The News of Grace The News of Grace The News of Grace The News of Grace

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The News of Grace

Volume 36, no. 1 January 2013

Sanctified Resolve
I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within meWretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:15-17, 24-25a) Happy New Year to all of you! I pray that your year will be blessed! I am sure that as we begin another year there are many who have made resolutions relating to their personal lives. Note that I said many, not all. Maybe all of us have thought about resolving to do something, but making the resolution hasnt happened because previous attempts to make and keep a New Years resolution have failed, and probably failed miserably and repeatedly. That doesnt mean that some of you have not been successful before and anticipate that you will be successful once again. Usually at the top of the list for New Years resolutions are those that call for us to lose weight and get in better physical shape, while another might be to stop smoking. Personal finance might be yours. Some will attempt to improve their financial situation in this next year by spending less and saving more, eliminating credit card debt or refraining from going into debt to acquire something that they can truly live without. Maybe you have set as a personal goal spending more time with your family while others may wish to repair relations that are broken. There are many areas in our lives that offer us opportunity for resolving to improve so that life might be better, longer and more enjoyable. Of course there are also things that we could resolve to do as it relates to our relationship with Him who gives us good health and the blessings of this life. We need to think about that too. Making a resolution is like establishing a law for our lives. It is for our good and so are the commandments. We can use our resolutions just like the Law can be used as a curb, mirror or guide for a particular aspect of our lives. Curbs serve to keep us on the road, or in relation to the Law of God it limits sudden outbursts of sin. Mirrors give us a good reflection of how we look. That might be why we are resolving to get our bodies in shape. The Law as a mirror does not lie to us and shows us

that If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in usIf we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. (1 John 1:8, 10) It is precisely by looking into the mirror of the Law that we need to join our voices with St. Paul in saying, I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. (Romans 7:15) There are a couple of different ways that we can react when we know that the Law is convicting us. We can just ignore it as if it doesnt apply to us, we can rebel against it and act as if no one has the right to meddle in our lives, or we can become contrite (sorrow over our sins) and, by the Holy Spirits power, acknowledge our failure and seek to amend our sinful lives (this is repentance). Therein the Law becomes our guide, just as the Holy Spirit is our power to use that guide for resolving to know Christ and Him crucified as the power to live for Him, who lived, died and lives again for us. The Law is good, but we can never forget that the Law does not save. It is the Gospel that saves. The Gospel tells us what God in Christ Jesus has done for us and it is the Gospel that we should all be resolved, even determined to know. As we look at the year just past and assess the things about ourselves that we either think or know need to be improved or worked on, dont forget the opportunity to be strengthened by Gods Word, both Law and Gospel, to be made certain of our eternal salvation through the forgiveness of our sins. Since Gods Word and His Sacraments are Means of Grace doesnt it make sense that they are gifts that we should be resolved to hear and receive? While the Law as a curb or mirror has it way of convicting us by showing us our sin, the Law as a guide for living as Gods people is a way of empowering you in light of the Gospel and its promise of forgiveness in Christ. The Holy Spirit works in our hearts a sanctified resolve to know that we have been delivered from the body of death by Gods faithfulness to us in Jesus Christ our Lord so that in turn we can be thankful to Him. I could tell all of you that you should be here on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening, or both. I could tell you that you should be faithful in your service to the Lord and His Church by giving of your time, talent and treasure. Instead I will tell you that you are forgiven in Christ. I will tell you that the Holy Spirit has called, gathered, enlightened and sanctified you in Christ to be resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified for you as your power to be in Him now in this New Year and even forevermore. Blessed and Happy New Year Pastor Walter

