Serenity RPG: Six-Shooters & Spaceships
Serenity RPG: Six-Shooters & Spaceships
Serenity RPG: Six-Shooters & Spaceships
& Spaceships
writing: Lynn Blackson, Jason Durall
additional design: Cam Banks, Jamie Chambers, Michael Chumbler, Floyd C. Wesel
editing: M. Alexander Jurkat cover art Digger Hayes
proofreading: Liz Wilhelm art direction: Digger Hayes
interior graphic design: Digger Hayes, 11th Hour (Susan Rene Tomb)
ship art: Lynn Blackson interior illustrations: Lindsay Archer
special thanks: Nick Bennyhoff Christi Cardenas, Julie and Eden Durall, Daniel Fares,
Kenda Fares, Steve Harris, Caerie Houchins, Sean P. Kennedy (Treybor),
and Browncoats everywhere.
2008 Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. Serenity Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. Margaret Weis
Productions, the MW Logo, and the Cortex Logo are trademarks owned by
Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Published by
Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd.
253 Center St #126
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
First Printing2008
Printed in the USA
Book 1: Guns & Gear
General Store ...............................................................................................................................6
tailor ............................................................................................................................................... 12
armory ........................................................................................................................................... 17
techShop ....................................................................................................................................... 27
robotS ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Bot, Assassin ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Bot, Cam ............................................................................................................................................... 34
newtech ........................................................................................................................................ 34
cyberneticS ................................................................................................................................. 35
ServiceS ......................................................................................................................................... 40
liveStock & other critterS ................................................................................................ 43
Bird, Carrion-Feeders ........................................................................................................................ 44
Bird, Raptor .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Bird, Tropical ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Camel ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Cat ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
Chicken ................................................................................................................................................... 45
Cow .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Dog .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Dolphin ................................................................................................................................................... 45
Goat or Sheep ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Horse ...................................................................................................................................................... 46
Monkey ................................................................................................................................................... 46
Snake ...................................................................................................................................................... 46
Swarm, Insect ...................................................................................................................................... 47
Book 2: Ships & Crew
alliance carrier ....................................................................................................................... 50
alliance landinG Ship for tankS .................................................................................... 51
cantankerouS ........................................................................................................................... 52
Ming-Mei Kowalski .............................................................................................................................. 55
Colin Fulton ........................................................................................................................................... 55
Reina Li-Xue Quartermaine ............................................................................................................. 55
Johnny Hawkshadow ......................................................................................................................... 56
Franco DeSalvo ................................................................................................................................... 57
alliance patrol & enforcment cutter ....................................................................... 58
carGo lifter (cl-54) ................................................................................................................. 59
white liGhtninG ......................................................................................................................... 60
Big Daddy Holbrook............................................................................................................................ 64
Geoff Tucker ......................................................................................................................................... 65
Liddy Connor ........................................................................................................................................ 65
Andreas Zarkowski ............................................................................................................................ 65
Jinny Simms ......................................................................................................................................... 66
Table of COntents
courier ........................................................................................................................................... 67
huntinGdon'S bolt .................................................................................................................. 68
William Cross ...................................................................................................................................... 70
Pradeep Dahwan ................................................................................................................................ 70
Priscilla .................................................................................................................................................. 71
Chaim Kuladawaje .............................................................................................................................. 72
deterrent fiGhter ................................................................................................................... 73
faSt burn rocket Shuttle .................................................................................................. 74
fiGhter/bomber (Gb-106) ..................................................................................................... 75
heavy carGo carrier .............................................................................................................. 76
induStrial Skyplex.................................................................................................................. 77
liGht carGo tranSport ......................................................................................................... 78
haphazard .................................................................................................................................... 79
Bronwyn Kirby ...................................................................................................................................... 82
Silas Kirby.............................................................................................................................................. 82
Trip Kirby ............................................................................................................................................... 82
