Micro Brewing Guide English
Micro Brewing Guide English
Micro Brewing Guide English
Prepared by
David Smith
The Innovation Partnership Ltd
118 High Street
Manchester, M4 1HQ
Tel: 0161 834 4401
Fax: 0161 834 4402
Email: tipl@innopartners.com
With thanks to
Prepared for
Gwynedd Rural Development Plan - Innovate
Gwynedd County Council
Council Offices
Shirehall Street
Gwynedd, LL55 1SH
Tel: 01286 679628
Fax: 01286 678962
Copies of this booklet can be downloaded from the following web addresses:
Gwynedd Economic Partnership www.economigwynedd.info, www.gwyneddeconomy.info
Snowdonia National Park www.eryri-npa.gov.uk
The Ingredients
The Process
Waste Products
Basic Plant
This microbrewing guide is aimed at Gwynedd farmers. It has been written by The
Innovation Partnership Ltd following a Strategic Innovation Study commissioned by
Gwynedd Council. A Strategic Innovation Study (SIS) is intended to identify and
facilitate the creation of sustainable ventures that will deliver significant wealth
and create jobs within the Gwynedd rural community to benefit farmers and have
a positive impact in the wider Gwynedd economy.
Unlike the rest of the brewing sector, microbrewing is experiencing strong growth
averaging more than 10% since 2004.
Progressive beer Duty (PBD), which reduces the duty paid by smaller brewers by as
much as 50%, and the growing consumer trend of buying and sourcing food and
drink locally, attracted by distinctiveness and keen to discourage food miles.
These drivers, together with low technical and commercial barriers to entry, have
fuelled the growth in the number of microbrewers in recent years.
Champion Beer of Wales competition since 1996 and winning brewers are proud
to use the wining accolade in their promotional material. The Wales True Taste
Producers Food and Drink Awards have also helped raise the profile of brewers
from the Principality. Many of the Welsh brewers use a made in Wales on their
products, typically a dragon or flag.
North Wales, once regarded as the backwater of beer brewing, has been making
something of a name for itself in recent years. When the Purple Moose Brewery set
up in 2005 there were only two other breweries in North Wales. Since then there
has been a whole bevy of beer makers who have endeavoured to put North
Wales on the beer map. Despite overall sales of beer in the UK going down, these
microbreweries have been bucking the trend with success stories on the Lleyn
Peninsula, in Conwy, Denbigh and Flint. These microbreweries typically employ a
handful of people and supply very distinctive tasting beers to pubs and shops in
their locality. Many of these breweries are willing to give guided tours of their sites
and are keen to share their enthusiasm for brewing.
Brewing the perfect beer requires the brewer to use art, craft and science, in a
balance of natural ingredients and processes. Some brewers embrace modern
technology while others use more traditional means but whether the brewery is
large or small, old or new the process remains the same.
Most alcoholic beverages have three components: a liquid medium; sugar, which
is digested by yeast to create the waste products of alcohol and carbon dioxide;
and aromatic or flavour components. With wine, everything comes in a nice little
package...the grape. With beer, however, things are more complicated. Cereal
grains are hard to ferment. In their natural state, grains contain almost none of
the required components: no liquid, no sugar and not much in the way of flavour.
All three have to be brought together before you can add the yeast.
Malt malt is usually made from barley but brewers also use other grains, both
malted and unmalted. Wheat is a common grain used for this purpose, but oats,
rye and even rice are also added for particular purposes.
Liquor brewers refer to the hot water into which the processed malt is mashed
as liquor. Water in a brewery is for washing and cooling.
Hops hops contain acids that kill bacteria and protect the beer from infection.
They also contribute to flavour and aroma.
Yeast every brewery has its own strain of yeast not least to help produce a
distinctive flavour. Yeast is a microscopic fungus that digests the maltose (sugar)
and excretes alcohol and the CO2 that puts the fizz in beer.
Other Ingredients more and more ingredients are being used in the brewing
process to create new flavours with fruit particularly prevalent.
The malted barley is lightly crushed into a coarse powder called grist.
At this
stage, other cereals - including flaked maize, unmalted barley and wheat can be
introduced, if required by the brewers recipe to produce particular characteristics
of flavour or colour or appearance. Darker malts are used for stouts.
The grist is transferred to a large vessel called a mash tun, where it is mashed with
hot water (similar to the process of making a cup of tea). The natural sugars in the
malt dissolve in the liquor, and eventually a sweet brown liquid is run off. The wort
as it is called is then boiled with hops in large vessels, known as coppers.
The next stage is fermentation, the most critical process of all. The hopped wort is
cooled and run into fermentation vessels. Yeast is added, and it begins to convert
the natural sugars into alcohol, carbon dioxide and a range of subtle flavours.
