Hvac Water Balancing
Hvac Water Balancing
Hvac Water Balancing
All test and balance procedures are detailed in the NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems, Seventh Edition 2005. The following was selected from that manual and applies to most projects.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Air balance should be completed before water balance begins. Open all valves to full open position. Close coil bypass stop valves. Set mixing valve to full coil flow. Verify that the responsible parties have removed and cleaned all strainers. Examine water in system and determine if water has been treated and cleaned. Check pump rotation. Check expansion tanks to determine they are not air bound and the system is completely full of water. Check all vents at high points of water systems and determine all are operating freely. Set all temperature controls so all coils are calling for full cooling. This should close all automatic bypass valves at coil and chiller. Same procedure when balancing hot water coils; set on call for full heating.
9. Check operation of automatic bypass valve. 10. Check and set temperatures of boilers and chillers to design requirements.
1. Set chilled water and hot water pumps to proper flow (GPM). 2. Adjust chilled water flow through chiller. 3. Adjust water flow through boilers. 4. Check leaving water temperatures and return water temperatures through chiller and boilers. Reset to
correct design temperatures.
5. Check water temperatures at inlet side of cooling and heating coils. Note rise or drop of temperatures from
6. Proceed to balance each chilled water cold and hot water coil. 7. Upon completion of low readings and adjustments at coils, mark settings and record data. 8. After adjustments to coils are made, recheck settings at the pumps, chillers and boilers and readjust, if
required. 9. With full flow through the bypass, set the pressure drop across the bypass valve to match coil flow pressure drop. This prevents unbalanced flow conditions when coils are on bypass.
10. Same procedure on chiller to adjust chiller bypass valve. 11. Record and check the following items at each cooling and heating elements. 12. Pressure drop of each coil
13. Pressure drop across bypass valve.
14. Pump operating suction and discharge pressures and final T.D.H.
15. List all mechanical specifications of pumps.
16. Rated and actual running amperage of pump motor. 17. Water metering device readings
1. Verify that all control settings have been returned to normal set points. 2. Verify that all discrepancies and punch list items have been corrected.
3. Allow the system to operate automatically for 24 hours. 4. Identify all rooms on temperature test sheets. 5. Note room numbers where all thermostats are located. Record set points of all thermostats. 6. Record temperatures in all rooms. Record outside air temperatures and weather conditions at the
beginning and end of temperature tests.
7. Recheck operation of all HVAC equipment in any room that is not maintaining temperature set point and correct, if necessary.
The following is the general procedures we use in the testing and balancing of most projects. The project specifications are the guidelines for test data and measurement procedures on all projects. All test and balance procedures are detailed in the NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems, Seventh Edition 2005. The following was selected from that manual and applies to most projects.
TEST AND BALANCE PROCEDURE 1. List and identify size, type and manufacturer of all diffusers, grilles, registers and all tested equipment. Use equipment manufacturers ratings to make any required calcula tions. 2. Identify each grille, diffuser and register with a number that is referenced on an accompanying sketch. 3. If the system is variable air volume (VAV), adjust all the terminal unit flow rate regulators to the required minimum and maximum CFM while monitoring and recording duct static pressure. If the system is constant volume (CV), proceed to step #5. 4. Set enough VAVs to maximum CFM and minimum CFM to equal the rated cooling coil CFM. 5. Test and adjust system for design percentage of outside air. 6. Test and record motor load amperes. 7. Make pitot tube traverse of main supply ducts, where possible, to determine total supply CFM. 8. Test and adjust blower RPM as necessary to achieve design CFM. 9. If the system is constant volume, adjust all zones to proper design CFM, supply and re turn. 10. Test and adjust each diffuser, register and grille to within plus or minus 10% of design requirements. Care should be taken to minimize drafts whenever possible. 11. Test and record re-circulated air flow rate (CFM). 12. Test and record system static pressures, suction and discharge. 13. Temporarily set water flows and temperatures to design conditions for temperature tests. 14. Test and record entering air temperatures. (D.B. heating and cooling) 15. Test and record entering air temperatures. (W.B. cooling) 16. Test and record leaving air temperatures. (D.B. heating and cooling)
17. Test and record leaving air temperatures. (W.B. cooling) 18. List test data for all diffusers, grilles and registers, including design CFM and test resultant CFM after adjustment. When Direct Reading Flow Hoods cannot be used, ap plicable Ak factor, design velocity and test resultant velocity shall be shown. 19. Test and record required information pertaining to other equipment included in the HVAC contract such as electric duct heaters, exhaust fans, computer room units, etc. 20. The Mechanical Contractor shall be responsible for making any changes in the pulleys, belts and dampers or adding dampers as recommended by the air balance agency to achieve correct air balance.
Grilles and Diffusers are numbered on the Location Diagrams corresponding to the report for easy identification and reference. Duct Leakage Test Reports include drawings that show the actual duct sections that were tested. Static Pressure Profiles are provided for most larger units.
This sample page, which has been taken from one of our comprehensive reports, shows how easy it is to reference data to the location drawing included with each report.