Ron Auckland ....................................................................................................................................... 83
patrol cruiSer (civilian) ...................................................................................................... 84
patrol cruiSer (military) .................................................................................................... 85
SalvaGe & reScue veSSel ..................................................................................................... 86
raScal puff.................................................................................................................................. 87
Jack Paper ............................................................................................................................................ 91
Kim Lu .................................................................................................................................................... 91
Claudia Fong ......................................................................................................................................... 92
ShipS launch ............................................................................................................................... 93
Space liner ................................................................................................................................... 94
oddeaSy .......................................................................................................................................... 95
Jamison Meriwether ......................................................................................................................... 99
Wei Mingxiong ..................................................................................................................................... 99
Sheila Grabowski ................................................................................................................................. 99
Jo-Jo .................................................................................................................................................... 100
Fred Claussen ................................................................................................................................... 100
Jonathan Fisk .................................................................................................................................... 101
Mr. Cooper ......................................................................................................................................... 101
Sean OFallon..................................................................................................................................... 101
interceptor .............................................................................................................................. 102
Special operationS corvette ......................................................................................... 103
Star clipper ............................................................................................................................. 104
Surveyor .................................................................................................................................... 105
Scale compariSon 1 ............................................................................................................. 106
Scale compariSon 2 ............................................................................................................. 107
new vehicleS ............................................................................................................................ 108
Hover Bike .......................................................................................................................................... 108
Hover Train ........................................................................................................................................ 108
Mechanized Cavalry ........................................................................................................................ 108
Specialized Mules ............................................................................................................................ 108
Ship Gear .................................................................................................................................... 109
Weapons Systems .......................................................................................................................... 109
Ship traitS ................................................................................................................................. 111
Assets ................................................................................................................................................. 111
Complications ................................................................................................................................... 111
appendix: Ship creation clarificationS and GuidelineS ................................ 112
Fuel Capacity ..................................................................................................................................... 112
Cargo and Passenger Capacity .................................................................................................. 112
Crew Requirement .......................................................................................................................... 112
Stationary Objects ........................................................................................................................... 112
heres a whole Verse full of goods
out there. Some of itll be of direct
usewhether it be the ammo you load
into your gun, the fuel that keeps you fyin, or
the spare parts that keep you from ending up wai
shing piao liu. Therere fancier goods that youre
moren like never to afford, but you never know
what opportunity might present itself on the job.
(Just make sure you check for tracking devices
before you toh from the high and mighty.) And
theres always cargo to be hauled. If youre
lucky, itll be all legit, with a proper invoice
and bills of lading and the like. A mite trickier
cargo handling is what some folks come to call
Either way, youre like to fnd what you want
in this chapterunless its already in Chapter
Three: Money & Gear from the Serenity Role
Playing Game. Youll be noting sections on
tools, foodstuffs, sundries, recreational goods,
protective gear, weapons (hand-to-hand, ranged,
and heavy), ammunition, explosives, computers
and peripherals, medical gear, covert-ops
goodies, bots, more examples of Newtech,
cybernetics, services, even livestock. Obviously,
its not as if this stuff just suddenly became
available throughout the Verse. For an existing
campaign, just think of it as bits and pieces
characters may not have noticed or had available
earlier, or stuff theyve always had on hand.
Now its just a bit more offcial, with rules and
descriptions and the like.
The gear in this chapter is described just as it
is in the Serenity Role Playing Game. Gear is divvied
into major categories (General Store, Tailor,
Armory, Techshop, Robots, Newtech, Services,
and Livestock) and sub-categories. Each item
has an individual description, sometimes
providing game-specifc information. At the end
of each sub-category is a table covering cost,
weight, availability, and notes. Weapon entries
have entries for damage, range increment, and
maximum ROF (magazine). Armor tables bring
in Armor Rating, not surprisingly, along with
the Agility/Alertness step penalty. Weight is
measured in pounds (the 16-ounce variety).
Prices run in standard Alliance credits ()
and platinum pieces (p), the informal currency
used throughout the Rim worlds. These costs
aint exactly fxedexpect some variance from
place to place, situation to situation, and time
to time. You really, really want something and
the one whos got it knows soexpect the price
THe Oer Tr
It may seem somewhat ironic, even
contradictory, in a book largely about gear and
spaceships for your Serenity campaign to be
talking about how gear and spaceships hadnt
ought to be the focus of that campaign, but
stranger things have happened. This book
presents options for gearing up your characters,
but to make Serenity all about how much gear
characters are carrying is to severely miss the
The Serenity Role Playing Game is at its heart
about characters and their role in the Verse.
