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The document discusses the need for a new caries classification and management framework to better meet patient needs and integrate current scientific knowledge. It describes the FDI Caries Matrix as an effort to establish a common framework.

The FDI Global Caries Initiative was launched in 2009 to implement a new paradigm for managing dental caries and its consequences based on current knowledge of the disease process and prevention to improve oral and general health worldwide.

Some of the caries classification systems discussed include the Black system, ICDAS, CAST, and the FDI Caries Matrix.


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Editorials represent the opinions of the authors and not

necessarily those of the American Dental Association.


A new model for caries

classification and
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The dental
recognizes the need
for a framework for
caries classification
and management.
The FDI Caries
Matrix is a key step
in integrating
current science and
establishing political
consensus for such a

Julian Fisher, BDS, MSc,

MIH; Michael Glick, DMD;
for the FDI World Dental
Federation Science

JADA 143(6)

The FDI World Dental Federation

Caries Matrix
he majority of the 1 million dentists around the world, represented by the 130 national dental association (NDA) members of the FDI World Dental Federation (FDI), use G.V.
Blacks1 caries lesion classification and disease management
system that is more than 100 years old. Although many of its principles still hold true, the system increasingly is unable to meet the
needs and demands of our patients.
In 2008, FDI President Dr. Burton Conrod recognized that
despite the best efforts of the dental profession in the past century,
the burden and impact of dental caries, the effect of caries on
peoples quality of life and its indirect impact on the economy
remained high throughout the world. He called for a profession-led
initiative to develop a new paradigm for caries management that
would contribute to a common vision of health.
Dr. Conrods call to action, supported by FDI members, resulted
in the establishment of the FDI Global Caries Initiative (GCI),2
which was launched at the Rio Caries Conference in 2009 and set
out a 10-year agenda for implementing a new paradigm for caries
management, disease prevention and health promotion. Its vision
was to improve oral health through the implementation of a new
paradigm for managing dental caries and its consequences, one that
is based on our current knowledge of the disease process and its
prevention, so as to deliver optimal oral and thus general health
and well-being to all peoples.3
During the last 50 years, the evidence that we should move to a
new disease prevention and health promotion model of care has
grown stronger, but such a move has been only partially successful.4
The need to create a better model of oral health care now is being
supported at a global level by many international dental organizations. The importance of oral health has been acknowledged and
highlighted in the 2011 United Nations declaration on the control
and prevention of noncommunicable diseases.5 In addition, the
World Health Organizations Global Oral Health Programme has
recognized the importance of promoting a new paradigm among
dental practitioners, shifting from a restorative to preventive/health
promotion model.6
FDIs role is to support and complement the continuing development of caries lesion classification and disease management systems though the development of a common framework. This framework should be integrated into global health improvement

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Principal carious lesion classification criteria.*



Treatment of Caries

D = decayed or caries lesions, M = missing owing to extraction,

F = filled or restored caries lesions

Morphology (Location of the Lesion)

Prior Condition of the Tooth

Occlusal caries, smooth-surface caries and root caries


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permitted caries, secondary (recurrent) caries

Severity and Rate of Caries Progression

Acute caries, chronic caries, active caries and arrested caries

Extent of the Lesion

Incipient caries, advanced caries

Chronology or Age

Early childhood caries, adolescent caries, adult caries

Etiology (Causes or Origins of Caries)

Baby bottle tooth decay

Affected Tissues

Enamel, dentin, cementum

* Source: Fejerskov and Kidd.7


Caries classification systems selected for review.



