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Patran Excercise3

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Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole Specimen


To calculate the fatigue life for a component made from MANTEN under a transmission loading with a maximum value of 1.586 x 104 N using the Total Life method. To investigate the effect of scatter on the S-N curve based on the design criterion parameter. To investigate the effect of mean stress on fatigue life. To make a comparison between the two materials MANTEN and RQC100 under the above conditions.

s s

PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2



PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole

Problem Description:
This exercise is concerned with the fatigue analysis of a simple keyhole specimen as shown in FIGURE 3. The loading location and magnitude in Newtons is also shown. In a series of experiments, different constant amplitude cyclic loads were applied to a set of specimens until they broke into two pieces. The stress was monitored at the root of the notch (1/2 radius from the hole along the line of direction of the notch) and a stress-life line determined by regression analysis of the scattered points.

FIGURE 3. Keyhole Specimen Geometry.

Two different materials were used for the specimens; MANTEN and RQC100. This lead to two S-N data sets as listed in Table 2-2. In reality, the specimen is loaded with 3 random time histories, corresponding to typical histories (as dened by the SAE) for transmission, suspension and bracket components at different load levels. To ensure proper execution of the exercise, make sure you are in the ex03 directory of your PAT318 account.

PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Table 2-2 Material Properties Material Properties Stress Range Intercept, SRI1 (MPa) Slope b1, Transition life, NC1 (cycles) Slope b2, Fatigue Limit, FL (MPa) Standard error, SE Youngs Modulus, E (MPa) UTS (MPa) MANTEN 3162 RQC100 4680

-0.2 2E8

-0.216 1E8

0 10

0 10

0.137 2.034E5

0.433 2.034E5



A nite element analysis was performed with a static loading of 30kN and the results stored in the le key.res. This le will have to be created by translating a le called key.txt from text format to binary format using the PATRAN utility program called RESTXT.

Exercise Procedure
Step 1 Using PATRAN Enter PATRAN and read the Neutral le key.ntl by typing the following PATRAN commands:
p3 File/New Database

Start PATRAN3 from the UNIX prompt. Open the File pull-down menu. Select New Database from the pull-down menu. Enter the name KeyHole in the New Database Name databox. Click on the OK button. When the New Model Preferences form



PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole

appears, change the preference to P3FEA, click on the OK button to close the form.


In the Neutral Files listbox, select the le key.out. Click on the OK button to begin the model import operation. Acknowledge the Question form application NEUTLOD.

Import and examine the stress results (this assumes you know how to use PATRAN, if you do not ask the instructor). Also plot the force and constraints.
Analysis Read Results Select Results File

Open the analysis form. Set the Action option menu to read results. In the Select File form, select the le key.res from the Available Files. Click on the OK button to close the form. Read the results le into the database. Open the Load/Boundary Conditions form. Change the Action option menu to Plot Markers.

Apply Load/BCs

Select all the Load/BC sets to be plotted to the default_group. Click on the Apply button. Finally, use the Results Display form to examine the results and answer the following question. Q1: A1: Which node corresponds to the measurement point for the S-N curve? Which node corresponds to the point of highest stress?

Go back to the PATRAN main menu.

Applications P3/FATIGUE

Open the Applications pull-down menu. Open the P3/Fatigue form.

Step 2 Materials Data

PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Materials Data Now the P3FATIGUE form is displayed. The options are in the correct order for setting up and submitting the fatigue analysis. First you must consider materials data, in this case, the form of a component life curve. Q2: A2: What type of analysis is this?

S-N Comp.

The Analysis type that we are performing is Component Nomial Stress Life

Q3: A3:

What is the difference between a component and a material S-N curve?

