Longevity of Posterior Composite Restoration

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Longevity of posterior composite restorations: Not only a matter of materials

Flvio F. Demarco a, , Marcos B. Corra a , Maximiliano S. Cenci a , Rafael R. Moraes a , Niek J.M. Opdam b
a b

Graduate Program in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas, RS, Brazil Department of Restorative and Preventive Dentistry, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e
Article history:

i n f o

a b s t r a c t
Resin composites have become the rst choice for direct posterior restorations and are increasingly popular among clinicians and patients. Meanwhile, a number of clinical reports in the literature have discussed the durability of these restorations over long periods. In this review, we have searched the dental literature looking for clinical trials investigating posterior composite restorations over periods of at least 5 years of follow-up published between 1996 and 2011. The search resulted in 34 selected studies. 90% of the clinical studies indicated that annual failure rates between 1% and 3% can be achieved with Class I and II posterior

Received 5 August 2011 Received in revised form 12 September 2011 Accepted 13 September 2011

Keywords: Clinical trials Failure Long-term evaluations Longevity Posterior restorations Resin composites Survival

composite restorations depending on several factors such as tooth type and location, operator, and socioeconomic, demographic, and behavioral elements. The material properties showed a minor effect on longevity. The main reasons for failure in the long term are secondary caries, related to the individual caries risk, and fracture, related to the presence of a lining or the strength of the material used as well as patient factors such as bruxism. Repair is a viable alternative to replacement, and it can increase signicantly the lifetime of restorations. As observed in the literature reviewed, a long survival rate for posterior composite restorations can be expected provided that patient, operator and materials factors are taken into account when the restorations are performed. 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



Direct restorations have been largely employed to restore posterior teeth due to their low cost and less need for the removal of sound tooth substance when compared to indirect restorations, as well as to their acceptable clinical performance [14]. Despite the fact that both amalgam and composite resin are considered suitable materials for restoring Class I and Class II cavities, some advantages can be related to composite restorations such as better esthetics; their adhesive

properties, resulting in reduced preparation size [5]; and reinforcement of the remaining dental structure [6]. A clinical study has shown that painful vital teeth with incomplete fractures can be treated successfully by replacing the amalgam llings with bonded composite restorations [7]. On the other hand, posterior composite restorations have been shown to produce higher failure rates due to secondary caries [8,9]. However, although used in many practices around the world, amalgam is facing its demise, leaving resin composite as the most likely material for posterior restorations for widespread use in the near future.

Corresponding author at: Graduate Program in Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas, Rua Goncalves Chaves 457, 96015-560 Pelotas, RS, Brazil. Tel.: +55 53 3222 6690x135; fax: +55 53 3222 6690x135. E-mail addresses: avio.demarco@pq.cnpq.br, ffdemarco@gmail.com (F.F. Demarco). 0109-5641/$ see front matter 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.dental.2011.09.003


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Even though acceptable survival rates are achieved with Class I and II restorations in dental health care, the replacement of failing restorations is still a relevant issue. Dentists still spend a signicant amount of time replacing restorations, contributing to the repetitive restorative cycle described by Elderton [10]. Factors related to the patient, operator, tooth, cavity size, and materials have been reported in the literature as potentially relevant for restoration failures [2,3,8,1113], although evidence of this is still limited. Despite the considerable differences in properties among commercial composites as found in laboratory analysis [1420], in vitro tests are limited in predicting the clinical survival of composite restorations. Due to the constant inux of new posterior restorative materials on the market and the need for manufacturers to prove the clinical safety of their new materials, there has been an emphasis on relatively shortterm clinical studies with a limited number of restorations, mostly placed in low-risk patients. In those studies, differences in performance are seldom found, as most materials perform well on a short-term basis, with a few exceptions [21,22]. To estimate how long posterior composite restorations last, long-term studies are needed to identify modes of failure and possible reasons for these failures. In a comparative amalgamcomposite study after 5 years, no differences in performance were found; after 12 years, however, the composite showed signicantly better performance [12]. Given the considerable differences between (non-bonded) amalgam and composite and the fact that, after 5 years, no differences in performance were observed, it is not likely that the majority of composite restorations will show different longevity when investigated before at least 5 years of clinical service. Because of limited observation times of most clinical studies [4], limited information is available on the performance determinants and reasons for the failure of posterior composite restorations in the long term. Although the rapid evolution of composites makes it difcult for long-term evaluations to be conducted using materials still available in the market, the good results shown with previous and presently available materials in clinical studies [3,4,12] foster the question of whether new materials are actually improvements, and the authors tend to conclude that this is not likely. This means that, based on the available long-term studies, especially studies with observation times exceeding 5 years, an expectation regarding the long-term behavior of posterior composite restorations can be made. In the present article, we aim to review and discuss, with an emphasis on the available long-term literature, the longevity of posterior composite restorations, and the main factors associated with restoration failures.

posterior composite restorations and survival or longevity or failure. After selecting only papers reporting clinical longevity studies of composite restorations with evaluation periods of at least 5 years, a total of 34 papers reporting on varied materials, techniques, and methods of evaluation was found. The selected papers included prospective and retrospective clinical studies, as well as longevity studies based on secondary data. Excluded for longevity assessment were cross-sectional studies as these are considered to deliver unreliable data with respect to longevity [23]. The selected papers were searched for the reported longevity outcome, expressed in annual failure rates (AFRs) or median survival, and factors associated with composite failure as mentioned by the respective authors.


