50 kg size maize bags) by 54 herb traders in the Natal region, South Africa. Although very popular, Helichrysum odoratissimum (Asteraceae) is excluded here as it is sold in large bales (Cunningham, 1990).
general term general term general term general term Scilla natalensis Eucomis autumnalis Alepidia amatymbica Adenia gummifera Albizia adianthifolia Cilvia miniata Clivia nobilis Pentanisia prunelloides Senecio serratuloides Gunnera perpensa Rapanea melanophloeos Dioscorea sylvatica Warburgia salutaris Bersama species* unidentified species Kalanchoe crenata Boweia volubilis Trichilia emetica (& T. dregeana) Turbina oblongata Rhoicissus tridentata Bulbine latifolia Ocotea bullata Stangeria eriopus Cryptocarya species** Anemone fanninii Eucomis sp. cf. bicolor Rhus chirindensis Helinus integrifolius Schotia brachypetala Vernonia neocorymbosa Dioscorea dregeana Ornithogalum longibracteatum Erythrophleum lasianthum Solanum aculeastrum Curtisia dentata
Lawu, -ubu Ntelezi, -i Khubhalo, -i Mbiza, -i Guduza, -in Mathunga, -u Khathazo, -i .ulwa, -im Solo, -u Mayime, -u Mayime, -u Cimamlilo, -i Sukumbili, -in Gobho, -u Maphipha-khubalo, -u Ngwevu, -i Bhaha, -isi Diyaza, -un Bhadlangu, -u Mahogwe, -u Gibisila, -i Khuhulu, -um Bhoqo, -u Nwazi, isi Bhucu, -i Nukani, -u .ingo, -im Khondweni, -um Manzemnyama, -a Mbola, -i Yazangoma-embomvu Bhubhubhu, -u Hluze, -i Hlunguhlungu, -um Dakwa, -isi Mababaza, -u Khwangu, -um Tuma, -in Lahleni, -um
bulb bulb root stem bark bulb bulb root (lt)# leaves/stem root bark whole plant bark bark root leaves/stem bulb bark root root bulb bark root (lt)# bark root bulb bark stem bark leaves/stem whole plant bulb bark fruit bark
1966 1924 1883 1211 774 581 519 459 424 397* 397* 343 340 340 327 326 315 295 288 284 257 252 249 244 240 234 233 228 227 224 222 222 220 216 212 208 201 198 197
* Bersama species = B. tysoniana, B. lucens, B. stayneri and B. swynii ** Cryptocarya latifolia and C. myrtifolia # root (lt) = root (ligno-tuber)
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Ghana (Abbiw, 1990); (2) the medicinal plant material exported from Cameroon to France (Voacanga africana seed (575 tons); Prunus africana bark (220 tonnes), Pausinystalia johimbe bark (15 t) (United Republic of Cameroon, 1989). However, Ake-Assi (pers. comm.) reports that commercial gatherers in Cte dIvoire chop down Griffonia simplicifolia vines and Voacanga africana and Voacanga thouarsii trees in order to obtain the fruits. Concern has been expressed about a similar situation in Indonesia, where Rifai and Kartawinata (1991) point out that: Export of medicinal plants has been going on for many years, and the demand in the international market keeps increasing. One big Swiss pharmaceutical company, for example, has requested eight tons of seeds of Voacanga grandifolia and are willing to pay a high price. This species is rare and has light seeds. To satisfy the above request, all available seeds in the forest will perhaps have to be harvested, leaving nothing for regeneration. Similarly, five tons of rhizomes of a rare Curcuma (tema badur) has been sought by a West German pharmaceutical company, and 100 kg year-1 of pili cibotii (fine hairs of Cibotium barometz) by a French firm. It can be imagined how many plants of these species will have to be destroyed should such requests be satisfied. If the international companies involved in this trade are to operate in a responsible manner, then this situation needs to change to one of commercial cultivation and sustainable use.
Figure 4. The seven-point scale used in field assessment of bark damage. All assessments represent the degree of bark removal below head height (2 m), which is marked by the dotted line and arrow in the figure (Cunningham, 1988a). Prior to 1898, local extermination of Mondia whitei had been recorded in the Durban area of South Africa due to collection of its roots which found a ready sale in stores. By 1900, Siphonochilus natalensis (an endemic species now considered synonymous with Siphonochilus aethiopicus; Gibbs-Russell et al., 1987) had disappeared from its only known localities in the Inanda and Umhloti valleys due to trade to Lesotho. This occurred despite a traditional seasonal restriction on harvesting this species. By 1938, all that could be found of Warburgia salutaris in Natal and Zululand was poor coppices, every year cut right down to the bottom (Gerstner, 1938). Most botanical and forestry records reflect the impact of commercial collection of Ocotea bullata bark due to the importance of this species for timber. Oatley (1979) for example, estimated that less than 1% of 450 trees examined in Afro-montane forest in South Africa were undamaged, and in the same region, Cooper (1979) estimated that 95% of all Ocotea bullata trees had been exploited for their bark, with 40% ringbarked and dying. The situation would appear to be similar in Kenya, where Kokwaro (1991) records that some of the largest Warburgia salutaris and Olea welwitschii trees have been completely ring-barked and have died. In Zimbabwe, due to the high demand and limited distribution of this species, the situation is worse, and all that remains of wild Warburgia salutaris populations are a few coppice shoots (S. Mavi pers. comm., 1990). In Cte dIvoire, Garcinia afzelii is considered threatened due to harvesting for the chewing stick trade (Ake Assi, 1988b). Destructive harvesting of Griffonia simplicifolia, Voacanga thuoarsii and Voacanga africana fruits for the international pharmaceutical market is also of concern (L. Ake-Assi, pers. comm., 1989). In Sapoba Forest Reserve, Nigeria, despite traditional restrictions on bark removal, Hardie (1963) observed how the trunk of a large Okoubaka aubrevillei tree (a very rare species in west Africa) was much scarred where pieces of bark had been removed. There appears to be nothing published on the current status of this species. Botanical records are also scanty for bulbous or herbaceous species, where little remains to indicate former occurrence after the plant has been removed. It would therefore be useful to carry out damage assessments for species such as: (1) Okoubaka aubrevillei, Garcinia afzelii, G. epunctata, and G. kola in Cte dIvoire , Ghana, and Nigeria; (2) Warburgia salutaris in Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe; (3) assessments of the impact of Prunus africana and Pausinystalia johimbe bark harvesting in Cameroon and Madagascar, and fruit harvesting of Griffonia simplicifolia, Voacanga thuoarsii and Voacanga africana for the international pharmaceutical market.
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Table 5.
The top 15 medicinal plant species nominated as becoming scarce by herb traders in South Africa (n = 44)
Warburgia salutaris Boweiea volubilis Siphonochilus aethiopicus Eucomis species Ocotea bullata Hawarthia limifolia Synaptolepis kirkii Scilla natalensis Eucomis species? Erythrophleum lasianthum ? Curtisia dentata ? Asclepias cucullata Cinnamomum camphora Begonia homonymma
isibaha igibisila indungulo umathunga unukane umathithibala uvuma-omhlophe inguduza imbola umkhwangu uvuma obomvu umlahleni uphindemuva udelenina uroselina idlula
90 84 68 64 61 55 52 36 34 32 32 27 27 27 25 25
40 37 30 28 27 24 23 16 15 14 14 12 12 12 11 11
In South Africa, bark damage assessments using a 7-point scale (Figure 4) were carried out for key indicator species (medicinal plants chosen for their relatively slow growth rate - all were trees), popularity as a source of traditional medicines, their scarcity (all were forest species, and indigenous forest only covers 0.3% of South Africa), and where bark removal took place. Bark damage assessments confirmed most of the observations of herbalists and herb traders (Tables 5 and 6), the exceptions being species that were scarce not because of over-
exploitation, but due to limited geographical distribution in the region, such as Acacia xanthophloea and Synaptolepis kirkii. They also demonstrate the very different situation to customary subsistence use, and this fact needs to be taken into account in legislation covering protected area management where conservation of biotic diversity is a primary objective. Although the degree of bark damage varies, the level at all sites where commercial gathering is taking place is high and concentrates on large diameter size classes. What is significant is that extensive damage has taken place in State
Table 6.
The top 15 medicinal plant species nominated as becoming scarce by rural herbalists in South Africa (n = 20)
Ocotea bullata Warburgia salutaris Boweiea volubilis Scilla natalensis Helichrysum species Eucomis species Hawarthia limifolia Cassine transvaalensis Alepidia amatymbica Pimpinella caffra Acacia xanthophloea Curtisia dentata Gunnera purpensa Cassine papillosa
unukane isibaha igibisila inguduza imphepho umathunga umathithibala ingwavuma ikhathazo ibheka umkhanyakude umalhleni ugobho usehlulamanye
90 85 70 65 60 55 55 55 50 45 45 45 45 45
18 17 14 13 12 11 11 11 10 9 9 9 9 9
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Forest, theoretically set aside for maintenance of habitat and species diversity (Figure 5). In the eMalowe State Forest, Transkei, South Africa, if coppice stems less than 2 cm diameter are excluded, then the level of damage to Curtisia dentata and Ocotea bullata trees encountered represents 51% and 57% of trees having more than half the trunk bark removed. All W arburgia salutaris trees found outside strict conservation areas in Natal were ringbarked, and many of those inside conserved areas had their bark removed as well.
Even fewer data are available on the impact of harvesting bulbs, roots or whole plants although local depletion of Stangeria eriopus, Gnidia kraussiana and Alepidea amatymbica is known from Natal, South Africa. According to C. Stirton (pers. comm.) there has also been a marked reduction in numbers of the Afro-montane forest climber Dumasia villosa, which is sold in large quantities in herbal medicine shops (Cunningham, 1988a). C. Hines (pers. comm.) has similarly recorded exploitation of Protea gauguedi populations to the
Figure 5. Damage to selected tree species in protected forest reserves where commercial bark exploitation is taking place: Ocotea bullata (Lauraceae) and Curtisia dentata (Cornaceae) in eMalowe Forest Reserve, South Africa. (Cunningham, 1988a). Note the selection for bark from large trees. DBH = stem diameter at breast height.