Board of Elders Seminary Scholarship

The Christmas season has come and gone, and now many of us are looking forward to making use of those gifts we received from our friends and loved ones. The idea of gift giving is very straightforward, and it usually begins with the question, What do they need? When we look upon the fallen creation, and ask this same question, the answer is also very straightforward--we need forgiveness, life and eternal salvation. But how is this accomplished? Through that which is considered foolishness by the gentiles and a stumbling block by the Jews--the Gospel. Through the preached Word, through simple water, and through simple bread and wine we are given grace upon grace. And how do we receive these gifts? Well, fortunately for us, God through His church calls and raises up men with a passion for shepherding His elect and proclaiming to them the forgiveness of their sins in Christ. As we enjoy the gifts we have received this Christmas, perhaps we could reflect on the opportunity we have to give a gift to the whole church through our support of those men called to be pastors. Our family at Grace is honored by the willingness of our young men who devote years and no insignificant amount of money (in the neighborhood of $40,000 per year) for the purpose of caring for Gods people and soothing their troubled consciences with Christs tender word of forgiveness. Who among us has not benefited from these investments? It is through our support of our seminarians that we can give a gift to one another and to the church as a whole. The Board of Elders hopes that the congregation can play a major role in supporting our seminarians both financially and through fervent prayer. In pursuit of that goal, we plan to give you opportunities throughout 2013 to offer financial support for our current seminarian, Kevin Ray, and thus give a gift to Christs church--a gift that truly keeps on giving. We will do this through occasional envelopes in your worship folder and brief reminders at the end of service from time to time. Of course, we dont want to limit you to giving only on these special occasions, but encourage you to assist whenever and as often as you desire, above and beyond your regular giving. You can do this by simply writing Seminary Scholarship Fund on a regular white envelope and put it in the offering plate. We ask that you prayerfully consider taking part in this effort, and we pray that the Church will be blessed by the pastors we raise up. John Calvillo Board of Elders - Discipleship Coordinator Vicar and Seminarian Support Elder

Notes from our Vicar

Greetings to all of you this new year! It was great to see so many of you at the Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve services. May the good news of great joy continue to spread this Christmas season! Our Young Adult Bible Study continues to meet every other Monday with our next meeting being Monday, January 7 at 7:00 PM. Please call or E-mail me for more detailed information on location. We are continuing to study Dietrich Bonheoffer's book "The Cost of Discipleship," which challenges us as Lutherans to examine scripture closely in accordance with what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and please do not hesitate to give me a call at 630-738-3835 or E-mail me at Vicar Witte


Grace Lutheran Church has contracted with a snow removal company this winter. Upon anticipation of a snow event, the contractor will mobilize to the church site to prepare for timely removal of snow in the parking lots and on the sidewalks. Since the contractor may have tractors and equipment on the campus, Grace Lutheran Church members and ECDC patrons should proceed cautiously during and after snow events. Also since snow removal in most instances is not able to remove ice, please drive and walk with extreme care to avoid accidents and falls on slick surfaces that may be icy. Charles Stein Director, Board of Church Properties

Director of Parish Music

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ! As we reach the end of the Christmas season and move into the Epiphany season, Id like to share a great hymn from the Epiphany section of Lutheran Service Book. O Savior of Our Fallen Race (LSB 403) is a translation of a Latin text from the 5th-10th centuries, set to a recent tune (PUTNAM) by Stephen R. Johnson. Epiphany is often referred to as the Gentiles Christmas, because the Magi, who were Gentiles, saw the newborn baby Jesus, the king of the Jews and the Light of the world. This hymn uses these themes throughout as a prayer to Christ, our Savior. Stanza One: O Savior of our fallen race, O Brightness of the Fathers face, O Son who shared the Fathers might Before the world knew day or night, Alleluia! Christ is indeed the Savior of the entire human race and this stanza sets the stage perfectly for His saving act. It speaks of Christ shar[ing] the Fathers might Before the world knew day or night, confession that Christ was with the Father from all eternity, and was present at the creation of the world He would later save from its own sin. For all this, we say Alleluia! (Praise God, All People), and will continue to say it at the end of each stanza. Stanza Two: O Jesus, very Light of Light, Our constant star in sins deep night: Now hear the prayers Your people pray Throughout the world this holy day. Alleluia! We live in a sinful world. This should be evident to anyone. Yet in sins deep darkness, we have Christ, the Light of the world, shining brightly to comfort and assure us of His presence. As we continue to live in this dark world, we pray that Christ would save His people who live in darkness and the shadow of death. Stanza Three: Remember, Lord of life and grace, How once, to save our fallen race, You put our human vesture on And came to us as Marys son. Alleluia!