Longevity of posterior composite restorations

From Table 1, the following conclusions regarding the longevity of posterior composite restorations can be made: on average, the AFRs of Class I and II posterior composite restorations placed in vital teeth vary between 1% and 3%. This is in accordance with the results reported in the most recent review published by Manhart et al. [4]. For endodontically treated teeth, the AFRs vary from 2% to 12.4%.


Aspects that inuence longevity



Methods and results

Selection of papers

To investigate the longevity of composite restorations as reported in clinical studies in the dental literature, a PubMed search for articles that evaluated longitudinal data for posterior resin composite restorations published between 1996 and 2011 was performed. The terms used in the search were

Clinical related factors play an important role in restoration longevity and causes of failure. Several studies have indicated that the position of the tooth in the mouth or the tooth type directly affects restoration longevity, with restorations in premolars showing better performance than those in molars [2,3,2426]. One paper reported a risk of restoration failure twice as high for molars compared to premolars [24]. One study with a 22-year observation time found the risk of failure of restorations placed in lower molars to be 3 times higher than the risk of failure in upper premolars [3]. However, a study on large restorations of 3 or more surfaces did not nd differences between the longevity in molars and premolars [12]. The ndings mentioned above are explained by the knowledge that restorations placed in molar teeth are subjected to higher masticatory stresses than restorations placed in premolars. Similarly, cavity size, cavity type, and the number of restored surfaces are related to the failure risk. In this context, multi-surface restorations, extensive cavities, and Class II restorations, are more likely to fail than single-surface and Class I restorations [2,3,9,13,24,2629]. One study showed that Class II restorations have a relative risk of failure of 2.8 compared to Class I restorations, and that restorations with 3 or more surfaces have a relative risk of failure of 3.3 in relation to single-surface restorations [2]. Another study calculated that every surface more resulted in an increased risk of failure of 40% [24]. Two papers reported an increased risk of failure with a higher number of restored teeth per patient [9,13]. These patients may be considered to have a higher risk of caries,

Table 1 Results from the literature search: clinical trials with follow-up periods of at least 5 years published between 1996 and 2011. Author, year
Da Rosa Rodolpho et al., 2011 [3] Opdam et al., 2010 [12] Fokkinga et al., 2008 [104]

Evaluation period/study designa

22 years, RL 12 years, RL 17 years, PL

Materials tested
Composite Composite vs. amalgam Composite

Evaluated restorations
Class I and II Large Class II Endodontically treated teeth with or without a prefabricated metal post Class I and II Class II with a total-etch technique or with glass-ionomer lining Class I and II Children aged 610 with more than one posterior restoration Class II

AFRb /outcome/survival rate of composite

AFR: between 1.5% and 2.2% AFR: 1.68% AFR: 2.8% (restoration level) and 1.2% (tooth level) AFR: 2.1% AFR: 1.3% (total-etch) and 3.3% (glass-ionomer lining) AFR: 1.7% (5 years) and 1.8% (10 years) AFR: 2.98%

Factors associated with composite failure

Tooth type, cavity size, material Caries risk No factors associated

Bernardo et al., 2007 [8] Opdam et al., 2007 [24]

7 years, PL 9 years, RL

Composite vs. amalgam Composite

Secondary caries Presence of a lining, caries risk Amount of restored surfaces Number of restorations, cavity size No factors associated

Opdam et al., 2007 [13] Soncini et al., 2007 [9]

5 and 10 years, RL 5 years, PL

Composite vs. amalgam Amalgam vs. composite/compomer Composite/composite compomer open sandwich Composite Composite Amalgam, composite and glass-ionomer

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Lindberg et al., 2007 [105]

9 years, PL

AFR: 1.1%

Gordan et al., 2007 [55] Da Rosa Rodolpho et al., 2006 [2] Burke et al. and Lucarotti et al., 2005 [2729,37]

8 years, PL 17 years, RL Up to 10 years, RS

Class I and II Class I and II Class I and II

AFR: 0% AFR: 2.4% AFR: 8.4% (5 years) and 5.7% (10 years)

Nagasiri et al., 2005 [106] Mannocci et al., 2005 [107]

5 years, RL 5 years, PL

Opdam et al., 2004 [40]

