Brotherhood in Islam
Brotherhood in Islam
Brotherhood in Islam
1. Definition of brotherhood
a. An association of people united in some kind of common belief
i. Thakwa or fear of Allah
1. The prophet Muhammad said that Allah saying that “my love is a
right for those who visit each other for my sake. And my love is a
right for those who support each other for my sake” (minhaj al
a. We need to take time out of our schedule for Allah
i. Developing this brotherhood is considered as a act
of worship
ii.And worshipping Allah is the only way to achieve
the jannah
iii.Just building the brotherhood will not promise the
jannah, but it is an important factor in the faith or
the iman
b. To receive compassion from Allah, one must make
sacrifices in his name
i. We have to do things for the sake of Allah
ii.Five pillars of Islam
1. You do not do it for other people. You
follow these pillars and apply them in our
lives to obtain the mercy of Allah
2. Shahada, salat, zakat, saum, and hajj
a. Each is very important for the
3. I do not want to go into detail with the
pillars but just as we need to complete the
pillars of Islam, we also need to build up this
b. We assume the meaning of brotherhood is based on faith and respect
i. There are three types of brotherhood
1. Biological related
a. Example: laws of inheritance in Islam
2. Descendents of Adam
a. Allah says: “we have honored the children of Adam and
have carried them over land and sea and have provided for
them good things and have preferred the over much of what
we have created”.(bani Israel, ayah 70)
ۡ َحرِ وَرَز َۡقن َٰـهُم مّنَ ٱلطّيّب َٰـتِ وَفَض ّۡلن َٰـه
ُم ۡ َٱلب
ۡ ٱلبَرّ و
ۡ ُم فِى
ۡ ِى ءَادَمَ وَحَم َۡلن َٰـه
ٓ ّمنَا بَن
ۡ َد كَر
ۡ وَلَق
٧٠ ) ً۬)عَلَىٰ ڪَثِيرٍ۬ مّمّنۡ خَلَقۡنَا تَفۡضِيل
b. Allah has given the general mercy
i. Allah has treated all humanity equally and does not
allow discrimination and has given everybody there
1. Allah has given everybody the chance to
receive the mercy of Allah
ٓ كَ إِن
ّّى أَخَافُ ٱلَّ رَب ۖ َطٍ َيدِىَ إِلَيۡكَ لِ َۡقتُل
۬ ِلَٕٮِنۢ بَسَطتَ إِلَىّ يَدَكَ لِت َۡقتُلَنِى م َٓا أَن َ۟ا بِبَاس
٢٨ ) َٱلۡعَـٰلَمِين
i. [be like him] Habeel showed good morals and
perfect piety and feared only Allah and only
thought of Allah’s punishment if his brother
attacked him
1. We should have that mentality or mind set
a. We should think before we act.
When I say this, I mean remember
Allah before you do anything. Allah
has sent the Quran as a reminder to
the mankind to remember there duty
to Allah as a well as themselves.
Allah does not need us, we need
4. Abu bakar reported Allah’s messenger saying: when two Muslims
confront each and one of them attacks the other with a weapon,
they both go to the hell fire. Reason is that they both had the
intention of killing their companion.
a. Even the slightest misguided intention in your heart can
lose the paradise and feel the wrath of the hellfire
2. Brotherhood as a whole
a. A single united body
i. One part injured, the whole body feels it
1. Provides stability in a troubling world
a. We are living in a foreign country. I am from Pakistan.
Some people are from Asia, Middle East, and Africa.
b. Making the brotherhood in our own countries may have
been easier but here, there is a different language, different
culture, and different way of life. We must try harder.
3. ۡ ُم ت
َُرحَمُون ۡ ُم وَٱتّقُواْ ٱلَّ لَعَلّك
ۚۡ إِنّمَا ٱلۡمُؤۡ ِمنُونَ إِخۡوَ ۬ةٌ فَأَصۡلِحُواْ ب َۡينَ أَخَو َۡيك
i. “The muminoon are but a single brotherhood”(49:10)
b. Believers are one brotherhood
i. You see a believer in Islam. No matter if you know him. He is your
brother in Islam. Allah shows the duties of the believers in a ayah in the
5. ۬ ّرصُو
ٌص ۡ نٌ م
۬ إِنّ ٱلَّ يُحِبّ ٱلّذِينَ يُق َٰـتِلُونَ فِى سَبِيلِهِۦ صَ ۬فّا كَأَنّهُم ب ُۡني َٰـ
٤ ))
i. In surah as- saff ayah 4, this brotherhood, this ummah, is like a solid
cemented structure or a brick wall, which is a defense in the service of
right and against wrong
1. Again this ummah’s duty is to fight against evil, and promote good
2. Each and every person in the masjid is apart of this ummah. If one
fails, this wall will collapse. To prevent this, help your brother in
6. Problems we face including discrimination and cultural barriers and hurting our brothers
i. Prophet Muhammad’s last Khuthba
1. All mankind is from Adam and eve, an Arab has is no better than a
non-Arab, nor a non- Arab is better than a Arab: a white person is
not better than a black person and a black person is no better than a
white person except by piety and good. Learn that every Muslim is
a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one
a. The Muslim believes in the brotherhood and to believe in it
means that you have to protect it from any kind of harm
like discrimination, racism, and sexism
b. Anybody can be accepted into Islam: black, white,
handicapped, male, female, and anybody from any culture
2. Islam takes every measure to preserve humanity from division and
it’s a fact that many African Americans have converted to Islam
because of this color blindness
i. And they see that Islam is a universal religion and
to fear Allah is the best path for living and
achieving the jannah
b. I would like to give an example of the past in which racism
was occurring and discuss about how it was dealt with
i. Racism did not just start in the 1800s or 1700s but
has affected lives since the time of the prophets
c. In early days of Islam, one of the greatest honors is to call
the azan or be the muezzin. Muhammad Ibn Abdullah gave
this honor to bilal in Mecca. Some prideful Arabs said, he
should not be calling the azan. The prophet made a sermon
saying that men are divided in two categories
i. The pious and god fearing
ii.Transgressors and disbelievers
d. Brother and sisters look and read the Quran. Allah says,
Surah hujarat ayah 13, that the best among in the eyes of
Allah is the most pious
7. َ ) َومِن
٥) شرّ حَاسِ ٍد إِذَا حَسَ َد
i. Here it says to ask Allah for protection from the
envy of an envious person
1. Allah does this for a purpose
2. Envy can break the brotherhood so we must
be careful to avoid this
b. The prophet said that you cannot be a true believer unless
he desires for his fellow-brother what he desires for himself
i. This is the true test of faith in that a person is not
selfish or greedy rather in the name of Allah, he
wants his brother to have success and with this will
lead you towards the jannah
2. In the sahih, it is said that the prophet said that do not under rate
any good act even its meeting your brother with a cheerful face
)(muslin 4:2026
a. Even the smallest act of pleasing your brother maybe huge
in the eyes of Allah and should always kept in mind
8. Ummah
a. Allah has shows many times in the Quran how Muslims are one
i. In surah An- nur ayah 61, Allah says greet yourself rather then greet each