2013 General Advertising Rates: Lancaster County's Growing Marketplace

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18. SuNday ColoR ComICS Black and 3 Colors a.

Sunday News Full Color Comic Section (Standard Size)

1 of 52 7 of 52 13 of 52 26 of 52 48 of 52 SPADEA $5,460 $5,296 $5,187 $4,909 $4,641 GATEFOLD (5-3/4) $4,060 $3,939 $3,858 $3,650 $3,451 FULL ROP PAGE $5,170 $5,014 $4,911 $4,648 $4,394 2/3 ROP PAGE $4,390 $4,258 $4,171 $3,947 $3,731 1/2 ROP PAGE $3,550 $3,443 $3,374 $3,193 $3,017 1/3 ROP PAGE $2,420 $2,348 $2,298 $2,176 $2,057 1/6 ROP PAGE $1,680 $1,630 $1,596 $1,512 $1,428

19. SPECIal PuBlICaTIoNS Fly magazine, Central Pas most complete guide to nightlife, dining and entertainment. Fly Magazine publishes three separate editions monthly covering Lancaster, York and Harrisburg. All three editions include entertainment and dining articles, a calendar including the specials and entertainment schedules compiled from hundreds of bars and restaurants, a Dining Directory of local restaurants listed by category, and area concert and theatre listings. Fly Weekly, offers nightlife, entertainment and dining highlights for the weekend and the week ahead. Appears in the Saturday edition of the Intell/New Era. Ask your Advertising Sales Representative for rates. la VoZ HISPaNa, a Spanish language monthly tabloid allows you to reach the growing Spanish-speaking audience in the Lancaster MSA. Approximately 5,000 copies are distributed free at stores, racks and newsstands throughout the city of Lancaster. Reach this important market with your targeted messages.

GA-81, effective January 1, 2013 Six Column Format


PO Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-1328 (717) 291-8800 (800) 809-4666 FAX (717) 399-6523 e-mail: advertising@LNPnews.com www.LancasterOnline.com Parcel Delivery address: 8 West King Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
1. PERSoNNEl: Vice President of Sales & Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John C. Derr General Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christine Younger 2. REPRESENTaTIoN: DIRECT: Send contracts, orders and printing materials direct to: LANCASTER NEWSPAPERS, INC. Mailing address: P.O. Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-1328 Parcel Delivery Address: 8 W. King St. Lancaster, PA 17603 Member of AP ADSEND and AD EXPRESS delivery networks. Call AD SEND at 1-800-223-7363 and AD EXPRESS at 1-800-446-6646 for more information. For ADSEND, ads must be created on computer using Post Script and Adobe Acrobat. 3. CommISSIoN aNd TERmS oF PaymENT: a. Agency Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15% b. All advertising prepaid until credit is established. c. Charges to account are due and payable by the 15th of month following publication. 4. PolICyall ClaSSIFICaTIoNS In submitting advertising to us for publication, the advertiser agrees to all provisions of this rate card including the following: a. Rates, discounts and other provisions of this rate card may be revised at any time with 30 days notice. b. We will not be responsible or liable for delay or failure in performance if publication and/or distribution of any edition is delayed or suspended for any reason. 5. adVERTISING RaTES:

b. mechanical Requirements 1. Veloxes must contain register marks on all four corners, accompanied by a marked proof properly identified as to name of paper, insertion date and any plate changes. c. additional Information 1. Vertical, horizontal or other appropriate sizes acceptable. If the advertisement is less than full page in size, it may be combined in form with a comic to make up a full page. Cost of these full page plates to be paid by the advertiser. 2. Color comics advertising is not included in determining Newsplan rates. PRESS INSERTS Because press inserts are produced with the color comics, a reservation deadline of 8 weeks applies. Press insert rates are per thousand (net) to Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. Other pre-press and production charges assessed by the printer will be re-billed to the advertiser.
4 PAGE TAB 8 PAGE TAB 12 PAGE TAB 16 PAGE TAB 20 PAGE TAB 1 week 7 weeks 13 weeks 26 weeks $52.35 $49.74 $48.43 $47.12 $94.00 $89.30 $86.95 $84.60 $138.45 $131.53 $128.07 $124.61 $178.95 $170.00 $165.53 $161.06 $220.23 $209.22 $203.71 $198.21 48 weeks $44.50 $79.90 $117.69 $152.11 $187.20