5 years, RL

Composite, amalgam and OZE Amalgam/composite with post, endodontically treated tooth Composite

Endodontically treated molars Class II

AFR: 12.4% AFR: 2%

Not investigated Tooth, cavity type, cavity size Operator: age, country of qualication, employment status; Clinical: cavity size, root lling; Patient: age, charge-paying status, practice assiduity Remaining coronal tooth structure More root fracture with amalgam, more secondary caries with composite Operator: year of graduation; Clinical: proximal contact status Not investigated

Class I and II placed by dental students Class II

AFR: 2.6%

Andersson-Wenckert et al. 2004 [30]

9 years, PL

Coppola et al., 2003 [39] Hayashi and Wilson, 2003 [108]

5 years, RS 5 years, PL

Composite and glass-ionomer, open sandwich Composite vs. amalgam Composite

AFR 3.2%

Posterior restorations with 2 surfaces at least Class I and II

Average longevity: 42 months AFR: 3.76%

Dentist experience Marginal deterioration, cavomarginal discoloration



Table 1 (Continued) Author, year

Pallesen and Qvist, 2003 [25] Turkun et al., 2003 [76] van Nieuwenhuysen et al., 2003 [26]

Evaluation period/study designa

11 years, PL 7 years, PL 522 years, RL

Materials tested
Composite, direct vs. indirect Composite Amalgam, composite and crowns

Evaluated restorations
Medium to large Class II Class I and II Posterior extensive restorations

AFRb /outcome/survival rate of composite

AFR: 1.45% AFR: 0.82% Average survival time: 7.8 years

Factors associated with composite failure

Tooth type No factors associated Clinical: tooth type, extension of restoration, pulpal vitality, use of base material; Patient: age, 3-year period of treatment Not investigated Not investigated Caries risk Tooth type

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Busato et al., 2001 [109] Gaengler et al., 2001 [31] Kohler et al., 2000 [51] van Dijken, 2000 [110]

6 years, PL 10 years, PL 5 years, PL 11 years, PL

Wassel et al., 2000 [111] Lundin and Koch, 1999 [112] Raskin et al., 1999 [41] Wilder et al., 1999 [113] Collins et al., 1998 [73] Mair, 1998 [74] Nordbo et al., 1998 [75]

5 years, PL 5 and 10 years, PL 10 years, PL 17 years, PL 8 years, PL 10 years, PL 10 years, PL

Composite Composite with glass ionomer cement Composite Composite, direct inlays/onlays and restorations Composite, direct vs. inlay Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite vs. amalgam Composite

Class I and II Class I and II Class II Class II

AFR: 2.5% AFR: 2.6% AFR: 5.5% AFR: 1.6% (inlays/onlays) and 2.5% (direct restorations) AFR: 1.5% AFR: 2% (5 years) and 2.1% (10 years) AFR: 8.6% AFR: 1.4% AFR: 1.71% 100% of success AFR: 3.0%

Class I and II Class I and II Class I and II Class I and II Class I and II Class II Saucer-shaped Class II

Not investigated Not investigated Not investigated Not investigated Not investigated Not investigated Not investigated

Studies using secondary data are highlighted in gray. R: retrospective; P: prospective; L: longitudinal; S: secondary data acquisition. b AFR: annual failure rate.

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which would explain the higher rates of restoration failures observed in these patients. The type of the substrate on which the composite is placed could also affect the restoration longevity. The use of a glass-ionomer base under an adhesive restoration was shown to decrease restoration survival compared with totaletch restorations [24], with fracture as the main reason for failure. It is not yet clear, however, whether thickness and type of glass-ionomer cements play a role in the failure behavior. Other clinical studies in which a base of glass-ionomer was used also showed increased failure by fracture over time [2,3,26,30,31], but the absence of a restorative control group placed using total-etch bonding procedure in those studies or a lack of specications for the applied liner makes it impossible to draw more denitive conclusions. It is also possible that extensive layers of calcium hydroxide linings and the amount of soft carious tissue left behind might affect the strength and longevity of composite restorations. Although there is clinical evidence that the removal of soft decayed tissue is not necessary to stop a caries process once a well-sealed restoration is placed [32,33], it remains questionable whether this will reduce the strength of the restorative complex and increase the amount of failure in the long term [34,35]. From Table 1, it can also be concluded that posterior composite restorations placed in endodontically treated teeth have a reduced survival rate, which is explained by the extensive loss of tooth substance that these teeth suffer.



