A Dissertation presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri-Columbia -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------By MELANIE K. JOHNSON-MOXLEY Dr. Bina Gupta, Dissertation Supervisor MAY 2008
Dedicated to My Most Glorious Advisor, Bina Gupta and My Favorite Thoughtful Fellow, David Moxley
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I extend heartfelt gratitude to the members of my dissertation committee, Dr. Bina Gupta, chair, and readers Dr. John H. Kultgen, Dr. Donald Sievert, Dr. William Bondeson and Dr. Barbara Wallach for their support and encouragement. I am also indebted to Dr. Bill Sheehan, Jill Housh, Anne Weller and Nancy Moen for helping me rediscover my path and resume walking it. Thank you to Susan for knowing that perfection is overrated, to Beth for ringing the bell, to Anne for cheering, and to Pablo for reminding us all to relax. Finally, I express my unending appreciation to David Moxley for thinking that this project was a really fine idea, even if it meant making a lot of changes. I owe you one.
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. ii List of Illustrations ............................................................................................................. vi List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viii Abstract ............................................................................................................................... x Chapter 1: Vasubandhus Yogcra in Context Thesis ............................................................................................................... 1 Research Method .............................................................................................. 4 Yogcra in Historical Context......................................................................... 7 Assumptions of Yogcra Buddhism o The Four Noble Truths........................................................................ 10 o Doctrine of Dependent Co-Origination (Causality) ............................ 10 o Aggregate Theory of Personhood ....................................................... 12 o Mediation Between Extreme Ontological Views ................................13 o Convertible Terms for Consciousness ................................................ 16 Notes ................................................................................................................17
Chapter 2: Trisvabhva-Nirdea Overview ......................................................................................................... 23 TSN 1-5: The Trisvabhva Stated .................................................................. 24 TSN 6-9: The Structure of Consciousness ...................................................... 32 TSN 10-21: Application of Mediation to the Definitions of Svabhva o TSN 10-13: Existence and Non-Existence ..........................................38 o TSN 14-16: Duality and Non-Duality..................................................44 o TSN 17-21: Interrelationship Among the Svabhva ........................... 49 TSN 22-26: Epistemological Conventions ..................................................... 56 TSN 27-30: Analogy to Illusion (The Illusory Elephant) ............................... 63 TSN 31-34: Knowledge, Cessation and Obtainment ...................................... 69 TSN 35-38: Enlightenment in Understanding Citta-Mtra o TSN 35: Four Arguments for the Thesis..............................................74 o TSN 36: Consciousness-Occasion .......................................................75 o TSN 37-38: Enlightened Perception ....................................................77 Summary ......................................................................................................... 79 Notes ............................................................................................................... 87
Chapter 3: Viika-Krikas Overview ....................................................................................................... 135 VM 1: Thesis of Vijapti-Mtra ................................................................... 137 VM 2-9: Response to Hypothetical Realist Objections ................................ 143 VM 10: Subtle Teachings Concerning tman and Dharmas........................ 159 VM 11-15: Response to Atomist Objections to Vijapti-Mtra ................... 161 VM 16-22: Response to Additional Objections to Vijapti-Mtra .............. 170 Summary ....................................................................................................... 182 Notes ............................................................................................................. 186
Chapter 4: Triika-Krikas Overview ....................................................................................................... 217 TM 1-2b: Threefold Vijna-Parinma Stated ............................................ 218 TM 2c-5a: layavijna ............................................................................... 220 TM 5b-7: Manna ......................................................................................... 223 TM 8-9: Acquisition of the Six-Fold Object................................................. 227 TM 10-14: Categories of the Sarvatragas and Kleais................................. 229 TM 15-19: Trai-Parinma and Vijapti-Mtra ............................................ 231 TM 20- 24: Tri-svabhva and Tri-nih-svabhva .......................................... 239 TM 25-30: Enlightenment through Vijapti-Mtra ...................................... 246 Summary ........................................................................................................254 Notes ............................................................................................................. 259
Chapter 5: Vasubandhus Yogcra Idealism Metaphysical Questions ................................................................................ 282 Rejection of Ontological Dualism ................................................................ 284 Rejection of Substantialism ......................................................................... 285 Possibilities for Pluralism ..............................................................................286 Subjectivity and Objectivity ..........................................................................287 Functional Pluralism ..................................................................................... 289 Subjects ..........................................................................................................290 Objects ...........................................................................................................292 Conclusion .....................................................................................................297 Notes ............................................................................................................. 297
Appendix I: Instruction on the Threefold Own-State-of-Being .......................................300 Appendix II: Twenty Verses on Consciousness-Occasion ..............................................306 Appendix III: Thirty Verses on Consciousness and Phenomena .....................................310 iv
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Illustration 1- Assumptions of Yogcra Buddhism......................................................... 10 Illustration 2- Threefold Nature of Phenomenal Appearance ........................................... 26 Illustration 3- Modes of Abhta-Kalpa ............................................................................. 36 Illustration 4- Reflecting Cause-and-Effect Consciousness ............................................. 38 Illustration 5- Three Modes of Consciousness................................................................ 220 Illustration 6- Three Modes of Consciousness Compared .............................................. 257
LIST OF TABLES Table 1- Selected Works and Commentaries of Vasubandhu ............................................ 5 Table 2- Transliterated and Translated Resources Used.................................................... 6 Table 3- Convertible Terms for Consciousness ................................................................ 16 Table 4- TSN 1.................................................................................................................. 25 Table 5- TSN 2.................................................................................................................. 27 Table 6- TSN 3.................................................................................................................. 29 Table 7- TSN 4.................................................................................................................. 30 Table 8- TSN 5.................................................................................................................. 32 Table 9- TSN 6.................................................................................................................. 33 Table 10- TSN 7................................................................................................................ 34 Table 11- TSN 8................................................................................................................ 36 Table 12- TSN 9................................................................................................................ 37 Table 13- TSN 10.............................................................................................................. 39 Table 14- TSN 11.............................................................................................................. 41 Table 15- TSN 12.............................................................................................................. 42 Table 16- TSN 13.............................................................................................................. 43 Table 17- TSN 14.............................................................................................................. 45 Table 18- TSN 15.............................................................................................................. 46 Table 19- TSN 16.............................................................................................................. 48 Table 20- TSN 17.............................................................................................................. 50 Table 21- TSN 18.............................................................................................................. 51 Table 22- TSN 19.............................................................................................................. 53 Table 23- TSN 20.............................................................................................................. 54 Table 24- TSN 21.............................................................................................................. 56 Table 25- TSN 22.............................................................................................................. 57 Table 26- TSN 23.............................................................................................................. 59 Table 27- TSN 24.............................................................................................................. 60 Table 28- TSN 25.............................................................................................................. 61 Table 29- TSN 26.............................................................................................................. 63 Table 30- TSN 27.............................................................................................................. 64 Table 31- TSN 28.............................................................................................................. 66 Table 32- TSN 29.............................................................................................................. 67 Table 33- TSN 30.............................................................................................................. 68 Table 34- TSN 31.............................................................................................................. 70 Table 35- TSN 32.............................................................................................................. 71 Table 36- TSN 33.............................................................................................................. 72 Table 37- TSN 34.............................................................................................................. 73 Table 38- TSN 35.............................................................................................................. 75 Table 39- TSN 36.............................................................................................................. 76 Table 40- TSN 37.............................................................................................................. 77 Table 41- TSN 38.............................................................................................................. 79 Table 42- Svabhva and Non-/Existence and Non-/Duality ............................................. 80 Table 43- Svabhva and Non-Difference of the Perfected and Non-Perfected ................ 82
Table 44- Svabhva and Epistemological Krama............................................................. 82 Table 45- VM 1a ............................................................................................................. 137 Table 46- VM 1b ............................................................................................................. 139 Table 47- VM 1c-d.......................................................................................................... 140 Table 48- VM 1 commentary .......................................................................................... 141 Table 49- VM 2 ............................................................................................................... 144 Table 50- VM 3a ............................................................................................................. 146 Table 51- VM 3b-d ......................................................................................................... 147 Table 52- VM 4 ............................................................................................................... 148 Table 53- VM 5 ............................................................................................................... 149 Table 54- VM 6 and commentary .................................................................................. 152 Table 55- VM 7 ............................................................................................................... 153 Table 56- VM 8 ............................................................................................................... 155 Table 57- VM 9 and commentary ................................................................................... 158 Table 58- VM 10 ............................................................................................................. 160 Table 59- VM 11 ............................................................................................................. 162 Table 60- VM 12 ............................................................................................................. 164 Table 61- VM 13 ............................................................................................................. 165 Table 62- VM 14 ............................................................................................................. 167 Table 63- VM 15 ............................................................................................................. 169 Table 64- VM 16 ............................................................................................................. 171 Table 65- VM 17 ............................................................................................................. 173 Table 66- VM 18 ............................................................................................................. 175 Table 67- VM 19 ............................................................................................................. 177 Table 68- VM 20 ............................................................................................................. 179 Table 69- VM 21 ............................................................................................................. 180 Table 79- VM 22 ............................................................................................................. 181 Table 71- TM 1- 2b ......................................................................................................... 219 Table 72- TM 2c-5a ........................................................................................................ 223 Table 73- TM 5b-6 .......................................................................................................... 225 Table 74- TM 7 ............................................................................................................... 226 Table 75- TM 8 ............................................................................................................... 228 Table 76- TM 9 ............................................................................................................... 229 Table 77- Categories of the Sarvatragas and Kleais ..................................................... 231 Table 78- TM 15 ............................................................................................................. 232 Table 79- TM 16 ............................................................................................................. 233 Table 80- TM 17 ............................................................................................................. 234 Table 81- TM 18 ............................................................................................................. 237 Table 82- TM 19 ............................................................................................................. 238 Table 83- TM 20-21 ........................................................................................................ 241 Table 90- TM 22 ............................................................................................................. 243 Table 85- TM 23 ............................................................................................................. 244 Table 86- TM 24 ............................................................................................................. 245 Table 87- TM 25 ............................................................................................................. 247 Table 88- TM 26 ............................................................................................................. 248 Table 89- TM 27 ............................................................................................................. 249
Table 90- TM 28 ............................................................................................................. 251 Table 91- TM 29 ............................................................................................................. 252 Table 92- TM 30 ............................................................................................................. 253
VASUBANDHUS CONSCIOUSNESS TRILOGY: A YOGCRA BUDDHIST PROCESS IDEALISM Melanie K. Johnson-Moxley Dr. Bina Gupta, Dissertation Supervisor ABSTRACT This work is a philosophical investigation into Vasubandhus consciousness trilogy, comprised by the Trisvabhva-Nirdea (Instruction on the Threefold Own-Stateof-Being,) and the Vijaptimtra-Krikas (Verses on Consciousness-Occasion,) divided into the Viika-Krikas (Twenty Verses) and the Triika-Krikas (Thirty Verses.) Although early Indian Yogcra Buddhism was once non-controversially described as a form of absolute ontological idealism, challengers have urged predominately psycho-epistemological readings of Yogcrin works. However, neither an exclusively metaphysical or exclusively epistemological reading is warranted; the more interesting and difficult case is that these themes are necessarily interwoven throughout the early Yogcra canon, including the consciousness trilogy. While Vasubandhus position in the trilogy is indeed idealist and monist, this does not entail a rejection of objectivity. Functions are substituted for substances in ontological discussions. The layavijna (storehouse-consciousness) concept is developed so that it can serve the explanatory function of material cause. In this way much apparent logical tension is diffused, and a more complete picture of Vasubandhus Yogcra emerges.
The Yogcra (Method of Cultivating the Mind) school of Mahyna Buddhism is also known as the Vijnavda (Consciousness-Teaching) or, perhaps infamously, as the Cittamtra or Vijnamtra (conventionally meaning, Mind Only or Merely Mind) school. Vasubandhu of Puruapura is one of a triad of figures, including also Maitreya and Asaga, who developed this Indian Buddhist school during its nascent period. It is around Vasbuandhus views that the most controversy seems to have developed in contemporary scholarship. Distinguished by its contributions to early Mahyna philosophy of mind, the Yogcra system of thought has traditionally been described as some form of metaphysical idealism. However, accounts of the refining details of Yogcra Buddhism have varied widely, especially in recent years. Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti have described Mahyna Buddhism in general as embracing idealism as part of its doctrinal rebellion against the realist Hinayna school.1 A. K. Chatterjee, defining ontological idealism from the Mahyna perspective as the mediation between nihilism and realism, is among those who have supported the position that Yogcra is an absolutism and an idealism.2 E. R. Sarachandra favors the view that it is a subjective, indeed Berkeleian, idealism.3 Thomas Wood, focusing on the inter-subjective aspects of Vasubandhus system, describes it as a doctrine of collective hallucination.4 In contrast, Edward Conze has argued that it is neither an absolutist nor a subjective idealism, that in fact its content is intended as a soteriological device but becomes misconstrued as metaphysical statements.5 Similarly, 1
David Kalupahana rejects the description of Yogcra as any form of metaphysical idealism, absolutist or transcendentalist, and urges a psychological interpretation.6 Taking a much different approach, Thomas Kochumuttom argues for an interpretation of Yogcra as a kind of realistic pluralism,7 while Bruce Hall sees it as navigating between the extremes represented by both nave realism and nave idealism.8 Alex Wayman and Richard King have expressed reservations about the relevance of the question of idealism in Yogcra at all.9 And thus there is no consensus regarding the Yogcrin intention. The locus of much of this controversy lies in the work of Vasubandhu, particularly within his Vijaptimtra-Krikas (verses on the meaning of vijapti-mtra, herein translated as consciousness-occasion,) divided into the Viika (Twenty Verses and commentary) and the Triika (Thirty Verses.) This project aims to resolve an aspect of the Yogcra idealism controversy by suggesting that these two texts not be examined in isolation, but in close connection with Vasubandhus earlier work, the Trisvabhva-Nirdea (Instruction on the Threefold Own-State-of-Being.) This text, with its roots in Maitreyas Madhynta-Vibhga and its emphasis on epistemology, not only introduces some of the themes further developed in the Krikas, but provides a more complete context for understanding them. Vasubandhus ontology does appear to be a monistic metaphysical idealism, such that reality is one and non-different from mentation. The existence of subjectivity is affirmed. However, this reality is not devoid of some objective aspects, as demonstrated in the model of cause-and-effect consciousness. It thereby avoids being any variety of purely subjective idealism. It is a central argument of this project that Vasubandhus
Yogcra is capable of ascribing apparently contradictory characteristics, such as subjectivity and objectivity, to a single ultimate reality without significant explanatory tension by virtue of rendering these characteristics as functional, rather than substantive. The result, in this instance, is that objectivity need not be rejected, as its admission does not also necessarily entail the veracity of a dualist ontology. If objectivity is not denied, then what of objects, specifically any extra-mental, physical objects really existing in an empirical world? This is a different concern. In the Yogcrin view, object-concepts are complex creations of consciousness. As in all other Buddhist schools, the idea that there are no enduring, permanent selves (subjects) or things (objects) is fundamental, explained in the context of a dynamic universe of processes and momentary existence of which we have difficulty being cognizant while in any ordinary frame of mind. Vijapti-Mtra means, in one respect, that the content of our concepts, the objects that we learn to habitually discriminate from the presentation of phenomena, does not cease to be a mental content simply because it circumscribes attributes and qualities of supposed non-mental reality. The affirmation of objectivity does not entail the affirmation of objects. Does then the affirmation of subjectivity also not entail the affirmation of subjects? From a practical standpoint, this is a significant question. What is the locus of consciousness, of subjectivity and objectivity, of ignorance and enlightenment, if not a conscious subject? How can one mind be distinguished from one another if there are no discriminable loci of mentality? The layavijna or storehouse consciousness offers some explanation, serving as a kind of karmic delivery system between moments of
consciousness and thus providing a connection between these moments without admitting to a static subject. The question then becomes whether or not then a dynamic subject of some sort must be admitted, and whether and to what extent perdurance must be ascribed to it. Research Method My research method has been to examine not only multiple English translations of these the texts constituting the consciousness trilogy, comparing them line by line, but where possible also multiple transliterations of Vasubandhus Sanskrit. Five English translations with four Sanskrit transliterations were consulted for the TrisvabhvaNirdea; similarly, five English translations with four Sanskrit transliterationsas well as a transliteration of Vasubandhus auto-commentarywere consulted for the Viika.
Title Selected works of Vasubandhu10 Abhidharma-koa Bodhicittotpdana-stra Buddhat-stra11 Gthsagraha-stra Karmasiddhipra-karaa Pacaskandhaprakaraa Paramrthasaptatik amathavipayan-dvra-strakrik
Available Language
Sarvstivda-Vaibhika Hnayna Buddhism Enlightenment Buddha nature Morality Karma Dharma Refutation of Skhya Meditation
Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese Chinese Chinese Tibetan Tibetan, Chinese, French, English Tibetan, Chinese --Chinese
Title atadharmavidydvra-stra12 lapari-kath Tarka-stra Triik-krika Trisvabhva-nirdea Vvavidhi Vdavidhna Viatik-krika Vykhyyukti
Subject Dharma Moral discipline Logic Evolving Consciousness and Vijapti-Mtra (see Ch. 4) Threefold Self-Nature and Citta-Mtra (see Ch. 2) Rules of debate Rules of debate Vijapti-Mtra (see. Ch. 3) Teaching the stras
Language Tibetan, Chinese13 Tibetan14 Chinese15 Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, English Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, English --- 16 --Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, English Tibetan
Selected commentaries by Vasubandhu Maitreyas Madhyntavibhga Maitreyas Dharmadharmatvibhgakrika Maitreyas/Asagas Mahynasagrahabhya Maitreyas/Asagas Mahynastrlakra Asagas Vajracchedikprajpramitstra Discrimination between the middle and extremes Dharma and dharmata Mahyna Buddhism Mahyna Buddhism Perfection of wisdom Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, English Tibetan Chinese, Tibetan Sanskrit, French, English Chinese
Additional English translations taken from Hsan-tsangs Chinese were also considered. Hsan-tsang served as the critical figure for transmitting Yogcra from India to China, and further developing it, during early seventh century CE. Five English translations with four Sanskrit transliterations of the Triika were consulted, with some reference to an additional six English translations of Hsan-tsangs version of the texts.
English Translation (* = from Hsan-tsangs Chinese) Anacker Kochumuttom Tola and Dragonetti Wood Anacker Cook* Hamilton* Kochumuttom Nagao Tola and Dragonetti Wood Anacker Chan* Cook* Ganguly Kochumuttom Lusthaus* Nagao Robinson Wood
Trisvabhva-Nirdea (TSN)
Viika-Krikas (VM)
Triika-Krikas (TM)
Some reference has also been made to Vasubandhus commentary on Maitreyas Madhyntavibhga, available in multiple English translations,17 and Maitreya and Asagas Mahynastrlakra, available in at least one English translation on which half a dozen scholars have collaborated.18 I am not a Sanskrit scholar, but want to gain some understanding of the verses that is not filtered solely through other translators; towards this end, I have made extensive use of an excellent Sanskrit-English database developed by the University of Cologne, which is based upon Monier-Williams and Capellers dictionaries, to research as many 6
of the Sanskrit terms appearing in the texts as possible. While extremely time-intensive, and somewhat hobbled by my lack of experience with Sanskrit grammar, this has proved to be a very satisfying approach. In the body of the chapters, I have selected certain standard ranges of options for translations of terms, ordering them as seems appropriate for the context in which they appear, and then presented the full search results for these terms in notes. Citations from the online Digital Sanskrit Lexicon are quoted as rendered in the search results retrieved, normally in full. There is one consistent exception made, however, such that wherever possible all transliterated Sanskrit terms have been rendered with standard diacritical marks, rather than the Harvard-Kyoto conventions for ASCIIbased environments and database-specific conventions used by the Cologne search engine. In the process of addressing this transcription issue, I developed a Visual Basic subroutine to perform most of the necessary diacritical mark and basic readability substitutions I could glean, in part from the white paper for the Cologne database project. Terms are spelled in the Cologne results may not be the same as those adopted (or cited) in the main text, due to differences in convention between, e.g., Pali-to-English, Sanskritto-English, and Chinese-to-English spellings of transliterated terms meaning the same thing (e.g., dhamma vs. dharma.)19
Yogcra in Historical Context The exact dates during which the historical Buddha, Siddhrtha Gautama, lived are not consensually agreed upon. However, it appears that most scholars believe that he 7
lived from the late fifth to the early sixth century BCE, roughly contemporary to the times of Confucius and Socrates, in the region that is now Nepal. The Indian Prajpramit literature was developed in the second century BCE, which is the same time that the Mahyna school of Buddhism, the self-ascribed Greater Vehicle when compared to traditional Hnayna Buddhisms Lesser Vehicle, came into existence in India. The Yogcra school is one of two primary branches of Mahyna Buddhism, with the Mdhyamika school, founded by Ngrjuna and his commentators, serving as its figurative sibling. There appear to be more similarities than differences between Yogcra and Mdhyamika in their earliest formulations, when shared influences were common and methodological and theoretical differences were less defined. Both schools were adopted and further developed by Chinese and other non-Indian thinkers over succeeding centuries, in an evolution that leads to contemporary Tibetan Buddhism and Zen (Chan) Buddhism, respectively. During its formative years, Yogcras key figures were Maitreya (third century CE) and Asaga and Vasubandhu (both fourth century CE). The exact relationship between these figures is unclear. Some say that Maitreya is to Asaga as Socrates is to Plato, more of a historical influence than an active contributor to what became the Yogcrin philosophy. Others put that relationship in reverse, making Asaga the fictional character. It is sometimes reported that Asaga and Vasubandhu were halfbrothers, and that the former served as teacher and mentor to the latter upon his conversion to Mahyna from a Hnayna sect. To complicate matters further, there is a
line of historical interpretation which asserts that there were two individuals named Vasubandhu, both of whom wrote from the Mahyna perspective and lived at roughly the same time. E. Frauwallner may have spearheaded the two Vasubandhus movement with his 1951 paper, On the date of the Buddhist Master of the Law Vasubandhu.20 Therein, he presented the argument that there was Vasubandhu the Old (320-380 BCE) and Vasubandhu the Young (400-480 BCE). The former is said to be brother to Asaga, who was first a member of the Hnaynist Sarvstivda-Vaibhika Buddhist sect before converting to Mahyana Buddhism under his brothers influence. The origins of the latter alleged figure are shrouded in mystery; this Vasubandhu is also said to have been a member of the Sarvstivda sect, but followed the Sautrnika doctrines before his conversion. The Younger is said to be author of the Abhidharmakoa and the Paramrthasaptatik (a refutation of the Skhya school). In contrast, Tola and Dragonetti recount the traditional view in which Asagas brother is the sole Vasubandhu, who authored the Abhidharmakoa while a young member of the Sarvstivda-Vaibhikas, in addition to the Yogcrin works considered in this project.21 It is this traditional standpoint regarding a single Vasubandhu that I am adopting.
Basic Assumptions of Yogcra Buddhism The Yogcrins confirmed and built upon certain basic assumptions common to all Buddhist philosophy, including the veracity and usefulness of the four noble truths, the doctrine of dependent co-origination, and the aggregate theory of personhood. 9
The Four Noble Truths The four noble truths amount to this: human experience is often characterized by suffering, dis-ease and dissatisfaction (dukha). These experiences arise from our own dispositions and desires, as well as our misunderstanding of, and grasping after, what is transitory and not quite as it appears to us (e.g., objects in the phenomenal world) as if it were ultimately permanent and real. However, once we understand this and correct our assumptions, then we are in a position to transform our dispositions and desires, and thus transform our suffering. This is foundational in understanding the core Buddhist disposition and mission as epistemo-soteriological, that is, concerned with saving oneself (and in the Mahyna tradition, also saving others) from perpetuated suffering through the correction of erroneous beliefs that cause suffering in the first place.
Dependent Co-Origination (Causality) The doctrine of dependent co-origination or co-conditioning, prattyasamutpda,22 amounts to an analysis of the causal preconditions (nidna)23 that lead to 10
the continual re-creation of the concepts of self (tman) and things (dharma)24 in continuous going (sasra).25 Vasubandhu provides his own account of these preconditions in his commentary on the Madhynta-Vibhga (Separation of the Middle from the Extremes,) a text that explicates the Buddhas method of mediation between extremes adopted by both Mdhyamika and Yogcra Buddhism. Vasubandhus version of prattya-samutpda, as all others, ultimately grounds the causal chain leading to birth in ignorance (avidya).26 Here two different senses of birth may be used in this interpretation: one quite literal, and another more figurative, referring to a physical being (or the physical aspect of a human being, if you will) and a psychological being (or the psychological aspect of a human being), respectively. Vasubandhus account of dependent co-origination is basically this: a certain epistemological state fosters the introduction of the causal efficacies of past moments of consciousness into the ground of the arising of any current experiential moment. This is caused by consciousness being led into circumstances in which this experiential arising is possible. The arising of the ego-sense conditions our sensory impressions, which themselves condition our interaction with and interpretation of the sensory or phenomenal world. Our contact with this world shapes our experience, which causes our willing that there (repeatedly) be a new experiential moment. This in turn shapes our craving to embrace our desires or avoid the objects of our aversion (based on our past experience) in the moments of our supposed or assumed future experience. And all of this is the cause of our being born into the world, or alternatively: being oriented towards the world, over and over again, but always with a sense of dis-ease or dissatisfaction
because of our desire (t)27 to grasp and avoid, and our ignorance as to the true nature of our situation.
Process-Aggregate Theory of Personhood It is the first portion of this account of dependent co-origination that, so far as Vasubandhu was concerned, requires particular attention and explanation: how exactly do the causal efficacies of past moments of consciousness condition the ground of arising of the current experiential moment? It is this question that the Yogcrin theory of the evolving/transcendent consciousness (vijna28-pramita)29 addresses. Before turning to that theory, however, there is another essential Buddhist doctrine assumed by the Yogcrins to be addressed for proper context. It is the doctrine of antman, which states that there is no self or ego apart from the five aggregates (skandhas) or processes that constitute the dynamic, changing, experiential whole of a person. The first of these is physical form (rpa), which includes under one category the body, sense organs, and objects of sensation (e.g., a smell, a sound; this does not necessarily reference the source of the smell or sound outside of the sensor). Mental aggregates are divided into four kinds, all of which first depend on the existence of the physical aggregate (e.g., there can be no perception without a body) and each of which depend, in turn, on that which precedes it. The first and most basic of these mental aggregates is bare sensation (vedana), or sensation experienced just as such, apart from any cognitions or judgments about objects of sensation. The next is perception (saja), a process explained as being conditioned by the effects of previous perceptions and thus 12
able to serve as the causal ground of naming and recognition of forms. The third is the sum of those ideas (mental formations), dispositions and volitions (saskras) that ground karma, such as habitual patterns of thought and decision-making. The last is consciousness (vijna), which arises only as a result of the previous aggregate processes. Yogcrin vijna-pramita theory seeks to explain how previous moments of consciousness influence subsequent moments of consciousness, without contradicting the axiologically essential idea of karma, and without recourse to positing an enduring self or I that exists apart from phenomenal flux, or any other metaphysical absolutes. I will turn to that theory after addressing one final doctrinal assumption critical for proper context.
Mediation Between Extreme Ontological Views Why is total unity and nondistinction of existence and nonexistence asserted? To reject two extremes of reification and repudiation respectively, and to reject value of progress achieved by means of individual vehicle. In fact, when one knows that the nonexistent is nonexistent, one does not engage in reifications. When one knows the existent is existent, one does not engage in repudiations. When one finally knows the nondistinction of the two, existence does not disgust one any longer, and so one does not try to transcend the world by means of the individual vehicle.-- Mahynastrlakra 9:2330 The Mahynastrlakra, as well as the Madhyanta-Vibhaga and other works of Maitreya, were influential upon both Ngrjuna in the Mdhyamika school and Vasubandhu in the Yogcra school. Both scholars addressed how best to apply 13
Maitreyas method of mediation between extremes to questions of reality, knowledge, personhood, the operation of karma, etc. The doctrine directs the philosopher to avoid both the over- and under-affirmation of the suchness or thatness (tathat) and voidness (nyat) of the objects of analysis in such inquiry. "Therefore, everything is taught as neither empty nor non-empty, because of its existence, its non-existence, and its existence, and this is the Middle Path."31 "And this is the Middle Path: that everything is neither totally empty nor totally non-empty."32 "That indeed is the middle path, for, on the one hand, there is the existence of emptiness within the imagination of the unreal, and, on the other, the existence of the imagination of the unreal within the emptiness. It is therefore neither exclusively void nor exclusively non-void."33 For example, in his Refutation of the Theory of Selfhood, Vasubandhu demonstrates the application of this principle to a primary concern, viz., the right understanding of self. A view in which self is taken to be an absolute, perduring thing apart from phenomenal flux, physical processes, and mental processes falls prey to over-affirmation of being where there is only non-being. Oh Ananda, the view that a self exists is the extreme of eternalism, and the view that a self does not exist is the extreme of nihilism.34 In other words, it is positing the existence of an absolute where one cannot be said to exist, given the Buddhist explanation of the aggregate-process theory of self and its denial of any such absolute, constant, ultimately real individual ego as normally
conceived. Correlatively, this wrong view of self also falls prey to under-affirmation of non-being. This means failing to see, in a manner of speaking, the not-ness of real being in a particular concept, such as the absolute self-concept. Conversely, a view in which self is taken to be nothing at all not even that which exists only in relation to phenomenal processes, nor even that which is said only to serve as the referent of name and form is flawed by under-affirmation (apavada) of being, and correlatively by over-affirmation (samropa) of non-being. This means that in the first respect, the reality of the ground, process and results of individual experience are denied (or at least, disregarded), leaving no explanation as to how consciousness and existence originate in the first place, and thus contradicting the doctrine of dependent coorigination and rendering useless the four noble truths. In the second respect, this means making voidness itself an absolute, which again renders essential Buddhist assumptions without explanation or ground. This is, from the Yogcrins point of view, the central flaw in the Mdhyamika explanation of persons. Vasubandhu states the Yogcrin position to be one that, in keeping with Maitreyas guidelines and logic, successfully mediates between these extremes, neither denying the reality of the ground of our experience, nor affirming the reality of an absolute which exists independently of this experience. Therefore our view, that a person, as conventionally conceived, is real in name or concept only, and is in fact a continuum of its aggregates, is the middle way between these extremes.35
Convertible Terms for Consciousness In the first verse of the Viika, Vasubandhu states his intention to use the four terms citta (cit), manas, vijna and vijapti interchangeably, as synonyms.
citta mano vijna vijapti ceti paryyh citta manas mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart36 mind (it its widest sense, as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will; the internal organ of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul, distinct from tman37 act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; in Buddhism: consciousness (one of the five constituent skandhas) mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving38 synonym, convertible term; revolution; course, repetition, succession, regular occurrence39
Table 3- Convertible Terms for Consciousness
This particular text is not discussed until Chapter 3, but the concept at stake is central to understanding the entire consciousness trilogy. Tola and Dragonetti comment that with regard to this that It is necessary to have always present the synonymous value of the four Sanskrit terms and their indicated translation, taking into account it is the author himself who, before starting his demonstration of the Yogcra thesis of the sole existence of mind, points out their equivalence and, in the course of the exposition of his
treatise, used them indistinctly.40 The assumption of this project will be, unless evidence to the contrary is presented, that Vasubandhu follows the method of the Yogastras in the convertible use of citta, manas, vijna and vijapti.41 With the mediating principle, the fundamental Buddhist assumptions of dependent co-origination and the aggregate theory of self, and the Yogcrin mission to explain not only how consciousness arises in the first place, but how one moment of consciousness is causally efficacious on successive moments of consciousness all firmly held in view, Vasubandhus analysis of mind and cognition can be considered in its proper context.
Tola, Fernando and Dragonetti, Carmen. Being as Consciousness: Yogcra Philosophy of Buddhism. (Motilal Banarsidass, 2004.) 2 Chatterjee, Ashok K. Readings on Yogcra Buddhism. (Center of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Banaras Hindu University, 1971.) 3 Sarachchandra, Edirivira R. From Vasubandhu to ntarakita: A Critical Examination of Some Buddhist Theories of the External World. Journal of Indian Philosophy 4 (1976): 69-107. 4 Wood, Thomas E. Mind Only: A Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of the Vijnavda. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1991). 5 Conze, Edward. Buddhist Thought in India: Three Phases of Buddhist Philosophy. (London: Allen and Unwin, 1962). Ch. 3, The Yogcrins. 6 Kalupahana, David J. The Principle of Buddhist Psychology. (New York: State University of New York Press, 1987). 7 Kochumuttom, Thomas A. A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience: A New Translation and Interpretation of the Works of Vasubandhu. (New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1982). 8 Hall, Bruce Cameron. The Meaning of Vijapti in Vasubandhus Concept of Mind. Journal of the International Assocation of Buddhist Studies 9, no. 1 (1986): 7-23. 9 See for example: Wayman, Alex. A Defense of Yogcra Buddhism. Philosophy East and West (Oct. 1996). King, Richard. Early Yogcra and Its Relationship With the Mdhyamika School, Philosophy East and West 44, no. 4 (October 1994): 659-83. 10 This list is derived largely from Tola and Dragonetti, Being as Consciousness, pp. 58 ff. 11 Or Buddhatvastra, or Buddhagora, ibid. 12 Or Mahynaata dharmapraksastra, ibid. 13 Sanskrit reconstruction available from Sastri, ibid. 17
14 15
English and Sanskrit reconstructions available, ibid. Sanskrit retranslation available from Tucci, ibid. 16 Extant fragments available quoted in other works, ibid. 17 In addition to those translations included in compendiums such as Anackers and Woods, there are English translations in monograph: Maitreya. Madhyanta-Vibhaga: Discourse on Discrimination between Middle and Extremes Ascribed to Boddhisattve Maitreya and Commented by Vasubandhu and Sthiramati. (Sri Satguru Publications 1992.) Stcherbatsky, Fyodor Ippolitovich. Madhyanta Vibhanga: Discrimination Between the Middle and the Extremes Part I (Sri Satguru Publications, 1992.) 18 Jampsal, L., et. al. (translators). The Universal Vehicle Discourse Literature (Mahynastrlakra) by Maitreyantha/rysa Together with its Commentary (Bhya) by Vasubandhu. Editor-in-Chief Robert A.F. Thurman. (New York: Columbia University, American Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2004.) 19 Further information about the database is available at 20 Frauwallner, E On the date of the Buddhist Master of the Law Vasubandhu (IsMEO, Rome, 1951) in Tola and Dragonetti, note 10, p. 17. 21 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 55. 22 prattya n. confirmation, experiment iV. vii, 68, 6; comfort, consolation ib. iv, 5,14 (others mfn. to be acknowledged or recognized); {-samutpda} m. (Buddh.) the chain of causation Lalit. (twelvefold; cf. harmas. 42). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 23 nidna n. a band, rope, halter iV. vi, 32, 6 MBh.; a first or primary cause (cf. {nibandhana}) iV. x, 114, 2 Br. Kh.; original form or essence ({ena} ind. originally, essentially, properly) Br.; (with Buddh.) a cause of existence (12 in number) MWB. 56; 103; any cause or motive ivyv.; the cause of a disease and enquiry into it, pathology (= {nidna-sthna} q.v.) L.; = {nidna-stra} Cat.; cessation, end L.; purification, correctness L.; claiming the reward of penitential acts L.; {-tattva} n. {-pradpa} m. N. of wks.; {-vat} ({nidna-}) mfn. funded on a cause, essential TBr. Kh.; {-vid} mfn. knowing the causes or symptoms of a disease BhP.; {-sagraha} m. N. of a medic. wk.; {-stra} n. N. of wk. on metres and Vedic tomas; {-sthna}, ii. the subject of the causes of diseases, pathology (one of the 5 departments of medic. science) ur.; {dnrthakara} mfn. operating as a cause Bhpr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. nidna n. band, rope, halter; first cause, original form, essence (ph.), cause, reason e.g. -- Instr. {nidnena} originally, essentially, really. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 24 dharma 1 m. (rarely n. g. {ardharcdi}; the older form of the iV. is {dhrman} q.v.) that which is established or firm, steadfast decree, statute, ordinance, law; usage, practice, 18
customary observance or prescribed conduct, duty; right, justice (often as a synonym of punishment); virtue, morality, religion, religious merit, good works ({dhrmea} or {mt} ind. according to right or rule, rightly, justly, according to the nature of anything; cf. below; {mesthita} mfn. holding to the law, doing one's duty) V. &c. &c.; Law or justice personified (as Indra Br. &c.; as Yama MBh.; as born from the right breast of Yama and father of ama, Kma and Harsha ib.; as Vishu Hariv.; as Praj-pati and son-in-law of Daksha Hariv. Mn. &c.; as one of the attendants of the Sun L.; as a Bull Mn. viii, 16; as a Dove Kaths. vii, 89, &c.); the law or doctrine of Buddhism (as distinguished from the {sagha} or monastic order MWB. 70); the ethical precepts of Buddhism (or the principal {dharma} called {ssra}, as distinguished from the {abhi-dharma} or, further dharma and from the {vinaya} or discipline, these three constituting the canon of southern Buddhism MWB. 61); the law of northern Buddhism (in 9 canonical scriptures, vi. Praj-pramit, aa-vyha, aa-bhmvara, amadhirja, akvatra, addharma-puarika, athagata-guhyaka, alita-vistara, uvara-prabhsa,ib. 69); nature, character, peculiar condition or essential quality, property, mark, peculiarity (= {svabhva} L.; cf. {daa-dh--gata} OiE Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006 dharmin mfn. knowing or obeying the law, faithful to duty, virtuous, pious, just aut. MBh. Ri.; endowed with any characteristic mark or peculiar property Hariv. Kvyd. (cf. below) h.; (ifc.) following the laws or duties of, having the rights or attributes or peculiarities of. having anything as a characteristic mark, subject to any state or condition Mn. MBh. Kv. Pur. &c.; m. the bearer of any characteristic mark or attribute, object, thing Kap.; N. of the 14th Vysa, evbhP.; of a king VP.; (i) f. a kind of perfume L.; N. of a woman (cf. {dhrmieya}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007 25 1 sasra &c. see {sa-si} below. 2 sasra m. going or wandering through, undergoing transmigration aitrp.; course, passage, passing through a succession of states, circuit of mundane existence, transmigration, metempsychosis, the world, secular life, worldly illusion ({ sasrat}, from the beginning of the world) p. Mn. MBh. &c. (1119,3); w.r. for {sa-cra} Bharti. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/14/2007. sasra m. wandering, esp. from one existence into another, metempsychosis, transmigration, the cycle of existence; life e.g. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/14/2007. 26 avidya a. ignorant, without knowledge. 5 avidy f. want of knowledge, ignorance. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 27 ti f. thirst, i, vii, ix V. Br. &c.; desire, avidity (chiefly ifc.) Ri. iagh. BhP. &c.; Avidity as mother of Dambha (Prab. ii, 11/12), daughter of Death (Miityu VP. i, 7, 31; 19
or Mra Lalit. xxiv, 20), generated by Vedan and generating pdna (Buddh.); cf. {ati}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. ti f. thirst; greediness, strong desire for (---).Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/20/2007. 28 1 vijna n. (ifc. f. {}) the act of distinguishing or discerning, understanding, comprehending, recognizing, intelligence, knowledge V. &c. &c.; skill, proficiency, art ttamac.; science, doctrine ur.; worldly or profane knowledge (opp. to {jna}, knowledge of the true nature of God) Mn. MBh. &c.; the faculty of discernment or of right judgment MBh. Ri. &c.; the organ of knowledge (= {manas}) BhP.; (ifc.) the understanding of (a particular meaning), regarding as K. on PN. 2-3, 17; 66 &c.; (with Buddhists) consciousness or thought-faculty (one of the 5 constituent elements or kandhas, also considered as one of the 6 elements or htus, and as one of the 12 links of the chain of causation) harmas. 22; 42; 58 (cf. MWB. 102; 109); {-kanda} m. N. of a man Cat.; {-kya} m. N. of a Buddhist wk.; {-kitsna} n. one of the 10 mystical exercises called Kiitsnas Buddh.; {-kevala} mfn. (with aivas) an individual soul to which only {mala} adheres arvad.; {-kaumud} f. N. of a female Buddhist Cat.; {-ghan} m. pure knowledge, nothing but intelligence Br. arvad.; {-taragi} f. N. of wk.; {-t} f. knowledge of (loc.) C.; {-trval} f. N. of wk.; {-tailagarbha} m. langium ecapetalum L.; {-deana} m. a Buddha L.; {-nauk} f. N. of sev. wks.; {-pati} m. a lord of intelligence p.; N. of one who has attained to a partic. degree of emancipation Bdar. ch.; {-pda} m. N. of Vysa L.; {-bharaka} m. {-bhrata} m. {-bhiku} m. N. of scholars Cat.; {-bhairava}, {-vddyota-sagraha} m. N. of wks.; {-mya} mf({I})n. consisting of knowledge or intelligence, all knowledge, full of intelligence Br. p. &c.; {-ya-koa} m. the sheath consisting of intelligence, the intelligent sheath (of the soul accord. to the Vednta) or the sheath caused by the understanding being associated with the organs of perception MW.; {-mtika} m. whose mother is knowledge, a Buddha L.; {-yati} m. = {-bhiku} Cat.; {-yogin} m. = {vijnvara} Col.; {-latik} f. {-lalita} or {-ta-tantra} n. N. of wks.; {-vat} mfn. endowed with intelligence p. Chp. ch. Kaths.; {-vda} m. the doctrine (of the Yogcras) that only intelligence has reality (not the objects exterior to us) Bdar. ch.; {-vdin} mfn. one who affirms that only intelligence has reality; m. a Yogcra arvad. Buddh.; {-vinodin-k} f. {-vilsa} m. {stra} n. {-ik} f. {saj-prakaraa} n. N. of wks.; {-nkala} mfn. = {-na-kevala} above arvad.; {-ncrya} m. N. of a teacher Cat.; {-ntman} m. N. of an author ib.; {nntyyatana} n. (with Buddhists) N. of a world Buddh.; {-nmita} n. N. of Comm.; {-nrama} m. = {-ntman} Cat.; {-nstitva-mtra-vdin} mfn. = {-na-vdin} Bdar. ch.; {-nhra} m. spiritual food as nourishment L.; {-nvara} m. N. of an author Cat. ({-tantra} n. {-vrttika}, n. N. of wks.); {-nvarya} n. a wk. of Vijnvara Cat.; {nai9ka-skandha-vda} m. = {-na-vda} above Bdar. ch. 2 vijjanman m. N. of a Vihra called after Vijj ib. 3 vijnan f. (perhaps for {-jnan} or {-jnat}) perceiving, understanding L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier20
Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 29 1 pramita mfn. gone to the opposite shore; crossed, traversed; transcendent (as spiritual knowledge) W.; ({}).f. (for {-ta-t}?) coming or leading to the oppositive shore, complete attainment, perfection in (comp.); transcendental virtue (there are 6 or 10, vi. {dnta}, {la}, {knti}, {vrya}, {dhyna}, {praj}, to which are sometimes added {satya}, {adhihna}, {maitra}, {upk}) MWB. 128 (cf. harmas. xvii, xviii). 2 pramita {praya} &c. see under 1. {pra}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/20/2007. 30 MSL, 9:23 commentary, p. 124. 31 MV 1 in Anacker, p. 212 32 Ibid. 33 (MV 1 Commentary in Kochumuttom, p. 236.) 34 Triik cited in Deurlinger, James:Vasubandhus Refutation of the Theory of Selfhood (tmavdapratisedha).Journal of Indian Philosophy 17 (1989), p. 163. 35 Deurlinger, p. 163. 36 citta mfn. noticed see %{a-ctta}; aimed at,longed for Chp.vii, 5, 3; appeared, visible V. ix, 65, 12; n. attending, observing (%{tir cittni}, so as to remain unnoticed), vii, 59, 8; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought V. V. Br. &c.; intention, aim, wish V. V. V. Br. &c.; (aigh. iii, 9) the heart, mind T. i vetp. vi, 5 Bh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pacat.); memory W.; intelligence, reason Kap. i, 59 Yogas. i, 37; ii, 54 Vedntas.; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv, 1; cf. %{iha-}, %{cala-}, %{prva-}, %{prya-}, %{laghu-}, %{su-}, %{sthira-}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 11/30/2006. 37 manas n. mind (in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will V. &c. &c. (in phil. the internal organ or %{anta-karaa} of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul W. 53; in this sense %{manas} is always is always regarded as distinct from %{tman} and %{purua}, spirit or soul and belonging only to the body, like which it is - except in the yya - considered perishable; as to its position in the various systems see for yya and Vaieshika W. 63; 67; 76, for khya and Vednta ib. 84; 109; 117; in V. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 11/30/2006. 38 1 vijapti f. information, report, address (to a superior), request, entreaty of (gen.) Naish. Kaths. jat. (%{-ti-k}, to announce anything, scil. to a superior; with gen., to address a request to); imparting, giving L. 2 vijapti f. = %{-japti} MW. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007.
paryya m. going or turning or winding round, revolving, revolution Ktyr.; course, lapse, expiration of time Bh. Hariv. Vet.; regular recurrence, repetition, succession, turn (ibc. or %{ea} ind. in turn, successively, alternately; %{caturthe paryye}, at the fourth time) Ktyr. y. n. &c.; a regularly recurring series or formula (esp. in the tirtra ceremony) Br. r. (%{-tva} n.); = %{-skta} y.; a convertible term, synonym (%{-t} f. %{-tva} n.) Pac. h. P. Sch..; way, manner, method of proceeding (%{anena pary-yea}, in this manner) addhP.; probability Bh.; (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech Kpr. h.; (with Jainas) the regular development of a thing and the end of this development arvad.; opportunity, occasion L.; formation, creation L.; point of contact L.; %{-krama} m. order of succession, regular rotation or turn MW.; %{-cyuta} mfn. one who has lost his turn, superseded, supplanted ib.; %{-pada-majar} f. %{muktval} f. %{-ratna-ml} f. . of wks.; %{-vacana} n. a convertible term, synonym Vrtt. on P. 1-1, 68; %{-vkya} n. similar words Hariv.; %{-vcaka} mfn. expressing a corresponding notion; (with %{abda}) m. a synonym Bh.; %{-vtti} f. alternate course or action MW.; %{-abda} m. a synonym attvas.; %{-ayana} n. alternate sleeping and watching W.; %{-as} ind. by phrases or sentences vr.; periodically Kh. ur.; in succession, by turns Bh.; %{-astra} (!) n. pl. . of wk.; %{-skta} n. a hymn with regularly recurring phrases or sentences V. nukr.; %{-sev} f. service by rotation Kum.: %{-ytman} m. the finite nature, finiteness arvad. (605,3); %{-ynna} n. food intended for another Yj.; %{-yrava} m. ocean of synonyms. of a lexicon; %{ykta} n. (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech (in which the fact to be intimated is expressed by a turn of speech or periphrasis) h.; %{-ykti} f. id. Vm. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 40 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 79. 41 See for example: Tola and Dragonetti, The Yogasutras of Patajali on Concentration of the Mind (1987 Motilal Banarsidass). Translated into English from Spanish by K.D. Prithipaul. Christopher Chapple and Yogi Anand Viraj, The Yoga Stras of Patajali: Analysis of the Sanskrit with Accompanying English Translation (1990 Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi)
I have consulted English translations of Vasubandhus Trisvabhva-Nirdea (TSN) from Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti42 as well as from Thomas Wood,43 both of which are based on Sylvan Lvi's manuscript (= MS1) per Yamaguchi (= MS1-Y, 1972-3). I have also consulted translations from Stefan Anacker44 and Ake Boquist,45 whose editions of the text are based on Lvi's manuscript (= MS1) per Poussin (= MS1-P, 1932-3). I have also considered Thomas Kochumuttoms English translation46 based on Tuccis manuscript (= MS2) per Mukhopadhyaya. The structure of the Trisvabhva-Nirdea is as follows verses 1-5 identify the trisvabhva theory in general terms: the content of any perception has theree own-statesof-being or aspects: the paratantra, or what appears, the parakalpita, the manner in which it appears, and the parinipanna, or the reality or truth of the appearance. Verses 6-10 describe the structure of the hetu-phla-vijna (cause-and-effect consciousness). Verses 11-21 apply the method of mediating between extremes to the trisvabhva theory; this is accomplished by examining the relationships of the three svabhva with respect to existence, duality, and each other. Verses 22-7 set out the epistemological order (krama) of the trisvabhva, followed by an explanation of the trisvabhva by analogy to magical illusion in verses 28-30. Verses 31-4 address knowledge, cessation and attainment; verses 35-6 provide arguments supporting the cittamtra theory, including its necessity for liberation to make sense. Verses 37-38
conclude the text with affirmations regarding the path to enlightenment through the cessation of wrong views, and the attainment of right views, regarding tman and dharmas. I use the following method throughout the project for interpreting transliterated Sanskrit. Although I have consulted and compared multiple English transliterations of Vasubandhus Sanskrit per text, I found few discrepancies among them. I have selected for inclusion herein the transliterations of two authors who best exhibit any contrast there is to be found. In the current chapter, this means Tola and Dragonetti and Thomas Kochumuttom. My own rough translation of each verse takes into account both MonierWilliams and Capellers Sanskrit dictionaries, searchable through the University of Colognes database, as well as the translations provided by contemporary scholars of Vasubandhu (e.g., Anacker, Wood, Nagao, et. al.). No single translation I could reasonably render in this project would adequately capture the depth of variation and nuance available to each term. This is part of the reason that I have taken care to show, as succinctly as possible, some of the alternatives of meaning available for the Sanskrit words.
TSN 1-5: The Trisvabhva (Traya-Svabhva) Stated Verse 1 kalpita paratantra ca parinipanna eva ca/ traya svabhv dhr gabhra jeyam iyate// (td/MS1)47 Kalpita paratantra-ca parinipanna eva ca Traya svabhva dhrm gambhra-jeyam-iyate. (k/MS2)48 24
The assumed (invented), the relative (dependent), and the perfected (fully existing), thus, and threefold own-condition (own-being): this is devout, profound, to be known by the wise.
kalpita paratantra ca parinipanna eva ca kalpita fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred49 paratantra para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost50 + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine51 = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative ca and, also; even, just; but, yet; if52 parinipanna pari: round, about; fully, abundantly; or against, opposite to or towards, in the direction of; or successively, severally53 + nipanna, come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded54 = developed, perfect, real, existing evam thus, in this way traya svabhv dhr gabhra jeyam iyate traya svabhva triple; threefold, consisting of three55 own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things)56 devout, pious57 having depth; profound, serious, secret; dense, impervious58 to be known; to be learned, understood, perceived, investigated59 seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce;60 iyate: by the wise61 Table 4- TSN 1
Vasubandhu begins with the assertion that there are three svabhva, or three own, natural, or inherent states of being, natures, conditions, or dispositions that need to be understood by the devout, namely: the kalpita, the paratantra, and the (pari-) nipanna.62
How Phenomena Appears Kalpita
Verse 2 yat khyti paratantro sau yath khyti sa kalpita/ pratyaydhnavttitvt kalpanmtrabhvata// (td)63 Yat-khyti paratantrosau yath khyti sa kalpita Pratyaya-adhna-vttivt-kalpan-mtra-bhvata. (k)64 Wherefore idea (perception) of the relative (dependent) as follows: idea (perception) is assumed (constructed), the idea (belief) depending upon a mode of acting or being that (other), assuming (constructing) merely existence.
yat khyti paratantro sau yath khyti sa kalpita yat khyti paratantra (from yad); in order that, as for the fact that, because, since, wherefore, as, when, if65 declaration, assertion; opinion, idea, perception, knowledge; also: name or denomination; renown, fame66 para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like67 supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same68 fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred
yath sa kalpita
pratyaydhnavttitvt kalpanmtrabhvata pratyaya adhna vtti tvt (per td) kalpana mtra bhva belief, conviction, certainty, knowledge, idea, evidence69 resting or situated in; depending upon70 turning, rolling; being; mode of being or acting71 (from tvad); thy, thee, thou, etc. (per)forming (in the imagination), making, inventing, manufacturing; fashioning, arranging; cutting; contriving, feigning; also: assuming anything to be real72 having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, atom, element;73 occasion (from bh); becoming, existing, occurring; existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse74
Table 5- TSN 2
Phenomena or that which (flashingly) appears (P) is paratantra, that is, inter-/otherdependent on causal conditions. How that phenomena appears, the manner or form in which it is manifest, is kalpita (K), that is: an imagined, constructed, invented, assumed, or inferred idea or supposition. The khyti (idea or assertion) is pratyaydhnavttitvt that 27
is, it is belief-depending on-turning (or a mode of being/acting). It is also kalpanmtrabhvata, or constructing-the-having-of-a-state-of-being.75 Verse 3 tasya khytur yathkhyna y sadvidyamnat/ jeya sa parinipanna svabhvo nanyathtvata// (td)76 Tasya khytur-yath-khynam y sad-avidyamnat Jeya sa parinipanna-svabhvonanyathtvata. (k)77 Conveying name (idea): the manner in which it appears is a perpetually ignorant idea; to be known as the unchanging, perfected (fully being) own-condition.
tasya khytur yathkhyna y sadvidyamnat flowing or conveying78 declaration, assertion; opinion, idea, perception, knowledge; also: name or denomination; renown, fame yathkhynam the manner in which it appears79 y go, going; depart, set out, proceed; vanish, pass, perish; also act, behave80 sad always, ever, continually, perpetually81 avidya ignorant, without knowledge mna opinion, idea; purpose, design; one of six negative dharmas, i.e. arrogance82 tasya khyti jeya sa parinipanna svabhvo nanyathtvata jeya sa parinipanna to be known; to be learned, understood, perceived, investigated supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same pari: round, about; fully, abundantly; or against, opposite to or towards, in the direction of; or successively, severally + nipanna, come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded = developed, perfect, real, existing 28
own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) unchanging83
Table 6- TSN 3
The perpetual absence of K (how it appears) in P (what appears) is (pari)-nipanna (N), that is, perfected, real, existing.84 Verse 4 tatra ki khyty asatkalpa katha khyti dvaytman/ tasya k nstit tena y tatrdvayadharmata// (td)85 Tatra kim khyti-asatkalpa katham khyti dvaytman Tasya k nstit tena y tatradvayadharmat. (k)86 Therefore in what manner the mistaken idea (constructed belief) about existence? It is dual in nature. Flowing by no means, non-existent Thus proceeding (perishing) state of non-duality.
tatra ki khyty asatkalpa katha khyti dvaytman tatra ki khyti katha in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore87 (interrogative particle) declaration, assertion; opinion, idea, perception, knowledge; also: name or denomination; renown, fame how? in what manner? whence?88
dvaya tman
asat: not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; nonexistence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood89 + kalpa:, possible, feasible; also able, fit, competent; also practice, manner of proceeding, first duty90 = asatkalpaa, wrong supposition; fabrication, untruth91 twofold, double; of two kinds or natures92 being ones self
tasya k nstit tena y tatrdvayadharmata. tasya k nsti tena flowing or conveying indication of depreciation; by no means93 it is not, there is not; assertion of non-existence; incorporeal94 in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore y go, going; depart, set out, proceed; vanish, pass, perish; also act, behave advayadharmata state (of events) of non-duality95; non-dual essence or nature96
Table 7- TSN 4
What is it that appears? What appears is asatkalpa, a false idea, of dvaytmana, dual character or essence. Generally, asatkalpa is a mistaken (perhaps logically mistaken) idea (perhaps and/or/= a mental function/activity that leads to erroneous beliefs) regarding existence (sat). How does it (P) appear? It appears to have the nature/condition of being dual. What is, or will result from (per Kochumuttom), the non-existence of duality? therefore proceeding/vanishing therein not twofold-nature/condition.97 There will be the state of non-duality.98 It is the fact that the essence (of the dependent nature) is the non-duality in it.99 It is that in virtue of which there is the nature of being devoid of duality.100 It is, as regards it, a state of events of non-duality.101
Verse 5 asatkalpo tra ka citta yatas tat kalpyate yath/ yath ca kalpayaty artha tathtyanta na vidyate// (td)102 Asat-kalpotra ka-citta yatas-tena hi kalpyate Yath ca kalpayati-artham tath-atyantam na vidyate. (k)103 What is mistaken belief about existence? Consciousness. But in the manner conceived (imagined) the feasible object thus is absolutely not known.
asatkalpo citta yatas tat kalpyate yath (or) tena hi kalpyate asatkalpa asat: not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; nonexistence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood + kalpa: possible, feasible; also able, fit, competent; also practice, manner of proceeding, first duty = wrong supposition; fabrication, untruth mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart from which or what, whence (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now104 in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore for, (namely) because; surely, indeed105 to be formed from; to be conceived or imagined106
yath ca kalpayaty artha tathtyanta na vidyate yath ca kalpa rtha tath as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like and, also; even, just; but, yet; if possible, feasible; also able, fit, competent; also practice, manner of proceeding, first duty relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing107 in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly
atyanta na vidy
beyond the proper end or limit; excessively; exceedingly, absolutely, completely, perpetually108 no, not, it is not so109 knowledge, learning; science, scholarship, philosophy; also: finding, acquiring, gaining110
Table 8- TSN 5
Asatkalpa, mistaken belief regarding existence, is citta. Because as it is imagined Because whatever is imagined as an object (Citta is that by) which it (the interdependent) becomes constructed in such a way And whatever causes such imagination it never at all exists as such. so it is not at all. is entirely false. cannot be completely found in that way. 111 TSN 6-9: The Structure of Consciousness Verse 6 tad dhetuphalabhvena citta dvividham iyate/ yad laykhyavijna pravttykhya ca saptadh// (td)112 Tad-hetu-phala-bhvena citta dvi-vidham iyate Yad-laya-khyam vijnam pravtti-khyam ca saptadh. (k)113 Thus the conception of cause-effect: Consciousness is twofold, As repository-called-consciousness and sevenfold-manifestation (sevenfold-function).
tad dhetu phalabhvena citta dvividham iyate tad he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, 32
accordingly; now cause of, reason for, impulse, motive114 metaphorical fruit, consequence, effect, result, retribution, gain/loss, dis/advantage115 (alt. bhvana); causing to be, affecting, producing, manifesting; also imagining, conception116 mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart twofold; of two kinds, parts, ways117 seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce
yad laykhyavijna pravttykhya ca saptadh yad laya khy vijna pravtti ca saptadh in order that, as for the fact that, because, since, wherefore, as, when, if dwelling, abode, receptacle, repository118 to make known, declare, communicate, inform; to be named, enumerated, called act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness advance, progress; moving onwards; coming forth, manifestation; origin, rise; activity, function; efficacy119 and, also; even, just; but, yet; if sevenfold; seven times120
Table 9- TSN 6
Citta has two modes/kinds/aspects, as hetu (cause) and phala (effect). The causal mode is the laya-vijna; or in this verse, to be precise: laya (abode/repository)- khy (with the name/called or make known/communicate/declare)- vijna (consciousness; act of distinguishing/perceiving/understanding/recognizing/knowing). The mode as effect is pravtti (manifestation/function)- khy (with the name/called) ca saptadh (sevenfold).121
Verse 7 sakleavsanbjai citatvc citta ucyate/ citta dya dvitya tu citrkrapravttita// (td)122 Saklea-vsan-bjais-citatvc-citta-ucyate Cittam-dyam dvityam tu citra-kra-pravttita. (k)123 First, mental disturbances (defilements), impressions of past perceptions, and causal elements seeds) are collected in consciousness Second, consciousness manifests in manifold forms.
sakleavsanbjai citatvc citta ucyate saklea vsan bja citatvac citta sam: along with, together + klea, passion, defilement, disturbance, desire; pain, suffering; causing pain124 impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind; the present consciousness of past perceptions; knowledge derived from memory125 seed; germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin126 cita: heaped, collected; placed in a line; also: covered + tvac: (to) cover; skin, hide, bark, peel127 mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart
citta dya dvitya tu citrkar pravttita dya dvitya tu citrkra first, being at the beginning, immediately preceding; earlier128 second129 but, on the contrary, yet, however; also: I beg, Do!130 citra, excellent, distinguished; conspicuous, brightly colored; various, manifold131 + kra, form, figure, appearance, external aspect, expression that reveals mental disposition) = strange, wonderful132wonder, astonishment133 advance, progress; moving onwards; coming forth, manifestation; origin, rise; activity, function; efficacy
Table 10- TSN 7
The laya-vijna is called citta because it collects (is citavt, becoming accumulated/filled with) the bijs (seeds/germs/causes) of vsans, the present consciousnesses of past perceptions. The pravtti-vijna is called citta because it acts/functions/evolves in/under/as citra (diverse forms/aspects/ways).134 Verse 8 samsato bhtakalpa sa caia trividho mata/ vaipkikas tath naimittiko nya prtihsika// (td)135 Samsatobhtakalpa sa ca-ea trividho mata Vaipkikas-tath naimittikoanya prtihsika. (k)136 Succinctly, imagination of the non-existent is also threefold, considered as: maturational, produced by particular causes, and phenomenal appearances.
samsato bhtakalpa sa caia trividho mata samsatas succinctly, concisely137 abhtakalpa a: negation + bhta: become, actually have happened, be true or real; matter of fact or reality138 + kalpa: possible, feasible, imaginable; also able, fit, competent; also practice, manner of proceeding, first duty = imagination of unreal forms139; the construction of that which was not140 sa supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same caia or ca: and, also; even, just; but, yet; if + ea ca-ea trividh tri: three + vidh: part, proportion, measure, sort, kind mata thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed141 vaipkikas tath naimittiko nya (or anya) prtihsika vaipkika tath maturational in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly 35
produced by some particular cause; accidental, occasional, special142 other (than), different (from), opposed to; another, the other143 appearance, similitude;144 prtib-hsika: phenomenal, (mere/flashing) appearances, representations
Table 11- TSN 8
Collectively, the laya-vijna and seven-fold pravtti-vijna constitute abhta-kalpa, the supposition/imagination/creation of forms of subjectivity and objectivity. This function itself is threefold: as vaipkika (maturational), as naimittika (caused), and as prtibhsika (phenomenal).145
prtibhsik a
being caused
Verse 9 prathamo mlavijna tad vipktmaka yata/ anya pravttivijna dyadgvittivttita// (td)146 Prathamo mla-vijnam tad-vipktmakam yata Anya pravtti-vijnam dya-dg-vitti-vttita. (k)147 First is root-consciousness, which has the nature of guided maturation; The other is manifesting (functioning) consciousness, As the subject (seer), object (seen) and knowledge modes of being (functioning).
prathamo mlavijna tad vipktmaka yata prathama mla vijna tad vipka tmaka yata first, firstly; also foremost, primary, original, initial, prior, former, preceding148 root, foot, basis, foundation, ground, origin, source, cause act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now ripening, maturity; consequence of actions, result149 having the nature of, consisting or composed of, like150 held, limited, restrained; controlled; guided151
anya pravttivijna dyadgvittivttita anya pravtti other (than), different (from), opposed to; another, the other advance, progress; moving onwards; coming forth, manifestation; origin, rise; activity, function; efficacy dydgvitti dy (from dy), corruptible, reprehensible, culpable, offending152 + dg, seeing + vitti, consciousness, understanding, intelligence; finding, acquisition; being found153 = dydgvitti, subject (seer), object (seen), and knowledge154 vtti turning, rolling; being; mode of being or acting
Table 12- TSN 9
The laya-vijna is called mla- (root/foundation/origin/cause) vijna because it has the nature of vipka (maturation), the first of the three modes of abhta-kalpa (supposition/imagination of subject and object). The naimittika (caused) and prtibhsika (phenomenal) modes of abhta-kalpa are constituted by the eightfold pravtti(active/functioning/evolving) vijna. They evolve or arise as modifications depending upon dya-dg-vitti-vttita (the subject/seer, object/seen, and knowledge modes of being or functioning). And so in this way, vipka helps produce vikalpa: that is, maturation of
the influence of past experiences is causally related to suppositions about phenomenal appearances.
