Manual Vitros DTII
Manual Vitros DTII
Manual Vitros DTII
Operator's Manual
Export authorized under general license GTDA (General Technical Data Available) IMPORTANT The information contained herein is based on the experience and knowledge relating to the subject matter gained by Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. prior to publication. No patent license is granted by the information. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. reserves the right to change this information without notice, and makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the information.. The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage including consequential or special damages, resulting from the use of this information, even if loss or damage is caused by its negligence or other fault.
Operator's Manual
This section provides general information about how to operate and maintain the VITROS DT II System. Topics covered are: Operating Instructions Coronary Risk Classification (CRC) and Derived Tests Calibration Instrument Care and Cleaning Quality Control Options Troubleshooting Instrument Status Messages Coded Warning Messages Installation and Site Specifications Warranty In writing the Operator's Manual we strove to achieve multiple goals in meeting your needs. The Operator's Manual has some sections (1, 6, and 7-12) that are primarily informative. These are formatted vertically, making it easier to read these sitting down or at a desk. Sections 2-5 and 1 3 are considered functional, for daily use while you are operating the analyzer, and are oriented horizontally.
Rev. 2004-03-30
Rev. 2004-03-30
Revision History
Revision Date
About the VITROS DT II System Binder iii-iv, updated to reflect moving Instructions for Use to separate manual Revision History v-viii, updated to reflect current documentation List of Revised Pages ix-x, updated to reflect current documentation Table of Contents xi-xiv, updated to reflect current documentation Chapter 1, page 1 - 1 , removed reference to Hb Chapter 2, page 2-19, 2-23 and 2-25, inserted text for tracking error Chapter 4, page 4-3, updated "When to Calibrate" section Chapter 4, page 4-3, removed reference to Hb Chapter 4, page 4-11, removed section "Preparing DT Hb Calibrators" Chapter 4, page 4-13 and 4-15, inserted text for tracking error Chapter 6, page 6-3, removed section "Preparing DT Hb controls" Chapter 8, page 8-3, added "Unexpected Results" to section title, added bullet for calibration failures Chapter 8, page 8-4, In 'Possible Causes" extracted text from third bullet to emphasize importance, added bullet for overfilled slide disposal box Chapter 8, page 8-4, In "if You Suspect a Tracking Error" added text to review and confirm previous results Chapter 8, page 8-4, In "Important Points to Remember" underlined text for emphasis Chapter 9, page 9-8, added Important note to prevent tracking error Chapter 1 0, page 10-1 and 10-3, added tracking error text Chapter 1 0, page 10-2 and 10-20, removed reference to Hb Chapter 10, page 10-10, added tracking error text
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Revision Date
Note: Formatting has changed but only pages with content changes are labeled 2003-10-01. Added "For in vitro Diagnostic Use" Replaced "Methodology Sheets" with "Instructions for Use" About, pages iii-iv, edited to reflect current documentation Revision History, v-vii, added update information List of Revised Pages, viii, updated to include all pages Table of Contents, xi-xii, updated Introduction, page 1-1 Introduction, pages 1-7-1-8 Introduction, pages 1 -7 and 1 -9; removed DT from VITROS Micro Tips Section 2.2.1, page 2-5 Section 2.2.1, page 2-7, updated the power socket illustration Section 2.2.1, page 2-27, changed J&JCD to OCD Se tion 6.10, page 6-13 Section 7.2, page 7-3, changed J&JCD to OCD Section 7.2, page 7-7, changed J&JCD to OCD Section 8.2, page 8-3-8-6, replaced information with a reference; changed paging to 8-3-8-4 Section 9.1, page 9-5 Section 10.1.8, page 10-19 Revised Instructions for Use: ALB DT ALT DT AST DT BUN DT CHE DT CKDT Cl- DT CREA DT FeDT LAC DT LDH DT Mg DT Na + DT NBIL DT N H , DT THEO DT TBIL DT TPDT UrCr DT
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Revision Date
Revised Instructions for Use for: AMYL DT CO 2 DT GGT DT GLU DT HDLC DT (Using the VITROS DT HDL Cholesterol Kit) HDLC DT (Using the VITROS DT Micro HDL Cholesterol Kit) Li DT URIC DT Removed: Anion Gap Calculation Supplement, C-363 Coronary Risk Classification Supplement, C-359 Globulin and Albumin_Globulin Calculations Supplement, C-360 VLDL, LDL, and CHOLJHDLC Ratio Calculations Supplement, C-362 New Format. New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive. Revised Instructions for Use: ALKP DT Ca DT CHOL DT CKMB DT CRSC DT K+ DT LI PA DT PHOS DT TRIG DT Update the Methodology Section to include revision to Test Methodology: CK2003FEB01 Revised Table of Contents to include Test Methodology Sheets. Revised Section 5, pages 1-46, deleted all references to cleaning and charging the VITROS DT Pipette. Refer to the VITROS DT Pipette User's Guide for information on cleaning and charging the DT Pipette. Section 5, pages 1-10, minor text and format changes. Section 5.1, page 3, deleted reference to the daily cleaning of the DT Pipette. Section 5.3, pages 19-26, removed. Section 5.4, pages 27-34, removed. Updated Methodology Section to include Test Methodologies: NBIL 2001 SEP24, TBIL 2001 SEP24. Updated Methodology Section to include Test Methodologies: GGT 8/99, CK 2000SEP21, CREA 2000SEP21. Reflects company name change to Ortho-Clinical Johnson Company. Diagnostics, a Johnson &
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Reprinted for the introduction of J&JCD VITROS Chemistry Systems trademark nomenclature.
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Revision Date
Reprint of all pages. Trade dress changes. Style changes for consistency. Section 2.2.1, pages 7-1 7, changes made to reflect new pipette information. Section 2.2.2, page 23, item 6, new information added. Section 4.2, minor text changes. Section 4.4, page 13, pipette graphic updated. Section 4.4, page 15, step 4, minor text changes. Section 5.3, pages 19-25, new information on cleaning the DT Pipette. Section 5.4, pages 27-33, heading changed to Charging the DT Pipette and new information added. Section 5.5, page 35, clean cloth changed to cotton swab. Section 8.2, page 3, new pipette troubleshooting information added. Section 8.3, Analyzer Tracking Errors section added. Section 11.1, page 2, item 3, reference to Electrical Requirements added. Section 11.2.3, page 5, rewrite. Section 11.3, page 6, changes in headings and rewrite of item 2 under 11.3.1 and 11.3.2. Reprint of all pages. Table of Contents undated to reflect derived tests in Section 3 and switch of subheads in Section 11. Section 2, page 13, second bullet under Ektachem DTE pipette removed. Section 3, style changes to comply with other subheads. Section 3, pages 11 and 13, md/dl changed to mg/dl. Section 3, pages 18-36, new pages added as per derived test development. Section 4.3.2, page 11, second bullet changed. Section 4, page 1 7, IMPORTANT NOTE changed. Section 6.4.2, page 3, second bullet changed. Section 7, pages 4-10, new pages added as per derived test development. Section 11.3.1 and 11.3.2, heading corrections. Updated Sections 3 & 7 to include new features. Revised tab for Section 3 to include both CRC and Derived Tests. Revised Section 3 in Table of Contents to reflect additions. First release.
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Operating Instructions
CRC Calibration
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Page Number(s)/Portrait (P) or Landscape (L) 9-1-9-4 9-5 9-6-9-7 9-8 10-1-10-3 10-4-10-9 10-10 10-11-10-18 10-19 10-20 10-21-10-22 11-1-11-6 12-1-12-2 13-1-13-3 13-4-13-8 P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P
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Table of Contents
About the VITROS DT II System Binder Operator's Manual VITROS Chemistry Products DT Instructions for Use Manual Revision History List of Revised Pages Table of Contents 1.1 1.2 General Description Equipment Features 1.2.1 Keyboard and Functions 1.2.2 Display Panel 1.2.3 Printer and Results Printout Principles of Operation: VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System 1.3.1 Slide Identification 1.3.2 Slide Spotting 1.3.3 Incubation and Readout Principles of Operation: VITROS DTE II Module 1.4.1 Slide Identification 1.4.2 Slide Spotting 1.4.3 Incubation and Readout Principles of Operation VITROS DTSC II Module 1.5.1 Slide Identification 1.5.2 Slide Spotting 1.5.3 Incubation and Readout Supplies and Supply Handling and Storage 1.6.1 Storage Temperature Requirements 1.6.2 VITROS DT Slides 1.6.3 VITROS DT and DTE Pipettes and Micro Tips 1.6.4 VITROS DT Calibrator Kits 1.6.5 ViTROS DT Control I and DT Control II 1.6.6 VITROS DT Reference Fluid 1.6.7 VITROS DTE Dual-Sample Cups.. 1.6.8 Printer Paper 1.6.9 VITROS DT Accessory Kit* iii iii iv v ix xi 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-9
2.1 2.2
Start-up Procedure Testing Procedure 2.2.1 Pipetting Techniques 2.2.2 Steps for Analysis on the VITROS DT II System .... Calibration Data Module and Chemistry Language Module 2.3.1 Description of Calibration Data Module
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Description of Calibration Language Module 2-27 How to Install a New Calibration Data Module (CDM) and a Chemistry Language Module (CLM) .2-29 Normal Shutdown Procedure 2-33 Emergency Shutdown 2-33 3-1 3-3 3-13 3-21 3-21 3-23 3-27 3-33 4-1 4-3 4-5 4-7 4-11 4-13 5-3 5-5 5-19 5-21 5-21 5-23
3.1 CRC Overview 3.2 Entering Data for Coronary Risk Classification 3.3 Printing CRC Results Derived Tests 3.4 Overview 3.5 GLOB and A/G 3.6 Lipid Calculation (VLDL, LDL and CHOL/HDLC Ratio) 3.7 Anion Gap (AGP) 4.1 4.2 4.3 Why You Need to Calibrate When to Calibrate How to Calibrate 4.3.1 Preparing VITROS DT Calibrators 4.3.2 Entering the Calibration Mode Calibration Daily Cleaning Weekly Cleaning Other Cleaning: VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System FORSHead '... .. Paper Loading ,;;: 5.4.1 Removing the Paper 5.4.2 Inserting Paper '.
Section 4 Calibration
What Is Quality Control? What Are Controls? How Often Should Controls Be Run? How to perform a quality control test 6.4.1 Preparing Lyophilized Controls Analyzing the Controls How to Record the Results 6.6.1 Recording Quality Control Results on a Log 6.6.2 Recording Quality Control Results on a Graph Interpreting Control Results 6.7.1 Interpreting the Control Results from the Log 6.7.2 Interpreting the Control Results from the Graph Establishing Your Own Control Ranges 6.8.1 How to Calculate the Mean 6.8.2 Variables to Consider in Establishing the Mean
6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9
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6.8.3 Calculating the Standard Deviation 6.8.4 How to Calculate a Standard Deviation 6.9 Quality Control Troubleshooting Chart 6.10 Factors to Consider When Your Results Are Out of Range
Section 7 Options
7.1 7.2
7.3 7.4
How to Run Options Options for the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System 7.2.1 Serial Communication Options for the DT60 II System Options for the VITROS DTE II Module Options for the VITROS DTSC II Module
Section 8 Troubleshooting
Status Messages
10.1 Coded Warning Messages 10.1.1 Calibration (C) 10.1.2 Data Storage (D) 10.1.3 Electrometer (E) 10.1.4 Instrument Function (F) 10.1.5 Temperature (H) 10.1.6 Communications (N) 10.1.7 Reflectometer (R) DT60 II System 10.1.8 Reflectometer (L) DTSC II Module 11.1 Installation 11.2 Site Specifications 11.2.1 Space Requirements 11.2.2 Environmental Requirements (Temperature, Humidity, and Altitude) 11.2.3 Electrical Requirements 11.2.4 Refrigerator and Freezer Space 11.3 Moving the Analyzer 11.3.1 Relocation Outside the Office 11.3.2 Relocation Within the Office 12.1 New Equipment Warranty VITROS DT II System 12.2 New Accessory Warranty VITROS DT Pipette and VITROS DTE Pipette
10-1 10-1 10-4 10-6 10-10 10-14 10-16 10-18 10-19 11-1 11-3 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-6 11-6 11-6 12-1 12-2
Section 12 Warranty
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CALIBRATION LOG 13-1 SERVICE LOG 13-2 TEST/REAGENT LOG 13-3 VITROS DT II System Maintenance Log 13-4 VITROS DT II System Quality Control Log 13-5 Levey-Jennings Quality Control Chart for VITROS DT II System.13-6
Rev. 2004-03-30
For in vitro diagnostic use. The VITROS DT60 II System uses VITROS DT Slides to perform a number of discrete clinical tests on serum or plasma specimens. All reactions needed for a single quantitative measurement take place within the multilayered analytical element of the slide. A slide is used once for a single patient test and is then discarded. The unique properties of these slides eliminate the need to store, mix, and dispose of liquid reagent chemicals and permit reliable analyses with a very small patient sample. All processes performed by the analyzer are controlled by a selfcontained microcomputer. You communicate with the microcomputer through the keyboard; it communicates with you through messages that appear on the display screen and printouts.
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: the specific Instructions;for Use^ta;rrrore: infofrrfaiti(Jinr; 'Specimen Sample: - : : : m : "" :v ;: ):'!':: ""% N#i::::;:;; : :.n ; C i i H J Serum or|p)asma* ; : ';S.f-wi:;H-|Vi; i -^XM^/ Sample Size:
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* Appropriate anticoagulants for plasma specimens are suggested in the test Instructions for Use
Rev. 2004-03-30
print service mode cal mode delete test chemistry select enter
Used to perform all functions shown in red on your keyboardtest in progress, service mode, and delete test. Use the shift key first, then proceed with your second key selection.
Used in entering numeric data, such as patient identification numbers, and in identifying calibrators used in the calibration procedure.
Erases data from the display panel. TEST IN PROGRESS/COMPLETE: Test in Progress: (Press SHIFT key.) Used to display tests that are currently in the incubator of the DT60 II System and any active tests in the DTE II or DTSC II Module. Test Complete: Used to display the results of the last 20 tests that were completed. PATIENT ID: Used to assign the patient identification number to a sample. Test results are then printed with the appropriate patient
Enters the information input via the keyboard into the microcomputer. DELETE TEST/CHEMISTRY SELECT: Delete Test: (Press SHIFT key.) Used to delete a test after a slide has been entered, identified and spotted. When a test is deleted, the slide must continue through the analyzer, DTE II Module, or DTSC II Module. The printout indicates that the test was deleted. Do not remove a slide manually once deleted. Chemistry Select: Used to identify a test if the analyzer is unable to read the information contained in the barcode. Press the CHEMISTRY SERVICE MODE/CAL MODE: Service Mode: (Press SHIFT key.) Used to enter and exit the service mode and to access various equipment options. Cal Mode: Used to enter and exit the calibration mode. Signals to the microcomputer that the analyzer is about to be calibrated and registers the PRINT: Advances paper in the printer when pressed during normal analyzer operation.
1.3 Principles of Operation: VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System 1.3.1 Slide Identification
Place the VITROS DT Slide into the loading station of the analyzer. After loading a slide for the DT60 II System into the loading station, push the slide advance lever steadily and smoothly to move the slide into the spotting station. As the slide enters the spotting station, a bar code reader reads the laser bar code on the slide to identify the test and the slide generation number for the microcomputer. The test identification then appears on the display panel.
1.6 Supplies and Supply Handling and Storage 1.6.1 Storage Temperature Requirements
VITROS slide and fluid boxes are color coded in order to indicate the storage temperature of the slides and fluids. Light blue indicates the product must be frozen at temperatures less than -18CorOF. Purple indicates storage in refrigerator or freezer (<8C or 46F). Yellow indicates storage in a refrigerator at temperatures between 2 an.d 8C or 36 and 46F.
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1 -10
Operating Instructions
The previous section gave you an overview of your equipment's operating features. By following the operating instructions and illustrations in this section, you will discover how easy it is to make your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System work for you. As you become more familiar with your DT60 II System, many of the frequently performed operating procedures explained in this section will become second nature.
Allow the controls, slides, and reference fluids to come to room temperature (15-30 minutes). Unless otherwise noted on the control sheet packed with the control, reconstitute a new vial after 7 days. Write the date on the control and reference fluid when first opened. Allow patient samples to come to room temperature if refrigerated or frozen. Mix all fluids before using (gently invert several times).
Check that all power cords are securely plugged into the proper outlets.
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Power Socket
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2d. Make sure the message \jh . [ appears in the display. If it does not, check the power cord and make sure it is attached 2e. The message Lo will appear in the display when the DT Pipette is ready to aspirate a 10 uL drop of fluid.
3. Insert tip(s).
Attach a disposable tip by pressing the tip cone of the DT Pipette into one of the tips in the tip holder. The tip will click into place when it is seated correctly.
To attach disposable tips, press the DTE Pipette firmly into two of the tips in the holder. The tips will click into place when seated correctly. Visually inspect tips to make sure that the tips project equally from the pipette.
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Swing the sample holder into the loading position. Place a dual-sample cup into the holder so that the small well fits into the small depression in the holder and the large well fits into the large depression in the holder.
Gently invert the bottle of VITROS DT Reference Fluid to mix the fluid, and then squeeze at least 4 drops into the small well of the cup. Using a transfer pipette, pipette 4 drops (need at least 50 uL) of sample to be analyzed into the large well of the cup. IMPORTANT: Avoid bubbles in the fluid. Gently swing the sample holder back into place.
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Dispose of tip. NOTE: Use tips only once. Always use a new tip for each aspiration, even if it is drawn from the same fluid.
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Position the slide into the loading station. IMPORTANT: Inserting or removing a slide without following the analyzer prompts can cause unexpected results: Wait until the "ANALYZER READY" message appears before inserting a slide. DO NOT remove slide from spotting station after insertion unless directed by the analyzer.
Manually push the slide advance lever to move slide into spotting station.
Manually push the slide advance lever to move slide into the spotting station.
c m
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Gently insert pipette(s) into locator. The pipette must be fully seated in the pipette locator. Press the Start button to dispense 10 uL of fluid onto the slide. A dotted line will appear in the display after which the message (* R5P] or the message la will appear in the display indicating that the DT Pipette is ready for the next aspiration/ dispense cycle. IMPORTANT: DO NOT remove slide from spotting station after insertion unless directed by the analyzer.
An audible tone indicates that the slide has been spotted. Remove the DT pipette from the pipette locator within one second of the tone.
Green flashing light indicates "ready-tospot" status. At the sound of the tone promptly remove the pipette from the locator. Delay in the removal of the pipette may result in inaccuracy and imprecision.
Depress the pipette button and continue to hold it depressed. With the button still depressed, promptly but slowly, remove the pipette from the locator. An audible tone will tell you when the slide has been spotted. IMPORTANT: Do not release the pipette button until you have removed it from the pipette locator. Reaspiration of fluid that has already been dispensed on the slide may occur. Red indicator light will flash while slide is incubating.
7. Eject tip(s).
Dispose of tip.
Dispose of tip.
Dispose of tips.
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Allow the slides to reach room temperature before use. Press tip(s) firmly onto pipette. Check fluid level in tip(s). Wipe excess fluid from Ihe oulside of tips. Handle pipette carefully while aspirating fluid and spotting slide. Orient slides as shown in illustrations. Enter the patient ID when prompted by the analyzer. If an ID is nol enlered, [he previous ID that was entered will print out. When DT60 il System is turned on, the number 1 is an analyzer-assigned ID number for your first sample until the operator changes it. Always follow the analyzer prompts. Wait until the "ANALYZER READY" message appears before inserting a slide.
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2.3 Calibration Data Module and Chemistry Language Module 2.3.1 Description of Calibration Data Module
The calibration data module (CDM) is an electronic device contained in a protective carrier. The CDM contains several different types of data required to perform various tests on the DT60 II System and the DTE II and DTSC II Modules (for example, the generation number and the calibration kit number). OCD will issue a new CDM when: 1. You receive slides with a new generation number that is not supported in your current CDM. (The generation number appears on the individual slide wrapper and slide cartons, and on the bottle labels for Reference Fluid to define a formulation and process of manufacture.)
2. You receive calibrators having a new kit number which is not supported in your current CDM. The CDM must be installed before you use the new calibrators in order for the instrument to use the correct calibration data.
CAUTION: A CDM is a delicate electronic device. Handle with care.
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2.3.3 How to Install a New Calibration Data Module (CDM) and a Chemistry Language Module (CLM)
Follow the steps outlined below for simple installation instructions for both the CDM and CLM.
STEP 1. Turn the analyzer off. 2. Remove the old C D M or CLM. ACTION TO TAKE
The analyzer must be turned off before installing either a new CDM or CLM. Begin removing the old CDM or CLM by opening the door on the back of the analyzer to gain access to the compartment that houses the CLM and CDM. Read the labeling on the side of the compartment to make sure that you are unplugging the correct component. Unplug the old CLM or CDM as shown in the illustration.
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2.3.3 How to Install a New Calibration Data Module (CDM) and a Chemistry Language Module (CLM) (Continued)
STEP 3. Install the new CLM or C D M . ACTION TO TAKE Hold either component by the side edges and carefully remove it from its packaging. Position the new CLM or CDM as shown on the body of the analyzer. Note the positioning of the tabs. Check the alignment of the carrier to the receptacle before inserting the CLM or CDM. Check the labeling to make sure that you have inserted the correct component into the correct receptacle. For CLM installation: Calibrate the analyzer for the new test if you received the CLM with the materials for the test. If you changed the CLM only to change the language on the display screen then there is no need to recalibrate. NOTE: If the print is jumbled on the printer, the CLM and CDM may be in the wrong positions.
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only. The test does not take into account other risk factors, e.g., obesity, x-ray cardiac enlargement, lack of physical activity, heredity etc. Furthermore, the probabilities represent average values over a given population and not necessarily the experience of any one person. Coronary Risk Classification should be used with other information and parameters available from clinical patient evaluation. The CRC predictions provide a diagnostic tool, but are not a substitute for the physician's judgment.
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The CRC program allows the user to input "what if?" values for a given profile in order to determine the overall effect of that change on the five- and ten-year risk probability. For example, a 55-year-old male smoker who has a five-year CRC of 22% may see that he can reduce his risk probability to 1 6% if he gives up smoking. Of course, there is no assurance that lowering any given risk factor will in reality reduce overall risk. Clinical trials of risk-factor alteration, however, provide positive evidence that improving the risk-factor profile will lower the risk of coronary disease.
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There are 3 approaches to entering the CHOL and HDLC values. 1. You may run up to 10 CHOL tests and 10 HDLC tests (the analyzer has the capacity to remember the results for 20 tests) and then enter the corresponding CRC data for those 10 patients. After a complete set of data is stored for a patient, you may successfully request a printout of the Coronary Risk Classification results. 2. You may enter the CRC data for up to three patients at a time, then run the CHOL and HDLC tests. The analyzer will automatically printout the CRC results after printing the results for the chemistry tests. 3. You may run the CHOL and HDLC tests and keep a record of the test results for input into the CRC option at a later time. This allows you to run the CRC tests at your convenience and not worry about the 20result capacity in the buffer. Assuming the CHOL test was run on the patient sample previous to entering CRC data, the cholesterol value will automatically be displayed on the analyzer screen. If the screen is blank, the CHOL value needs to be entered. Once the data has been computed and printed, you may enter a new CHOL value replacing the current value or alter other risk parameters, permitting you to conduct "what if?" tests. NOTE: Values that printout GREATER THAN ANALYZER RANGE will not be included in the 20 report buffer. Once the sample has been diluted it will not be considered multiple. The analyzer will automatically print a result based on the diluted sample. The CHOL value must be multiplied by two and entered into the data to replace the current (diluted) value. You will receive an incorrect CRC result if the
data is not modified.
Both CHOL and HDLC require manual entry if either was multiple within the last 20 results. In this case, the word MULTIPLE will be displayed on the screen. Enter the appropriate CHOL value. The printed CRC report will be marked with an asterisk (*) next to the value indicating that the value was manually entered or "User Modified" and with a pound sign (#) indicating multiple results. Both CHOL and HDLC will be marked as multiple if either was multiple. If a CHOL value is less than 139 mg/dL or greater than 330 mg/dL, the program will accept the value but will automatically setthat value to 139 mg/dL or 330 mg/dL, respectively. When the CHOL field is modified in this manner, a plus sign (+) and the words "DATA SET TO AHA CHART LIMITS" will appear on the printed CRC report.
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HDLC 45 MG/DL ******************* CRC ******************* PT ID = FEMALE + 74 VEARS + 185 MM HG SBP NON-SMOKER NON-DIABETIC ECG-L'JH NEGATIVE CHOL 163 MG/DL HDLC 45 MG/DL + DATA SET TO CHART LIMITS 5 VR RISK b'-i 19 VR RISK 1 ' . 3AVERAGE 10 VEAR RISK FOR FEMALE 76-74 VEARS: 12X ******************* *******************
10 VR RISK 6": AVERAGE 19 VEAR RISK FOR FEMALE 45-49 VEARS: 5>. ******************* *******************
AUERAGE 10 VEAR RISK FOR FEMALE 45-49 VEARS: 5'< ******************* *******************
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4. CHOL and HDLC followed by CRC report indicating risk factors were greater than AHA Chart Limits. *******************
09-94-91 ******************* CHOL 231 ItQ/DL
HDLC 45 MQ/DL ******************* CRC ******************* PT ID It FEMALE 72 YEARS 131 MM HG SBP SMOKER DIABETIC ECS-LUH POSITIUE CHOL 231 MG/DL HDLC 45 MQ/DL ******************* AHA CHART EXCEEDED ******************* *******************
******************* CRC ******************* PT ID 2? MALE 48 VEARS 119 MM HG SBP NON-SMOKER DIABETIC ECG-LUH NEGATIUE CHOL MISSING HDLC MISSING MISSING CRC DATA ******************* *******************
10 VR RISK <2'/. AVERAGE 10 VEAR RISK FOR FEMALE 35-39 VEARS: <i\ ******************* *******************
5/95. Repn
-I 1/99.
Derived Tests
The VITROS DT II System has the ability to calculate derived tests based on the results of related chemistry components. This section describes how to access the options for derived tests, how to process derived tests, and how to print derived test results.
3.4 Overview
Derived test processing is available for: 1. Globulin (GLOB) and the Albumin-Globulin Ratio (A/G). Calculations are derived from ALB and TP test results. 2. Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL) and the cholesterol/high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (CHOL/HDLC Ratio). These tests are collectively called the Lipid Calculation. Calculations are derived from CHOL, HDLC and TRIG test results. 3. Anion gap (AGP). This calculation is derived from Na + , Cl" and CO 2 test results. For derived test processing to occur, the following conditions must be met: The derived test must be turned on by selecting the appropriate Option number prior to running tests on the component chemistries. Ajj of the components required to calculate the derived test result must be within the last 20 tests reported. There must be no more than one test result stored in the analyzer for the component and patient ID just tested. No multiple results are allowed. IMPORTANT To assure completion and accuracy of derived test processing: Component chemistry values must not be based on a dilution factor. A 1-10 character patient ID must be entered for the component tests prior to spotting the necessary
5/95. Repr"
< 1/99.
To access globulin and the albumin/globulin processing: Press SHIFT, then SERVICE/CAL MODE to enter the service mode. You may only enter this option if there are no samples processing. If samples are processing, the analyzer will beep and display - WAIT - TESTS IN PROGRESS until it completes all tests. When the display prompts you to ENTER OPTION NO., key in 25 and press ENTER. Press 1, then ENTER to turn on GLOB and A/G Ratio derived test processing. Press SHIFT, then SERVICE/CAL MODE again to exit the service mode. Now you are ready to run the component tests as outlined in section 2 of this manual, Operating Instructions. Once the patient ID is entered and both the ALB and TP slides are analyzed, GLOB and A/G test results will automatically be calculated and printed along with the ALB and TP test results. If more than one value for ALB or TP for a given patient ID appears in the last 20 results buffer, the test name and MULTIPLE RESULTS Will appear on the printout followed by the name of the derived test and NO RESULT-COMPUTE MANUALLY.
5/95. Repr
1. Results from component tests, ALB and TP, followed by GLOB and A/G results.
2. A 1-10 character patient ID was not entered prior to running ALB or TP tests.
3. The analyzer cannot calculate results for GLOB or A/G if there are multiple results for either of the component tests.
******************* I.D: 5154 81-20-92 ******************* ALB 3.0 8/DL TP 4.5 G/DL ******************* I.D: 5i5d TP 4.5 G - D --L ALB 3.0 G/DL
GLOB 1 . 5 6/-DL A/G 2.0 *******************
* : : . * * * * * * * * * * *
8..: j-'DL
5. i I.D:
* * * * x * : * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * *
5/95. Repr
' 1/99.
To access VLDL, LDL and CHOL/HDL Ratio processing: Press SHIFT, then SERVICE/CAL MODE to enter the service mode. You may only enter this option if there are no samples processing. If samples are processing, the analyzer will beep and display - WAIT - TESTS IN PROGRESS until it completes all tests. When the display prompts you to ENTER OPTION NO., key in 26 and press ENTER. Press 1, then ENTER to turn on the lipid calculation derived test processing. Press SHIFT, then SERVICE/CAL MODE again to exit the service mode. Now you are ready to run the component tests as outlined in section 2 of this manual, Operating Instructions. Once the patient ID is entered and CHOL, HDLC and TRIG slides are analyzed, VLDL, LDL AND CHOL/ HDLC ratio results will automatically be calculated and printed along with the CHOL, HDLC, and TRIG test results. If more than one value for CHOL, HDLC or TRIG for a given patient ID appears in the last 20 results buffer, the test name and MULTIPLE RESULTS will appear on the printout followed by the name of the derived test and NO RESULT-COMPUTE MANUALLY.
5/95. Rep
d 1/99.
5/95. Repr
' 1/99.
3. The analyzer cannot calculate results for LDL, VLDL, or CHOL/HDLC if there are multiple results for any of the component tests.
* *** * * *: * ********** f
I. o;
01-20-92 * * * * ******** * * * * * * * CHOL 160 CIG-'DL HDLC 66 riG.-'DL ******************* I.D: HDLC BLANK PATIENT ID Cv-H,LDL HO R E S U L T COMPUTE MANUALLV I.D: 2" 5 61-24--92 ******************* CHOL 232 MG.'DL CHOL
I.D: 78816 01-28-92 ******************* TRIQ 125 MG-'DL ******************* I.D: 78916 TRIG 125 MQ/DL ULDL 25 PfG/DL *******************
255 MG/DL
******************* I.D: 25 TRIG 255 MS/DL ULDL 51 MG-'DL fc***************** ******************* HDLC 52 f1G-'0L ******************* I.D: 25 CHOL MULTIPLE RESULTS
C / H , L D L HO RESULT COMPUTE MANIJALLV *******************
TRIG 128 TIQ/OL ******************* I. D : TRIG BLANK PATIENT ID ULDL,LDL NO RESULT COMPUTE MANUALLV *******************
163 MQ/DL
5/95. Repr<
' 1/99.
5/95. Repr
2. A 1-10 character patient ID was not entered prior to running Cl", CO 2 , and Na + tests.
3. The analyzer cannot calculate results for AGP if there are multiple results for any of the component tests.
* f * -i- . i- ,: * * * * * * * * * * .* *
I.D: 61-20-92 ******************* UL-
* :f * f -:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
CL12: .iMOL-'L
C02 22
119 MMOL/L ******************* I.D: NA+ BLANK PATIENT ID AGP NO RESULT COMPUTE MANUALLV *******************
NA +
***y- i .
. * * * * * * * * * * * *
H e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5/95. Repr
Calibration of blood-chemistry analysis equipment is an extremely important part of good laboratory procedure, since calibration helps to ensure the accuracy of test results. Faulty calibration or failure to calibrate the VITROS DT60 II System when recommended can lead to erroneous test results. When you calibrate the DT60 II System, you are programming new information into the software that translates data gathered during a slide reading into test results. Thus, during calibration, you are establishing new parameters for this translation process. The actual calibration procedure involves the analysis of VITROS calibrators fluids with known analyte concentrations in much the same manner as you analyze patient samples. Unlike sample analysis, however, the entire calibration procedure takes place with the System in the calibration mode, rather than the run mode. This procedure has been designed with ease and flexibility in mind. For instance, while it is suggested that you calibrate the tests in a certain order to make sure you do not miss any of them, you are free to calibrate in any order you wish. Thus, you can rearrange this procedure to meet your special needs.
5/95. Repr
- For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months.
3. When your Field Engineer indicates that calibration is necessary because servicing procedures might have affected the validity of the stored calibration parameters. Calibrate the analyzer for individual tests: 1. When the lot number of the ViTROS DT Slides change. 2. When the results of a quality control test using VITROS DT Controls or VITROS DT Isoenzyme Controls are consistently outside an acceptable range. 3. When a new lot of VITROS DT Reference Fluid is used. (This requires recalibration of tests run on the DTE II Module only.) NOTE: Refer to Section 13, "Log Sheets," for a sample of calibration log sheets to record data.
Rev. 2004-03-30
5/95. Repr
5/95. Repr
5/95. Repr'
i 1/99.
Allow calibrators to stand for 30 minutes. Slowly invert the diluent bottles several times to mix the contents thoroughly. Swirl bottles periodically, but DO NOT SHAKE the bottles. Invert the bottles slowly to dissolve the lyophilized particles. All particles must be dissolved before using.
5/95. Rep
i 1/99.
Rev. 2004-03-30
5/95. Repr
4.4 Calibration
Run bottles in sequence. The display will prompt you which bottle numbers to use. Enter calibrator bottle number by pressing the bottle number and ENTER key. IMPORTANT: DO NOT insert slide until DT60 indicates "ANALYZER READY". IMPORTANT: DO NOT remove slide from spotting station after insertion unless directed by the analyzer.
For specific instructions on proper pipetting techniques see Section 2. Carefully place pipette into calibrator bottle. DT60 II and DTSC II Aspirate fluid. Check fluid volume as shown in illustrations.
Rev. 2004-03-30
5/95. Repr
< 1/99.
Carefully position pipette in locator. DT60 I I System With the pipette in the locator, depress and release the start button. An audible tone indicates that slide is spotted and you should then remove the pipette from locator. DTSC II Module A green flashing light and an audible tone indicate a "ready-to-spot" status. When spotting is completed the green light will go off. DTE II Module Depress the pipette button and continue to hold it depressed. With the button still depressed, slowly remove the pipette from the locator. An audible tone will tell you when the slide has been spotted. A flashing red light appears to indicate incubation has begun.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT remove slide from spotting station after insertion unless directed by the analyzer.
5. Eject tips.
Rev. 2004-03-30
5/95. Repr
Before exiting the calibration mode, be sure there are no printout messages which report a zero (0) instead of a valid replicate number.
5/95. Repr
' 1/99.
CALIBROTION GLU CP*1-5.6943 CP#2 106.9S CP#3 2.3413 *************** *************** CALIBRATION URIC CPK1-1.8474 CP#2 12.551 CP#3 1.581S *************** *************** CALIBRATION K+ CFB1 1.2825 CP#2 .016945 ***************
5/95. Repr
Warm slides and calibrator fluids to room temperature. Do not interchange calibrators and diluents. For tests run on the DTE II Module, it is recommended that you run each bottle twice. Examine printout results. Run a quality control test to verify calibration.
5/95. Rep'
CAUTION: Routine cleaning does not necessitate opening the analyzer's main cover.
Do not remove main cover or clean analyzer, DTE II Module or the DTSC II Module with ammonia or ammonia-containing compounds.
Rev. 10/01
Rev. 1^""T
Rev. 10/01
Rev. 1 r "M
Pipette Locator
Slide Track
Rev. 10/01
Rev. T"
Cleaning the DT60 II System (continued) WHAT TO CLEAN 2. Bar code reader and drop detector surfaces. H O W TO CLEAN Put your thumb in the hole at the front of the analyzer spotting station cover and lift up to expose the internal assemblies. Use lukewarm water and a clean, dry cotton swab to clean the surfaces. When cleaning is complete close the spotting station cover.
Rev. 10/01
Cleaning the DTE II Module WHAT TO CLEAN 1. Pipette locator and visible slide track area. HOW TO CLEAN
Clean the pipette locators at the aspiration and spotting stations and the visible slide track areas, with a clean, cotton swab moistened with water. After cleaning, dry the area with another swab.
Pipette Locator
Slide Track
Pipette Locator
Rev. 10/01
Rev. 1
Cleaning the DTE II Module (continued) WHAT TO CLEAN 2. Rubber boot on the front of the electrometer. HOW TO CLEAN
Remove the pipette locator by placing your hand on the module and your thumb under the pipette locator slot. Lift the pipette holder up and out. Remove the nose assembly by turning the screw counterclockwise. Inspect and clean nose assembly and rubber boot with distilled water, then dry with lintless tissue. Place back into position and tighten screws clockwise.
Replace the pipette locator by placing the locator at an angle and placing the tabs on the square holes. Pull up slightly and push in and downward at the same time.
Electrometer Nose Assembly, Removed Top View
Rubber Boot
Rev. 10/01
Rev. 1
Cleaning the DTSC II Module WHAT TO CLEAN 1. Pickup and slide spotting stations. HOW TO CLEAN Clean these stations with a clean, absorbent cloth moistened with water. Dry them with a cloth after cleaning. Raise the access cover of the module to expose the internal parts. Remove the pipette locator. Use water and a clean absorbent cloth to clean the length of the slide track. Dry the slide track after cleaning.
2. Slide track.
Pickup Station
Rev. 10/01
Rev. 1
Cleaning the DTSC II Module (continued) WHAT TO CLEAN HOW TO CLEAN Use water and a swab to clean the hard-to-reach areas. Carefully replace the pipette locator.
3. Pipette locator.
Rev. 10/01
;. Rev. '
Cleaning the DTSC II Module (continued) WHAT TO CLEAN HOW TO CLEAN The white reference cap is located on the underside of the read station preheater arm. Use warm water and a clean, absorbent cloth. The sapphire read window is directly beneath the read station arm. Use warm water and a clean, absorbent cloth to clean the window.
Reference Cap
Rev. 10/01
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Rev. '
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Rev. 1
Rev. 10/01
Rev. 1 ^ 1
3. Advance paper.
Press the PRINT key to feed the paper through the print head. If the paper does not feed through the print head, try feeding it through the slot in the back of the print head again, or it may be necessary to turn the DT60 II System off and back on again to reset the printer.
Rev. 10/01
Rev. 1
Rev. 10/01
Rev. 1
Rev. 1 0/01
Rev. 1 ^ 1
Quality Control
Reporting reliable patient test results can be assured through a comprehensive quality control program. Like calibration, regular quality control testing is an important part of laboratory procedures, playing a vital role in maintaining the accuracy of test results.
6.4 How to perform a quality control test 6.4.1 Preparing Lyophilized Controls
Most tests performed on the VITROS DT II System are lyophilized, (freeze-dried) material, although some are in liquid form. These are prepared from human and bovine serum and should be handled with the same precautions that you would with any other serum sample. The lyophilized controls must be reconstituted before use. Avoid ingesting any material and wipe up any spills immediately. Refer to the instruction sheet packaged with the product for storage and stability requirements. 1. Allow the controls to reach room temperature. Materials should be at room temperature before reconstitution. Vials should sit out approximately 30 minutes if stored in refrigerator or approximately 60 minutes if stored in the freezer. 2. Open the bottle. Remove the metal seal from the bottle. IMPORTANT: DO NOT allow the control or diluent to stand open without the stopper. 3. Reconstitute the control. Tap the top of the bottle to dislodge any particles before opening. Invert the diluent bottles several times to mix the contents thoroughly, but DO NOT SHAKE. Use a new pipette tip for each vial. Add exactly 3 ml_ of the appropriate diluent to the vial of the lyophilized control. Discard any remaining diluent. 4. Dissolve all lyophilized particles. Allow controls to stand for 30 minutes with occasional inversion, or place on a rotator or rocker for 10 minutes. Invert the bottles gently, but do not shake. Check that no undissolved particles remain before using. When not in use, cover the vial tightly, label with the date, and refrigerate. To best realize the keeping stability of the control, transfer the amount needed for the day's use from the vial into another container, and return the vial to the refrigerator. Seal the working container to prevent evaporation.