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
point that, with the possible exception of the eastern Caprivi, the species could be considered extinct in northern Namibia despite attempts by the conservation department to protect it. What is noteworthy in this case is that it has taken place in response to a local trade in an area where urban centres are small. Commercial harvesting of Harpagophytum procumbens tubers in Botswana removed up to 66 % of plants (Leloup, 1984). In Nambia, however, this species was not considered threatened as the 200 t exported each year only represented 2% of total stocks (de Bruine et al., 1977). Increasing scarcity of popular species is followed by a increased price, which in turn results in greater incentives to harvest remaining stocks. The effects of this are firstly, decreased self-sufficiency of traditional medical practitioners as local sources of favoured species decline, and secondly, higher prices which people have to pay for those species. As demand is a one of the root causes of over-exploitation, the most popular and effective species are the most vulnerable.
change. At the same time, there is significant evidence to show that the supply of plants for traditional medicine is failing to satisfy demand. This problem has been exacerbated by three main factors: (1) A high rate of population growth and urban expansion, generating an informal and growing species-specific trade network which extends across international boundaries. (2) The change from medicinal plant harvesting being a purely specialist activity of TMPs, to one involving an informal sector group of commercial plant harvesters whose prime motivation is profit. This is a response to increased population and greater demand and is resulting in a disregard for traditional conservation practice and a breakdown of taboos and customs in the opportunistic scramble for divining supplies. High unemployment means that labour is plentiful and cheap, keeping prices low and sales high. In the case of medicinal plants which are harvested and exported for the pharmaceutical industry, the price is kept artificially low through price agreements and does not reflect the resource replacement costs. (3) A decline in the total area of natural vegetation as a source of supply for medicinal plants has occurred partly as a result of competition for the land for other uses such as forestry, agriculture, fuel supply, etc., and partly due to the commercial overexploitation of the medicinal plant themselves. Examples where over-exploitation has occurred include Monanthotaxis capea which was formerly harvested for its aromatic leaves and traded from Cte dIvoire to Ghana. It is now extinct in the wild after its last remaining habitat in a forest reserve was declassified and cleared for agriculture. Pericopsis alata in Cte dIvoire and Pericopsis angolensis in Zambia and Malawi have both been affected by timber logging and Griffonia simplicifolia in west Africa has been affected by commercial harvesting for export for the production of western pharmaceuticals.
Box 2. Preliminary listing of high conservation priority traditional medicinal plant species in countries visited during this survey.
1. COTE DIVOIRE (see Ake-Assi, 1988)
EXTINCT IN THE WILD Monanthotaxis capea (Annonaceae) - aromatic leaves used for washing for cosmetic purposes. VULNERABLE AND DECLINING Garcinia afzelii (Clusiaceae) - favoured and important source of chewing sticks in Ghana, Cte dIvoire and Nigeria. Garcinia kola (Clusiaceae) - more widespread than G. afzelii, but also heavily exploited as a source of chewing sticks (Ake Assi, 1988). Okoubaka aubrevillei (Oknemataceae) - used symbolically to ward off evil spirits. Potent allelopathic effect on most surrounding plants. Endemic family to Guineo-Congolian region. Potential source of new and interesting organic compounds. NOTES : Also important are the following species with medicinal properties (Ake Assi, 1983; Ake Assi, 1988): Diospyros tricolor (Ebenaceae), a source of naphthoquinones; Rhigiocarya peltata (Menispermaceae); in the family .abaceae; the tree species Haplormosia monophylla, Loesenera kalantha (genus Loesenera endemic to Guineo-Congolian region), and Afrormosia elata which has been heavily logged for timber, Apocynaceae; Strophanthus barteri and S. thollonii. The status of Epinetrum undulatum (Ebenaceae), a rare species occurring in the mountains near Man, north-west Cote dIvoire whose roots are used in traditional medicine also needs to be investigated.
Although local over-exploitation of Eulophia petersiana (Orchidaceae) (restricted to limestone outcrops; used as a lucky charm and for a swollen stomach) and possibly Selaginella imbricata (Selaginellaceae) (also a limited distribution, used as a lucky charm to prevent one from being wasteful (particularly with money) due to the closed hand shape of the leaves) may occur, and numbers of Pterocarpus angolensis (.abaceae) (roots used to treat diarrhoea and abdominal pains) have declined around Lusaka due to demand for timber, no species are threatened by the herbal medicine trade at this stage due to the low human population density and relatively small size of the urban population.
Forests also contain a high number of medicinal plant species, yet represent a small (and declining) proportion of total land area in the eastern section of Africa and trees are often subject to
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Local over-exploitation of some species on Inhaca island, but as in the Zambian example, no species known to be threatened on a national scale due to the relatively small urban population and low population density. species which is used as an ordeal poison. The status of Phyllanthus engleri (Euphorbiaceae) populations also needs investigation,as this is a high priced species mentioned by a few herbalists as being scarce.
ENDANGERED Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae) - only known at present from a few small coppice shoots found in the Mhangura .orest, Eastern Highlands, Zimbabwe (S.Mavi, pers. comm.) where it was heavily exploited for commercial purposes (national trade to urban centres and rural TMPs) as well as by guerillas sheltering in the forests during the war, as access to pharmaceutical medicines very limited. Bark is used as a panacea for all ills, and specifically for headaches, abdominal pains, an abortifacient and to treat venerial disease (Gelfand et al., 1985). Widely acknowledged to be scarce, and probably the most expensive traditional medicine sold in Zimbabwe. VULNERABLE AND DECLINING Alepidea amatymbica (Apiaceae) - very limited distribution in Zimbabwe (a few localities in the eastern Highlands, yet sold in small quantity at all markets visited during this survey, where it is widely acknowledged to be becoming scarce. Although this species is heavily exploited in South Africa, leading to local disappearance of this resource in some cases, it is far more widespread there than in Zimbabwe. NOTES : Spirostachys africana (Euphorbiaceae) (wood burnt and smoke inhaled to drive away bad spirits) was also regularly mentioned by herbalists during this survey as a species that was becoming scarce. This is a reflection of the limited distrubition of this tree in Zimbabwe, although the species is widespread in southern Africa. Local over-exploitation due to demand for the timber is a more likely threat than the herbal medicine trade. Of more concern in terms of local depletion of stocks is the commercial scale collection of Erythrophleum suaveolens (.abaceae) bark for sale in Mbare market, Harare as the species is limited to the eastern section of Zimbabwe. It is also a highly toxic
VULNERABLE AND DECLINING Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae) - used for coughs, colds, upset stomach and as a snuff for headaches. Alepidea amatymbica (Apiaceae) - used for coughs and colds. Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Zingiberaceae) - used for coughs and colds, as well as for proection against lightning. All of the above species were recorded in this survey as being heavily exploited for local demand as well as in response to the urban demand in South Africa. According to local herbalists, Siphonochilus aethiopicus has disappeared from known localities outside Malolotja Nature Reserve, Swaziland.
VULNERABLE AND DECLINING Dioscorea sylvatica (Dioscoreaceae) Cassia species (known locally as muwawani) - used for stomach ailments and to treat venereal disease. Local over-exploitation of Erythrophleum suaveolens, Erythrina abyssinica (.abaceae), and an unidentified species known locally as kakome is an emerging problem.
removal of bark or roots rather than leaves for medicinal preparations (e.g. Kenya, where forest reserves cover 2.7%; Tanzania, 1-2%; South Africa, 0.3%; (Cooper, 1985; Davis et
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
al., 1986; Kokwaro, 1991). The urgent challenge is therefore to meet the increasing demand from rapidly growing urban areas, restore the self-sufficiency of TMPs affected by this trade,
ENDANGERED Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae) - used for coughs, colds, as a snuff for headaches (powdered bark mixed with bark from Erythrophleum lasianthum (.abaceae). Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Zingiberaceae) - used for coughs and colds, to treat hysteria, sprinkling medicine for good crops and to keep away lightning. VULNERABLE AND DECLINING Dioscorea sylvatica (Dioscoreaceae) - tuber used as a douche for swollen udders of cattle, for chest complaints and for magical purposes. Bersama tysoniana (Melianthaceae) - bark used by diviners together with saponin rich species such as Helinus integrifolius in an ubulawu mix to enable them to interpret dreams clearly. Ocotea bullata (Lauraceae) - used for symbolic purposes to make a person smell and become unpopular. Ocotea kenyensis (Lauraceae) - use as above. Curtisia dentata (Cornaceae) - red coloured bark used for magical purposes. Use unknown and kept very secret. Pleurostylia capensis (Celastracaeae) - use unpublished. .aurea macnaughtonii (Proteaceae) - bark used to treat menstrual pains, also for tuberculosis. Loxostylis alata (Anacardiaceae) - use not recorded. Mystacidium millarii (Orchidaceae) - not a species specific use. Common Mystacidium capense not distinguished by herbalists as different. Both species (and many other epiphytes used for symbolic purposes). Ledebouria hypoxidoides (Liliaceae) - bulbs used to prepare enemas. NOTE : Traditional medicinal plants in other categories are given in Cunningham 1988b; 1990. Particularly noteworthy are Anemone fanninii (Ranunculaceae) and Stangeria eriopus (Stangeriaceae), endemic to south-eastern Africa (declining).
and provide acceptable alternative resources outside increasingly fragmented core conservation areas to stop over-exploitation of favoured species inside them.
(e.g. multiple use species for fruits, shade and medicinal properties) and are either fast growing species, or plants where a sustainable harvest is possible (e.g. resins (Bosweilia), leaves (Catha edulis). With few exceptions, prices paid to gatherers are very low, taking no account of annual sustainable off-take. In many cases, medicinal plants are also an open access, rather than a limited access or private resource. To make a living, commercial medicinal plant gatherers therefore mine rather than manage these resources. If cultivation of tree species is to be a viable proposition as an income generating activity then either: (1) the flood of cheap bark/roots mined from wild stocks is reduced through better protection of conserved forests in order to bring prices to a realistic level; or, (2) wild populations will have to decline further before cultivation is a viable option. Cultivation for profit is therefore restricted to a small number of high priced and/or fast growing species (Box 3). Although some of these species are threatened in the wild (e.g. Garcinia afzelii and Warburgia salutaris), low prices ensure that few slow growing species are cultivated. With the declining economic state of many African countries, it is unlikely that subsidized production of these species is likely to occur, and collection of seed or cuttings for establishment of field-gene banks (for recalcitrant fruiting species) and seed banks must therefore be seen as an urgent priority.