CITT mind
HETU cause
PHALA effect
TSN 10-21: Application of Mediation to the Definitions of Svabhva TSN 10-13: Existence and Non-Existence Verse 10 sadasattvd dvayaikatvt saklsavyavadnayo/ lakabhedata ce svabhvn gabhrat// (td)155 Sad-asattvt-dvaya-ekatvt-saklea-vyavadnayo Lakaa-abhedata-ca-i svabhvnm gambhrat (k)156 38
Existence and non-existence, duality and oneness, Mental disturbance (defilement) and purification Differences in attribute (definition) own-state (process-of-being) profound.
sadasattvd dvayaikatvt saklsavyavadnayo sad asattva (from sat); that which really is, being (present), existing; occurring; real, actual, true; honest; beautiful; good, right; wise157 asat, not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; nonexistence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood + tva, state of being the abode of; or a (negation) + sattva, being, existence, reality; true essence, nature, disposition; life, consciousness, energy; resolution, self-command, wisdom; also: material or elementary substance/matter or entity/thing; living or sentient being158 twofold, double; of two kinds or natures identity, unity159 sam: along with, together + klea, passion, defilement, disturbance, desire; pain, suffering; causing pain purification160
lakabhedata ce svabhvn gabhrat (or gambhrat) lakaa definition; mark, sign, symbol; also characteristic, attribute, quality161 division, separation; alteration, change, difference162 movement; gesture, behavior; action, effort, performance; doing163
bheda ce (cai) svabhva (- own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; na) innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) gambhra having depth; profound, serious, secret; dense, impervious
Table 13- TSN 10
Each svabhva is sat (bhva) and asat (abhva) real/existent and unreal/non-existent, as well as dvaya and advaya, dual and non-dual. In this way, the trisvabhva are not mutually different in definition.164 Verse 11 sattvena ghyate yasmd atyantbhva eva ca/ svabhva kalpitas tena sadasallakao mata// (td)165 Svatvena ghyate yasmd-atyanta-abhva eva ca Svabhva kalpitas-tena sad-asal-lakao mata. (k)166 State of being grasping because absolutely non-existent in this way; Thus the imagined (constructed) own-nature is defined as being.
sattvena ghyate yasmd atyantbhva eva ca sattvena / svatvena ghya yasmd atyanta abhva eva ca sat (being) or sva (own) + tvena: state (of) = state of being seizing by; grasping, holding; belonging to167 (from yasmt); because, since, that168 beyond the proper end or limit; excessively; exceedingly, absolutely, completely, perpetually absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse169 thus, in this way and, also; even, just; but, yet; if
svabhva kalpitas tena sadasallakao mata svabhva own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) 40
fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore (from sat); that which really is, being (present), existing; occurring; real, actual, true; honest; beautiful; good, right; wise mark, sign, symbol; also: characteristic, attribute, quality thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed Table 14- TSN 11
The kalpita is sat insofar as it is grasped/perceived/thought to be existent. That is, it is sadasallakao, existing as a sign or definition. At the same time, the kalpita is asat because it is atyantbhva, or absolutely/perpetually without (real) existence.170 Verse 12 vidyate bhrntibhvena yathkhyana na vidyate/ paratantro yatas tena saddasallakao mata// (td)171 Vidyate bhrnti-bhvena yath-akhynam na vidyate Paratantro yatas-tena sad-asal-lakao matah. (k)172 Finding confused imagination: It is not so as it is communicated (said); Thus the nature dependent on particular causes is defined as being.
vidyate bhrntibhvena yathkhyana na vidyate vidy bhrnti bhvena knowledge, learning; science, scholarship, philosophy; also: finding, acquiring, gaining wandering, roaming; moving to and fro; turning; also: confusion, doubt, error, false impression; supposing anything to be or to exist173 (alt. bhvana); causing to be, affecting, producing, manifesting; also imagining, conception 41
yath akhyna na
as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like communication174 no, not, it is not so175
paratantro yatas tena saddasallakao mata paratantra para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative from which or what, whence in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore (from sat); that which really is, being (present), existing; occurring; real, actual, true; honest; beautiful; good, right; wise mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed
Table 15- TSN 12
The paratantra is sat because it is sadasallakao, existing as a sign or definition, but it is asat insofar as it does not exist in reality as it appears, there being confusion there.176 In the second respect, there is bhrnti (wandering/confusion/supposition of existence)- bhvana (manifesting/imagining)- yath (*)- akhyna (communication).177 Verse 13 advayatvena yac csti dvayasybhva eva ca/ svabhvas tena nipanna sadasallakao mata// (td)178 Advayatvena-yac-ca-asti dvayasya-abhva-eva ca Svabhvas-tena nipanna sad-asal-lakao mata. (k)179 Not twofold state because 42
advayatvena yac csti dvayasybhva (dvayasya-abhva) eva ca advaya tvena yac csti (ca asti) dvayasya abhva eva not twofold or double state (of) (from yad); in order that, as for the fact that, because, since, wherefore, as, when, if ca: and, also; even, just; but, yet; if + asti: be, exist, happen, become; be sufficient or able180 dvaya: twofold, double; of two kinds or natures + asya, sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse thus, in this way
svabhvas tena nipanna sadasallakao mata svabhva own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded (from sat); that which really is, being (present), existing; occurring; real, actual, true; honest; beautiful; good, right; wise mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality; definition thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed
Table 16- TSN 13
The nipanna or perfected nature is sat because it exists as non-dual; however, it is asat insofar as it is the non-existence of duality.181
TSN 14-16: Duality and Non-Duality Verse 14 dvaividhyt kalpitrthasya tadasattvaikabhvata/ svabhva kalpito blair dvayaikatvtmako mata// (td)182 Dvaividht-kalpita-arthasya tad-asatva-eka-bhvata Svabhva kalpito balair-dvaya-ekatvtmako matah. (k)183 Twofold character fabricated with respect to things (objects) abides accordingly as non-existent state of being, one existence (nature); the own-being of the constructed as conceived by the ignorant is both dual and unitary.
dvaividhyt kalpitrthasya tadasattvaikabhvata twofold (state/nature/character); also variance184 fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred rtha relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing asya sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest tad he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now asatvaikabhvatah asat, not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; or asatva-ekanon-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood + tva, state of bhvata being, abode aika / eka one, sole, single; alone, solitary; identical, the same; belonging to one185 bhva existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse dvaividhya kalpita svabhva kalpito blair dvayaikatvtmako mata 44
own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred young, not developed; early, new; ignorant, simple, foolish186 twofold, double; of two kinds or natures identity, unity187 having the nature of, consisting or composed of, like thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed
Table 17- TSN 14
Kalpita is dvaya (dual) insofar as it is imagined as dual, but it is advaya (non-dual) in reality. Dvaividhyt (twofold (state/nature/character)) kalpita- (assumed/supposed) rtha- (material, re: a thing/object)- (*) asat (non-existence/non-truth)- (*)- ekabhva (oneness)188 Verse 15 prakhynd dvayabhvena bhrntimtraikabhvata/ svabhva paratantrkhyo dvayaikatvtmako mata// (td)189 Prakhynd-dvaya-bhvena bhrntimtra-ekabhvata Svabhva paratantra-khyo dvaya-ekatva-tmako. (k)190 The being perceived as manifesting dually is merely conditioned false impression; the dependent (relative) own-nature is understood to be dual and unitary.
prakhynd dvayabhvena bhrntimtraikabhvata prakhy dvaya bhvena bhrnti mtra-eka bhva (-ta) the being perceived or known191 twofold, double; of two kinds or natures (bhvana): causing to be, affecting, producing, manifesting; also imagining, conception wandering, roaming; moving to and fro; turning; also: confusion, doubt, error, false impression; supposing anything to be or to exist having/being/consisting of only/merely one; single occasion existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse
svabhva paratantrkhyo dvayaikatvtmako mata svabhva own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative to make known, declare, communicate, inform; to be named, enumerated, called identity, unity having the nature of, consisting or composed of, like thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed
Table 18- TSN 15
The paratantra is dvaya insofar as it appears as dual, but it is advaya because of the previously mentioned confusion regarding duality; that is, its existence as a mere appearance is singular.192 Prakhynd (the being perceived/known) dvayabhvena
(twofold imagination/manifestation) bhrnti (confusion/supposition of existence) mtraika-eka (being/having only) eka-bhvata (oneness).193 Verse 16 dvayabhvasvabhvatvd advayaikasvabhvata/ svabhva parinipanno dvayaikatvmako mata// (td)194 Dvaya-abhva-svabhvatvd-advaya-eka-svabhvata Svabhvah parinipanno dvaya-ekatva-tmako mata. (k)195 Twofold existence (condition), one non-dual own-state (process-of-being); the perfected (complete) own-nature is understood to be dual and unitary.
dvayabhvasvabhvatvd advayaikasvabhvata dvaya abhva svabhva twofold, double; of two kinds or natures (absence of:) existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) one, several, partly; also (alt. tvam, tvan, tvat); thy, thee, thou, etc. not two-old or double; non-dual one, sole, single; alone, solitary; identical, the same; belonging to one
svabhva parinipanno dvayaikatvmako mata parinipanno pari: round, about; fully, abundantly; or against, opposite to or towards, in the direction of; or successively, severally + nipanna, come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded = developed, perfect, real, existing 47
identity, unity having the nature of, consisting or composed of, like thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed
Table 19- TSN 16
Although there are few times when the differences between Tola and Dragonettis and Kochumuttoms transliterations differ significantly, this appears to be one of those times when they do in fact conflict. Ake Boquist comments that: Tola & Dragonetti along with La Valle Poussin chooses the reading dvaya-bhva-svabhvatvd which they translate: because it is nature (only) in relation to duality (p. 254), other translations deemed contradictory or tautological. Instead, they claim that only the CN (constructed nature) can be a svabhva in relation to duality. Kochumuttom on the other hand, proposes the reading dvaya-abhva-svabhvatvd which he translates it is by nature the absence of duality explicitly accepting that it does not conform to TSN 10.196 Parinipanna is both dvaya and advaya (duality) because it is the (true) nature of duality, (unity) because its only nature is non-duality.197 for, on the one hand, it is by nature the absence of duality, and, on the other hand, it is in the nature of unity without duality.198 because it is essentially the existence of duality and also because it is essentially a single nonduality.199 Because of its state as the own-being of the two beings, and because of its being the one own-being of non-duality....200
Parinipanna is dvaya because it is the true nature of duality, that is, its absence (the absence of appearances in phenomena). It is advaya because has the nature of unity without duality.201 TSN 17-21: Interrelationship Among the Svabhva Verse 17 kalpita paratantra ca jeya samklealakaam/ parinipanna ias tu vyavadnasya lakaam// (td)202 Kalpita paratantra-ca jeyam saklea-lakaam Parinipanna ias-tu vyavadnasya lakaam. (k)203 The fabricated and independent are also understood as characterized by defilement; The perfected is esteemed as a state of (abiding in) purification.
kalpita paratantra ca jeya samklealakaam kalpita paratantra fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative and, also; even, just; but, yet; if to be known; to be learned, understood, perceived, investigated sam: along with, together + klea, passion, defilement, disturbance, desire; pain, suffering; causing pain mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality; definition
parinipanna ias tu vyavadnasya lakaam parinipanna pari: round, about; fully, abundantly; or against, opposite to or towards, in the direction of; or successively, severally + nipanna, 49
ia tu vyavadna asya
come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded = developed, perfect, real, existing sought, desired; beloved, reverenced, respected, approved; also: sacrifice204 but, on the contrary, yet, however; also: Pray!, I beg, Do! purification sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest
Table 20- TSN 17
Kalpita svabhva and paratantra-svabhva are modified and thus are not pure svabhva. They are both jeyam (to be known) sam- (along with) klea- (defilement, disturbance)- lakaam (symbol/definition). Parinipanna-svabhva is the vyavadnasya (purification) lakaam. Being unmodified, it is the definition of purity.205 Verse 18 asaddvayasvabhvatvt tadabhvasvabhvata/ svabhvt kalpitj jeyo nipanno bhinnalakaa// (td)206 Asad-dvaya-svabhvatvt-tad-abhva-svabhvata Svabhvt-kalpitj-jeyo parinipannobhinna-lakaa. (k)207 Not being dual own-state (process-of-being) that non-existent own-state (process-of-being); thus the invented (assumed) to be known as non-different in definition from the perfected (fully existing).
asaddvayasvabhvatvt tadabhvasvabhvata asad dvaya not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; non-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood208 twofold, double; of two kinds or natures 50
svabhva (ta)
own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) (from tvad); thy, thee, thou, etc. he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, or impulse
svabhvt kalpitj jeyo nipanno bhinnalakaa kalpita fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred jeya to be known; to be learned, understood, perceived, investigated nipanna / pari: round, about; fully, abundantly; or against, opposite to or parinipanna towards, in the direction of; or successively, severally + nipanna, come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded = developed, perfect, real, existing abhinna non-different; not split, pierced, destroyed; transgressed; not divided into parts or anything less than a whole; not expanded; disjoined; interrupted, disturbed; altered209 lakaa mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality; definition
Table 21- TSN 18
(A)sad- (not being) dvaya- (dual) svabhvah- (own/innate condition/state of being/nature)- (**)- abhva (absence of condition/state of being/nature)//svabhvt kalpitj jeyo (to be known) nipanno bhinna (= abhinna, non-different) lakaa. Parinipanna is non-different in definition from kalpita because kalpita is non-existent duality (because the nature (of the last one) is the inexistent duality,210 or because of (ones) state as the own-being of a non-existent duality);211 while parinipanna is nonexistence of duality (because the nature (of the first one) is the inexistence of that
(duality),212 or because of (the others) being the own-being of the non-being of that duality.)213 Verse 19 advayatvasvabhvatvd dvaybhvasvabhvata/ nipannt kalpita caiva vijeyo bhinnalakaa// (td)214 Advayatva-svabhvatvd-dvaya-abhva-svabhvata Nipannt-kalpita-ca-eva vijeyobhinna-lakaa. (k)215 Non-duality being the abode of own-being (non-condition) is also dual absence of being (condition); The perfected (fully existing) and the invented (assumed) thus to be understood as non-different in definition.
advayatvasvabhvatvd dvaybhvasvabhvata advaya tva svabhva not two-fold or double; non-dual being the abode of own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) one, several, partly; also (alt. tvam, tvan, tvat); thy, thee, thou, etc. twofold, double; of two kinds or natures absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse
nipannt kalpita caiva vijeyo bhinnalakaa nipanna kalpita vijeya come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred to be perceived or known; or understood; knowable, cognizable; 52
abhinna lakaa
to ber recognized, considered, regarded as non-different; not split, pierced, destroyed; transgressed; not divided into parts or anything less than a whole; not expanded; disjoined; interrupted, disturbed; altered mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality
Table 22- TSN 19
(A)dvaya- (non-dual) (*)- svabhva dvaya- (dual) abhva- (absence of existence) svabhva Kalpita is non-different in definition from parinipanna because the svabhva of parinipanna is non-dual (because the nature (of the last one) is nonduality,216 or for the perfected nature is essentially nondual);217 and the svabhva of kalpita is the non-existence of duality (because the nature (of the first one) is the inexistence of duality,218 or the imagined nature is essentially the non-existence of that duality.)219 Verse 20 yathkhynam asadbhvt tathsattvasvabhvata/ svabhvt paratantrkhyn nipanno bhinnalakaa// (td)220 Yath-khynm-asad-bhvt-tathsatva-svabhvata Svabhvt-para-tantrkhyn-nipannobhinna-lakaa. (k)221 According as it is said non-existence and existence (condition), likewise existence and own-state (process-of-being); The invented (assumed) and the perfected (fully existing) Are known as undivided in definition.
yathkhynam asadbhvt tathsattvasvabhvata yath as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like 53
svabhva (ta)
(re) telling, relating, communicating; story, legend not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; non-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly being, existence, reality; true essence, nature, disposition; life, consciousness, energy; resolution, self-command, wisdom; also: material or elementary substance/matter or entity/thing; living or sentient being222 own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things)
svabhvt paratantrkhyn nipanno bhinnalakaa paratantra para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative to make known, declare, communicate, inform; to be named, enumerated, called come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded not split, pierced, destroyed; transgressed; divided into parts, anything less than a whole; expanded; disjoined; interrupted, disturbed; altered mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality
Table 23- TSN 20
Parinipanna is non-different in definition from paratantra because paratantra is nonexistent as it appears (because the nature (of the last one) is the inexistent reality,223 or for the former being in the nature of non-existent duality224); and parinipanna is the
non-existence of appearance (because the nature (of the first one) is not as it appears,225 or is by nature non-existent in the form in which it appears.)226
Verse 21 asaddvayasvabhvatvd yathkhynsvabhvata/ nipannt paratantro pi vijeyo bhinnalakaa// (td)227 Asat-dvaya-svabhvatvt-yath-khyna-asvabhvata/-khyna-abhvata Nipannt-paratantropi vijeyo-bhinna-lakaa. (k)228 Not existing as dual, own-state (process-of-being) also said to be absence of own-state (process-of-being) and absence of existence; Thus the perfected (fully existing) is understood to be non-different in definition from the invented (assumed).
asaddvayasvabhvatvd yathkhynsvabhvata asad dvaya svabhva not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; non-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood twofold, double; of two kinds or natures229 own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) one, several, partly; also (alt. tvam, tvan, tvat); thy, thee, thou, etc. as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like (re) telling, relating, communicating; story, legend khy: to make known, declare, communicate, inform; to be named, enumerated, called absence of svabhva absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse 55
nipannt paratantro pi vijeyo bhinnalakaa nipanna paratantra come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative to be perceived/known;/understood; knowable, cognizable; to be recognized, considered, regarded as230 non-different; not split, pierced, destroyed; transgressed; not divided into parts or anything less than a whole; not expanded; disjoined; interrupted, disturbed; altered mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality; definition Table 24- TSN 21 Paratantra is non-different in definition from parinipanna because paratantra does not exist in the form in which it appears, that is, it has no svabhva as it appears (because the nature (of the first one) is not as it appears,231 or the former being in the nature of non-existent duality);232 and the svabhva of parinipanna is the unreality (abhva) of duality (because the nature (of the last one) is the inexistent duality,233 or by nature non-existent in the form in which it appears.)234
TSN 22-26: Epistemological Conventions Verse 22 kramabheda svabhvn vyavahrdhikrata/ tatpravedhikrc ca vyutpattyartha vidhyate// (td)235 Krama-bheda svabhvnm vyavahra-adhikrata Tad-pravea-adhikrc-ca vyutpattyartham vidhyate. (k)236
Order of alterations (divisions) of own-state (process-of-being), thus operating rules (epistemological conventions). Accordingly, entrance into operating rules (conventions), and growth in knowledge relating to an uncertain thing (object).
kramabheda svabhvn vyavahrdhikrata krama bheda svabhva step; going, proceeding, course; way; regular progress, order, series, succession237 division, separation; alteration, change, difference own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) hereby, thus, indeed238 doing, performing; action; also trading with, dealing239 authority, rule, administration, jurisdiction, prerogative, right; also property, reference, relation, topic240
na vyavahra adhikra
tatpravedhikrc ca vyutpattyartha vidhyate tad pravea ca vyutpatt rtha vidhya (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now entering, entrance; intrusion into; being contained in; also: intentness on an object; engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose; manner241 and, also; even, just; but, yet; if production, origin; development, growth (in knowledge); proficiency, scholarship; derivation, etymology242 relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing to be uncertain, hesitate243
Table 25- TSN 22
There is a krama (order) of the distinctions or changes among the trisvabhva, about which vyavahrdhikrata (operating rules, or epistemological conventions) are established regarding the things of empirical observation.244 Verse 23 kalpito vyavahrtm vyvahartrtmako para/ vyavahrasamuccheda svabhva cnya iyate// (td)245 Kalpito vyavahra-tm vyavahart-tmakopara Vyavahra-samuccheda-svabhvas-ca-anya iyate. (k)246 The assumed (invented) is essentially operating rules (conventions); Absolute termination of convention is own-state (process-of-being) and by the wise.
kalpito vyavahrtm vyvahartrtmako para kalpita vyavahra tma tmaka para fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred doing, performing; action; also trading with, dealing from to breathe/move self, (the individual) soul, life principle; abstract individual; also: essence, nature, character; the person or body considered as a whole like, having the nature of, consisting or composed of far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost
vyavahrasamuccheda svabhva cnya iyate vyavahra samuccheda svabhva doing, performing; action; also trading with, dealing; conventional practice (alt. samucchitti): destruction, termination247 own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent 58
cnya iyate
properties ca: and, also; even, just; but, yet; if + anya: other than, different from, opposed to; another by the wise
Table 26- TSN 23
The parikalpita is conventional belief or practice based on empirical observation. (The imaginary (nature) is the empirical reality; is essentially of conventional values; is that which exists only conventionally.) 248 The paratantra is the cause of that belief. ([The dependent nature] is the creator of the empirical reality; is essentially that which brings about such conventional values; is the cause of that which exists only conventionally.)249 The parinipanna is the samuccheda (termination) of conventional belief. (The other nature (the absolute,) is the destruction of the empirical reality; is the nature freed of all conventional values; is that which destroys that which exists only conventionally.)250 Thus the inference is that one needs to sublate mere empirical observation and inference with something more reliable. How it is to the observer will always be effected by the circumstances in which observation happens. Verse 24 dvaybhvtmaka prva paratantra praviyate/ tata praviyate tatra kalpamtram asaddvayam// (td)251 Dvay-bhva-tmaka-prvam para-tantra praviyate Tata praviyate tatra kalpa-mtram-asad-dvayam. (k)252 Twofold state (process-of-being) having the nature of being prior, The inter-dependent is understood; 59
dvaybhvtmaka prva paratantra praviyate dvaya bhva tmaka prva paratantra twofold, double; of two kinds or natures253 existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature having the nature of, consisting/composed of, like being before or in front, former, prior, preceding, previous to, earlier than254 para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative pravi: entering, entrance; intrusion into; being contained in; also: intentness on an object; engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose; manner 255 + iya: seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce; iyate: by the wise = praviyate: understood
tata praviyate tatra kalpamtram asaddvayam. tata tatra kalpa mtra asad extended, diffused, protracted; composed (tale), performed (ceremony)256 in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore possible, feasible; also able, fit, competent; also practice, manner of proceeding, first duty having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, atom, element; occasion not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; non-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood
Table 27- TSN 24
First one understands the nature of the inter-dependent paratantra, which is constituted by the non-existence of reality or is essentially the absence of duality.257
It is then that one understands the assumed or invented parikalpita, which in contrast is inexistent duality or the duality that is mere imagination.258 Verse 25 ato (sic) dvaybhvabhvo nipanno tra praviyate/ tath hyasav eva tad asti nstti cocyate// (td)259 Tato dvaya-abhva-bhvo nipannotra praviyate Tath hi-asau-eva tad asti-nsti-iti ca-ucyate. (k)260 Story of twofold non-being and being Absolute (complete) nature understood. In that manner surely thus in this way, at that time Existence and non-existence
(t)ato dvaybhvabhvo nipanno tra praviyate tata dvaya abhva nipanna tra pravi extended, diffused, protracted; composed (tale), performed (ceremony) twofold, double; of two kinds or natures absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded three enter, go into; resort to
tath hyasav eva tad asti nstti tath hyasav / hi-asau eva tad asti nsti in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly hi, for, (namely) because; surely, indeed + asau (from adas), that, a certain, thus, so, there261 thus, in this way at that time; in that case, then262 be, exist, happen, become; be sufficient or able it is not, there is not; assertion of non-existence; incorporeal
Table 28- TSN 25
One understands the perfected parinipanna by finding the non-being of duality within the dependent paratantra, and understanding that itthe non-being of duality is itself both asti and nasti, existing and non-existing.263 Verse 26 trayo pyete svabhv hi advaylabhyalaka/ abhvd atathbhvt tadabhvasvabhvata// (td)264 Trayo-api-ete svabhva hi advaya-lamba-laka Abhvd-atath-bhvt-tad abhvasvabhvata. (k)265 Threefold unification of own-state-of-being (own-condition), namely nondual-[non]-grasping-definition; Non-existence not likewise that non-existence of own-state-of-being (own-condition)
trayo pyete svabhv hi advaylabhyalaka traya pyete / api ete svabhva triple; threefold, consisting of three uniting with or approaching something266 own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) for, (namely) because; surely, indeed not two-fold or double; non-dual having grasped, received, obtained, sacrificed267 support; receptacle; asylum; depending on or from268 mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality
absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse not in that manner, not so, not thus; not likewise, not accordingly he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now
Table 29- TSN 26
The three natures are also non dual and ungraspable, (the imaginary one), because of its inexistence; (the dependent one) because it does not exist as (it appears), (the absolute one), because its nature is the inexistence of that (duality).269 These three own-beings have characteristics which are surely nondual and ungraspable, because of (ones) simple non-being, (the others) non-being like that (in the manner in which it appears), and (the thirds) being the own-being of that non-being.270 The three svabhva have in common non-duality and non-graspability by definition. The parikalpita (as imagined duality) is non-dual and ungraspable because itthe imagined duality does not exist. The paratantra (caused or dependent phenomenal appearance) is non-dual and ungraspable because it does not exist as it appears (i.e., as dual). The perfected or complete parinipanna non-dual and ungraspable because it is by its very nature the absence of that imagined duality, that is, the svabhva (own-state-ofbeing) of that abhva (non-being).271
TSN 27-30: Analogy to Illusion (The Illusory Elephant) Verse 27 mykta mantravat khyti hastytman yath/ kramtra tatrsti hast nsti tu sarvath// (td)272
My-ktam mantravat-khyti hasti-tman yath kra-mtram tatra-asti hast nsti tu sarvath. (k)273 Accomplished illusion by power of instrument of thought, Perception (idea) of elephant-body (-essence) accordingly; External aspect (form) being merely on that occasion-of existence, Elephant non-existent, however. All objects (manner of things).
mykta mantravat khyti hastytman yath mya kta mantra vas khyti hast tman yath illusion, unreality, deception; (in the earliest language) art, wisdom, supernatural power274 accomplished, done, performed; made, prepared; obtained; also: injured, killed; deceived; offended; brought down275 instrument of thought, sacred text/speech/hymn/formula276 something shining;277 power,278 force279 declaration, assertion; opinion, idea, perception, knowledge; also: name or denomination; renown, fame elephant from to breathe/move self, (the individual) soul, life principle; abstract individual; also: essence, nature, character; the person or body considered as a whole 280 as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like
kramtra tatrsti hast nsti tu sarvath. kra mtra tatra asti nsti tu sarvtha form, figure, appearance, external aspect, expression that reveals mental disposition having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, atom, element; occasion in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore be, exist, happen, become; be sufficient or able it is not, there is not; assertion of non-existence; incorporeal but, on the contrary, yet, however; also: Pray!, I beg, Do! all things, objects; all manner of things; all matters; regarding everything281
Table 30- TSN 27
The assumed, invented parikalpita may be likened to the manifestation of an elephant through the power of mantras, which are spoken formulas or instruments of thought. Although some materially or essentially real thing appears to be there, its appearance or form exists only momentarily. There is no real elephant there, materially or essentially. This is true of all manner of parikalpita.282 Verse 28 svabhva kalpito hast paratantras tadkti/ yas tatra hastyabhvo sau parinipanna iyate// (td)283 Svabhva kalpito hast para-tantras-tad-kti Yas-tatra hasti-abhvosau parinipanna iyate. (k)284 Own-state-of-being (own-condition): Assumed elephant inter-dependent (relatively caused) that very appearance therein non-existent elephant perfected nature by the wise.
svabhva kalpito hast paratantras tadkti svabhva own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred elephant para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; 65
therefore, accordingly; now constituent part; aspect; form, appearance; kind, species285
yas tatra hastyabhvo sau parinipanna iyate. tatra abhva in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore a, not, non- + bhva, existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse parinipanna pari: round, about; fully, abundantly; or against, opposite to or towards, in the direction of; or successively, severally + nipanna, come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded = developed, perfect, real, existing iyate seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce; iyate: by the wise
Table 31- TSN 28
The appearance of the elephant has a cause; eliminating that cause, e.g., by eliminating the utilization of the instrument of thought or speech, sublates that appearance to a state of non-appearance. The parinipanna is that which remains when the elephant has been negated.286 Verse 29 asatkalpas tath khyti mlacittd dvaytman/ dvayam atyantato nsti tatrsty ktimtrakam// (td)287 Asat-kalpas-tath khyti mla-cittd-dvaya-tman Dvayam-atyanto nsti tatra-asti-kti-mtrakam. (k)288 Mistaken assumptions thus: Root-consciousness (mentation origin) perception (idea) essentially dual. Duality absolutely non-existent; Therein existence is merely appearance (form).
asatkalpas tath khyti mlacittd dvaytman asatkalpas asat, not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; nonexistence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood + kalpa, possible, feasible; also able, fit, competent; also practice, manner of proceeding, first duty = mistaken belief about existence in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly declaration, assertion; opinion, idea, perception, knowledge; also: name or denomination; renown, fame root, foot, basis, foundation, ground, origin, source, cause mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart twofold, double from to breathe/move self, (the individual) soul, life principle; abstract individual; also: essence, nature, character; the person or body considered as a whole 289
dvayam atyantato nsti tatrsty ktimtrakam. dvaya atyanta nsti tatra asti kti mtra-ka twofold, double; of two kinds or natures beyond the proper end or limit; excessively; exceedingly, absolutely, completely, perpetually it is not, there is not; assertion of non-existence; incorporeal in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore be, exist, happen, become; be sufficient or able constituent part; aspect; form, appearance; kind, species having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, atom, element; occasion
Table 32- TSN 29
The parikalpita appears as dual by means of the mla-vijna. However, there is no duality there in fact, but only the appearance of such.290 Verse 30 mantravan mlavijna khavat tathat mat/ hastykravad eavyo vikalpo hastivad dvayam// (td)291 67
Mantravan-mlavijnam khavat-tathat mat Hasti-kravad-eavyo vikatpo hastivad-dvayam. (k)292 Instrument of thought root-consciousness Like a stick true nature believed. Form of the elephant desired. False idea (doubt) elephant dual.
mantravan mlavijna khavat tathat mat mantra instrument of thought, sacred text/speech/hymn/formula mlavijna mla, root, foot, basis, foundation, ground, origin, source, cause + vijna, act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness khavat like a stick, either: as fuel, or as petrified293 tathat true nature, true reality, true suchness, true state of things mata thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed hastykravad eavyo vikalpo hastivad dvayam hasti krava eavya vikalpa dvaya elephant kra: form, figure, appearance, external aspect, expression that reveals mental disposition kravat, having a form, embodied; well-formed294 desirable; to be striven after, approved295 imagination, fancy, false notion; also alternative, contrivance, difference of perception, distinction, doubt296 twofold, double; of two kinds or natures
Table 33- TSN 30
The mla-vijna functions like the mantra (instrument of thought or sacred speech) in this analogy. Just as the illusion, when practically performed by a magician for his audience, involves the conjuring of an elephant from, say, a large stick of wood so basic mentation or the root-consciousness conjures ideas about duality.297
TSN 31-34: Knowledge, Cessation and Obtainment The point of the elephant analogy is not so much about the elephant, but rather about our understanding of our perception of the elephant, as the following verses indicate: Verse 31 arthatattvaprativedhe yugapal lakaakriya/ parij ca praha ca prpti ce yathkramam// (td)298 Artha-tattva-prativedhe yugapal-lakaa-trayam Parij ca praham-ca prpti-ca-i yath-kramam. (k)299 In breaking through with regard to the reality (truth) about material things, The three definitions work together: Knowledge, cessation, and attainment. Action (behavior) according to order (method).
arthatattvaprativedhe yugapal lakaakriya rtha tattva prativedhe relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing (state of) truth or reality; first principle300 prati: toward; over against, before, again, back, in return, opposite, near, on, by, at, in, at the time of; with regard to, according to, in consequence of301 + vedha: pious, faithful; also: breaking through, breach, piercing, excavation; also hitting (a mark); also wounding, intrusion, disturbance302 in the same yoke, together, simultaneously303 mark, sign, symbol; characteristic, attribute, quality (kriy): action, performance, work; also ceremony, argument, contract304 (traya): triple; threefold, consisting of three
knowledge; to observe, perceive, learn, understand, comprehend, know, recognize305 and, also; even, just; but, yet; if ceasing; vanishing306 advent, occurrence; reaching, attaining; entering, finding, meeting; acquire; rescue; also: validity, correctness307 movement; gesture, behavior; action, effort, performance; doing as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like step; going, proceeding, course; way; regular progress, order, series, succession
Table 34- TSN 31
Breaking through epistemically with respect to the true nature of empirically observed objects requires the simultaneous application of three definitions of the svabhva (ownstates-of-being): the parikalpita (assumed, invented), the paratantra (interdependent, caused) and the parinipanna (complete, perfected). However, each definition is employed in a methodologically distinct way related, respectively, to parij (knowledge), praha (cessation), and prpti (attainment).308 Verse 32 parijnupalambho tra hnir akhynam iyate/ upalambho nimittas tu prpti sktkriypi s// (td)309 Parij anupalambhotra hnir-akhnam-iyate Upalambha-nimitt tu prpti skt-kriy-api s. (k)310 Three: knowledge is non-perception, Cessation is non-manifestation Obtainment is uncaused and direct knowledge, action approaching wisdom.
knowledge; to observe, perceive, learn, understand, comprehend, know, recognize anupalambha lack of obtainment, perception, or recognition311 tra three hni abandonment, relinquishment; cessation, disappearance, nonexistence; also: decrease, deprivation, loss; insufficiency312 akhyna non-manifestation, non-appearance iyate seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce; iyate: by the wise upalambho nimittas tu prpti sktkriypi s. upalambha animitta tu prpti skt kriy api s obtainment; perception, recognition313 a (negation) + nimitta: mark, target; sign, omen; cause, motive, ground; also: instrumental or efficient cause314 but, on the contrary, yet, however; also: Pray!, I beg, Do! advent, occurrence; reaching, attaining; entering, finding, meeting; acquire; rescue; also: validity, correctness before the eyes, immediately, directly; plainly, actually315 action, performance, work; also ceremony, argument, contract uniting with or approaching something316 excellent; wise; end, remainder, final emancipation, sleep317
Table 35- TSN 32
Parij (knowledge) about reality occurs through the non-perception of parikalpita. Hni (abandonment) of the paratantra occurs through the cessation of mistaken beliefconstruction about reality. Upalambha (obtainment) of knowledge about reality occurs through direct, non-material (i.e., not caused by any admitted material object) perception (or realization) of reality.318 Verse 33 dvayasynupalambhena dvaykro vigacchati/ vigamt tasya nipanno dvaybhvo dhigamyate// (td)319 Dvayasya-anupalambhena dvaya-kro vigacchati Vigamt-tasya nipanno dvaya-abhvodhigamyate. (k)320 71
Lack of perception of duality, Dual form disappears. Cessation of flowing, perfected Non-existence (non-condition) irreproachable.
dvayasynupalambhena dvaykro vigacchati dvaya: twofold, double; of two kinds or natures + asya: sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest anupalambha lack of obtainment, perception, or recognition kra form, figure, appearance, external aspect, expression that reveals mental disposition vigacchati vi + gacchati: go, move; go or come to, get at, fall into or upon; undergo; incur; reach, acquire;321 vanish, disappear322 dvayasya vigamt tasya nipanno dvaybhvo dhigamyate. vigama tasya nipanna abhva dhig going away, cessation, absence; abstention, avoidance323 flowing or conveying come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, or impulse a (negation) + dhig (from dhik); indicating reproach (shame!)324 = irreproachable
Table 36- TSN 33
Parikalpita, or the illusory elephant, no longer appears in the field of perception once the paratantra, or the conjuring mantra, ceases. Parinipanna, or the unconditioned (unobscured) truth (log) behind the illusion (elephant) is the result.325 Verse 34 hastino nupalambha ca vigama ca tadkte/ upalambha ca khasya myy yugapad yath// (td)326
Hastinonupalambha-ca vigama-ca tad-kte Upalambha-ca khasya myym yugapad-yath. (k)327 Also simultaneous: elephant non-perception, cessation accordingly of form, and perception of stick abiding in illusion.
hastino nupalambha ca vigama ca tadkte hasti (-na) anupalambha ca vigama tad kti elephant a (negation) + obtainment, perception, or recognition and, also; even, just; but, yet; if going away, cessation, absence; abstention, avoidance he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now constituent part; aspect; form, appearance; kind, species
upalambha ca khasya myy yugapad yath. khasya asya mya yugapad yath (khava): like a stick, either: as fuel, or as petrified sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest illusion, unreality, deception; (in the earliest language) art, wisdom, supernatural power in the same yoke, together, simultaneously as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like
Table 37- TSN 34
As in the analogy of the elephant: the non-perception of the elephant (parikalpita), the cessation of the mtra (paratantra), and the perception of the log as it actually is (parinipanna)that is, as a big stick and not an elephant occur simultaneously.328
TSN 35-8: Enlightenment Through Understanding Citta-Mtra Four Arguments for the Thesis Verse 35 viruddhadhkraatvd buddher vaiyarthyadarant/ jnatraynuvtte ca mokpatter ayatnata// (td)329 Viruddha-dh-vraatvd buddhy vaiyyarthya-darant Jna-traya-anuvtte-ca moka-pattir-ayatnata (k)330 Doubtful thought restrained, one awakened Verily wise teaching; Knowledge threefold following, And liberation occurring without effort.
viruddhadhkraatvd buddher vaiyarthyadarant viruddha dh vraa tvad buddha vaiyarthya darana opposed, restrained; surrounded; forbidden; doubtful, precarious; adverse; odious331 perceive, think; desire; (religious) thought, meditation; understanding, intelligence, knowledge; science, art; mind; intention, design; opinion332 warding off, opposing; restraining; preventative; forbidden; sometimes: wild or resistant elephant333 one, several, partly; also (alt. tvam, tvan, tvat); thy, thee, thou, etc. awakened; expanded, conscious, wise; known, understood334 vai: truly, verily335 + arthya: wise336 showing, exhibiting, teaching; observing, perceiving, inspection; apprehension, discernment; also: view, doctrine337
jnatraynuvtte ca mokpatter ayatnata. jna traya anuvtti ca moka knowing, knowledge, cognizance; wisdom, intelligence; also: mark, sign, characteristic (of recognition)338 triple; threefold, consisting of three following; obedience, conformity, compliance; imitation339 and, also; even, just; but, yet; if liberation, emancipation; release (from transmigration, earthly 74
patti ayatnatas
existence); also relinquishment, abandonment340 occurrence; entering into a state, condition, relationship; changing into; also: misfortune, transgression341 without effort or exertion342
Table 38- TSN 35
The viewpoint of the TSN is said to be true for several reasons. First, because (mind) is the cause of contradictory ideas or there being contradictory views in relation to the same moment; perceiving the truth assists in getting rid of misunderstanding or restraint of thought.343 Second, because of intellectually seeing the meaningless, the intellects vision of unrealities, or the intellects seeing without a true object.344 Third, because of the different developments of the three kinds of knowledge;345 and fourth, because otherwise, there would be no need to strive for moka (liberation) at all. Consciousness-Occasion Verse 36 cittamtropalambhena jeyrthnupalambhat/ jeyrthnupalambhena syc cittnupalambhat// (td)346 Citta-mtra-upalambhena jeya-artha-artha-anupalambhat Jeya-artha anupalambhena syc-citta-anupalambhat. (k)347 Perception of consciousness-instant, Non-perception of material object; Non-perception of material object, it may be Non-perception of consciousness.
cittamtropalambhena jeyrthnupalambhat
mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, atom, element; occasion obtainment; perception, recognition to be known; to be learned, understood, perceived, investigated relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing lack of obtainment, perception, or recognition
Through the perception of citta-mtra arises the non-perception of material objects. Through this non-perception of external things, there is non-perception of consciousness itself.349 I have elected here to break with the traditional translation of mtra in Vasubandhus work as merely or only, choosing instead occasion. While atom or element would not be viable terms, given Vasubandhus forthcoming arguments in the Viika-Karikas again atomic realism, I believe that occasion (or instant)if understood as dynamic, momentary, and instantly perishing would provide a rich alternative to the traditional reading. Acknowledging my lack of expertise in Sanskrit, this is a bold move, but I do not believe that it is an unfounded one. Without belaboring any comparisons to Alfred North Whitehead in the present project,350 I would like to suggest simply that consciousness-occasion expresses the fundamental Buddhist idea of momentary existence (or in Whiteheadian terms, perpetual perishing) in a way
that consciousness-only or mere mind does not. That this expression does not explicitly entail a rejection of any non-mental reality does not, to this author, present any obvious problem at this juncture.
Enlightened Perception Verse 37 dvayor anupalambhena dharmadhtpalambhat/ dharmadhtpalambhena syd vibhutvopalambhat// (td)351 Dvayor-anupalambhena dharma-dhtu-upalambhat Dharma-dhtu-upalambhena syd-vibhutva-upalambhat. (k)352 Non-perception of duality, Perception of fundamental nature of reality; Perception of fundamental nature of reality, It may be Perception of unlimitedness.
dvayor anupalambhena dharmadhtpalambhat dvaya anupalambha dharmadhatu twofold, double; of two kinds or natures lack of obtainment, perception, or recognition dharma: nature, character, condition; essential quality, property, mark ; also according to the nature of; that which is established or firm; steadfast decree, usage, practice; duty, right, justice; virtue, morality; law or doctrine + dhatu: realm, sphere, layer, stratum; also constituent element353 = essence/fundamental nature/ground of dharmas/reality/events/things obtainment; perception, recognition
dharmadhtpalambhena syd vibhutvopalambhat. syt vibhutva (alt. syd), perhaps, it may be omnipresence, omnipotence; unlimitedness354
Table 40- TSN 37
Through the non-perception of duality, that is, of material objects and immaterial but enduring selves (consciousness), there arises the perception of dharma-dhtu, or the essence, ground or fundamental nature of the dharmas (events and things). Through this perception of dharma-dhtu, there is perception of vibhutva, or unlimitedness.355 Verse 38 upalabdhavibhutva ca svaparrthaprasiddhita/ prpnoty anuttar bodhi dhmn kyatraytmikm// (td)356 Upalabdha-vibhutva-ca sva-para-artha-prasiddhita Prpnoti-anuttarm bodhim dhmn kya-traya-tmikm (k)357 Perception of unlimitedness and (perception of) own-absolute-thing-attainment, Attains excellent wisdom (and) the threefold Buddha-bodies.
upalabdhavibhutva ca svaparrthaprasiddhita upalabdha vibhutva ca sva para rtha prasiddhi obtained, received; conceived, perceived; also: guessed358 omnipresence, omnipotence; unlimitedness and, also; even, just; but, yet; if own far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing accomplishment, attainment; proof; also: celebrity, fame; rumor, public opinion; trivial359
prpnoty anuttar bodhi dhmn kyatraytmikm. prpnoti anuttara attain (to), reach, arrive (at), meet (with), find; also incur, suffer; result, be in force360 principal, chief; best, excellent; fixed, firm; also: without reply, 78
silent; evasive reply held to be no answer; also: low, inferior361 perfect knowledge; enlightened intelligence; also: tree of wisdom362 intelligent, wise, sensible363 body; also collection, assemblage364 triple; threefold, consisting of three make ones own; take possession of365
Table 41- TSN 38
From the perception of unlimitedness and of own-absolute-thing-attainment, or the way in which the mind perceives material things, enlightened intelligence arises.366
Summary There are three svabhva of phenomenal appearances: the paratantra (P= what appears), the kalpita (K= how P appears) and the nipanna (N= the absence of K in P). K is the appearance of duality. P is asatkalpa, a false idea about existence. Asatkalpa is of citta (mind). Citta has a causal mode, the laya-vijna (dwelling-consciousness), which is citavt, accumulating the impressions of past experience. Citta also has an effected mode, the seven-fold pravtti-vijna (active- or evolving-consciousness), which evolves as citra, that is, in diverse forms. The causal and effected modes conjointly form the abhta-kalpa (purely or entirely unreal or untrue construction or assumption) and function in three ways. The first function of cause-and-effect consciousness is as vaipika (maturational), and occurs by means of the laya- (abode) vijna in its function as a mla- (root/cause) vijna. The second and third functions are as naimittika (caused) and prtibhsika (phenomenal), and
these functions are executed through the eightfold pravtti- (active) vijna. The caused and phenomenal modes arise as modifications depending upon dya-dg-vitti-vttita (the subject/seer, object/seen, and knowledge modes of being or functioning). Each svabhva is both existent (sat) and non-existent (asat), as well as dual (dvaya) and non-dual (advaya): Sat Existing Kalpita How P Is Imagined Paratantra Phenomenal Appearances Nipanna N = Absence of K in P Because it is sadasallakano (existing in definition) Because it is sadasallakano Asat Non-Existing Because it is atyantbhva (without real existence) Because it does not exist as it appears Because it is the nonexistence of duality Dvaya Dual Because it is imagined as dual Because it appears as dual Advaya Non-Dual Because it is non-dual in reality Because its existence as a mere appearance is singular Because it has the nature of unity without duality
The svabhva of the perfected nature is non-different from that of the non-perfected natures. The converse is also true. Parinipanna is non-different in definition from kalpita because kalpita is non-existent duality (because the nature (of the last one) is the inexistent duality, or because of (ones) state as the own-being of a non-existent duality); while parinipanna is non-existence of duality (because the nature (of the first one) is the inexistence of that (duality), or because of (the others) being the own-being
of the non-being of that duality.) Kalpita is non-different in definition from parinipanna because the svabhva of parinipanna is non-dual (because the nature (of the last one) is non-duality, or for the perfected nature is essentially nondual); and the svabhva of kalpita is the non-existence of duality (because the nature (of the first one) is the inexistence of duality, or the imagined nature is essentially the non-existence of that duality.) Parinipanna is non-different in definition from paratantra because paratantra is non-existent as it appears (because the nature (of the last one) is the inexistent reality, or for the former being in the nature of non-existent duality); and parinipanna is the non-existence of appearance (because the nature (of the first one) is not as it appears, or is by nature non-existent in the form in which it appears.) Paratantra is nondifferent in definition from parinipanna because paratantra does not exist in the form in which it appears, that is, it has no svabhva as it appears (because the nature (of the first one) is not as it appears, or the former being in the nature of non-existent duality); and the svabhva of parinipanna is the unreality (abhva) of duality (because the nature (of the last one) is the inexistent duality, or by nature non-existent in the form in which it appears.) Non-different in definition because Kalpita Modified Kalpita Modified == * == (not discussed) Paratantra Modified == * == (not discussed) Nipanna Unmodified The svabhva of N is non-dual and the svabhva of K is the nonexistence of duality
Paratantra Modified
== * == (not discussed) P does not exist as it appears and N is the non-existence of appearance
Nipanna Unmodified
P has no svabhva as it appears and the svabhva of N is the abhva of duality == * == (not discussed)
There is a krama (order) of the distinctions or changes among the trisvabhva, about which vyavahrdhikrata (operating rules, or epistemological conventions) are established regarding the things of empirical observation.
Epistemic Definitions 1st Paratantra 2nd Kalpita The cause/ground of belief K Conventional belief based on empirical observation Samuccheda (termination) of belief K
Existence, Duality & Why All Three Are Ungraspable Non-existence of duality Non-existent duality It doesnt exist as it appears (i.e., as dual) It (i.e., the imagined duality) does not exist It is by nature the absence of the duality imagined
3rd Nipanna
Entered via (a) finding non-being of duality within P and (b) understanding how P is a/sat
The parikalpita is conventional belief or practice based on empirical observation. (The imaginary (nature) is the empirical reality; is essentially of conventional values; is that which exists only conventionally.) The paratantra is the cause of that belief. ([The dependent nature] is the creator of the empirical reality; is essentially that which brings about such conventional values; is the cause of that which exists only conventionally.) The parinipanna is the samuccheda (termination) of conventional belief. (The other nature (the absolute,) is the destruction of the empirical reality; is the nature freed of all conventional values; is that which destroys that which exists only conventionally.) Thus the inference is that one needs to sublate mere empirical observation and inference with something more reliable. How it is to the observer will always be effected by the circumstances in which observation happens. First one understands the nature of the inter-dependent paratantra, which is constituted by the non-existence of reality or is essentially the absence of duality. It is then that one understands the assumed or invented parikalpita, which in contrast is inexistent duality or the duality that is mere imagination. One understands the perfected parinipanna by finding the non-being of duality within the dependent paratantra, and understanding that itthe non-being of duality is itself both asti and nasti, existing and non-existing. The three svabhva have in common non-duality and non-graspability by definition. The parikalpita (as imagined duality) is non-dual and ungraspable because itthe imagined duality does not exist. The paratantra (caused or dependent phenomenal appearance) is non-dual and ungraspable because it does not exist as it
appears (i.e., as dual). The perfected or complete parinipanna non-dual and ungraspable because it is by its very nature the absence of that imagined duality, that is, the svabhva (own-state-of-being) of that abhva (non-being). The assumed, invented parikalpita may be likened to the manifestation of an elephant through the power of mantras, which are spoken formulas or instruments of thought. Although some materially or essentially real thing appears to be there, its appearance or form exists only momentarily. There is no real elephant there, materially or essentially. This is true of all manner of parikalpita. The appearance of the elephant has a cause; eliminating that cause, e.g., by eliminating the utilization of the instrument of thought or speech, sublates that appearance to a state of non-appearance. The parinipanna is that which remains when the elephant has been negated. The parikalpita appears as dual by means of the mla-vijna. However, there is no duality there in fact, but only the appearance of such. The mla-vijna functions like the mantra (instrument of thought or sacred speech) in this analogy. Just as the illusion, when practically performed by a magician for his audience, involves the conjuring of an elephant from, say, a large stick of wood so basic mentation or the root-consciousness conjures ideas about duality. Breaking through epistemically with respect to the true nature of empirically observed objects requires the simultaneous application of three definitions of the svabhva (own-states-of-being): the parikalpita (assumed, invented), the paratantra (interdependent, caused) and the parinipanna (complete, perfected). However, each definition is employed in a methodologically distinct way related, respectively, to
parij (knowledge), praha (cessation), and prpti (attainment). Parij (knowledge) about reality occurs through the non-perception of parikalpita. Hni (abandonment) of the paratantra occurs through the cessation of mistaken belief-construction about reality. Upalambha (obtainment) of knowledge about reality occurs through direct, non-material (i.e., not caused by any admitted material object) perception (or realization) of reality. Parikalpita, or the illusory elephant, no longer appears in the field of perception once the paratantra, or the conjuring mantra, ceases. Parinipanna, or the unconditioned (unobscured) truth (log) behind the illusion (elephant) is the result. As in the analogy of the elephant: the non-perception of the elephant (parikalpita), the cessation of the mtra (paratantra), and the perception of the log as it actually is (parinipanna)that is, as a big stick and not an elephant occur simultaneously. The viewpoint of the TSN is said to be true for several reasons. First, because (mind) is the cause of contradictory ideas or there being contradictory views in relation to the same moment; perceiving the truth assists in getting rid of misunderstanding or restraint of thought. Second, because of intellectually seeing the meaningless, the intellects vision of unrealities, or the intellects seeing without a true object. Third, because of the different developments of the three kinds of knowledge; and fourth, because otherwise, there would be no need to strive for moka (liberation) at all. Through the perception of citta-mtra arises the non-perception of material objects. Through this non-perception of external things, there is non-perception of consciousness itself. Again, I have elected here to break with the traditional translation
of mtra in Vasubandhus work as merely or only, choosing instead occasion. While atom or element would not be viable terms, given Vasubandhus forthcoming arguments in the Viika-Karikas again atomic realism, I believe that occasion (or instant)if understood as dynamic, momentary, and instantly perishing would provide a rich alternative to the traditional reading. That this expression does not explicitly entail a rejection of any non-mental reality does not present any obvious problem. Through the non-perception of duality, that is, of material objects and immaterial but enduring selves (consciousness), there arises the perception of dharma-dhtu, or the essence, ground or fundamental nature of the dharmas (events and things). Through this perception of dharma-dhtu, there is perception of vibhutva, or unlimitedness. From the perception of unlimitedness and of own-absolute-thing-attainment, or the way in which the mind perceives material things, enlightened intelligence arises. In the final chapter of this project, these ideas will be assessed in comparison with the content of Vasubandhus Twenty Verses (on the Nature of Consciousness) and Thirty Verses for epistemological and ontological readings. At this point, the argument for the Trisvabhva-Nirdea as an epistemological text seems to be supported. It will remain to be see if such a reading of the following two works is possible, and in either case, whether an epistemological reading of the Trisvabhva in any way affects the contention that the verses on consciousness are clearly metaphysical, and tend to an absolute form of idealism.
Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, Being as Consciousness: Yogcra Philosophy of Buddhism. (Motilal Banarsidass, 2004.) 43 Thomas E. Wood, Mind Only: a Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of the Vijnavda. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1991). 44 Stefan Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu: The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Religions of Asia Series no. 8. (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984). 45 Ake Boquist, Trisvabhva: a Study of the Development of the Three-ature-heory in Yogcra Buddhism. (Lund, Sweden: Dept. of History and Religions, University of Lund, 1993.) 46 Thomas A. Kochumuttom A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience: A New Translation and Interpretation of the Works of Vasubandhu. (New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1982). 47 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 48 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 93. 49 kalpita mfn. made, fabricated, artificial; composed, invented; performed, prepared; assumed, supposed; inferred; regulated, well arranged Yj.; having a particular rank or order Bh. n. ix, 166; caparisoned (as an elephant) L.; m. an elephant armed or caparisoned for war W.; (%{A}) f. a kind of allegory Vm. iv, 2, 2. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 50 para a. far, distant, different; either in space, i.e. remote, opposite, foreign, hostile--or in time, i.e. past, previous, former, ancient, old; subsequent, future, later, last, extreme; -or in number, order, & degree, i.e. exceeding, more than; following, standing after, worse, worst; surpassing, superior, better, best (in the compar. mgs mostly w. abl. or ---). --m. another, stranger, foe, the supreme Spirit, the Absolute, a man's name. n. remotest distance, highest point or degree, final beatitude; chief matter or occupation, esp. adj. --quite consisting of, filled with, devoted to, intent upon; as adv. & prep. beyond, after (abl.); hereafter, next, moreover, further ({atas, itas}, or {tatas}), excessively, beyond measure; at the best, at the utmost; at least, at any rate; but, however ({tu} or {ki tu}). -bstr. {parat} f., {-tv} n. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 51 tantra n. loom, the warp of a weft; anything continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, prevalent, or essential; series, troop, army; foundation, basis, regular order, chief part, main point; rule, theory, authority, doctrine, science; book, esp. a kind of mystic works, a magical formula; means, expedient, stratagem; medicine, esp. a specific. f. {tantr} (nom. {-s}) string, lute. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 52 ca (encl.) and, also; even, just; but, yet; if. It is often joined with {api & eva}. -- {ca-ca} as well--as, both--and (also {ca--tu}), no sooner--than, although--yet; w. neg. neither-nor. {ca--na ca (tu}) although--yet not, {na ca--ca} although not--nevertheless. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 87
pari ind. round, around, about, round about; fully, abundantly, richly (esp. ibc. (where also %{par}) to express fullness or high degree) V. &c. &c.; as a prep. (with acc.) about (in space and time) V. V.; against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards, to ib. (cf. P. 1-4, 90; also at the beginning of a comp. mfn.; cf. ib. ii, 2, 18 Vrtt. 4 Pat. and %{pary-adhyayana}); beyond, more than V.; to the share of (with %{as}, or %{bh}, to fall to a person's lot) P. 1-4, 90; successively, severally (e.g. %{vkam pari sicati}, he waters tree after tree) ib.; (with abl.) from, away from, out of V. V. Br. (cf. P. 1-4, 93); outside of, except P. 1-4, 88 K. (often repeated ib. viii, 1, 5; also at the beginning or the end of an ind. comp. ib. ii, 1, 12); after the lapse of n.iii, 119 Bh. xiii, 4672 (some read %{parisavatsart}); in consequence or on account or for the sake of V. V.; according to (esp. %{dhrmaas pri}, according to ordinance or in conformity with law or right) V. (Cf. Zd. {pairi}; Gk. $.) &181611(591,2) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 54 nipanna mfn. gone forth or sprung up, arisen, descended from (abl., rarely instr.) R. Var.; (in gram.) derived from (abl.) arvad.; brought about, effected, succeeded, completed, finished, ready Kaths. jat. it. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 55 traya mf (%{})n. (fr. %{tr} P. 5-2, 43) triple, threefold, consisting of 3, of 3 kinds V. x, 45, 2 V. iv, 11, 2 V. &c. (%{-y vidy}), the triple sacred science, reciting hymns, performing sacrifices, and chanting (V., YV., and SV.) Br. itBr. &c. (457,2); n. a triad (chiefly ifc.) Chp. Kahp. n. &c.; (%{I}) f. id. see %{ata-}; = %{-y vidy} Gaut. n. &c.; the Buddh. triad (Buddha, harma, and agha) Hcar. viii; summit Blar. i, 28; a woman whose husband and children are living L.; Venonia anthelminthica L.; %{su-mati} L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 56 svabhva m. (ifc. f. %{A}) native place Vish.; own condition or state of being, natural state or constitution, innate or inherent disposition, nature, impulse, spontaneity; (%{-vt} or %{-vena} or %{-va-tas} or ibc.), from natural disposition, by nature, naturally, by oone's self, spontaneously) vetp. n. Bh. &c.; %{-kta} mfn. done by nature, natural VarB.; %{-kpaa} m. naturally mean. of a Brhman Pacat.; %{-ja} mfn. produced by natural disposition, innate, natural R. h. &c.; %{-janita} mfn. id. Kv.; %{-tas} ind. see above; %{-t} f. (takam.) or %{-tva} n. (Prt. Sch..) the state of innate disposition or nature; %{-daurjanya} n. natural or innate wickedness W.; %{dvea} m. natural hatred L.; %{-prabhava} mfn. (= %{-ja} above) VarB.; %{-bhva} m. natural disposition Pacat.; %{-vda} m. the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties MW. (1276,2); %{-vdin} m. one who maintains the above doctrine ib.; %{-ra} mfn. possessing natural heroes (others, valiant by nature) it.; %{siddha} mfn. established by nature, natural, imiate vr. Bhart.; self-evident, obvious 88
K.; %{-vrtha-dpik} f. . of Comm.; %{-vkta} mfn. said or declared spontaneously Yj. Sch..; %{-vkti} f. statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) Kvyd. Pratp. &c.; spontaneous declaration A.; %{vnnata-bhva} mfn. high-minded by nature (%{-tva} n.) Hariv. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 57 dhraa a. devout, pious. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 58 gambhra mfn. = %{gabh-} V. (only in the beginning of Pdas, six times) V. &c. (in post-Vedic writings %{gambh-} is more used than %{gabh-}; the deepness of a man's navel, voice, and character are praised together VarB. lxviii, 85; hence a person who is said to have a deep navel, voice, and character is called %{tri-g-} mf (%{A})n. Bh. iv, 254; v, 3939); m. (= %{jambh-}) the lemon tree L.; a lotus L.; a antra of the V. L.; (= %{gabh-}) . of a son of Bhautya VP. (v.l.); (%{A}) f. a hiccup, violent singultus (with %{hikk} ur.) W.; . of a river egh. 41; (%{am}) n. depth, with %{jamadagne}. of a man. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 1 gabhra mf(%{A4})n. deep (opposed to %{gAdha} and %{dIna}) RV. &c. (346,3) ; (Naigh. i, 11) deep in sound, deep sounding, hollow-toned RV. v, 85, 1 R2itus. ; profound, sagacious, grave, serious, solemn, secret, mysterious RV. AV. v, 11, 3 ; (%{gambh-} MBh. &c.) Prab. iv, 15 Sa1h. ; dense, impervious BhP. viii, 3, 5 ; (%{gambh-} R. iii) ; not to be penetrated or investigated or explored, inscrutable ; `" inexhaustible "', uninterrupted (time) BhP. i, 5, 8 ; (%{gambh-}, iv, 12, 38 ; v, 24, 24) ; m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya or of Rambha VP. iii, 2, 43 BhP. ix, 17, 10. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/20/2008. 59 jeya mfn. to be known (e.g. %{jeyo mahravo'tra}, it should be known that there is here a great sea VarB. xiv, 19; %{katha na jeyam asmbhir nivartitum}, how should we not know how to leave off Bhag. i, 39) n. Yj. R. &c.; to be learnt or understood or ascertained or investigated or perceived or inquired about vetp. i, 12 Bh. iii, 2737 al. &c. (426,3) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 60 1 i 1 cl. 1. P. %{eati} (see %{anu-} 1. %{i} and %{pari-} 1. %{i}) . %{eate}, to seek, search BhP.: cl. 4. P. %{yati} and 9. P. . %{iti} (p. %{it} V. i, 181, 6, and %{in} V. i, 61, 13; pf. 3. pl. %{us} V., and %{ir} V.; %{ait}; inf. %{idhyai} V. vii, 43, 1) to cause to move quickly, let fly, throw, cast, swing V.; to send out or off, stream out, pour out, discharge; to deliver (a speech), announce, proclaim V. Br.; to impel, incite, animate, promote V. V. V. Br. 2 i 2 ifc. mfn. moving quickly, speedy. see %{aram-i}. 3 i 3 cl. 6. P., ep. and Ved. also . %{ic-chti} (ubj. %{iccht} V. V.), %{icchate} (V. xi, 5, 17; impf. %{aicchat}, %{iyea} and 89
%{e}, %{eiyate}, %{ait}, %{eitum} or %{eum}), to endeavour to obtain, strive, seek for V. V. Br. itBr.; to endeavour to make favourable; to desire, wish, long for, request; to wish or be about to do anything, intend V. V. Br. R. it. ak. &c.; to strive to obtain anything (acc.) from any one (abl. or loc.); to expect or ask anything from any one Bh. n. ak. agh. it. &c.; to assent, be favourable, concede Ktyr. n. Kaths.; to choose n.; to acknowledge, maintain, regard, think P. Comm.: Pass. %{iyate}, to be wished or liked; to be wanted Bh. it. ak. &c.; to be asked or requested; to be prescribed or ordered n. R.; to be approved or acknowledged; to be accepted or regarded as Bh. Prab. Yj. n. &c.; to be worth; to be wanted as a desideratum see 2. %{ii}: Caus. %{eayati}, (in surg.) to probe ur. ii, 7, 15: esid. %{eiiati}; (with %{i} cf. ld Germ. {eiscm}, I ask; Mod. Germ. {heische}; Angl. Sax. {sciani} cf. also Gk. $, $; ith. {je0skti}; uss. {iskate}, to seek.) &52923(169,1) 4 i 4 mfn. ifc. seeking for (see %{gav-i}, %{pav-i}, &c.); %{} f. wish Hariv. (cf. %{i-cara}). 5 i 5 %{} f. anything drunk, a draught, refreshment, enjoyment; libation; the refreshing waters of the sky; sap, strength, freshness, comfort, increase; good condition, affluence V. V. V. itBr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/13/2007. 61 Tola & Dragonetti, p. 219; Kochumuttom, p. 247. 62 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 222; Kochumuttom, ibid.; Wood, p. 31; Anacker, p. 291. 63 Tola and Dragonetti, ibid. 64 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 93. 65 yad n. sg. of {y} (used also as stem ---); as conj. that (after such verbs as say, think, etc.), in order that, as for the fact that; when, if; wherefore, why; as, because, since. Often correl. to {td} q.v. -- {dha yd} & {yadapi} although, however; {yadv} or else; however, nevertheless; {yatsatyam} certainly, indeed. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 66 khyti f. declaration, opinion, view, idea, assertion BhP. xi, 16, 24 arvad. xv, 201; perception, knowledge Yogas. attvas. (= %{buddhi}) arvad.; renown, fame, celebrity n. xii, 36 Bh. iii, 8273 R. &c.; a name, denomination, title Bh. i; xiv R. iii, 4, 17; Celebrity (personified as daughter of Daksha VP. i, 7, 23; 8, 14 f.; 9 f.; or of Kardama BhP. iii, 24, 23) Hariv. 7740; . of a river in Krauca-dvpa VP. ii, 4, 55; m. n. of a son of ru by gney (v.l. %{svti}) Hariv. 73 VP. i; of a son of the 4th anu BhP. viii, 1, 27. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 67 1 yath in such a manner as follows, namely, vi. Buddh. (cf. Pli %{seyyath}; %{s yth-} Br.) ain. (in Prkit {ta jah}; cf. %{sejjah}) Pat. ak.; (cf. $; Goth. {sa}, {so}, {that-a}; Lat. {(is-te}, {(is)-ta}, {(is-)tud}, {tam}, {tum}, {tunc}.) 3 yath ind. (in Veda also unaccented; fr. 3. %{ya}, correlative of %{tth}) in which manner or way, according as, as, like (also with %{cid}, %{ha}, %{ha vai}, %{iva}, %{ivGga}, 90
%{iva ha}, %{eva}, and followed by correl. %{tath}, %{tath tath}, %{tadvat}, %{cvam}, Ved. also %{ev}) V. &c. &c. (%{yathtat} or %{yathvtat}, as for that (841,3); %{yath-tath} or %{yath} - %{tena satyena}, as surely as - so truly); as, for instance, namely (also %{tad yath}, as here follows) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 68 2 sa 1 pron.-stem of 3d pers. (only nom. sgl. m. & f. {s, s} & loc. {ssmin}, supplying the forms of {t}, q.v.). 3 sa 2 (--- in adj. & adv., opp. {a} priv.) accompanied by, furnished with, having. 4 sa 3 (---) one, the same. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 69 pratyaya m. belief, conviction, confidence, trust in (loc., gen., or ---), evidence, certainty, knowledge, notion, idea; suffix (g.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 70 adhna mfn. (fr. %{adhi}) ifc. resting on or in, situated; depending on, subject to, subservient to. 7 dhna = %{adhna} q.v. Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 71 60 vtti f. turning, rolling; being, existence, livelihood, maintenance (acc. w. {k} or {kalp} & instr. live on or by); mode of being or acting, conduct, behaviour, esp. good conduct or respectful behaviour towards (gen. or ---); devotion to or pursuit of (loc. or --); usage, practice, rule; nature, character, style (d.); action, activity, function or force of a word; commentary on a tra. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 72 kalpana n. forming, fashioning, making, performing L.; forming in the imagination, inventing, composition of a poem Prab.; cutting, clipping, working with edge-tools VarB.; . of a religious ceremony; anything put on for ornament Bh. xiii, 2784; (%{A}) f. making, manufacturing, preparing ur. BhP.; practice Car.; fixing, settling, arranging n. ix, 116 Yj.; creating in the mind, feigning, assuming anything to be real, fiction Kap. &c.; hypothesis yyam.; caparisoning an elephant a.; form, shape, image; a deed, work, act icch.; (%{I}) f. a pair of scissors or shears L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. kalpana n. forming, imagining, cutting, fashioning; f. {A} the same contrivance, arrangement, action, deed; form, shape. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 73 mtr f. measure, limit (in sp. & time), quantity, sie, duration (also {mtra} n.); unity of measure, foot; prosodial instant, moment e.g.; particle, atom; element, matter (ph.); wealth, money, utensils; n. --- in subst. all--whatever, or only, mere--; in adj. (f. {A} & {I}) so and so long, high, large, etc.; having or being only, consisting only of --; after a 91
pp. just, scarcely. Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 74 bhva m. ( %{bh}) becoming, being, existing, occurring, appearance vetp. Ktyr. &c. (754,2); turning or transition into (loc. or comp.) Bh. Prt.; continuance (opp. to cessation; %{ekti-bhva}, continuity of the thread of existence through successive births Buddh., wrongly translated under %{ekti-bh-}) Bh.; state, condition, rank (with %{sthvira}, old age; %{anyam bhvam padyate}, euphem. = he dies; state of being anything, esp. ifc. e.g. %{blabhva}, the state of being a child, childhood = %{blat}, or %{tva}; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun e.g. %{tanutbhva}, the state of thinness) p. r. Bh. &c.; true condition or state, truth, reality (ibc. and %{bhvena} ind. really, truly) Bh. Hariv.; manner of being, nature, temperament, character (%{eko bhva} or %{eka-bh-}, a simple or artless nature; %{bhvo bhva nigacchati} = birds of a feather flock together) Bh. Kv. &c.; manner of acting, conduct, behaviour Kv. h.; any state of mind or body, way of thinking or feeling, sentiment, opinion, disposition, intention (%{ydena bhvena}, with whatever disposition of mind; %{bhvam amaGgala-k}, with loc., to be ill disposed against; %{bhva dha-k}, to make a firm resolution) n. Bh. &c.; (in rhet.) passion, emotion (2 kinds of Bhvas are enumerated, the %{sthyin} or primary, and %{vyabhicrin} or subordinate; the former are 8 or 9 according as the asas or sentiments are taken to be 8 or 9; the latter 33 or 34) Kv. h. Pratp. &c.; conjecture, supposition n. Pacat.; purport, meaning, sense (%{iti bhva}, such is the sense = %{ity artha} or %{ity abhiprya}, constantly used by commentators at the end of their explanations); love, affection, attachment (%{bhva-k}, with loc., to feel an affection for) Bh. Kv. &c.; the seat of the feelings or affections, heart, soul, mind (%{parituena bhvena}, with a pleased mind) vetp. n. Bh. &c.; that which is or exists, thing or substance, being or living creature (%{sarva-bhv}, all earthly objects; %{bhv sthvara-jaGgam}, plants and animals) up. Bh. &c.; (in dram.) a discreet or learned man (as a term of address = respected sir) icch. lav. latm.; (in astron.) the state or condition of a planet L.; an astrological house or lunar mansion ib.; . of the 27th Kalpa (s.v.) ib.; of the 8th (42nd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarB.; (in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb, the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (esp. as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed e.g. %{pacyate}, there is cooking or cooking is going on) P. 3-1, 66; 107 &c.; . of the author of the Bhvaprkaa (= %{mira-bhva}) Cat.; wanton sport, dalliance L.; birth L.; place of birth, the womb L.; the world, universe L.; an organ of sense L.; superhuman power L.; the Supreme Being L.; advice, instruction L.; contemplation, meditation L. (cf. %{-samanvita}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/13/2007. bh, bhavati 1 ({-te}), pp. {bht} (q.v.) become, be (nom. or adv. ((,)) in {I} or {}), rise, appear, happen, occur; exist, live (w. {na} cease to be, perish, die), stay, abide; be possible or suitable; befall, fall to the lot of, belong to (gen., r. dat. or loc.); serve for, tend or conduce to (dat. of th.), devote one's self to, be occupied with (loc.); get 92
something i.e. thrive, prosper, be lucky ({idm}); turn out well, succeed. {bhavet} may be, granted; {bhavatu} good, possible, enough of this. C. {bhvayati, -te}, pp. {bhvita} (q.v.) bring into existence or being, produce, effect, cause; cherish, further, refresh, comfort; practice, exercise; get possessed of, obtain; show, manifest, call to mind, imagine, consider, know, take for (2 acc.); convince, convict, state, establish; mingle, mix, saturate, steep. . {bu3bhati} ({-te}) wish to become or be, to rise or thrive, endeavour at (acc.); like, prefer, honor, esteem. I. {bobhavti} be repeatedly, use to be. -- {ati} be or become in a high degree; excel, overcome (acc.). {anu} be after, come up with, attain, equal; embrace, comprehend, include; help, serve, further; enjoy, feel, experience, suffer; perceive, hear, learn. {samanu} enjoy, experience. {antar} be within, penetrate. {apa} be absent or wanting. {abhi} be against, surpass, overcome, oppress, harass, humiliate; turn to, approach or present with (instr.). {A} be present or at hand; exist, live on; come forth, spring from (abl.). {anv} follow, imitate. {abhy} occur, happen. {ud} come forth, arise, grow, increase, be sufficient or equal. C. bring forth, produce, develop, display. {samud} spring forth, arise, increase. {upa} approach, assist. {tiras} be absent or lost, disappear, vanish. C. cause to disappear, dispel. {nis} be off, move on. {par} perish, be lost, succumb, yield; overcome, conquer, harm, hurt, injure. C. overthrow, destroy. {pari} surround, encompass, comprehend, include; attend, manage, take care of (acc.); surpass, overcome, vanquish; hurt, injure, despise, disgrace; mock, scoff. {pra} come forth, spring up, arise, appear, happen, occur, spread, expand, increase, grow; be numerous or strong, prevail, rule over, dispose of (gen., loc., or dat.); be equal to or a match for (dat.), be able to or capable of (infin.); be of use, profit, avail (dat.). C. augment, increase, strengthen, nourish, further. {prati} equal (acc.). C. observe, learn, know. {bi} expand, develop, arise, appear; suffice for, be equal to, attain, pervade, fill (dat. or acc.), be able to (infin.). C. cause to expand or develop, open, show, manifest; separate, divide; discern, discover, perceive, know, recognize or acknowledge as, take for (2 acc.), deliberate, ponder, fancy, imagine, suppose, establish, prove, convict, convince. P. be considered as, pass for, appear, seem (nom.). {sam} come or be together, assemble, meet, be united with (instr. {saha} or loc.), have sexual intercourse with (instr. {saha} or {srdham} & acc.); be held or contained in (loc.); originate, be produced or engendered, be born, spring from (abl.), happen, occur, exist, become, be, fall to a person's (loc. or gen.) share or lot, be possible, be able to or capable of (infin.). C. bring together, produce, accomplish, make that-(pp.); go to meet, betake one's self to, salute, honor, gratify or present with (instr.); combine, think, judge ({anyath} falsely); imagine, suppose, give a person (loc.) credit for (acc.), consider as, take for (2 acc.) P. be possible. {abhisam} attain, get possessed of, participate in (acc.). -- Cf. {antarbhta, dbhta, prbhta, samudbhta, sabhta, sabhya}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 75 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 223; Kochumuttom, p. 247; Wood, pp. 31-2; Anacker, p. 291. 76 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 77 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 93. 93
1 retasya a. conveying seed. 3 srotasya a. flowing in streams. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 79 Wood, p. 32 80 2 y 2 going (---). 3 y, yti (-te), pp. {yt} 1 (--- mostly w. act. mg) go, travel, ((-,)) march, set out, depart, fly, escape, pass, vanish, perish; go off, speed, succeed; proceed, act, behave; Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 81 sad ind. always, ever, every time, continually, perpetually (with %{na},never) V. &c. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 82 8 mna 1 m. ( %{man}) opinion, notion, conception, idea attvas. (cf. %{tma-m-}); purpose, wish, design itBr.; self-conceit, arrogance, pride Kaushp. n. &c. (with Buddhists one of the 6 evil feelings harmas. 67; or one of the 10 fetters to be got rid of. MWB. 127); (also n.) consideration, regard, respect, honor n. Bh. &c.; a wounded sense of honor, anger or indignation excited by jealousy (esp. in women), caprice, sulking Kv. aar. h.; . of the father of gastya (perhaps also of gastya himself P. the family of Mna) V.; (in astron.) . of the tenth house VarB. (W. also a blockhead (809,2); an agent; a barbarian). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 83 Wood, p. 32. 84 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 223; Kochumuttom, p. 247; Wood, p. 32; Anacker, p. 291. 85 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 86 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 93. 87 tatra (also %{-tr} V.) ind. (%{t-tra}, correlative of %{y-tra}; g. %{cdi}, not in K.) used for the loc. (sg. du. and pl.) of %{td} (q.v. P. 5-3, 10; vi, 3, 35) V. V. n. &c.; in that place, there (in comp. P. 2-1, 46) V. &c.; thither, to that place ib.; in that, therein, in that case, on that occasion, under those circumstances, then, therefore, (also correlative of %{yd} (vi, 57, 4 V. xii, 1, 34 al. &c.), %{yad} (Pacat. i, 19, 8), %{yadi} (n. viii f. C. it.), or %{ced} (n. viii, 295; ix, 205); %{tatra msa}, that month i.e. the month that has been spoken of Kaths. xviii, 208) 15 tatra tatra used for double loc. of %{td} al. v, 8; in that and that place, here and there, everywhere n. vii, 87 Bh. BhP.; to every place Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 88 1 katham ind. (fr. 2. %{ka}) , how? in what manner? whence? (e.g. %{katham@etat} , how is that? %{katham@idAnIm} , how now? what is now to be done? %{katham@mArA7tmake@tvayi@vizvAsaH} , how can there be reliance on thee of murderous mind? %{katham@utsRjya@tvAM@gaccheyam} , how can I go away 94
deserting you? %{katham@buddhvA@bhaviSyati@sA} , how will she be when she awakes? %{katham@mRtyuH} , %{prabhavati@vedavidAm} , whence is it that death has power over those that know the Veda? %{katham@avagamyate} , whence is it inferred?) ; sometimes %{katham} merely introduces an interrogation (e.g. %{katham@AtmAnaM@nivedayAmi@kathaM@vA7tmA7pahAraM@karomi} , shall I declare myself or shall I withdraw?) %{katham} is often found in connection with the particles %{iva} , %{nAma} , %{nu} , %{svid} , which appear to generalize the interrogation (how possibly? how indeed? &c.) ; with %{nu} it is sometimes = %{kimu} , or %{kutas} (e.g. %{katkaM@nu} , how much more! %{na@kathaM@nu} , how much less!) %{katham} is often connected , like %{kim} , with the particles %{cana} , %{cid} , and %{api} , which give an indefinite sense to the interrogative (e.g. %{kathaM@cana} , in any way , some how ; scarcely , with difficulty ; %{na@kathaM@cana} , in no way at all ; %{kathaMcit} , some how or other , by some means or other , in any way , with some difficulty , scarcely , in a moderate degree , a little ; %{na@kathaMcit} , not at all , in no way whatever ; %{na@kathaMcid@na} , in no way not i.e. most decidedly ; %{yathA@kathaMcit} , in any way whatsoever ; %{kathaMcid@yadi@jIvati} , it is with difficulty that he lives ; %{katham@api} , some how or other , with some difficulty , scarcely a little ; %{katham@api@na} , by no means , not at all) RV. &c. ; according to lexicographers %{katham} is a particle implying amazement ; surprise ; pleasure ; abuse. 2 kathaM (in comp. for %{katham} ; at the beginning of an adjective compound it may also have the sense of %{kim}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/03/2008. 89 asat mf (%{-sat})n. (in V. seven times %{sat} and five times %{sat} with lengthening of the accentuated vowel) not being, not existing, unreal V. vii, 134, 8 V. p. Kum. iv, 12; untrue, wrong V.; bad Br. n. &c.; (%{n}) m. Indra L.; (%{t}) f. see s.v. below; (%{t}) n. non-existence, nonentity V. V. &c.; untruth, falsehood V. vii, 104, 8; evil agh. i, 10; (%{ntas}) m. pl. bad or contemptible men Bh. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 11/30/2006. 90 kalpa 1 mf (%{A})n. (%{klp}), practicable, feasible, possible Br. ii, 4, 3, 3; proper, fit, able, competent, equal to (with gen. loc., inf., or ifc.; e.g. %{dharmasya kalpa}, competent for duty; %{svakarmai na kalpa}, not competent for his own work; %{yad na situ kalpa}, if he is not able to rule) BhP.; m. a sacred precept, law, rule, ordinance (= %{vidhi}, %{nyya}), manner of acting, proceeding, practice (esp. that prescribed by the Vedas) V. ix, 9, 7 V. viii, 9, 10; xx, 128, 6-11 Bh.; (%{prathama kalpa}, a rule to be observed before any other rule, first duty n. iii, 147 Bh. &c.; %{etena kalpena}, in this way; cf. %{pau-k-}, &c.); the most complete of the six Vedgas (that which prescribes the ritual and gives rules for ceremonial or sacrificial acts) up. P. &c.; one of two cases, one side of an argument, an alternative (= %{paka}; cf. %{vikalpa}) arvad.; investigation, research Comm. on khyak.; resolve, determination MW.; (in medic.) treatment of the sick, manner of curing ur. ii; 95
the art of preparing medicine, pharmacy Car.; the doctrine of poisons and antidotes ur. i; (ifc.) having the manner or form of anything, similar to, resembling, like but with a degree of inferiority, almost (e.g. %{abhedya-kalpa}, almost impenetrable; cf. %{prabhta-k-}, %{mta-k-}, &c.; according to native grammarians, %{kalpa} so used is an accentless affix (P. 5-3, 67), before which a final %{s} is left unchanged, and final %{I} and %{} shortened P. Vop.; %{kalpam} ind., may be also connected with a verb e.g. %{pacati-kalpam}, he cooks pretty well K. on P. 8-1, 57) (262,3); a fabulous period of time (a day of Brahm or one thousand Yugas, a period of four thousand, three hundred and twenty millions of years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world; a month of Brahm is supposed to contain thirty such Kalpas; according to the Bh., twelve months of Brahm constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime; fifty years of Brahm's are supposed to have elapsed, and we are now in the %{vetavrha-kalpa} of the fifty-first; at the end of a Kalpa the world is annihilated; hence %{kalpa} is said to be equal to %{kalpnta} below L.; with Buddhists the Kalpas are not of equal duration) VP. BhP. jat. &c.; . of antras which contain a form of %{klp} T. v Br. ix; a kind of dance; . of the first astrological mansion VarB.; . of a son of hruva and Bhrami BhP. iv, 10, 1; of iva Bh. xii, 10368; the tree of paradise; = %{-taru} below L.; (with ainas) a particular abode of deities (cf. %{-bhava} and %{kalptta} below); (%{am}) n. a kind of intoxicating liquor (incorrect for %{kalya}) L Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 91 asatkalpan f. a wrong supposition ak. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. asatkalpan f. fabrication of an untruth, lie. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 92 dvaya $ n. (fr. and in comp = %{dvi}) twofold, double, of 2 kinds or sorts V. V. Br. Bh. &c. (%{-ye} m. pl. is. iii, 57); (%{I}) f. couple, pair Naish. jat.; n. id; two things, both (e. g. %{tejo-}, the 2 luminaries ak. iv, 2) Yj. Bh. Kv. &c. (ifc. %{A} R. i, 29, 14); twofold nature, falsehood V. i, 147, 4 &c.; the masc. and fem. gender Gr.; (%{am}) ind. between i. iii, 3. (Cf. Zd. {dvaya}; Gk. $.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 93 6 k 2 = 2. %{kd} and 1. %{ku} in comp. to express depreciation e.g. %{kka}, %{k-patha}, %{kpurua}, %{ka}, qq. vv. P. 6-3, 104 Vop. vi, 93. 7 k 3 = %{kan} (perf. %{cake}, %{cakn}; see %{kyamna} s.v.), to seek, desire, yearn, love (with acc. and dat.) V.; to like, enjoy, be satisfied with (loc. gen. or inst.) V.: ntens. (p. %{ckt}) to please, be sought after, be wished for, satisfy V. x, 29, 1 (cf. %{anu-}, %{A-}, %{sa-} 3. %{k}, %{kti}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 96
K (prefix): 40 k 1 (---) = {kad} or {ku} (---). 41 k 2 v. {kan}. kad (Ved. n. acc. sgl. of {ka}1) none, num? w. neg. & {can} by no means; {kccid & kaccinnu = kad} alone. Often ---, where it marks abnormity or defectiveness. 9 k 2 adv. where? w. {cid} anywhere. 10 k, kuvate, w. {A} 1 intend. ((,)) 391 kan (only pp. {kyamna}, aor. {akniam}, & perf. or intens-stem {ckan} or {cakn}) be glad, be satisfied with, enjoy (acc., loc., gen., or instr.); be liked, please, (w. gen.); love, wish, desire (acc.). -- {A} be pleased with (loc.); strive after, long for. -- Cf. {sacakn}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 94 nsti ind. (%{na} + %{asti}) it is, not, there is not; %{-t} f. %{-tva} n. non-existence ak.; %{-mrti} mfn. incorporeal, Naish; %{-vda} m. assertion of non-existence, atheism Hariv. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 95 Kochumuttom, p. 247; of events, Anacker, p. 291. 96 Essence, Tola and Dragonetti, p. 222; nature, Wood, p. 32. 97 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 222; Kochumuttom, p. 247; Wood, p. 32; Anacker, p. 291. 98 Kochumuttom, ibid. 99 Tola and Dragonetti, ibid. 100 Wood, ibid. 101 Anacker, p. 84. 102 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 103 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 93. 104 tad (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. %{t} from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. %{ss} or %{s} & f. %{s}; instr. pl. %{tas} V. &c.; Ved. %{tbhis} V. V. &c.) m. he f. she n. it, that, this (often correlative of %{y} generally standing in the preceding clause e.g. %{yasya buddhi sa balavn}, of whom there is intellect he is strong; sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives e.g. %{soham}, I that very person, I myself (%{tasya} = %{mama} al. xv, 10); %{tv imau}, those very two; %{tad etad khynam}, that very tale itBr. vii, 18; %{yat tat kraam}, that very reason which n. i, 11; %{y s r}, that very fortune which Bh. vii, 427) V. &c.; (%{tad}) n. this world (cf. %{idam}) R. vi, 102, 25; = Brahma see %{tat-tva}; (%{td}) ind. there, in that place, thither, to that spot (correlative of %{ytra} or %{ytas}) V. itBr. ii, 11 Br. i, x, xiv Chp.; then, at that time, in that case (correlative of %{yad}, %{yd} V.; of %{ytra} Br. xiv; of %{yadi} al. Bhag. &c.; of %{cd} ak. &c.) V. iv, 28, 1 V. &c.; thus, in this manner, with regard to that, ix, xiii Br. itBr.; (%{tad etau lokau bhavata}, with reference to that there are these two verses) Pranp.; on that account, for that reason, therefore, consequently (sometimes correlative of %{yatas}, %{yad}, %{yena}, because a. Pacat. Kaths. &c.) n. ix, 41 Bh. &c.; now (clause-connecting particle) V. xv Br. itBr.; so also, equally, and V. xi, xv Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon 97
based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. tad n. sg. of {t} (--- used also as stem), as adv. there, then; therefore, accordingly; now, and; often connecting two sentences & correl. to {yad, yena, yatas, yadi}, or {ced}. -- {tadapi} nevertheless, even; {tadyath} for instance. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 105 hi 2 (indecl.) for, because, namely; surely, verily, indeed; well, pray (with an imper., conj., or optat.). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/27/2007. 106 kalpya mfn. (P. 3-1, 110 Vop. xxvi, 17, 18) to be formed from (inst.) Naish. viii, 21; to be performed, to be prescribed; to be settled or arranged VarB.; to be conceived or imagined VarB.; to be substituted W.; relating to ritual W. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 107 rtha mf (%{I})n. (fr. %{artha}), relating to a thing or object; material, significant (opposed to %{bda} q.v.) h.; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing Pat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 11/30/2006. 108 atyanta mfn. beyond the proper end or limit; excessive, very great, very strong; endless, unbroken, perpetual; absolute, perfect; (%{am}) ind. excessively, exceedingly, in perpetuity, absolutely, completely; to the end; (%{ya}) dat. ind. for ever, perpetually Pat.; quite Pat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 109 1 na, no, it is not so Bdar. ii, 1, 35 arvad. ii, 158 4 na or not-but na 2 ind. not, no, nor, neither V. (%{n}, x, 34, 8) &c. &c. (as well in simple negation as in wishing, requesting and commanding, except in prohibition before an mpv. or an augmentless aor. (cf. a. %{m}); in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated e.g. n.iv, 34; or strengthened by another particle, esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence e.g. by %{u} (cf. %{n}), %{ut}, %{api}, %{cpi}, %{v}, %{vpi} or %{atha v} V. i, 170, 1; 151, 9 al. iii, 24, &c.; it may even be replaced by %{ca}, %{v}, %{api ca}, %{api v}, &c. alone, as n.ii, 98 al.i, 14, &c.; often joined with other particles, beside those mentioned above esp. with a following %{tu}, %{tv eva}, %{tv eva tu}, %{cd} q.v., %{khalu} q.v., %{ha} (cf. g. %{cdi} and P. 8-1, 31) &c.; before round or collective numbers and after any numeral in the instr. or abl. it expresses deficiency e.g. %{ekay na viati}, not 20 by 1 i.e. 19 Br.; %{pacabhir na catvri atni}, 395 ib.; with another %{na} or an %{a} priv. it generally forms a strong affirmation (cf. Vm. v, 1, 9) e.g. %{nya na vakyati}, she will most certainly declare ak. iii, 9; %{ndayosti}, he must certainly be punished n. viii, 335; it may also, like %{a}, form compounds Vm. v, 2, 13 (cf. below)); that not, lest, for fear lest (with Pot.) Bh. 98
R. a. &c.; like, as, as it were (only in Veda and later artificial language, e.g. %{gauro na tita piba}, drink like (lit. not i.e. although not being) a thirsty deer; in this sense it does not coalesce metrically with a following vowel). (Cf. Gk. $; Lat. &161835(523,1) {ne8-}; Angl. Sax. {ne}, not; Eng. {no}, &c.) -2. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/02/2007. 110 1 vidya 1 (for 2. see p. 965, col. 1) = %{vidy} (ifc.; see %{a-v-} %{-kta-vidya}, %{samna-vidya-t}). 2 vidy f. knowledge (cf. %{kla-jta-v-}), science, learning, scholarship, philosophy V. &c. &c. (according to some there are four Vidys or sciences, 1. %{tray}, the triple Veda; 2. %{nvkik}, logic and metaphysics; 3. %{daa-nti}, the science of government; 4. %{vrtt}, practical arts, such as agriculture, commerce, medicine &c.; and anu vii, 43 adds a fifth, vi. %{tma-vidy}, knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth; according to others, Vidy has fourteen divisions, vi. the four Vedas, the six Vedgas, the Puras, the ms. yya, and harma or law (964,1); or with the four pa-vedas, eighteen divisions; others reckon 33 and even 64 sciences (= %{kals} or arts); Knowledge is also personified and identified with urg; she is even said to have composed prayers and magical formulas); any knowledge whether true or false (with Pupatas) arvad.; a spell, incantation Bh. agh. Kaths.; magical skill MW.; a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W.; Premna pinosa L.; a mystical . of the letter %{i} p.; a small bell L. (cf. %{vidymai}). 1. 3 vidya 2 n. finding, acquiring, gaining (see %{pativ-} and %{putra-v-}). 4 vidya 1 %{vidy} &c. see p. 963, col. 3. 5 vidya 2 %{vidyamna} &c. see p. 965. (966,3) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 111 Anacker, p. 291. 112 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 113 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 94. 114 1 hetu &c. see p. 1303, col. 3. 2 hetu m. impulse, motive, cause, cause of, reason for (loc., rarely dat. or gen.; %{hetun}, %{heto}, %{hetave}, %{hetau}, for a cause or reason, by reason of, on account of (with gen. or comp. e.g. %{mama heto} or %{mad-dheto}, on account of me); %{ka hetum} or %{ko heu}, wherefore? why? P. 2-2, 23 Pat.; %{yato heto}, because; %{anena hetun} or %{iti heto}, for this reason; %{mtyu-hetave}, in order to kill; %{hetur alaukika}, a supernatural cause; ifc. %{hetu} also = having as a cause or motive, caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by e.g. %{karma-hetu}, caused by the acts (of a former existence) n. i, 49; %{msa-hetu}, attracted by (the smell of) flesh Bh. x, 496; %{karma-phala-hetu}, impelled by (the expectation of) the consequences of any act BhP. ii, 47; 49) V. &c. &c.; a logical reason or dedaction or argument, the reason for an inference (esp. applied to the second member or vayava of the fivemembered syllogism see %{nyya}) yyad. W. 61; logic (in general see %{hetuvidy}); (in gram.) the agent of the causal verb P. 1-4, 55 &c.; (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to %{pratyaya} q.v.) arvad.; (with Paupatas) that which causes 99
the bondage of the soul i.e. the external world and the senses ib.; a means (%{hetubhi} ifc. by means of) Bh.; mode, manner (%{hetubhi} ifc. according to) ib. ur. Yj.; price, cost jat. v, 71; condition Bh.; (in rhet.) = %{kvya-liGga} (q.v.) Bhar. Kpr. h. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 115 phala n. (ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}) fruit (esp. of trees) V. &c. &c.; the kernel or seed of a fruit, mar.; a nutmeg ur.; the 3 myrobalans (= %{tri-phal} q.v.) L.; the menstrual discharge L. (cf. %{pupa}); fruit (met.), consequence, effect, result, retribution (good or bad), gain or loss, reward or punishment, advantage or disadvantage Ktyr. Bh. Kv. &c.; benefit, enjoyment Pacat. ii, 70; compensation Yj. ii, 161 (716,3); (in rhet.) the issue or end of an action a. h.; (in math.) the result of a calculation, product or quotient &c. ryas.; corrective equation ib. Gol.; area or superficial contents of a figure ryabh.; interest on capital ib.; the third term in a rule of three sum ib. Sch..; a gift, donation L.; a gaming board Bh. (cf. Goth. {spilda}; cel. {spjald}); a blade (of a sword or knife) Bh. R. Kum.; the point of an arrow Kau.; a shield L.; a ploughshare (= %{phla}) L.; a point or spot on a die Bh. iv, 24; m. Wrightia ntidysenterica L.; (%{A}) f. a species of plant Car.; w.r. for %{tula} cat.; (%{I}) f. glaia dorata L.; a kind of fish (= %{phali}) L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 116 3 bhvana 2 mf (%{I})n. (fr. Caus.; for 1. see 2. %{bh} p. 750) causing to be, effecting, producing, displaying, manifesting Bh. Kv. BhP.; promoting or effecting any one's (gen. or comp.) welfare Bh. R. &c.; imagining, fancying, shv.; teaching Bh.; m. a creator, producer, efficient Bh. Kv.; . of iva (= %{dhyt}) Bh.; of Vishu A.; of the 22nd Kalpa (q.v.); (%{A}) f. and n. the act of producing or effecting ir. h. BhP.; forming in the mind, conception, apprehension, imagination, supposition, fancy, thought, meditation (%{bhvanay} ind, in thought, in imagination; %{-nmbandh}, with loc., to occupy one's imagination with, direct one's thoughts to) Bh. Kv. ak. Vedntas. &c.; (in logic) that cause of memory which arises from direct perception arkas.; application of perfumes &c. (= %{adhivsan}) L.; (%{A}) f. demonstration, argument, ascertainment Yj.; feeling of devotion, faith in (loc.) Pacat.; reflection, contemplation (5 kinds with Buddhists MWB. 128); saturating any powder with fluid, steeping, infusion rg.; (in arithm.) finding by combination or composition; (with ainas) right conception or notion; the moral of a fable Pari.; . of an panishad; a crow L.; water L.; n. furthering, promoting Bh.; the fruit of illenia peciosa L.; (ifc.) nature, essence matp. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 117 1 dvividha mfn. two fold, of 2 kinds khr. n. ur. &c.; (%{A}) ind. in 2 parts or ways (%{vibhinna}) R. vii, 54. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 100
1 laya m. ( %{l}), non-dissolution, permanence R. iii, 71, 10 (v.l. %{an-aya}); (mfn.) restless i. iv, 57. 2 laya see %{A-l}. 3 laya m. and n. a house, dwelling; a receptacle, asylum R. Yj. Kaths. &c.; (often ifc. e.g. %{himlaya}, the abode of snow.) 4 alayas see 2. %{ali} Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 119 3 pravtti f. moving onwards, advance, progress Gr. Bh. ur.; coming forth, appearance, manifestation vetp. Klid. jat.; rise, source, origin. Bh.; activity, exertion, efficacy, function Kap. khyak. Bh. &c. (in the yya one of the 82 Prameyas W. 63); active life (as opp. to %{ni-vtti} (q.v.) and to contemplative devotion, and defined as consisting of the wish to act, knowledge of the means, and accomplishment of the object) W.; giving or devoting one's self to, prosecution of. course or tendency towards, inclination or predilection for (loc. or comp.) jat. it. h.; application, use, employment n. Bh. rkP.; conduct, behaviour, practice n. Bh. &c.; the applicability or validity of a rule Ktyr. P. Sch..; currency, continuance, prevalence ib.; fate, lot, destiny R.; news, tidings, intelligence of (gen. or comp.) Bh. Kv. &c.; cognition (with %{viaya-vat}, a sensuous cognition) Yogas.; the exudation from the temples of a rutting elephant L. (cf. Vikr. iv, 47); . of vanti or ujein or any holy place L.; (in arithm.) the multiplier W. (w.r. for %{pra-kti}?); %{-ja}, m. knowing the news,an emissary, agent. spy L.; %{-jna} n. %{-vijna} arvad.; %{-nimitta} n. the reason for the use of any term in the particular significations which it bears MW.; %{-nivtti-mat} mfn. connected with activity and inactivity BhP.; %{parGmukha} mf (%{I})n. disinclined to give tidings Vikr.; %{-pratyaya} m. a belief in or conception of the things relating to the external world Buddh.; %{-mat} mfn. devoted to anything, Kaiy.; %{mrga} m. active or worldly life, occupancy about the business and pleasures of the world or with the rites and works of religion MW.; %{vacana} mfn. (a word) expressing activity K. on P. 2-3, 51; %{-vijna} n. cognition of the things belonging to the external world Buddh.; %{-tty-aGga} n. . of wk. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 120 1 saptadh adv. in seven parts, seven times. 2 saptadhtu a. consisting of seven, sevenfold. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 121 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 223; Kochumuttom, p. 248; Wood, p. 32; Anacker, p. 291. 122 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 123 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 94. 124 2 saklea m. pain, suffering, affliction Bh. R. &c.; %{-nirva} n. cessation of afflictions MW. 3 sakleana n. causing pain Car. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007.