Blacks Classification System*

Developed by G.V. Black in the early 1900s, this system divides

dental caries into several classes on the basis of the site of the tooth

World Health Organization (WHO) Basic Methods

Application of the Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth
(D3MFT) and Decayed, Missing, Filled Index
Calculated per Surface (D3MFS)

An index that represents caries prevalence of a person as

recommended by the WHO

International Caries Detection and Assessment

System (ICDAS)

A peer-reviewed and internationally recognized clinical scoring

system designed to lead to better-quality information and to
provide a framework to support and enable personalized total
caries management for improved long-term health outcomes

American Dental Association Caries Classification

System (CCS)

An enhanced system for classifying the entire range of caries as a

disease process and its effect on patient care; it seeks to balance the
data collection needs and time limitations of practicing dentists
with the need for scientifically accurate data differentiation for use
in clinical caries management systems

Mount-Hume Classification System

A system that defines the extent and complexity of a caries lesion

and at the same time encourages a conservative approach to the
preservation of natural tooth tissue; it can provide some guidance
regarding the choice of restorative material

Site-Stage (SI/STA) Classification System#

Similar to the Mount-Hume system; it designates the site (SI)

component and stage (STA) component of the caries lesion and
provides some guidance regarding the choice of restorative

The Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment

(CAST) Index

A comprehensive and pragmatic hierarchical caries assessment

index describing the complete range of stages of caries progression


Source: Black.1
Source: World Health Organization.8
Source: Ismail and colleagues.9
Source: D.M. Meyer, DDS, e-mail communication, April 2012.
Source: Mount and colleagues.10
Source: Lasfargues and colleagues.11
Source: Frencken and colleagues.12

initiatives to enable dentists to

play a central role in interdisciplinary and multiprofessional
collaborative medical and
health practice. The FDI Council posed the challenge to

develop such an inclusive

framework, and the FDI Science Committee responded.
Dental caries is classified
according to different criteria
(Table 17). To assess those criJADA 143(6)

terias strengths and potential

gaps and deficiencies in terms of
accommodating the needs of
future patient care, the science
committee reviewed seven caries
lesion classification systems1,8-12

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Strengths, potential gaps in and deficiencies of seven select systems

as part of practice-based caries management for patients.




PROOF of caries
to underestimation

Blacks Classification

System accepted by health

systems worldwide as basis for
dental care; simple and
practical with long history of
use in general dental practice

World Health Organization

(WHO) Basic Methods
Application of the Decayed,
Missing, Filled Teeth
(D3MFT) and Decayed,
Missing Filled Index
Calculated per Surface

Simple to use; accepted at

Does not record
global level; long track record noncavitated lesions
of use supported by literature;
allows for meaningful
comparison of caries situation
in various populations;
recognized by majority of
countries and ministries of

By ensuring acceptable level of

precision, there is underestimation of
total magnitude of caries; not often
used in general practice

International Caries
Detection and Assessment
System (ICDAS)

Includes stages of carious

lesion progression in enamel;
carious lesion assessment can
be carried out through visual
inspection; ICDAS note system
validated; clinically reliable in
permanent and primary teeth;
includes practice friendly

In very young children,

some claim it is not
practical to dry
surfaces to assess for
early enamel caries
(others, however have
used it successfully for
this age group)

Prevention education needed in

some countries (to ensure that small
lesions are not restored)

American Dental
Association Caries
Classification System

For use in daily practice while

mapping both to more
complex education- or
research-oriented systems and
to less differentiated
classification systems

Capable of integrating
lesion activity, but
method has not been
validated or
integrated into the
system to date

Limited data available

Mount-Hume Classification

Simple to use; aligned to

general practice; gives some
guidance regarding choice of
restorative material; similar to
Site-Stage system (see below)

Does not assess lesion


Limited data available

Site-Stage (SI/STA)
Classification System#

Simple to use; aligned to

general practice; gives some
guidance regarding choice of
restorative material; used in
France; similar to MountHume system (see above)

Does not assess lesion


Limited data available

The Caries Assessment

Spectrum and Treatment
(CAST) Index

Visual/tactile hierarchical onedigit coding system; includes

the total spectrum of stages
of caries lesion progression
and abscess and fistulae, as
well as sealants and
restorations; allows for easy
communication among health
professionals and policymakers; is built on the
strength of the ICDAS, DMF
and Pulpal involvement,
Ulceration caused by
dislocated tooth fragments,
Fistula and Abscess (PUFA)