Theyre moren like to live and die out in a
freewheeling, dangerous section of the Black.
Malcolm Reynolds and the crew of the Firefy-
class transport Serenity frequently demonstrate
qualities of rugged self-reliance and individuality,
rejecting the life of safety-through-conformity
offered by the Alliance. As such, when it comes
to creature comforts, they more often than not do
withoutas does everyone else.
Thats not to say that folks arent partial to
defending themselves. But the way they go about
it ought to come from their character. Malcolm
Reynolds has never, in his heart, forgiven or
forgotten. Hes still a Browncoat, and openly
wears the trademark duster to show that his
memory is hai bu chuo, thank you. His sidearm is
slung in a gunslingers rig, and its practically a
relic itself, but dependable and imposing when
drawn. Jayne, on the other hand, is a big bruiser,
a mercenary who makes his trade as hired muscle.
Its important for him to look the part, and in his
case, carrying the biggest gun is only fttin. What
Jayne lacks in book learnin, he makes up for in
ways and means to do damage.
Without going overboard on the subject,
just remember that focusing overmuch on what
weapon your characters carrying, how much
armor he can handle, and the mess o crap in his
utility belt or duffel bagthats taking time away
from the interaction of characters. Having a group
of well-prepared characters isnt in keeping with
the Serenity game. Its like as not to be a heap
more fun when the crew is woefully unprepared.
Gear in and of itself shouldnt be solving
problems. Moren likely its gonna land the crew
in trouble, forcing em to seek out something else,
even if its just a different kind of gear.
to go up. There may be some vendors who
dont take credits and deal strictly in platinum.
Contrariwise, you might be hard pressed to fnd
gwei jah go niang tzu wholl take hard coin if n
youre on one of the Core worlds.
As described in the Serenity Role Playing Game
(see page 73), availability for items is rated
as Everywhere (E), Core Worlds (C), Rim
Worlds (R), or Illegal (I). Actual availability of a
particular item is subject to the Game Masters
discretionmight not be a bad idea to keep
such a gent well-settled when you fnd yourself
in need of a particular piece of ordnance. An
additional availability typeAlliance (A)
appears here for the frst time. That applies to
items that only Alliance personnel are authorized
to use. Then again, the Alliance has never been
particularly reluctant to use gear listed as Illegal,
though you wont fnd it on any of their gorram
General Store
This here is stuff a body can fnd in a public
market, a dried goods and sundries shop, or one
of the shopping metroplexes in the Core worlds.
Its only a small sampling of all the goods that
might be purchased in such places, but it adds a
few more of the belongings youre liable to need
in a pinch.
Burn Gel: This clear chemical gel is safe
to handle with bare hands, but when a slight
electrical charge is run through it, it becomes
an extremely powerful acid. It can cut through
gorram near anything, up to and including a
ships hull. The gel is extruded from a pistol-
shaped dispenser, and a thin trail of it leads to an
igniter. Burn gel works anywhereunderwater
or vacuum. It burns for as long as the charge is
active, so its perfectly safe to handle once the
igniter is shut off or removed. If you were to
misuse it, the corroder would cause d4 W burn
damage to the unfortunate suo hai jereven
more if the gel were applied to a sensitive-type
Forensics Kit: A forensics kit is used for
collecting and analyzing evidence, such as youd
fnd at the scene of a crime. Its got a lot of tiny
little containers, plastic envelopes, fngerprint
tapes, imagers, gloves, swabs, brushes, scrapers,
tweezers, magnifying glasses, a microscope, a
cellular imager, and other odds and ends. Using
a forensics kit grants a +2 step to Medicine/
Forensics and similar Skill actions.