7 vsan f. the impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind, the present consciousness of past perceptions, knowledge derived from memory ak. Kv. Kaths.; fancy, imagination, idea, notion, false notion, mistake (ifc., e.g. %{bheda-v-}, the mistake that there is a difference) ib. jat. arvad. &c.; thinking of, longing for, expectation, desire, inclination Kaths.; liking, respectful regard Bhm.; trust, confidence W.; (in math.) proof, demonstration (= %{upapatti}) Gol.; a kind of metre Col.; . of urg BhP.; of the wife of rka ib.; of a Comm. on the iddhnta-iromai. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 126 bja n. (also written %{vja}, of doubtful origin; ifc. f. %{A}) seed (of plants), semen (of men and animals), seed-corn, grain V. &c. &c.; a runner (of the Indian fig-tree) Vcar.; any germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin (ifc. = caused or produced by, sprung from) Chp. Bh. Kv. &c.; the germ or origin of any composition (as of a poem, of the plot of a drama, of a magical formula &c.) R. BhP. aar. Pratp.; calculation of original or primary germs, analysis, algebra Col.; truth (as the seed or cause of being) L.; anything serving as a receptacle or support (= %{lambana}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 127 1 cita mfn. piled up, heaped V. i, 112, 17; 158, 4 V. &c.; placed in a line V. vii, 18, 10; collected, gained up.; forming a mass (hair) Buddh. L.; covered, inlaid, set with Bh. R. &c.; n. a building see %{pakvaka-}; (%{A}) f. a layer, pile of wood, funeral pile y. viii Bh. &c.; a heap, multitude L. 2 cit f. of %{-t}. 3 cita 1. %{cti} see 1. %{ci}. 1 tvac 1 cl. 6. %{-cati}, to cover htup. 2 tvac 2 f. skin (of men, serpents &c.), hide (of goats, cows &c.) V. &c. (%{k}), the black man,i, 130, 8); a cow's hide (used in pressing out the oma), i, iii, ix V. xix, 82; a leather bag V. v, 33, 7; (fig. a cloud) i & ix; bark, rind, peel V. &c.; Cassia bark VarB. lxxvii, 6; 12; 24; 32; cinnamon, cinnamon tree L.; a cover (of a horse) V. viii, 1, 32; surface (of the earth), i, 145, 5; x, 68, 4 V. vi, 21, 1 Br. i, 5, 5, 4; with %{k} or %{sikn}, the black cover, darkness V. ix, 41, 1 and 73, 5; a mystical . of the letter %{ya} matp. i, 77. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 128 dya 1 mf (%{A})n. (P. 4-3, 54) being at the beginning, first, primitive Ktyr. it. ak. &c.; ifc. mfn. (= %{-di} q.v.) n. i, 50, 63, &c.; immediately preceding (e.g. %{ekdadya}, immediately before the eleventh i.e. the tenth), earlier, older; being at the head, unparalleled, unprecedented, excellent V. xix, 22, I Bh.; (%{s}) m. pl. a class of deities VP. iii, 1, 27 Hariv.; (%{A}) f. . of urg; the earth L.; (for 2. %{dy} see s.v.) 5 dya 2 mf (%{A})n. ( %{ad}), to be eaten, edible V. viii, 2, 19; (%{am}) n. food; grain L. (138,2) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 102
advitya mfn. without a second, sole, unique; matchless. tmandvitya mfn. being one's self the second, i.e. together with some one else it. dvitya mf (%{A})n. (fr. %{dvi} P. 5-2, 54; decl i, 1, 36 Vrtt. 3 Pat. cf. vii, 3, 115) second V. &c. &c.; (%{am}) ind. for the second time Kahp. Bh. &c.; m. companion, fellow (friend or foe) Br. Bh. &c.; ifc. doubled or accompanied by, furnished with (cf. a-, %{chya-}, %{dhanur-} &c.); the 2nd in a family (i.e. a son L.; cf. itBr. vii, 29); the 2nd letter of a Varga i.e. the surd aspirate Prt. P. &c.; (%{A}) f. female companion or friend Kh. xcviii, 33; wife (a second self) L.; (sc. %{vibhakti}) the 2nd case, the accusative or its terminations P. 2-1, 24 &c.; (sc. %{tithi}) the 2nd day of a half-month tn. iv, 2/3; (%{dvtya}) mfn. (P. 5-3, 49) forming the 2nd part or half of anything, with %{bhga} m. half of (gen.) n. iv, 1 &c.; n. the half (at the beginning or end of a comp.) P. ib., ii, 2, 3 K.. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 130 8 tu 1 cl. 2. (%{tauti} htup.; fut. 2nd %{tot} or %{tavit} Vop.) to have authority, be strong V. i, 94, 2 (pf. %{ttva} cf. aigh. iv, 1 P. 6-1, 7 K.); to go htup.; to injure ib.: Caus. (aor. %{ttot}, 2. sg. %{-tos}) to make strong or efficient V. ii, 20, 5; vi, 26, 4; cf. %{ut-}, %{sa-}; %{tavs}, &c., %{tvr}; (Zd. {tav}, to be able; Lat. {tumor}, {tueri}, {totus}.) 9 tu 2 (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse; metrically also %{t} V.; cf. P. 6-3, 133) pray! I beg, do, now, then, Lat. {dum} used (esp. with the mper.) V.; but (also with %{ev} or %{va} following) V. iv, 18, 6 T. Br. &c.; and n. ii, 22; or, i, 68; xi, 202; often incorrectly written for %{nu} Bh. (i, 6151 B and C); sometimes used as a mere expletive Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/13/2007. tu 2 ({t3}) (indecl.) pray, do (w. imperat.); but, on the contrary ({ev} or {vai}); often only explet. -- {ki tu} & {para tu} yet, however (esp. after a concess. sent.); {na tu} yet not, rather than (esp. after {kmam, bhyas, varam} etc.). {tu--tu} on the one hand--on the other indeed--but. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/13/2007. 131 1 citra mf (%{})n. conspicuous, excellent, distinguished V.; bright, clear, brightcoloured V.; clear (a sound) V.; variegated, spotted, speckled (with instr. or in comp.) al. iv, 8 R. icch. VarB.; agitated (as the sea, opposed to %{sama}) R. iii, 39, 12; various, different, manifold n. ix, 248 Yj. i, 287 Bh. &c.; (execution) having different varieties (of tortures) n. ix, 248 a. vii, 281; strange, wonderful jat. vi, 227; containing the word %{citr} Br. vii, 4, 1, 24 Ktyr. xvii; (%{m}) ind. so as to be bright V. i, 71, 1; vi, 65. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 132 kra 1 m. (ifc. f. %{A} R. i, 28, 24 agh. xii, 41) form, figure, shape, stature, appearance, external gesture or aspect of the body, expression of the face (as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind) n. Bh. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based 103
on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 133 citrakra m.= %{-kara} Bh. v, 5025 R. (G) ii, 90, 18 h.; wonder, astonishment Lalit. xviii, 134. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 134 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 223; Kochumuttom, p. 248; Wood, p. 33; Anacker, pp. 291-2. 135 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 136 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 95. 137 1 samsatas ind. in a summary manner, succinctly, concisely n. R. VarB. &c. 2 samsatattvanirpaa n. . of wks. 3 samsatti f. nearness, vicinity P. 3-4, 50. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 138 bhta mf (%{A})n. become, been, gone, past (n. the past) V. &c. &c.; actually happened, true, real (n. an actual occurrence, fact, matter of fact, reality) Yj. R. &c.; existing, present Ka.; (ifc.) being or being like anything, consisting of, mixed or joined with Prt. p. n. &c. (also to form adj. out of adv., e.g. %{ittham-}, %{evam-}, %{tath-bh-}); purified L.; obtained L.; fit, proper L.; often w.r. for %{bhta}; m. a son, child L.; a great devotee or ascetic L.; (pl.) . of an heretical sect (with ainas, a class of the Vyantaras) L.; . of iva L.; of a priest of the gods L.; of a son of Vasu-deva and Paurav BhP.; of a son-in-law of aksha and father of numerous udras ib.; of a Yaksha Cat.; (%{A} f.) the 14th day of the dark half of the lunar month kandaP. (L. also m.); . of a woman Pari.; n. (cf. above) that which is or exists, any living being (divine, human, animal, and even vegetable), the world (in these senses also m.) V. &c. &c.; a spirit (good or evil), the ghost of a deceased person, a demon, imp, goblin (also m.) G. p. n. &c. (cf. . 241); an element, one of the 5 elements (esp. a gross element = %{mah-bh-} q.v.; but also a subtle element = %{tan-mtra} q.v.; with Buddhists there are only 4 element) p. khyak. Vedntas. &c.; . of the number five (cf. %{mahbh-} and %{pcabhautika}); well-being, welfare, prosperity V. T. itBr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 139 Kochumuttom, p. 248. 140 Anacker, p. 292. 141 mata mfn. thought, believed, imagined, supposed, understood V. &c. &c.; regarded or considered as, taken or passing for (nom. or adv.) n. Bh. &c.; thought fit or right, approved Yj. Kv. Km.; honoured, esteemed, respected, liked (with gen. P. 3-2, 188) agh. Km.; desired, intended R.; m. n. of a son of ambara Hariv. (v.l. %{mana}); n. a thought, idea, opinion, sentiment, view, belief. doctrine Bh. Kv. &c.; intention, design, purpose, wish Bh. BhP.; commendation, approbation, sanction L.; knowledge W.; agallochum L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams
Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. mata a. thought, believed, supposed; considered as, taken for (nom. & adv.); esteemed, honoured, approved or liked by (gen.); intended, designed; known, understood. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 142 naimittika mf (%{I})n. produced by any or by some partic. cause, occasional, special, accidental (opp. to %{nitya}) Ktyr. n. Bh. &c. (%{-tva} n. Kap. Sch..); m. = prec. m. g. %{ukthdi} ivyv.; n. an effect (see %{nimitta-n-}); = next W. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 143 anya 2 %{as}, %{A}, %{at}, other, different; other than, different from, opposed to (abl. or in comp.); another; another person; one of a number; %{anya anya} or %{eka anya}, the one, the other; %{anyac ca}, and another, besides, moreover (cf. Zd. {anya}; rmen. {ail}; Lat. {alius}; Goth. {aljis}, heme {alja}; Gk. $ &13802(45,2) for $; cf. also $). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 144 pratibhsa m. appearance, look, similitude, Vedantas. h.; appearing or occurring to the mind Kpr. R. Sch..; illusion Lalit. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 145 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 223; Kochumuttom, p. 248; Wood, p. 33; Anacker, p. 292. 146 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 147 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 95. 148 prathama mf (%{})n. (for %{pra-tama}, superl. of 1. %{pra}; rarely declined as a pron. e.g. %{-msy} V. vi, 18, 1; %{-me} PacavBr. xxv, 18, 5 R. iv, 37, 11 Kir. ii, 44; cf. P. 1-1, 33) foremost, first (in time or in a series or in rank); earliest, primary, original, prior, former; preceding, initial, chief, principal, most excellent V. &c. &c.; often translatable adverbially = ibc. (cf. below) and (%{m}), ind. firstly, at first, for the first time; just, newly, at once, forthwith (also %{t} Hariv.); formerly, previously (%{am} also as prep. with gen. = before, e.g. n. ii, 194; %{prathamam-anantaram}, or %{pact}, first-afterwards; %{prprathamam-tatas}, firstnext); m. (in gram., scil. %{vara}), the first consonant of a Varga, a surd unaspirate letter; (scil. %{purua}), the first (= our 3rd) person or its terminations; (scil. %{svara}), the first tone; in math. the sum of the products divided by the difference between the squares of the cosine of the aimuth and the sine of the amplitude; (%{A}) f. (in gram.) the first or nominative case and its terminations (679,1); du. the first two cases and their terminations. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 149 vipka a. ripe. m. ripening, maturity, consequence of actions; issue, result i.g.; digestion. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English 105
Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 150 tmaka mf (%{ik})n. belonging to or forming the nature of (gen.) Bh. xv, 926; having or consisting of the nature or character of (in comp.) Chp. (cf. %{sakalptmaka}); consisting or composed of n. Bh. &c. (cf. %{pactmaka} &c.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 151 1 yata see under %{yam}, p. 845. 2 yata mfn. restrained, held in, held forth, kept down or limited, subdued, governed, controlled &c. V. &c. &c. (cf. comp. below); n. restraint (?) see %{yata-kar}; the spurring or guiding of an elephant by means of the rider's feet L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 152 dy f. = %{dy} L. 1 dya mfn. corruptible, liable to be soiled or defiled or disgraced or ruined Bh. Km.; reprehensible, culpable, vile, bad; m. wicked man, a villain R. Km.; n. matter, pus; poison L. 4 dyat mfn. offending Yj. ii, 296 (for %{-ayat}?). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 153 vitti f. consciousness arvad.; understanding, intelligence, ahitp. 2 vitti 2 f. finding, acquisition, gain Br. Chp. Gr.; a find itBr.; the being found, existence L.; (ifc.) a term of praise g. %{matallikdi}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 154 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 223; Wood, p. 33. 155 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 219. 156 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 98. 157 sad 1 in comp. for %{sat}. sat mf (%{sat})n. (pr. p. of 1. %{as}) being, existing, occurring, happening, being present (%{sato me}, when I was present; often connected with other participles or with an adverb e.g. %{nmni kte sati}, when the name has been given; %{tath sati}, if it be so; also ibc., where sometimes = possessed of cf. %{sat-kalpavka}) V. &c. &c.; abiding in (loc.) Bh.; belonging to (gen.) Br.; living up.; lasting, enduring Kv. V. &c. &c.; real, actual, as any one or anything ought to be, true, good, right (%{tan na sat}, that is not right), beautiful, wise, venerable, honest (often in comp. see below) V. &c. &c.; m. a being, (pl.) beings, creatures V. &c.; a good or wise man, a sage Bh. R.; good or honest or wise or respectable people n. Bh. &c.; (%{}) f. see %{sat} below; (%{sat}) n. that which really is, entity or existence, essence, the true being or really existent (in the Vednta, the self-existent or niversal Spirit, Brahma) V. &c. &c.; that which is good or real or true, good, advantage, reality, truth ib.; water aigh. i, 12; (in gram.) the terminations of the present participle P. 3-2, 127 &c.; (%{sat}) ind. (cf. %{sat-k} &c.) well, right, fitly. (Cf. Gk. $ for $; Lat. {sens} in 106
&343162(1134,2) {absens}, {pra-sens}; {sons}, guilty, from the real doer; ith. {ss}, {sas}; lav. {sy}, {sas8ta}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 158 1 atva n. a hexade Vrtt. on P. 5-2, 29. 2 sattva see below. 3 sattva n. (ifc. f. %{A}) being, existence, entity, reality (%{vara-s-}, the existence of a Supreme Being), &c. &c.; true essence, nature, disposition of mind, character PacavBr. Bh. &c.; spiritual essence, spirit, mind up. Yj. Bh. BhP.; vital breath, life, consciousness, strength of character, strength, firmness, energy, resolution, courage, selfcommand, good sense, wisdom, magnanimity Bh. R. &c.; the quality of purity or goodness (regarded in the khya phil. as the highest of the three Guas (q.v.) or constituents of Prakiti because it renders a person true, honest, wise &c., and a thing pure, clean &c.) aitrp. n. Yj. &c. Bh. R.; material or elementary substance, entity, matter, a thing ir. Prt.; a substantive, noun W.; m. n. a living or sentient being, creature, animal n. Bh. &c.; embryo, fetus, rudiment of life (see %{-lakaa}); a ghost, demon, goblin, monster R. VarB. Kaths.; m. n. of a son of hita-rshra Bh. 4 sattva see p. 1135, col. 2. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 159 ekatva n. oneness, unity, union, coincidence, identity Ktyr. Bh. ur. &c.; (in Gr.) the singular number K.; singleness, soleness Yog. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 160 vyavadna n. purification ivyv. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 161 120 lakaa mfn. indicating, expressing indirectly Vedntas.; m. rdea ibirica L.; N. of a man ijat. (often confounded with, {lakmaa}); ({}) f. see s.v.; n. (ifc. f. {}) a mark, sign, symbol, token, characteristic, attribute, quality (ifc. = marked or characterized by, possessed of) Mn. MBh. &c.; a stroke, line (esp. those drawn on the sacrificial ground) Br. Nir.; a lucky mark, favourable sign Nir. Mn. MBh. &c.; a symptom or indication of disease, Cat; a sexual organ MBh. xiii, 2303; a spoon (?) ivyv; accurate description, definition, illustration Mn. arvad. ur.; settled rate, fixed tariff Mn. viii, 406; a designation, appellation, name (ifc. = named, called) Mn. MBh. Kv.; a form, species, kind, sort (ifc.= taking the form of, appearing as) Mn. ak. BhP.; the act of aiming at, aim, goal, scope, object (ifc. = concerning, relating to, coming within the scope of) Prt. Yj. MBh. BhP.; reference, quotation PN. 1-4, 84; effect, operation, influence ib. i, 1, 62 &c.; cause, occasion, opportunity i. a.; observation, sight, seeing W. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 162 bheda m. breaking, splitting, breach, division, separation, seduction, winning over (of another's ally), interruption, disturbance, hurt, injury; bursting, expanding, blossoming; 107
alteration, change, difference; fissure, cleft, pudendum muliebre; part, portion; species, variety. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 163 1 cea m. moving, a kind of fish (%{tapasvin}) L.; n. moving the limbs, gesture n. vii, 63; behaviour, manner of life Hariv. 5939; (%{al}), f, (P. 2-3, 12) moving any limb, gesture n. vii f. Yj. Bh. &c. (ifc. agh. ii, 43); action, activity, effort, endeavour, exertion vr. i vetp. ii, 9 (ifc.) n. iv, 65 Bhag. &c.; doing, performing n. i, 65; behaving, manner of life n. vii, 194 Kap. iii, 51 VarB. (ifc.) &c.; cf. %{a}, %{naa-}, %{ni-}. 2 ce f. see %{-a}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 164 Kochumuttom, p. 248. See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 223; Kochumuttom, p. 248; Wood, p. 33; Anacker, p. 292. 165 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 166 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 99. 167 1 ghya 1 ind. p. Ved. ifc., seizing by see %{kara-}, %{pda-}, and %{hastaghya}; %{haste-}. 2 ghya 2 mfn. (fr. %{grah}) to be grasped or taken V. v, 20, 4 khG. v, 2, 5; perceptible vetp. i, 13; (%{-} neg.) Br. xiv; (P. 3-1, 119) to be taken together with (in comp.), adhering to the party of (K.), being in close relation to (as the lotus to the moon) Kvyd. ii, 179 a. vi; vii, 254 Kir. ii, 5 Bha. vi, 61; to be acknowledged or admitted W.; to be adopted or trusted or relied on W.; = %{ava-} Vop. xxvi, 20; n. for %{guhya} (anus) L.; (%{A}) f. (P. 3-1, 119) ifc. being outside (of a town or village, as %{sen}, an army) K.; a suburb L. 3 ghya 3 mfn. (fr. %{gh}) belonging to a house, domestic (said of an gni) T. v aitr. itBr. viii, 10, 9 Gobh. &c. (said of a series of ceremonies relating to family or domestic affairs, such as marriages, births &c., and treated of in the Gihya-stras, q.v.); living in houses, domesticated (as animals) L.; not free, dependent, (%{a-} neg.) Bha. vi, 61; m. the domestic gni khG. v, 2, 5; a domesticated animal L.; m. pl. the inmates of a house, domestics Br. ii f. xii Ktyr. PrG. ii; n. a domestic rite Gaut.; a domestic rule or affair BhP. x, 8, 25 cat.; = %{-stra}; (%{A}) f. domestic rites and the rules relating to them Gihys. 4 ghy f. of 2. and 3. %{-hya} q.v. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 168 yasmt (abl. to {y}) because, since, that. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 169 1 abhava m. non-existence; destruction, end of the world. 2 abhva m. non-existence, nullity, absence; non-entity, negation (the seventh category in Kanda's system); proof from non-existence (one of the six pramas in Vednta phil. ( since there are no mice, therefore there must be cats here) see %{prama}); annihilation, death. (61,1) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 108
See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 223; Kochumuttom, p. 249; Wood, pp. 33-4; Anacker, p. 292. 171 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 172 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 99. 173 bhrnti f. wandering or roaming about, moving to and fro, driving (of clouds), quivering (of lightning), staggering, reeling Kv. Km.; turning round, rolling (of wheels) Vikr.; (ifc.) moving round, circumambulating atnv.; perplexity, confusion, doubt, error, false opinion (ifc., false impression of, mistaking something for, supposing anything to be or to exist) Kv. Kaths. Pur. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 174 1 khyna n. telling, communication P. Kap. Kaths. &c.; the communication of a previous event (in a drama) h.; a tale, story, legend Br. ir. P. &c. 2 khynaka n. a short narrative Pacat. Kd.; (%{I}) f. . of a metre (being a combination of the Indravajr and pendravajr). 3 khynaya om. P. (ind. p. %{-nayitv}) to communicate Bh. xii, 2452. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 175 1 na, no, it is not so Bdar. ii, 1, 35 arvad. ii, 158 4 na or not-but na 2 ind. not, no, nor, neither V. (%{n}, x, 34, 8) &c. &c. (as well in simple negation as in wishing, requesting and commanding, except in prohibition before an mpv. or an augmentless aor. (cf. a. %{m}); in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated e.g. n.iv, 34; or strengthened by another particle, esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence e.g. by %{u} (cf. %{n}), %{ut}, %{api}, %{cpi}, %{v}, %{vpi} or %{atha v} V. i, 170, 1; 151, 9 al. iii, 24, &c.; it may even be replaced by %{ca}, %{v}, %{api ca}, %{api v}, &c. alone, as n.ii, 98 al.i, 14, &c.; often joined with other particles, beside those mentioned above esp. with a following %{tu}, %{tv eva}, %{tv eva tu}, %{cd} q.v., %{khalu} q.v., %{ha} (cf. g. %{cdi} and P. 8-1, 31) &c.; before round or collective numbers and after any numeral in the instr. or abl. it expresses deficiency e.g. %{ekay na viati}, not 20 by 1 i.e. 19 Br.; %{pacabhir na catvri atni}, 395 ib.; with another %{na} or an %{a} priv. it generally forms a strong affirmation (cf. Vm. v, 1, 9) e.g. %{nya na vakyati}, she will most certainly declare ak. iii, 9; %{ndayosti}, he must certainly be punished n. viii, 335; it may also, like %{a}, form compounds Vm. v, 2, 13 (cf. below)); that not, lest, for fear lest (with Pot.) Bh. R. a. &c.; like, as, as it were (only in Veda and later artificial language, e.g. %{gauro na tita piba}, drink like (lit. not i.e. although not being) a thirsty deer; in this sense it does not coalesce metrically with a following vowel). (Cf. Gk. $; Lat. &161835(523,1) {ne8-}; Angl. Sax. {ne}, not; Eng. {no}, &c.) -2. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/02/2007. 176 Anacker, p. 292. 177 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 224; Kochumuttom, p. 249; Wood, p. 34; Anacker, p. 292. 109
as, asti 1 be, exist, happen, become; be present or at hand; fall or ((,)) belong to (gen. or dat.), be enough for (gen.), be able to (dat.); turn to, serve for (2 dat.). {astu} or {evamastu} well, so be it. With {na} not be, be gone. Pers. or impers. with another fin. verb = I happen to or it happens that I, e.g. {asti payasi} do you happen to see? {asmi vikre} I happen to sell. -- {ati} be beyond, surpass (acc.). {api} be in or with (loc.), fall or belong to (loc. or dat.); partake of (impers. w. gen. & loc.). {abhi} be above, rule, overcome, conquer. win; *fall to one's (gen.) share. {upa} be in or with, partake of (acc.). {pari} overtake; pass or spend (time). {pra} be prominent, excel. {prati} equal, emulate (acc.). {sam} equal, reach; be together with ({saha}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 181 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 224; Kochumuttom, p. 249; Wood, p. 34; Anacker, p. 292. 182 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 183 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 101. 184 dvaividhya n. twofold state or nature or character, duplicity, variance Bh. ur. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 185 aika mfn. (fr. %{eka}), belonging or relating to one (?), g. %{gahdi} P. 4-2, 138 (not in K.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. eka a. one of (gen, abl., or ---); alone, sole, single, solitary; the same, identical, common (esp. ---); in l. l. a certain or=the indef. article; with {na} and mostly w. {cana} or {api} no one, none; pl. {eke} some. -- {eke--eke (apare, anye}) some--some (others). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/13/2007. 186 bla mf (%{A})n. (cf. %{vla}) young, childish, infantine, not full-grown or developed (of per. sons and things) G. p. n. Bh. &c.; newly risen, early (as the sun or its rays) agh.; new or waxing (as the moon) ib. Kum.; puerile, ignorant, simple, foolish n. Hariv. Kv.; pure (as an animal fit for sacrifice) L.; m.a child, boy (esp. one under 5 years) n. Bh. &c.; (in law) a minor (minors are classified as %{kunra}, or boys under 5 years of age, %{iu} under 8, %{pogaa} from the 5th to the end of the 9th or till the 16th year, and %{kiora} from the 10th to the 16th year); a fool, simpleton n. Pacat.; any young animal L.; a colt, foal L.; a five years old elephant L.; Cypriuus enticulatus or ohita L.; . of a akshas VP.; of a prince jat.; (%{A}) f. a female child, girl, young woman (esp. one under 16 years) n. Bh. &c.; a one year old cow L.; small cardamoms L.; loe ndica L.; a kind of metre L.; a partic. mystical prayer Cat.; . of the mother of Vlin and Su-griva (said to have been formed by Praj-pati out of some dust 110
which had fallen into his eyes) R.; n. ndropogon uricatus L.; heat L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 187 ekatva n. oneness, unity, union, coincidence, identity Ktyr. Bh. ur. &c.; (in Gr.) the singular number K.; singleness, soleness Yog. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 188 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 224; Kochumuttom, p. 249; Wood, p. 34; Anacker, p. 292. 189 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 190 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 102. 191 1 prakhy P. %{-khyti}, to see V. (ubj. %{-khyat}; inf. %{-khya}) Br. (ind. p. %{-khyya}); to announce, proclaim, extol BhP. (mpv. %{-khyhi}): Pass. %{khyyate}, to be seen or known; to be visible or public or acknowledged or celebrated n. Bh. &c.: Caus. %{-khypayati}, to make generally known, proclaim, announce, publish latm. jat. 2 prakhya mfn. visible, clear, bright Br. Bh.; (%{A}) f. look, appearance (only ifc. = resembling, like) Bh. R. &c.; brightness, splendour (only ifc.) R.; perceptibility, visibility, aini.; making manifest, disclosure aar. 3 prakhyna n. the being perceived or known P. 1-2, 54; = %{-khypana} R. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 192 Wood, p. 34. 193 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 224; Kochumuttom, p. 249; Wood, p. 34; Anacker, pp. 292-3. 194 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 195 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 102. 196 Boquist, footnote p. 121. 197 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 224. 198 Kochumuttom, p. 249. 199 Wood, p. 35. 200 Anacker, p. 293. 201 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 224; Kochumuttom, p. 249; Wood, p. 35; Anacker, p. 293. 202 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 203 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 103. 204 1 ia 1 mfn. (for 2. see s.v.), sought Br.; wished, desired; liked, beloved; agreeable; cherished V. Br. Ktyr. n. Pacat. ak. &c.; reverenced, respected; regarded as good, approved n. khyak.; valid; m. a lover, a husband ak. 83 c; the plant icinus Communis L.; (%{A}) f. . of a plant L.; (%{am}) n. wish, desire V. V. itBr. n. R.; (%{am}) ind. voluntarily. 2 ia 2 mfn. (p.p. fr. %{yaj}; for 1. %{i} see col. 2) sacrificed, worshipped with sacrifices V. Br. Ktyr. itBr. &c.; m. sacrifice rkP. xiii, 15; (%{am}) n. sacrificing, sacrifice; sacred rite, sacrament L.. Cologne Digital
Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 205 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 224; Kochumuttom, p. 250; Wood, p. 35; Anacker, p. 293. 206 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 207 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 104. 208 asad (in comp. for %{asat}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 11/30/2006. asat mf (%{-sat})n. (in V. seven times %{sat} and five times %{sat} with lengthening of the accentuated vowel) not being, not existing, unreal V. vii, 134, 8 V. p. Kum. iv, 12; untrue, wrong V.; bad Br. n. &c.; (%{n}) m. Indra L.; (%{t}) f. see s.v. below; (%{t}) n. non-existence, nonentity V. V. &c.; untruth, falsehood V. vii, 104, 8; evil agh. i, 10; (%{ntas}) m. pl. bad or contemptible men Bh. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 11/30/2006. 209 bhinna mfn. split, broken, shattered, pierced, destroyed V. &c. &c.; leaky (as a ship) Bh.; broken through, transgressed, violated n. Bh. &c.; divided into parts, anything less than a whole Yj. Kv. &c.; opened, expanded, blown Bh. Kv. &c.; detached, disjoined, loosened ib.; interrupted, disturbed Bhart.; disclosed, betrayed R.; disunited, set at variance Bh.; seduced, bribed Km. it.; changed, altered Yj. ur.; distinct, different from or other than (abl. or comp.) Gr. Kv. &c.; deviating, abnormal, irregular Kv.; mixed or mingled with (instr. or comp.) ib.; cleaving to (loc. or comp.) ib.; = %{bhinna-karaa} Bh. i, 7006; m. (in arithm.) a fraction, ilv.; (%{A}) f. anseviera oxburghiana L.; n. a fragment, bit, portion W.; a wound from a pointed weapon, a stab ur.; a partic. mode of fighting Hariv. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 210 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225. 211 Anacker, p. 293. 212 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225. 213 Anacker, p. 293. 214 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 215 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 105. 216 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225. 217 Wood, p. 35. 218 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225. 219 Wood, p. 35. 220 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 221 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 105. 222 1 atva n. a hexade Vrtt. on P. 5-2, 29. 2 sattva see below. 3 sattva n. (ifc. f. %{A}) being, existence, entity, reality (%{vara-s-}, the existence of a Supreme 112
Being), &c. &c.; true essence, nature, disposition of mind, character PacavBr. Bh. &c.; spiritual essence, spirit, mind up. Yj. Bh. BhP.; vital breath, life, consciousness, strength of character, strength, firmness, energy, resolution, courage, selfcommand, good sense, wisdom, magnanimity Bh. R. &c.; the quality of purity or goodness (regarded in the khya phil. as the highest of the three Guas (q.v.) or constituents of Prakiti because it renders a person true, honest, wise &c., and a thing pure, clean &c.) aitrp. n. Yj. &c. Bh. R.; material or elementary substance, entity, matter, a thing ir. Prt.; a substantive, noun W.; m. n. a living or sentient being, creature, animal n. Bh. &c.; embryo, fetus, rudiment of life (see %{-lakaa}); a ghost, demon, goblin, monster R. VarB. Kaths.; m. n. of a son of hita-rshra Bh. 4 sattva see p. 1135, col. 2. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 223 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225. 224 Kochumuttom, p. 250. 225 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225. 226 Kochumuttom, p. 250. 227 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 228 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 106. 229 dvaya $ n. (fr. and in comp = %{dvi}) twofold, double, of 2 kinds or sorts V. V. Br. Bh. &c. (%{-ye} m. pl. is. iii, 57); (%{I}) f. couple, pair Naish. jat.; n. id; two things, both (e. g. %{tejo-}, the 2 luminaries ak. iv, 2) Yj. Bh. Kv. &c. (ifc. %{A} R. i, 29, 14); twofold nature, falsehood V. i, 147, 4 &c.; the masc. and fem. gender Gr.; (%{am}) ind. between i. iii, 3. (Cf. Zd. {dvaya}; Gk. $.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 230 vijeya mfn. to be perceived or known, knowable, cognizable Br. Bh. &c.; to be understood or heard or learned n. R. VarB.; to be recognized or considered or regarded as (%{-tva} n.) Prt. p. Bh. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/13/2007. 231 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225. 232 Kochumuttom, p. 215. 233 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225. 234 Kochumuttom, p. 215. 235 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 236 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 107. 237 1 krama m. a step V. x, 5, 25 ff. T. iii Bh. &c.; going, proceeding, course (cf. %{kla-k-}) icch. Pacat. latm. it.; the way R. ii, 25, 2; a position taken (by an animal &c.) before making a spring or attacking Pacat. Bha. ii, 9; the foot Bh. iii, 14316; uninterrupted or regular progress, order, series, regular arrangement, succession (e.g. %{vara-kramea}, in the order of the castes n. viii, 24 and ix, 85) V. viii, 9, 10 Prt. xv, 5 Ktyr. R. &c.; hereditary descent Yj. ii, 119; method, manner (e.g. 113
%{yena kramea}, in which manner R. ii, 26, 20; %{tad-anusaraa-kramea}, so as to go on following him it.); diet Car. vi, 13; custom, rule sanctioned by tradition rkP. xxiii, 112; (%{krama} 1. %{k}, to follow that rule) yyam.; occasion, cause (with gen. or ifc.) Kaths. xviii, 380 it.; progressing step by step,a peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member, either word or letter, to the 2nd, then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd, the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4 h, and so on; this manner of reading in relation to words is called %{pada-} (Prt. ii, 12), in relation to conjunct consonants %{vara-} (ib.)) Prt.; the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner ib.; (in dram.) attainment of the object desired (or accord. to others noticing of any one's affection) aar. i, 36 f. h. Pratpar.; (in rhet.) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession) Vm. iv, 3, 17; power, strength L.; (%{ea}, %{t}) instr. abl. ind. in regular course, gradually, by degrees R. Pacat. agh. &c.; according to order or rank or series n. agh. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 238 anA ind. (fr. pronom. base %{a}) , hereby , thus , indeed RV. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/08/2008. 239 vyavahra m. doing, performing, action, practice, conduct, behaviour Bh. Kv. &c. (%{vyavahra krya}, with instr., it should be acted according to ); commerce or intercourse with (saha or comp.) ir. Km. &c.; affair, matter lak.; usage, custom, wont, ordinary life, common practice Pat. BhP. it.; activity, action or practice of occupation or business with (loc. or comp.) nscr. Kv. Kaths.; mercantile transaction, traffic, trade with, dealing in (comp.) n. Bh. &c. (1034,2); a contract n. viii, 163; legal procedure, contest at law with (%{saha}), litigation, lawsuit, legal process (see %{matk} below) n. Yj. &c.; practices of law and kingly government W. 209; mathematical process Col.; administration of justice Gaut.; (fig.) punishment L.; competency to manage one's own affairs, majority (in law) ib.; propriety, adherence to law or custom ib.; the use of an expression, with regard to, speaking about (%{tair eva vyavahra}, just about these is the question,it is to these that the discussion has reference) Kap. h. arvad.; designation aim. Sch..; compulsory work L.; a sword L.; a sort of tree L.; . of a ch. of the gni-pura. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 240 1 adhikra m. authority; government, rule, administration, jurisdiction; royalty, prerogative; title; rank; office; claim, right, especially to perform sacrifices with benefit; privilege, ownership; property; reference, relation; a topic, subject; a paragraph or minor section; (in Gr.) government, a governing-rule (the influence of which over any number of succeeding rules is called anu-vitti q.v.) 2 adhkra (= %{adhi-kra}) m. superintendence over (loc.) n. xi, 63; authorization, capability Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/02/2007. 114
pravea m. (ifc. f. %{A}) entering, entrance, penetration or intrusion into (loc. gen. with or without %{antar}, or comp.) Bh. Kv. &c. (acc. with %{k}, to make one's entrance, enter); entrance on the stage Hariv. alav.; the entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac Var.; coming or setting in (of night) L.; the placing (e. g. of any deposit) in a person's house or hand Pacat.; interfering with another's business, obtrusiveness Kaths.; the entering into i.e. being contained in (loc.) P. 2-1, 72 Sch.. h.; employment, use, utilization of (comp.) Kull. nscr.; income, revenue, tax, toll (cf. %{-bhgika}); intentness on an object, engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose W.; manner, method Lalit.; a place of entrance, door Bh. Kv. &c.; the syringe of an injection pipe ur.; %{-bhgika} m. (prob.) a receiver or gatherer of taxes jat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 242 vyutpatti f. production, origin, derivation (esp. in gram.), etymology yyam. h. Vop.; development, perfection, growth (esp. in knowledge), proficiency (esp. in literature or science), comprehensive learning or scholarship yyam. Kap. Blar. &c.; difference of tone or sound (fr. 3. %{vi} denoting variation) VarB.; %{-dpik} f. . of wk. (also called %{prkta-prakriy-vtti}); %{-pake} ind. on the side of derivation or etymology (an expression used by Vedic commentators when the accentuation is settled by the affixes and not accord. to the meanings of the words); %{-mat} mfn. learned, cultured ak.; %{-ratnkara} m. %{-rahasya} n. . of wks.; %{-rahita} mfn. destitute of (clear) derivation, not to be explained etymologically, Kusum.; %{-vda} m. %{-vdakroapattra} n. %{-vda-k} f. %{-vda-pattra} n. %{vdaparyya-pattra} n. %{-vdarahasya} n. %{-vdrtha} m. n. of wks. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 243 vidh (or %{ddh}, only ubj. %{-ddhaya} and %{-ddhya}), to be uncertain, hesitate V. V. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 244 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225; Kochumuttom, pp. 250-1; Wood, p. 36; Anacker, pp. 293-4. 245 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 246 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 108. 247 samuccheda m. utter destruction, extermination Bh. Kv. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. samucchitti f., {-ccheda} m., {-cchedana} n. destruction. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 248 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 225; Kochumuttom, pp. 250-1; Wood, p. 36. 249 Ibid. 250 Ibid. 251 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 115
252 253
Kochumuttom, footnote p. 110. dvaya $ n. (fr. and in comp = %{dvi}) twofold, double, of 2 kinds or sorts V. V. Br. Bh. &c. (%{-ye} m. pl. is. iii, 57); (%{I}) f. couple, pair Naish. jat.; n. id; two things, both (e. g. %{tejo-}, the 2 luminaries ak. iv, 2) Yj. Bh. Kv. &c. (ifc. %{A} R. i, 29, 14); twofold nature, falsehood V. i, 147, 4 &c.; the masc. and fem. gender Gr.; (%{am}) ind. between i. iii, 3. (Cf. Zd. {dvaya}; Gk. $.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 254 prva a. being before (sp. & t.), fore, first, eastern, to the east of (abl.); prior, preceding, ancient, previous to, earlier than (abl. or ---, often --- or --- w. pp. in the sense of an adv., e.g. {prvokta} or {uktaprva} spoken before or already); accompanied by, following; with, under, according to (---); w. {vayas} n. youth; w. {yus} n. old age. --m. elder brother, pl. the ancestors or ancients. f. {prv} ({di}) the east. n. forepart, as adv. in front, before (as prep. w. abl.), first, previously, already, long since; --- accompanied by etc. (cf. adj. ---). {prva uttara} former-latter, n. adv. first-last; {adya prvam} until now, hitherto. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 255 1 pravi P. . %{-viati}, %{-te}, to entor, go into, resort to (acc. or loc.) V. &c. &c. (with %{agnim}, %{agnau}, %{madhyam} %{agne}, %{vahnau}, or %{citym}, to ascend the funeral pyre; with %{karayo},to come into the ears i.e. be heard; with %{tmani}, or %{cittam}, to take possession of the heart; in dram. to enter the stage); to reach, attain arvad.; to have sexual intercourse with (acc., applied to both sexes) Bh. ur.; to enter upon, undertake, commence, begin, devote one's self to (acc., rarely loc.) Bh. Hariv. R. &c. (with %{pim} or %{tarpaam}, to accept or enjoy an oblation); to enter into i.e. be absorbed or thrown into the shade by (acc.) Hariv. (with (%{svni}) %{aGgni} or %{gtri}), to shrink, shrivel R. Kaths.: Caus. %{veayati}, %{-te}, to cause or allow to enter, bring or lead or introduce to, usher into (acc. or loc.) V. &c. &c. (without an object, to bring into one's house &c.,esp. to bring on the stage); to lead home as a wife i.e. marry Bh.; to lay or store up, deposit in, put or throw into (loc. or acc.) n. Bh. &c.; to enter i.e. commit to paper, write down Yj. Sch..; to initiate into (acc.) Prab.; to instill into (loc.) = teach, impart Kaths.; to spend (money) Pacat.; to enter, come or be brought into (acc.) Var. BhP.: esid. %{vivikati}, to wish to enter into (acc.) Bh. R. 2 prvi (%{pra-A-vi}) P. %{-viati}, to come or resort to (acc.) khr.: Caus. %{-veayati}, to let or lead in (loc.) Bh. a. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 256 1 taa m. (exceptionally n. aar. ii. 18/19) a slope, declivity, any part of the body which has (as it were) sloping, sides (cf. %{roi-}, %{stana-}, &c.), a shore Bh. (said of iva, xii, 10381) Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. I Bhart.); (%{I}) f. (g. %{gaurdi} Gaar. 49) id. Gt. Prab. h.; cf. %{a-}, %{ut-}; %{pura-ta}. 2 tata 2 m. (cf. %{tta}) chiefly Ved. a father (familiar expression corresponding to %{nan}, mother) V. viii, 91, 5 f.; ix, 112, 116
3 V. T. iii Br. &c. (voc. (like %{tta}) also term of affection addressed to a son itBr.v, 14, 3; vii, 14, 8). 3 tata 2 mfn. (vi, 4, 37) extended, stretched, spread, diffused, expanded V. &c.; spreading over, extending to W.; covered over by (instr. or in comp.) aghuj. ii, 16 Kir. v, 11 i. ix, 23; protracted W.; bent (a bow) Bh. i, 49, 25; iv, 5, 1; spreading, wide L.; composed (a tale), i, 2455; performed (a ceremony) V. &c.; m. wind L.; n. any stringed instrument L.; a metre of 4 x 1 2 syllables. 4 tta m. (cf. 1. %{tat}) a father Bh. i R. Vikr. ak. iv, 4/5 (in comp.) &c.; (%{tta}) voc. a term of affection addressed to a junior (Br. xiv itBr. vii Chp. Bh. &c.) or senior (i, 6796 agh. &c.), addressed to several persons Bh. i, 6825; v, 5435 (C) (442,1); in the latter use also (%{s}) voc. pl. ib. (B); i, 6820 f.; iv, 133; (cf. $; Lat. {tata} &c.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 257 Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 225-226; Kochumuttom, p. 51. 258 Ibid. 259 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 220. 260 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 110. 261 adas nom. mf. %{asa} (voc. %{sau} aitr.) n. %{ads}, (opposed to %{idm} q.v.), that, a certain, (%{adas}) ind. thus, so, there. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 262 tad ind. (P. 5-3, 15 and 19 ff.) at that time, then, in that case (often used redundantly, esp. after %{tatas} or %{pur} or before %{atha} Bh. &c.; correlative of %{yd} (V. xi, 4, 4), %{yatra} (, 8, 1), %{yad} (n. Bh. &c.), %{yadi} (Gt. Vet. it.), %{yarhi} (BhP. i, 18, 6), %{yatas}, since,(Bh. xiii, 2231), %{cd} (ak. v (v.l.) Kaths. xi rut.)) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 263 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 226; Kochumuttom, p. 251; Wood, p. 37; Anacker, p. 294. 264 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 265 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 111. 266 1 api or sometimes %{pi} (see %{pi-dbh}, %{pi-dh}, %{pi-nah}), expresses placing near or over, uniting to, annexing, reaching to, proximity, &c. (cf. Gk. $ Zd. {api}; Germ. and Eng. prefix {be}); in later &16855(55,1) anskit its place seems frequently supplied by %{abhi}. (s a separable adv.) and, also, moreover, besides, assuredly, surely; %{api api}, or %{api-ca}, as well as; %{na vpi} or %{na apiv} or %{na nacpi}, neither, nor, %{cpi}, (and at the beginning of a sentence) %{api-ca}, moreover. 2 api is often used to express emphasis, in the sense of even, also, very; e.g. %{anyad api}, also another, something more; %{adypi}, this very day, even now; %{tathpi}, even thus, notwithstanding; %{yady api}, even if, although; %{yadyapi tathpi}, although, nevertheless; %{na kadcid api}, never at any time: sometimes in the sense of but, only, at least e.g. %{muhrtam api}, only a moment. 3 api may be affixed to an interrogative to make it indefinite, e.g. %{kopi}, any one; %{kutrpi}, anywhere. 117
4 api imparts to numerals the notion of totality e.g. %{caturam api varnm}, of all the four castes. 5 api may be interrogative at the beginning of a sentence. 6 api may strengthen the original force of the Potential, or may soften the Imperative, like the English be pleased to; sometimes it is a mere expletive. 1 abhi ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) to, towards, into, over, upon. (s a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the notion or going towards, approaching, &c. (s a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority, intensity, &c.; e.g. %{abhi-tmra}, %{abhi-nava} q.v. (s a separate adverb or preposition) it expresses (with acc.) to, towards, in the direction of, against; into Br. and Ktyr.; for, for the sake of; on account of; on, upon, with regard to, by, before, in front of; over. It may even express one after the other, severally P. 1-4, 91 e.g. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007.%{vka vkam abhi}, tree after tree (cf. Gk. $; Lat. {ob}; Zend &18820(61,1) {aibi}, {aiwi}; Goth. {bi}; ld igh Germ. {b}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 267 1 alabhya mfn. unobtainable Kum. v, 43, &c. 2 labhya 1 mfn. to be killed or sacrificed T. 3 labhya 2 ind. p. having grasped or touched Bh.; having killed or sacrificed Yj. Bh.; having received or obtained. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 268 lamba mfn. hanging down R.; m. that on which one rests or leans, support, prop; receptacle; asylum Bh. R. Kaths. &c.; depending on or from; a perpendicular L.; . of a uni Bh.; (%{A}) f. a species of plant with poisonous leaves ur.; (%{am}) ind. holding, supporting Kh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 269 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 226. 270 Anacker, p. 294. 271 See also Kochumuttom, p. 251; Wood, p. 37. 272 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 273 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 112. 274 4 mya mfn. (3. %{m}) measuring (see %{dhnya-m-}); creating illusions (said of Vishu) Bh.; (%{A}) f. see below. 5 my f. art, wisdom, extraordinary or supernatural power (only in the earlier language); illusion, unreality, deception, fraud, trick, sorcery, witchcraft magic V. &c. &c.; an unreal or illusory image, phantom, apparition ib. (esp. ibc= false, unreal, illusory; cf. comp.); duplicity (with Buddhists one of the 24 minor evil passions) harmas. 69 (in phil.) Illusion (identified in the Skhya with Prakiti or Pradhna and in that system, as well as in the Vednta, regarded as the source of the visible universe) W. 83; 108; (with aivas) one of the 4 Pas or snares which entangle the soul arvad. MW.; (with Vaishavas) one of the 9 aktis or energies of Vishu L.; Illusion personified (sometimes identified with urg, sometimes regarded 118
as a daughter of nita and iriti or ikiti and mother of ityu, or as a daughter of dharma) Pur.; compassion, sympathy L.; Convolvulus urpethum L.; . of the mother of Gautama Buddha MWB. 24; of akshm W.; of a city Cat.; of 2 metres Col.; du. (%{mye indrasya}) . of 2 mans rshBr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 275 1 kta 1 mfn. done, made, accomplished, performed V. V. &c.; prepared, made ready ib.; obtained, gained, acquired, placed at hand V. iii, 24, 5; well done, proper, good Br. iv; cultivated n. x, 114; appointed (as a duty) Yj. ii, 186; relating or referring to Yj. ii, 210; m. n. of one of the Vive evs Bh. xiii, 4356; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. ix, 24, 45; of a son of anati and pupil of iraya-nbha Hariv. 1080 BhP. xii, 6, 80; of a son of Kita-ratha and father of Vibudha VP.; of a son of aya and father of aryavana BhP. ix, 17, 17; of a son of Cyavana and father of pari-cara VyuP.; (%{am}) n. (with %{saha} or with instr.) done with, away with, enough of, no need of, &c. (e.g. %{kta sadehena}, away with doubt ak.; %{k- parihsena}, enough of joking ib.); the past tense itBr. v, 1; (%{m}) n. deed, work, action V. V. vetp. n. &c.; service done, kind action, benefit (cf. %{kta-ja} and %{-ghna}) Bh. v, 1692 Pacat.; magic, sorcery SmavBr.; consequence, result L.; aim Vop. i, 2; stake at a game V. V.; prize or booty gained in battle ib.; . of the die or of the side of a die marked with four points or dots (this is the lucky or winning die) V. xxx, 18 T. Br. &c.; (also the collective . of the four dice in opposition to the fifth die called %{kali} Comm. on V. x, 28); (hence) the number four VarB. ryas.; . of the first of the four ages of the world (also called %{satya} or the golden age, comprehending together with the morning and evening dawn 4800 years of men (n. Bh. Hariv.) or according to the later conception (BhP. &c. Comm. on n. i, 69) 4800 years of the gods or 1, 728, 000 years of men); (%{e}) loc. ind. on account of, for the sake of, for (with gen. or ifc. e.g. %{mama kte} or %{mat-kte}, on my account, for me) Yj. i, 216 Bh. R. &c.; (%{ena}) instr. ind. id. Bh. R. i, 76, 6 and vi, 85, 10. 2 kta 2 mfn. injured, killed L. (cf. 2. %{kra}.) 3 kt f. an abyss V. ii, 35, 5. 4 kt see 2. %{kt}. 5 kta mfn. brought down, humiliated, offended, injured, tricked, deceived Bh. R. &c.; low, base, wicked ib.; removed, set aside, dismissed W.; n. lowering, humbling, humiliation Bhart. ii, 30 (v.l. %{-ti}); %{-praja} (Bh.), %{-mati} (BhP.) mfn. depraved in mind Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 276 mantra m. (rarely n.; ifc. f. %{A}), instrument of thought, speech, sacred text or speech, a prayer or song of praise V. V. T.; a Vedic hymn or sacrificial formula, that portion of the Veda which contains the texts called %{c} or %{yajus} or %{sman} (q.v.) as opp. to the Brhmana and panishad portion (see W. 5 &c.) Br. Gr. &c. (786,1); a sacred formula addressed to any individual deity (e.g. %{om} %{ivya} %{nama}) . 61; a mystical verse or magical formula (sometimes personified), incantation, charm, spell (esp. in modern times employed by the ktas to acquire superhuman powers; the primary antras being held to be 70 millions in number and the secondary innumerable . 197-202) V. (i, 147, 4) vr. n. Kaths. ur.; 119
consultation, resolution, counsel, advice, plan, design, secret V. &c. &c.; . of Vishu Vish.; of iva Bh.; (in astrol.) the fifth mansion VarYogay. 2 mantra see p. 785, col. 3. 3 mntra mf (%{I})n, (fr. %{mantra}) proper or peculiar to Vedic or magical texts MW. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 277 vas or (sometimes written %{va}) f. shining, white, the serum or marrow of the flesh (considered by some as distinct from that of the bones by others as the same), marrow, fat, grease, lard, suet, melted fat, any fatty or oily substance V. &c. &c. 2 vas (sometimes written %{va}) f. shining, white, the serum or marrow of the flesh (considered by some as distinct from that of the bones by others as the same), marrow, fat, grease, lard, suet, melted fat, any fatty or oily substance V. &c. &c.; brain Kaths.; a partic. root similar to ginger L.; . of a river Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. vas or {vas} f. fat, grease, brain. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 278 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 226; Wood, p. 37. 279 Anacker, p. 294. 280 tma (in comp. for %{tmn}; also rarely ifc. e.g. %{adhy-tma}, %{adhy-tmm}). tman %{A} m. (variously derived fr. %{an}, to breathe; %{at}, to move; %{v}, to blow; cf. %{tmn}) the breath V.; the soul, principle of life and sensation V. V. &c.; the individual soul, self, abstract individual (e.g. %{tmn}) (Ved. loc.) %{dhatte}, or %{karoti}, he places in himself, makes his own T. v Br.; %{tman akarot}, he did it himself Kd.; %{tman vi-yuj}, to lose one's life n. vii, 46; %{tman} in the sg. is used as reflexive pronoun for all three persons and all three genders e.g. %{tmna s hanti}, she strikes herself; %{putram tmana spv nipetatu}, they two having touched their son fell down R. ii, 64, 28; (see also below s.v. %{tman}); essence, nature, character, peculiarity (often ifc. e.g. %{karmtman}, &c.) V. x, 97, 11, &c.; the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body V. Br.; the body agh. i, 14 matp.; (ifc.) the understanding, intellect, mind see %{natman}, %{mand-}; the highest personal principle of life, Brahma (cf. %{paramtman}) V. x, 8, 44 V. xxxii, 11 Br. xiv, &c.; effort L.; (= %{dhti}) firmness L.; the sun L.; fire L.; a son L.; (ld Germ. {tum}; Angl. Sax. {oedhm}; Mod. Germ. {them}, {dem}; Gk. $, $ (?).) &42279(135,1) tman instr. of %{tman}, in comp. (but not in a Bahuvrhi) with ordinals P. 6-3, 6 (cf. the Bahuvrhi compounds %{tma-caturtha}, and %{-pacama}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 281 sarvrtha m. pl. (or ibc.) all things or objects, all manner of things aitrp. adhus.; all matters (%{eu} ind. in all matters, in all the subjects contained in any particular work) MW.; (%{am}) ind. for the sake of the whole aim.; mfn. suitable for every 120
purpose (%{-tva} n.) Ktyr. ib. Sch..; regarding or minding everything Pacar.; m. n. of the 29th uhrta (in astron.); %{-kartri} m. the creator of all things Pacar.; %{-kuala} mfn. skilful in all matters al.; %{-cintaka} mfn. thinking about everything; m. a general overseer, chief officer n. Bh.; %{-cintmani} m. n. of various wks.; %{-t} f. the possessing of all objects MW.; attending to everything, distraction (opp. to %{ekgratva}), Cit.; %{-nman} m. n. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.; %{-sdhaka} mf (%{ik})n. effecting everything, fit for everything (%{-stotra} n. . of wk.) Bh. Kaths. &c.; (%{ik}) f. . of urg evm.; %{-sdhana} mfn. = %{-sdhaka}; (or) n. a means of accomplishing everything, Pallcat. Kv.; %{-sra-sagraha} m. n. of wk.; %{-siddha} mfn. one who has accomplished all aims R.; m. n. of Gautama Buddha (so called, according to some, because his parents wishes were all fulfilled by his birth) Lalit.; of a king W.; %{-siddhi} f. accomplishment of all aims Kaths.; . of various wks.; m. pl. (with ainas) a class of deities L.; %{-thnusdhin}, effecting all things; (%{in}) f. . of urg L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 282 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 226; Kochumuttom, pp. 251-2; Wood, p. 37; Anacker, p. 294. 283 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 284 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 113. 285 1 kti f. a constituent part V. x, 85, 5 (cf. %{dvdakti}); form, figure, shape, appearance, aspect Ktyr. vetp. n. &c.; a well-formed shape VarB. icch. (127,3); kind, species ur.; specimen Prt.; a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two syllables each) Prt. &c.; (hence in arithm.) the number twenty-two; (%{is}) m. n. of a prince Bh. ii, 126 and 1165 (v.l. %{-kti}). 2 kt f. (metrically for %{kti}) form, shape Bh. xv, 698. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 286 Kochumuttom, p. 252. See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 226; Wood, p. 37; Anacker, p. 294. 287 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 288 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 113. 289 tma (in comp. for %{tmn}; also rarely ifc. e.g. %{adhy-tma}, %{adhy-tmm}). tman %{A} m. (variously derived fr. %{an}, to breathe; %{at}, to move; %{v}, to blow; cf. %{tmn}) the breath V.; the soul, principle of life and sensation V. V. &c.; the individual soul, self, abstract individual (e.g. %{tmn}) (Ved. loc.) %{dhatte}, or %{karoti}, he places in himself, makes his own T. v Br.; %{tman akarot}, he did it himself Kd.; %{tman vi-yuj}, to lose one's life n. vii, 46; %{tman} in the sg. is used as reflexive pronoun for all three persons and all three genders e.g. %{tmna s hanti}, she strikes herself; %{putram tmana spv nipetatu}, they two having touched their son fell down R. ii, 64, 28; (see also below s.v. %{tman}); essence, nature, character, peculiarity (often ifc. e.g. %{karmtman}, &c.) V. x, 97, 11, &c.; the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the 121
separate members of the body V. Br.; the body agh. i, 14 matp.; (ifc.) the understanding, intellect, mind see %{natman}, %{mand-}; the highest personal principle of life, Brahma (cf. %{paramtman}) V. x, 8, 44 V. xxxii, 11 Br. xiv, &c.; effort L.; (= %{dhti}) firmness L.; the sun L.; fire L.; a son L.; (ld Germ. {tum}; Angl. Sax. {oedhm}; Mod. Germ. {them}, {dem}; Gk. $, $ (?).) &42279(135,1) tman instr. of %{tman}, in comp. (but not in a Bahuvrhi) with ordinals P. 6-3, 6 (cf. the Bahuvrhi compounds %{tma-caturtha}, and %{-pacama}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 290 See also Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 226-7; Kochumuttom, p. 252; Wood, p. 37; Anacker, p. 294. 291 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 292 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 113. 293 khavat mfn. having wood for fuel, &c.; (%{t}) ind. like a piece of wood, like a stick (as when petrified with fear, &c.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 294 kra 1 m. (ifc. f. %{A} R. i, 28, 24 agh. xii, 41) form, figure, shape, stature, appearance, external gesture or aspect of the body, expression of the face (as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind) n. Bh. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. kravat mfn. having a shape, embodied Kaths.; well-formed, handsome. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/01/2007. 295 eavya mfn. (see above) to be striven after, desirable, wished for Br. Bh. &c.; to be approved arvad. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 296 vikalpa 2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1) alternation, alternative, option r. n. VarB. &c. (%{ena} ind. optionally); variation, combination, variety, diversity, manifoldness Ktyr. Bh. &c.; contrivance, art agh.; difference of perception, distinction yyas. BhP.; indecision, irresolution, doubt, hesitation Bh. Kv. &c.; admission, statement BhP.; false notion, fancy, imagination Yogas. Gt.; calculation VarB.; mental occupation, thinking L.; = %{kalpa-sthna} Car.; a god BhP. (Sch..); (in rhet.) antithesis of opposites Pratp.; (in gram.) admission of an option or alternative, the allowing a rule to be observed or not at pleasure (%{vti vikalpa} P. 1-1, 44 Sch..); a collateral form VarB.; pl. . of a people Bh. (C. %{vikalya}); mfn. different BhP.; %{-jla} n. a number of possible cases, dilemma arvad. Prt. Sch..; %{-tva} n. manifoldness, variety ur.; %{-vat} mfn. undecided, doubtful Vedntas.; %{-sama} m. a partic. sophistical objection arvad.; %{-pnupapatti} f. untenableness owing to a dilemma arvad.; %{psaha} mfn. not standing (the test of) a dilemma (%{-tva} n.) ib.; %{-ppahra} m. an optional offering. MW. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams 122
Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 297 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Kochumuttom, p. 252; Wood, p. 38; Anacker, p. 294. 298 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 299 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 119. 300 tattva n. the state of being that, i.e. the true state or real nature; truth, reality, first principle (ph.). ---, instr., & adv. in {tas} in truth, really, exactly. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 301 prati adv. towards, against, again, back, in return (--- in verbs & substantives, in adv. comp. also at the time of, about, with regard or according to, before, on, at, mostly with the idea of constant repetition); as a prep. (w. preceding, rarely following acc.) towards, against, before, over against, opposite, near, on, by, at in; at the time of, about (also abl. or gen.); with regard to, in favour of (also gen.); according to, on account or in consequence of; *w. abl. instead of or in return for; on a par with or as a match for (also adv. in {tas}). -- {tmna prati} to one's self, aside (d.); {m prati} according to me, in my opinion. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. prati 1 ind. (as a prefix to roots and their derivative nouns and other nouns, sometimes %{prat}; for 2. see p, 664) towards, near to; against, in opposition to; back, again, in return; down upon, upon, on; before nouns it expresses also likeness or comparison Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 302 1 vedha 1 mfn. ( %{vidh}) = %{vedhas}, pious, faithful V. (v.l.) 2 vedha 2 m. ( %{vyadh}) penetration, piercing, breaking through, breach, opening, perforation VarB. jat. arvad.; hitting (a mark) Bh.; puncturing, wounding, a wound ur.; a partic. disease of horses L.; hole, excavation VarB.; the depth of an excavation, depth Car. (also in measurement Col.); intrusion, disturbance Vstuv.; fixing the position of the sun or of the stars VarB.; mixture of fluids L.; a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected arvad.; a partic. measure or division of time (= 100 ruis = 1/3 ava) Pur.; . of a son of nanta VahniP.; (%{A}) f. a mystical . of the letter %{m} p. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 303 yugapad ind. being in the same yoke or by the side of each other, together, at the same time, simultaneously ( with instr. P. 2-1, 6 Sch..; cf. %{yuga-ram}) Gr. &c. &c.; (%{-pat})%{-karman} n. a simultaneous action y.; (%{-pat}) %{-kla} mfn. taking place at the same time pr.; (%{-pat}) %{-prpti} f. reaching simultaneously vG.; (%{-pad}) %{-bhva} m. simultaneousness Ktyr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 123
kriy f. action, performance, occupation, labor, pains; activity, verb; work, esp. religious work, sacrifice, ceremony, worship; argument, document, bond, contract. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 305 22 parij P. . %{-jnti}, %{-nte} (inf. %{-jtum} ind. p. %{-jya}), to notice, observe, perceive, learn, understand, comprehend, ascertain, know or recognise as (2 acc.) V. &c. &c. 23 parij f. knowledge L. 24 parijna n. perception, thorough knowledge, ascertainment, experience, discrimination Bh. Hariv. R. &c.; %{-maya} mf (%{I})n. consisting in knowledge BhP.; %{-nin} mfn. having much knowledge, wise Kaths. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 306 praha n., {-i} f. ceasing, vanishing. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 307 prpti f. reaching, attaining (conc. also as a superhuman faculty), arriving at, coming, entering, pervading; finding, meeting with; acquisition, rescue from (abl.), gain, profit, fortune; resulting from a rule, validity, correctness (g.). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 308 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Kochumuttom, p. 252; Wood, p. 38; Anacker, p. 294. 309 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 310 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 120. 311 1 anupalambha m. non-perception. 2 anupalambhana n. want of apprehension or knowledge.. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 312 hni f. (accord. to some fr. %{han}) abandonment, relinquishment Kuval.; taking off, laying aside (ornaments) ubh.; decrease, diminution Bh. Kv. &c.; deprivation of (abl.) Gaut.; damage, loss, failure (also in a lawsuit), ruin Yj. Bh. &c.; insufficiency, deficit, a minus vG. Bh. cessation, disappearance, non-existence Kv. Kaths. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 313 1 upalambha m. obtainment R. i.; perceiving, ascertaining, recognition agh. ak. arvad. yyak. &c. 3 upalambhaka mfn. perceiving BhP.; (from the Caus.) causing to perceive, reminding Bhshp. 4 upalambhana n. apprehension, perceiving; the capacity of perceiving, intelligence BhP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 314 nimitta n. (possibly connected with %{ni-m} above) a butt, mark, target Bh.; sign, omen n. Yj. Bh. &c. (cf. %{dur-n-}); cause, motive, ground, reason p. Kap. Var. 124
n. Bh. Kv. &c. (in all oblique cases = because of, on account of cf. P. 2-3, 23 Pat.; mfn. ifc. caused or occasioned by; %{-ttay}, to be the cause of anything Kd.); (in phil.) instrumental or efficient cause (opp. to %{updna}, the operative or material cause) Vedntas. Bhshp.; = %{gantu}; %{deha}; %{dea}; %{parvan} L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 315 skt adv. with or before the eyes, i.e. plainly, actually, exactly, immediately, directly, in person. With {bh} appear in person; w. {k} take a view of, put before the eyes, witness, notice, call to mind. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 316 1 api or sometimes %{pi} (see %{pi-dbh}, %{pi-dh}, %{pi-nah}), expresses placing near or over, uniting to, annexing, reaching to, proximity, &c. (cf. Gk. $ Zd. {api}; Germ. and Eng. prefix {be}); in later &16855(55,1) anskit its place seems frequently supplied by %{abhi}. (s a separable adv.) and, also, moreover, besides, assuredly, surely; %{api api}, or %{api-ca}, as well as; %{na vpi} or %{na apiv} or %{na nacpi}, neither, nor, %{cpi}, (and at the beginning of a sentence) %{api-ca}, moreover. 2 api is often used to express emphasis, in the sense of even, also, very; e.g. %{anyad api}, also another, something more; %{adypi}, this very day, even now; %{tathpi}, even thus, notwithstanding; %{yady api}, even if, although; %{yadyapi tathpi}, although, nevertheless; %{na kadcid api}, never at any time: sometimes in the sense of but, only, at least e.g. %{muhrtam api}, only a moment. 3 api may be affixed to an interrogative to make it indefinite, e.g. %{kopi}, any one; %{kutrpi}, anywhere. 4 api imparts to numerals the notion of totality e.g. %{caturam api varnm}, of all the four castes. 5 api may be interrogative at the beginning of a sentence. 6 api may strengthen the original force of the Potential, or may soften the Imperative, like the English be pleased to; sometimes it is a mere expletive. 1 abhi ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) to, towards, into, over, upon. (s a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the notion or going towards, approaching, &c. (s a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority, intensity, &c.; e.g. %{abhi-tmra}, %{abhi-nava} q.v. (s a separate adverb or preposition) it expresses (with acc.) to, towards, in the direction of, against; into Br. and Ktyr.; for, for the sake of; on account of; on, upon, with regard to, by, before, in front of; over. It may even express one after the other, severally P. 1-4, 91 e.g. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007.%{vka vkam abhi}, tree after tree (cf. Gk. $; Lat. {ob}; Zend &18820(61,1) {aibi}, {aiwi}; Goth. {bi}; ld igh Germ. {b}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 317 2 a 2 mfn. (only L.; for 3. %{a} see below) best, excellent; wise, learned; m. loss, destruction; loss of knowledge; end, term; rest, remainder; eternal happiness, final emancipation; heaven, paradise; sleep; a learned man, teacher; a nipple; = %{kaca}; = 125
%{mnava}; = %{sarva}; = %{garbhavimocana}; n. the embryo; (accord. to some) patience, endurance. 3 a 3 mfn. = %{a} ifc. (in %{paca-a} q.v.) 4 sa 1 the last of the three sibilants (it belongs to the dental class and in sound corresponds to %{s} in %{sin}). -1. 5 sa 2 (in prosody) an anapest ($-). -2. 6 sa 3 (in music) an abbreviated term for %{a-ja} (see p. 1109, col. 2). s 1 f. of 4. %{sa} q.v. 30 s 2 f. of 6. %{sa} q.v. 31 s 3 (weak form of %{san}), giving, bestowing, granting (cf. %{ap-}, %{ava-s} &c.) 32 s 4 = {so} q.v. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 318 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Kochumuttom, p. 252; Wood, p. 38; Anacker, p. 295. 319 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 320 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 121. 321 1 gam, gacchati, -te, gamati, ganti, pp. (--- w. act. & pass. mg.) ((-,)) {gata} (q.v.) go, move; go or come to, get at, fall into or upon, undergo, incur, reach, acquire (acc. {prati}, loc., or dat.); approach sex. (acc.); move on, wander; keep on (with a pp.); approach mentally, perceive ({manas}), guess, understand (P. be understood or meant); go away, pass, set out, depart, die. --With the acc. of an abstr. often = become or be w. adj. or pp., as {hara gacchati} he becomes glad, {uplambhana gacchati} he is censured (cf. {i}2). C. {gamayati, -te} cause to go or come, lead or bring towards (acc., dat., or loc.); put a person into a condition (2 acc.); grant, impart (gen. of pers. & acc. of th.); cause to go away i.e. send forth; pass, spend; overcome; *cause a person (acc.) through some other (instr.) to go; make understood, explain; convey the idea of (acc.), mean, denote. . {ji3gamiati} & {ji3gsati} wish to go, be going. 1. {ganganti} approach, visit. -- {accha, acch} go to, meet with. {ati} pass away, pass over (acc.). {adhi} get at, meet with, obtain, acquire; commence, undertake, accomplish; approach (sex.), take to wife, marry; find out, invent, discover; perceive, learn, study, read. {samadhi} come near, get at, obtain, acquire; learn, study, read. {anu} go after, follow, accompany (also C.); seek, look for; approach, arrive, visit, enter; observe, obey, imitate, answer to; go out, be extinguished, die. {samanu} go after, follow; penetrate, pervade. {antar} step between, exclude from (abl.). {apa} go away, depart, cease, disappear. {vyapa} the same. {api} go into, join, approach (sex.); get, obtain. {abhi} come near, approach, visit; go after, follow; find, meet; approach (sex.); undertake, take to (acc.), get, acquire; perceive, understand, learn (also C.). {ava} come down, descend; come to, approach, visit; fall into, incur; get, obtain; undergo, undertake; learn from (abl.), perceive, guess, understand; be of opinion, know; take for, consider as (2 acc.). C. bring near, procure; cause to know, make acquainted with, teach (2 acc. or gen. of pers. & acc. of th.). {} go near, approach, come to (acc. or loc.), come back ({punar}); meet with (instr.); reach, obtain, get at, undergo, incur; befall, betide. C. bring near, convey; procure, ascertain (acc.), learn from (abl.). . wish to come to (acc.). I. approach repeatedly (acc.). {adhy} meet with, encounter, find. {anv} go after or along. {abhy} come near, approach, visit; fall into, incur. {up} & {samup} the same. {ny} come down to (acc.). {pary} go or come round. {praty} come back, return from (abl.) to 126