Rev. 2004-03-30
Ftafaranea Fluid Ganarallon 01 Anaiyta Gn CO ? Value 24.2 80 2.9 119 Ranga 19.2-29.2 75-B5 2.6-3.2 Unlla mmoi/L rwr.oi/L mmol/L
16B f>((,'67
mfl/dtt mutiny
K* Na +
AN "\
o\ 4.7 'U . 1-5.3
iot no. changes, use the new comrot aooay find acceplabie ranges and begin e new
ol Value
Corrective Action/Comments
'Jes 'Jes
Repeat test-1.4-0.%
1. Record the control lot number, test name and range on the log sheet. Confirm that the control lot number on the assay sheet is the same as on the bottle of control you are using. 2. Record the date and result on the log sheet. 3. Compare the control value with the assay range on the log sheet. 4. If the control value is within range, it is acceptable. If it is not acceptable, see the "Quality Control Checklist". Record your corrective actions as indicated in the example. 5. Write your initials in the space provided. 6. Start a new log sheet when the control lot number changes. Record the new assay values on the control sheet.
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Control I Assay Sheet LotNumbe<jri317 CAT 842 0317
Expiration D a l e : AugusT3Trre37~"">y Conventions Value Units Range 129 140 1.1 0.9 0.6 (""is""1 53 S4 (M61 104-154 115-165 0.6-1.6 0.4-1.4 0.1-1.1 U/l U.t mg/dl mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL SI \ Value^ Range 129 140 19 15 10 6.4 4.3 4.2 VITiflOS DT Systems D T E M o d u l e s Reference Fluid Generation 01 Analyte Gen Value Range Units CO, 24.2 80 2.9
Analyte GEN AMYL 62/63 61/64/65 TBIl. NBIL BUN/UREA CHOI 68 66/67
iWiS4 115-SfE
10-27 \ m t o l / L 7-24 (tfhoM. 2-19 5.4-7.5 3.9-4.6 3.8-4.5 (imolO mmoi/L \ m mo I/L mmo!/f
K* SNa
) C^
152- 78 148- 74
1. Write the test name, generation number, slide lot number, control and control lot number in the spaces indicated above the appropriate chart. 2. Fill in the mean (value), +2SD and -2SD values from the assay sheet. To determine the SDs from the published assay sheet: +2SD = the upper range value listed on the assay sheet. -2SD = The lower range value listed on the assay sheet. 3. Fill in the +1SD and -1SD values, which must be calculated accordingly. +1SD = mean value + (+2SD value) 2 -1 SD = mean value + (-2SD value) 2 4. You are now ready to record results. Be sure to record the date and control test with each entry.
6.7 Interpreting Control Results 6.7.1 Interpreting the Control Results from the Log
If you are using VITROS DT Controls compare the printout with the results listed on the assay sheet that is packaged with the controls. Or you can compare the printout with the values established by your lab. If results are within range, it is acceptable. If results are outside the range, repeat the procedure for that particular test and consult the checklist at the end of this chapter.
This control chart indicates a trend in the observed value from 2/7 to 2/14, respectively.
'11317 Level 1
Upper = Limit Mean = Lower _ Limit
Observed Value
Corn ictive Action:
__J&ity_!D_ay_ _.
This control chart indicates a shift in the observed value from 3/11 to 3/14, respectively.
T1317_ Level 1
Upper = Limit Mean = _ Lower = Limit
3/15/96 3/28/96
5. Next, divide this sum by the total number of values minus one, in this case, 1 0 - 1 . You would divide by nine in this example. (414-9 = 46). 6. Finally, you take a square root of this value. This step is designed to "undo" the extra step that you took earlier in which you squared all the values. You can easily find the square root by using a pocket calculator. This square root of 46, which is written 46 equals 6.78 (approx.). In this example, 6.78 - one standard deviation. Generally, a test value is considered to be acceptable from a quality control point of view, if it is within two standard deviations of the mean that you have established. In the example given, then any quality control result for glucose that was within 6.78 x 2 or 13.56 mg/dL, of the mean of 110 would be considered acceptable. This would include any values between 96.44 (110- 13.56 = 96.44) and 123.56 (110+ 13.56 = 123.56). NOTE: The standard deviation you obtain should be similar in magnitude to those published by the manufacturer. A result that is much higher than stated by the manufacturer's figure can signal a system problem.
Factors to Consider
Slides Stored properly. Warmed sufficiently. Lot calibrated. Control How old is the control? If > 7 days, use a new one. Check assay sheet for stability. Were reconsitution procedures properly followed? Pipette Tip(s) inserted properly. Tip fill sufficient. Pipette removed at correct time after spotting. Check battery was battery low indicator on? Reference Fluid DTE II Module only. Stored according to requirements; usable for only 30 days after opening. Fluid warmed sufficiently. Check expiration date on carton. How long at room temperature in dual-sample cup? New VITROS Reference Fluid lot # requires calibration of Na + , K*, Cl", and Step 1. Rerun the control.
For DTE II Moduleleave Stored according to requirements. button depressed after Warmedj V V CA 1 1 1 I v spotting until sufficiently. you remove from locator.
2. If QC fails again, call your Customer Support Center.
Rev. 2003-10-01
Keyboard options are primarily used to check the function of the equipment after it is initially installed. They are also used in troubleshooting the equipment. For example, you may run a certain option to respond to an error message on the display. Some options are also used to obtain data that are stored in th.e microcomputer's memory - for instance, the type of reporting units for a test.
Cycles the slide transfer mechanism. This option is selfterminating. To specify number of cycles: Key in the desired number of cycles. Press ENTER. Checks the operation of the printer by printing out the entire set of characters from A to Z and 0 to 9, and all punctuation marks. This option is self-terminating. The two rows of 40 black rectangles light up. Lights the green LED in the FORS head. Run Options 0, 7, or 8 to terminate. Lights the red LED in the FORS head. Run Options 0, 6, or 8 to terminate.
Lights the yellow LED in the FORS head. Run Options 0, 6, dr 7 to terminate. Tests the read-write memory O N D14(RAM) in the analyzer. This option reinitializes the analyzer. Rerun all tests for all slides that were in the analyzer at the time of the loss. This option is self-terminating.
5 6
DESCRIPTION Tests the read-only memory (PROM). If the display reads: ERROR IN P R O M - t h e keyboard will not accept any further information until the problem is resolved. PROM OK - the option will be self-terminating at its completion. D13-PROM CHECKSUM ERROR - call your Customer Support Center. Displays current reporting units. Run Option 63 to select U.S. Units or Option 64 to select Standard International Units (S.I.)- This option is selfterminating. Prints out the last 64 characters, entered. This option is selfterminating. Displays the current version of software and the CDM number installed in your system.
This test is usually performed only at the request of service personnel. Prints the analog-todigital reading with each test result in the run, calibration or service mode. Run option 0 to terminate.
Rev. 2003-10-01
DESCRIPTION Prints analog-to-digital reading of the light coming through FORS. The display will prompt you to enter the followfng data: ENTER STEP CNT - select the number of steps to move the lower rack assembly (-255 to +255). ENTER # OF READS - select the number of analog-todigital readings. Your selections will appear on the display as they are made. Date should be entered before routine analyses begin. Use the numeric keys to enter any 8 digits. The dashes must be entered between the numbers or the date will not be recognized. Press the ENTER key after you have entered all numerals and dashes. Do not press ENTER after each individual entry. The date will then be printed out with every patient ID for your recording of records. See Section 2.2 for when you should enter the date. When enabled, shows the amount of time left for slides in the incubator. Energize the analyzer again to delete this option. Prints out an ammonia result with a creatinine result, if DSCREA is run. Turns the capability to process Coronary Risk Classification on and off. Allows you to verify the status as on or off. Touch 1 to turn on and 0 to turn off.
DESCRIPTION This option automatically turns CRC on and allows you to input the data necessary to run Coronary Risk Classification and to run "what if..." tests. See Section 3, "Coronary Risk Classification" for specific operating instructions. Turns the capability to process Globulin and Albumin/Globulin ratio calculations on and off. Allows you to verify the status as on or off. Touch 1 to turn on and 0 to turn off. Option 25 will remain on even if the analyzer is powered off and then on again, until the option is manually turned off. Turns the capability to process VLDL, LDL and CHOL/HDLC ratio calculations on and off. Allows you to verify the status as on or off. Turns the capability to processAnion Gap (AGP) calculations on and off. Allows you to verify the status as on or off. Touch 1 to turn on and 0 to turn off. Option 27 will remain on even if the analyzer is powered off and then on again, until the option is manually turned off.
DESCRIPTION Allows you to change the SAVs and the post-prediction values for any test. For SAVs: When the display prompts you with SELECT CHEMISTRY, press the CHEMISTRY SELECT key to advance to the desired test. Press 1, 2, 3, or 4 to access the values for bottles 1, 2, 3, or 4. To change values, press the CLEAR key and enter the new value. To cancel, press SERVICE/CAL MODE. For post-prediction values: Press 6 to display the postprediction slope. Press 7 to display the postprediction intercept. To change the values, press the CLEAR key and enter the new value. To cancel, press SERVICE/CAL MODE. Use this option after using option 30 to change SAVs and before calibrating. Use Option 0 to terminate once calibration is complete. Allows you to enter and print calibration parameters. Press the CHEMISTRY SELECT key to scroll to the desired test. Press 1, 2, 3, and 4 for calibration parameters. Press 5 for the web generation number. To update the value, press the CLEAR key then enter the new value, and press ENTER. To print values, press the PRINT key. Press SERVICE/CAL MODE to terminate the option.
OPTION NUMBER 33 SEL-F1ELD, ENT-VALUE, PRINTSO WB BF (Access spline values off the CDM)
DESCRIPTION This option should be used only when recommended by trained OCD service personnel. This option is used in conjunction with Option 35 to print a selected group of spline records from the CDM. For the spline records, SO number, web generation, and body fluid code are used in the record system. Run Option 35 first. Press the CHEMISTRY SELECT key to move from one field to another. Select the field and use 0-9 for A-J, and SHIFT 0- SHIFT 9 for K-T. The CLEAR key clears any previous values. Press PRINT to obtain all t spline records. This option should be used only when recommended by trained service personnel. Run Option 35 first. Press the CHEMISTRY SELECT key to move from one field to another. Select the field and use 0-9 for A-J, and SHIFT 0-SHIFT 9 for K-T. The CLEAR key clears any previous values. Press PRINT to obtain all SAV values. The default for the Options 33 and 34 is the short form. Press 0 to obtain a long form. Prints the correction factors and reference slide reflectances. NOTE: Use Option 50 to obtain the data for the DTSC II Module.
SEL-FIELD, ENT-VALUE PRINTSO WB BF KN (Access SAV calibrator values off the CDM)
Rev. 2003-10-01
Advances the electrometer to the read position. Run Option 41 to terminate the option. Returns the electrometer to the home position. This option is self-terminating. Cycles the drive mechanism a specified number of times. Key in the desired number of cycles and press ENTER. This option is self-terminating Verifies the electrical performance of the electrometer. The gain factor, reference, and offset values of the electrometer will be the following range: GAIN FACTOR 24.0 to-21.5 REFERENCE 80.22 to-83.46 OFFSET 01 This option is self-terminating. Checks the incubator in the module. This test takes 40 seconds from the time you select the option. The following display messages may appear: DTE MODULE TEMP OK - temperature is within the correct range. DTE MODULE TEST FAILED - temperature is outside the proper range.
52 53
The software of the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System, VITROS DTE II Module, and VITROS DTSC II Module monitors many hardware functions. Information regarding most sources of malfunction is provided to you through the display or the paper printout. This section provides you with instructions on what to do when your analyzer is not operating properly, including suggestions on the possible causes.
Cable leading from module to the analyzer is not securely fastened. Instrument malfunction.
POSSIBLE CAUSE VITROS DTSC II Module is not operating. Cable leading from module to the analyzer is not securely fastened.
OPERATOR RESPONSE Check that the cable leading from the analyzer to the DTSC II Module is securely plugged in. Turn the analyzer off, then on again. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center. Check that the plug is plugged securely into the outlet. Turn the switch to the ON position. Verify that the outlet is functioning. See Section 5.6.2, "Paper Loading," for correct loading procedures.
Power cord is not securely plugged into the outlet. Main power switch is. OFF. Nonfunctioning outlet. Printer working but does not print hard copy. Printer paper inserted with heat sensitive side on the back. The heat sensitive side of the paper marks when scratched with finger nail. Main power switch in OFF position. Power cord pulled from the power outlet.
If the main power switch is in the OFF position, turn it to the ON position. Verify that the power cord is plugged securely into the analyzer and into the power outlet. Turn the main power switch to the OFF then ON again. Rerun tests for all slides that were in the analyzer at the time of the power loss. Repeat the calibration process for all tests being calibrated at the time of the power loss. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
POSSIBLE CAUSE Temporary power loss. Line voltage dropped below specifications.
OPERATOR RESPONSE If the voltage temporarily drops and then returns to normal, the unit will reinitialize. After reinitialization, repeat tests for all the slides in the analyzer at the time of the power loss. Repeat the calibration process for all tests being calibrated at the time of the power loss.
Rev. 2004-03-30
An incorrect usage of the delete test key. The delete test key deletes a test after a slide has been entered, identified, and spotted. When a test is deleted, the slide must continue through the analyzer. Do not remove a slide manually once it has been deleted. IMPORTANT: If a slide is removed manually after the delete test is requested, a tracking error will occur. A slide disposal box that is not emptied on a daily basis. An overfilled slide disposal box causes the slides to backup resulting in a tracking error. If You Suspect a Tracking Error 1. Wait until the analyzer has finished processing. 2. Empty the slide disposal box. 3. Enter the service mode by pressing SHIFT then SERVICE/CAL MODE. 4. When the display prompts you to ENTER OPTION NO., press 3 then press ENTER. 5. When the display prompts you to ENTER # OF CYCLES (1-99), press 6 then press ENTER. 6. After the cycles have completed, check the slide disposal box. IMPORTANT: If the slide disposal box does not contain exactly one slide then a tracking error has occurred. 7. Exit the service mode by pressing SHIFT then SERVICE/CAL MODE. 8. The analyzer is now ready to resume routine operation.The above actions have cleared the tracking error. Please review and confirm previous results. Important Points to Remember Please follow the display messages. Insert and remove slides only when the display indicates to do so. Once the slide is spotted, use the SHIFT + DELETE keys to inhibit results from printing, but do not remove the slide.
Rev. 2004-03-30
In the CAL mode, creatinine and ammonia cannot be run while a slide for BUN is in the incubator. Instrument is still warming up.
If the message appears when the analyzer is first turned on, wait until ANALYZER READY message is displayed (approximately 25 minutes). Check to see that the pipette locator cover is closed properly. After it is closed, the INCUBATOR WARMING UP message will appear. Wait until the display disappears and the ANALYZER READY display appears before running the next test.
Pipette locator cover on the analyzer was left open longer than 5 seconds.
EXPLANATION Bar code reader cannot read the bar code on slide. Slide inserted upside down. The patient sample and electrolyte reference fluid were dispensed without first loading a slide.
ACTION TO TAKE Discard slide and repeat the test. This message will be displayed until the cover is lifted. Clean the barcode reader. Remove pipette locator cover. Examine internal assemblies and clean any serum or electrolyte reference fluid that may be present, following the instructions in Section 5.3. Wait until you hear the electrometer stop cycling, then run the desired option. Using the numeric keys on the keyboard, enter the number of the calibrator kit that you are using. This number is found on the box of calibrator fluids. Using the numeric keys on the keyboard, enter the level (1, 2, 3, or 4) of calibrator that you are about to use. Enter the generation number. If you do not have the DTE II Module, enter the number 1.
A DTE II Module option was requested, and the electrometer is still cycling. The analyzer is prompting you to enter the number of the calibrator kit. This message appears after you enter the calibration mode. The analyzer is prompting you to enter the bottle number of the calibrator. The analyzer is prompting you to enter the reference fluid generation number on the bottle of VITROS DT Reference Fluid. The analyzer is prompting you to enter the generation number of the slide. This message appears after a test is selected in response to the SELECT TEST message.
Using the numeric keys on the keyboard, enter the generation number of the slide that you just inserted. The generation number can be found on the box of slides being used. (The ENTER key must be pushed twice to identify the generation on the DTSC II Module).
EXPLANATION You tried to run a test while the instrument is in the service mode. This message is for service use only.
ACTION TO TAKE Exit the service mode by pressing the SHIFT and SERVICE keys on the keyboard. No operator response. Wait until message disappears or until the analyzer processes at least one test result before entering another slide. If you had already entered a slide, lift the pipette locator cover and remove the slide to prevent a jam. Close the cover within 5 seconds or the analyzer will reinitialize.
The incubator in the analyzer has not yet warmed to the proper operating temperature. This message is displayed after spotting a creatinine slide to indicate that the next slide to be run must be an N H 3 slide. Printed as a result of a slide jam. The message that follows on the printout (F11-F15 TRANSFER MALFUNCTION) indicates the location of the jam.
Wait until the ANALYZER READY message appears before you attempt to run any tests. Load a slide for
Open the pipette locator cover and remove the jammed slide. When you close the cover, the instrument will reinitialize. Wait for the ANALYZER READY message to appear before running another test.
EXPLANATION You tried to spot a slide that was not identified. Bar code reader cannot read bar code on slide. You dispensed the patient sample without first loading a slide.
ACTION TO TAKE Check to be sure the slide is inserted into the correct module. Open pipette cover and remove slide within 5 seconds by pulling it back from the ends. (Do not touch center of slide because i t . contains the reagent). NOTE: If the pipette cover is open longer than 5 seconds, the analyzer will delete all slides in the incubator and require an incubator warm up. If a slide is being read at the same time that the cover is open, that slide result may be deleted. Reinsert the slide at a faster rate of speed. If the bar code reads, continue processing. If the bar code does not read, open the pipette locator and clean the bar code sensor with a dry swab. After the analyzer displays READY, reinsert the slide. If the bar code reads, continue processing slides. If the bar code still does not read, call your Customer Support Center.
EXPLANATION In the calibration mode, this message informs you that the result from the calibrator fluid is above the range of the analyzer. Incorrect information was manually entered. In the run mode, the sample concentration is above the analyzer range.
ACTION TO TAKE Rerun the calibrator fluid in question. If message recurs, reconstitute a fresh calibrator fluid and rerun the test. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center. If the CHEMISTRY SELECT key was used, make sure that all the information entered was correct. Dilute the sample and rerun the test. (Be sure to adjust the results according to the dilution factor). See the Instructions for Use for the test you are running for more information on dilution procedures. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
In the calibration mode, this message informs you that the result from the calibrator fluid is below the range of the analyzer. In the run mode, the sample concentration is below the analyzer range.
" Rerun the calibrator fluid in question. If message recurs, reconstitute a fresh calibrator fluid and rerun the test. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center. If the CHEMISTRY SELECT key was used, make sure that all the information entered was correct. Rerun the test. If message recurs, run a quality control test. If quality control results are within the proper range, report the test results as being below the analyzer range.
Rev. 2003-10-01
ACTION TO TAKE Press ENTER to verify the selection. If the selection is incorrect, use the CHEMISTRY SELECT key to scroll to the correct test and then press ENTER. Do not remove the unidentified slide. Leave it in the instrument and use the CHEMISTRY SELECT key to manually select the test that you have loaded into the spotting station. If the analyzer prompts you to remove the slide, do so as quickly as possible. If the cover is open more than 5 seconds, it could result in the loss of the tests in progress. If any of these problems recur, call your Customer Support Center.
Slide was inserted backward. Instrument was unable to read the bar code. Unsteady motion while inserting the slide. Instrument malfunction.
EXPLANATION Slide was inserted backward. Instrument was unable to read the bar code. Instrument malfunction.
ACTION TO TAKE Visually check to see that the slide is correctly positioned below the pipette locator at the spotting station. The slide should be positioned as indicated in the diagram on the slide track. (The two small holes where the sample and reference fluid are deposited should face you.) If the slide is positioned correctly, press the CHEMISTRY SELECT key to manually identify the test. If the slide was inserted backward, insert a new slide. You can do this even while the SLIDE NOT IDENTIFIED message appears on the display. If the message remains, call your Customer Support Center.
The test was deleted by the operator before it was complete. The pipette locator cover was left open longer than 5 seconds, so the incubator temperature dropped and the tests in progress were invalidated.
Check to see that the cover is closed. Wait for the ANALYZER READY message to appear, then repeat the test in question.
EXPLANATION This message appears when exiting the calibration mode. The analyzer is indicating that you accidentally forgot to run a bottle during the calibration procedure, or you had an invalid calibration reading.
ACTION TO TAKE Load a slide for the test indicated to find out which calibrator bottle you are missing. Any number that is not flashing indicates the bottle that you need to run. After running the missing bottle(s) and after valid replicate numbers are printed, press the CAL key to exit the calibration mode. Wait until this message is replaced by the ANALYZER READY message before trying to insert the next slide.
The analyzer is indicating that the slide you just spotted with fluid on the DT60 II has not yet been transferred into the incubator.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT insert slide until the DT60 indicates "Analyzer Ready".
XXX (test name) USES BOTTLES (1,2,3,4) ENTER BOTTLE NO. (Printout and Display) During the calibration procedure, after the bar code on the slide is read, the analyzer is prompting you to choose the calibrator bottle that you want to run. To respond, enter the bottle number (press 1 , 2 , 3 , 4) to indicate which calibrator bottle you have chosen to run.
Rev. 2004-03-30
Exit cal mode.To clear slides out of incubator, empty the slide disposal box and run option 3 (6 cycles) (VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System only). After the cycles have completed, check the slide disposal box. If the slide disposal box does not contain exactly one slide then a tracking error has occurred. Refer to section 8.3. Be sure pipette is clean. Repeat calibration with same calibrators. If the same error occurs, reconstitute new calibrators and recalibrate.
Rev. 2004-03-30
EXPLANATION/CAUSE Run Mode: Generation of slide loaded in the run mode has not yet been calibrated. Operator keyboard error (if number was entered manually). Calibration Mode: Incorrect calibrator kit for the test being calibrated.
ACTION TO TAKE Remove the slide and calibrate the test. Remove the slide and enter correct gen. #.
*Theo&CHE *CKMB All Other
*L19 error code will occur on DTSC II Module. Calibration Data Module (CDM) does not contain the information required for the slide generation being used. C15 KIT NUMBER NOT IN MEMORY (Display) Calibrator kit expired. Replace with the most current CDM. Install new CDMs when they arrive.
Check the expiration date on the calibrator box. Obtain new calibrator kit, if expired. Verify that the number entered was correct. Re-enter if necessary. Replace with most current CDM. Be sure to install CDMs when they arrive.
Calibration mode was exited before all levels were run for a given test.
Recalibrate the test in question. Follow proper procedure for all required levels of calibrator. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
Rev. 2004-03-30
EXPLANATION/CAUSE Response (DR value) obtained for a calibrator bottle is not within an acceptable range: - bottles run out of order. - drop is too small. - calibrator bottle is reconstituted improperly. - Tracking error may have occurred
ACTION TO TAKE Exit cal mode. To clear slides out of incubator, empty the slide disposal box and run option 3 (6 cycles) (VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System only). After the cycles have completed, check the slide disposal box. If the slide disposal box does not contain exactly one slide then a tracking error has occurred. Refer to section 8.3. Be sure pipette is clean. Repeat calibration with same calibrators. If the same error occurs, reconstitute new calibrators and recalibrate.
The computer software will not accept the record format number of the CDM. Damaged CDM or CDM socket. Software problem.
Turn analyzer off. Remove the CDM and reinsert it, or replace with a new CDM. Turn analyzer on and wait for it to reinitialize. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center. Check the number on the reference fluid bottle label. Either replace the CDM or the reference fluid to achieve a match. Check that the number entered was correct and reenter if necessary. If message recurs, all your Customer Support Center.
Calibration data module (CDM) is not programmed with the generation number of reference fluid that you entered. Operator keyboard error.
The analyzer is trying to calibrate for creatinine, but cannot find the ammonia result, which should have already been calculated.
Rev. 2004-03-30
Call your Customer Support Center.
ACTION TO TAKE Call your Customer Support Center. Run option 36 (DT60 II System) or option 50 (DTSC II Module) to see if correction factors are in memory. If the correction factors are 0, enter the correction factors from a previous option 36/50 tape using option 81 (DT60 II System) or 101 (DTSC II Module). To determine if calibration data are in memory: - enter option 32. - press CHEM SELECT until desired chemistry appears on display. - press PRINT and compare the printout to the calibration data from a previously saved printout. Enter the lost calibration data again or wet calibrate the DT60 II System, DTSC II Module, or DTE II Module.
There was an error in calibration. D25 DTSC INTERNAL RAM FAILURE (Printout) When initializing the DTSC II Module the software detects that the internal memory test has failed.
Wet calibrate all chemistries if unable to restore lost calibration. Turn the DTSC II Module off and then back on again, waiting for it to reinitialize. Repeat any tests that may have been deleted by turning the module off. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
When initializing the DTSC II Module, the software detects that the external memory test has failed.
Turn the DTSC II Module off and then back on again. Wait for it to reinitialize. Repeat any tests that may have been terminated by turning the module off. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
The DTSC II Module fails to write to the battery backed RAM as expected. This error can occur at any time during operation. When initializing the DTSC II Module, the software detects a checksum error on its PROM.
Instrument malfunction.
Check the interface cable. Repeat the test in question. If message recurs, callyour Customer Support Center.
Instrument malfunction.
ACTION TO TAKE Check that the interface cable and pipette locator are secure. Repeat the test in question, making sure that the slide is inserted correctly. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
Sample/reference fluid levels are not adequate in dual sample cup. The DTE II Pipette is not working properly.
Assure that patient specimen and reference fluid volumes are adequate (at least 4 drops of each) in the dual sample cup. Verify pipette operation and proper protocol: - install the tips tightly. - check fluid levels in tips (both tips should have nearly equal fluid volumes). If fluid level is not even, dispense sample, eject tip, and insert new tips. - wipe outside of tips before dispensing fluid, being careful not to touch ends with tissue wipes (which will absorb fluid from tips). - 'keep pipette button depressed after spotting until you remove pipette from locator or fluid will be aspirated by pipette back off slide.
Remove pipette locator and nose assembly and make sure rubber boot is in place. Reposition pipette locator as it snaps into position. Be sure the DTE II Interface Cable (the cable that connects the DTE II Module to the back of the DT60 II System) is seated correctly.
EXPLANATION/CAUSE Instrument malfunction. This message appears during option 43 along with the message: El 4 RESULTS INVALID. Instrument malfunction. This message appears during option 43 along with the message: E14 RESULTS INVALID. It may also appear when you are running a test.
ACTION TO TAKE Check the interface cable. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
Check interface cable. If the message appears while you are running a test, run the test again. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center. If message recurs at an excessive frequency, call your Customer Support Center.
Instrument malfunction. This message appears during option 43 along with the message: E14 RESULTS INVALID. Instrument malfunction.
Check the interface cable. Repeat the test in question. If message recurs at an excessive frequency, call your Customer Support Center.
Instrument malfunction.
Check the interface cable, the pipette and the pipette locator. Repeat the test in question. If message recurs at an excessive frequency, call your Customer Support Center.
EXPLANATION/CAUSE Sample/reference fluid levels are not adequate in dual sample cup. The DTE II Pipette is not working properly.
ACTION TO TAKE Assure that patient specimen and reference fluid volumes are adequate (at least 4 drops of each) in the dual sample cup. Verify pipette operation and proper protocol: - install the tips tightly. - check fluid levels in tips (both tips should have nearly equal fluid volumes). If fluid level is not even, dispense sample, eject tip, and insert new tips. - wipe outside of tips before dispensing fluid, being careful not to touch ends with tissue wipes (which will absorb fluid from tips). - after spotting, keep the pipette button depressed until you remove the pipette from the locator or fluid will be aspirated off the slide. Remove pipette locator and nose assembly and make sure rubber boot is in place. Reposition pipette locator as it snaps into position. Be sure the DTE II Interface Cable (the cable that connects the DTE II Module to the back of the DT60 II System) is seated correctly. Discard any bottles open longer than the 30 day stability period.
Rev. 2004-03-30
ACTION TO TAKE Press PRINT on the keyboard. This may dislodge loose paper bits. Remove paper bits from top of printer. Turn the DT60 II System off and back on again. An easy way to load paper: - remove printer cover by pulling it up and towards the left, away from the analyzer. - cut the remaining paper away from core and pull the tape through top of print end. IMPORTANT: Do not pull tape backwards! This might damage paper feeding mechanism. - Cut corners of the fresh roll and position roll so that lead edge faces you and feeds from bottom of roll. Feed pointed end over roller and through slot in back of printer head until you see paper. Grab paper as it exits top of printer and pull a short distance through printer. Touch PRINT on keyboard overlay to advance paper. - Test printer by running option 4. NOTE: If the paper cannot be reloaded due to printer malfunction, test results may be obtained by pressing the TEST COMPLETE. To prevent this code, change the paper when a color strip appears.
ACTION TO TAKE Allow "tests in progress" to print out. Raise the pipette locator cover and check for slide jam. If there is a jam, remove the jammed slide. Check the pressure pad for binds by moving it up and down. Run option 3 for three cycles. Lower the pipette cover and resume testing when prompted by the analyzer.
Repeat the test. If message recurs, call your Customer Support Center. Remove the slide, if visible at the pickup station. Open the cover, if necessary, and remove the slide, then close the cover. Wait for the DTSC II Module to initialize (five minutes). Run option 108 and follow the instructions to step the slide through the slide transport cycle.
Exit options and resume normal operation when prompted by the analyzer. NOTE: Does not require an operator response. Respond as instructed to the coded warning message that follows. To reduce slide jams, empty slide disposal box regularly.
EXPLANATION/CAUSE DTSC II Module could not find home on the filter wheel, or is having problems with moving the f u . ., , & filter to the correct
ACTION TO TAKE Check to see that the arm is down at the read station, or make sure that a slide is at the read station. -,., n T c r , , , , u , Turn the DTSC IIu Module off and . .x . .i. c turn it on again waiting for it to reinitialize. Repeat tests that may have been deleted by turning the analyzer off. Clean the opal plug and sapphire window.
Check that the room temperature is within the range. The analyzer will not operate if the room temperature exceeds 29C (85F). If necessary, adjust the room thermostat. If the message appeared after the pipette locator cover was opened and closed, wait until the ANALYZER READY message is displayed. If neither of the first two probler..-, 3ms exists, call your Customer Support Center. Check that the room temperature is within the range. The analyzer will not operate if the room temperature falls below 15C(60F). If necessary, adjust the room thermostat. If the message appeared after the pipette locator cover was opened and closed, wait until the ANALYZER READY message is displayed. If the message appears when the analyzer is first turned on, wait until the ANALYZER READY message is displayed. If none of the first three problems exists, call your Customer Support Center.
Temporary temperature fluctuation after the pipette locator cover was open. Instrument malfunction.
HI 3
Temporary temperature decrease after the pipette locator cover was open.
Instrument malfunction.
EXPLANATION/CAUSE This is a warning that the room temperature is too low. This code will appear with another, more specific code. Test results printed on the DTE II Module with this message were for tests in progress when the module's internal temperature fluctuated outside its normal operating range. During continuous monitoring the DTSC II Module detects the preheat temperature is out of specifications.
HI 5
DTSC PREHEAT CAP TOO LOW/TOO HIGH THERMISTOR FAIL (Printout - only 1 response will print out) DTSC PREHEAT BOTTOM TOO LOW/ TOO HIGH THERMISTOR FAIL (Printout - only 1 response will print out) DTSC READ CAP TOO LOW/TOO HIGH THERMISTOR FAIL (Printout - only 1 response will print out)
Turn the DTSC II Module off then back on again, waiting for it to reinitialize. Repeat any tests that may have been deleted by turning the analyzer off. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center. Adjust the room temperature.
During temperature monitoring, the DTSC II Module detects that the preheat temperature is outside of specifications.
During temperature monitoring, the DTSC II Module detects a problem with the temperature in the read station.
EXPLANATION/CAUSE Inadequate space around the analyzer is preventing air circulation. Analyzer air exhaust vents dirty. A fan or vent is directed at the analyzer.
ACTION TO TAKE Allow air flow between the modules. Clean the vents with a soft-bristled brush after the instruments are powered off. Divert any direct air flow away from the analyzer. NOTE: If these actions fail to resolve the problem, power the instrument off and on.
EXPLANATION/CAUSE The DT60 II System did not receive the appropriate response from theDTSCII Module that it was expecting. The DT60 II System received a reading about a slide that it does not have defined. The DT60 II System received a reading that is out of sync with what was expected; either double readings or it missed a reading. There is a communications problem between the DT60 II System and DTSC II Module.
ACTION TO TAKE Turn the analyzer off then on again, waiting for it to reinitialize. Repeat any tests that may have been deleted by turning the analyzer off. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
Turn the DTSC II Module off then power off the DT60 II System. Turn the DT60 II System back on again, then turn on the DTSC II Module, waiting for it to reinitialize. Repeat any tests that may have been deleted by turning the analyzer off. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
Clean the FORS Head: lift the Spotting Station cover to expose the FORS weight. Lift up on the weight that covers the head. clean the FORS Head with a cotton swab moistened with water. Dry with a clean absorbent cloth before returning the weight into position over the FORS Head. Close the spotting station cover. Check for excessive room light. Light fixtures mounted directly above and in close proximity to the DT60 II System may affect the FORS. Make sure the slide disposal tray and main cover for the DT60 II System are in place. Repeatthe creatinine and ammonia slides to verify the test results. It is recommended that for optimum performance, creatinine and ammonia testing should not be performed when a slide for BUN is in the incubator.
You tried to run a slide for creatinine and ammonia immediately after you ran a slide for BUN and the result for BUN was > 40 mg/dL.
Dilute the sample using the appropriate diluent (refer to the Instructions for Use). If this code occurs with a high frequency and diluted samples produce normal results or another code, call your Customer Support Center. This Substrate Depletion code indicates that the change in kinetics for the test occurred too quickly.
L12, L13
The sample has unusual kinetics, e.g., multiple myeloma. Calibration parameters were entered manually.
Dilute the sample using the appropriate diluent (refer to the Instructions for Use). Recalibrate. NOTE: Enzyme activity may be low, medium or high. These codes are designed to flag samples that contain interfering substances.
There is some mechanical or electrical noise interfering with the calculation of the test result. A gain value sent from the DTSC II Module or a value that was computed for a new gain is out of the prescribed limits.
Rerun the test. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
Turn the analyzer off then clean the white reference plug and sapphire window. Turn the analyzer on again, waiting for the analyzer to reinitialize. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
Rev. 2003-10-01
Turn the analyzer off then on again, waiting for the analyzer to reinitialize. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center. Turn the analyzer off then on again, waiting for the analyzer to reinitialize. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center. If a slide is at the spotting station, and an invalid spot occurs, the DTSC II Module will invalidate the test and process the slide through the unit. If the slide is in the hold station (between the pickup and spotting station), the slide will be backed out to the pickup station. Insert a new slide and repeat the test. If fluid was dispensed at the spotting station without a slide present, clean the spotting station.
Gain value is out of range, either above or below specification. The DTSC II Module detected a spot interrupt when unexpected. The slide was spotted too early before the green LED on the display was flashing, or there was no slide at the spotting station.
Run Mode: Generation of slide loaded in the run mode has not yet been calibrated. Operator keyboard error (if number was entered manually). Calibration Mode: Incorrect calibrator kit for the test being calibrated. Remove the slide and calibrate the test. Remove the slide and enter correct gen. #. Use the correct calibrator kit:
Calibrator to Use
VITROS Specialty Calibrator Kit VITROS Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit VITROS Calibrator Kit
*Theo & CHE *CKMB All Other
*C14 error code will occur on DT60 II Module. Calibration Data Module (CDM) does not contain the information required for the slide generation being used. Replace with the most current CDM. Install new CDMs when they arrive.
Rev. 2004-03-30
EXPLANATION/CAUSE The read area is dirty. The black offset reading has failed its limit check. The read area is dirty. The reference voltage reading has failed its limit check.-
ACTION TO TAKE Clean the opal plug and read window. See section 5 as a reference. Rerun the test. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center.
Turn the DT60 II System off then on again, waiting for the analyzer to reinitialize. Repeat any tests that may have been deleted by turning the analyzer off. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center. Check to see that the DTSC II Module cover is properly closed. The module will then reinitialize (5 minutes). Repeat any tests that may have been deleted by having the cover open. If the problem recurs, call your Customer Support Center
11.1 Installation
The DT60 II System will be unpacked and installed by an OrthoClinical Diagnostics representative or other trained personnel. CAUTION: Do not attempt to install a DT60 II System, DTE II Module, or a DTSC II Module unless properly trained. 1. Unpack equipment. Remove the DT60 II System, the DTE II Module, and the DTSC II Module from the shipping container. Remove packing materials from the: DT60 II System FORS Weight Pressure Pad Preheat Station DTE II Module Electrometer Nose Section Sample Holder DTSC II Module Operator Access Cover Preheat Heater Arm Read Station Heater Arm
2. Set up equipment. Place the DT60 II System, the DTE I! Module, and the DTSC II Module in the desired location. Position the DTE II Module to the right of the analyzer, and the DTSC II Module to the left. Do not plug in the analyzer yet. If the DTSC II Module is part of the installation then remove the connector shroud (Part No. 613871). Attach the DTE II Module cable assembly (Part No. 351572) to the rear of the DT60 II System chassis, securing it to the chassis with the screws provided. Connect the DTSC II Module to the adapter box using the DTE II Module's cable assembly(Part No. 338669) and secure it with the two connector screws provided. With the cover of the analyzer up, check to make sure that the 120/ 240 switch is in the proper position (120 position for the United States and Canada, 240 position for Europe). Replace the cover and secure the cable with the clamp (Part No. 338669). Insure that the line module/voltage selector is at the proper setting for the location. The setting may be changed by opening the snap-open cover of the module and rotating the selector drum to the proper setting. The voltage selected will appear in the window once the cover is closed. 3. Check power source and plug the analyzer in. Please refer to Electrical Requirements, 11.2.3. Check the line voltage. For the DT60 II System it must be between 105 and 127V ac. Check that the button of the analyzer is in the OFF position. Then, plug the analyzer into the receptacle. After the analyzer is plugged in, turn the DT60 II System on and wait while it goes through a series of self-checks and warms up (approximately 25 minutes). The DTSC II Module has settings for nominal voltages of 100, 120, 220, and 240V ac (-10% +5%). Check that the ON/OFF button on the module is in the OFF position. Then plug the module into the receptacle. After the module is plugged in, turn it on and wait while it goes through a series of self-checks and warms up (approximately 5 minutes). NOTE: The DT60 II System must be turned on first before the DTSC II Module. You do not need to wait for the analyzer to warm up before using the DTSC II Module.
11 -2
4. Calibrate.
Calibrate the DT60 II System, DTE II Module, and DTSC II Module for all tests. 5. Run a quality control test. Run a quality control fluid for all tests to verify the calibration.
VITROS DTE II Module: Width Depth Height Weight = = = = 14.6cm (5.75 inches) 35.4cm (13.9 inches) 16.5cm (6.5 inches) Approximately 2.7kg (6 pounds)
VITROS DTSC II Module: Width Depth Height Weight = 34.3cm (13.5 inches) = 35.4cm (13.9 inches) = 16.5cm (6.5 inches) = 7.7kg (1 7 pounds)
11 -3
Width = 78.7cm (31 inches) Depth = 55.9cm (22 inches) Height = 48.3cm (19 inches) Total space required, DT60 II System and DTE II Module together: Width = 109.2cm (43 inches) Depth = 55.9cm (22 inches) Height = 48.3cm (19 inches) Total space required, DT60 II System and DTSC II Module together: Width = 127.8cm (50.3 inches) Depth = 55.9cm (22 inches) Height = 48.3cm (19 inches) Total space required, DT60 II System, DTE II Module, and the DTSC II Module together: Width = 157.5cm (62 inches) Depth = 55.9cm (22 inches) Height = 48.3cm (19 inches)
58 133
| 66
; 68 |
i 72 ,
Appliances (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, etc.) and other instruments can affect electrical power quality. These effects may be minimized by using a separate power circuit exclusively for the DT60 II System and DTSC II Module.
