Final Y6 Exam Review Sheet 23-24 - Ans Key

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Pakistan International School Jeddah-English Section

Academic Year (2023–2024)


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Chapter 1. Passages from Quran
Chapter 2. Sayings of Prophet (SAW)
Chapter 3. Islamic Belief
Chapters Chapter 4. Pillars of Islam
Chapter 5. Prominent Events of Prophet’s SAW life
Chapter 6. Mothers of Believers
Chapter 7. Al-Khulafaa Ar-Rashidoon

 This review pack is consisted of all the topics of exam in order to facilitate
students for a thorough exam preparation from review pack only.

 Questions given in this review pack are descriptive. However, in exam these
questions can be assessed in any form; MCQS, fill in the blanks, choose true
or false statement, or order the events in correct sequence.

 Tentative marks are also mentioned against each question, to make students
practice writing answer according to marks.

 Students must avoid writing answers in short phrases, words or points

where details are required.

 Students are encouraged to answer the questions in their own words.

Chapter 1: Quranic Passages
Worksheet 1 Surah Al-Zalzalah
Surah Ad-Dhuha

Surah Al-Zilzal(99)

1. Complete the following information about Surah Al-Zilzal. [4]

Meaning of Surah Name Type of Surah Number of verses Category of Surah

The earthquake Madni Eight Allah’s relation with

His creation

2. Write translation of Surah Al-Zilzal in the space given below. [8]

1- When the earth is shaken with its (final) earthquake

2- And the earth discharges its burden

3- And man says: “What is (wrong) with it?”

4- That day it will report its news.

5- Because your Lord has inspired it.

6- That day the people will emerge separately

to be shown their deeds
7- So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it

8- And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.

3. What is the main theme of Surah Zilzal and what a Muslim can learn from Surah Zilzal?

Theme of Surah: [3]

This Surah describes a scene from the Day of Judgement, the condition of the earth and its people at
the time of resurrection. It has been told briefly how the second life after death will take place and
how confusing it will be for man. This Surah also serves as a warning to those who do not believe in
Allah and His signs.Surah al-Zilzal ends with a reminder that all these things will happen because
Allah is mighty and just. Those who do good deeds will have nothing to fear on that day, but those
who have done evil will be sufferers. This Surah is a powerful reminder of our mortality and should
motivate us to lead righteous lives.
Lesson learn: [3]

Muslims should be prepared for the last day and not get distracted by worldly things like money and
power etc. We must have a fear of accountability in after life and stay on the right path. We should
never think of any word, deed or intent, good or bad, as insignificant.

Surah Ad-Dhuha

4. Complete the following information about Surah Ad-Dhuha . [4]

Meaning of Surah Name Type of Surah Number of verses Category of Surah

The bright morning light Early Makki Eleven Allah’s relationship

With His Prophet

5. Write translation of Surah Ad-Dhuha in the space given below. [11]

1. By the bright morning light,

2. And by the night when it covers with darkness,

3. Your Lord has not abandoned you; nor is He displeased

with you
4. Indeed, the life to come is better for you than the [first] life,

5. And surely your Lord will give you, and you will be content.

6. Did He not find you an orphan and gave you shelter?

7. And He found you lost and showed you the way?

8. And He found you poor and made you rich?

9. So do not treat the orphan with oppression.

10. And do not turn away the one who asks;

11. And speak of the favors of your Lord.

6. Which blessings were given to Prophet (SAW) mentioned in Surah Ad Duha and what three
moral lessons can you learn from this Surah?

Blessings: [3]

1. Allah found Prophet (SAW) as an orphan and gave him shelter- SHELTER
2. He found him (SAW) lost and showed him the way- GUIDANCE
3. He found him (SAW) poor and made him rich- WEALTH

Moral Lessons: [3]

Although the surah addresses the Prophet (SAW), it has a wider purpose. It concerns and is meant
to console every faithful man and woman suffering from sorrows and bitter hardships, which so often
afflict the good and innocent. Happiness in human life is widely spaced and short. Man sometime
finds periods of sorrow and suffering overshadowing his existence in this world but as surely as
morning follows night, Allah’s mercy is bound to elevate every suffering, either in this world or in the
life to come.
Worksheet 2 Chapter 2: Sayings of Prophet (SAW)
➢ Brotherhood
➢ Purity of intentions
➢ Mercy towards Mankind
➢ Pride and Faith
➢ Sincerity in religion
➢ Amr Bil Maroof Nahi Anil-Munkir

1. (a) Write the title and translation of the following hadith. [2]

Title: Purity of intentions

Allah does not look at your forms and your possessions, but he looks at your hearts and your deeds.”

b. Explain the teachings of the hadith mentioned above by describing the importance of pure
intention. [2]
Actions are judged by our intentions. Pure intention is vital for acceptance of our deeds by Allah. Muslims
must have pure intentions in everything they do in all religious or every day matters of life because Allah
Judges all our deeds by our intentions. If one is having impure intentions, his deeds will be in vain
(unacceptable) and Allah will not reward him for that particular deed.

