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Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1995,21,605-612

Nursing as an emerging academic discipline

Andrew S Oldnall BSc(Hons) RGN DPSN
Charge Nurse, City Hospital (NHS Trust), Dudley Road, Birmingham B18 7QH, West Midlands, England

AcceptedforpubUcataon 25 May 1994

OLDNALL A S (1995) Journal of Advanced Nursmg 21, 605-612 Nursing as an emerging academic discipline During the past decade niirse theorists and educationalists have been attempting to establish nursing as an academic discipline Nurse education is rapidly moving away from monotechnic colleges of nursing into institutes of higher education This paper presents a discussion of some of the issues associated vnth the emergence of nursing as an academic discipline The definition of a discipline is ambiguous and, although nursing may be said to exhibit some of the desired elements required to be classified as a discipline, it IS apparent that many of these elements have not been developed sufficiently Many attempts have been made to classify nursing as 'art' or 'science' or a combination of the two Nursing epistemologists, educationalists and practitioners appear unable to determine the essence and uniqueness of nursing m order to inform practice, which is still heavily weighted toward the established academic disciplines If nursing is to survive m the echelons of higher education and gam respect as an emerging academic discipline, these recurring arguments need to be resolved

INTRODUCTION Dunng the past decade, the Umted Kmgdom (UK) has witnessed a considerable shift in the focus of nurse education away from monotechnic colleges of nursing to the establisbment of nursing departments vnthm the highereducation sector The extent to which this refiects the development of nursmg as an academic disciplme is debatable This discussion will focus on some of the issues associated with the development of nursing as an academic discipline The discussion will consist of three major sections Firstly, there will be an analysis of the concept of an academic discipline, papng particular attention to the difficulties expenenced in definmg the parameters of a disciplme Secondly, the discussion begms to focus specifically on nursmg by exammmg the substemtive content of the discipline The third aspect of the discussion will consider the social context of nursing as a discipline Finally, an attempt will be made to reach conclusions about the status of nursing as an academic discipline

DEFINING DISCIPLINES The concept of em academic discipline is ambiguous and not easily defined because, as with many concepts, it is open to interpretation, accordmg to the context m which It IS being used For example, doubts have Euisen with regard to whether or not statistics is sufficiently separate from Its parent discipline of mathematics to constitute a disciplme m its own nght Anyone reading the literature on this subject would find it difficult to uncover a consensus view of wbat constitutes a discipline Becher (1989) argues that the answer will depend on the extent to which academic institutions recognize the emei|;ence of a new discipline m their organizational structure, and the degree to which a new free-standing international communify has emerged, with its own professional associations md journals Disciplmes are thus identified by the existence of relevant departments in academic institutions, but it does not follow that every department represents a discipline However, before discussing whether nursing is an academic discipline, it is necessary to explore the

A S Oldnall issues surroundmg the nature of disciplines m general terms Becher & Kogan (1980) argue that one way of defining a discipline is through the structural framework and organization of academic institutions However, if this assumption IS correct certam issues are revealed concerning how institutes of higher education determme what constitutes knowledge, what distmctions need to be made between the established disciplines, for example, physics and chemistry, and interdisciplinary fields, for example, women's studies and social studies The complexities associated with the organization of such an enterprise would therefore be complicated and mvolve each of the disciplmes becoming autonomous and forming a selfregulating unit withm the establisbed managenal structure of the academic institution The complexity of these issues is currently bemg addressed m many universities and institutions within the UK to coincide with the movement of nurse education away from monotechnic colleges of nursing and the formation of nursing departments in institutes of higher education This raises the question of whether nursing can rightfully claim to be an emerging academic disciplme m its own nght without bemg dependent on the traditional disciplmes to inform its knowledge base and enhance its practice In the past, nursing has been beavily dependent on physiology, sociology, psychology and medicine to give the profession academic stemding and inform its practice However, in recent years nursing has been involved m a quest to ascertain what is unique to nursing and to develop these aspects into what cem loosely be defined as an academic disciplme Therefore, it is debatable, m tbe light of the ambiguous definition of a discipline, whether nursing IS already an academic discipline m its own nght, or whether it is still emerging owing to its dependence on other disciplines to mform its practice and give the profession academic standing edge commumties comprise the social element of a disciplme formed from a logical dissection and separation of the disciplmes and specialisms m institutes of higher education Additionally, knowledge communities compnse of certain elements and topics which have helped to shape the disciplme made up of knowledge that can be defined as hard or soft, pure or applied Furthermore, disciplinary communities may be seen as convergent, l e manifesting a sense of collectivity and mutual identity, or divergent, 1 e schismatic and ideologically fragmented (Becher 1989)