12.2 New Accessory Warranty VITROS DT Pipette and VITROS DTE Pipette
1. Warranty Time Period Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics warrants the VITROS DT Pipette and the VITROS DTE Pipette to function properly for one year from date of purchase. This warranty covers the purchaser of the pipette(s) and anyone else who owns it during the warranty period. 2. Warranty Repair Coverage If this equipment does not function properly during the warranty period, call your Customer Support Center. 3. Limitations Replacement without charge is OCD's only obligation under this warranty. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics will not be responsible for any consequential or incidental damages resulting from the sale, use, or improper functioning of this equipment, even if loss or damage is caused by the negligence or other fault ofOCD. OCD makes no other warranties, express, implied, or of merchantability, for this equipment.
for VITROS DT II System
Date Calibrator Kit No. Reference Fluid Lot No. Operator. Exp. Date. Vitros DTE II Module _ Gen. No. Exp. Date. CDM No.. SLIDES
Test Lot Number Exp. Date
_ _
Pipette. Pipette.
Affix dated Calibration Printout or manually record values in appropriate spaces. * DTSC il only
Make a photocopy of this log sheet prior to use for additional sheets.
for VITROS DT II System
Vitros DT60 II System Serial Numbers: Vitros DTE II Serial Numbers: Vitros DTSC II Serial Numbers: Date
Make a photocopy of this log sheet prior to use for additional sheets.
5/95. Repr'
i 1/99.
for VITROSDT II System
REFERENCE FLUID Gen. No. Expiration Date Initials Date Opened Lot Number Gen. No. Exp. Initials Date
Lot Number
1 1
1 1 11
I 1 !
! 1
1 |
! 1 ! 1
1 I 1
1 I
! T LJ T
1 1 1 1 1
1 T LI T
T T T T T 1 |
1 1
1 ! 1 1 1
1 i 1 1
1 I 1
1 |
Make a photocopy of this log sheet prior to use for additional sheets.
I Month
I Year
Refer to the "Instrument Care and Cleaning" section of your Operator's ManuaHor more details.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Supplies Inventory
Check expiration dates and inventory of the following supplies: Slides Reference fluid Calibrators Controls Printer paper
Points to consider: Do you have enought for the next month? for the next 6 months? Do you have more than one lot number for any chemistry? Store new lot numbers separately. Are supplies being stored at the correct temperature?
L o tN a
1 1
Sic e Of 1So> 0
Before using this page, please make copies for future use
Test name
H|HH| ^HHi
^H ^H
Control Value
^HiH BHHHHIH HHH^HIHHHHHH ^B ^^H^^^^^^HBBI^H HI ^^^^^IBHHI^^H^^^^H^H^^^HI I^HHII^^HIHI^^^HHH^I HH I^HH B^^HHI^i^^HHi^H BB HHIH IHIH ^H IHHH I^HII HUH ^HI^^^^^^HH^^^S H I HHIH ^H IHHH I^HHI ^ ^ ^ ^ H H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^; _^^^^_^_ HI HHIH HH^H IHI^^^HHI^I^^^HH IB HHIHII^HHI ^^^HIHIi^^B^^H^H ^H HHUH ^HI^^H^^^^^^H^H ^H ^H HH^^B II^^HI i^^^^^^HHHH^^H ^H BH ^i^iH HH^^^^HHHHHIH HiHH 1
Before using this page, please make copies for future use. Operator's Manual VITROS DT II System 13-5 5/95. Reprinted 1/99.
Level 2
Date (_ +2 SD = +1 SD = Mean =
\ '
-1 SD = -2SD =
Observed I I Value / / . / / / . / / / / / / / . / / . / / / / / / / / / . / / / / / / / /
Corrective Action:
Reviewed: Date
Do you smoke or have you quit smoking within the last 12 months? Are you diabetic? Yes No
Do you have a history of cardiovascular disease (left-ventricular hypertrophy)? For internal use only Systolic Blood Pressure Notes: CHOL
Not sure
I f Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
fif4fc company
Do you smoke or have you quit smoking within the last 12 months? Are you diabetic? Yes No
Do you have a history of cardiovascular disease (left-ventricular hypertrophy)? For internal use only Systolic Blortd Pressure Notes: CHOL
Not sure
Do you smoke or have you quit smoking within the last 12 months? Are you diabetic? Yes No
Do you have a history of cardiovascular disease (left-ventricular hypertrophy)? For internal use only Systolic Blood Pressure Notes: CHOL
Not sure
C hem
i stry
Date 2003-10-01 2003-04-30 2003-10-01 2003-08-11 2003-10-01 2003-10-01 2003-03-28 2003-10-01 2003-03-28 2003-10-01 2003-04-30 2003-10-01 2003-08-11 2003-10-01 2003-04-30 2003-10-01 2003-08-11 2003-08-11 2004-02-29 2004-02-29
C-355 C-337 C-336 C-311 C-338 C-301 C-348 C-358 C-304 C-342 C-351 C-309 C-308 C-334 C-353 C-371 C-343 C-300 C-341_EN C-354_EN
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0
C-306 C-357 C-344 C-372 C-356 C-349 C-307 C-364 C-333 C-350
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
2003-03-28 2003-10-01 2003-10-01 2003-08-11 2003-04-30 2003-10-01 2003-10-01 2003-10-01 2003-10-01 2003-04-30
Test Name Total Bilirubin Theophylline Total Protein Triglycerides Urine Creatinine (Single-Slide Method) Uric Acid
DT Calibrator DT Isoenzyme Calibrator DT Specialty DT Control DT Isoenzyme Control DT Reference Fluid 7% BSA
DT Calibrator DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit DT Specialty Calibrator Kit DT Control DT Isoenzyme Control DT Reference Fluid 7% BSA
Rev. 2004-03-30
Reaction Sequence
albumin + bromcresol green (BCG) BCG-albumin complex
Version 1.0
No. C-355
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
Other ingredients
Polymer beads, binders, buffer, and surfactants.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (beads) 3. Reagent layer bromcresol green dye buffer, pH 3.1 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18"-28 X: (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. \Narm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C (<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F)
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:3 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products ALB DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System. PANT; Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Sample Dilution
| If albumin concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with one part isotonic saline or reagent-grade water to 10 parts sample. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by 1.1 to obtain an estimate of the original sample's albumin concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS ALB DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 630 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, albumin concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Version 1.0
Validity of a Calibration
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| WARNING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition10 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60II Chemistry System.
VITROS DT Control I & II are recommended for use with the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System. Evaluate the performance of other commercial control fluids for compatibility with this test before using for quality control.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other albumin methods if they: - Depart from a true h uman matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Controls low in carbon dioxide concentration may show a negative bias11 that can be avoided by reconstituting lyophilates with a bicarbonate diluent instead of water. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Bias Conventional
200 400
3.5 3.5
35 35
13% 26%
13% 26%
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter albumin concentrations in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.141S
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the bromcresol green dye-binding comparative method.11
SI Units
y =x
30 20 > 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.16 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 328-329; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Tietz NW. Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 589; 1986. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Doumas BT, Biggs HG. Determination of serum albumin. Standard Methods in Clinical Chemistry. 7:175-188; 1972. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Corcoran RM, Durnan SM. Albumin Determination by a Modified Bromcresol Green Method. Clin. Chem. 23(4):765; 1977. Peters T. All about Albumin. San Diego: Academic Press; 256; 1996. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB. Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store Between Consult Instructions for Use
Store At or Above
Version 1.0
VITR_[fi5 0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - added reagent-grade water Quality Control Material Selection - added statements regarding controls low in carbon dioxide concentration and ethylene glycol Known Interferences - updated values Method Comparison - updated all data and the plot Precision - updated all data References - added all except 7
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS ALKP DT Slides quantitatively measure alkaline phosphatase (ALKP) activity in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
p-nitrophenyl phosphate
p-nitrophenol + H3PO4
Version 1.0
No. C-337
Alkaline Phosphatase
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm2
p-nitrophenyl phosphate 55 ug; 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) 0.1 mg; and magnesium sulfate 1.6 ug.
i - 2 , 3
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffers, surfactants, cross-linking agent and stabilizer.
" ~ - -.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSO4) magnesium sulfate AMP p-nitrophenyl phosphate 3. Reagent layer buffer, pH 10.5 4. Support layer 6. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the individual slides from the box. Warm the unopened slide for at least 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase
Specimen Storage and Stability for ALKP DT: Serum and Plasma5 Storage Temperature Stability
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18-28OC(64-82OF) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <4 days <4 days <4 days
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products ALKP DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. iMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
| If alkaline phosphatase activities exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute with isotonic saline or VITROS 7% BSA. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's alkaline phosphatase activity.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
VI"TFj[C|3"S 0
Alkaline Phosphatase
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS ALKP DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 400 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, alkaline phosphatase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition10 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
No. C-337
Version 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report ALKP DT results in conventional and SI units.
Interferent Concentration 20 mg/dL 200 ug/mL 40ug/mL (342 umol/L) (440 umol/L) (168 umol/L)
Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Average Bias Conv./SI Units (U/L) Conv./SI Units (U/L) 120 18.0 130 24.0 120 29.0
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Some drugs that have significant light absorbance in the region of 400 nm can cause a spectral interference. Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter alkaline phosphatase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.12 13
Version 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System with those analyzed using the Modified IFCC comparative method8 9 adapted to a centrifugal analyzer at 37C. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9. r "
800 o a:
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
No. C-337
Version 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 385-386; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 8. Bretaudiere JP, Vassault A, et al. Criteria for establishing a standardized method for determining alkaline phosphatase activity in human serum. Clin. Chem. 23:2263-2274; 1977. 9. Tietz NW, Rinker AD, Shaw L M. IFCC Methods for the Measurement of Catalytic Concentration of Enzymes, Part 5. IFCC Method for Alkaline Phosphatase.. J Clin. Chem., Clin. Biochem. 21:731-748; 1983. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 12. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 13. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 14. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, RA: NCCLS; 1995. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets. Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-04-30 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimen Storage and Stability - updated all stability values Sample Dilution - added 7% BSA as a diluent Materials Required But Not Provided - added VITROS DT Pipette Quality Control Material Selection - added the statement regarding ethylene glycol Limitations of the Procedure - removed theophylline, added bilirubin, methotrexate, and nitrofurantoin Method Comparison - updated comparison values and plot Precision - updated all values References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
I Products-
Chemistry I
Alanine Aminotransferase
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS ALT DT Slides quantitatively measure alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
alanine + a-ketoglutarate pyruvate + NADH + H+
ALT pyridoxal-5-phosphate LDH
Version 1.0
Alanine Aminotransferase
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
1 . 2
Lactate dehydrogenase (porcine muscle, E.C. 0.12 U; L-alanine 0.86 mg; sodium a-ketoglutarate 54 ng; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced 35 ng; and sodium pyridoxal-5-phosphate 11 ^g.
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants, cross-linking agent and stabilizer.
1. Jpper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSO4) sodium a-ketoglutarate L-alanine 3. leagent layer buffer, pH 8.0 > lactate dehydrogenase > NADH pyridoxal-5-phosphate 4. Support layer 6. .ower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 ~82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28QC (64 -82 F) for >48 hours.
1. 2.
Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C (<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82 F)
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: EDTA Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Alanine Aminotransferase
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. Do not freeze the specimen.
Specimen Storage and Stability for ALT DT: Serum and Plasma7
Storage Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18-28C (64O-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) Stability <3 days <1 week Not recommended
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products ALT DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
| If alanine aminotransferase activities exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or isotonic saline. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's alanine aminotransferase activity.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months.
Version 1.0
Alanine Aminotransferase
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 340 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, alanine aminotransferase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit for alanine aminotransferase are traceable to the alanine aminotransferase method recommended by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC),8 adapted to a centrifugal analyzer at 37C.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
WARMING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition9 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other alanine aminotransferase methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Enzyme activity might also vary with enzyme source, diluent temperature, and activation time during reconstitution. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Alanine Aminotransferase
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report alanine aminotransferase results in units.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter alanine aminotransferase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1011
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed
using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.'2
Version 1.0
Alanine Aminotransferase Method Comparison for ALT DT: Serum
Conventional and SI Units (U/L) n DT60 II System vs. comparative method 59 Correlation Range of Slope Coefficient Sample Activity Intercept 1.03 0.999 6-863 -3.92 Sy.x 11.22
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.13 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 369-371; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Young DS. Effects of Preanalytical Variables on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 3-7; 1993. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Bergmeyer HU, Horder M, Rej R. Approved Recommendation (1985) on IFCC Methods for the Measurement of Catalytic Concentration of Enzymes. Part 3. IFCC Method for Alanine Aminotransferase. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 24:481; 1986. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D C : AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Version 1.0
Alanine Aminotransferase
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number ^ J | ec | HEP | Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store Between Consult Instructions for Use
Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
This end up
Store At or Above
Version 1.0
No. C-336
Alanine Aminotransferase
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - added VITROS 7% BSA Quality Control Material Selection - added statements regarding enzyme activity and ethyline glycol Reference Interval - updated all data Known Interferences - removed statement regarding high total protein Method Comparison - updated the comparison and plot Precision - updated all values References - added all except 8
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
efcMtsH company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Chemistry I
Reaction Sequence
dyed amylopectin
dyed saccharides
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide .Ingredients
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffers, mordant, surfactants and stabilizer.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSO,>) dyed amylopectin buffer, pH 7.2 3. Reagent layer buffer, pH 7.2 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28 C (64 "-82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: Heparin3 Plasma activities are approximately 20 U/L higher than serum activities.3 Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test
Version 1.0
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. Do not freeze the specimen.
Specimen Storage and Stability for AMYL DT: Serum and Plasma8 Storage Temperature Stability
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18O-28C(64O-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <7 days <1 month Not recommended
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products AMYL DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
I If amylase activities exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with a patient sample with low amylase activity or with isotonic saline. 2. Reanalyze. 3. If necessary, correct for amylase activity in the diluent. 4. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's amylase activity.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Version 1.0
Amylase Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS AMYL DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 555 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, amylase activity in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| WARN i NO; Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition10 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other Amylase methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Serum controls with porcine or bovine amylase may give lower values that may vary from method to method.11 Enzyme activity might also vary with enzyme source, diluent temperature, and activation time during reconstitution. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
* ** Plasma concentrations are approximately 20 U/L higher than serum concentrations.3 Adults; normal intervals for children <1 year old are lower. ' 2
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report Amylase results in conventional and SI units.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter amylase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries. 13 ' u
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed
900 ' 800" 700 600 " 500 400 ' 300 200 100 1000 200 400 600 800 0 0 Comparative Method: Paranitrophenol Maltopentaoside
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.16 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 394-395; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 5. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 376; 2001. NCCLS. Procedures for the. Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 8. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 9. Mauck LA. A Kinetic Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Total Amylase Activity in Serum. Clin. Chem. 31:1007; 1985. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. Lee VW, Willis C. Activity of Human and Nonhuman Amylases on Different Substrates Used in Enzymatic Kinetic Assay Methodsa Pitfall in Interlaboratory Quality Control. Am. J. Clin. Path. 77:290-296; 1982. 12. Gillard BK, Simbala JA, Goodnick L. Reference Intervals for Amylase Isoenzymes in Serum and Plasma of Infants and Children. Clin. Chem. 29:1119; 1983. 13. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D C : AACC Press; 1995. 14. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number CM OlM _ Kti" Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. ^m EC I REP I Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile; Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Store At or Above
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-08-11 Description of Technical Changes" New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability > Sample Dilution - added isotonic saline as a diluent; removed 2% bovine serum albumin in saline, pH 7.4 Method Comparison - updated the data and plot Precision - updated all data > References - added all but 3 The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document. Version 1.0
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Aspartate Aminotransferase
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS AST DT Slides quantitatively measure aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
aspartate + a-ketoglutarate oxaloacetate + NADH + H* AST pyridoxal-5-phosphate MDH
oxaloacetate + glutamate
Version 1.0
Aspartate Aminotransferase
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
Lactate dehydrogenase (porcine muscle, E.C. 0.12 U; malate dehydrogenase (porcine heart, E.C. 0.11 U; sodium aspartate 0.5 mg; sodium a-ketoglutarate 32 ug; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced 36 ug; and sodium pyridoxal-5-phosphate 16 ug.
. -i-
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants, cross-linking agent and stabilizer.
- s
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSOJ sodium u-ketoglutarate L-aspartate 3. 1Reagent layer buffer, pH 8.0 lactate dehydrogenase malate dehydrogenase NADH pyridoxal-5-phosphate 4. Support layer 6. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
The slide must reach room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 "-82 f), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
WARMS: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.: Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Aspartate Aminotransferase
Specimen Collection and Preparation Collect specimens using standard laboratory procedures.5 6 Due to the very low density of platelets, it is important to centrifuge plasma specimens at a minimum of 1000 X g for a minimum of ten minutes in order to avoid contamination of plasma with AST derived from platelets. Patient Preparation No special patient preparation is necessary. Special Precautions Plasma, specimens must be collected in tubes that are at least half full. Smaller volumes may give falsely high AST results.7 Avoid agitation or mixing of plasma samples after centrifugation. Re-suspension of platelets into previously centrifuged plasma may lead to artificially elevated AST results because of high AST activity in platelets.4 Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum or plasma from the cellular material within 3 days of collection.8 Specimen Handling and Storage Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. Do not freeze the specimen.
Specimen Storage and Stability for AST DT: Serum and Plasma8
Storage Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18-28C(64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) Stability <3 days <7 days <3 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products AST DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Sample Dilution
If aspartate aminotransferase activities exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or isotonic saline. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's aspartate aminotransferase activity.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Version 1.0
Aspartate Aminotransferase Calibration Procedure
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VlTROS AST DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VlTROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 340 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, aspartate aminotransferase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VlTROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| WARNING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VlTROS DT60/DT60II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VlTROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Aspartate Aminotransferase
VITROS DT Control I & II are recommended for use with the VITROS DT60/DT60 II
Chemistry System. Evaluate the performance of other commercial control fluids for compatibility with this test before using for quality control. Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other aspartate aminotransferase methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Enzyme activity might also vary with enzyme source, diluent temperature, and activation time during reconstitution. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report aspartate aminotransferase results in conventional and SI units.
Heparin at activities greater than 50 U/mL cause AST results to be falsely high.7 Refer to "Specimen Collection and Preparation."
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter aspartate aminotransferase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1112
Version 1.0
Aspartate Aminotransferase
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VlTROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VlTROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.13 Method Comparison for A S T DT: Serum Conventional and SI Units 1000 '
<! =
800 600
o a. >
800 1000
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VlTROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.14 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Aspartate Aminotransferase
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 369-371; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Young DS. Effects of Preanalytical Variables on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 2. Washington D C : AACC Press; 3-69, 3-70; 1997. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Berg JD, Romano G, Bayley NF, Buckley BWI. Heparin Interferes with Aspartate Aminotransferase Activity Determined in the Ektachem 700. Clin Chem. 34:174; 1988. 8. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 9. Bergmeyer H U, Horder M, Rej R. Approved Recommendation on IFCC Methods for the Measurement of Catalytic Concentration of Enzymes. Part 2, IFCC Method for Aspartate Aminotransferase. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 24:497-510; 1986. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 12. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D C : AACC Press; 1990. 13. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA:
NCCLS; 1995.
14. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below
Store Between
Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
Store At or Above
Version 1.0
Aspartate Aminotransferase
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Not Recommended - added citrate Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - added VITROS 7% BSA Quality Control Material Selection - added statements regarding enzyme activity and ethylene glycol Reference Interval - updated all data Known Interferences - added statement regarding heparin; removed statement regarding high total protein Method Comparison - updated the comparison and plot Precision - upated all values References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
M|jefcMtBn company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Urea Nitrogen
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS BUN/UREA DT Slides quantitatively measure urea concentration, reported either as urea nitrogen (BUN) or as urea (UREA), in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
H2NCONH2 + H2O NH3 + ammonia indicator - > 2NH3 + CO2
-> dye
Version 1.0
No. C-301
Urea Nitrogen
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
Urease flack beans, E.C. 1.2 U and N-propyl-4-(2,6-dinitro-4-chlorobenzyl)quinolonium ethane sulfonate (ammonia indicator) 0.26 mg.
; yA
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants, stabilizers, chelator and cross-linking agent
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (TIO2) 3. Reagent layer urease buffer.pH 7.8 4. Semipermeable membrane 5. Indicator layer ammonia indicator 6. Support layer 7. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 "-28 C (64 -82 T) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WAR Mi HQ; ' Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
| Serum Plasma:3 EDTA Meparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Urea Nitrogen
Special Precautions For the effect of sample hemolysis on test results, refer to "Limitations of the Procedure." Centrifuge serum and plasma specimens and remove the serum from the cellular material within 4 hours of collection.3 Specimen Handling and Storage
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for BUN/UREA DT: Serum and Plasma3 Storage Temperature Stability
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18-28OC(64O-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <1 day <5 days <6 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
. VITROS Chemistry Products BUN/UREA DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), priorto analysis.
Sample Dilution
If urea nitrogen concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's urea nitrogen concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months.
Version 1.0
Urea Nitrogen
The VITROS BUN/UREA DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 660 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, urea nitrogen concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| ' Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition5 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other urea nitrogen methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol. Some controls that are low in carbon dioxide concentration may show a negative bias (>10% at CO2 <8 mmol/L) that may be avoided by reconstituting lyophilates with a bicarbonate diluent instead of with water. Ammonium bicarbonate diluent should not be used as it will cause a positive bias in test results.
Version 1.0
Urea Nitrogen
Proficiency survey samples may show a negative bias similar to controls low in CO2. Contact the testing agency for instructions because reconstituting with special diluents may affect other analyte values (e.g., reconstituting with sodium bicarbonate will affect sodium proficiency scores).
9-20 7-17
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for BUN/UREA DT Conventional Units SI Units
mg/dL urea N mmol/L urea (mg/dL urea N x 0.3569)
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter blood urea nitrogen concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.11 12
Version 1.0
Urea Nitrogen
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9. Method Comparison for BUN/UREA DT: Serum Conventional Units 120 3
SI Units
y =x
o E
80 60
40 10 20 0
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.14 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Urea Nitrogen
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 967; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Sampson Rl, et al. A coupled-enzyme equilibrium method for measuring urea in serum: optimization and evaluation of the AACC study group on urea candidate reference method. Clin. Chem. 26:816-26; 1980. 8. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 9. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 676-679; 1987. 10. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 11. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D C : AACC Press; 1995. 12. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 13. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 14. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Urea Nitrogen
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Recommended - plasma: added EDTA Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values > Quality Control Material Selection - added data > Method Comparison - updated all comparisons and the plot > Precision - updated all data References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
No. C-301
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
Ca+2 + Arsenazo I
colored complex
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients |
1 . 2 .3
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C(64-82 F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C (<0F) Room temperature 18-28C(64-82 F)
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
CAUTION: Protective gloves manufactured with calcium carbonate powders may cause elevated test results because of the contamination of sample handling supplies (for example, pipette tips, transfer pipettes, sample cups and caps). Supplies that have come in contact with powdered gloves may subsequently contaminate the test specimen during sample metering. Gloves labeled as "powder-free" may contain some contaminating powder agents on the inside of the glove.
Version 1.0
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
. VITROS Chemistry Products Ca DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Version 1.0
Sample Dilution
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Special Precautions
If the laboratory's ambient temperature has changed 5F (3C), or more, from the temperature at the time that the calcium test was calibrated, then the quality-control materials should be checked. If the quality-control materials are out of control, recalibrate the analyzer for calcium and record the temperature at the time of calibration for future reference.
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS Ca DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 680 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, calcium concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. The quality control results should be used to determine the validity of a calibration.
Version 1.0
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
I Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition" or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
VITROS DT Control I & II are recommended for use with the VITROS DT60/DT60 II
Chemistry System. Evaluate the performance of other commercial control fluids for compatibility with this test before using for quality control. Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other calcium methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Version 1.0
Other Limitations
Keeping the sample in an open container at room temperature may increase the reported calcium concentration by up to 0.4 mg/dL (0.1 mmol/L). Changes are due to the loss of carbon dioxide, which results in an increase in pH of the specimen. The increase is minimized by anaerobic handling procedures and prompt analysis. Adherence to these procedures is especially important for pediatric samples where the sample volume is small. Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter calcium concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1'1'15
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and tables show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the Atomic Absorption comparative method.10 Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.16
SI Units
y =x
y =x
9 6
3 0
8 o
Comparative Method: Atomic Absorption (mg/dL)
Version 1.0
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.17 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results. Precision for Ca DT: Serum Conventional Units (mg/dL) System DT60 II System 11.4 0.09 0.21 2.85 0.02 0.05 1.8 87 22 Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly. Mean Cone. 9.1 Within Day SD* 0.10 Within Lab SD** 0.18 SI Units (mmol/L) Mean Cone. 2.26 Within Day SD* 0.03 Within Lab SD** 0.04 Within Lab CV%** 2.0 No. Observ. 88 No. Days 22
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 705-713; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Tietz NW. Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 2. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 66-67,1900; 1994. NCCLS. Procedures forthe Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures forthe Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Tietz NW. Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 2. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 60, 80; 1994. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Cali JP, et al. Atomic Absorption. NBS Reference Method (modified). Clin. Chem. 19:1208; 1987. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 947; 1987. Gregory, et al. Suramin Interferes with Measurements of Total Calcium and Serum Amylase by the Kodak Ektachem 700 Analyzer and May Inhibit Liver Enzyme Activity. Clin. Chem. 38:2552-2553; 1992. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D C : AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Version 1.0
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Q<J Do Not Reuse
Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. EC I REP I Manufacturer Auth'orized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above
m !
Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-03-28 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimen Handling and Storage - updated stabilities; removed "Serum should not be frozen." Specimen Collection and Preparation - updated all statements under Special Precautions Limitations of the Procedure - added suramin Method Comparison - updated comparison data and plots Precision - updated all data References - added 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
butyrylthiocholine + H2O
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
I Reactive ingredients per cm Potassium ferricyanide 180 ug and butyrylthiocholine iodide 290 ug.
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants and cross-linking agent.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (TIO2) butyrylthiocholine iodide 3. Reagent layer potassium ferricyanide buffer, pH 7.6 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18"-28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Frozen <-18C(<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F)
Specimen Requirements
WA R H! N S: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
I I Serum Plasma: Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other anaiytes and tests.4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
[J V I T R I
Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. Specimen Storage and Stability for CHE DT: Serum and Plasma8 Storage Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18-28C (64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) Stability <6 hours <7 days Not recommended
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products CHE DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), priorto analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
I If cholinesterase activities exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or isotonic saline. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's cholinesterase activity.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Specialty Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS CHE DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 400 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, cholinesterase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Specialty Calibrator Kit for cholinesterase are traceable to the butyrylthiocholine-based ferricyanide cholinesterase method recommended by the German Society for Clinical Chemistry,9 measured on a centrifugal analyzer at 37C.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
WARMING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition10 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
No. C-358
Version 1.0
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other cholinesterase methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Male Female
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for CHE DT Conventional Units SI Units
U/mL U/L (U/mL x 1000)
Interferent Concentration 4 mg/mL 10 mg/mL 80 ug/dL 80 ng/dL 300 (.ig/mL 17 mmol/L 42 mmol/L 3.2 (.imol/L 3.2 |.imol/L 1.5 mmol/L
Cholinesterase Activity Conv. (U/mL) SI (U/L) 6.5 6.5 4.5 6.5 6.0 6500 6500 4500 6500 6000
Bias Conv. (U/mL) SI (U/L) -0.48 -1.05 -0.74 -0.73 -1.11 -477 -1050 -740 -730 -1114
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Low pH (6.8) causes a 15% negative bias. Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter cholinesterase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.12 13
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.14 Method Comparison for CHE DT: Serum Conventional Units 15
V =
C O & to
t > 3000
Sy.x 172.77
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
No. C-358
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. MossDW, Henderson AR, Kachman JF. Enzymes. In Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, NWTietz, ed., Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders;
746-751, 1986.
Trundle D, and Marcial G. Detection of Cholinesterase Inhibition. Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science. 5:345-352, 1988. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBIM 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 5. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 387; 2001. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfieid, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Method recommended by the "Working Group on Enzymes of the German Society for Clinical Chemistry", European Journal of Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Biochemistry. 30:163-170; 1992. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS CHOL DT Slides quantitatively measure cholesterol (CHOL) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
lipoprotein cholesterol esters + H2O cholesterol + O2 H2O2 + leuco dye cholesterol + cholesterol esters + proteins
cholesterol ester hydrolase
cholesterol oxidase
Version 1.0
No. C-304
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Triton X-100 cholesterol ester hydrolase cholesterol oxidase peroxidase leuco dye
- .
cholesterol ester hydrolase (Candida rugosa, E.C. 0.7 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 5.3 U; and 2-(3,5-dimethoxy4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-bis-(4-dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole (leuco dye) 0.2 mg.
Other ingredients
Pigment, binder, buffer, surfactants, stabilizers and cross-linking agent.
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for at least 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
G: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
No. C-304
Version 1.0
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for CHOL DT: Serum and Plasma8 Storage Temperature Stability
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18O-28OC(64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C (<0F) Not recommended <3 days <3 weeks
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
. VITROS Chemistry Products CHOL DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If cholesterol concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's cholesterol concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Cholesterol When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. ' When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS CHOL DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 555 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, cholesterol concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. . To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other Cholesterol methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Interferent Concentration 5 mg/dL 10 mg/dL 3 mg/dL 0.6 mg/dL (0.32 mmol/L) (0.61 mmol/L) (0.114 mmol/L) (0.030 mmol/L)
Cholesterol Concentration Conv. SI (mg/dL) (mmol/L) 210 5.4 210 5.4 210 5.4 210 5.4
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter cholesterol concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.13 u
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System with those analyzed using the Modified Abell-Kendall comparative method.9 Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.
SI Units
10 y =x
350 i
1 I
250 H 200
a. >
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0
Comparative Method: Modified Abell-Kendall (mg/d/L)
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS the DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.16 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 448-468; 1987. Allain CC, et al. Enzymatic Determination of Total Cholesterol in Serum. Clin. Chem. 20:470; 1974. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCEP. Recommendations for improving cholesterol measurement. A report from the Laboratory Standardization Panel of the National Cholesterol Education Program. NIH Publication No. 90-2964; 1990. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Burtis CA, Ashwood ER. eds. Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 849; 1999. Duncan IW, Mather A, Cooper GR. The procedure for the proposed cholesterol reference method. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control; 1982. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. NCEP. Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panei III); Executive Summary. NIH Publication No. 01-3670. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda. Maryland: May, 2001. 12. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 13. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D C : AACC Press; 1995. 14. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 15. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA:
NCCLS; 1995.
16. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. j 6c | REP j Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-03-28 Description of Technical Changes* New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Not Recommended - added the section Serum and Plasma: Special Precautions - "added within 3 hours of collection" > Specimen Handling and Storage - updated all stabilities > Quality Control Material Selection - added statement regarding ethylene glycol Method Comparison - updated comparison values and plots Precision - updated all values > References - added all new references The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document. Version 1.0
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
I E REPj C Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase
Reaction Sequence
creatine phosphate + ADP glycerol + ATP L-a-glycerophosphate + O2 H2O2 + leuco dye
peroxidase GK CK NAC, Mg
creatine + ATP
L-a-glycerophosphate + ADP
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
" '
... 3
L-alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase (Aerococcus viridans, E.C. 0.4 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 1.4 U; glycerol kinase (E.coli, E.C. 0.5 U; creatine phosphate 170 ug; N-acetylcysteine 54 ug; magnesium acetate 20 ug; glycerol 20 ug; 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)4,5-bis-(4-dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole (leuco dye) 20 ug; and adenosine diphosphate 20 ug.
3. Reagent layer buffer, pH ?.O > adenosine diphosphate > glycerol, magnesium acetate > glycerol kinase, leuco dye peroxidase glycerophosphate oxidase creatine phosphate
Other ingredients
Pigment, binder, buffers, surfactants, inhibitors, stabilizers, cross-linking agent, dye solubilizer, scavenger and chelator.
- - ~S
Support layer
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-2BC (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 "-28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Frozen <-18C(<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F)
Specimen Requirements
v * ::! Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:3 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests." Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase
Specimen Storage and Stability for CK DT: Serum and Plasma8 Storage Temperature Stability Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) <4 hours 2-8C (36-46F) Refrigerated <5 days Frozen <-18C(<0F) <1 month
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
. VITROS Chemistry Products CK DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Sample Dilution
If creatine kinase activities exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's creatine kinase activity. Sample dilution results in higher creatine kinase activities than expected.9
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1,2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase
When to Calibrate
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 680 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, creatine kinase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit for creatine kinase (CK) are traceable to a modification of the Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes, recommended method 1011 for the determination of creatine kinase at 37C.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
WARNING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition''2 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls may show a difference when compared with other creatine kinase methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
The upper limit of the reference interval is reported to be affected by population characteristics such as the degree of physical activity" and race.15 Distributions of CK values from normal, healthy subjects often demonstrate a positive skew,16 leading to variable upper reference limit estimates. Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report creatine kinase results in conventional and SI units.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter creatine kinase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries 17,18
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase
Performance Characteristics
Methpd Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.19 Method Comparison for CK DT: Serum Conventional and SI Units
IXOO i y =x
1500 e
1200 900
a to o
Method Comparison for CK DT: Serum Conventional and SI Units (U/L) n DT60 II System vs. comparative method 53 Slope 1.01 Correlation Coefficient 0.999 Range of Sample Activity 34-1379 Intercept 11.10 Sy.x 17.24
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.20 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results. Precision for System VITROS DT60 II
CKDT: Serum
Conventional and SI Units (U/L) Mean Activity 129 813 Within Day SD* 4.0 13.6 Within Lab SD** Within Lab CV%** 7.9 24.7 6.1 3.0 No Observ. 88 88 No. Days 22 22
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 373-377; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:1:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 376-377; 1987. NCCLS. Procedures forthe Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Tietz NW(ed). Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 662; 1999. Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes: Recommended Method for the Determination of Creatine Kinase in Blood. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 39:1-5; 1979. Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes: Recommended Method for the Determination of Creatine Kinase in Blood. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 36:711-23; 1976. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Henry JB. Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2088; 1979. Krahn J. Upper Reference Limit for Creatine Kinase. Clin. Chem. 31(1):158; 1985. Black HR. Quallich H-D, and Garlect CB. Racial Difference in Serum Creatine Kinase Levels. Amer. J. Med. 81:479-487; 1986. Miller WG. Chinchilli HD, Nance WD. Sampling from a Skewed Population Distribution as Exemplified by Estimation of the Creatine Kinase Upper Reference Limit. Clin. Chem. 30(1): 18-23; 1984. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB. Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Recommended, Special Precautions - removed the statement regarding EDTA and fluoride oxilate Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - added VITROS 7% BSA; removed isotonic saline Sample Dilution - added that dilution may result in higher CK activities than expected Reference Interval - updated the statement regarding the determination of a more specific reference range Known Interferences - added values Method comparison - updated all data and the plot Precision - updated all values References - added all except 1, 9,10,14,15,16,13
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
Reaction Sequence
CK-MM + CK-MB creatine phosphate + ADP glycerol + ATP L-a-glycerophosphate + O2 H2O2 + leuco dye
anti CK-M antibody
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
Slide Diagram
" / %
L-a-glycerophosphate oxidase (Aerococcus viridans, E.C. 0.39 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C.1.11.1,7) 1.4 U; glycerol kinase (. coli or Cellulomonas sp, E.C. 0.45 U; creatine phosphate 0.17 mg; N-acetylcysteine 43 ug; goat anti-human CK-M antibody 0.25 mg; magnesium acetate 68 ug; glycerol 23 ug; 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl) -4,5-bis(4-dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole (leuco dye) 20 ug; and adenosine diphosphate 8.4 ug.
7^7- - 4
~"^~--^ 5
Other ingredients
Pigment, binder, buffers, surfactants, inhibitors, stabilizers, cross-linking agent, dye solubilizer, filter dyes, scavenger and chelator.
1 . Upper slide m o u n t 2 . S p r e a d i n g layer (TIO2) N-acetylcysteine goat antihuman CK-M antibody Reagent layer adenosine diphosphate Mg acetate leuco dye * glycerol kinase peroxidase L-a-glycerophosphate oxidase creatine phosphate glycerol buffer, pH 7.0 4. Support layer 6. Filter low wavelength light cutoff filter 6. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 - 2 8 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. Remove the unopened slide from the box. 2. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum IMPORTANT; Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Specimen Collection and Preparation
Collect specimens using standard laboratory procedures.4 5 Patient Preparation No special patient preparation is necessary. Special Precautions Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum from the cellular material within 4 hours of collection.6
Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for CKMB DT: Serum6 Temperature Storage Room temperature 18-28C(64-82F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C(<0F)
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products CKMB DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If Creatine Kinase MB concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's creatine kinase MB activity.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS CKMB DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 680 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in
reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, creatine kinase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit for creatine kinase MB isoenzyme (CK-MB) are traceable to a CK-M immunoinhibition method with quantitation of the remaining CK-B subunit activity by a modification of the Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes 78 recommended method for the determination of creatine kinase activity at 37C.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
WARNING: Handle quality control materials as blohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results.
No. C-351
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition9 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Isoenzyme Control I may show a difference when compared with other creatine kinase MB methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Enzyme activity might also vary with enzyme source, diluent temperature, and activation time during reconstitution. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
An alternative use of the test is to screen samples from patients with possible myocardial infarction and to confirm positive results by an alternative method. A total CK value within the normal range is not a reliable index to exclude analysis of CK-MB.11 Effects on Sensitivity and Specificity of Various Cutoff Values for Peak CK-MB CK-MB Cutoff (U/L) 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Sensitivity (%) 96 96 93 91 85 82 78 78 Specificity (%) 79 89 93 94 95 96 96 98 Efficiency (%) 86 92 93 93 91 90 89 90
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion The VITROS Chemistry System may be programmed to report CK-MB results in conventional, SI, and alternate units. Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for CKMB DT Conventional and SI Units U/L Figure 1. Interpretation of Results: Quick Reference Guide
r alternative diagnoses
Perform serial CK-MB assays Proper mserpretatjtm af CK-MB results reqyeres serial determinations in all circumstances "Normal" Total CK is not 8 reliable index to exclude CK-MB determ
Negative tor CK-MB IHtjh U/L M8 liul low ~o MB syo^ftsts skoictiil muscle damage)
% MB at ieasf 4%?
Ntgativft foi CK-Mfl {%, MB greater than 25% suggests macro CK ar CK-BBI
J ^ " Resiilts siintiki 1H> confimuHt by an alter native method arid v3luat*)d tJ$i!i(j other cSinicfil and laisorator^'parameters
Rise-and-fall pattern?
f ^
"\ /
No. C-351
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter creatine kinase MB activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.16 17 18
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the Immunoinhibition comparative method with quantitation of the remaining CK-B subunit activity by a modification of the Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes.7 8 Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.19
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB Method Comparison for CKMB DT: Serum
Conventional and SI Units (U/L) n DT60 II System vs. comparative method 77 Correlation Range of Slope Coefficient Sample Activity Intercept 1.00 0.999 Sy.x
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.20 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 383-384; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 3. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 4. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 5. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 6. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 7. Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes: Recommended Method for the Determination of Creatine Kinase in Blood. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 36:711-723; 1976. 8. Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes: Recommended Method for the Determination of Creatine Kinase in Blood. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 39:1-5; 1979. 9. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 10. Kwong TC. Studies conducted at the University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York; 1986. 11. Yusuf S, et al. Significance of Elevated MB Isoenzyme with Normal Creatine Kinase in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Am. J. Cardiol. 59:245; 1989. 12. Jedukin R, et al. Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes in Serum from Cord Blood and the Blood of Healthy Full-Term Infants during the First Three Postnatal Days. Clin. Chem. 28:2; 1982. 13. Gerhardt W, et al. Creatine Kinase and Creatine Kinase B-Subunit Activity in Serum Cases of Suspected Myocardial Infarction. Clin. Chem. 28:2; 1982. 14. Stein W, et al. Macro Creatine Kinase Type 2: Results of a Prospective Study in Hospitalized Patients. Clin. Chem. 31:12; 1985. 15. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 16. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 17. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 18. Tryding N, Tufvesson C, Sonntag O (eds). Drug Effects in Clinical Chemistry, ed. 7. Stockholm: The National Corporation of Swedish Pharmacies, Pharmasoft AB, Swedish Society for Clinical Chemistry; 1996. 19. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 20. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992. 1. 2.
