MAN B&W Diesel Facts
MAN B&W Diesel Facts
MAN B&W Diesel Facts
MAN B&W D|ese|
werId's biggest turbecharger
New TCR22 radial T/C
leading the way forward
Page 3
xhaust-gas pewer turbines
Waste power recovery from
main engine exhaust
Page 3
L58I64 update
Comprehensive update to
medium speed workhorse
Pages 4-5
865M-0 service appreved
Hitachi-Zosen given
type approval
Page 5
Future IM0 ier 2 reguIatiens
How to comply with future
emission regulations
Pages 6-7
LF6 as auxiIiary fueI
Boil-off gas available as
additional GenSet fuel
Page 7
Increasing 80s
Time between overhauls
leading to 32,000 hours
Pages 8-9
Ancher andIer pewer
Propulsion packages to
MAERSK Anchor Handlers
Page 10
First 0hinese M engine
Hudong build rst Chinese
8S60ME-C engine
Page 10
eIeby 000A6
Holeby CODAG system
increases effciency
Page 11
FertabIe M simuIater
A classroom in a box
Page 12
-cemmerce eppertunities
On-line business from
MAN B&W Diesel
Page 13
ngineering Ice-cIass ships
Ice-going transportation
braking barriers
Pages 14-15
0ieseIeuse epens
Denmarks new attraction
by MAN B&W Diesel
Back page
8reaking ice with the 8tena Arctica
An exceptienaI ship fer exceptienaI cenditiens
The introduction of the new ME-B
engines marks a step towards
strengthening the small bore,
two-stroke engine range. These
state-of-the-art engines enable
owners to select modern, future
oriented two-stroke engines.
The small bore two-stroke engines
from MAN B&W Diesel have been
the world leader in their market
segment for decades.
Since the delivery of the first
L35MC in 1982, a total of 1000
L35MC, 500 S35MC, 200 L42MC and
250 S42MC engines are on order or
have been delivered.
However, the market is always
moving, and requirements for
more competitive engines, i.e. the
lowest possible propeller speed,
lower fuel consumption, lower
lube oil consumption and more
exibility regarding emission and
easy adjustment of the engine
parameters, call for a reevaluation
of the design parameters, engine
control and layout.
Investigations into this segment,
including scrutinising the power
against propeller speed for tankers,
containers and bulkers, has shown
that a 35 cm bore engine with a
slightly reduced speed and a higher
engine power will suit well. In the
segment for the S42MC type, a
40 cm bore engine with 146 rpm
will, together with an updated 35
Dual cylinder HCU
cm bore engine, cover the required
output area between the S35 and
the S46MC-C very well, as shown in
Fig. 3 (page 2).
The market acceptance of elec-
tronically controlled engines is
now turning into a market demand.
The new engine with a future
electronic fuel system control will
be designated ME-B, i.e. S35ME-B
and S40ME-B, respectively.
M-8 8enets
Low specic fuel oil consumption
Increased engine power
Low lube oil consumption
Long time between overhauls
Easy adjustment of parameters
Low emissions
Low propeller speed
Low minimum running speed
High reliability.
ngine data
The new engines will have a stroke
bore ratio 4.4:1 (the same as the
MAN B&W Diesel research engine
4S50TX) to facilitate low propeller
speed; 167 rpm for the S35ME-B and
146 rpm for the S40ME-B.
The new engines will be intro-
duced with a mean effective pres-
sure of 21 bar offering the following
engine data, see Table 1 (page 3).
The specic fuel consumption
has been reduced by 2 g/kWh by
using a higher ring pressure.
ngine cemparisen
A comparison between a 6 cylinder
of the new S35ME-B and a 7 cylinder
of the existing S35MC shows 40 kW
more power, 0.42 m shorter engine
length, 3 tonnes lower engine mass
and 2 g/kWh lower SFOC for the
new design.
A compar i son bet ween a
6S40ME-B and the existing 6S42MC
shows that the 6S40ME-B can
supply 5% more power and is
0.42 m shorter. The engine weight
is 16 tonnes less (11% lighter) and it
has a 2 g/kWh lower SFOC.
M-8 fueI injectien centreI system
While a small camshaft operates the
exhaust valves in the conventional
manner, fuel injection is performed
by one fuel booster per cylinder,
similar to the present ME engine.
The boosters are mounted on
hydraulic cylinder units (HCU),
two boosters on each unit. The
hydraulic oil is supplied to the
HCUs via a single oil pipe enclosed
in the camshaft housing. The accu-
mulators used in the HCUs of the
present ME engine are replaced by
The largest registered ship in
Swedish maritime fleet is the
ice-strengthened Stena Arctica.
This 249 m long product carrier
is tasked to take oil from the
Baltic Sea to the major European
mainland ports.
The 117,100 dwt tanker is not only
the largest Swedish agged ship but
also the Worlds largest Ice-classed
tanker with the highest Ice-class.