2.(a) Write the title and translation of the following hadith. [2]

Title: Mercy towards mankind

Allah will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.”

b. Explain the teachings of the hadith mentioned above by describing the importance of mercy.

All of Allah’s creatures have rights in Islam, humans and animals, so it is the duty of Muslims to uphold,
and protect their natural rights. Islam teaches us to be merciful to the entire creation, to Muslims and non-
Muslims, to friends and enemies and even to the animals. Always show kindness to children and to the
old people. Allah will show kindness and mercy, to a person who is kind and merciful.
3.(a) Write the title and translation of the following hadith. [2]

Title: Brotherhood

“The believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected, he is affected, and if his head is affected he is
all affected.”

b. How can Muslim practice brotherhood in the society? Give examples to support your answer.
We should practice Brother hood in our society by loving each other, by being generous to one another,
by not harming each other and helping our Muslim brothers in their difficult times through different means
in any part of the world. For example: In Pakistan in 2005, there was an earthquake in northern areas
where all Pakistanis and Muslim countries rushed to help with food, medicine or other necessities of life.

4.(a) Write down the title and translation of the following hadith. [2]

Title: Faith and pride

“He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell, and he who has in
his heart as much pride as a grain ofmustard seed will not enter paradise."

b. Explain the teachings of the hadith mentioned above by giving reasons why pride should be
avoided. [4]
Pride is the worst attribute of a man. It is a disease of the heart and soul. Many other negative character
traits are born such as envy, arrogance and anger. Satan was expelled out of Jannah due to this sin.
Greatness and pride are the attributes of Allah only. It prevents us from obtaining the blessings of Allah.
Quran orders the believers to be humble and honest. They must not take pride in race, ancestry, wealth,
position, pride of knowledge.
5.(a) Write down the title and translation of the following hadith. [2]

Title: Amar bil Maroof wanahi anil munkir

Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; if he is not able to do so, then with
his tongue; if he is not able to doso, then with his heart and that is the weakest of faith.”

b. Explain the teachings of the hadith mentioned above and describe how can you implement
the teachings of this hadith in your daily life. [4]
There should always be a group calling people towards good and forbidding them from evil. This is an
obligation upon Ummah which is a collective responsibility. If the Ummah fails to perform this duty, wrong
doing and corruption will spread among the Muslim Ummah and it will deserve the curse of Allah. It is a
major characteristic of Muslim. He should not only possess this character but also mutually cooperate in
the promotion of good and the prohibition of evil.

6.(a) Write down the title and translation of the following hadith. [2]

Title: Sincerity in Religion

"Religion is sincerity." We said, "To whom?" The Prophet said, “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the
leaders of the Muslims and to their common people.”

b. Explain the teachings of the hadith mentioned above and give examples how can you be
sincere with religion and people. [4]
Sincerity in religion means that a person should be sincere with:
 Allah
 His books
 His messengers
 The Muslim leaders and
 To the common people.
A person can be sincere towards other people by treating them equally and he should be kind and
honest. He should not harm others and treat them with respect as Prophet SAW said: “None of you truly
believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself”
7. Identify the type of the following hadiths as communal or individual. [6]

1 “The believers are like a single man; if his eye is

affected, he is affected, and if his head is

2 Allah henot
does is all affected.”
look at your forms and your Individual

possessions, but he looks at your hearts and your

3 deeds.”
Allah will not show mercy to him who does not show Communal
mercy to others.”

4 “He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of Individual

mustard seed will not enter hell, and he who has in his

heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not

5 enter paradise."
"Religion is sincerity." We said, "To whom?" The Individual

Prophet said, “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger,

the leaders of the Muslims and to their common

6 Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it Communal

with his hand; if he is not able to do so, then with his

tongue; if he is not able to do so, then with his heart

and that is the weakest of faith.”