Used only for


Limited data available


Source: Black.1
Source: World Health Organization.8
Source: Ismail and colleagues.9
Source: D.M. Meyer, DDS, e-mail communication, April 2012.
Source: Mount and colleagues.10
Source: Lasfargues and colleagues.11
Source: Frencken and colleagues.12


JADA 143(6)

June 2012

Does not record

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noncavitated lesions;
focuses care on
restoration of cavities

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+ /- activity


Level 1
corresponds to
D 3 MFT / D3 MFS
(that is, WHO basic methods)

I = Sound

Obvious dentin caries



Level 2
corresponds to but does
not accurately represent
D1 MFT threshold/
ADA system/
collapsed ICDAS
detection codes
and others

Level 3
corresponds to
full ICDAS
1-6 detection

II = Decayed

No obvious dentin caries

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enamel (first
visual change
in enamel)

+ /-

Noncavitated enamel

+ /-

+ /-

+ /Noncavitated
enamel (distinct
visual change
in enamel)


+ /Noncavitated

+ /-

+ /-

+ /-

dentin (underlying
dentin shadow)

Frank open cavity

+ /Cavitated enamel
(localized enamel



+ /-

Frank open cavity

(distinct cavity with
visible dentin)

Frank open cavity

(extensive cavity with
visible dentin)





Figure The proposed FDI World Dental Federation Caries Matrix consists of three tiers, one above the other. The extent of the caries
lesion and pathology is depicted on the horizontal axis. The top tier (level 1) represents the World Health Organization8 Basic Methods
(Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth [D3MFT]/Decayed, Missing Filled Surfaces [D3MFS]) system. The bottom tier (level 3) is the full International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS),9 which provides the most detailed level of information and allows for an
expanding degree of detail. The middle tier (level 2) seeks to describe the D1MFT threshold, the American Dental Association (ADA)
Caries Classification System (written communication, D.M. Meyer, DDS, April 2012) and the collapsed ICDAS detection, as well as other
systems. The middle tier (level 2) of the FDI Caries Matrix makes differentiations between cavitated and noncavitated enamel that correspond to ICDAS but do not correspond to all the named systems. Note that even for the sound/decayed interface at level 1 (WHO Basic
Methods), there are a range of regional variations in the conventions used for exact positioning of the vertical lines that subdivide the
extent of caries. Future harmonization of these conventions is highly desirable. The + and symbols indicate the activity of caries lesions
as defined in the glossary of terms for caries by Longbottom and colleagues.13 The FDI World Dental Federation Caries Matrix as illustrated does not address surface origin of the caries. F: Filled. M: Missing. PUFA: Pulpal involvement (P/p), ulceration caused by dislocated
tooth fragments (U/u), fistula (F/f) and abscess (A/a).24 Figure reproduced with permission of FDI World Dental Federation, Geneva.

(written communication, D.M.

Meyer, DDS, April 2012) (Table
2) that fulfilled one or all of the
following criteria:
duse in clinical practice;
duse in large-scale epidemiologic surveys in more than one
geographical region;
dpromotion for use in clinical
practice by one or more NDAs;
dinclusion of elements likely
to enable a shift toward
The committee did not carry
out a comprehensive and systematic search for all the caries
lesion classification systems;
rather, its aim was to identify
systems that are in common
use in the different domains of
dentistry, as well as those
developed to accommodate features that could respond to the
needs of future patient care.
Some general themes
emerged from this review

