Serenity - Serenity Role Playing Game

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Get started here with a quick overview of the game and the rest of the book.

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Discover game information and details of these Big Damn Heroes.

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Create fresh characters, improve upon veterans, and assemble your crew!

 
All the things that make a crew tick are explained here in detail.

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Learn about the economy of the ‘Verse and find details about personal equipment.

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Vehicles and spaceships help a crew to keep flyin’.

Every game needs rules, and here they are.

Become a Serenity Game Master with advice and pre-generated characters.

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Read up on the history of the ‘Verse and learn more about its planets and moons.

Learn the slang of the 26th century and how to say clever phrases in Mandarin.

 have a good time. A tabletop role playing game
(such as the Serenity Role Playing Game) is pretty much
Serenity—a beautiful word that conjures images the same, only it happens to have a few rules to
of peace. Serenity—a state of being. No anxiety, help you figure out things like what happens when a
no cares in this world. Serenity—a place not easily bullet hits you and just how bad it’ll hurt. After all,
reached. Leastways not without eating a bullet or every game has to have some rules to keep things
diving out an airlock. Everyone strives for Serenity fair. Games also need a bit of unpredictability. In
in this life. Few find it in this life. card games that means shuffling the deck. In our
Serenity is also a motion picture from Universal role playing game, we use funny looking dice. Above
Pictures, a science-fiction adventure from the mind all, remember the most important rule: it’s all about
of Joss Whedon (a fellow who has earned himself the fun.
both Emmy and Academy Award nominations).
The film combines action, drama, comedy, and a
unique perspective on a new kind of science fiction 
Inside the film’s universe (usually called the 
‘Verse), Serenity is a valley on the planet Hera. Think of this book as a set of tools—papery,
Nothing special in its own right, this valley was the wordified tools that aren’t so good for hammering in
site of the bloodiest fighting during the Unification nails, but will help you recreate all of the adventure,
War. In Serenity Valley, the Alliance Government drama, danger, and humor in the movie, Serenity.
delivered a crushing defeat to the Independent Think of the game as a form of group storytelling,
Faction, sealing the ultimate course of the war. where the only limits are those set by the players. All
Countless thousands perished in Serenity Valley, and you need are a few friends, some of those “funny
with them died the hope for freedom. Among the looking” dice, and your imagination.
rebel Browncoats—so-called for the long dusters Everyone has a role to play in this game. One of
they wore—who were defeated that day in Serenity the players takes the role of Game Master (“GM”),
Valley was a young sergeant name of Malcolm a person who is part referee and part storyteller.
Reynolds. The rest play the parts of the main characters in the
Serenity is also a spaceship, a Firefly Class story, whose fortunes are determined by the choices
transport owned by Captain Malcolm Reynolds, they make during the course of play and by the luck
a man not yet ready to forget why he fought in of the dice. Do you and your group want to play
the war. Determined to live by their own rules, the crew of Serenity? Shiny! The ship and its crew are
Mal and his crew sail the black, taking on odd fully detailed and ready to use. We have provided
jobs as they come. Serenity is home to a group of additional sample characters for you to play, but you
disparate people: a cheerful mechanic, a hard- can always create an all-new crew with their own
bitten mercenary, two professional soldiers, a wise- ship.
cracking pilot, a beautiful and seductive Companion, If you’re new to role playing and don’t have an
a “Shepherd,” a mentally scarred young girl and experienced player on-hand to show you the ropes,
her brilliant doctor brother. This group, brought you can jump in and start playing right away with
together by accident or fate, has become Serenity’s the “Quick Draw” short adventure and rules we’ve
family. put on our website at Or
Together or apart, they work to keep flyin’. maybe your group of players wants to find a ship,
find a crew, and start flyin’. No matter how you want
to play, the rules in this book will get you started and
 help you and your friends find adventure and action,
You probably picked up this book knowing a fame and fortune in the ‘Verse.
little something about the ‘Verse, but maybe you The style of your game is entirely up to you
haven’t the slightest notion of what a role playing and your group. You might want to try some “one-
game is. After a quick flip through the book, you shot” adventures, where you play through one
might even think the game is strange and all manner self-contained story. The next time you play you
of intimidatin’. Don’t fret—this game really is start with a whole new story, and maybe even with
simple. Child’s play, as a matter of fact. whole new characters. Most role players prefer
Kids play role playing games every day without “campaign-style” play, which is a lot like a television
ever thinking about it. Cowboys and Indians is good series or movie franchise. Each player plays the same
clean fun. Everyone has a part to play—good or character every game session with each “adventure”
bad—and the guns and tomahawks are all imaginary. building upon the story that has gone before, just
No one ever “wins” because the goal is simply to like the next episode in a series.

Along the way, each character will discover things their own choices in the story—meaning they’ll get
about himself and his fellow crew members. He’ll themselves into trouble all by their lonesomes! The
make friends and enemies, learn new skills, and GM has to think on his feet and adjust the story
improve old ones. The ‘Verse is a dangerous place. when the unexpected happens. (And it will happen!)
If you’re clever and more than a bit lucky, your Another role the GM plays is that of arbiter.
character will survive. If not... Well, you can always The GM will be the only person who knows all the
“roll up” a new character. facts in the game. As there will probably be some
Before you go jumping ahead with the adventure, disagreements, the GM settles any arguments over
take some time and read over a few basics of the the game rules or questions about character creation
Serenity Role Playing Game. or how the story develops. Final decisions rest with
the GM, but he should remember that his chief
job is to help everyone have fun. Fair play is a part
 of that notion. After all, with power and authority
The most important characters are the crew, the comes responsibility. (If you’re the GM, you’d much
“stars” of the game. These are the Player Characters rather be like Mal than an Alliance stooge, right?)
(PCs) you and your fellow players create (minus the The GM needs to be fair, while still keeping things
Game Master, whose role is different). In the film, fun for everyone.
the crew consists of Captain Malcolm Reynolds
and the rest of Serenity’s family. Supporting roles
are played by the GM. These are called Non-Player 
Characters (NPCs). In the film, the NPCs are The
Operative, Alliance soldiers, Feds, and the Reavers, 
as well as bit parts like the bank tellers on Lilac. If you’re not familiar with role playing games,
Each player creates one crew character and you probably don’t know the difference between
controls what that character does and says during “sessions,” “adventures” and “campaigns”. We’ll fix
the game. The amount of detail you put into your that in a jiffy.
character’s personality and background is entirely up A “session” is whenever you and your group sit
to you. Of course, the more detail you provide at down to play one installment of the game. A session
the beginning, the easier it will be to figure how your can last a whole day or just a few hours. Depending
character will react during the game. on what happens, you might be able to play through
When you’re creating your character, you have a an entire story or just a small bit. Since most of you
lot of options open to you. You don’t have to play have jobs or school or families to eat up your time,
yourself. In fact, you could (and many would say you should probably schedule your game sessions
should) distinguish yourself from your character. in advance (including how long the session will
Your character can be as physically, emotionally, and last). Some people like to play once (or more) every
mentally different from you as you want. Crew can week, while others get together less frequently. How
even be of entirely different genders—a guy can often and how long you play is up to you and your
play Zoe, a gal can play Jayne, and so on. group. Plan ahead and be considerate of everyone’s
Some characters like Jayne and Simon may not schedule.
get along inside the story of the game, but everyone An “adventure” is a single story that is generally
should be friends when they are not in character. played out over several sessions. An adventure
Keep arguments and such nonsense inside the game. has a beginning, a middle, and an end, just like an
Remember—it’s all about having fun and telling episode of a television show. Some adventures can
exciting stories. last a single session, but only if the adventure is very
short. Normally, it will take a crew a few sessions to
complete a single adventure.
 A “campaign” is a series of adventures that ties
One player needs to take charge of the game, the characters and stories together into a larger story,
and take on extra responsibilities. That’s the Game much like an entire television series. The campaign
Master. The GM creates the basic outline of the can be “episodic,” where the adventures don’t share
story that the crew will follow and plays the part many common threads. Or it might have an arc that
of all the NPCs—all those people the crew meets ties several adventures together into an interweaving
during their adventures. The GM is the players’ storyline. Most groups usually prefer campaign play
window into the ‘Verse.The GM tells the players because it gives them more chances for character
what they see and hear (and smell and taste and development and allows them to be part of a much
feel). But the GM needs to remember that the crew larger drama.
are the stars of this tale. The players have to make

The Serenity Role Playing Game uses
For more information about running Serenity
adventures and campaigns, see Chapter Six: Out in
the Black.
six different types of polyhedral (multi-
sided) dice. That’s not quite as scary as it
sounds. You roll the die type called for by 
the game and use the result rolled. The good news is that you don’t need tons of
equipment to play the game. Each group needs
d2 • d4 • d6 • d8 • d10 • d12 a copy of the rulebook, pencils and paper, and
a set of gaming dice. (You also need friends and
The dice are mostly self-explanatory imagination, but we figure you’ve already got those
(a d4 has four sides, a d6 has six sides, covered!) No boards, computer parts, upgrade cards,
and so on), except for the d2. While you duct tape, or additional cabling are required.
might be able to purchase six-sided dice You’ll want a quiet area where your game won’t
with only 1s and 2s on the faces, it’s just disturb anyone, and where your group won’t be
as easy to use a normal d6. A roll of 1–3 distracted by noise and activity. Sometimes the GM
indicates a 1, while 4–6 means a 2. You is the host, but any place that suits your needs and
can also be able to purchase a blank die everyone can agree upon will do. Usually, groups like
and mark it with 1s and 2s yourself. to play around a table, but that isn’t necessary. As
You can purchase gaming dice at long as everyone has a comfy chair and a level place
almost any hobby or book store that to roll their dice, just about anywhere will do.
sells role playing games. Beginners find Optional items include pizza, chips, and soda—
it helpful to have dice of different colors though eating something healthy once in a while is
so to tell them apart, while others pride recommended. Alliance hospitals are expensive and
themselves on matching sets of dice. far away.
One thing to note is that in our game,
larger (with a better range of numbers)
dice are always better than small, and it is 
always better to roll high than low. You might be a Serenity fan ready to jump
into gaming for the first time or you might be an

Here are a few basic concepts so you
experienced gamer ready to try a new system and
find out just what the ‘Verse is all about.
If you listened in school, you already know
can understand how the Serenity Role that the ‘Verse is a huge planetary system with a
Playing Game works. The game rules cover whole heap of inhabited planets and moons. Much
a lot of ground, but the fundamentals are of the real estate has been terraformed—a long
not hard to grasp. and hazardous process—to support human life.
Attributes: Characters in the ‘Verse Spaceships of every size sail the black in between.
have six Attributes to represent their The central Core planets—them as formed the
most basic abilities. Half the Attributes Alliance—decided to unite all the outer worlds
are mental, half are physical. The six under their rule. Some people didn’t take kindly
Attributes are Agility, Strength, Vitality, to that notion and fought hard to maintain their
Alertness, Intelligence, and Willpower. independence. The Unification War ended some
Each Attribute has a die type. seven years ago, after the Independents suffered
Skills: These reflect a character’s a crushing defeat at Serenity Valley on the planet
training and education, even things that Hera. Since the war, many rebels drifted to the
are self-taught. Each Skill has a die type. edges of the system. Here they take on work as
The Core Mechanic: Almost every time they can find it, determined to live as free as they
a character does something, he rolls an can in a ‘Verse strictly controlled by the Alliance
Attribute and a Skill die and adds the government. Memories of the war still claim a
results together. If the combined roll is powerful hold on those who fought in it—on both
high enough, he succeeds at his action! sides.
Steps: Some circumstances make On the central (or “Core”) planets, life is good,
an action easier or harder. The dice can flush with technology. The rich and prosperous have
change in “steps,” changing the die type to laser guns, holo-scanners, and flying cars. Food,
a higher or lower value. shelter, and health care are readily available—which
gives folk time to think on more than the basics.

On the outer worlds, known as the Rim, folks
have to make due with the most basic technologies. 
Newly terraformed worlds are raw and primitive. How your crew fits into the greater scheme is
Lacking paved roads, people ride horses. Lacking up to you. Most likely your crew aren’t important
lasers, they make due with bullets. Survival takes military types off to discover strange new worlds,
precedence over good manners and education, but rather working class folk who simply want to
which is why some Core world folk consider those keep flyin’. You might have a ship, but it’s probably
on the Rim to be a bunch of ignorant hicks. And an older, refurbished model that flies only with equal
while the Alliance rules over the Border planets in helpings of love and luck and a whole heap of duct
theory, enforcement is a mite spotty, so most folks tape. The ship is freedom—from your enemies and
go armed for their own security. the ghosts of your past. The ‘Verse is a harsh place,
Strung between the Rim and the Core is the and if you ain’t workin’, you ain’t earnin’.
Cortex—a system-wide information network The ‘Verse is big. There are plenty of places to
that can be accessed on ships or groundside find work and just as many places to hide if the
with a terminal or dedicated sourcebox. News, Alliance gets wind of your doings. Keep true to your
communication, law enforcement bulletins, and integrity, do right by people, and work may come
online shopping are all available. Nodes are placed find you.
throughout the system, allowing for unrestricted Freedom is out there, waiting.
information to be accessed just about anywhere by
just about anyone.

Find a ship. Find a crew. Keep Flyin’.


 Skills
Agility . . . . . . . . . d6 Animal Handling d6

Strength . . . . . . d8
- Dodge
Vitality . . . . . . d10
Covert d6 
Alertness . . . . . d6
- Leadership
d8 
Intelligence. . . . d8
- Pistol
- Rifle

Heavy Weapons d6
Willpower . . . d10 Influence d4 
Medical Expertise d2 
Life Points . . . . . . . 22 Perception d4 
Initiative . . . . d6 + d6
Pilot d4
Planetary Vehicles


Unarmed Combat
- Brawling
 S

 “Name’s Malcolm Reynolds. I’m captain
Pistol - Mal has carried his service pistol of Serenity. Some call me ‘Mal.’ Others call
since the Unification War and wears it on me ‘Captain.’ I answer to both, so long as it’s
his hip whenever the situation warrants. The understood who’s in command. Which would
gun holds 8 rounds per clip, and can fire up be me.
to 3 times per turn. Damage d6W. Range “I was born on Shadow. Family owned a
Increment 100 ft. ranch there. Mother raised me, along with a
Mal usually wears the long “Browncoat” few dozen hired hands. She saw to it that I had
that instantly identifies him as a former a goodly amount of schooling, though that’s
Independent soldier to any war veteran. nothing I brag on. Our hired hands saw to it I
had a good amount of schooling, too, though
not of the same sort. My mother taught me to
 play the gentleman’s part at a fancy dress ball.
Fightin’ Type (Major Asset) - Mal is always The ranch foreman taught me how to shoot my
ready for a tussle and can handle himself in a way out of that fancy dress ball, if I had to.
fight. “Mother raised me to be a man of faith.
Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset) - As I lost that faith in Serenity Valley. Found
someone who engages in clandestine dealings, something else there, though. More on that to
Mal knows lots of smugglers, thieves, and low- come.
lives. “The central planets’ government—the
Leadership (Major Asset) - Mal has a Alliance—was always trying to meddle in our
tendency to inspire loyalty in those who serve affairs. Their meddling got worse and worse
under him. and finally some of us lost our stomach for
Military Rank (Minor Asset) - Mal is a war it. When the Unification War broke out, I
veteran, having fought with the Independents volunteered for the side that believed a man
through the war and survived the Battle of should be able to live his life pretty much
Serenity Valley. as he wants, so long as he doesn’t take to
Tough as Nails (Minor Asset) - Mal can take harming others, with no one havin’ the right
more punishment than most folks, leading to tell him what to think or how to think it. Our
some to underestimate him. side was called many things, ‘Independents,’
Deadly Enemy (Minor Complication) - A ‘Browncoats.’ Our side lost.
psychotic crime lord with a penchant for “I was Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds then, of
robbing trains is hunting Mal down, seeking the 57th Overlanders. We were stationed on
revenge. Hera, in Serenity Valley, during what turned
Credo (Major Complication) - Mal has a out to be one of the bloodiest battles of the
strong personal code of honor that he will not war. We held out against overwhelming
violate, which includes honoring his side of an numbers for seven weeks—two of those after
agreement whenever possible. our sorry-assed commanders had surrendered.
Loyal (Minor Complication) - Mal is devoted Took sixty-eight percent casualties. Me and
to his crew and former Browncoats he served Zoe—her as is part of my crew—were the only
with in the war. two as came out of the 57th breathin’. I won’t
Prejudice (Minor Complication) - As a say alive.
former Independent soldier, Mal takes an “It was there I found that all a man should
irrational dislike to Alliance feds and military put his faith in is his ship, that which keeps him
officers. flyin’. Thus, the name, Serenity.
Things Don’t Go Smooth (Major “As for knowin’ some things about me. I’m
Complication) - Mal has absolutely terrible luck, a man of my word. If I take a job, I do the job.
with even the simplest plans somehow going When I do a job, I get paid. If that don’t happen,
awry. there’s like to be trouble.
“I keep to the border planets, mostly. Stay
away from the Alliance. I’ve been bound by
 law five times and the experience was not
“Find a ship. Find a crew. Keep flyin’. I found pleasuresome. Charges never stuck, though.
a ship, name of Serenity. I found a crew. Some “I’m still flyin’.”
I didn’t go looking for, but they’re here and so
long as they work to keep us flyin’, they’ll stay. —Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds

 Skills
Agility . . . . . . . . . d8 Athletics d6 
Strength . . . . d10
- Stealth
d10 
Vitality . . . . . . . . d8
d6 
Alertness . . . . . d8
- Rifle
- Shotgun
d10 
Heavy Weapons d6
Intelligence. . . . d6
Willpower . . . . . d6
Mechanical Engineering d4 
Medical Expertise d2
Melee Weapons d4
Life Points . . . . . . . 14
Perception d6

Pilot d4
Initiative . . . . d8 + d8
Planetary Vehicles d6 
Ranged Weapons d4 
Survival d4 S
Unarmed Combat d6
- Brawling d8

 “As to her raisin’ and upbringing, I guess
Hogleg - Zoe’s weapon of choice is handy she’ll tell you about that if she thinks it needful.
both for shooting ornery folks and using the What she generally says is that she was born
butt as a club. It holds up to 10 shells at once, in the black, raised to life aboard a ship. Like
and can fire up to 2 times per combat turn. me, she volunteered to fight the Alliance and,
Damage d10W. Range Increment 10 feet. like me, she was in Serenity Valley. Like me,
Armor - Whenever Zoe know she’s walking she came out breathin’.
into danger, she wears a ballistic mesh vest “Our views on life being much the same, she
for protection. It converts up to 4 Wounds agreed to throw in her lot with me and come
from any gunfire attack to Stun, but slows her on board Serenity as First Mate. I must say
down slightly, reducing her Agility by –1 step that Zoe didn’t seem to think much of the ship
for Athletics-based actions. when first she set eyes on her. Nor did she
Zoe usually carries a utility knife (Damage think much of the man I hired as our pilot, a
d2W), a small compass, and a small personal fellow called Wash.
comm-set that is tuned to Serenity’s standard “I’ve got to admit that he did take some
frequency. getting used to, what with his palm tree shirts
and fairly constant wisecracking, but, as I told
her, he is good at his job. And I’m the captain.
 “Well, Zoe and Wash flung Chinese cuss-
Fightin’ Type (Major Asset) - As a career words at one another on a regular basis and
soldier, Zoe is ready for action. I thought that probably bullets was like to
Military Rank (Minor Assset) - She is a follow until I took to noticin’ that all their rows
former corporal in the Independent army. seemed to end up in the bunk of one or t’other.
Steady Calm (Major Asset) - Zoe always “Before I know it, Zoe—who can creep up
keeps a cool head in dangerous situations. on a man and slit his throat so fast and so
Loyal (Minor Complication) - She would do silent that he’s in the Bad Place before he
most anything for her captain and her husband knows what hit him—starts getting all melty
Memorable (Minor Complication) - Zoe’s and tearsome whenever Wash’s name comes
exotic beauty makes her stand out in the up. And he turns into a moon-brained calf at
memories of most folk. the sight of her. I don’t recommend shipboard
Prejudice (Minor Complication) - As a romances, as they tend to complicate things,
former Browncoat, Zoe carries smoldering but glad to tell they set about marrying each
anger toward Alliance government officials, other, a sure-fire way to cure romance if I ever
law enforcement, and military. saw one.
“Now that they’re hitched, we’re mostly
back to normal, what with the Chinese-flingin’
 and the bunk-sharing. There’s a store of love
“First known to me as Corporal Alleyne. between them, but since it doesn’t get in the
She was and is my right hand. She is as true a way of the flyin’, I’m fine with it.
friend as a man can ever have. I’ve trusted her “Zoe is still my right hand.
with my life more times than there are stars in “She and me stand back-to-back, always.”
the black.
—Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds

 Skills
Agility . . . . . . . d10 Athletics d4  W
Strength . . . . . . d6
- Concentration
d8 
Vitality . . . . . . . . d6
Guns d4

Influence d6
Alertness . . . . . d8 Knowledge d6
Intelligence. . . . d8
Willpower . . . . . d6
Mechanical Engineering
- Sight
Planetary Vehicles d6 
Life Points . . . . . . . 12 Pilot
- Astrogation
d8 
Initiative . . d10 + d8 - Mid-bulk Transports
- Short-Range Shuttles
d12 + d2
d8 
Technical Engineering d4
 S

Wash doesn’t normally carry a gun. He’s
typically dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, blue jeans, and
sneakers. His billfold contains an Alliance 5 credit
note and his shirt pocket holds a pack of cinnamon-
flavored chewing gum.

