MAN B&W Diesel Facts

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The document discusses new engine models from MAN B&W Diesel including the S35ME-B and S40ME-B engines which aim to provide lower fuel consumption, emissions and costs while maintaining high reliability and power output.

The new engine models introduced include the S35ME-B and S40ME-B engines which come with reduced specific fuel oil consumption and improved parameters over existing models like the S35MC and S42MC.

A comparison is made between the 6 cylinder S35ME-B and 7 cylinder S35MC, showing the S35ME-B provides 40 kW more power, is 0.42 m shorter, 3 tonnes lighter and has 2 g/kWh lower SFOC. The 6 cylinder S40ME-B provides 5% more power than the S42MC and is 0.42 m shorter and 16 tonnes lighter, with 2 g/kWh lower SFOC.


MAN B&W D|ese|
werId's biggest turbecharger
New TCR22 radial T/C
leading the way forward
Page 3
xhaust-gas pewer turbines
Waste power recovery from
main engine exhaust
Page 3
L58I64 update
Comprehensive update to
medium speed workhorse
Pages 4-5
865M-0 service appreved
Hitachi-Zosen given
type approval
Page 5
Future IM0 ier 2 reguIatiens
How to comply with future
emission regulations
Pages 6-7
LF6 as auxiIiary fueI
Boil-off gas available as
additional GenSet fuel
Page 7
Increasing 80s
Time between overhauls
leading to 32,000 hours
Pages 8-9
Ancher andIer pewer
Propulsion packages to
MAERSK Anchor Handlers
Page 10
First 0hinese M engine
Hudong build rst Chinese
8S60ME-C engine
Page 10
eIeby 000A6
Holeby CODAG system
increases effciency
Page 11
FertabIe M simuIater
A classroom in a box
Page 12
-cemmerce eppertunities
On-line business from
MAN B&W Diesel
Page 13
ngineering Ice-cIass ships
Ice-going transportation
braking barriers
Pages 14-15
0ieseIeuse epens
Denmarks new attraction
by MAN B&W Diesel
Back page
8reaking ice with the 8tena Arctica
An exceptienaI ship fer exceptienaI cenditiens
The introduction of the new ME-B
engines marks a step towards
strengthening the small bore,
two-stroke engine range. These
state-of-the-art engines enable
owners to select modern, future
oriented two-stroke engines.
The small bore two-stroke engines
from MAN B&W Diesel have been
the world leader in their market
segment for decades.
Since the delivery of the first
L35MC in 1982, a total of 1000
L35MC, 500 S35MC, 200 L42MC and
250 S42MC engines are on order or
have been delivered.
However, the market is always
moving, and requirements for
more competitive engines, i.e. the
lowest possible propeller speed,
lower fuel consumption, lower
lube oil consumption and more
exibility regarding emission and
easy adjustment of the engine
parameters, call for a reevaluation
of the design parameters, engine
control and layout.
Investigations into this segment,
including scrutinising the power
against propeller speed for tankers,
containers and bulkers, has shown
that a 35 cm bore engine with a
slightly reduced speed and a higher
engine power will suit well. In the
segment for the S42MC type, a
40 cm bore engine with 146 rpm
will, together with an updated 35
Dual cylinder HCU
cm bore engine, cover the required
output area between the S35 and
the S46MC-C very well, as shown in
Fig. 3 (page 2).
The market acceptance of elec-
tronically controlled engines is
now turning into a market demand.
The new engine with a future
electronic fuel system control will
be designated ME-B, i.e. S35ME-B
and S40ME-B, respectively.
M-8 8enets
Low specic fuel oil consumption
Increased engine power
Low lube oil consumption
Long time between overhauls
Easy adjustment of parameters
Low emissions
Low propeller speed
Low minimum running speed
High reliability.
ngine data
The new engines will have a stroke
bore ratio 4.4:1 (the same as the
MAN B&W Diesel research engine
4S50TX) to facilitate low propeller
speed; 167 rpm for the S35ME-B and
146 rpm for the S40ME-B.
The new engines will be intro-
duced with a mean effective pres-
sure of 21 bar offering the following
engine data, see Table 1 (page 3).
The specic fuel consumption
has been reduced by 2 g/kWh by
using a higher ring pressure.

ngine cemparisen
A comparison between a 6 cylinder
of the new S35ME-B and a 7 cylinder
of the existing S35MC shows 40 kW
more power, 0.42 m shorter engine
length, 3 tonnes lower engine mass
and 2 g/kWh lower SFOC for the
new design.
A compar i son bet ween a
6S40ME-B and the existing 6S42MC
shows that the 6S40ME-B can
supply 5% more power and is
0.42 m shorter. The engine weight
is 16 tonnes less (11% lighter) and it
has a 2 g/kWh lower SFOC.
M-8 fueI injectien centreI system
While a small camshaft operates the
exhaust valves in the conventional
manner, fuel injection is performed
by one fuel booster per cylinder,
similar to the present ME engine.
The boosters are mounted on
hydraulic cylinder units (HCU),
two boosters on each unit. The
hydraulic oil is supplied to the
HCUs via a single oil pipe enclosed
in the camshaft housing. The accu-
mulators used in the HCUs of the
present ME engine are replaced by
The largest registered ship in
Swedish maritime fleet is the
ice-strengthened Stena Arctica.
This 249 m long product carrier
is tasked to take oil from the
Baltic Sea to the major European
mainland ports.
The 117,100 dwt tanker is not only
the largest Swedish agged ship but
also the Worlds largest Ice-classed
tanker with the highest Ice-class.
Its hull is heavily reinforced and its
propulsion system is considerably
more powerful compared with
normal tankers, thus enabling
it to safely manoeuvre in the
icy waters of the Baltic Sea. The
Stena Arctica, together with addi-
tional ice-strengthened units and in
cooperation with Sovcomot, will
M-8. he new twe-streke engine
8trenger, sherter, Iighter
Main elements of the new ME-B engine
Cam activated
exhaust valves
Reduced camshaft
Bearings only
near cams
Hydraulic oil line
in containment
transport Russian crude oil.
According to Ulf G. Ryder, CEO
of Stena Bulk, With the Stena
Arctica, and in cooperation with
Sovcomflot, we aim to provide
the Baltic and the North Sea with
safe seabourne transportation of
Russian oil. In 2008, Stena Bulk
and its sister company, Concordia
Maritime, will be operating a eet
of about a dozen large, ice-strength-
ened tankers. The objective is to
ship 20-25 million tons of Russian
oil per year from the Baltic to the
UK/European mainland. Since the
new terminal in Primorsk was built
in 2001, 57 million tons of oil are
transported out from the Gulf of
Finland annually.
The Stena Arctica is built in
accordance with the Finnish and
Swedish ice class rules. In this
system, the lowest ice class is 1C and
the highest is 1A Super. Stena Arctica
is built in accordance with Ice Class
1A Super, which means that she can
sail under her own power through
1 metre of broken ice. N
Continued on pages 2 & 3 >>
5|ena /|c||ca w||| an //^ S8H D|ese| |ce-c|asseo oo||m|seo 7550/E-C on ||'s ma|oen .o,ae
one buffer of hydraulic oil serving
each HCU, which in turn serves
the injection of two cylinders.
Compression of the oil with respect
to its bulk modulus accounts for the
accumulator effect.
Two electrically driven pumps
provide the hydraulic power for
the injection system. In case of
failure of one pump, more than
50% engine power will be available,
enabling around 80% ship speed.
Injectien perfermance
The ME-B system will have the same
possibility of rate shaping as the
present ME engines. The injection
is controlled by a proportional
valve enabling continuous change
of the injection pressure. Typically,
a gradual pressure increase during
the injection is optimal.
The injection prole inuences
the SFOC as well as emissions. One
profile is often favourable for
SFOC, however at a cost of high
NOx emissions, while the opposite
applies for a different injection
prole. The injection prole reects
a compromise between SFOC and
NOx. Thus, the freedom to choose
the injection prole is a tool that
can be used to minimise the SFOC,
while keeping emissions within
given limits.
There is one Hydraulic Cylinder
Unit (HCU) per two cylinders. The
HCU is equipped with two pressure
boosters, two ELFI valves and two
Alpha Lubricators.
The Hydraulic Power Supply
(HPS) used for the new small bore
engine is installed in the front
end of the engine. The HPS is
electrically driven and consists of
two electric motors each driving a
hydraulic pump.
The pressure for the hydraulic
oil for the new system has been
increased from the 250 bar used for
the normal ME system to 300 bar.
Each of the pumps has a capacity
corresponding to 50% of the engine
power, approximately 80% speed.
The control system can be sim-
plyed as the exhaust valves are
mechanically activated.
In case of malfunction of one
of the pumps, it is still possible
to operate the engine with 50%
engine power.
8edpIate, framebex and
cyIinder frame
The structural parts have been
designed with respect to rigidity
and strength to accommodate the
higher output for these engines.
The bedplate is of the well-
proven welded design. For the
new engines, the normally cast
part for the main bearing girders
is made from rolled steel plates.
This secures homogeneity of the
material with no risk of casting
imperfections occurring during the
nal machining.
The framebox is of the well-
proven triangular guide plane
design with twin staybolts giving
excellent support for the guide
shoe forces. This framebox is now
standard on all our updated engine
For the cylinder frame, two
possibilities are available:
Nodular cast iron
Welded design with integrated
scavenge air receiver.
It has been decided to use
nodular cast iron due to its high
strength and high E-modulus for
this material to counteract the high
ignition force. Compared with grey
cast iron material, the weight for
a 6S35ME-B cylinder frame can be
reduced by 3 tonnes.
The stiffness and stress level
have been carefully evaluated
for the main structure with FEM
calculations, and all deformations
and stresses are lower or equal
to the level used for our existing
engines, i.e. the reliability of the
engine structure will be at least
at the same level as the existing
engines, which have proven very
good performance.
Even though the stroke/bore ratio
has been increased for the new
engines, the cylinder distance has
been only slightly increased.
Comprehensive FEM calcula-
tions were performed to ensure
that the geometry (incl. journal
diameters) of the crank shaft
had been optimised keeping the
rigidity, shrink t and stresses on
the same level as for the rest of
MC-C engines.
0ennecting red
The connecting rod is based on
the well-known design used for
the entire small bore engine pro-

