Yr 11-12 Visual Art Case Study
Yr 11-12 Visual Art Case Study
Yr 11-12 Visual Art Case Study
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
Case Study Focus Summary:
The Case Study, The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Postcolonial Themes, serves to prepare students to answer such a HSC Frames question as:
Artworks shape the way we understand culture. With reference to this statement explain how artists raise awareness of economic, political or social issues
(NSW Board of Studies, Section II HSC question from 2007)
Through the Cultural and Postmodern frames we investigate Post-Colonial themes in the art practices of Contemporary Australian Artists Fiona Hall, Simryn Gill, Ah Xian through theoretical practices Historical Study and Critical Study. We explore common threads of their postmodern arts practices:
Postcolonialism/Colonial history Consumer Culture & Global Trade Questioning and Critiquing Cultural Systems, Representations & Boundaries Ritual: Religious and The Domestic The Individual and the Collective Language and Texts Humour and Irony Appropriation and Recontextualisation Art-making: Tools, Ideas, Symbols, Craftsmanship and Ownership
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
Fiona Hall transforms household consumerist objects into contemplative post-colonial talismans. Born in Sydney, Australia, Hall has travelled extensively which has shaped her arts ideology and methodology. Formally trained as a painter and photographer, Halls art practice has branched into sculptural forms, installation and printmaking (Qld Art Gallery, 2005). Core themes in Halls work include histories of language and colonialisation; cultural coding in craftsmanship and traditions; Humankinds precarious desire to own and control nature, living things and the environments they inhabit (Qld Art Gallery, 2005).
Simryn Gill uses humble man-made and natural objects each of which carry specific codings and histories, Gill then craftily manipulates these once ordinary objects into museum-like relics to amplify their cultural and historical context (Centre of Contemporary Photography, 2001). Gill often uses object and word play humour to heighten contemplation of meaning in search of understanding place (Centre of Contemporary Photography, 2001). Movement across the globe, migration of people and vegetation both enforced and voluntary are core narrative themes in her work (Class, N., 2001). Gill is Malaysian Australian, born in Malaysia, with an Indian ethnic background and educated in Britain; Gill later moved to Singapore and currently resides in Australia (Artwise 2, ). Cultural ambiguity shapes ideas of identity and placement in her work.
Ah Xian is a contemporary sculptor and ceramicist working with ideas of individual and collective bodies; be it the environmental, political, social body, spiritual body and/or cultural body (NGV, 2009). Traditional Chinese motifs and techniques tattoo and scarify his almost faceless figures alluding to a silencing which appears at once mediative and censoring. A Chinese Australian, Ah Xian fled his homeland china after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, seeking asylum from the trauma in Australia; he time shares between China and Australia and exists between cultures on an art-making
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
quest to understand individual and collective identity (Milful, T., 2004). The juxtaposition of western freedoms with Chinese heritage pride informs how culture and craftsmanship are appropriated in his artworks.
Syllabus Outcomes
H7, H8, H9
Learn to/About
Apply their understanding of practice in art criticism and art history Apply their understanding of the relationships among the artist, artwork, world and audience. Demonstrate an understanding of how the frames provide for different orientations to critical and historical investigations of art. Read, analyse and extract historical and critical information to make informed opinions in both group and solitary work arrangements. The impact of invasion how Eurocentric domination through colonialism has shaped contemporary artists access to resources, the environment, trading, craftsmanship and the sharing of, loss of and/or appropriation of cultural histories and language. Individual and collective histories expressed through the arts practices of contemporary Australian artists Ah Xian, Fiona Hall and Simryn Gill. How cultural information and artefacts are represented through Eurocentric eyes Museums, Galleries, Public Art, Collection Displays etc.
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
Learning Activities
* Catering for Learning Styles : All readings could be made audio podcast this is especially useful for students with literacy issues and for aural learners Slideshows, video clips and plan sketch activity cater to visual learners Naturalists are catered for in this unit with much environmental content kinaesthetic learners propose alternative ways to construct these artworks, unfortunately due to theoretical constraints no art-making for understanding is in this case study but art-making student suggestions could further extend this unit Education Resources contain additional information and activities that could be given to gifted and talented students.
Lesson Focus 1 Case Study Introduction: (refer to focus summary) Slideshow of Artists Fiona Hall, Simryn Gill, Ah Xian
Art History View Edward Said on Orientalism (10 mins) Slideshow & Discussion: What is Colonialism? What is Postcolonialism? What is Appropriation? Biographical Information (see program focus summary)
Art Criticism Slideshow Discussion Activity: Q. On first speculation, what connections do you see in these artists works? Discussion Activity: Q. By using the religious symbol of Buddha in Conjunction with the brand Coca-Cola what might Fiona Halls Price is Right series be saying about GRATIFICATION in contemporary society? Debate Activity: Q. Is it offensive, respectful or possibly both, to appropriate religious icons, cultural symbols and/or consumerist logos in an artwork?
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
divide into three teams: one team will argue its offensive one team will argue its respectful one team will argue it can be both depending on an artworks intent & interpretation Reading and Responding Activity: Simryn Gills Road Kill read Road Kill Artwise 2 p. 70 - Critical Study Q. Installations are put together for the duration of a show and not always by the artist could the context of this work change if it was installed differently? How do you think Gills migration experiences inform Road Kill? Read and respond: Read Ah Xian Casestudy (compiled by Ellen Benson for St Josephs). Q. What traditional Chinese motifs and sculptural techniques inform Ah Xians artmaking practice and why is this symbolically significant? Q. What impact did seeking asylum in Australian have on Ah Xians art practice? Q. As a contemporary Chinese Australian artist, Ah Xian juxtaposes traditional Chinese sculptural techniques, symbols
Simryn Gill:
Ah Xian:
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
and ideals with Classical and contemporary western art conventions. In your own words explain how Ah Xian fuses both cultures in his artwork to comment on his personal artistic and cultural values. In groups prepare a 3 paragraph written response to the following questions extracting all relevant material from your delegated reading Group 1. Reading & Responding Activity Fiona Halls Paradisus Terrestris read The art of Fiona Hall Education Resource p.5 Q. What are the continuing effects of colonisation on countries such as Australia & Sri Lanka? How Does Colonisation affect a countries language? Group 2. Reading & Responding Activity Read forestCCP Simryn Gills Inland Education Resource p.9 Q. Museum of Contemporary Art curator Russell Storer wrote in reference to Forest that plants are a central metaphor for human connection to place, Discuss.