It is generally acknowledged that the operator is probably the most important factor in the longevity of a dental restoration. However, evidence from clinical studies does not support this assumption. Clinical studies on posterior restorations and clinical procedures in which more than one operator was involved, do not reveal differences in study outcome among the operators [13,36]. It is likely that every dentist who is aware that his work is involved in a clinical trial will work as accurately as possible, resulting in fewer operator failures that could inuence the study outcome. However, secondary data studies suggest that the operator signicantly inuences the longevity of a restoration and mention relevant factors such as age, country of qualication and employment status [2729,37]. Moreover, it is the dentist who decides whether a restoration needs to be replaced. From those secondary data studies, it is known that patients changing dentist have an increased chance that their restorations will be replaced [2729,37]. Reduced lifetime for composite and amalgam restorations has been reported for patients changing dentists [38], being this effect accounted to the high level of variability in diagnostic decisions among clinicians. A more conservative approach toward restoration replacement would, therefore, lead to increased restoration longevity. Technique-related aspects of a posterior restoration rely on the knowledge and sufcient skills of the operator. A study conducted by Coppola et al. [39] revealed that efcient working dentists produce restorations with a higher survival rate than inefcient working providers. In that study [39], a decision-making approach was used to measure relative efciencies of operators by considering multiple inputs and

outputs regarding clinical decisions in order to identify the most efcient providers. Other study has shown that inexperienced undergraduate students were more closely associated with certain types of restoration failures than more experienced students [40]. In the past, dentists complained about difculties in achieving adequate proximal contact when placing a posterior composite, and this was also found in a clinical study [41]. Nowadays, techniques have evolved in that respect, and the operator can now use several types of matrices and separation rings that result in even tighter contact than before the treatment [36,42,43]. The often-mentioned problems of post-operative sensitivity related to posterior composite restorations may be related to adhesive procedures having not been done properly due to the inappropriate selection of adhesive materials and techniques or the application of materials not in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. It has been found in several studies that self-etch adhesives lead to less sensitivity [4447], though, in recent literature, the sensitivity problem seems to be less prominent, which might be related to greater experience among dentists with increased knowledge concerning the proper application of state-of-art adhesive agents and increased use of self-etch materials. A relatively recent study on post-operative sensitivity found that this was mainly related to the cavity size and concluded that most sensitivity had disappeared over time [48]. Some clinicians tend to make restorations of very high quality when it comes to the color and anatomy of the restoration [49,50]. However, these restorations are never subjected to longevity evaluation, and it is unlikely that these esthetic quality aspects have any inuence on posterior restoration survival in general. Moreover, these types of composite restorations, as inspiring they can be for the colleague dentist, are not feasible to place in everyday practice.



Although evidence is limited, it is likely that the type of patient and the oral environment play an important role in the survival of dental restorations. The caries risk of patients has been shown to signicantly inuence the longevity of restorations. Among the selected studies, several investigated the caries risk and found increased risk of failure of restorations placed in patients with caries risk [12,24,51]. Restorations in a high-caries risk group had a failure rate more than twice as high compared to low-risk patients [12]. In that study, the caries risk was established by the treating dentist based on the dental history and the expected risk of new lesion [52]. Another study that used a caries risk assessment also showed that high-caries risk patients have increased risk of failure of posterior composite restorations [53]. In a study on direct posterior restorations in children, those with a high DMFT index had an increased risk of restoration failure [35]. In investigating the prevalence of satisfactory posterior composite restorations in a birth cohort, a higher prevalence of unsatisfactory restorations at the age of 24 was observed in patients exhibiting a higher level of dental caries at the age of 15 [54]. Clinical prospective studies performed in university clinics that evaluate the longevity of restorations of


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new materials are likely to include only motivated patients with good oral health and, consequently, low caries risk. This would explain why, in some prospective clinical trials, a high survival rate is found in the absence of secondary caries, or with very few restorations failing due to secondary caries [41,55], while cross-sectional studies have shown that caries are the most important reason for the replacement of composite and amalgam restorations [5659]. Also, when restorations are performed in patients with a higher economic status in a private clinic, secondary caries do not seem to be a main reason for the failure of posterior composite restorations [2,3]. Tooth and restoration fracture also are important reasons for restoration failure. It is, therefore, likely that bruxing habits such as grinding and clenching play an important role in fatigue development in the tooth-restoration complex, resulting in fracture in the long term. The diagnosis of bruxism is not easy, and diagnostic tools for this are not always reliable [60]. Sometimes, it is mentioned in the inclusion criteria for a clinical study that bruxing patients were excluded from the sample, with no mention of the criteria used for such a diagnosis. A clinical 3-year study on the longevity of composite restorations placed in patients with severe tooth wear showed unfavorable results compared to normal patients, indicating that the destructive mouth habits of these patients (probably with bruxism) resulted in more failures [61]. In a study on cracked teeth [7], it was speculated that clenching habits might play a role in the etiology of cracked and fractured teeth, an important reason for the failure of amalgam restorations in particular [12]. Currently, no validated criteria are available to assess bruxing habits, either for grinding nor clenching; thus, conclusions regarding a direct relationship between bruxism and restoration failure, although such a relationship is very likely, are still not possible. Post-operative sensitivity is a patient-related factor, such as pain experience and amount of discomfort, that can vary between patients. In the past, post-operative sensitivity was acknowledged as an important problem for dentists working with composite restorations. However, as mentioned previously, post-operative sensitivity is more closely related to the adhesive system [46] or restorative technique approach [62] and is a less prominent problem in recent literature. Esthetic demand from the patient is a further factor determining restoration longevity. High demand for esthetic perfectionism is likely to result in more restorations being replaced for esthetic reasons. However, in a retrospective clinical study less than 1% of large amalgam restorations were replaced due to esthetic reasons [12], and no posterior composite restorations were replaced due to esthetic reasons. Therefore, with respect to the longevity of posterior composite restorations, failure due to esthetic reasons seems to be very rare.