Born Behind the Wheel (Major Asset) - Wash’s
reaction times are amazing when piloting a
Lightweight (Minor Complication) - Wash gets
drunk easily, and succumbs to other assaults on his
constitution more quickly than most.
Sharp Sense (Minor Asset) - Keen eyesight is a
great advantage when flying.
Talented: Pilot (Minor Assset) - Wash took to
flying like a duck to water (not that he ever got to
see a duck on his home planet, but hey).

“Wash often tells those that care (and those
that don’t) how he was raised on a planet that was
so polluted he never saw the stars. Only black he
saw came belching out of a smokestack. He says
he turned space pilot for one reason and that was
to breathe clean air. Given that space is a vacuum...
Well, Wash thinks it’s funny.
“He came to me with the reputation for being
one of the best damn pilots in the ‘Verse and I will
say for him that he has more than lived up to that
high claim. Which is the main reason I overlook
such things as his taste in wearin’ apparel, that
tends to run to the garish and bright-colored, and
his toys—namely dinosaurs—that have frequent
rows on top of the control panel.
“Wash can fly anything that’s space worthy and
more than a few things that ain’t. He can land this
ship on a pocket handkerchief, should you care
to set one down here on the bar. He can make
Serenity give him more than she’ll give anyone else,
‘cept maybe me.
“Wash is a man I can count on to stay with the
ship when Jayne and Zoe and me are out on a job.
I know staying behind ain’t easy for him. I know he
worries about his wife considerable.
“I also know that Wash’ll be where I need him
to be when I need him to be there. And that’s not

—Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds


 Skills
Agility . . . . . . . . . d6 Athletics
- Dodge
d8 
Strength . . . . d10 Covert d6 
Vitality . . . . . . d10
Alertness . . . . . d6
- Assault Rifle
- Pistol
- Rifle

Intelligence. . . . d4
Willpower . . . . . d6
Melee Weapons


Ranged Weapons d6
Pilot d4 
Life Points . . . . . . . 18
Survival d4 
Initiative . . . . d6 + d6 Unarmed Combat
- Brawling
d8 
 S

Pistol - Jayne has an impressive gun collection and this piece is
reliable and can be easily concealed. It holds 8 rounds per clip, and
can fire up to 3 rounds per turn. Damage d6W. Range Increment
100 ft.
Vera - Six men came to kill Jayne one day, and the best of them
carried a customized Callahan full-bore autolock. It’s now his very
favorite gun, and he named it “Vera.” Vera can fire as single-shot or
burst up to three times per turn, or full autofire as a full-turn action.
Damage d8W. Range Increment 150 ft.
Jayne wears a t-shirt, trousers, and boots with a combat knife
(Damage d4W) tucked away just in case.

Crude (Minor Complication) - Jayne is given to rude behavior and
foul language. Good thing the Cap’n don’t pay him to talk pretty.
Fightin’ Type (Major Asset) - A professional mercenary, Jayne
can handle himself in everything from a barroom brawl to full-scale
Greedy (Minor Complication) - Jayne loves money more than most
anything else. If the money’s good enough, he’ll get stupid.
Intimidatin’ Manner (Minor Asset) - Jayne’s physical presence and
mean scowl can intimidate folk who don’t know him.
Mean Left Hook (Minor Asset) - Years of hitting things have left
Jayne’s fists as hard as rocks.
Tough as Nails (Minor Asset) - Jayne can take more punishment
than one might expect.

“Don’t know much about Jayne Cobb, ‘cept that his mother is
still livin’ and must think right highly of her son, ‘cause she knits him
these cunning little hats and sends them to him via the post. He
must think right highly of his mother, ‘cause he wears them.
“Jayne’s not got over much fryin’ in his brain pan, if you take my
meaning. He does know one thing inside out and upside down and
that’s guns.
“Fact is, when Zoe and I first met Jayne, we were both of us
staring down the wrong end of his gun after he and some fellows
he was runnin’ with got the drop on us. Now I could see right off
that Jayne was the type of man what would always sell himself
to the highest bidder. Just had to keep him listening long enough
to promise of ten percent of the take and his own bunk. Jayne
concluded a shift of allegiance was in order, along with a shift in his
gun barrel from me to his late partners.
“He’s been flyin’ with me ever since.
“Jayne can handle any sort of firearm ever made. There’s none
better at shootin’, ‘cept maybe me. He’s right handy with his fists,
too. And he plays the guitar. Not sure why.
“Downside to Jayne—he has a crude mouth, a quick temper, and
he’s not altogether what you might call trustworthy. He’s had a
couple of chances to sell me out, but so far, the money hasn’t been
good enough. One day the money will be good enough.
“When it comes, that day will be an interesting day for us both.”

—Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds


Agility . . . . . . . . . d6
Strength . . . . . . d6
Vitality . . . . . . . . d8

Alertness . . . . . d8 
Intelligence. . d10 
Willpower . . . . . d6 
Life Points . . . . . . . 14 
Initiative . . . . d6 + d8

Animal Handling d4 Perception d6
Artistry d6 Pilot d4
Athletics d4 Technical Engineering d6
Guns d2
Influence d6
- Persuasion d8
Mechanical Engineering d6
- Maintenance d10
- Repair d12+d2

Kaylee doesn’t carry weapons unless the situation
is dire. She wears a pair of loose-fitting trousers, work
boots, and a brightly patterned blouse. (She loves things
with flowers!) She usually carries a tiny screwdriver in one

Combat Paralysis (Minor Complication) - Kaylee tends to
freeze up when bullets or fists start flyin’.
Mechanical Empathy (Minor Asset) - Kaylee’s intuition
regarding machines borders on the supernatural.
Straight Shooter (Minor Complication) - Lyin’ may be
easy for most folk, but Kaylee is normally honest and
Sweet & Cheerful (Minor Asset) - No power in the ‘Verse
can stop Kaylee from being cheerful, and most find her a ray
of sunshine in the cold and lonely black.
Talented: Mechanical Engineering/Repair (Major Asset) -
Kaylee’s way with machines is nothing short of astonishing.

“I had a ‘genius’ mechanic before Kaylee, fellow named
Bester. Seemed promising enough at first, but kept dickin’
around and offering up excuses instead of keeping us in
the air. One day, I had reached the end of my considerable
patience and went to the engine room to have words. I was
not pleased to find him enjoying the naked company of a
young local when he was supposed to be on the clock and,
being plain-spoken, I said as much.
“Bester offered up yet another excuse and then it was
as this young girl, who looks like someone’s baby sister, up
and tells me that she knows what’s ailin’ Serenity. Not only
that, but, soon as she sorts her clothes out, she fixes the
problem on the spot.
“I fired Bester on the spot and hired Kaylee.
“She has a way with machines goes beyond book-learnin’.
They ‘talk’ to her, so she’s says. I know for certain that
Serenity talks to her way more than my boat talks to anyone
else—includin’ me.
“If our Kaylee has a fault, it’s that she hasn’t really
learned that I’m a bad man and that the ‘Verse is a bad
place filled with bad people who aim to do me and mine
harm. Kaylee is under the mistaken impression that I have a
soft heart or, rather, that I have any kind of heart at all.
“Still, I have to say that her cheerfulness is welcome
around the ship, though it does scrap a might on the nerves
sometimes. That and she’s gone all squishy and lovesome
over the young doc, Simon Tam, former passenger and now
“I’m hopeful she’ll outgrow it.”

—Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds



 Skills
Agility . . . . . . . . . d8 Artistry d6
Strength . . . . . . d4
Athletics d6 
Vitality . . . . . . . . d6
Discipline d6 
Alertness . . . d10
- Persuasion
- Seduction
Intelligence. . . . d8
Medical Expertise d4 
S 
Perception d6
- Empathy d10
Willpower . . . d10 - Intuition d8
Performance d6
- Dancing d8
Ranged Weapons d6
- Bow d8
Life Points . . . . . . . 16 Pilot d6

Initiative . . d8 + d10 Unarmed Combat d4

Hair Pin - While Inara doesn’t carry a weapon as such, she sometimes
wears an ornate hair pin that can be used as a dagger when necessary.
Damage d2W.
Bolt Thrower - Inara owns and is proficient with a bolt-thrower, a
newtech weapon that uses the same skill and discipline of a bow but fires
with nearly the force of a bullet. She may fire it up to 2 times per turn.
Damage d6B. It takes 4 turns to assemble the bow.

Allure (Minor Asset) - Inara is beautiful, and is trained to use her
presence to its best advantage.
Credo (Minor Complication) - The privacy of her clients and the
importance of keeping her commitments are two things Inara will not
breach without great reason.
Friends in High Places (Minor Asset) - As a respected Companion,
Inara has contacts among many rich and powerful people on many worlds
and moons.
Highly Educated (Minor Asset) - Inara was well-schooled in a
Companion Training House on Sihnon from a very early age.
Memorable (Minor Complication) - Inara is a singular woman, one who
tends to stand out in a crowd and in memory.
Registered Companion (Minor Asset) - The Companion Client Registry
is only a keystroke away, along with many other benefits of Guild
membership. However, it comes with a few responsibilities, as well.

“I can see you expressing some astonishment that we had a registered
Companion on board Serenity. She wasn’t a member of the crew, as such.
Inara rented one of the ship’s shuttles, not that you’d’ve recognized it for
a proper shuttle, what with the fancy rugs and the velvet pillows, gold-gilt
trappings and silk sheets. The business arrangement worked out fine
for both of us. Her rent money helped keep Serenity flyin’, while being
aboard meant she could travel from planet to planet, where she met and
entertained high-class, high-payin’ clientele.
“Did I mention she was a whore?
“Inara helped me in other ways, too, though not what you’re thinkin’.
She made it a rule to never service the crew. There are some planets that
wouldn’t let Serenity land without her credentials smoothing our way. For
that reason, I called her the Ambassador (call her other names less polite
when I want to rile her. And I do take considerable pleasure in riling her!).
“I have to say, though, that Inara is a puzzle to me. Why would a
beautiful Companion, who was, as I’ve heard rumored, on her way to
becoming a High Priestess in the Guild House on Sihnon, choose to fly the
black with lowlife such as ourselves? Why would a woman of her beauty
and brains and talents, who could be sitting in the lap of some rich client
dining on strawberries and cream, choose instead to eat canned protein
at our table? Not to mention her life being endangered on more than one
occasion when one of our jobs got a bit out of hand.
“Why would she? Fact is, she wouldn’t. Wouldn’t choose to be with
us, that is. The Ambassador left us for good and all, so she says. Gone to
train more little high-class whores. The crew misses her. A few more than
others. Kaylee almost forgets how to be cheerful. Almost.”
“As for me, I’m relieved. One less
—Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds


 Skills
Athletics d6
Agility . . . . . . . . . d8 Covert d6 
Strength . . . . . . d6 Craft
Vitality . . . . . . . . d6 Guns
- Shotgun

Alertness . . . . . d6 Influence d4

Intelligence. . . . d8
- Alliance government
Willpower . . . d10
- Criminal underworld
- Religion
d8 
Mechanical Engineering
d6 
Planetary Vehicles
Life Points . . . . . . . 14
Technical Engineering d4 
S 
Initiative . . . . d6 + d8 Unarmed Combat d6
- Karate d10

Though Book has displayed proficiency with all manner of firearms, he
does not carry a weapon of any kind. The only possession he has with him at
all times is his Bible, though he is known to sometimes smoke a long-stem
pipe and he keeps an unlabeled Alliance IdentCard in his pocket.

Cortex Specter (Major Asset) - No information on Book can be found on
the Cortex or any other accessible databank. The only hint of his true identity
lies on the IdentCard he carries in his pocket.
Credo (Major Complication) - Book not only believes in Christian ideals,
he practices what he preaches—following the Ten Commandments. He will
sometimes skirt the edge of his rules if the cause is worthy. The Bible may
have specific rules against killing, as an example, but it is a mite fuzzier on the
subject of shooting kneecaps.
Religiosity (Major Asset) - A Shepherd less than two years outside the
cloistered life of the Bathgate Abbey, Book is easily recognized as a man of
God by his manner of dress and long, bound hair. While some don’t take kindly
to preachifying, most will treat a man of the cloth with respect.

“It was Kaylee, as you might figure, that landed us with a preacher on
board Serenity. Now, I’ve nothin’ against God, so long as He doesn’t mix
himself up in my affairs. And so long as Shepherd Book kept his sermonizing
to those as wants to hear it, I had no problem with him shipping out with us.
“The Shepherd came on board at the Eavesdown Docks on Persephone.
Said he’d been doing his shepherding at the Southdown Abbey and he’d been
out of the world for a spell and would like to walk it a while. Kaylee took to him
right off and brought him on board as a passenger. He paid his way with too-
little cash and a load of fresh garden stuffs, which, I must admit, tasted fine
after months of eatin’ protein boiled, protein baked, and protein barbequed.
“It come as somewhat of a shock to Shepherd Book when he discovered
how me and mine earn our living. And he was fair knocked flat on his backside
when I introduced him to the Ambassador. I don’t expect he figured to find a
whore among his travelin’ companions.
“I must say, though, that the Shepherd evened up the surprise score when
he proved to be far and away more skilled and knowledgeable about fighting
and guns and tactics and lawmen than one ordinarily looks for in a man of
“Besides being of considerable worth in a fight, Shepherd Book was a
better than ordinary cook and the rest of the crew came to like him. He
and Jayne spotted each other lifting weights. The Shepherd and Inara held
forth about the ways of the ‘Verse. She being a Buddhist by trade, their
conversations were probably interesting to those who could stay awake. So
long as he kept his Bible-thumping to himself, I had no problem.
“If he didn’t see fit to talk about where he’s walked in this life, I could honor
“You’re askin’ where the Shepherd is now. He left Serenity. Not sure why.
Perhaps he saw that he’d done all he could in the way of salvation for us and
he might ought to turn his attention to those in want of saving. We set him
down at a mining colony on a backwater moon.
“Hope he finds what he’s lookin’ for there.”
“As for me, I’m relieved. One less
—Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds


 Skills
Agility . . . . . . . . . d6 Athletics d4
Strength . . . . . . d6
- Concentration
Vitality . . . . . . . . d6
Guns d2 
Alertness . . . . . d8

- History d8
Intelligence. . d12
Medical Expertise
- Neurology
d10 
- Surgery d12
Willpower . . . . . d8 Perception
- Deduction
Performance d4 
Life Points . . . . . . . 14
Scientific Expertise
- Biology
- Chemistry
Initiative . . . . d6 + d8 Technical Engineering d6 
S 

world of trouble by smuggling his certifiable
 loony-bin sister on board my ship.
Simon does not generally carry weapons “Here’s the doc’s story, as he told it to us. If
of any kind, unless one counts the scalpel in it’s a little vague, I don’t press him for the fine
his Doctor’s Bag. He wears the clothes he details. When you’re wadin’ hip deep through
took with him from his previous life, which are cow mi tian gohn, you’re not much interested
the style of the upper class on Osiris. (This, in the color of the cow.
sad to say, makes him often stand out on the “Simon Tam was one of the lucky ones.
border and outer planets.) While he was once He was born to money and brought up with
a wealthy doctor, he now has only 25 Alliance his sister, River, on the wealthy core planet
credit notes left of his previous fortune, and of Osiris. Highly intelligent, Simon waltzed
usually spends his earnings as the resident through medical school and, at a young
medic of Serenity. age, was on the road to being one of the
most respected and admired (and well-paid)
surgeons at one of the most prestigious
 hospitals in Capital City.
Deadly Enemy (Minor Complication) - Simon “Simon was smart, but his little sister,
is a wanted fugitive (as a result of rescuing his River, was a hundred times smarter. There
sister from an Alliance-controlled facility), with wasn’t anything she couldn’t do, from dancing
warrants flagged monthy on the Cortex. to theoretical physics. Lookin’ for an education
Easy Mark (Minor Complication) - Perhaps program to challenge her, she went off to
it’s a result of a sheltered upbringing, but some high-powered Academy run by the
Simon never expects deception—an easy Alliance. All was fine at first, and then Simon
target for betrayal and pratical jokes. started receivin’ letters that made no sense.
Highly Educated (Minor Asset) - Simon is On closer inspection, however, he discovered
very smart, having graduated the top 3% of they were written in code. River told him
his class at the Medical Academy on Osiris and that people were hurting her and she had to
finishing his internship in 18 months. escape.
Loyal (Minor Complication) - Simon’s first “Simon had money and he had influence
instinct is to protect his sister, an impulse that and he spent both liberally to help free River.
goes so far that he ignores or pushes aside She was cryogenically frozen and shipped to
anything (or anyone) that he might want for Persephone—a place you go when you don’t
himself. want to face a lot of questions, such as ‘what
Steady Calm (Minor Asset) - Even with the do you have in that large box, sir?’
dangerous and unusual situations that seem to “Turns out, sadly, that the Alliance wants
crop up as a member of Serenity’s crew, Simon his sister back. They want her back so bad
keeps a cool head—looking for his moment. that they’re not only offering good money for
Talented: Medical Expertise/Surgery (Minor her, they’ve papered the ‘Verse with wanted
Asset) - He was steered toward a medical posters on these two. Now I don’t mind makin’
career by his father, and Simon seemed clearly trouble for myself, ‘cause I generally get paid
gifted from an early age. for it. I do mind others makin’ trouble for me.
“I’ve been tempted more than once to let
Simon and his sister take a stroll in space
 without benefit of suits, but, I’ll say one thing
“I don’t mind saying that I took against the for him, the young doc is good at his job. And
young doctor from the very start. Maybe it since our means of earning a living leads to
was the way he dressed—all wealthified—or the a certain amount of scrapes and bruises,
way he talked—all educated. Or maybe it was not to mention gunshots to the belly and the
the fact that he chose Serenity as his ticket occasional knifing, I have decided to keep him
off Persephone. Though the ship looks fine to on board. It’s fair to say that some of us might
me, others tend to see her as sort of beat-up not be here to breathe the air if it weren’t for
and disreputable. Not exactly the type of luxury the young doctor.
cruiser I would guess the young doctor is “So far, he’s earned a place on my crew. Not
accustomed to flying. sayin’ that’ll last. But so far...”
“I was suspicious of him from the start and
I took considerable less to Simon Tan when I —Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds
discovered that he landed me and mine in a


 Skills
Agility . . . . . . . . . . . d12
Athletics d6
- Dodge d8
Guns d6
Strength . . . . . . . . . d6 – Pistol
Vitality . . . . . . . . . . . d8
Linguist d4 
Alertness . . . . . . . . d6

Intelligence d12+d2
Melee Weapons d6 
Perception d6
Willpower . . . . . . . . d8 Performance
- Dance
Pilot d6 
Life Points . . . . . . . 16 Scientific Expertise d6 
Initiative . . d12 + d6
Technical Engineering
Unarmed Combat
- Martial Arts d12
S 
Note: This version of River is designed to be balanced with the rest of
Serenity’s crew, and may not match her abilities as seen in the film.

River is not allowed to carry weapons on-board Serenity (after a few
unfortunate incidents involving knives and guns), and does not carry anything
other than random objects that catch her curiosity. She’s not even given to
wearing shoes, either.

Deadly Enemy (Minor Complication) - River has been pursued by the Alliance
government (including specialized agents and contracted bounty hunters) since
her escape from the “Academy” with the help of her brother, Simon. The Alliance
seems to be ready to do most anything to re-acquire her.
Leaky Brainpan (Major Complication) - Whatever happened to her at the
Academy—which certainly included unusual brain surgery, drug therapy, and
psychological conditioning—has left River with an “altered reality matrix.” She
perceives the world differently than most folk, and has trouble communicating
with others.
Loyal (Minor Complication) - Simon gave up everything he had and risked his
life to save River, and now she would do anything for him.
Memorable (Minor Complication) - River, with her unpredictable behavior,
mood swings, and bare feet, tends to stick out in most folks’ minds.
Reader (Major Asset) - River is able to sense the world and thoughts of those
around her with supernatural sensitivity. She does not have the know-how to
shut her abilities off, however, and doesn’t always understand what she sees or
Total Recall (Major Asset) - River makes her gifted brother sometimes look
like an idiot child. She remembers everything she sees and hears, making some
things come as naturally as breathing.
Traumatic Flashes (Major Complication) - The abuse River suffered at the
hands of the Alliance government, along with terrible secrets buried deep in
her psyche, has left her with terrifying flashbacks and nightmares. These strike
when unknown triggers set them off, or for no reason at all.

“Whimsical in the brainpan. That’s the polite way of describing her. The not-
so-polite way is to say the teenage girl’s flat-out crazy. She hears things that
no one says, sees things different than they truly are. One time she shot three
people clean through the head with a single bullet each and her with eyes closed.
“She’s a reader, I’ve come to believe. She reads minds. The doc, her brother,
Simon, did a scan of her brain and discovered that the Alliance went in and cut
on her—for what reason, best to ask them.
“She’s quick-thinking, if sometimes odd-thinking. She does have her quirks,
such as taking it into her head to slash Jayne with a knife because she didn’t like
the color of his shirt.
“Truth is, we never know what River’s going to do next, and while that does
perk up our lives, it is a mite unsettling. We never know but that we could wake
up some morning to find she’s murdered us all in our bunks.
“Still, none of us is perfect and River does have a kind of way about her, when
she’s not stabbing folk, and so long as the doctor keeps her drugged up and
does his job, she and he can remain part of Serenity.
“You see, it’s occurred to me that there are times when a girl with the ability
to read minds might come in handy in our line of work...”