Worksheet 3 Chapter 3-4: Pillars of Faith & Pillars of Islam

1. Mention pillars of faith and pillars of Islam in the column below. [11]

Pillars of Faith Pillars of Islam

1. Belief in Allah 1. Shahadah (Declaration of

2. Belief in Angels 2. Salah (Performance of daily
3. Belief in books 3. Zakah (Purifying dues)

4. Belief in Prophets 4. Sawm (fast of Ramadan)

5. Belief in the last day 5. Hajj (The Pilgrimage)

6. Belief in predestination

2. Define Tawheed and explain three aspects of Tawheed?

Tawheed is the basis of Islamic belief in Allah. It means believing, declaring and affirming Oneness of
Allah. Tawheed is the first and foremost principle of Islam which every Muslim must believe in. It is the
heart of Islam. The three aspects of Tawheed are:

1. Tawheed ar- Rububiyyah (Oneness of lordship)

This is the belief that Allah alone is the Lord and Sovereign of all things with no partners
Or associates. He, Allah is the Controller and the Creator of the entire universe. This
aspect also includes believing in the will and decree of Allah alone.

2. Tawheed al – Uluhiyyah
This aspect is also called Tawheed-al-Ibadah (Oneness of Worship), meaning that none has the
right to worship except Allah. This aspect of Tawheed is so important that it differentiates a Muslim
from a Mushrik (disbeliever).

3. Tawheed al- Asma was sifaat (Oneness in Names and Attibute)

This means the belief in most beautiful names and attributes of Allah conveyed by Him and
His Messenger (SAW). His names and attributes are free from all faults and short comings,
and are applied only to Him.
2.Which aspect of Tawheed differentiates a Muslim from a Non-Muslim? Explain in detail by
giving examples. [4]

Tawheed-Al-Uluhiyyah differentiates a Muslim from non-Muslim. This aspect is also called Tawheed-Al-
Ibadah (Oneness of Worship), meaning that none has the right to worship except Allah. A Muslim direct all
his worships (Prayer, Fasting, Zakah, Hajj, Dua, seeking help, offering sacrifice, hope and love) to Allah
alone whereas a non-Muslim worships other deities along with or except Allah.

3. Describe any three Muslims’ belief about Angels. [3]

Belief is angel is 2nd article of faith, Muslim must have to belief on them as they are the creation of
Allah.Allah created angels from light so they can travel at the speed of light. They have no free will and
always praise, worship and serve Allah. They are strong and trustworthy. They carry out Allah’s orders and
never disobey Allah. Angels are given special importance by Allah and hold roles of significance in the
world. They are mentioned in the Qur’an and therefore given recognition and importance by Muslims today.
Roles of these angels remind Muslims of the importance of living as Allah wants them to, in order to be
rewarded after death.

4. Explain what is a Muslims’ belief about the day of judgment. [2]

Belief is Day of Judgment is 5th article of faith, Muslims believe that there will come a day when the
whole universe will be destroyed and people will be held accountable for their deeds. Muslims believe
they can enter Paradise by living according to the teachings of the Qur’an. They see their life on earth
as a test from Allah, and obviously want to be rewarded in the afterlife.

5. What is a Muslim’s belief about prophets and why do you think it was important to send
them the mankind? [3]

Allah sent prophets and messengers (peace be upon them all) as a mercy to mankind. They were human
beings of superior moral character selected by Allah to remind people about Him to guide them on the
path leading to His pleasure and to Paradise. Muslims accept that prophets are the link between Allah
and humanity, and this is how Allah revealed what he is like and how he wants people to live.

6. (a) Mention the statement of Shahadah. [2]

First part of Shahadah: I bear witness that there is no god except Allah

Second part of Shahadah: I bear witness that Muhammad (SAW) is His servant and His Messenger.”

(b). What is the significance of shahadah in Islam and when is it recited? [3]

The concept expressed in Shahadah is part of everything a Muslim does. It means that he lives his
whole life according to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger (SAW). The true meaning
of worship is obedience and submission to Allah. Shahadah is recited in every Salah and on
other occasions, such as after completion of wudhu.
7. Prayer requires preparation before it is performed. Describe how Muslims prepare for it. [8]

A person offering Salah must fulfill some conditions before the start of the prayers. A person must
have reached the age of puberty. He must Ensure the place is clean where salah has to be performed.
Must Make wudhu according to Sunnah and cover the awrah. Make intention of the prayer that has to be
offered inside heart and face towards Qiblah before offering the prayer.

8. Following are some conditions in which Tayammum can be valid or Invalid.

Identify ‘Permissible’ or ‘Impermissible’ condition according to the situation.