Full RuN a. RoP adVERTISING RaTES (Per Inch) INTELL/NEW ERA (A.M.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89.00 SUNDAY NEWS (Sunday) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $105.00 daily a.m. $84.55 82.33 80.10 77.88 75.65 71.20 Sunday only $99.75 97.13 94.50 91.88 89.25 84.00


Audit Bureau of Circulation, 6-month Publishers Statement March 31, 2012 Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era Monday-Friday ........................................ 78,819 Saturday ................................................... 78,657 Sunday News ........................................... 98,412 DAILY READERSHIP (Adults 18+) Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era Read Yesterday ................................... 197,700 Read at least 1 in last week (cume) .... 248,100 SUNDAY READERSHIP Read last Sunday ................................ 215,200 Read at least 1 in past month (cume) . 257,800

NEWSPlaN Pages 3 6 13 26 39 52

Inches 378 756 1,638 3,276 4,914 6,552

% disc. 5.0% 7.5% 10.0% 12.5% 15.0% 20.0%

b. PREPRINTEd INSERTS/PREPRINT dISTRIBuTIoN RaTES Distribute your preprinted advertising pieces in Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., daily or weekly newspaper publications. Get guaranteed day of delivery. Reach the entire MSA readership or target to defined zip code areas. Rates are calculated on a cost-per-thousand (CPM) basis for the actual number distributed. Consult your Advertising Sales Representative for current distribution requirements. Contact Representative for less than full run distribution. Preprints scheduled for mail distribution are subject to a surcharge to cover additional postage. Acceptance of preprinted inserts is subject to physical compatibility with mechanical equipment. For preprinted packaging and shipping instructions, distribution zones and additional information, please ask for the separate PREPRINT INSERT SCHEDULE. General Daily/Sunday Tab-Size Units Pages Gross 7/Yr 2 pg 53.50 49.22 4 pg 57.50 52.90 6 pg 62.50 57.50 8 pg 67.50 62.10 10 pg 71.00 65.32 12 pg 74.50 68.54 14 pg 78.50 72.22 16 pg 82.50 75.90 18 pg 86.50 79.58 20 pg 91.00 83.72 22 pg 94.50 86.94 24 pg 97.50 89.70 26 pg 101.50 93.38 28 pg 105.00 96.60 30 pg 108.50 99.82 32 pg 114.50 105.34

Lancaster Countys Growing Marketplace

Population 2011.................................... 536,784 Population 2016 (Projection) .................. 574,502 % Change ....................................... 7.0% Total Households 2011 ......................... 200,708 Total Households 2016 (Projection) ........ 216,140 % Change ....................................... 7.7% Average Household Income 2011 ........ $64,929 Average HH Income 2016 (Projection) $70,567 % Change ...................................... 8.7% Median Age ................................................. 38.1 Business Establishments ...................... 18,708
SOURCE: DemographicsNow.com, a division of Alteryx

c. Lacking credit approval, an advertiser must pay at the time the ad copy is submitted. A Business Information Form is required of new accounts. d. Advertising depth is measured in quarter-inch increments. e. Publisher will not be responsible for advertising materials left with the newspaper beyond 30 days. f. Credit cards will be accepted for the purchase of goods and services from Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. except for the following identified goods and services: scheduled contract advertising. g. Publisher not bound by any terms or conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on order blanks, advertisers forms or copy instructions when in conflict with terms and conditions on publishers rate card or policies. h. Advertising space scheduled/reserved/contracted for in publications produced by Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., shall not be brokered or sublet to others. Such space shall be used only by or on behalf of the advertiser scheduling the space and shall not be used directly or indirectly for the promotion of any business, person or organization other than the advertiser.

