Tyler Street News May 2012

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The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) John 10:10 is perhaps my all-time favorite scripture. I realize the risk of having a "favorite" scripture. It's tempting to focus on it and ignore the full counsel of God's Word. Yet, John 10:10 comforts and convicts me. It also continues to inform my understanding of Jesus' mission. He came that we might have life and have it abundantly. The Greek word for "abundantly" means "superior in quality" or "beyond measure." Jesus offers a superior kind of life; life that surpasses ordinary living; life that comes from the One who is Life. Certainly this applies to the eternal life we receive through faith in Christ. However, abundant life is not only to be experienced after we die. It is for today. Don't misunderstand: Abundant life is not a "happy all the time" kind of life. Nor is it a "get everything you want" kind of life. Rather, it is the real experience of Christ's life in us, characterized by the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are the attributes of Christ and this is the abundant life Jesus desires us to have. Sadly, many Christians do not experience abundant life. They know Christ as Lord and Savior, but allow thieves such as worry, fear, finances, busyness , bitterness and temptation to rob them of abundance. Even churches can become life-diminishing rather than life-

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giving when the fruit of the Spirit is absent, or when duty becomes the motive for service.

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! "Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1b As we feel the temperatures rising, smell the aromatic scent of spring in full bloom and as we look around us to see the signs of a new season, we realize the time has come for an annual rite of this time of year spring cleaning. Ugh! Once again it has become necessary. It seems like it was only yesterday that I had gone through my home office, shredding old documents, tossing out all the unnecessary items and re-shelving books and journals that had been hastily tossed back on the bookcases. It seemed like it was only yesterday that all was clean and tidy but now it is nothing close to that. How had this happened again? It seemed as if it had gradually crept back into major disarray as I had burrowed myself indoors during the past months. The thing is it didn't happen overnight. It crept in one hastily tossed book, one mislaid stack of papers at a time. This same phenomenon happens in our spiritual life in our relationship with Christ. When there is lack of care and attention, gradual decay and inattention can wreak havoc. As this occurs it weighs us down, preventing us from being at our best to run the race that Christ has for us. Perhaps you sense this beginning to happen in your own life or maybe it's been going on for a while and you don't know what to do. Maybe you're on top of things and your spiritual life is neat and orderly but you want to know how to prevent it from becoming untidy. If you feel that this describes you there is good news. First we must realize that there is help available to all. The Holy Spirit is present to make us aware. The Holy Spirit comes alongside us to encourage us and to strengthen us for those sins and disruptive habits that can creep back into our lives clogging our relationship with Christ. Like David we can ask God to "search me and know my heart.see if there is any offensive way in me.." Secondly, we can be encouraged to know that no matter what we find in our hearts we are forgiven, if we seek this. That's the good news that just like my home office when I honestly assess it it's not just "busy" but in real need of cleaning then we can reverse what it looks like. We must be sincere in the spiritual assessment of our lives. We must be prepared to roll up our sleeves and get busy doing what needs to be done to clean up and to clean out anything that gets in the way of our relationship with Christ. As we set about ridding our lives of anything that hinders us let us determine, by God's grace, that we will make this spiritual spring cleaning something that happens all year long. When we do this we can "run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Blessings, Pastor Cheryl Jones.

Are you experiencing abundant life? Some would say, "Yes. I do experience His abundant life." Some may say, "No. Even though I know Jesus, I've never really experienced this kind of life." Perhaps most would say, "Yes, but like sand, it slips through my hands. It's hard to hold onto." I can really relate to the latter. Let me share three qualities that have helped me experience, as well as reclaim abundant life. Number One: Obedience to God. We tend to think of obedience as hard, rigid and restrictive. Yet the writers of scriptures describe obedience as life-giving. Psalm 1:1-3 says, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Jesus says, "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it." (Luke 11:28). Number Two: Thankfulness. Scripture continually calls us to be thankful (Colossians 3:15, Hebrews 12:28 and many others) Thankfulness is transforming. It allows us to see and celebrate God's blessings. Number Three: Intentional Hope. By "intentional hope" I mean intentionally choosing to believe. Jesus challenged his disciples in such a way. He said to Thomas, "Stop doubting and believe." (Jn. 20:27) Hope ushers in abundance. It allows us to see and experience God's faithfulness. John Henry Newman said, "Fear not that your life will come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning." Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly. As the life of Spring manifests itself around us, may you experience the abundant life of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the privilege of serving alongside of you at Tyler Street. Thank you for your faithfulness! Blessings, Ed

Runways and Cupcakes A Centennial Celebration of Fashion!

All who attended the Runways and Cupcakes Centennial Tea and Fashion Show had a great time last month visiting, eating, looking at fashions from the last 100 years and hearing interesting tidbits of history related to Tyler Street's first 100 years. Special thanks to our emcee, Wendy Walker, and to our models: Denise Adams, Carla Boss, Abby Davenport, Bertha Garcia, Delayna Griffith, Miriam Griffith, Emma Hudgins, Lacie Huggins, Lisa Lantz, Alex Pinkerton, Vanessa Ray, Mary Kathryn Skinner, Chris Thompson, Bethany Vrabel, and Abby Walker. Many thanks to all who shared fashions from their collections! We are deeply indebted to our sponsors: CocoAndre Chocolatier, Cummings and Associates Architects, Dallas Market, Inforzato's Caf, Shambhala Body Gallery, Tootsies, and TSUMC Heart to Heart Women's Group. A love offering was taken to help support the women of Tyler Street United Methodist Church in renovating our Yeats Hall kitchen. We received $259 toward that project. Thank you for your gifts!