—Conversation with Malcolm Reynolds

Inara had a client. She refused to tell the crew his name or anything about him and, in
addition, stated that he had requested his visit be kept extremely confidential and she would
appreciate it if they would give her some privacy. So, naturally, almost everyone on board the
ship turned out to see him.
“Anyone know who he is?” asked Mal.
The man came on board alone, leaving his two body guards outside the Firefly. Inara was
there to greet to him and guided him through the ship to her private shuttle. She cast the
crew a baleful glance as she glided by.
“Oooh, if looks could kill,” said Wash, hanging over the rail above the loading dock, “we’d
all be laid out in our coffins.”
“I have no idea who he is. And I don’t blame Inara,” said Simon, the young doctor, walking
past with his sister. He paused long enough to comment. “Ogling this man is rude and
“So no one knows who he is?” Mal persisted. “I’ve got a gut feeling...”
River placed her hand on the rail and stared down intently at the man. “He has a daughter,”
she said suddenly. “He is his daughter.”
“So you know him?” Mal asked her, interested.
“No,” said River, regarding him wide-eyed. “Do you?”
“But you just said—”
“Come along, River.” Simon took firm hold of his sister. “We have better things to do than
to stand here gawking.”
He led River away. All the while, she kept her gaze fixed on the man, even craning her head
to see him as Simon gently urged her back to their quarters.
“She said he was his own daughter.” Jayne muttered, leaning over the rail. He thought
about this, then twisted around to look at the others. “Hey! Ain’t that impossible?”
“That can’t be his own hair,” Mal muttered.
“I think he’s real pretty,” said Kaylee. “That wavy black hair with those touches of gray
at the side. He’s not so old, neither. He’s . . . distinguished. He and Inara make a sweet
“Wasn’t for that moneyed suit and store-bought hair, no one would look twice at him,” Mal
returned. “I ask again, in case no one heard me the first time. Anybody know anything about
him? Kaylee? Inara confides in you. What did she say about him?”
“If she did confide me, it would be a confidence,” Kaylee returned. “That means I’d be
honor-bound not to tell.”
“You’d tell your Captain if your he ordered you,” said Mal, half serious and half not.
“But my Captain wouldn’t order me ‘cause he knows that wouldn’t be honorable and my
Captain’s an honorable man,” said Kaylee.
“No, he ain’t,” said Mal.
Kaylee patted his arm. “Got to go, Captain. That compressor’s still acting up.” She hurried
“Whatever gave her the idea that I was honorable?” Mal asked, looking around.
“I know that man,” said Shepherd Book suddenly.
“Yeah, so?” Mal prodded. “Who is he?”
Shepherd Book cocked an eye at Mal. “Are you going order me to tell you, Captain?”
“Can’t rightly do that, I suppose. ‘though I do consider you crew, Shepherd, and, as such,
I’d take it as a personal favor if you would pass on any information you might have about
someone who is aboard my ship.”
“I know”—Shepherd Book paused—”that he is Inara’s client and that if she had wanted us
to know, she would have told us.” Opening his Bible, he walked off, absorbed in his reading.
Mal gazed after him. “Is there something wrong with me? Seems like a captain should
strike terror into the heart of his crew, make them want to tell him things.”
“I shake like a leaf, sir, every time you open your mouth,” said Zoe.
“Me, too,” said Wash, putting his arm around his wife. “I’m completely and utterly
intimidated by your forceful and dangerous presence.”

“That’s good,” said Mal, hooking his thumbs in his suspenders. “So you two will tell me
everything you know about this guy.”
Zoe and Wash exchanged glances.
“No, sir,” said Zoe.
“We’ll be in our bunk should you feel like having us whipped, Captain,” added Wash, and
the two hurried off.
“You’d tell me if you knew who he was, wouldn’t you, Jayne?” Mal asked the only person
“I would,” said Jayne, then he added with a wink, “’cept Inara paid me not to.” Grinning, he
sauntered off.
“There’s definitely somethin’ wrong with me,” Mal said to himself and he shook his head.

Plenty of folk who want to explore the ‘Verse Alliance or your group could be the owners and
will be eager to role play the crew of Serenity. After staff of a dance hall. Ideas for these types of
all, they are familiar characters, and odds are most campaigns can be found in Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’.
of us can relate to at least one of them. It’s a great Since these types of campaigns are more complex
way to start playing the game. We’ve also given you a and take more time to develop, we’re going to start
shiny new crew and their ship, Aces & Eights, in case with the easiest and likely the most popular. You and
you want some variety. your crew are sailing the black aboard a ship. Since
Could be you’re interested in creating your own your game group makes up the ship’s crew, you’ll
characters. Ideas spin through your head. Perhaps want to fill important roles to keep her flying. Cover
your character is a hired gun, lured into danger by the basics first, and perhaps one day you’ll be able to
the thought of quick money. You might fancy a afford a decent cook.
pilot, someone who escaped a Reaver raiding party Pilot: Most folk can ride a horse, but you want a
and is now haunted by the tortured screams of her professional jockey to ride the money-race. Likewise
dead shipmates. You might even want to play an most space travelers can fly a ship, but when the
Alliance officer, bound and determined to bring Alliance is on your tail or you’re skipping through
these damn rebels under control (regardless of the a debris field or trying to hold it together after the
fact you’re on the run for desertion!). primary buffer panel flies off the nose during re-
Role playing a familiar character such as Jayne or entry, you want a capable pilot. It ain’t enough to
Kaylee can be fun, but one of the most rewarding know which buttons to push and dials to turn, it’s
elements of role playing is creating and playing love that keeps a boat in the air.
a character that is your own. A bunch of “stats” Mechanic: High class folk like to call them
written down on a sheet of paper can fast become a “engineers.” No matter what name he goes by,
living, breathing person, someone you know inside someone’s gotta keep the engine turning. Whether
and out. The story you imagine for this person he comes all educated or just has a knowing way
expands over the course of the game. And it is with machines, a ship’s mechanic should know the
yours! boat from stem to stern. Things never seem to go
It’s as much fun as pulling a Crazy Ivan. Jump smooth out in the black, so the person doing the
aboard and we’ll get started. fixin’ should be ready to improvise at a moment’s
notice. Ship might break down a long way from

While the unwritten laws of the ‘Verse dictate
civilized parts, and wu de tyen ah help you if you can’t
make full burn when a Reaver ship shows up.
Medic: If you run a peaceful passenger boat,
certain fundamental basics about who you are and you might well think you can make due with a
why you are, the truth of the matter is that you can simple first aid kit. ’Course, even passenger liners
create most any type of character you can think up. can get hijacked by scrappers or hit by Reavers. And
Remember, though, the player characters in this then there’s the inevitable gun fight that breaks out
game are called “crew” for a reason. They work in the casino over a hand of poker. Best to have
together as a team, for survival’s sake if nothing else. someone who can extract bullets, put a weave on
Zhu tamin ya min zhu yi, as they say. (And watch your cuts, and knows which salve will best heal flash-
friend’s backside, as well!) burns. Experienced trauma surgeons are a rare
Campaigns can vary almost as much as a ship’s find. Still, the war created plenty of trained combat
crew. Your group could all be members of the medics who will sell their skills for the right price.

Security: Someone on the boat should be handy ‘Verse. The difficulties they face are challenging,
in a fight—be it with guns, bar stools, or fists. but not likely to get them killed (at least right away).
Hopefully things are peaceable enough aboard ship. As these characters gain more experience, they’ll
It’s the rest of the ‘Verse you have to worry about. be ready to handle some real action. Of course,
Contract negotiations always seem to go better the GM can decide to skip all this and fly his crew
when the other side is looking at you and your big straight into epic adventures filled with danger.
friend with the even bigger gun. Plenty of folk out Some crews may include a mix of characters at
there are ready for action, all for a fair cut of the different heroic levels, though such a mix should be
profits and a private bunk. agreed upon by everyone before a campaign begins.
Socialite: Your boat will most likely not have a
state official—or even a registered Companion—on
board, but a smart crew will have a swai—a smooth- 
talker. Such a respectable-appearing individual has As implied, you’re still a bit wet behind the
a way with words that can secure invites to the right ears. Whether or not you are burdened with an
events, diffuse heated situations with dangerous overabundance of schooling, you lack experience.
enemies, or talk port control into releasing a land- Some might say you know just enough to be
lock when it’s past time you left the world. dangerous. This usually means you’re a nyen ching-
Captain: Someone has to make decisions, duh, which ain’t all bad. You could also be a person
give the orders, and lead the crew into and out of who’s lived a relatively sheltered, quiet life. What the
hellacious circumstances. The captain makes the Greenhorn designation really means is that you’ve
final call on all such matters, because his ship ain’t got plenty to learn.
the rutting town hall and this ain’t no democracy. Greenhorn crews know the basics of survival
Downside is that he gets the blame when plans and they can handle lower-risk jobs. (Don’t mean
don’t go as promised, and his name is usually the such jobs have to be boring.) The advantage to
one remembered by potential enemies. Generally a starting at this point is that the characters have room
ship’s owner is the captain, though captains can be to grow. They can develop their lives through play
hired for the job by someone with more money than instead of starting in the middle, giving them a sense
qualifications. of immense satisfaction when they survive and
All this being said, most ships have to make due “graduate” to higher status.
with crew pulling double or even triple duties. The A Greenhorn character begins with 42 Attribute
captain and the pilot may be one and the same. The points (see Attributes further on).
smooth negotiator could also be a fast draw and
a dead shot. The reverse can also be said, as crew
members can usually back each other up. Jayne 
certainly isn’t the only person on Serenity capable in a Much like a certain transport ship, you have
fight, while Wash and Kaylee often work together to accumulated some mileage over the years. You
fix the ship’s problems. have experience and you are good at what you do.
Probably learned a few tricks and can take some

Most folk on the job would like you to think they
punishment before going down. You’ve gambled
on life and won the first few hands, so you can now
raise the pot a few times without too much fuss.
crawled out of their mother’s belly ready to chew A Veteran crew is known in the business. They
nails. Doesn’t make it the truth, though. We all have have a rep, whether it’s deserved or not. They’ve
to start somewhere. “What does not kill you, makes moved on to bigger capers and they’ve made their
you stronger” or some such old saying from Earth- share of dangerous enemies. Still, they are probably
That-Was. A right to the jaw from the ‘Verse makes living hand-to-mouth, needing each job to keep
you tough enough to bear more of the same. from going on the drift. If you have a seasoned crew
When the Game Master begins a new campaign, ready for some thrilling heroics, this is the level to
he sets one of three heroic levels for the crew. start your campaign.
This level is a yardstick that measures the crew’s A Veteran character begins with 48 Attribute
competence and experience, and sets the tone of the points.
campaign. Most crews start out as Greenhorns—
those who are still learning their way around the

“I just get excitable as to choice, like to have my options open.”

—Jayne Cobb

 
Ten armed men come to kill you, and you feel a For experienced players ready to set sail
twinge of pity for them before you start taking them right away, here’s a no-frills checklist:
out. You may have knocked over more than one
Alliance facility in your unseemly career. A statue of 1. CHOOSE A
you stands in some little town, where the folk sing HEROIC LEVEL
songs for you each night in the local saloon. This Determine the Heroic Level for your
being the case, you’ve earned the benefits along with crew (the job of your GM). This gives you
the scars that come with hero territory. the amount of starting Attribute Points
Big Damn Heroes are legends, known you have to spend.
throughout the ‘Verse for deeds either good or
bad. Heroes have flown into a mess of trouble 2. CHOOSE TRAITS
and come safely out the other side. They are You must choose, at minimum, one
great—not good—at what they do, and they have trait each in Assets (good stuff) and
dangerous enemies in both high places and low. Complications (makes life interestin’).
Such reputations tend to make Big Damn Heroes Assets can be bought with Attribute
big damn targets. Points: 2 for a Minor, 4 for a Major. You
A Big Damn Hero character begins with 54 may have a maximum of five Assets and
Attribute points. five Complications.

You have six attributes: Agility,
Strength, Vitality, Alertness, Intelligence,
and Willpower. Each is rated in die types
ranging from d4 to d12 (the maximum for
a beginning character). The cost matches
the type in Attribute Points (4 points for a
d4, 12 points for a d12, etc.).

Tally and record your Life Points (Vitality
+ Willpower die types added together)
and Initiative (Agility + Alertness, rolled
frequently during combat situations).

You begin the game with 20 Skill Points
plus the points provided by your heroic
level. Every Skill is rated by a die type.
General skills may advance only to d6,
and are then improved upon by purchasing
specialties (that begin at d8). Otherwise,
the costs are equivalent to those for

Today we meet the real you.
You may equip your character with gear
using the rules in Chapter Three and the
GM’s plans for the campaign. Decide on
Hold off on the panic. No one is going to dangle personal details such as gender, height,
you over a volcano or administer electric shocks. weight, home world and the like. Spruce up
At least not until the campaign gets into full swing. your background and history a tad further.
What we’re looking for is a Character Concept. Now you’re ready to hit the ‘Verse. Oh,
got a name yet?

Your Character Concept is the flesh and muscle Playing Game, such qualities are known as Traits.
and other such that hangs on the skeleton. Without Traits help define your character’s personality,
it, the skeleton will just fall into a heap of bones. talents, preoccupations, and hidden secrets. Traits
The same reasoning applies to your character: make your character either a gentle pacifist or a
without a little something extra, your character is shiong-muh duh duang-ren.
just numbers and, between the two of us, numbers Assets are generally positive Traits—those that
are downright boring. Suppose you have an idea give you some kind of edge in tense situations.
for a Browncoat who’s trying to carry on after Complications are negative and usually put you at
suffering the bitter loss of the Unification War. a disadvantage in such situations. Both help define
Such a character might take any odd job—legal or your character and both can often be a lot of fun to
not—to keep flyin’ without submitting to the rule play! Traits can either be Major or Minor, depending
of the Alliance. Mix in a Firefly class ship and a on how much they help (or hurt) the character
fierce loyalty to his crew, and you have Mal. Dilute during an adventure. Think of Minor Traits as just
the bitterness, amplify the military discipline, add a a tiny quirk or flaw, while Major Traits are usually
husband, and you have Zoe. Tweak the concept a defining qualities that can be spotted from the next
mite further, and you’ve created a unique character moon.
all your own. Traits are fully listed and defined in Chapter Two:
The concept doesn’t have to be over- Traits and Skills, so skip ahead if you want to take a
complicated. A few words might sell the idea. gander at them.
“Former star athlete, running from his gambling
debts” might be one way to start, or “Idealistic
student who followed her boyfriend out to the Rim”
is another. Start with a simple idea and let it grow
from there.

Despite what sideshow barkers tell you, there
is no evidence of alien life in the ‘Verse. Though
mankind has blazed a trail through the stars, and
terraformed and colonized most of a new star
system, the children of Earth-That-Was have only
one deadly enemy—themselves. More on that later.
The races, nationalities, and cultures of the
ancient world are vaguely remembered, but don’t
count for much anywhere. Fact is, the original
settlers of our current star system were packed
into their ships so tight that the old-world notions,
feuds, hatreds, and prejudices got squeezed out of
‘em. Races and cultures have blended so that it can
be hard to tell one from another just by looking. A
young doctor and his sister might appear Caucasian,
but their surname, Tam, gives you a hint of their
Ethnicity and background are important ideas
to consider as you flesh out a character concept,
but remember that the dividing lines are a might
fuzzy and no one gives a damn who your great-
grandpappy was anyway.

Numbers won’t tell you everything about a
Kaylee is able to do more than stick a screwdriver
person. It’s human nature to remember people by into a machine’s workings. Engines speak to her.
certain qualities—both good and bad. On Serenity, Wash can fly the ship through an ice canyon. Mal
we remember Jayne’s greed, Inara’s charm, and never gives up, no matter how hard things get. These
Simon’s devotion to his sister. In the Serenity Role are examples of how Assets define their characters.

“I’m the brains of the operation.”
—River Tam

On the other hand, just remember: nothing in the though truly experienced characters might be able
‘Verse is free. achieve even higher scores.
Each Asset you purchase for your character When selecting your character’s Attributes, you
comes out of your starting Attribute points. A start with the Heroic Level selected by your Game
Minor Asset costs 2 points, while a Major Asset Master. The points indicated are what you use
costs 4. You must purchase at least one Asset for to “buy” Attribute dice. Simply put, it costs you
your character, and you can’t have more than five Attribute points equal to the die type you want for
(either Major or Minor). Don’t worry if you see each Attribute.
your points dropping fast before you purchase For instance, your GM has decided that the
Attributes, as you can gain back points by adding crew will start as Greenhorns. (Don’t fret, you’re
Complications. still better off than the “all d6” yokels.) You
have 42 points to spend, that number adjusted
depending on the Traits you selected. If you’re set
 on a d10 Agility, then take 10 points out of your
Things just never seem to go smooth for Mal. If pool. ‘Course you can purchase only die types that
the money is too good, Jayne will get stupid. River actually exist, so don’t risk the GM’s ire by picking a
is fong luh and ought to be institutionalized. These d7 in Intelligence—there ain’t no such thing. If you
are complications at work, making things more end up with a couple of points left over, consider
interesting for your crew. purchasing an additional Trait. Otherwise, leftover
Each Complication you take adds points back points become Advancement Points to be used later.
into your pool for purchasing Attributes. A Minor Greenhorn characters cannot start with an
Complication gains you 2 points, and a Major one is Attribute higher than d12. Veterans can go as high
worth 4. You have to take at least one Complication, as d12 + d2. Big Damn Heroes can start with
but you can’t take more than five (either Major or Attributes as high as d12 + d4. No matter where you
Minor). Complications may seem bad, but not only start, you’ll be able to improve Attributes later in the
are they worth points for your Attributes, good role campaign. No one (not even Jayne) can start with an
playing of the bad stuff can earn you Plot Points. Attribute lower than d4.
(Plot Points are important; more on that later.) Here’s a table, just in case it isn’t obvious at first
Once you’ve filled out your selection of glance.
Traits, you can determine your character’s starting
Attributes. Table 1-1: Attribute Die Costs
Die Type Point Cost

Jayne is strong as an ox and just as dumb. Inara
d4 4

d6 6
could never lift heavy storage creates, but she can
lift the emotional baggage of others and make them d8 8
at ease. Simon is all manner of smart, yet River is
known to make him look like an idiot child. Kaylee d10 10
may back down when intimidated. Mal steps up to a
fight—never avoiding the chance to spit the devil in d12 12
the eye.
Attributes are the qualities that describe a d12 + d2 14
character’s physical and mental makeup. The
d12 + d4 16
physical Attributes are: Agility, Strength, and Vitality.
The mental Attributes are: Alertness, Intelligence,
and Willpower. Each Attribute is rated by a type of
die—the more sides the better. Average yokels have
a d6 for everything. Someone with a Strength of 
d4, for example, might be a ninety-pound weakling, Recollecting your Character Concept (and you
while a d10 could be a muscle-bound weight-lifter. did come up with a Character Concept, right?),
A d12 Attribute is the normal starting maximum, let’s say your character is better with his body

than his mind. Strong of arm, quick on the draw, Someone with a low Alertness doesn’t notice that
or downright tough as a bull. For these concepts, his fly is unzipped.
Physical Attributes are a must. Intelligence is smarts—plain and simple. Crew
Agility represents quickness and physical with high Intelligence are bright and inventive,
coordination. A high Agility could mean your able to think their way through complex situations,
character can twirl two pistols and leap on the back or solve puzzles that would confound lesser
of a moving horse without screwing up either persons. Those with low scores might have trouble
action. A low score might well mean you have four understanding big words or experience difficulty
left feet—two on the ends of your legs and two at remembering complicated plans.
the ends of your arms. Willpower is about determination and force
Strength tells you just how strong your character of personality. A high score means a character can
is. A high Strength means you can kick down doors, resist intimidation (and even torture), can convince
win arm wrestling contests, or break someone’s jaw a person to do his bidding, and can push on even
with a good right hook. Low scores mean you have when his body is about to give up. Those with low
trouble carrying your own luggage. Willpower might be easily fooled, back down at a
Vitality is a measure of toughness and general threat, or take the easy way out.
health. High Vitality characters avoid catching the
flu, can drink their buddies under the table, and run
from the law without getting winded. Crew with low 
Vitality should stay away from people with colds and In addition to the six main Attributes, Derived
never drink the local water. Attributes come straight from the choices you’ve
already made. You’ll use them to know how quickly
your character reacts in dangerous situations and just
 how much punishment he can take before dropping
Some characters have more brains than brawn. like a sack of oats. We call them Initiative and Life
Mental Attributes are useful in those situations Points. Check the Serenity or Aces & Eights crews for
where honey is like to catch you more flies than examples of Derived Attributes in action.
vinegar. Initiative is a roll that tells you who goes first
Alertness represents intuition and observation. in a given situation. Do you draw first or does your
A character with a high score might hear the stealthy enemy have the drop on you? You’ll make Initiative
footsteps of an Alliance Operative sneaking up rolls during combat and other hairy situations where
on the group, notice an important clue caught in time is a major factor. When the GM asks for an
the bushes, or know the instant a fellow is lying. “Initiative Roll,” you roll your Agility + Alertness

ice and tell the GM the result. Higher is better. the ability to handle her illustrious clientele. So how
Especially when a Reaver is rushing at you with a does this translate in game terms?
machete. Each Skill, like the Attributes, is rated by a
Life Points measure how much damage you die type. A d2 represents basic familiarity with
can take before passing out or dying. When your something. If you’re flying a shuttle, for example, a
character is punched, stabbed, or shot, the damage d2 might let you steer, but be careful trying to land!
comes out of your total Life Points. If your damage A d6 Skill level represents a level of competence at
is equal or greater than your Life Points, you’re out which you could start to get paid an average wage
of the action. Calculate your total by adding the for non-difficult work. Once your Skill level rises
die types of your Vitality + Willpower Attributes. above d6, you really begin to stand out as someone
For example, a character with a d8 Vitality and a d6 who is very good at what he does.
Willpower has 14 Life Points. Skills are broken down into two related groups.
‘Course, it’s helpful to know whether you’ll be General Skills represent broad areas of knowledge
needing a bandage or a tombstone. Damage comes that cover a lot of territory. Athletics is an
in two types: Stun and Wounds. (See Chapter Five: example—you use it to run, jump, dodge, climb, and
Keep Flyin’.) If Stun damage puts you over your total, swim. The catch is that General Skills can advance
you are only knocked senseless and will recover with only to d6. Beyond that, you have to specialize.
rest, though you may have bruises, nicks, and very Specialties branch off from the General Skills and
minor injuries. If you continue to take Stun after allow you to excel in a specific activity—as many
being knocked out, you’ll accumulate Shock Points as you like, sky’s the limit. For example, while your
that will keep you unconscious even longer. Athletics Skill is capped at d6, your former track star
Wounds are a bit more worrisome, as they can advance his Run Skill up to d10 and his Jump
represent serious injury—everything from flesh Skill to d8.
wounds to a bullet through the liver. A badly To purchase your Skills, you get 20 points plus
wounded character is distracted by pain and blood the total you used to purchase your Traits and
loss, so when you’ve taken half or more of your Life Attributes (a Greenhorn character starts with 62
Points total in Wounds, you suffer a –2 step penalty Skill points, a Veteran gets 68, and a Big Damn
on all Attributes until you’ve been patched up. If Hero gets 74). Purchase Skills just like you did with
you’ve taken your entire total in Wounds, you’ll be Attributes, by paying the point cost equal to the die
pushing up the daisies unless you receive help. type—just remember that while you only have to
It’s easiest to track the two types of damage by pay for the General skill once, you must buy each
representing your character’s Life Points with check of its specialties separately. For example, in the
boxes in two columns. (See the Life Point charts for previous example it costs 6 points to gain a d6 in
the Serenity crew for an example.) Track Stun damage Athletics. You could then add 4 points to those 6 to
from the top going down and Wounds from the gain a d10 in Jump, and even add 2 points to gain a
bottom going up. When the two columns meet, you d8 in Run (all in addition to your d6 in Athletics).
pass out. When all the Wounds are checked off, you
better hope the doc’s around or it’s time to think up Table 1-2: Skill Costs
your next character concept. Die Type General Cost Specialty Cost
The effects of damage are discussed with more
d2 2 –
detail in Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’.
d4 4 –

At this point you’ve got a handle on your crew’s
d6 6 –

raw abilities and know something about their d8 – 2

personalities, but maybe you still haven’t got a clue
what’s rattling about in their brain-pans. Things like d10 – 4
whether their knowledge is self-taught, learned from
books, or gained at the feet of a master depends d12 – 6
on the characters’ own histories. Their level of
d12 + d2 – 8
competence is spelled out in skills.
Kaylee may have a talent with machines, but if d12 + d4 – 10
she doesn’t know the port thrust from a catalyzer,
then the whole ship is in trouble. Inara may be
beautiful and charming, but so are hundreds of See Chapter Two: Traits and Skills to take a look-
other women. Her Companion training gives her see at the full list of Skills and their descriptions.