Histoncal and geographical variations

Although It IS convenient to represent disciplines as clearly distinguishable and stable entities, it should be acknowledged that they ire subject to both histoncal and geographical vanation Therefore, the dyneimic nature of knowledge domains over a penod of tune has an impact on the identities and cultural charactenstics of disciplines (Becher 1989) However, Toulmin (1972) argues that each discipline, though subject to change, normally displays a recognizable continuity, its differentiation over time is seldom such as to obscure its resemblance of the ongmal discipline Kmg & Brownell (1966) argue that several different aspects need to be present m order for a subject to be defined as a discipline These include a community, a network of commumcations, a tradition, a particular set of values and beliefs, a domain, a mode of enquiry and a conceptual structure However, this definition of what constitutes a discipline is extremely broad m comparison to otber definitions, wbicb tend to be rigid in what they define as a disciplme The literature reveals that some commentators focus on theoreticed considerations defijiing disciplines as containing its own body of concepts and fundamental aims (Toulmin 1972) In contrast, other commentators define disciplines unequivocally eis organized social groupmgs (Whitley 1976,1984) However, the literature reveals that most commentators appear to give equal emphasis to both theoretical considerations and organized social groupings m attempting to define what constitutes an academic discipline This equal emphasis is reinforced m the literature Pnce (1970) cautions that m determimng the constituents of a disciplme the substantive content emd social behaviour should not be artificiedly separated since, m many respects, the one is dependent on the other Furthermore, Shinn (1982) argues that the cognitive and social arrangements should match and that theoretical factors and scientific instrumentation do not constitute a complete explanatory schema, which would need to mclude social elements to compnse an academic discipline

Knowledge domain
The literature suggests that the cogmtive styles and attitudes of academics within a particular discipline are closely intertwined with the charactenstics and structures of the knowledge domain with which such groups are professionally concerned (Becher 1989) It is therefore apparent that, m many respects, it impossible to separate the epistemological and social factors involved m defining a disciplme smce they are inextricably connected However, Becher (1989) argues that if a distinction is to be made between the interconnections a distinction must be made m theorebcal terms between forms of knowledge and knowledge commumties It may be aigued that knowledge is compnsed of subjects which contnbute to the cognitive attnbutes of a particular disciplme and give It credence m academic circles In companson, knowl606

An emerging academic discipbne


Gameron-Traub (1991) argues that the disciplme of nursmg IS mextncably linked with the formal development of a body of knowledge that is umque to nursing It would appear that there are three distmct components that underpm the development of nursing knowledge which should clearly differentiate the emerging disciplme of nursing from other disciplmes, including those of other health professions Gameron-Traub (1991) argues that these distinct areas can be defined as (a) an identifiable philosophy, (b) at least one conceptual framework (or perspective) for delmeation of what can be defined as nursing concerns and what are not, and (c) acceptable methodological approaches for the pursuit and development of knowledge Gameron-Traub (1991) maintains that each of these are essential and should be interactive in order to ascertam what IS umque to nursmg and, m so domg, develop the academic knowledge base which will help to develop nursing as an academic discipline m its own right Furthermore, she argues that these identified elements should refiect, and be consistent with, the values and beliefs about nursmg which are held by members of the profession These delineated areas, when viewed as a whole, reinforce the arguments of Pnce (1970) and Shinn (1982) who maintain that the substantive content and social bebaviour of a discipline should not be separated, smce both the cognitive and social elements are dependent on each other However, it should be acknowledged that, although nursing is a corporate profession with some evidence of coUegiality, the concepts associated with nursing as a professional discipline may have particular meanings for individual nurses, which may or may not be shared with others Therefore, it may be argued that as nursmg becomes consolidated m its substantive content and social behaviour, the dissemination of pertinent information to non-nursmg factions of society should facilitate broader comprehension and recognition of nursing as an academic and community process How^ever, it should be acknowledged that the understandmg of a concept of nursing may depend on what one assumes about the development and meanmg of concepts It would appear from the literature that the meaning of concepts when applied to nursing is diverse Rodgers (1989) suggests that a concept may be understood as an entity, a disposition, or an evolutionary phenomenon However, Rodgers (1989) further argues that if this is correct nursing should possess something which has some mesisure of consistency and there would have to be virtually no changes m the beliefs and values smce nursmg was initially identified as a specific activity Alternatively, if nursmg is to be understood as a disposition, this implies that nursing predisposes its members to act m certain ways, as outlmed for example m the Code of Professional