role in the longevity of restorations. Burke et al. [11] analyzed data from General Dental Services in England and Wales between 1991 and 2002, involving a total of 503,965 restorations. While survival analysis showed no difference between genders, the age of the patients was signicant, with older patients having a shorter interval before reintervention. As dental caries are strongly associated with social determinants experienced during the life course [6365], it is possible that social determinants can also inuence the longevity of restorations by the same pathway. However, this remains to be established, because most investigations on restoration longevity have focused on materials and techniques or cavity preparation features [24,66]. In addition, most of the clinical trials reporting the longevity of posterior restorations are carried out in university clinical settings [67] and population-based studies are very rare [11]. However, several retrospective studies have been conducted in general practices including at least some at-risk patients [2,3,9,12,13,24,51,68]. Moreover, many of the studies that analyzed patient factors used a statistical approach considering the tooth restoration as the unique unit of analysis. To analyze the inuence of socioeconomic factors on restoration longevity, one should consider the fact that variation between subjects is great, and it is also important to consider the existing variation between the teeth of the same patient. A recent study in 24-year-old subjects from a birth cohort [54] used a multilevel statistical approach to consider variables at both the patient and tooth levels. This study showed that the socioeconomic trajectory from birth to age 15 was associated with posterior restoration failure, even after adjustment by tooth-level variables. People who had always lived in the poorest stratus of the population had more restoration failures than those who lived in the richest layer (odds ratio: 3.14; CI 95% 1.63.84) [54]. Other ndings shown by a series of studies [2729,37] have corroborated the idea that socioeconomic and behavioral variables act directly on the longevity of posterior restorations. The charge-paying status of the patient had an association with survival for charge-payers being slightly higher over 11 years than for non-payers. Also, a strong relationship between attendance frequency and survival time was observed, with restorations of more frequent attenders performing less well than those of less frequent attenders.





In addition to clinical variables, patient demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral variables may also affect the longevity of posterior restorations. Very few studies have investigated the association between these variables, but the ndings suggest that such factors can play an important

In vitro studies on the properties of resin composites for the restoration of posterior teeth have shown considerable differences among commercially available materials. Differences in exural and compressive strength [1518,69], elastic modulus [14,1618], fracture strength and toughness [19,70], hardness [15,16,69,71], and wear resistance [15,20,70,72], among others, have been shown to be signicantly different among materials when laboratory techniques were used to compare the restoratives. Despite these considerable differences, which were usually considered to be a result of differences in organic matrix components, ller loading, or particle morphology/size, only minor differences in the clinical behavior of composite restorations placed with different

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composite materials are often described in clinical studies [22,25,7376]. A restriction in clinical trials is that long observation times are hardly feasible. As a result, most prospective clinical studies comparing different composites report short follow-up periods, showing no differences among the materials under investigation. A recent retrospective study, however, has shown that, after 22 years, differences in ller characteristics between composites affected their clinical performance [3], as superior longevity was observed for a higher ller-loaded composite (midlled) compared with a minilled material when restorations were evaluated in the long term. This study was the rst to indicate that the physical properties of the composite may have some impact on restoration longevity. Fracture being the main reason for failure indicates that the midlled composite, which has higher elastic modulus and hardness than the minilled material, was less sensitive to long-term fatigue. However, when the same population group was assessed after a 17-year follow-up [2], no signicant differences among the materials could be observed, indicating that differences in clinical performance between composite materials with different properties may be signicant only when the late failing behavior of composite restorations is taken into consideration. At the same time, it remains to be discussed whether these signicant differences found after 22 years are relevant from the perspective of dental health care. Given the nding that, in most clinical studies, AFRs between 1% and 3% have been found for the composites used, one can speculate as to whether any relevant improvement in material properties can be made that would have a clinical impact. In other words, the resin composite materials for use in posterior teeth marketed in the last two decades may have a quality standard that is sufcient to fulll the clinical requirements in most cases. Nevertheless, numerous resin-based materials to restore posterior teeth are introduced into the market each year, claiming improved properties and presenting innovations in organic and inorganic components. A signicant concern regarding clinical trials to compare different restoratives is that while a given composite is being assessed after a few years of clinical service, the material might not be available in the market anymore. The major change in the inorganic formulation of composites for posterior restorations in the past decade was the introduction of nanolled composites, created in an endeavor to provide a material with superior polish and gloss retention for the anterior and posterior areas. Clinical evaluations of nanocomposites compared with traditional hybrids are increasingly available in the literature [7784], but the evaluation periods are still short (up to 5 years) to draw any signicant conclusions. To date, no major clinical differences have been reported between nanolled and hybrid materials, except for perceived better surface appearance/polish for nanolls [81,82]. It is not likely that these nanolled materials would show superior performance compared to hybrids when used in everyday situations including patients at all levels of risk. The main question will be whether these innovative materials will meet the standards that are, in the meantime, set by the available, mainly hybrid composites, showing that an AFR of 13% is feasible for the average Class II posterior composite restoration.