(acc.); return to life, revive, recover. {sam} come together, associate, meet, encounter (instr. {saha} or {srdham}); come near, approach, come to (acc. or loc.), come back; meet with, find. {ud} go up, rise, shoot up, grow; come forth, extend, spread. {apod}, . {apojjigsati} wish to withdraw from, to avoid (abl.). {abhyud} rise, go out to meet (acc.), extend, spread; agree, consent to (acc.). {pratyud} come forth again; go out to meet or to face (acc.); set out, depart. {upa} come near, approach, visit; go against, attack; meet, encounter, approach (sex.), undertake; undergo incur; reach, befall, happen. {abhyupa} come near, go to, join, get at; reach, obtain; admit, consent to (acc.). {samupa} come near, go to, undergo, incur. {ni} settle down, approach (also sex.), get at, incur, undergo. {upani} & {sani} meet with, encounter. {nis} go out, depart, proceed from (abl.), appear; go away, disappear; get rid of (abl.); reach, get, fall into ({nidrm} fall asleep). {vinis} go out, depart, set off, cease, vanish; get rid of (abl.). {par} go away, depart. {pari} walk about, circumambulate surround, inclose, pervade, spread. {pra} set out, start, advance, proceed; go to, get at (acc.). {prati} go to meet, come back, return. {vi} go asunder, go away, pass, cease, vanish. C. pass, spend (time). {sam} (mostly .) meet, encounter, join, approach (sex.); harmonize, agree; be fit, answer, correspond. C. bring together, join with (instr.); lead to (acc.), bestow on (loc.). {abhisam} & {upasam} meet with, come (together) to (acc.). --Cf. {anugata, antargata, abhygata, Agata, udgata, upagata, parigata, vigata, sagata}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 322 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Kochumuttom, p. 252; Wood, p. 38; Anacker (vanishes), p. 295. 323 1 vigama m. going away, departure, cessation, end, absence Kv. Var. &c.; (ifc.) abstention from, avoidance Yj.; %{-candra} m. n. of a prince Buddh. 2 vigman n. a step, pace, stride (applied to the three strides of Vishu) V. i, 155, 4. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/2006./2007. 324 1 dhig in comp. for %{dhik}. 1 dhik ind., used as a prefix or as an interj. of reproach, menace or displeasure = fie! shame! out upon! what a pity! &c. (with acc., rarely gen. voc. or nom.) p. y. Bh. Kv. &c. (also %{dhig dhik}, %{aho dhik}, %{h dhik}, %{h dhik kaam}, %{h8 h dhik} &c.; %{dhik tvm}, or %{tava} (also with %{astu}) shame upon you!) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 325 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Kochumuttom, p. 252; Wood, p. 38; Anacker, p. 295. 326 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 327 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 122. 328 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Kochumuttom, pp. 252-3; Wood, p. 38; Anacker, p. 295. 329 Tola and Dragonetti, ibid. 330 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 123. 127
viruddha mfn. opposed, hindered, restrained, arrested, kept back R. Klid. &c.; surrounded, blockaded W.; forbidden, prohibited n. Bh. &c.; doubtful, uncertain, precarious, dangerous Bh. R.; hostile, adverse, at variance or at enmity with (instr. gen., or comp.) Bh. Kv. &c.; unpleasant, disagreeable, odious or hateful to(comp.) R. Kaths.; disagreeing (as food) Bhpr.; contrary, repugnant, contrasted, reverse, inconsistent or incompatible with, excluded from (gen. instr., or comp.) Ktyr. n. Bh. &c.; (%{am}) ind. perversely, incongruously MW.; m. pl. . of a class of gods under the tenth anu Pur.; n. opposition, hostility, repugnance MW.; (scil. %{rpaka}) a figure of speech in which an object compared to another object is said to lack its functions and to possess others not properly belonging to it (e.g. the moon of thy face does not rise in the sky, but only takes away my life) Kvyd. ii, 84; . of wk. on yya; %{-grantha-prvapaka-rahasya} n. %{-grantha-rarhasya} n. . of wks.; %{-t}, f.; %{tva} n. hostility, enmity, opposition, contrariety, incompatibility jat. Pacat. arvad.; %{-dh} mfn. malevolently disposed, malignant jat.; %{-prva-paka-grantha-k} f. %{-prva-paksa-} %{granthloka}, m. n. of wks.; %{-prasaGga} m. prohibited or unlawful occupation Yj.; %{-bhuj} mfn. eating incompatible or unsuitable food W.; %{bhojana} n. incompatible food ib.; %{-mati-krin} mfn. suggesting contradictory notions h.; %{-ri-t} f. a figure of speech which (by using ambiguous words) suggests contradictory notions (e.g. %{vidadhti galagraham}, she gives an embrace, where the word %{galag-graha} means also a disease of the throat) h. Kpr.; %{-mati-kt} mfn. (= %{-krin}) Kpr. Pratp.; n. (= %{-kri-t}) ib.; %{-lakaa} n. . of a ch. of the Parv.; %{-asana} n. malignant or abusive language (= %{gli}) L.; %{sambandhanya} mfn. (in law) allied or kin in a forbidden degree; %{-siddhntagranthak} f. %{-siddhnta-grantha-rahasya} n. %{-siddhnta-granthloka} m. n. of wks.; %{-ddhrtha} mfn. containing a contradiction (%{-t} f.) Kvyd.; (%{-thadpika} n. a partic. figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory functions are attributed to one and the same object Kvyd. ii, 109); %{-ddhcaraa} n. wrong or improper course of conduct MW.; %{-ddhnna} or %{-dhana} n. incompatible or forbidden food ur.; %{-ddhkti} f. adverse or contradictory speech, quarrel, dispute L.; %{-ddhpakrama} mfn. (in medicine) applying incompatible remedies (%{-tva} n.) ur. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 332 5 dh 1 cl. 3. . %{ddhte}, &c. V. (cf. %{ddh}; the forms %{dhmahi} and %{dhyi} belong rather to 1. %{dh}; pf. %{ddhaya}, %{-dhima}, %{-dhiyur} or %{dhyur}, %{-dhire} V. V. Br.) to perceive, think, reflect; wish, desire: ntens. %{dedhyat} T. 6 dh 2 f. thought, (esp.) religious thought, reflection, meditation, devotion, prayer (pl. Holy Thoughts personified) V.; understanding, intelligence, wisdom (personified as the wife of Rudra-anyu BhP.), knowledge, science, art; mind, disposition, intention, design (ifc. intent upon Kv.); notion, opinion, the taking for (comp.) V. &c. &c. (%{yth dhiy} or %{dhiy n}, according to thy wisdom or will; %{itth dhiy} or %{dhya}, willingly lit. such is thy will V.); . of the 5th house from the agna Var. 7 dh 3 cl.4. . %{dhyate}, to contain, bold (Pass. of 1. 128
%{dh}?); to slight, disregard; to propitiate (?) htup. xxvi, 37. 8 dh 4 f. for %{d}, splendour V. iii, 34, 5; vi, 3, 3. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 333 vraa 1 mf (%{I})n. warding off, restraining, resisting, opposing Bh. Kv. &c.; all-resisting, invincible (said of the oma and of Indra's elephant) V. ix, 1, 9 Hariv. 1700; relating to prevention ur.; shy, wild V. V. (with %{mga} accord. to some = elephant V. viii, 33, 8; x, 40, 4); dangerous V. havBr.; forbidden itBr.; m. (ifc. f. %{A}) an elephant (from its power of resistance) Bh. Kv. &c.; an elephant-hook a.; armor, mail L.; a kind of ornament on an arch Bh. iv, 1326; (%{I}) f. a female elephant L.; w.r. for %{vru} Yog.; n. the act of restraining or keeping back or warding off from (abl.); resistance, opposition, obstacle; impediment, Katyr. Bh. &c.; a means of restraining Bhart.; = %{hari-tla} L.; . of a place Bh.. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 334 Buddha mfn. awakened, awake Bh.; expanded, blown SmavBr.; conscious, intelligent, clever, wise (opp. to %{mha}) Bh. Kv. &c.; learnt, known, understood past. Bh. ( by, usually instr., but also gen. according to P. 2-2, 12; 3, 67 Sch..); m. a wise or learned man, sage W.; (with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of irva reveals the method of obtaining it, (esp.) the principal Buddha of the present age (born at Kapila-vastu about the year 500 B.C. his father, uddhodana, of the kya tribe or family, being the ja of that district, and his mother, y-dev, being the daughter of ja u-prabuddha MWB. 19 &c.; hence he belonged to the Kshatriya caste and his original name kya-muni or kya-siha was really his family name, while that of Gautama was taken from the race to which his family belonged; for his other names see ib. 23; he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age, prob. about 420 B.C. ib. 49 n. 1; he was preceded by 3 mythical Buddhas of the present Kalpa, or by 24, reckoning previous Kalpa, or according to others by 6 principal Buddhas ib. 136; sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of Vishu Hariv. Kv. Var. &c.); n. knowledge BhP. (B. %{buddhi}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 335 1 vai 1 (orig. identical with 2. %{vA}) cl. 1. P. (Dha1tup. xxii , 24) %{vA4yati} , to become languid or weary or exhausted RV. (%{zoSaNe} Dha1tup.) ; to be deprived of (gen.) RV. viii. 47 , 6 ; P. and (ep. also A1.) , to blow A1past. MBh. 2 vai 2 ind. a particle of emphasis and affirmation , generally placed {after} a word and laying stress on it (it is usually translatable by `" indeed "' , `" truly "' , `" certainly "' , `" verily "' , `" just "' &c. ; it is very rare in the RV. ; more frequent in the AV. , and very common in the Bra1hman2as and in works that imitate their style ; in the Su1tras it is less frequent and almost restricted to the combination %{yady@u@vai} ; in Manu MBh. and the Ka1vyas it mostly appears at the end of a line , and as a mere expletive. In RV. it is frequently followed by %{u} in the combination %{vA4@u} [both particles are separated , v , 18 , 129
3] [1020,1] ; it is also preceded by %{u} and various other particles e.g. by %{i4d} , %{a4ha} , %{uta4} ; in the Bra1hman2as it often follows %{ha} , %{ha@sma} , %{eva} ; in later language %{api} and %{tu}. Accord. to some it is also a vocative particle). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/09/2008. 336 arthya mf(%{A} Pa1n2. 4-4 , 92) n. = %{arthanIya} q.v. L. ; proper , fit R. Ragh. Kum. ; rich Pan5cat. Katha1s. ; intelligent , wise L. ; = %{dhruva} L. ; (%{am}) n. red chalk L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/09/2008. 337 darana mf (%{I})n. showing. P. 5-2, 6; ifc. seeing, looking at (see %{tulya-}, %{deva-}, %{sama-}.) agh. xi, 93; knowing see %{dharma-}; exhibiting, teaching Bh. i, 583 BhP. v, 4, 11; n. seeing, observing, looking, noticing, observation, perception V. i, 116, 23 Br. xiv khG. v, 5 Bh. &c. (471,1); ocular perception ur. iv, 27; the eye-sight, vi, 17; inspection, examination Yj. 1, 328 Hariv. 5460; visiting Yj. i, 84 Kaths. iii, 8; audience, meeting (with gen. C.; instr. with or without %{saha} Vet.; in comp. agh. xii, 60 ak. v, 5/6; vii, 25/26 jat. vi, 43; experiencing BhP. i, 8, 25; foreseeing agh. viii, 71; contemplating n. viii, 9 and 23; apprehension, judgment ak. iii, 6/7 discernment, understanding, intellect n. vi, 74 Yj. i, 8 Bhag. &c.; opinion lav. v, 13/14 Km. ii, 6; intention (cf. %{ppa-}) R. i, 58, 18; view, doctrine, philosophical system (6 in number, vi. (Prva-) ms by aim. ttarams by Bdar.; yya by Gotama Vaieshika by Kada khya by Kap.; Yoga by Pat.) Bh. xii, 11045 f. BhP. &c.; the eye ur. v, 8 ak. iv, 6 Prab. iii, 10; the becoming visible or known, presence vG. iii, 7 n. ii, 101; iv Yj. i, 131; ii, 170 Bh. &c.; appearance (before the judge) n. viii, 158 Yj. ii, 53 Km.; the being mentioned (in any authoritative text) Kty. r. i, xxvi y. vi, ix Bdar. i, s, 25 Bh. xiv, 2700; a vision, dream Hariv. 1285 it. iii, 0/1; ifc. appearance, aspect, semblance n. ii, 47 Bh. (al. ii, 3; xii, 18 and 44) R. agh. iii, 57; color L.; showing (cf. %{danta-}) Bhart. ii, 26 hrtas. i, 35/11 a mirror L.; a sacrifice L.; = %{dharma} L.; (%{I}) f. urg Hariv. 10238; . of an insect pr.; cf. %{a-}, %{su-}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 338 jna n. knowing, becoming acquainted with, knowledge, (esp.) the higher knowledge (derived from meditation on the one niversal Spirit) khr.xiii Gobh. n. &c.; knowledge about anything cognizance see %{-tas} and %{a-jnd} %{a-jnd} %{v}, knowingly or ignorantly, xi, 233); conscience Bh.; = %{-nndriya} Kahp. vi, 10; engaging in (gen. e.g. %{sarpias},in sacrifice with clarified butter) P. 2-2, 10 Vrtt. Pat.; . of a akti asik.xiv, 36 matp. i, 90 Sch..; (%{A}) f. id. Pacar. iii, 2, 30 mapj. 2 jna mf (%{I})n. prudent, wise L. (659,2); easily known V.; n. knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, discrimination V. &c. &c.; a distinctive mark, token of recognition, any mark or sign or characteristic V. Bh. R. &c.; a monument, memorial Br.; %{-kumuda-candrik} f. . of wk.; %{-ghan} m. nothing but knowledge 130
Br. (cf. under %{ghan}); %{-tpta} mfn. satiated with i.e. full of knowledge Bh.; %{-satati} f. a train of thought attvas.; %{-nnanda}, %{-nrama}, and %{-nndra} m. n. of authors Cat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 339 1 anuvtta mfn. following, obeying, complying; rounded off; (%{am}) n. obedience, conformity, compliance. 2 anuvtti f. following, acting suitably to, having regard or respect to, complying with, the act of continuance; (in Pini's Gr.) continued course or influence of a preceding rule on what follows; reverting to; imitating, doing or acting in like manner. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 340 moka m. (ifc. f. %{A}) emancipation, liberation, release from (abl., rarely gen. or comp.) Bh. Kv. &c.; release from worldly existence or transmigration, final or eternal emancipation p. n. Bh. &c. (W. 39); death L.; . of partic. sacred hymns conducive to final emancipation Yj.; (in astron.) the liberation of an eclipsed or occulted planet, the last contact or separation of the eclipsed and eclipsing bodies, end of an eclipse ryas. VarB.; falling off or down Kum. VarB. (cf. %{garbha-}); effusion VarB.; setting free, deliverance (of a prisoner) Gaut.; loosing, untying (hair) egh.; settling (a question) Kaths.; acquittance of an obligation, discharge of a debt (cf. %{ria-}); shedding or causing to flow (tears, blood &c.) rkP. ur.; casting, shooting, hurling Bh. Kv. Pur.; strewing, scattering Kum. Kaths.; utterance (of a curse) R.; relinquishment, abandonment Kaths.; . of the divine mountain Meru L.; chrebera wietenioides L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 341 patti f. happening, occurring; entering into a state or condition, entering into relationship with, changing into Ktyr. Prt. &c.; incurring, misfortune, calamity Yj.; fault, transgression L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 342 ayatnatas without effort or exertion. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 343 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Anacker, p. 295; Kochumuttom, p. 253; Wood, p. 38. 344 Kochumuttom, p. 253; Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Anacker, p. 295. 345 Anacker, p. 295. 346 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 347 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 124. 348 syt ind. (3. sg. Pot. of 1. %{as}) it may be, perhaps, perchance (esp. used in aina wks. and occurring in 7 formulas, vi. 1. %{syd asti}, perhaps it is (under certain circumstances); 2. %{syn nsti}, perhaps it is not, &c.; 3. %{syd asti ca nsti ca}, perhaps it is and is not (under certain circumstances); 4. %{syd avaktavya}, perhaps 131
it is not expressible in words; 5. %{syd asti cvaktavya}, perhaps it is and is not expressible in words; 6. %{syn nsti cvaktavya}, perhaps it is not and is and is not expressible in words; 7. %{syd asti ca nsti cvaktavya}) arvad. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 349 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 227; Kochumuttom, p. 253; Wood, p. 38; Anacker, p. 295. 350 In a perhaps over-ambitious masters thesis, I explored similarities in the process metaphysics of the Yogcara and A.N. Whitehead. Johnson-Moxley, Melanie K. Roll on Dancing: Comparison and Conflict in Alfred North Whitehead's Process Philosophy and the Early Yogcra Buddhism. M.A. thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1994. Thesis advisor Dr. Bina Gupta. 351 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 352 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 125. 353 34 dhtu 1 m. layer, stratum Ktyr. Kau.; constituent part, ingredient (esp. ( and in V. only) ifc., where often= fold e.g. %{tri-dhtu}, threefold &c.; cf. %{trivii-}, %{sapta-}, %{su-}) V. T. Br. &c.; element, primitive matter (= %{mah-bhta} L.) Bh. Hariv. &c. (usually reckoned as 5, vi. %{kha} or %{ka}, %{anila}, %{tejas}, %{jala}, %{bh}; to which is added %{brahma} Yj. iii, 145; or %{vijna} Buddh.); a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body (distinct from the 5 mentioned above and conceived either as 3 humours (called also %{doa}) phlegm, wind and bile BhP. (cf. %{pura}, %{msa}, %{manas}, Chndp. vi, 5, 1); or as the 5 organs of sense, %{indriyi}.(cf. s.v. and Bh. xii, 6842, where %{rotra}, %{ghra}, %{sya}, %{hdaya} and %{koha} are mentioned as the 5 dhdhtu of the human body born from the either) and the 5 properties of the elements perceived by them, %{gandha}, %{rasa}, %{rpa}, %{spara} and %{abda} L.; or the 7 fluids or secretions, chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, semen ur. (L. %{rasdi} or %{rasa-raktdi}, of which sometimes 10 are given, the above 7 and hair, skin, sinews BhP.)); primary element of the earth i.e. metal, mineral, are (esp. a mineral of a red color) n. Bh. &c. element of words i.e. grammatical or verbal root or stem ir. Prt. Bh. &c. (with the southern Buddhists %{dhtu} means either the 6 elements (see above) harmas. xxv; or the 18 elementary spheres (%{dhtu-loka}) ib. lviii; or the ashes of the body, relics L. (cf. %{-garbha})). 35 dhtu 2 mfn. ( %{dhe}) to be sucked in or drunk (%{havis}) V. v, 44, 3 f. = %{dhenu}, milch cow y. vii, 5, 9. 36 dhtu 3 n. (with %{rauhia}) . of a man rshBr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 354 vibhutva n. omnipresence, might, power. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 355 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 228; Kochumuttom, p. 252; Wood, p. 38; Anacker, p. 295. 356 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 221. 132
357 358
Kochumuttom, footnote p. 126. upalabdha mfn. obtained, received; conceived; perceived, heard, understood, learnt, known, guessed. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 359 prasiddhi f. accomplishment, success, attainment n. Yj. Km. BhP.; proof, argument Kaths.; general opinion, publicity, celebrity, renown, fame, rumor Var. Kv. Kaths.; %{-mat} mfn. universally known, famous Kaths.; %{viruddha-t} f. the state of being opposed to general opinion, sh. (= %{khyti-v-}); %{-hata} mfn. having no value, very trivial Kpr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 360 prp (%{pra-p}) P. . %{prpnoti} (irreg. Pot. %{prpeyam}), to attain to; reach, arrive at, meet with, find V. &c. &c.; to obtain, receive (also as a husband or wife) Bh. Kv. &c.; to incur (a fine) n. viii, 225; to suffer (capital punishment) ib. 364; (with %{dia}) to flee in all directions Bha.; to extend, stretch, reach to (%{A}) P. 5-2, 8; to be present or at hand V.; (in gram.) to pass or be changed into (acc.) iddh.: to result (from a rule), be in force, obtain (also Pass.) K.: Caus. %{prpayati}, %{-te} (ind. p. %{prpayya}, or %{prpya} P. 6-4, 57 Sch..), to cause to reach or attain (2 acc.), advance, promote, further (P. Chp. Bh. &c.; . Br. Bh.); to lead or bring to (dat.) VP.; to impart, communicate, announce, relate n. Bh. &c.; to meet with, obtain R.: esid. %{prpsati}, to try to attain, strive to reach Br. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 361 anuttara mfn. chief, principal; best, excellent; without a reply, unable to answer, silent; fixed, firm; low, inferior, base; south, southern; (%{am}) n. a reply which is coherent or evasive and therefore held to be no answer; (%{s}) m. pl. a class of gods among the ainas. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 362 bodhi mf. (with Buddhists or ainas) perfect knowledge or wisdom (by which a man becomes a Buddha or ina), the illuminated or enlightened intellect (of a BBuddha or ina) Kaths. jat. atr. Lalit. (cf. MWB. 97, 188 &c.); m. the tree of wisdom under which perfect wisdom is attained or under which a man becomes a Buddha, the sacred fig-tree, (Ficus Religiosa) cat. (MWB. 35, 181 &c.); wakener, a cock L.; . of a man (= Buddha in a former birth) takam.; of a mythical elephant Lalit.; of a place L.; pl. . of a people R.; mfn. learned, wise . iv, 117. 2 bodhi f. (with Buddhists) perfect knowledge or enlightenment MWB. 43 (%{-dhy-aGga} n. an integral part of perfect knowledge or enlightenment Lalit.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 363 dhmat mfn. intelligent, wise, learned, sensible n. Bh. &c.; m. n. of Bihaspati L.; of a son of Virj VP.; of a ishi in the 4th anv-antara ib.; of a son of Pr-ravas Bh.; 133
a Bodhi-sattva L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. dhmant a. intelligent, skilful, wise. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/20/2008. 364 kya 1 mf (%{I})n. (fr. 3. %{ka} P. 4-2, 25), relating or devoted to the god Ka (Praj-pati V. x, 121) V. T. Br.; &c.; m. one of the eight modes of marriage (= Prjpatya see %{vivha}) n. iii, 38 Yj. i, 60; (%{am}) n. part of the hand sacred to Praj-pati, the root of the little finger n. ii, 58 and 59. 4 kya 2 m. (%{ci} P. 3-3, 41), the body Ktyr. n. &c.; the trunk of a tree R.; the body of a lute (the whole except the wires) L.; assemblage, collection, multitude addhP.; principal, capital r. Bih.; a house, habitation L.; a butt, mark L.; any object to be attained L.; natural temperament L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 365 tmk to make one's own, take possession of Kd. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/07/2007. 366 See also Tola and Dragonetti, p. 228; Kochumuttom, p. 253; Wood, p. 39; Anacker, pp. 295-6.
I have consulted English translations of Vasubandhus Viatik-Krik ("Twenty Verses, or VM) from Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti,367 Thomas Kochumuttom,368 G. M. Nagao (in David Kalupahana,)369 Thomas Wood370 and Stefan Anacker.371 I cite Tola and Dragonettis transliteration of the Sanskrit verses and their commentary (td), which is based on Sylvan Lvis as well as Chinese and Tibetan versions, in addition to Kochumuttoms (k) transliteration of Lvi alone. Vasubandhus text was also translated into Chinese in the sixteenth century by Hsan-tsang, who also wrote his own commentary. Contemporary English renderings of this version from Francis Cook372 and Hamilton373 are considered. As in the preceding chapters, my procedure has been to compare the English translations against each other, using available English transliterations as touchstones. Given the complexity of this project, I am relying upon on a synthesis English translations from Tola and Dragonetti, Kochumuttom, Anacker, et. al., to present the general meaning of most portions of the auto-commentary, and only on pertinent occasions provide the same level of analysis of the commentary as I do the twenty-two core verses themselves. Most transliterated passages of Vasubandhus auto-commentary included herein are from Tola and Dragonettis excellent Being as Consciousness; transliterations of certain key passages of commentary (e.g., see auto-commentary on Verse 9) are sometimes provided by other authors, such as Kochumuttom.
The structure of the Twenty Verses is as follows. The thesis of the Viatik, namely, vijapti-mtra, is stated in verse 1. Vasubandhus commentary on this verse establishes the synonymy of the terms citta (used primarily in the TSN), Vijapti (used in the VM), manas (used rarely in the VM and the Trimatika) and vijna (used throughout the consciousness trilogy). In keeping with the translation introduced in Chapter 2 of mtra as occasion, rather than only or mere, I am also herein translating the thesis of this text as consciousness-occasion, rather than consciousnessonly or mere representation of consciousness. Verses 2-7 and commentary raise and respond to several objections to this thesis, namely, that it cannot account for spatio-temporal determination, shared perceptual experiences or causal efficacy. Verses 8-10 and commentary address the true nature of tman and dharmas, reiterating the assertion that tman and dharmas do not exist like that (as opposed to an assertion that they do not exist at all) and does so, from all appearances, with the axioms of the Trisvabhva still firmly held in view. Next, verses 11-15 and commentary raise and respond to several objections to the vijapti-mtra thesis from the Vaieika (Atomist) perspective. Verses 16-21 return to the lines of objection addresses in verses 2-7, wherein it is asked and explained how if there are no objects of perception, any of the following could be possible: sensory perception, the distinction between dreaming and waking states, the causal efficacy of other minds, or murder. Verse 22 offers Vasubandhus closing caveat regarding his ability to present the subtle idea of vijapti-mtra accurately.
VM 1: Thesis of Vijapti-Mtra The first verse of the VM does not appear as such in Hsan-tsangs Chinese translation, although it is incorporated into his commentary. David Kalupahana omits the first two paragraphs of Vasubandhus commentary from his version, claiming that this portion of the text is dubious by virtue of having been lost in its original Sanskrit form and merely reconstructed by Sylvan Lvi based on subsequent Chinese and Tibetan translations of text.374 Nevertheless, that verse and its commentary shall be considered here, as it conforms to the essential idea of the Trisvabhva-Nirdea (TSN), namely, citta-mtra. Verse 1a Vijaptimtram(td)375 Consciousness-occasion vijapti mtra information, announcement, request; imparting, giving; mind (per Wood);376 consciousness;377 representation378 of consciousness;379 concept;380 perception (per Anacker)381 having/being/consisting of /merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, atom, element; occasion
Table 45- VM 1a
The translation of vijapti variously as information, mind, consciousness, perception, concept, and representation might seem discordant at first, but in fact serves to illustrate the same basic concept: that of conceptualization itself, of ideation or mentation, which as explained in the TSN is a process both caused and causally 137
efficacious. Again, in keeping with the translation introduced in Chapter 2, mtra is herein taken to mean occasion, rather than only or mere as it is usually rendered, because consciousness-occasion expresses the fundamental Buddhist idea of momentary existence in a way that consciousness-only or mere mind does not. Hence, mind-occasion, consciousness-occasion, representation-occasion, conceptoccasion, perception-occasion and information-occasion are taken to be legitimate forms of the vijapti-mtra thesis of the VM. This conforms to the methodology of the TSN, albeit in a somewhat reversed order. In the TSN, the nature of reflection or appearance (the own-state-of being parakalpita) is explained in relation to dependent cause (the own-state-of being paratantra) of that reflection and in relation to perfected or complete reality (the ownstate-of being parinipanna); the citta-mtra thesis is made explicit only by the texts end. In the VM, again assuming the authenticity of the first verse and commentary, the text begins with this thesis and is thereafter concerned with addressing hypothetical objections to it. This flow from the TSN to the VM serves as one illustration of the connection between the these two texts, and thus as one reason why I have approached this project as the examination of a consciousness trilogy. Verse 1b evedam asadarthvabhsant (td) etad-asadartha-vabhsant (k)382 evaitad asadarthavabhsant (wayman)383 thus non-existing material thing like reflection (appearance)
evadam asadarthavabhsant eva asad rtha va bhsa thus, in this way not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; nonexistence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing like, as384 splendor, light; appearance, semblance; phantasm of the imagination; mere appearances; reflection385
Table 46- VM 1b
Given the truth of consciousness-occasion, the sense in which perceived material things, objects, selves, etc., are like mere reflections, phantasms or appearances can be understood. The reading of verse 1a-b most in keeping with the lessons of the TSN as well as the concept of momentary existence is not, mere consciousness therefore no material objects but rather consciousness-occasion, therefore reflected appearance of material objects. The differences are subtle but significant, not the least of which is an attitude of outright rejection of material objects, as opposed to one recasting of the way in which our perceptions of such objects (and thus the objects themselves) are understood. It is not, to recall the elephant analogy of the TSN, that there is no way a stick there to be misperceived as an elephant. Similarly: Verse 1c-d Yadvat taimirikassatkeoukdidaranam (td) Yath taimirakasya-asatkea-candra-di daranam (k) According as optical disorder: non-existing hairs, moons and so on discerned.
yadvat taimirikassatkeoukdidaranam yadvat taimirikasya asat kea candra di darana (yatha): as follows, correlative of, in which way, according as, like optical disorder, eye disease386 (alt. asad): not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; non-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood; vs. sat hair387 moon, moonlight; glittering, shining388 beginning with; commencement, first fruits; or etc., and so on showing, exhibiting, teaching; observing, perceiving, inspection; apprehension, discernment; also: view, doctrine
Table 47- VM 1c-d
Thus perception of kalpita is like the discrimination of non-existent hairs, moons, etc. by those with optical disorders such a cataract. Significantly, there is something to be perceived therethe cataract in this case, as the stick in the elephant analogybut it is misperceived as being something else, such as an elephant or the moon.
Commentary Mahyne traidhtuka vijaptimtra vyavastpyate Cittamtra bho jinaputr yad uta traidhtukam iti strt Citta mano vijna vijapti ceti paryyh Citta atra sasaprayogam abhipreta Mtram ityarthapratisedhrtha389 mahyne trai dhtu Mahyna (lit., great vehicle) triple, threefold realm, sphere, layer, stratum; also constituent element
vijapti: mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving + mtram: having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, occasion, atom, element = consciousness-occasion vyavasta bound390 apyate obtainable, reachable; also, relating to water391 citta mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart bho (bhva) being, presence jinaputr of a Bodhisattva392 yad (alt. yac, yat): in order that, as for the fact that, because, since, wherefore, as, when, if uta woven393 ita as you know; in this manner; thus strt of the stras (scriptures)394 mano (manas): mind (it its widest sense, as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will; the internal organ of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul, distinct from tman vijna act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness vijapti mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving ceti (cetas): appearance, aspect; or consciousness, intelligence, mind; heart, fancy, desire paryya synonym, convertible term; revolution; course, repetition, succession, regular occurrence atra in this matter, in this respect, in this place, in this time395 saprayogam relating to use or application396 abhipreya purpose, intention; meaning397 ityartha having such a sense or meaning; for this purpose398 pratiedh keeping back, warding off, preventing, denying rtha relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing vijaptimtra
Table 48- VM 1 commentary
Roughly given, the commentary proceeds thus: the concepts of (1) the traidhtu or threefold-sphere-of-existence (which we may for the sake of argument compare to the 141
trisvabhva, or three-own-states-of-being, of the TSN), and (2) the Vijapti-mtra (consciousness-occasion), are important concepts to Mahyna Buddhism and are supported by the scriptures. Citta (or cit), manas, vijna and Vijapti are synonymous terms for the activity of consciousness. Consciousness in this respect is understood as having a meaning relating to a particular use. Consciousness-occasion functions in its definition to prevent over-affirmation of material objects. The consequences of interpreting vijapti-mtra as consciousness-only and the subsequent verse as declaring only meaning: denying things, as has been done by numerous contemporary commentators, include the rejection of external objects: (The word) mtra (only) is (used) with the purpose of denying (the existence of external) objects.399 The term mere indicates the exclusion of the (external) objects.400 Only is said to rule out any (external) object of sense or understanding.401 Only excludes objects of perception (rtha) that are external (to consciousness) not associates (of consciousness).402 However, I find that Alex Waymans argument in A Defense of Yogcra Buddhism is far better in keeping with what we have learned thus far from Vasubandhu in the TSN: This introductory statement does not deny an external object. Instead there is a mental representation that amounts to tinsel, 'fool's gold', a false wealth. Vasubandhu appears to mean that the mind imagines an external rtha in front, but the mind has only a report or representation of what the sense organ had sensed.403
Interpreting vijapti-mtra as consciousness-occasion sidesteps the alleged problem of the grand and utter metaphysical dismissal of the content of empirical observation.
VM 2-9: Response to Hypothetical Realist Objections Verse 2 and Commentary na deaklaniyama santnniyamo na ca / na ca ktyakriy yukt vijaptir yadi nrthata // (td)404 No fixed time-space point, No determined continued succession, and also no causal efficacy if consciousness is enjoined in the absence of an object. Yadi vijaptir-anarth niyamo dea-klayo Santnasya aniyama-ca yukt ktya-kriy na ca. (k)405 In the case that object-consciousness is not determined in place-time, continuity-stream is also undetermined, and no causal efficacy at work.
Na deaklaniyama santnaniyamo na ca na dea kla aniyama no, not, it is not so place, region, portion; direction, instruction406 time (in general); to calculate or enumerate; a fixed point of time407 a (negation) + niyama: determination, definition; limitation, restriction; restraining, controlling, preventing; keeping down; also restraint of the mind (second of eight meditation steps in yoga)408 = unsettledness, uncertainty, doubt; having no rule; absence of: determination, definition, limitation, controlling, preventing409 continued succession, continuance; continuity; uninterrupted series410 143
na ca ktyakriy yukt vijaptir yadi nrthata ktyakriy yukta kta, accomplished, done, performed; made, prepared; obtained411 + kriy, action, performance, work; also ceremony, argument, contract = efficacy joined, attached; set to work, made use of, occupied with, engaged in; ready to, prepared for; furnished, endowed, or provided with; accompanied by; being in conjunction with; connected with412 mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving if in the case that absence of a thing or object
Table 49- VM 2
If consciousness (does) not (arise) out from an object413 If the representations of consciousness are without (extra mental) objects414 If a concept were to be without a real object415 If representations were without an object416 If the perception occurs without an object417 If consciousness is without real objects of perception...418 If representations are without real objects...419 It is objected, in other words, that if there is not a 1:1 correspondence between objects of perception and reality, then spatio-temporal determination, continued succession of individual consciousness streams, and causal efficacy cannot be accounted for. If there is no difference between dreams and waking, and if there are no external objects (such as form) in reality, and if there is only internal consciousness that is born resembling an external objective realm,420 and if consciousness of visible qualities does not have a corresponding object constituted by such qualities, then the former is not determined by the latter, and (1)- (3) follow: 144
the determination (of experience)/ (certainty)/ (restriction) of/re: place/space and time would not exist/be logically possible, or proper/founded
This cannot be the case, or else why does (a representation of) consciousness not arise always/everywhere, but only in some particular/determinate/certain moment/place? (2) The indeterminacy/in-/non-determination (non-exclusiveness) in regard to it/the series (of consciousness)/perceiving stream of consciousness/mental continuity/ (various mind) streams (i.e. of individuals) would not exist/be logically possible, proper or founded.
This cannot be the case, or else why does (a representation of) consciousness arise in the (moment) series (of consciousnesses) of all those who are present in that place at that moment, not (in the series of consciousnesses) of only one (person)- as (is the case with) the appearances of hairs, etc. only to those with optical disorders? (3) the performance of the (specific) function would not exist/be logically possible, proper or founded
This cannot be the case, or else why do the objects misperceived by those with optical disorders not function as the objects perceived by everyone else? Why do objects seen in a dream not perform the function that objects seen during waking perform? And why do imaginary objects not perform the function of other objects?421 Vasubandhu responds: Verse 3a deadiniyama siddha svapnavat (td)422 Dea-di-niyama sidda svapnavat (k)423
deadiniyama siddha svapnavat dea di niyama siddha svapnavat place, region, portion; direction, instruction beginning (with); commencement, first fruits; or etc., and so on determination, definition; limitation, restriction; restraining, controlling, preventing; keeping down; also restraint of the mind (second of eight meditation steps in yoga) reach an aim, succeed, be accomplished or fulfilled; result, follow424 as from a dream425
Table 50- VM 3a
Regarding the first objection: the determination (of experience) of place and time is established or logical as in dreams. The objects in a dream are not real, but are seen in particular places and times. They cannot be seen all of the time (i.e., when one is awake). So spatio-temporal determination is possible even when there are no real corresponding external objects of perception. Verse 3b-d pretavat puna/ satnniyama sarvai pyanadydidarane (td) pretevat-puna Santna-aniyama sarvai pya-nad-di-darane (k) Damned spirits Continuity-stream-undetermined-always, Commencing with observing the pus river.
pretavat puna / satnniyama sarvai pretevat puna satna aniyama sarva (pret): damned spirits, hell ghosts to go back or in an opposite direction; restore; turn around; once more, to exist again, be renewed426 continued succession, continuance; continuity; uninterrupted series unsettledness, uncertainty, doubt; having no rule; absence of: determination, definition, limitation, controlling, preventing427 whole, entire, all, every; also always, at all times 428
pyanady darane pya nady adi darana pus429 river beginning (with); commencement, first fruits; or etc., and so on showing, exhibiting, teaching; observing, perceiving, inspection; apprehension, discernment; also: view, doctrine
Table 51- VM 3b-d
Regarding the second objection: the indeterminacy/non-determination (nonexclusiveness) in regard to it/the series (of consciousness)/perceiving stream of consciousness/mental continuity/ (various mind) streams (i.e. of individuals) is admitted/established/logical as in the case of prets (hungry ghosts in hell), who share the same visions. The prets, having the same kind of karma, end up sharing the same fate in hell and thus share the same visions and experiences.430 Verse 4 svapnopaghtavat ktyakriy narakavat puna/ sarva narakapldidarane tai ca bdhane (td)431 Svapna-upaghtavat ktya-kriy narakavat punah, sarvam naraka-pldi-darane tai-ca-bdhane (k)432 147
Dreaming negative causal efficacy. Existing again in hell, Always hell-guards observed harassing.
svapnopaghtavat ktyakriy svapna upaghtava ktya-kriy sleeping, dreaming433 being negatively affected;434 some translators suggest metaphorical use referencing nocturnal emissions, which makes sense in the context.435 kta, accomplished, done, performed; made, prepared; obtained + kriy, action, performance, work; also ceremony, argument, contract = efficacy
narakavat puna / sarva narakapldidarane ca bdhan naraka puna sarva pldi darana ca bdhana hell, place of torment436 to go back or in an opposite direction; restore; turn around; once more, to exist again, be renewed whole, entire, all, every; also always, at all times lit. flesh eater;437 hell guards showing, exhibiting, teaching; observing, perceiving, inspection; apprehension, discernment; also: view, doctrine and, also; even, just; but, yet; if oppressing, harassing; opposing, uneasiness, trouble438
Table 52- VM 4
Regarding the third objection: that the performance of (specific) function can take place during dreaming is admitted/established/logical as in the case of nocturnal emissions, or the ability of demons to torture those in hell. Thus the four factors (i.e., spatio-temporal determination, etc.) are demonstrated. Verse 5 and Commentary tiracm sabhva svarge yath ca narake tath / na pretn yatas tajja dukha nnubhvantite // (td)439 148
Tiracm sambhva svarge yath na narake tath Na pretnm yatas-tajjam dukham na-anubhavanti te. (k)440 Concealing coming together (birth) (occasion), heaven as follows also hell accordingly. No hell ghosts from which suffering perceived.
tiracm sabhva svarge yath ca narake tath tirasc sabhva svarga yatha ca narake tath concealing441 being or coming together; being contained in; birth, production, origin, source; causes, reason, occasion; occurrence, appearance; capacity, possibility; being, existence442 heaven443 as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like and, also; even, just; but, yet; if hell, place of torment in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly
na pretn yatas tajja dukha nnubhvantite na pretas yatas tajja dukha anubhava (negation) hell-ghosts from which or what, hence produced, lit. sprung from444 uneasy, unpleasant, uncomfortable, difficult; pain, sorrow, trouble; dis-ease, suffering perception, understanding, ascertainment anubhavaka: making to understand445
Table 53- VM 5
Why are hell-guards not admitted to truly exist? It would not make sense, since if they were real inhabitants of hell they would also suffer its afflictions, while as torturers they are supposed to be able to effectively inflict suffering, which implies an invulnerability to it that would not be possible if it were real. 149
It is objected: how did the hell-guards come to be in hell in the first place, then? Were they born there like animals in the heavens? Vasubandhu replies that animals are born in heaven as a result of their karma, and they are supposed to experience the good of that realm. Hell-guards cannot experience the pain of hell, however. So birth in hell of animals or pretas (acting as hell-guards) cannot be the case. It is further objected: if hell-guards come into being as a result of the actions of the condemned, and can appear to undergo transformation in order to instill fear, etc., then it is not impossible that they truly exist, since the phenomena is truly arising. Otherwise, what are you saying about the efficacy of hell?446 Vasubandhus answer is that it is not that the events are totally unreal, but rather that
Verse 6 and Commentary yadi tatkarmabhis tatra bhtn sabhvas tath iyate parima ca ki vijnasya neyate (td)447 Yadi tat-karmabhis-tatra bhtnm sabhvas-tath Iyate parima-ca kim vijnasya na iyate (k)448 If that very action (effect) therein: actual coming together (birth) (occasion) thus, By the wise, change also; How not so state of consciousness? vijnasyaiva tatkarmabhis tath parima kasmn neyate ki punar bhtni kalpyante (td)449 State of consciousness that very action (effect) thus change (transformation); why instead go back to conceived actualities?
yadi tatkarmabhis tatra bhtn sabhvas tath yadi tad karma tatra bhta (-na) sabhva tath if, in the case that (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now act, action; product, result, effect 450 in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore become, actually have happened, be true or real; matter of fact or reality451 being or coming together; being contained in; birth, production, origin, source; causes, reason, occasion; occurrence, appearance; capacity, possibility; being, existence in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly
iyate parima ca ki vijnasya neyate iyate parima ca ki vijnasya neya seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce;452 iyate: by the wise453 change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution454 and, also; even, just; but, yet; if (interrogative particle) vijna: act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness + asya: sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest na: no, not, it is not so + iya
vijanasyaiva tatkarmabhis tath parima vijnasya vijna: act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; in Buddhism: consciousness (one of the five constituent skandhas) + asya: sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now act, action; product, result, effect in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution
na: no, not, it is not so + iya: seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce (interrogative particle) to go back or in an opposite direction; restore; turn around; once more, to exist again, be renewed whatever has become; to actually have happened, be true or real; matter of fact or reality456 to be formed from; to be conceived or imagined
Table 54- VM 6 and commentary
If the (re-) birth of things or persons is admitted as issuing from karma, then why not admit that consciousness also arises from karma? Why wouldnt a hell-guardian be real enough in the hells? Or alternatively: if you grant that special beings such as the hell-guards exist as the result of a causal process, then why not also admit that process to be consciousness?457 That is, why not recognize a transformation of consciousness as the result of karma, rather than a transformation of matter? Furthermore Verse 7 and Commentary karmao vsannyatra phalam anyatra kalpyate/ tatraiva neyate yatra vsan ki nu kraa// (td)458 Karmao vsan-anyatra phalam-anyatra kalpyate Tatra-eva na-iyate yatra vsan kim nu kraam (k)459 Action impression elsewhere, Consequence imagined elsewhere; There is in this way not sought, Wherein no cause (reason)?
act, action; product, result, effect impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind; the present consciousness of past perceptions; knowledge derived from memory460 an: (negation) + yatra: in or to which place, where, wherein, wherever, whither461 = elsewhere, on another occasion, otherwise, in another manner, at another time462 metaphorical fruit, consequence, effect, result, retribution, gain/loss, dis/advantage to be formed from; to be conceived or imagined
tatraiva neyate yatra vsan ki nu kraa tatra eva neya ki nu kraa in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore thus, in this way na: no, not, it is not so + iya: seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce (interrogative particle) (negation) cause, reason463
Table 55- VM 7
Why imagine the mental impression of an action to exist in one place, and the consequence of that action in another? (W)hy is it that the effect is not accepted as being such a transformation of consciousness taking place just where the impressions themselves do? What is the reason for an effect being constructed where there is no process of impression?464 There is a perfumed consciousness, but then you will not admit that there is a transformation of the result. Where there is no perfumed place, you turn around and assert that the result exists. Why is this?465 Vasubandhu asks, why say that the dispositional basis/perfuming/impression of an action/deed/karma is (conceived or constructed in) one place/context but that its
fruit/effect is (conceived or constructed in) another, when it can be said that the cause and effect are (conceivable) in the same place/context? The vsan (impression) of the karma of the inhabitants of hell and its transformation is imagined to take place or exist in hell, but vsan and its transformation can only exist in the stream of consciousness. So why not recognize that the vsans phala (effect), being a similar transformation of consciousness, is in the same place as the vsan itself?466 Verse 8 and Commentary rpdyyatanstitva tadvineyajana prati abhipryavad uktam upapdukasattvavat (td)467 Rpdi-yatana-astitvam tad-vineya-janam prati Abhiprya-vad-uktam-upapduka-sattvavat (k)468 Form-abode exists (becomes); Thou that very student with regard to meaning of what of is taught, Self-produced sage.
rpdi-yatana-astitvam rpa yatana asti tvam form, shape, figure, outward appearance, phenomenon, color469 abode, seat, resting place470 be, exist, happen, become; be sufficient or able thou471
tad-vineya-janam prati tad vineya jana he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now to be trained or instructed; pupil472 creature, living being, person473
toward; (over) against, before, again, back, in return, opposite, near, on, by, at, in, at the time of; with regard to, according to, in consequence of 474
abhiprya-vad-uktam-upapduka-sattvavat abhiprya vad ukta upapduka sattvavat purpose, intention; meaning impression, content of communication or teaching said, taught, declared; term475 self-produced476 sage, Buddha477 Table 56- VM 8 It is objected that the scriptures would not assert the existence of the bases of sensory knowledge if external objects were only manifestations of consciousness. Vasubandhu replies that this is not a valid objection, because there is a more subtle and specific meaning to the assertion that the bases of sensory knowledge exist. This is similar to the way that assertions about spontaneous creation have a special meaning, that is, to affirm the non-interruption/continuity of the series of consciousness/stream of mind-/citta-series and its ability to continue into the future. It is not affirmed that there are really spontaneously born beings; in fact, it is said that there is neither a sentient being nor self, but only events/dharmas and their causes.478 In other words, we are reminded by Vasubandhu that the ostensibly most obvious meanings of key passages of Buddhist teaching are not necessarily the intended meanings. In this instance, the intention behind the affirmation of the bases of sensory knowledge is
Verse 9 and Commentary yata svabjd vijaptir yadbhs pravartate dvividhyatanatvena te tasy munir abravt (td)479 Yata sva-bjd-vijaptir-yadbhsa pravartate Dvi-vidha-yatanatvena te tasya munir-abravt (k)480 Own-seed (self-cause) held in consciousness whenever appearance arises; Twofold state of abiding. Sage conveying rpapratibhs vijaptir yata svabjt parimavieaprptd utpadyate tac ca bja yatpratibhs ca s te tasy vijapte cakrpyatanatvena yathkrama bhagavn abravt (td)481 Rpa-pratibhsa-vijaptir-yata svabjt-parimavieaprptd-utpadyate tac-ca bjam yat-pratibhsa ca sa te tasya vijaptecaku-rpa-yatanatvena yath-kramam bhagavnabravt (k)482 Form appearing because consciousness; Own-seed transformation acquired particulars brought forth; That also seed appearance And flowing consciousness-eye abode of appearance. According as state of succession (series)
yata sva-bjd-vijaptir yadbhs pravartate yata sva bja vijapti yad bhsa held, limited, restrained; controlled; guided own seed; germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving when, whenever; if splendor, light; appearance, semblance; phantasm of the imagination; mere appearances; reflection 156
pra: before, in front of483 + vartate: revolve, pass away (time); happen, occur; live, exist, be, become484 = pravarta (-ka, -na): causing, effecting, setting in motion/activity, promoting moving forward/onwards, coming forth, arising, appearing, happening; causing, producing, introducing485
dvividhyatanatvena munir abravt dvividha yatana tvena tasya muni abravt twofold; of two kinds, parts, ways abode, seat, resting place state (of) flowing or conveying monk, sage unspoken, unnamed
rpa-pratibhsa-vijaptir yatah rpa pratibhsa form, shape, figure, outward appearance, phenomenon, color prati: toward; (over) against, before, again, back, in return, opposite, near, on, by, at, in, at the time of; with regard to, according to, in consequence of + bhasa: speech, language; description, definition = appearance, similitude; 486 prtibhsika: phenomenal, (mere/flashing) representations mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving (from yad); in order that, as for the fact that, because, since, wherefore, as, when, if
vijapti yat
svabjt-parima-vieaprptd-utpadyate tac ca bjam yat-pratibhsa sva bja parima viea prpta utpdya yat own seed; germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution difference; specific property; particulars487 reached, met with, found, incurred, acquired488 produced, brought forth489 element
ca s te tasya vijaptecaku-rpa-yatanatvena yath-kramam tasya vijapti caku flowing or conveying mind, (representation of) consciousness, perception, conception eye 157
form, shape, figure, outward appearance, phenomenon, color abode, seat, resting place state (of) as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like step; going, proceeding, course; way; regular progress, order, series, succession Table 57- VM 9 and commentary
The two-fold foundation of perception or conception is the svabja (own-seed or self-contained cause) from which that cognition develops, and the form in which that perception or cognition appears. These are, respectively, the internal and external bases (inner and outer seats) of perception. Cook translates the salient portion of the commentary as follows: Consciousness appearing resembling form is born from its own seeds as a special transformation (of the mental continuity) and the confluence of conditions (consisting of the apparent form and the perceiving aspect of consciousness). On the basis of this seed and the appearing form, the Buddha spoke of (the seed and the appearing form as) sense bases consisting of eyes and sense bases consisting of form, respectively. In this way, finally, (after skipping over sense bases of sound, smells, and tastes, we come to where) consciousness resembling something tangible is born from its own seeds as a special transformation (of the mental continuity) and the confluence of conditions (consisting of the apparent tangible object and the perceiving aspect of consciousness).490 Tola and Dragonetti interpret this section as saying that the five senses and manas constitute yatana in its function as the inner seat of perception and the qualities perceived by sense and manas constitute yatana in its function as the outer seat of perception. So, for example, with respect to the perception or cognition of color, sight serves as the basis of the perception in one way, and the perceived color serves as the
basis in another way. Similarly, tactile sensation serves as one basis of the perception of tangible objects, while the object of touch serves as the other basis of that perception.491 This manner of considering the nature of perceivablesagain, submitted in the context of hypothetical realist objections to Vasubandhus consciousness-occasion thesislocates cause and effect in the same realm of activity. In other words, it is not assumed that the same sort of X cannot serve as both the material and efficient cause of some observed Y or Ys. The first variable in this case is the activity of consciousness; the second variable is that phenomenal appearance perceived in the activity of consciousness.
VM 10: Subtle Teachings Concerning tman and Dharmas Verse 10 and Commentary tath pudgalanairtmyapraveo hi anyath puna (td)492 Tath pudgala-nairtmya-praveo hi anyath puna (k)493 In that manner body-collection free from being essentially contained (substantial); because otherwise existing once more. Region of phenomena free from being essentially contained (substantial); supposed (invented) self.
tath pudgalanairtmyaprave hi anyath puna tath pudgala nair tmya pravea hi in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly body; personal entity; man; ego or individual; soul494 (from nis); out of, away from; without, destitute of, free from495 being; nature, essence; state of having nature of property of entering, entrance; intrusion into; being contained in; also: intentness on an object; engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose; manner496 for, (namely) because; surely, indeed 159
anyath punar
otherwise, in a different manner; in another way; inaccurately, erroneously497 to go back or in an opposite direction; restore; turn around; once more, to exist again, be renewed
dean-dharma nairtmyapravea kalpita-tman dean dharma (dea): place, region, portion; direction, instruction nature, character, condition; essential quality, property, mark ; also according to the nature of; that which is established or firm; steadfast decree, usage, practice; duty, right, justice; virtue, morality; law or doctrine (from nis); out of, away from; without, destitute of, free from being; nature, essence; state of having nature of property of entering, entrance; intrusion into; being contained in; also: intentness on an object; engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose; manner fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred from to breathe/move self, (the individual) soul, life principle; abstract individual; also: essence, nature, character; the person or body considered as a whole 498
Table 58- VM 10
The collection of processes or the consciousness-stream (sasara) constituting an individual at any given moment is essentially dynamic and episodic (temporary). The commentary (excluded here due to length) further explains that understanding the theory of the twelve senses bases (sevenfold consciousness and five-fold phenomena) provides the means for understanding the non-substantial or dynamic theory of self, which insists upon the absence of a perduring self to be found in the body. Similarly, the collection of processes constituting phenomena at any given moment are essentially dynamic and episodic (temporary). While representations of consciousness, such as the
appearances of the qualities of form or color, are admitted to exist, external objects corresponding directly to those perceived appearances are not so admitted.499 It is objected that if there are no dharmas at all, how can consciousnessoccasion be the case? The response lies in clarifying the meaning of non-substantiality in this context. That phenomena is non-substantial is a denial of the existence of atomic reals corresponding directly to discriminated elements of our perceptual experience (e.g., red atoms corresponding to seeing the color red.) Thus, to invoke the concepts of the TSN, it is a denial of the parikalpita of observed phenomena, the perceived appearance.500
VM 11-15: Response to Atomist Objections to Vijapti-Mtra Verse 11 and Commentary na tad eka na cneka viaya paramnua/ na ca te sahat yasmt paramur na sidhyati// (td)501 Na tad-ekam na ca-anekam viaya paramua Na ca te sahat yamt paramur-na sidhyati. (k)502 Not that one and not that not-one, External sense objects of infinitely small atoms; And not that unity, because infinitely small atosm not accomplished (valid).
Na tad-ekam na ca-anekam viaya paramua. na tad no, not, it is not so he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now 161
one, sole, single; alone, solitary; identical, the same; belonging to one and, also; even, just; but, yet; if not one; many, much; manifold; separated503 sense object; external world; reach, sphere, domain ultimate or infinitely small atom504
Na ca te sahat yasmt paramur-na sidhyati te sahata yasmt sidhyati joined, united, contiguous, combined, composite; coherent; forming one mass or body505 because, since, that realize an aim, succeed, be accomplished; result, follow; be valid
Table 59- VM 11
It is asked on behalf of the atomic realist: why can it not be admitted that real, external, perhaps infinitely small atomic objects (an example thus of external seats or sources of cognition) exist? The reply is that because the existence of such infinitely small atoms (paramu) cannot be proved, the object of perception/sense/cognition cannot be (such)/experienced (as)/one, many, nor compound. If there are real bases of knowledge/sense fields/external ytanas (atoms) such as color or external form, and each acts/becomes/happens separately, then the question must be answered whether these atoms are single or multiple, aggregate or not (and if multiple/aggregate how each component can serve as a separate object of perception?) The Vaieikas maintain that there is a single form/entity/unity with parts, the form of the (composite whole). But the sense object/objects (of knowledge)/the yatana/external object cannot be a single thing/entity/object of cognition, because there is no perception/apprehension of a composite whole as different from its component
parts. Nor can there be many atomic entities/can the object be plural, because there is no perception/apprehension of the atoms individually (apart from the whole). Nor can it be an aggregation/compound of atoms/be an aggregated object (of knowledge), because there is no perception/apprehension of atoms as one individual thing/ultimate atom (paramnu).506 Verse 12 and Commentary akena yugapadyogt paramo aaat/ a samnadeatvt pia syd aumtraka// (td)507 atkena yugapad-yogt-paramo aaat am samna-deatvt-pina syd-aumtraka. (k)508 By whence that which really is together Simultaneously joined with Infinitely small atom collection perpetually compounded beyond one hundred; Object having six sides the same, may contain minute particles.
Satkena yugapadyogt paramo aaat sat kena yugapad yoga paramu sad ata that which really is, being (present), existing; occurring; real, actual, true; honest; beautiful; good, right; wise by what, by whence509 in the same yoke, together, simultaneously collection or concentration of the mind, meditation; harnessing, driving; use, application; means, expedient, art, charm; enterprise, work; union, combination, relation510 ultimate or infinitely small atom (alt. sadam); always, ever, continually, perpetually compounded beyond a hundred511
having six512 same, similar; equal, like; common, general, universal513 place, region, portion; direction, instruction thy, thee, thou heap, piece; solid mass, material object, body514 (alt. syd), perhaps, it may be containing minute particles515
Table 60- VM 12
Why is this? Tola and Dragonetti translate this section of the commentary in this manner: In fact, if the place of one atom were (the place) of the six (atoms which come to be connected with it), then since the place of all (= the seven atoms) is the same, the whole mass (constituted by the seven atoms) would be of the size of a single atom, because no (atom) would jut out in relation to the others. Consequently there would be no visible mass.516 If an atom is simultaneously connected with six others from six spatial directions, then an atom must have six parts, because two atoms cannot occupy the same place (at the same time). For that which is the locus of one cant be the locus of another.517 If the place of a single atom were also the place of the six atoms connected to it, the entire aggregate/mass would be (the size of) a single atom. Because of the mutual exclusion/lack of mutual distinction among the atoms, the combined aggregate would not be visible. Furthermore, atoms do not join together at all, because they have no parts.518
Verse 13 and Commentary paramor asayoge tatsabhte sti kasya sa/ na cnavayavatvena tatsayogo na sidhyati// (td)519 164
Paramor-asayoge tat-sabhtesti-kasya sa. Na ca anavayavatvena tat-sayogo na sidhyati. (k)520 Infinitely small atoms not-joined-into-union Thus existing together becomes form accompanied by (supplying the forms of) That same existence not existing Also not in a state of abundance there-joined-together not accomplished (valid).
Paramor-asayoge tat-sabhtesti-kasya sa paramu asayoga ultimate or infinitely small atom a (negation) + sa (along or together with) + yoga (collection or concentration of the mind, meditation; harnessing, driving; use, application; means, expedient, art, charm; enterprise, work; union, combination, relation); disjunction, disconnection, incoherence521 (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now sa (sa): along with, together + bhva: becoming, existence, occurrence be, exist, happen, become; be sufficient or able form supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same
Na ca anavayavatvena tat-sayogo na sidhyati. na ca anavaya tvena sidhyati no, not, it is not so and, also; even, just; but, yet; if abundance, strength522 state (of) realize an aim, succeed, be accomplished; result, follow; be valid
Table 61- VM 13
If atoms cannot join together, then how are aggregates formed in the first place? Cook offers the following translation of this portion of the commentary:
Since there is no separate combined form that differs from atoms, then if atoms do not combine, whose combined union is it? If you change (your position) and try to save it by saying that the development of combined form does not imply union, then you should not say that they do not combine because they are devoid of parts, because a combination has parts, yet, you do not admit union. The nonunion of atoms is not a result of their being devoid of parts. Therefore, not a single ultimate atom (paramu) is demonstrated.523 It is not because individual atoms do not have parts that they cannot be connected, for aggregates by definition having parts cannot be connected either. Thus an atom cannot be a single entity with parts.524 Verse 14 and Commentary digbhgabhedo yasysti tasyaikatva na yujyate/ chyavti katha v anyo na pia cen na tasya te// (td)525 Dig-bhga-bhedo yasya-asti tasya-ekatvam na yujyate Chya-vti katha v anyo na pia-cet-na-tasya te. (k)526 Direction-place-division to be endeavored of existence Conveying unity (identity) not connected; Reflection (shadow) hiding in what manner? Mutually not solid (material) and not flowing thus.
Digbhgabhedo yasysti tasyaikatva na yujyate dig bhga bheda yasya asti tasya (from di); direction, region pointed at; also to point out, to show; to bring forward527 part, portion; fraction; place, region, side528 division, separation; alteration, change, difference to be endeavored529 be, exist, happen, become; be sufficient or able flowing or conveying530 166
ekatva na yujya
chyavti katha v anyo na pia cen na tasya te chya vti katha anyonya pia shadow, shadowing; also image, reflection532 covering, hiding533 how? in what manner? whence? one another; mutual, mutually534 heap, piece; solid mass, material object, body
Table 62- VM 14
The question of the connection of atoms aside, there is another problem for the atomist. An atom cannot both be composite and single at the same time, so it must be one or the other. If it has directional dimensions or sections, such as an upper and lower part, or being in front or on the bottom, then how can it be single? If an atom did not have different parts/divisions/sides, then how, given a source of light, could it be illuminated on one side and in shadow on the other? It could not have an other side that was not illuminated. If an atom did not have different sides, then how could one atom conceal/obscure/obstruct another? And thus how could they occupy different places? This is tantamount to saying that any aggregate of atoms is just a single atom occupying all places at once. It is objected that an aggregate of atoms can serve these functions. Vasubandhu replies that if the aggregate of atoms is not different from its constituent elements, then the problem remains. Arranging and distinguishing, you establish (form) as atoms or you establish it as a combination (of form, but) both are unrealities535/mental
construction. (Mass) is a (mere) imagination of aggregate.536 It is then objected that the discussion of unity and connection does not refute the essential characteristics (lakaathus also, essential definition is possible) of atoms as having form, color, etc. Vasubandhu replies that it is relevant to ask whether these characteristics, such as redness, are singular or multiple (as objects of cognition). The weaknesses of the argument for multiplicity have already been exposed.537 As for arguments of unity Verse 15 and Commentary ekatve na krameetir yagapan na grahgrahau vicchinnnekavtti ca skmnk ca no bhavet// (td)538 Ekatve na kramea-etir-yugapan-na grha-agrhau Vicchinna-aneka-vtti-ca skma-anik ca no bhavet. (k)539 Unity is not succession Simultaneously grasping and non-grasping; Disconnected manifold mode of being, And atomic (inconceivable) existence.
Ekatve na kramea-etir-yugapan-na grha-agrhau ekatva na krama yugapad grha agrha identity, unity no, not, it is not so step; going, proceeding, course; way; regular progress, order, series, succession in the same yoke, together, simultaneously grasping, seizing, holding, catching; receiving, accepting; non-grasping
split, broken asunder; interrupted, disconnected; incoherent; ended, no longer existing540 of one; many, much; manifold; separated turning, rolling; being; mode of being or acting and, also; even, just; but, yet; if fine, small, minute; subtle; intangible; inconceivable; atomic541 becoming, existing, occurring
Table 63- VM 15
If atoms are non-divided, then the following problems arise: first, there could be no gradual or progressive movement; a single step would take you everywhere. Second, there could be not be simultaneous perception/apprehension, e.g., of the front side of a thing before one and the non-perception/non-apprehension of hits back side; everything would be seen at once. In addition, there could not be multiple, diverse activities or conditions or things. For example, there would be no real distinction between elephants and horses, nor could they occupy separate places. There would be no empty spaces between things. All animals would be everywhere at the same time, and nondistinguishable from each other. And finally, there could not be differences in mass or size. Things would be distinguished only the basis of their definition. For example, tiny organisms would appear non-differently from larger ones. Consequently, the division of/difference between atoms must be assumed (one must necessarily construct these divisions) and thus atoms cannot be unitary, of one kind or being a single real thing. However, it has already been demonstrated that no single atom is obtained in experience, that there cannot be a single real thing that is an atom.