Forgery Kit: Gear what helps you forge
offcial papers, identifcation, and other
documentation. This kit includes a portable
computer and printer, a wide range of paper
types, specialty inks, a holo-seal printer, a high-
resolution scanner, and a number of chemicals
and synthetic materials useful for adding a bit of
authenticity to phony documents.
Fusion Torch: A useful tool capable of
cutting through metal or fusing it together.
Most types operate on a battery charge, or use a
chemical tank for fuel.
Generator, Portable: This suitcase-sized
generator provides enough power to handle all
of the needs of a medium-sized campsite or
Grappler: A gun that uses a compressed air
canister to launch a grapple hook and attached
line. The hook can either be snagged on an
edge, or fred directly into a wooden or concrete
surface. It has a range of 50 feet. The cable
is tough enough to withstand roughly 1,200
pounds of weight, and the gun has an integral
wheel so it can be used to slide down the cable.
Variations on grapplers include those with
magnetic clamps or fancier models with internal
winches allowing the grappler to pull the user up
the cables length.
Multi-Tool: A handy little combination tool
consisting of pliers, scissors, screwdriver, pryer,
knife blades, fle, and a bunch of other widgets,
depending on how fancy it is. Its no substitute
for a set of precision tools, but in a pinch, a
multi-tool will do fne by you.
Paint Set: A set of paints (watercolors,
synthetics, or oils), brushes, a few tools for
keeping em clean and a box to store the whole
mess in. Outside of a Companions personal
effects, this isnt something youd fnd much out
on the Rim.
Sewing Kit: A bunch of spools of thread,
a bundle of needles and pins, and a tiny pair of
scissors can keep your duds looking a little less
raggedy than they might otherwise.
Snaplink: An oval-shaped ring of metal
with one section that opens and locks closed,
snaplinks are used everywhere to secure gear.
They come in a variety of weights, from ones
thick as a fnger for holding cargo, to smaller
ones used to fasten personal gear onto your belt
or harness.
Welding Tape: A chemical-imbued adhesive
tape that can instantly weld two metal surfaces
together. To use it, stick it to one metal surface,
remove the neutralizing backing, and stick the
other metal surface to it, sandwiching the tape
between em. The chemicals in the tape rapidly
ignite and produce an adhesive weld, sticking the
two substances together with near the strength
of a proper weld.
PccH G Gulie
Cookset: A nested wok and a few pans,
serving plates, plastic utensils and cookware,
some basic spices, a squirt-tube of oil, and a
handful of chemical heat tablets. With time and
inclination, along with a few tinned goods or
fresh ones, you can turn any fat surface berth
into a make-do kitchen. Cookbook optional.
Fresh Fruit: A rarity on the Rim, especially
delicacies such as fresh strawberries.
Protein Chips: A common snack found
pretty much everywhere, protein chips are soy-
based, salty, and tasty.
Rotgut: Crude alcohol brewed in some such
distilling rig. It tastes something foul and is
just barely on the friendly side of toxic, but its
usually free. Imbibing moren a cup of rotgut
requires an Easy Endurance (Willpower +
Vitality) roll or the drinker feels nauseous and
suffers a fearsome hangover.
Snack Bar: A snack bar is a single serving
of either nutritious or delicious (rarely both)
foods such as chocolate, dried fruit, grains, or
even vegetable matter. One of the most popular
brands of snack bars is the Fruity Oaty Bar,
mostly due to their ever-present marketing
efforts that blanket nearly every planet in the
Camoufage Paint: Flat canisters of
camoufage paint come in a variety of natural
colors (browns, greens, tans, grey, black, etc.).
