Proposed 2013-2014cpscalendar Elementaryandhighschools
Proposed 2013-2014cpscalendar Elementaryandhighschools
Proposed 2013-2014cpscalendar Elementaryandhighschools
2* 9 16 23 30
3 10 17 24
SEPTEMBER 4 11 18 25
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27 (31)
30 I
7 14* 21 28 LEGEND
1 8 15 22 29
OCTOBER 2 9 16 23 30
3 10 17 24 31Q
4 11 18 25 31 30 31
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// Schoolsclosed-- salarypaidexceptas providedbybudgetaryaction () Schoolsclosed-- no salarypaid PT Parent-Teacher Conference Day (Reportcardpickup)-- Elementaryand high schools e Emergencyday-schoolinsessionif studentdaysfallbelowstaterequirement Each school is provided 3professional development days that can be used flexibly over the course of the school year School clerks begin working on Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Pleasenote: November 22, December 25, January 1 and July 4 are holidays for office employees. November 20 is a non-attendance day for students and school-based staff NOTES: *
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SCHOOLCALENDAR-- School clerks begin on Wednesday, August 14, 2013. Teachers begin on Wednesday, August 21, 2013. Students begin classeson Monday,August26,2013 and endon Tuesday,June10,2014. Both days are full days of school for students. QUARTERS-- Eachquarterendson thefollowingday: Q1 ends October31,2013 Q3 ends March27,2014 Q2 ends January23,2014 Q4 ends June10,2014 PROGRESSREPORTDISTRIBUTIONDAYS --Schoolswilldistributeprogressreportsduringthe6thweekof eachquarteron Q1 September25,2013 Q3 March5,2014 Q2 December11,2013 Q4 May7,2014 PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCEDAYS --Parentsareaskedto pickup reportcardsand conference with teachers afterthefirstandthirdquarters. Parent-Teacher conference days are non-attendance days for students. Elementaryand high schoolsareexpectedto runa Parent-Teacher Conference Dayon November 12,2013andApril7,2014. REPORTCARDDISTRIBUTIONDAYS--Pleasenotethatreportcardsforthesecondandfourthquarterswillbe senthomeon: Q2 January30,2014 Q4 June10,2014 TEACHERINSTITUTEDAYS--Teacherinstitutedaysarenon-attendancedaysforstudents. ThesedaysareapprovedbytheStateSuperintendentof Instructionforteacherprofessionaldevelopment. Teacherinstitutedaysareprincipaldirected. Daysinclude: August 21,2013;August 22,2013;August 24,2013andJune11,2014 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT DAYS-- School Improvement Days have been strategically placed to provide opportunities for teachers to review student data, plan instruction, and engage in professional development aligned to school priorities. Days include; November 1, 2013; January 24, 2014; and March 28, 2014 PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT FLEXDAYS--Each school is provided 3 Professional Development Days to be used flexibly across the school year. VACATIONS--Schoolsareclosedforthefollowingbreaks Winter vacation-- SchoolsareclosedfromDecember 23,2013to January 3,2014 Spring vacation-- SchoolsareclosedfromApril 14, 2014to April 18,2014 GRADUATIONDATES--ElementaryandHighSchoolgraduationscannotbe heldpriorto June2,2014