1. Tayammum can be performed if one does not have access to water.


2. If there is no hot water available, can a person do Tayammum?

Impermissible (not allowed)

3. One can do Tayammum if they are being lazy to perform wudu.

Impermissible (not allowed)

9. Read the verse of Surah Tawbah (9:60) from your book and list down the eight
categories of people who are entitled to receive Zakah. [4]

َ ‫ب َوٱ ْلغَ ٰـ ِر ِمينَ َوفِى‬

َّ ‫سبِي ِل ٱ َّّللِ َوٱب ِْن ٱل‬
ۖ ‫سبِي ِل‬ ِ ‫علَ ْي َها َوٱ ْلم َؤلَّفَ ِة قلوبه ْم َوفِى ٱ ِلرقَا‬
َ َ‫ين َوٱ ْلعَ ٰـ ِملِين‬ َ ‫ص َدقَ ٰـت ِل ْلفقَ َرآ ِء َوٱ ْل َم‬
ِ ‫س ٰـ ِك‬ َّ ‫۞ إِنَّ َما ٱل‬

٦٠ ‫ع ِلي ٌم َح ِكي ًۭ ٌم‬

َ ‫ّلل َوٱ َّّلل‬ َ ‫فَ ِري‬
ِ َّ ‫ض ًۭة مِنَ ٱ‬

1. The poor
2. The needy
3. Workers in Zakah administration
4. New converts
5. Freeing from bondage
6. The overburden debtors
7. For the cause of Allah
8. The travelers

10. How is Zakah different from Sadaqah? Mention any three differences. [3]

Zakah is paid when the wealth is in your possession for one full lunar year (Hijri) and that the wealth has
reached the specific amount of Nisaab. Whereas Sadaqah can be given at any time and in any amount.
The one who withholds Zakah will be sinful and will be punished in this Dunya and the Hereafter but the
one who does not pay Sadaqah will not be sinful and he will not be punished. It is not permissible to give
Zakah to Non-Muslim. Whereas Sadaqah may be given to Muslims and Non-Muslims.
11. On whom is fasting obligatory and What is the purpose of fasting in the month of Ramadan
for a Muslim? [4]

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is compulsory on every Muslim who has reached physical maturity, is
healthy and sane. Fasting is not obligatory for small children.
The main reason behind fasting is to attain Taqwa, or piety. So, it develops God consciousness (Taqwa)
in a person. While fasting, Muslims feel closer to their Creator, and recognize that everything we have in
this life is a blessing from Him.

12. Describe the Spiritual benefits of Fasting. [2]

The main reason behind fasting is to attain Taqwa, or piety. So, it develops God
consciousness (Taqwa) in a person. While fasting, Muslims feel closer to their Creator, and recognize
that everything we have in this life is a blessing from Him.

13. Mention the type of people who will make up their missed fast (Qadha) and who will
give Fidya? [4]

The people who will give Fidya:

1. The permanently ill, who are not likely to recover from their illness
2. Those people who are too old and feeble to fast at any time of the year
3. Those in similar situations who find it difficult to fast, no matter the reason
4. The permanently insane

The people who will make up their fast (Qadha):

1. The sick people who are not permanently ill, if the fast is likely to make their illness or delay recovery
2. The traveler, if he travels as far as the distance requires shortening the obligatory prayers. If he is
able to fast while travelling then he can do so.

14. How do you think Hajj promotes brotherhood and equality? Describe what is the
significance of wearing white garments during Hajj. [4]

The idea behind dressing simply is to mask any differences in wealth and status between the pilgrims. It
represents equality, Ihram clothing removes all societal representations of wealth or social differences
and ensures that both men and women renounce the temptations of vanity and the world. It is the proof of
the universality of Islam and the brotherhood and equality of Muslims. Muslims from different parts of the
world assemble in Makkah in response to the invitation of Allah
15. Which conditions are required to perform Hajj? Write social and spiritual benefits of Hajj? [4]

Conditions of Hajj:

There are three conditions of Hajj on the basis of which Hajj is obligatory

1. A person who has enough money for the journey

2. He is in good health

3. The journey to Makkah is safe and does not involve any danger

Social benefit:

1. It is the largest gathering where Muslims meet and come to know one another, discuss their

common affairs and promote their general welfare.

Spiritual benefit:

1. “He who makes a pilgrimage to the House, avoiding indecent and immoral behavior – will return as

pure from sins as the day he was born.” (Al-Bukhari)

16. Fill in the blanks. [6]

a. The pilgrims offer Dhuhar and Asar prayers together, combined and shortened in


b. First day of Hajj is also known as Yawm-ul-Tarwiyyah.

c. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Hajj is Arafah”.

d. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said if a person does not perform Hajj despite being

capable of, he will die

as a Jew or a Christian.
17. Arrange the Rituals of 10th Dul-Hijjh in correct order. [6]

Halaq or Taqseer 6

Stoning of Jamarat ul- Aqabah 4

Yawm al- Nahr/ Sacrificing Animal 5

Tawaf al- Ifadah 7

Spending night at Mauzdalifah 3

Youm ul Tarweeha 1

Youm ul Arafah 2
Worksheet 4 Chapter 5: Early life and Prominent events of Prophet’s
(SAW) life

1.Describe any three major events in the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW before first revelation.

