Free Vibration of Particles
Free Vibration of Particles
Free Vibration of Particles
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The equation of motion for the body of Fig. 8/1a is obtained by first drawing its free-body diagram. Applying Newton's second law in the form gives (8/1) The oscillation of a mass subjected to a linear restoring force as described by this equation is called simple harmonic motion and is characterized by acceleration which is proportional to the displacement but of opposite sign. Equation 8/1 is normally written as (8/2) where (8/3) is a convenient substitution whose physical significance will be clarified shortly.
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at time
, we obtain
Substitution of these values of A and B into Eq. 8/4 yields (8/6) The constants C and of Eq. 8/5 can be determined in terms of given initial conditions in a similar manner. Evaluation of Eq. 8/5 and its first time derivative at gives Solving for C and yields
Substitution of these values into Eq. 8/5 gives (8/7) Equations 8/6 and 8/7 represent two different mathematical expressions for the same time-dependent motion. We observe that . and
We also see from the figure that x is the sum of the projections onto the vertical axis of two perpendicular vectors whose magnitudes are A and B and whose vector sum C is the amplitude. Vectors A, B, and C rotate together with the constant angular velocity . . Thus, as we have already seen, and
Thus, we see that the pair of forces which is identical to Eq. 8/1.
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The lesson here is that by defining the displacement variable to be zero at equilibrium rather than at the position of zero spring deflection, we may ignore the equal and opposite forces associated with equilibrium.*
Complex dashpots with internal flow-rate-dependent one-way valves can produce different damping coefficients in extension and in compression; nonlinear characteristics are also possible. We will restrict our attention to the simple linear dashpot. The equation of motion for the body with damping is determined from the free-body diagram as shown in Fig. 8/4a. Newton's second law gives (8/8) In addition to the substitution it is convenient, for reasons which will shortly become evident, to introduce the combination of constants
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The quantity (zeta) is called the viscous damping factor or damping ratio and is a measure of the severity of the damping. You should verify that is nondimensional. Equation 8/8 may now be written as (8/9)
Linear systems have the property of superposition, which means that the general solution is the sum of the individual solutions each of which corresponds to one root of the characteristic equation. Thus, the general solution is (8/10)
(overdamped). The roots and are distinct, real, and negative numbers. The motion as given by Eq. 8/10 decays so that x approaches zero for large values of time t. There is no oscillation and therefore no period associated with the motion. (critically damped). The roots and the special case of equal roots is given by are equal, real, and negative numbers . The solution to the differential equation for
Again, the motion decays with x approaching zero for large time, and the motion is nonperiodic. A critically damped system, when excited with an initial velocity or displacement (or both), will approach equilibrium faster than will an overdamped system. Figure 8/5 depicts actual responses for both an overdamped and a critically damped system to an initial displacement and no initial velocity . III. (underdamped). Noting that the radicand is negative and recalling that , we may rewrite Eq. 8/10 as
. Thus,
where and . We have shown with Eqs. 8/4 and 8/5 that the sum of two equal-frequency harmonics, such as those in the braces of Eq. 8/11, can be replaced by a single trigonometric function which involves a phase angle. Thus, Eq. 8/11 can be written as
or (8/12) Equation 8/12 represents an exponentially decreasing harmonic function, as shown in Fig. 8/6 for specific numerical values. The frequency
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It is important to note that the expressions developed for the constants C and in terms of initial conditions for the case of no damping are not valid for the case of damping. To find C and if damping is present, you must begin anew, setting the general displacement expression of Eq. 8/12 and its first time derivative, both evaluated at time , equal to the initial displacement and initial velocity , respectively.
The logarithmic decrement is defined as
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For a small damping ratio, and , so that . If and are so close in value that experimental distinction between them is impractical, the above analysis may be modified by using two observed amplitudes which are n cycles apart.
(a) the static spring deflection (b) the natural frequency of the system in both rad/sec ( ) and cycles/sec ( ) (c) the system period (d) the displacement x as a function of time, where x is measured from the position of static equilibrium (e) the maximum velocity attained by the mass (f) the maximum acceleration attained by the mass.
a. From the spring relationship , we see that at equilibrium
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. Because the cosine function cannot be greater than 1 or less than -1, the is 2 ft/sec, which, in this case, is the initial velocity. Ans.
damping ratio .
We must first determine whether the system is underdamped, critically damped, or overdamped. For that purpose, we compute the
The motion is
Evaluating the displacement and velocity at time Solving the two equations for C and yields
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equations are
The free-body diagram of the bar is constructed for an arbitrary displacement x from the central position as shown. The governing
We recognize the form of this equation as that of Eq. 8/2, so that the natural frequency in radians per second is frequency in cycles per second is
Student Sample Solution - Free Vibration of Particles (Undamped) Example #1 Student Sample Solution - Free Vibration of Particles (Undamped) Example #2
(Unless otherwise indicated, all motion variables are referred to the equilibrium position.)