With their unity undemonstrated, visibles, etc.s state of being senseobjects of the eye, etc. is also undemonstrated, and thus perception-only is demonstrated.542 Consequently, it cannot be proved that there are real, independent ytanas, that is, that form, color, etc., exist apart from the perception or representation of consciousness.543 VM 16-22: Response to Additional Objections to Vijapti-Mtra It is objected that the existence or non-existence of things is determined by sensory knowledge. Sense (direct) perception is the strongest ground for knowledge (among the means of knowledge, which include inference and appeal to reliable authority). How can sensory perception take place if there are no real objects of perception? Verse 16 and Commentary pratyakabuddhi svapndau yath s ca yad tad/ na so rtho dyate tasya pratyakatva katha mata// (td)544 Pratyaka-buddhi svapndau yath sa ca yad tad Na sortho dyate tasya pratyakatvam katham matam. (k)545 Intelligence (apprehension) based on direct perception is as in the way of dreaming; and whenever at that time no form of the object corrupted flowing, direct perception in what manner supposed?
pratyakabuddhi svapndau yath sa ca yad tad pratyaka direct perception; plainly visible, clear; distinct, actual, immediate; immediate apprehension, ocular evidence546 170
ability to conceptualize; intelligence, reason, intellect, mind, discernment, judgment; perception; comprehension, apprehension, understanding; faculty of mental perception547 sleeping, dreaming as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same and, also; even, just; but, yet; if when, whenever; if at that time; in that case, then
na sortho dyate tasya pratyakatva katha mata. na artha dy tasya pratyaka tvam katha mata no, not, it is not so related to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based upon the possession of a thing (from dy); corruptible, reprehensible, culpable, offending conveying or flowing direct perception; plainly visible, clear; distinct, actual, immediate; immediate apprehension, ocular evidence thou how? in what manner? whence? thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed
Table 64- VM 16
The knowledge one derives from sensory perception operates in a way similar to dreams, such that the objects perceived in dreams are understood to both appear to exist, and yet not actually exist as they appear. When the thought arises through direct/sensory perception that an object is here before me now, that object is already no longer seen, for this discrimination or judgment requires an action of the thinking consciousness (manovijna), while the specific moment of visual consciousness referenced in that thought has already passed. This momentariness is especially true of the form, color, etc. of perceived objects.548
This portion of Vasubandhus counter-arguments places the problem of direct perception squarely in the Buddhist framework of a perpetually perishing universe, and makes the critical observation that every aspect of any occasion of perception perceiving subject, perceived object, and the activity of perception is momentary and transient, which means that there cannot be any such thing as direct perception of external observables when, where, and how they are. Verse 17 and Commentary ukta yath tadbhs vijapti smaraa tata/ svapne dgviaybhva nprabuddho vagacchati// (td)549 Uktam yath tad-bhsa vijapti smaraam tata. Svapne dg-viaya-abhvam na-aprabuddhovagacchati. (k)550 Taught as follows: in that case definition (appearance), consciousness remembering protracted dreaming seeing existing sense objects; the unawakened likewise grasping.
ukta yath tadbhs ( tad-bhsa) vijapti smaraam tatah ukta yath tad or tad bhs or bhsa vijapti smaraa tata said, taught, declared; term as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like tad: he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now; or tad: at that time; in that case bhasa: speech, language; description, definition; or bhsa: splendor, light; appearance, semblance; phantasm of the imagination; mere appearances; reflection mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving remembering, recollection551 extended, diffused, protracted
svapne dgviaybhva nprabuddho vagacchati svapna dg viay abhva na aprabuddha vagacchati sleeping, dreaming seeing sense object; external world; reach, sphere, domain absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse no, not, it is not so awakened from sleep552 va: like, as + gacchati: go, move; go or come to, get at, fall into or upon; undergo; incur; reach, acquire
Table 65- VM 17
It is objected that a thing cannot be remembered if it has not been experienced. Given the fact of memory, there must be a previous experience of an object, a sensory cognition. Color, etc., are such objects of memory. Vasubandhu replies that how perception of appearances occurs has already been explained. Visual perception of objects, etc., can take place without a real object (extra-mental) object. Consciousness arises or appears resembling/representing an object. Memory is based on this kind of perception. Per Kochumuttoms translation: From a representation of consciousness arises a thoughtrepresentation of consciousness, which discriminates between the object such as color etc., and the subject. The same thoughtrepresentation of consciousness, which has with it the memory associate, appears as memory.553 Recall from VM 3a that the determination of the experience of place and time is coherent as in dreams. The objects in a dream are not real, but are seen in particular places and times. They cannot be seen all of the time (i.e., when one is
awake). So spatio-temporal determination is possible even when there are no real corresponding external objects of perception. It is further objected that it does not agree with common sense to say that everyday objects of sensory perception are as unreal as those objects perceived in dreams. Vasubandhu replies that one who has not yet awakened does not recognize the unreality of the objects perceived in her dream. We ordinarily discriminate subject and object, but this discrimination is a habitual construction. Supra-mundane knowledge is nondiscriminative. This portion of the commentary is rendered by Anacker thus: Just as people when they are asleep in a dream have their faculties concentrated on impressions of appearances of discriminations which appear differently than they do later, and, as long as they arent awake, dont understand the non-being of objects of sense and understanding that werent, just so when they become awakened by the attainment of a supramundane knowledge free from discriminations, which is the antidote to these (discriminations), then they truly understand the non-being of these sense-objects through meeting with a clear worldly subsequently attained knowledge.554 It is then objected that if there are no real external objects, the influence of one mind upon another could not be explained. If things appear to us as they do because of a transformation of our own consciousness, and not because there are any real external objects of perception existing as we perceive them, then how can there be true or false statements, or good or bad companions, since contact and teaching, or any influence over our beliefs could not exist.555 Vasubandhus reply follows in the next verse.
Verse 18 anyoydhipatitvena vijaptiniyamo mitha/ middhenopahata citta svapne tensama phala// (td)556 Anyonya-adhipatitvena vijapti-niyamo mitha. Middhena-upahatam cittam svapne tena-asamam phalam (k)557 State of mutual influence (rule), Mutual consciousness definition; Afflicted consciousness, dreaming therefore different consequences.
anyoydhipatitvena vijaptiniyamo mitha anyonya adhipati tvena vijapti niyama mithas one another; mutual, mutually lord, master, ruler558 state (of) mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving determination, definition; limitation, restriction; restraining, controlling, preventing; keeping down; also restraint of the mind (second of eight meditation steps in yoga) together; mutually, reciprocally, alternatively559
-upahatam cittam svapne tena-asamam phalam. upahata citta svapna tena asama phala hurt, damaged, injured, afflicted; affected; distressed, weakened, discouraged560 mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart sleeping, dreaming in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore uneven; unequal; unequalled561 metaphorical fruit, consequence, effect, result, retribution, gain/loss, dis/advantage
Table 66- VM 18
The consequences of actions in dreaming and waking states are different, because their causes are different. There is reciprocal or mutual influence (determination) of perceptions or concepts, as a result of being their conditioning influence upon each other. The determination of the representations of consciousness is reciprocal by means of the superordinate cause (adhi-patitva) of the mind of one sentient being acting on another.562 That is, because the difference in consciousness in the mental continuity of one causes differences in the mental continuity of another consciousness to occur, each becomes restricted (according to kind), but not as a result of external objects of perception.563 It is objected that if it is true that in waking, just as in dreams, there is no real external object of perception although consciousness can occur, then why are there different consequences of actions in the dreaming and waking states, desirable and undesirable? Vasubandhu replies that situations are different because their causes are different, meaning that they arise in different states of mind. One is asleep when dreaming, the mind thus less effectual. But when we are in full control of our faculties (when the mind is strong,) then there should be different consequences of action. But the difference in karma-phala is not the result of there being real, external objects even in ordinary waking.564 Verse 19 maraam paravijaptivied vikriy yath/ smtilopdiknye picdimanovat// (td)565 Maraam para-vijapti-vied-vikriy yath Smti-lopdik-anyem picdi-manovat. (k)566
Death utmost consciousness difference, transformation as follows: Remembrance pointed at absent other, together with weaving-together influential consciousness.
maraam paravijaptivied vikriy yath maraa para vijapti viea vikriy yath dying, death567 far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving difference; specific property; particulars transformation, change, modification; altered condition; affliction568 as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like
smti-lopdik-anyem picdi-manovat smti lopa dik anya piacdi manas remembrance; calling to mind569 breaking; injury, destruction; interruption; neglect, violation; robbing; deficiency; absence; disappearance570 (from di); direction, region pointed at; also to point out, to show; to bring forward other (than), different (from), opposed to; another; the other together with weaving together mind (it its widest sense, as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will; the internal organ of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul, distinct from tman strong, shining, influential
Table 67- VM 19
The objector asks, how can there be violent action if there are no real bodies to be harmed? How can there be violent speech if there is no real power behind or within the language? Vasubandhus reply is that death is a modification of personality (a change of course or vikriy) which may be caused by an act of cognition by another consciousness. He gives as an example the power of demons to induce amnesia in their victims. Vasubandhus acceptance of psychic power beyond the merely metaphorical here is probable.571 Verse 20 katha v daakrayanyatvam ikopata/ manodao mahvadya katha v tena siddhyati// (td)572 Katham v dadakraya-nyatvam-rkopata? ano-dao mahvadya katham v tena sidhyati? (k)573 In what manner Dadaka forests Powerful speech emptied.. seers anger? Punishment-mind great speech Thus accomplished.
katha v daakrayanyatvam ikopata katha v dada kraya snya tvam rko pata how? in what manner? whence? leading; (va): like, as stick, trunk of a tree; also: punishment;574 Dadaka forests powerful (mystical) speech or figures575 voidness, emptiness, absence of thy, thee, thou seers anger
great to be spoken576 in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore reach an aim, succeed, be accomplished or fulfilled; result, follow
Table 68- VM 20
Vasubandhu continues that the Buddha implied as much in his own teaching O householder, have you ever heard why the Daaka forests, the Mtaga forests, the Kaliga forests became empty, were cleaned out? He answered: O Gautama, I have heard (that it was) due to the wickedness of mind of the forest is.577 How could mental torture or violence of the mind be a punishment greater than violence actions or speech, as taught, otherwise?578 Verse 21 paracittavidm jnam ayathrtha katha yath/ svacittajna ajnd yath buddhasya gocara// (td)579 Para-citta-vidm jnam-ayathrtham katham yath Svacitta-jnam ajnd-yath buddhasya gocara. (tk)580 Absolute consciousness inseparable; Knowledge of material objects not as it should be how? As follows: knowledge of own consciousness is not abiding in field awakened from ignorance.
Para-citta-vidm jnam-ayathrtham katham yath para far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost 179
mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart not separable581 knowing, knowledge, cognizance; wisdom, intelligence; also: mark, sign, characteristic (of recognition) not as it should be; not according to582 relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing how? in what manner? whence? as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like
svacitta-jnam ajnd-yath buddhasya gocara sva citta ajnd* buddha asya gocara own mind; memory; intelligence; reason (negation of knowledge) awakened; expanded, conscious, wise; known, understood sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest range, field, scope of action; range of the organs of sense; being within range; abode, district583
Table 69- VM 21
It is objected that if the consciousness-occasion thesis were true, how could knowledge of anothers thoughts be possible? Vasubandhu replies that it is possible, but it is as erroneous as the knowledge of ones one mind with respect to knowledge about objects of perception. The objector persists, how is the knowledge of ones own mind erroneous? Vasubandhu replies: because false appearances have not yet been eliminated.584 Verse 22 vijaptimtratsiddhi svaaktisad may/ kteya sarvath s tu na cinty buddhagocara// (td)585
Vijapti-mtrat-siddhi sva-akti-sad may Kt-iyam sarvath s tu na cinty buddha-gocara. (k)586 Consciousness-occasion accomplished, own-power illusion; accomplished all manner of things unconceived, realm of awakening.
vijapti-mtrat-siddhi sva-akti-sad may vijapti vijapti: mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving + mtram: having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, occasion, atom, element = consciousness-occasion conclusion; accomplishment, fulfillment, attainment, performance587 own power, ability, strength, capacity, energy588 illusion, unreality; deception
kt-iyam sarvath s tu na cinty buddha-gocara kta sarvath cintya buddha gocara accomplished, done, performed; made, prepared; obtained all things, objects; all manner of things; all matters; regarding everything to be conceived, thought, imagined589 awakened; expanded, conscious, wise; known, understood range, field, scope of action; range of the organs of sense; being within range; abode, district
Table 70- VM 22
Vasubandhu ends with a verse declaring that the demonstration of consciousness occasion has been done to the best of his ability, but that it is complex and subtle, and cannot be comprehended in its totality except by the enlightened.590
Summary Vasubandhu says: All of this, everything is consciousness-occasion (vijaptimtra), or the momentary activity of consciousness. It is objected that if this were true, we could not explain spatio-temporal determination; however, he says that it is possible in that same way that such determination occurs in dreams. It is also objected that if vijapti-mtra were true, we could not explain shared perceptual experiences. The reply is that it is possible in the same way that the souls of the condemned can share the experience of hell. These two objections are epistemological in nature: how could we explain the apparent consistency of our world and that of others if the occasion-ofconsciousness thesis is true? Vasubandhus response is accordingly epistemological in nature. His examples point to this: we are capable of constructing a coherent set of beliefs about our perceptual experiences that not only do not require, but cannot have, a 1:1 correspondence to some fixed, objective reality of enduring selves and objects. Our ability to form concept-names does not alter this fact. It is further objected that if vijapti-mtra were true, we could not explain causal efficacy. This could either be read as a metaphysical objection, viz., that causal relationships or functions would not be possible, or as an epistemological objection, viz., that we could not provide causal explanations for what we observe. Vasubandhus examples include the tortures of hell. Several subsequent objections follow, aimed at establishing that something must be truly real in hell besides the mind of the condemned in order for it to be efficacious. Why can it not be that the guards of hell, at least, are real things external to the condemned? If these guards are not in hell as a result of their own 182
karma, but as a result of the condemneds karma, then how is it that they cannot truly exist since the phenomena is truly rising? Vasubandhu replies that the guards could not be real, or else they would not be immune to hell; for this reason, also, they cannot exist in hell as a result of some karma of their own. Then he gets to the heart of the matter: it is not that the events/appearances/phenomena of hell are entirely without reality, but the causal events responsible for them are entirely mental. That which karma transforms is mind, not matter. The next objection to is based on accepted Buddhist belief regarding the six sensory bases, as it would appear to contradict the consciousness-occasion thesis. Vasubandhus response is that this is addressed within the explanation of the subtle teaching regarding tman and dharmas. It is explained in verses 9-10 that the basis of the activity of cognition or conception with respect to phenomenal appearances is a selfcontained cause that develops within consciousness. The sixfold sense-consciousness functions as the inner seat (yatana) of perception, while perceived sense-qualities and manas function as the outer seat of perception. Understanding that the sixfold consciousness develops as a result of six pairs of dharmas (twelve sense bases), which evolve from the assumption of duality of subject and object discriminated by manas, leads to understanding the absence of an enduring self in the pudgala or material body. It is asked how everything can be vijapti-mtra if there are really no dharmas. Vasubandhus response is that dharmas are not wholly and entirely insubstantial, but only their supposed nature. Here he hearkens directly to the ideas of his Trisvabhva. In the Viika, as in the preceding texts, tri-svabhva theory is meant to support the
vijapti-mtra thesis. Without it, the thesis is contradicted either (depending on which translation you are reading) by the admission of a real object of consciousness that is another consciousness, or by the admission of real, extra-mental objects of perception. This central theme reaffirmed, several objections from the Vaieika (atomist) point of view are addressed, largely by virtue of pointing out the failure of that point of view to cohere internally. That is, whether atoms are one or many, single or combined, the Vaieika position is said to collapse. The final quarter of the text addresses another set of objections to the vijaptimtra thesis. The first is the argument that if the existence or non-existence of dharmas is determined by sensory knowledge, and if sense perception is the most reliable of the three basic grounds of knowledge, then how can sense perception take place if there are no real objects of perception? Again, Vasubandhu makes analogy to dreams, wherein objects of perception can both be perceived and not really exist at the same time. He also points to the momentariness of phenomena, which renders impossible the ability to conceive of some X here before me now at the actual moment the phenomena is perceived. The moment of consciousness that must be referenced by consciousness passes before the vijna-parima is complete. The next objection is that a thing that has not been experienced cannot be remembered; a previous experience of a real object of perception is thus necessary for memory. But since the nature of perception has already been explained and memory arises based on that kind of perception, the objection is thus dismissed. It is followed by the argument that it defies common sense to say that the phenomenal objects we observe
are as unreal as the objected seen in dreams. Vasubandhus response is that the unawakened (here meaning both literally and figuratively) cannot perceive the unreality of the objects perceived in her dreaming so long as she dreams. Mundane, everyday knowledge based on common sense observation discriminates objects with qualities. Supramundane, ineffable knowledge based on uncommon insight does not so discriminate subject and object. It is then asked how vijapti-mtra (consider Tola and Dragonettis translation in a previous verse: if there is no real object of consciousness that is itself a consciousness) can explain the influence of one mind upon another, e.g., through interactions such as conversation and instruction. How could there be true or false statements, or bad or good actions, in that case? The response is essentially that asserting mutual influences between continuity-streams of consciousnesses is nothing like asserting the existence of real, extra-mental objects of perception. The subsequent question is then how one distinguishes between dreaming and waking states, and how specifically the consequences of thoughts and actions in one state are different than those of the other. Vasubandhus answer is that they are different in effect because they are different in cause, and that in any case this does not impact the assertion that the objects of perception are not ultimately real (as they appear to us). It is asked how physical murder or mental torture could be possible, and the response is that death or injury is a transformation of personality ultimately caused by an act of cognition by another consciousness. A final question regarding direct communication between minds is addressed before Vasubandhu completes the Viika.
Vasubandhu is clearly addressing metaphysical questions as well as epistemological questions in this text. Although themes of the two previously examined chapters are also found in the Viika, such as the nature of evolving cause-and-effect consciousness and the threefold perspective that explains the sort of existence had by phenomenal appearances, this text also focuses in particular on questions regarding the existence of real objects of perception. A more narrowly focused examination of how this text interacts with the previous two that have been explored, and how that comprehensive view is best described, will be the task of the last chapter.
Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, Being as Consciousness: Yogcra Philosophy of Buddhism. (Motilal Banarsidass, 2004.) 368 Thomas A. Kochumuttom, A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience: A New Translation and Interpretation of the Works of Vasubandhu. (New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1982). 369 G. M. Nagao, translator, in David J. Kalupahana, The Principle of Buddhist Psychology. (New York: State University of New York Press 1987). 370 Thomas E. Wood, Mind Only: A Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of the Vijnavda. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1991). 371 Stefan Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu: The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Religions of Asia Series No. 8. (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984). 372 Francis Harold Cook, Three Texts on Consciousness Only: Demonstration of Consciousness Only. (Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999.) 373 Edward Hamilton, translator in Sarvepalli Radhakrishan and Charles A. Moore, editors, A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1957; 5th printing, 1973.) 374 Kalupahana, p. 173 375 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 123 376 Wood, p. 97 377 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 134 378 Wayman, p. ___ 379 Kochumuttom, p. 260 380 Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 173 381 Anacker, p. 161 382 Kochumuttom, p. 166, 260 383 Wayman, p. ___
va 3 ind.= %{iva}, like, as Bh. Kv. &c. (in some more or less doubtful cases). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/13/2007. 385 2 bhsa m. splendour, light R. Vedntas. 195; color, appearance R. ur. Bhag.; semblance, phantom, phantasm of the imagination; mere appearance, fallacious appearance Vedntas. khr.; reflection; intention, purpose; (in log.) fallacy, semblance of a reason, sophism, an erroneous though plausible argument (regarded by logicians as of various kind); ifc. looking like, having the mere appearance of a thing Gaut. h. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 386 Kochumuttom, p. 260; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 173; Wood, p. 97; Anacker, p. 161. 387 1 keza 1 m. (%{kliz} Un2. ; ifc. %{A} or %{I} Pa1n2. 4-1 , 54) the hair of the head AV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; the mane (of a horse or lion) MBh. i , 8008 S3ak. Sch. ; a kind of perfume (%{hrIvera}) L. ; N. of a mineral VarBr2S. lxxvii , 23 ; N. of Varun2a L. ; of Vishn2u L. ; of a Daitya L. ; of a locality Romakas. ; (pl.) the tail (of the Bos grunniens) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 36 Ka1s3. (v. l. %{vAla}) ; (%{I}) f. a lock of hair on the crown of the head L. ; the Indigo plant L. ; Carpopogon pruriens L. ; another plant (%{bhUta-kezI}) L. ; N. of Durga1 L. 2 keza 2 n. `" whose lord is Praja1-pati (see 3. %{ka4}) "' , the lunar mansion Rohin2i1. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 388 1 candra mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{zcandra4} q.v.) glittering , shining (as gold) , having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of gods , of water [RV. x , 121 , 9 TS. vi] and of Soma) RV. VS. TS. vi TBr. i ; m. the moon (also personified as a deity Mn. &c.) VS. S3Br. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} MBh. ix R. &c.) ; ifc. `" the moon of "' i.e. the most excellent among (e.g. %{pArthiva-} [g. %{vyAghrA7di} Ka1s3.] or %{nare7ndra-} [Ratna7v. i , 4] "' , a most excellent king "') ; the number `" one "' Su1ryas. ; a lovely or agreeable phenomenon of any kind L. ; a spot similar to the moon BhP. iv , 15 , 17 ; the eye in a peacock's tail L. ; the mark of the Visarga , Tantr. ; a kind of reddish pearl L. ; camphor AgP. xxxv , 15 ; water L. ; the Ka1mpilla plant L. ; a metre of 4 x 19 syllables ; N. of a Daitya (= %{varman} , king of the Ka1mbojas) MBh. i , 2667 ; of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP. x , 61 , 13 ; of a son of Vis3va-gandhi and father of Yuvana7s3va , ix , 6 , 20 ; of a grammarian (= %{-gomin}) Ra1jat. i , 176 ; of a king Pan5cat. v , 9 , 2 and 10 , 0/1 ; of one of the ancestors of the Gaud2a Bra1hmans ; of several other men Ra1jat. vi f. ; one of the 18 minor Dvipas L. ; = %{-parvata} R. vi , 26 , 6 ; n. (Naigh. i , 2 ; also m. L.) gold RV. ii , 2 , 4 AV. xii , 2 , 53 VS. iv , xix S3Br. Ta1n2d2yaBr. vi , 6 Ka1tySr. ; n. a kind of sour rice-gruel L. ; N. of a Sa1man Ka1tyS3r. xxvi La1t2y. ; (%{A}) f. a hall covered only at the top , awning , canopy L. ; cardamoms L. ; Cocculus cordifolius (%{guDUcI}) ; = %{drA7spadA} L. ; N. of a river VP. ii , 4 , 28 ; (%{I}) f. Serratula anthelminthica L. (cf. %{ardha-}.) 2 cAndra mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{candra4}) lunar Jyot. VarBr2S. Su1ryas. Katha1s. &c. ; composed by Candra , Praud2h. ; m. a lunar month (cf. %{gauNa} , 187
%{mukhya}) L. ; the light half of a month W. ; the moon-stone L. ; a pupil of the grammarian Candra Siddh. on Pa1n2. 3-2 , 26 and vii , 2 , 10 Praud2h. Vop. Sch. ; n. (scil. %{vrata}) the penance Ca1ndra1yan2a (q.v.) , Pra1yas3c. ; (scil. %{ahan}) Monday Vishn2. lxxviii , 2 ; (%{I}) f. moonlight L. ; a kind of Solanum L. ; Serratula anthelminthica L. ; N. of a princess Ra1jat. vii , 1503. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 389 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 123. 390 vyavasta mfn. = %{vy-avasita} , Divya4v. ; bound (?) A1s3vS3r. (Sch.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 391 1 apya (2 , 3) mf(%{a4pyA} ; once %{a4pI} RV. vi , 67 , 9)n. being in water , coming from water , connected with water RV. (cf. 3. %{A4pya}). 2 apya see 2. %{a4p}. 3 Apya 1 mfn. to be reached , obtainable S3Br. ; (%{am}) n. confederation , alliance , relationship , friendship RV. ii , 29 , 3 , &c. ; a friend RV. vii , 15 , 1 ; (for 2. %{Apya} see p. 144 , col. 1.) 4 Apya 2 mfn. (fr. 2. %{ap}) , belonging or relating to water , watery , liquid Sus3r. ; consisting of water ; living in water ; m. N. of several asterisms VarBr2. ; N. of a Vasu ; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a class of deities BhP. Hariv. ; (%{am}) n. N. of a constellation ; (for 1. %{Apya} see under %{Ap}.) 5 Apya 3 n. N. of a plant , a kind of Costus L. (cf. %{vApya}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 392 jinaputra m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 393 1 uTa m. leaves , grass &c. (used in making huts , thatches &c.) L. 2 uta 1 mfn. (fr. %{ve} q.v.) , sewn , woven. 3 uta 2 ind. and , also , even , or RV. AV. S3Br. ChUp. &c. ; often used for the sake of emphasis , especially at the end of a line after %{iti} or a verb (e.g. %{sarva-bhUtAni@tam@pArtha@sadA@paribhavanty@uta} , all creatures , O king , certainly always despise him MBh. iii , 1026) MBh. Bhag. &c. (As an interrogative particle , generally at the beginning of the second or following part of a double interrogation) or , utrum - an (e.g. {katham@nirNIyate@kiM@syAn@niSkAraNo@bandhur@uta@vizvAsa-ghAtakaH} , how can it be decided whether he be a friend without a motive or a violator of confidence? Hit.) Kum. Katha1s. Bhartr2. Sa1h. &c. ; in this sense it may be strengthened by %{Aho} (e.g. %{kaccit@tvam@asi@mAnuSI@utA7ho@surA7GganA} , art thou a mortal woman or divine? Nala) , or by %{Aho-svit} (e.g. %{zAlihotraH@kiM@nu@syAd@utA7hosvid@rAjA@nalaH} , can it be S3a1lihotra or king Nala?) Rarely %{kim} is repeated before %{uta} used in this sense (e.g. %{kim@nu@svargAt@prAptA@tasyA@rUpeNa@kimutA7nyA7gatA} , has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? Mr2icch.) Amar. MBh. &c. (As a particle of wishing , especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (e.g. %{utA7dhIyIta} , would that he would read!) (%{uta} preceded 188
by %{kim}) on the contrary , how much more , how much less (e.g. %{samartho@'si@sahasram@api@jetuM@kimutai9kam} , thou art able to conquer even a thousand , how much more one R.) S3ak. Vikr. Ragh. &c. (%{uta} preceded by %{prati}) on the contrary , rather (e.g. %{eSa@pRSTo@'smAbhir@na@jalpati@hanti@praty-uta@pASANaih} , this one questioned by us does not speak , but rather throws stones at us) Katha1s. Pan5cat. &c. ; %{uta@vA} , or else , and (e.g. %{samudrAd@uta@vA@purISAt} , from the sea or from the moisture in the air) ; %{vA} - %{uta@vA} or %{utA7ho@vA7pi} - %{vA} , either - or ; %{uta} - %{uta} , both - and (e.g. %{uta@balavAn@utA7balaH} , both the strong and the weak) ; %{kim} - %{uta@vA} , whether - or else. 4 Uta 1 mfn. (p.p. of %{av} q.v.) favoured ; loved ; promoted , helped ; protected. 5 Uta 2 mfn. (p.p. of %{ve} q.v.) woven , sewed. 6 uta mfn. woven &c. see 1. %{uta} , p. 175 , col. 2. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 394 sUtra n. (accord. to g. %{ardhacA7di} also m. ; fr. %{siv} , `" to sew "' , and connected with %{sUci} and %{sUnA}) a thread , yarn , string , line , cord , wire AV. &c. &c. ; a measuring line (cf. %{-pAta}) Hariv. VarBr2S. &c. ; the sacred thread or cord worn by the first three classes (cf. %{yajJo7pavIta}) BhP. ; a girdle ib. ; a fibre Ka1lid. ; a line , stroke MBh. VarBr2S. Gol. ; a sketch , plan Ra1jat. ; that which like a thread runs through or holds together everything , rule , direction BhP. ; a short sentence or aphoristic rule , and any work or manual consisting of strings of such rules hanging together like threads (these Su1tra works form manuals of teaching in ritual , philosophy , grammar &c.: e.g. in ritual there are first the S3rauta-su7tras , and among them the Kalpa-su7tras , founded directly on S3ruti q.v. ; they form a kind of rubric to Vedic ceremonial , giving concise rules for the performance of every kind of sacrifice [IW. 146 &c.] ; other kinds of SS3ruti works are the Gr2ihya-su1tras and Sa1maya1ca1rika or Dharma-su1tras i.e. `" rules for domestic ceremonies and conventional customs "' , sometimes called collectively Sma1rta-su1tras [as founded on %{smRti} or `" tradition "' see %{smArta}] ; these led to the later Dharmas3a1stras or `" law-books "' [IW. 145] ; in philosophy each system has its regular text-book of aphorisms written in Su1tras by its supposed founder [IW. 60 &c.] ; in Vya1karan2a or grammar there are the celebrated Su1tras of Pa1n2ini in eight books , which are the groundwork of a vast grammatical literature ; with Buddhists , Pa1s3upatas &c. the term Su1tra is applied to original text books as opp. to explanatory works ; with Jainas they form part of the Dr2isht2iva1da) IW. 162 &c. ; a kind of tree DivyA7v. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 395 1 atra 1 (or Ved. %{a4-trA}) ind. (fr. pronominal base %{a} ; often used in sense of loc. case %{asmin}) , in this matter , in this respect ; in this place , here at this time , there , then. 2 atra 2 mfn. ( %{tras}) , (only for the etym. of %{kSattra}) , `" not enjoying or affording protection "' Br2A1rUp. 3 atra 3 m. (for %{at@tra} , fr. %{ad}) , a devourer , demon RV. AV. , a Ra1kshasa. 4 atra 4 n. (for %{at-tra}) , food RV. x , 79 , 2. 5 atra &c. see s.v. 2. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams 189
Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 396 smprayogika mfn. (fr. {samprayoga}) relating to use or application Cat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 11/30/2006 397 abhiprya m. aim P. 1-3, 72; purpose, intention, wish R. &c.; opinion n. vii, 57, &c.; meaning, sense (as of a word or of a passage). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 398 ityartha mfn. having such a sense or meaning; (%{am}) ind. for this purpose R. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 11/30/2006. 399 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 134 400 Kochumuttom, p. p. 260 401 Anacker, p. 161 402 Cook, p. 391 403 Wayman, p. ___ 404 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 123. 405 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 167. 406 dean f. direction, instruction. ---). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 407 kla 2 m. (3. %{kal}, to calculate or enumerate), (ifc. f. %{A} Prt.), a fixed or right point of time, a space of time, time (in general) V. xix, 53 & 54 Br. &c.; the proper time or season for (gen. dat. loc., in comp., inf., or Pot. with %{yad} e.g. %{kla prasthnasya} or %{-nya} or %{-ne} Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/01/2006. 408 niyama m. restraining, checking, holding back, preventing, controlling n. Bh. &c.; keeping down, lowering (as the voice) Prt.; limitation, restriction (%{ena} ind. with restrictions i.e. under certain conditions Car.); reduction or restriction to (with loc. or %{prati}), determination, definition Gr. Prt. Bh. jat.; any fixed rule or law, necessity, obligation (%{ena} and %{t} ind. as a rule, necessarily, invariably, surely) Var. R. ur. &c.; agreement, contract, promise, vow R. Kaths.; any act of voluntary penance or meritorious piety (esp. a lesser vow or minor observance dependent on external conditions and not so obligatory as %{yama} q.v.) r. n. Bh. Kv. &c.; a partic. process applied to minerals (esp. to quicksilver w.r. %{-yma}) Cat.; (in rhet.) a common-place, any conventional expression or usual comparison; (in m. phil.) a rule or precept (laying down or specifying something otherwise optional); restraint of the mind (the 2nd of the 8 steps of meditation in Yoga); performing five positive duties MWB. 239; . of Vishu Bh.; Necessity or Law personified as a son of harma and hiti Pur.; %{-dharma} m. a law prescribing restraints n. ii, 3; %{-nih} f. rigid 190
observance of prescribed rites MW.; %{-pattra} n. a written agreement or stipulation ib. (552,2); %{-para} mfn. observing fixed rules; relating to or corroborative of a rule W.; %{-pla} m. observer of vows. of a sage (from whom the Nepalese derive the n. Nepl); %{-bhaGga} m. breach of a stipulation or contract MW.; %{-laGghana} n. transgression of a fixed rule or obligation, Kp.; %{-vat} mfn. practicing religious observances Bh.; (%{I}) f. a woman in her monthly courses ur.; %{-sthiti} f. state of self-restraint, ascetism L.; %{-hetu} m. a regulating cause arvad.; %{-yamnanda} m. another . of imbrka Cat.; %{-yampam} f. a simile which expressly states that something can be compared only with something else Kv. ii, 19. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 409 aniyama m. absence of control or rule or fixed order or obligation, unsettledness; indecorous or improper conduct; uncertainty, doubt; (mfn.), having no rule, irregular. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 410 satna m. (ifc. f. %{A}) continued succession, continuance, continuity. Bh. Kv. &c.; an uninterrupted series, continuous flow Klid.; ramification ur.; a sinew or ligature (of an animal) T.; coherence, connection, transition (in recitation &c.) r. p.; a continuous train of thought arvad.; = %{sadhi} Km.; Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 411 1 kta 1 mfn. done, made, accomplished, performed V. V. &c.; prepared, made ready ib.; obtained, gained, acquired, placed at hand V. iii, 24, 5; well done, proper, good Br. iv; cultivated n. x, 114; appointed (as a duty) Yj. ii, 186; relating or referring to Yj. ii, 210; m. n. of one of the Vive evs Bh. xiii, 4356; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. ix, 24, 45; of a son of anati and pupil of iraya-nbha Hariv. 1080 BhP. xii, 6, 80; of a son of Kita-ratha and father of Vibudha VP.; of a son of aya and father of aryavana BhP. ix, 17, 17; of a son of Cyavana and father of pari-cara VyuP.; (%{am}) n. (with %{saha} or with instr.) done with, away with, enough of, no need of, &c. (e.g. %{kta sadehena}, away with doubt ak.; %{k- parihsena}, enough of joking ib.); the past tense itBr. v, 1; (%{m}) n. deed, work, action V. V. vetp. n. &c.; service done, kind action, benefit (cf. %{kta-ja} and %{-ghna}) Bh. v, 1692 Pacat.; magic, sorcery SmavBr.; consequence, result L.; aim Vop. i, 2; stake at a game V. V.; prize or booty gained in battle ib.; . of the die or of the side of a die marked with four points or dots (this is the lucky or winning die) V. xxx, 18 T. Br. &c.; (also the collective . of the four dice in opposition to the fifth die called %{kali} Comm. on V. x, 28); (hence) the number four VarB. ryas.; . of the first of the four ages of the world (also called %{satya} or the golden age, comprehending together with the morning and evening dawn 4800 years of men (n. Bh. Hariv.) or according to the later conception (BhP. &c. Comm. on n. i, 69) 4800 years of the gods or 1, 728, 000 years of men); (%{e}) loc. ind. on account of, for the sake of, for (with gen. or ifc. e.g. %{mama kte} or %{mat-kte}, on my account, for me) Yj. i, 216 Bh. R. &c.; 191
(%{ena}) instr. ind. id. Bh. R. i, 76, 6 and vi, 85, 10. 2 kta 2 mfn. injured, killed L. (cf. 2. %{kra}.) 3 kt f. an abyss V. ii, 35, 5. 4 kt see 2. %{kt}. 5 kta mfn. brought down, humiliated, offended, injured, tricked, deceived Bh. R. &c.; low, base, wicked ib.; removed, set aside, dismissed W.; n. lowering, humbling, humiliation Bhart. ii, 30 (v.l. %{-ti}); %{-praja} (Bh.), %{-mati} (BhP.) mfn. depraved in mind Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 412 yukta %{yukti} &c. see cols. 2, 3. 2 yukta mfn. yoked or joined or fastened or attached or harnessed to (loc. or instr.) V. &c. &c.; set to work, made use of, employed, occupied with, engaged in, intent upon (instr. loc. or comp.) ib.; ready to, prepared for (dat.) Bh.; absorbed in abstract meditation, concentrated, attentive V. &c. &c.; skilful, clever, experienced in, familiar with (loc.) Bh. R.; joined, united, connected, combined, following in regular succession V. khr. Var. BhP. (%{m} ind. in troops Br.); furnished or endowed or filled or supplied or provided with, accompanied by, possessed of (instr. or comp.) n. Bh. &c. (853,3); come in contact with (instr.) R.; (in astron.) being in conjunction with (instr.) vG.; (ifc.) added to, increased by (e.g. %{caturyukt viati}, twenty increased by four i.e. 24) VarB.; (ifc.) connected with, concerning Ktyr.; (ifc.) subject to, dependent on Bh.; fitted, adapted, conforming or adapting one's self to, making use of (instr. e.g. %{yukta klena ya}, one who makes use of the right opportunity) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/01/2006. 413 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 134 414 Kochumuttom, p. 260 415 Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 175 416 Wood, p. 97 417 Anacker, p. 161 418 Cook, p. 391 419 Hamilton, p. 328 420 Cook, p. 391-2. 421 See Tola and Dragonetti, p. 134; Kochumuttom, pp. 260-1; Anacker, p. 161. 422 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 123-4. 423 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 167. 424 sidh, sidhyati (-te), pp. {siddha} 2 (q.v.) reach an aim, hit the ((-,)) mark; succeed, be fulfilled or accomplished; result, follow, be valid, boot, avail; submit to, obey (gen.); reach the highest aim, become perfect or blessed. -- {abhi} succeed, be accomplished or perfected; acquire, obtain. {pra} succeed; result, follow. {sam} succeed, be accomplished; become perfect or blessed. -- Cf. {prsiddha, sasiddha}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 425 1 svapnavat ind. (risen) as (from) a dream BhP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 192
punar ind. back, home, in an opposite direction V. &c. &c. (with 1. %{gam}, %{y}, to go back or away; with %{d}, to give back, restore; with %{bh}, to turn round; with %{as} and dat., to fall back upon); again, once more (also with %{bhyas}) ib. (with %{bh}, to exist again, be renewed, become a wife again, re= marry); again and again, repeatedly ib. (mostly %{pna p-} which with %{na} = nevermore); further, moreover, besides ib. (also %{punar aparam}; %{dau-punar-pact}, at first-then-later); however, still, nevertheless Bh. Kv. &c. (at the end of a verse it lays stress on a preceding %{atha v}, %{api v}, or %{v} alone; %{punar api}, even again, on the other hand, also; %{kad p-}, at any time, ever; %{kim p-}, how much more or less? however; %{preceding-p-}, now-now; at one time - at another time). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 427 aniyama m. absence of control or rule or fixed order or obligation, unsettledness; indecorous or improper conduct; uncertainty, doubt; (mfn.), having no rule, irregular. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 428 1 sarva mf (%{A})n. (perhaps connected with %{sra} q.v.; inflected as a pronoun except nom. acc. sg. n. %{sarvam}, and serving as a model for a series of pronominals cf. %{sarva-nman}) whole, entire, all, every ( every one; pl. all; n. sg. everything; sometimes strengthened by %{viva} (which if alone in V. appears in the meaning all, every, every one) and %{nikhila}; %{sarve} %{pi}, all together; %{sarva ko} %{pi},every one so ever; %{gav sarvam}, all that comes from cows; %{sarva} with a negation = not any, no, none or not every one, not everything) V. &c. &c.; of all sorts, manifold, various, different Bh. &c.; (with another adjective or in comp.; cf. below) altogether, wholly, completely, in all parts, everywhere V. Chp. &c.; (%{am}) ind. (with %{sarvea}) completely ivyv.; m. (declined like a subst.) . of iva Bh.; of Kisha Bhag.; of a uni Cat.; pl. . of a people rkP.; n. water aigh. i, 12. (Cf. Gk. $ &358256(1184,3) for $ Lat. {salvus}.) (1185,1) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 429 1 pya m. n. purulent matter, pus, suppuration, discharge from an ulcer or wound Br. &c. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 430 See also Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 135-6; Kochumuttom, pp. 261-2; Anacker, p. 162. 431 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 124 432 Kochumottom, footnote p. 168 433 1 svapna m. (once in R. n. ifc. f. %{A}; for %{sv-apna} see p. 1281, col. 1) sleep, sleeping V. &c. &c.; sleepiness, drowsiness Caurap.; sleeping too much, sloth, indolence n. ix, 13; xii, 33; dreaming, a dream (acc. with %{d}, to see a vision, dream V. &c. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams 193
Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 434 1 upaghAta m. (fr. %{upa-han} q.v.) , a stroke , hurt , violation ; injury , damage , offence , wrong MBh. R. Mn. S3ak. &c. ; weakness , sickness , disease , morbid affection (cf. %{puMstvo7pa-} , %{svaro7pa-}) Sus3r. ; a kind of oblation or sacrifice Gr2ihya1s. ii , 7. 2 upaghAta &c. see p. 197 , col. 1. 3 upaghAtaka mfn. striking , hurting ; injuring , damaging offending MBh. Car. ; m. injury , offence , damage MBh. xiii , 3610. 4 upaghAtam ind. p. see %{upa-han}. 5 upaghAtam ind. p. taking out , drawing out ; ladling out S3Br. Gobh. Pa1rGr2. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 435 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 136 and Wood, p. 97. 436 67 naraka (ir.; %{narka} r.) m. or n. hell, place of torment n. Bh. &c.; (distinguished from %{ptla} q.v.; personified as a son of nita and iriti or irkiti rkP.; there are many different hells, generally 21 n. iv, 88-90 Yj. Pur. &c.); m. n. of a demon (son of Vishu and Bhmi or the Earth, and therefore called Bhauma, haunting Prg-jyotisha and slain by Kisha) Bh. Pur. jat. &c.; of a son of Vipra-citti VP.; = %{deva-rtriprabheda} (?) L.; m. or n. . of a place of pilgrimage Bh. (v.l. %{anaraka}); (%{ik}) f. P. 7-3, 44 Vrtt. 4 Pat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 437 1 palada m. `" straw-giver (?) "' , a partic. material for building , (prob.) bundles of straw or reeds used for roofing and wainscoting AV. ; ifc. in names of villages (%{-dIya} mfn. ) Pa1n2. 4-2 , 142 ; (%{I}) f. N. of a village ib. 110. 2 palAda or m. `" fflesh-eater "' , a Ra1kshasa L. 3 pAlada mfn. (fr. %{pala-da}) , Pa1n iv 2 , 110. 4 palAdana m. `" fflesh-eater "' , a Ra1kshasa L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 438 2 bdhana mfn. oppressing, harassing (see %{atrub-}); opposing, refuting L.; (%{A}) f. uneasiness, trouble, pain yyas.; n. opposition, resistance, oppression, molestation, affliction (also pl.) R. ak.; removing, suspending, annulment (of a rule &c.) Vedntas. P. Sch.. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 439 Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 124-5. 440 Kochumottom, footnote p. 169. 441 35 tirazca n. the cross-board of a bedstead AV. xv , 3 , 5 (v.l. %{-zcya4}). 36 tirazcatA (%{-zca4-}) ind. transversely RV. iv , 18 , 2 ; ix , 14 , 6 Suparn2. xxiii , 1. 37 tirazcathA (%{-sca4-}) ind. aside , secretly S3Br. iii , 7 , 3 , 7. 18 tiraskAra m. placing aside , concealment W. ; abuse , censure Hit. i , 2 , 25/26 ; iv ; disdain Pa1n2. 2-3 , 17 Ka1s3. Katha1s.xxxii , 55 Sa1rn3gP. ; a cuirass Kir. xvii , 49. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English
Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 442 sambhava (or %{sm-bhava}) m. (ifc. f. %{A}) being or coming together, meeting, union, intercourse (esp. sexual intercourse, cohabitation) Gobh.; finding room in, being contained in (ifc.= contained in) Bh. ur.; birth, production, origin, source, the being produced from (abl.; ifc. = arisen or produced from, made of, grown in) n. Bh. &c.; cause, reason, occasion (ifc.= caused or occasioned by) ib.; being brought about, occurrence, appearance (ifc. = occurring or appearing in) ib.; being, existence vetp. Bh. as possible) Bh. rkP. h.; (in rhet.) a possible case Kuval.; (in phil.) equivalence (regarded as one of the Pramas q.v.; illustrated by the equivalence between one shilling and pence) MW.; agreement, conformity (esp. of the receptacle with the thing received) W.; compatibility, adequacy ib.; acquaintance, intimacy ib.; loss, destruction ib.; (with Buddhists) . of a world addhP.; . of a prince, VF.; of the third rhat of the present vasarpi. L.; mf (%{A})n. existing, being Pacar.; %{-ka} m. n. . of a Pauranic wk.; %{-parirnan} n. the section about the origin (of the gods),. of ch. of the first book of the Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 443 svarga (or %{suvarga4}) mfn. going or leading to or being in light or heaven , heavenly , celestial (with %{loka4} m. or pl. = `" the world of light , heavens "') AV. &c. &c. [1281,3] ; m. heaven , the abode of light and of the gods , heavenly bliss , (esp.) Indra's heaven or paradise (to which the souls of virtuous mortals see transferred until the time comes for their re-entering earthly bodies ; this temporary heaven is the only hheaven of orthodox Bra1hmanism ; it is supposed to be situated on mount Meru q.v. ; acc. with %{gA} , %{A-sthA} , or %{A-pad} , `" to go to heaven "' , `" die "') RV. (only x , 95 , 18) AV. &c. &c. ; a partic. Eka7ha S3a1n3khS3r. ; N. of a son of the Rudra Bhi1ma VP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 444 Tajja mfn. sprung from (that i.e. from) Sanskr2it (as Pra1kr2it or other words) Va1gbh. ii , 2 ; %{-lA7n} mfn. produced , absorbed and breathing in that ChUp. iii , 14 , 1. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 445 30 anubhava m. perception , apprehension , fruition ; understanding ; impression on the mind not derived from memory ; experience , knowledge derived from personal observation or experiment ; result , consequence. 31 anubhAva m. sign or indication of a feeling (%{bhAva}) by look or gesture Kpr. &c. ; dignity , authority , consequence ; firm opinion , ascertainment , good resolution , belief. 32 anubhAvaka mf(%{ikA}) n. causing to apprehend , making to understand. 33 anubhAvakatA f. understanding. 34 anubhAvana n. the act of indicating feelings by sign or gesture Sa1h. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/10/2008. 195
See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 137-8; Kochumuttom, p. 263; Anacker, pp. 163-4; and Cook, pp. 393-4. 447 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 125. 448 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 169. 449 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 125. 450 1 karman %{a} n. (%{A} m. L.), (%{k} . iv, 144), act, action, performance, business V. V. Br. Bh. &c.; office, special duty, occupation, obligation (frequently ifc., the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action (e.g. %{vaik-k-}) or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed (e.g. %{rja-k-}, %{pau-k-}) or a specification of the action (e.g. %{aurya-k-}, %{prti-k-})) Br. n. Bhart. &c.; any religious act or rite (as sacrifice, oblation &c., esp. as originating in the hope of future recompense and as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of spirit) V. V. V. agh. &c.; work, labor, activity (as opposed to rest, %{pranti}) it. Prt. &c.; physicking, medical attendance Car.; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the yya philosophy; of these motions there are five, vi. %{ut-kepaa}, %{ava-kepaa}, %{A-kucana}, %{prasraa}, and %{gamana}, qq. vv.) Bhshp. arkas.; calculation ryas.; product, result, effect n. xii, 98 ur.; organ of sense Br. xiv (or of action see %{karmndriya}); (in Gr.) the object (it stands either in the acc. (in active construction), or in the nom. (in passive construction), or in the gen. (in connection with a noun of action); opposed to %{kart} the subject) P. 1-4, 49 ff. (it is of four kinds, vi. a. %{nirvartya}, when anything new is produced e.g. %{kaa karoti}, he makes a mat (258,3); %{putra praste}, she bears a son; b. %{vikrya}, when change is implied either of the substance and form e.g. %{kha bhasma karoti}, he reduces fuel to ashes; or of the form only e.g. %{suvara kuala karoti}, he fashions gold into an ear-ring; c. %{prpya}, when any desired object is attained e.g. %{grma gacchati}, he goes to the village; %{candra payati}, he sees the moon; d. %{anpsita}, when an undesired object is abandoned e.g. %{ppa tyajati}, he leaves the wicked); former act as leading to inevitable results, fate (as the certain consequence of acts in a previous life) Pacat. it. Buddh., (cf. %{karma-pka} and %{-vipka}); the tenth lunar mansion VarB. &c. 451 bhta mf (%{A})n. become, been, gone, past (n. the past) V. &c. &c.; actually happened, true, real (n. an actual occurrence, fact, matter of fact, reality) Yj. R. &c.; existing, present Ka.; (ifc.) being or being like anything, consisting of, mixed or joined with Prt. p. n. &c. (also to form adj. out of adv., e.g. %{ittham-}, %{evam-}, %{tath-bh-}); purified L.; obtained L.; fit, proper L.; often w.r. for %{bhta}; m. a son, child L.; a great devotee or ascetic L.; (pl.) . of an heretical sect (with ainas, a class of the Vyantaras) L.; . of iva L.; of a priest of the gods L.; of a son of Vasu-deva and Paurav BhP.; of a son-in-law of aksha and father of numerous udras ib.; of a Yaksha Cat.; (%{A} f.) the 14th day of the dark half of the lunar month kandaP. (L. also m.); . of a woman Pari.; n. (cf. above) that which is or exists, any living being (divine, human, animal, and even vegetable), the world (in these senses also m.) V. &c. &c.; a spirit (good or evil), the ghost of a deceased person, a demon, imp, goblin (also m.) G. 196
p. n. &c. (cf. . 241); an element, one of the 5 elements (esp. a gross element = %{mah-bh-} q.v.; but also a subtle element = %{tan-mtra} q.v.; with Buddhists there are only 4 element) p. khyak. Vedntas. &c.; . of the number five (cf. %{mahbh-} and %{pcabhautika}); well-being, welfare, prosperity V. T. itBr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 452 1 i 1 cl. 1. P. %{eati} (see %{anu-} 1. %{i} and %{pari-} 1. %{i}) . %{eate}, to seek, search BhP.: cl. 4. P. %{yati} and 9. P. . %{iti} (p. %{it} V. i, 181, 6, and %{in} V. i, 61, 13; pf. 3. pl. %{us} V., and %{ir} V.; %{ait}; inf. %{idhyai} V. vii, 43, 1) to cause to move quickly, let fly, throw, cast, swing V.; to send out or off, stream out, pour out, discharge; to deliver (a speech), announce, proclaim V. Br.; to impel, incite, animate, promote V. V. V. Br. 2 i 2 ifc. mfn. moving quickly, speedy. see %{aram-i}. 3 i 3 cl. 6. P., ep. and Ved. also . %{ic-chti} (ubj. %{iccht} V. V.), %{icchate} (V. xi, 5, 17; impf. %{aicchat}, %{iyea} and %{e}, %{eiyate}, %{ait}, %{eitum} or %{eum}), to endeavour to obtain, strive, seek for V. V. Br. itBr.; to endeavour to make favourable; to desire, wish, long for, request; to wish or be about to do anything, intend V. V. Br. R. it. ak. &c.; to strive to obtain anything (acc.) from any one (abl. or loc.); to expect or ask anything from any one Bh. n. ak. agh. it. &c.; to assent, be favourable, concede Ktyr. n. Kaths.; to choose n.; to acknowledge, maintain, regard, think P. Comm.: Pass. %{iyate}, to be wished or liked; to be wanted Bh. it. ak. &c.; to be asked or requested; to be prescribed or ordered n. R.; to be approved or acknowledged; to be accepted or regarded as Bh. Prab. Yj. n. &c.; to be worth; to be wanted as a desideratum see 2. %{ii}: Caus. %{eayati}, (in surg.) to probe ur. ii, 7, 15: esid. %{eiiati}; (with %{i} cf. ld Germ. {eiscm}, I ask; Mod. Germ. {heische}; Angl. Sax. {sciani} cf. also Gk. $, $; ith. {je0skti}; uss. {iskate}, to seek.) &52923(169,1) 4 i 4 mfn. ifc. seeking for (see %{gav-i}, %{pav-i}, &c.); %{} f. wish Hariv. (cf. %{i-cara}). 5 i 5 %{} f. anything drunk, a draught, refreshment, enjoyment; libation; the refreshing waters of the sky; sap, strength, freshness, comfort, increase; good condition, affluence V. V. V. itBr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/13/2007. 453 Tola & Dragonetti, p. 219; Kochumuttom, p. 247. 454 parima m. change, alteration, transformation into (instr.), development, evolution khyak. Yogas. Pur. ur.; ripeness, maturity Kir. ttarar. latm.; alteration of food, digestion ur. arkas.; withering, fading rgP.; lapse (of time) Bh. R.; decline (of age), growing old ib. ur.; result, consequence, issue, end (ibc. and %{-me} ind. finally, at last, in the end) Kv.; (in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Kuval.; . of a holy man . 269; %{darin} mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event), prudent, foresighted Bh.; %{-di} f. foresight, providence MW.; %{-nirodha} m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth, growth, death &c.) W.; %{-pathya} mfn. suited to a future state or condition ib.; %{-mukha} mfn. tending or verging towards the 197
end, about to terminate ak.; %{-ramaya} mfn. (a day) delightful at its close ib.; %{vat} mfn. having a natural development (%{-ttva} n.) ak.; %{-vda} m. the doctrine of evolution, the khya doctrine arvad.; %{-la} n. violent and painful indigestion Cat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 455 4 kasmt ind. (abl. fr. 2. %{k} V. &c.) where from? whence? why? wherefore? Bh. R. ak. Pacat. &c. (cf. %{a-kasmt}.) }). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 456 bhta mf (%{A})n. become, been, gone, past (n. the past) V. &c. &c.; actually happened, true, real (n. an actual occurrence, fact, matter of fact, reality) Yj. R. &c.; existing, present Ka.; (ifc.) being or being like anything, consisting of, mixed or joined with Prt. p. n. &c. (also to form adj. out of adv., e.g. %{ittham-}, %{evam-}, %{tath-bh-}); purified L.; obtained L.; fit, proper L.; often w.r. for %{bhta}; m. a son, child L.; a great devotee or ascetic L.; (pl.) . of an heretical sect (with ainas, a class of the Vyantaras) L.; . of iva L.; of a priest of the gods L.; of a son of Vasu-deva and Paurav BhP.; of a son-in-law of aksha and father of numerous udras ib.; of a Yaksha Cat.; (%{A} f.) the 14th day of the dark half of the lunar month kandaP. (L. also m.); . of a woman Pari.; n. (cf. above) that which is or exists, any living being (divine, human, animal, and even vegetable), the world (in these senses also m.) V. &c. &c.; a spirit (good or evil), the ghost of a deceased person, a demon, imp, goblin (also m.) G. p. n. &c. (cf. . 241); an element, one of the 5 elements (esp. a gross element = %{mah-bh-} q.v.; but also a subtle element = %{tan-mtra} q.v.; with Buddhists there are only 4 element) p. khyak. Vedntas. &c.; . of the number five (cf. %{mahbh-} and %{pcabhautika}); well-being, welfare, prosperity V. T. itBr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 457 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 138-9; Kochumuttom, p. 264; Anacker, p. 164; Cook, p. 395. 458 Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 125-6 459 Kochumottom, footnote p. 170 460 7 vsan f. the impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind, the present consciousness of past perceptions, knowledge derived from memory ak. Kv. Kaths.; fancy, imagination, idea, notion, false notion, mistake (ifc., e.g. %{bheda-v-}, the mistake that there is a difference) ib. jat. arvad. &c.; thinking of, longing for, expectation, desire, inclination Kaths.; liking, respectful regard Bhm.; trust, confidence W.; (in math.) proof, demonstration (= %{upapatti}) Gol.; a kind of metre Col.; . of urg BhP.; of the wife of rka ib.; of a Comm. on the iddhnta-iromai. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 461 yatra ind. (in Veda also %{ytr}; fr. 3. %{ya}, correlative of %{ttra}, and often used for the loc. of the relative pron.) in or to which place, where, wherein, wherever, 198
whither V. &c. &c. (%{yatra yatra}, wherever, whithersoever; %{yatra tatra} or %{yatra tatrpi}, anywhere whatever or = %{yasmis tasmin}, in whatever; %{yatra tatra dine}, on any day whatever; %{yatra kutra}, with or without %{cit} or %{api}, everywhere or = %{yasmin kasmin}, in whatever; %{ytra kv ca} or %{yatra kva cana}, wherever, in any place whatever, whithersoever; %{yatra kva ca}, anywhere whatever; %{yatra kvpi}, to any place, hither and thither; %{yatra v}, or elsewhere); on which occasion, in which case, if, when, as V. &c. &c. (%{yatra tatra}, on every occasion,%{yatra kva ca}, whenever); in order that V. iii, 32, 14; ix, 29, 5; that (with Pot. after to doubt, wonder &c.) P. 3-3, 148; (with Pres.) it. i, 176 (v.l.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 462 40 anyatra ind. (= %{anyasmin} loc. of 2. %{any}), elsewhere, in another place (with abl.); on another occasion; (ifc.) at another time than; otherwise, in another manner; to another place; except, without nG. Jain. (cf. Goth. {aljathr}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 463 3 kAraNa 1 n. cause , reason , the cause of anything (gen. , also often loc.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Mn. &c. ; instrument , means ; motive origin , principle ; a cause (in phil. i.e. that which is invariably antecedent to some product cf. %{samavA7yi-k-} , %{asamavA7yik-} , %{nimitta-k-}) ; an element , elementary matter Ya1jn5. iii , 148 Bhag. xviii , 13 ; the origin or plot of a play or poem Sa1h. ; that on which an opinion or judgment is founded (a sign , mark ; a proof ; a legal instrument , document) Mn. MBh. &c. ; an organ of sense Ragh. xvi , 22 &c. ; an action MBh. xii , 12070 ; agency , instrumentality , condition Katha1s. cxii , 178 ; `" the cause of being "' , a father W. ; `" cause of creation "' , a deity W. ; the body L. ; a kind of musical instrument L. ; a sort of song L. ; a number of scribes or Ka1yasthas W. ; (%{A}) f. pain , agony Das3. ; an astronomical period W. [%{kAraNAt} , from some cause or reason , Rpra1t. iii , 13 Mn. viii , 355 ; %{kasmAt@kAraNAt} , from what cause? %{mama-kAraNAt} , for my sake R. &c. ; %{a-kAraNena} , without a reason Ya1jn5. ii , 234 ; %{yena@kAraNena} , because ; %{yasmin@kAraNe} , from which motive , wherefore.] Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/12/2008. 464 Anacker, pp. 164-5. 465 Cook, pp. 395-6. 466 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 138-9; Kochumuttom, p. 264; Anacker, p. 164; Cook, p. 395. 467 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 126 468 Kochumottom, footnote p. 171 469 rpa n. (perhaps connected with %{varpa}, %{varpas}; ifc. f. %{A}, rarely %{I}) any outward appearance or phenomenon or color (often pl.), form, shape, figure V. &c. &c. (%{rpea} ifc. in the form of (886,1); %{rpam-k} or %{bh}, to assume a form; often ifc. = having the form or appearance or color of, formed or composed of, 199
consisting of, like to; sometimes used after an adj. or p.p. to emphasize its meaning or almost redundantly cf. %{ghora-r-}; or connected with a verb e.g. %{pacati-rpam}, he cooks very well cf. P. 8-1, 57); dreamy or phantom shapes (pl.) V. Br.; handsome form, loveliness, grace, beauty, splendour V. &c. &c.; nature, character, peculiarity, feature, mark, sign, symptom V. &c. &c.; likeness, image, reflection n. Kaths. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 470 yatana n. resting-place, support, seat, place, home, house, abode T. Br. Chp. itBr. n. Yj. Kum. &c.; the place of the sacred fire (= %{agny-yatana}) Ktyr. vr. and G.; an altar; a shed for sacrifices; a sanctuary Chp. R. n. Pacat. &c.; a plot of ground, the site of a house; a barn Yj. ii, 154; the cause of a disease ur.; (with Buddhists) the five senses and anas (considered as the inner seats or yatanas) and the qualities perceived by the above (the outer yatanas). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 471 tvam (nom. to {tv}1) thou. Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 472 vineya mfn. to be taken away or removed Hariv.; to be trained or educated or instructed h. arvad.; to be chastised L.; m. a pupil, disciple L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 473 jana 1 m. creature, man, person, tribe, race, nation; pl. & sgl. coll. people, folks. Often --- w. collect. or indiv. mg, e.g. {preyajana} a servant or the servants. --{aya jana & ea jana} this person (= I or he, she). f. {jan} birth, production. 2 jana 2 m. n. of a man. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 474 prati 1 ind. (as a prefix to roots and their derivative nouns and other nouns, sometimes %{prat}; for 2. see p, 664) towards, near to; against, in opposition to; back, again, in return; down upon, upon, on; before nouns it expresses also likeness or comparison Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. prati adv. towards, against, again, back, in return (--- in verbs & substantives, in adv. comp. also at the time of, about, with regard or according to, before, on, at, mostly with the idea of constant repetition); as a prep. (w. preceding, rarely following acc.) towards, against, before, over against, opposite, near, on, by, at in; at the time of, about (also abl. or gen.); with regard to, in favour of (also gen.); according to, on account or in consequence of; *w. abl. instead of or in return for; on a par with or as a match for (also adv. in {tas}). -- {tmna prati} to one's self, aside (d.); {m prati} according to me, in my opinion. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/05/2007. 200
1 ukta a. spoken, said, mentioned, stated, taught (n. impers. w. instr. of pers.); declared as, meant by (instr.); spoken to, addressed, told something (acc.) by (instr.), summoned, called by (---). n. word, term. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 476 upapduka mfn. self-produced; m. a superhuman being, a god, demon &c. L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 477 1 sattvavat mfn. endowed with life, living, existent, a living being W.; endowed with or possessed of the true essence MW.; resolute, energetic, courageous Bh. R. ur. &c.; abounding in the quality attva ur.; (%{at}) f. pregnant ivyv.; . of a Tantra deity Buddh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 478 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 139-40; Kochumuttom, pp. 264-5; Anacker, pp. 164-5; Cook, pp. 395-6. 479 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 126 480 Kochumottom, footnote p. 172 481 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 126 482 Kochumottom, footnote p. 172 483 pra 1 ind. before; forward, in front, on, forth (mostly in connection with a verb, esp. with a verb of motion which is often to be supplied; sometimes repeated before the verb cf. P. 8-1, 6; rarely as a separate word e.g. itBr. ii, 40); as a prefix to subst. = forth, away cf. %{pra-vtti}, %{pra-sthna}; in nouns of relationship = great- cf. %{prapitmaha}, %{pra-pautra} Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 484 vt, vartate, -ti, vavartti 1 ({vartti}), pp. {vtt} (q.v.) turn, ((-,)) revolve, roll, run off, pass away (time); go on, take place, happen, occur; abide, live, exist, be (also as simple copula), become; find one's self, feel (w. adv.); ({vttim}) deal with, act, proceed (adv. or instr.); behave towards (loc.), have intercourse with ({saha}, loc. with a woman); be concerned or occupied with (loc. or dat.); live or subsist on or by (instr.); conduce or tend to (dat.); be valid or supplying from a previous rule (g.). With {mrghni} stand at the head, be chief in importance; w. {hdi} or {manasi} be turned or thought over in the mind; {ki vartate} how is it with (gen.); {tmani na vartate} he is beside himself (with joy etc.). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, http://weba 12/08/2006. 485 1 pravartaka a. proceeding (---); setting in motion or activity, causing, effecting, promoting, furthering; m. promoter, prompter, instigator. 2 pravartana n. moving forwards or onwards, coming forth from (abl.), arising, appearing, happening; acting, dealing with (instr. or loc.); causing, producing, fetching, applying, introducing. Cologne 201
Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 486 pratibhsa m. appearance, look, similitude, Vedantas. h.; appearing or occurring to the mind Kpr. R. Sch..; illusion Lalit. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 487 a Practical Sanskrit Dictionary, p. 290. difference, between; characteristic difference, peculiarity, specific property, differentia; species, individual; special objects, particulars; distinction, superiority, excellence 488 prpta mfn. attained to, reached, arrived at, met with, found, incurred, got, acquired, gained n. Bh. &c. (707,3); one who has attained to or reached &c. (acc. or comp.) V. &c. &c.; come to (acc.), arrived, present (%{prpteu kleu}, at certain periods) n. Bh. &c.; accomplished, complete, mature, full-grown (see %{a-pr-}); (in med.) indicated, serving the purpose ur.; (in gram.) obtained or following from a rule, valid (%{iti prpte}, while this follows from a preceding rule) P. 1-1, 34 Sch.. &c.; fixed, placed L.; proper, right L.; m. pl. . of a people rkP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 489 utpdya 1 mfn. to be produced or brought forth yyam.; produced, brought forth, invented (by a poet) BhP. h. arvad. &c. 4 utpdya 2 ind. p. having produced, having begotten &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006. 490 Cook, p. 396. 491 Tola and Dragonetti (with Kochumuttom), p. 139-40. yatana eye = own-seed that has reached a particular stage of transformation, from which the cognition with the representation of form-color arises; yatana color/form-color of cognition = that object whose representation the cognition is/bears; yatana body/touch = own-seed that has reached a particular stage of transformation, from which the cognition with the representation of a tangible object arises; yatana tangible object/object of touch = that object whose representation the cognition is/bears 492 Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 126-7 493 Kochumottom, footnote p. 173 494 pudgala mf({})n. beautiful, lovely, handsome rkP.; m. the body it. i, 41 v.l.; (with ainas) material object (including atoms) ak. MWB. 535; the soul, personal entity Lalit.; man Var.; the Ego or individual (in a disparaging sense) SaddhP.; N. of iva MBh. (= {deha} lak.); a horse of the color of rock crystal Nal. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006 495 nis ind. out, forth, away &c. (rarely used as an independent word (e.g. V. vi, 18, 3; vii, 115, 3; xvi, 2, 1), but mostly as a prefix to verbs and their derivatives (cf. {ni-} {ki} &c. below), or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs, in which case it has the sense, out of, away from (cf. {nirvana}, {ni-kaumbi} &c.) or that of a privative 202
or negative adverb= 3. {a}, without, destitute of, free from, un- (cf. {nir-artha}, {nir-mala} &c.), or that of a strengthening particle thoroughly, entirely, very (cf. {nih-nya}, {ni-kevala}, {nir-mua}); it is liable to be changed to {ni}, {ni}, {ni}, and {ni} and {n}; cf. above and below). (543,3) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006 496 pravea m. (ifc. f. {}) entering, entrance, penetration or intrusion into (loc. gen. with or without {antar}, or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c. (acc. with {ki}, to make one's entrance, enter); entrance on the stage Hariv. alav.; the entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac Var.; coming or setting in (of night) L.; the placing (e. g. of any deposit) in a person's house or hand Pacat.; interfering with another's business, obtrusiveness Kaths.; the entering into i.e. being contained in (loc.) PN. 2-1, 72 ch. h.; employment, use, utilization of (comp.) Kull. nscr.; income, revenue, tax, toll (cf. {-bhgika}); intentness on an object, engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose W.; manner, method Lalit.; a place of entrance, door MBh. Kv. &c.; the syringe of an injection pipe ur.; {-bhgika} m. (prob.) a receiver or gatherer of taxes ijat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007 497 1 anyath ind. otherwise, in a different manner (with {atas}, {itas}, or {tatas} = in a manner different from this; {anyath anyath}, in one way, in another way); inaccurately, untruly, falsely, erroneously; from another motive; in the contrary case, otherwise (cf. Lat. {aliuta}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 12/08/2006 498 tma (in comp. for %{tmn}; also rarely ifc. e.g. %{adhy-tma}, %{adhy-tmm}). tman %{A} m. (variously derived fr. %{an}, to breathe; %{at}, to move; %{v}, to blow; cf. %{tmn}) the breath V.; the soul, principle of life and sensation V. V. &c.; the individual soul, self, abstract individual (e.g. %{tmn}) (Ved. loc.) %{dhatte}, or %{karoti}, he places in himself, makes his own T. v Br.; %{tman akarot}, he did it himself Kd.; %{tman vi-yuj}, to lose one's life n. vii, 46; %{tman} in the sg. is used as reflexive pronoun for all three persons and all three genders e.g. %{tmna s hanti}, she strikes herself; %{putram tmana spv nipetatu}, they two having touched their son fell down R. ii, 64, 28; (see also below s.v. %{tman}); essence, nature, character, peculiarity (often ifc. e.g. %{karmtman}, &c.) V. x, 97, 11, &c.; the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body V. Br.; the body agh. i, 14 matp.; (ifc.) the understanding, intellect, mind see %{natman}, %{mand-}; the highest personal principle of life, Brahma (cf. %{paramtman}) V. x, 8, 44 V. xxxii, 11 Br. xiv, &c.; effort L.; (= %{dhti}) firmness L.; the sun L.; fire L.; a son L.; (ld Germ. {tum}; Angl. Sax. {oedhm}; Mod. Germ. {them}, {dem}; Gk. $, $ (?).) &42279(135,1) tman instr. of %{tman}, in comp. (but not in a Bahuvrhi) with ordinals P. 6-3, 6 (cf. the Bahuvrhi compounds %{tma-caturtha}, and %{-pacama}.) Cologne Digital
Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 499 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 141-2; Kochumuttom, pp. 266-7; Anacker, pp. 166-7; Cook, pp. 397-8. 500 Ibid. 501 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 127 502 Kochumottom, footnote p. 176 503 1 aneka mfn. not one, many, much; separated. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. aneka a. not one; many or much (also pl.), manifold. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 504 paramu m. infinitely small part or atom. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. paramu m. an infinitesimal particle or atom (30 are said to form a mote in a sunbeam) Yj. Yogas. Bh. &c. (cf. %{bhtya-p-}); the passing of a sun-beam past an atom of matter Pur.; n. 1/8 of a tr VPrt.; %{-kraa-vda} m. the atomistic system of the Vaieshikas, ak.; %{-t} f. infinite minuteness, the state of an atom agh. BhP.; %{-maya} mf (%{I})n. consisting merely of atoms BhP.; %{-v-aGgaka} m. subtlebodied. of Vishu L. 1. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 505 sahata mfn. struck together, closely joined or united with (instr.), keeping together, contiguous, coherent, combined, compacted, forming one mass or body vr. n. Bh. &c. (1122,3); accompanied or attended by (instr.) n. vii, 165; become solid, compact, firm, hard Bh. Kv. &c.; strong-limbed, athletic Bh.; strong, intensive VarB.; (prob.) complex, composite, compound (said of a partic. tone and odor) Bh.; struck, hurt, wounded, killed W.; n. a partic. position in dancing, aigt.; %{-kulna} mfn. belonging to a family closely allied or related pr. Sch..; %{-jnu} or %{-jnuka} mfn. knock-kneed L.; %{-tala} m. the two hands joined with the open palms brought together W.; %{-t} f. close contact or union i.; %{-tva} n. id. Pacat. (v.l.); complexity. compactness, close combination W.; %{-pucchi} ind. with contracted tail g. %{dviday-di}; %{-bhr} mfn. knitting the brows Bh.; %{-bhrkui-mukha} mfn. one on whose face the brows are contracted ib.; %{-mrti} mfn. of compact form or shape, strong, intensive VarB.; %{vk-kala} mfn. (du.) joining the tones of the voice, singing a duet MrkP.; %{-vttru} mfn. one who has round and firm thighs R.; %{-starn} f. a woman whose breasts are very close to each other MW.; %{-hasta} mfn. seizing or holding each other by the hand (%{-tva}, n.) Gobh. Sch..; %{-tGga} mfn. strong-limbed, well-knit ur.; in close contiguity (as hills) Bh.; %{-tjoli} mfn.; joining the hollowed han ds (as a mark of supplication) Hariv.; %{-tva} m. n. of a king (son of ikumbha) Hariv.; %{-tru} mfn. firm-thighed Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit 204
Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 506 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 142-3; Kochumuttom, p. 267; Anacker, pp. 167; Cook, pp. 398-9. 507 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 128 508 Kochumottom, footnote p. 177 509 kena instr. ind. (fr. 2. %{k}), by what? Br. iv Bh. i, ch. 3; whence? Bh. xiii, 2167 R. vi, 12, 4; how? why? Pacat. Bhart. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 510 yoga m. yoking, harnessing, drive, yoke, team; fitting out (an. army), fixing (an arrow); setting to work, use, application; means, expedient, trick, stratagem, art, fraud, deceit, magic, charm; enterprise, work; union, combination, relation, contact with (instr. {saha} or ---); conjunction (of stars); pursuit, acquisition, property; succession, order, fitness, propriety; effort, endeavour, zeal, attention; collection or concentration of the mind, meditation. contemplation, . of a phil. system; etymology & etym. meaning of a word, grammatical construction, rule or aphorism (g.). --Instr. & abl. in the right way, as is proper, according to, by means or in consequence of (---).Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 511 zata n. (rarely m. ; ifc. f. %{I}) a hundred (used with other numerals thus , %{ekA7dhikaM@zatam} , or %{eka-z-} , a hhundred + one , 101 %{viMzatyadhikaM@zatam} or %{viMzaM@z-} , a hhundred + twenty , 120 ; %{zate} or %{dve@zate} or %{dvi-zatam} or %{zata-dvayam} , 200 ; %{trINi} %{zatAni} or %{tri-zatAni} or %{zata-trayam} , 300 ; %{SaT-zatam} , 600 ; or the comp. becomes an ordinal e.g. %{dvi-zata} , the 200th ; %{dvikaM} , %{trikaM@zatam} = 2 , 3 per cent ; %{zatAtpara} , `" beyonda hhundred , exceeding 100 "' ; the counted object is added either in the gen. , or in the same case as %{zata} , or ibc. e.g. %{zatam@pitaraH} or , %{zatam@pitRRNAm} or %{pitR-zatam} a hhundred ancestors "' ; sometimes also ifc. see comp. below ; rarely %{zatam} is used as an indecl. with an instr. e.g. %{zata4M@ra4thebhiH} , `" with a hhundred chariots "' RV. i , 48 , 7 ; rarely occurs a masc. form in pl. e.g. %{paJca-zatA} , %{rathAn} MBh. iv , 1057 ; and %{zata} n. rarely in comp. of the following kind , %{catur-varSa-zatam} or %{-tAni} , `" 400 years "') RV. &c. &c. ; any very large number (in comp. as %{zata-pattra} &c. below). [Cf. Gk. $ `" one "' hundred ; &317439[1048 ,3] Lat. {centum} ; Lith. {szmtas} ; Got. (twa) %{hunda} ; Germ. {hund-ert} ; Eng. {hund-ed}.] Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/12/2008. 512 By extrapolation from: abhi mfn. having six navels MW.; six-naved Bh. 44 abhika mfn. six-naved ib. 48 aagar f. a union of six towns P. Vop. 49 aagarika m. pl. . of a school Buddh. 55 alika mfn. lasting six times 24 minutes h. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English
Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 513 samna mf (%{}, or %{A})n. (connected with 1. and 2. %{sama}; in V. v, 87, 4 abl. sg. %{samnsms} for %{samnt} see 1. %{sama}; for %{sam-ana} see %{saman}, for %{sa-mna} see col. 3) same, identical uniform, one (= %{eka} L.) V. &c. &c.; alike, similar, equal (in sie, age, rank, sense or meaning &c.), equal or like to (with instr. gen., or comp.) V. &c. &c.; having the same place or organ of utterance, homogeneous (as a sound or letter) Vop.; holding the middle between two extremes, middling moderate BhP.; common, general, universal all V. Br. r. BhP.; whole (as a number opp. to a fraction) P. 5-2, 47 Vrtt. 4; being (= %{sat}, after an adj.) ivyv.; virtuous, good L.; %{-vara-bhid} L.; (%{am}) ind. like, equally with (instr.) Kir.; equal. friend Br. C. BhP.; (%{I}) f. a kind of metre Pig.; (prob.) n. . of wk. (cf. %{kh-s-}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 514 pia m. (rarely n.) any round or roundish mass or heap, a ball, globe, knob, button, clod, lump, piece (cf. %{aya-}., %{msa-} &c.) V. (only i, 162, 19 and here applied to lumps of flesh) T. Br. &c. &c.; a roundish lump of food, a bite, morsel, mouthful; (esp.) a ball of rice or flour &c. offered to the Pitis or deceased ancestors, a rddha oblation (. 293; 298-310) Gr. n. Bh. &c.; food, daily bread, livelihood, subsistence Bh. Kv. &c.; any solid mass or material object, the body, bodily frame agh. ak. Vajracch.; the calf of the leg latm. v, 16; the flower of a China rose L.; a portico or partic. part of a house L.; power, force, an army L.; m. (du.) the fleshy parts of the shoulder situated above the collar-bone Bh.; (du.) the two projections of an elephant's frontal sinus L.; the embryo in an early stage of gestation L.; a partic. kind of incense Var. ( myrrh or olibanum L.); meat, flesh L.; alms latm. (cf. %{-pta} below); Vangueriya pinosa L.; quantity, collection L.; (in arithm.) sum, total amount; (in astron.) a sine expressed in numbers; (in music) a sound, tone; . of a man g. %{nadi}; n. (L.) iron; steel; fresh butter; (%{A}) f. a kind of musk L.; (%{I}) f. see 1. %{pi}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 515 aumtrika a. containing minute particles. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 516 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 143. 517 Anacker, 167. 518 See also Kochumuttom, p. 267; Cook, p. 399. 519 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 128 520 Kochumuttom, footnote pp. 177-8 521 sayoga m. conjunction, connection, coherence; contact (ph.); relation, friendship, alliance; matrimony sexual intercourse with ({saha}); a conjunct consonant (g.). Cologne
Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 522 vaya 1. strength, power; 2. increase, abundance Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/12/2007. 523 Cook, 399-400. 524 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 143-4; Kochumuttom, p. 268; Anacker, p. 168; Cook, pp. 399-400. 525 Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 128-9 526 Kochumottom, footnote p. 178 527 47 di 1 cl. 3. P. %{ddei} (mper. %{ddeu} V.; cl. 6. %{diti}, %{-te} (later the only Pres. stem); pf. %{dida}, %{didi}; fut. %{dekyati}, %{-te} (%{de} iddh.); aor. %{adikat} Br. &c.; %{adiki}, %{dia} V.; inf. %{deum} Bh. etc.; %{de} V.) to point out, show, exhibit V.viii, 82, 15; to produce, bring forward (as a witness in a court of justice) n. viii; to promote, effect, accomplish Kir., i, 18; to assign, grant, bestow upon (dat. V. ii, 41, 17 V. xiv, 2, 13; gen. Bh. iii, 14278; xiii, 1843; loc. R. i, 2, 28); to pay (tribute) Hariv. 16061; to order, command, bid (inf.) Kir. v, 28: Pass. %{diyate} Bh. &c.: Caus. %{deayati}, %{-te}; aor. %{addiat}, to show, point out, assign Bh. R.; to direct, order, command ib.; teach, communicate, tell, inform confess Buddh.: esid. %{didikati}, %{-te}, to wish to show &c.: ntens. %{ddie}, 3. pl. %{-ate}, (p. f. pl. %{-ats}) to show, exhibit, manifest V.; to order, command ib.: Pass. %{dediyate}, to show or approve one's self. V. V. (Cf. Z. {dis}; Gk. $; Lat. {dco}, &149116(479,3) {in-dcare} &c.; Goth. {teihan}; . . {ton} (fr. {than}).) 48 di 2 f. quarter or region pointed at, direction, cardinal point V. V. Br. &c. (four in number, vi. %{prc}, east; %{daki}, south; %{pratici}, west; and %{udc}, north V. xv, 2, 1 vG. iv, 8 &c.; ometimes a 5th, %{dhruv} V. iii, 9, 15 Br. ix, 4, 3, 10; and a 6th, %{rdhv} V. iii, 27, 1 Br. xiv, 6, 11, 5; and a 7th, %{vy-adhv} V. iv, 40, l Br. ix, 5, 2, 8; but oftener 8 are given i.e. the 4 cardinal and the 4 intermediate quarters, .., .W.. W., and . . n. i, 13 (cf. %{upa-}); and even a 9th, and 10th, %{tiryak} or %{adhas} and %{rdhvam} Br. vi, 2, 2, 34 Bh. i, 729; %{dim pati} (cf. %{dik-pati}) below) = oma V. ix, 113, 2, or = udra V.xvi, 17); quarter, region, direction, place, part (pl., rarely e.g. the whole world e.g. %{dii}, %{dii}, in all directions, everywhere Bhart. i, 86; %{digbhyas}, from every quarter BhP. i, 15, 8 (480,2); %{dio dias}, hither and thither Pac. ii, 116/117; %{dio'valokya}, looking into the quarter of the sky i.e. into the air atn. iv, 4/5 %{dsontt}, from the extremities of the world ib., ntrod. 6); country, esp. foreign country, abroad (cf. %{dig-gata} and %{-lbha}, below); space (beside %{kla}) Kap. ii, 12; the numeral 10 (cf. above) rutab. ryas.; a hint, reference, instance, example ur. h. Sch..; precept, order, manner V. (cf. $ . .G. {eiga} (see also %{di})); mark of a bite L.; . of a river Bh. vi, 327. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007.