Open answer: Student can write any three give detail account of any three Prophet SAW major

events before First revelation. Answer can vary according to different choice of events.

For example:

When Muhammad (SAW) was twelve years old, he accompanied his uncle Abu Talib on a business trip
to Syria. On the way, they met a Christian monk named Bahira. When Bahira saw Muhammad (SAW),
he asked Abu Talib many questions about him and predicted that Muhammad would be a prophet. He
advised Abu Talib to take proper care of Muhammad (SAW) and protect him from the Jews.

Prophet Saw was a part of Hilf-ul-Fudhul’ at the age of 20 which was formed to maintain peace in the
region. It was a preIslamic pact of justice and Muhammad (SAW) was also part of this alliance between
Makkan tribes. In this pact they promised or pledged to help and support the oppressed person who
had been wronged.

At the age of 35 dispute occur in Makah about placement of black stone Prophet (SAW) acted as an
arbitrator and helped to avoid the conflict. He resolved the matter peacefully by his wisdom and

2. Give account of any three major events of Prophet Muhammad SAW life from first revelation
till 10th year of Prophethood. [6]

Open Answer. Students can write any three major events of Prophet’s SAW life in first ten years in

detail. Students can include

Revelation story, Migration to Abuysiinia, Umar and Hamza acceptance of Islam, Boycott in Shib

of Abu Talib from seventh to 10th year, Year of Aaam ul Huzn or Trip to Taif. Students must

describe the event in detail. Refer to Prophet SAW lesson 1 from textbook.

3. Tenth year of Prophethood was the time of hardship for Prophet (SAW). What lessons
Muslims can learn from this phase of his life?

Open Answer:

Prophet (SAW) taught us that in the face of oppression, we should not retaliate but instead remain
silent & turn to Allah for help. We should remain patient and submit to Allah in all conditions with His
decree and commandments, and be steadfast as there comes ease after each difficulty. He endured
all hardships and challenges with patience and courage and had trust in Allah. Muslims should follow
his teachings and reflect on the conduct and character of the Prophet (SAW).(sample answer)

4. Why Muslims migrated to Abyssinia? [2]

Due to Quraysh’s persecution, life became difficult for Muslims in Makkah. Prophet (SAW) advised
them to migrate to Abyssinia that was ruled by a kind and just Christian ruler named Negus.

5. Give detail how and where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was taken during journey of Israa
and Miraaj by angel Jibrel (AS). Mention all the events in correct sequence. [6]

Note: Student must know the correct sequence of the journey. (Student must know the correct
chronological order of the story)

The night journey (Israa) and ascension (Miraaj) begin with Prophet Muhammad (SAW) travelling
with the angel Jibreel (AS) from Makkah (Masjid al-Haram) to “the farthest mosque” Masjid al-Aqsa,
in Jerusalem. The Night Journey and the ascension were physical experiences, of both the body and
the soul. Angel Jibreel (AS) took him from Masjid Al-Aqsa through all the seven heavens. (Miraaj) on
a wonderful heavenly animal called al-Buraaq, which was bigger than a donkey and smaller than a
mule, and whose stride reached as far as his eye could see.
Then He reached the first heaven. He spoke to Adam (AS), whom he found in the company of the
souls of the dead, divided in two groups: the good and the bad.In th e second heaven he met Prophet
Zakariyyaa (AS). Prophet lsa (AS) and Prophet Yahyaa (AS). In the third heaven he met Prophet
Yousuf (AS). In the fourth heaven, he met Prophet ldrees (AS). In the fifth heaven, he met Prophet
Haroon (AS). In the sixth heaven, he met Prophet Musa (AS) and in the seventh last heaven he met
Prophet lbraaheem (AS).

After that the Prophet (SAW) was carried to AI-Bait al-Mamoor (The Much-Frequented House). Later
he visited Sidrat al-Muntahaa (The Farthest Lote Tree). He was also presented to the Divine
Presence. There Almighty Allah enjoined on him and his followers fifty daily prayers. Prophet (SAW)
was also gifted with last two verses of Surah AL-Baqarah. On the advice of Prophet Musa (AS) who
was in the sixth heaven, the Prophet (SAW) kept praying to Allah to make them fewer in number until
they were reduced to five prayers a day. On this journey, he also met Maalik (AS), the angel in
charge of Hell and saw different sight of hell and then took journey back to Makkah.