gramme initially introduced for

the L35MC.
To reduce the oscillating forces,
the new design is made as a com-
bination of the design used for the
MC-C and 35MC engines.
The design for the crosshead pin
is taken from the S50MC-C, whereas
the bearing dimension has been
based on long time experience
with the 35MC, i.e. with hardened
running surface of the pin, see Fig.
4. The guide shoe is of the new low
friction design, as also seen in the
new large bore engine designs. The
low friction design facilitates the
low lube oil consumption.
The bearings used for the new
engines are of the same design as
the one used with very good results
on our other small bore engines for
now more than 15 years. The bearing
is of the thinshell design. The loads
on the large bearings are in all cases
well below our design targets.
0embustien chamber
With the increased power of the
new ME-B engines, the combus-
tion chamber has been carefully
investigated to compensate for the
higher ignition pressure and higher
thermal load but also to increase
the reliability of the components
and further increase the TBOs.
0yIinder Iiner
A slim cylinder liner which is
also used on our other small bore
MC-C/ME engines is possible for
Fig. 2: HCU for two cylinders
170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100
SMOR r/m|n}
Fig. 3: Engine comparison layout diagrams
>> continued from Frontpage
0eveIeping the dieseI with the M-8
Soos|e| 0n||s (|e/| ano ex|a0s| .a|.e ac|0a|o|s
Fig. 4: Cut-through drawing of the ME-B engine
7|e /E-S |as a s|mo|e s||0c|0|e w||| |eo0ceo n0moe| o/ comoonen|s
7|e new 535 ano 510 /E-S en|ne |anes |oea||, /0|/| ||e oowe| neeos o/ .esse|s
w|||e o//e||n |nc|easeo /ex|o||||, ano econom,
both engine types, but the mate-
rial for the cylinder liner has been
upgraded to counteract the higher
ignition pressure. The piston clean-
ing ring has been introduced to
prevent bore polish.
The piston is bore-cooled and
with a high top land. The shape
of the piston crown against the
combustion chamber has been
carefully investigated to cope with
he werId's biggest radiaI turbecharger
ew 08 urbecharger 8eries
The new generation of high ef-
ciency TCR and TCA turbochargers
are the basis for the newly launched
exhaust gas power turbine series.
These power turbines are the core
for Thermo Efciency Systems (TES)
to be applied to two-stroke diesel
engine arrangements.
The current high fuel oil prices
lead to a high demand for thermo
efciency systems to increase the
efficiency of two-stroke Diesel
engine arrangements.
The two MAN B&W Diesel
thermo efciency systems are:
Turbo Compound System
with Power Turbine and
Generator (TCS-PTG)
Combination of a Diesel-GenSet
and Exhaust Gas Turbine
The MAN B&W Diesel turbo com-
pound system includes an exhaust
gas power turbine, a generator and
auxiliary systems. Its maximum
additional output of 4,500 kW can
only be achieved with the MAN
B&W Diesel power turbine, which
has the highest efficiency in the
market connected with MAN B&W
Diesel high efciency TCA turbo-
chargers on the main engine. With
this TCS-PTG stand alone solution,

Permissible temperature (C): Maximum 700 (4-stroke)