(Table 31,8-12 [written communication, D.M. Meyer, DDS, April

2012]). Only a few systems are
validated by published research
findings and there is no consensus across the profession on
validation mechanisms. It is
difficult to compare systems
and outcome data. Data from
most systems are difficult to
communicate to policymakers
and other health professions in
terms of their effect on health
and well-being. Each system
has strengths, but no one
system is appropriate and relevant in all settings. And the
same gaps and deficiencies can
be listed for several systems.
On the basis of its assessment of existing caries lesion
classification systems, the FDI
Science Committee developed
the FDI Caries Matrix. The
intent of this matrix was not to
establish a new caries lesion
JADA 143(6)

classification system, but to

integrate existing systems into
a framework that could be used
by clinicians, researchers, educators, public health workers
and decision makers (Figure).
The framework uses terms
defined in an international
glossary13 adopted by the FDI
in 2010. The International
Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) Foundation,9,14 building on earlier
work,15 uses a similar layered
approach across key domains
for its International Caries
Classification and Management
System (ICCMS).16 The three
levels of the matrix allow users
to continue to employ their preferred systems and, for those
working within a system that
involves a limited description of
the stages of the caries process,
it provides an opportunity to
record greater detail if required

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as preventive caries management evolves. The inclusion of

descriptive terms aims to provide an initial reference to assist
communication and guide the
development process, taking
advantage of the strengths of
existing caries lesion classification systems, as well as to help
to define their limitations.
Proponents of existing caries
lesion classification systems are
encouraged to provide the FDI
Global Caries Initiative Task
Team (
with details on how to enable
their systems to be integrated
into and brought into harmony
with the matrix. Also, when
more research evidence and
subclinical detail emerges
about caries etiology, progression and even histology by
means of lesion detection aids,
such information can be added
below the current clinical visual base level. The proposed
matrix does not offer a definitive solution to caries lesion
classification and disease management, but it provides a
springboard for a dynamic and
integrated process in which
experts can assess consistency
and parallels between different
systems. Caries lesion classification should shift from a system
that predominantly describes
the current state of a lesion that
needs to be restored to a system
that assesses and quantifies the
risk of progression of the disease; this will provide a more
sensitive guide to care management than does a system based
solely on visual inspection of the
lesions site and size.17 This
approach is being developed by
the American Dental Association
(ADA), which has initiated a dialogue on caries systems, beginning with its hosting of the ADA
Caries Classification Conference
in 2008.18 The meeting drew a
broad group of stakeholders to
discuss the development of a
new, enhanced system for classi-

fying the entire range of caries

as a disease process and the
impact of such a system on
patient care.18
Whereas caries as a disease
is largely preventable, from a
management perspective it
involves many factors that
influence health outcomes at
both an individual and a population level.19,20 In calling for a
new paradigm for managing
dental caries and critically
assessing its consequences, we
need to acknowledge the importance of the social determinants of health with respect to
caries disease control and prevention.21 This aspect is
reflected in the International
Association for Dental Research (IADR) Global Oral
Health Inequalities Research
Agenda (GOHIRA) initiative.
That initiative seeks to contribute to the goal of the WHO
Commission on the Social
Determinants of Health, which
stressed the need for the
closing of both the health
equity gap (within a generation) and the implementation
gap (as soon as possible).22 In
education, the European
Organisation for Caries Research (ORCA) and the Association for Dental Education in
Europe (ADEE) have examined
the cariology curriculum in
terms of educating from a prevention-based model of care.16
Both these initiatives were
aided by recent developments
in the ICDAS-ICCMS. Within
modern caries management
models, health risk assessment,
specific oral health risk assessment and the assessment of
caries progression can provide
the foundation for a new inclusive caries management
system.23 Including the Pulpal
involvement, Ulceration caused
by dislocated tooth fragments,
Fistula and Abscess (PUFA)
index24 to measure and record
the consequences of caries dis-