“I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.”
—Hoban “Wash” Washburne

For a list of gear and full descriptions, see Chapter

 Three: Money and Gear.
Skills don’t stand on their own. They mix with Any leftover credits after the purchases becomes
Attributes to create a combined die roll. However, your own stash, saved for slow times (there could be
no single Attribute is married to a Skill, so you plenty) or to fritter away however you please.
might be using different combinations depending
on whatever mess you’ve currently stepped in. For
example, suppose you’re a ship’s mechanic, trying to 
start up the gorram engine before the Alliance patrol
boat arrives. The GM might tell you to roll Alertness
+ Mechanical Engineering to find the source of
Imagine Mal without his quirks. Alliance Feds
the problem, then roll Intelligence + Mechanical don’t bother him none. He lets Unification Day slide
Engineering to try to fix it. right past without a second thought. He doesn’t feel
a twinge of conscience when he robs folk. Imagine
Kaylee minus the sunshine, Wash without a sense of
 humor, or Jayne with manners.
Nobody’s good at everything. At his best, Personality lets the rest of the ‘Verse know just
Simon’s the ‘Verse’s worst liar. Put him on the spot who the hell you are. Motivation gives you a reason
and just watch the train wreck. Mal barely knows to have a personality. We won’t go into the whole
which end of a sword to hold, and Jayne will never chicken-or-egg business because the end is the same.
win a spelling bee. Sometimes the crew members If you understand both your personality and your
have to do things they are just plain bad at. When motivation for doing things, you’ll have a real handle
this happens, you roll just the Attribute die and hope on your character and an instant feel for how your
for the best. character will react in certain situations.
‘Course, trying something you’ve got no talent You started the character creation process with a
for might work for some actions, though not others. concept, so now let’s ask a few questions and flesh
Say you are trying to negotiate with a potential that concept out. Suppose you are a former pro
client. You can give it a go even though you lack the athlete who’s running from gambling debts. What
Influence Skill, since it doesn’t require any special made you quit the sport? Were you caught betting
training to talk (or lie). You might be able to take on your own team? Did you throw a game for the
a bullet out of a man’s arm without any medical money? Did you refuse to throw a game and now
training, but if you attempt to re-attach a girl’s leg you’re running from a crime boss ? Do you have a
and you don’t have M.D. after your name, you fail gambling addiction, or did you bury your problem
without even getting a roll. with your career? Use the answers to such questions
to build you character’s back story.

Up ‘til now, we’ve been alluding to figurative 
tools. Now you can get the literal kind—the physical Face it, we don’t actually know a lot about the
objects you will use in an adventure. crew of Serenity. Mal doesn’t like to talk about his
The ‘Verse currency is credits. You exchange past, so we don’t know much beyond his ranch
credits for gear, weapons, services (Companion and upbringing and the battle of Serenity Valley. Inara
otherwise), and perhaps little indulgences—such as left the Companion Guild House for a mysterious
fresh strawberries. As a beginning character, you’re reason, abandoning her previous goals for a life on
assumed to have the clothes on your back and the move. River can’t clearly remember everything
perhaps a few personal items approved by the GM. that happened to her at the “Academy.” Shepherd
Beyond the basics, you get a set amount of money Book is a complete mystery—a man of God who’s
(modified by appropriate Traits) to purchase goods proficient with guns, unarmed combat, and disabling
from the equipment lists. A Greenhorn doctor will security systems.
have 750 credits to stock up on medical supplies. While you might play an “open book” character
A Veteran bodyguard of 48 Skill points has 1,500 such as Wash or Kaylee, it’s also fun to play a
credits as a starting fund to build a private arsenal. character with something to hide. Let the details
about your character’s past trickle out slowly during

the course of a campaign wound to something more
instead of proclaiming survivable, for example.
them at the start. Part After learning the amount
of the fun of the game of damage you would
is learning about the take from an injury, you
rest of the crew. Reveal may spend Plot Points to
your secrets only in tense roll a die and subtract the
moments where the story result from the amount
hangs in the balance. of damage, first negating
You’ll find that such Wounds, then the Stun.
revelations will create Sadly, you can’t use Plot
drama the group will Points to reduce damage
remember for years to from an old injury—
come. you’re stuck with that.
And here’s a secret With the GM’s
about secrets and your approval, you can also
character’s past. You don’t spend Plot Points to
have to decide every little influence the adventure in
detail in the beginning. small ways. Perhaps your
Give yourself enough character has a contact
to start with and let things work from there. Ideas on the backwater moon you’ve set down on, or
will suggest themselves from the course of play, could be that the man you danced with at the ball
and your GM might also use elements from your has fallen in love with you. If you have an idea, the
unknown past. Your character will tell you things points to spend, and the okay of the GM, then you
that you might not know about him at the beginning. can help shape the direction of the story.
Come to know your past during the game as you
work to build the future with your actions. Table 1-3: Plot Points
Points Spent Bonus Die

 1 d2

The sun shines on a dog’s backside occasionally, 2 d4

and even a blind squirrel stumbles upon an acorn
every once in a while. In stories, as in life, sometimes 3 d6
luck is on your side. Fate takes a hand. Things
happen when you really need them to. Our game 4 d8
has a mechanism for this called Plot Points. When
a character is in desperate trouble or really must 5 d10
succeed at an action, or is not keen on dying right at
6 d12
this moment, Plot Points ride to the rescue. When
you have Plot Points to spend, no power in the 7 d12 + d2
‘Verse can stop you.
Plot Points allow you to add an extra die to your 8 d12 + d4
action rolls. The more points spent, the higher the
die type, allowing you a greater overall range of 9 d12 + d6
possible results. This doesn’t guarantee success,
mind you, but the extra die gives you an edge that 10 d12 + d8
you wouldn’t have otherwise.
You can also use Plot Points after the dice are 11 d12 + d10
thrown if the situation is truly desperate—such as
12 d12 + d12
when your ship would otherwise crash into a canyon
wall. Spending Plot Points after the fact is more
expensive, but it can keep the undertaker away. If PLOT POINT POOL
you spend Plot Points after the die roll, each point You receive 6 free Plot Points at the beginning
adds only 1 to the die roll. of the campaign, and you may keep up to a dozen
Another use of Plot Points is to keep your pee (12) in your “pool” during the course of the
goo alive when things aren’t going your way. You can game. (If you have 12 points, you can’t earn any
spend points to avoid damage—to reduce a mortal more until you spend some or a new game session

begins.) They can (and should!) be spent, and can Generally, you may spend Advancement Points
be earned back during play. You may keep up to 6 only to improve a character in-between game
points in your pool between game sessions, while sessions, and only to improve a single Skill or
the remainder are immediately converted into Attribute by one die type or purchase a new skill at
Advancement Points, which you can use to improve the d2 level. Advancement is a slow process. The
your character. More details about Plot Points and exception might be that a long period of “down
all their uses can be found in Chapter Five: Keep time” allows your character to train or otherwise
Flyin’. gain experience outside the normal course of play—
and is all done with the GM’s approval.
Improving an existing Skill costs you the next die
 type up in Advancement Points. Raising from a d4
Your crew will grow and learn over time. Change to d6 is 6 points, d6 to d8 is 8 points, d8 to d10 is 10
is the only constant in the ‘Verse, and while fate points, etc. Attributes cost four times the point cost
can be a tah mah de with one hand, it can be kind as Skill improvement.
with the other. Advancement Points represent the
accumulation of experience and are the building REMOVING
blocks for improvement. COMPLICATIONS
Some of your Advancement Points will come First thing to understand is that you don’t get
from your Plot Point pool (see above), but you will jack for problems acquired during the campaign. If
also receive points from the GM during and at the your leg gets cut off and thrown into a bog, that’s a
end of an adventure. Advancement Points are your problem you have to square away on your own—no
reward for a job well done—or at least survived. free points to ease the pain. You can, however, get
Depending on the length and difficulty of the rid of certain Complications by paying them off.
adventure, you’ll generally get 3 to 6 Advancement There are two elements in removing
Points for your troubles, in addition to those you Complications. The first is to have the points
save from the Plot Point pool. You can then spend you need to buy them off. Removing a Minor
Advancement Points to increase an Attribute or a Complication costs 10 Advancement Points,
Skill, buy new Skills, or save them for a big upgrade while 20 points will rid your character of a Major
spree during a big period of down-time. Complication. A generous Game Master may also
permit you to bargain down a Major Complication
Table 1-4: Advancement to Minor status for 10 points.
Die Type Skill Point Cost Attribute Point Cost The second element is to work out a reasonable
explanation with the GM as to why your problem
d2 2 –
isn’t so burdensome anymore, which may cost you
d4 4 – some in-game assets as well. If it makes sense and
the GM gives it the okay, then you have one less
d6 6 24 problem to deal with. The crew member being
hunted for gambling debts may sell off a priceless
d8 8 32 piece of stolen property and use the proceeds to
get the ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng off his back. The
d10 10 40 process of buying off complications may involve
adventure or role playing opportunities; if that’s the
d12 12 48 case, so much the better. You’ll gain more Plot and
Advancement Points to do more of the same.
d12 + d2 14 56
Note that some Complications aren’t gonna go
d12 + d4 16 64 away by spending a few points and telling a pretty
story. Mortal enemies aren’t in the habit of suddenly
forgiving and forgetting. Insane crew bound for
CHARACTER the bug-house don’t wake up with all of their loose
IMPROVEMENT screws tightened. Make up your mind to the fact that
Every Big Damn Hero began as a Greenhorn. for some things, you’re just gonna be stuck.
Jayne wasn’t always a crack shot, and there was
a time when Wash didn’t even know the startup
sequence on a Firefly. Through the course of a
campaign you will improve old skills and learn new
Now that we know who you are, grab some gear,
ones. Advancement Points are the key to character find the rest of your crew, and get your boat up into
improvement. the sky. There’s adventure to be had out in the black!

The majordomo slid the fur coat from Hwa Ling’s shoulders and deferentially removed
Jack Leland’s black, silk cape. The majordomo then handed them to a waiting servant.
“Mr. Leland,” the majordomo murmured in subdued and well-bred tones, “Miss Ling, you
are most welcome. His Grace, the Grand Duke Brunnhoff, and his guests have are eagerly
awaiting your arrival. You will find His Grace in the card room.”
Leland removed his top hat and his white gloves and handed those to the majordomo.
Hwa Ling, standing at Jack’s side, cast a seemingly bored glance about the sumptuous
entryway. In truth, her gaze missed nothing of importance, sizing up the servants, seeking
out hidden cameras, taking note of the alarms, locating the exits. Although she was playing
the role of Jack’s paramour this night, she was, in truth, his bodyguard. His safety was her
responsibility—a job she took quite seriously.
Hwa Ling turned to Jack with a smile and placed her hand lightly on his arm. The smile
and the gesture told him all was well. If something had been wrong, she would have started
a quarrel with him. Jack smiled in acknowledgement.
The two followed the majordomo, who walked with subdued and well-bred pace across
polished marble floors. Portraits of olive-skinned nobles in lace and ribbons and supercilious
smiles graced the walls.
“The Grand Duke’s ancestors?” Hwa Ling asked in a low voice.
“As you well know from your research, the ‘Grand Duke’ started out as a boot-black boy
on Persephone,” Jack replied softly, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “He made his money
in hog futures. The portraits are fake. The palm trees are holographic. The ‘majordomo’ is a
two-bit actor hired on for the night.”
“I trust his money is real,” said Hwa Ling with an arched eyebrow.
“His money is excellent,” said Jack complacently.
“Is ‘His Grace’ any good at poker?”
“I won’t play with anyone who isn’t,” Jack returned. “It is not the winning so much as the
game. You know that about me, my dear.”
Hwa Ling did know it, though she could never understand it. For her, the game was
inconsequential. The winning was everything.
As they continued down the long expanse of hallway, Hwa Ling took note of each person
they encountered. She did this automatically, without even giving it conscious thought,
registering their faces in her mind. A young servant walking down the hallway caught her
eye. There was nothing remarkable about him. He was like a hundred others who had fled the
Core worlds to find their fortunes on the Rim. His slanted, almond eyes did not even flick her
direction as he passed. But he carried in his hands a vase filled with red lilies.
“You never once mentioned my new perfume,” Hwa Ling said, suddenly petulant. She
dropped her hand from Jack’s arm and stamped her foot. “I spent all day shopping for it.”
Leland’s amiable expression never changed, though the glint of amusement left his eyes,
replaced by concentrated alertness. He smoothed his hand over the left side of his dress
jacket where he kept his derringer concealed.
“I meant to say something in the car, my dear. Tuberose, I believe. With a hint of jasmine?
It suits you.”
“A lot you know! It reeks! I can’t stand it.” Hwa Ling turned on her heel. “I’m going to the
ladies room to wash it off. I’ll meet you in the card room.”
The majordomo indicated the way to the powder room. Upon entering, Hwa Ling found
a female servant in attendance. Of Oriental extraction, the young woman kept her eyes
properly lowered as Hwa Ling scrubbed off her favorite and extremely expensive perfume.
When she was finished, the servant handed Hwa Ling a paper towel.
Hwa Ling opened the towel. She was preparing to dry off her throat and hands, when she
saw Chinese characters, scrawled in lipstick, running up and down the length of the towel.
Hwa Ling read, comprehended, and crumpled up the towel in her hands. She tossed the
towel into the toilet. The servant stepped forward, pressed the handle, and the towel and its
message swirled away.

Hwa Ling handed the servant a coin and walked out of the powder room, her stiletto heels
clicking on the marble. Entering the card room, she cast a swift glance around. She spotted
the five “hidden” security cameras with laughable ease and noted—with concern—that there
was only one way in and one way out. She flicked her gaze over the assembled poker players:
the Grand Duke in his phony finery and his five friends. She’d screened them all in advance,
of course, and discovered nothing in their backgrounds to make her suspicious.
She’d screwed up.
She had screened these men to find enemies from Jack’s past. She’d never thought to
look for enemies from her own.
Jack sat at the table, shuffling a new deck of cards. The assembled men watched in
admiration as the cards flicked through his long, agile fingers in a snapping blur.
“A kiss for luck, Hwa Ling, my dear?” he said to her, smiling.
She walked over to him. The admiration of the men shifted from the card-play to her.
Placing her hands on Jack’s shoulders, Hwa Ling bent down.
“Someone from the tong is here,” she said softly, brushing his cheek with her lips. “He’s
going to try to kill me.”
Any other man she’d known would have pitched a fit, insisted that she leave at once.
Jack would never insult her like that. He merely twitched his eyebrows at the news and kept
shuffling the cards. Hwa Ling strolled about the room in a bored manner before finally taking
a seat behind Jack.
One of these men was in the pay of the Hip-Sing, the Tong that had murdered her father.
She had taken her revenge on them, and now they’d sworn revenge against her. The servants
who had warned her were members of her own tong, the red lilies her tong’s warning sign
of danger.
“Gentleman,” said Jack in his deep, rich voice, “tonight’s game is—”
Murder, thought Hwa Ling.

Every person in the ‘Verse is unique. Even done either by improving the odds or providing
identical twins have different personalities. And just opportunities that might not normally be there.
because folk are in the same line of work doesn’t On the flip side there’s Complications, named such
mean that they’re cut from the same cloth. Take two because that’s exactly what they do—make your life
doctors, both in the top three percent of the same complicated. Every character must have at least one
prestigious school on the Core. One doctor might Asset and one Complication. You can have more,
be soft-spoken, fussy about his clothes, and fiercely but only up to five of each.
loyal to a crazy sister. The other could be barrel- As explained back in Chapter One: Find a Crew,
chested, brash, and hides a drinking problem. While you acquire Traits before purchasing Attribute
their medical capabilities are much the same, they Points. Assets subtract points from your starting
are two very different folk. pool, while Complications add them. Many players
Traits are the elements of a character’s like to balance the two types of Traits so they gain
personality that help set each member of the crew the normal starting Attribute points, but that isn’t
apart from everyone else in the ‘Verse. Defining required.
a character’s Traits is a good starting point when Though you mostly have freedom to create your
you’re trying to get to know your character and character as you like, the Game Master has final
create a unique persona. Traits also provide certain approval on your selection of Traits. He might also
advantages and disadvantages that will help you put a tighter cap on the number of Traits allowed.
better figure out your character’s role in the action. It’s his job to give you all of that information ‘fore
you get started. After that, the decisions are all

 yours.
Picking Traits conforming to your history and

 background isn’t exactly rocket science. Very often

you’ll realize what to take just by giving your concept

Traits can come into play most any time, whether
the once-over. Could be you’re a spoiled dandy from
Persephone, who never spent much time outside the
family estate. You ain’t likely “Tough as Nails”—
it’s convenient or not. Beneficial Traits are called anymore than a border-planet dirt farmer would be
Assets. These enhance your ability to get things “Highly Educated.” Your pedigree and wealth might

buy you “Friends in High Places” and “Moneyed you’re playing a cute mechanic who has the Asset
Individual,” but you might also be a “Lightweight.” “Sweet and Cheerful.” Normally, your Influence
After the obvious Traits are out of the way, spare Skill die is only a d6. When dealing with folk who
a moment to ponder your character’s personality, can’t help but like you because you are “Sweet and
and what Traits you could take to reflect it. Perhaps Cheerful,” your +2 step bonus kicks in and you roll
you’re one of those folk who never seem to get a d10 instead.
rattled, so “Steady Calm” sounds like a good choice. On occasion, more than one such bonus
You’re also a bona fide skirt-chaser, so “Amorous” is might apply. As an example, you are a Registered
another Trait that fits like your custom-made dress Companion who has both “Allure” for a +2 and a
coat. “Good Name” for another +2. In a situation where
Watch out for contradictory Traits. Some just you’re having a romantic interlude with an interested
don’t go together. We’ll leave it to common sense party who has heard of your fame, you gain a
and the ruling of the GM (whose call on Traits is whopping +4-step bonus to a Skill roll—which
final) to determine if the ones you’ve chosen are would change a d4 to a d12!
suitable. You can’t have “Heavy Tolerance” and also Some Assets grant you new ways to to use your
be a “Lightweight,” anymore than you can be both Plot Points. (See Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’ for a
“Portly” and “Scrawny.” detailed explanation of how to use Plot Points.)
Traits are tools used to solidify the profile and Take your mechanic, who is not only sweet but
image of who you are. Treat them like a random has a way with machines. “Mechanical Empathy”
grab bag and you end up with a patchwork rag allows you to spend Plot Points to determine
doll best hawked at some cheap Rim tourist shop. exactly what’s going on with that port compression
There’s a reason why Traits cost less during a coil. Other assets make the Plot Points you spend
character’s initial creation than if they’re purchased more effective. A preacher-man with “Religiosity”
later—to encourage well-thought concepts and lay a who spends Plot Points when interacting with the
good foundation for your role in the adventures to right folks gets more bang for his Plot Point buck
come. (meaning his bonus die would be higher).
There are also Assets that affect your character
Table 2-1: Traits in other ways. “Tough as Nails” gives you extra
Trait Point Cost Life Points, while “Mean Left Hook” changes the
type of damage you inflict with unarmed attacks.
Asset, Minor –2
Read the description of each Asset and write the
Asset, Major –4 appropriate notes for it on your character sheet.
While Assets are part of a character’s basic
Complication, Minor +2 makeup, they can be rendered useless during the
course of the game. A “Moneyed Individual” who
Complication, Major +4 has committed a crime and is now a fugitive could
suddenly find her accounts frozen by the Alliance. A
fellow with a “Sharp Sense” of hearing won’t be able
to eavesdrop in a bar if a grenade blast has blown
out his eardrums. Such events are usually temporary,
 and the GM should give players an opportunity to
Assets are first acquired when your character make their Assets effective again.
is created (see Chapter One: Find a Crew). After Note that unless the description states otherwise,
that, you can purchase new Assets for your a character with the Major version of an Asset gains
character during the course of a campaign using the benefit of the Minor version as well.
Advancement Points and through effective role
playing. For example, if you undertake a series of ALLURE (MINOR/MAJOR)
clandestine missions for a member of Parliament, You are physically attractive, either a handsome
you could probably convince the GM you now have fellow or a lovely woman. When you desire
the Asset known as “Friends in High Places.” companionship you generally don’t need to look far.
Many Assets grant you a straightforward Not only are you good-looking, but you know how
advantage in a game situation, such as a step bonus to make your looks work for you in most situations.
to either a Skill or a Attribute die. For example,