Specic air consumption (le): 7 kg/kWh
Pressure ratio: up to 52
Turbine type: radial ow
Suitable for: HFO, MDO & Gas
TCR turbocharger range
Output (kW) Speed (r/min) Mass (kg)
TCR12 390 - 760 71,300 100
TCR14 570 - 1,100 59,100 135
TCR16 830 - 1,600 49,100 205
TCR18 1,200 - 2,350 40,500 350
TCR20 1,750 - 3,400 33,600 600
TCR22 3,300 - 5,800 27,800 1,400
ew exhaust-gas pewer tubine
The TCR series sets a new standard
for radial-ow turbochargers: High
power density, low weight and
compact design at yet unsurpassed
efciencies characterise this new
design. A total of six frame sizes
covers two- and four-stroke engines
from 390 to 5,800 kW engine
output per turbocharger. TCR22,
the largest frame size of this series,
is the largest turbocharger with a
radial turbine in the market.
Recent test runs on a 6S35MC
engine (rated at 4,440 kW) showed
yet unsurpassed efciencies over
the entire load range of the engine.
Compared to turbochargers cur-
rently used the improvement in
efciency of the TCR22 is particular-
ly impressive in part load. A higher
turbocharger efciency contributes
directly to
lower fuel oil
consumption of the
engine. At the same time,
additional GenSet, maintenance
can be done without any electrical
power loss, in cases where the
GenSet has to be shut down for the
overhaul period.
Approximately up to 13% from
the exhaust gas receiver can be
diverted to the power turbine,
when used in combination with
MAN B&W Diesel turbochargers
on the main engine. The power
turbine connects to a gear box,
which reduces the turbine rotor
speed to the required generator
shaft speed, for producing 50 Hz
or 60 Hz electrical power.
The MAN B&W Diesel com-
bination of a diesel GenSet and
one exhaust gas turbine has the
advantage that only small changes
have to be introduced to the engine
room, to supply additional elec-
trical power to the grid via the
diesel GenSet and reduce fuel oil
The exhaust gas is extracted
before the main engine turbo-
charger to the exhaust gas power
turbine, which is mounted on the
GenSet frame and is connected to
the generator. The power turbine
rotor speed is transferred via a gear
box and a coupling to the required
generator shaft speed to supply
50 Hz or 60 Hz electrical power.
In cases of maintenance or GenSet
shut down the power turbine or the
generator can be disconnected by
using the clutches.
With both solutions, the TCS-PTG
and the CODAG combined with
MAN B&W Diesel high efciency
turbochargers on the main engine,
an additional electrical power of 3%
to 5% of the main engine power can
be recovered. So both systems have
the potential to save a considerable
amount of fuel oil as with the extra
generated electrical power of a
power turbine a GenSet can be run
with lower load or can be shut down
completely. Depending on fuel oil
prices a pay back period of 2 to 5
years is achievable. N
the engines exhaust gas tempera-
ture is reduced, relieving thermally
highly loaded engine components
and thereby prolonging component
life times.
Radial turbochargers are
based on a design that
contains less com-
ponents than axial
turbochargers. The
new TCR22 can be
mounted on the
new MAN B&W
Diesels new small
bore S35ME-B and
S40ME-B series, and
thus further improve
the competitiveness of
these engine series. N
Fig. 5: Temperatures in combustion chamber
Table 1: Engine data
5-8S35ME-B 5-8S40ME-B
Bore (mm) 350 400
Stroke (mm) 1550 1770
MEP (bar) 21 21
Engine speed (r/min) 167 146
Mean piston speed (m/s) 8.6 8.6
Power output (kW/cyl.) 870 1135
SFOC (g/kWh) 171-176 170-175
08 and 0A turbechargers te ferm basis ef new exhaust-gas pewer turbine series
the increased power of the new
engine. Comprehensive FEM calcu-
lations have been made to develop
the piston crown geometry.
The piston ring pack is similar to
the rings used for the existing small
bore engines. All rings are with
Alucoat on the running surface
for safe running-in of the piston
ring. If prolonged time between
overhauls is requested, a special
ring pack with hard coating on the
running surface for piston rings can
be supplied as an option.
As for the larger bore ME engines,
the Alpha Lubricator is standard on
the new small bore engines. The
ACC lubrication mode is, therefore,
now also available for our small
bore engines with the benet of a
very low total lube oil consumption
and still keeping very good cylinder
The calculated temperature level
for the combustion parts is well
inside our design value as shown
in Fig. 5.
hrust bearing
As the propeller thrust is increasing
due to the higher engine power,
a flexible thrust cam has been
introduced to obtain a more even
load distribution on the pads. The
overall dimension of the parts can
therefore be smaller than with
the old design, thus giving a more
compact installation.
0encIuding 8emarks
The introduction of these new
engines marks a future step towards
strengthening the small bore two-
stroke engine position in the mar-
ket, enabling the owner to select
modern, future oriented two-stroke
engines as direct coupled
prime movers. N
In addition to doing continuous
basic research, MAN B&W Diesel
is always working on improv-
ing the fuel efficiency, output
level, reliability, environmental
compatibility and the general cost-
effectiveness of the entire product
range, this includes the freshly
updated L58/64 engine.
This medium speed, HFO-powered,
L58/64 engine has a long and
reliable service record during the
20 years of its existence, and it is
still very much sought after by the
With over 300 units sold and
over 11,000,000 total operational
hours to its credit, the in-line
L58/64 continues to offer custom-
ers dependable service in a wide of
The multiple technical advances
that MAN B&W Diesel has real-
ised in recent times have all been
applied to comprehensively update
of the L58/64. Each updating option
has been carefully evaluated with
regard to making the engine more
efficient, reliable and easier to
The need for economic efciency
and reliability is more important
today than ever before operat-
ing margins and environmental
considerations are progressively
Out of the possible alternatives,
the following four main systems
and units were seen as the best
solutions in order to obtain the best
solution for engine operators:
Latest generation of TCA turbo
charger tted
New concept for the control for
valve actuation
The entire cylinder head was
extensive redesign of the
complete exhaust system.
0entinueus deveIepment
The L58/64 in-line engine type has
been taken to the next level. Two
main objectives were achieved
with the updating; fuel savings
across the entire operating range
while maintaining existing power
outputs and a reduction in emis-
sions. See Table 1: Fuel and emission
Aggravating cost pressures in
the shipbuilding sector and in the
power industry have resulted in
ever increasing demands on these
types of four-stroke, HFO-powered
engines. The comparative price of
fuels make HFO operation more
and more attractive for an increase
range of applications.
For this reason, MAN B&W Die-
sel continuously tries to develop
engines to meet the crucial require-
ments of the market. These engines
are characterised by:
Utmost economic efciency and,
at the same time, low emissions
Reliability, sturdiness and acces-
Long maintenance intervals
, Short maintenance times
Compact design
Possibility of running as multi-
fuel engine.
The L58/64 is found at the upper
limit of the output range of the
medium-speed diesel engines.
Above its current output range,
MAN B&W Diesel now offer the
new range of two-stroke, low-speed,
ME-B engines (see later).
As emission regulations tighten,
development work of the engineers
focusses on meeting these and
future demands.
Beginning in 2007, the new EPA
Tier 2 requirements (see later) for
engines of this size require that
the NOx emission is reduced by up
to 30%, in comparison to present
In addition, a trend throughout
the industry currently points
towards transforming as much as
possible of the power of the avail-
able engines, i.e. towards reaching
a high power density.
arieus cencepts
Boundary conditions for the con-
tinuous development on the basis
of the existing L58/64 engine:
Within the scope of the continuous
development process at MAN B&W
Diesel, various concepts have been
realised on the engines within
the course of recent years which
improve the economic efciency
and reliability. However, these
developments had to be incorpo-
rated into the L58/64s well-proven
engine architecture and reliability.
Therefore, the task set for the
development of the L58/64 was to
improve one of the Worlds best
engines not an undertaking done
without a great deal of planning
and thought. The objectives were,
on the one hand, very simple;
supply the customer with a distinct
increase in efficiency without
cutbacks with regard to operational
safety. However, the rewards would,
therefore, have to be substancial in
order for the update to be called a
The end result, just as the engi-
neers planned, justified all the
input and hard work. Every aspect
of the updated units and design has
proved to exceed expectations.
Many of the changes now
presented on the revised L58/64
have already been installed on
either/both of the 32/40 and
48/60B engines, and have, there-
fore, proven their worth in service
in a wide range of applications over
many thousands of operational
The final assessment led to
changes in five main areas and
assembly groups:
Turbocharger attachment
New cylinder head with new
combustion chamber design
New valve control
Exhaust gas pipe and exhaust-
gas-pipe environment
Supply of media.
Approximately 70 % of the
various assembly groups that go
to make up the engine were either
partly or completely redesigned
and documented.
The inspiration for many of the
features seen on the new L58/64
where taken from, in part, the
design of the 48/60B. The concepts
were applied, tested and adapted to
meet the structural conditions of
the L58/64.
The modernisation included all
the components which are located
above the crankcase.
The new MAN B&W Diesel TCA
turbocharger series was selected
as it fullled current and expected
future demands of the customers.
The new TCA.
Impertent features
During the development of the new
TCA series, particular importance
was attached to the following
High specic ow rate
High efciency
Low noise emission
Easy maintainability
Uncomplicated mounting to the
High economic efciency and
The NA48 and NA57 turbocharg-
ers which were previously tted to
the 58/64 were displaced by the
TCA55 and TCA66 turbochargers.
At the same time, the engineers
developed a new turbocharger
bracket, which weighs considerably
less and requires less room
for tting.
The resultant free space is
used for laying the supply pipes,
which permits a compact and clear
The development engineers
placed the cast casing on the
charge-air cooler for routing the air
ow when entering and leaving the
charge-air cooler in such a clever
way that an extremely compact
design resulted for this assembly
The reduction of the scope of
parts finally also adds up to a
reduction of the manufacturing
costs for this engine.
When developing the new rocker
arm concept for the L48/60B, the
designers successfully fulfilled
the design brief that set out to
generate a unit that was simple and
robust. The nished design allowed
easy tting, valve adjustment and
Meving ferward with the L58I64
0emprehensive update te dependabIe werkherse
^ew |0|ooc|a|e| a||ac|men|
^ew |oc|e| a|m conceo| o/ ||e |58/51
7|e 0ooa|eo |58/51 on ||e mo.e
Freven functienaIity
This new concept for the control of
the valve actuator has already been
proving its functional efciency for
many thousands of operating hours
on the L48/60B and L32/40CD
Given the success of the design,
the L58/64s development engineers
selected this trustworthy unit as the
ideal solution for the rocker arm.
A combined of the introduction
of a new valve actuator and new
casting technology allowed engi-
neers to integrate the charge-air
pipe into the rocker arm casing
this meant that the support
system for the old charge-air pipe
could be dispensed with.
Although most of the basic
concept for the cylinder head is
based on the one designed for
the L48/60B, it became apparent
during the course of the design
process that the individual adapta-
tion to the structural conditions
of the larger engine necessitated
modelling a new cylinder head.
By connecting the charge-air
pipe to the rocker arm casing thus
simplifying the routing of the air
ow it became possible to design
a atter and more compact cylinder
head. This has been made possible
due to operational reliability and
the wear resistance of the valves
which were increased to such an
extent that refashioning the valves
and valve seats is not required
out of the regular maintenance
Thus, the exhaust valves were
directly installed in the cylinder
head, as is the case with the inlet
Both the exhaust pipe proper as
well as the area around the exhaust
pipe were redesigned. This led to the
insulation and covering, exhaust
pipes supports, exhaust-gas blow-
off device and the charge-air by-
passing device all being reassessed
and tailored to meet the demands
set by the resizing.
Impreved respenses
A designed ow velocity increase
led to the redesigning the gas
passage between cylinder head
and the exhaust pipe leading to
a reduction of the cross-section of
the exhaust pipe by 50%.
This improves the exhaust
admission to the turbocharger
in non-stationary engine opera-
tion, which results in an improved
turbocharger response time.
As a large number of new
components were integrated into
the existing engine concept, the