Cover your face with some, and you can
minimize your visibility, gaining a +1 step to
Covert/Camoufage actions.
table 1.1: tools
cost (credits/
weight availability notes
Burn Gel
1. 8/5p
4 I 4 applications
Forensics Kit
12 C
Contains evidence gathering and analysis
Forgery Kit
10 I Supplies for falsifying documents
Fusion Torch
2. 2/6p
6 R Welding torch
40 E Runs indefinitely without fuel
12 R Grapple gun and 50 feet of line
1 E Multi-function pocket tool
Paint Set
1. 2/4p
4 E
Set of paints, brushes, brush cleaners, and
Sewing Kit
0. 8/2p
0. 5 E Contains the basics for clothing repairs
0. 4/1p
0. 5 E
Metal clip for linking chains and gear
Welding Tape
0. 7/2p
1 E Strong chemical adhesive; price per meter
Chemical Body Warmer: A small plastic
pouch of crystallized chemical compound that,
when agitated, warms enough to keep a body
warm for a four-hour period. Using this gear
adds a +1 step to appropriate Survival actions in
cold-weather environments.
Cuffs: Plastic, alloy, or metal handcuffs used
to secure a prisoners wrists together, either in
front of or behind his body. Picking the lock
of a pair of cuffs requires an Agility + Covert/
Open Locks roll against a Formidable Diffculty.
Breaking out of em requires a Heroic Strength
+ Strength roll.
Earplugs: You can use these stoppers day-
to-day in a loud area like an engine room, or
even in the cockpit to muffe the yapping of an
especially chatty pilot. Earplugs also provide a
+1 Attribute step (perhaps using a Resistance
[Vitality + Vitality] roll) to resist a sonic attack.
Filtration Canteen: A quart-sized plastic
canteen, with a fltration ring at the top. The
waters potable, but it wont be winning any taste
Flare: Your standard-issue chemical fare,
about the length of a pencil and near an inch
thick. It activates with a simple twist at the end,
and burns brightly for around an hour. Flares aid
in spotting a downed crewmember; a bunch of
em mark a spur-of-the-moment landing strip.
Gas Mask: A half- or full-face mask that
flters any impurities from smoke, gas, or other
airborne hazards. A full-faced gas mask adds +4
to the Diffculty of any roll involving sight, and
+16 to the Diffculty of detecting something by
its scent.
Glowstick: A cross between a lantern
and fashlight, a glowstick provides plenty of
ambient light from the top end, and has an
adjustable focusing lens that lets you shine a
spotlight where you want to see more clearly.
Goggles: This protective gear guards your
eyes from sparks, intense light, or particle
shrapnel. Highfalutin low-light ones let you see
in the dark (halve dim and dark vision penalties,
see Serenity Role Playing Game page 155).
Idol, Religious: This might be Buddha,
Krishna, Jesus, or any other of a dozen different
religious fgures worshipped throughout the
Verse. Many come with candles, incense, or
what have you, sos you can burn em while
youre in a genufectin mood.
Ocular: A pair of electronically-assisted
binoculars, with a digital rangefnder that tells
you how far away something lined up in your
sights is. Oculars auto-focus and have a range
around a mile and a half. Night vision versions
wy Cwr HirH ct
This chapter contains a variety of sophisticated
equipment and weaponry, some of which bounces
around the ceiling of the level of known tech.
If the players and Game Master share a view of
the Verse that dont accommodate some of the
more high-tech items, feel free to ignore anything
that dont ft in. Just because some such item
appears in this chapter dont mean it has to exist
in any particular Game Masters campaign. If a
Game Master is uncomfortable with the notion
of cybernetics, for example, just pretend that the
section dont exist. That dont necessarily mean
that cyber-enhanced folks dont exist in the Verse;
it just means that cybernetics aint gonna be a part
of the game that Game Master wants to run, and
so be it.
table 1.2: food & supplies
weight availability notes
16 E
Contains spices, pans, fire jelly,
and the like
Fresh Fruit
0. 10. 5/1p
Varies C Might be a box of strawberries
Protein Chips
0. 20. 4/1p
Small bag of
disposable earplugs
Filtration Canteen
1. 2/3p
2 E Holds 1 quart of water
0. 4/1p
0. 5 E Price per 8
Gas Mask
4 E Includes spare filters
Includes charge cells;
lifetime guarantee
1. 2/3p
1 E Protection for eyes
Idol, Religious Varies 2 E Usually second-hand
4 E
Includes leather
carry case
Radiation Detector
8 E Includes spare charge cell
Radiation Tag
1. 4/4p
E Price per 4
10 C For binding entire body
4 E
Holds up to 60
pounds of gear
Ships Papers
1 E
Required by law; price is
application fee
0. 4/1p
Package of 20, either
variety or one color.
