SECTION 1. The name of the association shall be ARAKAN HOG RAISERS AND
SECTION 1. Objectives and purpose - the objectives and purposes of this association
are as follows:
SECTION 3. Membership in the association once acquired, shall be permanent and may
be lost on the following grounds.
SECTION 2. Duties and Responsibilities of the Members – every member shall have
the following duties and responsibilities.
a) To obey and comply with the constitution and by-laws of the
organization and such regulations that it maybe promulgated from time
to time.
b) To attend all meeting, trainings and seminars that it may be called for
requiring attendance of members.
c) To assist in every way possible in advancing the objectives of the
SECTION 3. Expulsion – A member maybe terminated by the officers for any of the
following causes:
1. When a member has not patronized the services of the organization for
unreasonable period of time as maybe fixed by the officers.
2. When a member has continuously failed to comply his obligations.
3. When a member has acted in violation of the by-laws.
SECTION 1. The General Assembly – The General assembly of the organization shall
be composed of members entitled to vote duly assembled and consisting a
SECTION 2. Power and Limitation of the General Assembly – The General Assembly
has the following power:
SECTION 3. Annual General Assembly - The Annual General Assembly should be held
every 11th of May at the principal office of the organization or at any
place within area of operation and such time as the officers may designate.
SECTION 6. Calendar Year – The calendar year of the association shall commence on
the first day of January and on the last day of December.
SECTION 10. Officers and Members - the business of the association shall be
administered by the officers.
SECTION 12. Election of Officers - The officers shall be elected by secret ballot by the
members at the annual general assembly and shall hold office for a term of
three (3) years unless earlier remove for cause, or have resigned or
become incapacitated due to illness or death, and until their successors
have been elected qualified and have discharge the duties of the office,
provided that during the election at the first annual general assembly after
registration, one half plus one officers obtaining the highest number of
voted shall serve for two year. Thereafter, all shall serve for a term of two
years. Provided, that no officers shall serve for more than three (3)
consecutive terms.
SECTION 13. Quorum of Officers Meeting - One half plus one total officers shall
constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the quorum duly assembled in
meeting shall be valid.
SECTION 14. Vacancies - When a vacancy of the officers occur by reason of death,
incapacity, removal or resignation, the remaining officers constituting a
quorum shall fill the vacancy, if the officers do not constitute a quorum the
vacancy shall be filled by the general assembly in a regular of special
meeting called for the purpose. The successors named in either of the two
instances, shall serve for the unexpired portion of the term.
SECTION 15. Removal of Officers and Committee Member - any elected officers or
committee members may be removed from office by a voice of two-thirds
(2/3) of the members entitled to vote, present and constituting a quorum at
the annual or special general assembly called for the purpose after having
given the opportunity to be heard at the said assembly.
SECTION 16. Powers and Duties of the Officers - the officers as a body have general
supervision and control of the affairs of the association it shall prescribed
policies consistent with law, these by-laws and the resolutions of the
general assembly for the management of its business and guidance of its
members and employees.
a) Keep a complete list of all members and maintain correct record of all
meetings of the officers and the general assembly.
b) Give notice to all meetings called.
c) Keep and maintain in the record book and serve as custodian of the seal of
the organization.
d) Turn-over to his/her successor all books and other properties in his/her
possession belonging to the organization.
e) Perform the duties of the treasurer in case of the latter's absence or in
ability to perform his duties.
SECTION 1. Source of Funds - the association shall derive its funds from:
SECTION 1. The organization shall procure and/or produce the production inputs and
supplies consumer goods, livestock feeds and other related needs of its
members and the community in bulk from the best sources possible
through an association purchasing system to achieve economy and
efficiency, and shall make these goods available at the right quality and
quantity at a reasonable price.
SECTION 2. All members shall procure their goods from the organization.
SECTION 3. All members shall execute a marketing and/or service agreement with the
organization. The latter shall market the product of the members and/or
provide the needed service in the usual and custody manner or any manner
it may see fit under the circumstances, having in mind the interested and
welfare of the members.