engineers took the opportunity to
redesign the supply pipes of the
engine. This included combining
the passage of media from the
system to the engine at optimised
connection points.
When designing the pipe system,
data produced by modern 3D-CAD
systems were directly coupled
into the manufacturing process
consequently, the pipes were
Long-standing licensee, Hitachi-
Zosen of Japan has completed the
first MAN B&W Diesel S65ME-C
two-stroke engine.
ew engine size jeins the M-famiIy
First 7865M-0 appreved fer service
optimise fuel use, reduce lube oil
consumption, extend time between
overhauls and lower overall main-
tenance costs.
The electronic control gives
precise control of the fuel injection
and exhaust valve timing, thereby
optimising fuel efficiency. This
control is also helped through the
adoption of innovative design
enhancements that have been
brought together in one package.
Devel opments such as an
improved ring pack conguration,
S65ME-C Engine Data Bore: 650 mm, Stroke: 2730 mm
L1 L2 L3 L4
Speed (r/min) 95 95 81 81
MEP (bar) 20 16 20 16
5S65ME-C (kW) 14,350 11,450 12,250 9,800
6S65ME-C (kW) 17,220 13,740 14,700 11,760
7S65ME-C (kW) 20,090 16,030 17,150 13,720
8S65ME-C (kW) 22,960 18,320 19,600 15,680
Specic Fuel Oil Consumption 169 162 169 162
Lubricating Oil Consumption 5 - 7 kg/cyl. 24 h
Cylinder Oil Consumption 0.7 - 1.1 g/kWh
Number of cylinders 5 6 7 8
Length min. (mm) 7,603 8,687 9,771 10,855
Dry Mass (t) 361 418 470 530
bore-cooled cylinder liners, better
exhaust valve performance and
combustion temperature param-
eters greatly improved through
the use of the OROS-proled piston
crown all help create better cylinder
Although this new type of
two-stroke diesel engine was
designed to respond to customers
specific present and future bulk
carrier needs, it also ts neatly into
Suezmax tankers.
Mr Ole Grne, Senior Vice
President, Two-stroke Sales and
Marketing, MAN B&W Diesel A/S,
states: "The recently completed
S65ME-C engine offers an ideal
solution for modern large bulk car-
riers and Suezmax tankers owners
who wish to take advantage of the
new engines excellent fuel effi-
ciency and ease of operation. It also
matches the power requirements
of the 2-3,000 teu containerships.
Whatever segment of the market
owners wish to operating in, MAN
B&W Diesel offers the appropriate
engine for vessels of all sizes."
The 7S65ME-C main engine
offers all the latest technical
developments in one package. For
example, the electronic control
system allows greater control over
the fuel injection and exhaust
timing functions. This helps to
maximise the benefits of the
other technical improvements
and, together, results in an overall
engine condition improvement and
increased performance. In addition
to the improved fuel consumption,
time between overalls and total
component lifetimes are
lengthening. N
available for assembly within a
relatively short time.
0perating data and resuIts
ef the engine tests
The scope of the test programme
for the engine included a complete
type testing and acceptance testing
by a classication society.
The newly designed components
proved their functional efciency
during the test programme and
withstood the stresses occurring
during engine operation.
For many years now, MAN B&W
Diesel has been using calculations
concerning strength and thermo-
dynamics during the design phase
owing to very short development
periods, therefore the design of the
components has to meet the real
requirements in engine operation
to the largest possible extent. This
has meant that very little time is
spent on redesigning components
and systems. N
^ew c,||noe| |eao oes|n
C0|-|||o0| .|ew o/ new c,||noe| |eao
//^ S8H 7555/E-C on |es|oeo a/|e| s0ccess/0| |,oe aoo|o.a| |es| a| |||ac||-Zosen o/ Jaoan
This engine has been tailor-made
for fuel efficient power produc-
tion for a broad range of medium
sized vessels. With power outputs
from 14,350 kW up to 22,960 kW,
this compact power unit presents
owners with a range of cutting-
edge technologies designed to
In the third Resolution to the
IMO protocol of 1997 for the
International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, the Marine Environmental
Protection Committee (MEPC) was
asked to review the Nitrogen Oxide
emission limits at an interval of
maximum ve years after coming
into force.
As many countries consider other
emission components, especially
particulates, hazardous to humans
and the environment, and these
are also, therefore, to be included
in the Annex VI emission reduction
requirements. For this reason,
at the 53rd MEPC meeting, the
Bulk, Liquids and Gases (BLG)
sub committee was instructed
at their next meeting (BLG 10)
to review Annex VI and the NOx
Technical Code (NTC) from the
view of improvements to existing
technologies and lack of addressing
emissions of particulate matter
(PM), volatile organic compounds
(VOC) or greenhouse gas emissions
(GHG) in MARPOL Annex VI.
This review process was started
in early April 2006, together with
a discussion of interpretations
(carried over from the Diesel Equip-
ment (DE) sub committee) of the
NTC, and instructions to consider
guidelines for equivalent methods
to reduce NOx or SOx.
engines) were already regulated for
NOx, PM, HC and CO emissions.
The Regulation for the C3 engines
is supposed to be adopted by April
2007, i.e. the proposal for the
Regulation is about to be settled.
he prepesed 03 ier 2 reguIatien
EUROMOT, the European manufac-
turer association, has submitted its
own proposal to the BLG 10 meeting
for the future discussion. Table 1
compares the EUROMOT proposals
with other papers and past EPA
proposal for an up- coming Tier 2
Regulation. However, the actual C3
limit values are still not known. It
is expected that a reduction in NOx
ranging from 20 to 30%, compared
to todays limit, may be selected.
The xed 2 g/kWh NOx reduc-
tion proposed by EUROMOT reects
the real life situation, where the
large engines, on average, have
realised the largest NOx reduction
of the different engine groups.
A percentage reduction would,
therefore, continue to favour small
engines. The basis for the EUROMOT
proposal is that a new technology
should not be requested for the C3,
Tier 2 Regulation due to safety and
reliability concerns, especially if
introduced in the next 3 to 5-years.
For small engines operated on
clean diesel fuels, EUROMOT
proposes to harmonise the coming
IMO Tier 2 with the already existing
EPA and EU Regulation.
the CO2 issue, much in focus for
many countries as a contributor
to the greenhouse effect. Even
though the diesel engine is the
most efficient power plant, and
therefore presents a low CO2 emis-
sion, reducing NOx further will
inevitably increase CO2 (and also
other emission components) again.
Therefore, a number of alternative
solutions must be investigated for
the future, beyond Tier 2.
MAN B&W Diesel has proposed
to start the discussion on differenti-
ated emission limits, depending on
the sustainability for the area in
question, for two different areas;
high sea versus coastal and harbour
areas. This is to accommodate the
different requirements that exist
in the two areas, and to keep the
high fuel efciency and low CO2
wherever possible. In fact, the
proposal could imitate the already
introduced SECA areas for especially
sensitive areas.
At present, the EUROMOT group
is not yet ready for this discussion,
but the proposal has been pro-
moted by MAN B&W Diesel in other
discussions with regulatory bodies.
In the future, the proposal will
favour the ME engine and reduction
techniques that can be turned off in
order to save fuel when outside the
sensitive areas.
ew te cempIy with ier 2
{emissien reductien metheds)
The proposed Tier 2 requirements
for NOx may differ between
conventional, mechanically and
electronically controlled engines
such as the MC/MC-C and ME/ME-C
engine types, due to the added
exibility of adjusting an electronic
controlled engine. For several of
the operational ME engines, the
optimal emission mode if installed
with the engine ECS software may
already comply with the up-coming
Regulation. Additionally, for the MC
engine type, several cases of opti-
mising fuel nozzles have brought
the NOx characteristics to a much
lower level than the present limit
and, together with a performance
adjustment, the proposed Tier 2
limits can be accomplished. How-
ever, this is usually combined with
a penalty in fuel consumption.
Figure 1 shows the exibility of
NOx and SFOC as a function of
the engine load for the ME-C and
MC-C engine types.
As a back-up for Tier 2 compli-
ance, MAN B&W Diesel has previ-
ously advised on the application
Table 1: The Tier 2 C3 engine emission limits assumptions
Component EPA/IMO proposals EUROMOT proposal
NOx 20 to 30% reduction relative to the present IMO limit
A xed 2 g/kWh reduction
across the speed range independent of engine size
Tied to the HFO type and fuel S content, but lately discussion
on PM size. Early EPA limit based on 1.5% fuel S limit
Not proposed, since strongly depending on the fuel type
Fuel Sulphur
Anticipated only VOC from storage tanks, but stated that the
engine HC not to increase compared to present values.
An early EPA limit of 0.4 g/kWh is too tight
Not included assumed low
Early EPA limit of 3.0 g/kWh. Also included in order to keep
CO at present values
Not included assumed low
SOx Based on fuel S content depending on the fuel type Not proposed
60 40 100 80
Eng|ne |oad |n % of MOR
Fig. 1: Flexibility of NOx and SFOC as a function of the engine load
of water emulsion for a few engine
types, where the engine NOx char-
acteristic was in the high range.
Wat er emul s i on may be
introduced for engines where the
performance and nozzle optimisa-
tion do not provide an acceptable
trade-off between emission and
fuel consumption (CO2 emission).
However, as experience with the ME
engine optimisation improves, this
may be avoided. Water emulsion
is a proven technology for power
plants, but the operational issues
need to be reviewed in the light of
the different load characteristics for
a marine engine.
Different strategies for a water
emulsion system exist because of
the fuel efficiency issues more
so if the regulation will favour an
on/off technique.
With regards to HC and PM,
technologies that use techniques
seen in the MAN B&W Diesels slide
fuel valve will be a requirement
to comply with a coming Tier 2
Regulation. It is necessary that
the fuel valves operate with clean
opening and closing events in order
to ensure optimum atomisation
i.e. no fuel leakage or seeping.
These requirements favour low CO
emission and low smoke values,
and will ensure good liner condi-
tions and minimise deposits in the
exhaust gasways. Piston top liner
scraper rings and tight tolerances
are further tools to minimise HC as
well as PM emissions.
Similar to the tight control of
the fuel injection process, a tight
control of the lubricating oil will
also favour low HC and PM in the
exhaust. Where excessive lube oil is
present it is either scraped down to
the scavenge-air box or enters the
combustion chamber.
This is why the Alpha Lubricator
system, which properly optimises the
lube oil feed rate. Correctly adjusting
lubricating oil for the fuel sulphur
content (and thereby minimising
deposits) will improve both HC and
PM emissions, see Figs. 2 and 3.
The new Annex VI (MARPOL
73/78) introduced control of the
exhaust SOx. This recognised that
restricting the fuel sulphur content
was the most convenient method to
limit SOx, but alternative methods
such as after treatment are allowed,
provided the same SOx reduction
is obtained.
For vessels entering SECA areas,
a special low-sulphur fuel may be
used. This will require special fuel
tank arrangements on board and a
log book which records positions,
routes and fuel amounts used.
However, some ports and countries
have even tighter requirements
when coming into harbour and
along the pier for electricity pro-
duction. A limit of 0.2% sulphur
exists for MDO and GO. This will be
tightened to 0.1% from 2010.
Depending on the duration of
operating on new, lower fuel sul-
phur content, it may be necessary
to change the lube oil formulation.
MAN B&W Diesel has provided
guidelines for operation on low-
sulphur fuels and the change-over
Su|phur %
Abso|ute dosages g/kWh}
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 2: Lube oil feed rate
ew te cempIy with future emissien reguIatiens
Frepesed IM0 ier 2 emissien reguIatiens met fer twe-streke engines
In addition to the MEPC proc-
ess, different local governments
consider tightening the emission
regulation in their local areas
also for the large marine engines.
The US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) discussed a future Tier
2 Regulation for the large marine
engines (also called Category 3
engines) already in 2003/2004,
when EPA introduced the rst (Tier
1) Regulation, corresponding to the
IMO Regulation, for the Category
3 engines in the EPA Code of Fed-
eral register (40CFR) small marine
engines, large off-road engines
and locomotives (the Category 2
Particulates, which are already
regulated on small engines and
discussed recently mainly in respect
to particle sizes, are very difcult to
handle with the heavy fuel oil used
in marine engines. A regulation
has been proposed by EPA, based
on the sulphur content in the fuel,
but this will require a more realistic
limit compared to the 4.5% sulphur
limit of today.
Other emission components,
like HC and CO, may be regulated
only to avoid increases compared
with todays emissions levels when
NOx is further reduced. The main
dilemma is, however, how to handle
100 0 25 50 75