Still, Improvised 20 E
Homemade from
spare parts
Symbol, Holy Varies
E Usually a gift
Toy Varies, but cheap Varies E Grr . . . arrgh!
Restraints: Restraints range from full
manacles keeping a prisoners hands, feet,
knees, and elbows secure, to a one-piece jacket
that wraps a body up. Getting out of these
fetters unaided is either an Agility + Covert/
Open Locks (to pick the lock) or an Agility
+ Athletics/Contortion roll (to wriggle free)
against a Ridiculous Diffculty.
Rucksack: Some folks call it a backpack; to
others, its a sling bag. Whatever the moniker, its
a canvas or suchlike bag with a strap or two for
convenience. You can stuff nearly 60 pounds
worth of gear into a good one.
Ships Papers: By Alliance ordinance, every
captain operating a ship in the Verse has got
to show its papers if asked. These documents
are printed on actual paper and fastened into
a three-fold leather wallet. The papers have a
dozen or so anti-counterfeiting measures added
in, but that dont stop most captains on the shy
side of legal from having a few sets for a variety
of situations.
Snaplight: A little tube flled with
phosphorescent chemicals. Snaplights come
in a few different colors. Twist it, and it glows
pretty bright. Break it open, and youve got a few
ounces of fuid that glows for a couple of hours.
Still, Improvised: Spacers have a lot of time
on their hands, and booze tends to run out fast.
Enterprising engineers and chemical types often
put some of the less-critical engine systems
to work, employing radiant heat and fltration
systems to brew homemade hooch. Creating a
working still requires an Average Intelligence
+ Craft/Cooking or Scientifc Expertise/
Chemistry roll. Botch this roll, and youve likely
caused a minor explosion, or brewed rotgut
thats (even more) unft for consumption.
Symbol, Holy: A small religious icon or
sigilusually something youd wear hanging
around the neck on a chain or cord.
Toy: This can mean anything from a stuffed
turtle, a rag doll, a set of tiny dinosaurs, a
bobble-headed geisha doll, a carved wooden
swan, a ball and jacks, fnger puppets, or any
other sort of gimcrack or gewgaw you might
entertain young ones or those young at heart.
Mecreticrl OccH
Boardgame: Space travel is, for the most
part, pretty boring, and crews often need to
indulge in time-killing activites that doesnt
burn fuel cells or brain cells, or require a lot of
reading. Boardgames are a common enough
means of passing time between stops. The
classics are still in heavy rotation, notably
checkers, Chinese checkers, chess, go, and
Book: Printed books come in a near-unto-
infnite variety of shapes, sizes, quality, and
contents. On the Core planets, theyre a symbol
of old wealth and education. Theyre rarer on
the Border planets, where its usually cheaper
and more practical to use databooks or other
electronic storage. Out on the Rim, print books
are more common, as theyre more reliable
and, in some ways, more comforting to simple,
honest folk. Most common book youre liable to
fnd out in the Rim is the Bible.
Boxing Gloves: A pair of padded gloves,
used for the sweetest sport. Though boxing is
no longer practiced much in the Core planets,
its still very much in favor out among the Rim.
Boxing gloves reduce all standard hand-to-hand
attacks by two Basic damage points. It also turns
any Basic damage from the Mean Left Hook
Trait into Stun damage.
Cards: A standard deck of cards can get you
through hours that might otherwise be without
purpose. Some folk might even make a living
with a deck of these.
Alyirg Gte
Theres talk in this chapter and in the Serenity
Role Playing Game of gear helping an action along
with a step modifer. It ought to be right plain
where the step goes, either to the Attribute or
to the Skill die. Sometimes, though, its to an
Attribute roll like Resistance (Vitality + Vitality) or
Endurance (Vitality + Willpower). In such a case,
an Attribute step only gets applied once, and only
to the lowest die. For example, a step modifer to
an Endurance (Vitality + Willpower) roll would
affect the lower of those two Attributes. If they
were the same value, or in the case of a Resistance
(Vitality + Vitality) roll, only one die is affected.