Nodal MPa

Use stress results at nodes. Stress units as prescribed from the FEA job are MPa Select the Maximum Absolute Principal stress. Enter the jobname Use the Title to give a description of the job. (S-N analysis of keyhole specimen)



Solution Params

Click on the Solution Params button in the P3FATIGUE form. Set the Mean Strs Correction option menu to None. Set the Design Criterion (%) to 50. Click on the OK button to close the form. Click on the Material Info button in the P3FATIGUE form. Click on the Database Manager button in the Materials Information form.



Material Info

Database Manager


PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole

This option invokes the program PFMAT, P3FATIGUE's materials database manager. The main menu of this program allows us to list, search, create, edit and graphically display existing data sets as well as helping to classify welded details. In this case the datasets for MANTEN and RQC100 are to be loaded by choosing the options shown below. You can either use the mouse if in the Xwindow environment or use the hot keys (rst capital letter) and/or arrow keys.:


Load option. Load dataset one rst. Choose the type name option. S-N material name.

data set 1



Press the return key, then repeat the process for the other material.

Load option. Load dataset two now. Choose the type name option. S-N material name.

data set 2



PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Materials Data Now you can look at the S-N curves graphically. The Graphical display option should be selected.

Q4: A4:

Which data set gives longer lives at all stress ranges?

Exit the graphics by selecting the Return option and then exit from PFMAT by typing X. On returning to PATRAN 3, you have only viewed the materials. Now you will select the material desired for this run. Now you have to tell P3FATIGUE which nodes are to be used in the analysis and assign nodes with materials information. This is done using the Material Info option.

Set the Number of Materials to one. Click on the Material table cell in the Selected Materials Information spread sheet. In the Select a Material: listbox, click on MANTEN_SN. Enter Node 73 as the Reference Node. Click on the <Return> key to accept the data.

Node 73


PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole

In the Select a Group listbox, select the only group available; default_group. Click on the OK button to close the form. Back in the P3FATIGUE form, the next menu item is Loading Info. The time history to use is a scaled version of the SAE transmission history, called SAETRN. When you click on the Database Manager button, a program called PTIME is invoked. PTIME has a central database which holds copies of the SAE histories normalized to +/-999. When you enter PTIME, there is no local database, so you have to create data in some way. In this case, choose the Copy from central option to make a local copy of SAETRN from the central database. Next you must Modify the le through a Polynomial transformation (in this case simply linear). The linear scaling factor to use is 15.87, to convert the maximum value to be equivalent to 15.86 x 103N. The following PTIME commands would generate the time history: Step 3 Time History Information



Loading Info Static P/FEA N/A key

Open the Loading Information form. The results are static The results code is P3FEA Shell Surface is not applicable. Select the P3/FEA job with the stress values for the fatigue analysis. This will spawn the PTIME module.

Database Manager Copy

from central Copy from central database option.

At this point you may either type in the name SAETRN or press the F3 key or click List in the top header bar to see a list of the central database from which you can select SAETRN. Move the highlighter bar or the cursor over SAETRN using the arrow keys or mouse and then (skip these if you typed the name in) select these options:

Tags the SAETRN by placing a astrix * next to it. Accept all time histories that are tagged.
PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2 3-9


Time History Information The time history is copied to your local directory and you will notice that it now says Number of entries: 1 at the top of the screen just below the top header bar. Now you must modify the time history by doing the following:

a time historyChoose the Modify a time history option. transformChose the Polynomial transform option. Accept the next screen. Make sure that SAETRN is the indicated time history. Answer Yes to overwrite.

Polynomial F1

Press the arrow key to position the cursor to pick the second eld and type 15.87 (Case of simply linear). You can use the Tab key to clear the eld. Press F1 key to accept the screen. The transformation will be performed and then you will be asked if you wish to edit the details of the time history. Answer Yes. Fill out the next screen with the following: Description 1 Description 2 Load type Units No. of equiv units Leave the same. Change to be more meaningful since we have scaled it now. Use the space bar to change this to Force. Use the space bar to change this to Newtons. Leave this the same.

Fatigue equiv units Leave this the same. Press F1 key to accept from screen.


PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole

Choose the Plot a time history option to look at the time history. Press F1. You will have to use the Move and Full X options to see the entire time history.

Q5: A5:

Does the scaled version of SAETRN have positive, zero or negative mean?

Return to the PTIME non-graphical menus by selecting the Quit option, then exit back to the P3/FATIGUE main menu by quitting from PTIME by pressing the X key. On returning to PATRAN 3, you have only viewed the time histories. Now you will select the time history desired for this run.
1 1

Set the Number of Static Load Cases to one. Load case number in P3FEA job.

PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Setting up the P3FATIGUE job


Enter the modied version of the SAETRN time history with the type of Force and Units of Newtons. In the Load Magnitude databox, enter the value of one.


Q6: A6:

Why do you need to specify the FEA load magnitude?


Click on the OK button to close the form. You are now ready to set up the P3/FATIGUE job. Click on the Job Control button in the P3/FATIGUE form. Submit a full analysis of the job. Enter the following keystrokes.

Step 4 Setting up the P3FATIGUE job

Job Control

Click on the Job Control button in the P3FATIGUE form. The Action option menu should be set to Full Analysis. Begin the analysis submit.

Full Analysis Apply

The job is now submitted and the job progress can be monitored using option Monitor Job. Note that various processes will be executed and the whole job is not complete until the Fatigue analysis completed successfully message appears. Step 5 Reviewing Results When the job is successfully completed, click on the Results button from the main P3FATIGUE menu to review the results.

Click on the Results button in the P3FATIGUE 1.2 menu. In the Results form, set the Action to List Results. Click on the Apply button. This will spawn as separate module called PFPOST.

List Results

At this point you are in a separate P3FATIGUE module called PFPOST from which you can readily determine the location with the most damage. Use the following keystrokes in PFPOST or use the mouse if you have this option.


PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole

Press F1 or click on OK to select the current jobname. damaged nodesTo list the ten most damaged nodes.



Q7: A7:

Which node has the shortest life?

Q8: A8:

What is the shortest life?

Now return back to the P3FATIGUE results menu by pressing return and use the eXit option from PFPOST. Then read the results into the database. In P3PATRAN U produce a fringe plot of the Log Life (Repeats) results.
Read Results

In the Results form, change the Action to Read Results. This will take a few seconds to load the results into the database. In the P3PATRAN Main Window, click on the Results toggle. Highlight the P3PATIGUE Results Case and click on the Get Results button. In the Select Result listbox, highlight the Log of Life, Repeats result. The Plot Type should be Fringe Plot. Click on the Plot to make the fringe plot.


Get Results

Log Life Repeats


Now you can achieve the rest of the objectives using results option Design Optimization from the P3FATIGUE main menu. Reset the graphics and close the Results Display form. Then return to the P3FATIGUE form. Reset Graphics Click on the Reset Graphics button to unplot the fringe plot.

Step 6 Design Optimization

PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Design Optimization Results P3FATIGUE Results Optimization >6 Turn off the Results toggle in the Main Window. Reopen the P3/FATIGUE form. Click on the Results button. In the Results form, set the Action to Optimization. Click on the Apply button. Enter the 6.Design Optimization option. Accept the default jobname. The design optimization package of P3FATIGUE, DESOPT, will now be spawned. The rst screen that appears allows you to pick a node number to analyze and to indicate a design life. Use the following options by picking with the mouse or use the arrow keys and/or hot keys (rst capitalized letter):

case node

This is an automatic selection of the worst case node. Accept the screen and leave the Design Life eld blank.


A re-analysis of the worst case node (Node 13) will be performed after accepting the initial screen. Q9: A9: What answer does the fatigue analyzer give?