Mechan|ca| |ubr|cator
A|pha |ubr|cator
Eng|ne |oad %}
HO ppm}
Fig. 3: HC emission
In order to avoid discharge to the
air or burning-off of the surplus
gas on their latest LPG-tankers,
the owners requested to be able
to dispose of the gas by using it
as additional fuel for one of the
After an initial study, the MAN B&W
Diesel agreed to develop a special
7L16/24 variant with the accom-
modations needed for admission
of a limited amount of LPG into the
charge-air and for reliable dual-fuel
operation in a selected part-load
The LPG supply to the GenSet
does so without disturbing the
basic engine design and thus main-
taining the benets of the original
engines reliable operation and
efcient combustion process.
The LPG substitutes approxi-
mately 20% of the normal liquid
fuel and the gas is mixed into
charge-air just after the cooler.
The advantage of choosing a low
LPG share is three-fold; firstly, it
keeps the gas-air mixture well
below explosion level. Secondly, it
ensures that only a small amount of
unburned LPG can pass into the air
when both inlet and exhaust valves
are open during the valve overlap
period. Finally, the lean mixture
also hinders knocking.
Operation in LPG-mode has been
designed to occur only in part-load
operation, i.e. between about 30
and 70% of MCR. The low load is
excluded in order to avoid pos-
sible instability when only a small
LF6 as auxiIiary fueI
amount of liquid fuel controls
combustion and the high load
simply controls the ring pressure
below the dened limits.
As the genset and gas equipment
have to comply with the restric-
tions of the IMOs IGC rules and
with Bureau Veritas requirements
for dual-fuel plants, special safety
measures were developed. The
genset is equipped with safety
valves with flame filters both on
charge-air and exhaust gas receiv-
ers, crankcase monitoring, a tur-
bocharger shut-off valve, inert gas
connection to the crankcase and
stainless steel gas line components
certified according to EN10204
The gas control unit plays a
key role in the gas system which,
besides controlling gas admission
to the engine, also ensures reliable
communication with the vessels
monitoring & control system to
determine when the gas-mode may
be run.
The newly designed systems
and components were extensively
tested and further optimised at the
Test Centre in Holeby. The approval
test for customer and classication
society were also completed at the
After the prototype tests and
verication of adequate function-
ing of all components, operation
with seven different LPG types
was performed in order to check
their ability to be burned in such
a system. Although some differ-
ences between performance of the
specic gas types were detected, all
seven types could be released for
eld operation.
During the development proc-
ess, there was close contact with
the customer and the owners
Making 'beiI-eff gas' werk fer yeu
procedures. Items such as fuel
viscosity, lube oil additives, liner
lacquering, and fuel pump clear-
ances are important when consider-
ing long-term engine operation.
On the international emissions
debate, certain countries, but espe-
cially oil companies, have been
discussing banking and trading
of emission quotas or points as
a way to comply with SOx and
CO2 emissions Regulation. Some
ship owners have been asked to
provide emissions data for both
local regulators and customers
on emission factors or emission
management accounts in the still
increasing debate on a sustainable
8eyend IM0 ier 2
For future Tier 3 Regulation, MAN
B&W Diesel is working rmly on
maturing future reduction meth-
ods like SAM and EGR. Water-in-fuel
emulsion may well be the next Tier
Regulation, and SAM and EGR only
introduced at a later stage. At such
a time, a more pragmatic approach
to the emission accountability may
exist, and maybe also an introduc-
tion of coastal emission control
areas to better optimise the trade-
off between the different emission
components and fuel consumption.
The SCR option will only be used,
when special requirements exist,
due to complexity and cost. N
expressed their satisfaction with
the process and results. In addition,
very constructive cooperation
was maintained with the GenSet
licensee, STX, which enabled the
GenSet builder to make the timely
preparations needed for the modi-
cation process.
The rst system for eld opera-
tion will be installed in the Sum-
mer of this year. Although this
development has been dedicated
to fullling the specic project, the
results achieved have already raised
interest from other customers and
market segments. N
Table 2: How to Comply with the IMO C3 Regulation
IMO Regulation Reduction method
Tier 1
Current IMO Regulation
NOx 17 g/kWh
SOx 4.5% (1.5%) Sulphur
1 Jan. 2000 to end Dec. 2009
Fuel nozzle optimisation
Performance optimisation
Tier 2
10-15% NOx reduction (from Tier 1)
HC and CO must not increase
PM & SOx by fuel Sulphur content
From Jan. 2010
Fuel nozzle optimisation
Performance optimisation
Slide valves mandatory
Fuel-water emulsion?
Tier 3
30% NOx reduction (from Tier 1)
From Jan. 2015
Fuel-water emulsion
Tier 4 50%? NOx reduction (from Tier 1) SAM, EGR, SCR
ime 8etween 0verhauIs en the Agenda
ime between majer everhauIs ef 32,000 heurs er 5 years is within reach
Table 1: S90MC-C/ME-C TBOs (hours)
Old MC-C New MC-C ME-C Realistic potential
Piston rings 12-16,000 16,000 24,000 32,000
Piston crown 12-16,000 16,000 24,000 32,000
Piston crown, rechroming 24,000 24,000 24,000 32,000
Exhaust valve, spindle and bottom piece 16,000 16,000 16,000 32,000
Fuel valve nozzle 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
Fuel valve spindle guide 8,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
Fuel pump 16,000 32,000 - 32,000
Fuel pressure booster - - 48,000 48,000
Cylinder liner with optimised
liner wall temperature
Alu-coated piston rings, Control-
led Pressure Relieve (CPR) top ring
Alpha Lubricator in ACC mode
(0.19 g/bhph x S%)
Exhaust valve: Nimonic spindles
and W-seat bottom piece
Slide fuel valves.
Approximately 40 vessels with
6S90MC-C/ME-C engines have
been used to illustrate that TBOs
of 32,000 hours (or 5 years) is a
realistic option.
0ase 1 8 2
The M/T Kos and M/T Astro
Cygnus are also both equipped with
The wish to extend the Time
Between Overhauls (TBO) has
been recognised by a gradual
improvement, as seen in ship
types such as VLCCs (see Table 1).
This has prompted investigation
into whether 32,000 hours (or
5 years) between overhauls are
As the basis for the investigation,
the S90MC-C/ME-C engine series
was selected as a representative
for the newest generation of MC
engines. This engine series has been
designed and delivered with the
newest features available for the
MC/ME engines:
OROS combustion chamber with
high topland piston
Hyundai-built 6S90MC-C engines.
In these engines, the pistons
have been pulled between 20,000-
21,000 hours and 22,000-24,000
hours, respectively. The pulling of
pistons on both these engines was
caused by internal coking of the
pistons. The reason for this was fuel
oil contamination of the system oil.
Apart from this specic problem,
both engines have shown excellent
cylinder condition with low piston
ring wear rates; at about 21,000
hours the wear rates on the M/T
Kos top ring were under 1.0 mm.
0ases 3
On the M/T Maria A. Angelicous-
sis (equipped with a Hyundai-
built 6S90MC-C engine), piston
overhauls have been carried out
successively from 8,000 hours
and upward. The piston ring wear
is extremely low.
0ase 4
The engine onboard M/T Astro
Cygnus has been a test vehicle for
cylinder oil consumption testing,
according to the so-called Alpha
ACC principle (ACC=Adaptive Cyl-
inder oil Control. As can be seen in
Fig. 1, this test has been extremely
successful and it indicates further
potential for reduction in the
cylinder oil consumption.
Below is a summary of the
cylinder condition based on all
observations on the S90MC-C/ME-
C engine:
1. Cylinder liner wear rates: 0.02-
0.07 mm/1,000 hours (see Fig. 2)
2. Piston ring wear rates: Predicted
lifetime: 50,000 hours (see Fig. 3)
3. Piston ring groove wear rates:
Predicted time between recondi-
tioning: 40,000 hours (Fig. 4).
The exhaust valve condition
also gives rise to optimism with
respect to the increase of TBOs.
Fig. 5 shows a bottom piece of the
W-seat design in combination with
a nimonic spindle on a K90MC
engine inspected after 36,400
hours without overhaul.
With respect to the fuel equip-
ment, 32,000 hours seem to be
realistic for the fuel pump itself.
The latest experience with the
fuel valves confirms overhaul
intervals of 8,000/16,000 hours,
at which point both the fuel nozzle
and the spindle guide should be
exchanged. This experience is based
on fuel valves of the slide valve
type equipped with nozzles of the
compound type.
C,||noe| ||ne| 1 on /a||a /. /ne||co0ss|s a/|e| 1150 |0nn|n |o0|s
w||| /|o|a |0o||ca|o| a| 1.1 /S|||
Based on service experience in
general, the conclusion is that the
time between major overhauls of
32,000 hours (or 5 years) is within
To increase margins further in
this respect, MAN B&W Diesel will
introduce the following design
improvements which are not
present on the 6S90MC-C engines
described in this section:
Increased scufng margin: modi-
ed piston ring package, Fig. 6
Anti internal coking device: piston
cooling insert
Ring groove wear reduction:
underside chrome plating on rings
1 and 2.
For tanker operators, these higher
TBOs mean that major overhauls
can be done in connection with
the scheduled dry dockings of the
As a conclusion, MAN B&W Die-
sel support the wish to extend TBOs
further and, for certain ship types
(e.g. VLCCs), up to 32,000 hours
(or 5 years) between overhauls are
realistic. It should also be noted
that, for container carrier operators,
a conditioned-based philosophy is
a better guide for judging mainte-
nance intervals. N
Fig. 4: Piston grove 1 wear (2 mm from edg
F|. 5. ^|mon|c so|no|e (aoo.e |e/| ano H-sea| (aoo.e /|om a |90/C a/|e| 35,100 |o0|s w|||o0| o.e||a0|
C,||noe| ||ne| 1 on /a||a /. /ne||co0ss|s a/|e| 1150 |0nn|n |o0|s
w||| /|o|a |0o||ca|o| a| 1.1 /S|||
Fig. 2: Maximum cylinder linerwear for 6S90MC-C
Fig. 6: Updated piston ring package
Fig. 3: Piston ring wear for S90MC-C (top ring)
Fig. 1: Cylinder lube oil feed rate for S90MC-C on M/T Astro Cygnus
ge) for S90MC-C
MAN B&W Diesel, Frederikshavn,
Denmark attracts large prestigious
contract to supply complete twin-
screw twin-in/single-out medium
speed propulsion packages for
eight Anchor Handling Tug Supply
Vessels (AHTS).
The newbuildings, which will be
built by Aker Yards AS, Norway, were
ordered by the A.P. Moller Maersk
Groups Maersk Supply Service.
The nalised vessels are expected
to be delivered from Norway (from
both Akers Brattvaag and Langsten
shipyards) with two month inter-
vals during 2008 and 2009. The
73m AHTS vessel design, designated
VS 472, is designed by the renowned
Norwegian group of ship design
consultants, Vik-Sandvik AS.
This order, which follows a
number of recent large offshore
contracts, is a substantial order
now with another 32 main engines
and strongly positions MAN B&W
Diesel in the offshore support
vessel market sector.
The quadruple-engine propul-
sion packages are each based on
a twin-screw, diesel-mechanical,
FrepuIsien packages te pewer Ancher andIers
twin-in/single-out plant with 7 and
8 cyl L27/38 engines arranged in a
father and son conguration with
Renk double gears.
Further the MAN B&W Diesel
package supply incorporates com-
plete 4 metre ducted CP Propellers
type VBS1080, complete shafting
and propeller nozzles type FD 4030
together with the Alphatronic
2000 Propulsion Control and
Management System for engine
control room and forward and aft
bridge consoles. N
The rst Chinese-built ME engine
has now been delivered to the
owner by MAN B&W Diesel licen-
see Hudong Heavy Machinery
Co. Ltd.
Ole Grne, Senior Vice President,
Sales & Marketing, MAN B&W Die-
sel A/S, With this engine, Hudong
once again proves that they are
among the front-runners in the
business. It is only a year since they
and Dalian received orders for the
first 90-cm bore MC-engines in
China, and now Hudong are rst in
China with the ME engines.
The 8S60ME-C engine will be
installed in an 1,800 TEU container
ship, built for German owner MPC
Mnchmeyer Petersen Marine.
udeng buiId rst 0hinese M engine
First eIectrenicaIIy centreIIed 8860M-0 frem udeng eavy Machinery 0e. Ltd.
