Metal Oxide Surge Arresters
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
Contents Arrester application in general considerations on protective characteristics Arrester design (station arresters) porcelain housed polymer housed Configuring arresters electrical data mechanical data
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
2000 2003
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
Today's situation
Market share of polymer housed MO arresters: Market share of polymer housed MO arresters: Distribution: 80 % > 90 % Distribution: 80 % > 90 % Reasons: -- partly poor performance of porcelain housed types Reasons: partly poor performance of porcelain housed types -- benefits of polymeric designs: sealing, handling, benefits of polymeric designs: sealing, handling, overload performance overload performance -- cost/price! cost/price! High-voltage: 30 %, with increasing tendency Reasons: - hv users more conservative - higher requirements - cost/price!
Overvoltage Protection and Insulation Coordination / Chapter 5 b -4-
Siemens / VEAG
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
UDC = 600 kV
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Arrester Application
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- 10 -
I = kU with values up to 50
Factor 2.4
Peak value of continuous operating voltage: 2Uc = 2268 kV = 379 kV Peak value of line-to-earth voltage: 2Us /3 = 2242 kV = 343 kV Leakage current res 100 A Nominal discharge current In = 10 kA
10 2
8 decades of magnitude
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R = f(u)
Voltage / kV
900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time / s Current Voltage
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 Current / kA
at = In: n 825 kV
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- 12 -
R = f(u)
Voltage, Current
- 13 -
MO Resistors
70 mm
100 mm 58 mm
48 mm
41 mm
78 mm
32 mm
Example: EPCOS
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LI Protection Characteristics
2 Tra veling wav
4 m
Doubling of voltage due to full reflection at "open" end of line
e effects
Voltage at arrester terminal Voltage at arrester terminal might be higher than the LI might be higher than the LI protection level protection level Voltage at terminals of Voltage at terminals of equipment to be protected are equipment to be protected are higher than voltage at the higher than voltage at the arrester terminal arrester terminal
1 3
Inductivity of current path 1 H/m (here: L = 10 H) Currents exceeding In 3.5 m 2.5 m
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- 16 -
t = 0 s t = 0 s
1600 kV 1200
uArr (x = 0)
uTr (x = )
0 0
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1,5 - 18 -
2 s
t = 0,5 s t = 0,5 s
1600 kV 1200
uArr (x = 0)
uTr (x = )
x = 0: uArr = u1v = 400 kV x = 0: uArr = u1v = 400 kV x = : uTr = u1v = 0 kV x = : uTr = u1v = 0 kV
0 0
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1,5 - 19 -
2 s
t = 1 s t = 1 s
1600 kV 1200
uArr (x = 0)
uTr (x = )
x = 0: uArr = u1v = 800 kV x = 0: uArr = u1v = 800 kV x = : uTr = u1v = 0 kV x = : uTr = u1v = 0 kV
0 0
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1,5 - 20 -
2 s
t = 1,5 s t = 1,5 s
1600 kV 1200
uArr (x = 0)
uTr (x = )
Increase at double steepness!
t = 2 s t = 2 s u1v
uArr (x = 0)
x=0 x=
2 s
uTr (x = )
uArr (x = 0)
u2r u2v
uTr (x = )
(2000 + 400 1200 400) kV = 800 kV (2000 + 400 1200 400) kV = 800 kV
x = : uTr = u1v + u1r + u2v + u2r = x = : uTr = u1v + u1r + u2v + u2r =
x = 0: uArr = u1v + u1r + u2v + u3v = x = 0: uArr = u1v + u1r + u2v + u3v =
(1200 + 1200 400 400) kV = 1600 kV (1200 + 1200 400 400) kV = 1600 kV
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xs =
protective distance [m] standard rated lightning impulse withstand voltage [kV] LI protection level of the arrester [kV] front steepness of the overvoltage [kV/s] (in the range of 1000 kV/s) propagation speed of traveling wave: - 300 m/s (overhead line) (equals "c0") - (150 ... 200) m/s (cable)
Example 1: Distribution network, Um = 24 kV, insulated neutral, arrester of Ur = 30 kV: xs = (125 / 1.15) - 80 21000 300 =
4.3 m
Example 2: Transmission network, Um = 420 kV, effectively earthed, arrester of Ur = 336 kV: xs = (1425 / 1.15) - 823 21000 300 =
62.4 m !!!