6. Mention the gifts that Allah bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his Ummah on

the event of Miraaj. [3]

Almighty Allah enjoined on him and his followers fifty daily prayers. Prophet (SAW) was also
gifted with last two verses of Surah AL-Baqarah and Forgiveness of Ummah sins.

7. Why fifty prayers were reduced to five prayers a day? [2]

On the advice of Prophet Musa (AS) who was in the sixth heaven, the Prophet (SAW) kept praying
to Allah to make them fewer in number until they were reduced to five prayers a day

8. What proof of night journey and ascension was given to Prophet (SAW) to Makkans? [3]

The Prophet (SAW) gave many proofs of the truth of his account. He told them of a caravan he had
met on the way to Jerusalem and back, and of a stray camel of some Makkans and how he had
directed them to where it was. He also described Al-Aqsa mosque in great detail.

9.How did the people of Yathrib get convinced that Muhammad (SAW) was indeed a Prophet? [2]

The people of Madinah had learnt from the Jews about the coming of a prophet who would bring peace
to mankind. The teachings of the Quran and the truthfulness of the Prophet (SAW) convinced them that
he was the Prophet foretold in the Tawrah.

10. Who was chosen as the first ambassador of Islam by Prophet Muhammad SAW and how did
Islam spread due to his efforts? [5]

People of Madina are new converts and need guidance and knowledge about Islam. Prophet SAW
choose Mus'ab bin Umayr (RA)was a noted companion of the Prophet (SAW). He was a leading
figure in Makkan society before the rise of Islam. He was extremely popular in the aristocratic circles
of Makkah.. He was noted for his knowledge of the Qur'an and his dedication to the cause of Islam.
His tactfulness, good manners, diplomacy and hard work won the allegiance of many leading men of
the Aws and the Khazraj in Madinah. Islam began to spread among the people of the Aws and
Khazraj with the efforts of Musab Bin Umair (RA). Not a household of the people of Madinah
remained in which some men and women had not accepted Islam.

11.Mention the terms and conditions of first pledge and second of Aqabah? [10]

Terms of First Pledge of Aqabah Terms of Second Pledge of Aqabah

They will worship only Allah and will not ascribe 1. To listen and obey in all sets of circumstances;
any partners to Him
They will not steal or commit adultery. 2. To spend in times of ease and hardships;

They will not kill their children. 3. To enjoin good and forbid evil;

They will not slander anyone in any way. 4. To serve the cause of Allah in all circumstances
without fearing the blame of anyone;

They will not disobey the Prophet (SAW) in 5. To support the Prophet (SAW) when he came to
what is right. them and to protect him against whatever they
would protect themselves and their spouses and
They will worship only Allah and will not ascribe 6. To listen and obey in all sets of circumstances;
any partners to Him

12.Why did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) appoint the leaders or deputies among Aws and
Khazraj? Mention the duties of the appointed leaders [5]

Allah’s Messenger (SAW) asked the people to select twelve men who would be responsible for the
affairs of their own communities. Each deputy was appointed to provide leadership and guidance for
their respective groups. Prophet (SAW) assigned some duties to each of the deputy.
 The leader of the prayer,
 The teacher of the Qur'an,
 The arbiter in disputes,
 The adviser and commander on the battleground.

13. Match the column. Match and Refer to correct information for Pledge of Aqabah 1 & 2.

Note: Student must be able to identify the term or any relevant informantion regarding
pledge of Aqabah 1 and 2

1. Two People from Aws took the pledge.

2. Prophet (SAW) taught them to worship Allah alone and

to refrain from the major sins.

3. Bara ibn Maroor was the spokesperson for the group

1st Pledge of
from Madinah. Aqaba
4. Nusaybah bint kaab and Asma bint Amar took the
pledge orally.

5. Musab ibn Umair was sent to Madinah to teach people

about Islam.

6. Al Abbas demanded an unwavering pledge for protection

of Prophet (SAW).
2nd Pledge of
7. Aws and Khazraj were determined to offer their support
and loyalty for Prophet (SAW).

8. Deputies were appointed to provide leadership and

guidance for their tribes.

