CLI Commands
CLI Commands
CLI Commands
-zero (config)# ip http server (config)#no ip domain-lookup (config-if)#bandwidth (config-if)#no bandwidth (config)#enable secret Cisco (config)#line console 0 (config-line)#password ##### (config-line)# login (config-line)#logging synchronus (config-line)#lexec-time out 0 0 (config-line)#lexit (config)#line vty 0 4 (config-line)#password ##### (config-line)# no enable secret (config-line)# login (config-line)#lexit (config)#service password-encryption (config)# do show run (config)#Banner motd #Message# (config)#Banner login #Message# (config)#Banner exec #Message# Uses USE enable privilage mode configure terminal Exit Erase start up config Change router name allows ip subnet allows the use of a brower a misspell a command to set a bandwidth in kilobits to restore to default bandwidth enter encrypted password there are 5 line console (one widow) enterconsole Password Enable password checking Returns to a fresh line prevent sesion from timing out exit console enter Telnet( creat 5 windows) password for vty gets rid of password for console and vty Enable password checking exit Telnet encrypts every password on router shows running config will appear that will first on router login in banner after MOTD banner banner appears at privilage mode Short Cut Commands Short cut commnad >en #conf t #ex #erase start up config (config)#hostname Name (config)#ip subnet -zero (config)# ip http server (config)#no ip domain-lookup (config-if)#band (config-if)#no band (config)#enable secret Cisco (config)#line console 0 (config-line)#password ##### (config-line)# login (config-line)#logging synchronus (config-line)#lexec-time out 0 0 (config-line)#exit (config)#line vty 0 4 (config-line)#password ##### (config-line)# login (config-line)#exit (config)#service password-encryption #Banner motd #Message# (config)#Banner login #Message# (config)#Banner exec #Message# a
Router Command Commands (config-if)#ip address (config-if)#no shutdown (config-if)#shutdown (config)#interface s0/0/0 (config-if)#description (config-if)#ip address (config-if)#clock rate 64000 (config-if)#no shutdown (config-if)#shutdown (config)#int Lo0 #cdp run #no cdp enable #show ip protocal #show ip interface brief #show ip route #clear ip route * (config)# router Rip (configure-router)#network (configure-router)#version 2 (configure- router)#passive-interface fa0/0 (configure- router)# no passive-interface fa0/0 (configure-router)#no auto-summary #Debug Ip rip #undebug all Cisco Express forwarding ip address turn on interface turn off interface enter configuration mode purpose of interface ip address clock rate must be set on DCE side turn on interface turn off interface To create a loop back address Enable CDP on router disable Cdp on fast Ethernet shows protocols current Uses Short Cut Commands (config-if)#ip add (config-if)#no shut (config-if)#shut (config)#int s0/0/0 (config-if)#description (config-if)#ip address (config-if)#clock rate 64000 (config-if)#no shut (config-if)#shut (config)#int L0 #cdp run #no cdp enable #show ip protocol #show ip interface brief #how ip route #clear ip route * (config)#router rip (config-router)#network (config-router)#ver 2 (configure- router)#passive-interface fa0/0 (configure- router)# no passive-interface fa0/0 (configure-router)#no auto-summary #debug ip rip #undebug rip (config)# no ip cef R1(config)# key chain Romeo R1(config-keychain)# key 1 R1(config-keychain-key)# key-string Juliet (config)# interface s0/0/0 a
to enable RIPv2 get passive interface remove passive interface disable auto summerization in protocal
(config)# no ip cef
R1(config)# key chain Romeo R1(config-keychain)# key 1 R1(config-keychain-key)# key-string Juliet (config)# interface s0/0/0
Router Command Commands (config-if)# ip rip authentication key-chain Romeo (config-if)# ip rip authentication mode md5 Routing bahaveiors (config)#no ip classless config)#no ip classfull (config-router)#default-information originate (config)#router eigrp #< 1-65535># (config-router)#metric weights tos k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 only 1 behavior per router @ 1 time tell routers to work only in classfulls IOS 11.3 & up is the default sends out default address Enable EIGRP Tos=types of service K1(Bandwidth) K2(Load) K3(Delay) K4(Reliability) K5(Reliabiilty) show EIGRP Topology in a router shows all feasible successors and links to activate a fastethernet interface w/out havinga node attached converts summerization into no summerization Uses Short Cut Commands (config-if)# ip rip authentication key-chain Romeo (config-if)# ip rip authentication mode md5 a
(config)#no ip classless (config)#no ip classfull (config-router)#default-information originate (config)#router eigrp #< 1-65535>#
#show ip eigrp topology #show ip eigrp topology all-links (config-if)#no keepalive (configure-router)#eigrp log-neighbor-changes
(configure-router)#eigrp log-neighbor-changes
(config-if)#ip summary address eigrp 1 (configure-router)#redistribute static (config)#int s0/0/0 (config-if)#bandwidth 64 (config-if)#ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 1 50 (config)#int s0/0/0 (config-if)#ip hello-interval eigrp 1 60 (config-if)#ip hold-time eigrp 1 180