Strong support and commitment are necessary if cultivation is to succeed as a means of meeting the requirements of processing plants for pharmaceuticals (whether for local consumption or export) or urban demand for chewing sticks and traditional medicinal plants. If cultivation does not take place on a large enough scale to meet demand, it merely becomes a convenient bit of window dressing, masking the continued exploitation of wild populations. The regional demand for wild Scilla natalensis (Liliaceae) in Natal, South Africa is 300 000 bulbs yr-1, all at least 8-10 years old. On a 6-year rotation under cultivation at the same planting densities as Gentry et al., (1987) used for Urginea maritima, 70 ha would be required (Cunningham, 1988a). Due to their slow growth rates, the rotational area required for tree species would be far greater, with total area dependent on demand. The success of cultivation also depends on the attitude of TMPs to cultivated material, and this varies from place to place. In Botswana, TMPs said that cultivated material was unacceptable, as cultivated plants did not have the power of material collected from the wild (F. Horenburg, pers. comm.). Discussions with some 400 TMPs in South Africa over a two year period showed general acceptance of cultivated material as an alternative. Similarly, TMPs in the Malolotja area of Swaziland accepted cultivation as a viable alternative. In both countries there is a tradition of growing succulent plant species near to homesteads to ward off lightning. Similarly, in Ghana, plants of spiritual significance such as Datura metel,
Table 7.
The seven centres of endemism in Africa, with numbers of seed plants, mammals (ungulates and diurnal primates) and passerine bird species in each, and the percentage of these endemic to each unit (after MacKinnon and MacKinnon, in press)
(1 000 km )
Guineo-Congolian Zambesian Sudanian Somali-Masai Cape Karoo-Namib Afro-montane
No. of species % endemic
No. of species % endemic
No. of species % endemic
80 54 33 50 80 50 75
58 55 46 50 14 13 50
48 4 2 14 0 0 4
36 15 8 32 4 9 65
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Pergularia daemia, Leptadenia hastata and Scoparia dulcis are tended around villages. Therefore, although little is known about attitudes to cultivation of medicinal plants in west Africa, it is possible that TMPs would be in favour of cultivation of alternative supply sources. An interesting model is provided in Thailand where a project for cultivation of medicinal plant of known efficacy has been initiated in about 1000 villages and traditional household remedies, with improved formulae, are produced as compressed tablets packed in foil and distributed to drug co-operatives set up through a Drug and Medical Project Fund in more than 45 000 villages as well as in community hospitals (Desawadi, 1991). Wondergem et al. 1989; WHO, 1977) have already drawn on the Thailand experience in making recommendations regarding primary healthcare in Ghana.
Box 3. Medicinal plant species which are in high enough demand and short enough supply to have commercial production potential.
ZIMBABWE Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae)* Alepidea amatymbica (Apiaceae) Cassia abbreviata (.abaceae) SWAZILAND (for local market and for export to South Africa) Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae)* Alepidea amatymbica (Apiaceae) Haworthia limifolia (Liliaceae) Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Zingiberaceae) SOUTH A.RICA Pimpinella caffra (Apiaceae) Asclepias cucullata (Asclepiadaceae) Begonia homonymma (Begoniceae) Dianthus zeyheri (Illecebraceae) Plectranthus grallatus (Lamiaceae) Haworthia limifolia (Liliaceae) Boweia volubilis (Liliaceae) Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Zingiberaceae) Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae)* Alepidea amatymbica (Apiaceae) COTE DIVOIRE Garcinia afzellii (Clusiaceae)* Monanthotaxis capea (Annonaceae) MALAWI Cassia (unidentified species known as muwawani) Unidentified species known as kakome NIGERIA Garcinia afzelii (Clusiaceae)* Garcinia mannii (Clusiaceae)* * trees/shrubs with agro-forestry potential.
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Figure 6. The main African phytochoria (after White, 1983) showing one high conservation priority area and focal priority areas for action on medicinal plant conservation . I. Guineo-Congolian regional centre of endemism. II. Zambezian regional centre of endemism. III. Sudanian regional centre of endemism. IV. Somalia-Masai regional centre of endemism. V. Cape regional centre of endemism. VI. Karoo-Namib regional centre of endemism. VII. Mediterranean regional centre of endemism. VIII. Afromontane archipelago-like centre of endemism (including IX, Afroalpine archipelago-like region of extreme floristic impoverishment, not shown separately). X. Guinea-Congolia/Zambezia regional transition zone. XI. Guinea-Congolia/Sudania regional transition zone. XII. Lake Victoria regional mosaic. XIII. Zanzibar-Inhambane regional mosaic. XIV. Kalahari-Highveld regional transition zone. XV. Tongaland-Pondoland regional mosaic XVI. Sahel regional transition zone. XVII. Sahara regional transition zone. XVIII. Mediterranean/Sahara regional transition zone.
Figure 7. The relative size and distribution of major urban centres in sub-Saharan Africa (after Udo, 1982).
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Conservation strategy
The conservation strategy for African medicinal plants must address the problem at two levels: recommendations which have socio-economic effects must be incorporated at the policy level and recommendations for conservation methodology must be addressed at the national and local levels. The recommendations cover the following areas: (1) international and national policy; (2) in-situ and ex-situ conservation methods; (3) education and research.
Policy recommendations
International and national policy
Policies made at both the international and national level will have substantial effects on the success of an overall conservation strategy through the easing of wealth inequalities between nations. International policies such as
benefiting from the conservation of biotic diversity also contribute towards the costs of conserving it. It is essential that this applies as much to plant genetic resources as to forest products such as timber and bark or seeds for processing pharmaceutical products. Collection of plant genetic material from developing countries without legal agreements ensuring adequate payment for those resources, is a means for devaluing natural source areas for this material and reducing incentives for in situ conservation.
Conservation methods
It is recommended that the conservation of medicinal plants takes place within four main areas: (1) in-situ conservation (2) ex-situ conservation (3) research (4) education and training
In-situ conservation s
In order to ensure that representative wild populations of vulnerable medicinal plant species are maintained, core conservation areas or other protected habitats that will allow natural processes to continue undisturbed by human activities should be designated. As a strategy to relieve the pressure on CCAs, buffer zones may be designated around the CCA wherein pro-active rural development and resource management is encouraged. Conservation agencies are already well-acquainted with the establishment of CCAs and buffer zones, equipment and infrastructure. In order to ensure the successful establishment of in-situ conservation systems, the following points are recommended: (1) the identification and effective protection of vegetation associations which contain a high density of vulnerable medicinal plant species in regions where commercial exploitation is taking place, especially: Cte dIvoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa Swaziland and Tanzania; (2) the phasing out of harvesting of medicinal plants, cuttings or seed within CCAs; sustainable harvesting within CCAs is not recommended as there is a lack of money and manpower necessary to maintain the intensive management input which would be required to control harvesters.
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It is recommended that buffer zones are set up in conjunction with CCAs to support the harvesting of favoured species. In order to maintain future options for the supply of seed and cuttings, resource harvesting in buffer zones must be sustainable. In some cases this may be difficult as certain species may be especially vulnerable, for example Faurea macnaughtonii and Podocarpus falcatus, where the removal of patches of bark for local medicinal purposes initiates fungal and borer attack and stem heart rot. Cultivation of favoured species within the buffer zone can make economic as well as conservation sense; Muir (1990) determined that sustainable management of pole harvesting in the Hlatikulu forest reserve in South Africa would cost US $ 105 000 annually, whereas to provide the equivalent amount of poles through establishment of woodlots would cost US $24 000. This could well apply to certain medicinal plants in high demand. Customary restrictions that are a feature of traditional conservation practices need to be seen as an important guide to control measures in resource areas where medicinal plants are used. They indicate the forms of control to which the local user groups can relate. The following forms of control could therefore be implemented: (1) seasonal restrictions for certain species; (2) the prevention of up-rooting or ring-barking; and, (3) the involvement of specialists rather than commercial gatherers. Other customary practices, such as ensuring access to ancestral burial sites, also need to be taken into account as part of resource management.
Traditional medical practitioners
TMPs are very aware of the conservation status of local medicinal plant resources and can be influential in changing local opinion so as to limit over-exploitation. It is recommended that support is given to the formation of rural TMP associations and the self-sufficiency of TMPs, particularly in buffer zones. This might possibly be through local health services with the support of the WHO Traditional Medicine Programme. In particular, information should be disseminated to rural communities on appro-
priate cultivation methods for medicinal plants which are in local demand. Very little goes unnoticed in communally owned areas so that if problems arise regarding the depletion of valued local resources, TMP associations or community leaders are likely to be at least as effective as forest guards and could draw on conservation or forest guard support where necessary.