14. Give three reasons that made Prophet Muhammad (SAW) migrate from Makkah to Madinah. [5]

 Holy Prophet (SAW) decided to move from Makkah to Madinah because Quraysh’s persecution
intensified after the death of his uncle Abu Talib. Makkah was not a safe place for him as he lost
his clan protection. People of Madinah invited Him and assured Him of protection during the
pledges of Aqabah.
 All Muslims were safe in Madinah and were welcomed to stay there. His preaching's were very
much successful in Madinah where as in Makkah, it was fruitless.
 Holy Prophet (SAW) main purpose of preaching was development of Islam and to establish an
Islamic community where Muslims could follow their religion without any hindrance, it was only
possible in Madinah
15. What do you find inspiring about the following companion? Give reason to support your
Abu Salamah (RA), Suhayb Ar-Roomie (RA) Jahash Family [5]

Quraysh did not let Suhayb emigrate to Madinah at all. Suhayb suggested them to let him go
free in exchange for his fortune. Suhayb did not hesitate at all to give away all his wealth to
them because he loved his religion more than his wealth. He didn’t even care if he had no
more money, he knew Allah would help him. He put Allah, Prophet (SAW) and Islam above
everything else. He thought about nothing of his worldly possessions. He did not care about
materialistic things rather he preferred the path of Islam and Allah.
Abu Salamah was the first Muslim to emigrate to Madinah who was deprived of his family.
The people of their tribe did not let them migrate together. He was left with no choice but to
emigrate to Madinah alone. This teaches us that we may have to leave many of our
belongings or even loved ones for the sake of Allah. He left his family behind and did not
loose faith. He could have stayed to live with his family again. He could have delayed his
emigration because its hard to be separated from your
family. but he had trust in Allah that no harm would reach them and they would be safe under
the protection of Allah (SWT).

16. Why did Ali (RA) risk his life at the time of Prophet (SAW)’s Hijrah? Describe his role in detail.
Ali (RA) stayed behind to deceive the Quraysh who had become aware of the Prophet's intention
to leave Makkah. Allah's Messenger (SAW) asked Ali (RA) to sleep in his bed and cover himself
with the Prophet (SAW)'s mantle. As it was a very risky task and Quraysh could even kill him.
But he followed the instructions of Prophet (SAW) because he loved him more than himself.Ali
(RA)'s other duty was to make sure that all the things given to the Prophet (SAW) by the people
of Makkah for safekeeping had been returned to their owners. Ali (RA)’s role shows his loyalty,
bravery and love for Allah’s Messenger, which made him ready to sacrifice his life for Prophet
(SAW). It also demonstrates his incredible courage and bravery.

17. Describe the role of Abu Bakr (RA)’s family during the migration of Prophet (SAW). [6]

Asma Bint Abu Bakr (RA) the daughter of Abu Bakr RA is known for her courage, bravery and
intelligence. She provided food and water to the Prophet (SAW) and her father in the cave each
night and she also did not disclose the whereabouts of her father and Prophet (SAW) to Abu Jahl
despite being harshly treated by him.
Abdullah (RA son of Abu Bakr RA would Bring the news to inform them about whatever he had
heard of any evil plan of Quraysh concerning Prophet (SAW). This helped Prophet (SAW) to take
further steps to plan everything successfully. He was indeed a brave and daring young man who put
his life in danger but performed his task efficiently.
Abu Bakr RA servant Amir Bin Fuhayrah Abu Bakr (RA)’s freed slave was courageous, daring and
brave man who used to follow both Asma and Abdullah (RA)’s path to erase their footprints by
bringing his flock of sheep every night and to avoid them or Prophet (SAW)and Abu Bakr (RA)
being captured by anyone. He also provided them with fresh eve’s milk during their stay in the cave,
so he was very brave and daring as well.

18. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) decide to conceal in the cave of Thawr for few days? Give
reasons for his actions. [2]

Quraysh hand announced the reward of 100 she camels. Prophet SAW and Abu Bakr life was in
danger. In order to reach Madina safely they hide safely in the cave for three days. The period of
three days was sufficient for things to calm down and to remove the pursuers off the road.

19 .Fill the timeline of the events occurred in Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) life before

4-5 year old 35 year-

Staying with First trip to Syria Hilf-ul-Fudhul
Halimah Sadia of Kabah

Staying with Sacrilegious Wars Marriage with

Grandfather- Abdul Khadija

20. Arrange the events of Prophet SAW’s migration to Madinah using numbers. [10]

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) took a handful of dust and threw it at plotter’s heads, 4
reciting the first nine verses of Surat Yaa Seen.

Quraish held their secret meeting at Dar An-Nadwah to plan the assassination of 1
Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Allah’s Messenger (SAW) asked Ali (RA) to sleep in his bed and cover himself with the 3
Prophet (SAW)’s mantle to deceive the Quraish.

The murderous plotters gathered around the Prophet’s house, waiting for a suitable 2
moment to strike at him all together at once.

th 10
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) reached Quba first on 8 th Rabee al-Awwal of the 13 year
of Prophet’s mission. After 14 days, he fnally entered the city of Madinah where he
received warm welcome by both Ansaars and Muhajireen.