bhga 1 m. ( %{bhoj}) a part, portion, share, allotment, inheritance (in Ved. also = lot, esp. fortunate lot, good fortune, luck, destiny) V. &c. &c.; a part (as opp. to any whole; %{bhgam bhgam} with Caus. of %{klp} or %{bhgn} with %{k}, to divide in parts); a fraction (often with an ordinal number e.g. %{aamo bhga}, the eighth part, or in comp. with a cardinal e.g. %{ata-bh-}; 1/100; %{ati-bh-} = 1/80) p. n. Bh. &c.; a quarter (see %{eka-bh-}, %{tri-bh-}); part i.e. place, spot, region, side (ifc. taking the place of, representing) y. Bh. &c. (in this sense also n.; see %{bhmi-bh}); part of anything given as interest W.; a half rupee L.; the numerator of a fraction Col.; a quotient MW.; a degree or 360th part of the circumference of a great circle ryas.; a division of time, the 30th part of a i or odiacal sign W.; . of a king (also %{bhgavata}) Pur.; of a river (one of the branches of the Candra-bhg) L.; mfn. relating to Bhaga (as a hymn) ir.; n. . of a man rshBr. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 529 yasya mfn. to be endeavored &c.; to be killed (%{-tva} n.) Bha. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 530 1 retasya a. conveying seed. 3 srotasya a. flowing in streams. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 531 yujya mfn. connected, related, allied V. V.; homogeneous, similar, equal in rank or power V.; suitable, proper, capable V. V.; n. union, alliance, relationship V. (with %{jamad-agne}) . of a man rshBr. (v.l. %{yugya}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 532 3 chya a. shadowing; f. {} shadow (lit. & fig., also personif. as wife of the Sun); image, reflection; translation (esp. from Prkrit into Sanskrit); lustre, color, complexion, beauty, charm, grace. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 533 vti f. covering, closing, hiding. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 534 1 anyo'nya (only sgl. m. f.) one another, mutual. {anyonya} (---) & n. {anyonyam} mutually. 2 anyo'nyabheda m. mutual division. 3 anyo'nyadarana n. interview.* 4 anyo'nyagata a. mutual, reciprocal. 5 anyo'nyaktya n. pl. reciprocal friendly acts. 6 anyo'nynurga m. mutual affection.* 7 anyo'nyaspardh a. mutual emulation; adj. {rdhin}. 8 anyo'nyopam f. a kind of comparison. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. anyonya or (said to be fr. %{anyas} nom. sing. m. and %{anya} 2 anyonya (said to be fr. %{anyas} nom. sing. m. and %{anya}; cf. %{paraspara}; in most cases the first %{anya} may be regarded as the subject of the sentence, while the latter assumes the 208
acc., inst. gen., or loc. cases as required by the verb; but there are many instances in which the first %{anya}, originally a nominative, is equivalent to an oblique case); one another, mutual; (%{am}), or %{-tas} ind. mutually. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 535 Cook, 401. 536 Tola and Dragonetti, 145. 537 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 144-5; Kochumuttom, pp. 268-9; Anacker, pp. 168-9; Cook, pp. 400-1. 538 Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 129-30 539 Kochumottom, footnote p. 179 540 4 vicchinna mfn. cut or torn or split or cleft or broken asunder &c. V. Hariv. BhP.; interrupted, disconnected (%{-t} f. disconnectedness), incoherent G. Kv. VarB.; ended, ceased, no longer existing, jat; crooked L.; anointed L.; %{-dhma-prasara} mfn. having the free course of the smoke interrupted agh.; %{-prasara} (%{vicchinnaprasara}) mfn. having its progress interrupted (said of science) jat.; %{bali-karman} mfn. having sacrificial rites interrupted ib.; %{-madya} mfn. one who has long abstained from spirituous liquor (959,3); %{-ara-ptatva} n. distance of an arrow's flight i.e. excessive nearness of combatants to each other Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 541 5 skma a. fine, small, minute, subtle, intangible, inconceivable, atomic; abstr. {-t} f., {-tva} n. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 542 Anacker, 169-70. 543 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 145-6; Kochumuttom, pp. 269-70; Anacker, pp. 169-70; Cook, pp. 401-402. 544 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 130 545 Kochumottom, footnote p. 182 546 6 pratyaka a. before the eyes, plainly visible, clear, distinct, actual, immediate. -- n. superintendence, care of (gen.); ocular evidence, immediate apprehension or intelligence; as adv. before one's face, publicly, distinctly, immediately, personally (also abl., instr., & ---). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 547 29 buddhi f. the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions, intelligence, reason, intellect, mind, discernment, judgment n. Bh. &c.; perception (of which 5 kinds are enumerated, or with %{manas} 6; cf. %{indriya}, %{buddhndriya}); comprehension, apprehension, understanding h.; (with %{tnana}, or %{buddhir brhm}) knowledge of one's self. psychology Car.; (in khya phil.) intellect (= %{adhy-avasya}, the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception, the second of the 25 attvas; cf. %{buddhi-tattva}) W. 80 &c.; presence of mind, ready wit Pacat. it.; an opinion, view, notion, idea, conjecture Bh. Kv. &c.; 209
thought about or meditation on (loc. or comp.), intention, purpose, design ib. (%{buddhy}, with the intention of. designedly, deliberately; %{anugraha-b-}, with a view to i.e. in order to show favour; %{buddhi-k} or %{pra-k}, to make up one's mind, resolve, decide, with loc. dat. acc. with %{prati}, or inf.); impression, belief. notion (often ifc. = considering as, taking for) Kv. Kaths. Pur. it.; right opinion, correct or reasonable view R. agh.; a kind of metre L.; . of the 5th astrol mansion VarB. Sch..; intelligence personified (as a daughter of aksha and wife of Dharma and mother of Bodha) Bh. Pur.; . of a woman, HParil. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 548 See Tola and Dragonetti, p. 147; Kochumuttom, pp. 270-1; Anacker, pp. 170-1; Cook, pp. 402-3. 549 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 130 550 Kochumottom, footnote p. 186 551 1 smaraa n. the act of remembering or calling to mind, remembrance, reminiscence, recollection of (gen. or comp.) MBh. i. &c.; memory BhP.; a kind of rhet. figure (cf. {smiti}) Kpr.; handing down by memory, tradition, traditional teaching or record or precept ({iti smarat}, from its being so mentioned in the miiti q.v.) Kull.: Yj. ch. (1272,2); mental recitation (of the name of a deity), calling upon the name of a god MW.; ({I}) f. a rosary of beads (held in the hand, not worn as a necklace) ib. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 552 1 aprabuddha a. unawakened (l. & f.). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 553 Kochumuttom, 271. 554 Anacker, 171-2. 555 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 147-9; Kochumuttom, pp. 271-2; Anacker, pp. 171-2; Cook, pp. 403-4. 556 Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 131-2. 557 Kochumottom, footnotes pp. 186-7, 188, 190, 191. 558 adhipa, adhipati, & adhip m. lord, master, ruler. ((&,))Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 559 mithas ind, together, together with (instr.), mutually, reciprocally, alternately, to or from or with each other V. &c, &c.; privately, in secret n. Klid. a.; by contest or dispute BhP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 560 1 upahata mfn. hit, hurt, damaged, injured, visited, afflicted, pained, infected Br. Bh. R. ak. &c.; affected, transported (with passion) BhP.; seduced, misled nti.; distressed, weakened, dis -couraged Bh. R. it. Kaths.; killed ttarar.; scattered over, covered Comm. on n. iii, 208. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier210
Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 561 1 asama mfn. uneven, unequal (either by birth or in surface or number) n. x, 73 Kis. v, 7, &c.; odd; (%{-sama}) mf (%{A})n. unequalled, without a fellow or equal V. V. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 562 Anacker, 100-1. 563 Cook, 404-5. 564 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 149-50; Kochumuttom, pp. 272-3; Anacker, pp. 172; Cook, pp. 404-5. 565 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 132 566 Kochumottom, footnote p. 192 567 maraa n. the act of dying, death, (ifc. dying by; %{-a} 1. %{k} . %{kurute}, to die) r. n. Bh. &c.; passing away, cessation (as of lightning or rain) itBr.; (in astrol.) the 8th mansion VarB. Sch..; a kind of poison L. (prob. w.r. for %{mraa}); a refuge, asylum BhP. (prob. w.r. for %{araa}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 568 vikriy f. transformation, change, modification, altered or unnatural condition Kv. Pur. ur.; change for the worse, deterioration, disfigurement, deformity R.; ailment, indisposition, affection R. a. ur. (955,1); perturbation, agitation, perplexity Bh. Kv. &c.; hostile feeling, rebellion, defection, alienation Hariv. Kv. Kaths.; injury, harm, failure, misadventure (acc. with %{y}, to suffer injury, undergo failure) ib.; extinction (of a lamp) Kaths.; a strange or unwonted phenomenon ib.; any product or preparation n. Yj. rkP.; contraction, knitting (of the brows; see %{bhr-v-}); bristling (of the hair; see %{roma-v-}); %{-ypam} f. a kind of simile (in which the object of comparison is represented as produced from that to which it is compared e.g. thy face, fair one, seems to be cut out from the disc of the moon) Kvyd. ii, 41. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 569 smti f. remembrance, reminiscence, thinking of or upon (loc. or comp.), calling to mind (%{smtim api te na ynti}, they are not even thought of), memory r. Chp. Bh. &c. (1272,3); memory as one of the Vyabhicri-bhvas (q.v.) aar.; emory (personified either as the daughter of sksha and wife of giras or as the daughter of harma and edh) Hariv. Pur.; the whole body of sacred tradition or what is remembered by human teachers (in contradistinction to %{ruti} or what is directly heard or revealed to the ishis; in its widest acceptation this use of the term miti includes the 6 Vedgas, the tras both %{rauta} and %{ghya}, the law-books of anu &c. (see next); the tihsas (e.g. the ahbhrata and myaa), the Puras and the tistras; %{iti smte}, accord. to such and such a traditional precept or legal text) W. 144, 145; the whole body of codes of law as handed down memoriter or by tradition (esp. the 211
codes of anu Yjavalkya and the 16 succeeding inspired lawgivers, vi. tri, Vishu, rta, anas or ukra, giras, Yama, pastamba, avarta, Ktyyana, Bihas-pati, Parara, Vysa, akha, ikhta, aksha and Gautama; all these lawgivers being held to be inspired and to have based their precepts on the Veda; cf. W. 203) Gr. n. Yj. &c.; symbolical . for the number 18 (fr. the 18 lawgivers above); a kind of metre L.; . of the letter %{g} p.; desire, wish Pacat. iii, 258 (v.l. for %{sph}). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 570 lopa m. breaking, hurting, injury, destruction, interruption Bh. Kv. &c.; neglect, violation, transgression (of a vow or duty) n. Yj. &c.; robbing, plundering Bh.; want, deficiency, absence, disappearance r. agh.; (in gram.) dropping, elision (generally as distinguished from the terms %{lup}, %{lu}, %{luk}, which are only applicable to affixes; when %{lopa} of an affix takes place, a blank is substituted, which exerts the same influence on the base as the affix itself, but when either %{luk} or %{lup} or %{lu} of an affix is enjoined, then the affix is not only dropped but it is also inoperative on the base; thus in the st pl. of %{kati}, where %{jas} is said to be elided by %{luk}, the change of the final of the base to Gua does not take place i.e. both the affix and its effect on the base are abolished; moreover, %{lopa} refers only to the last letter of an affix, whereas by %{luk} &c. the dropping of the whole affix is implied) ir. Prt. P. &c.; (%{lp}) f. a partic. bird T.; a kind of bird L.; = %{lop-mudr} below. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 571 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 150-1; Kochumuttom, p. 273; Anacker, pp. 173; Cook, pp. 405-6. 572 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 132 573 Kochumottom, footnote p. 192 574 1 daNDa ( = $ -v , hence cognate with %{da14ru} and %{dRR}) m. (n. [cf. %{ikSu}] g. %{ardharcA7di}) a stick , staff , rod , pole , cudgel , club RV. &c. (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread S3Br. &c. ; `" penis [with %{vaitasa4}] "' , xi , 5 , 1 , 1 ; `" trunk "' see %{zuNDA-} ; `" arm "' or `" leg "' see %{dor-} , %{bAhu-} ; `" tusk "' see %{daMSTrA-}) ; = %{-DakA7sana} Br2Na1rP. xxxi , 115 (n.) ; a stalk , stem (of a tree ; cf. %{ikSu-} , %{ud-} , %{khara-}) MBh. ii , 2390 ; the staff of a banner , 2079 ; iv , xiv ; the handle (of a ladle , sauce-pan , fly-flap , parasol &c.) AitBr. S3Br. &c. ; the steam of a plough L. ; `" a mast "' see %{mahAdaNDa-dhara} ; the cross-bar of a lute which holds the strings S3a1n3khS3r. xvii ; the stick with which a lute is played L. ; a churning-stick (cf. %{-DA7hata}) L. ; a pole as a measure of length (= 4 Hastas) VarBr2S.xxiv , 9 ; N. of a measure of time (= 60 Vi-kala1s) BrahmaP. ii VarP. BhavP. ; N. of a staff-like appearance in the sky (`" N. of a planet "' (L. ; cf. %{-bhAsa}) VarBr2S. ; N. of a constellation , xx , 2 VarBr2. Laghuj. ; a form of military array (cf. %{-vyuha}) L. ; a line (cf. %{-pAta}) ; a staff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty (cf. %{nyasta-}) , application of power , violence Mn. vii f. MBh. ; power over (gen. or in comp.) , control , restraint (cf. %{vAg-} , %{mano-} , %{kAya-} 212
[%{karma-} Ma1rkP. xli , 22] ; %{tri-daNDin}) Subh. ; embodied power , army (%{koza-} , du `" treasure and army "' Mn. ix , 294 MBh. Kir. ii , 12) Mn. vii Ragh. xvii , 62 ; the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment , punishment (corporal , verbal , and fiscal ; chastisement and imprisonment , reprimand , fine) Ta1n2d2yaBr. xvii , 1 Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{gupta4} & %{gUDha-}) [466,3] ; pride L. ; m. a horse L. ; Punishment (son of Dharma and Kriya1 VP. i , 7 , 27 Ma1rkP. l) ; Yama L. ; S3iva MBh. xii , 10361 ; N. of an attendant of the Sun , iii , 198 ; (g. %{zivA7di} and %{zaunakA7di}) N. of a man with the patr. Aupara MaitrS. iii , 8 , 7 TS. vi , 2 , 9 , 4 ; of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of %{-dhara} , identified with the Asura Krodhahantr2i) MBh. if. , viii ; of a Rakshas R. vii , 5 , 39 ; see %{-oDaka} ; (%{A}) f. Hedysaruni lagopodioides , Npr 2 dANDa 1 mf(%{I})n. relating to a stick or to punishment W. ; m. patr. fr. %{daNDa} , (g. %{zivA7di}) ; (%{A}) f. a partic. game with sticks Pa1n2. 4-2 , 57 Ka1s3. ; n. the being a staff (g. %{pRthv-Adi}) ; multitude of staff-bearers , vi , 4 , 164 Sch. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/13/2008. 575 1 karaNa (once %{karaNa4} RV. i , 119 , 7) mf(%{I})n doing , making , effecting , causing (esp. ifc. ; cf. %{antakaraNa} , %{uSNaM-k-} , &c.) R. &c. ; clever , skilful RV. i , 119 , 7 ; m. a helper , companion AV. vi , 46 , 2 ; xv , 5 , 1-6 ; xix , 57 , 3 ; a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast Kshatriya Mn. x , 22 ; or the son of a S3u1dra woman by a Vais3ya Ya1jn5. i , 92 ; or the son of a Vais3ya woman by a Kshatriya MBh. i , 2446 ; 4521 ; the occupation of this class is writing , accounts &c.) a writer , scribe W. ; (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context ; in this sense usually n.) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 41 Pat. Comm. on RPra1t. ; (in mus.) a kind of time Kum. vi , 40 ; (%{I}) f. a woman of the above mixed tribe Ya1jn5. i , 95 ; (with %{sutA}) an adopted daughter R. (ed. Gorr.) i , 19 , 9 ; (in arithm.) a surd or irrational number , surd root ; the side of a square S3ulbas. Comm. on VS. ; a particular measure Comm. on Ka1tyS3r. ; a particular position of the fingers ; (%{am}) n. the act of making , doing , producing , effecting S3Br. MBh. &c. (very often ifc. e.g. %{muSTi-k-} , %{virUpa-k-}) ; an act , deed RV. ; an action (esp. a religious one) Ya1jn5. i , 250 R. ; the special business of any tribe or caste L. ; a calculation (esp. an astronomical one) VarBr2S. ; an astrological division of the day (these Karan2as are eleven , viz. %{vava} , %{valava} , %{kaulava} , %{taitila} , %{gara} , %{vaNija} , %{viSTi} , %{zakuni} , %{catuSpada} , %{kintughna} , and %{nAga} , two being equal to a lunar day ; the first seven are called %{a-dhruvANi} or movable , and fill , eight times repeated , the space from the second half of the first day in the moon's increase to the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane ; the four others are %{dhruvANi} or fixed , and occupy the four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the first day in its increase) VarBr2S. Sus3r. &c. ; pronunciation , articulation , APra1t. ; (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech , separated from its context Pa1n2. Ka1s3. &c. , (%{karaNa} may be used in this way like %{kAra} e.g. %{iti-karaNa} S3a1n3khS3r.) ; the posture of an ascetic ; a posture in sexual intercourse ; instrument , means of action S3vetUp. Ya1jn5. Megh. ; an organ of sense or of speech 213
VPra1t. Pa1rGr2. ; (in law) an instrument , document , bond Mn. viii , 51 ; 52 ; 154 ; (in Gr.) the means or instrument by which an action is effected , the idea expressed by the instrumental case , instrumentality Pa1n2. 1-4 , 42 ; ii , 3 , 18 ; iii , 2 , 45 ; cause (= %{kAraNa}) ; a spell , charm Katha1s. (cf. %{karaNa-prayoga}) ; rhythm , time Kum. ; body Megh. Kum. Ka1d. ; N. of a treatise of Vara1ha-mihira on the motion of the planets ; of a work belonging to the S3iva-dars3ana ; a field L. ; the mind , heart W. (cf. %{antaH-karaNa}) ; grain W. 2 karaNa &c. see p. 254 , col. 1. 3 kAraNa 1 n. cause , reason , the cause of anything (gen. , also often loc.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Mn. &c. ; instrument , means ; motive origin , principle ; a cause (in phil. i.e. that which is invariably antecedent to some product cf. %{samavA7yi-k-} , %{asamavA7yi-k-} , %{nimitta-k-}) ; an element , elementary matter Ya1jn5. iii , 148 Bhag. xviii , 13 ; the origin or plot of a play or poem Sa1h. ; that on which an opinion or judgment is founded (a sign , mark ; a proof ; a legal instrument , document) Mn. MBh. &c. ; an organ of sense Ragh. xvi , 22 &c. ; an action MBh. xii , 12070 ; agency , instrumentality , condition Katha1s. cxii , 178 ; `" the cause of being "' , a father W. ; `" cause of creation "' , a deity W. ; the body L. ; a kind of musical instrument L. ; a sort of song L. ; a number of scribes or Ka1yasthas W. ; (%{A}) f. pain , agony Das3. ; an astronomical period W. [%{kAraNAt} , from some cause or reason , Rpra1t. iii , 13 Mn. viii , 355 ; %{kasmAt@kAraNAt} , from what cause? %{mama-kAraNAt} , for my sake R. &c. ; %{a-kAraNena} , without a reason Ya1jn5. ii , 234 ; 71 karanyAsa m. marking the hand with mystical figures BhP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/13/2008. 576 1 vadya mfn. to be spoken &c. (see %{a-v-} and %{anav}) ; N. of the days of the dark lunar fortnight ; n. speech , speaking about , conversing (see %{brahma-v-} , %{satya-v-}). 2 vAdya mfn. to be said or spoken or pronounced or uttered AitBr. ; to be sounded or played (as a musical instrument) Cat. ; n. a speech S3Br. ; instrumental music Ma1lav. Katha1s. &c. ; m. or n. a musical instrument R. Katha1s. Pan5cat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/13/2008. 577 Tola and Dragonetti, 151. 578 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 151-2; Kochumuttom, p. 274; Anacker, pp. 173-4; Cook, p. 406. 579 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 133 580 Kochumottom, footnote p. 194 581 3 vid P. %{-dadti}, to give out, distribute, grant R. 4 vid (or %{do}, not separable fr. 4. %{d}) P. %{-dti}, or %{-dyati} (ind. p. %{-ditya}), to cut up, cut to pieces, bruise, pound V.; to untie, release, deliver from (abl.) Br.; to destroy Hariv. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 582 1 ayatha n. a foot V. x 28, 10 and 11 (mfn.) prosperous, PrGr. 2 ayatha see col. 2. 3 ayatha ind. not as it should be, unfitly BhP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on
Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 583 11 gocara m. pasture ground for cattle pr. i, 2, 4; (R. iv, 44, 80); range, field for action, abode, dwelling-place, district (esp. ifc. abiding in, relating to; offering range or field or scope for action, within the range of, accessible, attainable, within the power) Kahp. iii, 4 n. x, 39 Bh. &c.; the range of the organs of sense, object of sense, anything perceptible by the senses, esp. the range of the eye (e.g. %{locana-gocara-y}, to come within range of the eye, become visible Pacat.) Bh. vii, 5616 ur. Vikr. iv, 9 &c. (364,2); the distance of the planets from the agna and from each other VarB. civ, 2 omakas.; mf (%{A})n. being within the range of, attainable for (gen.) BhP. iii, 25, 28; perceptible (esp. to the eye) Bh. xiii, 71, 33 and 91, 24; having (or used in) the meaning of (loc.) L. Sch..; %{-gata} mfn. one who has come within the range of or in connection with (gen.) Bhart.; %{-t} f. the state of being liable to (in comp.) arvad. iv, 253; %{tva} n. id., 42; %{-prakaraa}. of wk.; %{-phala}. of VarB. civ; %{-p} f. inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic VarB. xli, 13; %{-rdhyya} m. = %{ra-phala}; %{-rntara-gata} mfn. being within the power of (gen.) Pacat.; %{-r-kta} mfn. within the range of observation h. iii, 28 a/b; overcome (by fatigue, %{glny}) car. v, 139. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 584 See Tola and Dragonetti, p. 152; Kochumuttom, pp. 274-5; Anacker, p. 174; Cook, pp. 406-7. 585 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 133 586 Kochumottom, footnote p. 195 587 1 siddhi f. hitting or reaching the aim, attainment of an object, performance, accomplishment, conclusion, result; success, prosperity, welfare; perfection, supernatural power. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 588 13 zakti or f. power , ability , strength , might , effort , energy , capability (%{zaktyA} or %{Atma-z-} or %{sva-z-} , `" according to ability "' 14 zakti f. power , ability , strength , might , effort , energy , capability (%{zaktyA} or %{Atma-z-} or %{sva-z-} , `" according to ability "' ; %{paraM@zaktyA} , with all one's might "' ; %{vitta-zaktyA} , `" according to the capability of one's property "' ; %{zaktim@ahApayitvA} , `" not relaxing one's efforts , exerting all one's strength "') , faculty , skill , capacity for , power over (gen. loc. dat. , or inf.) RV. &c. &c. ; effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy) S3a1rn3gS. ; regal power (consisting of three parts , %{prabhutva} , personal pre-eminence ; %{mantra} , good counsel , and %{utsAha} , energy) Ka1m. (cf. Ragh. iii , 13) ; the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the S3a1kta (q.v.) sect of Hindu1s under various names (sometimes only three , sometimes eight S3akti goddesses are enumerated , as follow , Indra1n2i , Vaishn2avi1 , S3a1nta1 , Brahma1n2i1 , Kauma1ri , Na1rasin6hi1 , Va1ra1hi1 , and Ma1hes3vari1 , but some substitute Ca1mun2d2a1 and Ca1n2dika1 for the third and sixth 215
of these: according to another reckoning there are nine , viz. Vaishn2avi1 , Brahma1n2i , Raudri , Ma1hes3vari1 , Na1rasin6hi1 , Va1ra1hi1 , Indran2i1 , Ka1rttiki1 , and Pradha1na1: others reckon fifty different forms of the S3akti of Vishn2u besides Lakshmi1 , some of these are Ki1rtti , Ka1nti , Tusht2i , Pusht2a1 , Dhr2iti. S3a1nti , Kriya1 , Daya1 , Medha1 &c. ; and fifty forms of the S3akti of S3iva or Rudra besides Durga1 "' or Gauri1 , some of whom are Gun2o7dari1 , Viraja1 , Sa1lmali , Lola7kshi , Vartula7kshi1 , Di1rgha-ghon2a1 , Sudirgha-mukhi1 , Go-mukhi1 , Dirgha-jihva1 , Kun2d2o7dari1 , Ardha-kes3i1 , Vikr2ita-mukhi1 , Jva1la1-mukhi , Ulka1mukhi &c. ; Sarasvati is also named as a S3akti , both of Vishn2u and Rudra: according to the Va1yuPura1n2a the female nature of Rudra became twofold , one half %{asita} or white , and the other %{sita} or black , each of these again becoming manifold , those of the white or mild nature included Lakshmi1 , Sarasvati , Gauri1 , Uma1 &c. ; those of the dark and fierce nature , Durga1 , Ka1li &c.) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. (cf. RTL. 181 &c. MWB. 216) ; the female organ (as worshipped by the S3a1kta sect either actually or symbolically) RTL. 140 ; the power or signification of a word (defined in the Nya1ya as %{padasya@padA7rthe} %{sambandhaH} i.e. `" the relation of a word to the thing designated "') Bha1sha1p. Sa1h. ; (in Gram.) case-power , the idea conveyed by a case (= %{kAraka}) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 7 Sch. ; the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic formula Up. Pan5car. ; the creative power or imagination (of a poet) Ka1vya7d. ; help , aid , assistance , gift , bestowal RV. ; a spear , lance , pike , dart RV. &c. (also %{zaktI} g. %{bahv-Adi}) ; a sword MW. ; (prob.) a flag-staff (see %{ratha-z}) [1044,3] ; a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th , 8th , 9th , and 10th astrological house) , VirBr2S. ; m. N. of a Muni or sage (the eldest of Vasisht2ha's hundred sons ; accord. to VP. he was father of Para1s3ara , and was devoured by king Kalma1sha-pa1da , when changed to a man-eating Ra1kshasa , in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage ; he is represented as having overcome Vis3va1mitra at the sacrifice of king Sauda1sa ; he is regarded as the author of RV. vii , 32 , 26 ; ix , 97 , 19-21 ; 108 , 3 ; 14-16 ; S3akti is also identified with one of the Vyla1sas , and with Avalokite7s3vara , and has elsewhere the patr. Ja1tukarna and Sa1m2kr2iti) Pravar. MBh. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 04/13/2008. 589 cintya mfn. to be thought about or imagined S3vetUp. vi , 2 Bhag. x , 17 ; = %{tayitavya} R. iv , 17 , 56 and 23 , 4 ; `" to be conceived "' see %{a4-} ; to be considered or reflected or meditated upon S3vetUp. i , 2 Ya1jn5. i , 344 MBh. &c. ; `" to be deliberated about "' , questionable Siddh. on Pa1n2. 7-2 , 19 and 3 , 66 Sa1h. i , 2/3 , 17 and 50 ; n. the necessity of thinking about (gen.) BhP. vii , 5 , 49. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/0/2007. 590 See Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 152-3; Kochumuttom, p. 275; Anacker, pp. 174-5; Cook, pp. 407-8.
In many ways, the TM serves as a summation of the principle ideas of the TSN and VM and directs attention to the practical psycho-physical aspects of Vasubandhus consciousness theory. I have consulted English translations of Vasubandhus Trimika-Kriks (Thirty Verses) from Thomas Kochumuttom,591 G. M. Nagao in David Kalupahana,592 Robinson in Dan Lusthaus,593 Thomas Wood594 and Stefan Anacker.595 I have also consulted translations of Hsan-tsans version from Lusthaus, Swati Ganguly,596 Francis Cook597 and Wing-tsit Chan.598 I cite English transliterations of Sylvan Lvis rendering of the original Sanskrit from Kochumuttom (k) and Ganguly (g). No auto-commentary on this text is known to exist. The structure of the Thirty Verses is as follows verses 1-9 identify and define the threefold parima (alteration, transformation, or evolution) of consciousness; verses 10-14 identify several categories of sarvatragas (mental functions or associates); verses 15-19 return to the threefold parima and explain its relationship to vijapti-mtra or consciousness-occasion. Verses 20-24 briefly address the trisvabhva theory discussed in Chapter 2, as well as the threefold svabhva of nisvabhvat in relation to phenomenal appearances. Finally, verses 25-30 discuss abiding in vijapti-mtra as the means to enlightenment.
TM 1-2a: Threefold Vijna-Parima Stated Verses 1- 2b tma-dharma-upacro hi vividho ya pravartate Vijna-parinmosau parima sa ca tridh (k)599 tmadharmopacro hi vividho ya pravartate/ vijnaparime sau parima sa ca tridh// (g)600 Self and natures (qualities) metaphorical, Because manifold causes acting; Thus transformation of consciousness Transformation having three parts (phases). Vipko manankhyaca vijaptir-viayasya ca (k)601 vipko manankhya ca vijaptir viayasya ca/ (g)602 Maturation, reflection and representation of abode of sense objects (external world).
tma-dharma-upacro hi vividho ya pravartate tma dharma from to breathe/move (the individual) soul, life principle; abstract individual; also: essence, nature, character; the person or body considered as a whole 603 nature, character, condition; essential quality, property, mark ; also according to the nature of; that which is established or firm; steadfast decree, usage, practice; duty, right, justice; virtue, morality; law or doctrine to use figuratively or metaphorically; custom or manner of speech, figurative application; pretence, pretext; also: to come near, approach; to attend upon604 for, (namely) because; surely, indeed manifold, diverse, of various sorts605 going, moving606
upacra hi vividha ya
pra: before, in front of + vartate: revolve, pass away (time); happen, occur; live, exist, be, become = pravarta (-ka, -na): causing, effecting, setting in motion/activity, promoting moving forward/onwards, coming forth, arising, appearing, happening; causing, producing, introducing
vijna-parinmosau parima sa ca tridh. vijna parima asau sa ca tridh act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution607 that, a certain, thus, so, there supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same and, also; even, just; but, yet; if in three ways/parts/times608
Vipko manankhyaca vijaptir-viayasya ca vipka manana khy vijapti viaya asya ca ripening, maturity; consequence of actions, result careful thought, reflection, consideration, meditation, intelligence, understanding, esp. intrinsic knowledge or science; (-) thoughtfully, carefully609 to make known, declare, communicate, inform; to be named, enumerated, called mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving sense object; external world; reach, sphere, domain sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest and, also; even, just; but, yet; if
Table 71- TM 1- 2b
The function or development of the metaphors of atman (self) and dharmas (conditions, natures, elements, phenomena) are varied, but they all refer to developments within the threefold parima-vijna or the transformation or development of consciousness.610 These three transformations, phases or functions of consciousness are: (1) the vipka, which is the maturation of causal efficacy and influence within consciousness; (2) the manana, which is reflection or active mentation within 219
consciousness; and (3) the vijapti, which in this context is best understood as a conceptual representation within consciousness.
The first transformation corresponds to the laya-vijna, that consciousness which is always flowing and storing the bja or elements of causal influence from past experiences. The second transformation corresponds to the mano-vijna, the first reflecting or active phase of consciousness through which tman is identified. (It is the cogito, as it were, of the basic or root mental processes.) The third transformation is parima, which corresponds to the upalabdha-vijna, that consciousness which grasps or discriminates individual dharmas (phenomenal events or objects.)611
VM 2c-5a: layavijna Verses 2c-5a Tatra-laykhya vijnam vipka sarvabjakam (k)612 tatrlaykhya vijana vipka sarvabjaka// (g)613
Asaviditakopdisthna-vijaptikam ca tat Sad spara-manaskra-vit-saj-cetan-anvitam (k)614 asaviditakopdisthnavijaptika ca tat/ sad sparamanaskravitsajacetannvita// (g)615 Upek vedan tatra-anivt-avyktam ca tat Tath spara-dayas-tacca vartate srotasaugha-vat Tasya vyvtir-arhattve (k)616 upek vedan tatra anivtvykta ca tat/ tath spardayas tac ca vartate srotasaughavat// tasya vyvttir arhattve (g)617 Therein abode known as consciousness ripen at all times (all) seeds (causes). Unperceived instruction of conception. Accordingly: perpetual tangibility (touch-contact), attention of the mind, perception, conceptualization, and intelligence acquired. Indifference to pleasure or pain, on that occasion unimpeded elementary substance; and thus likewise touch (tangibility), and in this way becomes river-torrent flowing. Separate from saintly state.
tatra-laykhya vijnam vipka sarvabjakam tatra laya khy vijna vipka sarva bja in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore dwelling, abode, receptacle618 to make known, declare, communicate, inform; to be named, enumerated, called act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness ripening, maturity; consequence of actions, result whole, entire, all, every; also always, at all times seed; germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin
Asaviditakopdisthna-vijaptikam ca tat asaviditaka what is unperceived619 - asavida, unconscious620 upadia specified, particularized; taught, instructed621 vijapti mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving ca and, also; even, just; but, yet; if tad (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now sad spara-manaskra-vit-saj-cetan-anvitam sad spara manaskra vit saj cetan anvita always, ever, continually, perpetually touch, contact; tangibility622 consciousness (of pleasure/pain); attention of the mind (from vid); to know (how to); to understand, perceive, learn, be conscious of, be acquainted with, or become (alt. saja); conceptualizing623 consciousness, intelligence; appearance, perception, soul, mind; cognition624 reached by mind, understood; connected as in grammar or construction; also acquired, possessing, endowed with, having as an essential or inherent part625
Upek vedan tatra-anivt-avyktam ca tat upek vedana tatra anivt avykta ca tad (act of) indifference, disregard, abandonment, negligence, contempt626 one of the five skandhas: pleasure/pain/neutral in/to that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore unimpeded627 elementary substance from which all things were created628 and, also; even, just; but, yet; if (alt. tat, tac); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now
tath spara-dayas-tacca vartate srotasaugha-vat. tath spara dya in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly touch, contact; tangibility taking, seizing; haven taken, along with629 222
revolve, pass away (time); happen, occur; live, exist, be, become river (riverbed, current), stream, torrent, rush, violent motion630 torrent, sudden burst of rain631
Tasya vyvtir-arhattve tasya vyvtti arhattve flowing or conveying deliverance from; turning away, separating from632 saintly state of Arhatship
Table 72- TM 2c-5a
The vipka, or coming-into-efficacy of the thoughts, experiences and impressions of the past, is also the laya (abode, receptacle) or mla (root), because it is the maturation of all the causal influences of past experience and memory upon present or future moments of consciousness. Although the laya is unaware of its own activities (e.g., perceptions, apprehensions, conditioned impressions), it is nevertheless always either associated with or possessing (i.e., is the abode of): touch (spara), mental attention (manas-kra), conceptualizing (saj), cognition (cetan), and volition (anvita). Just as the laya is perpetually indifferent to the vedan (feelings of pleasure and pain, as well as neutrality), so are bare mental and physical sensation or contact. The influence of the store-consciousness is compared to a powerful rushing river, which ceases in the state of Arhatship.633 TM 5b-7: Manana Verses 5b - 6 tad-ritya pravartate Tad-lambam mano-nma vijnam manantmakam (k)634 223
tad ritya pravartate/ tadlamba manonma vijna manantmaka// (g)635 ahitam nivta-avyktai sad tma-di-tma-moha-tma mna-tma-sneha-sajitai (k)636 kleai caturbhi sahita nivtvyktai sad/ tmadytmamohtmam ntmasnehasa jitai// (g)637 Accordingly refuge in causation (production). That very support consciousness by name, Consciousness having the nature of reflection. Delusions (psychological afflictions) four, accompanied by veiled elementary substance continually: self-regard, self-ignorance, self-conceit and self-love concepts.
tad-ritya pravartate tad ritya pravartate he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now taking (or having taken) asylum, refuge or recourse638 pra: before, in front of + vartate: revolve, pass away (time); happen, occur; live, exist, be, become = pravarta (-ka, -na): causing, effecting, setting in motion/activity, promoting moving forward/onwards, coming forth, arising, appearing, happening; causing, producing, introducing
tad-lambam mano-nma vijnam manantmakam. lamba manas support; receptacle; asylum; depending on or from mind (it its widest sense, as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will; the internal organ of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul, distinct from tman by name, named; quasi, only in appearance act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness 224
nma vijna
manana tmaka
careful thought, reflection, consideration, meditation, intelligence, understanding, esp. intrinsic knowledge or science, as one of the faculties connected with the senses having the nature of, consisting/composed of, like
Kleais-caturbhi sahitam nivta-avyktai sad klea caturbhi sahita nivta avykta sad defilements, passions, afflictions, delusions, evil desires four, having four (con-) joined, united; accompanied by, associated/connected with; attached to; also borne, endured, supported withheld; veiled; surrounded, enclosed639 elementary substance from which all things were created always, ever, continually, perpetually
tma-di-tma-moha-tma mna-tma-sneha-sajitai tma di moha mna sneha sajitai from to breathe/move (the individual) soul, life principle; abstract individual; also: essence, nature, character; the person or body considered as a whole seeing, view; consideration, regard; theory, minds eye640 ignorance, loss of consciousness, bewilderment, distraction, delusion, error641 opinion, idea; purpose, design; one of six negative dharmas, i.e. arrogance love, fondness for, attachment to642 (alt. saja); conceptualizing643
Table 73- TM 5b-6
The manana exists or occurs by taking the laya as its ground or support; it has the nature of reflecting or thinking. It always associated with four kleas (delusions, passions) which are, as the laya, veiled: self-regard, self-ignorance, self-conceit, and self-love. As the laya, the manana is also associated with touch, etc. (i.e., mental attention, conceptualizing, cognition and volition), which are all of the same nature as the region in which one is born.644
Verse 7 Yatrajas-tanmayair-anyai spara-dyai-ca arhato na tat Na nirodha-sampattau mrge lokottare na ca. (k)645 Yatrajas tanmayair anyai spardyai crhato na tat/ na nirodhasampattau mrge lokottare na ca// (g)646 Wherever being absorbed in the other, Contact (tangibility) first. But not in saintly state, Mindless meditation, or The world-transcending aim.
Yatrajas-tanmayair-anyai spara-dyai-ca arhato na tat yatra tanmaya anya spara adya ca arhat na tad in or to which place, where, wherein, wherever, whither being absorbed in or identical with that647 other (than), different (from), opposed to; another, the other touch, contact; tangibility first, being at the beginning, immediately preceding; earlier, older; unprecedented and, also; even, just; but, yet; if one who has attained the saintly state of arhatship (enlightenment) no, not, it is not so (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now
na tat na nirodha-sampattau mrge lokottare na ca nirodha sampatti mrg lokottara confinement, imprisonment; enclosing, covering up; restraint, control, suppression, destruction, especially of pain648 stage of abstract meditation; (also coming together, encountering; falling into any state or condition, getting, yielding, becoming)649 to seek (after), search (though), look (for), strive to attain650 excelling or surpassing the world; beyond what is common, extraordinary651
Table 74- TM 7
But reflection ceases in the state of nirodha-sampatti, which is the attainment of the cessation or suppression of reflection; it also ceases in the lokottara mrga, the extraordinary attainment of the arhat.652 TM 8-9: Acquisition of the Six-fold Object Verse 8 Dvitya parimoyam tritya a-vidhasya ya Viayasya-upalabdhi kualai-cetasair-asau (k)653 dvitya parimo ya ttya avidhasya y/ viayasyopalabdhi s kualkualdvay// (g)654 Second transformation (function) founds the third. Six parts (kinds) abiding Conception of sense objects, Appearance good-bad-indifferent.
Dvitya parimoyam/tritya a-vidhasya y dvitya parima yam ttya a vidh asya y second change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution to be founded on; connection; to sustain, hold, support; also to raise, extend; to hold back, restrain655 third656 (from a), six657 part, proportion, measure, sort, kind sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest go, going; depart, set out, proceed; vanish, pass, perish; also act, behave
viayasya-upalabdhi kualai-cetasair-asau or kualkualdvay viaya upalabdhi cetas sense object; external world; reach, sphere, domain obtainment; conception; observation, perception, understanding; mind, knowledge658 appearance, aspect; or: consciousness, intelligence, mind; or: heart, fancy, desire 227
kualkualdvay good-bad-indifferent
Table 75- TM 8
The vijapti is six-fold perception of the six-fold sense field (i.e., touch, sight, hearing, smell taste and the sense-center), which may be perceived as good, bad or value-neutral. This transformation of consciousness is grounded in the former: discrimination of objects is functionally based upon discrimination of the subject, which in turn depends upon the influence of the store-consciousness upon and within its consciousness-stream.659 Verse 9 Sarvatra-gair-viniyatai kualai-akuala-adva ya Samprayukt tath kleair-upakleais-trivedan (k)660 sarvatragair viniyatai kualai cetasair asau/ samprayukt tath kleair upakleais trivedan// (g)661 Psychological factors delimited: good, not-good, neither; connected thus to defilements, lesser defilements, three feelings.
Sarvatra-gair-viniyatai kualai-akuala-adva ya sarvatra-gair viniyata cetas kuala akuala adva mental/psychological factors/conditions/elements/qualities restrained, checked, regulated, limited662 appearance, aspect; or: consciousness, intelligence, mind; or: heart, fancy, desire good not good neither
samprayukt tath kleair-upakleais-trivedan samprayukta tath klea upaklea trivedan yoked or joined together, united, connected663 in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly defilements, passions, afflictions, delusions, evil desires lesser klea tri: three + vedana: feelings (i.e., pain, pleasure, neutral or indifferent)
Table 76- TM 9
Vijapti is associated with three kinds of sarvatragas: the universal or always existing, the particular or specifically determined, and those which are good are advantageous with respect to citta. It is also associated with the three kinds of kleas or delusions, namely the primary, secondary and indeterminate, as well as the three kinds of vedan or feelings, namely the pleasurable, the painful and the subjectively neutral.664 TM 10-14: Categories of the Sarvatragas and Kleais Since doing so is not primary to the purposes of this project, rather than spending space on a detailed account of these psychological categories as they appear in verses 10-14, I will simply present them in summary.665
SARVATRAGAS Neutral Mental Functions and Positive Psychological Qualities Value-Neutral Mental Functions (A) Universal or General Sarvatragas (1) Touch Sensation Mental Contact (2) Volition Will (3) Feeling (4) Thought (5) Cognition Attention
Positive Psychological Qualities (C-1) Beneficial Sarvatragas (11) Faith Belief Confidence (14) Noncovetousness non-craving (12) Shame Conscience (13) Fear of censure, Dread of blame (16) advea Non-hatred, Non-hostility
(15) alobha Nonattachment, Absence of delusion (18) upeka Composure Serenity Equanimity
KLEAIS Negative and Indeterminate Psychological Qualities Negative Psychological Qualities (D) Primary or Major Kleais (22) rga Desire Passionate attachment (25) mna Pride (28) krodha Anger (23) pratigha Aversion Grudge Ill-will (26) di Views (29) upanha Hatred (24) mdha Confusion Stupidity Delusion (27) vicikitsa Doubt (30) mraka Hypocrisy, (31) pradsa (Verbal) (32) ry Envy
Kleais (33) mtsarya Selfishness Avarice (38) sthyna Non-reliability, Mental Fogginess (43) vikepa Distraction of mind, forgetfulness
Enmity Resentment (34) mya Deception Dishonesty (39) auddhatya Falling into playfulness Restlessness (44) sampraja Misunderstanding, Thoughtlessness, Lack of Recognition
Hiding faults (35) vihisa Harmful-ness Violence (40) araddha Lack of faith
Indeterminate Psychological Qualities (F) Indeterminate Kleais (45) kauktya Remorse Repentance Worry (46) Drowsiness Torpor (47) vitarka Awakening Reasoning Applied thought (48) vicra Contemplative observation, Deliberation, Analysis
TM 15-19: Trai-parijna and Vijapti-Mtra Verse 15 Pacnm mla-vijne yath-pratyayam-udbhva Vijnm saha na v taragm yath jale (k)666 pacn mlavijne yathpratyaya udbhva/ vijnn saha na v taragn yath jale// (g)667 Five root-consciousnesses like belief about existence; Consciousness together, perhaps not. Waves on water. 231
Pacnm mla-vijne yath-pratyayam-udbhva pacn mlavijna yath pratyaya udbhva five668 mla, root, foot, basis, foundation, ground, origin, source, cause + vijna, act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like belief, conviction, certainty, knowledge, idea, evidence existence, origin, generation, production, becoming visible, grow669
vijnm saha na v taragm yath jale saha na v taragn jale together, along with; also overcoming, vanquishing; withstanding, enduring670 perhaps not, whether not671 (taraa): raft, boat, enabling to cross, liberating; crossing over;672 wave water
Table 78- TM 15
Like waves upon the water, the five sense consciousnesses arise concomitantly at all times or at other times not at all, contingent upon conditioning causes within the root consciousness.673 Verse 16 Mano-vijna-sambhti sarvad-asajikd-e Sampatti-dvayn-mrchand-api acittakt. (k)674 manovijnasambhti sarvadsajikd te/ sampattidvayn middhnmrchand apy acittakt// (g)675 Origin (manifestation) of distinguishing consciousness entirely (always) unconscious, unless in stage of abstract meditation, twofold stupors, or being without consciousness.
Mano-vijna-sambhti sarvad-asajikd-e manas mind (it its widest sense, as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will; the internal organ of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul, distinct from tman act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness birth, origin, production; growth; manifestation of power676 whole, entire, all, every; also always, at all times realm without thought, non-cognitional state, unconsciousness excepting, unless677
sampatti-dvayn-mrchand-api acittakt sampatti dvaya mrchana api acitta stage of abstract meditation; (also coming together, encountering; falling into any state or condition, getting, yielding, becoming) twofold, double; of two kinds or natures stupefying, causing insensibility; fainting, swooning678 prefix indicating uniting with or approaching something without mind; inconceivable, incomprehensible, unimaginable; unconceived; destitute of intellect or sense679
Table 79- TM 16
Reflecting or thinking consciousness always manifests itself, all things being equal. It does not, however, arises in states of unconsciousness, high meditation, fainting, or being destitute of citta.680 Verse 17 Vijna-parimoyam vikalpo yad-vikalpyate Tena tan-nsti tena-idam sarvam vijapti-mtrakam (k)681 Vijnaparimo yam vikalpo yad vikalpyate/ tena tannsti teneda sarva vijaptimtraka// (g)682 Transformation of consciousness 233
Unfounded imagination (conceptualization) as ascertained; In that manner it is not; All of this is occasion of consciousness.
Vijna-parimoyam vikalpo yad-vikalpyate vijna parima yam vikalpa yad vikalpya act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution a (negation) + yam: to be founded on; connection; to sustain, hold, support; also to raise, extend; to hold back, restrain imagination, fancy, false notion; also alternative, contrivance, difference of perception, distinction, doubt683 in order that, as for the fact that, because, since, wherefore, as, when, if to be distributed, ascertained, or chosen based upon circumstances684
tena tan-nsti tena-idam sarvam vijapti-mtrakam tena nsti idam sarvam vijaptimtra in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore it is not, there is not; assertion of non-existence; incorporeal everything, all (this) vijapti: mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving + mtram: having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, occasion, atom, element = consciousness-occasion
Table 80- TM 17
Since any verse in the consciousness trilogy giving expression to the vijaptimtra thesis is worth a bit of extra attention, I would like to include here an instance of the method I used to compare multiple translations of the texts for points of similarities and difference in the way the verses have been translated into English.
Vasubandhus Sanskrit: (1) Kochumuttom (Tucci-MS2); (2) Nagao (LeviMS1); (3) Robinson; (4) Wood; (5) Anacker; Paramarthas Sanskrit: (6) Lusthaus; Hsan-tsangs Chinese: (7) Lusthaus; (8) Ganguly (with Sanskrit); (9) Cook; (10, 11) Chan.
Thought involves (2) This [threefold] transformation of consciousness (1,2,3,4,5) Like this consciousness revolves (6) These are the various consciousnesses [i.e. the eight] (7) The various consciousnesses (8) (9) (10) (11) Is just the distinction between subject and object (1) Is imagination (3,4) Is a discrimination (5) (It is not separate from the two principles, i.e. discriminator and discriminated) (6) Whose alterity discriminates and is discriminated (7) Manifest in two divisions: perception and the object of perception (8) Transform as imagination and the imagined (9) Are but transformations (10) Transform and change (11) What is thus distinguished does not exist as [subject and object]. (1) For that reason, what has thus been thought of does not exist. (2) What is imagined [therefore] [by it] does not exist. (3,4) And as it is discriminated, it does not exist (5) The discriminated is already inexistent (6) All this and that are entirely nonexistent (7) Because of this, all these do not exist. (8) As a result of this, all these are nonexistent. (9) That which discriminates and this which is discriminated are, because of this, both unreal. (10) Both discrimination (consciousness) and the object of 235
discrimination are, because of this, unreal. (11) Therefore: This is all mere representation of consciousness. (1) All this is mere concept. (2) Everything is representation only. (3) Everything is nothing but representations of consciousness. (4) Everything is perception only. (5) The principle of consciousness-only is proven. (6) All is Psycho-sophic closure. (7) All is Mere-consciousness. (8) All are consciousness only. (9) Everything is mind only. (10) Everything is consciousness only. (11)685 The transformation of consciousness includes the activity of discriminative conceptualization; while this activity is real, what is discriminated or, per Kochumuttom as well as Anacker, as it is discriminated (emphasis mine) is not. In that respect, therefore, the verse ends, everything is understandable as an occasion of consciousness (vijapti-mtra). And so just as in the previous text, Vasubandhu draws upon concepts presented in the TSNto wit, the relationship between the conceptualized, dependent and perfected aspects of observed phenomena-- to explain the consciousness-occasion thesis intelligibly. Verse 18 Sarva-bjam hi vijnam parimas-tath tath Yti-anyonya-vad yena vikalpa sa sa jyate (k)686 sarvabja hi vijna parimas tath tath/ ytyanyonyavad yena vikalpa sa sa jyate// (g)687
At all times seeds because consciousness transformation in that manner; If mutually influenced by means of conceptualization, supplying the forms of bringing forth.
Sarva-bjam hi vijnam parimas-tath tath sarva bja hi vijna parima tath whole, entire, all, every; also always, at all times seed; germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin for, (namely) because; surely, indeed act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly
yti-anyonya-vad yena vikalpa sa sa jyate yti anyonya va yena vikalpa sa jy (from yadi): if, in the case that one another; mutual, mutually influence by (means of) whom or which; in which direction or manner; on which account; in consequence of which, wherefore688 imagination, fancy, false notion; also alternative, contrivance, difference of perception, distinction, doubt supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same bringing forth689
Table 81- TM 18
The mla-vijna, containing or being constituted by all of the bja, develops in various ways. This development is contingent upon mutual influence through which particular (such and such) thoughts are produced.690 Verse 19 Karmao vsan grha-dvaya-vsany saha Ke prva-vipke nyad vipkam janayanti tat (k)691 237
karmao vsan grhadvayavsany saha/ ke prvavipke nyadvipka janayanti tat/ (g)692 Impression of action seizing-twofold-impression along with prior influence thus producing result.
Karmao vsan grha-dvaya-vsany saha karma vsan grha dvaya saha act, action; product, result, effect impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind; the present consciousness of past perceptions; knowledge derived from memory grasping, seizing, holding, catching; receiving, accepting; also conception, notion twofold, double; of two kinds or natures together, along with; also overcoming, vanquishing; withstanding, enduring
ke prva-vipke nyad vipkam janayanti tat ka prva vipka janayanti tad diminished, expended, lost, waning; weakened, injured, emaciated; delicate693 being before or in front, former, prior, preceding, previous to, earlier than ripening, maturity; consequence of actions, result generating, producing694 (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now
Table 82- TM 19
The residual karmic impressions of past actions together with the impressions of duality perceived in the past conjointly produce a new stage of development or maturation as soon as the prior stage is completed.695
TM 20-24: Trisvabhva and Trinihsvabhva Again, keeping the largely epistemological context of the TSN in mind, the meaning in this section of the TM need not be obscure: there are three conditions of having or states of being attributable to any discriminated phenomenon, as well as three causally related conditions of not having or states of not being. Verses 20 - 21 Yena yena vikalpena yad yad vastu vikalpyate Parikalpita-eva asau svabhvo na sa vidyate (k)696 yena yena vikalpena yad yad vastu vikalpyate/ parikalpita evsu svabhvo na sa vidyate// (g)697 Para-tantra-svabhvas-tu vikalpa pratyaya-udbhva Nipannas-tasya prvea sad rahitat tu y. (k)698 paratantrasvabhvas tu vikalpa pratyayodbhva/ nipannas tasya prvea sad rahitat tu y// (g)699 By means of conceptualization objects discriminated. Thus purely conceptual own-state-of-being not the same as knowledge. Inter-dependent own-state-of-being conceptualization is origin of belief. Completed (perfected) own-state-of-being flows prior to separation going.
Yena yena vikalpena yad yad vastu vikalpyate yena vikalpa by (means of) whom or which; in which direction or manner; on which account; in consequence of which, wherefore imagination, fancy, false notion; also alternative, contrivance, difference of perception, distinction, doubt
in order that, as for the fact that, because, since, wherefore, as, when, if any really existing or abiding substance, essence, thing, object; the real700 to be distributed, ascertained, or chosen based upon circumstances
parikalpita-eva asau svabhvo na sa vidyate parikalpita (purely, vastly) imaginary; (falsely) constructed or fabricated; pari: around, about; fully, abundantly; or against, opposite to or towards, in the direction of; or successively, severally701 + kalpita: fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred thus, in this way that, a certain, thus, so, there own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) no, not, it is not so supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same knowledge, learning; science, scholarship, philosophy; also: finding, acquiring, gaining
na sa vidy
Para-tantra-svabhvas-tu vikalpa pratyaya-udbhva paratantra para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) imagination, fancy, false notion; also alternative, contrivance, difference of perception, distinction, doubt belief, conviction, certainty, knowledge, idea, evidence existence, origin, generation, production, becoming visible, grow 240
nipannas-tasya prvea sad rahitat tu y. nipanna tasya prva sad rahita y come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded flowing or conveying being before or in front, prior, preceding, previous to, earlier than always, ever, continually, perpetually separated or free from, void, absent or destitute of; also forsaken, solitary702 go, going; depart, set out, proceed; vanish, pass, perish; also act, behave
Table 83- TM 20-21
Whatever real, abiding things are discriminated, by whatever means, in fact have the nature of conceptualization, which is not the same as having actual knowledge. The paratantra svabhva of phenomena, or its absolutely dependent own-state-own-being, is a conditioned act of discrimination. The nipanna svabhva of phenomena, or its perfected, complete, non-discriminated own-state-of-being is the absence of the parikalpita in the paratantra.703 This echoes TSN 2-3: Wherefore idea (perception) of the relative (dependent) as follows: idea (perception) is assumed (constructed), the idea (belief) depending upon a mode of acting or being that (other), assuming (constructing) merely existence. Conveying name (idea): the manner in which it appears is a perpetually ignorant idea; to be known as the unchanging, perfected (fully being) own-condition.
Furthermore Verse 22 Ata eva sa na-eva-anyo na-ananya paratantrata Anityat-di-vad vcyo Na-adte asmin sa dyate (k)704 ata eva sa naivnyo nnya paratantrata anityatdivad vcyo ndre smin sa dyate// (g)705 Thus to be neither the same nor different than the other-dependent. Transient existence commencing with language use; It is not unobserved. I am viewpoint the same.
Ata eva sa na-eva-anyo na-ananya paratantrata eva sa naeva-anyo na-ananya paratantra thus to be neither the same nor different para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative
anityat-di-vad vcyo anityat di vad vcyo transient or limited existence706 beginning (with); commencement, first fruits; or etc., and so on to be said or spoken707 speech, language (inc. that of animals), sound (inc. objects); word, phrase, statement708
na-ade asmin sa dyate na ada no, not, it is not so un- (fore-) seen, unobserved, invisible, not experience, unknown709 242
asmi sa dya
cogito, I am710 supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same (from dy); corruptible, reprehensible, culpable, offending
Table 84- TM 22
The paratantra svabhva of phenomena, or its absolutely dependent own-stateown-being is non-different from the nipanna svabhva of phenomena, or its perfected, complete, non-discriminated own-state-of-being.711 Recall TSN 25: Story of twofold non-being and being Absolute (complete) nature understood. In that manner surely thus in this way, at that time Existence and non-existence One understands the perfected parinipanna by finding the non-being of duality within the dependent paratantra, and understanding that itthe non-being of duality is itself both asti and nasti, existing and non-existing. Paratantra is non-different in definition from parinipanna because (1) paratantra does not exist in the form in which it appears (it has no svabhva as it appears), and (2) the svabhva of parinipanna is the unreality (abhva) of duality. Transient existence beginning with spoken language; not unobserved I am accompanied by dya. As with permanence and impermanence, when one is not seen, the other is not seen either.712 Verse 23 Tri-vidhasya svabhvasya tri-vidhm nisvabhvatm Sandhya sarvadharmm deit nisvabhvat (k)713 243
trividhasya svabhvasya trividh nisvabhvat/ sadhya sarvadharmnm deit nisvabhvat// (g)714 Three kinds (parts) abiding-in-own-state-of-being (propertied); Three kinds (parts) not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being (unpropertied). Placed together, all qualities (things) Shown to be not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being (unpropertied.)
Tri-vidhasya svabhvasya tri-vidhm nisvabhvatm trividh asya svabhva tri: three, threefold + vidh: part, proportion, measure, sort, kind sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) without svabhva; unpropertied715
sandhya sarvadharmm deit nisvabhvat samdhya sarva dharma having placed together, formed an alliance, reached terms of peace716 whole, entire, all, every; also always, at all times according to the nature of; that which is established or firm; steadfast decree, usage, practice; duty, right, justice; virtue, morality; law or doctrine; also nature, character, condition; essential quality, property, mark shown, directed717
Table 85- TM 23
It is taught that all dharmas are without svabhva for the implicit purpose of demonstrating that there is a three-fold not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being that is established on the basis of the three-fold abiding-in-own-state of being.718
Verse 24 Prathamo lakaena-eva nisvabhvopara puna Na-svayam-bhva etasya iti-apara nisvabhvat (k)719 prathamo lakaenaiva nisvabhvo para puna/ na svayambhva etasyetyapar nisvabhvat// (g)720 Preceding definition thus not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being (unpropertied) unfounded existence flowing thus again in this manner, not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being (unpropertied).
Prathamo lakaena-eva nisvabhvopara puna prathama lakaa eva nisvabhva para punar first, firstly; also foremost, primary, original, initial, prior, former, preceding definition; mark, sign, symbol; also characteristic, attribute, quality thus, in this way without svabhva; unpropertied721 far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost to go back or in an opposite direction; restore; turn around; once more, to exist again, be renewed722
na-svayam-bhva etasya iti-apara nisvabhvat na-sva yam no-own to be founded on; connection; to sustain, hold, support; also to raise, extend; to hold back, restrain bhva existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature tasya flowing or conveying asya sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest iti as you know; in this manner, thus723 apara having nothing beyond or after; also latter, following, another, distant; in the future724 nisvabhvat absence of self-nature, naturelessness; non-entity, non-being
Table 86- TM 24
Preceding lakaa (by definition) without svabhva. Para no-own founded bhva flowing or conveying; thus having nothing after, absence of svabhva. The trisvabhva are without svabhva as follows: the parikalpita by definition, the paratantra because it does not come into existence independently, and the parinipanna because it is nisvabhvat. Recall TSN 10-21, in which the principle of meditation is applied to the definitions of the tri-svabhva: Kalpita-svabhva and paratantra-svabhva are modified and thus are not pure svabhva. They are both jeya (to be known) sa- (along with) klea- (defilement, disturbance)- lakaam (symbol/definition). Parinipannasvabhva is the vyavadnasya (purification) lakaam. Being unmodified, it is the definition of purity.725 TM 25-30: Enlightenment Through Vijapti-Mtra Verse 25 Dharmm paramrtha-ca sa yatas tathat-api sa Sarva-klam tath-bhvt sa eva vijapti-mtrat. (k)726 dharmn paramrtha ca sa yatas tathatpi sa/ sarvakla tathbhvt saiva vijaptimtrat// (g)727 Highest truth of phenomena and same true suchness enduring, remaining as it is at all times; thus supplying the forms of consciousness-occasion.
Dharmm paramrtha-ca sa yatas tathat-api sa dharma according to the nature of; that which is established or firm; steadfast decree, usage, practice; duty, right, justice; virtue, morality; law or doctrine; nature, character, condition; essential quality, property, mark 246
highest or whole truth; ultimate meaning728 and, also; even, just; but, yet; if supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same from which or what, whence729 true nature, true reality, true suchness, true state of things prefix indicating uniting with or approaching something overpowering; enduring730
sarva-klam tath-bhvt sa eva vijapti-mtrat sarva-klam tath-bhvt sa eva vijaptimtra remaining as it is at all times731 supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same thus, in this way vijapti: mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving + mtram: having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, occasion, atom, element = consciousness-occasion
Table 87- TM 25
The highest truth (paramrtha) about the dharmas is the true state of things (tathat) because it is as it is, which is the intention of vijaptimtra.732 Verse 26 Yvad vijapti-mtratve vijnam na-avatihati Grha-dvayasya-anuayas-tvan-na vinivartate (k)733 yvad vijaptimtratve vijna navatishate/ grha dvaynuyas tvan na vinivartate// (g)734 So long as consciousness is not situated in consciousness-occasion, Twofold grasping results, so long as it is not ceased (reversed).
Yvad vijapti-mtratve vijnam na-avatihati yva vijaptimtra as long as vijapti: mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving + mtram: having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, occasion, atom, element = consciousness-occasion act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness not situated in
vijna naavatisthati
grha-dvayasya-anuayas-tvan-na vinivartate grha dvayasya anuaya tvan na vinivarta grasping, seizing, holding, catching; receiving, accepting; also conception, notion (dvaya) twofold, double; of two kinds or natures + (asya) sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest the consequence of action that clings to that action; close attachment to any object, action735 (alt. tvat), so long, so far, so much736 no, not, it is not so ceasing, reversing737
Table 88- TM 26
Disposition towards the conceptions of subject and object, and of tman and dharmas, will continue (all things being equal qua there being a functioning state of consciousness, per TM 15-6), so long as consciousness is not situated in vijapti-mtra.738 In other words, the persistence of conceptualization depends upon lack of cognizance of the three aspects of phenomenal appearance and the state of affairs summarized by the phrase, consciousness occasion.
Verse 27 Vijapti-mtram-eva-idam-iti-api hi-upalambhata Sthpayan-agrata ki-cit tanmtre na-avatihate (k)739 vijaptimtra eveda itypi hyupalambhata/ sthpayannagrata ki cit tanmtre nvatithate// (g)740 Consciousness-occasion thus everything in this manner because perception ordered before what consciousness rudimentary creation not situated in?
Vijapti-mtram-eva-idam-iti-api hi-upalambhata vijaptimtra vijapti: mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving + mtram: having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, occasion, atom, element = consciousness-occasion thus, in this way everything as you know; in this manner, thus, so prefix indicating uniting with or approaching something for, (namely) because; surely, indeed obtainment, perception, recognition
sthpayan-agrata ki-cit tanmtre na-avatihate sthpaya agrata ki cit (-ta) tanmtra naavatithate kept in place, order, restraint741 in front, before; in the beginning742 (interrogative particle) mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart rudimentary creation743 not situated in
Table 89- TM 27
Remaining situated in vijapti-mtra cannot occur through mere perception, e.g., by putting something before oneself and saying, This is an occasion of consciousness, because as soon as the thought is expressed, the occasion has perished, and another has arisen to take its place.744 Verse 28 Yad tu-lambanam jnam na-eva-upalabhate tad Sthito vijna-mtratve grhya-abhve tad-agraht (k)745 yad tvlambana janam naivopalabhate tad/ sthita vijnamtratve grhybhve todagraht// (g)746 Whenever reason (foundation) knowledge not-thus-obtained, in that case being situated in consciousness-occasion; recognize non-existence there non-grasping.
Yad tu-lambanam jnam na-eva-upalabhate tad yad tu lambana jna na eva upalabdha tad when, whenever; if depending or resting upon; foundation; reason, cause; also the five attributes of things vis--vis the five sense: form, sound, smell, taste and touch747 knowing, knowledge, cognizance; wisdom, intelligence; also: mark, sign, characteristic (of recognition) no, not, it is not so thus, in this way obtained, received; conceived, perceived; also: guessed at that time; in that case, then748
sthito vijna-mtratve grhya-abhve tad-agraht sthita standing, situated, abiding in, remaining in749 250
act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, atom, element; occasion to be seized or taken, held, gathered, received; to be chosen, accepted, assented to; to be perceived, understood, learned, recognized, considered750 absence of: existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now non-grasping, non-conceiving
Table 90- TM 28
Whenever not apprehending what depends upon signs, at that time situated in vijapti-mtra perceived absence of existence non-conceived. one does not perceive also a supporting consciousness.751 consciousness no longer recognizes an object.752 wisdom (jna) no longer conceives any idea of object when perceiving the sphere of objects.753 consciousness with object is not obtained.754 the mind no longer seizes on any object (lambana) whatever.755 Understanding occasion of consciousness can only take place when there is no apprehension of subject (perceiver) and object (perceived). Verse 29 Acittonupalambhosau jnam lokottaram ca tat rayasya parvttir-dvidh dauulya-hnita (k)756 acitto nupalambho sau jna kokottara ca tat/ rayasya parvttir dvidh dauhulyahnita// (g)757 Inconceivable, unperceived 251
knowledge surpassing the world; and accordingly abiding in non-attachment, reversion of consciousness two-fold ignorance abandons.
Acittonupalambhosau jnam lokottaram ca tat acitta without mind; inconceivable, incomprehensible, unimaginable; unconceived; destitute of intellect or sense anupalambha lack of obtainment, perception, or recognition jna knowing, knowledge, cognizance; wisdom, intelligence; also: mark, sign, characteristic (of recognition) lokottara excelling or surpassing the world; beyond what is common, extraordinary ca and, also; even, just; but, yet; if tad (alt. tat); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now rayasya parvttir-dvidh dauulya-hnita raya the five organs of sense plus manas; also: that with which anything is closely connected or on which anything depends or rests; also recipient, resting-place, dwelling; having recourse to; attachment758 sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest turning back or around, revolving; reversion (e.g., of a judgment); also restoration of property; rebounding, not taking effect759 divided; split in two depravity, wickedness760 abandonment, relinquishment; cessation, disappearance, nonexistence; also: decrease, deprivation, loss; insufficiency
Table 91- TM 29
When the apprehension of tman and dharmas is stilled, there follows a transmutation or reversion of the basis of such apprehension, viz., the raya (six-fold object consciousness). This is the extraordinary knowledge, inconceivable and ineffable.761
Verse 30 Sa eva-anravo dhtur-acintya kualo dhruva Sukho vimukti-kyosau dharma-khyo-yam mah-muneh (k)762 sa evnsravo dhtur acintya kualo dhruva/ sukho vimuktikyo saw dharmkhayo yam mahmune// (g)763 Thus the same affliction-less realm, Unconceived, auspicious, eternal, blessed, Liberation body great sage.