Conduct (UKCC 1992a) and the Scope of Professional Practice (\JKCC 1992b) This assumption, if correct, can be argued to be consistent with the belies and values of ethical theory which suggests that nursing is a moral idea concerned vnth obligating and mspinng it members to do good, thus predisposing its members with certam obhgations which inspire nght acbon and to serve the common good, thus performing actions which predispose nurses to know and to do the right things for other people

Evolving phenomenon
Finally, it could be argued that nursing may be viewed as an evolving phenomenon When viewed from this jpersptective, the main thrust of the argument is the development of nursing knowledge ansmg from the perceptions, aspirations and expectations of members of the profession, for example, nurse academics and nurse practitioners, alike (Gameron-Traub 1991) These three definitions of nursmg highlight the ambiguous nature of nursing, smce in many respects nursing means different things to different people This IS highlighted by the many perspiectives of nursmg held by the members of the nursing profession, other health care groups and the general public who they serve Further, if nursing is viewed from an evolutionary concept withm the nursing profession, it may stimulate optimum development for the profession and the emerging disciplme of nursing If this is to be achieved, there is an urgent need for a definitive nursing theory and/or revolutionary changes m the societal expectations of nursmg which may serve to enable nursing to achieve its potential and actualization as a practice discipline withm institutes of higher education and practice settings However, if nursing is to achieve this goal a philosophical basis for nursing needs to be established It may be argued that it is impossible for nursmg to evolve effectively as a practice discipline without establishing philosophical perspectives about what constitutes nursing theory and practice In many respects it is impossible for this debate to proceed witbout some degree of coherence about the values and beliefs concemmg the nature of nursing to establish what it is, and what it could or should be The literature identifies a number of elements to do with the purpose and focus of nursing These can be summanzed as follows nursing is about humanistic helping (La Monica 1983), about persons and human dignity (Fry 1989), about mterpersonal processes (Peplau 1987), about treatment and potential health problems (Gordon 1987), about holism, holistic health and holistic practice (Kramer 1990) It is apparent from the literature that certain themes about nursmg have been identified These include assisting people, the lmphcations of nursing for health and life expenences, suggestions for nursing action and a human- or person-onentated theme However, edthough it is acknowledged that these perspectives mform

A S Oldnall the philosophical issues surroundu^ nursu^ they do not contnbute greatly to the debate regarding whether nursu^ IS an art or a science or a combination of these two recc^nized disciplmes Furthermore, until some agreement is established nursing may not achieve its quest for becommg a recc^mzed academic disciphne Holmes (1990) thus challenges those nursing academics who beUeve that the logical positivist approach is the only vahd method of acquinng knowledge This deductive approach has continued despite the growu^ contention that nursmg values both subjective and objective data and is concerned with hohstic rather than particular aspects of care (Hagell 1989) This dichotomy between a methodology based on measurable, empmcal parts and the subjective and holistic onentations of nursmg have necessitated the identification of other ways of knowing (Garper 1978)

In the 1970s, many nurse academics constructed nursing theones to act as a vehicle that would allow nursmg to be recogmzed as a science and that this m turn would create a climate that was conducive to establishmg full professional autonomy for the nursmg profession The purpose of establishing nursing as a science might be viewed as mamly political, since m so doing it afforded nursing the academic recogmtion it needed to 'kick-start' its development of epistemology and recognition as an academic disciplme, thus, in many respects, bnngmg nursing into the twentieth century However, Holmes (1990) argues that the label of 'science' would not be so antagonistic if those wnters who subscnbed to a saentific view acknowledged that natural, social and human sciences have much m common, which transcends outmoded positivistic philosophy which refers to a particular set of assumptions about the real world and about appropnate ways of stud3nmg them Positivism assumes that the natural world has an independent existence which IS governed by laws discovered by research The knowledge which is discovered using these methods IS regarded as objective and factual (McNeill 1990) This philosophy has been widely disputed by some nurse theorists and practitioners who adhere to the anti-positivist, humanistic, person-onentated philosophies suggested by Watson (1985, 1988) In so doing, they have openly disputed the debate that all true knowledge owes its existence to science alone Meleis (1987) challenges the perspective that completed theory is the only way to achieve disciplinary status and that outcome is the sole validation of theory In knowledge development, theonzmg is not an orderly progression of thought but a process of cntical thinkmg charged with difficulty and ambiguity Conflict Holmes (1990) argues that nursing theory is beset by a problem that is not encountered in the natural sciences, and that is the confiict between generalism and specificity He goes on to say that a comprehensive theory of nursing should provide generalized charactenzations which can be apphed to nursing in all its forms, and that lately the charactenzation of 'care and canng' has taken pole position in the race to substitute a umque and overridmg charactenstic that possibly captures the essence of nursing