Allah protected Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Abu Bakr (RA) from the eyes of 7
Quraish by sending a spider to spin a web across the entrance of the cave and two wild
doves also at the mouth of the cave

Suraaqah Bin Maalik pursued them with the intention of getting reward of 100 she 8
camels but failed in his evil attempt.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Abu Bakr (RA) made their way southward, instead 5
of northward,(the true direction of Madinah) and concealed in Cave of Thawr for three

The three lonely travelers thus began their long journey to Madinah with the help 9
of Trustworthy and expert guide, Abdullah Bin Urayqit.

Abu Bakr's (RA) son, Abdullah, his daughter Asma and freed slave Amir Bin Fuhayrah 6
continued to help them in the cave for three days

Worksheet 5 Chapter 7: Al-Khulafaa Ar-Rashidoon

1. Complete the following information about Abu Bakr and Umar (RA). [4]
Abu Bakr (RA) Umar (RA)
Mention the title given to them. Sideeq Al- Farooq
Write the meaning of their title. The truthful One who distinguishes
between right and wrong

Name their daughters married to Prophet (SAW) Ayesha RA Hafsa RA

Name the prominent slave freed by Abu Bakr (RA). Bilal RA -----------

2. In your opinion, what was the greatest service of Abu Bakr (RA) during his caliphate?
Give reasons to support your answer. [3]

Open answer: Student can write any of his caliphate achievement.

Sample answer:

Abu Bakr (RA) was the most distinguished figure of Islam after Prophet (SAW). He was the true
embodiment of Islam. His all services in Caliphate period were remarkable and notable. In my opinion as a
Caliph, he suppressed the apostasy movement and thus preserved the fundamentals of religion by
bringing back the apostates into the fold of Islam

3. Do you think Umar Bin Khattab's (RA) conversion strengthen the Muslims and Islam? Explain
your answer briefly. [3]

Umar (RA)’s acceptance of Islam is a great occasion as the morale of the Muslims boosted so
much. His acceptance of Islam granted power to the Muslims and the Islamic faith in Makkah.
Many Muslims could later practice their faith openly and could pray at the Kabah Al Masjid Al
Haram' for the 1st time as well after Umar (RA) took the bold step of entering the Kabah with
a small band of Muslims.

4. Who stabbed Umar (RA) and why did he assassinate him? [3]

Umar (RA) was martyred by Firoze, a Persian slave of Mugheera in November 644 AD. Firoze was unhappy
with one of Umar (RA)’s verdicts regarding the amount of daily payment he made to his master.

5.Umar Bin Khattab RA was an exemplary administrator. Give examples to justify your answer.
1. He established a Majlis-e-Shoora consisting of prominent companions of the Holy Prophet from both
Muhajirin and Ansaar.
2. In order to uphold Islamic morals and maintain law and order, Umar (RA) set up a department of
police (Shurta).
3. Umar (RA) reorganized the ‘Bait-al-maal’ or public treasury, which was soon full to the brims with the
funds from various sources.
4. Umar (RA) also introduced the Hijrah calendar.
5. He patronized female education.
6. Special care was taken to distribute the funds among the poor and the disabled. Umar (RA)
established a special department, the Diwan or the Register of Pensions.
7. Huge spending was made in the construction of mosques, schools, office buildings, canals, rest
houses and expansion of the Haram and the mosque of the Prophet (SAW).

6. Write in detail the events of Prophet (SAW)’s journey to Taif. Use key points to explain your answer.
 Background and reasons of Prophet (SAW)’S trip to Taif.
 Reaction of people of Taif to the call of Prophet (SAW).
 Shelter in an orchid.
 Incident of Qarn al-Manaazil.
 Prophet (SAW)’s stay in Wadee Nakhlah.
 Protection of new tribal leader.
 Conclusion.

Refer to Textbook chapter for complete details

Student must follow the guidelines share by the teachers in class. Student can make three to four
paragraphs for the complete answer. Student must include all key points mentioned in question. Added
information is plus point.

7. Write biography of Aisha RA in detail. [10]

 Background and titles given to her.
 Details about her father.
 Her expertise in field of knowledge./ Personality traits
 Reasons of Prophet (SAW)’s marriage with Aisha RA.
 Her role in Islamic History.

Refer to Textbook chapter for complete details

Student must follow the guidelines share by the teachers in class. Student can make three to four
paragraphs for the complete answer. Student must include all key points mentioned in question. Added
information is plus point.

Sample answer will be shared in teams


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