Units 13/Yr 46.55 50.03 54.38 58.73 61.77 64.82 68.30 71.78 75.26 79.17 82.22 84.83 88.31 91.35 94.40 99.62

Units 26/Yr 45.48 48.88 53.13 57.38 60.35 63.33 66.73 70.13 73.53 77.35 80.33 82.88 86.28 89.25 92.23 97.33

Units 52/Yr 43.87 47.15 51.25 55.35 58.22 61.09 64.37 67.65 70.93 74.62 77.49 79.95 83.23 86.10 88.97 93.89

Units 75/Yr 42.80 46.00 50.00 54.00 56.80 59.60 62.80 66.00 69.20 72.80 75.60 78.00 81.20 84.00 86.80 91.60

Tabloid pages have a maximum size of 11 x 11-1/2. Larger pages are considered standard size and must be folded to a maximum of 11 x 11-1/2. Fold must be on longest edge of finished piece. Two, four and six page preprints, of .005 minimum thickness, or heavier, are accepted. Below minimum spec must be quarterfolded. Minimum page size is 5.5x8.5.

PREPRINT FREQuENCy dISCouNTS Available if contract is signed. Supplements of different sizes and Daily and Sunday units may be totaled for discounts. Multiple distribution within seven days of original distribution day do not count toward preprint discounts. ENVELOPE (Related Reply) Inside Insert add $4.05 per thousand. FLAPS (Folded page extensions) & Tip-Ons/Add-a-cards; rates upon request. Consult newspaper on limitations regarding minimum size page supplements. addITIoNal PREPRINT INFoRmaTIoN: 1. Preprinted supplements are not included in determining Newsplan rates. 2. Each standard size page is charged as two tabloid pages (maximum 11-1/2 x 22), folded to maximum of 11 x 11-1/2. 3. Multi-coupons, coupons in envelopes, attached merchandise samples, add-a-cards, bound-in envelopes, return cards, diecuts, off-folds and split runs accepted, subject to approval of submitted sample. Rates available upon request. 4. Preprints not accepted on Mondays, Saturdays, Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and some holidays. Number on any given day is limited. Consult Sales Representative to reserve date and determine number required. Reservations requested four weeks prior to publication date. Cancellation privilege 10 days. 5. Custom preprint distribution available, details upon request. All supplements are inserted in plant. 6. In the event that content does not meet our standards of acceptance, Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., may reject the supplement. 7. The quantity of inserts billed to the advertiser may vary based on the actual number of copies and the number and/or TMC vehicle distributed within the geographic area which the advertiser has designated to receive the advertising message. PREPRINT SHIPPING INSTRuCTIoNS: 1. Shipments must arrive prepaid 10 days prior to publication date at Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. receiving dock, 17 West Vine Street, Lancaster, PA. Accepted Monday-Saturday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Closed Mondays between 2-3 p.m. 2. Preprints to be strapped on skids, in turns of 50 or 100. Maximum height six feet, maximum weight 2,000 lbs., runner clearance 4 to 7. Advertiser identification and quantity should be visible on each skid. 3. Any delay or added expense incurred in unloading caused by improper packing or shipping will be charged to the advertiser. c. ZoNEd adVERTISING RaTES Zoned (targeted) ROP advertising is available in the Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era each Wednesday. For more information, please see ZONED RATE schedule. Zoned advertising does not accrue to full-run ROP advertising agreements d. REPEaT adVERTISING dISCouNTS Earn special discounts on advertising space and color premiums when full-run advertising is repeated with no changes within a six consecutive day period. First repeat, 25% discount; second repeat, 40% discount; third repeat, 50% discount; fourth (and successive) repeats 65%. Repeat advertising from the previous six days on Mondays, Tuesdays or Saturdays earn a 50% discount e. NoN-SuBSCRIBER adVERTISING RaTES SuPER SaVER is a monthly tabloid section just for coupon display ads and preprints, inserted into the Intell/New Era on the last Tuesday of each month, mailed to non-subscribers and distributed via free news racks. See SUPER SAVER advertising rate schedule. f. moVIE/CINEma RaTES Per column inch: daily $88.00; Sunday $102.80 All theatre ads include an electronic enhancement on www.LancasterOnline.com, featuring movie listings, directions and times.