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Problem 8/1
Show that the natural frequency of a vertically oriented spring-mass system, such as that of Prob. 8/1, may be expressed as where is the static deflection.
Determine the natural frequency of the spring-mass system in both radians per second and cycles per second (Hz).
Problem 8/3
For the system of Prob. 8/3, determine the position x of the mass as a function of time if the mass is released from rest at time from a position 2 inches to the left of the equilibrium position. Determine the maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of the mass over one cycle of motion. For the system of Prob. 8/3, determine the position x as a function of time if the mass is released at time from a position 2 inches to the right of the equilibrium position with an initial velocity of 9 in./sec to the left. Determine the amplitude C and period of the motion. For the spring-mass system shown, determine the static deflection , the system period , and the maximum velocity which result if the cylinder is displaced 100 mm downward from its equilibrium position and released.
Problem 8/6
The cylinder of the system of Prob. 8/6 is displaced 100 mm downward from its equilibrium position and released at time Determine the position y, velocity v, and acceleration a when . What is the maximum acceleration? In the equilibrium position, the 30-kg cylinder causes a static deflection of 50 mm in the coiled spring. If the cylinder is depressed an additional 25 mm and released from rest, calculate the resulting natural frequency of vertical vibration of the cylinder in cycles per second (Hz).
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Problem 8/8
For the cylinder of Prob. 8/8, determine the vertical displacement x, measured positive down in millimeters from the equilibrium position, in terms of the time t in seconds measured from the instant of release from the position of 25 mm added deflection. The vertical plunger has a mass of 2.5 kg and is supported by the two springs, which are always in compression. Calculate the natural frequency of vibration of the plunger if it is deflected from the equilibrium position and released from rest. Friction in the guide is negligible.
Problem 8/10
If the 100-kg mass has a downward velocity of 0.5 m/s as it passes through its equilibrium position, calculate the magnitude of its maximum acceleration. Each of the two springs has a stiffness .
Problem 8/11
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Problem 8/12
An old car being moved by a magnetic crane pickup is dropped from a short distance above the ground. Neglect any damping effects of its worn-out shock absorbers and calculate the natural frequency in cycles per second (Hz) of the vertical vibration which occurs after impact with the ground. Each of the four springs on the 1000-kg car has a constant of 17.5 kN/m. Because the center of mass is located midway between the axles and the car is level when dropped, there is no rotational motion. State any assumptions.
Problem 8/13
During the design of the spring-support system for the 4000-kg weighing platform, it is decided that the frequency of free vertical vibration in the unloaded condition shall not exceed 3 cycles per second. (a) Determine the maximum acceptable spring constant k for each of the three identical springs. (b) For this spring constant, what would be the natural frequency of vertical vibration of the platform loaded by the 40-Mg truck?
Problem 8/14
Replace the springs in each of the two cases shown by a single spring of stiffness k (equivalent spring stiffness) which will cause each mass to vibrate with its original frequency.
Problem 8/15
Explain how the values of the mass and the spring constant k may be experimentally determined if the mass is known. Develop expressions for and k in terms of specified experimental results. Note the existence of at least three ways to solve the problem.
Problem 8/16
A 90-kg man stands at the end of a diving board and causes a vertical oscillation which is observed to have a period of 0.6 s. What is the static deflection at the end of the board? Neglect the mass of the board.
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Problem 8/17
With the assumption of no slipping, determine the mass m of the block which must be placed on the top of the 6-kg cart in order that the system period be 0.75 s. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction for which the block will not slip relative to the cart if the cart is displaced 50 mm from the equilibrium position and released?
Problem 8/18
of the system shown in the figure. The mass and friction of the pulleys are negligible.
Problem 8/19
An energy-absorbing car bumper with its springs initially undeformed has an equivalent spring constant of 3000 lb/in. If the 2500-lb car approaches a massive wall with a speed of 5 mi/hr, determine (a) the velocity v of the car as a function of time during contact with the wall, where is the beginning of the impact, and (b) the maximum deflection of the bumper.
Problem 8/20
A small particle of mass m is attached to two highly tensioned wires as shown. Determine the system natural frequency for small vertical oscillations if the tension T in both wires is assumed to be constant. Is the calculation of the small static deflection of the particle necessary?
Problem 8/21
The large cement bucket suspended from the crane by an elastic cable has a mass of 4000 kg. When the bucket is disturbed, a
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vertical oscillation of period 0.5 s is observed. What is the static deflection assume that the crane is rigid for the inboard support position shown.