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Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
Lsp ... span length in m L ... distances a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 in m n ... number of connected lines A ... factor describing the lightning performance of the OHL in kV (see next slide)
Note: n should reasonably be set to n = 1 (if only one line is connected) or n = 2 (if two Note: n should reasonably be set to n = 1 (if only one line is connected) or n = 2 (if two or more lines are connected). Assuming n > 2 could yield too optimistic results that are or more lines are connected). Assuming n > 2 could yield too optimistic results that are not valid in a real failure scenario (e.g. possible loss of lines). not valid in a real failure scenario (e.g. possible loss of lines).
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[IEC 60071-2]
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1 103 Lt = = 40 m 2.5 105 A L 11000 kV 30 m U rp = U pl + = 825 kV + = 1200 kV n Lsp + Lt 2 (400+40) m Note 1: Note 1: These equations yield representative overvoltages, These equations yield representative overvoltages, which are not implicitly the real overvoltages! which are not implicitly the real overvoltages!
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
Note 2: Note 2: No effect of the lightning No effect of the lightning overvoltage amplitude! overvoltage amplitude!
- 28 -
Specific inductance of surge current path 1 H/m Length of surge current path 10 m Inductance of surge current path 10 H Steepness of surge current impulse 10 kA/s Additional inductive voltage drop 100 kV
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Arrester Design
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Beginning with a height of about 1.5 m to 2 m arresters need grading rings for control of voltage distribution along the arrester axis. Corona rings serve to reduce RIV, usually applied in system voltages of 550 kV and higher.
Grading rings
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Example: Siemens
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Porcelain/Type A MO column
Type B2
Solid/semi-solid material
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Porcelain/Type A MO column Gas FRP supporting structure Outer housing Metal end fittings
- 36 -
Solid/semi-solid material
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Example: Siemens
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- 38 -
FRP material directly wrapped onto MO stack outer housing slipped over or molded on (SR, EPDM, EPDM/SR blends )
Type B1a MO column Gas FRP supporting structure Outer housing Metal end fittings
- 39 -
Solid/semi-solid material
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
MO column
FRP wrap
Example: Ohio Brass - 41 -
MO column
FRP wrap
- 42 -
FRP material with distance to MO stack FRP material to MO stack gap filled by other material (solid/semi-solid) gap filled by other material (solid/semi-solid) outer housing slipped over or molded on outer housing slipped over or molded on (SR, EPDM, EPDM/SR blends ) (SR, EPDM, EPDM/SR blends
Type B1b MO column Gas FRP supporting structure Outer housing Metal end fittings
- 43 -
Solid/semi-solid material
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
Limited mechanical strength (diameter of housing, wall thickness) Big differences in performance (e.g. with regard to moisture ingress, short-circuit performance) depending on design variants and implementation Multi-unit arresters even for lower system voltages (radial fields)
- 44 -
FRP rods or loops form an open cage around FRP rods or loops form an open around the MO stack the MO stack outer housing directly molded onto the MO stack outer housing directly molded onto the MO stack (silicone rubber) (silicone rubber)
Type B2 MO column Gas FRP supporting structure Outer housing Metal end fittings
- 45 -
Solid/semi-solid material
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Example: Siemens
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Example: Siemens
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Configuring Arresters
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Highest voltage of the system Us Grounding Temporary overvoltages (TOV) Lightning current stress Energy (line discharge, switching overvoltages) LIWV, safety margin, distance (protection zone)
Min. MCOV, Uc,min rated voltage Ur1 Rated voltage Ur MCOV, Uc Rated voltage Ur2 Nominal discharge current Density of lightning strikes, magnitude of lightning strikes