g. ENTERTaINmENT laNCaSTER, THIS WEEK IN laNCaSTER CouNTy; Entertainment publications, tabloid size. 1. distributionPublished weekly and distributed with the Friday Intell/New Era. Also distributed every Friday to Lancaster tourist hotels, motels and bed & breakfasts. (THIS WEEK IN LANCASTER COUNTY). Average weekly distribution of 91,000. 2. Combination RatesENTERTaINmENT laNCaSTER is sold only in combination with THIS WEEK IN LANCASTER COUNTY. All advertising scheduled for ENTERTaINmENT laNCaSTER will also be published in THIS WEEK IN LANCASTER COUNTY. Publication ENTERTaINmENT laNCaSTER plus THIS WEEK IN laNCaSTER CouNTy Per Inch $106.00

c. Special Sections - Contact representative for complete list. Lancaster Bride February and September Progress A Guide to Life in Lancaster County - February The Good Life April, June, September, November Education March Taste of Home Cooking School October Holiday Gift Guides November

14. CloSING TImES Ready for Production day of Publication Copy deadline Monday ................................................................. Thursday Noon Tuesday ..................................................................... Friday Noon Wednesday ............................................................ Monday Noon Thursday ................................................................ Monday 4 PM Friday ............................................................... Wednesday Noon Saturday ............................................................... Thursday Noon Sunday ............................................................. Wednesday Noon

3. Stand alone Rates THIS WEEK IN LANCASTER COUNTY may be purchased separately. Advertising scheduled at this rate is distributed to Lancaster County tourist hotels, motels and bed & breakfasts 52 weeks per year. Average weekly distribution of 10,000. Publication Per Inch THIS WEEK IN laNCaSTER CouNTy $20.10

12. dEPTH REQuIREmENTS a. Standard Page - Minimum display advertisement acceptable: One column x one inch. Advertisements over 19 inches deep will be billed full column depth. b. Tabloid Page - Minimum display advertisement acceptable: One column x one inch. Advertisements over 9 inches deep will be billed full column depth.

i. PoSITIoN RaTE for preferred page position add $14.85/inch. 7. ColoR RaTES aNd daTa (Excluding color comics) a. Color Premium, use b/w rate plus following applicable cost: Number of Colors 1 color (with or without black) 2 colors (with or without black) 3 colors (with or without black) daily $630 $975 $1,150 Sunday $725 $1,095 $1,200

13. CoNTRaCT aNd CoPy REGulaTIoNS a. If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at any time, whether or not the same has been already acknowledged and/or previously published. Acceptance of advance payment for ad space does not constitute a contract to publish. Publisher reserves the right to insert the word ADVERTISEMENT in 9 pt. type in caps over the left hand column. b. The advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in his copy and will protect and indemnify the Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era, the Sunday News and other Lancaster Newspaper publications, their owners, publishers, and employees against any and all liability, loss or expenses arising out of claims for libel, unfair trade practices, unfair competition, infringement of trademarks, trade names, patents, copyrights and proprietary rights, and all violations resulting from the publication by these newspapers of his advertising copy. c. A release for photographs or names of persons to be used in advertising is required. Forms are available. d. Publisher shall be under no liability for failure, for any reason, to insert an advertisement. Publisher shall not be liable by reason of any error, omission and/or failure to insert any part of an advertisement for which it may be responsible, beyond liability for value of actual space occupied by the item in which the error, omission or failure to insert occurred. In such cases, a credit adjustment will be allowed for first insertion only. Adjustment claims must be made within 5 days of publication. Publisher will not be responsible for errors in copy accepted after regular deadlines. Classified Display adjustments made for typographical errors only. e. We will not accept cancellations of advertisements after closing date. f. Composition charges will be made for abnormal corrections, reset copy or cancelled advertisements. g. Every effort will be made to afford advertising position desired, however, specifications on orders, for the use of any page, or the use of any portion of any page, or relating to the kind of news or advertising on any page will be treated as requests only. Instructions for special position or omit will not be accepted. In no event will any adjustment, rerun or refund be made because of position. h. All contracts must be in writing, duly signed by an authorized representative of both the advertiser and Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. in order for the advertiser to receive contract rate discounts.