Microlled composites, in contrast to hybrids, are generally not recommended for use in posterior restorations due to their lower fracture strength. Microlled resin composites use an organic ller approach, whereby inorganic particles and resin are cured, crushed and added to resin to produce the nal composite material. The overall amount of ller that can be incorporated into these composites is limited, resulting in higher coefcients of thermal expansion and lower elastic moduli compared with conventional hybrids [85,86]. Even though a clinical study investigating posterior restorations limited in size showed favorable results for a microlled composite [73], the same material showed poor clinical performance when used in large restorations and patients with tooth wear [61]. One of the most comprehensive studies on the impact of the formulation of restorative composites on their clinical performance was published in 2001 [87]. The effect of organic matrix components, ller composition and ller silanization were all addressed by clinically using experimental composites. The authors found that the resin formulation was a signicant factor affecting wear, with a UDMA/TEGDMA-based formulation showing signicantly higher wear resistance, while the silane and ller were not signicant factors. However, the paper concentrated only on the wear of the restoratives, and the wear of current posterior composite restorations is not a clinical problem (see the following section of the paper). Nowadays, wear may be a problem mainly for patients with bruxing and clenching habits [88]. These patients may be served best with a wear-resistant composite when their lost tooth substances are to be replaced. However, results indicating the clinical performance of composite restorations placed in patients with severe tooth wear are limited. Current changes in the organic phase of dental composites focus on reducing the polymerization shrinkage and stress associated with methacrylate-based materials [89,90]. A low-shrinkage, silorane-based resin composite was recently introduced, but clinical trials with this material are too recent and scarce to indicate any improvement in restoration longevity [68]. Likewise, as with the nanolled composites, it can hardly be imagined that these materials will show superior performance compared to the current hybrid composites in terms of survival considering the main reasons for failure reported in the following section of the paper. Recent developments in cariology indicate that marginal leakage, often considered an important phenomenon negatively inuencing restoration performance, is not relevant for secondary caries development [91,92]. However, there is always room for innovation [93], and novel materials might lead to clinical benets even if they do not extend the survival of restorations, especially if new materials are designed to make the placement of resin-based composite restorations a less stressful and less technique-sensitive experience [94]. The material properties of the restorative composite for the posterior area, therefore, seem to have a minor effect on the longevity of restorations, provided that hybrid materials are used, as these materials have been shown to perform well to excellently when used in posterior composite restorations. Negative exceptions include some novel materials that turned out to be unacceptable shortly after being marketed [21,22],


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which is a reason that short-term clinical trials of a minimum of 3 years are still needed before a dentist can use a material in a posterior restoration in a responsible way. Meanwhile, clinicians are advised to stick with hybrid materials, which can be considered the gold standard for posterior composite restorations. Other factors related to the restorative complex might inuence the clinical behavior of composite llings. The use of a lining material, as previously mentioned, has been shown to signicantly affect the longevity of restorations [24,26]. Due to the possible increased risk of fatigue in the long term, a base or lining of glass-ionomer cement should not be applied when possible. The selection of an appropriate bonding agent, although signicantly affecting the survival of Class V restorations [95], is usually described as having marginal to no [62,9698] or a relatively low [4446] impact on the clinical performance of posterior restorations. However, a well-performing dental adhesive may aid in reducing post-operative sensitivity. It is, therefore, advised that, when placing a posterior composite restoration, clinicians should use a gold standard adhesive such as three-step, etch-and-rinse, or two-step, self-etch bonding agents.

of clinical service is remarkable in that respect, as it found an AFR of 8.6%, which is very high compared to other studies. Moreover, the majority of the restorations were considered to have failed due to the loss of anatomic form, also seldom found as a reason for failure in other studies. It is remarkable that fracture was not found and that only two cases of secondary caries were found. This indicates that either the investigated material was extremely sensitive to wear or the applied criteria for the evaluation of restorations were mainly used for producing results in research rather than indicating that a restoration was really clinically unacceptable and needed to be replaced in the short term. However, wear and loss of anatomic form are seldom considered to be causes of failure in more recent studies. Since the revised studies had distinct purposes and used different evaluation tools and criteria for restoration assessment, certain variations in the attributed failure causes listed in Table 2 are not surprising.