Historically, all British ales and stouts were fermented with yeast that rose to the top
of the beer, and in many cases this method is still used. These top fermenting
beers develop cloud like, foaming heads. When the yeast has done its job, the
head settles into a thick, creamy crust, protecting the beer from air.
Lagers are fermented with a different type of yeast which works at colder
temperatures, and which sinks to the bottom of the fermenting vessel. Known as
bottom fermentation, to ensure hygienic conditions, enclosed fermenters are used
with a conical base, in which the yeast settles into the base.
Finally, before a beer leaves the brewery it must be conditioned. The conditioning
process differs according to how the beer is to leave the brewery.
For cask-
conditioned beers (real ales), the beer goes directly into the cask, barrel or bottle.
More hops may be added to the cask (dry hopping) for extra aroma. Finings are
added which bind the materials responsible for haze and sink to the bottom,
clarifying the beer. The yeast in the beer is still active, and the beer will undergo a
second fermentation in the cask, normally in the cellar of a pub. Cask conditioned
beer is a delicate product and, just like the beer undergoing fermentation in the
brewery, it is vulnerable to attack from all kinds of contamination by wild yeasts
and other micro-biological organisms.
Other beers are brought to condition in the brewery, some are fined and filtered
and some are pasteurised to guard against deterioration from microbes. They
reach the consumer in casks, kegs, bottles or cans. For lagers there is a longer
period of conditioning in the brewery at low temperature. The word lager comes
from the German word lagern, which means to store at a cold temperature.
Breweries can be put almost anywhere although the cost of some sites prohibits
successful installations.
attached to another development or at your own home are the most common
The beautiful ideal of old watermills, country house, churches and historic building
have the attraction of the USP, but trade effluent, building costs and planning
problems will probably make these sites unavailable unless you own them in the
first place.
sufficient, height and access, including transport for visitors and employees;
strong floors;
access to atmosphere for steam and CO2 that will not raise any objections.
The two key factors that affect internal brewery layout are:
there is not through flow of air, thus limiting the chance of airborne infection;
a minimal sum spent on preparing the walls and keeping them clean;
Area requirements for a brewery will depend upon several variables, such as the
position of windows and doors, as well as roof height and drainage.
outside secure or off-site storage also helps to reduce the area requirements.
20kw 240v
20kw 240v
28kw 415v
37kw 415v
40kw 415v
If there is an intention to bottle real ale then an additional 200-300 feet will be
permission may be granted with conditions. Not having mains drainage can incur
additional costs and problems:
reed beds
There are small volumes of other effluent but the volumes and concentrations are
usually very low. As for the remaining volume discharge from a brewery, these are
largely washing and rinsing water and about 50% of the volume disposed could be
described as drinkable.
Minimising discharge will depend upon the restrictions imposed upon you by your
effluent officer. With the exception of the cleaning chemicals, although the barrel
washing procedure can be completed with steam, almost all of the effluent from
a brewery is derived from organic sources, for example:
the sediment from the fermenter, which causes a lot of problems at the
treatment works, can be collected as a lump and ploughed into the land;
used malt (spent grain) can be given to a farmer, ideally as feed for livestock
such as cattle and horses the maximum amount should not exceed 30% of
the diet;
spent hops form the bottom for the copper make great compost when
The very small amount of toxic waste can be soured separately and removed off
site (paid service). One (or two) settling tanks can be set in the drain to catch the
solids and be emptied a couple of times a year.
In practice the total amount of trade effluent disposed of will probably be lower
than a few large houses. One problem is that of irregular volumes of disposal.
Granting trade effluent consent will usually require a sampling point for access to
take readings.
planning than other buildings, and building that have special status or in special
areas may be treated differently.
Mash Tun
Almost all UK based microbrewers use an infusion mash system. This is a simple
vessel where the malt mixed with the liquor and left to stand at one temperature.
It is then fun off to the boiling vessel through an underback.
The boil is one of the simplest operations and enough energy has to be put into the
vessel to complete the effective and efficient boil. The energy sources can be
supplied via electrical elements, direct fired gas tube, gas produced steam, direct
fired gas or in rate occasions by gas oil or kerosene. The boiler operation is more
efficient if the heat source is to one side of the vessel so the rolling boil is more
Control of the energy input will save time and provide efficient energy utilisation. If
a copper is over powered it will be boiling before the transfer from the mash tun is
complete. If it is under-powered then there will be unacceptable time delay from
the end of the separate (transfer) to boil time. The ideal balanced operation will
have around 10 minutes from the end of the transfer to boiling. It is also important
to be able to isolate the chimney from the copper until the boil is reached, as
letting heat out prior to boiling is an unnecessary waste of energy and will add to
time the brewing day. Less energy will be required to maintain a good rolling boil
than to achieve the boil in the first place.