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number A M Manufacturer's Serial Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-04-30 Version . 10 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Not Recommended - removed fluoride oxalate Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - added VITROS 7% BSA; deleted isotonic saline Limitations of the Procedure - updated values for Dipyrone in the Known Interfering Substances table Method Comparison - updated all data and the plot Precision - updated all data References - added 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 9 , 15,18, 19,20
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Version 1.0
Creatine Kinase MB
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
8 ^otuwoH^efwHum company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
No. C-351
Version 1.0
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm2
Silver 0.4 mg; and silver chloride 0.2 mg.
Other ingredients
Polymer, plasticizer, surfactant and nickel.
Upper frame Paper bridge Protective layer Sliver, silver chloride layer 6. Support layer 6. Lower frame
1. 2. 3. 4.
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
No. C-309
Version 1.0
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products Cl" DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Sample Dilution
Chloride concentrations outside the reportable (dynamic) range are not expected. Diluted samples should not be analyzed with VITROS Cl" DT Slides because dilution changes both the concentration of solids in plasma water and the ionic strength of the sample.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1 and 2
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. NOTE: Calibrate choloride in duplicate by running each bottle twice.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. When the VITROS DT Reference Fluid lot number changes. The VITROS Cl" DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| ."">,. Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition'1'1 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other chloride methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter chloride concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1213
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.14
1 50 125
Version 1.0
Chloride Method Comparison for Cl' DT: Serum
Conventional and SI Units (mmol/L) n DT60 II System vs. comparative method 51 Slope 0.96 Correlation Coefficient 0.995 Range of Sample Activity Intercept 5.67 Sy.x 1.24
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
1. 2. 3. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 620-621; 1987. Siggard-Anderson O. Electrochemistry, in Tietz NW (ed). Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 110-125; 1986. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 4. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 5. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 6. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 7. Slockbower JM, Blumenfeld TA (ed.). Collection and Handling of Laboratory Specimens. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co; 201; 1983. 8. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 9. Dietz AA, Bond EE, Chloride, Coulomeric-amperometric Methods, in: Faulkner WR, Meites S, eds. Selected Methods of Clinical Chemistry, Washington: American Association for Clinical Chemistry. 9:149-152.; 1982. 10. Velapoldi RA, Paule RC, Schaffer R, Mandel TJ, Gramlich JW. Standard reference materials: A reference method for the determination of chloride in serum. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 260-67. Washington, D.C.; 1979. 11. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 12. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 13. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 14. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Version 1.0
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below
Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01
Store At or Above
Version 1.0
Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Recommended - updated wording Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values Quality Control Material Selection - added the statement regarding ethylene glycol Method Comparison - updated all data and the plot Precision - updated all data References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Version 1.0
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
^e&tMroH company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Carbon Dioxide
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS CO2 DT Slides quantitatively measure carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in serum and plasma.
Version 1.0
No. C-308
Carbon Dioxide
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
Silver 0.4 mg; silver chloride 0.2 mg; sodium chloride 0.2 mg; potassium chloride 63 ng; trioctylpropylammonium chloride 0.3 mg; and decyltrifluoroacetophenone 0.8 mg.
* - .
Other ingredients
Binders, plasticizers, surfactants, stabilizer, buffers and nickel.
b G
1. Upper frame 2. Paper Bridge 3. Ion-selective membrane TOPA Cl DTFA 4. Reference layer KCI NaCI 6. Silver, sliver chloride layer 6. Support layer 7. Lower frame
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64-82f), opened. before the wrapper is
Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:2 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Carbon Dioxide
Special Precautions Do not draw specimen from an arm receiving an intravenous transfusion. Do not use specimens from patients receiving radiographic contrast agents containing diatriazoate sodium. Refer to "Limitations of the Procedure." Every effort should be made to fill vacuum tubes completely when collecting blood because a decrease of up to 3 mmol/L can be observed with partially filled tubes.6 Fibrin clots may cause incomplete sampling of the specimen.7 - Allow specimens to clot completely in order to prevent fibrin clots. - Inspect plasma specimens for fibrin clots. Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum from the cellular material within 4 hours of collection.8 Specimen Handling and Storage
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for CO2 DT: Serum and Plasma8
Storage Room temperature, tightly capped Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18 0 -28 0 C(64 0 -82 0 F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) Stability <24 hours <3 days <1 month
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products CO2 DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
Carbon dioxide concentrations outside the reportable (dynamic) range are not expected. Diluted samples should not be analyzed with VITROS CO2 DT Slides.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1 and 2
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Special Precautions
Calibrate CO2 in duplicate by running each calibrator bottle twice.
Version 1.0
C0 2 DT
Carbon Dioxide When to Calibrate
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System measures the potential difference in millivolts between the two electrodes of a potentiometric slideone in contact with the sample to be analyzed and the other in contact with the electrolyte reference fluid. A linear relationship exists between the measured potential difference observed on the slide and the logarithm of carbon dioxide concentration, i.e. the Nernst equation for ion-selective electrodes. Once the calibration has been established for each slide lot, unknown carbon dioxide concentrations for a given sample can be determined using the software-resident math model and the measured potential difference.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
I WARNING; Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition^ or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Carbon Dioxide
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other Carbon Dioxide methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
1 3
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Version 1.0
Carbon Dioxide Other Limitations
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.16
30 1
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.17 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Mean Cone . 24 18
Within Day SD* Within Lab SD** Within Lab CV%** 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.6 3.1 3.2
No. Observ. 88 88
No. Days 22
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Carbon Dioxide
1. 2. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA:. NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
HerrRD, Swanson T. Serum Bicarbonate Declines With Sample Size In Vacutainer Tubes. AJCP. 97:213-216; 1992. Slockbower JM, Blumenfeld TA (ed.). Collection and Handling of Laboratory Specimens. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co; 201; 1983. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Van Slyke D C , Neil! J.M. J. Biol. Chem., 1924; 61: 523-526. Corning 965 Carbon Dioxide Analyzer Instruction Manual, Corning Medical, Medfield, MA., 1977. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Young DS. Effects of Preanalytical Variables on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 3-80; 1993. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA:
9. 10, 11.
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
NCCLS; 1995.
NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number EC REP I Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
Version 1.0
Carbon Dioxide
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-08-11 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability > Reference Interval - updated data Limitations of the Procedure - added carbon dioxide concentration and bias for known interfering substances; removed the note Method Comparison - updated the data and plot > Precision - updated all data References - added all The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document. Version 1.0
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS CREA DT Slides quantitatively measure creatinine (CREA) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
creatinine + H2O
creatinine iminohydrolase
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
Creatinine iminohydrolas'e (Bacillus species, EC. 0.5 U and bromphenol blue 27 ng.
y /,'' *
' ^' 4
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, surfactants, buffer and stabilizer.
" ~"
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (T1O2) 3. Reagent layer creatinine iminohydrojase buffer. pH 9.3 4. Semtpermeable membrane 6. indicator layer bromphenol blue 6. Support layer 7. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT; The slide must reach room temperature, 18 "-28 C (64 ~82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 1 8 - 2 8 "C (64 "-82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WARMING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:2 EDTA Heparin (except ammonium heparin) Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Special Precautions NOTE: Avoid using ammonia-containing cleaning solutions or hand creams in the area around the analyzer.
Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum from the cellular material within 15 minutes of collection.2
Specimen Storage and Stability for CREA DT: Serum and Plasma2
Storage Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18-28C (64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C (<0F) Stability not recommended <3 hours <24 hours
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
. VITROS Chemistry Products CREA DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. The VITROS NH3 DT Slide provides a blank correction value for normal concentrations of ammonia present in serum. The VITROS CREA DT Slide must be run first, followed by the VITROS NH3 DT Slide. The analyzer displays "INSERT NH3 SLIDE." When VITROS CREA DT or VITROS NH3 DT Slides are present in the incubator, the analyzer displays "ANALYZER READY-CREA/NH3 ONLY." No tests can be run until the CREA/NH3 results are complete. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F); analyze immediately. NOTE:
Sample Dilution
If creatinine concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the result by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's creatinine concentration.
Version 1.0
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, 3, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
NOTE: The VITROS CREA DT test is dependent on correct calibration of the VITROS NH3 DT Slides used as blanks. Therefore, the VITROS NH3 DT Slides must be calibrated whenever VITROS CREA DT Slides are calibrated.
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS CREA DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Because the VITROS CREA DT Slide measures both creatinine and endogenous ammonia, the VITROS CREA DT Slide response is proportional to the concentration of both substances in the sample. A second slide, reactive only to ammonia, is sequentially measured for the blank correction of the VITROS CREA DT Slide response. Reflectance from both slides is measured at 605 nm after the fixed incubation time. Calibration using the blank-corrected calibration model consists of two partscalibration of the VITROS NH3 DT Slide (blank), followed by calibration of the VITROS CREA DT Slide. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot of VITROS NH3 DT Slides and VITROS CREA DT Slides, creatinine concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric, blank-corrected math model and the responses obtained from both the VITROS CREA DT and VITROS NH3 DT Slides.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
No. C-334
Version 1.0
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| : Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition* or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other creatinine methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Commercial control fluids that contain ammonia concentrations above the VITROS NH3 DT Slide reportable range (500 umol/L) will not allow a creatinine result to be calculated. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Version 1.0
Creatinine Reporting Units and Unit Conversion
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report creatinine results in conventional and SI units.
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for CREA DT Conventional Units Sl Units
mg/dL Mmol/L (mg/dL x 88.4)
If a VITROS CREA DT Slide follows a VITROS BUN/UREA DT Slide immediately, high BUN values may increase creatinine values. A BUN value up to 40 mg/dL (14.3 mmol/L) may increase creatinine value by 0.3 mg/dL (26.6 umol/L) and an R18 code will be printed next to the creatinine result. Discard the result and repeat the sample without the VITROS BUN/UREA DT Slide in the incubator.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter creatinine concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.10 "
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the HPLC comparative method.6
SI Units y =x
Version 1.0
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.12 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 2. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 3. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 4. NCCLS. Procedures forthe Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 5. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 6. Ambrose RT, Ketchum DF, Smith JW. Creatinine Determined by "High Performance" Liquid Chromatography. Clin. Chem. 29: 256-259; 1983. 7. Jaffe M. Uber den Niederschlag welchen Pikrinsaure in normalen Harn erzeugt und uber eine neue Reaktion des Kreatinins. Z Physiol Chem. 10: 391-400; 1886. 8. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 9. Mitchell RT, Marshall LH, Lefkowitz LB, Stratton CW. Falsely Elevated Serum Creatinine Levels Secondary to the Presence of 5Fluorocytosine. Am. J. Clin. Path. 84: 251-253; 1985. 10. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 11. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 12. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992. 1.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. | REJ> J "\ v / V Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* > New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Specimens Recommended - updated wording for heparin; added EDTA > Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values > Sample Dilution - added VITROS 7% BSA; removed isotonic saline > Reference Interval - updated data > Limitations of the Procedure - updated values > Method Comparison - updated all comparisons and the plots > Precision - updated all data > References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
creatinine + H2O creatine + H2O sarcosine + O2 + H2O H2O2 + leuco dye
creatinine amidohydrolase
creatine amidinohydrolase
Incubation Time
5 minutes
Wavelength 680 nm
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
Creatinine amidohydrolase (Flavobacterium sp., E.C. 0.20 U; creatine amidinohydrolase {Flavobacterium sp., E.C. 4.7 U; sarcosine oxidase (Bacillus sp., E.C. 0.55 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 1.6 U; and 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-bis(4-dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole (leuco dye) 32 ng.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (TIO2) 3. Reagent layer creatinine amidohydrolase creatine amidinohydrolase sarcosine oxidase peroxidase leuco dye buffer, pH 7.0
4. Support layer
5. Lower slide mount
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, surfactants, stabilizer, scavenger, chelator, buffer, dye solubilizer and cross-linking agent.
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT; The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 "-28 C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Version 1.0
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Specimen Storage and Stability for CRSC DT: Serum and Plasma6 Temperature Storage Stability
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18-28OC(64-82OF) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <5 days <30 days <lndefinite
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products CRSC DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F); analyze immediately. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If creatinine concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range or if the analyzer displays an L-11 or L-13 error code (indicating high background density, usually due to an elevated creatine concentration): 1. Dilute the sample with 7% BSA or isotonic saline. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's creatinine concentration.
Version 1.0
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS CRSC DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 680 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, creatinine concentration in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| " Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System.
Version 1.0
If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition9 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other creatinine methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Liquid serum often contain high creatine levels and may give L-11 or L-13 error codes. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
0.8-1.5 0.7-1.2
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for CRSC DT Conventional Units SI Units
mg/dL umol/L (mg/dL x 88.4)
Version 1.0
The VITROS CRSC DT Slide method was screened for interfering substances. The substances listed in the table, when tested at the concentrations indicated, caused the bias shown.
40mg/dL (1138 Mmol/L) 1.0 (88) (115 pmol/L) /V-acetylcysteine 90 mg/dL (5.50 mmol/L) 1.3 mg/dL * It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter creatinine concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.12 "
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System with the VITROS 950 Chemistry System.
y =x
D w O
600 300 0
Version 1.0
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS the DTSC II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.'4 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Ambrose RT, Ketchum DF, Smith JW. Creatinine Determined by "High Performance" Liquid Chromatography. Clin. Chem. 29: 256-259; 1983. Jaffe M. Uber den Niederschlag welchen Pikrinsaure in normalen Harn erzeugt und uber eine neue Reaktion des Kreatinins. Z Physiol Chem. 10:391-400; 1886. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. DalyT, Kempe K, Scott M. "Bouncing" Creatinine Levels. NEJM. 334(26): 1749; 1996. Sena SF, Syed D, Romeo R, Krzymowski GA, McComb RB. Lidocaine Metabolite and Creatinine Measurements in the Ektachem 700: Steps to Minimize its Impact on Patient Care. Clin. Chem. 34:10; 1988. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. [ EC [ BEP | \ / \ / Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-04-30 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimen Storage and Stability - updated values for room temperature and refrigerated Materials Required But Not Provided - added VITROS 7% BSA; deleted isotonic saline Reportable (Dynamic) Range - corrected SI units Quality Control Material Selection - removed the statement regarding Tris buffer Limitations of the Procedure - updated information and corrected creatinine concentration in SI units Method Comparison - updated all data and plots Precision - updated all data References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date beiowand retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
transferrin - Fe* Fe + ascorbic acid
Fe+2 + dye
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
Ascorbic acid 160 ug; and N-(4-(2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl) phenoxy)butyl)5-methoxy-6((2,3,6,7-tetrahydro-8-1H,5H-benzo-(ij)-quinolizin-9-yl)azo)3-pyridine sulfonamide (dye) 5 ug.
Other ingredients
Binders, buffer, pigment, surfactants, stabilizer, chelator, dye solubilizer and cross-linking agent.
- s
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSOit) 3. Reducing layer ascorbic acid 4. Reagent layer buffer, pH 4.0 dye 6. Support layer 6. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach mom temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
No. C-371
Version 1.0
Specimen Storage and Stability for Fe DT: Serum and Plasma6 Temperature Stability Storage Room temperature <4 days 18-28C (64-82F) Refrigerated <7 days 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C(<0F) <3 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products Fe DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Sample Dilution
If iron concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with iron-free reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's Iron concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
When to Calibrate
Reflectance from the slide is read at 630 nm during the incubation period, and the rate of change in reflectance is calculated. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, iron concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident two-point rate math model and the change in reflectance calculated for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer fo Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition9 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other Iron methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilisers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Reference Interval
These reference intervals are the central 95% of results from an internal study of 529 apparently healthy adults from a working population (382 females and 147 males).
37-170 49-181
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter Iron concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.11'12
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.13
SI Units
80 60
100 "
100 200
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.14 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
1. .2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 819-821; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. NCCLS. The Determination of Serum Iron and Total iron binding-capacity; Proposed Standard. NCCLS Document H17-P. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1990. Iron Panel of the International Committee for Standardization in Haematology. Revised Recommendations for the Measurements of Serum Iron In Human Blood. Br J Haematology. 75:615-616; 1990.
NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 10. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 11. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 12. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 13. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 14. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. JT Jf ^1 | EC [ HEP j S, v'7 V Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Quality Control Material Selection - added statement regarding ethylene glycol > Known Interferences - removed statement regarding cupramine; updated bias value for imferon > Method Comparison - updated all comparisons and plots Precision - updated all data > References - added all except 4,11,12
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Produ cts
Gamma Glutamyltransferase
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS GGT DT Slides quantitatively measure gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) activity in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
L-y-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide + glycylglycine p-nitroaniline + y-glutamyl glycylglycine
Version 1.0
Gamma Glutamyltransferase
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm Glycylglycine 0.2 mg; and L-y-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide 16 ug. Other ingredients Polymer beads, binders and surfactants.
t *
-"" '_,
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: Theslide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), before the wrapperis opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28C (64 "-82 F) for >48 hours. 1. Remove the unopened slide from the box. 2. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: EDTA Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
| i | V1TRI
Gamma Glutamyltransferase
Specimen Storage and Stability for GGT DT: Serum and Plasma6
Storage Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18-28C (64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) Stability <7 days <7 days <2 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products GGT DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT;
Sample Dilution
| If gamma glutamyltransferase concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or isotonic saline. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's gamma glutamyltransferase activity.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS GGT DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Gamma Glutamyltransferase
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 400 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, gamma-glutamyltransferase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| WA R N l N G: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition8 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other gamma glutamyltransferase methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Enzyme activity might also vary with enzyme source, diluent temperature, and activation time during reconstitution. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Gamma Glutamyltransferase
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable. Grossly elevated concentrations
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter gamma glutamyltransferase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.12 13
Version 1.0
Gamma Glutamyltransferase
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.14
1200 " 900 " 600 o 300 " 0 300 600 900 1200 1500
Comparative Method: VITROS 950 Systam (U/L)
DT60 II System vs. 950 System 60
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Gamma Glutamyltransferase
Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 391-392; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 3. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J. Clin. Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 4. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 5. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 6. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 7. Shaw L M, Stromme J H, London JL, Theodorsen L. IFCC methods for the measurement of catalytic concentration of enzymes. Part 4. IFCC method forgamma-glutamyltransferase. J, Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 21: 633-646; 1983. 8. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 9. Neels H, Van Boeckel E, Wauters A. Algemeen Ziekenhuis Middelheim, 1998. Data on file. 10. NCCLS. How to Define and Determine Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory; Approved Guideline. NCCLS document C28-A (ISBN 1-56238-269-1). NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087, 1995. 11. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 12. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 13. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 14. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992. 1. 2.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets. Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
Version 1.0
Gamma Glutamyltransferase
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-08-11 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* > New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimen Collection and Preparation - removed statement regarding hemolyzed specimens. > Materials Required But Not Provided - added VITROS 7% BSA Reference Interval - updated all data > Limitations of the Procedure - added the Known Interfering Substances table Method Comparison - updated comparisons and the plot > Precision - updated all values > References - added all except 9, 10
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
<4^ofMMeH company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
I P roducts
Reaction Sequence
p-D-glucose + O2 + H2O
glucose oxidase
red dye
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
' t
Glucose oxidase (Aspergillus Niger, E.C. 0.77 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 3.6 U; 1,7-dihydroxynaphthalene (dye precursor) 67 \ig and 4-aminoantipyrine hydrochloride (dye precursor) 0.11 mg.
*~ -4
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants, stabilizers and cross-linking agent.
1. Upper slide mount 2 Spreading layer (TIO2) Reagent layer glucose oxidase peroxidase dye precursors buffer, pH 5.0 4. Support layer S. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 "-2B <C (64 "-82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28X! (64 "-82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
W&RN1NG: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
. I I Serum Plasma: EDTA Heparin Sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate (see the Slide Storage and Stability table for slide storage when using this specimen type) Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests5 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Special Precautions For the effect of sample hemolysis on test results, refer to "Limitations of the Procedure." Grossly lipemic samples must be diluted prior to analysis. Refer to "Sample Dilution "for dilution instructions. For the effect of elevated lipids on test results, refer to "Limitations of the Procedure." Particulate matter (for example, fibrin) in sufficient quantity may coat the spreading layer and limit diffusion of oxygen, causing a negative interference. To minimize particulate matter, do not centrifuge specimens until clotting is complete. Serum: - Centrifuge specimen at 1000X g for 10 minutes and remove serum from the clot within 30 minutes after collecting the specimen to avoid metabolism of glucose by the cells (approximately 7% per hour at room temperature).6 Heparin or EDTA plasma: - Follow manufacturer's recommendations for mixing anticoagulant with specimens. - Centrifuge specimen at 1000X g for 10 minutes and remove plasma from the cells within 30 minutes after collecting the specimen to avoid metabolism of glucose by the cells (approximately 7% per hour at room temperature).6 Sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate plasma: - Follow manufacturer's recommendations for mixing anticoagulant with specimens. - Centrifuge specimens and remove the plasma from the cells within 24 hours of collection.8 IMPORTANT: See the Slide Storage and Stability table for slide storage when using sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate plasma.
Specimen Handling and Storage " *j Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. Specimen Storage and Stability for GLU DT: Serum and Plasma8 Temperature Stability Storage 18-28OC(64-82F) Room temperature <24 hours Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) <7 days Frozen <-18C(<0F) <1 year
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products GLU DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If glucose concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's glucose concentration.
Version 1.0
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS GLU DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 555 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, glucose concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| >' ' Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results.
No. C-300
Version 1.0
For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Bditionm or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other glucose methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Elevated lipids may limit diffusion of oxygen to the reactants. Dilute grossly lipemic samples before analysis. The VITROS GLU DT Slide method was screened for interfering substances following NCCLS Protocol EP7.12 The substances listed in the table, when tested at the concentrations indicated, caused the bias shown.
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Version 1.0
Other Limitations
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.15 Method Comparison for G L U DT: Serum Conventional Units 500 450 * 400 30 SI Units y =x
I I a ft
20 15 10 5 0
o | 5
<> "
Sy.x 0.21
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.' 6 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tietz NW(ed). Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 2. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 928-960; 1994. Trinder P. Determination of Glucose in Blood Using Glucose Oxidase with an Alternative Oxygen Receptor. Ann. Clin. Biochem. 6:24; 1969. Curme HG, et al. Multilayer Film Elements for Clinical Analysis. Clin. Chem. 24:1335-1342; 1978. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 9. Neese JW, Duncan P, Bayse DD, et al. Development and Evaluation of a Hexokinase/Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Procedure for Use as a National Glucose Reference Method. HEW Publication No. (CDC) 77-8330. HEW. USPHS, Centers for Disease Control; 1976. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. Tietz NW (ed). Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1815; 1999. 12. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 13. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 14. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 15. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 16. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. EC | REP I \ y / \/ Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-08-11 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Slide Storage and Stability - added the Specimen Type Used column; updated storage values for opened cartridges Specimens Recommended - added sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate Reference Interval - updated data Limitations of the Procedure - deleted statement regarding ascorbic acid; updated data for hemolysis Method Comparison - updated all comparisons and plots Precision - updated values References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
No. C-300
Version 1.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
For in vitro diagnostic use only. For use in the quantitative measurement of HDL cholesterol (HDLC) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
high density lipoproteins cholesterol esters + H2O cholesterol + O2 H2O2 + leuco dye
cholesterol ester hydrolase
cholesterol + cholesterol esters + proteins - > cholesterol + fatty acids - > cholest-4-en-3-one + H2O2
Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
Absorb spilled material in vermiculite or other suitable absorbents; sweep up and dispose of with clinical waste. Disinfect area with a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution (household bleach) diluted with 9 parts water and leave undisturbed for at least 30 minutes. Excess or unwanted materials and packaging for this product should be disposed of with other clinical waste. VITROS HDL Cholesterol Reagent contains sodium azide (0.01%; 0.01 g/dL). Disposal of reagent into sinks with copper or lead plumbing should be followed with copious volumes of water to prevent formation of potentially explosive metallic azides.
First Aid
VITROS DT Micro HDL Tubes contain gentamicin sulfate and sodium azide. R22 - Harmful if swallowed.
Inhalation - Remove to fresh air. Seek medical advice. Skin - Wash skin after each contact with soap and plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if skin is cut or punctured. Eye - Immediately flush eyes, including under the eyelids, with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention. Ingestion - Drink 1 -2 glasses of water. Seek medical advice.
This product is not classified as a dangerous substance for transportation purposes. However, package with adequate protection to prevent breakage and ship under refrigerated conditions.
Slide Diagram
Triton X-100 0.8 mg; cholesterol oxidase (Nocardia, E.C. 0.2 U; cholesterol ester hydrolase (Candida rugosa, E.C. 0.7 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 5.3 U; and 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)4,5-bis-(4-dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole (leucodye) 0.2 mg.
Other ingredients
Pigment, binder, buffer, surfactants, stabilizers and cross-linking agent.
1 . Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSCUl Triton X-100 cholesterol ester hydrolase cholesterol oxidase peroxidase leuco dye 3. Sublayer buffer, pH 6.25 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Other ingredients
sodium azide 0.22%, gentamicin sulfate <0.01%, dye and preservatives Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
Other ingredients
Sodium azide 0.05%, inorganic salts and preservatives
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82F) for >48 hours. 1. Remove the unopened slide from the box. 2. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:3 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests." Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol Serum and Plasma Specimen Collection and Preparation
Collect specimens using standard laboratory procedures.8 7
Patient Preparation No special patient preparation is necessary unless the HDL cholesterol test is part of a complete lipid profile. Then, a 12- to 14-hour fast is necessary.1 Special Precautions Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum from the cellular material within 3 hours of collection.8 If further processing is delayed, store in the refrigerator at 2-8C (36-46F). Specimen Handling and Storage ' ' Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for HDLC DT: Serum and Plasma8
Storage Original Specimen Refrigerated Frozen Pretreated Specimen (Supemate) Freezer * Temperature 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C (SOF) | Stability <3 days <4 weeks* <3 months <2 years
<-20C (<-4F) <-70C (<-94F) For longer storage, separate HDL fractions and freeze the supernate. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Special Precautions
Use a vortex speed that will not cause the mixture to spill out of the sample tube.
IMPORTANT; Do not pretreat calibrators.
Be sure to use components from the same kit lot number. IMPORTANT: 1. Allow at least 10 minutes for refrigerated VITROS DT Micro HDL Tubes and VITROS HDLC Sample Diluent to reach room temperature. If these materials are stored at -18C (0F), they will require a longer warm-up period (at least 30 minutes). Once opened, the VITROS Micro HDLC Sample Diluent should be stored tightly capped in the refrigerator between uses. 2. Pipette 50 uL of serum or heparin plasma into the VITROS DT Micro HDL Tube.
Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
4. Let stand for a minimum of 5 minutes. 5. Centrifuge the VITROS DT Micro HDL Tube for 10 minutes at 1,500 x g. Alternatively, you may centrifuge the tube for a shorter duration using a microcentrifuge for 95 seconds at 12,600 x g. 6. Visually check supernates for clarity. The non-HDL fractions form a pellet on the bottom of the tube. Do not disturb the pellet. If the supernate is clear, transfer cleared supernate directly from the VITROS DT Micro HDL Tube to a sample cup for analysis on the DT analyzer. IMPORT ANT: Supernates should be removed from the pelleted precipitate as soon as possible following centrifugation. The supernates should be used within 15 minutes. If analysis on the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System is to be delayed more than one hour, the supernate should be refrigerated. If analysis is delayed longer than 8 hours, refer to the "Specimen Handling and Storage" section.
7. Analyze treated sample as instructed in the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F); analyze immediately. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If HDL concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range or if the supernatant is cloudy or has floating particles after pretreatment: 1. Dilute the untreated sample with an equal volume of VITROS HDLC Sample Diluent. 2. Mix gently by inverting several times. 3. Pipette 50 uL of the diluted specimen into a second VITROS DT Micro HDL Tube. 4. Repeat steps 1 through 6 of the procedure above. Remember to multiply the result by the dilution factor of 2.0. 5. Reanalyze. 6. Multiply the results by 2 to obtain an estimate of the original sample's HDL concentration. NOTE: Additional dilutions are not recommended.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS HDLC DT slides may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 660 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the softwareresident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
IMPORTANT: Controls must be pretreated.
Procedure Recommendations
| .. Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition'1'' or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other HDL cholesterol methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
Expected Results
These guidelines have been recommended by the National Institutes of Health.'3
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for HDLC DT Conventional Units SI Units
mg/dL mmol/L (mg/dL x 0.02586)
HDL Cholesterol Concentration Conv. (mg/dL) 40.9 40.5 44.6 40.2 SI (mmol/L) 1.06 1.05 1.15 1.04
Concentration Comments 3 mg/dL 170umol/L High Therapeutic 12 mg/dL 3.6 mmol/L High IV Drip 4 mg/dL 200 umol/L __ High IV Drip 10 mg/dL 0.61 mmol/L Oral Therapeutic
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable. The bias is an estimate of the maximum difference observed.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter HDL cholesterol concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.' 516 "
Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of the VITROS HDL Cholesterol Method analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System using the Dextran Sulfate/Enzymatic10 comparative method using pretreated serum specimens.
SI Units y =x
3.0 2.5
2.0 1.5
40 20
1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS the DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.18 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Warnick GR, Benderson J, Albers JJ. Dextran Sulfate-Mg+2 Precipitation Procedure for Quantitation of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol. In Cooper GR (ed). Selected Methods of Clinical Chemistry. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Clinical Chemistry; 10:91-99; 1983. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Recommendations for Improving Cholesterol Measurement: A Report from the Laboratory Standardization Panel of the National Education Program. US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health. NIH Publication No. 90-2964. February 1990. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Warnick GR, Wood PD. National Cholesterol Education Program Recommendations for Measurements of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Executive Summary. Clin. Chem. (41)10:1427-1433; 1995. Kimberley MM, Leary ET, Cole TG, Waymack PP. Selection, Validation, Standardization and Performance of a Designated Comparison Method for HDL-Cholesterol for Use in the Cholesterol Reference Laboratory Network. Clin. Chem. (45) 10:1803-1812; 1999. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Friedewald WT, Levy Rl, Fredrickson DS. Estimation of the Concentration of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Plasma without Use of the Preparative Ultracentrifuge. Clin. Chem. 18:499; 1972. NCEP. Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III); Executive Summary. NIH Publication No. 01-3670. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda. Maryland: May, 2001. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. Tryding N, Tufvesson C, Sonntag O (eds). Drug Effects in Clinical Chemistry, ed. 7. Stockholm: The National Corporation of Swedish Pharmacies, Pharmasoft AB, Swedish Society for Clinical Chemistry; 1996. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets. Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Authorized Representative in the European Community Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry
Use by or Expiration Date (Year-Month-Day) Lot Number Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer
Version 2.0
Micro HDL Cholesterol
Revision History
Date of Revision 2004-02-29 Version 2.0 Description of Technical Changes* > Slide Diagram - changed BaSO2 to BaSO4 > Method Comparison - replaced plots to show all available data > Updated Glossary of Symbols table > New format < > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive i> Limitations of the Procedure - updated values for HDL cholesterol concentration and bias in the Known Interferences table > Method Comparison - updated comparison values and plots > Precision - updated all values > References - added all except 1, 8
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
\AAien this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50-100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4DP United Kingdom Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Version 2.0
Chemistry I
HDL Cholesterol
For in vitro diagnostic use only. For use in the quantitative measurement of HDL cholesterol (HDLC) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
high density lipoproteins cholesterol esters + H2O cholesterol + O2 H2O2 + leuco dye Txioo
cholesterol ester hydrolase
cholesterol + cholesterol esters + proteins > cholesterol + fatty acids ^ cholest-4-en-3-one + H2O2 dye + 2H2O
Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol
Absorb spilled material in vermiculite or other suitable absorbents; sweep up and dispose of with clinical waste. Disinfect area with a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution (household bleach) diluted with 9 parts water and leave undisturbed for at least 30 minutes. Excess or unwanted materials and packaging for this product should be disposed of with other clinical waste. VITROS HDL Cholesterol Reagent contains sodium azide (0.01%; 0.01 g/dL). Disposal of reagent into sinks with copper or lead plumbing should be followed with copious volumes of water to prevent formation of potentially explosive metallic azides.
First Aid
VITROS HDL Tubes contain gentamicin sulfate and sodium azide. R22 - Harmful if swallowed. Inhalation - Remove to fresh air. Seek medical advice. Skin-Wash skin after each contact with soap and plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if skin is cut or punctured. Eye - Immediately flush eyes, including under the eyelids, with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention. Ingestion - Drink 1 -2 glasses of water. Seek medical advice.
This product is not classified as a dangerous substance for transportation purposes. However, package with adequate protection to prevent breakage and ship under refrigerated conditions.
Slide Diagram
Triton X-100 0.8 mg; cholesterol oxidase {Nocardia, E.C. 0.2 U; cholesterol ester hydrolase (Candida rugosa, E.C. 0.7 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 5.3 U; and 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)4,5-bis-(4-dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole (leucodye) 0.2 mg.
Other ingredients
Pigment, binder, buffer, surfactants, stabilizers and cross-linking agent.
1. Jpper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSO4) > Triton X-100 cholesterol ester hydrolase cholesterol oxidase peroxidase leuco dye 3. Sublayer > buffer, pH 6.25 4. Support layer 6. Lower slide mount
Other ingredients
Sodium azide 0.22%, gentamicin sulfate <0.01%, dye and preservatives
Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol
Other ingredients
Sodium azide 0.05%, inorganic salts and preservatives
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28C (64 "-82 F) for >48 hours. 1. Remove the unopened slide from the box. 2. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Opened Tubes
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:3 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests." Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test. IMPORTANT:
Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol Serum and Plasma Specimen Collection and Preparation
Collect specimens using standard laboratory procedures.6 7
Patient Preparation No special patient preparation is necessary unless the HDL cholesterol test is part of a complete lipid profile. Then, a 12- to 14-hour fast is necessary.1 Special Precautions Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum or plasma from the cellular material within 3 hours of collection. If further processing is delayed, store in the refrigerator at 2-8C (36-46F).
Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for HDLC DT: Serum and Plasma '*
Storage Original Specimen Refrigerated Frozen Pretreated Specimen (Supernate) Freezer Temperature 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <-20C (<-4F) <-70C (<-94F) Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Stability <3 days <4 weeks* <3 months <2 years
For longer storage, separate HDL fractions and freeze the supernate.
Special Precautions
Use a vortex speed that will not cause the mixture to spill out of the sample tube.
IMPORTANT; Do riot pretreat calibrators.
Be sure to use components from the same kit lot number. IMPORTANT; 1. Allow at least 10 minutes for refrigerated VITROS HDL Tubes and VITROS HDLC Sample Diluent to reach room temperature. If these materials are stored at -18C (0F), they will require a longer warm-up period (at least 30 minutes). Once opened, the VITROS HDLC Sample Diluent should be stored tightly capped in the refrigerator between uses. 2. Pipette serum or heparin plasma to the 0.5 mL mark on the VITROS HDL Tube. 3. Cap and mix thoroughly for 30 seconds - a vortex mixer is recommended. NOTE: 4. The sample will become cloudy during mixing.
Let stand for a minimum of 5 minutes. Pub. No. C-341 EN Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol
5. Centrifuge the VITROS HDL Tube for 10 minutes at 1,500 x g. Alternatively, you may centrifuge the tube for a shorter duration using a microcentrifuge for 95 seconds at 12,600 x g. 6. Visually check supemates for clarity. The non-HDL fractions form a pellet on the bottom of the tube. Do not disturb the pellet. If the supernate is clear, transfer cleared supernate directly from the VITROS HDL Tube to a sample cup for analysis on the DT analyzer. IMPORTANT: Supernates should be removed from the pelleted precipitate as soon as possible following centrifugation. The supernates should be used within 15 minutes. If analysis on the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System is to be delayed more than one hour, the supernate should be refrigerated. If analysis is delayed longer than 8 hours, refer to the "Specimen Handling and Storage" section.
7. Analyze treated sample as instructed in the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F); analyze immediately. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If HDL concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range or if the supernatant is cloudy or has floating particles after pretreatment: 1. Dilute the untreated sample with an equal volume of VITROS HDLC Sample Diluent. 2. Mix gently by inverting several times. 3. Pipette 0.5 mL of the diluted specimen into a second VITROS HDL Tube. 4. Repeat steps 1 through 6 of the procedure above. Remember to multiply the result by the dilution factor of 2.0. 5. Reanalyze. 6. Multiply the results by 2 to obtain an estimate of the original sample's HDL concentration. MOTE; Additional dilutions are not recommended.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1,2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS HDLC DT slides may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 660 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the softwareresident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
IMPORTANT: Controls must be pretreated.
Procedure Recommendations
Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition " or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other HDL cholesterol methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol
Expected Results
These guidelines have been recommended by the National Institutes of Health. 13
Low High
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for HDLC DT Conventional Units SI Units
mg/dL mmol/L (mg/dL x 0.02586)
HDL Cholesterol Concentration Comments High Therapeutic High IV Drip High IV Drip Oral Therapeutic Conv. (mg/dL) 40.9 40.5 44.6 40.2 SI (mmol/L) 1.06 1.05 1.15 1.04
Concentration 170umol/L 3 mg/dL 3.6 mmol/L 12 mg/dL 200 umol/L 4 mg/dL 0.61 mmol/L 10 mg/dL
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable. The bias is an estimate of the maximum difference observed.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter HDL cholesterol concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1516'17
Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of the VITROS HDL Cholesterol Method analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System using the Dextran Sulfate/Enzymatic 10 comparative method using pretreated serum specimens. The VITROS DT HDL Cholesterol method has met the requirements of the CDC/NCEP Lipid Standardization Program for manufacturers.
3.0 I 2.5
1 80 I 60
g 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100
Comparative Method: Dextran Sulfate/Enzymatic (mg/dL)
I 2.0
o s
I 0.5
5 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Comparative Method: Dextran Sulfate/Enzymatic (mmol/L)
Sy.x 0.03
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS the DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5. 1S The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Warnick GR, Benderson J, Albers JJ. Dextran Sulfate-Mg+2 Precipitation Procedure for Quantitation of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol. In Cooper GR (ed). Selected Methods of Clinical Chemistry. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 10:91-99; 1983. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Recommendations for Improving Cholesterol Measurement A Report from the Laboratory Standardization Panel of the National Education Program. US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health. NIH Publication No. 90-2964. February 1990. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Warnick GR, Wood PD. National Cholesterol Education Program Recommendations for Measurements of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Executive Summary. Clin. Chem. (41)10:1427-1433; 1995. Kimberley MM, Leary ET, Cole TG, Waymack PP. Selection, Validation, Standardization and Performance of a Designated Comparison Method for HDL-Cholesterol for Use in the Cholesterol Reference Laboratory Network. Clin. Chem. (45) 10:1803-1812; 1999. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Friedewald WT, Levy Rl, Fredrickson DS. Estimation of the Concentration of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Plasma without Use of the Preparative Ultracentrifuge. Clin. Chem. 18:499; 1972. NCEP. Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III); Executive Summary. NIH Publication No. 01-3670. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda. Maryland: May, 2001. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. Tryding N, Tufvesson C, Sonntag O (eds). Drug Effects in Clinical Chemistry, ed. 7. Stockholm: The National Corporation of Swedish Pharmacies, Pharmasoft AB, Swedish Society for Clinical Chemistry; 1996. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (Year-Month-Day) Lot Number Authorized Representative in the European Community Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use
I t
Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up Irritant Manufacturer follows packaging management procedures
Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer
Version 2.0
HDL Cholesterol
Revision History
Date of Revision 2004-02-29 Version 2.0 Description of Technical Changes* > Slide Diagram - changed BaSO2 to BaSO, Method Comparison - added that method meets requirements of CDC/NCEP Lipid Standardization Program for manufacturers, replaced plots to show all available data > Updated Glossary of Symbols table New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Limitations of the Procedure - updated values for HDL cholesterol concentration and bias in the Known Interferences table Method Comparison - updated comparison values and plots Precision - updated all values > References - added all except 1, 8
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50-100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4DP United Kingdom Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Version 2.0
I Product*
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS K* DT Slides quantitatively measure potassium (K+) concentration in serum and plasma.