Repair as an alternative to replacement


Main reasons for failure

Table 2 shows the main causes of failure reported by the studies included in this review (Table 1). The two main causes of failure identied were fracture (restoration or tooth) and secondary caries. In a previous review, it was shown that early failures were more closely related to fractures, while studies with long periods of observation showed a trend to nd more caries-related failures [1]. However, according to the present review, the same conclusion cannot be drawn since most long-term studies (more than 10 years of follow-up) showed a higher incidence of failure due to fracture than to caries [2,3,25]. Similarly, some of the 57-year follow-up studies showed higher proportions of failure due to secondary caries [8,9,51] than to fracture. Therefore, factors such as patient caries risk, the clinical setting of the study, and the socioeconomic characteristics of the population under study would be more determinant for the reasons for failure than the clinical age of the evaluated restorations [3,12,54]. Regarding secondary caries, a recurrent problem in the literature is the lack of standardized criteria for diagnosis among studies, which could directly affect their outcomes [92,99]. Few studies have addressed the specic criteria used for secondary caries diagnosis. Other reported failure causes, such as failure due to endodontic reasons, pain, post-operative sensitivity, and esthetic reasons could be considered minor reasons for failure since they are individually related to less than 5% of the observations in the different studies shown in the tables. Also, some studies, especially reports published before 2000, pointed out marginal discoloration and marginal defects as cause of failure, responsible for 110% of the observations depending on the report. The study conducted by Raskin et al. [41] evaluating posterior composite restorations after 10 years

Failed restorations or restorations presenting small defects are routinely treated by replacement by most clinicians. Because of this, for many years, the replacement of defective restorations has been reported as the most common treatment in general dental practice, and it represents a major part of oral health care in adults [100]. When a restoration is replaced, a signicant amount of sound tooth structure is removed and the preparation is enlarged [100,101]. Moreover, the general cost of a replacement may be higher than the cost of alternative treatments, such as the repair or resurfacing of restorations. These alternative treatments are reported to increase the longevity of amalgam and composite restorations [26,100102]. Despite the promising results of these more conservative treatments, very few longitudinal studies have been published assessing repairs as an alternative to the replacement of restorations, and there are no studies with follow-ups longer than 7 years. Also, a recent publication showed that there is still room for improvement in teaching on the repair of restorations, especially composites, during undergraduate training [103]. Our group has recently published an evaluation of up to 22 years of posterior composite restorations placed with two composites [3]. In that study, 61 of 110 failed restorations were repaired as an alternative to complete substitution. For statistical purposes in that publication, we considered both repaired and replaced restorations to be failures, and the AFR was 1.9% over 22 years (Fig. 1). However, when repaired restorations were considered successes instead of failures, the AFR decreased to 0.7%. These data corroborate the expressive impact of choosing more conservative treatments when dealing with restoration defects to prevent premature failures and improve restoration longevity. Fig. 2 shows representative pictures of a restoration evaluated on the 22-year follow-up study that was still clinically acceptable (Fig. 2A) or that have been repaired during the follow-up period (Fig. 2B). In the latter case, repair was considered an alternative to replacement, and the restoration was still clinically serviceable 7 years after being repaired.

Table 2 Causes of failure of posterior composites according to the selected studies, shown in Table 1 recording clinical failures. Author, year Period of evaluation Type of restoration Percentage of failure causes (in relation to the total number of evaluated restorations) Restoration fracture
Da Rosa Rodolpho et al., 2011 [3] Opdam et al., 2010 [12] Bernardo et al., 2007 [8] Lindberg et al., 2007 [105] Opdam et al., 2007 [24] Opdam et al., 2007 [13] Soncini et al., 2007 [9] da Rosa Rodolpho et al., 2006 [2] Opdam et al., 2004 [40] Pallesen and Qvist, 2003 [25] Turkun et al., 2003 [76] Gaengler et al., 2001 [31] Kohler et al., 2000 [51] Van Dijken, 2000 [110] 22 years 12 years 7 years 9 years 9 years 5 and 10 years 5 years 17 years 5 years 11 years 7 years 10 years 5 years 11 years Direct inlays/onlays Direct composite Indirect composite Direct composite Indirect composite Direct composite Total-etch Sandwich 14.1 0.9 1.8 2.3 1 22 0.61 0.27 18.8 2.6 8.9 4.8

Secondary/ primary caries

7.5 8.2 12.7 5.9 7 13 5 12.6 7.8 2.7 5.4 2.4 5.7 2.6 9.5 4.2 9.1

Tooth fracture
5.3 1.4 0.7

Endodontic treatment/ pain

1.9 3.5 2.2




0.83 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 8 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 87101