(2) Investigations into the potential for adopting recommendations already made by Wondergem et al. (1989) for applying principles drawn from experience in Thailand. These include: a project for the cultivation of medicinal plants of known efficacy which has been initiated in about 1000 villages in Thailand; the production of traditional household remedies with improved formulae in the form of compressed tablets in foil; these are distributed in Thailand to drug co-operatives through a Drug and Medical Fund. (3) Implementation of an initial learning phase that takes account of experience gained from successes and failures of implemented woodlot schemes throughout Africa. This should include canvassing local opinion on plant shortages and perceived solutions to the problem. (4) Management of buffer zones to include the cultivation of vulnerable medicinal plant species within the CCA. Potential pilot studies include the production of Warburgia salutaris outside Kakamega forest (Kenya), HluHluwe Game Reserve (South Africa) and Malolotja Reserve (Swaziland). (5) Pilot production project to determine the commercial viability of growing Monanthotaxis capea in Cte dIvoire, Garcinia klaineana in Gabon (A.M. Louis, pers. comm.) Warburgia salutaris in South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe, and Siphonochilus aethiopicus in South Africa and Swaziland.
ly and wild populations are jeopardized. The following measures are recommended: (1) where seed/ gene banking occurs outside the countries of origin, it should be accompanied by legal agreements to cover control and payment for the use of those resources. This means the country of origin is entitled to benefit from the utilization of the plant by foreign organisations. (2) Collections for seed and gene banks should be undertaken in order to select for commercially beneficial properties such as fast growth and highest levels of active ingredients for pharmaceutical use. Slow growing species with specific habitat requirements are a priority in this respect. This could be carried out through Health, Agriculture and Forestry Departments in producer countries with assistance from organizations such as the Oxford Forestry Institute. (3) Support should be given to the establishment of ex-situ populations of threatened and endangered species in more than one botanical garden under the existing framework of the IUCN Botanical Gardens Programme. (4) Investigations should be made into the potential for the clonal production of medicinal plants with known toxicities. This would help to standardize dosage and produce a quality end product (Gentry et al., 1987).
be at a local level through liaison between developers and TMPs or plant gatherers associations. (3) Supply from sustainably managed logging: it may be possible to supplement medicinal plant supplies where bark is discarded as a by-product of logging such as in the case of Ocotea bullata in the southern Cape (South Africa). However, cases of sustainable logging are rare and where it exists it may not provide an economically viable supply of plant medicine. (4) Feasibility studies: supply for commercial harvesting, extraction of active ingredients and local production of pharmaceuticals should be accompanied by feasibility studies to ensure an acceptable quality and efficacy of drugs, and to avoid over-exploitation of naturally occurring populations of target species.
Other recommendations
(1) The local production of pharmaceuticals: strictly controlled local production of medicines would reduce the cost of medication whilst providing alternatives to plant based medicines. The formulation of patent or pharmaceutical medicines with the same name and purpose as their herbal counterpart has already occurred as a response to shortages of certain herbal medicines such Bangalala Pills, Isihlambezo and Special Imbiza. Sale of bottled preparations, or single doses, by herb traders is a common feature of some traditional medicinal preparations such as aphrodisiacs in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe (or Jamu in Indonesia). (2) Salvage of botanical material from prospective development sites: salvage of medicinal plants should be implemented wherever practical, either for sale or cultivation. Poor infrastructure and lack of manpower in many African countries would make this impractical. Where it is practical, however, implementation would
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pharmaceuticals. This would include documentation of cases where habitat destruction has occurred and rural resources have been undermined, the reasons for adopting a socially and ecologically responsible approach to wild plant harvesting and the need for pricing levels to take account of resource replacement costs. Companies should also be encouraged, as a matter of urgency, to ensure that harvesting of wild stocks takes place on a sustainable basis, or to institute the commercial production of plants from selected cultivated material. (5) Studies and research information which identify threatened medicinal plants should be circulated through the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) to regional gene banks. (6) Information relating to adverse toxic properties in medicinal plants should be circulated particularly to TMPs and in Primary healthcare training (Akerele, 1987; Anyinam, 1987; Good, 1987; Swantz, 1984).
of the extent of the problems faced by TMPs, such Rwanda and Burundi, and in high priority conservation areas such as Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The medicinal plant research co-ordinated through the Paris based Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique (ACCT) provides an excellent model for coordinated research in francophone Africa. Action research projects at pilot-study level should be set up in selected countries to assess the economic viability and social acceptability of large scale production. An experienced African based coordinator should be appointed to implement damage assessments for the following: Okoubaka aubrevillei, Garcinia afzelii, Garcinia epunctata and Garcinia kola in west Africa; Warburgia salutaris in Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe; Prunus africana and Pausinystalia johimbe in Cameroon and Madagascar; Griffonia simplicifolia, Voacanga thourasii and Voacanga africana, also in west Africa. A short-term survey on animal species sold as traditional medicines, such as vultures, pangolins and chimpanzees, which occur in CCAs should be initiated. Studies should be initiated through the cooperative effort between African and European scientific institutions to study the genetic diversity and population biology of Okoubaka aubervillei in west Africa, Warburgia salutaris and Curtisia dentata. This can be carried out through isozyme electrophoresis. This would help to identify the degree of genetic erosion taking place in areas of over-exploitation or habitat destruction. Research work on the storage of recalcitrant seeds is already a focus of research and its importance merely needs to be stressed here. A research project, similar to the recent IUCN study of the international bulb trade, should be instituted. This would investigate the economics of the trade in plant material from developing countries for the production of pharmaceuticals and homeopathic medicines, including volumes involved and the impact of harvesting in selected sites. The study would split into two phases; phase one to be carried out by a European-based researcher with access to UNCTAD/GATT data and pharmaceutical companies; investigations would include research into pricing structures from payment to harvesters to the cost of the final product. Phase two to be fieldPEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
based, investigating the ecological and social impact of the trade in study areas such as Cameroon, Cte dIvoire and Ghana, using species such as Prunus africana, Griffonia simplicifolia, and Pausinystalia johimbe. (9) An investigation into possible legal contract agreements should be made, that could be attached to the use of plant genetic material and the intellectual property rights issue. (10) Permanent plots should be set up in selected sites to monitor the status of Warburgia
salutaris, Garcinia afzelii and Okoubaka aubrevillei populations and other indicator species. (11) The success of cultivation as a conservation method should be monitored, possibly through a growers register which indicates the area of key species under cultivation. (12) The price for favoured species might be monitored as a potential indicator of scarcity; if cultivation is not a viable option, and demand exceeds supply, then price will rise.
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Action should be taken now to conserve the medicinal plant base of traditional medicine in Africa, as well as safeguarding its potential for western style medicines in other parts of the world. A shift to a cash economy and the emergence of commercial harvesters into what was largely a specialist activity restricted to TMPs have resulted in medicinal plants becoming a common property resource with few incentives for resource management or traditional conservation practice. In the context of major threats posed to natural habitats and the survival of particular species by agricultural expansion, deforestation, and so on, over-exploitation of traditional medicines is occurring. Subject to uncertainties in demographic and urbanization trends, the demand for traditional medicines is set to rise, putting increasing pressures on remaining areas of natural vegetation. Neither
formal conservation legislation nor customary law or conservation practices are able to control the situation, and even CCAs and botanical gardens are being exploited (e.g. Albizia suluense in Hluhluwe Game Reserve (South Africa), Erythrophleum suaveolens and Pterocarpus angolensis in Zomba Botanical Gardens (Malawi), Securidaca longipedunculata in Harare Botanical Gardens (Zimbabwe). Traditional conservation policy for CCAs which are set up to maintain the status quo will only succeed when supported by ex-situ conservation methods including large scale cultivation, buffer zones, public awareness and research. In the longer term, however, the success of conservation will depend upon national and international policy and cooperation which will lead to improvement of the socioeconomic framework within African nations.
Essential background to this study was provided by resource users (herbalists, gatherers and herb traders) and conservation bodies in Natal, South Africa who funded the Natal survey (particularly M. Ntimbane, S. Jamile, N. Tembe, S. Gumede, Mr L. Govender and B. Naidoo). This study was funded by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (Project 3331). I am extremely grateful to J. Seyani (Malawi), J. Chapman (UK/Malawi), S. Mavi, T. Muller and B. Drummond (Zimbabwe), M. Bingham and R. Nefdt (Zambia), L. AkeAssi, M. Egnankou Wadja, and M. Prager (Cte dIvoire) and the late A. Maite-Santos (Mozambique). Without their assistance, as well as that of the medicinal plant sellers and TMPs at urban markets in all of the above countries, this survey would not have been possible. I thank also S. Dipper, A. Hamilton, T. Johns, I. Kamau, T. Fonki Mbenkum and D. Taylor for their comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this paper. Any errors are, of course, my own.
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Personal communications
Ake Assi, L., Centre National de Floristique de lUniversite, BP 322, Abidjan 322, Cte d`Ivoire. Gautier-Beguin, D., Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Cote dIvoire CSRS 01 Bp 1303, Abidjan, Cte dIvoire. Hines, C., c/o Institute of Natural Resources, University of Natal, P O Box 375, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, South Africa. Horenburg, F., c/o Thusano Lefatsheng, P O Gaborone, Botswana. Louis, A.M., Le Chef de lHerbier National, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologie, Commissariat General, BP 842, Libreville, Republique Gabonaise. Maite, A., Faculdade de Biologia, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, C P 275, Maputo, Mozambique. Mavi, S., National Herbarium and National Botanic Garden, PO Box 8100, Causeway, Zimbabwe. Smith, R.M. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh Seyani, J., National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens, P O Box 528, Zomba, Malawi. Sturton, C., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, U.K.. Venter, F., University of Venda, P/Bag X 2220, Sibasa, South Africa.