“She’s a reader. Sees into the truth of things; might see

trouble before it’s coming. Which is of use to me.”
—Malcolm Reynolds

Only rarely does your shwie CORTEX
appearance attract the SPECTER
wrong sort of attention. (MINOR/
Benefit: With minor MAJOR)
Allure, you gain a +2 There’s almost no
step Skill die bonus record of you in the
on all actions keyed to Cortex. You’re a ghost
appearance, such as: gliding through the
seduction, negotiation, system unseen. Simple
persuasion, or winning clerical error could be
beauty pageants. If you the cause, or someone
are gorgeous enough to (perhaps yourself) went
have major Allure, any to the trouble to wipe the
Plot Points spent on such information clean.
actions are improved as if Benefit: A Cortex
you had spent 2 additional search won’t show much
points. (For example, about your history besides
if you are spending 2 your birth. Anyone
Plot Points to improve a attempting to dig up
seduction attempt, your additional die is a d8 rather information on your past has a +8 added to the
than a d4. If you spend 2 points after the roll is difficulty of their search. Casual searches will reveal
made, your final result is improved by 4 instead of almost nothing about you.
2.) As a Major Trait, no official docket of you exists
anywhere. Any Alliance, Fed, Interpol agent, or
ATHLETE bounty hunter trying to look you up finds nothing.
(MINOR/MAJOR) In most situations (applying for a liquor permit,
You know how to push your body past its making a purchase on credit) the officials will pass
normal limits for certain kinds of physical activity. it off as a computer error, since everyone is on file
You might pay the price in aching muscles later, but somewhere. There could be disadvantages to this:
you’re able to run farther, jump higher, lift heavier credit could be denied or worse, you might have
than most folk. trouble checking into the emergency ward of an
Benefit: Pick one Athletics Specialty. You may Alliance-run hospital. And if the Alliance finally
choose to exert yourself in the use of that Skill. arrests you on serious charges, it could mean a
If you voluntarily suffer Stun damage, you gain an whole heap of trouble, for officially you don’t exist.
extra die roll as if you had spent an equal number
of Plot Points. You may spend up to the number of FIGHTIN’ TYPE
points that would render you unconscious, but no (MAJOR)
more. As a Major Trait, any Plot Points (not Stun) You know how to handle yourself in almost any
spent on physical activities are improved as if you combat-type situation—whether it’s a rough-and-
had spent 2 additional points. tumble brawl or a deadly shootin’ match.
Benefit: You may take one non-attack action
BORN BEHIND THE each combat turn without penalty. For example, if
WHEEL (MINOR/MAJOR) you move and shoot in the same turn, your shot will
You learned to fly or drive before you learned not suffer the normal –1 step Skill penalty.
to walk. You’re never more at home than when you
are seated at the controls of your favored type of FRIENDS IN HIGH
vehicle. It’s as if you and the machine unite to form PLACES (MINOR)
a single entity. You know important people. You know
Benefit: Choose either land or air/space important people who know important people. You
vehicles. You gain a +2 step bonus to your Agility dine with ambassadors, play golf with members of
Attribute whenever you are at the controls of your Parliament, and exchange holiday greeting cards
chosen vehicle type. As a Major Trait, any Plot with an Admiral in the Alliance fleet. When you
Points spent on actions involving your chosen need a favor, you know those who might be willing
vehicle type improve as if you had spent 2 additional to help.
points. Benefit: Once per session, you can spend 1
or more Plot Points to call in a favor or secure a
quick loan, either someone known from previous

play or someone who occurs to you on the spot. GOOD NAME
The GM must agree on the nature and position (MINOR/MAJOR)
of your “friend,” as well on the possibility of that You’ve made a name for yourself through
friend granting your favor, which favor must be some heroic or charitable deed or have underworld
appropriate for people in positions of influence or credibility. One way or another, you’ve got a
authority. (The member of Parliament can give you reputation that usually works in your favor.
access to the gala opening of the National Gallery Benefit: You are held in high regard within your
of Art, but she won’t be any help in calling off the social circle. You gain a +2 step Skill bonus to any
goons who are out to break your kneecaps over that social interaction in which your good name comes
little matter of the stolen stogies.) Remember that into play. As a Major Trait, just about everyone in
your contacts might call in favors from you. The the ‘Verse has heard of you and your bonus applies
cost in Plot Points depends on the the favor. almost all the time. ‘Course, you don’t get to apply
this bonus to your enemies or people who see you
Table 2-2: Friends in High Places bie woo lohng.
Plot Points Type of Favor
Small loan (up to 500 credits); HEALTHY AS A
1–2 loan of minor equipment HORSE (MINOR/MAJOR)
Medium loan (up to 5,000 credits); lifting You just don’t get sick. Even when the rest of
3–4 the crew is down with coughs and sniffles, you feel
a land-lock; invitation to important event
Large loan (up to 10,000 credits); wonderful. Serious ailments bounce off your iron
5–6 constitution. On the off-chance you do get sick, you
security clearance; use of a ship
can count on a fast recovery. You might even heal
faster than most when the damage wasn’t caused by
FRIENDS IN LOW a germ, but something a might more potent (such as
PLACES (MINOR) a bullet).
Similar to “Friends in High Places,” except that Benefit: You gain a +2 step Vitality Attribute
your connections are of the shady, criminal, and bonus whenever you roll to resist or shake off illness
underworld variety. You have contacts that could or infections. As a Major Trait, any Plot Points spent
include: money launderers, fencers, thieves, cartel on such rolls gain a bonus as if you had spent 2
bosses, counterfeiters, and the like. They can set you additional points; you also heal damage (both Stun
up with jobs, tip you off to the latest word on the and Wounds) at twice the usual rate.
street, and offer you first-buy on recently smuggled
items. Sometimes there’s honor among thieves, but HEAVY TOLERANCE
it’s best not to assume anything. (MINOR)
Benefit: Once per session, you can spend Drugs and alcohol just don’t affect you like they
one or more Plot Points to call in a favor from a do most folk. You can drink a slew of husky fellows
local criminal contact, either someone known to right under the table. Only downside is you have to
you from previous play or someone you suddenly pay for twice as many drinks to get a decent buzz,
recall having met previously. The GM must agree and you have to take more than the usual dose on
on the nature and position of your “friend,” as most medications to get the desired effect. (You
well on the possibility of your favor—which must have to take double the dose of pain medication, for
be appropriate for such folk. (This friend will not example, when the doc is stitching you up.)
be able to provide tickets to the opera, but could Benefit: You gain a +2 step Vitality Attribute
get you a sweet deal on a laser-sighted grenade bonus whenever you resist the effects of alcohol,
launcher.) Note that your contacts might call in drugs, knock-out or lethal gasses, and poison.
favors from you in the future. The cost in Plot
Points depends on the favor. HIGHLY EDUCATED
Table 2-3: Friends in Low Places You were good in school, actually paid attention
Plot Points Type of Favor to the teachers, and retained what you learned.
Small loan with interest (up to 500 credits); Comes in handy during social events and game-
1–2 show appearances, though your extensive book-
information; purchase imprinted goods
learning can sometimes make you stand out on a
Medium loan with interest (up to 5,000 Border planet.
3–4 credits); a cut on a smuggling job
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus
Large loan with interest (up to 10,000 to Intelligence for any Knowledge-based Skill roll
5–6 credits); protection from rival crime lord when you try to recall some information (though

it won’t help you when you’re taking actions). a Major Trait, you may also spend any number of
For example, if you are a doctor trying to match your available Plot Points to improve the actions of
someone’s symptoms to a particular disease, you one or more characters other than yourself, so long
receive the bonus; it does not apply to rolls affecting as those actions are related to your chosen goal.
your treatment of the patient. These Plot Points must be used immediately by
each character who receives them in this way. The
INTIMIDATIN’ characters may also supplement these Plot Points
MANNER (MINOR) with their own.
You’ve got a steely-eyed stare. You have true
grit. Something about you makes folk think twice LIGHTNIN’
before crossing you. Security guards call you “sir” REFLEXES (MAJOR)
(even if you’re a gal). Punks melt under your glare You react to danger quickly. Folk rarely get the
and confess everything they know and most of what drop on you. In a quick-draw contest, your gun is
they don’t. out before the other fellow can find his holster.
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus to Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus to
Willpower on any action that involves intimidating, your Agility on all Initiative rolls.
interrogating, bullying, frightening, and all manner
of awing other folks. You can also use this on your MATH WHIZ (MINOR)
rolls to resist similar attempts made against you. Whereas others quickly run out of fingers and
toes, you have the answer all figured out. You can
LEADERSHIP solve pi out to more decimals than most folk care to
(MINOR/MAJOR) hear about. You can give the square root or the cube
You are an inspiration to others. People look to root of any number tossed at you without benefit of
you in a crisis. You’re able to motivate those around a calculator.
you and encourage them to do what needs to be Benefit: You perform complex mathematical
done. calculations effortlessly, and solve most
Benefit: Once per session, you can designate mathematical problems without fail (and no need to
a goal for receiving your leadership bonus. roll the dice). You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus
Everyone working to achieve the goal gains +2 to Intelligence for all actions related to accounting,
step Skill bonus on any one action directly related engineering, and navigation—and in any situation
to completing the task. (An example might be that requires immediate mathematic interpretation.
focusing the entire crew on finding a stowaway.) As

MEAN LEFT wealthy life style that can sometimes make you a
HOOK (MINOR) target for those who want what you’ve got.
Your fists are hard as rocks. You’re capable of Benefit: Increase your starting credits by
killing a man with your bare hands. one-half (multiply your normal starting total
Benefit: Your unarmed attacks inflict Basic by 1.5). Once per game session, you can make
damage (split between Stun and Wound) instead an Intelligence + Influence (or any appropriate
of Stun. See Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’ for more Specialty) roll when making a purchase to see if you
information on unarmed combat. can afford it by dipping into your trust fund (instead
of your money on hand). The Difficulty starts at
MECHANICAL Easy (3) for a purchase of up to 2,000 credits, and
EMPATHY (MINOR) increases by 4 for every additional 2,000 credits of
Machines talk to you. You have a way of fixing the purchase (see table). You may spend Plot Points
what ails them that goes way beyond the instruction on the roll.
manual. You are happiest when covered in engine
grease. Table 2-5: Moneyed Individual
Benefit: For the cost of a given number of Difficulty Cost of Item
Plot Points (as determined by the GM; see the table 3 Up to 2,000 credits
for guidance), you gain intuitive knowledge as to
what’s wrong with a particular mechanical device 7 Up to 4,000 credits
under your care, as well as a +2 step Skill bonus to 11 Up to 6,000 credits
Mechanical Engineering for any action attempting to 15 Up to 8,000 credits
fix said device. Certain unusual circumstances might
block your ability (the machine turns out to be a 19 Up to 10,000 credits
hologram). When such is the case, you do not spend
your Plot Points.
Table 2-4: Mechanical Empathy LINGUIST (MINOR)
Plot Points Nature of Problem You’ve got an ear for languages and can learn
a new one with remarkable ease. You can pick up
1–2 Minor problem (dead battery, slipped belt) specific dialects and recreate accents with little
effort. This talent helps you blend in with the locals
Moderate problem (corroded no matter where you wind up. By listening to people
3–4 wiring, blown gasket)
talk, you get a pretty good idea where they’re from
Major problem (faulty catalyzer, (which might come in handy when they’re not being
5–6 crack in the external fuel tank) perfectly honest about such!).
Benefit: You learn Linguist Specialties at half
their normal cost. You can also imitate and detect
MILITARY specific accents and dialects, giving you a +2 step
RANK (MINOR) Skill bonus to Influence or Performance (and
You are a member of the armed services or you appropriate Specialties) whenever you are trying to
are a veteran and proud of it. You most likely fought pass for a native.
in the war on one side or the other. Depending on
whether you were Browncoat or Alliance, you’ll earn NATURE LOVER
respect in one locale and take your lumps in another. (MINOR)
You have the know-how and the means to carry you You’re in harmony with nature. Even though you
through most tough situations. are forced to spend most of your time in a crowded
Benefit: You are or were either an enlisted man city or on board a cramped spaceship, you feel
or an officer. An enlisted military member or veteran most in tune with your surroundings when you are
gains a +2 step Attribute bonus to Willpower on all sleeping on the ground under starlit skies or walking
Discipline-based actions. Officers gain an equivalent amidst the trees of a forest or riding your horse
bonus on all Influence-based actions. across the prairies.
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus to
MONEYED all Alertness-based rolls while in an outdoor setting,
INDIVIDUAL (MAJOR) along with an equivalent bonus to a Survival-based
You’re loaded. Not only do you have a nice skill die when applied to a natural environment.
chunk of change on hand, you’ve got cash tucked
away and rolling in on a regular basis. You sport a

You’ve got a mental alarm that sounds when You possess an active license in the Companion
something’s about to go wrong with the plan. You Registry, which legally permits you to do business
can tell when a no-good guay toh guay nown is lying his throughout the system. This trait is only available with
ass off. You have a creepy feeling that someone is GM approval, as it may not match all campaigns.
standing behind that door. Benefit: Most worlds open the doors for a
Benefit: You can make an Intelligence- or Registered Companion. The Trait grants you a
Alertness-based roll to sense trouble even when +2 step Skill bonus to Influence-based actions in
circumstances might not normally permit it (you’re dealing with those who respect your station.
dancing at a hoe-down), and you gain a +2 step Note: This Trait reflects only your status in
bonus to either Attribute when the circumstances the Registry. To maintain it, you must meet the
warrant (you’re sneaking into the hide-out of the obligations of Guild membership . Your other
local crime boss). As a Major Trait, you may also training and Skills are obtained normally through
spend 1 Plot Point to negate all effects of surprise, character creation.
as you sense trouble just in the nick of time to avoid
getting caught with your trousers down. RELIGIOSITY
READER (MINOR/ You follow the tenants of a particular faith and
MAJOR) are either a faithful practitioner or a bona fide man
Your mind is open to the thoughts and emotions or woman of your particular God. Faith gets you
of folk nearby. Whether you realized your psychic through the hard times and might help in dealings
potential by yourself or as part of a corporate or with others.
government program, being a reader can be both a Benefit: Select a religious faith. (Most folk in
blessing and a curse. This trait is only available with GM the ‘Verse are either Buddhist or Christian, though
approval, as it may not match all campaigns. many other faiths exist in smaller numbers.) As a
Benefit: As a Minor Trait, your abilities are Minor Trait, you are a faithful worshipper. Your
empathic in nature, letting you learn the general beliefs gain you a +2 step Attribute bonus to any
feelings and moods of those around you. You gain one Willpower-based action per game session. As a
a +2 step Attribute bonus to Alertness whenever Major Trait, you are priest, pastor, monk, rabbi, or
observing someone, trying to discern the truth other ordained figure and can easily be recognized
from a lie, and in other situations where your talents as such by your garb (robes, collar, hat, etc.). In
might help you understand a person. As a Major addition to the minor benefits, all Plot Points spent
Trait, the bonus increases to +4, and once per game on Influence (and Specialty) actions when dealing
session you may spend Plot Points to gain clues or with those who respect your station are resolved as
other information. if you had spent 2 additional points. For example, if
Note: “Reading” someone is not as you spend 2 Plot Points to gain an extra d4 rolled on
straightforward as reading a book, but rather comes a given action, you would actually roll a d8—taking
across as visual or auditory information that you into account the extra Plot Points. Had you spent
don’t always understand. Use of Plot Points should the 2 points after the roll, you would add 4 points to
always grant you some idea of what the person is the result instead of 2.
thinking, but the image you receive may be symbolic.
The GM may also require a character with this trait SHARP SENSE
to take a Complication (such as Traumatic Flashes) (MINOR)
to go with your character’s unusual background. You have the nose of the bloodhound, the eyes
of an eagle, or the taste buds of a wine connoisseur.
Table 2-6: Reader One of your senses is especially keen, and you can
Plot Points Information Gleaned use it to your advantage.
Minor information (trivial Benefit: Pick one of the five senses: Smell,
1–2 details, casual thoughts) Touch, Sight, Taste, or Hearing. You gain a +2 step
3–4 Moderate information (private bonus to your Alertness Attribute for any action
details, significant thoughts) utilizing that sense. You may take this Trait more
Major information (vital details, than once during character creation, choosing a
5–6 closely guarded secrets)
different sense each time.

STEADY CALM repressed memories or traumatic events might be
(MINOR/MAJOR) the exception to this rule.
Some situations shake up normal folk and have
them pissin’ themselves, but not you. You keep a TOUGH AS NAILS
clear head while all around you are losing theirs. (MINOR/MAJOR)
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus You’re tougher than you look. You can take
to Willpower to avoid being shaken, frightened, a beating and still spit in the guy’s eye. If you get
or startled. As a Major Trait, you are never rattled knocked down, you bounce up again, ready for some
unless extreme or unusual circumstances apply (such gorram revenge.
as the influence of drugs, terrifying nightmares, etc.). Benefit: You gain 2 extra Life Points over your
normal total. As a Major Trait, you gain 4 points
SWEET AND instead.
No power in the ‘Verse can stop you from being TRUSTWORTHY
cheerful. You are so doggoned nice that most folks GUT (MINOR/MAJOR)
just can’t help but like you. You’ve learned to trust your hunches. Instinct
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Skill bonus on any helps you out of bad situations and leads you into
action in which your sweet and likeable nature works good ones.
in your favor. Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus
to any mental Attribute roll when you are relying
TALENTED on intuition. As a Major Trait, you can spend 1
(MINOR/MAJOR) Plot Point to ask the GM a specific “yes” or “no”
Whatever it is, you’re good at it. You demonstrate question related to your hunch. (“Do I get the
a knack for a particular Skill and are able to perform feeling this guy is on the level?”) Any follow-up
better than others who have equivalent training. questions cost 1 point each more than the last. (For
(You are a talented pilot, a talented dancer, etc.) example, if you ask the GM three questions, the first
Benefit: Pick one Skill Specialty. You gain a will cost 1 Plot Point, the second 2, and the third
+2 step Skill bonus on every use of that Skill. As 3 for a total of 6 points spent.) The GM can shut
a Major Trait, each progression to a higher die down the line of questioning at any time, as even
costs you 2 points less than normal. (The latter hunches have their limits.
benefit applies only to advancement during play, not
character creation.) TWO-FISTED (MAJOR)
You’re a jing chai switch-hitter, able to write, pitch,
THINGS GO and use a weapon with either hand equally well.
SMOOTH Comes in handy during softball games and shoot-
Lady Luck has taken a liking to you. Things just Benefit: You are ambidextrous. You can use
always seem to go your way. You can wade through weapons, write, hit, and perform other actions with
a swamp of go se and still come out smelling like a either hand and incur no off-hand penalty.
Benefit: Once per session, you may re-roll any WALKING
one action except Botches (see Chapter Five: Keep TIMEPIECE (MINOR)
Flyin’). As a Major Trait, you gain an additional You never need to look at a watch to know what
re-roll (twice per session), including Botch results. time it is. You are uncannily accurate. Your friends
Note that any roll, including those using Plot Points, use you to set their clocks. A stopwatch ain’t got
can be re-done with this Trait. nuthin’ on you.
Benefit: Under normal circumstances you know
TOTAL RECALL what time of day or night it is without looking at
(MAJOR) a clock. You also have a good idea of how much
Your brain stores all information you’ve garnered time has passed between one action and another.
over a lifetime within easy reach. You remember just (If you’re supposed to wait ten minutes before
about everything you’ve ever seen or heard. entering the bank, you know when ten minutes is
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Skill bonus to any up.) If you’re knocked unconscious or otherwise
action in which your Trait may come in handy. incapacitated, it takes a full-turn Intelligence +
You may also spend a Plot Point to remember Alertness action at Average difficulty to get your
verbatim every detail of a past event or encounter internal clock ticking again.
with absolute photographic clarity. Note that some

“I aim to misbehave.”
—Malcolm Reynolds
WEARS A BADGE wearing enough perfume to choke a horse. You start
(MINOR/MAJOR) to sneeze uncontrollably…)
You represent the Law—at least somewhere. Sometimes the GM will add a Complication to
Though the badge lends you authority, it can also your character based on the events of the campaign.
be a burden when those you are sworn to serve and For instance, you accept a job from a major crime
protect actually expect some service and protection. lord and then decide you’re not going to go through
And, sadly, that shiny badge makes a dandy target. with it. (Don’t matter if you gave the money back,
Benefit: You have the resources and power he’s pissed!) You’ve gone and acquired yourself
of your agency on your side, at least within your a Deadly Enemy. Complications received after
jurisdiction. Your authority gains you a +2 step Skill character creation do not earn you any bonus points
bonus to all Influence-based actions when dealing or new Assets, so don’t ask.
with those who respect your position. As a Minor You can use Advancement Points to “buy off ” a
Trait, you represent local law enforcement on one Complication, with the GM’s approval. In addition
planet or region (a deputy sheriff, for instance). As to the points, there are usually in-game requirements
a Major Trait, your authority covers most of the that must be met. See Chapter One: Find a Crew for
system (such as a Federal Marshal or Interpol agent). more details.
Make the most of your Complications. Don’t be
tempted to ignore them. You’ll find that they add
 immeasurably to the gaming experience.
Complications are the excess baggage the crew
carries with them during the campaign. Sometimes ALLERGY
the problem is physical—such as missing a perfectly (MINOR/MAJOR)
good eyeball. Other times the problem is with your Certain things mess with your body something
past. (“Did I mention, Captain, that my sister and fierce. A minor allergy might cause only a rash or a
I are wanted fugitives?”) Such complications can sneezing fit. A major allergy means that a bee sting,
make life real interestin’ for both you and those shrimp dinner, or a peanut butter sandwich might
around you. leave you pushin’ up daisies.
Complications help define your character and Penalty: Pick an allergy. As a Minor Trait, your
offset your Assets. Complications can have negative reaction is minor (hay fever, rash, sneezes) and
effects on your character, but there are some you will suffer a –2 step penalty to your Physical
compelling reasons to pick a few. Attributes (Agility, Strength, Vitality) for all actions
Complications provide great role-playing in its presence, at least until you take medication. As
hooks, and a few faults make your character a Major Trait, you suffer a life-threatening reaction
more believable. Because of this, playing out a to the substance, and you take d2 points of Stun
Complication is a prime chance to earn Plot Points each turn. When you have no remaining Stun, all
that could help get you out of the latest scrape. A additional damage is suffered as both Wounds
Complication may suggest a certain course of action and Shock Points. You likely carry an emergency
to you. (Jayne’s “Greed” might lead him to betray injection to use in these situations, which will stop
Simon and River.) Even though it’s not pretty, this the damage in d4 turns.
action may enhance the game play. (The rest of the
crew has to rescue Simon, River, and Jayne.) In this AMOROUS (MINOR)
case, the GM should reward the player handling the Sex might not be the only thing on your mind,
character of Jayne with Plot Points for successfully but it definitely ranks up there at the top. You’re
playing his role. always chasing skirts (or tight pants) and looking to
Remember it’s your job to portray specific faults find intimate companionship whenever possible.
in play. Playing out a minor fault could be worth a Penalty: You’ll make a pass at almost any person
Plot Point all on its own. (You have an “Allergy” to of your sexual preference and you don’t put up
perfume. The Registered Companion aboard your any barriers when someone is coming on to you.
ship wears perfume. You start sneezing whenever This can cause a –2 step Skill penalty to Influence-
she comes near you.) You might win more Plot based actions when the other party is offended by
Points if you use your complication to actually your advances. You also suffer a –2-step Willpower
create trouble when things are otherwise going well. Attribute penalty when attempting to resist the wiles
(You are holding your gun on the bank teller who is of someone who is your “type.”