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Silver 0.4 mg; silver chloride 0.2 mg; potassium chloride 63 (.ig; and valinomycin 55 \xg.
. . . - - "" *
Other ingredients
Binders, plasticizers, stabilizer, surfactants and nickel.
1. Upper frame 2. Paper Bridge 3. Ion-selective membrane valinomycin 4. Reference layer KCI 6. Silver, silver chloride layer 6. Support layer 7. Lower frame
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
fMPQRTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18o-28aC(64o-82F), opened. before the wrapper is
Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:2 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Patient Preparation The patient should avoid any exercise of the arm or hand before or during collection because opening and closing the fist increases potassium concentration by 10% to 20%.4 Special Precautions Do not draw specimen from an arm receiving an intravenous transfusion. Fibrin clots may cause incomplete sampling of the specimen.8 - Allow specimens to clot completely in order to prevent fibrin clots. - Inspect plasma specimens for fibrin clots. Do not refrigerate the specimen prior to centrifugation because potassium will leak from the red blood cells.6 Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum or plasma from the cellular material within 2 hours of collection.5 Storage
Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. Specimen Storage and Stability for K* DT: Serum and Plasma 5 Temperature Storage Stability Room temperature 18-28C(64-82F) <6 weeks 2-8C (36-46F) <6 weeks Refrigerated Frozen <-18C (<0F) <1 year
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products K* DT Slides
Operating Instructions
I I Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82"F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
Potassium concentrations outside the reportable (dynamic) range are not expected. Diluted samples should not be analyzed with VITROS K* Slides because dilution changes the concentration of solids in plasma water and the ionic strength of the sample.
Version 1.0
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1 and 2
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. NOTE: Calibrate potassium in duplicate by running each bottle twice.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. When the VITROS DT Reference Fluid lot number changes. The VITROS K' DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
The analyzer measures the potential difference in millivolts between the two electrodes of a potentiometric slideone in contact with the sample to be analyzed and the other in contact with the electrolyte reference fluid. A linear relationship exists between the measured potential difference observed on the slide and the logarithm of potassium concentration, i.e. the Nernst equation for ion-selective electrodes. Once the calibration has been established for each slide lot, unknown potassium concentration for a given sample can be determined using the software-resident math model and the measured potential difference.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Version 1.0
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition10 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other potassium methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report potassium results in conventional units.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter potassium concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.12 13
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System with the VITROS 950 Chemistry
System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.14 The table also shows the results of comparisons of the VITROS K* DT slide at an assay time of approximately 90 seconds with the VITROS K* DT slide at an assay time of approximately 180 seconds.
IO 8"
1.8-7.5 1.6-7.3
-0.20 -0.04
0.06 0.04
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS the DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
No. C-306
Version 1.0
1. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 617; 1987. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Slockbower JM, Blumenfeld TA (ed.). Collection and Handling of Laboratory Specimens. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co; 201; 1983. 9. Velapoldi R.A., et al. A reference method for the determination of potassium in serum. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 260-63. Gaithersburg, MD, 1978. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 4. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 809; 1996. 12. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 13. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 14. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Manufacturer s-e I ma* Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
X 1
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of 'Revision 2003-03-28 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Specimens Not Recommended - added citrate and fluoride oxalate > Patient Preparation - updated > Special Precautions - updated Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values Quality Control Material Selection - added the statement regarding ethylene glycol Expected Values and Reporting Units - updated values Reference Interval - updated values Method Comparison - updated all data and the plot Precision - updated all data > References - added all The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document. Version 1.0
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
L-(+)-lactic acid + O2
lactate oxidase
pyruvate + H2O2
red dye
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
, 2
root, E.C. 1.5 U; 1,7-dihydroxynapthalene (dye precursor) 43 ug; and 4-aminoantipyrine hydrochloride (dye precursor) 65 ug.
. -
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (TIO2) 3. Reagent layer lactate oxidase peroxidase dye precursors buffer, pH 6.25 4. Support layer 6. Lower slide mount
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, stabilizers, cross-linking agent, surfactants and enzyme cofactor.
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 78-28<C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WARN I M(k Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Plasma:3 Fluoride oxalate Heparinized plasma is acceptable, but precautions must be taken to retard glycoiysis by keeping the whole blood on ice." Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.5 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Specimen Collection and Preparation
Collect specimens using standard laboratory procedures.6 7 Patient Preparation Venous specimens should be obtained without the use of a tourniquet or immediately after the tourniquet is applied. Alternatively, the tourniquet should be removed after the puncture has been performed, and the blood should be allowed to circulate for several minutes before the sample is withdrawn.4 The patient should avoid any exercise of the arm or hand before or during collection of the specimen.4
Version 1.0
Special Precautions For fluoride oxalate plasma, specimens must be collected in tubes that are at least half full. Smaller volume's can result in negative biases. Centrifuge specimens and remove the plasma from the cellular material within 15 minutes of collection.3 Specimen Handling and Storage
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for LAC DT: Plasma3 Storage Temperature
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18O-28C(64O-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F)
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products LAC DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82'F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If lactate concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's lactate concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months.
Version 1.0
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 555 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, lactate concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| V ' A R ui Nc: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition3 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other lactate methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
No. C-357
Version 1.0
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report lactate results in conventional and SI units. Reporting Units for LAC DT Conventional and SI Units mmol/L
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter lactate concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1112
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
I I The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Method Comparison for LAC DT: Plasma Conventional and SI Units 12
o o
Method Comparison for LAC DT: Plasma Conventional and SIUnits (mmol/L) n DT60 II System vs. 950 System 58 Slope 1.00 Correlation Coefficient 1.000 Range of Sample Activity 0.8-10.3 Intercept 0.01
Version 1.0
No. C-357
Lactate Precision
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Oliva PB. Am. J. Med. 48:209-225; 1970. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 3. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 4. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 5. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 451; 2001. 5. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 6. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 7. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 8. Smith JW, Ambrose RT. Determination of Lactic Acid in Human Serum by Ion Exchange Chromatography. Internal Eastman Kodak Company Report. 1982. 9. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 10. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 2. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 940; 1976. 11. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 12. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D C : AACC Press; 1990. 13. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992. 1. 2.
Version 1.0
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number ee I KEI> I Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below X Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use
Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* > New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Test Type and Conditions - updated the wavelength > Reference Interval - updated text > Method comparison - updated all data and the plot > Precision - updated all values > References - added all except 1,10
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Version 1.0
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
[ Prod wets;
Lactate Dehydrogenase
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS LDH DT Slides quantitatively measure lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
pyruvate + NADH + H+
Version 1.0
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm Other ingredients
Polymer beads, binders, buffer, surfactants, cross-linking agent and stabilizer.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (beads) sodium pyruvate 3. Reagent layer buffer, pH 7.25 NADH 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 78-28 C (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28 C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C (<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F)
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
WARMS: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
I Serum Plasma:3 Heparin Serum and heparin plasma specimens produce similar LDH results on VITROS Systems. Some other methods, however, have shown substantial differences between serum and plasma results due to contamination by platelets in plasma separated by low-speed centrlfugation.'1 The VITROS LDH DT Slide is insensitive to LDH contained within intact platelets;5 therefore, LDH results in comparative methods may not agree with the VITROS System results for heparin plasma specimens. Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.6 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for LDH DT: Serum and Plasma1
Storage Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18O-28C(64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) Stability <2 days Not recommended* Not recommended*
* LD4 and LD5 isoenzymes are labile at refrigerator and freezer temperatures.
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products LDH DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Sample Dilution
If lactate dehydrogenase activities exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or isotonic saline. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's lactate dehydrogenase activity.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Lactate Dehydrogenase
When to Calibrate
The VITROS LDH DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 340 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, lactate dehydrogenase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit for lactate dehydrogenase are traceable to the pyruvateto-lactate (P->L) (Buhl) total lactate dehydrogenase method,12 adapted to a centrifugal analyzer at 37C.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition13 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Lactate Dehydrogenase
| I
VITROS DT Control I & II are recommended for use with the VITROS DT60/DT60 II
Chemistry System. Evaluate the performance of other commercial control fluids for compatibility with this test before using for quality control. Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other lactate dehydrogenase methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Enzyme activity might also vary with enzyme source, diluent temperature, and activation time during reconstitution. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report lactate dehydrogenase results in conventional and SI units.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter lactate dehydrogenase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1415
Version 1.0
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Method Comparison for LDH OT: Serum Conventional and SI Units 2000 1600 1200 800 400
Method Comparison for LDH DT: Serum Conventional and SIUnits (U/L) n DT60 II System vs. 9S0 System 61 Slope 1.03 Correlation Coefficient 0.999 Range of Sample Activity 122-1418 Intercept -13.36 Sy.x 14.94
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.16 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results. Precision for LDH DT: Serum Conventional and SI Units (U/L) System VITROS DT60 II Mean Activity 458 1369 Within Day SD* 6.2 20.9 Within Lab S D " Within Lab CV%** No. Observ. 7.5 23.8 1.6 1.7 84 84 No. Days 21 21
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Lactate Dehydrogenase
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 380-384; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Peake MJ, et al. Mechanism of Platelet Interference with Measurement of Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity in Plasma. Clin. .Chem. 30:518-520; 1984. Greenberg N, Byrne D. Plasma Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity Assayed with the Kodak Ektachem 700 Analyzer Is Unaffected by Platelet Contamination. Clin. Chem. 31:1022; 1985. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Young DS. Effects of Preanalytical Variables on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Ed. 2. Washington D C : AACC Press; 3-335, 1997. NCCLS. Procedures forthe Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 11. Tietz NW. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 671; 1999. 12. Buhl SN, Jackson KY, Graffunder B. Optimal Reaction Conditions for Assaying Human Lactate Dehydrogenase Pyruvate-to-Lactate at 20, 30, and 37C. Clin. Chem. 24:261-266; 1978. 13. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 14. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 15. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 16. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. <c wa I s Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - added VITROS 7% BSA Quality Control Material Selection - added statements regarding enzyme activity and ethylene glycol Limitations of the Procedure - removed the statement regarding elevated total protein levels Method Comparison - updated all data and the plot Precision - updated all values References - added all except 1 The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document. Version 1.0
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
lithium + crown-ether dye dye complex
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
-- ~~
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants, dye solubilizer and cross-linking agent.
_- - - *
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSC>4) buffer, pH 11.0 3. Buffer layer buffer, pH 11.0 4. Reagent layer crowvether azo dye S. Support layer 6. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION; Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
WA Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: EDTA Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests." Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products Li DT Slides
Operating Instructions
I I Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28"C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
| If lithium concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's lithium concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Specialty Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months.
Version 1.0
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 630 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, lithium concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
j WARNING; Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other lithium methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Potentially Severely
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable. A preservative found in some controls, proficiency fluids, and sterile saline flushes
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter lithium concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.16'17
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.18
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS the DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.19 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Cade JFJ. Lithium Salts in the Treatment of Psychotic Excitement. Med. J. Aust. 2:349; 1949. Baastrup PC, Schou M. Lithium as a Prophylactic Agent: Its Effect against Recurrent Depressions and Manic-Depressive Psychosis. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 16:162; 1967. 3. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 4. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 5. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 6. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 7. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 5. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 632; 2001. 8. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle IV: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring/Toxicology. Skokie, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1985. 9. Levy AL, Katz EM. A Comparison of Serum Lithium Determinations Using Flame Photometry and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Clin. Chem. 15:787; 1969. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. Gilman AG et al. Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, ed. 8. 418-422; 1990. 12. Ellenhorn MJ, Barceloux DG. Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York: Elsevier; 1042-1045; 1988. 13. Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, (eds) Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 5. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1023; 2001. 14. Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, (eds) Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 5. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 632; 2001. 15. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 16. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 17. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 18. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 19. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992. 1. 2.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number | EC | REP j Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-08-11 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Not Recommended - added section Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - replaced isotonic saline and distilled water with VITROS 7% BSA and reagent-grade water Known Interferences - updated values for hemoglobin Method Comparison - updated all data and the plot Precision - updated all values References - added all except 1, 2,11,12,16,17,18
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
I EC REP I Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
ftwm company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
1 -oleoyl-2,3-diacetylglycerol 2,3-diacetylglycerol glycerol + ATP L-a-glycerophosphate + O2 H2O2 + leuco dye
lipase, colipase pH8.5 diacetinase glycerol kinase MgCI2
2,3-diacetylglycerol + oleic acid glycerol + acetic acid L-a-glycerophosphate + ADP dihydroxyacetone phosphate + H2O2
dye + 2H2O
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm2
Diacetinase (Bacillus subtilis, E.C.3.1.1-) 0.54 U; glycerol kinase (. coli or Cellulomonas sp, E.C. 0.32 U; L-a-glycerophosphate oxidase {Aerococcus viridans, E.C. 0.39 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 0.62 U; colipase (porcine pancreas) 5.9 U; adenosine triphosphate 0.16 mg; 1-oleoyl-2,3-diacetylglycerol 0.80 mg; and 2-(3,5-dimethoxy4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-bis(4-dimethylaminophenyl)imidazo!e (leuco dye) 33 ng.
, 2
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, surfactants, enzyme cofactors, stabilizers, buffer, dye solubilizer, scavenger and cross-linking agent.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer {TIO2) colipase 1-oleoyl-2,3-diace1ylglycerol 3. Reagent layer buffer, pH 8.5 diacetinase glycerol kinase ATP L-a-glycerophosphate oxidase peroxidase leuco dye 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28X: (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for at least 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C(<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F)
Stability <48 hours <4 weeks Until expiration date <15 minutes
Version 1.0
Specimen Requirements
I VM Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test. IMPORTANT:
Specimen Storage and Stability for LIPA DT: Serum and Plasma7 Storage Temperature Stability
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18-28C(64O-82OF) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <7 days <3 weeks <5 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products LIPA DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT;
Sample Dilution
If lipase activities exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range or if samples are flagged with an L-11 or L-13 error code: 1. Dilute with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's lipase activity.
Version 1.0
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS LIPA DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
Based on sequential readings of the slide's reflectance at 540 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, lipase activity in unknown samples can be determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit for lipase are traceable to the measurement of lipase activity in a standard triolein emulsion with a pH-Stat analyzer.8
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
' ' Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition9 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other lipase methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Liquid controls are not recommended because they often contain high concentrations of glycerol, which result in L-11 or L-13 codes. Refer to "Limitations of the Procedure." Enzyme activity might also vary with enzyme source, diluent temperature, and activation time during reconstitution. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene giycol.
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Normal endogenous concentrations of glycerol do not interfere with this method; however, samples containing high concentrations of glycerol will be flagged with the L-11 or L-13 error code. Samples flagged with a L-11 or L-13 error code should be diluted and reanalyzed. Refer to "Sample Dilution." Highly elevated glycerol concentrations are usually caused by contamination from rubber stoppers, latex gloves or hyperalimentation fluids. If the L-11 or L-13 error code was caused by glycerol contamination, the final lipase result may be normal. Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter lipase activity in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1213 Pub. No. C-356
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Methpd Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of the VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System with the VITROS 700 Chemistry System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.14
D to O
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.16 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 399-400; 1987. Mauck JC, Weaver MS, Stanton C. Development of a Kodak Ektachem Clinical Chemistry Slide for Lipase (Abstract). Clin. Chem. 30:1058-1059; 1984. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 8. Tietz, NW, Repique, EV. Proposed Standard Method for Measuring Lipase Activity in Serum by a Continuous Sampling Technique. Clin. Chem. 19:1268-1275; 1973. 9. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition.. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 10. Vankampen L, DiPaola J, Gambino R. Lipase Normals - Some Data. Lab Report 12 (November); 1990. 11. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 12. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D C : AACC Press; 1995. 13. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 14. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-03-28 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Not Recommended - plasma: removed oxalate/fluoride, citrate, and EDTA Specimen Storage and Stability - updated all stabilities Quality Control Material Selection - added statements regarding liquid controls, enzyme activity, and ethylene glycol Limitations of the Procedure - removed sodium deoxycholate; updated bias due to carboxylesterase; added L-13 error code and removed >AR Method Comparison - corrected the slope value Precision - updated all values References - added all but 10
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
^c&mcH company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
Mg2 + Ca+2 Mg+2 + formazan dye derivative Mg*2 + Ca*2-chelator complex
pH 9.75
Mg -dye complex
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (calcium chelator) 242 ( and 1,5-bis(2-hydroxy-3,5-dichlorophenyl)-3-cyanoformazan (dye) 38 \xg.
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, dye solubilizer, surfactants, cross-linking agent and stabilizer.
4 5
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (TiO2) 3. Reagent layer calcium chelator buffer, pH 9.75 formazan dye 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28X: (64-82F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. CAUTION: Protective gloves manufactured with magnesium stearate (talc) powders may cause elevated test results because of the contamination of sample handling supplies (for example, pipette tips, transfer pipettes, sample cups and caps). Supplies that have come in contact with powdered gloves may subsequently contaminate the test specimen during sample metering. Gloves labeled as "powder-free" may contain some contaminating powder agents on the inside of the glove.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:3 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products Mg DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If magnesium concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's magnesium concentration.
Version 1.0
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1,2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS Mg DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 660 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, magnesium concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 ll.Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit for magnesium are traceable to the Certified
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Reference Material, SRM (Standard Reference Material) 929. The Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics calibration laboratory uses SRM" 929 to calibrate the flame atomic absorption spectroscopy method9 to support magnesium value assignment for the VITROS DT Calibrator Kit.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
':' Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. T o verify system performance, analyze control materials: After calibration. According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60II System.
If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results.
Version 1.0
For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other magnesium methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter magnesium concentrations in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1213
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.14 Method Comparison for Mg DT: Serum Conventional Units SI Units
o t
w O
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
No. C-349
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 521-524; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)" Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Young DS. Effects of Preanalytical Variables on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 4-120; 1993. Kaplan L, Pesce A. Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis, and Correlation. CV Mosby; 1069; 1984. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB. Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D C : AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
No. C-349
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Description of Technical Changes* > New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Specimens Recommended - plasma: updated to heparin > Limitations of the Procedure-removed inorganic phosphorous > Method Comparison -updated all comparisons and plots Precision: updated values References - added all except 6, 8 The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document. Version 1.0
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
No. C-349
Version 1.0
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS Na+ DT Slides quantitatively measure sodium (Na+) concentration in serum and plasma.
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
___ 1
Silver 0.4 mg; silver chloride 0.2 mg; sodium chloride 0.3 mg and methyl monensin 50 ng.
* _- 3 _ - *
Other ingredients
Binders, buffer, plasticizers, stabilizer, surfactants and nickel.
"'Y ~ .
1. Upper slide mount 2. Paper Bridge 3. Ion-selective membrane Methyl monensin 4. Reference layer NaCI Buffer, at pM 5.6 5. Silver, silver chloride layer 6. Support layer 7. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28 C (64 -82 f), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. Remove the unopened slide from the box. 2. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C (<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F)
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:4 Heparin (Sodium heparin will increase the measured sodium value by approximately 0.5 mmol/L.) Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.5 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Specimen Storage and Stability for Na* DT: Serum and Plasma9
Storage Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18O-28C(64O-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) Stability <4 days <1 week <6 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products Na* DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
Sodium concentrations outside the reportable (dynamic) range are not expected. Diluted samples should not be analyzed with VITROS Na* DT Slides because dilution changes both the concentration of solids in plasma water and the ionic strength of the sample.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1 and 2
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. MOTE: Calibrate sodium in duplicate by running each bottle twice.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When the VITROS DT Reference Fluid lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. Version 1.0 Pub. No. C-307 3
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System measures the potential difference in millivolts between the two electrodes of a potentiometric slideone in contact with the sample to be analyzed and the other in contact with the electrolyte reference fluid. A linear relationship exists between the measured potential difference observed on the slide and the logarithm of sodium concentration, i.e. the Nernst equation for ion-selective electrodes. Once the calibration has been established for each slide lot, unknown sodium concentrations for a given sample can be determined using the software-resident math model and the measured potential difference.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition'1'' or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other sodium methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
No. C-307
Version 1.0
Reporting Units
The VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System may be programmed to report sodium results in conventional and SI units.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter sodium concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.12'13
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the Flame Photometry comparative method.10 Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9." The table also shows the results of a comparison of the VITROS Na* DT Slide at an assay time of approximately 90 seconds with the VITROS Na+ DT Slide at an assay time of approximately 180 seconds.
50 50
117-166 101-185
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.'6 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 614-616; 1987. Siggard-Anderson O. Electrochemistry, in Tietz NW (ed). Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 110-125; 1986. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Slockbower JM, BlumenfeldTA (ed.). Collection and Handling of Laboratory Specimens. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co; 201; 1983. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Velapoldi R.A., et al. A reference method for the determination of sodium in serum. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 260-60, Gaithersburg. MD, 1978. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number \/ BEP | Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* > New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Reference Interval - corrected the sample size > Limitations of the Procedure - removed the statement regarding ethanol > Method Comparison - updated all data and the plot > Precision - updated all values > References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Neonatal Bilirubin
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS NBIL DT Slides quantitatively measure total bilirubin concentration in serum and plasma in neonates during the first weeks of life.
Reaction Sequence
neonatal bilirubin
dyphylline [4-(N-carboxymethylsulfonyl)-benzenediazonium hexafluorophosphate]
azobilirubin chromophores
Version 1.0
Neonatal Bilirubin
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
_ 3
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, mordant, surfactants and stabilizer.
~~~~ ~ 4 _____
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSCXtl dyphylline diazonium salt 3. Reagent layer buffer, pH 3.0 4. Support layer * 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CMJTiGM: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 "-28 C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. Remove the unopened slide from the box. 2. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WARNiNG: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
I Serum Plasma:3 Heparin
Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests4 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Neonatal Bilirubin
Special Precautions For the effect of sample hemolysis on test results, refer to "Limitations of the Procedure." Protect specimens from light. Direct exposure to sunlight is reported to cause as much as a 50% loss of serum bilirubin in one hour, especially when the specimen is kept in capillary tubes.1 Exposure to normal laboratory light can result in a significant loss of serum bilirubin after two to three hours. Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum from the cellular material within 4 hours of collection.7
Specimen Storage and Stability for NBIL DT: Serum7 Temperature Storage
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18-28C(64O-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F)
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products NBIL DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If bilirubin concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's bilirubin concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1,2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. Version 1.0 Pub. No. C-364
VI"TFj[Cp"S | * |
Neonatal Bilirubin
The VITROS NBIL DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 555 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, neonatal bilirubin concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| ' Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition9 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other neonatal bilirubin methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Neonatal Bilirubin
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for NBIL DT Conventional Units SI Units
mg/dL umol/L (mg/dL x 17.1)
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable. This concentration may be present in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
Version 1.0
Neonatal Bilirubin
Other Limitations
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
I I The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System and VITROS BuBc Slides to calculate NBIL. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.14 Method Comparison for NBIL DT: Serum Conventional Units 25 400
SI Units
!* >
200 f
O a: >
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results. Precision for NBIL DT: Serum Conventional Units (mg/dL) Within Within Mean Cone. Day SD* Lab SD** 1.3 14.5 0.10 0.22 0.10 0.29 SI Units (Mmol/L) Mean Cone. 23 248 Within Day SD* 1.6 3.8 Within Lab SD** 1.8 5.0 Within Lab CV%** 7.8 2.0 No. Observ. 84 84 No. Days 21 21
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
No. C-364
Version 1.0
Neonatal Bilirubin
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Routh Jl: Liver Function. In Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed 2. Philadelphia; WB Saunders; 1037; 1976. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue: Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Lauff JJ, Kasper ME, Wu T.W, Ambrose RT. Isolation and preliminary characterization of a fraction of bilirubin in serum that is firmly bound to protein. Clin. Chem. 28:629-637, 1982. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions: Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. Pickert A, Riedlinger I, Stumvill M. Interference of Cefotiam with Total Bilirubin Measured with the Ektachem Analyzer. Clin. Chem. 38:599-600; 1992. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples: Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number BC mf I Manufacturer Authorized Representative Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
\ y /
Q|L| On!
"^rzi MfcX [
Version 1.0
Neonatal Bilirubin
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* > New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Known Interfering Substances - updated values; added phenazopyridine and hemoglobin; changed 5-aminosalicylic acid to 4-aminosalicylic acid > Method Comparison - updated all comparisons and the plots > Precision - updated all values > References - added all except 6, 12,13
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Reaction Sequence
NH3 + bromphenol blue (ammonia indicator) blue dye
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, surfactants, buffer and stabilizer.
-4 5
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (TIO2) 3. Reagent layer buffer, pH 9.3 4. Semlpermeable membrane 5. Indicator layer bromphenol blue 6. Support layer 7. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
N: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 - 2 8 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Stability <48 hours <4 weeks Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Version 1.0
Special Precautions NOTE: Avoid using ammonia-containing cleaning solutions or hand creams in the area around the analyzer. Centrifuge specimens and remove the plasma from the cellular material within 15 minutes of collection.3 Handling and Storage Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimen \fi
Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F); analyze immediately.
Specimen Storage and Stability for NH3 DT: Plasma3 Storage Temperature
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18-28C(64O-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F)
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
. VITROS Chemistry Products NH3 DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F); analyze immediately. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If ammonia concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's ammonia concentration.
Version 1.0
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, 3, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
NOTE: The VITROS CREA DT test is dependent on correct calibration of the VITROS NH3 DT Slides used as blanks. Therefore, the NH3 DT Slides must be calibrated whenever CREA DT Slides are calibrated.
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS NH3 DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 605 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, ammonia concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality
parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Reportable (Dynamic) Range Reportable (Dynamic) and SI Units NH3 DT Conventional Range for (umol/L) 1-500
For out-of-range samples, refer to "Sample Dilution."
Version 1.0
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| : llfJG Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition8 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
VITROS DT Control I & II are recommended for use with the VITROS DT60/DT60 II
Chemistry System. Evaluate the performance of other commercial control fluids for compatibility with this test before using for quality control. Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other ammonia methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Version 1.0
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter ammonia concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.9'1C
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.11
300 200
oc I00
Version 1.0
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.12 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 748; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 3. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 4. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 5 NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 6. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 7. Bruce WA, Leiendecker, CM, Freier EF. Two-Point Determination of Plasma Ammonia with the Centrifugal Analyzer. Clin. Chem. 24:782; 1978. 8. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 9. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 10. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 11. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 12. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992. 1. 2.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. [ EC [ na> [ \ v/ V Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use
This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* > New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Specimens Recommended - updated wording for heparin; added EDTA Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values > Reference Interval - updated upper limit > Limitations of the Procedure - updated interferent statements > Method Comparison - updated all comparisons and the plot > Precision - updated all data > References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document. When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
EC i REP i
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS PHOS DT Slides quantitatively measure phosphorus (PHOS) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
inorganic phosphate + ammonium molybdate ammonium phosphomolybdate complex
p-methylaminophenol sulfate
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
I 2
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, surfactants, buffer and stabilizers.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSO4) 3. Reagent layer p-methylaminophenol sulfale ammonium molybdate buffer, pH 4.2 4. Support layer 6. Lower slide mount
.. - -
Slide Handling
CAUTiOH: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 "-82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 "C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:5 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.e Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
No. C-350
Version 1.0
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products PHOS DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If phosphorus concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's phosphorus concentration.
Required Calibrators .
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS PHOS DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 660 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, phophorous concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| " Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition12 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other phosphorus methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilfzers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Reporting Units and Unit Conversion for PHOS DT Conventional Units SI Units
mg/dL mmol/L (mg/dL x 0.3229)
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter phosphorus concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.13 u
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
I The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the Fiske and Subbarow comparative method2, modified by Dryer, Tamnes, and Routh.11 Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.15
O 2 .
0 10 12 14
Comparative Method: Modified Fiske and Subbarow (mmol/L) Comparative Method: Modified Fiske and Subbarow (mg/dL)
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS the DT60/DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.16 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 706-716; 1987. Fiske CH, Subbarow Y. The Colorimetric Determination of Phosphorus. J. Biol. Chem. 66:375; 1925. Gomori G. A Modification of the Colorimetric Phosphorus Determination for Use with a Photoelectric Colorimeter. J. Lab. Clin. Med.
27:955; 1942.
NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Tietz NW (ed). Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1407; 1999. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 11. Dryer RL, Tamnes AR, Routh JL. The Determination of Phophorous and Phosphatase with N-Phenyl-p-phenylenediamine. J. Biol. Chem. 222:177; 1957. AACC Proposed Selected Method. 12. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 13. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D C : AACC Press; 1995. 14. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D C : AACC Press; 1990. 15. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 16. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-04-30 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimens Not Recommended - added "Do not use hemolyzed specimens." Specimen Storage and Stability - updated data Materials Required But Not Provided - updated materials > Quality Control Material Selection - added statement regarding ethylene glycol > Method Comparison - updated data and plots > Precision - updated data > References - added all except 2, 3, 8
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
C hem i s t r y I
Total Biiirubin
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS TBIL DT Slides quantitatively measure total biiirubin (TBIL) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
total biiirubin (Bu, Be, and DELB)
dyphylline [4-(A/-carboxymethylsulfonyl)-benzenediazonium hexafluorophosphate]
azobilirubin chromophores
Version 1.0
Total Bilirubin
Slide Diagram
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, mordant, surfactants and stabilizer.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSO4) dyphylline diazonium salt 3. Reagent layer buffer, pH 3.0 4. Support layer 6. Lower slide mount
. 5
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 "-2B C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:4 Heparin Do not use this slide for specimens from neonatal patients less than 14 days old. Refer to "Limitations of the Procedure." Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.s Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Total Bilirubin
Special Precautions For the effect of sample hemolysis on test results, refer to "Limitations of the Procedure." Protect specimens from light. Direct exposure to sunlight is reported to cause as much as a 50% loss of serum bilirubin in one hour, especially when the specimen is kept in capillary tubes.2 Exposure to normal laboratory light can result in a significant loss of serum bilirubin after two to three hours. Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum from the cellular material within 4 hours of collection.8 Specimen Handling and Storage WfiMUM(> Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products TBIL DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
| If total bilirubin concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's total bilirubin concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. Version 1.0 Pub. No. C-305
Total Bilirubin
The VITROS TBIL DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 555 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, total bilirubin concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit for total bilirubin are traceable to the Certified NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Reference Material, SRM" (Standard Reference Material) 916a. The Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (OCD) calibration laboratory uses SRM 916a to calibrate the NCCLS credentialed Jendrassik-Grof method9 to support total bilirubin value assignment for the VITROS DT Calibrator Kit.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
WARNING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition'10 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other total bilirubin methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Total Bilirubin
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
300 ng/mL** 300 ug/mL** 8 mg/dL 4-Aminosalicylic acid 8 mg/dL Phenazopyridine 8 mg/dL 8 mg/dL Biliverdin 4 mg/dL 4 mg/dL 100 mg/dL Hemoglobin 200 mg/dL 400 mg/dL 100 mg/dL 200 mg/dL 400 mg/dL 100 mg/dL 200 mg/dL . 400 mg/dL
* **
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable. This concentration may be present in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
Other Limitations
Accuracy of VITROS TBIL DT Slides results on specimens from neonates less than 14 days old has not been demonstrated. Therefore, these specimens should be analyzed using VITROS NBIL DT Slides. It is important to maintain consistency in bilirubin methodology. If VITROS NBIL DT Slides are initially used to monitor a patient, continue to monitor that patient with VITROS NBIL DT Slides. Do not switch to VITROS TBIL DT Slides regardless of the patient's age. Results from the VITROS TBIL DT Slide may not be accurate at elevation greater than 6000 feet (approx. 1800 meters) above sea level. Pub. No. C-305
Version 1.0
Total Bilirubin
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the Jendrassik-Grof comparative method, Doumas modification.9
400 y =x
Version 1.0
Total Bilirubin
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results. Precision for TBIL DT: Serum Conventional Units (mg/dL) System VITROS DT60 II Mean Cone. 1.3 13.3 Within Day SD* 0.06 0.18 Within Lab SD** 0.07 0.23 Mean Cone. 23 227 SI Units (umol/L) Within Day SD* 1.0 3.1 Within Lab SD** 1.2 3.9 Within Lab CV%** 5.1 1.7 No. Observ. 88 88 No. Days 22 22
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 730-736; 1987. Routh Jl: Liver Function. In Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed 2. Philadelphia; WB Saunders; 1037; 1976. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 4. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. 5. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 6. NCCLS. Procedures forthe Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 7. NCCLS. Procedures forthe Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 8. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 9. Doumas B.T., Bayse D.D., et al. A candidate reference method for determination of bilirubin in serum. Test for transferability. Clin. Chem. 29; 297-301; 1983. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 12. Pickert A, Riedlinger I, Stumvill M. Interference of Cefotiam with Total Bilirubin Measured with the Ektachem Analyzer. Clin. Chem. 38:599-600; 1992. 13. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 14. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D C : AACC Press; 1990. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992. 1. 2. 3.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store Between
Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Total Bilirubin
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - added VITROS 7% BSA Reference Interval - updated all data Known interfering Substances - updated values; added hemoglobin; changed 5-aminosalicylic acid to 4-aminosalicylic acid Method Comparison - updated all comparisons and the plots Precision - updated all values References - added all except 6,13,14
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
QihoClinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Ciinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
[ Prodwcts
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS THEO DT Slides quantitatively measure theophylline (THEO) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
p-nitrophenyl phosphate
beef liver ALKP MgCI2
Version 1.0
No. C-347
Slide Diagram
1 , 2 . 3
Alkaline phosphatase (beef liver, E.C. 0.02 U; magnesium chloride 3 ug; and p-nitrophenyl phosphate 0.3 mg.
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, surfactant, buffer, enzyme cofactor, protein, stabilizer and cross-linking agent.
- $
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (BaSO4) p-nitrophenyl phosphate 3. Reagent layer ALKP buffer, pM 8.5 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18-28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 - 2 8 'C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. Remove the unopened slide from the box. 2. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma: Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.3 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. Specimen Storage and Stability for THEO DT: Serum and Plasma 7 Storage Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen Temperature 18-28C(64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) Stability <7 days <7 days <60 days
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products THEO DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
I If theophylline concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's theophylline concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Specialty Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. ' When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS THEO DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is read at 400 nm during the incubation period, and the rate of change in reflectance is calculated. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, theophylline concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident rate math model and the change in reflectance calculated for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| , <. Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. . To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition9 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
No. C-347
Version 1.0
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves. In some cases the most effective therapeutic concentration may be outside this range. Monitor patients for efficacy of treatment and for adverse symptoms.
Conv. (ug/mL) 20 20
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter theophylline concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1213
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.14 Method Comparison for THEO DT: Serum Conventional Units
SI Units
y =x
40 ?0 20 100 (0 20 30 40 50
Comparative Method: VITROS 950 System (Mg/mL)
150 100
0 50
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.15 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 859; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. Kaplan L, PesceA. Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis, and Correlation, ed. 2. CVMosby; 900; 1989. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCCLS. Procedures for the. Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 7. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle IV: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring/Toxicology. Skokie, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1985. 8. Lauff J. A Reference Procedure for the Determination of Theophylline and Related Xanthines in Serum by Dynamic Ion-Exchange HPLC. J. Chrom. 417:99-109; 1987. 9. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 10. Hendele L, Weinberger MM. Theophylline Therapeutic Use and Serum Concentration Monitoring, in Taylor WJ and Finn AL (eds). Individualizing Drug TherapyPractical Applications of Drug Monitoring. New York: Gross, Townsend, Frank; 1:31-65; 1981. 11. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 12. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 13. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 14. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
| t t [ m$t> I Vr7 V
Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above
Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Materials Required But Not Provided and Sample Dilution - added VITROS 7% BSA; removed isotonic saline > Limitations of the Procedure - updated values > Method Comparison - updated all data and plots Precision - updated all values References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
Qtho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Total Protein
Reaction Sequence
protein + copper tartrate- > colored complex
Version 1.0
Total Protein
Slide Diagram
1 2 . 3
Copper sulfate 0.9 mg; tartaric acid 1.2 mg; and lithium hydroxide 1.3 mg.
4 5
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (beads) 3. Reagent layer copper sulfate tartaric acid lithium hydroxide 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
" ' Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Serum Plasma:4 Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.5 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Total Protein
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for TP DT: Serum and Plasma6 Temperature Stability Storage
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18-28OC(64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <4 hours <3 days <6 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products TP DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT;
Sample Dilution
If total protein concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's total protein concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. .
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS TP DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Version 1.0 Pub. No. C-310
Total Protein Calculations
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| WARNING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other total protein methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Total Protein
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Bias Conventional 3% 9%
SI 3% 9%
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Results from plasma samples may be up to 4% higher than those from serum.12 Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter total protein concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1314
Version 1.0
Total Protein
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VITROS 950 System. Method Comparison for TP DT: Serum Conventional Units 150 10 SI Units
6 4 "
2 4 6 8 10
12 50 100 150
Comparative Method: VITROS 950 System (9'dL) Comparative Method: VITROS 950 System (g'L)
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.1S The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
[I vi~rFij
Total Protein
TietzNW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 314-324; 1987. Kingsley GR. The Direct Biuret Method for Determination of Serum Proteins as Applied to Photoelectric and Visual Coiorimetry. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 27:840-845; 1942. 3. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. 4. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. 5. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. 6. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 7. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 8. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. 9. Doumas BT, et al. A Candidate Reference Method for Determination of Total Protein in Serum: 1. Development and Validation. Clin. Chem. 27:1642-1650; 1981. 10. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 11. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. 12. Tietz NW. Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 487; 1986. 13. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 14. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D C : AACC Press; 1990. 15. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1. 2.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. ^a | EC I REP [ Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Store At or Above
Version 1.0
Total Protein
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* > New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Specimens Not Recommended - added section Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values > Known Interfering Substances table - removed dextran, updated hemoglobin > Method Comparison - updated data for all comparisons and plots > Precision - updated values References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
P rodu cts
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS TRIG DT Slides quantitatively measure triglycerides (TRIG) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
lipoproteins triglycerides + H2O glycerol + ATP
L-a-glycerophOSphate + O 2 MgCI2
triglycerides + proteins ^- glycerol + fatty acids L-a-glycerophosphate + ADP ^ dihydroxyacetone phosphate + H2O2
glycerol kinase
L-a-glycerol-phosphate oxidase
Version 1.0
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
Lipase (Candida rugosa, E.C. 0.15 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 0.52 U; glycerol kinase (Cellulomonas sp., E.C. 0.35 U; L-a-glycerophosphate oxidase (Pediococcus sp., E.C.1.1.3.-) 0.19 U; Triton X-100 0.62mg;2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-bis(4-dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole (leuco dye) 0.04 mg; and adenosine triphosphate 0.14 mg.
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants, stabilizers, scavenger, enzyme cofactors, dye solubilizer and cross-linking agent.
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (TiO2) Triton X-100 lipase 3. Reagent layer buffer, pH 8.0 glycerol kinase ATP L-a-glycerophosphate oxidase peroxidase leuco dye 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT; The slide must reach room temperature, 18 "-28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the individual slides from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36~46F) Frozen s-18C(<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82 F)
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
Specimens Recommended
* Serum Plasma: Heparin Serum is the specimen of choice because it is the basis for the US National Institutes of Health recommendations relating lipid levels with cardiac risk. Heparin plasma results have been reported as being within 1 % of serum results.4 Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.5 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for TRIG DT: Serum and Plasma9 Storage Temperature Stability
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen IMPORTANT; 18-28C(64-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <3 days <7 days <6 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products TRIG DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64~82F), prior to analysis. IMPORTANT:
Sample Dilution
If triglycerides concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute with VITROS 7% BSA, isotonic saline, or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's triglycerides concentration.
Version 1.0
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS TRIG DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 555 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for
each slide lot, triglyceride concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.'
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| , Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results.