Problem 8/22
The cylindrical buoy floats in salt water (density stable in the upright position. Determine the frequency remains undisturbed adjacent to the buoy.
) and has a mass of 800 kg with a low center of mass to keep it of vertical oscillation of the buoy. Assume that the water level
Problem 8/23
The cylinder of mass m is given a vertical displacement from its equilibrium position and released. Write the differential equation for the vertical vibration of the cylinder and find the period of its motion. Neglect the friction and mass of the pulley.
Problem 8/24
Shown in the figure is a model of a one-story building. The bar of mass m is supported by two light elastic upright columns whose upper and lower ends are fixed against rotation. For each column, if a force P and corresponding moment M were applied as shown in the right-hand part of the figure, the deflection would be given by , where L is the effective column length, E is Young's modulus, and I is the area moment of inertia of the column cross section with respect to its neutral axis. Determine the natural frequency of horizontal oscillation of the bar when the columns bend as shown in the figure.
Problem 8/25
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Derive the differential equation of motion for the system shown in terms of the variable negligible. State the natural frequency in rad/s for the case and throughout.
Problem 8/26
A 3-kg piece of putty is dropped 2 m onto the initially stationary 28-kg block, which is supported by four springs, each of which has a constant . Determine the displacement x as a function of time during the resulting vibration, where x is measured from the initial position of the block as shown.
Problem 8/27
Problem 8/28
Determine the value of the viscous damping coefficient c for which the system shown is critically damped.
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Problem 8/29
The 8-lb body of Prob. 8/28 is released from rest a distance to the right of the equilibrium position. Determine the displacement x as a function of time t, where is the time of release. The addition of damping to an undamped spring-mass system causes its period to increase by 25 percent. Determine the damping ratio . A linear harmonic oscillator having a mass of 1.10 kg is set into motion with viscous damping. If the frequency is 10 Hz and if two successive amplitudes a full cycle apart are measured to be 4.65 mm and 4.30 mm as shown, compute the viscous damping coefficient c.
Problem 8/32
Determine the value of the viscous damping coefficient c for which the system shown is critically damped.
Problem 8/33
The 2.5-kg spring-supported cylinder is set into free vertical vibration and is observed to have a period of 0.75 s in part (a) of the figure. The system is then completely immersed in an oil bath in part (b) of the figure, and the cylinder is displaced from its equilibrium position and released. Viscous damping ensues, and the ratio of two successive positive-displacement amplitudes is 4. Calculate the viscous damping ratio , the viscous damping constant c, and the equivalent spring constant k.
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Problem 8/34
Problem 8/35
For the damped spring-mass system shown, determine the viscous damping coefficient for which critical damping will occur.
Problem 8/36
A damped spring-mass system is released from rest from a positive initial displacement
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displacement is
Problem 8/37
If the amplitude of the eighth cycle of a linear oscillator with viscous damping is sixteen times the amplitude of the twentieth cycle, calculate the damping ratio . Further design refinement for the weighing platform of Prob. 8/14 is shown here where two viscous dampers are to be added to limit the ratio of successive positive amplitudes of vertical vibration in the unloaded condition to 4. Determine the necessary viscous damping coefficient c for each of the dampers.
Problem 8/39
Problem 8/40
Click here to see an animation of a similar problem. The system shown is released from rest from an initial position translational motion in the x-direction. . Determine the overshoot displacement . Assume
Problem 8/41
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The mass of a given critically damped system is released at time from the position with a negative initial velocity. Determine the critical value of the initial velocity below which the mass will pass through the equilibrium position.
Click here to see an animation of a similar problem. The mass of the system shown is released from rest at (a) and (b) . when . Determine the displacement x at if
Problem 8/43
The owner of a 3400-lb pickup truck tests the action of his rear-wheel shock absorbers by applying a steady 100-lb force to the rear bumper and measuring a static deflection of 3 in. Upon sudden release of the force, the bumper rises and then falls to a maximum of below the unloaded equilibrium position of the bumper on the first rebound. Treat the action as a onedimensional problem with an equivalent mass of half the truck mass. Find the viscous damping factor for the rear end and the viscous damping coefficient c for each shock absorber assuming its action to be vertical.
Problem 8/44
Derive the differential equation of motion for the system shown in its equilibrium position. Neglect the mass of link AB and assume small oscillations.
Problem 8/45
Develop the equation of motion in terms of the variable x for the system shown. Determine an expression for the damping ratio in terms of the given system properties. Neglect the mass of the crank AB and assume small oscillations about the equilibrium position shown.
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Problem 8/46
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