Heat Exchanger
An effective heat exchanger is required to rapidly cool the very hot worth, to a
temperature that is safe and desirable to pitch the yeast. A by-product of the
effective cooling of the beer is the recovery of hot liquor that can be stored hot
and used for later brews.
The multiple plate heat exchanger (PHE) is the favoured equipment for the chilling
operation. There are other devices for cooling that achieve the chilling of the
beer but not as efficiently. PHEs work by passing beer down thin stainless steel
sheets when on the other side of the sheet is the cooling liquid, which is usually
water (for the micro brewer). The PHE should be specified to do the job required
for the size of brewery. If this specification is sufficient then the PHE should give no
trouble provided it is used correctly and cleaned properly.
The PHE is the biggest single point for potential problems and must be cleaned
properly before EVERY brew. Cleaning does not necessarily require splitting of the
equipment, but chemical cleansing and sterilising is essential.
A PHE will require splitting from time to time, how often will depend upon your
assessment based on the results of previous splitting and cleaning. At worst hop
debris will impede its effective use and will need splitting every brew, at best it will
never need splitting. The frequency of splitting operation is reduced significantly is
a pre filter is fitted.
Fermenting Vessels
A primary fermenting vessel can be made of many materials, plastic. Stainless
steel and slate are common materials. The main criteria for the material are that it
is food grade and fully sterilized. They can be of many shapes and sizes, open
topped or entirely closed.
Beer will be pumped or fed by gravity to conditioning tanks. They will be filled from
the bottom and the exclusion of oxygen is essential. A blanket of CO2 may also
be needed for flooding prior to filling or to maintain the condition of the beer.
CO2 may also need to be fed into the top to keep the open space in a sterile and
controlled environment.
List prices for standard brewery kit from one of the leading suppliers PBC
(Installations) range from just over 3,000 for 1-barrel kits 1 bulk barrel is 36
gallons/288 pints/163.6 litres to more than 77,000 for 40-barrel kits. Prices for
other kits are:
2-barrel - 9,900
4-barrel - 14,000
8-barrel - 20,700
12-barrel - 28,200
20-barrel - 61,100
Casks represent a significant investment. The most common cask is a 9-gallon firkin
and 30 firkins are required for every bulk-barrel, therefore, an 8-barrel brewery will
require 240 firkins, which at 80-85 each (new) represents an investment of circa
Bottling is time consuming and unless done carefully prone to infection and
oxidisation. Starter-level bottling plant is very cheap (600). Labelling can also be
done by hand or by machine (1,8000).
According to PBC, a general guideline is that the setting up cost for a total
brewery installation is 2 to 2.5 times the kit prices making investment in a 1-barrel
brewery less than 10,000.
The cost to produce a 4% ABV ale including ingredients duty and utilities is
approximately 110 a bulk barrel or 27.50 per firkin.
The two routes-to-market for microbrewers are draught sales (cask ale) and
bottles. It is important to keep in mind that these routes-to-market are not mutually
Local free trade free trade landlords and owner-operators who are keen to
offer a range of local beers
Brewing tied estates pubs operated by larger (regional) brewers restrict the
beers they sell to their own but there are a good many microbrewers operating
pubs that do stock guest ales
Leased and tenanted pubcos (pub companies) pubcos are also tied but do
allow their licensees some freedom to stock local beers
In addition to these channels there are niche opportunities such as clubs and
outside bars (bars at private and public events).
Starting Out
When asked about the motivation behind their ventures most talked about a love
of real ale but emphasised that they were starting a business, which had to
generate income, and prosper over time. Peoples route into microbrewing varied
considerably. At the smaller end of the scale was Rotters Brewery, which took an
opportunity to increase income from its hotel/restaurant/pub, and Len Davies,
Gwaun Valley, who had been brewing for two years in an old milking shed to
supplement farm and campsite income and has now developed the parlour into
a brewpub for campsite visitors and locals. On a larger scale are the likes of highly
successful, award-winning microbreweries Purple Moose and The Celt Experience,
established by entrepreneurial individuals with a passion for excellence and good
business acumen. In the middle of these extremes was an engineer (Brian Dooley,
Preseli) who had run his own business for 40 years and wanted to indulge his
passion for real ale, and now sells successfully to local outlets.
understanding of the brewing process and microbiology was critical. Whist there
was an element of trial and error (black art), all of those interviewed believed
that within no more than five brews a saleable product was achieved.
Market Research
In looking to establish microbrewing ventures most interviewees undertook some
form of proprietary research.
Others considered
bottled ale as well as keg and contacted local retailers as well as pubs, restaurants
and hotels. All commented that the research provided an indication that, given
the right price, there was a market, and this gave them the confidence to pursue
their plans.