AMPUTEE (MINOR) dealing with folks who know you personally, or
You lost an arm or a leg, either in the war or in those who feel you got a raw deal.
an accident. Doctors weren’t able to sew it back on,
and you can’t afford a fancy bionic replacement. You CHIP ON THE
might have a prosthetic device, but it’s utilitarian, SHOULDER
meant to get the job done and nothing more. (MINOR/MAJOR)
Penalty: You are missing either an arm or leg. If Your therapist told you that you have anger
you lack an arm, you can’t perform any action that management issues—right before you punched out
requires the use of two hands (such as shooting with his lights. Your fuse is a mite short, and violence
two pistols). Actions that usually take two hands tends to ensue wherever you go.
(opening the lid of a jar of pickles) suffer a –2-step Penalty: You’re ready for a fight at the slightest
penalty. If you don’t have a leg, you make use of provocation. You can’t walk away from insults
crutches, a cane or a crude prosthetic to walk. Your or taunts. You suffer a –2 step Skill penalty to all
base movement is reduced to 5 feet per turn, and peaceable social actions with even a hint of tension.
you suffer a –4-step penalty on movement actions. As a Major Trait, any time you suffer Wound
damage you go completely berserk, concentrating
BLEEDER (MAJOR) only on taking down the wang bao dahn who hurt
You suffer a medical condition known as you—until someone else tags you, then you switch
hemophilia or you take blood thinners for another to that chin-wah tsao duh liou mahng.
medical condition. Your blood doesn’t clot like most
folk’s blood, so try not to get cut, shot, or stabbed. CREDO (MINOR/MAJOR)
Penalty: If you suffer Wound damage, you’ll You live by a set of principles and you will not
begin to bleed (see Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’), and deviate from them without a damn good reason.
suffer 1 additional Wound each turn until the And sometimes not even then! Not only are your
bleeding is stopped (Hard Intelligence + Medical principles likely to get you in trouble, people who
Expertise action). know you can use your predictable behavior against
you. (It might be worth noting that even though
BLIND (MAJOR) “Credo” might land you in hot swei, it could go
Could be you’ve been blind since birth or since hand-in-hand with the Asset “Good Name” or
a terrible accident. Either way, you have to rely on some such.)
your remaining senses to get around. You might Penalty: As a Minor Trait, pick a credo that
have a trained animal to assist you, though its will get you into minor trouble. Examples: You will
training has limits and you are responsible for its always defend a lady’s honor, you never run from a
care. fight. As a Major Trait, your credo is a sure fire way
Penalty: Your character has difficulties moving to put yourself in danger. Examples: you never leave
in unfamiliar surroundings and suffers a –4 step a man behind; the Captain goes down with the ship;
Skill penalty on any action that normally depends you always protect the weak.
on vision. (The GM can mitigate this for certain
actions, as blind individuals can become surprisingly
competent at many tasks.) The penalty is doubled to
–8 step for any attempt at ranged combat. Because
you’ve learned to rely on other senses, you gain the
Sharp Senses asset for both Touch and Hearing at
no cost.

You are a bad, bad person and everyone knows
Penalty: You’ve got a bad reputation—fairly
earned or not—in your home region. You suffer a
–2 step Skill penalty to any social interaction when
the story of your terrible misdeeds comes into play.
As a Major Trait, virtually everyone in the ‘Verse has
heard bad things about you and the penalty applies
almost all the time. You suffer no penalty when

COMBAT based on your character background and the plans
You tend to freeze up when bullets start flying DEADLY ENEMY
or fists start swinging. Your paralysis may come over (MINOR)
you because you’re afraid or because you have no You have made yourself a dangerous enemy—
idea what to do. Either way, it takes you a moment someone who’ll go to great lengths to either capture
to collect yourself when violence breaks out. or kill you.
Penalty: When combat begins, you are unable Penalty: Someone is out to get you. You don’t
to take any actions for d2 turns. You may spend have to specify the nature of your nemesis, though
Plot Points equal to the number of turns rolled to your personal background may provide you or the
shake it off. At the GM’s discretion, someone with GM with ideas. Your enemy might be extremely
“Leadership” as an Asset might inspire you enough powerful and dangerous, posing a direct threat every
to jolt you to action. As a Major Trait, you are 3 to 5 adventures, at the GM’s discretion. You’ll
helpless for d4 turns. You can’t even use Plot Points never be completely free of the danger until you
to act sooner. buy off this Complication—so even if you think
you’ve gotten rid of your enemy, the threat remains
COWARD (MINOR) in one form or another at the discretion of the GM.
You are a firm believer in living to fight another For example, if you kill a major enemy, his brother
day. You have no desire to be a Big Damn Hero. or best friend will swear vengeance and take up the
When a fight breaks out, so do you—in a cold sweat. hunt.
Penalty: When danger strikes, you look for the
nearest exit. You suffer a –2 step Skill penalty on DEAF (MAJOR)
all combat actions in which you are in danger and You’ve lost the ability to hear. You can sign and
an equal Willpower Attribute penalty on any action read lips. Your ability to speak may or may not be
to resist fear, intimidation, torture, or other threats. impaired.
You will fight when backed into a corner—unless Penalty: You cannot hear anything and
there’s some way you can crawl through the wall. automatically fail any Alertness-based action
involving sound. As an advantage, you are immune
CRUDE (MINOR) to sonic attacks that are designed to injure or disable
You’re a gorram bull running amok in Society’s hearing individuals, and you might be able to tell
rose garden. No matter what your social station, you what people at a distance are saying by reading their
prefer to tell it like is—using lots of colorful words lips. You can understand sign language and receive
in English, Chinese, or some mixture thereof. You a +2 step bonus to any use of the Perception/Read
don’t care much about normal pleasantries. If you’re Lips Skill.
sharpening your favorite knife at the dinner table,
you’ll hock a loogie on the blade right then and DULL SENSE (MINOR)
there. One of your five senses is fried. Could be a
Penalty: You cuss, put your elbows on the chronic stuffy nose, bad eyesight, poor hearing, or
table, spit on the sidewalk, and engage in other desensitized skin. Whichever it is, best not rely on
crude behavior. You suffer a –2 step Skill penalty that sense in a tight spot.
on Influence-based actions whenever refined social Penalty: Pick one of the five senses: Smell,
behavior is called for. Touch, Sight, Taste, or Hearing. You suffer a –2 step
penalty to your Alertness Attribute for any action
DEAD BROKE (MINOR) utilizing that sense. You may take this Trait more
You live in a state of perpetual poverty. Your than once during character creation, choosing a
pockets have holes the size of Alliance cruisers. If different sense each time.
you have money, you will immediately spend it.
Penalty: You will never have any measurable EASY MARK (MAJOR)
amount of wealth. When taking this Complication, Someone back on Earth-That-Was said that a
cut your normal starting credits in half. You must sucker is born every minute, and here you are. You
spend all that you have left immediately, buying believe what people tell you, whether it’s a get-rich-
whatever you think you must have, whether you quick scheme, sob story, or other fay-fay d’pian.
need it or not. Because of your debts, you must Penalty: You generally believe what you’re told.
give up one-half of all your income the first day (At least the character does, and as the player you’ll
in a town, spaceport, or sign of civilization. The be rewarded with Plot Points for going along with
circumstances of your money’s disappearance vary this Trait.) In situations where you are attempting to

distinguish the truth from lies, you suffer a –4 step FORKED
Mental Attribute penalty. TONGUE (MINOR)
You lie like an Oriental rug. It’s your nature to
EGO SIGNATURE weave tall tales and tell wild stories to friends and
(MINOR) foes. You will lie even when the truth might favor
You think you’re so damn clever that you you—you just can’t help yourself.
invariably leave a token, clue, or some other mark Penalty: You are a compulsive liar. Good luck
as a calling card at the scene of a crime. You want getting those who know you to believe a word
everyone to be able identify and admire your you say. You suffer a –4 step Skill penalty to all
handiwork. Influence-based actions in such situations.
Penalty: You consistently leave some sort of
identifying clue at the scenes of your crimes. The GREEDY (MINOR)
clue doesn’t necessarily have to lead straight back to Money is the root of all happiness, as far as
you and it might not always be obvious, but it could you’re concerned. You might get stupid if the
help someone track you down, or allow someone to money is good enough.
frame you by committing crimes, then leaving your Penalty: You will take almost any opportunity
calling card. to acquire money. Doesn’t matter if you’re dirt poor
or filthy rich—what you have will never be enough.
FILCHER (MINOR) Your personal ethics become a mite flexible if the
You’ve got a motto: “Anything not nailed down payoff is big enough. You will sell out your friends,
is mine. And anything I can pry loose ain’t nailed your crew, even your dear old mother who knits
down.” such cunning hats.
Penalty: If some piece of pretty catches your
fancy, you’ll try to take it—even if committing the HERO WORSHIP
theft is a really dumb move. You don’t steal out of (MINOR)
greed, but out of compulsion. You look up to one person, living or dead. That
person can do no wrong in your eyes. You work
hard to emulate him or her.
Penalty: You attempt to emulate your hero in
dress and speech and will go to great lengths to feel
physical connections to this person. (You might
work hard to see him in person, for example, or visit
the town of her birth.) This Trait doesn’t always
endear you to people, sometimes causing a –2 step
Skill penalty to Influence-based actions when in the
company of those who aren’t as enthralled with your
hero as you are.

You’re addicted to a substance—be it alcohol,
tobacco, or some type of drug. You must get your
fix on a regular basis or suffer serious problems.
Penalty: As a Minor Trait, you’re either addicted
to something not immediately dangerous (cigarettes,
painkillers) or you have your problem somewhat
under control (a “functioning” alcoholic). You
must get a daily fix of your habit or suffer a –2 step
penalty to all Attributes for one week or until you
get your fix. As a Major Trait, your problem is more
serious. You are abusing a dangerous substance or
have a severe drinking problem. Your addiction
interferes with everyday life, your relationships with
people, and might possibly get you killed. If you go
into withdrawal, the penalty is –4 to all Attributes
for two weeks or until you get your fix. Note that
you cannot “quit” your habit until you buy off this

Complication, and when you do have the points Penalty: Pick a group that can count on your
necessary to do so, you’ll have to go through a long loyalty. You will do anything short of sacrificing
withdrawal period (determined by the GM). your own life to help and protect them (and you
might even do that). With the GM’s permission, you
LEAKY BRAINPAN can be loyal to an individual—provided this person
(MINOR/MAJOR) is another Player Character or an NPC who is a
You have more than a few screws loose. Your constant presence in the campaign.
mind is not all there. It often wanders from one
incoherent thought to the next without stopping to MEMORABLE (MINOR)
rest. There’s something distinct about you that makes
Penalty: As a Minor Trait, you are prone to most folk remember you. You are easy to recognize
occasional delusions and random, nonsensical or pick out of a crowd. This could be an unusually
outbursts—a bit startling to those who are not used large nose, a bushy beard, a thick accent, peculiar
to such, but not too serious. You suffer a –2 step mannerisms, striking beauty, recognizable scars,
Skill penalty to Influence-based social interactions. tattoos, etc.
As a Major Trait, you’re completely weird and Penalty: You’re easily identified. Others gain a
creepifying. You’re as likely to rub soup in your +2 step Alertness Attribute bonus when attempting
hair as slash a butcher knife across a crew mate’s to spot you or recognize your likeness.
chest because you think he looks better in red. The
GM might provide you with a completely different MUTE (MAJOR)
description of your surroundings than what the You can’t speak. You can communicate to others
“normal” people are seeing in order to reflect your only through sign language and writing.
altered state of mind. Even in normal situations, Penalty: You don’t suffer any penalties to
your character perceives the world a completely actions, though you must make use of non-verbal
different way. You suffer a –4 step Skill penalty to communication to get your point across. Whenever
Influence-based social interactions. this causes you significant challenges, the GM
should reward you with one or more Plot Points.
You have a delicate constitution. You don’t NON-FIGHTIN’
generally deal well with threats to your health. TYPE (MINOR)
Penalty: You suffer a –2 step Vitality penalty to You don’t believe in solving disputes through
any attempt to resist the effects of alcohol, diseases, violence—either because of religious conviction or
environmental hazards, and poison. the way your mama raised you. You are only willing
to engage in violence only under the most dire of
LITTLE PERSON circumstances.
(MINOR) Penalty: You will fight only for your own
You’ve been called vertically challenged, dwarf, survival or in situations where there is no other
midget, small-fry—you’ve heard them all. You stand choice. When you are forced to fight, you’re not very
about waist-high compared to most folks. On the good at it, and you suffer a –2 step Skill penalty to
bright side, you’re a smaller target in the cross hairs. any combat actions.
With the proper disguise, you might be able to buy
the Kid’s Meal at the local restaurant. OVERCONFIDENT
Penalty: You are only 3 to 4 feet tall. Opponents (MINOR)
attacking you with a ranged weapon from more than You’ve got a bold streak as wide as the Rim. You
10 feet away receive a +4 to the Difficulty. Your base don’t think you’re smarter, stronger, and tougher
speed is reduced to 8 feet per turn, and you suffer than everyone else in the ‘Verse—you know you are!
a –2 step Skill penalty on movement actions. Being Some term you “cocky,” but you know that a person
smaller than most folk presents challenges, but also as wonderful as you are should be this confident and
opportunities, as determined by the GM. capable.
Penalty: You know that you’re up for any
LOYAL (MINOR) challenge. You’ll run, not walk, into deadly
Certain folks known to you can count on you no altercations. You’ll pick a fight even when you’re
matter what—be they crew, war buddies, childhood outnumbered. You’ll bet all the credits you have on
friends, family, or fraternity brothers. You will do a single throw of the dice. You’ll risk attempting
anything for their well-being, even it means going a dangerous action even if you’re not the least bit
the extra mile—across Reaver space. skilled at it.

PARALYZED (MAJOR) your way to insult them. All Influence-based social
A spinal cord injury nearly ended your life. You interactions with the object of your prejudice suffer
do not have the use of your legs, and spend most of a –2 step Skill penalty.
your life sitting in a wheelchair.
Penalty: Without mechanical (or friendly) SADISTIC (MAJOR)
assistance, you can crawl at a speed of only 2 Perhaps you believe firmly in the writings of
feet per turn. In a manual wheelchair, your base Shan-Yu, or maybe you’re just a sick bastard. Either
movement is 5 feet and you suffer a –4 step penalty way, you love hurting people. The sound of screams
to movement actions. An electric wheelchair can is music to your ears.
allow you to travel up to normal movement speeds. Penalty: Your cruelty knows no bounds, and you
You might have difficulty in certain situations, such don’t pass up any chance to express your sadistic
as going up or down staircases or crossing uneven side, including maiming and torturing those under
terrain. You can use ranged weapons without your power. (Note: This is a Trait usually reserved
penalty, but suffer a –4 step penalty when fighting for the bad guys. No aspiring Big Damn Hero
hand-to-hand. should ever take it.)


Something scares the mi tian gohn out of you. Just You’ve either missed a few meals or else you’ve
the mention of this object sends a shiver up your got a freakish metabolism, because you’re the
spine, causes your knees to buckle, and your gut to proverbial skin-and-bones. You run around in the
clench. You fall to pieces when having to deal with shower to get wet.
it. Penalty: You’re skinny. You suffer a –2 step
Penalty: Specify your phobia. The object of Strength Attribute penalty to all Athletics-based
your fear is either uncommon and you have an actions and a –2 step Skill penalty on Influence-
extreme reaction to it (going to pieces at the sight based actions dealing with fitness and physical
of a corpse), or your phobia is more common (fear appearance.
of needles, guns, heights, spiders, etc.). You become
shaken in its presence, suffering a –2 step Attribute SLOW LEARNER
penalty on all actions. (MINOR)
There’s just some things that you’re not good
PORTLY (MINOR/MAJOR) at and you’re never gonna be. Best accept that and
You never met a pot roast you didn’t like. move on.
Penalty: As a Minor Trait, you are somewhat Penalty: Choose one general Skill. You pay 2
overweight. You suffer a –2 step Attribute penalty additional points for any improvement to the Skill or
to all Athletics-based actions (except swimming) any of its Specialties. (This applies to advancement
and Influence-based actions dealing with fitness only, not character creation.) You also suffer a –2-
and physical appearance. As a Major Trait, you are step Skill penalty any time you try to use it.
morbidly obese. The penalty increases to –4 steps
and base movement is reduced to 5 feet per turn. SOFT (MINOR)
You also suffer a –2 step Skill penalty to all Covert- You are a sensitive flower. You have an extremely
based actions involving disguise and hiding. low tolerance for pain and if you stub your toe, you
will carry on like you’ve been stabbed through the
You flat-out can’t stand a certain group of Penalty: You take 1 additional point of Stun
people. Your dislike could be ideological, socio- every time you take any damage at all. You also must
economic, regional, racial, religious, or what have succeed an Average Willpower + Discipline action
you. You have a hard time hiding your aversion to to keep from weeping and wailing whenever you
such folk. suffer any Wound damage whatsoever.
Penalty: Pick a group of people based on race,
religious views, region of space, which side they STINGY (MINOR)
fought on during the war, etc. For whatever reason, If you had two coins to rub together, you’d stick
you choose to dislike these people as a group. (They ‘em in your mouth and pray for lockjaw. Some call
must be people with whom you could have social or you miserly or a tightwad, but you consider yourself
business dealings, so you can’t choose Reavers!) You practical and thrifty.
will avoid interacting with them whenever possible, Penalty: No matter how rich you are, you never
and if it’s not possible, you won’t be able to hide part with money you don’t have to. You buy off-
your disdain for them. You might even go out of brand merchandise, haggle down shopkeepers, stash

cash in your boot. Charitable causes don’t interest set of actions (determined by the GM). Fortunately
you, and only reliable friends will ever be considered the reverse is true as well; when you receive an omen
for a loan—with interest, of course. of good luck, the GM will determine a group of
actions to receive a +2 Attribute bonus.
Normally considered a virtue, honesty is not GO SMOOTH
always the best policy—especially in diplomacy, (MINOR/MAJOR)
business, or barrooms. Lady Luck hates your guts. For as long as you can
Penalty: You speak the truth without regard remember, things never have gone smooth for you.
for other people’s feelings, or the circumstances Penalty: Bad luck follows you around.
involved. You might consider telling a falsehood Coincidences never work in your favor. Once per
only in dire emergencies, and even then you suffer session, the GM can force you to re-roll an action
a –2 step Skill penalty to Influence-based actions, as and take the lowest of the two results. As a Major
your lie is written all over your face. Trait, the GM can make you re-roll two actions per
You avoid black cats, dodge around ladders, and FLASHES
refuse to pick up a mirror for fear you’ll drop it. You (MINOR/MAJOR)
believe in omens and harbingers of luck—good and Life would be a fair sight more convenient
bad. You don’t take any chances. If you spill the salt, without the horrible dreams and visions that
you cast a pinch over your shoulder while counting overtake you on occasion. These flashes might be
backwards from five. residual memories of a traumatic incident from
Penalty: You have a wide set of superstitious your past, messages from a disturbed conscience, or
beliefs that affect your everyday behavior. Such horrible recurring nightmares. You don’t even always
beliefs can be self-fulfilling prophecies, however. know what will trigger them, but they leave you
Whenever you receive an omen of bad luck, you shaken and unsettled.
receive a –2 penalty to all of your Attributes for a

