Course Objecti Ves:: Semiconductor Theory
Course Objecti Ves:: Semiconductor Theory
Course Objecti Ves:: Semiconductor Theory
The objective of this course is to enable students to develop an understanding of basic analog and digital electronic elements and principles for computer hardware.
S yllabus Outline: Semiconductor Theory: Forces, fields and energy, conduction in metals, intrinsic semiconductor, extrinsic semiconductors, variations in the properties of silicon, energy levels, diffusion. Diodes: The open-circuited PN junction, the biased PN junction, VI characteristics of a diode, static and dynamic resistance, diode models, drift and diffusion currents, transition and diffusion capacitance, reverse recovery time, temperature effects, data sheets. Diode Applications: Half-wave and full-wave rectification, RC filters, clippers, clampers, AND/OR gates. Special Purpose Diodes: Zener diode characteristics and applications, Schottky diode, tunnel diode, photodiode, light emitting diodes. Bipolar Junction Transistor: Transistor construction, operation and characteristics, the EBERS-MOLL representation of the BJT, operating modes, transistor amplifying action, common emitter, collector and base configurations, power ratings and data sheets, energy view point, variation in current gain. BJT Biasing Circuits: DC load line and operating point, fixed bias, emitter feedback bias, collector-feedback bias, collector and emitter feedback bias, voltage divider bias, two supply emitter bias, design of DC bias circuits, bias stabilization, transistor as a switch. Transistor Modelling: Transistor hybrid equivalent circuit, the re model, graphical determination of h-parameter. BJT Small-Signal Analysis: Common emitter amplifier (fixed-bias, voltage divider bias and emitter feedback bias configurations), emitter follower, common base amplifier, collector DC feedback and differential amplifier, collector feedback configuration loading effects, hybrid and re models, amplifier design. Field-Effect Transistors: General description of FET, construction and characteristics of JFET, JFET transfer characteristics, JFET parameter, MOSFET construction and characteristics, data sheets. FET Biasing: Fixed bias, self bias, voltage divider bias, enhancement MOSFET bias circuits, miscellaneous bias circuits, design of bias circuits, JFET analogue switch. FET Small-Signal Analysis: JFET/Depletion MOSFET small-signal model, common source, common drain and gate amplifiers, loading effects, design of FET amplifier circuits, high frequency effecs-Miller capacitance.
Learning Material/References: * Electronic Principles by A. P. Malvino * Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad Nashelesky * Microelectronics by Millman Grabel