TSCA was founded in 1972 as a mission of Tyler Street United Methodist Church. The TSCA mission is to provide a college preparatory education while seeking to develop Christ-like character preparing graduates for a life of leadership and service to God and the community.

By Sandy Wilkie You are invited to a free one hour breakfast to celebrate the Well Community's Tenth Anniversary. The Well Community is a Dallas nonprofit organization working to bring love and health to adults recovering from serious mental illness. This ministry is based at Cliff Temple Baptist Church in Oak Cliff. I am hosting a table and invite you to join me for breakfast and to find out more about supporting this innovative mental health program. Here are the details: Tuesday, May 22, 2012, from 8-9am at Methodist Dallas Medical Center's Hitt Auditorium, 1441 N. Beckley Ave, Dallas, TX 75203. Registration begins at 7:15 am. Please call me at 972-576-1285 or email me at sandy_flair@yahoo.com if you would like to attend. I look forward to hosting you at my table.

Please join us for a bridal shower honoring Christine Schwaebler Bride-elect of Jacob King Sunday, May 20 2-4 pm Tyler Street UMC Sanctuary Parlor Registered at Bed Bath & Beyond, Dillard's, Macy's, and Target

Palm Sunday and Easter Egg Hunt

Happy Mother's Day, May 13 Senior Recognition Sunday, May 20 Church office closed Monday, May 28, for Memorial Day Happy Father's Day, Sunday, June 17 Soccer Camp, June 18-22 Vacation Bible School, July 16-20 VBS musical and all church luncheon Sunday, July 22 Summer Classics Series presents... Jazz Mosiac Sunday, June 24, 7 pm, Sanctuary The original 1925 silent movie "The Phantom of the Opera" Sunday, July 15, 7 pm, sanctuary

Parents' Night Out at Tyler Street happens every 3rd Friday of the month from 5-9 pm. It includes dinner and plenty of fun! For more info, email Jamie Nelson at jamienelson@tsumc.org. You may register online at www.tsumc.org.

ANNIVERSARY/WEDDING RING Class opened on Apr. 23 with a hymn, Crown Him with Many Crowns. Pat Thompson gave our prayer. Patsy Thompson brought an excellent lesson on Knowing Satans Next Project. We lost two long time members, Ace Simmons and Ed Thomas. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families. Class opened on Apr. 29 by singing God of Grace. Estelle gave our prayer then read a testimony of Ben Schoonover that was very touching. Buddy Holleys lesson was a story from Kisses from Kate. Carol Bilz fell and Tom Young is having surgery to remove a cancerous spot in his colon. Please keep them in your prayers. KINGS JOY CLASS You ask me how I know He Lives, He lives within my heart and within the New Kings Joy Sunday School Class. We invite everyone to a weekly Bible study on The Character of the Disciples of Jesus by Kevin Warstler, Ph.D, Bible scholar at Criswell College, Dallas Theological Semi-

nary at 9:45 am in the Sanctuary Parlor. TWO BY TWO On Apr. 1, Jere Thompson gave a good lesson on self control and relationships in marriage. Jim Gettman was our teacher on Apr. 8 and taught on Our Risen Savior. Glad to have the Matthews back in class. Don Lindholm taught on the Book of Esther on Apr. 15 and on Apr. 22, he continued his lesson on Ester. We were glad to have Nancy Ostroff with us. Leon McWhorter was our teacher on Apr. 29 and gave a good lesson on praise. Please pray for: the Schoonover family in the loss of Ben; Mildred Lindsay and her family and grandson Josh; JoAnns daughter, Pam; Janet Rhodes; Pat Tucker; Deloris Lewis; Ann Marshall; Shirley Jackson; Russell Rhodes; Frank Avaritt; Jere Thompson; Ray Matthews; Lucy Lindholm; Barbara Remele; JoAnns aunt and Harold Binion.

Congratulations to Robert and Stephanie Martinez on the birth of their son, Elijah Paul. He was born May 2, weighing 7 lbs 10 oz. He has two big sisters, Liliana and Karina. Several of our members volunteer at Methodist Hospital. At the annual Methodist Volunteer Recognition Dinner, the following people were recognized: Estelle Holley for 3500 hours; Betty Binion for 4500 hours; and Harold Binion for 6000 hours. One of the newest volunteers, Patsy Summey, won a table decoration. Congratulations to all of you! Our love and sympathy to family and friends of Ed Thomas. Brad and Melissa Schoonover and family in the loss of their son, Ben. Carl and Mary Schoonover and family in the loss of their grandson, Ben Schoonover.

Ason and Riche Louviere in the loss of Riches brother, Joe. Dorothy Simmons in the loss of her husband, A.C. Simmons. Garry and Kate Wolford in the loss of Garrys mother, NeVada. Alice Hargis in the loss of her son, Roy. To my dear Tyler Street family, I would like to express my appreciation for all the words of comfort and expressions of sympathy in the passing of my son, Roy. We sincerely treasure the loving support you have shown us. Alice Hargis and family Thank you for your investment in the ministries of Tyler Street. Financial update through April 30, 2012: Jan-Apr budgeted receipts Jan-Apr actual receipts $263,667 $254,184 or 96%

The Phantom of the Opera

This performance recalls the days in the 1920s before the advent of "talkies," in which the only soundtrack provided for a moving picture came from an orchestra or organ. Since most theatres could not afford a live orchestra, organs were installed and organists were employed to play creative accompaniments to feature films. Renowned organist, Benjamin A. Kolodziej, has composed music for this original film and will accompany the silent movie in our sanctuary. You will remember in 2010, he played for the silent movie, The Parsons Widow. Dont miss this unique and entertaining experience!

Jan-Apr receipts under budget $9,483 or 4%

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