15. mECHaNICal REQuIREmENTS a. Width of columns - 1.75 b. Depth of columns - 21 inches ROP; 10.75 inches Tabloid c. Six columns to Standard page, five columns to Tabloid page d. Printed page size Standard - 11 inches x 21 inches/126 col. inches Tabloid - 9.667 inches x 10.75 inches/56.25 col. inches e. Printing Process: Flexo; Ad Composition: Cold Type; Printing Material Preferred: Electronic Format f. Layout Sizes: STaNdaRd & TaBloId Inches Picas-Points 1.75 10p6 3.60 21p7.2 5.45 32p8.4 7.30 43p9.6 9.15 54p10.8 11.00 66p0

1 col. 2 col. 3 col. 4 col. 5 col. 6 col.

b. Color Frequency Discounts available if contract is signed. Daily and Sunday units may be totaled for discounts. units per contract year discount 6-11 3% 12-23 5% 24-51 10% 52 15%
Advertisers planning to use more than 52 units should contact sales rep.

douBlE TRuCKS - STaNdaRd oNly 11 col. 18.8 112p9.6 (Full column depth only) 13 col. 22.5 135p0 (Minimum 6 inch depth) CENTER SPREad - TaBloId oNly 126p0 (Full column depth only) 11 col. 21
g. Receipt of Ads in Electronic Format (all electronic files submitted must be complete, newspaper will not make any changes to files) Required Macintosh software: Adobe InDesign; Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop Graphics must be saved as TIFF with complete ad in PDF or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format Ads should be actual size and include all licensed screen and printer fonts and graphics

c. Additional Color Information: 1. All art, veloxes or film must contain at least three register marks. 2. Film or veloxes, full page not to exceed to 13 wide x 21 deep. 3. For full colorone full color proof and one set of progressive proofs required. 4. Color available seven days a week, Daily & Sunday. 5. Special inks or mixes may require additional charges. 6. Printing material one week in advance. 7. Cancellation date one week in advance. 9. SPlIT RuN a. Available daily b. Black and white, minimum 8 inches $800 additional c. Black and white and 1 color, min. 8 inches $945 additional 11. SPECIal dayS/ PaGES/ FEaTuRES a. Best days Food Day Sunday/Wednesday Shopping (General Merchandise) Thursday b. Special Pages/Sections Entertainment lancaster Friday Church Saturday Sunday: Travel, Food, Alive (Lifestyle & Entertainment)

16. SPECIal ClaSSIFICaTIoN RaTES: a. Hotels, Resorts, Amusements/Airlines, Bus Lines, Cruise Lines,Trains and other special business classifications. 1x Entertain. Lanc. $106.00 Daily $89.00 Sunday $105.00 3x 95.40 80.10 94.50 7x 79.50 66.75 78.75 10x 68.90 57.85 68.25 20+x 63.60 53.40 63.00

Minimum size ad - one inch available ROP on other than regular resort pages. Regular Resort and Travel Pages appear Sunday. (ENTERTAINMENT LANCASTER is a tabloid-sized entertainment publication. See 5g for complete description.) b. CAP Rate, Per Inch*: $73.00 Daily Combination or Sunday. *Signed cooperative advertising agreement required.

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