The mystery of the Incarnation, God becoming man, is beyond our comprehension. Yet we confess it in our Creeds that Christ humbled Himself and took on the form of a servant, to save us all from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Stanza Four: Today, as year by year its light Bathes all the world in radiance bright, One precious truth outshines the sun: Salvation comes from You alone. Alleluia! Isaiah 9:2: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined. This stanza seems to be drawn from this Scripture verse, and then takes it farther by stating that Salvation, the purpose for which Christ came to earth, comes only through Him. The exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed here loud and clear. Stanza Five: For from the Fathers throne You came, His banished children to reclaim; And earth and sea and sky revere The love of Him who sent You here. Alleluia! Christ became man for one purpose: to save the world from the effects of Adams Fall. The whole earth rejoices in the salvation of our God, who saved us because of His great love. Stanza Six: And we are jubilant today, For you have washed our guilt away. O hear the glad new song we sing On this, the birthday of our King! Alleluia! Just as creation rejoiced in Christs redeeming work, so we rejoice because our sins have been forgiven, individually. Christ died for the sins of the whole world, and more specifically, Christ died for you and for me. So we take up the song of all creation in Stanza Seven: O Christ, Redeemer virgin-born, Let songs of praise Your name adorn, Whom with the Father we adore and Holy Spirit evermore. Alleluia! Amen!

Peace in Christ, Nathan Beethe, Director of Parish Music


ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Services Perryn Andrews 10:45 a.m. Services Andrew Warren COMMUNION ASSISTANTS January 6th 10:45 Service Ken Ross January 13th 8:15 Service Allen Deislinger January 20th 10:45 Service John Cavillo January 27th 8:15 Service Raymond Harrill USHERS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Services Tim Loyds team Bill Allaben, Bobby Bemberg, Ed Mahnken 10:45 a.m. Services Richard Sanders team Rudy Bischof, Jeremy Hammond, Ken Ross CANTORS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Services Paul Walter 10:45 a.m. Services Ron Krueger GREETERS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Services Kay Jenkins 10:45 a.m. Services. Shaun, Justine and Maxwell Baker ALTAR GUILD SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Services Jim and Judy Keppel 10:45 a.m. Services Beverly Sanders
Wednesday Mid-Week Services Suzanne Raddle & Wilma Richter


Volunteers Needed to Serve - Please take a minute and sign up for the Sunday on which you wish to serve. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board by the Parlor.

The schedule for January, 2013 is:

January 6th January 13th January 20th January 27th _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

The schedule for February, 2013 is:

February 3rd February 10th February 17th February 24th _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Thanks!! We appreciate your help!

If you are unable to serve please ask someone to fill in for you and then call the church office.


HOLY BAPTISM On December 23rd, Tallulah Jane Ray, daughter of Kevin and Allie Ray, was received into Gods Kingdom of Grace through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Her sponsors are Katy and John Beard. Tallulah has a sister Monica and her great-grandparents are John and Emma Jane Ohnemus. On December 30th, Nathaniel Paul Richmond, son of Tyler and Niki Richmond, was received into Gods Kingdom of Grace through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. His sponsors are Rik and Sarah Hedlund. CONGRATULATIONS and GODS BLESSINGS CONGRATULATIONS to Robert Bemberg and Emily May who were married on Saturday, December 29th, here at Grace. Pastor Walter officiated. Robert is the son of Bobby and Lydia Bemberg. CONGRATULATIONS to Kevin and Allie Ray on the birth of their daughter Tallulah Jane Ray on Tuesday, December 4th, in St. Louis. John and Emma Jane Ohnemus are her great-grandparents. Congratulations to the Ray family. CONGRATULATIONS On December 19th, Claire Hammond was the winner of the 2nd thru 5th Grade Spelling Bee at Christ Lutheran School. Claire is a 4th grader at Christ. Congratulations, Claire!!! CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Fred Evans who died the end of November in Costa Rica. Fred is the brother of Grover Bud Evans. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bud and his family. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Mrs. Betsy Warren who died the end of November in Orlando, Florida. Betsy is the mother of Greg Warren and grandmother of Andrew and Matthew Warren. Our thoughts and prayers are with Greg, Barb, Andrew and Matthew.

OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Ruth Sielaff who died the end of November in Mart, Texas. Ruth is the sister of Mildred Wilkins and aunt of Debbie Craig, John and Bill Wilkins. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bill and Mildred and their family. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Richard Cline Sr. who died on December 2nd. Richard is the nephew of Larry Jones and cousin of Dawn Cline. Please remember Larry, Dawn and their families in your prayers. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Alfred Mac McKenzie who died on December 1st in Stuttgart. Alfred is the step-father of Grady Worden and grandfather of Nick and Ashley Worden. Please remember Grady, Jo Hanna, Nick and Ashley and their family in your prayers. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Gary Bemberg who died on December 3rd. Gary is the cousin of Richard and Bobby Bemberg. Please remember the Bemberg family in your prayers. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Charles Hoover who died on December 7th. Charles is the step-father of April Allaben. Please remember April, Tim and William and their family in your prayers. YOU THANK YOU STAINED GLASS on the Bridge: If you havent already noticed, or if you have noticed and wondered what the beautiful stained glass is all about, this is the story. Nancy Wade has embarked on a project of making stained glass medallions that coincide with the liturgical seasons that we celebrate throughout the church year. To date she has completed one for Advent and one for Christmas. They are hanging in the south windows of the bridge. We thank Nancy (and Jim too) for sharing her talents and gifts with her church family here at Grace.


Thank you to everyone who participated in the Cookie Walk last Sunday. Those who baked, those who helped, those who bought, and those who donated. Through your efforts and support we raised $834! We were able to support 2 of our Grace families toward their Christmas needs. Thank you, Grace family members.

On Sunday, January 6th, at 2:00 p.m.. we will be taking down the Christmas decorations at church. Please take an hour or two out of your busy schedules to help us take down the trees and put away all the decorations. Thanks!!!

FELLOWSHIP CLUB January 15th 12:00 noon

Plans are being made for another fun event!!!! Watch the Sunday bulletin for further details.


Grace continues to support the foster care program in the East Office of DCFS. Some of the items they need for the children coming into their office include: breakfast type foods (pop tarts, breakfast bars), peanut butter crackers, microwaveable pasta meals, diapers of various sizes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap If you can help provide any of these items, please bring them to the church and place them in the box for DCFS which is in the church breezeway. For more information, contact Abby Buchanan or Pat Funk.


Noon Devotions with Pastor is Thursday, January 10th, at 12:00 noon in Parker Hall. Bring a sandwich and join us for Bible study and fellowship. Drinks, chips, and dessert are provided. Bring a friend and join us this is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship!!


Bring your project and join the Sit and Sew group on Tuesday, January 8th, at 12:00 noon in the downstairs classroom in the church. For details call Carole Nichols or Sammye Sue Harrill.

FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Begins Sunday, January 6 4:00-5:30 pm Cost: $89 /couple (or single) Childcare Available
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY (FPU) starts Sunday, January 6th, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. in Parker Hall. The topics are designed to teach you how to handle Gods money Gods way. The cost is $89 per couple (or single) if purchased through Grace. Childcare is available. Registration forms available in the church office. Riley and Randy Middaugh are coordinating this course and look forward to seeing you there! For more information call the church office at 663-3631 or Randy Middaugh at 954-9281.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND GOD'S BLESSINGS to Members January: Grace Family Members in the month of January: 1 - John Ketcher 2 - Edwin Mahnken 3 - Diane Roberts 5 - Sharon LeBlanc 6 - Jennifer Harrod, Joni Jones, Elsie Westerfield 7 - Perryn Andrews, Jaxon Ham, Lindsay Zweifel 8 - Irvin Clawitter, David Cossey 8 - Bradley Stillman, Jason Sutterfield 9 - Kevin Derden 12 - Rudy Bischof, Larry Stillman 13 - Dennis Fastenau 15 - Colleen Haley 18 - Holly Raney 20 - Brooke Metzler 21 - Joe Gelzine 22 - Lori Bloom, Frank Royster 24 - Shaun Baker, Lily Woodyard 25 - Suzanne Raddle 26 - Adam Long, Susan Mahnken, Harold Wells 28 - Bailey Cannon 29 - Frank Gutierrez 30 - Joan Ann Olsen, Travis Starr 31 - Karen Camacho, Elisabeth Graf 31 - Judy Keppel, Cynthia McCrory January: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to these couples in January: 3 - Judy and Tommy Borchert, Betty and Bob Bryant 4 - Susie and Ray Barlow 5 - Wendy and Bob Schmidt 17 - Kara and David Mainard 27 - Dorris and Allen Deislinger
We apologize if we have missed your birthday or anniversary; please let us know in the church office so we can update our records. Thank you!!