Press the return key and now change the design criterion to 96%.

analysis...Choose the Sensitivity analysis option which will give a submenu. Select the design Criteria option and you will be presented with a eld where this can be changed. Enter 96% certainty of survival. Performs a recalculation.

design Criteria

96 Recalculate


PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole

Q10: What is the life that can be achieved with 96% certainty of survival? A10:

Now press return and change the mean stress correction methods to all.

analysis...Choose the Sensitivity analysis option which will give a submenu.


types (all) A recalculation will be done using all mean stress correction methods. Performs a recalculation.


Q11: What effect do the Goodman and Gerber corrections have? What is the most conservative answer? A11:

Press return and change the S-N data set to RQC100_SN. Repeat the nodal analysis.

optimization...Choose the Material optimization option which will give a submenu. change Select the Material change option. A eld will be presented where you can enter a new material name. Type in the new material name. You can clear the existing name by using the Tab key. Performs a recalculation. Press Return after you have made note of the life at 96% certainty of survival for RQC100.





analysis...Choose the Sensitivity analysis option which will give a submenu.

PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Design Optimization design Criteria Select the design Criteria option and you will be presented with a eld where this can be changed. Set the certainty of survival back to 50%. Performs a recalculation.

50 Recalculate

Q12: Why is RQC100 better at 50% certainty but worse at 96% compared to MANTEN? A12:

When you are nished with the exercise exit from DESOPT and quit from PATRAN. eXit

Exits from DESOPT. Quits from P3PATRAN.

List the les in your directory. Q13: What are the files and what do they contain? A13:


PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2


Total Life (S-N) Analysis of Keyhole

By measuring the nodal distance along the bottom line of the model, you see that node 73 is closest to the measurement point about 1/2 radius away from the hole. This node number is required in the fatigue job setup. Node 13 exhibits the highest stress. RQC100_SN Positive mean. Nominal stress life, component, option 1. A component S-N curve is representative of a specic component and has a reference location associated with it where the stress was monitored, usually not at the highest stress or failure location. The component that you are analyzing must have the same geometry as the S-N curve to be valid. A material S-N curve is independent of geometry and can represent any component made of the same material. In general a component S-N curve can be converted into a material S-N curve by multiplying it by a Kt value transforming the stress at the reference location to that at the highest stress or failure region. The nite element stress results act a Kt values for each node, which must be normalized by the load magnitude in order to properly scale the load time history. In short the stress results are normalized to produce a stress distribution due to a unit load. This effectively gives a Kt value of 1.0 for every node. Node 13. The shortest life is approx. 17,000 repeats of the history. The same as the global multi-node/element analysis for node 13, i.e. approx. 17,000 repeats of the history. The life is approx. 9,500 repeats of history. The life is shortened, Goodman gives the shortest life, i.e., the most conservative prediction. Because of the scatter parameter, SE. The data for RQC100 was more variable than for MANTEN. This S-N analysis in P3FATIGUE will create the following les: keysn.n keysn.fnf keysn.fes keysn.fpp
PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2 3-17


Exercise 3 Solutions

A2: A3: A4: A5:


A7: A8: A9: A10: A11: A12: A13:

Design Optimization keysn.fef keysn.rmn keysn.msg keysn.sta The .n le contains the job setup parameters and is called the Fatigue INput le. The .fnf le contains the nodal property information in a neutral le format and is called the Fatigue Neutral File. These rst two les are created when you submit a job. The .fes le is the FE fatigue analyzer input le. It contains information from the .n, .fnf and the FE results le in a compact binary format. It is created by the PATran to FATigue translator called PATFAT. The .fpp le is the binary, pre-processed (cycle counted) le of the .fes and the time history (.dac) le. It is created by the P3FATIGUE module FPP. The .fef le is a ASCII PATRAN results formatted le of the fatigue results which is created by the P3/FATIGUE module FEF. The .msg and .sta les are message and status les respectively and should be inspected if the analysis did not complete properly. The .rmn le is a results menu le and is necessary to post-process in PATRAN.


PATRAN 318 Exercise Workbook - Release 1.2

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