Penalty: Once per game session, some trigger character reflect his or her origins, interests, and
(determined by the GM) will cause you to suffer education. A quick glance at the Skills you choose
a traumatic flash. These episodes leave you can often tell a lot about the character, revealing
incoherent, shaking, and screaming—rendering you either an upstanding, educated citizen of the Core
incapable of action for d2 turns and causing you to planets or a hell-raisin’ gunslinger from the Rim—or
suffer a –2 step Attribute penalty on all actions for some such in between.
ten minutes following the flash. As a Major Trait, You purchase Skills during character creation
these flashes happen twice per session. and improve them later with Advancement Points
(see Chapter One: Find a Crew). Skills are divided
TWITCHY (MINOR) into two related types: General Skills and Specialties.
You’re not paranoid. You know for a fact that An example of a General Skill is Athletics—a
everyone is out to get you! You spend most of your Skill needed for any type of physical activity from
time watching your back. You trust no one except dodging to swimming. A General Skill can be
your oldest and dearest friends (and you trust them improved upon, but may advance only up to d6.
only to a point). After that, you need to choose at least one Specialty
Penalty: You don’t trust anyone, especially folk Skill.
you don’t know. If people are whispering, they’re Speciality Skills start where the General Skill
whispering about you. You don’t believe it when leaves off, allowing the character to improve in
people try to assure you that they’re on your side. a specific area of expertise. For example, your
You are convinced that someone is watching you former track star character has the Athletic Skill at
all the time. You suffer a –2 step Skill penalty to all d6, with the Running Specialty at d10. When you
Influence-based actions in social situations. already have a d6 in a general Skill, your purchased
Specialties start at d8, as you build on the expertise
UGLY AS SIN you have at the general level. There are no limits to
(MINOR/MAJOR) the number of Specialties you may purchase.
Either you were born ugly or you’ve managed to If a character doesn’t have a Specialty, he simply
make yourself look mighty hideous through scars, rolls using the general Skill (assuming he has it), or
burns, or whatnot. the Attribute only if he has no Skill in the action
Penalty: You’re unattractive, and suffer a –2 whatsoever. A Skill starting at d2 can be improved
step Skill penalty to all actions keyed to appearance, upon from there. Starting characters of any level
such as seduction, negotiation, and persuasion. As rarely begin the game with more than a d12 rating in
a Major Trait, you’re ugly to the bone and all Plot any one Skill Specialty.
Points spent on such actions cost twice the usual
(MINOR/MAJOR) 
Blood oozing from a cut finger makes your Since Skill levels are represented by dice, you
knees go wobbly. You faint at the sight of a corpse. might not have an immediate sense of just how
Therefore, you tend to avoid those situations where good your character is at any one task. Use Table
such is likely to occur. 2.7 (Skill Levels) to quickly see how your character
Penalty: You cannot stand to be in the presence measures up.
of blood, entrails, and dead bodies. You suffer a –2
step penalty to all Attributes until either the source
of your discomfort is removed or until you leave on 
your own. As a Major Trait, you also have to make Here you’ll find a list of Skills for use in the
an Average Vitality + Willpower test for each five Serenity Role Playing Game. Each entry includes the
minute interval you are exposed to gory scenes or Skill name (followed by “Skilled Only” if it cannot
fall unconscious for 2d4 minutes. be used untrained), sample specialties, and examples
for each level of difficulty used in the game. Note

 that some examples are for simple actions, others

are for complex (see Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’). Also

Just as Attributes represent your Crew’s raw
note that some Skills may land under more than area
of expertise. For example, dancing will come under
Athletics if you are dancing in the Core Olympic
talents, Skills represent the training that helps best games. If you are dancing in the Core ballet
make use of that talent. The Skills you pick for your company, dancing comes under Perform. You and

the GM should determine where your Skills lie and determine and treat serious bestial ailments and
make the choice of either Athletics or Perform. You injuries.
cannot do both. Formidable: Teach tamed beasts complex
commands; calm a pack of wolves; train
domestic animals to do extreme tricks (count to
 ten, acrobatics); charge over dangerous terrain
You want to play a character who has a certain (quicksand, swamp) on horseback; perform intricate
Skill and you don’t see the Skill specialty you want veterinary surgery with proper aftercare; identify
on the list. Don’t panic! Instead of filling this book behavior pattern of rare species.
with every possible Skill we could think of, we chose Heroic: Perform experimental (or radical)
to list those that are most commonly used in game veterinary surgery or treatments; tame a rare species
play. Feel free to create new specialties! If you want of animal; jump a 50-foot chasm on horseback.
to be a master of origami or an expert of celebrity Incredible: Calm a cattle stampede on command.
trivia—go right ahead! As long as you tie the Ridiculous: Successfully perform emergency
specialty to a general Skill and the GM agrees, you surgery on a genetically altered or mutated animal.
can add whatever you like. Shiny! Impossible: Take the lead in the Prime Minister’s
Derby riding a sick, blind mule with three legs.
You can make friends with any animal using this ARTISTRY
Skill. Caring for, feeding, riding, teaching the animal You make artsy pretties that folks admire. Since
tricks, “whispering” to the animal—all things you aesthetic tastes vary quite a bit in the ‘Verse, assume
learned growing up on a farm or ranch. Well, city that the work is created to suit a target group or
kids can learn it, too, if they’ve got the heart for it. audience. (Your painting of the blue-faced woman
Specialties: animal training, riding, veterinary, with three heads and six arms is not likely to sell in
zoology. the souvenir shop on Jiangyin, even though the art
Easy: Teach small domestic animals (cat, dog) critics on Sihnon rave about it).
simple tricks (come, beg, roll over); herd livestock Specialties: appraisal, cooking, forgery, game
(cattle, sheep); ride a pony at a trot; identify basic designing, painting, photography, poetry, sculpting,
breed of a common animal (collie, greyhound, writing.
husky, Manx, Siamese). Easy: Basic sketches and course projects for
Average: Teach domestic animals moderate community college art classes; imitate a familiar yet
commands (attack, guard, hunt, fetch); ride a horse simple signature; estimate worth of common art
at full gallop; drive teams of creatures, train tamed pieces; write a story for local writer’s group.
beasts or those born in captivity; diagnose common Average: Produce marketable artwork
animal ailments and administer proper treatments; (illustrations, comic books); elaborate on history and
recall important creature facts and habits. style of major art movements (surrealism, cubism);
Hard: Teach domestic animals specific, complex detect amateur forgeries of masterpieces; write a
commands (swim to the opposite side, leap and typical grant proposal, self-publish a novel.
grab the sardine on the pole); ride through dense Hard: Create gallery/exhibition-worthy artwork;
forest on horseback; ride an unconventional creature authenticate obscure art; forge popular masterpieces
(camel, warthog) at top speed, approach a wild (Mona Lisa, statue of David); falsify common
beast (wolf, mountain lion) without being afraid; documents (drivers licenses, diploma); estimate
Table 2-7: Skill Levels
Die Type Proficiency Comment

d2 Incompetent “That ain’t the ‘on’ button, is it?”

d4 Novice “Don’t pull the trigger, squeeze it.”

d6 Competent “Believe I know this dance. Shall we?”

d8 Expert “I can reprogram this trash bin to go wherever we want.”

d10 Professional “The dermal mender will keep that ear on fine. Just don’t fiddle with it!”

d12 Master “A Crazy Ivan? Right now? Okay.”

d12+ Supreme “You’re holding eights, low queen, jack, and ace. Your eyes gave it away.”

worth of a good private collection; photograph Heroic: Parasail upside down while holding
objects and scenes with excellent artistic detail; write the rope in your teeth; land safely after a 50’ fall;
an enticing grant proposal or business plan; sell walk a tightrope strung between two slow moving
work to major publisher. vehicles; juggle multiple large and dangerous objects
Formidable: Create critically acclaimed, universally blindfolded.
recognizable original artwork; forge masterpieces Incredible: score a hole-in-one; swim upstream
of any style; photograph objects and scenes with against a raging current; rush head-on through a
perfect artistic detail; estimate worth of a historical cattle stampede without a scratch.
collection; write novel that hits the best-seller lists; Ridiculous: Jury-rig a malfunctioning parachute
counterfeit official documents and files (state seal; while in free-fall; pole vault from a rooftop across
identcard). the street into a small open window two stories up;
Heroic: Produce an instant classic; estimate exact lift ten times your body weight in a military press.
worth of a national collection; photograph minute Impossible: Free-climb a treacherous mountain
detail of a secured compound with an ordinary while in handcuffs; bowl a perfect game without
camera. looking at the pins.
Incredible: Create a priceless masterpiece;
create four-course gourmet meal using only basic COVERT
ingredients and spices. Sneaky maneuvers, usually illegal. You can use
Ridiculous: Construct a long-form poem with this Skill to move silently, hide, blow a safe, or pick
perfect rhythm and meter on the first attempt; create someone’s pocket.
a meal fit for royalty with only a few ingredients and Specialties: camouflage, disable devices, forgery,
only one available cooking method. infiltration, open locks, sabotage, sleight of hand,
Impossible: Sculpt a perfect replica of an individual stealth, streetwise, surveillance.
from only rough description; write a novel that tops Easy: Hot wire civic ground transports; move
the best-seller’s lists for ten years running. silently without waking up a sleeping person; pick a
drunk’s pocket; hide in full cover (behind boulder,
ATHLETICS large furniture, huge machinery).
Whenever you are moving, most likely you’re Average: Pick common locks; deactivate normal
using athletics. This Skill allows you to run, jump, home security systems; hide with partial cover
throw, climb, swim, and play sports. (shadow, shrub, big crate); pick normal folks’
Specialties: climbing, contortion, dodge, pockets; disable a mid-size transport ship.
juggling, jumping, gymnastics, parachuting, Hard: Open professional locks; defeat
parasailing, pole vaulting, riding, running, swimming, sophisticated, museum-level security systems; hide
weight lifting. (Note: An individual sport can be its with limited cover (laundry bin, under table).
own Specialty, such as baseball or soccer.) Formidable: Disable state-of-the-art security
Easy: Complete a 50-yard dash; jump a knee- systems; decipher multipad combinations; sneak into
high hurdle; dive out of the way of a slow moving a maximum security prison unnoticed; disable an
vehicle. Alliance cruiser.
Average: Put ball through a 10’-high basket from Heroic: Crack the code to open Alliance treasury
close distance; complete a 100-yard dash; hurdle vault.
a chest-high fence; perform common acrobatics Incredible: Steal a priceless masterpiece from a
(somersault, handstand); balance on a narrow beam Core-world art gallery.
or ledge; swing across a hall on the chandelier; juggle Ridiculous: Single-handedly take over an Alliance
3 to 5 small, uniform objects; dive clear of a moving destroyer.
vehicle (21-60 mph speed). Impossible: Break into a bank vault using only a
Hard: Lift twice your body weight; juggle up butter knife.
to 5 palm-sized objects or 3 larger ones; perform
complex acrobatics; land safely after a 15’ fall; walk CRAFT
a tightrope; jump from one galloping horse to Involves creating or altering items, often for
another; avoid a fast moving vehicle (61-120 mph commercial purposes—anything from the cheap
speed). china in a Jiangyn tourist trap to the million-credit
Formidable: Jump off a 10-story building and remodeling of a mansion on Bellerophon. You
survive the fall; dodge busy intersection traffic; must roll a Skill check to see how close you come
bound over a 10’-tall wall; walk a tightrope in windy to making a craft to the desired specifications. Note
conditions; juggle multiple large and dangerous that most projects require complex Skill checks (see
objects (knives, chain saws); complete a marathon or Chapter Two: Traits and Skills).

Specialties: architecture, blacksmithing,
carpentry, cooking, leatherworking, metalworking,
pottery, sewing.
Easy: Create a souvenir rain-stick or quilt;
renovate a room in a modest house; tan leather;
create a makeshift hammer.
Average: Make fresh bao; renovate a standard
building; temper and forge steel; customize the
exterior design of a sourcebox or datapad.
Hard: Forge a quality tool or weapon; cook a
delicious four-course meal; rebuild a large structure;
streamline a rifle or car; hand stitch a circus tent;
create a hovering chandelier.
Formidable: Construct full medieval plate mail;
rebuild a complex structure; improve the design
of a starship or military installation; make or
fix advanced tools or armor; build hazardous
environment vehicles.
Heroic: Create/repair exotic tools, armor, and
weapons; replicate a Ming-dynasty vase using only
standard clay, a potter’s wheel, and a few basic
Incredible: Create innovative tools, armor, and
weapons; bake a great-tasting chocolate cake
using only protein packs; build a functional flying
ambulance using only spare parts found in a junk
Ridiculous: Create a meal that impresses a food Formidable: Crack jokes while being tortured; stare
critic using only canned vegetables and protein down a ruthless bounty hunter; keep up troops’
packs; forge a perfectly balanced katana using only a spirits in the face of overwhelming defeat.
wobbly hammer and engine heat. Heroic: Stop a weaker friend from breaking
Impossible: Repair a faulty terraforming station under torture; lead troops in a charge against
without a schematic; draw reliable blueprints for the overwhelming enemy fire; memorize enemy
‘Verse’s tallest skyscraper in half an hour. positions with only a second to look.
Incredible: Intimidate a gang of thugs who have
DISCIPLINE weapons trained on you; resist torture even when
Usually obtained through some sort of training, you have already died and been revived; perform
such as that gained in the military or when learning complicated problem-solving while playing Russian
martial arts—though the Discipline can be self- roulette.
taught or learned through other circumstances. This Ridiculous: Maintain morale on a corpse-laden
Skill set allows you to resist interrogation, focus on battlefield after your side has surrendered to the
the job at hand in the face of distraction, or scare enemy; memorize a full page of binary code with
the hell out of someone else. bombs exploding all around you; successfully
Specialties: concentration, interrogation, frighten a hardened mercenary who fears neither
intimidation, leadership, mental resistance, morale. death nor pain.
Easy: Study an interesting book in a quiet, well- Impossible: Convince a group of unarmed farmers
lit room; scare off an annoying child; question a to charge marauding Reavers; refuse to go along
cooperative witness. with an enemy’s plan after he has just kicked your
Average: Keep fresh recruits in line after they only friend through a jet intake; pick a set of handcuff
went through one day of training; memorize medical locks while falling from a 30-story building.
jargon with a full day to practice; resist spilling the
beans under the threat of violence. GUNS
Hard: Interrogate a hardened mercenary; Anyone might be able to squeeze a trigger, but
memorize a stream of numbers while in the middle that’s not the same thing as actually knowing how to
of a noisy party; lead a group of green recruits into shoot. The ‘Verse is a dangerous place, and it’s best
battle the first time. not to strap on iron unless you have the know-how
needed to use it.

Specialties: assault rifles, energy weapons, Heroic: Hit a space ship retreating at hard-burn
grenade launchers, gunsmithing, machine guns, speed; neutralize a “tamper-proof ” explosive device.
pistols, rifles, shotguns. Incredible: Drill another ship right in the cockpit/
Easy: Recognize ammo for different kinds of engine room/specific vital part.
guns; hit an unaware, stationary target (broad side of Ridiculous: Split a tiny gap between space cruisers
a barn, man with his back to you) at close range; find to hit a nimble gunship.
the safety on an unfamiliar weapon. Impossible: Launch shells to hit several distant, fast
Average: Identify special ammo (armor piercing, moving targets simultaneously.
“smart” bullets, etc.); hit a smallish, stationary target
(garden gnome) at close range; clear a jammed INFLUENCE
weapon. Sometimes words are more powerful than a gun.
Hard: Adjust the sight or make small This Skill can help you win friends and influence
modifications to a weapon; hit a small, stationary people, or if the situation demands, sweet-talk them
target (such as a Blue Sun Cola can) at close range; into giving you what you need. (Note: Most uses of
reload an unfamiliar weapon quickly under stressful Influence can be opposed by the target’s Attributes
conditions. or Skills, so the examples below may not always
Formidable: Shoot a tiny, stationary target (the apply.)
button of a coat) at close range; make significant Specialties: administration, barter, bureaucracy,
modifications to a weapon (collapsible components, conversation, counseling, interrogation,
adding laser targeting). intimidation, leadership, marketing, persuasion,
Heroic: Shoot a miniscule, stationary target (a politics, seduction, streetwise.
sideways poker card) at close range; make major Easy: Bluff landlubber yokels into thinking you’ll
changes to a weapon (adapting it to fire specialized blow a crater in their backwater moon when your
ammunition), shoot at the guy who is holding your transport ship has no guns; grease the right palms of
friend hostage and hit him dead square in the center local underworld or government; intimidate a child;
of the forehead. seduce someone who’s already smothering you in
Incredible: Hit a person behind a closed door while kisses.
aiming through the keyhole. Average: Administrate daily business for a small
Ridiculous: Set the gun to autofire and stitch a business or town; promote products from a major
fellow’s outline without one bullet hitting him. manufacturer; negotiate shuttle rentals; bribe
Impossible: Hit a buzzing bee several blocks away crime boss or state official you once crossed; fool
in the left eye. townsfolk into doing something they’re not opposed
to doing; book passengers on your ship; dig up the
HEAVY WEAPONS latest scuttlebutt on a high-ranking government
This Skill makes it possible for you to bring the official; intimidate a non-violent person.
biggest gun to a fight—and use it! Some weapons Hard: Run daily business for a large corporation,
require a crew of two or more to operate (see province, or large colony; negotiate a large purchase
Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’ for rules on Cooperative (property, vehicle); convince someone to do you
Skill use). a big favor; intimidate a stubborn individual;
Specialties: artillery, catapults, demolitions, seduce an honorable person who is in a committed
forward observer, mounted guns, repair heavy relationship.
weapons, rocket launchers, ship’s cannons, siege Formidable: Handle an administrative crisis for a
weapons. government or corporation; keep two bloodthirsty
Easy: Hit the broad side of an Alliance cruiser rivals from killing each other; work deceptive, but
50 yards away; set and time simple explosives (a few iron-clad fine print into a contract; try to seduce a
sticks of dynamite). trained Companion.
Average: Hit a slow moving vehicle; gauge and Heroic: Hornswoggle wealthy passengers into
set charges for routine demolitions (single building/ paying outrageous fares for standard passage on
vehicle); make small modifications to heavy weapons your fei oo vessel; convince two bloodthirsty rivals to
or a ship’s guns. kiss and make up; intimidate a hardened war veteran
Hard: Hit a vehicle moving at fast speed; rig or or mercenary; seduce a religious figure who has
disarm uncommon explosives; make considerable taken a vow of celibacy.
modifications to mounted weapons. Incredible: Convince a peaceable person to risk
Formidable: Hit a vehicle moving at very fast his life for someone else’s cause; win over a hostile
speed; create or disable intricate explosive devices; crowd with a short, impromptu speech; find a tiny
make major alternations to mounted weapons. loophole that gets you out of an otherwise rock-
solid contract.