Garper (1978) identified four patterns of knowing which still include empincs but additionally recognize the contnbutions frwm ethics, aesthetics or the art of nursmg, and personal knowing and mtuition However, in contrast to empincs, aesthetics, personal knowing and ethics seek to look beyond labels and behaviours to perceive the essence of the situation that is umque to that patient and nursing interaction Garper (1978) argues that each of these patterns of knowing are interrelated and interdependent and that the whole is greater than the sum of Its parts Furthermore, m contreist to the scientific view of nursing there is a rapidly growmg school of thought that perceives nursing as em art which encompasses the concepts of care and canng and, m so domg, nursing academics contmue, paradoxically, to question the limits yet advance the boundanes of nursmg Leininger (1981) descnbes canng as the unifying domain for nursing's body of knowledge and practice, while Swanson (1991) argues that canng as a theory of social process is essential but not unique to nursmg However, although canng and health have been identified as central to nursing, an mtegratmg statement has not been developed and the concepts cannot stand alone to meet the cntena for the focus of the emerging discipline of nursing (Newman etal 1991) Additionedly, extensive hterature on the epistemological development of nursing emphasize that the disciplme of nursmg is a philosophy of persons and their health expenences, that IS to say, nursmg can be descnbed as an art with humanitanan aims Benner (1984) descnbes excellence in climcal practice based on perceptual awareness, sensitivity and cogmtive skills and mamtams that the unique synthesis of the art of canng and the empmcism of science distinguishes nursmg from other health professions, thus subscnbmg to the view that a transcending philosophical perspective, rather than a specific methodology, IS charactenstic of a discipline of nursing (Shaw 1993) thereby supporting the view that nursmg is an aesthetic activity which can encompass aspects of art, craft and technology

An emerging academic dMSCiplme


The second element essential for recogmtion as a disciplme IS the possession of at least one conceptual framework in order to delineate what are nursing concerns and what are not (Gameron-Traub 1991) According to Huckabay (1991), a conceptual framework serves as a means of identifying, labelhng and classifying phenomena important to the discipline of nursing Thus, it may be argued that when disciplines have a metaparadigm it represents and serves as a global perspective encompassmg a world view or a cogmtive onentation which is held by the majority of its members or scientific commumty (Hardy 1983) It would appear from the vanety of theones which have been generated in the nursmg literature that the nurse theonsts are still searching for the best perspective, rather than buildmg on previous ones or working collectively towards a unified theoretical framework It has been suggested by Flaskerud & Halloran (1980) that nurses have tended to concentrate on the differences between theones rather than attempt to identify areas of commonality Hardy (1983) argues convincingly that nursing is m a preparadigmatic stage of its theory development, where the disciplme tolerates diversity in theory development and methodological approaches However, despite Hardy's (1983) ai^ument, four elements have been identified as components of a metaparadigm for nursing These four elements are the environment, the person, hesdth and nursmg, which are consistent with Nightmgale's perspective of nursing Gameron-Traub (1991) argues that there are a number of difficulties with the proposal that these identified elements constitute a metaparadigm for nursmg practice, education and research Firstly, she aigues that the person, health and the environment could equally apply to other disciplines mcludmg medicme Additionally, the concept of nursmg, although necessary as a differentiating element, may not signify nursing's world view unless it is clearly mdependent of other areas of health care practice In second place, a metaparadigm should distinguish areas of concern that affect nursmg rather than depend solely on the concept of nursing is a distinguishing feature Finally, there is httle evidence to suggest that nursmg theones have denved their ongin from a single world view suggested by the metaparadigm

thus strengthen the theoretical undeqiinnin^ of the disciphne (Huckabay 1991) It has been suggested by Hardy (1978) and Northrup (1992) that the completion of existing nursmg theones and adoption of a specific paradigm may brmg about cohesion to the disciplme of nursing However, m contrast to this suggestion, some theorists advocate divei^ity and plurality m nursmg philosophy, science and practice Therefore, m the hght of this evaluation concerning the conceptual framework of nursing, it is arguable whether the metaparadigm has guided nursing theory and research activities so far, owing to the diverse interpretations and philosophies which abound m the accepted models for nursing theory and practice m use m the UK and Amenca Thus, It may be argued that the conceptual framework is a source of diversify rather than unify m the development of nursmg knowledge