Colonialism & Beyond: Impacts of Travel & Migration in our Contemporary Society represented in these artists works
Conceptual Framework
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
Group 3. Reading & Responding Activity Ah Xians China, China Read Face-Up interview with Britta Schmitz 203-204 Q. Pending our cultural heritage and travel experiences we read artworks differently, How does this interview demonstrate this? Share group responses with the class. Materials & Craft appropriation in a contemporary context Methodology through the Visual Process Diary: Plan Sketch & Writing Activity Q. Imagine you are constructing either Gills Washed Up, Halls Cell Culture or Xians Human, Human; think of alternative materials/techniques you could use to construct this piece Compare & Contrast Activity On an A3 sheet of paper construct a Venn Diagram with 3 circles intersecting one for each artist to discover differences and commonalities in the ways these three artists access resources, use language, media & expression Collating & Mapping Findings Activity Audience Box who do
Colonialism and Beyond: Traditional crafts, Globalisation, Innovation, Appropriation & Contemporary Ideas in these artists works
Historical context of these Materials & Craft Practices Discuss Objects: touch and passing on Materials/Techniques in Gills Washed Up, Halls Cell Culture and Xians Human, Human Read Fiona Halls Cell Culture Face Up interview with Catherine Nichols
Colonialism & Beyond: how has Colonialism affected these artists access to resources, use of language, media and expression?
Conceptual Framework
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
Study and our investigation into the boxes world, artist, artworks and audience context & current events informing artists practice Artist Box Biographical information you think the target audience is for these artworks? Why? Artworks Box Major works interpretation Students suggest Artmaking Ideas that could extend our investigation
Students suggest Art-making Ideas to extend our investigation Addressing Sample HSC Question Essay Plan for HSC Question using case study info and our research findings Homework: structure essay & memorise
Practices Frames
Q. Sample HSC Artworks shape the way we understand culture. With reference to this statement explain how artists raise awareness of economic, political or social issues (NSW Board of Studies, Section II HSC question from 2007)
Answer the Trial HSC Question in class set up like exam conditions no reading materials/notes allowed!
Class Participation/VPD Answers Conceptual Framework Template & Venn Diagram Essay Plan/Notes In Class Essay 10% 20% 20% 50%
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
http://www.artreview.com.au/art/exhibitions/qld/ah-xian-exhib-review-qld.aspx Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (2008) Fiona Hall: Force Field Education Kit, MCA Learning, Sydney, Australia National Gallery of Victoria (2002) Australian Art Collection: Ah Xian: China, China Bust 15 website accessed 2 April, 2010 link: http://cs.nga.gov.au/Detail.cfm?IRN=22694 National Gallery of Victoria (2009) Ah Xian: Clemenger Award Winner 2009 website accessed 2 April, 2010 link: http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/clemenger2009/ahxian.html Queensland Art Gallery (2005) The Art of Fiona Hall Education Resource, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia QLD Art Gallery: Gallery of Modern Art (1999) China, China: Bust No. 3, 1998, website accessed 2 April, 2010 link: http://qag.qld.gov.au/exhibitions/past/recently_archived/the_china_project/three_decades_the_co ntemporary_chinese_collection/ah_xian_china_china_bust_no.3_1998 Schmitz, B. (2003)Face Up: Contemporary Art of Australia, Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum for the Present Berlin, Hall p. Xian p. 203-13 Gill p. 81-82 Storer, R. (2001) Playthings: Some Contemporary Artists and their Objects, Artlink, Art and Childhood Vol 21 no 2 website accessed, 20 August, 2010, link: http://www.artlink.com.au/articles/2600/play-things-some-contemporary-artists-and-their-ob/ Stowe Gallery Information cited by Truong A. Ah Xian, China, China series 1999, 2002, website accessed 2 April, 2010 link: http://elogedelart.canalblog.com/archives/2010/04/25/17682691.html
Extended Bibliography
Art Gallery of South Australia (2010) Before and After Science, 2010 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art, Art Gallery of South Australia Education Resource, South Australia Centre for Contemporary Photography (2006) Simryn Gill: 32 Volumes, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, Australia Mohanram, R. (2007) Imperial White: Race, Diaspora and the British Empire, University of Minnesota Press, USA
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks
The Surface of the World: Australian Contemporary Artists working with Post-Colonial Themes
National Portrait Gallery (2009) Interview with Dr John Yu Ac: Portrait by Ah Xian video clip posted on youtube by portrait gallery February 24, 2009, website accessed 2 April, 2010 link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59XbApOJsuk NSW Board of Studies HSC Visual Arts Syllabus (2009) Board of Studies, Australia accessed February 20, 2010, web link: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/pdf_doc/visual-arts-st6syl-from2010.pdf Osterhammel, J. & Frisch, S. (1997) Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview, Markus Wiener Publishers (English Translation) via Google Books, accessed 20 August, 2010, link:
Compiled by Ellen Benson (2010) UOW Visual Arts Methods B: Case Study Assignment, Tutor: Karen Hooks