Version 1.0
For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Editionu or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other triglycerides methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives. Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter triglyceride concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.1516
Version 1.0
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the Enzymatic Total Glycerol comparative method." Method Comparison for TRIG DT: Serum Conventional Units 500 400 300
y =x
SI Units
100 200 300 400 500
Comparative Method: Enzymatic Total Glycerol (mg/d/L)
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS the DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.17 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results. Precision for TRIG DT: Serum Mean Cone. 110 265 Conventional Units (mg/dL) Within Within Day SD* Lab SD** 2.0 2.8 3.4 6.1 SI Units (mmol/L) Mean Within Within Cone. Day SD* Lab SD** 1.24 0.02 0.03 2.99 0.04 0.07 Within Lab CV%** 2.6 2.3 No. Observ. 84 84 No. Days 21 21
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
No. C-303
Version 1.0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 452-453; 1987. Spayd R, et al. Multilayer Film Elements for Clinical Analysis. Clin. Chem. 24:1348-1350; 1978. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. NCEP. Recommendations for improving cholesterol measurement. A report from the Laboratory Standardization Panel of the National Cholesterol Education Program. NIH publication no. 90-2964:26-27; 1990. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
NCEP. Recommendations for improving cholesterol measurement. A report from the Laboratory Standardization Panel of the National Cholesterol Education Program. NIH publication no. 90-2964:28-29; 1990. 9. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. 10. ColeTG, Klotzach SG, McNamara JR. Measurement of Triglyceride Concentration, Rifai N, Warnick GR, DominiczakMK (eds). Handbook of Lipoprotein Testing, ed. 2. Washington DC: AACC Press, 207-219; 2000. 11. Fossati P, Prencipe L. Clin. Chem. 28:2077-2080; 1982. 12. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. 13. NCEP. Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III); Executive Summary. NIH Publication No. 01-3670. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda. Maryland: May, 2001. 14. Stein EA, et al. National Cholesterol Education Program Recommendations for Triglyceride Measurement: Executive Summary. Clin. Chem. 41:1421-1426; 1995. 15. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. 16. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. 17. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets. Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Version 1.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-04-30 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* > New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Specimen Collection and Preparation - removed statement regarding grossly lipemic specimens > Reference Interval - updated all values > Method Comparison - updated all data and the plot > Precision - updated all data > References - added all but number 9
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
I EC REP I Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
u^cfMww company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
Urine Creatinine
Reaction Sequence
creatinine + H2O creatine + H2O sarcosine + O2 + H 2 O H2O2 + leuco dye
creatinine amidohydrolase
-> ->
creatine amidinohydrolase
Version 1.0
Urine Creatinine
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
- 4
Other ingredients
Pigment, binders, surfactants, stabilizer, scavenger, chelator, buffer, dye solubilizer and cross-linking agent.
1. Jpper slide mount 2. Spreading layer (TiO2) 3. Reagent layer creatinine amidohydrolase creatine amidinohydrolase sarcosine oxidase peroxidase leuco dye > buffer, pH 7.0 4. Support layer 5. -ower slide mount
Slide Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide must reach room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 "-28 C (64 "-82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. Warm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Storage Condition Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F) Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Frozen <-18C(<0F) Room temperature 18-28C (64-82F)
Stability <48 hours <4 weeks Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Urine Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.2 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test. IMPORTANT:
Specimen Collection and Preparation
Collect specimens using standard laboratory procedures.3 Keep refrigerated until analysis.
Patient Preparation No special patient preparation is necessary. Special Precautions Urine specimens must be pretreated prior to processing. Refer to "Specimen Pretreatment" for instructions.
Version 1.0
Urine Creatinine
Specimen Pretreatment
Urine Predilution 1. Mix 1 part sample with 20 parts of reagent-grade water. 2. Analyze. 3. Multiply the results by 21 to obtain the creatinine concentration in the original urine sample. For example: 1. Fill a 100 mL graduated cylinder with 60 mL reagent-grade water. 2. Add a 3.0 mL aliquot of well mixed urine specimen to the graduated cylinder. The 3 mL pipette used to reconstitute VITROS DT Calibrators can be used to measure the 3 mL. 3. Cover the graduated cylinder and mix well.
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products urCR DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. sJNT: Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Sample Dilution
If urine creatinine concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range or if the analyzer displays an L-11 error code: 1. Mix 1 part prediluted sample with 1 part reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by 42 to obtain an estimate of the creatinine concentration in the original sample.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 4
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
V/|T"Rj|CpfS El
Urine Creatinine
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS urCR DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Reflectance from the slide is read at 680 nm during the incubation period, and the rate of change in reflectance is calculated. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, urine creatinine concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident rate math model and the change in reflectance calculated for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
'After multiplying by a dilution factor of 21.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| WARMING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition7 or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Urine Creatinine
Creatinine concentration (mg/dL) x 24-hour volume (dL) = mg/day. Creatinine concentration (|jmol/L) x 24-hour volume (L) = |jmol/day.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter creatinine concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries.8 9
Version 1.0
Urine Creatinine
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the HPLC comparative method.5 Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.10
SI Units
O o:
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on the VITROS DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.1' The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
2.3 3.5
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Urine Creatinine
1. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Urinalysis and Collection, Transportation, and Preservation of Urine Specimens; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document GP16. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Ambrose RT, Ketchum DF, Smith JW. Creatinine Determined by "High Performance" Liquid Chromatography. Clin. Chem. 29: 256-259; 1983. Jaffe M. Uber den Niederschlag welchen Pikrinsaure in normalen Ham erzeugt und uber eine neue Reaktion des Kreatinins. Z Physiol Chem. 10: 391-400; 1886. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990
4. 5. 6. 7.
9. 10. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. 11. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store Between Consult Instructions for Use
I ffl
Store At or Above
Version 1.0
Urine Creatinine
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-10-01 Description of Technical Changes* > New format New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Specimen Storage and Stability - updated stability values Specimen Pretreatment - added section > Method Comparison - updated all data and plots Precision - updated all data > References - added all except 8, 9,10,11 The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document. Version 1.0
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
^otowon company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
P r o d u cts
Chem i str y
Uric Acid
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS URIC DT Slides quantitatively measure uric acid (URIC) concentration in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
2H2O + uric acid H2O2 + leuco dye
-> >.
Version 1.0
Uric Acid
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients
Reactive ingredients per cm
1. Upper slide mount 2. Spreading layer 3. Reagent layer uricase peroxidase leuco dye buffer at pH 8.7 4. Support layer 5. Lower slide mount
Uricase {Candida utilis, E.C. 0.02 U; peroxidase (horseradish root, E.C. 0.6 U; and 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-bis-(4-dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole (leucodye) 14 ug. Other ingredients Stabilizers, pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants, dye solubilizer, scavenger and crosslinking agent.
Slide Handling
Do not use slides with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Slide Preparation
The slide must reach room temperature, 18 "-28 C (64 -82 F), before the wrapper is opened. Do not use unopened slides that have been at room temperature, 18 -28 C (64 -82 F) for >48 hours. 1. 2. Remove the unopened slide from the box. V\farm the unopened slide for 15 minutes. Unopened slides that remain in the sealed wrapper may be returned to refrigerator or freezer storage. 3. Remove the packaging and place the slide into the loading station within 15 minutes after opening.
Stability <48 hours Until expiration date Until expiration date <15 minutes
Specimen Requirements
Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
Heparin Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests.6 Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Version 1.0
Uric Acid
Handle specimens as biohazardous material. Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation. Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Specimen Storage and Stability for URIC DT: Serum and Plasma9 Storage Temperature Stability
Room temperature Refrigerated Frozen 18O-28C(64O-82F) 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) <3 days <5 days <6 months
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
VITROS Chemistry Products URIC DT Slides
Operating Instructions
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System. Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to analysis.
Sample Dilution
If uric acid concentrations exceed the system's reportable (dynamic) range: 1. Dilute the sample with isotonic saline or reagent-grade water. 2. Reanalyze. 3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample's uric acid concentration.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit, bottles 1, 2, and 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
Calibrate: When the slide lot number changes. When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance. When government regulations require. - For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months. The VITROS URIC DT test may also need to be calibrated: If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range. After certain service procedures have been performed. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Version 1.0
Uric Acid
Reflectance from the slide is measured at 660 nm after the fixed incubation time. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, uric acid concentration in unknown samples can be determined using the software-resident endpoint colorimetric math model and the response obtained from each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters resident within the analyzer software. Failure to meet any of the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
| WARNING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material. Choose control levels that check the clinically relevant range. Analyze quality control materials in the same manner as patient samples, before or during patient sample processing. To verify system performance, analyze control materials: - After calibration. - According to local regulations or at least once each day that the test is being performed. - After specified service procedures are performed. Refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II System. If control results fall outside your acceptable range, investigate the cause before deciding whether to report patient results. For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition" or other published guidelines. For additional information, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry System.
Control materials other than VITROS DT Controls I & II may show a difference when compared with other uric acid methods if they: - Depart from a true human matrix. - Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives, Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Version 1.0
Uric Acid
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
It is possible that other interfering substances may be encountered. These results are representative; however, your results may differ somewhat due to test-to-test variation. The degree of interference at concentrations other than those listed might not be predictable.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter uric acid concentration in vivo. For additional information, refer to one of the published summaries. 13 ' u
Version 1.0
Uric Acid
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plots and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VlTROS DT60 II System with those analyzed using the VlTROS 950 System. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9.15
SI Units
1000 y =x
3 |
15" 12 "
I i
400 6 ' 3 ' 0 0 0 12
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VlTROS the DT60 II System following NCCLS Protocol EP5.16 The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect reproducibility of test results.
Within Day precision was determined using two runs/day with two replications. Within Lab precision was determined using a single lot of slides and calibrating weekly.
Version 1.0
Uric Acid
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Tietz NW(ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 684-686; 1987. Kageyama N. A Direct Colorometric Determination of Uric Acid in Serum and Urine with Uricase-Catalysts System. Clin. Chem. Acta. 31:421; 1971. Trivedi RC, Rabar L, Berta EN, et al. New Enzymatic Method for Serum Uric Acid at 500 nm. Clin. Chem. 24:1908-191; 1978. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997. Doumas BT, et al. Differences Between Values for Plasma and Serum in Tests Performed in the Ektachem 700 XR Analyzer, and Evaluation of "Plasma Separator Tubes (PST)." Clin. Chem. 35:151-153; 1989. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86-90; 1988. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. NCCLS. Procedures forthe Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1991. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992. Schultz AL. Uric Acid. In: Pesce AJ, Kaplan LA, eds. Methods in Clinical Chemistry, St. Louis: The CV Mosby Company; 27-34; 1987. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition.. NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1995. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer's Serial Number ~l Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
ml [
Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above
LJ-iJ Use
X 1
Version 1.0
Uric Acid
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-08-11 Version 1.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format > New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive > Pre-dilution Procedure - changed distilled water to reagent-grade water Limitations of the Procedure - added hydralazine and gentisic acid > Method Comparisons - updated all comparisons and plots Precision - updated all values References - added all
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
^Je&Mtm company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 1.0
I Products
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit is specially formulated for use as calibrators for ALB, ALKP, ALT, AMYL, AST, TBIL, NBIL, BUN/UREA, Ca, CHOL, CK, CI", CO2, CREA, CRSC, Fe, GGT, GLU, HDLC, K+, LAC, LDH, LIPA, Mg, Na+, NH3, PHOS, TP, TRIG, urCR, and URIC on VITROS DT Chemistry Systems.
The VITROS DT Calibrators are prepared from bovine serum albumin and processed bovine serum to which enzymes, electrolytes, stabilizers, preservatives and other organic analytes have been added. Enzymes added to the product and their sources are shown below:
VITROS DT Calibrator Diluents are prepared from processed water to which inorganic salts have been added.
Nominal Values Used for the Manufacture of VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit
Analyte Albumin Alkaline Phosphatase Alanine Aminotransferase Ammonia Amylase Aspartate Aminotransferase Total Bilirubin Blood Urea Nitrogen Calcium Carbonate Chloride Cholesterol Creatine Kinase Creatinine Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Glucose HDL Cholesterol Iron Lactate Lactate Dehydrogenase Lipase Calibrator 1*
62 20
20 22
0.3 (27)
0.2 275 45
Calibrator 2* 3.5 (35.0) 400 270 596 (350) 150 257 11.0(188.1) 27 (9.6) 9.0 (2.25) 36 145 145 (3.75) 525 7.0(619) 235 200(11.10) 170(30.45) 3.0 750 275
Calibrator 3* 170(100) 970 20.0 (342) 92 (32.8) 14.0 (3.49) 390(10.09) 4.2(371) 445 (24.70) 11.5
Calibrator 4* 6.0 (60.0) 1500 900 128 (75) 850 1700 13.2(1167) 1400 15(0.38) 490 (87.76) 1790 1900
Units (SI) g/dL (g/L) U/L U/L ug/dL (umol/L) U/L U/L mg/dL (umol/L) mg/dL (mmol/L) mg/dL (mmol/L) mmol/L mmol/L mg/dL (mmol/L) U/L mg/dL (Mmol/L) U/L mg/dL (mmol/L) mg/dL (mmol/L) ug/dL (umol/L) mmol/L U/L U/L
Version 3.0
For those analytes that are not targeted in a calibrator bottle a dash is used.
Traceability of Values Assic ned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Calibrator Kit
Analyte Reference Material Albumin NIST SRM 927c Alkaline Phosphatase Not Applicable Alanine Aminotransferase Not Applicable Ammonium Sulfate** Ammonia Not Applicable Amylase Aspartate Aminotransferase Not Available Total Bilirubin NIST SRM 916a Blood Urea Nitrogen NIST SRM 912a Calcium NIST SRM 915a NIST SRM 192b CO2 NIST SRM 919a Chloride NIST SRM 911b Cholesterol Not Available Creatine Kinase NIST SRM 914a Creatinine Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Not Available Glucose NIST SRM 917b HDL Choleseterol NIST SRM 911b Iron NIST SRM 937 Lactate Lactic Acid, L (+) ** Lactate Dehydrogenase Not Applicable Lipase Not Available NIST SRM 929 Magnesium Potassium NIST SRM 918a NIST SRM 200 Phosphorus Sodium NIST SRM 919a Total Protein NIST SRM 927c Triglycerides Assigned Human Serum NIST SRM 913a Uric Acid NBIL NIST SRM 916a urCR NIST SRM 914a ** Reagent-grade commercial preparation Reference Method Bromcresol Green 1 IFCC/37C J IFCC/NRSCL RS4-A/37C 3 Enzymatic/37CA PG5/37C 5 IFCC/NRSCL RS2-A/37C 6 Jendrassik-Grof7 8 CDC (Urease/GLDH) 9 Atomic Absorption 10 Thermal Conductivity Coulometry 11 Abell-Kendall12 IFCC/NRSCL RS14-P/37C " HPLC "/Jaffe 15 IFCC/NRSCL RS17-P/37C 16 AACC/CDC (Hexokinase/G6PDH)17 Dextran Sulfate/Enzymatic 1S NCCLS/Ferenedye 1920 HPLC 21 NCCLS/P->L/37C22 pH Stat 2i Flame Atomic Absorption M Flame Photometer Phosphomolybdate/p-semidine HCI 2S Flame Photometer2' Biuret28 CDC chromotropic acid 29/unblanked Uricase/UV30 HPLC 31 HPLC "/Jaffe 1S
Version 3.0
DT Calibrator
This product is not classified as a dangerous substance for transportation purposes. However, package with adequate protection to prevent breakage and ship under refrigerated conditions.
NOTE: Each bottle of calibrator lyophilate has a corresponding diluent labeled by number. Use the appropriate diluent in the reconstitution of the lyophilate. 1. Materials should be at room temperature before constitution. Vials should sit out at room temperature approximately 30 minutes if stored in the refrigerator, or 60 minutes if stored in the freezer. 2. Slowly invert the diluent bottle several times to mix the contents thoroughly. DO NOT SHAKE. 3. Gently tap the lyophilate vial on the counter several times to dislodge any material adhering to the stopper. 4. Remove the seal and stopper from each bottle just prior to the addition of the diluent. Do not leave vials unstoppered. 5. Add exactly 3.0 mL of the appropriate diluent to each lyophilate vial. fiOTE; Do not interchange calibrators and diluents.
Use a clean, dry pipette for each vial. A Class A volumetric pipette, or an automated pipette of equivalent accuracy, is recommended because of the importance of this reconstitution procedure to the accuracy of the results. Discard any remaining diluent. 6. Replace the stopper and hold it firmly in place. Invert the vial gently. DO NOT SHAKE. Reconstitution time is typically 10 minutes using a rotator or rocker. Manual reconstitution, with occasional inversion, may take up to 30 minutes. Visually verify that all freeze-dried material is dissolved prior to use. 7. Keep all fluids tightly stoppered when not in use. At the time of reconstitution, it is recommended the operator date and initial the vial. 8. Reconstituted product should be used immediately or stored in the refrigerator between 2-8C (36-46F) to maximize stability.
Calibration Kit Storage and Stability for DT Calibrator Kit
DT Calibrator Kit Unopened Reconstituted Frozen Refrigerated Refrigerated Storage Condition <-18C (<0F) 2-8C (36-46F) . 2-8C (36-46F) Stability Until expiration date <100 days if tightly stoppered <24 hours if tightly stoppered
Refer to the analyte specific Instructions for Use for special calibration precautions.
Materials Provided
3 vials each of lyophilized calibrator 1,2,3 and 4. 3 vials each of calibrator diluent 1, 2, 3 and 4 containing 5 mL.
Version 3.0
Test Procedure
NOTE; For HDLC calibration, do not pretreat calibrators with VITROS Chemistry Products HDL Reagent Tubes. Be sure to use components from the same kit lot number.
NOTE; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Remove reconstituted material stored in the refrigerator. Mix vial thoroughly by gently inverting several times. Place a portion of fluid in a cup and cap the cup. Restopper the vial and immediately return it to the refrigerator. Bring the cup to room temperature before analysis (approximately 15 minutes). Analyze according to calibration instructions found in the Operator's Manual. Discard any unused portion in the cup following testing. Discard the calibrators after 24 hours.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. DoumasBT, Biggs HG. Determination of serum albumin. Standard methods of clinical chemistry\972; 7:175-188. Bretaudiere JP, Vassault A, et al. Criteria for establishing a standardized method for determining alkaline phosphatase activity in human serum. Clin. Chem. 1977; 23:2263-74. Bergmeyer HV, Horder M, Rej R. Approved recommendation on IFCC methods for the measurement of catalytic concentration of enzymes. Part 3, IFCC method for alanine aminotransferase (EC Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 1986; 24:481-95. Bruce WA, Leiendecker CM, Freier EF. Two-Point Determination of Plasma Ammonia with the Centrifugal Analyzer. Clin. Chem. 24:782; 1978. Mauck LA. A Kinetic colorimetric method for the determination of total amylase activity in serum. Clin. Chem. 31:1007; 1985. Bergmeyer HV, Horder M, Rej R. Approved recommendation on IFCC methods for the measurement of catalytic concentration of enzymes. Part 2, IFCC method for aspartate aminotransferase. J Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 1986; 24:497-510. Jendrassik L, Grof P. Vereinfachte photometrische Methoden zur bestimmung des blutbilirubin. Biochem Z1938; 297: 81-89. Doumas BT, Perry BW, Sasse EA, et al. Standardization in Bilirubin Assays: Evaluation of Selected Methods and Stability of Bilirubin Solutions. Clin. Chem. 19:984-993; 1973. Sampson EJ, et al. A coupled-enzyme equilibrium method for measuring urea in serum: optimization and evaluation of the AACC study group on urea candidate reference method. Clin. Chem. 1980; 26:816-26. Cali JP, et al. Atomic Absorption. NBS Reference Method (modified). Clin. Chem. 19:1208; 1987. Velapoldi RA, Paule RC, Schaffer R, Mandel TJ, Gramlich JW. Standard reference materials: a reference method for the determination of chloride in serum. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 260-67, Washington, DC, 1979. Abell L I , Levy BB, Brodie BB, Kendall RB. A Simplified Method for the Estimation of Total Cholesterol in Serum and Demonstration of its Specificity. J S/o/. Chem., 1952; 195: 357-366. Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes. Recommended Method for the Determination of Creatine Kinase in Blood. Scand. J Clin. Lab. Invest. 36:711-23; 1976; ibid., 39:1-5: 1979. Ambrose RT, Ketchum DF, Smith JW. Creatinine Determined by "High Performance" Liquid Chromatography. Clin. Chem. 29:256-259; 1983. Jaffe M. Uber den Niederschlag welchen Pikrinsaure in normalen Harn erzeugt und uber eine neue Reaktion des Kreatinins. Z Physiol Chem 1886; 10:391-400. Evans DS, Kringle RO. G-Glutamyltransferase: Response surface co-optimization of reaction conditions with g-Glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide as the substrate. Clin. Chem. 27:1036; 1981. Neese, J.W., Duncan, P., Bayse, D.D. etal, Development and evaluation of a hexokinase/glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase procedure for use as a national glucose reference method. HEW Publication No. (CDC) 77-8330. HEW. USPHS, Centers for Disease Control, 1976. Kimberley MM, Leary ET, Cole TG, Waymack PP. Selection, Validation, Standardization and Performance of a Designated Comparison Method for HDL-Cholesterol for Use in the Cholesterol Reference Laboratory Network. Clin. Chem. (45) 10:1803-1812; 1999. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Determination of Serum Iron and Total Iron-Binding Capacity; Proposed Standard. NCCLS Publication H17-P. Villanova, PA, NCCLS, 1990. ICSH. Revised Recommendations for the Measurements of the Serum Iron in Human Blood. British Journal of Hemotology. 75:616; 1990. Smith JW, Ambrose RT. Determination of Lactic Acid in Human Serum by Ion Exchange Chromatography. Internal Eastman Kodak Company Report. 1982. Buhl SN, Jackson KY, Graffunder B. Optimal reaction condition for assaying human lactate dehydrogenase pyruvate-to-lactate at 25, 30 and 37C. Clin. Chem. 1978; 24: 261-6. Tietz NW, Repique EV. Proposed Standard Method for Measuring Lipase Activity in Serum by a Continuous Sampling Technique. Clin. Chem. 19:1268-1275; 1973. Kaplan L, Pesce A. Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis, and Correlation. CV Mosby, 1069; 1984.
Version 3.0
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (Year-Month-Day) Lot Number Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative in the European Community Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
f f
Fragile, Handle with Care Keep Dry This end up Irritant Manufacturer follows packaging management procedures
Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use
Version 3.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2004-03-31 Version 3.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format, technically equivalent to 905660h with the following minor changes: Updated Glossary of Symbols table Storage-Removed "IMPORTANT: For Creatine Kinase only: Once reconstituted, calibrators should be used immediately. Calibrators can be used within 6 hours if stored between 2-8C (36-46F)." TEST PROCEDURE-Removed "For Creatine Kinase: Calibrators can be used within 6 hours if stored between 2-8C (36-46F)." Values assigned to calibrators-HDL Cholesterol Added names of calibrators used for calibrating individual tests Added SI Units in the nominal values table Added reference materials and methods table Added Note under Reconstitute section Reworded title to Test Procedure Added information about Creatine Kinase storage Added Limitations section Added References section Added Glossary of Symbols, Revision History, signature block, CE mark, and authorized representative information
2.0 (905660h)
2003-01-31 1.0
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50-100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4DP United Kingdom Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
4efcHfeM company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Version 3.0
j Products
Chemistry I
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit is specially formulated for use as calibrators for CKMB on Vitros DT Chemistry Systems.
VITROS DT Isoenzyme Calibrators are prepared from bovine serum albumin to which human heart tissue CKMB, inorganic salts, stabilizers and preservatives have been added. VITROS DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Diluents are prepared from processed water.
Nominal Values Used for the Manufacture of VITROS Chemistry Products DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit Calibrator 2* Calibrator 1* Calibrator 4* Units Analyte
CKMB 5 50 275 U/L
"Concentration is when calibrator is reconstituted with 3.0 mL of corresponding diluent
Traceability of Values Assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit The values assigned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit are traceable to a CK-MB immuno-inhibition method, with residual CK-B activity quantified using the Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes recommended method for total CK. 1
Version 2.0
This product is not classified as a dangerous substance for transportation purposes. However, package with adequate protection to prevent breakage and ship under refrigerated conditions.
NOTE: Each bottle of calibrator lyophilate has a corresponding diluent labeled by number. Use the appropriate diluent in the reconstitution of the lyophilate.
1. Materials should be at room temperature before reconstitution. Vials should sit out approximately 60 minutes at room temperature when taken from freezer storage. 2. Slowly invert the diluent bottle several times to mix the contents thoroughly. DO NOT SHAKE. 3. Gently tap the lyophilate vial on the counter several times to dislodge any material adhering to the stopper. 4. Remove the seal and stopper from each bottle just prior to the addition of the diluent. Do not leave vials unstoppered. 5. Add exactly 3.0 ml_ of the appropriate diluent to each vial. NOTE; Do not interchange calibrators and diluents.
Use a clean, dry pipette for each vial. A Class A volumetric pipette, or an automated pipette of equivalent accuracy is recommended because of the importance of this reconstitution procedure to the accuracy of the results. Discard any remaining diluent. 6. Replace stopper and hold it firmly in place. Invert the vial gently. DO NOT SHAKE. Reconstitution time is less than 10 minutes using a rotator or rocker. Manual reconstitution, with occasional inversion, may take up to 30 minutes. Visually verify that all freeze-dried material is dissolved prior to use. 7. Keep all fluids tightly stoppered when not in use. At the time of reconstitution, it is recommended the operator date and initial vial. 8. Reconstituted product should be used immediately or stored in the refrigerator between 2-8C (36-46F) to maximize stability.
Calibration Kit Storage and Stability for DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit
Storage Condition Calibration Kit Unopened Frozen <-18C (S0F) Reconstituted Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46cF) Exposure to light must be minimized to preserve creatine kinase. Refer to the analyte specific Instructions for Use for special calibration precautions. Stability Until expiration date <24 hours if tightly stoppered
Materials Provided
4 vials each of lyophilized calibrator 1, 2 and 4. 4 vials each of calibrator diluent 1, 2 and 4 containing 5 mL.
Version 2.0
Test Procedure
Be sure to use components from the same kit lot number. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Remove reconstituted material stored in the refrigerator. Mix vial thoroughly by gentle inversion. DO NOT SHAKE. Place a portion of fluid in a cup and cap the cup. Restopper the vial and immediately return it to the refrigerator. Bring the cup to room temperature before analysis (approximately 15 minutes). Analyze according to instructions found in the Operator's Manual. Discard any unused portion in the cup following testing. Discard reconstituted material after 24 hours.
1. 2. Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes. Recommended Method for the Determination of Creatine Kinase in Blood. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest.
36:711; 1976.
NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (Year-Month-Day) Lot Number Authorized Representative in the European Community W ^f* Iff Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up Irritant Manufacturer follows packaging management procedures
Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Store At or Below
Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer
Version 2.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2004-02-29 Version 2.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format, technically equivalent to 905659g with the following minor changes: Updated Glossary of Symbols table Added SI Units to the Nominal Values table Add information about traceability Added reference to NCCLS Reworded Precautions to match carton Add note in Reconstitution section Changed wording to Test Procedures Further defined Materials Required but Not Provided Added Limitations section Added References section Added Glossary of Symbols, Revision History, signature block, CE mark, and authorized representative information
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50-100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4DP United Kingdom Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Version 2.0
I Products
Chemi stry E
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS DT Specialty Calibrator Kit is specially formulated for use as calibrators for CHE, Li and THEO on VITROS DT Chemistry Systems.
VITROS DT Specialty Calibrators are prepared from processed human serum to which cholinesterase from equine serum, lithium chloride, theophylline, electrolytes, organic analytes, stabilizers and preservatives have been added. VITROS DT Specialty Calibrator Diluents are prepared from processed water to which inorganic salts have been added.
Nominal Values Used for the Manufacture of VITROS Chemistry Products DT Specialty Calibrator Kit
Analyte Cholinesterase (CHE) Lithium (Li) Theophylline (THEO) Calibrator 1* 0.00 (0) 0.2 1.5(8.33) Calibrator 2* 5.00 (5000)
Calibrator 4* 12.30(12300)
Traceability of Values Assic ned to the VITROS Chemistry Products DT Specialty Calibrator Kit
Analyte Cholinesterase (CHE) Lithium (Li) Theophylline (THEO) Reference Material Not Applicable SRM 924a Theophylline* Reference Method Butyrylthiocholine/ferricyanide ' Atomic Absorption 2 HPLC
Version 2,0
\/ITF?Cp"S El
First Aid
Inhalation - Remove to fresh air. Seek medical advice. Skin - Wash skin after each contact with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if skin is cut or punctured. E y e - Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention. Ingestion - Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical advice.
This product is not classified as a dangerous substance for transportation purposes. However, package with adequate protection to prevent breakage and ship under refrigerated conditions.
Note: 1. Each bottle of calibrator lyophilate has a corresponding diluent labeled by number. Use the appropriate diluent in the reconstitution of the lyophilate.
Materials should be at room temperature before reconstitution. Vials should sit out approximately 30 minutes if stored in the refrigerator, or 60 minutes if stored in the freezer. 2. Slowly invert the diluent vial several times to mix the contents thoroughly. DO NOT SHAKE. 3. Gently tap the lyophilate on the counter several times to dislodge any material adhering to the stopper. 4. Remove the seal and stopper from each bottle just prior to the addition of the diluent. Do not leave vials unstoppered. 5. Add exactly 3.0 mL of the appropriate diluent to each vial. Note: Do not interchange calibrators and diluents.
Use a clean, dry pipette for each vial. A Class A volumetric pipette, or an automated pipette of equivalent accuracy, is recommended because of the importance of this reconstitution procedure to the accuracy of the results. Discard any remaining diluent. 6. Replace stopper and hold it firmly in place. Invert the vial gently. DO NOT SHAKE. Reconstitution time is less than 10 minutes using a rotator or rocker. Manual reconstitution, with occasional inversion, may take up to 30 minutes. Visually verify that all freeze-dried material is dissolved prior to use. 7. Keep all fluids tightly stoppered when not in use. At the time of reconstitution, it is recommended the operator date and initial the vial. 8. Reconstituted product should be used immediately or stored in the refrigerator between 2-8C (36-46F) to maximize stability.
Calibration Kit Storage and Stability for PT Specialty Calibrator Kit
DT Specialty Calibrator Kit Unopened Reconstituted Storage Condition 2-8C (36-46F) <-18C(<0F) 2-8C (36-46F) Stability Until expiration date Until expiration date <24 hours if tightly stoppered
Refer to the analyte specific Instructions for Use for special calibration precautions..
Materials Provided
4 vials each of lyophilized calibrator 1, 2 and 4. 4 vials each of calibrator diluent 1,2 and 4 containing 5 mL.
Version 2.0
Test Procedure
Be sure to use components from the same kit lot number. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Remove reconstituted material stored in the refrigerator. Mix vial thoroughly by gently inverting several times. DO NOT SHAKE. Place a portion of fluid in a cup and cap the cup. Restopper the vial and immediately return it to the refrigerator. Bring the cup to room temperature before analysis (approximately 15 minutes). Analyze according to calibration instructions found in the Operator's Manual. Discard any unused portion in the cup following testing. Discard reconstituted material after 24 hours.
1. 2. 3. 4. Method recommended by the "Working Group on Enzymes of the German Society for Clinical Chemistry," European Journal of Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Biochemistry. 30:163-170; 1992. A Reference Method of Determination of Lithium in Serum. U.S. Dept. of Comm., NBS Publication 260-69. Lauff J. A Reference Procedure for the Determination of Theophylline and Related Xanthines in Serum by Dynamic Ion-Exchange HPLC. J. Chrom. 417:99-109; 1987. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number n i l Manufacturer's Serial Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up
Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
Version 2.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2004-02-29 Version 2.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format, technically equivalent to 906294g with the following minor changes: Updated Glossary of Symbols table Added SI'Units in the nominal values table Added reference materials and methods table Update Precautions to match package labels Added reference to NCCLS Added Note under Reconstitution section Reworded title to Test Procedure Added Limitations section Added References section Added Glossary of Symbols, Revision History, signature block, CE mark, and authorized representative information
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50-100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4DP United Kingdom Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
^efHWOM company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Version 2.0
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS DT Control is designed for use in monitoring the performance of VITROS DT Chemistry Systems.
VITROS DT Control is prepared from processed human serum to which enzymes, electrolytes, stabilizers, preservatives and other organic analytes have been added.
Enzymes Added to the Product and the Enzyme Sources Source Enzymes Added to Human Serum Base Pool
Alanine Aminotransferase Alkaline Phosphatase Amylase Aspartate Aminotransferase Cholinesterase Creatine Kinase Gamma Glutamyltransferase Lactate Dehydrogenase Lipase Porcine Heart Porcine Kidney Porcine Pancreas Porcine Heart Human Serum Porcine Heart Bovine Kidney Chicken Heart Porcine Pancreas
VITROS DT Control Diluent is manufactured from processed water to which inorganic salts have been added.
First Aid
Inhalation - Remove to fresh air. Seek medical advice. Skin - Wash skin after each contact with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if skin is cut or punctured. Eye-Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention. Ingestion - Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical advice.
Version 2.0
NOTE; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Each bottle of control has a corresponding diluent labeled by number. Use the appropriate diluent in the reconstitution of the lyophilate.
7. 8.
Materials should be at room temperature before reconstitution. Vials should sit out approximately 30 minutes if stored in the refrigerator, or 60 minutes if stored in the freezer. Slowly invert the diluent bottle several times to mix the contents thoroughly. DO NOT SHAKE. Gently tap the lyophilate vial on the counter several times to dislodge any material adhering to the stopper. Remove the seal and stopper from each bottle just prior to the addition of the diluent. Do not leave vials unstoppered. Add exactly 3.0 ml_ of the appropriate diluent to each vial. Use a clean, dry pipette for each vial. A Class A volumetric pipette, or an automated pipette of equivalent accuracy is recommended because of the importance of this reconstitution procedure to the accuracy of the results. Discard any remaining diluent. Replace stopper and hold it firmly in place. Invert the vial gently. DO NOT SHAKE. Reconstitution time is typically 10 minutes using a rotator or rocker. Manual reconstitution, with occasional inversion, may take up to 30 minutes. Visually verify that all freeze-dried material is dissolved prior to use. Keep all control fluids tightly stoppered when not in use. At the time of reconstitution, it is recommended the operator date and initial vial. Reconstituted product should be used immediately or stored in the refrigerator between 2-8C (36-46F) to maximize stability.
Storage and Stability for VITROS DT Control
Storage Condition <-18C (<0F) 2-8C (36-46F) Reconstituted 2-8C (36-46F) 'Refer to the Assay Sheet for analyte-specific stability information. DT Control Unopened Frozen Refrigerated Refrigerated Exposure to light will affect bilirubin and creatine kinase results. Ammonia concentration increases with time. Stability Until expiration date <6 months Store tightly stoppered*
Materials Provided
12 vials of lyophilized control. 12 vials of diluent containing 5 mL each.
After reconstitution, the control serum should be assayed in the same manner as a patient sample. The reported values can then be compared with those given on the assay sheet. NOTE; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Be sure to use components from the same kit lot number.
Remove reconstituted material stored in the refrigerator. Mix thoroughly by gently inverting several times. DO NOT SHAKE. Place a portion of fluid in a cup and cap the cup. Restopper the vial and immediately return it to the refrigerator. Bring the cup to room temperature before analysis (approximately 15 minutes). Analyze according to instructions found in the Operator's Manual. Discard any unused portion in the cup following testing. Discard reconstituted control after 7 days.
No. J23111 EN
Version 2.0
Assay Values
The assay values for VITROS DT Control can be found on the assay sheet specific for the lot number. Be sure that the lot number on the control assay sheet is the same as the lot number printed on the label of the vial being used. The intervals of acceptable values are intended for use only with the VITROS DT Chemistry Systems. If separate generation-specific ranges are listed, use the appropriate range given for the generation of slides being used. Generation-specific ranges are attributed to differences between freeze-dried materials and fresh specimens. They do not indicate a change in the accuracy of patient results. Each range has been determined on a number of VITROS DT Chemistry Systems in a single laboratory. If your results do not fall within the published range specified on the assay sheet, you should investigate reconstitution error (e.g., pipetting wrong volume of diluent, or loss of freeze-dried material during reconstitution). Additional performance information can be found on the appropriate Instructions for Use sheet.
1. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (Year-Month-Day) Lot Number Authorized Representative in the European Community Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry This end up Irritant
Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
Version 2.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2004-02-29 Version 2.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format, technically equivalent to 905662h with the following minor changes: Updated Glossary of Symbols Updated list of enzymes added to the human serum base pool and their sources Clarified product use and assay acceptability Added reference to NCCLS Reworded Precautions to match the carton Reworded title to Test Procedure Added Note to Reconstitution and Test Procedure Further defined Materials Required but Not Provided Added Glossary of Symbols, Revision History, signature block, CE mark, and authorized representative information
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50-100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4DP United Kingdom Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Version 2.0
j P roducts
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS DT Isoenzyme Control is designed for use in monitoring the performance of VITROS DT Chemistry Systems.
VITROS DT Isoenzyme Control is prepared from bovine serum albumin to which human CKMM from skeletal muscle, human CKMB from heart tissue, inorganic salts, stabilizers, and preservatives have been added. VITROS DT Isoenzyme Control Diluent is prepared from processed water. This product is specially formulated for use on VITROS DT Chemistry Systems.
First Aid
Inhalation - Remove to fresh air. Seek medical advice. Skin - Wash skin after each contact with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if skin is cut or punctured. Eye - Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention. Ingestion - Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical advice.
This product is not classified as a dangerous substance for transportation purposes. However, package with adequate protection to prevent breakage and ship under refrigerated conditions.
Version 2.0
NOTE; Each bottle of control has a corresponding diluent labeled by number. Use the appropriate diluent in the reconstitution of the lyophilate.
1. Materials should be at room temperature before reconstitution. Vials should sit out approximately 60 minutes at room temperature when taken from freezer storage. 2. Slowly invert the diluent bottle several times to mix the contents thoroughly. DO NOT SHAKE. 3. Gently tap the lyophilate vial on the counter several times to dislodge any material adhering to the stopper. 4. Remove the seal and stopper from each bottle just prior to the addition of the diluent. Do not leave vials unstoppered. 5. Add exactly 3.0 ml_ of the appropriate diluent to each vial. Use a clean, dry pipette for each vial. A Class A volumetric pipette, or an automated pipette of equivalent accuracy, is recommended because of the importance of this reconstitution procedure to the accuracy of the results. Discard any remaining diluent. 6. Replace stopper and hold it firmly in place. Invert the vial gently. DO NOT SHAKE. Reconstitution time is less than 10 minutes using a rotator or rocker. Manual reconstitution, with occasional inversion, may take up to 30 minutes. Visually verify that all freeze-dried material is dissolved prior to use. 7. Keep all control fluids tightly stoppered when not in use. At the time of reconstitution, it is recommended that the operator date and initial the vial. 8. Reconstituted product should be used immediately or stored in the refrigerator between 2-8C (36-46F) to maximize stability.
Storage and Stability for DT Isoenzyme Control
DT Isoenzyme Control Storage Condition Unopened Frozen <-18C(<0F) Reconstituted Refrigerated 2-8C (36-46F) Refer to the Assay Sheet for analyte-specific stability information. Exposure to light must be minimized to preserve creatine kinase activity. Stability Until expiration date <5 days if tightly stoppered
Materials Provided
12 vials of lyophilized control. 12 vials of diluent containing 5 ml_ each.
Test Procedure
After reconstitution, the control serum should be assayed in the same manner as a patient sample. The reported values can then be compared with those given on the assay sheet. NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Be sure to use components from the same kit lot number.
Remove reconstituted material stored in the refrigerator. Mix vial thoroughly by gently inverting several times. DO NOT SHAKE. Place a portion of fluid in a cup and cap the cup. Restopper the vial and immediately return it to the refrigerator. Bring the cup to room temperature before analysis (approximately 15 minutes). Analyze according to instructions found in the Operator's Manual. Discard any unused portion in the cup following testing. Discard reconstituted control after 5 days.
Assay Values
Obtained values should fall within the published values for the lot number in use. Be sure the lot number on the assay sheet is the same as the lot number printed on the label of the vial being used. If separate generation-specific assay ranges are listed, use the appropriate range given for the generation of slides being used. Generation-specific assay ranges are attributed to differences between freeze-dried materials and fresh specimens. They do not indicate a change in the accuracy of patient results.