Engine data:
Layout points L1 L2 L3 L4
Bore (mm) 600 600 600 600
Stroke (mm) 2400 2400 2400 2400
Speed (r/min) 105 105 79 79
MEP (bar) 20 16 20 16
Output (kW) 19040 15200 16080 12880
Specic Fuel Oil Consumption
(SFOC) (g/kWh)
170 163 170 163
Lubricating oil Consumption 5 - 6.5 (kg/cyl. 24 h)
Cylinder oil Consumption (g/kWh) 0.7 - 1.1 g/kWh
Length min. (mm) 9,728
Dry Mass (t*) 439
*The mass can vary by up to 10%, depending on the design and options chosen.
Principal Particulars AHTS:
Length oa 73.2 m
Length pp 64.2 m
Breadth 20.0 m
Depth 9.10 m
Draught max 7.60 m
Deadweight 3700 t
Speed (sea trial) 16 knots
Accommodation 30 persons
Design VS 472 (Vik-Sandvik)
Engine building capacity at
Hudong is now being complement-
ed with the starting-up of a new
facility in Lingang near Shanghai.
This set up will be completed in mid
2007. The additional capacity will
be about 2-3 million HP per year.
Hudong Heavy Machinery Co.
Ltd. has been a member of the
MAN B&W Diesel licensee family
for more than 25 years and, in that
time, has built more than 500 MC
engines, with a combined output of
over 5,500,000 kW.
The 60-cm bore ME engine is
one of the most popular sizes of
ME engines. To date, 40 MAN B&W
Diesel S60ME-C engines are either
in service or on order. N
MA 88w 0ieseI, Frederikshavn awarded centract te suppIy eight MA88k Ancher andIers
|27/38 en|ne oe|n o|eoa|eo /o| oe||.e|,
|0oon |ec|n|c|an |ns|a|||n an e|ec||on|c c,||noe| con||o| 0n|| on ||e |o0no-o|ea||n e|ec||on|ca||, con||o||eo 8550/E-C
Rising fuel prices often result in
a call for improved utilisation of
available resources. This can be
achieved by increasing the diesel
engine efciency, which has also
been the focus of MAN B&W Diesel
for long time, bringing the gures
of well above 40%.
An additional approach to this
issue is the utilisation of the waste
thermal energy, specifically the
exhaust gas energy. MAN B&W
Diesel also offers solutions within
this field, e. g. turbo-compound-
systems or CODAG (Combination
Of Diesel And Gas turbine).
The latest ideas surrounding the
Thermal Efciency Systems (TES),
as developed by MAN B&W Diesel,
have borne interest in major owners
organisations and rst installations
of TES have been ordered and are
now being executed.
Despite the unchallenged supe-
riority of the TES in efficiency
of exhaust gas utilisation, some
customers seek less complex and
less expensive solutions and, there-
fore, there has been an increasing
number requests for the simpler
Holeby CODAG system.
Based on a specific customer
request, a study for possible devel-
opment and installation of a Holeby
CODAG system for an existing order
of vessels has been concluded and a
preliminary solution planned.
Figures 2 and 3 show the main
concepts of the Holeby CODAG sys-
tem, in which the surplus exhaust
gas from the main engine are
utilised to drive a power turbine.
This turbine is attached to a GenSet
shaft system and, thus, contributes
to driving the alternator. The end
result is a saving in costs for electri-
cal power production.
eIeby 000A6 system increases efciency
000A6. 0embinatien 0f 0ieseI And 6as turbine
The specific, intended project
consists of an MAN B&W Diesel
9L28/32H GenSet and a PTG23
power turbine. The plant layout is
shown in Fig. 3.
For the same project, the obtain-
able fuel savings are estimated
as shown in Fig. 5. Even with the
relatively small power turbine
selected for this project, the Holeby
CODAG system provides signicant
potential for savings on the opera-
tional costs.
The projected solution allowed
preparation and presentation of
specific quotations for the yard,
both for the preparation of the
GenSets at STX as well as the nal
Holeby CODAG assembly (matching
together with the main engine and
commissioning which is to be
completed by MAN B&W Diesel).
During the feasibility phase of
the Holeby CODAG project, there
has been an emerging interest from
other customers and additional
plants have been quoted.
The Holeby CODAG systems are
also to be seen as a further develop-
ment of the integrity of the ships
systems and, specically, integra-
tion between the main propulsion
and GenSets systems. Thanks to the
MAN B&W Diesel Groups leading
expertise in the major subsystems
involved, i.e. the main engine,
GenSets, turbochargers, power
turbines and gearboxes, the team
developing the Holeby CODAG
systems can, together with its
partners, provide the best solutions
for this emerging market. N
12 000
14 000 16 000 18 000 20 000
Saved fuel (kg/h)
SFOC increase = 0 g/kWh
1.5 g/kWh
Main engine power (kW)
Fig. 4: Estimated obtainable fuel savings
Fig. 2: Holeby CODAG system
Index August 2000 = 100 Basis US$
2001 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
380 cSt
Crude Oil
Fig. 1: Relative fuel costs increase
/a|n en|ne. 7|70/E-C = 21.7 /H
Gen5e|. 9|28/32
|owe| |0|o|ne. |7G23
|FO sa.|n oo|en||a|.
0o |o 150 |/| a| 80 /C|.
Gen5e| 5FOC. 199 /|H|
Saved fuel for maximum available CODAG power as a function of main engine power
Fig. 3: Holeby CODAG system
Auxiliary engine
ICS line
Exhaust gas line
Main engine
To boiler
Exhaust gas
Scavenge air
In response to the increasing
popularity of the ME engine, there
is a need for more exible train-
ing facilities to instruct engine
operators on the proper use and
the benefits of the ME engine.
The Research and Development
department of MAN B&W Diesel,
where the ME operating system is
developed, are responding to the
needs of the shipping industry
with the creation of the newest,
fully portable ME engine
In contrast to the existing ME
simulator at MAN B&W Diesels
headquarters in Copenhagen, Den-
mark, the portable unit is contained
within a small ships console cabinet
and is mounted on wheels. This is a
fully transportable unit, which can
be moved to anywhere in the World
on a standard euro pallet.
From the outset, it was designed
to t onto a standard euro-pallet
and roll through the width of a typi-
cal ofce door. It is, therefore, easily
transported to facilities throughout
the World. By using automatic
power converters the power supply
to the simulator can be from most
any power grid available in nearly
all countries.
The simulator frame can be
wholly or partically opened while
in operation. It can even remain
folded, depending on the space
Being a physical ME operat-
ing system, it contains the same
operational functionality as the
actual engine. The ME system is
designed for easy operation by
anyone familiar with the opera-
tion of one of MAN B&W Diesels
standard engines. If necessary, the
simulator can be retrotted with
numerous components from an
ME control system, such as remote
control, FIVA valve, lubricators,
hydraulic controls etc.
Thirteen computers are con-
tained within the console cabinet,
including operating system, CoCoS,
interface and simulation comput-
ers. User interface to the operat-
A cIassreem in a bex. he FertabIe M 8imuIater
ing system is through two touch
screens, a local operating panel and
a simulation switchboard. To save
display space, the CoCoS computer
interfaces to the same screen as
one of the Main Operating Panels.
All materials and design for the
operating system follow marine
For instruction and access
purposes, the back of the console
cabinet is mounted with a mov-
able hinged opening, on which are
mounted the engine-based operat-
ing system computers, the Multi
Purpose Controllers (MPCs). Within
the console cabinet are mounted
the Engine Control Room-based
MPCs, CoCoS computer and the
power supplies. Within the upper
cabinets are mounted the touch-
screens, touch-screen interface
computers, simulation MPCs and
instrumentation. On the side of
the console cabinet is mounted
the Local Operation Panel, which
can fold out for easier classroom
The rst portable simulator is
located in Korea and the second
unit will be based in China. MAN
B&W Diesels ME training staff
are sure that these units will be
accepted positively by instruction
facilities throughout the Far East.
Mr Lennart Cronhamn, ME
Simulator Training Manager, We
look forward to production of
at least two more units within
the year, which will be used for
extended training possibilities
around the world. The ME engine
is improving operational efciency
and there is more functionality
available to the engine operator
while the engine is running. The
extended capabilities of the engine
operator require education, not in
the inherited intuative and basic
functionality of the engine, but
in the proper usage of the ME
interface which enable the engine
operators to make sure they get the
very best out of the ME engines.
Training with the simulator
could, in addition to the ME operat-
ing system, include service training
with the electronics which are
mounted on the engine. The MPCs
can be exchanged with replacement
units in short time, just as on the
real engine.
Short courses in ME operation
can allow a person to operate the
engine. Complete training of an
engineer may take longer, depend-
ing on the in-depth coverage.
The initial design and construc-
tion phase took place during the
rst half of 2006. By April, 2006,
all necessary documentation was
completed in time for its first
deployment in the Far East.
The rst portable system is now
operational in various locations
throughout Korea and the second
system is soon to be delivered to a
sites in Shanghai, China, during the
Summer this year. Further units are
currently under construction and
are due for readiness from the early
Autumn onwards.
Similar units are now also under
construction by several partners
in Japan.
MinimaI training reem requirements
During the training, instructors
change between PowerPoint (slide)
presentations and Main Operating
Panel (MOP) views of the simulator.
This means that the simulator only
has to be placed in the training
room with projector and board
Although the new ME-simulator
is fully transportable, the type of
surface it has to be moved over has
to be suitable for such a task, i.e.
reasonably smooth, enabling the
units wheels to rotate safely.
0empact size
The dimensions of the portable ME
simulator offer almost unlimited
exibility, a width of only 70 cm,
length of 280 cm and height of 140
cm mean that it can be tted into
the tightest of places with relative
ease. Even when folded, the width
is only 90 cm and the length is
reduced to 145 cm.
A low weight (520 Kg) means that
no machinery is normally needed
in order to move the unit around
most locations.
The Simulator is equipped with
a CE standard power plug for free
Power requirements: 110 - 230
Vac: 50 - 60 Hz (1 Phase, Zero and
Consumption: (peak) 2000 W,
(running) 1000 W
raining reem requirements.
Beyond above requirements for the
installation of the portable simula-
tor in the training room, the room
must also contain seats and tables
for students, a projector and board
for PowerPoint presentations and
an easily view of the Main Operat-
ing Panel (MOP) screen located on
the simulator. N
One o/ ||e E|ec||on|c De.e|oomen| En|nee|s ooe|a||n ||e oo||ao|e /E ||a|n|n s|m0|a|o| oes|neo o, //^ S8H D|ese|
MA 88w 0ieseI brings state-ef-the-art hands-en training te the custemer
E-commerce is an important com-
plement to MAN B&W Diesels
spare part business as it provides
all partners in the relationship
with a way to improve communi-
cation. The possibility of handling
errors can be reduced, enabling
MAN Diesel to provide a better
overall customer service.
MAN B&W Diesel was one of the
early pioneers in ship supply e-
commerce. In this time, valuable
experience has been gained and,
based on these experiences, MAN
B&W Diesel has formalised a cus-
tomer e-commerce service policy.
The purpose of the policy is
to ensure that the e-commerce
service MAN B&W Diesel provides
customers with an operationally
reliable, secure and cost-efcient
service which complies with all
necessary regulatory requirements.
Most importantly, the e-commerce
spare parts service has to create
real business benets for all parties
MAN B&W Diesels E-commerce
Spare Part Service aims to meet a
set of criteria:
Full customer requirements
Create business benets
Ensure operational reliability
Safeguard information security
Comply with regulatory
Generate operational
Built-in scalability.
FuIIIing custemer requirements
MAN B&W Diesels e-commerce
service is designed to meet the
variety of business practices and
differences in IT infrastructure
found throughout the World in the

