Lecture-Leadership Training Seminar2012
Lecture-Leadership Training Seminar2012
Lecture-Leadership Training Seminar2012
Is a set of principles and rules defining in BROAD OUTLINES the GOVERNMENT of an organization. It is the BASIC GUIDES of all its acts. However, any rule that is contrary with the constitutional provision is NULL and VOID.
1. Preamble It consists of a brief statement of the aims and purposes of the organization. 2. Article I Name and location/office of the organization. 3. Article II General requirements necessary for membership. 4. Article III Officers of the organization, their terms of office, and manner of selecting them. 5. Article IV - Governing Board or committee, its powers and duties, terms of office (note if it not necessary you may disregard or omit it). 6. Article V Fixes the TIME for REGULAR MEETING and provides a method for the calling of SPECIAL MEETING.
7. Article VI Advisor: It provides the METHOD of selection of advisor (appointment or election), qualifications, responsibilities, and term of office. 8. Article VII It provides the METHOD by which the constitution may be AMENDED and the VOTE REQUIRED for such amendment. Notes: How constitutions become effective? It must first be adopted by the members of the organization. How adoption of constitution being made? >Committee appointed to draft the constitution. >The chair of the committee rises to announce to the Chair and moves for the adoption of the constitution. >The presiding officer states the motion and proceeds to read the constitution himself or he may assign this task to the secretary. >After reading, the Chair calls for AMENDMENTS. If there are no further amendments or discussions, the Chair takes the vote on the original motion to adopt the constitution which requires only a MAJORITY VOTE.
On Amendments proceedings: 2 requirements: a. Previous NOTICE must be given to all members regarding the proposed amendment to the constitution. b. Constitution may be amended only by at least 2/3 AFFIRMATIVE VOTES of the members voting. When amendments to the constitution become effective? >when it is adopted by majority vote. UNLESS the motion to adopt which was previously approved specifies a different time for their effectivity.
Is a set of rules designed to amplify and carry out in DETAIL the provisions of the constitution.
By-Laws covers the following subjects: SECTION 1. MEMBERSHIP - kinds of membership ( e.g. active, inactive, honorary member etc.) - requirements for membership - limitation as to number of members - manner of selecting and admitting members - rights and duties of members - suspension or expulsion of members - In general, how membership is terminated or regained. SECTION 2. COMMITTEE - covers the standing and special committees - Method of their selection - Scope of their work - Statements of their respective powers and duties -Time of regular and special meetings - Ex-officio members (if any) SECTION 3. OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED - How they are to be chosen -Term of office -Powers and Duties - (Include how to fill up vacancies and removal of officers, which includes causes for such action). SECTION 4. Provisions for REGULAR MEETINGS -Include Date, Time, and Place they are to be held. For special meetings, includes the requirement for NOTICE and AGENDA, and HOW special meetings may be called and by WHOM. SECTION 5. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS - covering duties, fines, initiation fees, and other assessments on members, including matters involving bank account of the
organization, vouchers, bills, audits, and details for their administration. SECTION 6. ELECTIONS (Regular and Special) - When and how they are to be held -Methods of Nominations -Voting and the vote necessary to elect a candidate. - Method of selecting the committee members - Procedure of the nominating committee SECTION 7. ORDER OF BUSINESS OF MEETINGS >it is a program or outline of the things to be done during a meeting. >It serves as a guide of the proceedings to insure the orderly and efficient transaction of business. >Common pattern: a. Call to order b. Invocation (optional) c. Roll Call (optional) d. Reading and consideration of the minutes of the previous meeting e. Reports of standing committees f. Reports of special committee g. Unfinished business h. New business i. Announcements (optional) j. Adjournment SECTION 8. QUORUM required for the conduct of meetings by the assembly and by the committees. SECTION 9. KIND of VOTE and NOTICE required for the disposition of important questions. SECTION 11. Procedure for SUSPENDING or AMENDING provisions of the by-laws. SECTION 12. MATTERS involving HOLDING of CONVENTIONS, including special rules that may be adopted for the purpose.
CONTENTS AND FORMAT OF THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF AN ORGANIZATION Front Page: The Constitution and by-laws of the ______________________________
ARTICLE I: NAME AND DOMICILE OF THE ORGANIZATION Section 1. The name of the organization shall be (name of the org.) Section 2. The official address of the organization shall be____________ ARTICLE II: PURPOSE AND GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION Section 1: include the Mission Statement/goals of the organization/intended impact of the org. to the school/service that will be provided and for whom? Section 2: general objectives to attain. ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP OF THE ORGANIZATION Section 1: Eligibility (who is eligible for membership) Section 2: Qualifications (are there qualifications w/c need to be met for membership? e.g. attendance, dues to be paid etc.) Section 3: Privileges Section 4: Duties and responsibilities Section 5: Removal/Withdrawal (process of withdrawal from the organization/ground for removal of a member/process of removal/policies and procedures) ARTICLE IV: ELECTIONS Section 1: Times and Periods when election occur (how often and what time of the year elections held?/are there special elections?) Section 2: Nomination Procedure (how nominations are made/application process required for nomination/who monitors the nomination process) Section 3: Notifications and Posting of Elections (what is the process for posting information regarding elections? how long is the posting period/are letters, flyers or posters used in the campus?) Section 4: Election Procedure (what is the specific procedure followed for election/ who is eligible to vote?) ARTICLE V: OFFICERS Section 1: Description of Officers (how many officers are there in the org./ titles of the officers) Section 2: Duties and Responsibilities
Section 3: Qualifications (who is eligible for office?) Section 4: Terms of Office (specify time frame in w/h an officer may serve/ when officers assume office) Section 5: Procedure for filling-up of vacated positions (are there special elections?/ is succession applies/are appointments made?) Section 6: Procedure for Removal (who can initiate the removal?/ specific procedure to be followed/number of votes required before an officer be remove from office) Section 7: Appeal Policy (if any) (set time period to appeal/steps involved) ARTICLE VI: COMMITTEES (if it is necessary) Section 1: Standing Committees (state the names, purposes, and responsibilities (e.g. Executive board committee, fund raising committee)/how are members selected for each committee?) Section 2: Temporary/Special Committees (how and when such committees are formed?/ what are the purposes and responsibilities of special committees? What is the duration?)
ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Section 1: Types of Meeting (list the different types of meetings/ who is required to attend each meeting?/) Section 2: Time and occurrence of Meetings ( how often are meetings held?/ when are meetings held?) Section 3: Special Meetings (state the provision for special meetings/ how many members must be present to hold a special meeting?) Section 4: Quorum- needed to hold a meeting (what percentage must be present to hold meetings?/ when is quorum used?/what happens if a quorum does not exist in a meeting?) Section 5: Method of conducting Meetings (whether we follow parliamentary procedure or an informal procedure) ARTICLE VIII: FINANCES Section 1: Membership fees/dues, due date of paying fees/dues, and responsible in collecting fees/dues. Section 2: Reimbursements who is responsible or authorize to all expenditures or reimbursement. ARTICLE IX: ADVISOR Section 1: Selection of Advisor (how is an advisor selected: appointment or election?) Section 2: Qualifications (Is it open for all teachers-probationary and tenured teachers?) include criteria for selecting an Advisor of the organization.
Section 3: Functions/duties Section 4: Term of Office (how long an advisor may serve) ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS Section 1: Procedure in proposing an amendment (oral or written) Section 2: How an amendment is being done? Who head the committee on amendments? Section 3: Adoption and vote required.