Many spoken to by the Consultancy benefitted from Welsh (Assembly)
Government and local authority grants to support entrepreneurship and new
business starts, covering aspects such as building and equipment and business
thousands of pounds.
ventures so far ranges from below 10,000 for a brewpub (excluding aluminium
casks) to well over 80,000 for a larger independent brewing house. The costs of
setting up in business as a microbrewer are covered in the accompanying
Microbrewing Guide.
In terms of sites visited by The Innovation Partnership, these include a purpose-built
factory, farm outbuildings, brewpubs and short-term accommodation on a trading
estate, which has the benefits of ready access to utilities (power, water) and
straightforward planning. The Innovation Partnerships wider research has shown
an increasing trend for the purchase and renovation of redundant pubs to include
a microbrewery. This has many advantages in terms of planning and retail, which
can combine quality ale with good food.
Research also shows that some brewers have converted listed farm buildings or
buildings in National Parks, which though attractive can introduce significant time
and costs to set up. That said, it may be possible to negotiate favourable terms,
one case in point being the Brock Hampton Estate in Herefordshire where a
In general the only watchwords expressed by interviews were ensuring that there is
sufficient power, acquiring a water extraction license and informing the local
authority of the intended use. The Microbrewing Guide addresses these and other
requirements when seeking to establish a brewing venture.
various brews. These were based on things such as locality, maritime themes as
well as spur of the moment ideas. Some have used the services of local design
consultants to create logos and labels, and found this to be value-for-money,
paying only a few hundred ponds. Others have worked on logos themselves,
often with the help of family and friends. A number of the breweries created a
common label, which could be printed in different colours for different brews.
sales promotions;
point-of-purchase this is also relevant for draught sales, i.e. the pump clip
press/public relations published articles with both consumer and trade press
can helpt to raise awareness;
Some brewers have made use of use of some of the newer forms of
communication such as social networking as well as more traditional methods to
appeal direclty to the consumer, for example, beer fesitvals.
The main marketing and sales-related cost is a sales person. Most of the small
microbrewers undertake this activity themselves but realise that when volumes
allow a good sales person would be a worthwhile investment. Owner/manager
sales activity typically encompasses knocking on doors (local pubs, hotels,
restaurants and retailers), and attending local food and drink festivals and food
marketing events, while some progress to mail order sales.
The majority of
interviewees acknowledge that marketing and sales is a time consuming but vital
Even though many brewers had concerns about marketing, there are many
examples of novel approaches. For example, one brewery that supplies the local
J D Wetherspoons pub organises minibus trips for clients of Wetherspoons to visit
the brewery. In another example, two breweries work together under a fill back
scheme. Here one brewery sells beer to a brewery in another location to be sold
in that area. The barrels are then refilled by that brewery and then sent back for
sale locally by the original brewery. In this way there is an equal exchange of
worth, reduced distribution costs, and an increase in choice for the consumer.
household beer brands to switch to real ale only 2% of the Welsh population
(2.5m) currently drink real ale. Lager is an opportunity being looked at but this is a
more expensive product to produce due to the 12-week cycle compared to the
2-week cycle for real ale.
The brewery is also investing in development of the supply side, growing a small
has targeted awards for good beers, which has generated a great deal of positive
PR. Sales of cask and bottled ale are mainly to independent pubs and restaurants
offering quality food and drink; an independent wine merchant also takes the
companies brews.
Lawrence expressed an interest in local crops and also malting if crops were
grown locally and then sent to England food miles would be generated and there
may be issues with the security of the barley supplied. He estimated that a malting
facility capable of malting 20 tonnes would cost in the region of 1m.
including the local JD Wetherspoons, as well as restaurants and hotels. Len has
experimented with malting barley and hops, current growing although not using
the latter, but climate makes it challenging. However, he remains keen to keep
trying. He is also open to collaboration with other microbrewers, in the area of
micromalting, for example, stating that a Welsh micromalting cooperative would
make sense.
Rotters Brewery
Father and son Pip and Glen Ellis moved into the pub and hotel trade 6 years ago
and then 12 months ago took the decision to invest circa 20k to create their own
microbrewery within the existing hotel complex they had developed.
would open up new routes-to-market including mail order. Pip and Glen are also
looking at a potential new retail outlet, a refurbished mill in the centre of Talgarth
where there is also an opportunity to site a microbrewery in the visitor attraction
centre. They attend CAMRA events and beer festivals, and are looking to get into
the Good Beer Guide. They are interested in the local sourcing of ingredients and
believe that microbreweries can learn from each other.
Preseli Brewery
Brian Dooley set up Preseli Brewery after 40 years working as an electrical
Produce Direct, the PPD quality mark helping his brand to stand out. A website is
currently under construction.