Gameron-Traub (1991) identifies the third essential ingredient for the emergence of a disciplme as the possession of an acceptable metbodological approach for the pursuit of knowledge It may be argued that it is perhaps in the methodological area that nursing is clearly charactenzed as an eclectic discipline, since the last 2 decades have witnessed a vigourous debate about competing philosophies of science and their methodological implications for the development of nursing as a research-based discipline In many respects, nursing is still imdecided about which methodological approach, l e qualitative or quantitative research, best demonstrates the essence and umqueness of nursmg This factor affecting the emergence of nursing as a research-based disciplme has been considered by Menke (1990) who concludes that it is too soon to judge nursmg's allegiance to either approach since 10 years is a relatively short time m the emergence and development of a discipline, especially one so diverse as nursmg However, Stember & Hester (1990) a i ^ e that the qualitative and quantitative approaches may be considered complementary and that either method is not dependent on a prevailing paradigm for the emergence of nursii^ as a research-based discipline This factor is rapidly becoming recognized m nursmg hterature and a combination of these two approaches is being used to convey research findmgs Qualitative research, m particular phenomenology, has been used to explore the personal intentions, thoughts and feelings of holistic man (Ray 1990) which have been scientifically quantified as a method of analysing and presentmg the data

Different interpretations
These four components have been given differential interpretation, emphasis and saliency in different theories (Mamner-Tomey 1989) Deets (1990) conducted a review of nursmg papers and found no support for the paradigm as a gmde to nursmg research or scholarship Therefore, it may be argued that conceptual umty provides an opportimity to gam depth as well as breadth of knowledge and

Induction and deduction

Furthermore, it has been argued that inductive and deductive approaches to theory development are essential for the

A S OldnaU completion of the scientific process (Sarter 1990) Sarter (1990) argues that induction and deduction are complementary and equally important phases of nursing science, whether the process begins with expenence or theory, it is imperative that the circle is completed Therefore, if Sarter's (1990) argument is correct, an mductively developed theory must be tested to determme its generalizabilify to a given population whereas a theory that owes its ongm to a deductive method of enquiry must be tested in order to ascertain its relevance to the real world However, in retrospect, it would appear that a great deal of nursmg research and epistemology has developed from both inductive and deductive logic but has never, for whatever reason, been tested scientifically In many respects, it would appear that nurse academics and theonsts have been more concerned m the last 2 decades with developing theones rather than testing them The reason for this is uncertain but, on reflection, it emphasizes the general feehngs of urgency felt by the nurse academics to generate theones that may be able to give nursing academic credibihfy and thus allow it to become a practice-based discipline If this assertion is correct, then ngorous testing of the theones already generated IS imperative if the claim that nursing is an emergmg acadermc disciplme is to be taken senously SOCIAL ELEMENTS Pnce (1970) maintains that it is impossible to separate the substemtive content of a disciplme from its social behaviour In many respects, the social element of the emergent discipline of nursing withm the UK has been politically controlled both from withm the profession and by government legislation to allow nursing to develop and meet the needs of contemporary sociefy and achieve professional status The proposals and subsequent inception of Project 2000 (UKGG 1986) programmes mto nurse education may have helped m achieving academic recognition by producing a reflective analytical practitioner, able to adapt to the changing needs of the profession and sociefy As a consequence of the profession wrishmg to be recognized as an academic, practice-based profession, many of these monotechmc colleges of nursing have made moves to merge with universities and institutes of higher education as a means of achieving academic recognition as an emerging disciplme This merger has lead to the establishment of nursing departments and the development of nurse education at diploma and degree level However, if nursing is to be recognized as an academic discipline, it needs to establish what is unique to nursing either as an art or a science and develop those elements mto a recognizable body of knowledge and not depend on the disciplmes of physiology, psychology, sociology and medicme to inform its knowledge and subsequent practice Furthermore, it may be argued that until nursing is able