Version 2.0
DT Isoenzyme Control
Each range has been determined on a number of VITROS DT Chemistry Systems in a single laboratory. If your results do not fall within the published ranges specified on the assay sheet, you should investigate reconstitution error (e.g., pipetting wrong volume of diluent, or loss of freeze-dried material during reconstitution). Additional performance information can be found in the appropriate Instructions for Use sheet in the Operator's Manual.
1. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (OSBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (Year-Month-Day) Lot Number Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use. Manufacturer Authorized Representative in the European Community Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry
t .1 X
Store At or Below Store At or Above Store Between Consult Instructions for Use
Revision History
Date of Revision 2004-02-29 Version 2.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format, technically equivalent to 905601 h with the following minor changes: Updated Glossary of Symbols table Clarified product use and assay value acceptability Added reference to NCCLS Reworded Precautions to match carton Reworded title to Test Procedure Added Note to Reconstitution and Test Procedure Further defined Materials Required but Not Provided Added Glossary of symbols, Revision History, signature block, CE mark, and authorized representative information
1.0 (905601 h)
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Version 2.0
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50-100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4DP United Kingdom Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
m, company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Version 2.0
I Products
Chemistry I
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only. VITROS DT Reference Fluid is used in the potentiometric measurement of sodium (Na+), potassium (K*), chloride (Cl~), and carbon dioxide (CO2) on VITROS DT Chemistry Systems.
VITROS DT Reference Fluid is an aqueous solution of electrolytes and a polymer agent. An inert green dye has been added for better visibility in the pipette tip.
Reactive Ingredients
4.5 mM potassium chloride, 9.0 mM sodium acetate, 25.0 mM sodium bicarbonate, 0.05 mM sodium bromide and 103.5 mM sodium chloride.
Other Ingredients
Dye, polyvinylpyrrolidone, preservative, and sodium hydroxide.
First Aid
Inhalation - Remove to fresh air. Seek medical advice. Skin - Wash skin after each contact with soap and plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If symptoms are present'after washing, seek medical advice. Eye - Immediately flush eyes, including under the eyelids, with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical advice. Ingestion -Seek medical advice, if needed.
This product is not classified as a dangerous substance for transportation purposes. However, package with adequate protection to prevent breakage and ship under refrigerated conditions.
IMPORTANT; Do Not Freeze.
Version 2.0
Materials Provided
4 bottles of VITROS DT Reference Fluid containing 10 mL each.
Test Procedure
The fluid must be allowed to reach room temperature before use. A minimum period of 15 minutes is recommended for refrigerated fluid. 1. Gently invert bottle of VITROS DT Reference Fluid several times in order to mix the fluid. DO NOT SHAKE. 2. Remove the cap and squeeze at least 4 drops into the small well of the dual-sample cup placed in the sample holder on the analyzer. 3. Before recapping the bottle, gently wipe off any residual reference fluid from the tip with laboratory wipes. 4. At the time of initial use, it is recommended the operator date and initial the bottle. 5. Refer to the Operator's Manual for additional instructions on sample analysis. 6. Discard any unused portion in the dual-sample cup after analysis. 7. Return the bottle of VITROS DT Reference Fluid to refrigerator storage. 8. Discard any unused portion in the bottle after 1 month.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS DT Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS DT Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Ne pas reutiliser A utiliser avant la date de peremption (Annee-mois-jour) Nutnero de lot Numero de serie Reference catalogue ou code produit Attention: Consulter le mode d'emploi. Fabricant Representant autorise dans I'Union europeenne Suffisant pour "n" dosages Pour diagnostic in vitro
Conserver a une temperature inferieure ou egale a Conserver a une temperature superieure ou egale a Conserver a une temperature comprise entre Consultez la notice d'utilisation
Version 2.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2004-02-29 Version 2.0 Description of Technical Changes* New format, technically equivalent to 906089k with the following minor changes: Updated Glossary of Symbols table Reworded Intended Use. Added Reagents section. Reworded title to Test Procedure. Added mixing instructions to Test Procedures. Added introductory sentences to the Test Procedure. Added Glossary of Symbols, Revision History, signature block, CE mark, and authorized representative information
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Version 2.0
I EC REP I Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50-100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4DP United Kingdom Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Version 2.0
VITROS 7% BSA is an aqueous solution of bovine serum, inorganic salts, and preservatives.
Reactive Ingredients
I None
Other Ingredients
7% bovine serum albumin, inorganic salts and preservatives
For in vitro diagnostic use only. While these products are bovine in origin, they should be handled using the same precautions as with any other blood or bloodderived product. The packaging (vial stopper) of this product contains dry natural rubber, which may cause allergic reactions in some individuals.
First Aid
Inhalation - Remove to fresh air. Seek medical advice. Skin - W a s h skin after each contact with soap and plenty of water. If symptoms are present after washing, seek medical advice. Eye - Immediately flush eyes, including under the eyelids, with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical advice. Ingestion - Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical advice.
This product is not classified as a dangerous substance for transportation purposes. However, package with adequate protection to prevent breakage and ship under refrigerated conditions.
Version 2.0
Fluid Storage and Stability for 7% BSA
7% BSA Unopened Opened
Stability Until expiration date Until expiration date <28 days if tightly stoppered <7 days
For additional information and instructions, refer to the operator's manual for your VITROS Chemistry System.
Materials Provided
12 vials (5 ml_ each) of VITROS 7% BSA (CAT No. 826 2487)
Test Procedure
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Warm fluid to room temperature, 18-28C (64-82F), prior to use (approximately 30 minutes when taken from the " refrigerator, 60 minutes from the freezer). Mix thoroughly by gentle inversion. DO NOT SHAKE. After thorough mixing, remove the seal and stopper from each bottle just prior to use. Keep all fluids tightly stoppered when not in use. At the time of initial use, it is recommended the operator date and initial the bottle. Refer to the Instructions for Use for the appropriate VITROS slides for dilution directions. Analyze the specimen as instructed in the VITROS Operator's Manual. Store the tightly stoppered bottle of VITROS 7% BSA in the refrigerator. Discard any unused portion in the cup following testing.
Glossary of Symbols
The Glossary of Symbols table defines the symbols used on the VITROS Chemistry Products packaging and on the VITROS Chemistry Products Assay Sheets.
Glossary of Symbols
Do Not Reuse Use by or Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Lot Number Manufacturer Authorized Representative Contains Sufficient for "n" Tests For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Store Between Consult Instructions for Use Fragile, Handle with Care. Keep Dry
Manufacturer's Serial Number Catalog Number or Product Code Attention: See Instructions for Use.
f t
This end up
Version 2.0
Revision History
Date of Revision 2003-07-28 Version 2.0 Description of Technical Changes* New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive Reactive Ingredients - removed 7% bovine serum albumin Precautions - added the warning New format, technically equivalent to 2000MAR27.
The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory policies, as appropriate.
Obsolete Date
Version 2.0
I E C REP I Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 OHJ England Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
'Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
ofctMm company
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Version 2.0
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
New CDM PROM 0136 and Updated DT Control Assay Sheets for VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry Systems
Dear Customer,
This notification contains updated information for your VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry System including: Calibration Data Module (CDM PROM) 0136 CDM 0136 contains data that allows you to use new lot numbers of VITROS DT Slides and VITROS DT Calibrator Kits. Install this CDM in your VITROS DT60 or DT60 H System at your earliest convenience. You will not lose calibration for any tests that are currently calibrated and are within expiration dates. Be sure to power off your analyzer before you install the CDM. Refer to Section 2.3.3 of your operator's manual for complete instructions for installing the CDM. Updated Control Assay Sheets The enclosed control assay sheets, revised 2005-08-22, contain ranges for all current generations of VITROS DT Slides supported on CDM 0136. Revisions to the control ranges are always flagged with a change bar (|). The control ranges for VITROS Chemistry Products CK DT Slides have been updated for the following: . VITROS CK DT GEN 60 and GEN 61: o LOT V5856 o LOT W5858
Select the assay sheets for the lot numbers of controls you are using or have in stock. Replace any previous versions of control assay sheets with a revised sheet. Be sure to replace the sheets packed inside any control boxes. Use these updated control ranges for any tests you run.
Ref. CD05-135_xUSFH New CDM PROM 0136 and Updated DT Control Assay Sheets for VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry Systems
Page 1 of 1
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
We thank you for your continued use of VITROS DT Chemistry Systems. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our Hotline Support Center. Please distribute this info to all relevant persons. We only have sent this to your attention.
Annemie Dries
Ref. CD05-135_xUS_V2_draft New CDM PROM 0130 and Updated DT Control Assay Sheets for VITROS DT60/DT60II Chemistry Systems
Page 1 of 1
I Products
1 12
Isotonic saline or reagent grade water Refer to AMYL DT TFU* Patient sera with low amyiase activiiy or Tsotonic saline |VITROS7%BSA V1TROS 7% BSA or reagent-grade water i Isotonic salirfe or reagent-grade water
9-30 t imol-'L 30-HOL7L. 1.0-10.5 mg/dL 0 2 - 1 3mg,dL Desirable < 200 mg<'dL Border line 200 - 239 ma'dl High >240 mg/dL " Low <40 mgldL High S60 mg/dL M 0 8 - 1 5mg,dL F 0 7 - 1 2 ,ng/JL Fasting Adults 74-I06mg,'dL 0 7 - 2 1 mmol L 1 0 - 2 3 mg/'dL 2 S - 4 5 mg'dL
9 - 30 umol L J0-I10U/L 17-180nmol/L 3 - 2 2 umol'L ' ^ 2 mmol 'L 5 2 - 6 2 mmol L >6 2 mmol I <1 Ommol/L >1.6mmol;L 7 1 - 13>(imoli 62 -10C-union 4 1-5 Qmrnol/L 0""-2 1 mmol.'l. 0 7 10 mrtol/L u S1 - 1 4> mmol.L 63 - 82 g/L <1.69 mmol/L 1.69-2.25 mmol/L 2.26-5.64 mmol/L __ >_5.65 mmol/L
| Bilirubin, Neonatal . Bilirubin, Total
Serum or Heparin plasma (Samples from patients other than newboms are not recommended) Serum or Heparin plasma Serum or Heparin plasma
j DT Calibrator Kit DT Calibrator Kit ! DT Calibrator Kit ! DT Calibrator Kit {Do not pre-treat ^calibrators) DT Calibiatoi Kit DT Calibrator Kit DTCaliljiatorKit DT Calibrator Kit DI Calibrator Kit DT Calibrator Kit
! Cholesterol
Serum or Heparin plasma Serum, HDI'A plasma, Heparin plasma (except Ammonia Hep?.i in) Scrum, Heparin/iiDTA plasma, Sodium ' Fluoride/Potassium Oxalate, plasma Fluoride (Xaldte plasma Ileparsn plasma* Serum or Heparin plasma Serum or Heparin plasma Serum orllepdrin plasma
1, 2, & 4 1.2,1, &4 I.2.&.! 1,2, &.; I.2.&3 1.2, &4 1,2. & 3
VITROS HDI,C Sample Diluent* VITROS "% BSA or reagent-grade water Isotonic saline or reagent-grade watv'r Isotonic saline or leagent-grade water Isotonic salme or reagent-giadc water Isotonic saline or reagent-grade water Isotonic saline or reagent-grade water I VITROS 7% BSA, Isotonic saline or i reagent-grade water Isotonic saline or reagent-grade water Isotonic saline or reagent-grade water
Normal: <150 mg/dL Borderline high: 150-199 mg/dL High: 200-499 mg/dL Very High: >500 mg/dL M: 9 - 2 0 mg/dL f 7 - 1 7 mg/dL M: 3.5-8.5 mg/dL F: 2.5 - 6.2 mg/dL
I. DT Calibrator Kit
1, 2, & 3
j 0.17-4.52mmol/L
1.2.&3 1, 2, & 3 j
100 mg/dL
T f - * 7 1 mmoi'L
2 5 - 6 J mmolCL 208 -506 umoi/L 149 - 369 Mmol/L
0.3-16 mg/dL
Serum or Heparin .
11 11
2 2 - 3 0 mmol 1 98- 107 mmol/L 3 5 - 5 1 mmol/L - serum Plasma range 0 1 - 0 7 mmol 'L lower than serum range 137- 145minol.t.
22 - 30 mmol 'L 98- I07mmoI'I. 3 5 - 5 1 minol'l. - seiiiin 'lasma :<tnge 0 i - 'J 7 mmol.L lower than serum ranee 137- 145 mmol/L
O DT Serum or Heparin piasma ! Serum or Heparin plasma MA^ DT Serum, [leparin plasma*
jj' 1
NOTE: this chart applies to the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry Systems, VITROS DTE/DTE II modules, and VITROS DTSC/DTSC II modules.
This information was current as of the publication date. The Instructions For Use are the authorized source for information about VITROS assays. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2005 VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101 Pub. No. J234Q7 EN 2005-08-12
Ortho-Clinicai Diagnostics
a (joJm*cn-<|}efttt*OK company
Assay Summary
BpttteNosset Cojwentional Unit*5 Recommended Diluent*
3 - 950 U/L : VITROS 7% BSA or Isotonic saline Adult 13-69 U/L M. 21-72 U/L F:9-52U/L . ! 13 -69 U/L 21 -72 U/L 9 -52 U/L Serum, Hepann, or EDTA piasma i DT Calibrator Kit
Aianine j Aminotransferase
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DTSC/DTSC II modules.
j This information was current as of the publication date. The Instructions For Use are the authorized source for information about VITROS assays.
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., 2005 VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
''Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
814 6003
2005-10-31 2005-08-22
60 61 71 72 73 74
163 142 20 19 22 16
133-193 112-172
163 142
20 19 22 16
I CONV I Conventional Unites ' ' Ponderales KonvenBonelle Einheiten Convencional Convencional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter EUU(3CITIKC; Konvansiyonel |ojI
1 s l Unites s l * Sl-Einheiten ' SI SI SI SI Sl-enheter Movdoc; SI SI
English Reconstituted Stability When stored at 2-8C (36-46-F): Stable for 5 days.
t value Resultat V\fert > * i Valor-Valor-valoreVserdi Varde T\\if\ Dejjer ,, Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet Intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem AnalysegerSt erhaltene W a t sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del anaiizador debe estardentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentets vasrdi skal iigge inden for dette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bor ligga inom detta omrade. EOpoc TIUOOV. H Tiurj TOU avaAuTii Trpeirei va eunlnrci
a t OUT6 TO zupoq TIJJUW. Aralik.
3 Important
Minimize room temperature exposure of freeze-dried control or reconstituted control fluid. Francais
Stabilite Reconstitue
Conservation a 2-SC (36-46F): Stable pendant 5 jours.
CH Important
Limiter 1'exposition a la temperature ambiante de I'echantillon de contrfile lyophilise ou du liquide de contrflle reconstitue.
03 Wichtig
Gefriergetrocknete Kontrolle oder rekonstituierte Kontrollflussigkeit moglichst kurz der Raumtemperatur aussetzen. Espafiol Estabilidad d e la Reconstitucion Cuando se conserva a 2-8C (36-46F): Estable durante 5 d(as.
Analizorun degeri bu aralikta olmalidir. jrv_ Revised-Mise a jour d u M l Revidiert Revisifin I f f l Revisto a Aggiornato al Revideret Reviderad Ava8tupi<i8r)K
Revize edildi
^ ^ 4 _ Supersedes Remplace la I ^ B ^ f f l l v e r s ' o n d u ' Ersetzt l ^ a f f l J Substituye Segue-sea Sostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter YTrtpioxuei Yerine gecer AIIU/mLandU/Lat37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determinees a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L nan sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37 C. Alia U/mL och U/L vid 37C. O A E ; OI U/mL KOI U/L OTOU? 37C. 37 C'de turn U/mL ve U/L.
Q3 Importante
Reducir al mlnimo la exposicion a temperaturas ambiente del control liofilizado o del llquido de control reconstituido. PortuguSs
Minimizar a exposicSo do Itquido de controlo liofilizado ou reconstituido a temperatura ambiente. Italiano Stabilita Dopo La Ricostituzione Conservato a 2-8C (36-46F): Stabile per 5 giorni.
Q3 Importante
Limitare al minimo I'esposizione a temperatura ambiente del controllo. liofilizzato o del fluido di controllo ricostituito. Dansk Rekonstitutionsstabilitet Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 5 dage.
3 Vigtigt
S0rg for, at frysetgrret kontrol eller rekonstitueret kontrolvasske kun eksponeres minimalt for stuetemperatur,
f Ortho-ainkal Diagrostics
814 6003
2005-10-31 2005-08-22
3 Viktigt!
Minimera exponering av frystorkad tontroll eller rekonstituerad kontrollvatska for rumstemperatur.
irjv htBiar\ at tepuoKpaakx Suuailou IOU uypoO tAfyxou, TTOU tyti UTroaitl ^ p a v o n uioio y<J,q<; f\ TTOU ^X I
B Onemli
Lliyofilize kontrolOn veya sulandinlmis kontrol sivisinin oda sicakliQina maruziyetini en aza indirin.
^ O r t t o - g n j c a l Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 2(2)
814 6003
2006-10-31 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
60 61
132 130
15 15 19 11
72 73 74
English Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46F): Stable for 5 days.
132 130 15 15 19 11
102-162 100-160
I C O N V I Conventional Unites ' Ponderales Konventionelle Einheiten Conventional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter ZuppaTiKt; Konvansiyonel SI-Unites SI-Sl-Einheiten SI-SI-SI-SI-SI-enheter> Movdoe? SI SI 'i Value Resultat Wfert **am valor-Valor-Valore Vasrdi-Varde-Tiurj-Deger I, w Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem Analysegerat erhaltene Wfert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe estar dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentets vaerdi skal ligge inden for dette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bor ligga inom detta omrade. Eupo? Tipciiv. H Tiun, TOU avaAuTii TrpeTrei va cuTrnrnei at OUT6 TO tupa; Tiutuv. Aralik. Analizorun degeri bu aralikta olmalidir. ft. Revised Mise a jour du Wm Revidiert Revisi6n i ^ J Revisto a Aggiomato al Revideret Reviderad Ava6E(opr}6r|KE Revize edildl n g f c f t v Supersedes Remplace la H K E S ] version du Ersetzt i S r f f l l Substituye-Segue-seaSostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter YirrepioxuEi Yerine geger All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determinees a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L nan sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37-C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/I ved 37 C. Alia U/mL och U/L
vid 37"C. OAEC OI U/mL Kdi U/L
0 3 Important
Minimize room temperature exposure of freeze-dried control or reconstituted control fluid.
LTD Important
LImiter rexposition a la temperature ambiante de I'echantillon de controle lyophilise ou du liquide de controle reconstitue.
3 Wichtig
Gefriergetrocknete Kontrolle Oder rekonstituierte Kontrollflussigkeit moglichst kurz der Raumtemperatur aussetzen.
03 Importante
Reducir al mlnimo la exposicion a temperaturas ambiente del control liofilizado o del Ifquido de control reconstituido.
Minimizara exposicao do llquido de controlo liofilizado ou reconstitutdo a temperatura ambiente.
03 Importante
Dansk Rekonstitutionsstabilitet
Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 5 dage.
03 Vigtigt
S0rg for, at fryseterret kontrol eller rekonstitueret kontrolvasske kun eksponeres minimalt for stuetemperatur.
EAaxioiOTroiriaiE iqv tK6tar\ at eepuoKpaofa Siouarfou IOU uypoO tAiyxou, TTOU X UTrooicf ^pavor) piaw i(iO5n? f\ TTOU t%a avaouoiaetl.
S u l a n d i r i l m i ; H a l d e Stabilite 2-8 C'de saklandiginda: 5 gOn stabildir. QD Onemli Lliyofflize kontrolon veya sulandinlmis kontrol sivismin oda sicakhQina maruziyetini en aza indirin.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fiir VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAuatcov yia Ta auaTqijaTa VITROS DT KOI DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2005-09-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
54 55
2.4 2.2
2.1-2.7 1.9-2.5
24 22
26-50 22-46 24-48 23-47
57 58 59
58 54
38 34 36 35 89
38 34 36 35
89 40 6.4
64-114 21 -59
15-21 8.4 - 9.6 8.6 - 9.8 8.7 - 9.9 8.4 - 9.6 8.6 - 9.8 3.02 - 4.22 2.82 - 4.02 133-159 137-163 139-165 114-178 132-196 76-86 18.7-28.7 0.8-1.4 0.9-1.3 0.9-1.3 68 - 100 66-98
69 70 71 72 73
51 53 57 58 59 60 61
53 52 51
mg/dL mg/dL
U/mL mg/dL
146 164
81 23.7
21 27 19 2 5 76-104 26- 50 22- 46 24- 48 23- 47 64-114 21 -59 5.4 - 7.5 2.10- 2.40 2.15- 2.45 2.17- 2.47 2.10- 2.40 2.15- 2.45 3020- 4220 2820- 4020 3.4- 4.1 3.5- 4.2 3.6- 4.3 114- 178 132- 196 76-86
Conventional Unites Ponderales Konventionelle Einheiten Conventional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter luupcrriKfc; Konvansiyonel SI Unites SI Sl-Einheiten SI SI SI SI Sl-enheter Movd6?SI-SI
* Value Resultat Wfert M-fr-! valor -V&lor- Valore Vaerdi-Varde-Tiuii-Deger I, H Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem Anaiysegerat erhaltene Wert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe estar dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentets veerdi skai ligge inden for dette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bor ligga inom detta omrade. EOpo? Tiutuv. H Tiuri TOU avaAuni Trpnrei va EUTriTrra a t auTO TO EOpo; TIUUV. Arahk. Analizorun degeri bu aralikta olmalidir. .?%-* Revised-Mise a jour d u * Ifffflj Revidiert Revisi6n ISSil Revisto a Aggiomato al Revideret- Reviderad -AvaBEioprlSriKE Revize edildi . A ^ Supersedes Remplace la H w M i | version du Ersetzt \miim] Substituye Segue-sea Sostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter YTTEPIOXUEI Yerine ge?er All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les actlvites enzymatiques sont determinees a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 "C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L nan sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono detemninati a 37"C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37 C. Alia U/mL och U/L
vid 37C. OAE? OI U/mL rai U/L
mmol/L mmol/L
18.7-28.7 71 -124
80- 115 80- 115 12.2- 17.9 11.8 17.5
54 57 56 57 55 57 53 54 55 56
1.1 1.1 84 82
97 97 15.0 14.7
71 75
81 82 82 89 33 32 34
59-83 63-87
70-92 71 -93 71 -93 78-100
55 56 57
59- 83 63- 87 3.9- 5.1 3.9- 5.2 3:9- 5.2 4.3- 5.6 0.57- 1.14 0.54- 1.11 0.59- 1.16
2.5-3.1 1.1 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.1 1.7 393- 489 387- 483 0.6 1 . 4
59 60 61 59 60 52 53 57 58
mmol/L mmol/L
mmol/L U/L
VITROS DT Control 1
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DTet DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAuaU)v Yia Ta ouaTi]|jaTa VITROS DT KCJI DT 1I VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin
Test Sayfasi
842 0317
GEN Mg 58 59
mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL umol/L mg/dL mg/dL 0.86 0.91
118 17 21 77 77
mmol/L mmol/L pmol/L |jmol/L mmol/L |jmol/L
2.1 2.2 118 1.0 1.2 77 77 3.6 3.6 1.5 1.3 1.5
1.81.91130.30.52.4 2.5 123 1.7 1.9 4 2 - 112 4 2 - 112 3.0- 4.2 3.0- 4.2 1.0- 2.0 0.8- 1.8 1.0- 2.0
52 64
1.16 1.16
26 22 26 67 36 37 40
75 76
62 62
63 64
3.6 3.7 4.0 108 4.0 3.8
ug/mL g/dL
60 54
mg/dL mg/dL
238 226
mmol/L pmol/L
Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46F): Stable for 7 days. Stable for 3 days: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable for up to 8 hours: NH3
Stabilite Reconstitue
Conservation a 2-8C (36-46F): Stable pendant 7 jours. . Stable pendant 3 jours: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable pendant 8 heures apres le pretraitement: NH3.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II (MAAo avaAucrU)v yia T auarrJijaTa VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin a Test Sayfasi Espanol [Jij Se requiere tratamiento previo . HDLC Estabilidad de la Reconstitucion Cuando se consetva a 2-8C (36-46F): Estable durante 7 dfas. Estable durante 3 dfas: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL Estable durante 8 horas despuSs de tratamiento previo: NH3. Port ug ues QiJ Necessario Tratamento Previo HDLC Estabilidade apos Reconstituicao Quando oonservado a uma temperature entre 2 e 8C: Estavel durante 7 dias. Estavel durante 3 dias: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estavel durante 8 horas depois do tratamento previo: NH3. Italiano Qi] richiesto il pretrattamento HDLC Stabilita Dopo La Ricostituzione Conservato a 2-8C (36-46F): Stabile per 7 giorni. Stabile per 3 giorni: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabile per 8 ore dopo il pretrattamento: NH3. Dansk QV| Forbehandling pakraevet . HDLC Rekonstitutionsstabilitet Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 7 dage. Stabil i 3 dage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL Stabil i 8 timer efter forbehandling: NH3. Svenska QT| Forbehandling kravs HDLC Stabilitet efter rekonstitution Forvaring vid 2-8C (36-46F): Stabil i 7 dagar. Stabil i 3 dagar: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timmar efter forbehandling: NH3. EAAr]ViKd QT] HDLC lTa9EpoTr|Ta avacruoraan,? Drav arro9nKe0eiai at 6puoKpaofa 2-8C (36-46F): Zia8p6 yict 7 rptptc;. Sia6p6 ya 3 HM^P^: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL, IiaSepo Yia 8 (ipec; ptra rnv TTpoTT|pYaofa: NH3.
842 0317
2005-08-22 2005-03-14
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt filr VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II * Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II ct>uAAo avaAuaoov via TO auarrJuaTa VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi TUrkge Qi] Gereken 6nilem HDLC Sulandinlmi? Halde Stabilite
2-S "C'de saklandiijinda: 7 gtin stabildir. 3 gone kadar stabil: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL 6n if lemden sonra 8 gQne kadar stabil: NH3.
842 0317
2005-09-30 2005-08-22
814 6003
GEN CK CKMB 60 61 71 72 73 74 English Reconstituted Stability When stored at 2-8C (36-46F): Stable for 5 days. dS Important Minimize room temperature exposure offreeze-driedcontrol or reconstituted control fluid. Francais Stabilite Reconstitute Conservation a 2-8C (36-46F): Stable pendant 5 jours. 132 127 15 16 15 12 102-162 97-157 10-20 11 -21 10-20 7-17 U/L U/L 132 127 15 16 15 12
102-162 97-157 10-20 11-21 10-20 7-17 U/L U/L
Conventional Unites Ponderales Konventionelle Einheiten Conventional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konvenfionella enheter luuftariKi; Konvansiyonel IgjI SI -Unites S I - Sl-Einheiten 1 ' SI SI SI SI Sl-enheter MovdOE? SI SI i Value Resultat Wert mmmiiM valor Valor valore Vserdi-Varde-Tp^Deger
h H Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Dermitdem Analysegerat erhaltene Wert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del anatizador debe estar dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intetvallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentets vaardi skal ligge inden for dette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bor ligga inom detta omrade. EOpcx; Tiuiiw. H Ti|jrj TOU avaAuiii npiirei va Eutriini at auTo TO tCipo; TIUUV. Aralik. Analizfiriin degeri bu aralikta olmalidir.
OS Important Limiter rexposition a la temperature ambiante de I'echantillon de controle lyophilise ou du liquide de contrOle reconstitufe Deutsch Stabilitat nach der Rekonstitution Bei Lagerung zwischen 2 und 8 C: Stabil fur 5 Tage. OB Wichtig Gefriergetrocknete Kontrolle oder rekonstituierte Kontrollflussigkeit moglichst kurz der Raumtemperatur aussetzen. Espaftol Estabilidad de la Reconstitucion Cuando se conserva a 2-8C (36-46F): Estable durante 5 dfas. Q3 Importante Reducir al mtnimo la exposici6n a temperaturas ambiente del control liofilizado o del Hquido de control reconstituido. Portuguis Estabilidade apos Reconstitui^ao Quando conservado a uma temperatura entre 2 e 8C: Estavel durante 5 dias. CB IMPORTANTE Minimizar a exposigao do Hquido de controlo liofilizado ou reconstituido a temperatura ambiente. Italiano Stabilita Dopo La Ricostituzione Conservato a 2-8C (36-46F): Stabile per 5 giorni. C0 Importante Limitare al minimo I'esposizione a temperatura ambiente del controllo. liofilizzato o del fluido di controllo ricostituito. Dansk Rekonstitutionsstabilitet Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 5 dage. 3 Vigtigt Sarg for, at fryset0rret kontrol eller rekonstitueret kontrolvaaske kun eksponeres minirnalt for stuetemperatur.
Revised Mise a jour du Revidiert Revision Revisto a Aggiornato al Revideret Reviderad Ava8(jopii8r|KE Revize edildi ^ i v Supersedes Remplace la M B ] version du Ersetzt M H l f f l l Substituye Segue-se a Sostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter YTTEPIOXUEI Yerine gecer
All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determinees a 37"C. Enzymaktivitaen werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L han sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37 C. -Alia U/mL och U/L vid 37C. O A E ; OI U/mL KOI U/L OTOU? 37"C. 37 C'de turn U/mL ve U/L.
814 6003
2007-03-31 2005-08-22 2005-04-19
oiE iny K9EOT| oe etp^joKpaofa Swuailou IOU uypoO AYXU, TTOU 4XEI UTTOOTEI ^pavon, |jaco i^O^n,? i^ TTOU txz\
Sulandinlmi Halde Stabilite 2-8 C'de saklandiginda: 5 gun stabildir. Onemli Lliyofilize kontrolQn veya sulandirilmi? kontrol sivisinin oda sicakhgina maruziyetini en aza indirin.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT I! Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAuaewv yia m auorrjuaTo; VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2006-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
54 55
2.5 2.3
56 57 58 59 60 75 76
58 54
26 33 31 31 32 108 112
36 19
69 70 71 72 73 51 53 57 58 59 60 61
53 52
9.1 9.1 9.2 9.0 9.1 3.98 3.79 153 153 156 200 222 81 23.4
51 54 57 56 57 55 57 58 53 54 55 56 55 56 _57 51 59 60 61 59 60
2.2-2.8 2.0-2.6 74-102 14-38 21-45 19-43 19-43 20-44 83-133 87-137 17-55 16-22 8.5 - 9.7 8.5 - 9.7 8.6-9.8 8.4 - 9.6 8.5-9.7 3.38-4.58 3.19-4.39 140-166 140-166 143-169 168-232 190-254 76-86 18.4-28.4 1.0-1.6 0.9-1.3 0.9-1.3 87-119 89-121 61 -85 66-90 63-87 78-100 81-103 81 - 103 87-109 20-42 20-42 21-43 2.5-3.1 1.1-1.7 1.1-1.7 1.1-1.7 378 - 474 360 - 456 0.7-1.5
25 23
26 33 31 31 32 108 112
36 6.8
mg/dL mg/dL
U/mL mg/dL
2.27 2.27 2.30 2.25 2.27 3980 3790 4.0 4.0 4.0 200 222
mmol/L mmol/L
22- 28 20- 26 74-102 14- 38 2 1 - 45 19- 43 19- 43 20- 44 83- 133 87- 137 17-55 5.7-7.9 2.12- 2.42 2.12- 2.42 2.15- 2.45 2.10- 2.40 2.12- 2.42 3380- 4580 3190- 4390 3.6- 4.3 3.6- 4.3 3.7- 4.4 168- 232 190- 254 76-86 18.4-28.4 88 - 141 80- 115 80- 115 15.6- 21.3 15.9- 21.7 61 8 5 66 9 0 63 -87 4.3- 5.6 4.5- 5.7 4.5- 5.7 4.8- 6.1 0.52- 1.09 0.52- 1.09 0.54- 1.11 2.5-3.1 1.1 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.1 1.7 378- 474 360- 456 0.7-1.5
I CONV I Conventional Unites ' Ponderales Konventionelle Einheiten Conventional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter luupariKfc Konvansiyonel SI -Unites S I - Sl-Einheiten SI SI SI SI Sl-enheter SI Value Resultat Wert Valor-Valor ValoreVaardi VaYde Tun, Deer
mmol/L mmol/L
K Range. The analyzer value ri should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem Analysegerat erhaltene Wert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe estar dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstnjmentets vsrdi skal llgge inden for dette omra"de. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bor ligga inom delta omrade. EOpo? TIU&V. H nun, TOU avaXuTrj TTPEWEI va EiJTrimEi o t auTOTOEdpos HJJUIV. > Aralik. Analizorun degeri bu aralikta olmalidir.
Revised Mise a jour du Revidiert-Revisi6nRevisto a Aggiornato al Revideret Reviderad Ava8U)pti6r|K Revize edildi BBtVM Supersedes Remplace la
^^ESffll version du Ersetzt ^ r a f f i j Substituye-Segue-seaSostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter YmpicrxuEi Yerine gecer Ail U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatjques sont determinees a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L han sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37" C. Alia U/mL och U/L vid 37C. - O A E ; 01 U/mL rai U/L OTOUC 37C. 37 C'de turn U/mL ve U/L.
mmol/L mmol/L
U/L mmol/L
VITROS DT Control 1
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT andDT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DTet DT II Datenblatl fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los!Bistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS tDT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAu0U)v yia Ta ouoTi^uaTa VITROS DT Kai DT 1 VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin I
Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2006-04-30 2005-08-22
1.1 265 247 271 2.0 2.1 117 1.1 1.1 1.5 114 108 3.6 3.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
mmol/L U/L
1.1 265 247 271
...Li LIPA
53 57
58 59
52 64
65 66
75 76
9.2 3.7 3.8
64 60 54 55
0.7-1.5 247 - 283 229 - 265 253 - 289 1.7-2.3 1.8-2.4 112-122 0.4-1.8 0.4-1.8 0.8 - 2.2 79 - 149 73 - 143 3.0-4.2 2.9-4.1 1.0-2.0 1.0-2.0 1.0-2.0 8.0-14.6 5.9-12.5 3.2 - 4.2 3.3-4.3 3.6-4.6 90-120 3.7 - 4.5 3.6 - 4.4
0.82 0.86
117 19 19 26 114 108
1.16 1.13
26 26 26 63 51 37 38 41
ug/mL g/dL
244 238
0.7-1.5 247 - 283 229 - 265 253 - 289 0.70-0.95 0.74 - 0.99 112-122 7-31 7-31 14-38 79-149 73 - 143 0.97-1.36 0.94-1.32 17-34 17-34 17-34 44-81 33-69 32-42 33-43 36-46 1.02-1.36 220 - 268 214-262
Mmol/L 9/L
mmol/L umol/L
Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46F): Stable for 7 days. Stable for 3 days: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable for up to 8 hours: NH3
Stabilite Reconstitue
Conservation a 2-8C (36-46F): Stable pendant 7 jours. NBIL, TBIL. . Stable pendant 3 jours: ALKP, Ca, CK, Stable pendant 8 heures apres le pretraitement: NH3.
Ortho-Clnical DJagnosfcs
flBhwwffilw company
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II 0uMo avaAuCTEWv yia ra aucmpaTa VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin Test Sayfasi
Deutsch QT) Vorbehandlung erforderlich
842 0317
2006-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
Estabilidad de la Reconstitucion
Cuando se conserva a 2-8C (36-^)6F): Estable durante 7 dlas. Estable durante 3 dfas: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estable durante 8 horas despues de tratamiento previo: NH3.
Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 7 dage. Stabil i 3 dage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL Stabil i 8 timer efter forbehandling: NH3.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OOAAo avaAuaEWV yia TO auaTrj|jaTa VITROS DT KOI DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2006-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
Ta avaauonraans
Diav arroSniaOtTai at 9p(JOKpaota 2-8C (36-46F): Iia8p6 yia 7 wtpt<;. IiaOtpo yia 3 mitpa;: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. : NH3.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II 0uAAo avaAuaEcov yia TO auorrJLiaTa VITROS DT KCII DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2006-12-31 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
54 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 75 76 58 54 69 70 71 72 73 51 53 57 58 59 60 61
2.6 2.5
31 34 36 37 40 99 107
36 19
8.8 9.0 8.9 8.9 9.1 4.21 4.12 167 165 167 188 178
52 51 54 57 56 57 55 57 58 53 54 55 56 55 56 57
59 60 61 59 60
2.3 - 2.9 2.2-2.8 89-117 19-43 22-46 24-48 25-49 28-52 74-124 82 -132 17-55 16-22 8.2 - 9.4 8.4 - 9.6 8.3 - 9.5 8.3 - 9.5 8.5-9.7 3.61 -4.81 3.52 - 4.72 154-180 152-178 154-180 156-220 146-210 73-83 19.6-29.6 1.0-1.6 0.9-1.3 0.9-1.3 70-102 74-106 58-82 63-87 60-84 74-96 76-98 73-95 81 -103 27-49 27-49 26-48 2.6-3.2 1.2-1.8 1.2-1.8 1.2-1.8 367 - 463 350 - 446 0.7-1.5
26 25 103 31 34 36 37 40 99 107
36 6.8
mg/dL mg/dL
U/mL mg/dL
2.20 2.25 2.22 2.22 2.27 4210 4120 4.3 4.3 4.3 188 178
24.6 115 97 97 15.4 16.1 70 75 72 4.7 4.8 4.7 5.1 0.98 0.98 0.96
mmol/L mmol/L
U/L mmol/L|
23- 29 9/L 22- 28 U/L 89-117 U/L 19- 43 22- 46 24- 48 25- 49 28- 52 U/L 74- 124 82- 132 U/L 17-55 5.7-7.9 mmol/L mmol/L 2.05- 2.35 2.10- 2.40 2.07- 2.37 2.07- 2.37 2.12- 2.42 U/L 3610- 4810 3520- 4720 mmol/L 4.0- 4.7 3.9- 4.6 4.0- 4.7 U/L 156- 220 146- 210 73-83 mmol/L 19.6-29.6 mmol/L 88-141 |jjmol/L 80- 115 Mmol/L 80- 115 umol/L 12.5- 18.3 13.2 19.0 U/L 58- 82 63- 87 60- 84 4 . 1 5.3 mmol/L 4.2- 5.4 4.1- 5.3 4.5- 5.7 0.70- 1.27 mmol/L 0.70- 1.27 0.67- 1.24 2.6 - 3.2 mmol/L 1.2- 1.8 mmol/L 1.2- 1.8 1.2- 1.8 U/L 367- 463 350- 446 mmol/L 0.7-1.5
I CONV I Conventional Unites ' Ponderales Konventionelle Einheiten Conventional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter IUUPCITIKE'S Konvansiyonel I 5 I SI Unites SI Sl-Einheiten 1 ' Sl-SI-SI-SI-SI-enheterMov<Soe;SI-SI Value Resultat Wtert Valor-Valor-Valore Vserdi-Varde-Tiuri'Deger Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem AnalysegerSt erhaltene Wert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe estar dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentets vaerdi skal ligge indenfordette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bor llgga inom detta omrade. EOpoc TIUCOV. H Tipq TOU ovaAuirj TrpETrei va EMTrrrrra at auTo TO Eupo? TIUWV. Aralik. Analizorun degeri bu aralikta olmalidir.