Evening Guild members had a great time at their Christmas Party on December 13th in the Parlor. They enjoyed delicious appetizers and had a great time with their Christmas gift exchange!! Evening Guild also hosted a luncheon for the Fellowship Club in December and served a pork loin luncheon and provided favors and door prizes. Pastor Walter and Nathan led the Christmas carols. Our next meeting will be January 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parlor. Watch the bulletin for more details. For more information, please call Judy Rivers at 223-2671 or email me at


Our nursery, downstairs in the church, is also available to take care of the infants and toddlers during Sunday School/Bible Class time.

ECDC News & Notes

What a Christmas to remember! 2012 certainly went out with a bang a cold bang! I pray that each of you stayed at least somewhat warm, and more so thankful that though cold we were all safe!! But you know really every Christmas is a Christmas to remember. Because of what happened the first Christmas morning we have the promise of eternal life still the best present of all! What a great year 2012 was! It went so fast guess Im getting older ECDC was once again blessed with great kids, with great parents, a wonderful, talented, loving staff; and Grace congregation who continued to be so supportive in so many ways! And, 2013 looks to be even better God continues to pour His blessings on us! December was a wonderful month as we have celebrated Advent (or as the kids call it the countdown); learned the Christmas story with the kids telling, and retelling, the story of the birth of baby Jesus; made presents for our families and friends; had fun unwrapping all the wonderful presents from our families and Grace Lutheran friends, entertained family and friends at our annual worlds-shortest-best Christmas program complete with the enactment of the Nativity complete with microphones and concluded with the singing of some of our favorite Christmas carols! We need to take care of some thank-yous first to all the families, staff, and Grace Lutheran members that gave us special gifts for the classroom and playground wow you all were sooooo generous! And, to the Board of Christian Education for hosting our first Family Christmas Pizza Lunch following the kids program the morning program followed by lunch just might have to become a tradition it was quite a hit! God continues to pour His blessings on us! January finds us learning all about space and transportation, and construction bet the Seniors will go ride the Trolley sometime during the month! During Jesus time we will learn about the Wise Men (they probably traveled by camel!), Epiphany, Jesus as a little boy (He learned to help His dad Joseph construct things), and baptism. Sure hope we dont have any snow days or we wont have time to get it all in!! Why dont you travel on into our space and build some new friendships with our great kids and staff just a thought for 2013! Until next month, have a blessed Christ-filled holiday season

ADULT BIBLE CLASS - Pastor Walters Bible Class meets each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Parker Hall. Pastor is leading a study on the liturgy and worship. If youve ever wondered why we do what we do in worship or wanted to know where our liturgy comes from, this will be an opportunity for you to find out. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES for children ages 3 years through 6th grade are held in the lower level of the Family Life Center. The parents are invited to join us for the opening service at 9:45 each Sunday. If you have questions contact Colleen Moorman or Nathan Beethe. LCEF K.I.D.S. Saving Stamps are available from Ame Andrews during Sunday School opening time. JUNIOR YOUTH class meets at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday in their classroom downstairs in the church. Joel Junkans leads the class. YOUTH SENIOR YOUTH class meets each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in their classroom downstairs in the church. Dave Roberts leads the class. MENS BIBLE STUDY class meets each Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. at St. Vincent Hospital in the 4th floor conference room (off the main elevator). Pastor Walter leads this Bible Study. All men of Grace are encouraged to attend. TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS meets each Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. in the downstairs classroom in the church. On September 4th they are beginning the Gods Word for Today on LUKE To All Nations. Contact Joan Ann Olsen for more information.


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