Length of housing, number of units, flashover distance (withstand voltages) Creepage, sheds Diameter, material, length of units (number of units)
Height of erection
Short-circuit current
Seismic stress
- 53 -
1 3
- 54 -
1,3 1,25 1,2 1,15 1,1 1,05 1 0,95 0,9 0,85 0,8 0,1 1 10 100 1000
t /s
Urr is the higher value of Ur1 and Ur2, rounded up to a multiple of three r1 r2
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Rated Voltage:
Uc, min = 1.05 Um/3 = 333 kV Ur1 = 1.25 Uc, min = 416 kV Ur2 = _______ = _______ = 414 kV kTOV 1.075 Ur, min = 417 kV Ur, typ = 420 kV UTOV 445
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Rated Voltage:
Uc, min = Um = 24 kV Ur1 = 1.25 Uc, min = 30 kV Ur2 = _______ = _______ = 18.1 kV kTOV 1.075 Ur, min = 30 kV Ur, typ = 30 kV UTOV 19.4
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
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Highest voltage of the system Us Grounding Temporary overvoltages (TOV) Lightning current stress Energy (line discharge, switching overvoltages) LIWV, safety margin, distance (protection zone)
Min. MCOV, Uc,min rated voltage Ur1 Rated voltage Ur MCOV, Uc Rated voltage Ur2 Nominal discharge current Density of lightning strikes, magnitude of lightning strikes
Length of housing, number of units, flashover distance (withstand voltages) Creepage, sheds Diameter, material, length of units (number of units)
Height of erection
Short-circuit current
Seismic stress
- 58 -
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h+ y 2 Im 7.1 (1 sin )
1 0.75
= shielding angle
Strokes between A and B Strokes between A and B phase conductor phase conductor Strokes between B and C Strokes between B and C ground wire ground wire Strokes beyond A Strokes beyond A ground ground
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
Examples: h = 60 m, y = 45 m, = 30
Im 36 kA Im 9 kA
- 60 -
h = 30 m, y = 25 m, = 15
1 Lightning stroke: two traveling waves of = Z (Example: = 350 20 kA = 3.5 MV) 2 1st insulator: flashover Example: 100 % flashover voltage (negative polarity*)): ud100 2100 kV for Um = 420 kV max. current of propagating wave: = 2100 kV / 350 = 6 kA
- 61 -
= flashover/Z flashover
Examples: Examples: Um = 123 kV, flashover 600 kV, Z = 450 Um = 123 kV, flashover 600 kV, Z = 450 Um = 420 kV, flashover 2 100 kV, Z = 350 Um = 420 kV, flashover 2 100 kV, Z = 350
= 1.3 kA = 6 kA 6 kA
LI currents in the substation usually below 10 kA LI currents in the substation usually below 10 kA
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Highest voltage of the system Us Grounding Temporary overvoltages (TOV) Lightning current stress Energy (line discharge, switching overvoltages) LIWV, safety margin, distance (protection zone)
Min. MCOV, Uc,min rated voltage Ur1 Rated voltage Ur MCOV, Uc Rated voltage Ur2 Nominal discharge current Density of lightning strikes, magnitude of lightning strikes
Length of housing, number of units, flashover distance (withstand voltages) Creepage, sheds Diameter, material, length of units (number of units)
Height of erection
Short-circuit current
Seismic stress
- 63 -
Energy Requirements
Two aims: 1) Mechanical integrity of the MO blocks 1) Mechanical integrity of the MO blocks 2) Thermal stability 2) Thermal stability
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Energy Requirements
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Limit of thermal stability (unstable operating point) Heat dissipation, electrical power losses
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Energy input by two long duration current impulses 1 minute apart (each impulse 50% of the injected energy); thermal stability required
Energy input by one long duration current impulse t 4 ms; thermal stability not critical
Note: If no thermal stability has to be guaranteed after energy injection (i.e. arrester de-energized afterwards) higher energy values are allowed.
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Temperature measurement
Current supply
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1 p.u. =2 x Um/ 3
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Example: Example: A MO arrester with resistors of 4 kJ/kV (22 A MO arrester with resistors of 4 kJ/kV (22 kJ/kV) energy absorption capability may be kJ/kV) energy absorption capability may be specified as a Class 2 arrester if Ures/Urr = 2, specified as a Class 2 arrester if Ures/U = 2, but as a Class 3 arrester if Ures/Urr = 2.4. but as a Class 3 arrester if Ures/U = 2.4. A Class 3 arrester of Ures/Urr = 2 needs A Class 3 arrester of Ures/U = 2 needs resistors of 6 kJ/kV (23 kJ/kV). resistors of 6 kJ/kV (23 kJ/kV).