Revised Mise a jour du Revidiert Revisi6n Revisto a Aggiornato al Revideret Reviderad Ava8(jjpner|K Revize edildi , > j _ Supersedes Remplace la W c W l version du Ersetzt Baarrai Substituye-Segue-seaSostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter Yntpioxuei Yerine ge?er
All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determinees a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L han sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37-C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37 C. Alia U/mL och U/L
vid 37"C. OAE? oi U/mL KCII U/L
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
VITROS DT Control 1
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II ct>OAAo avaAuaeujv yra Ta ouorrjuaTa VITROS DT m DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri i?in Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2006-12-31 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
... Li L1PA GEN 53 57 58 59 58 59 52 | 64 65 66 54 55 58 59 74 75 76 62 63 62 63 64 60 54 55
0.7-1.5 209 - 245 196-232
227 214 231 1.9 1.9 116 1.0 1.1 1.3 102 94 3.7 3.6 1.4 1.3 1.3 10.4 9.3 4.0 3.9 4.0
213-249 1.6-2.2
1.6-2.2 111-121 0.3-1.7 0.4-1.8 0.6-2.0 67 -137 59-129 3.1 -4.3 3.0-4.2 0.9-1.9 0.8-1.8 0.8-1.8 7.1-13.7 6.0-12.6 3.5-4.5 3.4-4.4 3.5-4.5 76 -106 3.8-4.6 3.7-4.5
ug/mL g/dL
4.2 4.1
mg/dL mg/dL
1.1 227 214 231 0.78 0.78 116 17 19 22 102 94 1.19 1.16 24 22 22 58 52 40 39 40 1.03 250 244
209 - 245 196-232 213-249 0.66-0.91 0.66 - 0.91 | 111-121 5-29 7-31 10-34 67-137 59-129 1.00-1.39 0.97-1.36 15-32 14-31 14-31 39-76 33-70 35-45 34-44 35-45 0.86-1.20 226 - 274 220 - 268
umol/L g/L
mmol/L pmol/L
Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46F): Stable for 7 days. Stable for 3 days: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable for up to 8 hours: NH3
Stabilite Reconstitute
Conservation a 2-8C (36-46F): Stable pendant 7 jours. . Stable pendant 3 jours: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable pendant 8 heures apres le pretraitement: NH3.
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo a a u F O V yia ia auaTtipaTa VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin vAc E J Test Sayfasi Deutsch []1] Vorbehandlung erforderlich HDLC Stabilitat nach der Rekonstitution Bei Lagerung zwischen 2 und 8 C: Stabil for 7 Tage. Stabil far 3 Tage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Bis zu 8 Stunden nach der Vorbehandlung stabil: NH3. Espahol Qi] Se requiere tratamiento previo HDLC Estabilidad de la Reconstitucion Cuando se conserva a 2-8C (36-46F): Estable durante 7 d(as. Estable durante 3 dfas: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estable durante 8 horas despues de tratamiento previo: NH3. Portugues Qi] Necessario Tratamento Previo . HDLC Estabilidade apos Reconstituicao Quando conservado a uma temperatura entre 2 e 8C: Estavel durante 7 dias. . Estavel durante 3 dias: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estavel durante 8 horas depois do tratamento previo: NH3. Italiano Q|| E richiesto il pretrattamento HDLC Stabilita Dopo La Ricostituzione Conservato a 2-8C (36-46cF): a Stabile per 7 giorni. Stabile per 3 giorni: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL Stabile per 8 ore dopo il pretrattamento: NH3. Dansk [Jij Forbehandling pakraevet HDLC Rekonstitutionsstabilitet Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 G: Stabil i 7 dage. Stabil i 3 dage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timer efter forbehandling: NH3. Svenska Qij Forbehandling kravs HDLC Stabilitet efter rekonstitution FOrvaring vid 2-8C (36-46F): Stabil i 7 dagar. Stabil i 3 dagar: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timmar efter forbehandling: NH3.
842 0317
2005-08-22 2005-03-14
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAucjEUJV via Ta ouaTii(jaTa VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2006-12-31 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
HDLC Diav aTTO9r|KE0iai at SEppoKpaofa 2-8C (36-46F): IiaespO yia 7 t)\itpt<;. Zia8p6 yia 3 (]\itpt<;: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. a: NH3. TUrkge
VITROS DT Control 1
Assay Sheet for VITROS DTand DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DTet DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DToch DT II OuAAo avaAucTEUJv yia Ta auaTrjuciTa VITROS DT Kai DT 1 VITROS DT veDT II Sistemleri icin I
Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2007-04-30 2005-08-22
GEN ALB ALKP ALT 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 75 76 58 54 69 70 71 72 73 51 53 57 58 59 60 61 53 52 51 54 57 56 57 55 57 58 53 54 55 56 56 57 51 59 60 61 59 60 52 53 2.5 2.5 105 27 25 29 27 34 109 108 38 19 9.1 9.0 9.2 9.1 9.1
g/dL U/L U/L 25 25 105 27 25 29 27 34 109 108 38 6.8
| H
g/L U/L U/L
3.80 3.78
157 161 159 167 157 80
1.1 1.2 1.1 85 92 73 77 75 88 86 85 92 31 30 2.8 1.4 1.4 1.4 434 425 1.1 1.2
2.2-2.8 2.2-2.8 91-119 15-39 13-37 17-41 15-39 22-46 84-134 83-133 19-57 16-22 8.5-9.7 8.4 - 9.6 8.6 - 9.8 8.5 - 9.7 8.5-9.7 3.20 - 4.40 3.18-4.38 144-170 148-174 146-172 135-199 125-189 75-85 18.9-28.9 0.8-1.4 1.0-1.4 0.9-1.3 69-101 76-108 61 -85 65-89 63-87 77-99 75-97 74-96 81 - 103 20-42 19-41 2.5-3.1 1.1-1.7 1.1-1.7 1.1-1.7 386 - 482 377 - 473 0.7-1.5 0.8-1.6
U/mL mg/dL
97 106 97
15.2 16.5
73 77 75 4.9 4.8 4.7 5.1
0.80 0.78
2.8 1.4 1.4 1.4 434 425 1.1 1.2
U/L mmol/L
22-28 22-28 91-119 15-39 13-37 17-41 15-39 22-46 84-134 83-133 19-57 5.7 - 7.9 2.12-2.42 2.10-2.40 2.15-2.45 2.12-2.42 2.12-2.42 3200 - 4400 3180-4380 3.7-4.4 3.8-4.5 3.8-4.4 135-199 125-189 75-85 18.9-28.9 71 - 124 88-124 80-115 12.4-18.1 13.6-19.3 61 -85 65 - 89 63-87 4.3-5.5 4.2 - 5.4 4.1 -5.3 4.5-5.7 0.52-1.09 0.49-1.06 2.5-3.1 1.1-1.7 1.1-1.7 1.1-1.7 386 - 482 377 - 473 0.7-1.5 0.8-1.6
Conventional Unites Ponderales KonvenSonelle Einheiten Convencional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter IUU|3CITIK'; Konvansiyonel | g j | SI Unites SI Sl-Einheiten 1 ' SI SI SI SI SLenheter Movd5? SI SI * Value Resultat Wsrt wmmsa Valor -Valor -Valore Vjerdi'Varde-TiurrDefier ^ Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de Panalyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem Analysegerat erhaltene Wert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe ester dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentets vaerdi skal ligge inden for dette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bflr ligga inom detta omrade. EOfxx; TIU&V. H Tiuri TOU ccvaAurfi Trptrra va EUTrnnEi as auTo TO Eupo<; tipiiw. Aralik. Analizorun degeri bu aralikta olmahdir. l< ,
mmol/L mmol/L
Revised Mise a jour du Revidiert Revision Revisto a Aggiomato al Revideret Reviderad Ava9EU)pn,8n,KE Revize edildi _ _ * " j ~ Supersedes Remplace la
I B S f f l l version du-Ersetzti f f l n ! Substituye Segue-se a Sostituisce la versione del Erstatter ErsStter YrrEpiox UEI Yerine geosr All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determinees a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L nan sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37-C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37 C. Alia U/mL och U/L
vid 37"C. OAE? OI U/mL mi U/L
U/L mmol/L
VITROS DT Control 1
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DTet DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS [3T og DT II Systems Kontrollblad i or VITROS DT och DT II cpuAAo avaAucreiJdv yia Ta auaTquaTa VITROS DT KCII DT I VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin
Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2007-04-30 2005-08-22
227 216 232 2.0 1.9 117 1.3 1.3 1.7 97 91 3.2 3.2 1.7 1.6
227 216 232
58 59
52 64 65 66 54 55 58 59 75 76 62 63 62 63 64 60 54 55
9.5 3.9 3.9 4.0 111 4.0 3.9
209 - 245 198 - 234 214 - 250 1.7-2.3 1.6-2.2 112-122 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 1.0-2.4 62-132 56-126 2.6 - 3.8 2.6-3.8 1.2-2.2 1.1 -2.1 8.2-14.8 6.2-12.8 3.4 - 4.4 3.4 - 4.4 3.5-4.5 96-126 3.6 - 4.4 3.5 - 4.3
0.82 0.78
117 22 22 29 97 91
1.03 1.03
29 27 64 53 39
mg/dL mg/dL
209 - 245 198-234 214-250 0.70 - 0.95 0.66 - 0.91 112-122 10-34 10-34 17-41 62-132 56-126 0.84-1.23 0.84-1.23 21 -38 19-36 46-82 34-71 34-44 34-44 35-45 1.08-1.42 214-262 208 - 256
mmol/L umol/L
Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46T): Stable for 7 days. Stable for 3 days: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL Stable for up to 8 hours: NH3
Stabilite Reconstitue
Conservation a 2-8C (36-46T): Stable pendant 7 jours. Stable pendant 3 jours: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL Stable pendant 8 heures apres le pretraitement: NH3.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo a a u T W via T ouaTiiucna VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin vAC E v a Test Sayfasi Deutsch Qi] Vorbehandlung erforderlich . HDLC Stabilitat nach der Rekonstitution Bei Lagerung zwischen 2 und 8 C: Stabil for 7 Tage. Stabil fdr 3 Tage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Bis zu 8 Stunden nach der Vorbehandlung stabil: NH3. Espaftol Qij Se requiere tratamiento previo . HDLC Estabilidad de la Reconstitucion Cuando se conserva a 2-8C (36-46T): y m Estable durante 7 dias. Estable durante 3 dias: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estable durante 8 horas despues de tratamiento previo: NH3. Portugues Qi] Necessario Tratamento Previo HDLC Estabilidade apos Reconstitui?ao Quando conservado a uma temperatura entre 2 e 8"C: Estavel durante 7 dias. Estavel durante 3 dias: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estavel durante 8 horas depois do tratamento previo: NH3. Italiano Qg E richiesto il pretrattamento HDLC Stabilita Dopo La Ricostituzione Conservato a 2-8C (36^16F): Stabile per 7 giorni. Stabile per 3 giorni: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabile per 8 ore dopo il pretrattamento: NH3. Dansk [ji] Forbehandling pakraevet HDLC Rekonstitutionsstabilitet Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 7 dage. Stabil i 3 dage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timer efter forbehandling: NH3. Svenska rjg Forbehandling kravs HDLC Stabilitet efter rekonstitution Forvaring vid 2-8C (36-46F): Stabil i 7 dagar. . Stabil i 3 dagar: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timmar efter forbehandling: NH3.
842 0317
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II 0uAAo avaAuCTEiov yia Ta 0uaTrj|jaTa VITROS DT KCII DT II VITROS DT ve DT 11 Sisternleri igin Test Sayfasi
842 0317
2007-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-06-10
HDLC Orav aTro6r)Ktaai at StppoKpacrfa 2-8C (36-46F): IiaSepo yia 3 r\\itpt<;: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL lTa9tp6 yia 8 lOpec; (Jtid tnv TTpoTTE5PYao'a: NH3. TUrkge
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 4(4)
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II 4>uAAo avaAucrecov yia TO ouCTTrj|jaTa VITROS DT KCII DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi
144 8042
2005-09-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
GEN 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 75 58 54 69 70 71 72 73 51 53 57 58 59 60 61 53 52 51 54 57 56 57 55 57 53 54 55 56 55 56 57 51 59 60 61 59 60 52 53 57 58 45 44 427 196 197 197 196 324 209 17.5 3.04 3.14 3.07 3.04 3.12 7690 7610 6.4 6.4 6.3 871 963
4.5 4.4
221 172- 222 172- 222 171 - 221 274 - 374 184-234 43-55 11.4 13.0 11.8 13.4 11.5 13.1 11.4 13.0 11.7 13.3 6.79 -8.59 6.71 -8.51 227- 271 224- 268 220- 264 745 -997 837- 1089 103-113 10.9-20.9
49 12.2 12.6 12.3 12.2 12.5 7.69 7.61 249 246 242 871 963 108 15.9 5.1 6.2 6.2 245 241 471 506 303 302 299 315 57 51 55 5.5 3.8 4.1 4.0 1464 1367 2.3 2.4 705 671
U/mL mg/dL
15.9 451 548 548 43.9 43.1 471 506 16.8 16.8 16.6 17.5 1.47 1.32 1.42
5.7- 6.7 5.7- 6.7 219- 271 215- 267 438- 504 473- 539 282 324 281 323 278 320 294 3 3 6 43- 71 37- 65 4 1 69 5.2-5.8 3.3 4.3 3.6 4.6 3.5 4.5 1325 1603 1228 1506 1.7 2.9 1.8 3.0 641- 769 607- 735
U/L mg/dL
mmol/L mmol/L
40- 50 39- 49 337-517 171 - 221 172- 222 172- 222 171 - 221 274 - 374 184-234 15.3-19.6 2.84- 3.24 2.94- 3.34 2.87 3.27 2.84- 3.24 2.92- 3.32 6790- 8590 6710- 8510 5.9- 7.0 5.8- 6.9 5.7- 6.8 745 997 837- 1089 103-113 10.9-20.9 362 - 539 504- 592 504- 592 39.2- 48.5 38.5- 47.8 438- 504 473- 539 15.7- 18.0 15.6- 17.9 15.4- 17.8 16.3- 18.7 1 . 1 1 1.84 0.96- 1.68 1.06- 1.78 5.2-5.8 3.3- 4.3 3.6- 4.6 3.5 4.5 1325- 1603 1228- 1506 1.7- 2.9 1.8- 3.0 641 769 607- 735
I CONV I Conventional Unites ' ' Ponderales Konventionelle Einheiten Conventional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter Iuu|3ariK Konvansiyonel | S j i SI Unites SI Sl-Einheiten ' ' SI SI SI SI Sl-enheter SI
.._*_ Value Resultat Wert " * " Valor -Valor -ValoreVasrdi Varde Tiun. Deger
h M Range. The analyzer value should tell within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem Analysegerat erhaltene Wert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe estar dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omr&de. Analyseinstrumentets vasrdi skal ligge inden fbrdette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bor ligga inom detta omrade. EOpo? TIUOOV. H Tiprj TOU avoAuTii TTPETTEI va |jTrimi at auroTOtupcx; Tipuw. Aralik. Analizorun degeri bu aralikta olmalidir.
U/L mmol/L
Revised Mise a jour du Revidiert Revision Revisto a Aggiornato al Revideret Reviderad Ava6EU)pr|er|K Revize edildi if%-~ Supersedes Remplace la 9 version du Ersetzt fflfflTtI Substituye-Segue-seaSostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter Ympioxuti Yerine gecer All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determineesaST-C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L han sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37 C. Alia U/mL och U/L
vid 37"C. Otes oi U/mL KCII U/L
mmol/L mmol/L
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAuaewv yia Ta aucniiuaTa VITROS DT KCH DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin TestSayfasi
144 8042
2005-09-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
Mg Na+ NBIL NH3 PHOS BIL GEN 58 59 52 64 65 54 55 58 59 74 75 76 62 62 63 64 60 54 55 4.7 4.8 137 14.0 14.9 225 211 6.6 6.6 12.8 12.8 12.9 22.9 7.0 6.8 7.0 232 10.6 10.3 4.2-5.2 4.3 - 5.3 131-143 12.4-15.6 13.3-16.5 150-300 136-286 5.4-7.8 5.4 - 7.8 11.2-14.4 11.2-14.4 11.3-14.5 18.7-27.1 6.5-7.5 6.3 - 7.3 6.5-7.5 208 - 256 9.8-11.4 9.5-11.1 mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL umol/L mg/dL mg/dL 1.93 1.97 137 239 255 225 211 2.13 2.13 219 219 221 127 70 68 70 2.62 630 613
1.73- 2.14 1.77- 2.18 131-143 212- 267 227- 282 150- 300 136- 286 1.74- 2.52 1.74- 2.52 192- 246 192- 246 193- 248 104-150 65- 75 63- 73 65- 75 2.35 - 2.89 583- 678 565- 660 mmol/L mmol/L umol/L umol/L mmol/L pmol/L
ug/mL g/dL
English QIJ Pretreatment Required
mg/dL mg/dL
mmol/L umol/L
Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46T): Stable for 7 days. Stable for 3 days: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable for up to 8 hours: NH3 Francjais
Stabilite Reconstitue
Conservation a 2-8C (36~46F): Stable pendant 7 jours. . Stable pendant 3 Jours: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable pendant 8 heures apres le pretraitement: NH3..
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de contr6le pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II c> A o a a u T t v yia TO aucnriiJaTa VITROS DT xai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin t u A v A C Eo Test Sayfasi Espaflol []ij Se requiere tratamiento previo HDLC Estabilidad de la Reconstitucion Cuando se conserva a 2-8C (36-46F): Estable durante 7 dlas. Estable durante 3 dlas: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estable durante 8 horas despues de tratamiento previo: NH3. Portugues QTj Necessario Tratamento Previo HDLC Estabilidade apos Reconstitui?ao Quando oonservado a uma temperatura entre 2 e 8C: Estavel durante 7 dias. Estavel durante 3 dias: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estavel durante 8 horas depois do tratamento previo: NH3. Italiano QjJ richiesto il pretrattamento HDLC Stabilita Dopo La Ricostituzione Conservato a 2-SC (36-46F): Stabile per 7 giorni. Stabile per 3 giorni: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabile per 8 ore dopo il pretrattamento: NH3. Dansk [Jij Forbehandling pakraevet HDLC Rekonstitutionsstabilitet Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 7 dage. Stabil i 3 dage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timer efter forbehandling: NH3. Svenska QT] Forbehandling kravs HDLC Stabilitet efter rekonstitution Fotvaring vid 2-8C (36-46F): Stabil i 7 dagar. Stabil i 3 dagar: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timmar efter forbehandling: NH3.
144 8042
2005-08-22 2005-03-14
I ATraiTErrai TrpoTr$pY<rcna HDLC ETa8EpoTr|Ta ava<?uo~Tao~r| Diav arro9r|K0iai O 6puoKpaola 2-8C (36-46F): Im0p6 yia 7 r\\itpzt;. Iia8p6 yia 3 r]\itpt<;: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. :NH3.
n y
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAOaEiDV yia la ouoTiifjaTa VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin Test Sayfasi
TUrkce rjg Gereken Onilem HDLC Sulandinlmis. Halde Stabilite 2-8 "C'de saklandiQinda: 7 gGn stabildir. 3 gone kadar stabil: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. On isjemden sonra 8 gUne kadar stabil: NH3.
144 8042
2005-09-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo a a CC E V yia ra auoTfjuciTa VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin vA i T W Test Sayfasi
144 8042
2006-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
1^ |^ ^1 W\
4.4 4.2
44 42
54 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 75 76 58 54 69 70 71 72 73 51 53 57 58 59 60 61 53 52 51 54 57 56 57 55 57 58 53 54 55 56 55 56 57 51 59 60 61 59 60 52
11.7 11.7 11.8 11.8 12.0 7.31 7.13 252 241 238 914 986
6.0 6.2 277 266 418 440 460 305 302 295 309 59 59 59
3.9 - 4.9 g/dL 3.7 - 4.7 U/L 323 - 503 U/L 180-230 183-233 187-237 183-233 183-233 U/L 304 - 404 311-411 U/L 179-229 44-56 mg/dL mg/dL 10.9-12.5 10.9-12.5 11.0-12.6 11.0-12.6 11.2-12.8 U/mL 6.41 - 8.21 6.23 - 8.03 230 - 274 mg/dL 219-263 216-260 U/L 788-1040 860-1112 106-116 mmol/L 12.4-22.4 |mmol/L mg/dL 4.0 - 6.0 5.5 - 6.5 mg/dL 5.7-6.7 251 - 303 Mg/dL 240 - 292 U/L 385 - 451 407-473 427 - 493 mg/dL 284 - 326 281 - 323 274-316 288 - 330 mg/dL 45-73 45-73 45-73 mmol/L 5.2 - 5.8 mmol/L 3.3 - 4.3 3.6 - 4.6 3.4 - 4.4 U/L 1300-1578 1211 -1489 1.8-3.0 mmol/L
17.8 2.92 2.92 2.94 2.94 2.99 7310 7130 6.5 6.2 6.2 914 986
530 548 49.6 47.6 418 440 460 16.9 16.8 16.4 17.2 1.53 1.53 1.53 5.5 3.8 4.1 3.9 1439 1350
39-49 g/L 37-47 323 - 503 U/L 180-230 U/L 183-233 187-237 183-233 183-233 304 - 404 U/L 311-411 U/L 179-229 15.7-20.0 mmol/L 2.72-3.12 mmol/L 2.72-3.12 2.74-3.14 2.74-3.14 2.79-3.19 6410-8210 U/L 6230-8030 5.9 - 7.1 mmol/L 5.7-6.8 5.6-6.7 788 - 1040 - U/L 860-1112 106-116 mmol/L 12.4-22.4 mmol/L 354 - 530 Mmol/L 486 - 575 pmol/L 504 - 592 44.9-54.2 Mmol/L 43.0 - 52.3 385 - 451 U/L 407 - 473 427 - 493 15.8-18.1 mmol/L 15.6-17.9 15.2-17.5 16.0-18.3 1.16-1.89 mmol/L 1.16-1.89 1.16-1.89 5.2 - 5.8 mmol/L 3.3-4.3 mmol/L 3.6-4.6 3.4 - 4.4 U/L 1300-1578 1211-1489 1.8-3.0 mmol/L
I CONV I Conventional Unites ' ' Ponderales Konventionelle EinheitenConventional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter IUUPOTIKC, Konvansiyonel | s T H SI-Unites SI-Sl-Einheiten' ' Sl-SI-SI-SI-SI-enheterMovdOEC, SI SI * Value Resultat Wtert iwMBimi valor-Valor ValoreVasrdi-Varde-TiurrDeger Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem Analysegerat erhaltene Wfert sollte Etch innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe estar dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentets vaerdi skal ligge inden for dette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets vSrde bor ligga inom detta omrade. Eupor, nuciiv. H Tiurj TOU ovaAurrj TTPSTTEI va euTriTrrei at auTo TO Eupoc, uutfiv. Aralik. Analizorun degeri bu aralikta olmalidir.
A . Revised -Mise a jour d u M j l Revidiert Revisibn ISSJ Revisto a Aggiomato al Revideret Reviderad AvaSEU)pii9r|KE Revize edildi _ J V Supersedes Remplacela
B l K f f l l version du Ersetzt
w T f f l J Substituye Segue-se a Sostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter Ympioxuei Yerine gecer All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determinees a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L han sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37 C. Alia U/mL och U/L vid37C. -OAEC-oiU/mLKaiU/L OTOUC, 37C. 37 "C'de turn U/mL ve U/L.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT andDT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DTet DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los 5 Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II <> A o avaAucjEwv yia m auaTrjuaTa VITROS DT Kai DT 1 VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin tG A I Test Sayfasi
144 8042
2006-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
GEN 53 57 58 59 58 59 52 64 65 66 54 55 58 59 74 75 76 62 63 62 63 64 60 54 55
2.4 786 753 797 1.93 1.97 141 245 250 253 228 229 2.29 2.23 224 222 214 118 99 67 67 69 2.55 636 625
786 753 797 4.7
... Li LIPA
4.8 141 14.3 14.6 14.8 228 229 7.1 6.9 13.1 13.0 12.5 21.3 17.9 6.7 6.7 6.9 226 10.7 10.5
mmol/L 1.8-3.0 722 - 850 U/L 689-817 733 - 861 mg/dL 4.2-5.2 4.3 - 5.3 mmol/L 135 -147 12.7-15.9 mg/dL 13.0-16.2 13.2-16.4 umol/L 153-303 154-304 mg/dL 5.9 - 8.3 5.7-8.1 mg/dL 11.5-14.7 11.4-14.6 10.9-14.1 17.1 -25.5 ug/mL 13.7-22.1 g/dL 6.2 - 7.2 6.2 - 7.2 6.4 - 7.4 mg/dL 202 - 250 mg/dL 9.9-11.5 9.7-11.3
1.8-3.0 722 - 850 689-817 733 - 861 1.73-2.14 1.77-2.18 135-147 217-272 222 - 277 226 - 280 153-303 154-304 1.91-2.68 1.84-2.62 197-251 195-250 186-241 95-142 76-123 62-72 62-72 64-74 2.28 - 2.83 589 - 684 577 - 672
mmol/L U/L
pmol/L g/L
mmol/L umol/L
Qg Pretreatment Required
Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46T): Stable for 7 days. . Stable for 3 days: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL Stable for up to 8 hours: NH3 Frangais
Stabilite Reconstitue
Conservation a 2-8C (36-46F): Stable pendant 7 jours. . Stable pendant 3 jours: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable pendant 8 heures apres le pretraitement: NH3.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II <DuAAo avaAuaewv yia Ta aucrrrjuaTa VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin Test Sayfasi
144 8042
2005-08-22 2005-03-14
Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 7 dage. Stabil i 3 dage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timer efter forbehandling: NH3.
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 3(4)
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAuaaov via Ta auaTrj|JciTa VITROS DT KOI DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin Test Sayfasi
2006-04-30 2005-08-22
iTaetpoTriTa avaoruoraans
Oiav orrroSriKECiEiai at SepiJOKpaafa 2-8C (36-46F): Ira8jp6 yia 7 n^P C. Iraetpo yia 3 r)[itpz<;: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Iia9p6 Yia 8 oDpt? jjttcS inv TTpOETTEEpYaa!a: NH3. TUrkge
Ortho-qnical Diagnostis
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 4(4)
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II <> A o avaAuaECDV yia TO auaTrjuaTct VITROS DT KCII DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin tG A Test Sayfasi
144 8042
2006-12-31 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
4.4 4.1
J44 41
g/L U/L U/L
i C O N V I Conventional Unites ' ' Ponderales Konventionelle Bnheiten Conventional Conventional Convenzionale Konventionel Konventionella enheter IUUJ3OTIKC; Konvansiyonel SI Unites SI Sl-Einheiten SI SI SI SI Sl-enheter Mova5? SI SI . * Value Resultat Wert VZZm valor-Valor-ValoreVeerdi-Varde-TiprrDeger Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem Analysegerat erhaltene Wert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe estardentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valors ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentetsvaerdi skal ligge inden for dette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bb'r ligga inom detta omrade. Eiipoc. Tiutiw. H Tipri TOU avaAuTfi TTpEtrei va |jTTfirra
54 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 75 76 58 54 69 70 71 72 73 51 53 57 58 59
60 61
53 52 51 54 57 56 57 55 57 58 53 54 55 56 55 56 57 51 59 60 61 59 60 52
12.1 12.5 12.2 12.2 12.5 7.10 7.14 247 233 234 1066 1018
6.0 6.3 243 249 455 476 501 305 302 298 312 60 60 59
3.9 - 4.9 3.6-4.6 358 - 538 159-209 162-212 163-213 159-209 156 - 206 307 - 407 319-419 184-234 47-59 11.3-12.9 11.7-13.3 11.4-13.0 11.4-13.0 11.7-13.3 6.20 - 8.00 6.24 - 8.04 225 - 269 211 -255 212-256 940-1192 892-1144 109-119 11.5-21.5 4.1 -6.1 5.5-6.5 5.8-6.8 217-269 223 - 275 422 - 488 443 - 509 468 - 534 284 - 326 281 - 323 277-319 291 - 333 46-74 46-74 45-73 5.0-5.6 3.3-4.3 3.6-4.6 3.4 - 4.4 1311 -1589 1246-1524 1.8-3.0
mg/dL mg/dL
U/mL mg/dL
18.9 3.02 3.12 3.04 3.04 3.12 7100 7140 6.4 6.0 6.1 1066 1018
530 557 43.5 44.6 455 476 501 16.9 16.8 16.5 17.3 1.55 1.55 1.53
mmol/L mmol/L
39-49 36-46 358 - 538 159-209 162-212 163-213 159-209 156-206 307 - 407 319-419 184-234 16.8-21.1 2.82 - 3.22 2.92 - 3.32 2.84 - 3.24 2.84 - 3.24 2.92 - 3.32 6200 - 8000 6240 - 8040 5.8 - 7.0 5.5-6.6 5.5 - 6.6 940-1192 892-1144 109-119 11.5-21.5 362 - 539 486 - 575 513-601 38.8 - 48.2 39.9 - 49.2 422 - 488 443 - 509 468 - 534 15.8-18.1 15.6-17.9 15.4-17.7 16.2-18.5 1.19-1.91 1.19-1.91 1.16-1.89 5.0-5.6 3.3-4.3 3.6-4.6 3.4-4.4 1311-1589 1246-1524 1.8-3.0
mmol/L mmol/L
Revised Mise a jour du Revidiert Revision Revisto a Aggiornato al Revideret Reviderad Ava8EU)pii6r|icE Revize edildi _ _ > V , Supersedes Remplaoe la I B M j J i version du Ersetzt B a n s S J Substituye-Segue-seaSostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter Ynepioxua Yerine gecer
All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determinees a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L han sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37 C. Alia U/mL och U/L vid 37C. OAt? OI U/mL m\ U/L OTOU? 37C. 37 C'de turn U/mL ve U/L.
mmol/L mmol/L
U/L mmol/L
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los.Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark lil VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad 1or VITROS DToch DT II OuAAo avaAuaewv yia Ta auorrj|jaTa VITROS DT KOI DT 1 I VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin
Test Sayfasi
144 8042
2006-12-31 2005-08-22
GEN ... Li 53
2.4 870 854 874 4.6 4.8 142
U/L 2.4 870 854 874
58 59
52 64
65 66
75 76
63 64
English QT| Pretreatment Required
60 54
10.2 10.1
1.8-3.0 806 - 934 790-918 810-938 4.1-5.1 4.3 - 5.3 136-148 12.5-15.7 12.4-15.6 12.7-15.9 155-305 144-294 6.0 - 8.4 5.9-8.3 11.2-14.4 11.0-14.2 10.4-13.6 18.4-26.8 16.0-24.4 6.3 - 7.3 5.9 - 6.9 6.1-7.1 199-247 9.4-11.0 9.3-10.9
1.89 1.97
142 241 239 245 230 219
2.32 2.29
219 215 205 125 112 68 64 66
mg/dL mg/dL
607 601
1.8-3.0 806 - 934 790-918 810-938 1.69-2.10 1.77-2.18 136-148 214-268 212-267 217-272 155-305 144-294 1.94-2.71 1.91-2.68 192-246 188-243 178-233 102 - 149 89-135 63-73 59-69 61-71 2.25 - 2.79 559 - 654 553-648
mmol/L |jmol/L
Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46F): Stable for 7 days. Stable for 3 days: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable for up to 8 hours: NH3 Francjais
Stabilite Reconstitute
- Conservation a 2-8 C (36-46 F): Stable pendant 7 jours. Stable pendant 3 jours: ALKP, Ca, CK NBIL, TBIL. Stable pendant 8 heures apres le pretraitement: NH3.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fiir VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAuaewv via TCI auaTrjuaTa VITROS DT KCII DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin Test Sayfasi Deutsch [JiJ Vorbehandlung erforderlich . HDLC Stabilitat nach der Rekonstitution Bei Lagerung zwischen 2 und 8 C: Stabil fur 7 Tage. Stabil fQr 3 Tage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Bis zu 8 Stunden nach der Vorbehandlung stabil: NH3. Espanol QYj Se requiere tratamiento previo HDLC Estabilidad de la Reconstitucion Cuando se conserva a 2-8C (36-46F): Estable durante 7 dlas. . Estable durante 3 dfas: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estable durante 8 horas despues de tratamiento previo: NH3. Portugues Qi] Necessario Tratamento Previo HDLC Estabilidade apos Reconstituigao Quando conservado a uma temperatura entre 2 e 8C: Estavel durante 7 dias. Estavel durante 3 dias: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estavel durante 8 horas depois do tratamento previo: NH3. Italiano QiJ richiesto il pretrattamento HDLC Stabilita Dopo La Ricostituzione Conservato a 2-8C (36-46T): Stabile per 7 giorni. . Stabile per 3 giorni: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabile per 8 ore dopo il pretrattamento: NH3. Dansk [Jij Forbehandling pakraevet HDLC Rekonstitutionsstabilitet Ved opbevaring ved 2-8 C: Stabil i 7 dage. Stabil i 3 dage: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timer efter forbehandling: NH3. . Svenska QI) Forbehandling kravs HDLC Stabilitet efter rekonstitution Forvaring vid 2-8C (36-46F): Stabil i 7 dagar. Stabil i 3 dagar: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stabil i 8 timmar efter forbehandling: NH3.
144 8042
2006-12-31 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II cDuAAo avaAuaewv via Ta auaTrj|jaTa VITROS DT KOI DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi
144 8042
2006-12-31 2005-08-22 2005-03-14
ETCtBepoTrvra avaauaTaan?
Diav cnroOriKEGEiai at. Qcp^oKpaola 2-8C (36-46F): Sia9cp6 yia 7 r\ytptsIia6p6 yia 3 r\\itpa;: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Iia8Ep6 Yia 8 (Spec; ptia ir|V TTpOETC^EPYaafa: NH3. TOrkge
Q J Gereken Onilem H
tOrthodinkal Diagnostics
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuAAo avaAucrEwv yia TO auaTnucna VITROS DT KCII DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin TestSayfasi
144 8042
2007-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-06-10
ALB ALKP ALT GEN 54 55 55 4.5 4.4 447 182 185 186 181 184 361 361
45 ~44T
40- 50 39- 49
357 - 537
157- 207 160- 210 161 - 211 156- 206
56 57 58 59 60
75 76 58 54
Conventional Unites Ponderales Konventionelle Einheiten Convencional Convencional Convenzionale Konventionei Konventionella enheter EuupcrriKEi; Konvansiyonel SI Unites SI Sl-Bnheiten ShSI'SI-SI-SI-enheterMovdot; SI SI i Value Resultat V\fert " Valor- Valor- ValoreVaerdi Varde Tiun, Deger Range. The analyzer value should fall within this range. Tolerance. La valeur de I'analyseur doit se trouver dans cet intervalle. Messbereich. Der mit dem Analysegerat erhaltene Wert sollte sich innerhalb dieses Bereichs bewegen. Intervalo. El valor del analizador debe estar dentro del rango. Intervalo. O valor do analisador devera estar dentro deste intervalo. Intervallo. II valore ottenuto sull'analizzatore dovrebbe rientrare in questo intervallo. Omrade. Analyseinstrumentets vasrdi skal ligge inden for dette omrade. Intervall. Analysinstrumentets varde bor ligga inom detta omrade. Eupo? TIUUJV. H Tiurl TOU avaAuTr\ TrpETrti va t|jTrlTni OE auTO TO EOpo? Tiuuv. Aralik. AnalizorUn degeri bu aralikta olmalidir.
69 70 71 72 73 51 53 57 58 59
60 61
53 52
mmol/L mmol/L
U/mL mg/dL
930 906
51 54 57
56 57
55 57 58
6480- 8280 U/L 6370- 8170 5.7- 6.8 mmol/L 5.4- 6.5 5.4- 6.6 804- 1056 U/L 780- 1032 104^114 |mmol/L 11.9-21.9 mmol/L umol/L 354 - 530 umol/L 513- 601 504- 592 umol/L 38.7- 48.0 40.8- 50.1 438- 504 U/L 449- 515 480- 546
Revised Mise a jour du Revidiert Revision Revisto a Aggiornato al Revideret Reviderad AvaSEUpfienKE Revize edildi , . ry. Supersedes Remplace la jijuSHj]] version du Ersetzt r i M l SubsBtuye Segue-se a Sostituisce la versione del Erstatter Ersatter YTTEPIOXUEI Yerine ge?er
All U/mL and U/L at 37C. Les activites enzymatiques sont determiness a 37C. Enzymaktivitaten werden bei 37 C gemessen. Todos los valores de U/mL y U/L han sido calculados a 37C. Todas U/mL e U/L a 37C. I valori U/ml e U/L sono determinati a 37C. Alle U/ml og U/l ved 37" C. Alia U/mL och U/L vid 37C. DAEC OI U/mL mi U/L orous 37C. 37 C'de turn U/mL ve U/L.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontroiark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II cMMo avaAuaEUw yia TO auaTipcna VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri igin Test Sayfasi
144 8042
2007-04-30 2005-08-22
57 58 59 58 59
64 65 66
Reconstituted Stability
When stored at 2-8C (36-46F): Stable for 7 days. Stable for 3 days: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable for up to 8 hours: NH3
Stabilite Reconstitue
Conservation a 2-8C (36-46F): Stable pendant 7 jours. Stable pendant 3 jours: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Stable pendant 8 heures apres le pretraitement: NH3.
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fUr VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Foiha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OuMo avaAuaewv yia ra auaTitycna VITROS DT KOI DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi Deutsch Qg Vorbehandlung erforderlich
144 8042
2007-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-06-10
Estabilidad de la Reconstitucion
Cuando se conserva a 2-8C (36-46F): Estable durante 7 dlas. Estable durante 3 dlas: ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. Estable durante 8 horas despues de tratamiento previo: NH3.
Crtho-ginical Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 3(4)
Assay Sheet for VITROS DT and DT II Systems Fiche de controle pour les Systemes VITROS DT et DT II Datenblatt fur VITROS DT und DT II Systeme Hoja de ensayo para los Sistemas VITROS DT y DT II Folha do Ensaio para os Sistemas VITROS DT e DT II Foglietto di dosaggio per Sistemi VITROS DT e DT II Kontrolark til VITROS DT og DT II Systems Kontrollblad for VITROS DT och DT II OGMo avaXucjEOJV yia TO ouoTrnjaia VITROS DT Kai DT II VITROS DT ve DT II Sistemleri icin Test Sayfasi
2007-04-30 2005-08-22 2005-06-10
iTaSepoTriTa avaauaTaan?
Oiav aTTo9riKCiiai oe etppoKpaata 2-8C (36-46F): Iia8ep6 yia 7 HM^P5? Xiaetpo yia 3 r\\Apc^. ALKP, Ca, CK, NBIL, TBIL. a: NH3.
j t OrthcvQircal Diagnostics
VITROS is a trademark of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 4(4)
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14626-5101
Manufacturer: Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. 100 Indigo Creek Drive Rochester New York 14626-5101 USA Current Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Mandeville House 62 The Broadway Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 0HJ United Kingdom From January 2004 Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Johnson & Johnson 50 - 100 Holmers Farm Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP 12 4DP United Kingdom
Authorized Representative:
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics is declaring that the in vitro diagnostic medical devices below comply with the provisions of Directive 98/79/EC on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices and the UK Medical Devices Regulations 2002. Standards Applied: ISO 13485:1996 Quality Systems - Medical devices- Supplementary requirements to ISO 9001 ISO 14971 Medical Devices- Application of risk management to medical devices. EN 591 Instructions for use for in vitro diagnostic instruments for professional use EN 980 Graphical symbols for the use in the labeling of medical devices. EN 13612 Performance evaluations of in vitro diagnostic medical devices EN 61326-1 Electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - EMC requirements EMC: EN55011 EN61000-3-2 EN61000-3-3 IEC 61010-1 IEC 61010-2-101 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-3 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-5 EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-11
Product Name: VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System Product Code: 842 2172 Applies to Serial Numbers Greater than 60034380 Product Name: VITROS DTSC II Module Product Code: 824 7355 Applies to Serial Numbers Greater than 62022388 Product Name: VITROS DTE II Module Product Codes: 183 5727 Applies to Serial Numbers Greater than 61022525 Classification: Non-Annex II
Page 1 of2
The following Product Name: VITROS DT60 II Chemistry System Product Code: 842 2172 Applies to Serial Numbers Less than 60034381 Product Name: VITROS DTSC II Module Product Code: 824 7355 Applies to Serial Numbers Below: 62022389 Product Name: VITROS DTE II Module Product Codes: 183 5727 Applies to Serial Numbers Below: 61022526 bear the CE mark indicating conformity to the following product specifications: Application of Council Directive: and standards: EMC: EN5OO81-1 (Emissions)
F.N55O11 Class A
1) EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amendments 2) Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC FCC Part 15 Class A
Radiated and Conducted
EN50082-1 (Immunity) IEC 801 -2 IEC 801-3 IEC 8014 EN 605 5 5 -2 Powerline Harmonics Safety: IEC 1010-1 UL3101-1 CSAC22.2No. 1010.1
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