If for some reason the actions given an Attribute
step and no Attributes listed, it goes to whatever
Attribute the Game Master assigns to the action.
Ship Traits
Ships are defned not only by their guns and
gear but by their Traits. The Serenity Roleplaying
Game includes a wide range of Assets and
Complications designed for spaceships, but
more ways exist to describe a boat. The
following section introduces a set of new
Traits that you can add to the original list when
customizing your own vessels.
minLle [wircrj
Pick atmosphere or vacuum. In that
environment, this ship is more agile.
Bonus: The ships pilot enjoys a +2 step to
Pilot actions while in the chosen environment.
CvergurreH [wircrj
This ship has an oversized power plant,
intended to power high-energy weapons.
Bonus: The ship has the capacity to handle
a total rating of energy weapons equal to its
Strength +1 step.
Gtrcrg A Ar Cx [wircrj
The boat is made to haul large external loads.
Bonus: The ship may tote twice its normal
load at half speed, or four times its normal cargo
load at quarter speed.
GuLneriLle [wjcrj
One would think that going underwater was
easier than going into space, but space is zero
bar of pressure. You gain a bar of pressure for
every 15-foot depth of water. A Submersible
vessel is sealed against water intrusion, equipped
with underwater sensors, and has engines
capable of propelling it safely underwater.
Bonus: The vessel can go underwater.
Mcrr tc . . . [wjcrj
Pick atmosphere or vacuum. If atmosphere,
the vessel is Born to the Blue and cant enter
a vacuum. If vacuum, the vessel is Born to the
Black and cant perform atmospheric insertion.
Penalty: This ship cant enter the
environment not chosen.
Uury-MiggeH Gyten
Some minor system aboard was jury-rigged in
the past, instead of proper repairs being made.
Now, the system simply shorts out occasionally.
This complication may be taken more than once
to represent multiple systems.
Penalty: Once per game session, the
GM may request that the ship make a Hard
Resistance roll (Vitality + Vitality). If the roll
fails, the system goes down until re-rigged.
ccr Plier [wircrj
Pick atmosphere or vacuum. In one
environment, this ship is not as agile.
Penalty: The ships pilot suffers a 2 step to
Pilot actions while in the chosen environment.
Appendix: Ship Creation
Clarifcations and Guidelines
Having trouble with some of the fner points of ship creation and customization? The following
information may help clear things up.
Fuel Capacity
Tonnage for fuel tanks is equal to 1/10 the ships tonnage. Fuel capacity is equal to 1/50 the ships
tonnage for a standard 600-hour cruise duration.
Cargo and Passenger Capacity
The percentage of space for ship systems can be roughly fgured as (cruise Speed Class times 5
plus 20). So, a ship with Speed Class 4 has (4 x 5) + 20, or 40 percent of its tonnage dedicated to ship
systems. The remaining 60 percent can be used for cargo, passengers, weapon systems, additional fuel,
Crew Requirement
Minimum crew required to operate a ship can be estimated by dividing the ships tonnage by 200,
then dividing by the ships maximum Intelligence, then multiplying by its Complexity Multiplier
(round up). So, a Firefy would be 2400 (tons) divided by 200, divided by 2 (Intelligence), times 0.4
(Complexity Multiplier), or 3 (rounded up from 2.4). Mal, Kaylee, and Wash could run the ship. A
skeleton crewmandatory crew for running a ship short-termis half the normal crew requirement
(again, round up). So, Serenity could get by short-term with just Kaylee and Wash running her (3
divided by 2 is 1.5, rounded up to 2.
Stationary Objects
A space stations price is calculated as if it had a Speed Class 0.5. Fuel consumption is 1/10 that of
a ship (meaning it gets 6,000 hours of operation from a standard load of fuel). The vessel cant move
under its own power, cant make Dodge rolls, etc. It does have stabilizing thrusters that allow it to
maintain orbit, or stay at a LaGrange point.