Semester-III Branch-Electrical Engineering & EEE Paper-Electronics Engineering Subject Code: ELE306 Total Hours: 42 Full Marks-100 (80+20)
Semester-III Branch-Electrical Engineering & EEE Paper-Electronics Engineering Subject Code: ELE306 Total Hours: 42 Full Marks-100 (80+20)
Semester-III Branch-Electrical Engineering & EEE Paper-Electronics Engineering Subject Code: ELE306 Total Hours: 42 Full Marks-100 (80+20)
Transistor Biasing).
Need of biasing, DC load line, Operating Point.
Types of Biasing Circuits: Fixed bias circuit, Base
biased with emitter feedback, Base biased with
collector feedback, voltage divider bias, emitter biased.
Transistor Model of h-parameters.
3.2 Transistor as an amplifier (CE configuration only)
Graphical representation, Current gain, Voltage gain,
Power gain (No derivation), Input Output resistance,
Phase Shift between input and output.
AC Load Line.
Single Stage CE amplifier: Circuit diagram, Function
of each component. Frequency response and
Electronics Lab :-
Subject Code :-ELE309
Practical :-
Skills to be developed
Intellectual Skills :
1. Identification & selection of Components
2. Interpretation of Circuits
3. Understand working of rectifier, filter, amplifier and Oscillator circuits
Motor Skills :
1. Ability to drow the circuits
2. Ability to measure various parameters
3. Ability to test the components using Multimeter
4. Ability to read data sheets of components
5. Follow standard test procedures
List of Practicals
1. Forward & Reverse characteristics of diode
2. Characteristics of Zener diode
3. Study of Rectifiers (Half wave & Full wave) & Filters (Capacitor & Inductor filter)
4. Input & Output Characteristics of transistor in CE mode
5. Characteristics of FET
6. Characteristics of UJT
7. Load & Line regulation Characteristics of Regulator
8. Frequency response of single stage RC coupled amplifier.
9. To Study the V-I Characteristics of PN Junction diode.
10. Determination of h parameter.