Its hull is heavily reinforced and its
propulsion system is considerably
more powerful compared with
normal tankers, thus enabling
it to safely manoeuvre in the
icy waters of the Baltic Sea. The
Stena Arctica, together with addi-
tional ice-strengthened units and in
cooperation with Sovcomot, will
M-8. he new twe-streke engine
8trenger, sherter, Iighter
Main elements of the new ME-B engine
Cam activated
exhaust valves
Reduced camshaft
Bearings only
near cams
Hydraulic oil line
in containment
transport Russian crude oil.
According to Ulf G. Ryder, CEO
of Stena Bulk, With the Stena
Arctica, and in cooperation with
Sovcomflot, we aim to provide
the Baltic and the North Sea with
safe seabourne transportation of
Russian oil. In 2008, Stena Bulk
and its sister company, Concordia
Maritime, will be operating a eet
of about a dozen large, ice-strength-
ened tankers. The objective is to
ship 20-25 million tons of Russian
oil per year from the Baltic to the
UK/European mainland. Since the
new terminal in Primorsk was built
in 2001, 57 million tons of oil are
transported out from the Gulf of
Finland annually.
The Stena Arctica is built in
accordance with the Finnish and
Swedish ice class rules. In this
system, the lowest ice class is 1C and
the highest is 1A Super. Stena Arctica
is built in accordance with Ice Class
1A Super, which means that she can
sail under her own power through
1 metre of broken ice. N
Continued on pages 2 & 3 >>
5|ena /|c||ca w||| an //^ S8H D|ese| |ce-c|asseo oo||m|seo 7550/E-C on ||'s ma|oen .o,ae
one buffer of hydraulic oil serving
each HCU, which in turn serves
the injection of two cylinders.
Compression of the oil with respect
to its bulk modulus accounts for the
accumulator effect.
Two electrically driven pumps
provide the hydraulic power for
the injection system. In case of
failure of one pump, more than
50% engine power will be available,
enabling around 80% ship speed.
Injectien perfermance
The ME-B system will have the same
possibility of rate shaping as the
present ME engines. The injection
is controlled by a proportional
valve enabling continuous change
of the injection pressure. Typically,
a gradual pressure increase during
the injection is optimal.
The injection prole inuences
the SFOC as well as emissions. One
profile is often favourable for
SFOC, however at a cost of high
NOx emissions, while the opposite
applies for a different injection
prole. The injection prole reects
a compromise between SFOC and
NOx. Thus, the freedom to choose
the injection prole is a tool that
can be used to minimise the SFOC,
while keeping emissions within
given limits.
There is one Hydraulic Cylinder
Unit (HCU) per two cylinders. The
HCU is equipped with two pressure
boosters, two ELFI valves and two
Alpha Lubricators.
The Hydraulic Power Supply
(HPS) used for the new small bore
engine is installed in the front
end of the engine. The HPS is
electrically driven and consists of
two electric motors each driving a
hydraulic pump.
The pressure for the hydraulic
oil for the new system has been
increased from the 250 bar used for
the normal ME system to 300 bar.
Each of the pumps has a capacity
corresponding to 50% of the engine
power, approximately 80% speed.
The control system can be sim-
plyed as the exhaust valves are
mechanically activated.
In case of malfunction of one
of the pumps, it is still possible
to operate the engine with 50%
engine power.
8edpIate, framebex and
cyIinder frame
The structural parts have been
designed with respect to rigidity
and strength to accommodate the
higher output for these engines.
The bedplate is of the well-
proven welded design. For the
new engines, the normally cast
part for the main bearing girders
is made from rolled steel plates.
This secures homogeneity of the
material with no risk of casting
imperfections occurring during the
nal machining.
The framebox is of the well-
proven triangular guide plane
design with twin staybolts giving
excellent support for the guide
shoe forces. This framebox is now
standard on all our updated engine
For the cylinder frame, two
possibilities are available:
Nodular cast iron
Welded design with integrated
scavenge air receiver.
It has been decided to use
nodular cast iron due to its high
strength and high E-modulus for
this material to counteract the high
ignition force. Compared with grey
cast iron material, the weight for
a 6S35ME-B cylinder frame can be
reduced by 3 tonnes.
The stiffness and stress level
have been carefully evaluated
for the main structure with FEM
calculations, and all deformations
and stresses are lower or equal
to the level used for our existing
engines, i.e. the reliability of the
engine structure will be at least
at the same level as the existing
engines, which have proven very
good performance.
Even though the stroke/bore ratio
has been increased for the new
engines, the cylinder distance has
been only slightly increased.
Comprehensive FEM calcula-
tions were performed to ensure
that the geometry (incl. journal
diameters) of the crank shaft
had been optimised keeping the
rigidity, shrink t and stresses on
the same level as for the rest of
MC-C engines.
0ennecting red
The connecting rod is based on
the well-known design used for
the entire small bore engine pro-