ofces of ship owners and managers

with e-commerce ambitions.
In MAN B&W Diesel, e-com-
merce is about integrating business
processes and systems to optimise
the exchange of information, prod-
ucts, services and nance in order
to create real business benets for
partners and MAN B&W Diesel.
An essential rule needed to
meet this criteria means that MAN
B&W Diesel does not support
e-commerce initiatives that require
additional work to prepare quotes
and order conrmations in format-
ted html forms and excel spread
Shipserv Tradenet
If your company is a ShipServ
TradeNet member, you can integrate
your business processes and sys-
tems with those of MAN B&W Diesel
simply by adding our TradeNet ID
into your purchasing system.
ImpIementatien, eperatien and
All implementation, operation
and support related to MAN B&W
Diesels E-Commerce Service are
carried out by the 24/7 service
organisation of our e-commerce
partner ShipServ.
Depending on the type of solu-
tion and project scope, you should
plan to allocate internal resources
to the implementation project
considering milestones, education
of staff, roles and responsibilities.
MA 88w 0ieseI
-cemmerce 6uideIines
Typically, the process goes through
the following phases with our
customers before we enable a joint
E-commerce project. This process
normally takes 1-4 weeks.
The rst step is an exploration
of the mutual benefits of E-com-
merce in the context of our current
business relationship. This means
assessing customer requirements
and select or dene the appropriate
MAN B&W Diesel E-commerce
An outline is then created which
details a high-level implementation
plan, including milestones, roles
and responsibilities.
Finally, a formal E-commerce ser-
vices pack, with all implementation
terms and conditions is mutually
To explore opportunities for
integrating your business processes
and systems with those of MAN
B&W Diesel, please contact us. N
ew -cemmerce 8ervice 0ppertunities
Regardless of how MAN B&W
Diesel conducts business with our
partners, whether data is sent via
e-commerce, fax or other means,
the communication must be reli-
able. An untimely delivery caused
by a delayed or lost message is not
MAN B&W Diesels e-commerce
service guarantees a reliable
exchange of messages between the
sales order system of MAN Diesel
and the cusomters purchasing
8afeguard infermatien security
The business between MAN
B&W Diesel and the customers is
to be considered as confidential.
Therefore, compromising business
integrity through careless handling
of potential sensitive data and
information is not an option.
MAN B&W Diesels e-commerce
service provides a secure exchange
of information between the sales
order system and the customers
purchasing system.
Comply with regulatory demands:
MAN B&W Diesel seeks to stay
ahead of current and coming regu-
lations by adhering to high process
quality, control and organisational
standards. New regulations like
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in
the United States, which required
tighter regulation over companies
management nancial reporting,
have had a profound effect on
companies and how business is
done. These new stardards also had
an effect in the maritime industry.
E-commerce is an important
element in MAN B&W Diesels
service offering but it is not MAN
B&W Diesels core business. To
keep the cost of implementing,
operating, trouble shooting and
customer support for our E-com-
merce service at a minimum MAN
B&W Diesel has outsourced this to
our e-commerce partner ShipServ
whose core business it is.
E-commerce investments are not
only about the cost of technology.
It is also about the cost of aligning
business processes and information
ows with our customers.
Good e-commerce practice
requires a reliable and secure
transfer of information that fully
intregrates with your business pro-
cesses and systems. MAN B&W
Diesel has created a system which
permits partners to select the best
solution for any given case.
For the same reason, MAN B&W
Diesels E-Commerce Service is
based on the MTML (Marine Trad-
ing Mark-up Language) standard.
8usiness precess and system
integratien services
MAN B&W Diesel operates standard
integrations to most of the com-
monly used planned maintenance/
purchasing systems in the shipping
If your company uses an appli-
cable version of one of these sys-
tems, we can establish integration
between your purchasing system
and our sales order system in a very
cost efcient way.
Ask us about availability and
price for integrating with your busi-
ness processes and your purchasing
If your company is not using
one of the systems to which we
offer standard integrations, we
may still be able to offer a cost
efficient solution. This will most
likely require some allocation of IT
staff and other resources in your
organisation to work with our
e-commerce partner.
Ask us about availability and
price for integrating with your busi-
ness processes and your purchasing
0n-Iine spare part business frem MA 0ieseI Frime8erv
Many of the new oil fields and
mines discovered and developed in
recent years are situated in regions
with tough weather conditions
prevailing during the winter,
leading to an increasing demand
for cargo transport vessels that can
operate in open waters and light
ice conditions. MAN B&W Diesel
already have references from ves-
sels equipped with two-stroke low
speed diesel main engines, directly
coupled to the propeller, which
have been operating in even very
heavy ice with fully satisfactory
Some innovations in connection
with MAN B&W Diesel two-stroke
low speed engines, such as the
electronically controlled ME engine
and the Alpha Lubricator are ide-
ally suited for ships with a much
varying load prole, such as vessels
operating in ice for only parts of
the year.
ngine Iayeut fer ice-geing ships
Operation of a ship in ice requires
the installation of a robust propul-
sion system being able to cope
with the propeller load scenarios
The following propulsion sys-
tems using a two-stroke main
engine (M/E) can be envisaged:
A traditional single engine system
with the engine being coupled
directly to a xed pitch propeller
A single engine system with the
engine being coupled directly
to a controllable pitch propeller.
System 1 (one M/E and one FPP) will
typically be selected for moderate
ice class and if the owner has
preference for the simple FPP
propeller, whereas system 2 (one
M/E and one CPP) may be used for
both moderate ice class as well as
more rigid ice classes.
If system 1 (one M/E and one FPP)
is preferred, some consideration
should be made as to the propeller
light running margin used. A light
running margin of some 3-5 % is
normally used for large ships with