Sa eva-anravo dhtur-acintya kualo dhruva sa eva anru dhtu acintya kuala dhruva supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same thus, in this way tearless, passionless, afflictionless764 realm, sphere, layer, stratum; also constituent element a (negation) + cintya, to be conceived, thought, imagined auspicious, wholesome, good, beneficial fixed, firm, immovable, constant, permanent, eternal765
sukho vimukti-kyosau dharma-khyo-yam mah-muneh sukha vimukta kya dharma delightful, blessed, blissful emancipated, liberated, serene body; also collection, assemblage according to the nature of; that which is established or firm; steadfast decree, usage, practice; duty, right, justice; virtue, morality; law or doctrine; nature, character, condition; essential quality, property, mark to make known, declare, communicate, inform; to be named, enumerated, called to be founded on; connection; to sustain, hold, support; also to raise, extend; to hold back, restrain great766 monk, sage
Table 92- TM 30
Thus tearless realm inconceivable, auspicious, eternal, blessed, liberation-body. This is the realm free from afflictions, being non-conceptual, ineffable, beneficial, immutable and blessed. It is the liberation body or dharma-body doctrine of the Buddha.767 Summary The function or development of the metaphors of atman (self) and dharmas (conditions, natures, elements, phenomena) are varied, but they all refer to developments within the threefold parima-vijna or the transformation or development of consciousness. These three transformations, phases or functions of consciousness are: (1) the vipka, which is the maturation of causal efficacy and influence within consciousness; (2) the manana, which is reflection or active mentation within consciousness; and (3) the vijapti, which in this context is best understood as a conceptual representation within consciousness. The first transformation corresponds to the laya-vijna, that consciousness which is always flowing and storing the bja or elements of causal influence from past experiences. The second transformation corresponds to the mano-vijna, the first reflecting or active phase of consciousness through which tman is identified. The third transformation is parima, which corresponds to the upalabdha-vijna, that consciousness which grasps or discriminates individual dharmas (phenomenal events or objects.)
The vipka, or coming-into-efficacy of the thoughts, experiences and impressions of the past, is also the laya (abode, receptacle) or mla (root), because it is the maturation of all the causal influences of past experience and memory upon present or future moments of consciousness. Although the laya is unaware of its own activities (e.g., perceptions, apprehensions, conditioned impressions), it is nevertheless always either associated with or possessing (i.e., is the abode of): touch (spara), mental attention (manas-kra), conceptualizing (saj), cognition (cetan), and volition (anvita). Just as the laya is perpetually indifferent to the vedan (feelings of pleasure and pain, as well as neutrality), so are bare mental and physical sensation or contact. The influence of the store-consciousness is compared to a powerful rushing river, which ceases in the state of Arhatship. The manana exists or occurs by taking the laya as its ground or support; it has the nature of reflecting or thinking. It always associated with four kleas (delusions, passions) which are, as the laya, veiled: self-regard, self-ignorance, self-conceit, and self-love. As the laya, the manana is also associated with touch, etc. (i.e., mental attention, conceptualizing, cognition and volition). But reflection ceases in the state of nirodha-sampatti, which is the attainment of the cessation or suppression of reflection; it also ceases in the lokottara mrga, the extraordinary attainment of the arhat. The vijapti is six-fold perception of the six-fold sense field (i.e., touch, sight, hearing, smell taste and the sense-center), which may be perceived as good, bad or value-neutral. This transformation of consciousness is grounded in the former:
discrimination of objects is functionally based upon discrimination of the subject, which in turn depends upon the influence of the store-consciousness upon and within its consciousness-stream. Vijapti is associated with three kinds of sarvatragas: the universal or always existing, the particular or specifically determined, and those which are good are advantageous with respect to citta. It is also associated with the three kinds of kleas or delusions, namely the primary, secondary and indeterminate, as well as the three kinds of vedan or feelings, namely the pleasurable, the painful and the subjectively neutral. Like waves upon the water, the five sense consciousnesses arise concomitantly at all times or at other times not at all, contingent upon conditioning causes within the root consciousness. Reflecting or thinking consciousness always manifests itself, all things being equal. It does not, however, arises in states of unconsciousness, high meditation, fainting, or being destitute of citta. The transformation of consciousness includes the activity of discriminative conceptualization; while this activity is real, what is discriminated, or how it is discriminated, is not. In that respect, therefore, everything is understandable as consciousness-occasion (vijapti-mtra). The mla-vijna, containing or being constituted by all of the bja, develops in various ways. This development is contingent upon mutual influence through which particular (such and such) thoughts are produced. The residual karmic impressions of past actions together with the impressions of duality perceived in the past conjointly produce a new stage of development or maturation as soon as the prior stage is completed.
prtibhsika phenomenal
being caused
manana mano-vijna
TSN: tri-svabhva
TM: parima-vijna
There are three conditions of having or states of being attributable to any discriminated phenomenon, as well as three causally related conditions of not having or states of not being. Whatever real, abiding things are discriminated, by whatever means, in fact have the nature of conceptualization, which is not the same as having actual knowledge. The paratantra svabhva of phenomena, or its absolutely dependent own-state-own-being, is a conditioned act of discrimination. The nipanna svabhva of phenomena, or its perfected, complete, non-discriminated own-state-of-being is the absence of the parikalpita in the paratantra. The paratantra svabhva of phenomena, or its absolutely dependent own-stateown-being is non-different from the nipanna svabhva of phenomena, or its perfected, complete, non-discriminated own-state-of-being. One understands the perfected parinipanna by finding the non-being of duality within the dependent paratantra, and understanding that itthe non-being of duality is itself both asti and nasti, existing and
non-existing. Paratantra is non-different in definition from parinipanna because (1) paratantra does not exist in the form in which it appears (it has no svabhva as it appears), and (2) the svabhva of parinipanna is the unreality (abhva) of duality. It is taught that all dharmas are without svabhva for the implicit purpose of demonstrating that there is a three-fold not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being that is established on the basis of the three-fold abiding-in-own-state of being. The tri-svabhva are without svabhva as follows: the parikalpita by definition, the paratantra because it does not come into existence independently, and the parinipanna because it is nisvabhvat. The highest truth (paramrtha) about the dharmas is the true state of things (tathat) because it is as it is, which is the intention of vijapti-mtra. Disposition towards the conceptions of subject and object, and of tman and dharmas, will continue (all things being equal qua there being a functioning state of consciousness, per TM 156), so long as consciousness is not situated in vijapti-mtra. In other words, the persistence of conceptualization depends upon lack of cognizance of the three aspects of phenomenal appearance and the state of affairs summarized by the phrase, consciousness occasion. Remaining situated in vijapti-mtra cannot occur through mere perception, e.g., by putting something before oneself and saying, This is an occasion of consciousness, because as soon as the thought is expressed, the occasion has perished, and another has arisen to take its place. Understanding occasion of consciousness can only take place when there is no apprehension of subject (perceiver) and object (perceived). When the
apprehension of tman and dharmas is stilled, there follows a transmutation or reversion of the basis of such apprehension, viz., the raya (six-fold object consciousness). This is the extraordinary knowledge, inconceivable and ineffable. This is the realm free from afflictions, being non-conceptual, ineffable, beneficial, immutable and blessed. It is the liberation body or dharma-body doctrine of the Buddha
Thomas A. Kochumuttom, A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience: a New Translation and Interpretation of the Works of Vasubandhu. (New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1982). 592 G. M. Nagao in David J. Kalupahana, The Principle of Buddhist Psychology. (New York: State University of New York Press 1987). 593 Dan Lusthaus, Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of the Yogcra Buddhism and the Cheng Wei-shi Lun. Routledge-Curon Critical Studies in Buddhism Series. (New York: Routledge-Curon, 2002.) 594 Thomas E. Wood, Mind Only: a Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of the Vijnavda. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1991). 595 Stefan Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu: The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Religions of Asia Series No. 8. (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984). 596 Swati Ganguly, Treatise in Thirty Verses on Mere-Consciousness: a Critical Translation of Hsuan-Tsangs Chinese Version of the Vijnaptimatra-tatrimsika. (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1992.) 597 Francis Harold Cook, Three Texts on Consciousness Only: Demonstration of Consciousness Only. (Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999.) 598 Wing-Tsit Chan (editor), A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy. (Princeton University Press, 1963). Ch. 23,Buddhist Idealism. 599 Kochumuttom, footnotes pp. 128, 134. 600 Ganguly, pp. 75-6. 601 Kochumuttom, footnotes pp. 134-5 602 Ganguly, pp. 77-8 603 tma (in comp. for %{tmn}; also rarely ifc. e.g. %{adhy-tma}, %{adhy-tmm}). tman %{A} m. (variously derived fr. %{an}, to breathe; %{at}, to move; %{v}, to blow; cf. %{tmn}) the breath V.; the soul, principle of life and sensation V. V. &c.; the individual soul, self, abstract individual (e.g. %{tmn}) (Ved. loc.) %{dhatte}, or %{karoti}, he places in himself, makes his own T. v Br.; %{tman akarot}, he did it himself Kd.; %{tman vi-yuj}, to lose one's life n. vii, 46; %{tman} in the sg. is used as reflexive pronoun for all three persons and all three genders e.g. %{tmna s hanti}, she strikes herself; %{putram tmana spv nipetatu}, they two having touched their son fell down R. ii, 64, 28; (see also below s.v. 259
%{tman}); essence, nature, character, peculiarity (often ifc. e.g. %{karmtman}, &c.) V. x, 97, 11, &c.; the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body V. Br.; the body agh. i, 14 matp.; (ifc.) the understanding, intellect, mind see %{natman}, %{mand-}; the highest personal principle of life, Brahma (cf. %{paramtman}) V. x, 8, 44 V. xxxii, 11 Br. xiv, &c.; effort L.; (= %{dhti}) firmness L.; the sun L.; fire L.; a son L.; (ld Germ. {tum}; Angl. Sax. {oedhm}; Mod. Germ. {them}, {dem}; Gk. $, $ (?).) &42279(135,1) tman instr. of %{tman}, in comp. (but not in a Bahuvrhi) with ordinals P. 6-3, 6 (cf. the Bahuvrhi compounds %{tma-caturtha}, and %{-pacama}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 604 37 upacar P. %{-carati}, to go towards, come near, approach V. vii, 46, 2 T. v, 7, 6, 1 Br. R.; to come near, wait upon, serve, attend, assist, bear a hand Br. Bh. icch. a. &c.; to approach, set about, undertake, perform T. iii, 1, 6, 1 Br.; to attend on (a patient), physic (a person), treat, tend, nurse ur. Pacat.; to use figuratively or metaphorically, apply figuratively (generally Pass. %{-caryate}) VarB. h. arvad. &c. 38 upcar P. %{-carati}, to come near to, approach V. i, 46, 14; 187, 3 Br. ii, iv; to attend upon, wait on, serve, be obedient V. Bh. ii, 408; to physic ur. 39 upacara mfn. accessory, supplementary khBr.; m. access, approach Br. ii, 3, 4, 30; attendance, cure ur. (cf. %{spacara}.) 40 upacra m. approach, service, attendance cat. i, 111, 2 seqq.; act of civility, obliging or polite behaviour, reverence Br. Bh. ak. &c. (64 pacras are enumerated in the antra-sra, quoted by .); proceeding, practice; behaviour, conduct; mode of proceeding towards (gen.), treatment Br. Bh. p. n. &c.; attendance on a patient, medical practice, physicking ur. Pacat. Vikr.; a ceremony Kum. vii, 86; present, offering, bribe; solicitation, request L.; ornament, decoration Kum. agh. vii, 4; a favourable circumstance h. 300; usage, custom or manner of speech yyad.; a figurative or metaphorical expression (%{upacrt} ind. metaphorically), metaphor, figurative application h. arvad. Comm. on i. &c.; pretence, pretext L.; a kind of andhi (substitution of %{s} and %{} in place of Visarga) K. on P. 8-3, 48; . of a Pariisha of the ma-veda. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 605 3 vividha mf (%{A})n. of various sorts, manifold, divers n. Bh. &c.; m. a partic. kha khr.; n. variety of action or gesture MW.; (%{am}) ind. variously R. Vedntas.; %{-citra} mfn. coloured variously, changing from one color into another Kra.; %{-bhaGgka} mfn. = %{vi-vidha} above Pari.; %{-rpa-dht} mfn. having various forms MW.; %{-vidhi-prayoga-sagraha} m. n. of wk.; %{-stragoth} f. discourse about various sciences L.; %{-dhgama} mfn. comprising various sacred (or traditional) works n. xii, 105; %{-dhtman} mfn. (%{vi-vidha} above) Car.; %{dhpala-bhita} mfn. decorated with various jewels MW.; %{-dhpta} mfn. (= %{vividha} above) R. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 260
5 y 1 (collateral form of 5. %{i}) cl. 2. P. (htup. xxiv, 41) %{yti} (1. pl. %{ymahe} Bh.; impf. 3. pl. %{ayu} Br.; %{ayn} P. 3-4, 111 Sch..; pf. %{yaya}, %{yaytha}, %{yay}, %{yay} V. &c. &c.; %{yaye} Kv.; aor. %{aysam} or %{aysiam}; ubj. %{ysat}, %{yeam}, %{ysiat} V. Br.; Prec. %{ysihs} Br.; fut. %{yt} Bh. &c.; %{ysyati} V.; %{-te} Bh.; inf. %{ytum} Bh. &c.; Ved. inf. %{ya}, %{ytave} or %{-va}; ind. p. %{ytv} Br. &c.; %{-yya}, 6 y 2 (ifc.) going, moving (see %{a-} %{eva-}, %{tura-}, %{devay}). 7 y 3 f. of 3. %{ya} q.v. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 07/13/2007. 607 parima m. change, alteration, transformation into (instr.), development, evolution khyak. Yogas. Pur. ur.; ripeness, maturity Kir. ttarar. latm.; alteration of food, digestion ur. arkas.; withering, fading rgP.; lapse (of time) Bh. R.; decline (of age), growing old ib. ur.; result, consequence, issue, end (ibc. and %{-me} ind. finally, at last, in the end) Kv.; (in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Kuval.; . of a holy man . 269; %{darin} mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event), prudent, foresighted Bh.; %{-di} f. foresight, providence MW.; %{-nirodha} m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth, growth, death &c.) W.; %{-pathya} mfn. suited to a future state or condition ib.; %{-mukha} mfn. tending or verging towards the end, about to terminate ak.; %{-ramaya} mfn. (a day) delightful at its close ib.; %{vat} mfn. having a natural development (%{-ttva} n.) ak.; %{-vda} m. the doctrine of evolution, the khya doctrine arvad.; %{-la} n. violent and painful indigestion Cat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 608 3 tridh adv. in three ways, in (into) three parts; at three times. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/21/2007. 609 1 manana a. thoughtful, careful; n. thought, reflection, consideration. 2 manan (instr. adv.) thoughtfully, carefully. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. manana mfn. thoughtful, careful V.; n. thinking, reflection, meditation, thought, intelligence, understanding (esp. intrinsic knowledge or science, as one of the faculties connected with the senses ir. viii, 6 = %{manman}) Hariv. ak. arvad. (%{-n} ind. thoughtfully, deliberately V.); homage, reverence y. on V. i, 165, 4. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 610 See also Kochumuttom, p. 254; Ganguly, pp. 75-6; Wood, p. 49; Anacker, p. 186; Cook, p. 377; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 275; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 192. 611 See also Kochumuttom, p. 254; Ganguly, p. 77; Wood, p. 50; Anacker, p. 186; Cook, p. 377; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 276; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 194. 261
612 613
Kochumuttom, footnotes pp. 134-5 Ganguly, pp. 77-8 614 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 135 615 Ganguly, pp. 80-1 616 Kochumuttom, footnotes pp. 135, 136 617 Ganguly, pp. 84-5 and 88. 618 1 laya m. ( %{l}), non-dissolution, permanence R. iii, 71, 10 (v.l. %{an-aya}); (mfn.) restless i. iv, 57. 2 laya see %{A-l}. 3 laya m. and n. a house, dwelling; a receptacle, asylum R. Yj. Kaths. &c.; (often ifc. e.g. %{himlaya}, the abode of snow.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 619 Per Wood, p. 50 620 asavida mfn. unconscious Br. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 621 upadia mfn. specified, particularized; taught, instructed; mentioned; prescribed, commanded &c.; initiated W.; (%{am}) n. counsel, advice, (in dram.) a persuasive speech in conformity with the prescribed rules h. 449 &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 07/11/2007. 622 1 spara %{-ana} &c. see p. 1269. 2 spara mfn. touching (in %{a-bhtala-sp-}, %{mana-sp-}, q.v.); m. (ifc. f. %{A}) touch, sense of touch (%{-tas} ind. e.g. %{spara-ta sukha tat}, that is pleasant to the touch), contact (fig. applied to the beginning of an eclipse or to any astron. contact) n. Bh. VarB. &c.; (in gram.) collective . of the twenty-five consonants constituting the five classes from %{k} to %{m} (so-called because formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance; cf. %{sthna} and %{spa}) Prt. Chp. BhP.; (in phil.) the quality of tangibility (which constitutes the skin's %{viaya} q.v.) W. 68; any quality which is perceptible by touching any object (e.g. heat, cold, smoothness, softness &c.) Bh. &c.; feeling, sensation (e.g. %{sira-la-sp-}, sensation of headache) Br. &c. &c.; pleasant feeling Bh. v, 1366; unpleasant or morbid sensation, illness P. 3-3, 16 Vrtt. 1 Pat.; air, wind L.; (accord. to some) temperature yyad.; a kind of sexual union L.; a gift, offering (see %{kka-sp-} and %{sp--yaja} below); w.r. for %{spaa}, a spy Bh. i.; (%{A}) f. an unchaste woman L.; (a word of unknown meaning) Hariv. 10243. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 07/09/2007. 623 Per Lusthaus, p. 277. 624 cetana (f. {cetan}) perceptible, visible, conspicuous, excellent; perceiving, conscious, intelligent. m. a sentient being, a man; f. {cetan} consciousness, intelligence; n. appearance, perception, soul, mind. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 262
anvita mfn. gone along with; joined, attended, accompanied by, connected with, linked to; having as an essential or inherent part, endowed with, possessed of, possessing; acquired; reached by the mind, understood; following; connected as in grammar or construction. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 626 upekaa n., {-k} f. overlooking, disregard, neglect. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 627 anivta mfn. (1. %{v}), unchecked, not impeded V. iii, 29, 6. anivtta mfn. not turning back, brave. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 628 avykta mfn. undeveloped, unexpounded Br. xiv BhP.; (%{am}) n. elementary substance from which all things were created, considered as one with the substance of Brahma L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 629 dya 1 mfn. ifc. taking, seizing. 3 dya 2 ind. p. having taken; with, along with V. &c Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 630 srotas n. the current or bed of a river, a river, stream, torrent V. &c. &c.; water aigh. i, 12; rush, violent motion or onset of (comp.) Kv. Pur. arvad.; the course or current of nutriment in the body, channel or course for conveying food (see %{rdhva-} and %{tiryak-sr-}); an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women) ur.; the spout of a jar ur.; an organ of sense vetp. R. &c.; lineage, pedigree (?) Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 631 varaugha m. a torrent, sudden shower of rain Kv. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 632 vyvtti f. turning away, turning the back (see %{avyv-}); rolling (the eyes) ur.; deliverance from, getting rid of (abl.) T. nti.; being deprived of, separation or exclusion from ak.; exclusion, rejection, removal Kum. Kvyd. h. (cf. %{paraspara-vy-}); discrimination, distinction T. Br.; distinctness (of sound or voice) Kh.; difference itBr. yyas. Sch..; cessation, end pr.; a kind of sacrifice Br.; screening (prob. for %{vy-vti}) ib.; praise, eulogium (?) ib.; %{-tva} n. see under %{vyvritta}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007.
See also Kochumuttom, p. 254; Ganguly, pp. 70, 80-1, 84-5, 88; Wood, pp. 49-50; Anacker, p. 186; Cook, p. 378; Robinson in Lusthaus, pp. 275, 277-9; Nagao in Kalupahana, pp. 192, 195-6. 634 Kochumuttom, footnotes pp. 135, 136. 635 Ganguly, p 88. 636 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 136. 637 Ganguly, p. 90. 638 ritya ind. p. having sought or obtained an asylum; having recourse to, employing, practicing, &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 07/11/2007.. 639 nivta (%{n-}) mfn. held back, withheld V. (560,1); surrounded, enclosed L.; m. or f. or n. (= %{ni-vta}) a veil, mantle, wrapper L.; n. = next L. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 640 di f. seeing, viewing, beholding (also with the mental eye) Br. p. &c.; sight, the faculty of seeing Br. n. ur. &c.; the mind's eye, wisdom, intelligence BhP. L.; regard, consideration L.; view, notion Bhag. Kap.; (with Buddhists) a wrong view; theory, doctrine, system takam.; eye, look, glance n. Bh. Kv. &c. (%{-i d} with loc. turn the eye to, look at, igr. 15); the pupil of the eye ur.; aspect of the stars (e.g. %{ubha-}) Var.. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 641 moha m. (1. %{muh}; ifc. f. %{A}) loss of consciousness, bewilderment, perplexity, distraction, infatuation, delusion, error, folly V. &c. &c. (%{moham-br}, to say anything that leads to error; %{moha-y}, to fall into error; %{moht} ind. through folly or ignorance); fainting, stupefaction, a swoon Bh. Kv. &c.; (in phil.) darkness or delusion of mind (preventing the discernment of truth and leading men to believe in the reality of worldly objects); (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice harmas. 139); a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy (= %{mohana}) Cat.; wonder, amazement L.; infatuation personified (as the offspring of Brahm) VP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 642 sneha m. (or n. g. %{ardharcdi}; ifc. f. %{A}) oiliness, unctuousness, fattiness, greasiness, lubricity, viscidity (also as one of the 24 Guas of the Vaieshika branch of the yya phil.) ur. Yj. arkas. arvad. (W. 69); oil, grease, fat, any oleaginous substance, an unguent khBr. &c. &c.; smoothness, glossiness VarB.; blandness, tenderness, love, attachment to, fondness or affection for (loc. gen., or comp.), friendship with (%{saha}) aitrp. Bh. Kv. &c.; moisture MW.; a fluid of the body ib.; (pl.) . of the Vaiyas in Kua-dvpa VP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 643 Per Lusthaus, p. 277. 264
Kochumuttom, p. 155. See also Kochumuttom, pp. 254-5; Ganguly, pp. 88, 90; Wood, pp. 50-1; Anacker, p. 186; Cook, p. 378; Robinson in Lusthaus, pp. 280-1; Nagao in Kalupahana, pp. 192, 197-8. 645 Kochumuttom, footnote pp. 136-7 646 Ganguly, p. 91 647 tanmaya mfn. made up of, that, absorbed in or identical with that up. vetp. PrG. Bh. &c.; %{-t} f. the being absorbed in or identical with that Kd. BhP. jat. iii, 498; %{-tva} n. id. Bh. v, 1622 &c.; %{-y-bhva}, h. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 648 nirodha m. confinement, locking up, imprisonment (%{-tas} n. viii, 375); investment, siege Cat.; enclosing, covering up Var. Kv. &c.; restraint, check, control, suppression, destruction n. Bh. &c.; (in dram.) disappointment, frustration of hope aar.; (with Buddh.) suppression or annihilation of pain (one of the 4 principles) Lalit. MWB. 43, 56, 137 &c.; a partic. process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are subjected Cat.; hurting, injuring (= %{ni-graha}) L.; aversion, disfavor, dislike W.; . of a man Lalit.; %{-jna} n. (with Buddh.) one of the 10 kinds of knowledge harmas. 93; %{-lakaa} (%{a-vivaraa}), %{-varana} n. %{-vivti} f. . of wks. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 649 sampatti f. coming together, meeting, encountering Klid.; accident, chance (see comp.); falling into any state or condition, getting, becoming (comp.) Yogas.; assuming an original form, Prt.; completion, conclusion past. (v.l. %{sam-pti}); yielding, giving way (in %{a-s-}) ib. (1161,2); (with Buddhists) a subdivision of the fourth stage of abstract meditation (there are eight ampattis) MWB. 233; %{-da} mfn. seen by chance a. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 650 mrg (properly om. fr. %{mrga}; cf. %{mp}) cl. 1. 10. P. (htup. xxxiv, 39) %{mrgati} %{mrgayati} (ep. also . %{mrgate}; pf. %{mamrga} Gr.; aor. %{amrgt} ib.; fut, %{mrgit} ib.; %{mrgeyati} R.; inf. %{mrgitum} R.; ind. p. %{mrgitv} ib.), to seek, look for Bh. Hariv. R.; to search through ib.; to seek after, strive to attain Bh. Var. BhP.; to endeavour to buy Kaths.; to request, ask, beg, solicit anything from any one (with abl. of pers. and acc. of thing, or with two acc.) Bh. Kv. &c.; to ask (a girl) in marriage atr.; (cl. 10. P. %{mrgayati}), to purify, adorn; to go (?) htup. xxxii, 74. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 651 lokottara mf (%{A})n. excelling or surpassing the wworld, beyond what is common or general, unusual, extraordinary Kaths. jat. &c.; (ibc.) ind. Pari.; m. an uncommon person ttarar.; m. orn. (?) . of wk.; %{-parivarta} m. n. of wk.; %{-vdin} m. pl. . of a Buddhist school (prob. so called from their pretending to be superior to or above the rest of the world) Buddh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier265
Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 652 See also Kochumuttom, p. 255; Ganguly, p. 91; Wood, p. 51; Anacker, p. 186; Cook, p. 378; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 281; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 198. 653 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 138 654 Ganguly, pp. 93-4 655 yam cl. 1. P. (htup. xxiii, 15) %{ycchati} (Ved. also %{-te}, and Ved. ep. %{ymati}, %{-te}; pf. %{yayma}, %{yeme}; 2. sg. %{yayantha}, 3. pl. %{yem}, %{yemir} V. &c. &c.; 3. du. irreg. %{-yamatu} V. v, 67, 1; aor. %{yn}, %{yamuh}; mpv. %{yasi}, %{yandh}; Pot. %{yamys}, %{yammahi} V.; %{ysam}, %{aysi}, %{yasta} ubj. %{yasat}, %{-satas}, %{-sate} ib. Br.; 3. sg. %{-ymia} V. v, 32, 7; %{ayasiam} Gr.; fut. %{yant} ib.; %{yasyati}, %{yamiyati} Br. &c. inf. %{yntum}, %{yamitum} ib.; %{yntave}, %{ymitava} V.; ind. p. %{yatv}, %{yamitv} Bh. Kv. &c.; %{ytya} V. Br.; %{-yamya} Gr.; %{-ymam} V. Br.), to sustain, hold, hold up, support (. one's self; with loc. to be founded on) V. Br. Chp.; to raise, wield (a weapon &c.; . with %{yudhaih}, to brandish weapons) V.; to raise, extend or hold (as a screen &c.) over (dat.) V.; (.) to extend one's self before (dat.) itBr.; to raise (the other scale), weigh more Br.; to stretch out, expand, spread, display, show V.; to hold or keep in, hold back, restrain, check, curb, govern, subdue, control ib. &c. &c.; to offer; confer, grant, bestow on (dat. or loc.), present with (instr.) V. &c. &c.; (with %{mrgam}), to make way for (gen.) Bh.; (with %{prati} and abl.), to give anything in exchange for anything K. on P. 2-3, 11; (.) to give one's self up to, be faithful to, obey (dat.) V.; to raise, utter (a sound &c.) ib.; to fix, establish ib.; (.) to be firm, not budge V.; to catch fire Br. (Sch..): Pass. %{yamyte} (aor. %{y-m}), to be raised or lifted up or held back or restrained V. &c. &c.: Caus. %{ymayati} (V.), %{yamayati} (Br. &c.; %{-te} Bh.; aor %{ayyamat}), to restrain, hold in, control, keep or put in order: esid. %{yiyasati}, to wish to restrain &c. Br.: ntens. %{yayamti} (see %{ud-yam}) or %{yayamyate} (P. 7-4, 85, Vartt. 2 Pat.) (Cf. Gk. $, restraint, punishment.) &256215(845,2) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 656 ttya mf (%{A})n. (fr. %{tr} P. 5-2, 55; see also vii, 3, 115; i, 1, 36 Vrtt.) the 3rd V. &c.; m. the 3rd consonant of a Varga (%{g}, %{j}, %{}, %{d}, %{b}) Prt. VPrt. Prt. P. Vrtt. and K.; (in music) . of a measure; (%{A}) f. (scil. %{tithi}) = %{-yik} yot. &c.; (scil. %{vibhakti}) the terminations of the 3rd case, the 3rd case (instrumental) P. Prt. iii, 19; (%{am}) ind. for the 3rd time, thirdly V. x, 45, i Br. ix, xi yaBr. &c.; (%{ena}) instr. ind. at the 3rd time PrG. ii, 3, 5; (%{ttya}) mfn. (P. 5-3, 48) forming the 3rd part, (n.) a 3rd part T. Br. Br. iii f. Ktyr. n. vi, 33 Bh.; (cf. Zend {thritya}, Lat. {tertius}; Goth. {thridja}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 657 1 a in comp. for %{a}. 266
1 a mfn. pl. (prob. for from %{ak}; nom. acc. %{} instr. %{abhs} dat. abl. %{abhys}, gen. %{am} loc. %{as}; in comp. %{a} becomes %{a} before hard letters, %{a} before soft, %{o} before %{d}, which is changed into %{}, and %{} before nasals) six (with the counted object in apposition or exceptionally in gen. or ifc. e.g. %{a tavah}, or %{a tunm}, the six seasons,%{asu} %{atsu mseu}, at periods of six months n. viii 403 at the end of a Bahuvrihi compound it is declined like other words ending in %{}, e. g. %{priya-aas} nom. pl. P. 7-1, 22 schol.; among the words used as expressions for the number six (esp. in giving dates) are %{aGga}, %{darana}, %{tarka}, %{rasa}, %{tu} %{vajrakoa} %{krttikeyamukha}) V. &c.&c.; (in gram) a tech. . for numerals ending in %{} and %{n} and words like %{kati} P. 1-1, 24, 25; (%{a}) ind. six times Br. (Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {sex}; Goth. {sahs}; Germ. &335311(1108,1) {se0hs}, {sechs}; Eng. {six}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 658 upalabdhi f. obtainment, acquisition, gain Bh. Vikr. agh.; (with %{garbhasya}) conception R.; observation, perceiving, perception, becoming aware, understanding, mind, knowledge Bh. ur. arkas. arvad. &c.; perceptibility, appearance Prt.; (cf. Gk. $.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 659 See also Kochumuttom, p. 255; Ganguly, pp. 93-4; Wood, p. 51; Anacker, pp. 186-7; Cook, p. 379; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 282; Nagao in Kalupahana, pp. 198-9. 660 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 138 661 Ganguly, p. 99 662 viniyata mfn. restrained, checked, regulated Bhag.; retrenched, limited R. (see comp.); %{-cetas} mfn. one who has a controlled or regulated mind rkP.; %{-thra} mfn. moderate in food or diet, abstemious R. }. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 663 sampray P. %{yti}, to proceed or set off together, to advance towards, go to (acc. with or without %{prati}) khr. Bh. &c.; to move, revolve (as the heavenly bodies) ryas.; to go (together) to any state or condition (acc. ) VarB. 1 ukta mfn. (p.p. of %{vac} q.v.), uttered, said, spoken; m. n. of a divine being (v.l. for %{uktha} q.v.) Hariv.; (%{am}) n. word, sentence i. &c.; (%{am}, %{A}) n. f. a stanza of four lines (with one syllabic instant or one long or two short syllables in each); (cf. Zd. {ukhta}.) 20 samprayukta mfn. yoked or joined together, yoked, harnessed &c.; united or connected or furnished or endowed with (instr. or comp.) Prt. Bh. &c.; come into contact or having intercourse with (instr.) n. xi, 179; sexually united MW.; encountering in a hostile manner Bh.; engaged in or occupied with (comp.) Km.; concentrated, wholly intent on one object Bh.; bound to, dependent on (loc.) ib.; urged, impelled, incited ib. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams
Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 664 See also Kochumuttom, p. 255; Ganguly, pp. 93-4; Wood, p. 51; Anacker, pp. 186-7; Cook, p. 379; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 282; Nagao in Kalupahana, pp. 198-9. 665 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 255-6; Ganguly, pp. 97, 99, 103, 107, 109; Wood, pp. 512; Anacker, p. 187; Cook, p. 379; Robinson in Lusthaus, pp. 284-8; Nagao in Kalupahana, pp. 200-1. 666 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 139 667 Ganguly p. 111 668 pacan pl. (said to be fr. 1. %{pac}, to spread out the hand with its five fingers; nom. acc. %{pca} V. v, 15, 5 %{pac}); instr. %{-cbhis}; dat. abl. %{-cbhyas}; loc. %{-csu} (Class. also, %{-cabhis}, %{-cabhys}, %{-cas} cf. P. 6-1, 179 &c.); gen. %{-cnm}) five V. &c. &c. (cf. under %{indriya}, %{ki}, %{carai}, %{jana}, %{bhta}, %{mtra}, %{yaja}, %{svas} &c.); sg. . of Kaths. xiv. (Cf. Zd. {pacan}; Gk. $, eol. $; Lat. {quinque}; ith. &177787(578,2) {penk}; Goth. {fimf}; Germ. {f0nf}; Angl. Sax. {fif}; Eng. {five}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 07/11/2007. 669 udbhava m. origin, coming forth; adj. coming from (---).Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 670 saha 1 adv. together, in common, along with (mostly --- or as prep. w. instr.). 3 saha 2 a. powerful; overcoming, vanquishing (---); bearing, withstanding, enduring, a match for (gen. or ---); capable of, able to (infin. or ---). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 671 v 1 (indecl.) or (following its word), either -- or not, i.e. optionally (g.), as, like (= {iva}), indeed, even (= {eva}), but, but if, suppose that (fut.), possibly (after an interr.), often only explet. -- {v -- v} either -- or; {v -- na v} either -- or not, perhaps -perhaps not, whether -- or not; {v na -- v} either not -- or; {yadi v -- v} ({na}) whether -- or (not). {na} ({v}) -- {v} neither -- nor. -- Cf. {tha, ut, ki3m, ydi}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 672 1 taraa m. a raft, boat L.; final landing-place, heaven L.; n. crossing over, passing (ifc.) Ktyr. i, 7, 13 R. Vikr. jat. it.; overcoming (as of misfortune gen.) Bh. i, 6054; carrying over W.; an oar (?) Kau. 5 2; (%{I}) f. = %{-i}, a boat Hariv. 14078 (v.l. %{-ri}); Hibiscus mutabilis L.; = %{-vall} L.; cf. %{rdhva-}, %{dus-}; %{pra-tr-}, %{su-}. 2 taraa %{-ri}, &c. see p. 438, col. 3. 3 traa mf (%{I})n. causing or enabling to cross, helping over a difficulty, liberating, saving Bh. xiii, 1232 (iva) and 6986 (Vishn) Hariv.7022 and 7941 Kaths. lxvii, 1; m. a float, raft L.; n. crossing, safe passage; conquering (difficulties) Bh. iv, xiv R. &c.; carrying across, liberating, saving Bh. i, iii, ix; . of a man; the 3rd year of the 4th Jupiter cycle VarB. viii, 3 ryas. yot.; pl. . of a family Pravar. ii, 3, 6. 4 traa n. (fr. Caus.) 268
ferrying over, carrying across, SrigP.; passing over, crossing (m. c. for %{-taraa}) R. jat.; deceiving, cheating (also %{A} f.) rgP. L. 1 ga cl. 10. P. %{gaayati} (ep. also . %{-te}: aor. %{ajgaat} (Kaths. lxxviii) or %{ajag-} P. 7-4, 97 (343,1); ind. p. %{gaayya} BhP. (with %{a-} neg., iv, 7, 15)), to count, number, enumerate, sum up, add up, reckon, take into account Bh. R. &c.; to think worth, value (with instr. e.g. %{na gaaymi ta tena}, I do not value him at a straw Bh. ii, 1552); to consider, regard as (with double acc.) agh. viii; xi a. Pacat. Gt. Kaths.; to enumerate among (loc.) Bh. i, 2603 a.; to ascribe, attribute to (loc.) Bhart. ii, 44; to attend to, take notice of (acc.; often with %{na}, not to care about, leave unnoticed) Bh. &c.; to imagine, excogitate egh. 107; to count one's number (said of a flock or troop) P. 1-3, 67 K. 2 gaa m. a flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, series, class (of animate or inanimate beings), body of followers or attendants V. V. &c.; troops or classes of inferior deities (especially certain troops of demi-gods considered as iva's attendants and under the special superintendence of the god Gaa; cf. %{-devat}) n. Yj. Lalit. &c.; a single attendant of iva VarB. Kaths. jat. iii, 270; . of Gaa W.; a company, any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims n. Yj. it.; the 9 assemblies of ishis under the rhat ah-vra Jain.; a sect in philosophy or religion W.; a small body of troops (= 3 Gulmas or 27 chariots and as many elephants, 81 horses, and 135 foot) Bh. i, 291; a series or group of asterisms or lunar mansions classed under three heads (that of the gods, that of the men, and that of the kshasas) W.; (in arithm.) a number L.; (in metre) a foot or four instants (cf. %{-cchandas}); (in Gr.) a series of roots or words following the same rule and called after the first word of the series (e.g. %{ad-di}, the g. %{ad} &c. or the whole series of roots of the 2nd class; %{gargdi}, the g. %{garga} &c. or the series of words commencing with %{garga}); a particular group of mans y. i, 6, 5 VarYogay. viii, 7; a kind of perfume L.; = %{vc} (i.e. a series of verses) aigh. i, 11; . of an author; (%{A}) f. . of one of the mothers in kanda's retinue Bh. ix, 2645 (cf. %{ahar-}, %{mard-}, %{va-}, %{s-}, %{sapt-}, %{srva-}; %{deva}, %{mah-}, and %{vida-ga}.) 3 gna n. singing, song Ktyr. y. i, vii Hariv. 11793 i. ix, 54; a sound L. (cf. %{araya-}, %{ha-}, %{hya-}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 07/11/2007. 673 See also Kochumuttom, p. 257; Ganguly, p. 114; Wood, p. 53; Anacker, p. 187; Cook, p. 380; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 291; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 203. 674 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 140 675 Ganguly, p. 112 676 sambhti (%{sm-}.) f. birth, origin, production (ifc.= risen or produced or descended from) V. &c. &c.; growth, increase Br. khr.; manifestation of might, great or superhuman power (= %{vi-bhti}) BhP. (Sch..); suitability, fitness (also personified as the daughter of aksha and wife of arci, or as the wife of ayad-ratha and mother of Vijaya) Pur.; m. n. of a son of ubsaha VP.; of a brother of rasa-dasyu ib.; of a judge Buddh.; %{-vijaya} m. (with Jainas) . of a ruta-kevalin (also = %{tavijaya}) Pari. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit269
English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 677 1 te ind. see %{t}. 2 te ind. (according to B. loc. case of the p.p. of %{R}) under pain of, with the exclusion of, excepting, besides, without, unless (with abl. or acc. or a sentence beginning with %{yatas}) V. V. &c. Bh. Pacat. &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 07/11/2007. 678 mrchana mfn. stupefying, causing insensibility (applied to one of the 5 arrows of Kma-deva) R.; (ifc.) strengthening, augmenting, confirming Pacar.; n. (m. c.) and (%{A}) f. fainting, swooning. syncope ur. Kir. Sch..; (in music) modulation, melody, a regulated rise or fall of sounds through the Grma or musical scale (ifc. f. %{A}) Kv. Pur. agt.; n. vehemence, violence, prevalence, growth, increase (of diseases, fire &c.) Bh.; (also %{A} f.) a partic. process in metallic preparations, calcining quicksilver with sulphur Bhpr. Rasar. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 679 acitta a. unconceived, inconceivable. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. acitta mfn. unnoticed, unexpected; not an object of thought; inconceivable V.; destitute of intellect or sense. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 680 See also Kochumuttom, p. 255; Ganguly, pp. 93-4; Wood, p. 51; Anacker, pp. 186-7; Cook, p. 379; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 282; Nagao in Kalupahana, pp. 198-9. 681 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 146 682 Ganguly, p. 114 683 vikalpa 2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1) alternation, alternative, option r. n. VarB. &c. (%{ena} ind. optionally); variation, combination, variety, diversity, manifoldness Ktyr. Bh. &c.; contrivance, art agh.; difference of perception, distinction yyas. BhP.; indecision, irresolution, doubt, hesitation Bh. Kv. &c.; admission, statement BhP.; false notion, fancy, imagination Yogas. Gt.; calculation VarB.; mental occupation, thinking L.; = %{kalpa-sthna} Car.; a god BhP. (Sch..); (in rhet.) antithesis of opposites Pratp.; (in gram.) admission of an option or alternative, the allowing a rule to be observed or not at pleasure (%{vti vikalpa} P. 1-1, 44 Sch..); a collateral form VarB.; pl. . of a people Bh. (C. %{vikalya}); mfn. different BhP.; %{-jla} n. a number of possible cases, dilemma arvad. Prt. Sch..; %{-tva} n. manifoldness, variety ur.; %{-vat} mfn. undecided, doubtful Vedntas.; %{-sama} m. a partic. sophistical objection arvad.; %{-pnupapatti} f. untenableness owing to a dilemma arvad.; %{psaha} mfn. not standing (the test of) a dilemma (%{-tva} n.) ib.; %{-ppahra} m. an optional offering. MW. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 270
vikalpya mfn. to be distributed VarB.; to be calculated or ascertained ib.; to be chosen according to circumstances Car. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 685 Kochumuttom, p. 257; Ganguly, p. 114; Wood, p. 53; Anacker, p. 187; Cook, p. 380; Lusthaus, p. 289; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 201; Chan 1, p. 335; Chan 2, p. 385. 686 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 147 687 Ganguly, pp. 115-6 688 yena ind. (instr. of 3. %{ya}) by whom or by which, by means of which, by which way V. &c. &c.; in which direction, whither, where Bh. Kv. &c.; in which manner PrG. n.; on which account, in consequence of which, wherefore Bh. R. Kaths.; because, since, as V. &c. &c.; that, so that, in order that (with pres. or fut or Pot.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 689 jy f. bringing forth (cf. n. ix, 8),a wife V. V. Br. &c.; (in astron.) the 7th lunar mansion VarB. aghuj. i, 15. 4 jy see above. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 690 See also Kochumuttom, p. 257; Ganguly, pp. 115-6; Wood, p. 53; Anacker, pp. 188; Cook, p. 380; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 292; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 203. 691 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 150 692 Ganguly, p. 117 693 ka mfn. diminished, wasted, expended, lost, destroyed, worn away, waning (as the moon) Br. up. vetp. n. &c.; weakened, injured, broken, torn, emaciated, feeble n. vii, 166 ur. K. on P. 6-4, 61 & viii, 2, 46 &c.; delicate, slender ak. Gt. iv, 21 Naish. vii, 81; poor, miserable Pacat. iv, 16 and 32; (%{am}) n. . of a disease of the pudenda muliebria Gal.. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 694 janayanta mfn. generating, producing Vop. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 695 See also Kochumuttom, p. 257; Ganguly, p. 117; Wood, p. 53; Anacker, pp. 188; Cook, p. 381; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 293; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 204. 696 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 152 697 Ganguly, p. 119 698 Kochumuttom, footnotes pp. 153, 154 699 Ganguly, p. 120 700 vastu 1 f. (for 2. see p. 932, col. 3) becoming light, dawning, morning V. V. (gen. %{vsto}, in the morning; %{vstor vasto}, every morning; %{vstor asy}, this morning; %{prti vsto}, towards morning; dat. %{vstave} see under 2. %{vas}). 2 vastu 2 n. (for 1. see p. 931, col. 3) the seat or place of (see %{kapila-}, %{vraa-v-}); 271
any really existing or abiding substance or essence, thing, object, article Kv. VarB. Kaths. &c. (also applied to living beings e.g. ak. ii, 7/8); (in phil.) the real (opp. to %{a-v-}, that which does not really exist, the unreal; %{a-dvitya-v-}, the one real substance or essence which has no second) W. 53 n. 1; 103 &c.; the right thing, a valuable or worthy object, object of or for (comp.) Kv.; goods, wealth, property (cf. %{vinimaya} and %{-hni}); the thing in question matter, affair, circumstance Bh. Kv. &c.; subject, subject-matter, contents, theme (of a speech &c.), plot (of a drama or poem) Kv. aar. h. &c.; (in music) a kind of composition agt.; natural disposition, essential property W.; the pith or substance of anything W. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 701 pari ind. round, around, about, round about; fully, abundantly, richly (esp. ibc. (where also %{par}) to express fullness or high degree) V. &c. &c.; as a prep. (with acc.) about (in space and time) V. V.; against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards, to ib. (cf. P. 1-4, 90; also at the beginning of a comp. mfn.; cf. ib. ii, 2, 18 Vrtt. 4 Pat. and %{pary-adhyayana}); beyond, more than V.; to the share of (with %{as}, or %{bh}, to fall to a person's lot) P. 1-4, 90; successively, severally (e.g. %{vkam pari sicati}, he waters tree after tree) ib.; (with abl.) from, away from, out of V. V. Br. (cf. P. 1-4, 93); outside of, except P. 1-4, 88 K. (often repeated ib. viii, 1, 5; also at the beginning or the end of an ind. comp. ib. ii, 1, 12); after the lapse of n.iii, 119 Bh. xiii, 4672 (some read %{parisavatsart}); in consequence or on account or for the sake of V. V.; according to (esp. %{dhrmaas pri}, according to ordinance or in conformity with law or right) V. (Cf. Zd. {pairi}; Gk. $.) &181611(591,2) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 702 rahita mfn. left, quitted, forsaken, deserted, lonely, solitary Bh. R. &c. (%{e} or %{eu} ind. in secret, secretly, privately); deserted by, separated or free from, deprived or void or destitute of (instr. or comp.) Yj. Bh. &c.; (ibc.) wanting, absent (cf. below). rahitatva n. (ifc.) want or lack of Campak. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. rahita a. left, deserted, alone; destitute of, wanting (instr., --- or ---). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 703 See also Kochumuttom, p. 257; Ganguly, p. 119; Wood, p. 53; Anacker, pp. 188; Cook, p. 381; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 294; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 204. 704 Kochumuttom, footnotes pp. 155, 156 705 Ganguly, pp. 121-2 706 anitya mfn. not everlasting, transient, occasional, incidental; irregular, unusual; unstable; uncertain; (%{am}) ind. occasionally.
anityat f. or transient or limited existence. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 707 vad cl. 1. P. . (htup. xxiii, 40) %{vdati}, %{-te} (ep. m. c. also %{vdati}; Pot. %{udeyam} V.; pf. %{uvda} pl. %{dim} V.; %{de} &c. Br. p.; %{veditha}, %{-dailu}, %{-du} Vop.; aor %{avdt}, %{-diu} V. &c. &c.; ubj. %{vdia} V.; %{avdiran} ib.; %{vadima}, %{-ih} Br.; Prec %{udyt} ib.; fut. %{vadiyti}, %{-te} V. &c.; inf. %{vditos} Br.; %{vaditum} ib. &c.; ind. p. %{uditv} Gr.; %{-udya} Br.), to speak, say, utter, tell, report, speak to, talk with, address (P. or .; with acc. of the thing said, and acc. (with or without %{abhi}) or gen., or loc. of the person addressed (916,2); also followed by %{yad}, that, or by %{yadi}, whether) V. &c. &c.; (P.) to praise, recommend Bh.; to adjudge, adjudicate T. BhP.; to indicate, designate VarB.; to proclaim, announce, foretell, bespeak AvG. Bh. Kv. &c.; to allege, affirm ib.; to declare (any one or anything) to be, call (two acc. or acc. and nom. with %{iti}) V. &c. &c.; (with or scil. %{vcam}) to raise the voice, sing, utter a cry (said of birds and 9.) V. &c. &c.; () to say, tell, speak to (acc.) Br. &c. &c.; to mention, state, communicate, name T. R. Hariv.; to confer or dispute about V. T.; to contend, quarrel Br.; to lay claim to (loc.) itBr.; to be an authority, be eminent in (loc.) P. 1-3, 47; to triumph, exult Bha.: Pass. %{udyte} (aor. %{avdi}), to be said or spoken &c. V. &c. &c.: Caus. %{vdyati} m. c. also %{-te} (cf. P. 1-3, 89; aor. %{avvadat}; Pass. %{vdyate}, ep. also %{-ti}), to cause to speak or say Bh.; to cause to sound, strike, play (with instr., rarely loc. of the instrument) Br. Bh. &c.; to play music Bh. R. Hariv.; (with %{bahu}) to make much ado about one's self. ubh.; to cause a musical instrument (acc.) to be played by (instr.) P. 1-1, 58 Vrtt. 2 Pat.; to speak, recite, rehearse Hariv.: esid. %{vivadiati}, %{-te}, to desire to speak, Br Gobh.: ntens. %{vvadti} (V. V.), %{vvadyte}, (Br.), %{vvatti} (Gr.), to speak or sound aloud. (Cf. it. {vadnti}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 708 vc f. (fr. %{vac}) speech, voice, talk, language (also of animals), sound (also of inanimate objects as of the stones used for pressing, of a drum &c.) V. &c. &c. (%{vcam-R}, %{r}, or %{i}, to raise the voice, utter a sound, cry, call); a word, saying, phrase, sentence, statement, asseveration n. Bh. &c. (%{vca-vad}, to speak words; %{vca vy-h}, to utter words; %{vca-d} with dat., to address words to; %{vc satya-k}, to promise verbally in marriage, plight troth); speech personified (in various manners or forms e.g. as Vc mbhi in V. x, 125; as the voice of the middle sphere in aigh. and ir.; in the Veda she is also represented as created by Prajpati and married to him; in other places she is called the mother of the Vedas and wife of Indra; in VP. she is the daughter of aksha and wife of Kayapa; but most frequently she is identified with Bhrat or arasvat, the goddess of speech; %{vca sma} and %{vco vratam}. of mans rshBr.; %{vca stoma}, a partic. kha r.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/08/2007. 273
ada (Br.) mfn. unseen, unforeseen, invisible, not experienced, unobserved, unknown, unsanctioned; m. n. of a particular venomous substance or of a species of vermin V., (%{am}) n. unforeseen danger or calamity, that which is beyond the reach of observation or consciousness, (especially the merit or demerit attaching to a man's conduct in one state of existence and the corresponding reward or punishment with which he is visited in another); destiny, fate: luck, bad luck. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 710 asmi I am,1. %{as} q.v. 2 asmimna m. self-conceit L. 3 asmit f. egoism Yogas. Comm. on i. iv, 55, &c. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 711 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 257-8; Ganguly, pp. 121-2; Wood, p. 54; Anacker, pp. 188; Cook, p. 381; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 296; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 206. 712 Ibid. 713 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 157 714 Ganguly, p. 123 715 nisvabhva m. want of property, poverty, anti.; mfn. unpropertied, void of peculiarities arvad. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 716 sadhya ind. having placed together &c.; having formed an alliance or settled terms of peace with reference to Buddh.; %{-gamana} n. a march after peace has been made Km.; %{-sambh} f. a learned conversation among friends Car.; %{-ysana} n. a halt after terms of peace have been agreed upon (cf. %{sa-dhnsana}) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 717 deita mfn. shown, directed, instructed Bh. R. &c. ibCologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 718 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 258; Ganguly, pp. 123; Wood, p. 54; Anacker, pp. 188; Cook, p. 381; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 297; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 207. 719 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 157 720 Ganguly, p. 124 721 nisvabhva m. want of property, poverty, anti.; mfn. unpropertied, void of peculiarities arvad. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 722 punar ind. back, home, in an opposite direction V. &c. &c. (with 1. %{gam}, %{y}, to go back or away; with %{d}, to give back, restore; with %{bh}, to turn round; with %{as} and dat., to fall back upon); again, once more (also with %{bhyas}) ib. (with %{bh}, to exist again, be renewed, become a wife again, re= marry); again and again, repeatedly ib. (mostly %{pna p-} which with %{na} = nevermore); further, 274
moreover, besides ib. (also %{punar aparam}; %{dau-punar-pact}, at first-then-later); however, still, nevertheless Bh. Kv. &c. (at the end of a verse it lays stress on a preceding %{atha v}, %{api v}, or %{v} alone; %{punar api}, even again, on the other hand, also; %{kad p-}, at any time, ever; %{kim p-}, how much more or less? however; %{preceding-p-}, now-now; at one time - at another time). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 12/02/2006. 723 1 iti 1 f. %{itya} (dat.) see %{i} above; (for 2. %{iti} see s. v.) 2 iti 2 ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %{i}), in this manner, thus (in its original signification %{iti} refers to something that has been said or thought, or lays stress on what precedes; in the Brhmaas it is often equivalent to as you know,reminding the hearer or reader of certain customs, conditions, &c. supposed to be known to him). . Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/13/2007. 724 apara 1 a. hinder, farther, later, inferior, posterior, western; following (in sp. & t.); different from, another than (abl. or gen.), foreign (opp. {sva}), particular, strange, extraordinary. m. {apara} hind-foot of an elephant. n. {param} adv. in future (also {aparm}); further, moreover ({ca}); west of (abl.). {parea} behind, west of (acc.). 2 apara 2 n. {-r} f. the future. 3 apra a. unbounded, immeasurable. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 725 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 258; Ganguly, pp. 124; Wood, p. 54; Anacker, pp. 188; Cook, p. 381-2; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 298; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 208. 726 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 157 727 Ganguly, p. 125 728 paramrtha m. the highest or whole truth, spiritual knowledge Bh. Kv. Vedntas. &c. (ibc.; %{-ena}, %{t}, in reality); any excellent or important object W.; the best sense ib.; the best kind of wealth ib.; %{-tas} ind. in reality, really, in the true sense of the word R. Klid. &c.; %{-t} f. the highest truth, reality Kap. Sch..; %{-daridra} mfn. really poor icch.; %{-darana} m. n. of a amdhi Kra.; %{-niraya} m. %{praka} m. %{-pradpik} f. %{-prap} f. %{-bodha} m. n. of wks.; %{-bhj} mfn. partaking of the highest truth car.; %{-matsya} m. a real fish agh.; %{-vid} m. one who knows the highest truth, a philosopher W.; %{-vinda} mfn. acquiring knowledge of truth, obtaining the best kind of wealth &c. ib.; %{-viveka} m. %{-savti-satyanirdea} m. %{-sagraha} m. n. of wks.; %{-satya} n. the real or entire truth L.; %{sadarbha} m. n. of wk.; %{-sarit} f. really a river Vikr.; %{-sra} m. (%{-ra-sakepavivti} f. %{-ra-sagraha}, m.) . of wks.; %{-supta} mfn. really asleep icch.; %{stuti} f. . of wk. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams SanskritEnglish Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 729 yatas ind. (fr. 3. %{ya}, correlative of %{ttas}, and often used as abl. or instr. of the relative pron.) from which or what, whence, whereof, wherefrom V. &c. &c. (%{yto yata}, from whichever, from whatever, whencesoever; %{yatas tata}, from 275
any one soever, from any quarter whatever; %{yata eva kuta ca}, from this or that place, whencesoever); where, in what place V. &c. &c.; whither Kv. Var. Kaths. (%{yato yata}, whithersoever; %{yatas tata}, any whither, to any place whatever); wherefore, for which reason, in consequence where of R. BhP.; as, because, for, since V. &c. &c. (often connecting with a previous statement); from which time forward, since when (also with %{prabhti}; %{yato jt}, ever since birth) Bh. Kv. &c.; as soon as V. iii, 10, 6; that (= $, also to introduce an oratio recta) Kv. Pur.; in order that (with Pot.) BhP. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 730 sah (sh) 2 overpowering, bearing, enduring (---). 6 sah, sahate (-ti), pp. {sh} 1 & {soha} overpower, win (battles), ((-,)) be victorious; be capable of or able to (infin. or loc.); master, withstand, suppress; bear, suffer, endure. C. {shayati} (mostly ---) cause to endure, make supportable.* . {skate} wish to overcome. -- {abhi} overwhelm, subdue; violate (a woman); bear, suffer, pardon. {ud} hold out, endure; be able to or capable of (infin. {prati}, loc., or dat.). C. urge on, impel to (loc.). {abhyud} be a match for (acc.), be able to (infin.), incline to (dat.). {prod} C. encourage, excite, impel. {samud} be able to (infin.); C. = prec. C. {nis} overpower. {pra} vanquish, master, check, restrain; bear, endure; be able to (infin.). {sapra} master, restrain, control, bear, suffer. {prati} resist, overcome. {vi} ({ahate}) overcome, sustain, withstand, resist, bear, suffer; be able to (infin.). {sam} be a match for, withstand, overcome. -- Cf. {prasahya}. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 731 Per Wood, pp. 54-5. 732 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 258; Ganguly, pp. 125; Wood, pp. 54-5; Anacker, pp. 188; Cook, p. 382; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 299; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 209. 733 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 159 734 Ganguly, p. 127 735 anuaya m. close connection as with a consequence, close attachment to any object; (in phil.) the consequence or result of an act (which clings to it and causes the soul after enjoying the temporary freedom from transmigration to enter other bodies); repentance, regret; hatred; ancient or intense enmity; (%{I}) f. disease of the feet, a boil or abscess on the upper part; a boil on the head. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 736 1 tvan in comp. for %{-vat}. 1 tvat mf (%{at})n. (fr. 2. %{ta} P. 5-2, 39; vi, 3, 91) so great, so large, so much, so far, so long, so many (correlative of %{yvat}; rarely of %{ya} or %{yathkta} al.&c.) V. &c. (%{yvat kaena tvat}, after so long time, in that time, as soon as jat. v, 110); just a little Kir. ii, 48; (in alg.) an unknown quantity (also with %{yvat}); ind. (correlative of %{yvat}) so much, so greatly, to such an extent, in such a number, so far V. V. &c. (%{tvat-tvat} Br. i, 8, 1, 6); so long, in that time V. x, 88, 19 Br. i n. &c.; meanwhile, in the mean time (the correlative %{yvat} being often connected 276
with a neg. e.g. %{tvac chobhate mrkho yvat ki-cin na bhate}, so long a fool shines as long as he says nothing it.; . Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 737 vinivartaka mfn. reversing, annulling Prt. 2 vinivartana n. turning back, return Bh. R. &c.; coming to an end, cessation aar. Sch.. 3 vinivarti f. ceasing, cessation ivyv. 4 vinivartin see %{a-vinivartin}. 5 vinivartita mfn. caused to turn back or to desist from anything Bh.; turned away, averted lav. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 738 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 258; Ganguly, pp. 127; Wood, pp. 55; Anacker, pp. 189; Cook, p. 382; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 300; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 211. 739 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 159 740 Ganguly, p. 128 741 sthpayitavya mfn. to be kept in a place Bh.; to be kept in order or restrained ib. 2 sthpayit mfn. one who causes to stand, establisher, founder Bh. 3 sthpayitv ind. having placed or fixed &c.; having put aside = with the exception of (acc.) ivyv. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 742 agratas ind.; see col. 3. 4 agratas ind. in front, before; in the beginning, first V. x, 90, 7 V.; (with gen.) before, in presence of. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 743 tanmtra mfn. = %{-traka} Bh. ix, 1806 Pacat.; = %{-trika} BhP. iii, 10, 15; n. merely that, only a trifle Kaths. v, 15; lxiii, 60 jat. vi, 1; a rudimentary or subtle element (5 in number, vi. %{abda-}, %{spara-}, %{rpa-}, %{rasa-}, %{gandha-}, from which the 5 ah-bhtas or grosser elements are produced cf. . p. 31 and 33) Yj. iii, 179 Bh. i, xiii khyak. Kap. &c.; %{-t} f. the state of a an-mtra rkP. vl, 46; %{-tva} n. id. BhP. iii, 26, 33 ff.; %{-sarga} m. (in khya phil.) creation of the subtle elements, rudimentary creation. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 744 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 258; Ganguly, pp. 128; Wood, p. 55; Anacker, pp. 189; Cook, p. 383; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 301; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 212. 745 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 159 746 Ganguly, p. 130 747 lamba mfn. hanging down R.; m. that on which one rests or leans, support, prop; receptacle; asylum Bh. R. Kaths. &c.; depending on or from; a perpendicular L.; . of a uni Bh.; (%{A}) f. a species of plant with poisonous leaves ur.; (%{am}) ind. holding, supporting Kh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/10/2007. 277
tad ind. (P. 5-3, 15 and 19 ff.) at that time, then, in that case (often used redundantly, esp. after %{tatas} or %{pur} or before %{atha} Bh. &c.; correlative of %{yd} (V. xi, 4, 4), %{yatra} (, 8, 1), %{yad} (n. Bh. &c.), %{yadi} (Gt. Vet. it.), %{yarhi} (BhP. i, 18, 6), %{yatas}, since,(Bh. xiii, 2231), %{cd} (ak. v (v.l.) Kaths. xi rut.)) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 06/03/2007. 749 sthita mfn. standing (as opp. to going, sitting, or lying; %{paraspara sthitam}, standing opposed to each other; %{sthita tena}, it was stood by him = he waited) n. Bh. &c.; standing firm (%{yuddhe}, in battle) Hariv.; standing, staying, situated, resting or abiding or remaining in (loc. or comp.; with %{uccvaceu}, abiding in things high and low; with %{anityam}, not remaining permanently, staying only a short time Ktyr. n. Bh. &c.; being or remaining or keeping in any state or condition (loc., instr. abl. comp., or a noun in the same case, also ind. p. or adv.; %{vypya sthita}, he keeps continually pervading ak. Vikr.; %{upaviya sthita}, he remains sitting Vikr.; %{katha sthitsi}, how did you fare? Vikr. (1264,2); %{eva sthite}, it being so Pac.; %{pura sthite}, it being imminent) Bh. Kv. &c.; engaged in, occupied with, intent upon, engrossed by, devoted or addicted to (loc. or comp.), performing, protecting n. Bh. &c.; abiding by, conforming to, following (loc.) ib.; being in office or charge Pacat. jat.; adhering to or keeping with (loc.) Hariv.; lasting Prt.; firm, constant, invariable Kaths.; settled, ascertained, decreed, established, generally accepted Br. &c. &c.; fixed upon, determined ak.; firmly convinced or persuaded Bh. ubh.; firmly resolved to (inf. or loc.) Bh. R. &c.; faithful to a promise or agreement L.: upright, virtuous L.; prepared for or to (dat.) Yj. Kum.; being there, existing, present, close at hand, ready (%{sthito hy ea}, I myself am ready; %{agraje sthite}, when the elder brother is there) n. Bh. &c.; belonging to (gen.) R.; turned or directed to, fixed upon (loc. or comp.) VarB. arvad.; resting or depending on (loc.) Bh. R. &c.; leading or conducive to (dat.) Pacat.; one who has desisted or ceased Pacad.; left over L.; (in Vedic gram.) not accompanied by %{iti} (in the Pada-pha), standing alone (%{pade sthite}, in the Pada text) Prt.; (%{am}) n. standing still, stopping Bhart.; staying, remaining, abiding R.; manner of standing ib.; perseverance on the right path ib. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 750 grhya a. to be seized, taken, held, gathered, gained, received, perceived, understood, learned, recognized, considered. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Capellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. grhya mfn. to be seized or taken or held V. x, 109, 3 n. Yj. Bh. &c.; to be clasped or spanned Kaths. lxxiv, 217; to be captured or imprisoned Yj. ii, 267 & 283 Bh. &c.; to be overpowered Prab. ii, 8/9; (%{a-} neg.) R. (B) iii, 33, 16; to be picked or gathered R. iv, 43, 29; to be received or accepted or gained n. Yj. Bh. &c.; to be taken in marriage, xiii, 5091; to be received in a friendly or hospitable manner, 278
xii, 6282; to be insisted upon Kaths. xvii, 83; to be chosen or taken account of jat. iv, 612; to be perceived or recognized or understood n. i, 7 Bh. &c. (cf. %{a-}); (in astron.) to be observed VarB.; to be considered R. v, vii VarB. lxi, 19; to be understood in a particular sense, meant Vop. vi, 15 P. Sch..; to be accepted as a rule or law, to be acknowledged or assented to, to be attended to or obeyed, to be admitted in evidence n. viii, 78 Yj. Bh. &c.; to be undertaken or followed (a vow) Kaths. vcii, 38; to be put (as confidence) in (loc.), lviii, 36; m. an eclipsed globe (sun or moon) ryas.; n. poison (B.; a present B.) L.; the objects of sensual perception Yogas. i, 41; (%{A}) f. archery exercise Gal. (cf. %{dur-}, %{suhha-}, %{svaya-}.) 3 grhya mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable Bh. R. (cf. %{a-pratig-}); one from whom anything may be received Bh. (cf. %{-ghya} and P. ib.); m. n. of partic. Grahas Br. Sch.. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 01/01/2007. 751 Kochumuttom, pp. 258-9 752 Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 302 753 Ganguly, p. 130 754 Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 213 755 Wood, p. 55 756 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 160 757 Ganguly, p. 131 758 raya m. that to which anything is annexed or with which anything is closely connected or on which anything depends or rests P. R. agh. ur.; a recipient, the person or thing in which any quality or article is inherent or retained or received; seat, resting-place R. Kaths. ur. &c.; dwelling, asylum, place of refuge, shelter R. i. &c.; depending on, having recourse to; help, assistance, protection Pacat. agh. &c.; authority, sanction, warrant; a plea, excuse L.; the being inclined or addicted to, following, practicing; attaching to, choosing, taking; joining, union, attachment; dependence, contiguity, vicinity Prt. Yj. n. &c.; relation; connection; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent; (in Gr.) the subject, that to which the predicate is annexed; (with Buddhists) the five organs of sense with %{manas} or mind (the six together being the recipients of the %{rita} or objects which enter them by way of their %{lambana} or qualities); source, origin; ifc. depending on, resting on, endowed or furnished with (e.g. %{aa-guraya} see under %{aa}).. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 759 parvtti f. turning back or round, returning, revolving Hariv. (cf. %{a-parv-}); change, interchange, exchange, barter Kv.; reversion of a sentence or judgment W.; restoration of property ib.; recoiling, rebounding, not taking effect Cat. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007.
dauya n. (fr. %{dua}) depravity, wickedness Var. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 761 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 259; Ganguly, pp. 131; Wood, p. 55; Anacker, p. 189; Cook, p. 383; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 303; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 213. 762 Kochumuttom, footnote p. 160 763 Ganguly, p133 764 anraya m. non-support, absence of any person or thing to depend upon; defencelessness, self-dependence, isolation; (mfn.), defenseless; unprotected; isolated. 5 anrita mfn. not supported, detached; disengaged, independent, non-inherent. 6 anaru mfn. tearless V. x, 18, 7 V.. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 765 dhruva mf (%{})n. (prob. fr. %{dh}, but cf. %{dhru} and %{dhruv}) fixed, firm, immovable, unchangeable, constant, lasting, permanent, eternal V. &c. &c. (e.g. the earth, a mountain, a pillar, a vow &c.; with %{svGga} n. an inseparable member of the body P. 6-2, 177; with %{dhenu} f. a cow which stands quiet when milked V. xii, 1, 45; with %{di} f. the point of the heavens directly under the feet (reckoned among the quarters of the sky cf. 2. %{di}) V. Br. (521,3); with %{smti} f. a strong or retentive memory Chp. vii, 26, 2; cf. also under %{karaa} and %{nakatra}); staying with (loc.) V. ix, 101, 12; settled, certain, sure n. Bh. Kv. &c.; ifc. = %{ppa} L.; m. the polar star (personified as son of ttna-pda and grandson of anu) G. Bh. &c.; celestial pole ryas.; the unchangeable longitude of fixed stars, a constant arc ib.; a knot V. v, 21; 30; a post, stake L.; the Indian fig-tree L.; tip of the nose (?) L.; a partic. waterbird ib.; the remaining (i.e. preserved) Graha which having been drawn in the morning is not offered till evening Br. Vait.; (in music) the introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of burthen) or a partic. time or measure (%{tla-viea}); any epoch to which a computation of dates is referred W.; . of an astrol. Yoga; of the syllable m matp.; of Brahm L.; of Vishu Bh.; of iva ivag.; of a serpent supporting the earth G. r.; of a Vasu Bh. Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Vasu-deva and ohi BhP.; of an girasa (supposed author of V. x, 173) nukr.; of a son of ahusha Bh.; of a follower of the Pus ib.; of a son of anti-nra (or anti-bhra) Pur.; (%{A}) f. the largest of the 3 sacrificial ladles V. xviii, 4, 5, 6 (with %{juh} & %{upabht}) V. Br. &c.; (scil. %{vtti}) a partic. mode of life Baudh.; (scil. %{str}) a virtuous woman L.; esmodium Gangeticum L.; anseviera Zeylanica L.; (in music) the introductory verse (cf. above); n. the fixed point (from which a departure takes place) P. 1-4, 24; the enduring sound (supposed to be heard after the bhinidhna) Prt.; air, atmosphere L.; a kind of house Gal.; (%{am}) ind. firmly, constantly, certainly, surely n. Yj. Bh. Kv. &c.; (%{ya}) ind. for ever Hariv. (Cf. Zd. {drva}.) Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 766 mahat mfn. (from pr. p. of 1. %{mah}; strong form, %{mahnt} f. %{mahat}; in ep. often %{mahat} for %{mahntam}; ibc. mostly %{mah} q.v.) great (in space, time, 280
quantity or degree) i.e. large, big, huge, ample, extensive, long, abundant, numerous, considerable, important, high, eminent V. &c. &c. (also ind. in %{mahad-bh}, to become great or full (said of the moon) i.); abounding on rich in (instr.) Chp.; (ifc.) distinguished by ak.; early (morning) ib.; advanced (afternoon) Bh.; violent (pain or emotion) ib.; thick (as darkness), gross ib.; loud (as noise) y.; many (people, with %{jana} sg.) Bh. (with %{uktha} n. a partic. ktha of 720 verses; with %{aukthya} n. . of a man Bh.; %{mahnti bhtni}, the gross elements n. Bh.; cf. %{mahbhta}); m. a great or noble man (opp. to %{nca}, %{alpa} or %{dna}) Kv. Km. Pacat.; the leader of a sect or superior of a monastery . 87 n. 1; a camel L.; . of udra or of a partic. udra BhP.; of a nava Hariv.; (scil. %{gaa}), a partic. class of deceased progenitors rkP.; of two princes VP.; m. (rarely n. scil. %{tattva}), the great principle. of Buddhi, Intellect, or the intellectual principle (according to the khya philosophy the second of the 23 principles produced from Prakiti and so called as the {great} source of hakra, self-consciousness, and anas, the mind; cf. W. 83, 91 &c.) aitrp. n. khyak. Bh. &c.; (%{at}) f. the egg-plant Bhpr.; the (7 or 100-stringed) lute of rada i.; (with %{dvda}), the 12th day in the light half of the month Bhdrapada Pur. ur.; n. anything great or important Chp.; greatness, power, might Br. vG.; dominion L.; a great thing, important matter, the greater part vG.; advanced state or time (%{mahat rtriyai} or %{rtryai}, in the middle of the night T. Br.); sacred knowledge Bh. Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon based on MonierWilliams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: search results, 02/11/2007. 767 See also Kochumuttom, pp. 259; Ganguly, p. 133; Wood, p. 56; Anacker, pp. 189; Cook, p. 383; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 304; Nagao in Kalupahana, pp. 213-4.
Metaphysical Questions The 17th verse of the Trisatika describes the vijna-parinma, the transformation or development of consciousness, as equivalent to vikalpa, imagination or difference of perception, being: " just the distinction (between subject and object)768 "imagination769 "discrimination"770 The object of that distinction, imagination or discrimination does not exist; therefore: "this is all mere representation of consciousness."771 "all this is mere concept."772 "everything is representation-only"773 "everything is nothing but representation of consciousness.774 everything is perception only."775 "all is psycho-sophic closure."776 all is mere-consciousness."777 all are consciousness only."778 It would seem non-controversial to state that for Vasubandhu, reality is essentially mentation, and that this is a sufficient condition for deeming his Yogcra a form of idealism. However, some have taken interesting exception to this line of thinking, as previously mentioned: Edward Conze has argued that it is neither an absolutist nor a subjective idealism, that in fact its content is intended as a soteriological device but becomes misconstrued as metaphysical statements.779 David Kalupahana rejects the description of Yogcra as any form of metaphysical idealism, absolutist or transcendentalist, and urges a psychological interpretation.780 Thomas Kochumuttom 282
argues for an interpretation of Yogcra as a kind of realistic pluralism.781 Bruce Hall sees it as navigating between the extremes represented by both nave realism and nave idealism.782 Alex Wayman and Richard King have expressed reservations about the relevance of the question of idealism in Yogcra at all.783 And so it goes. Most non-idealist interpretations are more recent than the traditional assessments provided by A. K. Chatterjee, T. Murti,784 and others. Chatterjee, defining ontological idealism from the Mahyna perspective as the mediation between nihilism and realism, is among those who have supported the position that Yogcra is an absolutism and an idealism.785 Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti have described Mahyna Buddhism in general as embracing idealism as part of its doctrinal rebellion against the realist Hinyna school.786 E. R. Sarachandra favors the view that Yogcra is most akin to a Berkeleian-type subjective idealism.787 Thomas Wood, focusing on the inter-subjective aspects of Vasubandhus system, describes it as a doctrine of collective hallucination.788 The comparatively recent rejection of the idealistic interpretation is based on an insistence upon an (exclusively) epistemological or psychological reading of Vasubandhus work. While this approach is tempting as a means of reconciling more difficult points, and often offers fresh perspectives on well-discussed passages, I am not convinced that, if employed exclusively, it is ultimately the right approach. Vasubandhu does not seem afraid of tackling metaphysical issues in addition to the epistemological and psychological; in fact, it is essential to understanding his system that these three kinds of questions are not treated as mutually irrelevant or unconnected, effectively relegated to impermeable categories intended for isolated discussions. This integrated approach provides a more satisfying explanation for the apparent ambiguity between these categories in Vasubandhus texts than supposing that he simply did not grasp any 283
difference between metaphysical, epistemological and psychological-soteriological issues (as, in part, Sarachchandra has complained.)789 There is no compelling evidence that we must preclude metaphysics from Vasubandhus intended realm of discourse in his explanation of the vijapti-mtra thesis.
