6 0 Pre Implementation Checklist
6 0 Pre Implementation Checklist
6 0 Pre Implementation Checklist
Pre-Implementation Checklist
Checklist Overview
The purpose of the Pre-Implementation Checklist is to assist you in documenting the information required for Flow to commence work on the configuration and installation of your Flow Software solution. Provision of the completed Checklist enables Flow to confirm the delivery date for your project. To ensure successful and timely deployment of your solution we require: 1. Access to an environment in which Flow is to be installed; 2. Staff with the knowledge of your business process who have the ability to make decisions regarding the implementation process itself, and 3. Available resource to perform user acceptance testing (UAT) during that phase of the project. Please communicate this information directly to your Flow Professional Services Consultant or simply complete and return the Checklist provided at the back of this document within five working days of receipt. Customer Confidentiality In order to understand your requirements it is likely that we will gain familiarity with your business and associated processes. Flows professional approach ensures that commercially sensitive information is handled in the strictest of confidence. However we are happy to sign a confidentiality agreement if required.
Project Champion
Identification of the project champion is a crucial step in the successful delivery of your project. The Project Champion will be Flows first point of contact, as well as the person who will be trained on the operation and maintenance of the Flow Software configuration. It is the Project Champions responsibility to liaise with all parties involved in the delivery of this project as well as to train any additional internal staff on the operation and maintenance of Flow. (Alternatively Flow can provide you with a quote for training up additional staff in the operation and maintenance of the Flow installation.) The Project Champion needs to be available over the entire duration of the project; have sufficient knowledge about the business processes involved, and be able to make decisions about how operations/processes should work. Preferably, the Project Champion should also have the authority to sign off on the project. If this is not the case, we will need the contact details of the individual who is responsible for project sign-off.
Commercial in Confidence New Zealand +64 9 476 3569 | E-mail: info@flowsoftware.co.nz | www.flowsoftware.co.nz Page 1 of 4
Pre-Implementation Checklist
Remote Access
The quote for your project assumes that Flow will be provided with Remote Access to your systems, with administrative privileges for the installation and configuration of Flow Software. To enable timely implementation and quality support for your site we ALWAYS require remote access. Before commencing work on your project we will need all relevant user names, passwords and IP addresses to enable the Flow Professional Services Consultant access to your site. This information will be stored securely. Although we support most types of remote access we recommend and prefer Remote Desktop (RDP) or LogMeIn for remote access. If you are unsure of the best way to provide remote access, then please contact your designated Professional Services Consultant.
We need to know the location of the application database Flow is integrating with. This includes the server/computer name and/or location of the database itself and also what it is called. To configure your system for Flow we need to be able to log into your database. To facilitate this you may like to set up a user account specifically for Flow with Admin rights or alternatively we can use an existing administrator account. The end result is that Flow should have login details that provide administrator access to the application to ensure all areas and functionality of the database can be used. In addition, if your applications are supported by an external party, you are encouraged to send Flow their contact details.
Test Environment
To ensure data integrity and protection of your internal systems we always undertake integration and testing on a separate test environment. This may be as simple as making a copy of your live data file or database that you currently work with. Please arrange with your network administrator or systems consultant for a test environment to be made available. We are able to host your test environment on one of our servers if you are unable to do so.
Flow will use your Email system to send notifications out when it needs to notify a user of a specific event. For this to occur, Flow needs either the address of your Exchange Server or the address for your Internet Service Provider (ISP) e.g. mail.xtra.co.nz. These emails can sometimes be picked up by spam filters so you may need to configure your email system to allow this type of correspondence/sender.
Commercial in Confidence New Zealand +64 9 476 3569 | E-mail: info@flowsoftware.co.nz | www.flowsoftware.co.nz Page 2 of 4
Pre-Implementation Checklist
Extra fields, Transformation fields store codes/product codes Creation of extracts, extra fields, triggers etc. May not hinder commencement but may delay completion and go live. Any details that require clarification from the scope document. Packages like MYOB and QuickBooks require us to have the actual application installed on the computer we intend to install Flow on. This is because to read or write information into the package we first have to open it so the drivers we use can run. Therefore you must have the package installed on the server/computer where Flow is to reside. Note: This does not mean the data file itself must be on this computer, so we can still access data files across a network.
[Type text] Any communication from Flow Software Limited will be directed to the Champion in the first instance. Name Phone Mobile Email [Type text] [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Does the Project Champion have the authority to sign off on the Project? Yes No If No, please provide contact details of the individual with the authority to sign off on the project: Name Phone Mobile [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Commercial in Confidence New Zealand +64 9 476 3569 | E-mail: info@flowsoftware.co.nz | www.flowsoftware.co.nz Page 3 of 4
Pre-Implementation Checklist
[Type text]
Please provide the details of the best point of contact for gaining remote access to your system. [Type text] [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Please confirm which of the people above will provide us with application and network details Name [Type text]
Test Environment
Test Environment for [Enter Software to Integrate to] (please specify any relevant details to connect to this database) Server Database Name User Name Password [Type text] [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
If you are unsure of your SMTP, do not include. Email Details (SMTP) SMTP Server [Type text]
Please indicate an ETA for the completion of data synchronization. Data Entry/ Synchronisation Date [Type text]
Commercial in Confidence New Zealand +64 9 476 3569 | E-mail: info@flowsoftware.co.nz | www.flowsoftware.co.nz Page 4 of 4