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Husain, A. 1991. Economic aspects of exploitation of medicinal plants. In O. Akerele ; V. Heywood; H. Synge. Conservation of Medicinal Plants, pp. 125 - 140 . Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Juma, C. 1989. Biological Diversity and Innovation: Conserving and Utilizing Genetic Resources in Kenya. No. 3. Nairobi, African Centre for Technology Studies. Kaplan, A L. 1976. The Marketing of Branded Medicine to the Zulu Consumer. PhD thesis, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa Kempanna, C. 1974. Prospects for medicinal plants in Indian agriculture. World Crops, 26, 166 - 168. Kgathi, D.L. 1984. Firewood Trade between Botswanas Rural Kweneng and Urban Gaborone: Employment Creation and Deforestation. Annual journal, Forestry Association of Botswana. Kingdon, J. 1990. Island Africa: The Evolution of Africas Rare Animals and Plants. London, Collins. Kokwaro, J.O. 1976. Medicinal Plants of East Africa. Nairobi, Government Printer. Kokwaro, J.O. 1991. Conservation of medicinal plants in Kenya. In O. Akerele; V. Heywood; H. Synge eds), Conservation of Medicinal Plants, pp. 315 - 320. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press Kong, Y-C. 1982. The control of Chinese medicines - a scientific overview. Yearb. Pharm. Soc. Hong Kong, 47 - 51 (cited in Farnsworth, N.R. 1988. Screening plants for new medicines. pp. 83 - 97 in E.O. Wilson (ed.) Biodiversity. Washington D.C., National Academy Press). Last, M.; Chavunduka, G.L. 1986. The Professionalization of African Medicine. Manchester, Manchester University Press. Leach, G.; Mearns, R.; 1989. Beyond the Fuelwood Crisis : People, Land and Trees in Africa. London, Earthscan. Leloup, S. 1984. The Grapple Plant Project: an Ecophysiological Approach of the Influence of Harvest on the Population Dynamics of the Grapple Plant Harpagophytum procumbens DC. National Institute for Development Research and Documenta. Lovett, J.C. 1988. Practical aspects of moist forest conservation in Tanzania. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Gard., 25 : 491 - 496. Malla, S.B. 1982. Medicinal Plants of Nepal. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Report No. 64. Bangkok. FAO. Medley-Wood, J. 1896. Native Herbs: Medicinal
or Otherwise. Natal Directory Almanac. Pietermartizburg, Simmer & Jenkins. Medley-Wood, J.; Evans, M.S. 1898. Natal Plants, 1 (1). Durban, Bennett and Davis. Medley-Wood, J.; Franks, M. 1911. Kaemferia natalensis Scltr. & Schum. The Naturalist (Natal Science Society), 1, 112 - 115. Muir, D. 1990. Forest Utilization in KwaZulu : A Case Study of Hlatikulu Forest Reserve, Maputaland. Institute of Natural Resources Investigational Report No. 48. Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal. Ngubane, H. 1977. Body and Mind in Zulu Medicine. New York, Academic Press. Nott, K. 1986. A survey of the harvesting and export of Harpagophytum procumbens and Harpagophytum zeyheri in SWA/Namibia. Unpublished report. Okaukuejo, Namibia, Etosha Ecological Institute. Oatley, T B. 1979. Status of Black Stinkwood in the Kaarkloof Forest. Internal Report. Pietermaritzburg, Natal Parks Board. Okafor, J. C. 1989. Agroforestry Aspects. Unpublished consultants report on the Oban area, Nigeria, for WWF-UK. Oldfield, M. 1984. The Value of Conserving Genetic Resources. Washington D.C., US Department of Interior. Oliver Bever, B. E. P. 1987. Medicinal Plants in Tropical West Africa. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Oyenye, O.Y.; Orubuloye, I.O. 1983. Traditional health manpower resources in Nigeria: the case of Bendel State. Aman. Journal of Society, Culture and Environment, 3, 97 110 (quoted in Nevadomsky, J. 1988. Kemwin-Kemwin: the Apothecary shop in Benin City. African Arts, 22, 72 - 83). Rifai, M.A.; Kartawinata, K. 1991. Germplasm, genetic erosion and the conservation of Indonesian medicinal plants. In O. Akerele; V. Heywood; H. Synge (eds.) Conservation of Medicinal Plants, pp. 281-294. Cambridge, U.K. Cambridge University Press. Savage, M.T.D. 1985. Health. In Basic needs in rural areas. South African National Scientific Programmes Report 116, 49 -66. Schmithusen, F. 1986. Forest Legislation in Selected African Countries: Based on the Review and Analysis of Forest Legislation in 11 Member Countries of the African Timber Organization. FAO Forestry Paper no. 65. Rome, FAO. Scudder, T.; Conelly, T. 1985. Management Systems for Riverine Fisheries. IDA report. SIDA. 1989. A Regional Plant Genetic Resources Centre SADCC: Plan of
operation 1989 - 1992. Alnarp, Sweden, SLU Sofowara, A. 1981. Man, plants and medicine in Africa. Inaugural lecture, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, (quoted in Makine, M A. 1988. African Philosophy, Culture and Traditional Medicine. Ohio, U.S.A. Ohio Center for International Studies). Staritsky, G. 1980. Is there a future for medicinal crops? Span, 23 February 1980. Staugard, F. 1985. Traditional Medicine in Botswana : Traditional Healers. Gaborone, Ipelegeng Publishers. Sundkler, B.G.M. 1961. Bantu Prophets in South Africa. London, U.K. Oxford University Press. Swantz, L. 1984. The Role of the Medical Man among the Zaramo of Dar es Salaam. PhD dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (quoted in Anyinam, C. 1987. Availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability : four attributes of African ethnomedicine. Soc. Sci. Med. 25, 803 - 811). Udo, R K. 1982. The Human Geography of Tropical Africa. Ibadan, Heinemann. United Republic of Cameroon. Ministry of Planning and Regional Development. 1989. Annual Report. Yaound. Wainwright, J; Schonland, M.M.; Candy, H.A. 1977. Toxicity of Callilepis laureola. South African Medical Journal, 52, 313 315. Webb, C. de B.; Wright,J.B. 1986. The James Stuart Archive of Recorded Oral Evidence Relating to the History of the Zulu and Neighbouring Peoples. Vol. 4. Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press. White, F. 1983. The Vegetation of Africa. A Descriptive Memoir to Accompany the UNESCO/AETFAT/UNSO Vegetation map of Africa. Paris, UNESCO World Health Organization. 1977. Final Report: Seminar on the Use of Medicinal Plants in Healthcare. Tokyo, Japan, September. Manila, Philipines. WHO Regional Office for the West Pacific (cited by Prescott-Allen, R.; Prescott-Allen, C. Whats wildlife worth? London, Earthscan) Wondergem, P.; Senah, K.A.; Glover, E.K. 1989. Herbal Drugs in Primary Healthcare. Ghana: An Assessment of the Relevance of Herbal Drugs in PHC and Some Suggestions for Strengthening PHC. Amsterdam, Royal Tropical Institute. Zimbabwe Science News. 1989. AIDS - an update. Zimbabwe Science News, 23, (4/6), 49. April/June.
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
Plant species in 118 families sold by traditional medicine sellers in seven African countries (preliminary surveys in five countries for this study together with data gathered from markets in South Africa and Mozambique in 1986-87). The large number of species listed for South Africa is only partly due to the more detailed study carried out there Medicinal plants for which only local names were recorded are not given here. Specimens not in the University of Natal Herbarium are indexed NH (Natal Herbarium) and RB (Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh).
. A M I L Y
a n d
S. Africa
bb=bulb; bk=bark; fl=flower; fr=fruit; l=leaf; r=root; r(lt)=root ligno-tuber; st=stem; wd=wood; wpl=whole plant.
POLYPORACEAE Lentinus tuber-regium Lentinus sp. LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium clavatum L. SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella imbricata (Forssk.) Spring ex Decne CYATHEAE Cyathea dregei Kunze MARSILEACEAE Marsilea crenata ADIANTACEAE Actiniopteris dimorpha Pichi Serm. Pellaea calomelanos (Sw.) Link Pellaea rufa A.F. Tryon POLYPODIACEAE Microgramma lycopodioides (L.) Copel. ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium rutifolium (Berg.) Kunze ASPIDIACEAE Dryopteris athamantica (Kuntze) Kuntze STANGERIACEAE Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Baill. ZAMIACEAE Encephalartos sp. PODOCARPACEAE Podocarpus henkelli Stapf Podocarpus latifolius (Thunb.) R.Br. ex Mirb PINACEAE *Pinus spp. CUPRESSACEAE *Cupressus spp. TYPHACEAE Typha capensis (Rohrb.) N.E. Br. POACEAE Cymbopogon plurinodus (Stapf) Stapf Cymbopogon sp. MYRSINACEAE Embelia ruminata (E. Mey. ex A.DC.) Mez Maesa lanceolata Forssk. Rapanea melanophloeos (L.) Mez ARECACEAE Borassus aethiopum Mart. ARACEAE Anchomanes difformis Engl. Zantedeschia albomaculata (Hook.) Baill. COMMELINACEAE Cyanotis speciosa (L.f) Hassk
tuber tuber wpl wpl st l/st wpl wpl r wpl wpl r r(lt) st bk bk bk bk r r r r r,bk bk fr bb bb r 2729 2614 1119 2107 2100
n n
n n
n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