warm Future fer Ice 0Iass esseIs

traditional propulsion systems
incorporating a single two-stroke
low speed engine and a xed pitch
propeller. However, particularly for
an ice-going vessel, one of the chal-
lenges is the increased thrust and,
thereby, torque that the engine will
be subjected to during navigation
through ice or ice channels. In order
to increase the margin of the engine
towards reaching the torque/speed
limitation line of the engines
load diagram, it can be chosen to
increase the light running margin
used for the propeller design. Fig. 1
shows an example of how to obtain
a larger light-running margin by
speed derating of the engine.
Alternatively, special matching
of the turbochargers can be used
in combination with the arctic
exhaust gas bypass enabling the
use of a turbocharger layout giving
a better engine performance in the
torque rich area, thus enabling the
use of an increased margin towards
overload of the engine.
Fig. 2 shows the effects on an
engine with extended heavy run-
ning capability. Without this, the
vessel would have experienced
problems when sailing in thick ice.
When system 2 (one M/E and one
CPP) is used, the propeller pitch can
be controlled to avoid overloading
of the main engine, and this system
can be used both for moderate ice
classes as well as for very rigid ice
MAN B&W Diesel has orders
for dedicated ice breaking ves-
sels including vessels employing
ice ramming operation in their
normal working pattern using a
propulsion system consisting of
one electronically controlled ME
engine and one ducted controllable
pitch propeller.
Ice ramming operation is de-
nitely possible using the two-stroke
engine as the prime mover, even
though the ship propelled by a
low speed engine will normally
exceed the cycle time for a similar
ship with medium speed engines,
because of the higher inertia in
the turbo charging system of the
constant pressure supercharged
low speed engine.
There is, however, a potential
ngineering speciaIist ice-geing transpertatien
for reducing this difference using
special control algorithms in the
control system of the electronically
controlled ME engine.
As long as the extent of the
ice ramming operation is in a
favourable proportion to the total
operational time of the vessel,
which will be the case for most
commercial ships, there is no doubt
that a simple propulsion system
consisting of a single low speed two-
stroke engine directly coupled to a
ducted controllable pitch propeller
will prove to be an extremely reli-
able and cost-efcient propulsion
Average tankers with
ice cIass netatien
Depending on the ice class rules
and specific ice classes required
for a ship, the minimum ice class
required propulsion power demand
may be higher or lower than the
above-mentioned SMCR power
used for an average tanker without
ice class notation.
The ice class rules most often
used and referred to for navigation
in ice are the Finnish-Swedish Ice
Class Rules.
Based on the above-described
tankers, the minimum power
demand of the ice classed ships
class 1A Super, 1A, 1B and 1C, have
been estimated for all the tanker
classes and drawn in in Fig. 3. In
general, the lowest ice class 1C can,
power-wise, always be met.
However, the strongest classes,
1A Super and 1A, will require a
higher propulsion power than the
normally needed average SMCR
power for tankers without ice class
notation. On the other hand, for
small and handy-size tankers (less
than 30,000 dwt), the normal SMCR
power can in fact normally meet
the ice class 1A minimum power
It should be noted that if tests
are carried out in dedicated towing
tanks with model ice, the result may
show that it can be acceptable to
install a lower main engine power
than indicated when applying
the general calculation rules for
minimum main engine power given
by the Finnish-Swedish Ice Class
rules. In this case, reference will
normally be made to the vessels
ability to keep a speed of ve knots
through a channel in the ice with
the characteristics of the channels
governed by the level of ice class
chosen. This calls for high part load
efciency of the main engine. Fig.
4 shows the effect of using the part
load matched ME engine.
An AppIicatien xampIe
The latest in bulk carriers with ice
breaking capabilities can be seen in
the newbuilding Umiak I from USC
Maizuru shipyard built for Fednav
in Canada. The ship is a 31,500 dwt
bulk carrier, which is destined for
carrying Nickel concentrate from
Voiseys Bay Nickel Companys mine
in Labrador, Canada.
The ship is designed to comply
with DNV ICE-15, which means the
ship will be able to sail unsupported
through 1.5 metre thick ice. This is
an ability necessary for sailing to
Labrador in winter time.
For the ship to be able to sail
through 1.5 metre thick ice, the ship
has been modied in many ways.
One of the important modications
is the main propulsion system.
Where a normal 31,500 dwt bulk
carrier will have a 6S50MC-C/ME-
C main engine for propulsion,
delivering 9,480 kW at 127 r/min,
the ICE-15 classed bulk carrier from
Fednav is equipped with a Hitachi
built 7S70ME-C, delivering 21,770
kW at 91 r/min.
This change, along with the fact
that the engine will run under some
unusual ambient and running
conditions, imposes some chal-
lenges when designing the parts of
the main engine.
One of the challenges is that,
most of time, the ship will sail under
normal open water conditions,
which means that the load of the
main engine will be very low. Under
normal conditions the main engine
will run only at 36% of SMCR.
This is one of the main reasons
for using the electronically control-
led engine, as it will run more
effectively at low load.
To be able to have the engine
running under heavy ice condi-
tions, some modifications to the
main engine has to be made. Some
of the modifications are made
because of the ambient conditions
that the engine will run under, and
others are made because of the
special ramming modes the engine
will experience.
The engine is equipped with a
standard load-dependent low ambi-
ent air temperature bypass system
before the turbochargers to limit
the scavenge air pressure at the very
cold ambient conditions the ship will
sail under. When air becomes colder,
the density will rise, which, without
modications, would lead to a too
high compression and maximum
ring pressure in the cylinders.
80 100 90 60
Engine speed, %A
1 3
A 100% reference point
M Specified engine MCR
O Optimising/matching point
Engine shaft power, % A
Heavy running
operation Normal
Line 1: Propeller curve through
optimising/matching point (O)
layout curve for engine
Line 2: Heavy propeller curve
fouled hull and heavy seas
Line 3: Speed limit
Line 3*: Extended speed limit, provided
torsional vibration conditions permit
Line 4: Torque/speed limit
Line 5: Mean effective pressure limit
Line 6: Increased light running propeller
curve clean hull and calm weather
layout curve for propeller
Line 7: Power limit for continuous running
Fig. 1: Extended load diagram
7S70ME with extended heavy running capability
Umaik I (Fednav, Canada), a 31,500 dwt bulk carrier
Continued on page 15 >>
The exhaust gas bypass is con-
trolled in such a way that it will
open and lead some of the exhaust
gasses around the turbochargers,
keeping the scavenge air pressure
of the main engine at the same level
as for ISO conditions. The bypass
control system is incorporated in
the Engine Control System of the
electronically controlled main
engine, and the signal for the
torque of the main engine is taken
from the existing control system.
The main special feature of ships
classied for ICE-15 is the capability
of ice ramming. In short, the ram-
ming procedure consists of sailing
with a specied speed through the
ice, until the ship is stopped by
the resistance of the ice. The ship
is sailed astern to come free of the
packed ice, and then is sailed full
ahead into the ice, to break through
the ice until the ships stops again
by the resistance of the ice. This
procedure is used for thick ice and
ice ridges, which puts some very
unusual demands on the main
For the ship to be able to sail
ahead and astern within a short
time cycle, the ship is equipped
with a controllable pitch propeller
(CPP). With this it is avoided to
reverse the main engine, which
can be a time consuming task. The
CPP is furthermore enclosed in a
nozzle, both for protection of the
propeller against blocks of ice and
for extra thrust.
Because the ship occasionally
is used for ramming ice, the load
of the main engine will cycle
up and down. The engine will
be highly loaded when breaking
the ice, and low loaded through
the pitch reversal periods for the
propeller. The engine will also be
highly loaded when the ship is
sailed astern and once again sailing
ahead to ram the ice.
The procedure for ramming the
ice can occur up to 10 times per
hour, which will set extra demand
on the turbochargers and auxiliary
blowers. Because the load will come
below 25% SMCR every time the
sailing direction of the ship is
changed the auxiliary blowers will
have to start up and make sure that
there is a sufcient pressure on the
scavenge air. The auxiliary blowers
are therefore designed to cope with
up to 20 starts per hour.
The exhaust gas bypass is also
working differently under ice
ramming procedure. Normally,
the exhaust gas bypass will open
under very cold ambient conditions
to avoid too high pressures in
the engine. Under full ahead for
ramming the ice, the exhaust gas
bypass will remain closed until
the scavenge air pressure for ISO
condition is reached. The exhaust
gas bypass will then gradually open
to keep the maximum allowable
scavenge air pressure. This is done
to maximise the transient for
loading the main engine.
When ramming the ice with
some speed, the load of the main
engine will increase rapidly. This
will make the engine decrease in
rotational speed. To make sure that
the engine will not stop, the CPP
will be controlled so that the load
of the main engine is decreased
sufciently. To make sure that the
change of angle on the propeller
and the rotational speed of the
main engine will be optimum,
MAN B&W Diesel has simulated the
ramming situation.
This ice ramming also poses
some other stresses on the pro-
pulsion system, as the dynamic
loading will be different from
normal propulsion mode. The
main thrust bearing on the main
engine will have to handle these
dynamic loadings, which has led to
a modication in the main thrust
bearing. The main aft support has
been increased, and the crankshaft
thrust cam has been modified
compared to the normal 7S70ME-C.
These modications have led to a
7S60MC-C, Mark 8, HHI hull No. 1621-2 MCR: 16,660 kW @ 105 (r/min) (kW)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Normal torque limitation
Extended torque limitaiton
with exhaust by-pass
Case 1 2006-03-15
Medium ice 9 knots
Case 2 2006-03-15 Thick ice 2.5 knots
Fig. 2: Engine with extended heavy running capability
50,000 100,000 150,000
ll H
15.0 kn
15.0 kn
Weight (dwt)
Fig. 3: Power demand for Finnish/Swedish Ice-classed vessels
Option 1
Option 3
Option 2
Option 1
Option 3
SFOC +/-5%
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105
ME-C (100%)
ME-C (85%)
Matching point at 85 %SMCR
Engine shaft power %SMCR
Fig. 4: Inuence on SFOC
better distribution of the bearing
load, so that an increase of the
maximum load has been avoided
compared to the standard thrust
bearing conguration.
Fig. 5 shows the crash-astern
procedure for 100% ahead to 100%
astern. The ship described above
went on sea trial on 21 March
2006, where some of the features
to be used for the ice ramming
procedure were tested. The blue
line represents the pitch of the CPP,
which to begin with is set for 100%
ahead. The setting of the CPP for
100% astern begins at zero seconds,
and the CPP is fully set for 100%
astern after 33 seconds. When the
load on the propeller decreases,
the fuel index of the main engine
decreases, so as to prevent the main
engine from overrunning. The fuel
index is the black line.
When the pitch of the propeller
reaches negative pitch, and the
loading of the propeller increases
again, it can be seen that the bypass
closes, so the turbocharger receives
maximum exhaust gas. After 58
seconds, the bypass is opened
again as the scavenge air pressure
has reached ISO conditions. The
full operation of changing from
full ahead to full astern is reached
in 70 seconds, where the bypass
has opened to the same level as
before the change in the direction
of thrust. N
Fig. 5: Crash-astern procedure
Ch. 4: Index (%)
Ch. 5: R/min
Ch. 6: Pitch (%)
Ch. 7: By-pass (%)
Ch. 13: Pscav
Ch. 14: T/C r/min
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99
Time (s)
100 % Ahead to 100 % Astern,
103/104 ECS overspeed protection.
MAN B&W Diesel A/S MAN B&W Diesel AG MAN B&W Diesel Ltd. Publisher For further information
Teglholmsgade 41 Stadtbachstrasse 1 Bramhall Moor Lane Peter Dan Petersen PR & Information Dept.
DK-2450 Copenhagen SV D-86224 Augsburg Stockport MAN B&W Diesel A/S MAN B&W Diesel A/S
Denmark Germany SK7 5AQ Copenhagen Copenhagen
United Kingdom Denmark Denmark
Tel.: (+45) 33 85 11 00 Tel.: (+49) 821 32 20 Tel.: (+44) 161 483 1000 Copyright owned by Tel.: (+45) 33 85 11 00
Fax.: (+45) 33 85 10 30 Fax.: (+49) 821 3 22 33 82 Fax.: (+44) 161 487 1465 MAN B&W Diesel E-mail:
except where mentioned
His Royal Highness, Crown Prince
Frederik of Denmark, officially
opened MAN B&W Diesels new
attraction, DieselHouse. This
technical and cultural experience
centre is dedicated to diesel engine
technology, from the very first,
single cylinder engines throught
to the latest applied, electronic
The opening ceremony was a huge
success, as witnessed by Flem-
ming Hansen, Danish Minister for
Tranport and Energy, as well as top
representatives from MAN B&W
Diesels family of licensees.
DieselHouse is situated on
the site of the H.C. rsted power
plant, near the centre of modern
The building is the original
house to the long-standing B&W
diesel engine which was used as late
as 2003 to start up the East Danish
power grid after a major collapse.
This engine was commissioned in
1932 and was the Worlds largest
diesel engine for 30 years. The
engine will be started up once a
month during DieselHouses open-
ing hours so visitors can experience
the sound and feel the immense
power generated by this historic,
supercharged, double-acting diesel
Although this huge engine is
the centrepiece of the DieselHouse
exhibition centre, DieselHouse also
houses everything from the most
modern interactive exhibitions
to an extensive collection of ship
and engine models that date from
the era of the B&W shipyard and
engineering works.
DieselHouse has three exhibition
oors, each with its own theme.
From the entrance area, on the
ground floor, visitors are led to
0ieseIeuse epened by the 0anish 0rewn Frince
0epenhagen sees new technicaI attractien by MA 88w 0ieseI
the engine deck, where the theme
is From steam to diesel. Here,
visitors will see a display of B&Ws
rst engine from 1904 and Holeby
Diesels rst engine from 1910.
The signicance of diesel power
in all types of shipping and in
the electrification of Denmark is
highlighted on the rst oor, where
visitors are shown how Diesel
drives the World.
The second oor shows indus-
trial development in Denmark,
illustrated through the history
of B&W, which, to many Danes, is
synonymous with the industrial
revolution and shopoor workers
Innovation is the theme of the
section on the third oor. Displays
of everything, from basic principles
of the diesel engine to the most
advanced methods of development
and calculation, are ment to act
as an inspiration to children and
students to learn about the diesel
engine and, hopefully, choose a
career path that will allow them to
take the next step foreward in the
diesel engine development. N
||s |o,a| |||ness, C|own |||nce F|eoe||| o/ Denma||, (cen|e| o//c|a||, ooens //^ S8H D|ese|'s new a|||ac||on, D|ese||o0se. 7|e C|own |||nce
|s accomoan|eo o, D|. |e|e| 50nn |eoe|sen, Exec0||.e v|ce ||es|oen|, //^ S8H D|ese|, (|||| ano ||e Dan|s| /|n|s|e| o/ 7|ansoo|| ano Ene|,,
/| F|emm|n |ansen (|e/|

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