June 2012

JADA 143(6)

ease process at its most severe

and advanced stage provides
the opportunity to supplement
direct caries measures with
quantification of the consequencesFINAL
of caries
and to comPROOF
the effect of not
disCopyrighted materialdistribution
ease at both an individual and
a population level.24 It also
clearly shows the extent of
urgent treatment need and the
effect of treatment strategies
that can be assessed easily.
Consequences of the caries
process mark the endpoint of a
spectrum, complete the matrix
concept and make it relevant
for settings in which access to
care is low or unavailable.
Hence, there are multiple
objectives for the use of the
dto provide a framework that
enables an assessment of caries
as a health outcome;
dto provide a framework that
will guide further development
of a caries lesion classification
and disease management
system or systems that is or are
relevant, feasible and appropriate in a prevention-based
system of medicine and health
dto provide a framework that
facilitates communication
between practitioners, researchers, policy makers and
The dental profession recognizes the need for a comprehensive framework,25 one that
includes caries lesion classification and disease management
systems and that offers a foundation for risk assessment and
surveillance, disease prevention and health promotion. This
framework will enable the
quantification of health outcomes, which is important for
the future progress of our profession. The FDI Caries Matrix
is a key step in integrating current science and establishing
political consensus for such a

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Dr. Fisher is the associate director, Science

& Professional Affairs, FDI World Dental
Federation, Geneva.
Dr. Glick is the dean, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. He also is the chair of
the Science Committee, FDI World Dental
Federation, Geneva; and the editor of The
Journal of the American Dental Association.
requests to Dr. Glick
not permitted
School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, 325 Squire Hall, Buffalo, N.Y. 142148006, e-mail


The FDI World Dental Federation Science

Committee consists of Claudio P. Fernandes,
CD, MDSc, PhD; L.J. Jin, DDS, MMedsSc,
PhD, Odont Dr; George B. Meyer, DDS, PhD;
and Taner Ycel, DDS, Dr Dent Med. The
committees observers are John Clarkson,
BDS, MA, PhD, FDS, and Derek Jones, PhD,
FM, CChem, FRSC(UK). The committees
consultants are Daniel M. Meyer, DDS, and
Nigel Pitts, FRSE, BDS, PhD, FDS RCS
(Eng), FDS RCS (Edin), FFGDP (UK), FFPH.
The authors are grateful to Habib Benzian,
DDS, MScDPH; Denis Bourgeois, DMD, MSc,
PhD; Peter Cooney, BDS, LDM, DDPH, MSc,
FRCD(C); Jean-Luc Eisel, PhD; Jo Frencken
DDS, MSc, PhD; Youssef Hakel, DDS, PhD;
Stephen Hancocks, BDS; Prathip Phantumvanit, DDS, MSc, FICD; Elmar Reich, Dr
med Dent; Martin Tyas, AM, BDS, PhD,
DDSc, FRACDS; and Jacques Vanobbergen,
MDS PhD, who helped shape this work.
1. Black GV. A work on operative dentistry:
the technical procedures in filling teeth.
Chicago: Medico-Dental Publishing; 1917:5.
2. FDI World Dental Federation. Global
Caries Initiative.
global-caries-initiative. Accessed April 25,
3. FDI World Dental Federation. FDI
Global Caries Initiative Draft Business Plan,
September 2010.
documents/10157/eaa2d8ad-70c4-4750-bca26d25f450fd34. Accessed May 3, 2012.
4. Widstrm E. Prevention and dental

ADA welcomes letters from
readers on articles that have
appeared in The Journal. The
Journal reserves the right to edit
all communications and requires
that all letters be signed. Letters
must be no more than 550 words
and must cite no more than five
references. No illustrations will be
accepted. A letter concerning a
recent JADA article will have the
best chance of acceptance if it is
received within two months of the
articles publication. For instance,
a letter about an article that


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health services. Oral Health Prev Dent