Rejection of Ontological Dualism The epistemological claim of the Trisvabhva-Nirdea (TSN ) is that the appearance of subject-object duality is a construction of citta. Suppose we accept this assertion as an epistemological assertion, being a claim about how things appear to us in ordinary experience. Can wemust we? also infer the metaphysical claim, a claim about how reality is, to the effect that duality exists only in name or form only? Thomas Kochumuttom, working from his own translation of the texts, as well as Vasubandhus commentary on Maitreyas Madhyanta-Vibhaga (MV), thinks not, asserting that: (T)he plurality and duality under discussion refer to two different universes of discourse: the former refers to the ontological universe of discourse and stands for plurality of beings, while the latter refers to the epistemological/experiential universe of discourse and stands for duality of understanding.790 I will address the proposal regarding plurality in a moment. First, however, regarding the rejection of dualism solely as an epistemological device, I will point out that as early as his commentary on the Mahynastrlakra (Universal Discourse Literature, MSL) Vasubandhu does indeed appear to be addressing something at least equally ontological in concern as it is epistemological. In his commentary on MSL concerning Thatness, he states in verse 1: Ultimate means non-dual.791 Later in his commentary on MSL 9, Investigation of the Dharmas, verse 13, he adds that 284
Reality is that which is always free from duality, is the ground of error, and is absolutely inexpressible, naturally free from fabrication.792 As we have seen, this is echoed and further developed in the TSN, the Viika (VM) and the Trisika (TM). There is agreement between the Vasubandhu who commented on the MSL, the Vasubandhu who wrote the TSN, and the Vasubandhu who wrote the VM and TM. Non-dualism in reality is consistently insisted upon, and not exclusively in an epistemological sense.
Rejection of Substantialism It is, again, a fundamental assumption of Buddhism that there is no enduring self (antman) and no enduring things (avidya), in light of the doctrine of impermanence, and further that there are no substances, but rather processes. Recall Vasubandhus explanation of the Buddhas subtle teaching regarding tman and dharmas as described in the Triika, namely, that the parima-vijna, or consciousness-change, is the foundation for the metaphors of atman (self) and dharmas. The components of this change are vipka, the coming-into-efficacy of the thoughts, experiences and impressions of the past; manana, consciousness at its most basic level as bare reflection or thinking; and vijapti, consciousness at more complex levels, which distinguishes raw sensory data into subject and object, self and things, etc., as influenced by the vipka. The vipka operates by means of the laya, through which the impressions of past experiences flow. Vijapti is six fold, corresponding to the five senses and the sense-center, and is also associated with the vedanas of pleasure, pain and neutrality. It is further associated with a vast number of psychological states. Like waves upon water, the sixfold vijapti arises from moment to moment upon the stream of the laya, provided that the conditions for active consciousness exist. 285
This is compatibly explained in the Viika, verses 9-10, wherein it is said that the basis of the activity of cognition or conception with respect to phenomenal appearances is a self-contained cause that develops within consciousness. The sixfold sense-consciousness functions as the inner seat (yatana) of perception, while perceived sense-qualities and manas function as the outer seat of perception. Understanding that the sixfold consciousness develops as a result of six pairs of dharmas (twelve sense bases), which evolve from the assumption of duality of subject and object discriminated by manas, leads to understanding the absence of an enduring self in the pudgala or material body.
Possibilities for Pluralism While it is quite clear that Vasubandhu denied dualism, it may be less evident that his position was ontologically non-pluralistic. Kochumuttom has argued: My minimum contention is that the Yogcra writings, especially those under discussion, are open to interpretation in terms of realistic pluralism. There are indeed passages in the Yogcra literature which apparently support an idealistic monism. But I maintain that the entire system, when understood in terms of realistic pluralism, makes better sense. 793 Vasubandhu argues explicitly against atomic realism, which proposes the existence of perduring, objective reals that exist independently of consciousness. However, this is not to argue against the possibility of pluralism in Vasubandhus Yogcra in any form just not in a substantial or enduring sense normally associated with a realistic system. Kochumuttom proposes that this reality is plural insofar as it is constituted by manifold moments of consciousness, 286
and hence proposes that it is a realistic pluralism. If by this he is ascribing objective reality to multiple subjective centers of consciousness, then so long as this objective reality is not substantial or objectively perduring, as normally implied by a realistic system, something like this approach might work. What matters, in any event, is that Vasubandhus conception of reality is not taken to be a substantive pluralism.
Subjectivity and Objectivity Bina Gupta presents a compelling case for the thesis that the Yogcra concept of consciousness is a subjective-objectivist theory. Among her conclusions is that it is subjective insofar as consciousness is self-manifesting, and also objective insofar as it is materially caused by objective conditions.794 Vasubandhu indeed describes consciousness as seeding itself through the function of the layavijna as a sort of mental DNA delivery system in the VM. For example, in verse 9: "That seeds of its own from which cognition comes forth (and that object) with whose representations (cognition comes forth)- the Muni has declared both to the twofold yatana of that (cognition)."795 "What the sage spoke of as the two bases of knowledge are (i) the own-seed from which a representation of consciousness develops, and (ii) the form in which that representation appears."796 "The sage has described how a concept, reflecting the twofold spheres, proceeds from its own seed."797 Because their appearances continue as perceptions, because of (consciousnesses') own seeds, the Sage spoke in terms of states of two-fold sense-fields."798
TSN 6-9 outlines the multi-functional structure of consciousness. The layavijna is called citta because it collects or accumulates (is citavt, becoming accumulated/filled with) the bijs (seeds/germs/causes) of vsans, the present consciousnesses of past perceptions. The pravtti-vijna is called citta because it acts/functions/evolves in/under/as citra (diverse forms/aspects/ways). Collectively, the laya-vijna and seven-fold pravtti-vijna constitute abhta-kalpa, the supposition/imagination/creation of forms of subjectivity and objectivity. This function itself is threefold: as vaipkika (maturational), as naimittika (caused), and as prtibhsika (phenomenal). The laya-vijna is called mla- (root/foundation/origin/cause) vijna because it has the nature of vipka (maturation), the first of the three modes of abhtakalpa (supposition/imagination of subject and object). The naimittika (caused) and prtibhsika (phenomenal) modes of abhta-kalpa are constituted by the eightfold pravtti- (active/functioning/evolving) vijna. They evolve or arise as modifications depending upon dya-dg-vitti-vttita (the subject/seer, object/seen, and knowledge modes of being or functioning). And so in this way, vipka helps produce vikalpa: that is, maturation of the influence of past experiences is causally related to suppositions about phenomenal appearances. This is reiterated in TM 18-19: The mla-vijna, containing or being constituted by all of the bja, develops in various ways. This development is contingent upon mutual influence through which particular (such and such) thoughts are produced. The effect of vsan is accepting, conceiving, naming or seizing duality-vsan together with diminished prior vipka producing. The residual karmic impressions of past actions together with the impressions of duality perceived in the past conjointly produce a new stage of development or maturation as soon as the prior stage is completed. Chatterjee 288
describes vsan as the dynamism inherent in the layavijna, the presence of which within consciousness cannot be known by consciousness. It is the tendency, on the part of consciousness, to create the phantom of another and project it as distinct from itself.799 Vasubandhus explication of hetu-phala-bhvena-citta, manifesting cause-andeffect consciousness, accomplishes at least two things. First, it provides an explanation for the continuing function of consciousness with a kind of karmic memory, that is, a transmission of genetic influence, as it were, from one moment to the next. Second, the idea of cause-and-effect consciousness establishes one of the most basic co-instantiations of opposites in a singular Reality by presenting them not as substantially different things, but rather functional differences in a related, ongoing series of events. Because objectivity is affirmed as well as subjectivity, Vasubandhus Yogcra can neither be called a purely subjective idealism or a purely objective idealism.
Functional Pluralism In a related vein, TM 3-5 addresses the issue of self-consciousness, or lack thereof, in the layavijna: What is unperceived representation of consciousness is always spara-manaskra-vit-saj-cetan-anvitam.. Although the laya is unaware of its own activities (e.g., perceptions, apprehensions, conditioned impressions), it is nevertheless always either associated with or possessing (i.e., is the abode of): touch (spara), mental attention (manas-kra), conceptualizing (saj), cognition (cetan), and volition (anvita). In this respect, consciousness is not cognizant of its own content. Indifference to vedan therein unobstructed or uninterrupted elementary substance/likewise: touch, seizing and tacca revolving/happening/existing river289
torrent//flowing arhat-ship separation. It is with the arising of the second transformation of consciousness that self-consciousness ensues. So, further, Vasubandhus Yogcra is neither purely a personalist idealism, nor purely an impersonalist idealism. I venture that in the final analysis, Vasubandhus system allows opposites such as these to simultaneously co-exist in his system because they are not truly ontological opposites, but are rather, at best, epistemological or logical opposites. This arrangement is not possible in a realist system it makes no sense to speak of logical opposites among material substances, for example. It is in this sense that duality is not an ontological problem for Vasubandhus Yogcra. Vasubandhus ontology thus appears to be a monistic metaphysical idealism, such that reality is one and non-different from mentation. The existence of subjectivity is affirmed. However, this reality is not devoid of some objective aspects, as demonstrated in the model of cause-and-effect consciousness. It thereby avoids being any variety of purely subjective idealism. Vasubandhus Yogcra is capable of ascribing apparently contradictory characteristics, such as subjectivity and objectivity, to a single ultimate reality without significant explanatory tension by virtue of rendering these characteristics as functional, rather than substantive. Subjects Does the affirmation of subjectivity entail the affirmation of subjects? From a practical standpoint, this is a significant question. What is the locus of consciousness, of subjectivity and objectivity, of ignorance and enlightenment, if not a conscious subject? How can one mind be distinguished from one another if there are no discernible loci of 290
mentality? The layavijna or storehouse consciousness offers some explanation, serving as a means for transmitting vasanas between moments of consciousness and thus providing a connection between these moments without admitting to a static subject. Non-traditionalist Kalupahana argues for non-substantialism (antmavda) in Vasubandhus Yogcra as a philosophical method, such that neither a substantial subject (tman) nor a substantial object (dharma) would be acceptable in explaining experience, because ideas relating to both subject and objects are the results of a combination of perceptual and conceptual activity. Neither self nor elements would be purely perceptual or conceptual, because the purely perceptual is ineffable, just as much of the purely conceptual would have no empirical basis.800 Thus Kalupahana suggests on the epistemological-psychological level that neither subjects nor objects in Vasubandhus Yogcara are affirmed. However, this does not satisfy the lingering ontological questions that arise from the epistemological exploration of consciousness, to wit: setting aside all questions of objects, if there is subjectivity, is there a subject? Traditionalist Chatterjee presents Vasubandhus view as drawing upon the constructive and positive theory of reality of the Abhidharmakoa to assume the middle position between realism (wherein the object is as real as the knowing of it) and nihilism (often and perhaps unfairly attributed to the Madhymika school due to its emphasis on emptiness), that is, idealism, and thus maintaining the reality of the subject while denying it with regard to the object.801 Chatterjee further describes this reality as diversified into complex relationships that constitute empirical existence. The constructive or speculative part of Vasubandhus metaphysics, he says, lies in explaining the process by which pure consciousness diversifies itself into infinite reality. Plurality must be reflected within consciousness itself, there being nothing else. 291
Consequently, passive-and-active consciousness, cause-and-effect consciousness, etc., are admitted as kinds of consciousness.802 Thus Chatterjee, supporter of the thesis that Yogcra is a metaphysical idealism, suggests on the ontological level that subjects in Vasubandhus Yogcra are affirmed, but that objects are not. (It would follow on this model that realism affirms the existence of both subjects and objects, while nihilism denies them both.) This line of thought is so far more promising. If pursued, there could be no nave disregard of the Buddhist principle of antman involved. The affirmation of the subject must be qualified; it cannot be a perduring self in the Mahyna Buddhist framework. And thus I would suggest the notion that Vasubandhus Yogcra is a process idealism emphasizing the perpetually perishing nature of discriminated selves and things, and the perpetually evolving svabhva of the ground of that discrimination. Objects If objectivity is not denied, then what of objects, specifically any extra-mental, physical objects really existing in an empirical world? This is a different concern. Vijapti-mtr means, in one respect, that the content of our concepts, the objects that we learn to habitually discriminate from the presentation of phenomena, does not cease to be a mental content simply because it circumscribes attributes and qualities of supposed non-mental reality. Throughout the VM, Vasubandhu argues explicitly against atomic realism, which proposes the existence of perduring, objective, invisible atomic reals that exist independently of consciousness:
An external Ayatana cannot be the object of a cognition either as one or as multiple in (isolated) atoms; neither can these (atoms), (when they are) conglomerated, (be object of cognition), because (in this case) the atom cannot be proved to exist."803 "The objects is experienced neither as a single entity, nor as many discrete atoms, nor as an aggregate of atoms, because not a single atom is obtained in experience at all."804 "Atom-wise, an object is neither one nor many. Neither is it a conglomeration of them. For that reason, an atom is not established."805 "The perceptual object is neither a unity, nor a multiplicity, nor an aggregate (sahat) of atoms, because the existence of the atom (paramu) is not proved."806 "A sense object is neither a single thing, nor several things, from the atomic point of view, nor can it be an aggregate (of atoms), so atoms can't be demonstrated."807 Neither is the content of ordinary observation (that is, empirical objects discriminated in such-and-such a way as being such-and-such a way) to be taken as perduring, nor as otherwise existing as they appear. Vasubandhus Yogcara is not such a realism. Recall from TM 20: "The subject matter that is liable to subject-object distinction by whatsoever sort of subject-object discrimination, is all just imagined nature; it does not exist."808 "Whatever thought through which an object is thought of as substance, there indeed is a fabrication. It is not evident."809 "Whatever thing is imagined by whatever imagining is of an imaginary own-nature, and non-existent."810 "Whatever thing (vastu) is imagined by whatever imagination is purely imaginary (parikalpita). That which is purely imagination has no self nature (svabhva).811
"Whatever range of events is discriminated by whatever discrimination is just the constructed own-being, and isn't really to be found."812 Kalupahana has suggested that it is of no small significance that Vasubandhu uses the term viaya-vijapti or concept of the object, rather than viaya-vijna or consciousness of the object. If he were an absolute idealist, Kalupahana argues, he could simply have denied the reality of the external object and maintained that it is mere-consciousness, but that would have left him with the task of proving the nonexistence of the objective world. Both the metaphysical realist and the metaphysical idealist, he insists, have the same task (such that the realist would have to prove the nonexistence of the subjective world).813 There seems to me significant truth in the last statement, and it conforms to an interpretation of Vasubandhus system as embodying both subjective and objective elements; reality is one in Suchness, more than one in functionand one such instance of this is illustrated by cause- (subject-) and-effect (object) consciousness. Vasubandhu states clearly in his auto-commentary on VM 10 that he does not deny the reality of phenomena altogether. That vijapti-mtra is a subtle teaching about the dharmas means: "By knowing that this sole consciousness arises with the representation of the dharmas form-color, etc., but that a dharma with the characteristics of form-color, etc., does not (externally) exist.814 "...(K)nowing that mere representations of consciousness produce the appearance of objects like color etc., and that there are no objects like color, etc. as such.815
The realist may object that any rejection of dharmas implies a rejection of consciousness. Vasubandhus reply would be that on the contrary, it is the product of constructed/imagined subject-object duality of the dharmas that is said to be non-substantial, not the ineffable nature of the dharmas. Understanding the doctrine of the dharmas as insubstantial "is not produced by thinking that no dharmas exists at all. But (it is produced by thinking no dharma exists) with an imagined essence."816 (Emphasis mine.) ... (T)he theory of the non-substantiality of the dharmas does not mean that there are no dharmas altogether. On the contrary (The self and the objects are non-substantial) with regard to their imagined nature.817 (Emphasis mine.) But when it is known that there is not any one seer, (any one hearer, any one smeller, any one taster, any one toucher), or any one thinker, those to be introduced into the Dharma through the selflessness of personality will enter into an understanding (of it)....818 Subsequently, it is written in TM 23 that naturelessness or non-substantiality or absence of self-nature or absence of own being of the dharmas refers to the respect in which there is a three-fold asvabhva of the dharmas corresponding to their threefold svabhva.819 This hearkens directly back to the TSN. Recall verses 22-26, which describe the epistemological krama (order) among the trisvabhva, a description that takes into account the conventions of empirical observation as the natural starting point for a discussion of knowledge. The parikalpita is conventional belief or practice based on empirical observation. The paratantra is the cause of that belief. The parinipanna is the samuccheda (termination) of conventional belief. All three svabhva are non-dual and ungraspable, the parikalpita (as imagined duality) because it does not exist, the 295
paratantra (phenomena) because it does not exist as it appears (as dual), and the parinipanna (perfected) because it is by its very nature the absence of the duality imagined, the svabhva (own-being) of that abhva (non-being). "It is admitted that the imaginary (nature) is the empirical reality"820 "The imagined nature is essentially of conventional values"821 " is that which exists only conventionally"822 "The constructed consists of conventional practice..."823 Phenomena evidently happens, and accepting that empirically derived fact not only does not contradict, but enormously helps an argument for a theory of dynamic reality. In MSL 9:50 it is said: Realitylessness is advocated because (things) do not exist as selves or with their intrinsic natures, do not endure in intrinsic objectivity, and do not exist as they are perceived (emphasis mine). Vasubandhu comments: Because they do not exist by themselves, things lack intrinsic reality, but depend on conditions. Once they have been terminated, they do not reproduce themselves out of their intrinsic natures. They lack intrinsic reality because they are momentary, because they do not exist as they are perceived.824 It is in response to much of this line of inquiry that Vasubandhu issues the Yogcrin answer: phenomena enjoy a certain reality, but not of a material kind; if objects of perception in any way exist independently of being perceived, this cannot be known, and logically, it may not make sense. Object of perception divorced from perception leaves a lonely object bereft of any causal explanation.
Conclusion There is no compelling evidence that we must preclude metaphysics from Vasubandhus intended realm of discourse in his explanation, over the course of his consciousness trilogy, of the Vijapti-mtra thesis. The rejection of duality as an ontological thesis does not preclude the affirmation of subjectivity and objectivity as functions of a single reality. The affirmation of real objectivity does not entail the affirmation of real objects. There are, however, dynamic, momentary subjects, causally connected through a subjective-objective function described as the activity of cause-andeffect consciousness. Vasubandhus Yogcra may be understood as a dynamic or process idealism: non-dualistic, non-substantialist, neither purely subjective nor purely objective, employing a functional pluralism to explain causality, change and appearance.
Triika (TM) 17 in Thomas A. Kochumuttom, A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience: A New Translation and Interpretation of the Works of Vasubandhu (New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1982) p. 257. 769 TM 17 (translator Robinson) in Dan Lusthaus, Buddhist Phenomenology: a Philosophical Investigation of the Yogcra Buddhism and the Cheng Wei-shi Lun. Routledge-Curon Critical Studies in Buddhism Series. (New York: Routledge-Curon, 2002) p. 291. See also Thomas Wood, Mind Only: A Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of the Vijnavda. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1991) p. 53. 770 TM 17 in Stefan Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu: The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Religions of Asia Series no. 8. (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984).p. 197. 771 Kochumuttom, ibid. 772 TM 17 (translator Nagao) in David J. Kaluphana, The Principle of Buddhist Psychology (New York: State University of New York Press 1987). 773 Robinson in Lusthaus, ibid. 774 Wood, ibid. 775 Anacker, ibid. 776 TM 17: Hsan-tsang variant in Lusthaus, p. 291. 777 TM 17: Hsan-tsang variant in Swati Ganguly, Treatise in Thirty Verses on MereConsciousness: A Critical Translation of Hsuan-Tsangs Chinese Version of the Vijnaptimatra-tatrimsika (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1992) p. 114. 297
TM 17 in Frances Harold Cook, Three Texts on Consciousness Only: Demonstration of Consciousness Only (Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999) p. 380. 779 See Edward Conze, Buddhist Thought in India: Three Phases of Buddhist Philosophy (London: Allen and Unwin, 1962) Ch. 3, The Yogcrins. 780 See Kalupahanas The Principle of Buddhist Psychology. 781 See Kochumuttoms A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience. 782 See Bruce Cameron Hall, The Meaning of Vijapti in Vasubandhus Concept of Mind. Journal of the International Assocation of Buddhist Studies 9, no. 1 (1986): 7-23. 783 See Alex Wayman, A Defense of Yogcra Buddhism. Philosophy East and West (Oct. 1996) and Richard King, Early Yogcra and Its Relationship With the Mdhyamika School, Philosophy East and West 44, no. 4 (October 1994): 659-83. 784 See T. R. V. Murti, The Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of the Madhyamika System. (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1955.) Ch. 4, Influence of the Madhyamika Dialectic. 785 See Ashok K. Chatterjee, Readings on Yogcra Buddhism. (Center of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Banaras Hindu University, 1971.) 786 See Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti,Being as Consciousness: Yogcra Philosophy of Buddhism. (Motilal Banarsidass, 2004.) 787 See Edirivira R. Sarachchandra, From Vasubandhu to ntarakita: A Critical Examination of Some Buddhist Theories of the External World. Journal of Indian Philosophy 4 (1976), pp. 69-107. 788 See Wood, Mind Only. 789 Sarachchandra, ibid. 790 Kochumuttom, p. 3. 791 Mahynastrlakra (MSL) 6:1 commentary in Jampsal, L., et. al. (translators). The Universal Vehicle Discourse Literature (Mahynastrlakra) by Maitreyantha/ rysa Together with its Commentary (Bhya) by Vasubandhu. Editor-in-Chief Robert A.F. Thurman. (New York: Columbia University, American Institute of Buddhist Studies 2004), p. 49. 792 MSL 9:13 commentary, ibid., p. 121. 793 Kochumuttom, p. 1. 794 See Bina Gupta, CIT Consciousness (Oxford University Press Foundations of Indian Philosophy series, 2003) p. 89. 795 Viika (VM) 9 in Tola and Dragonetti, p. 139. 796 VM 9 in Kochumuttom, p. 159. 797 VM 9 (translator Nagao) in Kalupahana, p. 180. 798 VM 9 in Anacker, pp. 165-6. 799 Chatterjee, Readings on Yogcra Buddhism, p. 20. 800 Kalupahana, Psychology in the Yogcra, pp. 135-6. 801 Chatterjee, p. 5. 802 Ibid. p. 18. 803 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 142. 804 Kochumuttom, p. 267. 805 Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 182. 806 Wood, p. 99. 298
807 808
Anacker, p. 167. TM 20 in Kochumuttom, p. 257. 809 TM 20 (translator Nagao) in Kalupahana, p. 204. 810 TM 20 (translator Robinson) in Lusthaus, p. 294. 811 TM 20 in Wood, p. 53. 812 TM 20 in Anacker, p. 188. 813 Kalupahana, p. 141. 814 Tola and Dragonetti, pp. 140-1. 815 Kochumuttom, p. 266. 816 Tola and Dragonetti, p. 141. 817 Kochumuttom, p. 266 818 Anacker, p. 164. 819 See Kochumuttom, p. 258; Nagao in Kalupahana, p. 207; Robinson in Lusthaus, p. 297; Wood, p. 54; and Anacker, p. 188. 820 Trisvabhva (TSN) 23 in Tola and Dragonetti p. 225. 821 TSN 23 in Kochumuttom, p. 251. 822 TSN 23 in Wood, p. 36. 823 TSN 23 in Anacker, p. 224. 824 MSL 9:50 and commentary in Jamspal, et. al., p. 136.
1 The assumed (invented), the relative (dependent), and the perfected (fully existing), thus, and threefold own-condition (own-being): this is devout, profound, to be known by the wise. 2 Wherefore idea (perception) of the relative (dependent) as follows: idea (perception) is assumed (constructed), the idea (belief) depending upon a mode of acting or being that (other), assuming (constructing) merely existence. 3 Conveying name (idea): the manner in which it appears is a perpetually ignorant idea; to be known as the unchanging, perfected (fully being) own-condition. 4 Therefore in what manner the mistaken idea (constructed belief) about existence? It is dual in nature. Flowing by no means, non-existent Thus proceeding (perishing) state of non-duality. 5 What is mistaken belief about existence? Consciousness. But in the manner conceived (imagined) the feasible object thus is absolutely not known. 6 Thus the conception of cause-effect: Consciousness is twofold, As repository-called-consciousness and sevenfold-manifestation (sevenfold-function). 300
7 First, mental disturbances (defilements), impressions of past perceptions, and causal elements seeds) are collected in consciousness Second, consciousness manifests in manifold forms. 8 Succinctly, imagination of the non-existent is also threefold, considered as: maturational, produced by particular causes, and phenomenal appearances. 9 First is root-consciousness, which has the nature of guided maturation; The other is manifesting (functioning) consciousness, As the subject (seer), object (seen) and knowledge modes of being (functioning). 10 Existence and non-existence, duality and oneness, Mental disturbance (defilement) and purification Differences in attribute (definition) own-state (process-of-being) profound. 11 State of being grasping because absolutely non-existent in this way; Thus the imagined (constructed) own-nature is defined as being. 12 Not twofold state because also twofold non-existence; Thus the perfected own-state-of-being is defined as being. 13 Not twofold state because also twofold non-existence; Thus the perfected own-state-of-being is defined as being 14 301
Twofold character fabricated with respect to things (objects) abides accordingly as non-existent state of being, one existence (nature); the own-being of the constructed as conceived by the ignorant is both dual and unitary. 15 The being perceived as manifesting dually is merely conditioned false impression; the dependent (relative) own-nature is understood to be dual and unitary. 16 Twofold existence (condition), one non-dual own-state (process-of-being); the perfected (complete) own-nature is understood to be dual and unitary. 17 The fabricated and independent are also understood as characterized by defilement; The perfected is esteemed as a state of (abiding in) purification. 18 Not being dual own-state (process-of-being) that non-existent own-state (process-of-being); thus the invented (assumed) to be known as non-different in definition from the perfected (fully existing). 19 Non-duality being the abode of own-being (non-condition) is also dual absence of being (condition); The perfected (fully existing) and the invented (assumed) thus to be understood as non-different in definition. 20 According as it is said non-existence and existence (condition), likewise existence and own-state (process-of-being); The invented (assumed) and the perfected (fully existing) Are known as undivided in definition. 302
21 Not existing as dual, own-state (process-of-being) also said to be absence of own-state (process-of-being) and absence of existence; Thus the perfected (fully existing) is understood to be non-different in definition from the invented (assumed). 22 Order of alterations (divisions) of own-state (process-of-being), thus operating rules (epistemological conventions). Accordingly, entrance into operating rules (conventions), and growth in knowledge relating to an uncertain thing (object). 23 The assumed (invented) is essentially operating rules (conventions); Absolute termination of convention is own-state (process-of-being) and by the wise. 24 Twofold state (process-of-being) having the nature of being prior, The inter-dependent is understood; Story understood therein merely possible, not being twofold. 25 Story of twofold non-being and being Absolute (complete) nature understood. In that manner surely thus in this way, at that time Existence and non-existence 26 Threefold unification of own-state-of-being (own-condition), namely nondual-[non]-grasping-definition; Non-existence not likewise that non-existence of own-state-of-being (own-condition) 27 Accomplished illusion by power of instrument of thought, Perception (idea) of elephant-body (-essence) accordingly; 303
External aspect (form) being merely on that occasion-of existence, Elephant non-existent, however. All objects (manner of things). 28 Own-state-of-being (own-condition): Assumed elephant inter-dependent (relatively caused) that very appearance therein non-existent elephant perfected nature by the wise. 29 Root-consciousness (mentation origin) perception (idea) essentially dual. Duality absolutely non-existent; Therein existence is merely appearance (form). 30 Instrument of thought root-consciousness Like a stick true nature believed. Form of the elephant desired. False idea (doubt) elephant dual. 31 In breaking through with regard to the reality (truth) about material things, The three definitions work together: Knowledge, cessation, and attainment. Action (behavior) according to order (method). 32 Three: knowledge is non-perception, Cessation is non-manifestation Obtainment is uncaused and direct knowledge, action approaching wisdom. 33 Lack of perception of duality, Dual form disappears. Cessation of flowing, perfected Non-existence (non-condition) irreproachable. 34 Also simultaneous: elephant non-perception, cessation accordingly of form, 304
and perception of stick abiding in illusion. 35 Doubtful thought restrained, one awakened Verily wise teaching; Knowledge threefold following, And liberation occurring without effort. 36 Perception of consciousness-instant, Non-perception of material object; Non-perception of material object, it may be Non-perception of consciousness. 37 Non-perception of duality, Perception of fundamental nature of reality; Perception of fundamental nature of reality, It may be Perception of unlimitedness. 38 Perception of unlimitedness and (perception of) own-absolute-thing-attainment, Attains excellent wisdom (and) the threefold Buddha-bodies.
1 Consciousness-occasion thus non-existing material thing like reflection (appearance According as optical disorder: non-existing hairs, moons and so on discerned. 2 No fixed time-space point, No determined continued succession, and also no causal efficacy if consciousness is enjoined in the absence of an object. or In the case that object-consciousness is not determined in place-time, continuity-stream is also undetermined, and no causal efficacy at work. 3 Beginning with undetermined space, Accomplished as in dreaming. Damned spirits Continuity-stream-undetermined-always, Commencing with observingthe pus river. 4 Dreaming negative causal efficacy. Existing again in hell, Always hell-guards observed harassing. 5 Concealing coming together (birth) (occasion), heaven as follows also hell accordingly. No hell ghosts from which suffering perceived. 6 If that very action (effect) therein: actual coming together (birth) (occasion) thus, 306
By the wise, change also; How not so state of consciousness? 6 commentary State of consciousness that very action (effect) thus change (transformation); why instead go back to conceived actualities? 7 Action impression elsewhere, Consequence imagined elsewhere; There is in this way not sought, Wherein no cause (reason)? 8 Form-abode exists (becomes); Thou that very student with regard to meaning of what of is taught, Self-produced sage. 9 Own-seed (self-cause) held in consciousness whenever appearance arises; Twofold state of abiding. Sage conveying 9 commentary Form appearing because consciousness; Own-seed transformation acquired particulars brought forth; That also seed appearance And flowing consciousness-eye abode of appearance. According as state of succession (series) 10 In that manner body-collection free from being essentially contained (substantial); because otherwise existing once more. Region of phenomena free from being essentially contained (substantial); supposed (invented) self. 11 Not that one and not that not-one, External sense objects 307
of infinitely small atoms; And not that unity, because infinitely small atosm not accomplished (valid). 12 By whence that which really is together Simultaneously joined with Infinitely small atom collection perpetually compounded beyond one hundred; Object having six sides the same, may contain minute particles. 13 Infinitely small atoms not-joined-into-union Thus existing together becomes form accompanied by (supplying the forms of) That same existence not existing Also not in a state of abundance there-joined-together not accomplished (valid). 14 Direction-place-division to be endeavored of existence Conveying unity (identity) not connected; Reflection (shadow) hiding in what manner? Mutually not solid (material) and not flowing thus. 15 Unity is not succession Simultaneously grasping and non-grasping; Disconnected manifold mode of being, And atomic (inconceivable) existence. 16 Intelligence (apprehension) based on direct perception is as in the way of dreaming; and whenever at that time no form of the object corrupted flowing, direct perception in what manner supposed? 17 Taught as follows: in that case definition (appearance), consciousness remembering protracted dreaming seeing existing sense objects; the unawakened likewise grasping. 308
18 State of mutual influence (rule), Mutual consciousness definition; Afflicted consciousness, dreaming therefore different consequences. 19 Death utmost consciousness difference, transformation as follows: Remembrance pointed at absent other, together with weaving-together influential consciousness. 20 In what manner Dadaka forests Powerful speech emptied.. seers anger? Punishment-mind great speech Thus accomplished. 21 Absolute consciousness inseparable; Knowledge of material objects not as it should be how? As follows: knowledge of own consciousness is not abiding in field awakened from ignorance. 22 Consciousness-occasion accomplished, own-power illusion; accomplished all manner of things unconceived, realm of awakening.
1 Self and natures (qualities) metaphorical, Because manifold causes acting; Thus transformation of consciousness Transformation having three parts (phases). 2 Maturation, reflection and representation of abode of sense objects (external world). Therein abode known as consciousness ripen at all times (all) seeds (causes). 3 Unperceived instruction of conception. Accordingly: perpetual tangibility (touch-contact), attention of the mind, perception, conceptualization, and intelligence acquired. 4 Indifference to pleasure or pain, on that occasion unimpeded elementary substance; and thus likewise touch (tangibility), and in this way becomes river-torrent flowing. 5 Separate from saintly state. Accordingly refuge in causation (production). That very support consciousness by name, Consciousness having the nature of reflection. 6 Delusions (psychological afflictions) four, accompanied by veiled elementary substance continually: self-regard, self-ignorance, self-conceit and self-love concepts. 7 Wherever being absorbed in the other, Contact (tangibility) first. 310
But not in saintly state, Mindless meditation, or The world-transcending aim. 8 Second transformation (function) founds the third. Six parts (kinds) abiding Conception of sense objects, Appearance good-bad-indifferent. 9 Psychological factors delimited: good, not-good, neither; connected thus to defilements, lesser defilements, three feelings. 15 Five root-consciousnesses like belief about existence; Consciousness together, perhaps not. Waves on water. 16 Origin (manifestation) of distinguishing consciousness entirely (always) unconscious, unless in stage of abstract meditation, twofold stupors, or being without consciousness. 17 Transformation of consciousness Unfounded imagination (conceptualization) as ascertained; In that manner it is not; All of this is occasion of consciousness. 18 At all times seeds because consciousness transformation in that manner; If mutually influenced by means of conceptualization, supplying the forms of bringing forth. 19 Impression of action seizing-twofold-impression 311
along with prior influence thus producing result. 20 By means of conceptualization objects discriminated. Thus purely conceptual own-state-of-being not the same as knowledge. 21 Inter-dependent own-state-of-being conceptualization is origin of belief. Completed (perfected) own-state-of-being flows prior to separation going. 22 Thus to be neither the same nor different than the other-dependent. Transient existence commencing with language use; It is not unobserved. I am viewpoint the same. 23 Three kinds (parts) abiding-in-own-state-of-being (propertied); Three kinds (parts) not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being (unpropertied). Placed together, all qualities (things) Shown to be not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being (unpropertied.) 24 Preceding definition thus not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being (unpropertied) unfounded existence flowing thus again in this manner, not-abiding-in-own-state-of-being (unpropertied). 25 Highest truth of phenomena and same true suchness enduring, remaining as it is at all times; thus supplying the forms of consciousness-occasion. 26 So long as consciousness is not situated in consciousness-occasion, Twofold grasping results, so long as it is not ceased (reversed). 312
27 Consciousness-occasion thus everything in this manner because perception ordered before what consciousness rudimentary creation not situated in? 28 Whenever reason (foundation) knowledge not-thus-obtained, in that case being situated in consciousness-occasion; recognize non-existence there non-grasping. 29 Inconceivable, unperceived knowledge surpassing the world; and accordingly abiding in non-attachment, reversion of consciousness two-fold ignorance abandons. 30 Thus the same affliction-less realm, Unconceived, auspicious, eternal, blessed, Liberation body great sage.
Key to textual occurrences of selected Sanskrit terms in Vasubandhus consciousness trilogy: TSN VM TM ALT Tri-Svabhva-Nirdea Viika-Krikas Triika-Krikas Other textual source On the Threefold Self-Nature Twenty Verses and Commentary Thirty Verses Term not specific to the consciousness trilogy
Terms identified on the basis of two or more English transliterations of the original Sanskrit and considered in light of additional English translations. Definitions derived from the Cologne Online Digital Sanskrit Database, based on Capeller and MonierWilliams, and standardized for use in this project by the author. * c indicates commentary on a verse; this is restricted to the VM. SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE bhsa VM 1a, 9, 17a abhva TSN 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 33; VM 17c; TM 28 abhiprya VM1c, 8 abhta-kalpa TSN 8 abravti VM 9 acra acitta TM 16, 29, 30 adas dya TM 4 adhikra TSN 22 T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x splendor, light; appearance, semblance; phantasm of the imagination; mere appearances; reflection absence or negation of existence, entity, condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse purpose, intention; meaning supposition or imagination of not-truly-existent subject and object not speak; not name, not call, not announce, not foretell x going, motion; wandering, traveling; proceeding, practicing; behavior x without mind; inconceivable, incomprehensible, unimaginable; unconceived; destitute of intellect or sense (alt. asau) that, a certain, thus, so, there x taking, seizing; haven taken, along with x authority, rule, administration, jurisdiction, prerogative, right; also property, reference, relation, topic 314
x x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE adhna TSN 2 adhipati VM 18 di VM 1, 3; TM 22 ada TM 22 advaya TSN 4, 13, 16, 19, 26 dya TSN 7, TM 7 aika kra TSN 7, 27, 30, 33 khy TSN 6, 15, TM 2, 30 khyna TSN 20, 21 kti TSN 28, 29, 34 akuala TM 9 labhya TSN 26 lamba (-na) TSN 26, TM 5, 28 laya TSN 6 an TSN 22 anrtha VM 2 nata TSN 3 antman aneka VM 11, 15 anityat
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x resting or situated in; depending upon lord, master, ruler beginning with; commencement, first fruits; or "etc.", "and so on" un-(fore-) seen, unobserved, invisible, not experience, unknown not two-fold or double; non-dual (vs. dvaya) first, being at the beginning, immediately preceding; earlier, older; unprecedented see: eka form, figure, appearance, external aspect, expression that reveals mental disposition - kravat, having a form, embodied; well-formed to make known, declare, communicate, inform; to be named, enumerated, called (re-) telling, relating, communicating; story, legend; manifestation, appearance constituent part; aspect; form, appearance; kind, species not good; vs. kuala having grasped, received, obtained, sacrificed support; receptacle; asylum; depending or resting upon; foundation; reason, cause; also the five attributes of things vis--vis the five senses: (form, sound, smell, etc.) dwelling, abode, receptacle, repository hereby, thus, indeed absence of a thing or object; vs. rtha bending, bowed; also: flat; pacified x absence of self; vs. tman not one; many, much; manifold; separated; vs. eka (aika) transient or limited existence; from anitya: transient; 315
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE TM 22 anivta TM 4 aniyama VM 2, 3 anubhava VM 5 aumtrika VM 12 anupalambha TSN 33, 34, 36, 37; TM 29 anuaya TM 25 anuttara TSN 38 anuvtti TSN 35 anvita TM 3 anya TSN 8, 9, 23; VM 19; TM 7 anyath VM 10 anyathtvata TSN 3 anyatra VM 7 anyonya VM 14, 18; TM 18 apara TM 24 patti TSN 35 api TSN 26, 32; TM 16, 25, 27 aprabuddha
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x occasional, incidental; irregular; uncertain; unstable (alt. anivtta); not turning back, unchecked, unimpeded; brave; vs. vta unsettledness, uncertainty, doubt; having no rule; absence of: determination, definition, limitation, controlling, preventing perception, understanding, ascertainment - anubhavaka, making to understand containing minute particles non-obtainment, non-perception, lack of recognition - anupalambhana, lack of perception or apprehension the consequence of action that clings to that action; close attachment to any object, action principal, chief; best, excellent; fixed, firm; also: without reply, silent; evasive reply held to be no answer; also: low, inferior (alt. anuvtta); following; obedience, conformity, compliance; imitation reached by mind, understood; connected as in grammar or construction; also acquired, possessing, endowed with, having as an essential or inherent part other than, different from, opposed to; another, the other otherwise, in a different manner; in another way; inaccurately, erroneously unchanging elsewhere, on another occasion, otherwise, in another manner, at another time one another; mutual, mutually having nothing beyond or after; also latter, following, another, distant; in the future occurrence; entering into a state, condition, relationship; changing into; also misfortune, transgression uniting with or approaching something awakened from sleep 316
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE VM 17 pya VM 1c arhat TM 5, 7 rtha TSN 5, 14, 22, 31, 36, 38; VM 1, 21 arthya TSN 35 asat TSN18, 20, 21, 24; VM 1 asama VM 18 asaviditaka TM 3 asayoga VM 13
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x obtainable, to be reached; also: relating to water one who has attained the saintly state of arhatship relating to a thing or object; material, significant; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing proper, fit; wise (alt. asad); not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; non-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood; vs. sat (sad) uneven; unequal; unequalled what is unperceived - asavida, unconscious a (negation) + sa (along or together with) + yoga (collection or concentration of the mind, meditation; harnessing, driving; use, application; means, expedient, art, charm; enterprise, work; union, combination, relation); disjunction, disconnection, incoherence; vs. sayoga realm without thought, non-cognitional state, unconsciousness asat, not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; non-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood+ kalpa, possible, feasible; also able, fit, competent; also practice, manner of proceeding, first duty - asatkalpana, wrong supposition; fabrication, untruth asat, not being, not existing, unreal; untrue, wrong; bad; non-existence, nonentity; untruth, falsehood + tva, state of being the abode of; or a (negation) + sattva, being, existence, reality; true essence, nature, disposition; life, consciousness, energy; resolution, self-command, wisdom; also: material or elementary substance/matter or entity/thing; living or sentient being cogito, I am - asmimna, self-conceit - asmit, egoism the five organs of sense plus manas; also: that with which anything is closely connected or on which anything depends or rests; also recipient, resting-place, dwelling; 317
x x
asmi TM 22 raya TM 29
x x
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x having recourse to; attachment taking (or having taken) asylum, refuge or recourse be, exist, happen, become; be sufficient or able absence of own-nature or own-quality; vs. svabhva sitting, abiding, dwelling; state of rest
ritya TM 5 asti TSN 13, 25, 27, 29; VM 8, 13, 14 asvabhvata TSN 21 asya TSN 13, 14, 17, 33, 34; VM 2, 6, 21; TM 2, 8, 23, 24, 29 attha TSN 26 tmaka TSN 9, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 29; TM 5 tma (-n) TSN 4, 23, 27, VM 10, TM 1, x6
x x x
not in that manner, not so, not thus; not likewise, not accordingly; vs. tatha having the nature of, consisting or composed of, like (alt. tman); from to breathe/move self, (the individual) soul, life principle; abstract individual; also: essence, nature, character; the person or body considered as a whole - tma-dti, self-regard - tma-kama, loving ones self, being possessed of selfconceit - tma-mna, self-conceit; arrogance, pride - tma-moha, self-ignorance - tma-sneha, self-love make ones own; take possession of being; nature, essence; state of having nature of property of in this matter, in this respect, in this place or time beyond the proper end or limit; excessively; exceedingly, absolutely, completely, perpetuall - atyanta-abhva, totally non-existent ignorant, without knowledge
x x x
tmk TSN 38 tmya VM10 atra VM 1c atyanta TSN 5, 11, 29 avidya TSN 3 vti VM14 avykta TM 4, 6
x x x x x x x
covering, hiding elementary substance from which all things were created
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE yatana VM 8, 9 ayatha VM 21 ayatnatas TSN 25 bdhana VM 4 bla TSN 14, VM 10c bhga VM 14 bhagavant VM 9 bhsa TSN 8; VM 9c, 10c, 17 bhva (-ta, -ti) TSN 2, 14, 16, 25, 28; VM 5, 13; TM 24 bhvana TSN 6, 12, 15 bhvt TSN 20, 26; TM 25 bheda TSN 10, 22; VM 14 bhinna TSN 18, 19, 20, 21 bhrnti TSN 12, 15 bhta VM 6c bja TSN 7; VM 9; TM 2, 18 bodhi TSN 38 buddha TSN 35; VM 21, 22
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x x x abode, seat, resting place; divided into inner (five senses and manas) and outer (external phenomena) not as it should be; not according to; vs. yatha without effort or exertion oppressing, harassing; opposing, uneasiness, trouble young, undeveloped; early, new; ignorant, simple, foolish part, portion; fraction; place, region, side fortunate, prosperous, glorious, illustrious, holy speech, language; description, definition (from bh); becoming, existing, occurring; existence, entity; condition, state of being, disposition, nature, impulse - bhvita, bring into existence, produce, effect, cause (alt. for bhvena); reflection, contemplation; also imagination, conception, causing to be, affecting, producing, manifesting being, present division, separation; alteration, change, difference different; split, pierced, destroyed; transgressed; divided into parts, anything less than a whole; expanded; disjoined; interrupted, disturbed; altered wandering, roaming; moving to and fro; turning; also: confusion, doubt, error, false impression; supposing anything to be or to exist whatever has become; to actually have happened, be true or real; matter of fact or reality seed; germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin perfect knowledge; enlightened intelligence; also: tree of wisdom awakened; expanded, conscious, wise; known, understood 319
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE buddhi VM 16 ca caku VM 9c cnya TSN 23 caturbhi TM 6 ce TSN 10, 31 ceta (-n, -s) TM 3, 8, 9 chya VM 14 cintya VM 22, TM 30 cit (-ta) TSN 5, 6, 7, 29, 36; VM 1c, 18, 21; TM 27 citatvac TSN 7 citrkra TSN 7
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x ability to conceptualize; intelligence, reason, intellect, mind, discernment, judgment; perception; comprehension, apprehension, understanding; faculty of mental perception and, also; even, just; but, yet; if eye ca: and, also; even, just; but, yet; if + anya: other than, different from, opposed to; another four, having four (alt. ca-i); movement; gesture, behavior; action, effort, performance; doing appearance, aspect; or: consciousness, intelligence, mind; or: heart, fancy, desire shadow, shadowing; also image, reflection to be conceived, thought, imagined mind; memory; intelligence; reason; also noticed; aimed at, longed for; visible, attending, observing; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; the heart cita: heaped, collected; placed in a line; also: covered + tvac: (to) cover; skin, hide, bark, peel citra, excellent, distinguished; conspicuous, brightly colored; various, manifold + kra, form, figure, appearance, external aspect, expression that reveals mental disposition) = strange, wonderful; wonder, astonishment stick, trunk of a tree; also: punishment showing, exhibiting, teaching; observing, perceiving, inspection; apprehension, discernment; also: view, doctrine depravity, wickedness place, region, portion; direction, instruction x x x x shown, directed nature, character, condition; essential quality, property, 320
x x x x x x x x x x x
x x
daa VM 20 darana TSN 35; VM 1, 3, 4 dauya TM 29 dea (-n) VM 2, 3, 10, 10c deita TM 23 dharma
x x x x x
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N mark ; also according to the nature of; that which is established or firm; steadfast decree, usage, practice; duty, right, justice; virtue, morality; law or doctrine - dharmat, state of affairs/events; nature, essence - dharmatas, according to rule, rightly - dharmin, having the rights, attributes, characteristics of; having/being the bearer of anything as a characteristic mark, attribute, object, thing realm, sphere, layer, stratum; also constituent element perceive, think; desire; (religious) thought, meditation; understanding, intelligence, knowledge; science, art; mind; intention, design; opinion (from dhik); indicating reproach (shame!) intelligent, wise, sensible devout, pious x x x x x x x x x x x fixed, firm, immovable, constant, permanent, eternal (alt. dig, dik); direction, region pointed at; also to point out, to show; to bring forward seeing seeing, view; consideration, regard; theory, minds eye (from dy); corruptible, reprehensible, culpable, offending uneasy, unpleasant, uncomfortable, difficult; pain, sorrow, trouble twofold, double; of two kinds or natures
dhtu TSN 37, TM 30 dh TSN 35, TM (10-14x) dhig TSN 23 dhmant TSN 38 dhraa TSN 1 dhruva TM 30 di VM 14, 19 dg TSN 9, VM 17 di TM 6, (TM 10-14x) dy TSN 9, VM 16, TM 22 dukha VM 5 dvaya TSN 4, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, 33, 37; TM 16, 19 dvaya-bhva (-ta) TSN 24, 25, 33 dvitya TSN 7, TM 8 dvividha TSN 6, 14; VM 9
x x x x x
x x
x x x x x
being of dualities second, forming the second half of something (alt. dvaividhya); twofold; of two kinds, parts, ways
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE eka TSN 14, 15, 16; VM 14 ekatva TSN 10, 15, 16; VM 14, 15 eavya TSN 30 eva sa na-eva-anyo naananya VM 22 eva TSN 1, 11, 13, 19, 25; VM 1, 7; TM 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30 gambhra (-ta) TSN 1, 10 gocara VM 21, 22 grha VM 10c, 15; TM 19, 26 grhya TSN 11, VM 10, TM 28 hni (-ta) TSN 32, TM 29 hasti (-na) TSN 27, 28, 30 hetu TSN 6 hi TSN 5, 25, 26; VM 10; TM 1, 18, 27 hyasav TSN 25 idam savam TM 17 iyate TSN 1, 6, 23, 28, 32;
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x (alt. aika); one, sole, single; alone, solitary; identical, the same; belonging to one identity, unity desirable; to be striven after, approved thus neither to be the same nor different thus, in this way
x x x x x x x
having depth; profound, serious, secret; dense, impervious range, field, scope of action; range of the organs of sense; being within range; abode, district grasping, seizing, holding, catching; receiving, accepting; also conception, notion (alt. ghya), to be seized or taken, held, gathered, received; to be chosen, accepted, assented to; to be perceived, understood, learned, recognized, considered abandonment, relinquishment; cessation, disappearance, non-existence; also: decrease, deprivation, loss; insufficiency elephant cause of, reason for, impulse, motive for, (namely) because; surely, indeed hi + asau (from adas): that, a certain, thus, so, there x all of this, everything (from i); seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce; by the wise 322
x x x
x x x x
x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE VM 6 ia TSN 17 iti TSN 25, VM 1c, 10c, TM 24, 27 ityartha VM 1c jale TM 15 jana VM 8 janayanta TM 19 jy TM 18 jna TSN 35; VM 21; TM 28, 29 jeya TSN 1, 17, 18, 36 k TSN 4, VM 10c kla VM 2 kalpa TSN 4, 5, 8, 24, 29 kalpana TSN 2 kalpita TSN 1, 2, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 23, 28; VM 10 kalpya TSN 5; VM 6c, 7 kranya VM 20 karma VM 6, 7; TM 19 kasmt
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x sought, desired; beloved, reverenced, respected, approved; also: sacrifice as you know; in this manner, thus having such a sense or meaning; for this purpose water creature, living being, person generating, producing bringing forth knowing, knowledge, cognizance; wisdom, intelligence; also: mark, sign, characteristic (of recognition) to be known; to be learned, understood, perceived, investigated indication of depreciation; by no means time (in general); to calculate or enumerate; a fixed point of time possible, feasible; also able, fit, competent; also practice, manner of proceeding, first duty (per)forming (in the imagination), making, inventing, manufacturing; fashioning, arranging; cutting; contriving, feigning; also: assuming anything to be real fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred to be formed from; to be conceived or imagined mystical speech or figures act, action; product, result, effect why? whence? wherefrom? 323
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE VM 6c khavat TSN 30, 34 katha TSN 4; VM 10c, 14, 16, 20, 21 kya TSN 38, TM 30 kena VM 12 kea VM 1 khalu VM 10c khyti TSN 2, 3, 4, 27, 29 ki TSN 4; VM 6, 6c, 7; TM 27 klea TM 6, 9, 10-14x krama TSN 22, 31; VM 9c, 15 kriy TSN 31, 32 kta TSN 27 ktya-kriy VM 2, 4 ka TM 19 kuala TM 8, 9, 30 lakaa TSN 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 31; VM 10c; TM 24 lokottara TM 7, 29 lopa
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x like a stick, either: as fuel, or as petrified how? in what manner? whence? body; also collection, assemblage by what, by whence hair indeed, verily, certainly, truly declaration, assertion; opinion, idea, perception, knowledge; also: name or denomination; renown, fame (interrogative particle) defilements, passions, afflictions, delusions, evil desires - kli, to torment, afflict, cause pain; also: to suffer pain or distress step; going, proceeding, course; way; regular progress, order, series, succession action, performance, work; also ceremony, argument, contract accomplished, done, performed; made, prepared; obtained x kta + kriy = efficacy x x x x x diminished, expended, lost, waning; weakened, injured, emaciated; delicate auspicious, wholesome, good, beneficial definition; mark, sign, symbol; also characteristic, attribute, quality excelling or surpassing the world; beyond what is common, extraordinary breaking; injury, destruction; interruption; neglect, 324
x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE VM 19 madhyama mah TM 30, VM 20 mna TSN 3; TM 6 manana TM 2, 5 manas VM1c, 19; TM 5
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N violation; robbing; deficiency; absence; disappearance x (being, placed in the) middle; central, middlemost; intermediate; moderate; impartial, neutral great - mahyne (Mahyna), great vehicle opinion, idea; purpose, design; one of six negative dharmas, i.e. arrogance careful thought, reflection, consideration, meditation, intelligence, understanding, esp. intrinsic knowledge or science; (-) thoughtfully, carefully mind (it its widest sense, as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will; the internal organ of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul, distinct from tman consciousness of pleasure or pain; attention of the mind mana (-s) + vijna, act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing instrument of thought, sacred text/speech/hymn/formula x x x x x x x dying, death to seek (after), search (though), look (for), strive to attain thought; believed, supposed; imagined; understood; considered as, taken for; intended, designed; approved, esteemed having/being/consisting of only/merely; also measure or limit (in space and time); instant, occasion, atom, element illusion, unreality, deception; (in the earliest language) art, wisdom, supernatural power together; mutually, reciprocally, alternatively x x ignorance, loss of consciousness, bewilderment, distraction, delusion, error liberation, emancipation; release (from transmigration, earthly existence); also relinquishment, abandonment 325
x x x x x x
manaskra TM 3 manovijna TM 16 mantra TSN 27, 30 maraa VM 19 mrg TM 7 mata TSN 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 30; VM 16 mtra TSN 2, 15, 24, 27, 29, 36; VM 1, 10c, 22; TM 17, 23, 26, 27, 28 mya TSN 27, 34 mithas VM 18 moha TM 6 moka TSN 35
x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE mla TSN 9, 29, 30; TM 15 muni TM 30 mrchana TM 16
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x root, foot, basis, foundation, ground, origin, source, cause - mlavijna, root consciousness monk, sage stupefying, causing insensibility; fainting, swooning no, not, it is not so - na ced, if not - na tu, yet not, rather than - na v, perhaps not, whether not not situated in river produced by some particular cause; accidental, occasional, special see: nis by name, named; quasi, only in appearance hell, place of torment it is not, there is not; assertion of non-existence; incorporeal perhaps not, whether not
x x x na TSN 5, 12; VM 2, 6, 10c, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22; TM 7, 20, 22, 26, 28 x na-avatisthati TM 26, 27 x nady VM 3 x naimittika TSN 8 nair x nma TM 5 x naraka VM 4, 5 x x x nsti TSN 4, 25, 27, 29; VM 10c; TM 17 x nav neya VM 6, 6c, 7 nidna nisvabhva TM 23, 24 nimitta TSN 32 nirodha TM 7 nis VM 10 nipanna TSN 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, x
na: no, not, it is not so + iya: seek; cause to move quickly; impel, animate, promote; deliver, announce x causal preconditions x without svabhva; unpropertied, void of peculiarities mark, target; sign, omen; cause, motive, ground; also: instrumental or efficient cause confinement, imprisonment; enclosing, covering up; restraint, control, suppression, destruction, especially of pain (alt. nair, nir); out of, away from; without, destitute of, free from come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, succeeded 326
x x x x x
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x withheld; veiled; surrounded, enclosed determination, definition; limitation, restriction; restraining, controlling, preventing; keeping down; also restraint of the mind (second of eight meditation steps in yoga) hell guardian; lit. flesh-eater x x x x x x five far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost ultimate or infinitely small atom highest or whole truth; ultimate meaning
pldi VM 4 pacn TM 15 para TSN 23, 38; VM 19, 21; TM 24 paramu VM 11, 12, 13 paramrtha TM 25 pramita paratantra TSN 1, 2, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 24, 28; TM 21, 22
parvtti TM 29 pari TSN 1, 3, 17, 18, 28; VM 10c; TM 20 parij TSN 31, 32 parikalpita VM 10c; TM 20 parima VM 6, 9c; TM 1, 8, 18 parinipanna TSN 1, 3, 17, 28
x coming or lead to or gone to the opposite shore, crossed or traversed; transcendent (virtue); complete attainment x x para: far, distant, remote or different in space, time or order/number/degree; other, stranger; Spirit, Absolute; highest degree; chief matter; at the best or utmost + tantra, continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, essential; foundation, basis; rule, authority, doctrine, science, magic, medicine = (other-, inter-) dependent or relative x turning back or around, revolving; reversion (e.g., of a judgment); also restoration of property; rebounding, not taking effect x x x around, about; fully, abundantly; or against, opposite to or towards, in the direction of; or successively, severally x x x x x x knowledge; to observe, perceive, learn, understand, comprehend, know, recognize pari + kalpita, fabricated, artificial; invented; assumed, supposed; performed; prepared; inferred = (purely, vastly) imaginary; (falsely) constructed or fabricated change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution pari + nipanna, come or gone forth, sprung up, arisen; descended or derived from; brought about, effected, 327
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x succeeded = developed, perfect, real, existing synonym, convertible term; revolution; course, repetition, succession, regular occurrence anger metaphorical fruit, consequence, effect, result, retribution, gain/loss, dis/advantage heap, piece; solid mass, material object, body before, in front of ceasing; vanishing x knowledge the being perceived or known x (from prp); attain to, reach, arrive at, meet with, find; also incur, suffer; result, be in force reached, met with, found, incurred, acquired advent, occurrence; reaching, attaining; entering, finding, meeting; acquire; rescue; also: validity, correctness accomplishment, attainment; proof; also: celebrity, fame; rumor, public opinion; trivial first, firstly; also foremost, primary, original, initial, prior, former, preceding toward; (over) against, before, again, back, in return, opposite, near, on, by, at, in, at the time of; with regard to, according to, in consequence of prati: toward; (over) against, before, again, back, in return, opposite, near, on, by, at, in, at the time of; with regard to, according to, in consequence of + bhasa: speech, language; description, definition = appearance, similitude; prtibhsika: phenomenal, (mere/flashing) representations (likeness to) keeping back, warding off, preventing, denying entered into by the wise, understood prati + vedha: pious, faithful; also: breaking through, breach, piercing, excavation; also hitting (a mark); also wounding, intrusion, disturbance 328
paryya VM 1c pata VM 20 phala TSN 6; VM 7, 18 pia VM 12, 14 pra VM 9; TM 1, 5 praha TSN 31 praj prakhyna TSN 15 prpnoti TSN 38 prpta VM 1c prpti TSN 31, 32 prasiddhi TSN 38 prathama TSN 9; TM 24 prati VM 8 pratibhsa TSN 8; VM 9c, 10c
x x x x x x x x
x x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE prattya-samutpda pratyaka VM 16 pratyaya TSN 2; TM 15, 21 pravarta (-te, -ka, -na) VM 9; TM 1, 5
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x prattya: confirmation, comfort, consolation + samutpda: chain of causation; dependent co-origination or conditioning x direct perception; plainly visible, clear; distinct, actual, immediate; immediate apprehension, ocular evidence x x belief, conviction, certainty, knowledge, idea, evidence x x pra: before + vartate: revolve, pass away (time); happen, occur; live, exist, be, become = causing, effecting, setting in motion/activity, promoting moving forward/onwards, coming forth, arising, appearing, happening; causing, producing, introducing (alt. prave); entering, entrance; intrusion into; being contained in; also: intentness on an object; engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose; manner advance, progress; moving onwards; coming forth, manifestation; origin, rise; activity, function; efficacy - pravtti-vijnna, evolving or active or functioning consciousness body; personal entity; man; ego or individual; soul (alt. punah); to go back or in an opposite direction; restore; turn around; once more, to exist again, be renewed being before or in front, former, prior, preceding, previous to, earlier than pus separated or free from, void, absent or destitute of; also forsaken, solitary seers excepting, unless form, shape, figure, outward appearance, phenomenon, color supplying the forms of; accompanied by, having; one, the same see: sat (from a), six 329
pravi (-ya) TSN 24, 25; VM 10c pravtti TSN 7 pudgala VM 10 punar VM 4, 6c, 10; TM 24 prva TSN 24; TM 19, 21 pya VM 3 rahita TM 21 ko VM 20 te TM 16 rpa VM 8, 9c, 10c sa TSN 2, 3, 8; VM 13, 16; TM 1, 18, 20, 22, 25 sad a
x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE TM 8 sad TSN 3; TM 3, 6, 21; VM 12 saha TM 15, 19 sahita TM 6 skt TSN 32 sakti VM 22 samna VM 12 sampatti TM 7, 16 samsatas TSN 8 sabhva VM 6 sambhti TM 16 sadhya TM 23 sahata VM 11 saj TM 3, 6 saklea TSN 7, 10, 17 sampray saprayoga VM 1c samprayukta TM 9 sasra satna
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x x (alt. sadam); always, ever, continually, perpetually together, along with; also overcoming, vanquishing; withstanding, enduring conjoined, united; accompanied by, associated or connected with; attached to; also borne, endured, supported before the eyes, immediately, directly; plainly, actually power, ability, strength, energy same, similar; equal, like; common, general, universal stage of abstract meditation; (also coming together, encountering; falling into any state or condition, getting, yielding, becoming) succintly, concisely; in a summary manner being or coming together; being contained in; birth, production, origin, source; causes, reason, occasion; occurrence, appearance; capacity, possibility; being, existence birth, origin, production; growth; manifestation of power having placed together, formed an alliance, reached terms of peace joined, united, contiguous, combined, composite; coherent; forming one mass or body (alt. saja); conceptualizing sam: along with, together + klea, passion, defilement, disturbance, desire = pain, suffering; causing pain proceed together to any state or condition related in use or application yoked or joined together, united, connected x wandering or going through successive states or existences; transmigration; metempsychosis (alt. santn); continued succession, continuance; 330
x x x x x x x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE VM 2, 3 samuccheda TSN 23 sayoga VM 13 saa VM 12 saptadh TSN 6 sarva VM 3, 4; TM 2, 18, 23 sarvtha TSN 27, TM 16, VM 10c, VM 22 sarvatragas TM 7, (10-14) ata VM 12 sat TSN 10, 11, 12, 13; VM 12 sattva TSN 10 sattvavat VM 8 saugha-vat TM 4 siddha VM 3, 11, 13 siddhi VM 22 skandha smaraa VM 17 smti VM 19 sneha
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x continuity; uninterrupted series (alt. samucchitti): destruction, termination sa, along or together with + yoga, collection or concentration of the mind, meditation; harnessing, driving; use, application; means, expedient, art, charm; enterprise, work; union, combination, relation having six sevenfold; seven times x x x x x x x x x x whole, entire, all, every; also always, at all times all things, objects; all manner of things; all matters; regarding everything mental or psychological factors or conditions or elements or qualities compounded beyond a hundred (alt. sad); that which really is, being (present), existing; occurring; real, actual, true; honest; beautiful; good, right; wise being, existence, reality; true essence, nature, disposition; life, consciousness, energy; resolution, self-command, wisdom; also: material or elementary substance/matter or entity/thing; living or sentient being sage, Buddha x x x x x x x torrent, sudden burst of rain (alt. sidhyati); reach an aim, succeed, be accomplished or fulfilled; result, follow conclusion; accomplishment, fulfillment, attainment, performance remembering, recollection remembrance; calling to mind love, fondness for, attachment to 331
x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE TM 6 spara TM 3, 4, 7 srotas TM 4 sthpaya TM 27 sthita TM 28 skma VM 15 nyat VM 20 stra VM 1c sva-bhva (-ta) TSN 1, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28; VM 10, TM 20, 21; a- (or ni-) TSN 21, TM 23, 24
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x touch, contact; tangibility river (riverbed, current), stream, torrent, rush, violent motion kept in place, order, restraint standing, situated, abiding in, remaining in fine, small, minute; subtle; intangible; inconceivable; atomic voidness or absence (of) (mind or distraction or being or reality); also: illusory nature (of external phenomena); also: loneliness, desolateness scripture own condition, own state of being; natural state or constitution; innate/inherent disposition/nature/impulse; also: the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties; also: statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) - a (or ni) without svabhva; unpropertied, void of peculiarities sleeping, dreaming risen as from a daydream heaven (alt. syd), perhaps, it may be (alt. tat, tac); he, she, it, that, this; sometimes "that very" or there, then; therefore, accordingly; now
x x x x x
x x x tad TSN 5, 6, 9, 14, 18, 22, 26, 28, 34; VM 6, 6c, 8, 11, 13, 17; TM 3, 4, 5, 7, 19, 28, 29 x x x tad TSN 25; VM 16, 17; TM 28 x tajja
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE VM 5 tanmtra TM 27 tanmaya TM 7 taraa TM 15 tasya TSN 3, 4, 33; VM 9, 14, 16; TM 4, 21 tata TSN 24, 25; VM 17 tath TSN 5, 8, 20, 25, 29; VM 5, 6, 6c, 10; TM 4, 9, 18 tathat TSN 30, TM 25 tatra TSN 4, 24, 27, 28, 29; VM 6, 7; TM 2, 4 tattva TSN 31 tvan TM 26 tena TSN 4, 5, 11, 12, 13; VM 10c, 18, 20; TM 17 tirasc VM 5 tra TSN 5, 25, 32 traya TSN 1, 26, 31, 35, 38; VM 1c tridh TM 1 trivedan TM 9 trividha TSN 8; TM 23 ttya
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x x rudimentary creation being absorbed in or identical with that raft, boat, enabling to cross, liberating; crossing over flowing or conveying extended, diffused, protracted; composed (tale), performed (ceremony) in that manner, so, thus; likewise, accordingly
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
true nature, true reality, true suchness, true state of things in that place, therein, on that occasion, in that case, therefore (state of) truth or reality; first principle (alt. tvat), so long, so far, so much in that direction, in that manner, there; for that reason, thus, therefore concealing three triple; threefold, consisting of three - alt. trai three ways/parts/times tri: three + vedana: feelings (i.e., pain, pleasure, neutral or indifferent) tri: three, threefold + vidh: part, proportion, measure, sort, kind third 333
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE TM 8 t tva TSN 10, 14, 19 tvac TSN 7 tvad TSN 2, 18, 21, 35; VM 8, 16 tvena TSN 11, 13; VM 9, 9c, 13, 18 udbhva TM 15, 21 ukta VM 8, 17 upacra TM 1 upadia TM 3 upaghtava VM 3 upahata VM 18 upalabdha TSN 38, TM 28 upalabdhi TM 8 upalambha TSN 32, 33, 34, 36, 37; TM 27 upapduka VM 8 upeka TM 10-14x uta VM 1c utpdya VM 9-10c
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x desire state of being the abode of cover; skin, hide, bark, peel one, several, partly; also (alt. tvam, tvan, tvat); thy, thee, thou, etc. state (of)
x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
existence, origin, generation, production, becoming visible, grow term; said, taught, declared to use figuratively or metaphorically; custom or manner of speech, figurative application; pretence, pretext; also: to come near, approach; to attend upon specified, particularized; taught, instructed being affected negatively, injured, etc. hurt, damaged, injured, afflicted; affected; distressed, weakened, discouraged obtained, received; conceived, perceived; also: guessed obtainment; conception; observation, perception, understanding; mind, knowledge obtainment, perception, recognition self-produced act of indifference, equinimity, composure woven produced, brought forth
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE va VM 1 vcyo TM 22 vad (ya) TM 22 vagacchati TSN 33, VM 17 vai TSN 35 vaipkika TSN 8 vartate VM 9; TM 1, 4, 5, 26 vas TSN 27; TM 18; VM 8 vsan TSN 7, VM 7, TM 19 vastu TM 20 vayavasta VM 1c, VM 13 vedana TM 4, 9 vedha TSN 31 vena TSN 11 vibhutva TSN 37, 38 vicchinna VM 15 vid TM 3 vid VM 21 vidh TSN 8; TM 8, 23 vidhya TSN 22
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x x x like, as speech, language (inc. that of animals), sound (inc. objects); word, phrase, statement to be said or spoken va + gacchati: go, move; go or come to, get at, fall into or upon; undergo; incur; reach, acquire verily, truly maturational revolve, pass away (time); happen, occur; live, exist, be, become something shining; working, power, force - vaad: influence impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind; the present consciousness of past perceptions; knowledge derived from memory any really existing or abiding substance, essence, thing, object; the real bound one of the five skandhas: pleasure or pain or neutral (feeling) pious, faithful; also: breaking through, breach, piercing, excavation; also hitting (a mark); also wounding, intrusion, disturbance longing for, wish, desire omnipresence, omnipotence x split, broken asunder; interrupted, disconnected; incoherent; ended, no longer existing (alt. vit); to know (how to); to understand, perceive, learn, be conscious of, be acquainted with, or become not separable part, proportion, measure, sort, kind to be uncertain or hesitate 335
x x x x x x x x x
x x x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE vidy TSN 5, 12; TM 20 vigama TSN 33, 34 vijna TSN 6, 9, 30; VM 1c, 6; TM 1, 2, 5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 28 vijapti VM 1, 2, 9 10c, 17c, 18, 19, 22; TM 2, 3, 17, 25, 26, 27 vijeya TSN 19, 21 vikalpa TSN 30; TM 17, 18, 20, 21 vikalpya TM 17, 20 vikriy VM 19 vimukta TM 30 vineya VM 8 vinivarta TM 26 viniyata TM 9 vipka TSN 9; TM 2, 19 viruddha TSN 35 viaya VM 10c, 11, 17; TM 2, 8 viea VM 9c, 19 vit vitti TSN 9
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x knowledge, learning; science, scholarship, philosophy; also: finding, acquiring, gaining going away, cessation, absence; abstention, avoidance act of distinguishing, perceiving, understanding, recognizing, knowing; skill, science, worldly knowledge; consciousness mind, (representation of) consciousness, concept, perception; also lit. information, announcement, request; imparting, giving to be perceived or known; or understood; knowable, cognizable; to ber recognized, considered, regarded as imagination, fancy, false notion; also alternative, contrivance, difference of perception, distinction, doubt to be distributed, ascertained, or chosen based upon circumstances transformation, change, modification; altered condition; affliction emancipated, liberated, serene to be trained or instructed; pupil x x x x x x x x x ceasing, reversing restrained, checked, regulated, limited ripening, maturity; consequence of actions, result opposed, restrained; surrounded; forbidden; doubtful, precarious; adverse; odious sense object; external world; reach, sphere, domain difference; specific property; particulars see: vid consciousness, understanding, intelligence; finding, acquisition; being found 336
x x
x x x x x x x
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE vividha TM 1 vtti TSN 2, 9; VM 15 vyavadna TSN 10, 17 vyavahra TSN 22, 23 vyvtti TM 5 vyutpatti TSN 22
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x manifold, diverse, of various sorts turning, rolling; being; mode of being or acting purification doing, performing; action; also trading with, dealing deliverance from; turning away, separating from production, origin; development, growth (in knowledge); proficiency, scholarship; derivation, etymology
x x go, going; depart, set out, proceed; vanish, pass, perish; y also act, behave TSN 3, 4; TM 8, 21 x x x (alt. yac, yat); in order that, as for the fact that, because, yad since, wherefore, as, when, if TSN 2, 6, 13; VM 1c, 9; TM 17, 20 x when, whenever; if yad VM 9, 16, 28 x x if, in the case that yadi VM 2, 6; TM 18 x ya (from y); going, moving TM 1 x to be founded on; connection; to sustain, hold, support; yam also to raise, extend; to hold back, restrain TM 8, 17, 24, 30 x x (alt. yasmd); because, since, that yasmt TSN 11, VM 11 x to be endeavored yasya VM 14 x held, limited, restrained; controlled; guided yata TSN 9 x x sense fields ytanas TSN 1, VM 9c x from which or what, whence yatas TSN 5, 12; TM 25 x x x as follows; correlative of, in which way, according as, like yath TSN 2, 4, 12, 20, 21, 27, 31, 34; VM 1, 9c, 16, 17, 19, 21; TM 15 x the manner in which it appears yathkhyna TSN 3 337
SANSKRIT TERM AND OCCURRENCE yatra VM 7; TM 7 yena TM 18, 20 yoga VM 12, 13 yuga yugapad TSN 31, 34; VM 12, 15 yujya VM 14 yukta VM 2
T V T A DEFINITION(S) AND RELATED TERMS S MML T N x x x x x x x x x in or to which place, where, wherein, wherever, whither by (means of) whom or which; in which direction or manner; on which account; in consequence of which, wherefore collection or concentration of the mind, meditation; harnessing, driving; use, application; means, expedient, art, charm; enterprise, work; union, combination, relation yoked, paired, related in the same yoke, together, simultaneously connected, related; homogeneous; similar joined, attached; set to work, made use of, occupied with, engaged in; ready to, prepared for; furnished, endowed, or provided with; accompanied by; being in conjunction with; connected with
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Melanie Johnson-Moxley was born October 22, 1967 in Walnut Creek, California. After attending public schools in Little Rock, Arkansas, she received the following degrees: B.A. with Distinction in Philosophy from Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas (1986); M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Missouri-Columbia (1994); Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Missouri-Columbia (2008). Her research interests include comparative philosophy, Indian and Asian philosophy, Whiteheads process philosophy, and ethical issues related to information technologies. Melanie also writes poetry and fiction. She is married to David Moxley of Bertrand, Missouri.