2124a 936
n n
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
. A M I L Y
a n d
LILIACAE Agapanthus campanulatus Leighton Agapanthus sp. cf. africanus (L.) Hoffmg. Albuca fastigiata (L.F) Dryand Albuca pachychlamys Bak. Aloe aristata Haw. Aloe chaubadii Schonl. Aloe cooperi Bak. Aloe linearifolia Berger Aloe marlothii Berger Asparagus asparagoides (L.) Wright Asparagus ramosissimus Bak. Behnia reticulata (Thunb.) Didr. Boweia volubilis Harv.(M: ex Hook.f.) Bulbine asphodeloides Spreng. Bulbine latifolia (L.f.) Roem. & Schult. Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacq. Drimia elata Jacq. Drimia robusta Bak. Drimia spp. Drimiopsis maculata Lindl. Eriospermum abyssinicum Bak. Eriospermum cooperi Bak. Eriospermum luteo-rubrum Bak. Eriospermum mackenii (Hook. f.) Bak. Eriospermum ornithogaloides Bak. Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Chitt Eucomis bicolor Gasteria croucheri (Hook. f.) Bak. Gloriosa superba L. Haworthia fascicularis *Haworthia limifolia Marloth. Kniphofia spp. Ledebouria cooperi (Hook. f.) Jessop Ledebouria ovatifolia (Bak.) Jessop Ledebouria revoluta (L. f.) Jessop Ledebouria spp. Littonia modesta Hook. Ornithogalum longibracteatum Jacq. Ornithogalum spp. Protoasparagus laricinus (Burch.) Oberm. Protoasparagus setaceus (Kunth) Oberm Protoasparagus sp. Sandersonia aurantiaca Hook. Sansevieria aethiopica Thunb. Sansevieria hyacinthoides (L.) Druce Sansevieria liberica Gerome & Labroy Sansevieria spp. Schizobasis intricata (Bak.) Bak. Scilla natalensis Plarlch Scilla nervosa (Burch.) Jessop Tulbaghia alliacea L. Tulbaghia sp. Tulbaghia sp. cf. ludwigiana Harv. Urginea altissima (L.f.) Bak. Urginea delagoensis Bak. Urginea macrocentra Bak. Urginea cf. sanguinea Schinz. AMARYLLIDCAEA Boophane disticha (L.f) Herb. Clivia miniata Regel Clivia nobilis Lindl. Crinum delagoense Verdoorn Crinum macowanii Bak. Crinum moorei Hook. f. Haemanthus albiflos Jacq. Haemanthus deformis Hook. f. Scadoxus puniceus (L.) I. Friis & Nordal HYPOXIDACEAE Hypoxis latifolia Hook. Hypoxis nyasica
n n n n n n n n n n n n
1107 2316 2146 922 915 2147 2754 1006 2141NH 2123
n n
2160 2377
n n
n n n
2338 2135
n n n n n n n n n n
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
. A M I L Y
a n d
Hypoxis obtusa Burch. Hypoxis rooperi S. Moore Hypoxis spp. VELLOZIACEAE Xerophyta equisetoides Bak. Xerophyta retinervis Xerophyta sp. DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea dregeana (Kunth) Dur. & Schinz Dioscorea rupicola Kunth Dioscorea sylvatica (Kunth) Eckl. Dioscorea sp. IRIDACEAE unidentified sp. Aristea ecklonii Bak. Aristea gerrardii H. Weim. Crocosmia aurea Planch. (M: Hook.) Planch. Crocosmia paniculata (Klatt.) Goldbl. Dietes iridioides (L.) Sweet ex Klatt Dietes sp. Dierama sp. *Eleuthrine plicata Gladiolus sericeo-villosus (Hook. f.) Gladiolus sp. Watsonia sp. ZINGIBERACEAE Aframomum melegueta Schumman Costus dubius Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Schweinf.) B.L. B Siphonochilus natalensis Schltr. & K. Schum Siphonochilus sp. *Zingiber officinale Roscoe ORCHIDACEAE Acampe praemorsa (Roxb.) Blatter & McCann Acrolophia cochlearis (H. Bolus) Schltr. Aerangis mystacidii (Reichb. f.) Schltr. Ansellia africana Lindl. Ansellia gigantea Reichb.f. Bolusiella maudiae (Bolus) Schltr. Calyptrochilum emarginatum Cyrtorchis arcuata (Reich. f.) Schltr. Diaphananthe xanthopollinia (Reichb. f.) Sum Eulophia clitellifera (Reichb. f.) Bolus Eulophia cucullata (Afzel. ex Swartz.) Steud Eulophia parviflora (Lindl.) A.V. Hall Eulophia petersii Reichb. f. Eulophia sp. Eulophia speciosa (R.Br. ex Lindl.)Bolus Eulophia streptopetala Lindl. Liparis remota J. Stewart & E.A. Schelpe Microcoelia exilis Lindl. Mystacidium capense (L. f.) Schltr. Mystacidium millarii Bolus Mystacidium venosum Harv. ex Rolfe Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & Sweet Polystachya ottoniana Reichb. f. Polystachya pubescens (Lindl.) Reichb.f. Polystachya sandersonii Harv. Rangaeris muscicola (Reichb.f.) Summerh. Tridactyle bicaudata (Lindl.) Schltr. Tridactyle tridentata (Harv.) Schltr. PIPERACEAE Piper guineense Schum. & Thonn. MYRICACEAE Myrica serrata Lam. ULMACEAE Trema guineensis (Schum. et Thonn.) Ficalho MORACEAE Ficus sur Forssk. *CANNABIDACEAE *Cannabis sativa L.
bb bb bb st st st wpl wpl wpl wpl r r r bb bb r r bb bb bb bb bb fr fl r r r r wpl wpl wpl l/st l/st wpl l/st wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl l/st r l/st bk fr,l
n n n n n
n n n n n
2635 2336
2111 1114a
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n n
n n
n n n
n n
n n n n
938 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
2511 2177a
2118a 2888
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
. A M I L Y
a n d
PROTEACEAE Faurea macnaughtonii Phill. Faurea saligna Harv. Protea caffra Meisn. Protea roupelliae Meisn. subsp. roupelliae Protea sp. LORANTHACEAE Tapinanthus spp. Tieghemia quinquenervia (Hochst.) Balle VISCACEAE Thesium sp. cf. pallidum A. DC. Viscum sp. Viscum verrocosum Harv. Viscum sp. SANTALACEAE Osyridicarpos schimperianus Hochst.ex A. Rich OLACACEAE Ximenia americana L. Ximenia caffra Sond. BALANOPHORACEAE Sarcophyte sanguinea Sparrm. Thonningea sanguinea Vahl. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia heppii Merxm. HYDNORACEAE Hydnora africana Thunb. Hydnora solmsiana Dinter Hydnora spp. AMARANTHACEAE Achyropsis avicularis (E. Mey. ex Moq.) Hook Alternanthera repens O. Kuntze Celosia trigyna L. AIZOCEAE Psammotropha myriantha Sond. MESEMBRYANTHEMACEAE Aptenia cordifolia (L.f) Schwant. Carpobrotus edulis L. (M:L. (N.E. Br.) PORTULACACEAE Portulaca sp. Portulaca oleracea L. Talinum caffrum (Thunb.) Eckl. & Zeyh. BASELLACEAE Basella paniculata Volkens. ILLECEBRACEAE Dianthus crenatus (Thunb.) Dianthus zeyheri Sond. Silene primuliflora Eckl. & Zeyh. Silene bellidiodes Sond. NYMPHAEACEAE Nymphaea spp. RANUNCULACEAE Anemone caffra Eckl. & Zeyh. Anemone fanninii Harv. ex Mast. Clematis brachiata Thunb. Knowltonia bracteata Harv. ex. Zahlbr. Ranunculus multifidus Forssk. MENISPERMACEAE Cissampelos torulosa E.Mey. Jateorrhiza palmata ANNONACEAE Annona senegalensis Pers. Enantia polycarpa Engl. & Diels. Monanthotaxis caffra (Sond.) Verdc. Monanthotaxis capea (E G Camus) Verdc. Uvaria afzelii Sc. El. Uvaria caffra E. Mey ex Sond. Uvaria chamae P. Beauv. Uvaria lucida Benth. subsp. virens (N.E.Br) LAURACEAE *Cinnamomum camphora *Cinnamomum zeylanicum
bk bk fl bk fl st wpl r wpl wpl wpl l/st r r r fl r r r r l/st l/st wpl wpl l/st l/st wpl l/st r l/st l/st wpl wpl wpl r r r l/st wpl wpl l/st r r r st st st r l/st bk bk
2602 860
n n n
n n n n
n n n n
n n
n 230 289 n
n 251 n n
n n
n n PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
. A M I L Y
a n d
Cryptocarya latifolia Sond. Cryptocarya myrtifolia Stapf Ocotea bullata (Burch.) Baill. Ocotea kenyensis (Chiov.) Robyns CAPPARIDACEAE Boscia albitrunca (Birch.) Gilg. Cadaba natalensis Sond. Capparis brassii DC. Capparis tomentosa Lam. Cladostemon kirkii (Oliv.) Pax & Gilg Thilachium africanum Lour. HYDROSTACHYACEAE Hydrostachys polymorpha Klotzsch CRASSULACEAE Kalanchoe crenata (Andr.) Haw. Kalanchoe sp. PITTOSPORACAEAE Pittosporum viridiflorum Sims MYROTHAMNACEAE Myrothamnus flabellifolia (Sond.) Welw. ROSACEAE Agrimonia eupatoria L. Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkm. *Rubus pinnatus Willd. *Rubus rigidus J.E. Sm. FABACEAE Abrus precatorius L. Acacia albida Del. Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. Acacia xanthophloea (Lam.) de Wet Afzelia africana Smith Afzelia quanzensis Welw. Albizia adianthifolia (Schumach.) W.F.Wright Albizia antunesiana Harms Albizia tanganyinesis Bak. Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. Cassia alata L. Cassia abbreviata Oliv. Cassia sp. (MUWAWANI) Crotalaria globifera Crotalaria sp. Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wright & Arn. Dolichos kilmandscharicus Taub. Dumasia villosa DC. var. villosa Elephantorrhiza elephantina (Burch.) Skeels Elephantorrhiza spp. Entada africana Guill. & Perr. Entada pursaetha DC. Eriosema cordatum E. Mey. Eriosema rossii C.H. Stirton Eriosema salignum E. Mey. Erythrophleum lasianthum Corbishley Erythrophleum suaveolens Guill & Perr (Brenan) Lotononis corymbosa Benth. Mimosa pigra L. Mimosa pudica L. var. hispida Brenan Otholobium polystietum (Benth. ex Harv.) C.H. Stirton Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Redh. Psoralea pinnata L. Pterocarpus angolensis DC. Schotia brachypetala Sond. Schotia capitata Bolle Stylosanthes erecta P. Beauv. (M: Pal.) Swartzia madagascariensis Desv. *Tamarindus indica L. Tephrosia sp. cf. marginella H. Forbes Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach. L Thonn.) Taubert Uraria picta L. GERANIACEAE Monsonia natalensis Kunth.(L.) Pelargonium alchemilloides (L.) LHerit.