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
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Highest voltage of the system Us Grounding Temporary overvoltages (TOV) Lightning current stress Energy (line discharge, switching overvoltages) LIWV, safety margin, distance (protection zone)
Min. MCOV, Uc,min rated voltage Ur1 Rated voltage Ur MCOV, Uc Rated voltage Ur2 Nominal discharge current Density of lightning strikes, magnitude of lightning strikes
Length of housing, number of units, flashover distance (withstand voltages) Creepage, sheds Diameter, material, length of units (number of units)
Height of erection
Short-circuit current
Seismic stress
- 71 -
r c
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LIWV = 1550 kV
LD-class = 5
1550 kV (
= 1107 kV )
2) Um = 24 kV
U10sec1h = Um = 24 kV
125 kV (
= 89 kV )
- 73 -
As a rule of thumb, a factor LIWV/upl 1.4 offers sufficient protection against lightning overvoltage:
upl pl
________ ________
The voltage at the terminals of the equipment to be protected must not reach values above LIWV/1.15 (Ks = 1.15 = safety factor for non-self restoring insulation, acc. to IEC 60071-2)
For more detailed information see IEC 60099-5, IEC 60071-1 and IEC 60071-2
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
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u [kV]
300 200 1.4 times line-to-earth-voltage 100 Line-to-earth-voltage 0 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
i [A]
Lower LI protection level higher specific power-frequency stress Protection level should be set to reasonable (not necessarily the lowest) values!
Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik
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Highest voltage of the system Us Grounding Temporary overvoltages (TOV) Lightning current stress Energy (line discharge, switching overvoltages) LIWV, safety margin, distance (protection zone)
Min. MCOV, Uc,min rated voltage Ur1 Rated voltage Ur MCOV, Uc Rated voltage Ur2 Nominal discharge current Density of lightning strikes, magnitude of lightning strikes
Length of housing, number of units, flashover distance (withstand voltages) Creepage, sheds Diameter, material, length of units (number of units)
Height of erection
Short-circuit current
Seismic stress
- 76 -
Housing Requirements Mechanical strength static and dynamic loads by connected conductors strength against seismic events Dielectric strength Short-circuit performance Performance under polluted conditions shed profile creepage distance flashover distance partial heating of active parts internal partial discharges hydrophobicity (incl. dynamics of hydrophobicity)
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Ratio Fdyn / Fstat = 2.5 for porcelain housings Ratio Fdyn / Fstat for polymer housings not yet definitely established
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- 79 -
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Basic idea:
d Arrester unit H Circular enclosure Explosion not allowed Thermal breaking allowed (definition: all parts within the circular enclosure)
h >= 0,4 m
High mechanical strength (porcelain quality, thickness) Favorable short circuit current loop
see 37/317/CDV
- 81 -
i i i i
Porcelain Polymer (with gas volume included) Polymer (without gas volume included)
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Before test
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After test
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Short-Circuit Performance Wrap-Up In general, polymer housed arresters tend to offer a "safer" short-circuit performance. But not all polymer housed arresters are intrinsically "safe". Design differences must still be regarded.
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3 In case of gas volume included: large distance MO column - housing no sharp edges at the MO column MO blocks with stable aging characteristics internal gas volume free of oxygen high tracking resistance of supporting structure use of desiccants In case of no gas volume included: sufficient thickness of housing optimized shed profile high tracking resistance of materials
General: High rated and continuous operating voltage General: High rated and continuous operating voltage rather than low protection level ififpossible (leads to rather than low protection level possible (leads to moderate electrical stress under continuous operating moderate electrical stress under continuous operating conditions and improves long term stability) conditions and improves long term stability)
Overvoltage Protection and Insulation Coordination / Chapter 5 b - 88 -
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U/Umitte l U/U
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T1 = 1.25 T
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Ur for 10 seconds
Uc for 30 minutes
1 minute apart Cool down to ambient temperature Time interval not specified
Test evaluation (pass criteria): Decrease of temperature, power loss, resistive component of the leakage current No significant change of residual voltage (max. 5%) No puncture, flashover or cracking of MO blocks
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Time 1 minute apart Cool down to ambient temperature Time interval not specified Preheat to 60 C max. 100 ms
Test evaluation (pass criteria): Decrease of temperature, power loss, resistive component of the leakage current No significant change of residual voltage (max. 5%) No puncture, flashover or cracking of MO blocks
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Test procedure:
6 groups of 3 impulses = 18 impulses (MO blocks in open air)
I [kA]
U [kV]
t [ms]
Typical 2 ms-values for single MO blocks from 200 A (distribution class arresters) to 1600 A (station class arresters), may be increased by connecting several blocks in parallel
Test evaluation (pass criteria): No significant change of residual voltage (max. 5%) No puncture, flashover or cracking of MO blocks
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