1.3 1.8 0.57 3.6

1.4 1.8 1.3

1.1 3.9 0.85

1.5 1.6 6.3 12.2 1.6 3.1

1.6 1.0

Wassel et al., 2000 [111] Raskin et al., 1999 [41] Wilder et al., 1999 [113] Nordbo et al., 1998 [75]

5 years 10 years 17 years 10 years

1.6 3.3 3.5 15.7

1.6 4.7

3.1 1.6




Table 2 (continued ) Author, year Period of evaluation Type of restoration Proximal contact
Da Rosa Rodolpho et al., 2011 [3] Opdam et al., 2010 [12] Bernardo et al., 2007 [8] Lindberg et al., 2007 [105] Opdam et al., 2007 [24] Opdam et al., 2007 [13] Soncini et al., 2007 [9] da Rosa Rodolpho et al., 2006 [2] Opdam et al., 2004 [40] Pallesen and Qvist, 2003 [25] Turkun et al., 2003 [76] Gaengler et al., 2001 [31] Kohler et al., 2000 [51] Van Dijken, 2000 [110] 22 years 12 years 7 years 9 years 9 years 5 and 10 years 5 years 17 years 5 years 11 years 7 years 10 years 5 years 11 years Direct inlays/onlays Direct composite Indirect composite Direct composite 1.7 11.7 2.3 Indirect composite Direct composite Total-etch Sandwich 0.31 0.46 0.14 1.1 1.8 2.4 0.43 0.14

Percentage of failure causes (in relation to the total number of evaluated restorations) Restoration loss Marginal defects Postoperative sensitivity Marginal discoloration Anatomic form/wear Other/ unknown


d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 8 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 87101

3 6 3.1 1.7 0.71 2.4


4.1 6.4 1.6 3.2 4.2 4.2 6.1


Wassel et al., 2000 [111] Raskin et al., 1999 [41] Wilder et al., 1999 [113] Nordbo et al., 1998 [75]

5 years 10 years 17 years 10 years

1.6 6.3 11.7 3.5

1.6 20 11.7 15.6

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Fig. 1 KaplanMeier survival curves for two composites evaluated over an up to 22-year observation period. When both repaired and replaced restorations were considered to be failures (left hand side graph), the AFR was 1.9%. On the other hand, when repaired restorations were considered to be successes (right hand side graph), the AFR decreased to 0.7%.

Fig. 2 Representative pictures of a restoration evaluated on the 22-year follow-up study [3] that was still clinically acceptable (A) or that have been repaired during the follow-up period (B). In (B), repair was considered an alternative to replacement and the restoration was still clinically serviceable 7 years after being repaired.


Overall considerations

Due to their esthetic properties and good clinical service, composites have become the preferred material for direct posterior restorations. When gold standard hybrid composites are used, an AFR between 1% and 3% can be expected depending mainly upon factors other than material properties. The main reasons for the failure of posterior composite restorations are secondary caries and fracture. The failure of restorations related to the wear of these materials in the posterior region seems, nowadays, almost absent and may be restricted to bruxing and clenching patients. A review of the literature on long-term clinical trials of posterior composite restorations showed that the longevity of these restorations are inuenced mainly by clinical variables (type, size, and location of the restoration), the quality and technique of the operator, socioeconomic factors such as income and type of dental service, demographic factors (age of patients) and behavioral aspects (caries prevalence).

There is little evidence that the material properties of the composite used are a relevant factor in restoration longevity, as it is only after extended periods of observation or in the presence of glass-ionomer cement base that signicant differences in AFRs could be observed. Recent reports have shown satisfactory survival rates for posterior composite restorations, including hybrid materials that are no longer available in the market. Improvements in clinical performance should address the main reasons for failure. The main reasons for failure observed in clinical trials are still secondary caries and fracture (tooth or restoration), and neither may actually be a failure of the materials themselves. Secondary caries is a continuum of primary caries, being a failure of clinicians and patients to act effectively in the etiology of the disease, while fracture of the restoration or tooth can be related partially to the presence of a softer base under the restoration, such as a lining. To prevent fracture, the strongest materials with high fracture toughness should be used. Long-term clinical trials with nanolled and low-shrinking composites, on the other hand, are still needed to prove their suitability to be


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used in patients. Meanwhile, it is unlikely that these materials will provide a signicant improvement, as good results are already achieved with the currently available posterior composite materials. In conclusion, composite restorations have been shown to perform favorably in posterior teeth, with AFRs of 13%. To improve the success of these restorations, factors related to the patient and operator are of primary importance, indicating the need for prevention and a conservative approach toward restoration replacement. The improvement of material properties should address the prevention of secondary caries and a reduction in fracture incidence.


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