bk bk bk bk r r st st r 1 wpl l/st l/st bk l/st bk bk r r sd r fr bk fr sd,r bk r r sd l/st bk,l bk r r fr r l/st r(lt) r(lt) r,st fr r r r bk bk wpl wpl wpl wpl r l/st fr bk bk wpl r,fr l/st l/st fr wpl. r
n n n n n n n n n n n n n
2488 2493
n n
n n n n n n n n n n n
n n n
n n
n n
n 2130 2180 n n
n n
924 2147
n n
n n
n n
2137 2138cNH 1109 1901 2867 2174a 2184NH 2500 2487 2897 2497NH 2164 2396
n n n n n n n n n n n n
n n n
n n
n 2894 n 2895
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
. A M I L Y
a n d
Pelargonium sp. cf. luridum (Andr.) Sweet BALANITACEAE Balanites maughamii Sprague RUTACEAE Agathosma ovata Pillans *Citrus sinensis Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook. f.ex Benth. Zanthoxylum capense (Thunb.) Harv. Zanthoxylum davyi (Verdoorn) Waterm. MELIACEAE Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Ekebergia capensis Sparrm. Khaya nyassica Stapf. ex Baker Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss. Trichilia dregeana Sond. Trichilia emetica Vahl Turraea floribunda Hochst. Turraea obtusifolia Hochst. PTAEROXYLACEAE Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb.) Radlk. MALPHIGIACEAE Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss. POLYGALACEAE Muraltia lancifolia Harv. Polygala cf. sphenoptera Fres. Polygala confusa MacOwan Polygala fruticosa Berg. Polygala gerrardii Chod. Polygala hottentotta Presl Polygala marensis Burtt-Davy Polygala myrtifolia L. Polygala ohlendorfiana Eckl. & Zeyh. Polygala serpentaria Eckl. & Zeyh. Polygala sp. Polygala sp. cf. hortboschiana Polygala sp. cf. natalensis Polygala virgata Thunb. var. decora (Sond.) Securidaea longipedunculata Fres. EUPHORBIACEAE Acalypha depressinerva (O. Kunze) K. Schum. Acalypha glandulifolia Buchinger ex. Meisn. Acalypha petiolaris Hochst. Acalypha schinzii Pax. Alchornea cordifolia (Schumach. & Thonn.) Muell. Arg. Andrachne ovalis Muell. Arg. Antidesma venosum E. Mey. ex Tul. Bridelia cathartiea Betol.f. Bridelia duigneaudi Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. Croton gratissimus Burch. Croton pseudopulchellus Pax Croton sylvaticus Hochst. Euphorbia hirta L. Euphorbia natalensis Bernh. Euphorbia pulvinata Marloth Euphorbia woodii N.E. Br. Hymenocardia acida Tul. Jatropha curcas L. Jatropha hirsuta Hochst. Macaranga capensis (Baill.) Benth. ex Sim Maprounea africana Muell. Arg. Microdesmis keayana Monadenium lugardae N.E Br Oldfieldia africana Benth. & Hook.f. Oldfieldia dactylophylla (Welw. ex Oliv.) J.Leonard Phyllanthus engleri Pax. Pseudolachnostylis maprounifolia Pax. Ricinodendron rautanenii Schinz. Ricinus communis L. Spirostachys africana Sond.
r bk wpl l/st r r r
n n n n n n n
n n n n
bk bk bk bk bk r l/st bk r r wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl l/st r wpl wpl r wpl l/st r bk l/st r bk l/st r bk wpl wpl wpl wpl l/st sd r bk r l/st bk r st r sd fr r,wd
2624 2143 2426 2429 2088 2142a 2472 2709 2160a 2198 2138a 2161a 1053 2178 2139a 2156a 2882 2751 2502 2173 2208 2886 2108 r
n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n n
2592 1902 2898 2177 2498 2499 2904 2136 2742 2884
n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n
n n
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
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Synadenium cupulare (Boiss.) L.C. Wheeler Tragia meyeriana Muell.Arg. Tragia rupestris Sond. Tragia sp. ANACARDIACEAE Harpephyllum caffrum Bernh. ex. K. Krause Lannea edulis Engl. Loxostylis alata Spreng. f.ex. Reichb. Ozoroa obovata (Oliv.) R. & A. Fernandes Ozoroa reticulata (Bak.f) R & A Fernandes Protorhus longifolia (Bernh.) Engl. Rhus chirindensis Bak. f. Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst. subsp. caffra (Sond.) Kokwaro Spondias mombin L. AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk. CELASTRACEAE Cassine aethiopica Thunb. Cassine papillosa (Hochst.) Kuntze Cassine transvaalensis (Burtt-Davy) Codd Maytenus acuminata (L.f.) Loes. Maytenus mossambicensis (Klotzsch) Blakelock Maytenus peduncularis (Sond.) Loes. Maytenus sp. MPETU Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock Pleurostylia capensis (Turcz.) Oliv. Pterocelastrus echinatus N.E. Br. Pterocelastrus rostratus (Thunb.) Walp. Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus (Lam.) Sond. ICACINACEAE Apodytes dimidiata E.Mey. ex Arn. Cassinopsis tinifolia Harv. Icacina mannii Oliv. SAPINDACEAE Cardiospermum halicacabum L. (1) Hippobromus pauciflorus (L.f.) Radlk. Paullinia pinnata L. Zahna arricana (Radlk.) Excell. MELIANTHACEAE Bersama lucens (Hochst.) Syzsy. Bersama stayneri Phillips Bersama swynii Phill. Bersama tysoniana Oliv. RHAMNACEAE Berchemia discolor (Klotzsch.) Hemsl. Helinus integrifolius (Lam.) Kuntze Rhamnus prunoides LHerit Ziziphus mucronata Willd. VITACEAE Cissus quandrangula L. Cyphostemma sp. Rhoicissus digitata (L.f) Gilg & Brand Rhoicissus tridentata (L.f) Wild & Drummond TILIACEAE Corchorus confusus Wild Triumfetta amuletum Sprague MALVACEAE Hibiscus surattensis L. Sida acuta Burm. f. BOMBACACEAE Adansonia digitata L. Bombax buonopozense Beauv. OCHNACEAE Ochna sp. cf. natalitia CLUSIACEAE Garcinia afzelii Engl. Garcinia gerrardii Harv. ex Sim Garcinia kola Heckel. Garcinia livingstonei T. Anders. Harungana madagascariensis Lam. ex Poiret
n n n
n n n n n n
2632 2617
2745 2068NH
n n n n
n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n
n n n 2189a n
2515 2906
212lNH 2200
n n
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
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Hypericum aethiopicum Thunb. Hypericum sp. cf. roeperianum Schimp. Psorospermum febrifugum Spach. CANELLACEAE Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.) Chiov. FLACOURTIACEAE Casearia gladiiformis Mast. Oncoba spinosa Forssk. Scolopia mundii (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Warb. PASSIFLORACEAE Adenia cissampeloides Harms. Adenia lobata (Jacq.) Engl. Adenia gummifera (Harv.) Harms Adenia sinensis Paropsia brazzeana Baill. Schlechterina mitrostemmatoides Harms BEGONIACEAE Begonia hemonyma Steud. CACTACEAE Rhipsalis baccifera (J.S. Miller) Stearn LECYTHIDACEAE Barringtonia asiatica Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Spreng. THYMELAEACEAE Gnidia burchellii (Meisn.) Gilg Gnidia kraussiana Meisn. var. kraussiana Synaptolepis alternifolia Oliv. Synaptolepis kirkii Oliv. RHIZOPHORACEAE Cassipourea flanaganii (Schinz) Alston Cassipourea gerrardii (Schinz) Alston COMBRETACEAE Combretum erthrophyllum (Burch.) Sond. Combretum kraussii Hochst. Combretum molle R.Br. ex. G. Don Combretum psidiodes Welw. Terminalia phanerophlebia Engl. & Diels Terminalia sericea Burch. ex DC. MELASTOMATACEAE Dissotis rotundifolia Triana MYRTACEAE *Eucalyptus spp. Heteropyxis natalensis Harv. *Psidium guajava Syzygium cordatum Hochst. HALORAGIDACEAE Gunnera perpensa L. APIACEAE Alepidea amatymbica Eckl.& Zeyh. Centella glabrata L. var. glabrata Foeniculum vulgare A.W. Hill Heteromorpha arborescens Cham. & Schlectend. Lichtensteinia interrupta (Thunb.) E. Mey Peucedanum caffrum (Meisn.) Phill. Peucedanum thodii Arnold Pimpinella caffra (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Harv. Steganotaenia araliacea Hochst. CORNACEAE Curtisia dentata (Burm. f.) C.A. Sm. PLUBAGINACEAE Plumbago auriculata Lam. SAPOTACEAE Mimusops caffra E. Mey. ex A. DC. Mimusops obovata Sond. Sideroxylon inerme L. EBENACEAE Diospyros galpinii (Hiern.) de Winter Diospyros lyciodes Desf. Euclea divinorum Hiern Euclea natalensis A. DC.