inlcudes the static route in EIGRP updates can be used to configure the percentage of bandwidth that may be used by EIGRP on an interface If you change the hello interval, make sure that you also change the hold time to a value equal to or greater than the hello interval
(config-if)#ip summary address eigrp 1 (configure-router)#redistribute static (config)#int s0/0/0 (config-if)#bandwidth 64 (config-if)#ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 1 50 (config)#int s0/0/0 (config-if)#ip hello-interval eigrp 1 60 (config-if)#ip hold-time eigrp 1 180
Router Command Commands #debug eigrp fsm #undebug all Uses Turns on DUAL debugging Turns off DUAL debuging #debug eigrp fsm #undebug all Short Cut Commands a
R1(config)#router ospf 1 (config-router)#network area 0 (config-router)#router ID (config-router)#router-id #clear ip ospf process #show ip ospf #show ip ospf interface s0/0/0 (config-router)#network area 0 #show ip ospf neighbor flapping link (config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth ### (config)#int s0/0/0 (config-if)#ip ospf cost #### R1(config)#ip route loopback 1 R1(config-router)#default-information origina (config)#interface s0/0/0 (config-if)#ip ospf hello-interval 10 (default n seconds (config-if)#ip ospf dead-interval 40 (default n seconds (config)#interface f0/0 (config-if)#ip ospf priority {0-255} (config)#show ip ospf interface f0/0
to Enable OSPF Single area OSPF w/ wildcard mask Rotuer ID comand Build rotuer ID clears the id in running config with show interface informaition if use refer to interface subnet mask verifites Neighbor Adjacencies
R1(config)#router ospf 1 (config-router)#network area 0 (config-router)#router ID (config-router)#router-id #clear ip ospf process #show ip ospf #show ip ospf interface s0/0/0 (config-router)#network area 0 #show ip ospf neighbor
Cisco ios if running @ >100Mbps use command (config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth ### (config)#int s0/0/0 (config-if)#ip ospf cost #### R1(config)#ip route loopback 1 R1(config-router)#default-information origina (config)#interface s0/0/0 (config-if)#ip ospf hello-interval seconds (config-if)#ip ospf dead-interval seconds (config)#int f0/0 (config-if)#ip ospf priority {0-255} (config)#show ip ospf int f0/0
used non-cisco routers,no calculation need configure a default static route forwarding traffic toward ISP router gateway of last resort hello& dead intervals on interfaces () hello interval, must match on all routers dead interval, must match on all routers Dead interval must be 4x the hello interval To set a default interface proiorty to see priority on interface
Router Command Commands #show inventory #Copy runing -config startup-config show inventory Saves the current config to NVRAM Uses #show inventory #Copy runing -config startup-config Short Cut Commands a
Inter -Vlan Routing R1(config)#interface f0/0 R1(config-if)#no ip address R1(config-if)#no shutdown R1(config-if)#interface f0/0.10 R1(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 10 R1(config-subif)#ip address R1(config-subif)#interface f0/0.30 R1(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 30 R1(config-subif)#ip address making a native vlan on a router sub-interface
interface FastEthernet0/1.99 encapsulation dot1q 999 native
PPP Configuring PPP R1#(config)#int s0/0/0 R1(config)#encapsulation hdlc or R1(config)#encapsulation PPP R1(config)#ppp quality 80 R1(config)#no ppp quality PAP R1#(config)#username R2 password cisco R1#(config)#int s0/0/0 R1#(config-if)#ppp authentication ppp R1#(config-if)#ppp pap sent-username R1 passowrd cisco
point-to point protocol on serial connections only default encapsulation on cisco routers used encapsulation to non cisco routers Link Quality monitoring on a % to remove LQM
Router Command Commands R2#(config)#username R1 password cisco R2#(config)#int s0/0/0 R2#(config-if)#ppp authentication ppp R2#(config-if)#ppp pap sent-username R2 passowrd cisco CHAP R1#(config)#username R2 password cisco R1#(config)#int s0/0/0 R1#(config-if)#ppp authentication chap R1#(config-if)#ppp pap sent-username R1 passowrd cisco R2#(config)#username R1 password cisco R2#(config)#int s0/0/0 R2#(config-if)#ppp authentication chap R2#(config-if)#ppp pap sent-username R2 passowrd cisco Multilink PPP R1#(config)#int s0/0/0 R1#(config-if)#pp multlilink Configuring Frame Rely R2#(config)#int s0/0/0 R2#(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay ? MFR Multilink fram relay bundle interface ietf use RFC 1490/RFC 2427 encapuslaion to non cisco routers if you are using a older router before IOS 11.2 cisco ansi q933a Mapping Frame relay R2#(config)#int s0/0/0 R2#(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 1982.168.10.1 102 Uses Short Cut Commands a
R2#(config-if)#frame-relay lmi-type
Router Command Commands Split Horizon issues R2#(config)#int s0/0/0 R2#(config-if)# no ip split-horizon Uses Short Cut Commands a
TO get and deleft flash IOS to a router R1#copy tftp: flash: R1#delet flash: filename Cisco auto secure R1#auto secure
to copy from tftp server to upgrade IOS to delete a IOS from flash memory