to determme its own uniqueness it will not be taken senously m it8 quest to achieve disciphnary status m its own nght In many respects, this poses the question of whether nursing epistemology has been developed to determine the essence and umqueness 'of nursing or whether it has evolved as a political tool 'for' nursing as a means of achieving professional and academic recogmtion In addition, it may further be argued that merger with higher education is not enough to achieve academic recognition as a disciplme unless nurse educationalists and students accept the full implications of the academic culture by conducting research mto pertinent areas of nursmg knowledge and publishmg then- findmgs m academically recogmzed journals Clinical nurses Additionally, the recogmtion of nursmg as a disciplme is not only dependent on those nurses or educationalists labelled as 'academic' but also on those nurses involved in everyday clmical practice to publish papers and conduct salient research into aspects of nursing care If this assumption is correct, then it must also be acknowledged that many of these nurses are not educated to the required level of higher education and have not had the opportunify to develop the refiective, analytical skills necessary to establish nursing as a research-based academic discipline In many respects, this issue heis been addressed in tbe United Kmgdom Gentral Gouncil's proposals for the PostRegistration Education and Practice Project (UKGG 1990, 1993) and the English National Board's Framework for the Higher Award (ENB 1991) If these proposals succeed in coming to fruition, the results of these ventures may succeed m estabhshing the academic standing of nursing and the development of nursmg as an academic discipline m its own nght CONCLUSION It would appear from the evidence submitted in this discourse that, m many respects, it is impossible to determme categoncally whether nursing should be descnbed as an academic discipline simply because it is not possible to establish an accepted defijiition of a discipline It may be argued that nursmg does exhibit many, if not all, of the elements necessary to qualify as a discipline, but on closer reflection it becomes apparent that many of these desired elements are not developed sufficiently to estabhsh the essence or uniqueness of nursmg based on epistemology and research In many respects, although the nurse theonsts have succeeded m establishing a metaparadigm as the basis for theory development to inform practice this metaparadigm IS cnticized for not being unique to nursing and for its mabilify to reflect sufficiently the conceptual framework

An emerging academic of the 'academic' disciplme of nursing Additionally, it is apparent that n u r s ^ are unable to determme which concepts determme the essence and uniqueness of nursing and whether nursing can be defined as a 'science' or an 'art' or a combination of tbese two disciplines This ambigmfy is further reflected m the methodological approaches adopted m research The scientific school would argue from a positivist standpomt that all knowledge has to be scientifically proven and tend to favour quantitative methods, whereas the 'artistic' school would argue for a phenomenological and quahtative approach to research encompassing the diverse subjectivify of the human element However, a third school advocates the use of both methodologies m the analysis and presentation of the research findings However, despite the diversify concerning the nature of nursmg the literature reveals that the number of theorists who claim that nursing is about 'caring' and 'humanistic/ holistic' care continues to grow This then may prove to be the basis for establishing the domain and essence of nursing, both m academic and societal circles An apphed science It would seem apparent that nursing has not yet achieved the status of a 'pure' science m academic circles owing to Its continued reliance on other disciplines to generate its knowledge Therefore, it may be argued that nursmg should perhaps be given the title of an 'applied' or 'synthesized' science that draws on the knowledge of other established disciplines Perhaps this could be construed as the vmiqueness and essence of nursing that the theonsts are having difficulfy in definmg Moreover, although monotechnic colleges of nursing have moved into umversities and institutes of higher education the need for nursing academics to adopt the 'academic culture' of research and subsequent publication is imperative if nursing's quest to become an academic discipline IS to be taken senously Furthermore, if nursmg is to claim the title of a practice disciplme then the same criteria that apply to the academic culture should equally apply to the practice culture Emerging discipline In the light of this submission it is not possible to ascertain whether nursing can claim to be an academic disciplme, owmg to the diversity of the nature of nursmg and the defimtion of a discipline However, perhaps nursing can claim to be an emerging disciplme on tbe basis of its developing substantive, sjmtactical and social elements If this IS true, however, then nursmg needs to make explicit the many areas of diversify and ambiguify that exist within the nature of nursing It is therefore impossible to determine whether nursing can be descnbed as a disciplme


owing to the diverse ideologies of nursing that exist in the profession both m the UK and m the United States of Amenca

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A S Oldnall
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