wpl wpl r bk bk fr bk st st st st r wpl r st fr fr r(lt) r(lt) r(lt) r(lt) bk bk r r r r r r wpl bk,l bk bk r r wpl l/st l r r l/st wpl r bk r bk bk bk r r r r
2173a 2360
n n
n n n n
n n n n
n n n n
n n n n n n n
n n
n n
2598 2349
n n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
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OLEACEAE Jasminum angulare Vahl Olea woodiana Knobl. Schrebera trichoclada Welw. Schrebera alata (Hochst.) Welw. LOGANIACEAE Nuxia floribunda Benth. Strychnos henningsii Gilg Strychnos spinosa Lam. APOCYNACEAE Acokanthera oblongifolia (Hochst.) Codd Acokanthera oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd. Alstonia boonei De Wild. Diplorhyncus condylocarpon (Muell. Arg.) Rauvolfia caffra Sond. Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. Stropanthus gerrardii Stapf. Stropanthus luteolus Codd Stropanthus petersiana Klotzsch. Stropanthus speciosus (Ward & Harv.) Reber Wrightia natalensis Stapf PERIPLOCACEAE Mondia whitei (Hook. f.) Skeels Parquetina nigrescens (Afz.) Bullock Raphionacme sp. ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias cucullata Schltr. Asclepias fruticosa L. Asclepias physocarpa Schltr. Ceropegia woodii Schltr. Huernia sp. Pachycarpus sonsolor E.Mey. Secamone gerrardii Harv. ex Benth. Stapelia gigantea N.E. Br. Tylophora flanaganii Schltr. Xysmalobium sp. (lapathifolium ?) Xysmalobium undulatum (L.) Ait.f. CONVOLVULACEAE Convolvulus saggitatus Thunb. Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet Ipomoea congesta R. Br. Turbina oblongata (E. Mey. ex Choisy) A. Meer BORAGINACEAE Heliotropium indicum L. VERBENACEAE Clerodendrum hirsutum (Hochst.) H.Pearson Clerodendrum triphyllum (Harv.) H. Pearson Lippia javanica (Burm.f.) Spreng LAMIACEAE Becium obovatum (E.Mey. ex.Benth.) var. obovatum Leonotis leonurus (L.) R.Br Ocimum canum Sims Ocimum gratissimum L. Platostoma africanum P. Beauv. Plectranthus grallatus Briq. Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd SOLANACEAE Physalis peruviana L. Solanum aculeastrum Dun. Solanum nigrum L. Solanum panduriforme E. Mey Solanum spp. Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal SCROPHULARIACEAE Cycnium racemosum Benth. Graderia scabra (L.f.) Benth. Rhamphicarpa spp. Scoparia dulcis L. Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze. (=S. lutea Lour. M)
l/st bk fr l/st bk bk fr r,l r,l bk fr bk r fr fr fr fr r r l/st r r l/st l/st r wpl r r wpl st r r r r(lt) r(lt) r l/st wpl wpl l/st
n n
n n
n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n
n n
2169a 2128NH
n n n n n n n n n n n
n n
2891 2469
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
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BIGNONIACEAE Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. PEDALIACEAE Ceratotheca triloba (Bernh.) Hook. f. MARTYNIACEAE Proboscidea fragrans (Lindl.) Decne. ACANTHACEAE Crabbea hirsuta Harv. Crabbea sp. Justicia capensis Thunb. RUBIACEAE Anthospermum pumilium Sond. Burchellia bubalina (L.f.) Sims. Canthium inerme (L.f) Kunze Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirvengadum Conostomium natalense (Hochst) Brem. Gardenia ternifolia Schumach & Thonn Gardenia thunbergia l.f. Gardenia volkensii K. Schum. Kohautia amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh. Morinda lucida Benth Nauclea latifolia Smith Pentanisia prunelloides (Eckl.& Zeyh.) Walp. Rubia cordifolia L. subsp. conotricha (Gand. Spermacoce natalensis Hochst. DIPSICACEAE Cephalaria humilis (Thunb.) Roem & Schult. Scabiosa columbaria L. CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis africanus L.f. Cucumis hirsutus Sond. Kedrostis foetidissima (Jacq.) Cogn. Lagenaria mascarena Naud. Momordica charantia L. Momordica foetida Schum. CAMPANULACEAE Roella glomerata A.DC. LOBELIACEAE Monopsis stellarioides (Presl) Urb. ssp. stellaroides ASTERACEAE Acanthospermum hispidum DC. Achyrocline stenoptera (DC.) Hilliard & Burtt Adenostemma perotteti DC. Ageratum conyzoides L. Artemesia afra Jacq. ex. Willd. Aspilia natalensis (Sond.) Wild Aspilia natalensis (Sond.) Wild. Aster bakeranus Burtt-Davy ex C.A. Sm. Athanasia acerosa (DC.) Harv. Berkheya multijuga (DC.) Roessler Brachylaena discolor DC. Callilepis laureola DC. Chrysanthemoides monelifera (L.) T. Norl. Dicoma sp. Dicoma kirkii Eclipta prostata (L.) L. Felicia erigeroides DC. Gazania linearis (Thunb.) Druce Gerbera ambigua (Cass.) Sch. Bip. Gerbera piloselloides (L.) Cass. Helichrysum acutatum DC. Helichrysum aureonitens Sch. Bip. Helichrysum epapposum H.Bol. Helichrysum gymnocomum DC. Helichrysum herbaceum (Andr.) Sweet Helichrysum natalitium DC. Helichrysum odoratissimum (L.) Sweet Matricaria nigellifolia DC. Microglossa mespilifolia (Less.) B.L. Robinson Osteospermum imbricatum L.
bk,fr r fr wpl l/st wpl r r r fr l/st fr, r r wpl l/st l/st r(lt) l/st r r wpl fr fr r(lt) fr l/st l/st wpl l/st fr l/st l/st l/st l/st wpl l/st r r l/st r r l/st l/st wpl r wpl wpl wpl wpl wpl r l/st l/st l/st l/st l/st l/st l/st l/st l/st
2158 2587
n n n
n n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
n n
n n n
2474 1098 2090 2119 1112 2133a 949 2081RB 2030RB 2354 2183NH 1114 1018
n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
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Othonna natalensis Sch. Bip. Pulicaria scabra (Thunb.) Druce Senecio cissampelinus (DC.) Sch. Bip. Senecio coronatus (Thunb.) Harv. Senecio gregatus Hilliard Senecio serratuloides DC. Senecio speciosus Willd. Spilanthes mauritiana (Pers.) DC. Vernonia adoensis Sch. Bip. ex Walp. Vernonia anisochaetoides Sond. Vernonia natalensis Sch. Bip. Vernonia neocorymbosa Hilliard Vernonia oligocephala (DC.) Sch.Bip. ex Walp.
r(lt) wpl l/st wpl l/st l/st l/st l l/st l/st l/st l/st l/st
2482 2505 2104 921 1113 2117 2321 1106 2120 2175 2622
n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Plant species mentioned in the text and their families.
Abrus precatorius (Fabaceae) Acacia xanthophloea (Fabaceae) Afrormosia = Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) Afrostyrax lepidophyllus (Styraceae) Agapanthus umbellatus (Liliaceae) Albizia adianthifolia (Fabaceae) Albizia suluense (Fabaceae) Alepidea amatymbica (Apiaceae) Artemisia annua (Asteraceae) Asclepias cucullata (Asclepiadaceae) Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) Azanza garkeana (Malvaceae) Begonia homonymma (Begoniceae) Boweia volubilis (Liliaceae) Cannabis sativa (Cannabaceae) Cassia abbreviata (Fabaceae) Cassine transvaalensis (Celastraceae) Cassine papillosa (Celastraceae) Cassipourea gerradii (Rhizophoraceae) Castanospermum australe (Fabaceae) Catha edulis (Celastraceae) Citrus sinensis (Rutaceae) Curtisia dentata (Cornaceae) Datura metel (Solanaceae) Dianthus zeyheri (Illecebraceae) Diospyros tricolor (Ebenaceae) Dumasia villosa (Fabaceae) Enantia polycarpa (Annonaceae) Entada africana (Fabaceae) Epinetrum undulatum (Ebenaceae) Erythrina abyssinica (Fabaceae) Erythrophleum lasianthum (Fabaceae) Erythrophleum suaveolens (Fabaceae) Euclea divinorum (Ebenaceae) Euclea natalensis (Ebenaceae) Faurea macnaughtonii (Proteaceae) Garcinia epunctata (Clusiaceae) Garcinia klaintana (Clusiaceae) Garcinia kola (Clusiaceae) Garcinia mannii (Clusiaceae) Garcinia afzelii (Clusiaceae) Gnidia kraussiana (Thymeleaceae) Griffonia simplicifolia (Fabaceae) Harpagophytum procumbens (Pedaliaceae) Harpagophytum zeyheri (Pedaliaceae) Haplormosia monophylla (Genus: Loesenera) Haworthia limifolia (Liliaceae) Helichrysum kraussii (Asteraceae) Helichrysum odoratissimum (Asteraceae) Irvingia gabonensis (Irvingiaceae) Ledebouria hypoxidoides (Liliaceae) Leptadenia hastata (Asclepiadaceae) Loesenera kalantha (Genus: Loesenera) Maytenus buchananii (Celastraceae) Maytenus senegalensis (Celastraceae) Monanthotaxis capea (Annonaceae) Mondia whitei (Periplocaceae) Myrothamnus flabellifolius (Myrothamnaceae) Mystacidium millari (Orchidaceae) Ocotea bullata (Lauraceae) Okoubaka aubrevillei (Oknemataceae) Olea welwitschii (Oleaceae) Parinari curatellifolia (Chrysobalanaceae) Pausinystalia johimbe (Rubiaceae) Pentadiplandra brazzeana (Pentadriplandraceae) Pergularia daemia (Asclepiadaceae) Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) Pimpinella caffra (Apiaceae) Plectranthus grallatus (Lamiaceae) Podocarpus falcatus (Podocarpaceae) Protea gauguedi (Proteaceae) Prunus africana (Rosaceae) Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae) Pterocarpus angolensis (Fabaceae) Pycnanthus angolensis (Myristacaeae) Randia acuminata (Rubiaceae) Rapanea melanophloeos (Myrsinaceae) Rhigiocarya peltata (Menispermaceae) Ricinodendron heudelotii (Euphorbiaceae) Securidaca longipedunculata (Polygalaceae) Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae) Scilla natalensis (Liliaceae) Scoparia dulcis (Scrophulariaceae) Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Zingiberaceae) Siphonochilus natalensis (Zingiberaceae) Stangeria eriopus (Stangeriaceae) Strophanthus barteri (Apocyanaceae) Strophanthus thollonii (Apocyanaceae) Swartzia madagascariensis (Fabaceae) Synadenium cupulare (Euphorbiaceae) Synaptolepis kirkii (Thymeleaceae) Trichilia emetica (Meliaceae) Urginea maritima (Liliaceae) Voacanga africana (Apocynaceae) Voacanga thuoarsii (Apocynaceae) Voacanga grandifolia (Apocynaceae) Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae) Zanthoxylum macrophyllum (Rutaceae)
PEOPLE AND PLANTS WORKING PAPER 1, MARCH 1993 African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary healthcare - A.B. CUNNINGHAM
S. Africa
Contact addresses:
WW. International Plant Conservation Officer Panda House, Weyside Park Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XR UNITED KINGDOM .ax: 44 1483 426409
Division of Ecological Sciences Man and the Biosphere Programme UNESCO, 7 Place de .ontenoy 75352 Paris Cedex 07 SP .RANCE .ax: 33 1 45685804
The Director Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Richmond Surrey TW9 3AB UNITED KINGDOM .ax: 44 181 3325278