2004;2(suppl 1):255-258.
5. United Nations General Assembly.
Adopted Draft Political Declaration of the
High-level Meeting of the General Assembly
on the Prevention and Control of NonCommunicable Diseases, 16 September 2011.
official-documents. Accessed April 26, 2012.
6. Petersen PE. Future Use of Materials for
Dental Restoration. Geneva: World Health
Organization. Accessed
April 4, 2012.
7. Fejerskov O, Kidd EAM, eds. Dental
Caries: The Disease and Its Clinical Management. Oxford, England: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2008.
8. World Health Organization. Oral Health
Surveys: Basic Methods. 4th ed. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 1997.
9. Ismail AI, Sohn W, Tellez M, et al. The
International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS): an integrated system
for measuring dental caries. Community
Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007;35(3):170-178.
10. Mount GJ, Tyas MJ, Duke ES, Hume
WR, Lafargues JJ, Kaleka R. A proposal for a
new classification of lesions of exposed tooth
surfaces. Int Dent J 2006;56(2):82-91.
11. Lasfargues JJ, Kaleka R, Louis JJ.
New concepts of minimally invasive preparations: a SI/STA concept. In: Roulet JF,
Degrange M, eds. Adhesion: The Silent Revolution. London: Quintessence; 2000:107-152.
12. Frencken JE, de Amorim RG, Faber J,
Leal SC. The Caries Assessment Spectrum
and Treatment (CAST) index: rationale and
development. Int Dent J 2011;61(3):117-123.
13. Longbottom CL, Huysmans MC, Pitts
N, Fontana M. Glossary of key terms (published online ahead of print June 3, 2009).
Monogr Oral Sci 2009;21:209-216.
14. Pitts NB. ICDAS: an international
system for caries detection and assessment
being developed to facilitate caries epidemiology, research and appropriate clinical management (editorial). Community Dent Health

15. Fyffe HE, Deery C, Nugent ZJ, Nuttall
NM, Pitts NB. In vitro validity of the Dundee
Selectable Threshold Method for caries diagnosis (DSTM). Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000;28(1):52-58.
16. Pitts N, Melo P, Martignon S, Ekstrand
K, Ismail A. Caries risk assessment, diagnosis and synthesis in the context of a European Core Curriculum in Cariology. Eur J
Dent Educ 2011;15(suppl 1):23-31.
17. Fontana M, Zero DT. Assessing
patients caries risk. JADA 2006;137(9):
18. Garvin J. Caries classification system
under study. ADA News Sept. 4, 2008. Accessed May
3, 2012.
19. Ramos-Gomez F, Ng MW. Into the
future: keeping healthy teeth caries free:
paediatric CAMBRA protocols. J Calif Dent
Assoc 2011;39(10):723-733.
20. Petersen PE. Challenges to improvement of oral health in the 21st century: the
approach of the WHO Global Oral Health
Programme. Int Dent J 2004;54(6 suppl
21. Watt RG, Sheiham A. Integrating the
common risk factor approach into a social
determinants framework (published online
ahead of print March 20, 2012). Community
Dent Oral Epidemiol. doi:10.1111/j.16000528.2012.00680.x.
22. Pitts N, Amaechi B, Niederman R, et al.
Global oral heath inequalities: dental caries
task groupresearch agenda. Adv Dent Res
23. Pitts N. Modern perspectives on caries
activity and control. JADA 2011;142(7):
24. Monse B, Heinrich-Weltzien R, Benzian
H, Holmgren C, van Palenstein Helderman
W. PUFA: an index of clinical consequences of
untreated dental caries. Community Dent
Oral Epidemiol 2010;38(1):77-82.
25. FDI World Dental Federation. General
Assembly Resolution Principle of Caries
Classification and Management Matrix,
approved September 2011. Accessed
May 3, 2012.

appeared in April JADA usually

will be considered for acceptance
only until the end of June. You may
submit your letter via e-mail to; by fax to 1312-440-3538; or by mail to 211 E.
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take into consideration in assessing
their stated opinions. The views

expressed are those of the letter

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JADA 143(6)


In Dr. Daniel Skaar and colleagues December JADA

article, Dental Procedures and
Subsequent Prosthetic Joint
Infections: Findings from the
Medicare Current Beneficiary
Survey 2011 (Skaar DD,
OConnor H, Hodges JS,
Michalowicz BS. JADA
142(12):1343-1351), they per

June 2012 551

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