Ridiculous: Convince a terrified, unarmed person Impossible: Recite all the dialogue of a childhood
to stand and fight oncoming Reavers; change the vidshow seen only once; recall exact survey statistics
popular opinion of an entire planet with a short from a fifteen-year-long terraforming project.
Impossible: Intimidate a Reaver; convince a village LINGUIST (SKILLED ONLY)
full of zealous hill-folk not to burn your crazy sister Talking won’t do any good if no one understands
as a witch. what you’re saying. Just about everybody in the
‘Verse speaks English and Chinese (to one degree
KNOWLEDGE or another). The Linguist general Skill covers basic
Some folk can tell you how many dimples are familiarity with various languages, though its use
on a golf ball. Others know how to wash protein won’t grant you fluency—meaning you won’t be
stains off a red flannel shirt. This Skill gives you a able to follow a fast moving conversation in another
broad general knowledge of everything and detailed language. Specialties represent familiarity or training
knowledge for each Specialty you take. Note that with a specific non-native tongue. Note that you are
there is a difference between applied knowledge automatically fluent in any language that is a part of
and “book learning.” You can’t have both. For your background.
instance, you can’t have “Gunsmithing” because Specialties: Arabic, Armenian, French, German,
that’s a Specialization of Gun Combat and counts Hindu, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian,
as applied knowledge. (You might have once read a Tagalog, Swahili, Swedish, etc.
book on guns, but that doesn’t mean you know how Easy: Essential words and phrases for a seasoned
to manufacture a gun.) traveler (“Food?” “Where restroom?” “How much?”
Specialties: appraisal, cultures, history, law, “No!”); basic grammar; simple everyday greetings.
literature, philosophy, religion, sports. Average: Basic conversation (“How is the
Easy: Recognize names of important Alliance weather?” “What is your wife’s name?”); interpret
Parliament senators; know common information basic ideas of a literature or film; identity one
about major worlds like Londinum and locate them language from another in a similar group (Danish
on a system map; remember facts that are in primary from Norwegian, Turkish from Hungarian).
school textbooks. Hard: Fluent conversation (“You must give me
Average: Recognize names of local celebrities/ that Neptune Colony recipe for the Crescent Sea
legendary figures, and recount their deeds; know the Oyster Graparon!”); translate foreign literature or
origins and history of major artifacts or antiques; verbal communication in detail; identify one dialect
recall rules and etiquettes of culture in detail; quote from another in the same language (Cantonese from
popular scripture passages out of a major religious Taiwanese; Titan Colony from Newbury Port).
text (“The Lord is my shepherd…”); recall facts Formidable: Native conversation, including
found in high-school textbooks. expressions and colloquialisms; translate old,
Hard: Know the origins and recent past of historical version of a modern language (Medieval
minor artifacts/antiques; estimate the worth of a English); interpret basic meaning of text recorded in
silk tapestry made in Sihnon; find Bathgate Abbey; an ancient language (Latin, Hieroglyphics).
recount the starting lineup for a champion sports Heroic: Comprehend full meaning of
team; remember information found in a college philosophical, religious, or scientific treatises written
textbook (such as Mudder’s Milk being similar to in an ancient language.
ancient Egypt’s “liquid bread”). Ridiculous: Summarize complete work of
Formidable: Understand what the badges and Shakespeare in Greek, Chinese, and Apache
sashes indicate for the nobility of Persephone; recall simultaneously.
specific passages from scholarly papers written by Incredible: Translate incomplete text written in a
distinguished professors. forgotten ancient dialect.
Heroic: Recognize the betrothal/marriage ritual Impossible: Swear up a storm in Babylonian.
of a backwater settlement; remember the names of
individual soldiers in a large army regiment. MECHANICAL
Incredible: Recall facts of an absurd Earth-That- ENGINEERING
Was fad (such as pet rocks or disco music); recite (SKILLED ONLY)
verbatim entire books of religious scripture. You know what they say: “there are always places
Ridiculous: Remember obscure figures from to see, things to break.” And with this Skill, you’ll
history with no context to work from; recite a long be there to fix ‘em, so long as the things have nuts
string of unrelated numbers in proper sequence. and bolts and don’t run on fancy computers. You
can handle very simple tasks such as changing a
light bulb or tightening a screw without this Skill,

but you’ll need it to deal with more complicated pharmaceuticals, physiology, psychiatry,
workings. rehabilitation, surgery, toxicology, veterinary
Specialties: create mechanical devices, medicine.
machinery maintenance, mechanical repairs, fix Easy: Give physical exam; use basic medical
mechanical security systems, plumbing. instruments (defibrillator, x-ray); administer
Easy: Set up pulleys, conveyors, axles, and other treatment for common ailments and injuries (fever,
simple machines effectively; identify problems and broken ankle); perform CPR and handle minor
make simple repairs to standard mechanical devices. emergencies (concussion, minor burns).
Average: Build an irrigation system; operate more Average: Diagnose unusual ailments and injuries;
complex mechanical devices such as a drill-press recognize uncommon medicines and medical
or laser-welder; disable standard machines and practices; use complex clinical instruments (CT
gadgets; fix moderate mechanical system damage; scanner, respirator); handle most emergency
make standard modifications (install a vacuum pump injuries (bullet wounds, compound fractures, deep
system in an old engine). lacerations); graft a man’s ear back on with a dermal
Hard: Construct a Core ambulance from scrap- mender; create a time-delayed drug dose.
heap parts; operate/disable complex mechanical Hard: Diagnose complex injuries and diseases;
devices such as a catalytic cracking unit in an oil identify rare medicines; use specialized instruments
refinery; repair severe mechanical system damage; (Neural Imager, Blood Gas Imager); treat lethal
create a non-standard use of existing machines emergencies (bleeding out, toxic shock); reattach a
(such as setting up a Crazy Ivan maneuver). limb.
Formidable: Reverse-engineer a mechanical Formidable: Treat unexpected, life-threatening
innovation; boost the performance of a mechanical complications; recall obscure medical theories
device (such as giving a short speed-boost to a and therapies; prescribe experimental treatment
Firefly Class transport ship). to alleviate “incurable” diseases; perform organ
Heroic: Go beyond double the performance transplant and other intricate surgeries.
limit of a mechanical system for a brief period of Heroic: Perform a radical procedure to stave off
time; implement permanent, significant mechanical fatal injury or disease; perform open-heart surgery
upgrades to a ship when you have limited resources. without adequate equipment or benefit of a proper
Incredible: Repair catastrophic mechanical damage medical facility.
with scavenged parts; improvise a sophisticated Incredible: Perform intricate micro-surgery with
mechanical device from spare parts; identify non- improvised equipment.
working components on a ship while you are Ridiculous: Restore a patient who has been
recovering from a gun-shot wound that nearly killed clinically dead for almost half an hour.
you. Impossible: Cure a terminal disease with a radical,
Ridiculous: Keep a mechanical system running experimental remedy (curing lung cancer with a
despite a serious problem or damaged part (such peanut-butter based treatment).
as a burnt-out catalyzer); improvise a sophisticated
mechanical device using non-standard components MELEE WEAPON
(such as chewing gum, tin foil, and a magnifying COMBAT
glass). Perhaps you swing a blade faster than the other
Impossible: Re-start a fusion engine cold before a guy can draw his gun. This Skill allows you to use
plummeting ship hits the ground. weapons other than guns effectively in a fight.
Note that actions taken against other characters
MEDICAL are usually opposed rolls, so some of the examples
EXPERTISE might vary in actual use.
(SKILLED ONLY) Specialties: clubs, knives, melee
You know what they say: “there are always weaponsmithing, nunchaku, pole arms, swords,
places to see, people to break”. And when folk whips.
do break, you’ll be there to put ‘em back together Easy: Know how to grip a rapier; use a butterfly
with your bag of modern medical wonders. You knife; flail a pair of nunchaku slowly and without
can slap an aid-strip on a scratch and tell them to cracking your own skull; crack a whip impressively.
take two aspirins in the morning without this Skill, Average: Spank a novice fencer in the butt cheek
but anything more serious requires medical school, with the flat of the blade; twirl open a butterfly
internships, residency, and knowing when to holler knife; bat away an under-hand pitch; hit a slow
“clear!” moving target with a whip; gauge an opponent’s Skill
Specialties: dentistry, forensics, general level with a given weapon.
practice, genetics, internal medicine, neurology,

Hard: Disarm a proficient fencer; deflect a quick, Heroic: Detect the lies of a master Companion;
aimed strike; perform stunts and tricks (slice off the spot the tip of a handkerchief sticking out of a
suspenders holding up an opponent’s pants); feint; man’s pocket in a large crowd; react instinctively to a
snuff out candle flame with a whip; identify exotic battlefield maneuver.
weapons; analyze opponent’s fighting style with a Incredible: Determine someone’s background
given weapon. and occupation from a cursory analysis of visible
Formidable: Disarm an excellent fencer; cut fruits evidence (stains on a shirt, callus on a thumb, etc.);
tossed into the air into even pieces; hit a fly with a smell a burning circuit from the other side of the
whip. ship.
Heroic: Deflect arrows or crossbow bolts using Ridiculous: Run through a hedge maze without
your sword; strike a target with amazing precision; taking a single wrong turn.
detect the weakness in a master fencer’s style; Impossible: See the tell-tale flash from a sniper’s
disarm/trip multiple opponents with a whip. scope just before the shot is fired.
Incredible: Block attacks coming from behind or
from an unseen opponent. PERFORMANCE
Ridiculous: Deflect a bullet with a hand-held You can hum a few notes, dance a few steps,
weapon. or otherwise impress an audience with this Skill.
Impossible: Cut off a section of a spaceship hull Maybe you’re even good enough to make a living.
using a bowie knife. As with Artistry, your performance should fit a
target audience. (Your rendition of the quartet from
PERCEPTION Rigoletto will not garner much applause in the local
This Skill helps you pick up on subtleties in your Whitefall saloon. In fact, it might get you lynched!)
surroundings. You notice little things such as the Note: con artists, fugitives, and other folk who want
tiny crack on the marble floor that less attentive folk or need to pass themselves off as someone else will
could easily miss. Can’t slip a gnat past you, if you need to take this Skill.
get really good at it. Naturally, you can’t take certain Specialties: acting, dancing, costuming,
Specialties that rely on a particular sense if you are keyboard instruments, impersonation, mimicry,
partially or fully disabled in that sense—awfully oratory, percussion instruments, singing, stringed
hard to justify takin’ “sight” when you’re blind, for instruments, wind instruments.
instance–although a blind person might take this Easy: Star in primary school stage plays; sing
Skill in hearing. Note that Skill use against other backup at the Abbey choir; strum basic guitar
characters is opposed, so some of the following chords.
examples could vary in actual play. Average: Perform amateur productions and
Specialties: deduction, empathy, gambling, minstrel shows; sing lead vocal for a local band; win
hearing, intuition, investigation, read lips, search, high school talent contests; write original songs;
sight, smell, tactics, taste, tracking. mask surface emotions.
Easy: Solve low-grade vidshow mysteries; spot a Hard: Understudy in a professional production;
roadside billboard; eavesdrop on a conversation at write a film score or long orchestral piece; dance to
the next table; know when a little kid is lying to you;
follow footprints in light snow; detect a gas leak by
Average: Collect fingerprints and gather other
evidence; read the numbers on a license plate of a
fast car; see someone hiding behind a bush; follow a
muddy track.
Hard: Spot inconspicuous clues; surmise a
culprit’s physical and mental stats (height, weight,
gender, hair color, level of education, etc.) from
available evidence; sense a hidden emotion; solve
a well-written mystery novel before final chapter;
determine the best places for an ambush; trace faint
or fading chemical scent.
Formidable: See through the deceits of a trained
Companion; discern well-concealed emotions;
decipher whispers in the next room through a closed

an unfamiliar number; emulate popular characters under-serviced strip, incompetent tower staff);
and recognizable voices on cue; disguise yourself as attempt an unusual maneuver (evasion, loop,
someone far older or younger than yourself. maintaining altitude in howling wind); control craft
Formidable: Headline a grand musical in a under adverse conditions (ship damage, stellar
prestigious Core-world theater; receive critical electromagnetic phenomenon).
acclaim for your performance in a major stage Formidable: Fly through very hazardous
production; create a dead-on impression of any environment (electrical/ice storm, blizzard,
character; depict any emotion regardless of true restricted airspace) with a damaged craft; takeoff/
feelings; disguise yourself as someone of a different land under extreme conditions (no visibility, short
racial background. field, low fuel); attempting risky maneuver (rabbit
Heroic: Perfectly imitate the performance of an through asteroid cluster at high speed, hard banks
award-winning singer or actor; effectively disguise through canyon, multiple loops); perform a highly
yourself as a member of the opposite sex; pretend unconventional maneuver (“Crazy Ivan”).
to be a native of a remote location (such as the Heroic: Fly through a dangerous environment
Triumph Settlement), though you’ve never been (ion cloud, tornado, relentless enemy air pursuit,
there. flak); takeoff/land with critical malfunction (blown
Incredible: Portray perfectly two or more engine, stuck landing gear, out of fuel); attempting
completely opposite personas in an instant; compose suicidal maneuver (hard banks while flying upside
a classic symphony of true depth and beauty. down, last-second vertical pull-up); maintain control
Ridiculous: Disguise yourself well enough to fool of vessel while going to hard-burn in atmo.
a member of your target’s own family. Incredible: Navigate in atmo using only stellar
Impossible: Shatter spaceship porthole glass by constellations and magnetic compass to reach a
blowing the perfect note on your flute. precise destination halfway around the world; glide
a powered-down ship from 6,000 miles away to
PILOT successfully dock with a skyplex.
If it flies—either in atmo or out in the black— Ridiculous: Fly in atmo to a distant uncharted
you’re able to make the craft perform. In addition to island without the aid of any navigational
simply flying, the Skill also covers charting a course, instrument; perform a “slingshot” maneuver using a
maintenance, and basic troubleshooting—though planet’s gravity with no computer calculations.
any serious problem is covered by Mechanical Impossible: Intercept a space yacht leaving atmo
Engineering. You need a Skill roll to control the at escape velocity with a hang glider; outrun an
craft under adverse conditions, evade pursuit, or Alliance cruiser in a short-range shuttle.
perform difficult maneuvers. A Botch roll does not
mean you’ve instantly crashed your craft—but it PLANETARY
certainly means you’ve made the ride a helluva lot VEHICLES
more interesting! Your ability to drive, operate, and maintain
Specialties: aerial navigation, astrogation, vehicles used planetside—on the ground, on or
astronomy, astrophysics, space survival. (Note that under water. Most folks are capable of driving a car,
specific types of craft are also Specialties. Examples steering a boat, or riding a horse, but when things
include: gunships, hang gliders, helicopters, large get a mite tricky, you’ll need to roll the dice to see
cruisers, mid-bulk transports, patrol vessels, how well you perform. Note that basic maintenance
rocket shuttles, ultra-light aircraft, and short-range for vehicles is covered under this Skill. Serious
shuttles.) repairs must be performed by those with Mechanical
Easy: Takeoff/land a good craft under normal Engineering.
conditions (fair to shiny weather, state-of-the-art Specialties: aquatic navigation, cars, canoes,
port) with excellent instructions; set a short, simple equestrian, ground vehicle repair, horse-drawn
course; switch autopilot on or off. conveyances, hovercraft, industrial vehicles, land
Average: Fly a functional craft through moderate navigation, large ground transports, military combat
conditions (fog, sensor static, turbulence), takeoff/ vehicles, powerboats, sailing, scooters, scuba diving,
land under typical condition (regular airfield, skiffs, submarines, yachts.
competent tower staff); plot a long, unusual course Easy: Take the vehicle for a spin around town
(one that avoids Alliance patrols, as an example); up to speed limit; parallel parking; fix a flat tire or
recognize specialized air and space vessels (Alliance broken rudder; use global positioning systems to
gunship, medical ship). find the shortest route.
Hard: Fly through harsh environment (deluge, Average: Control the transport at high speed (hard
dense asteroid cluster, high turbulence); takeoff/ turn at 50% max speed) under difficult conditions
land under crappy conditions (low visibility, (slick ground, hard rain, fog) or through rough

terrain (trees, gravel, choppy water); attempt tricks Hard: Arm explosive or poisoned tips properly;
(sideswipe another vehicle); repair minor mechanical hit a small, stationary target (such as a Blue Sun Cola
problems (replace timing belt, reconnect brakes, can) at close range; recognize exotic ranged weapons
change lube). (atatl, boomerang) and historical ones (Chief Shiny
Hard: Perform high-speed stunts (fast 90-degree Oak’s throwing knife); create new ranged weapons
turn, reverse); control the vehicle under adverse (razor-edged playing cards).
conditions (hail, snow); compensate for significant Formidable: Create mastercraft bows and arrows;
mechanical problems (failing breaks, reduced hit a tiny, stationary target (the button of a coat)
turning capability). at close range); make significant improvement to a
Formidable: Execute cinematic stunts (bootleg, ranged weapon (infrared targeting, homing arrows).
ramp jump, drive in reverse through highway traffic; Heroic: Shoot two arrows at different targets in
drive on two wheels); control the vehicle under the same shot; hit a miniscule target (a sideways
hazardous conditions (pitch darkness, ice-coated poker card) at close range.
roads, oil slick); compensate for major mechanical Incredible: Cut the ropes from around a man’s
problems (flat tires, near-frozen steering). neck on the gallows with one knife throw.
Heroic: Perform daredevil stunts (drive off an Ridiculous: Sling a rock into a moving airship’s jet
overpass into traffic); drive vehicle into open hangar intake from 100 yards away.
on a transport ship; compensate for disabling Impossible: Split an arrow with another arrow fired
mechanical problems (missing wheels, acceleration from 300 yards away.
jammed to full); steer a boat through a typhoon.
Incredible: Drive a car through a massive SCIENTIFIC
earthquake or meteor storm; coax a vehicle into EXPERTISE
exceeding its normal abilities; drive in reverse at top (SKILLED ONLY)
speed over unusual terrain while using only the rear- You either got plenty of schooling or you
view mirror; scuba dive to record depth. were very well taught by your own self. This
Ridiculous: Drive a car through traffic blindfolded Skill measures your knowledge in the scientific
while relying only on audio cues from a passenger; fields, with each Specialty indicating a deeper
roll a vehicle at high speed to place it in perfect understanding of that subject. Anyone who made
position so that you can then drive off in it; jump it through the basic school years can recognize
a cumbersome vehicle (such as a bus) over ramp or fundamental facts and theories without this Skill, but
bridge. has no chance understanding concepts that are more
Impossible: Stop on a dime while careening down complicated. Note the Specialties below represent
a steep slope covered in ice without benefit of the major areas of study (earth sciences include
brakes; keep leaky raft from capsizing during a chemistry, geology, as an example).
hurricane. Specialties: earth sciences, historical sciences,
life sciences, mathematical sciences.
RANGED WEAPONS Easy: Know who runs what renowned research
Any weapon that can be thrown or shot and is institutions; relate the Theory of Evolution; re-
not a gun falls under this Skill. You make a Skill roll enact famous experiments and discoveries; repeat
when trying to hit a target from a distance with a common scientific formulae.
ranged weapon. There are places in the ‘Verse where Average: Remember names of the foremost
they still fire arrows from a bow or toss javelins at authorities on certain subjects and know where to
wild animals. Both are a whole lot quieter than a rifle find them; translate complex scientific jargon into
and just as deadly between the eyes. common words; identify and operate advanced
Specialties: blowguns, bows, crossbows, darts, laboratory equipment.
grenade, javelin, ranged weaponsmithing, slings, Hard: Recall obscure discoveries and the parties
throwing axes, throwing knives. responsible; explain the Theory of Relativity
Easy: Match ideal ammunition to the right kind in detail and get it right; identify and operate
of weapon; hit a large, stationary target (such as the specialized laboratory equipment; create complex
broad side of a barn) at close range; keep a bow chemical compounds in an inadequate facility;
pulled and aimed for a short length of time. calculate advanced equations; teach advanced
Average: Hit a medium, stationary target (such as university classes.
a person standing still) at close range; make small Formidable: Recollect suppressed discoveries
modifications (tauter bow string, sharper arrow tips); and who made them; produce complex chemical
identify origins and models of common ranged compounds in a makeshift facility; find and correct
weapons. flaws in a popularly accepted equation.

Heroic: Go through a religious text and annotate TECHNICAL
scientific explanations for every inconsistency or ENGINEERING
miracle; synthesize a specific chemical compound (SKILLED ONLY)
using only household cleaners as base components. With this Skill you can use machines that run
Incredible: Re-create an unusual natural on complicated electronics and computerized
phenomenon (such as ball lightning) using only components, as well as engage in computer hacking
basic materials found in the galley. and programming. You can wave-order deliveries
Ridiculous: Use mathematical probability to and open programs without this Skill, though
predict the winning numbers for a planetary lottery. anything more complicated, and you’ll be staring at a
Impossible: Calculate the precise location of screenful of error logs.
Earth-That-Was using only a grammar-school Specialties: communications systems, computer
history book and a crude telescope. programming, hacking, create/alter technical
devices, demolitions, electronics, technical repair,
SURVIVAL technical security systems.
You never know when you’re going to find Easy: Repair a simple short-range wave comm;
yourself stranded buck-naked in the desert or identify and fix standard electric and electronic
drifting all by your lonesome in space. Whenever devices; hook up a large computer network.
you find yourself in such a situation, you roll a Skill Average: Build a decent short-range wave comm;
check to see how well you handle it. identify and operate advanced electric and electronic
Specialties: aerial survival, aquatic survival, devices; override standard computer encryptions;
general navigation, land survival, nature, space reprogram a service drone or machine; repair
survival, specific environment (e.g., zero-G) or moderate automated system damage; break into an
condition survival (e.g., heat, cold, toxic), tracking, unprotected computer system; pipe out comm static
trapping. on all frequencies.
Easy: Build a campfire; recognize prominent star Hard: Build a functional long-range wave comm
constellations; forage for food and water supplies on or a listening bug; identify and operate specialized
camp ground. electric and electronic devices; override security gate
Average: Start fire with tindersticks; hunt deer or airlock codes; repair heavy automated system
or other common wild game; identify signs of damage; reconfigure a large computer network;
creatures living nearby; perform minor first aid; identify hidden code embedded in a wave broadcast;
find water supply in most environments; identify implement advanced technical modifications such
poisonous plants; set snares for squirrels and similar as photoelectric cells; hack into a small company’s
small animals. computer system.
Hard: Hunt boar and other ferocious wild game; Formidable: Build advanced technical devices;
survive quicksand or flash flood; find food and identify and operate innovative electric and
water supplies in bad weather; bandage a serious electronic systems; override encryptions and codes
wound; apply a tourniquet correctly; treat frostbite of important government or corporate facilities;
and other harsh environmental hazards; adapt repair severe automated system damage; reconfigure
to temperature changes in a desert; set traps for a world-wide computer network; implement original
panthers or other large beasts. technical modification; hack into a well-protected
Formidable: Hunt polar bears on a glacier; evade corporate security system.
killer sharks in an ocean; treat hypothermia and Heroic: Build a sophisticated technical device
other lethal environmental hazards; neutralize deadly from improvised components; override the
venoms; adapt to an unpredicted, drastic climate/ encryptions of a Blue Sun secret file; repair a totally
temperature shift. fried system with scavenged parts during battle;
Heroic: Find food, water, and shelter in barren deactivate an assassin droid in combat using a
environment; locate trails on backwater planets remote.
you’ve only heard stories about. Incredible: Hack into a government or military
Incredible: Survive for an extended period on the computer system; re-program a robot to fulfill a
open ocean with no food or drinkable water. function it was not designed for.
Ridiculous: Track a jackrabbit through thick forest Ridiculous: Send an overriding vid broadcast to
in a hurricane. every receiver in the system; track an encrypted wave
Impossible: Drift though deep space with low air message back to its origin terminal.
reserves and no heat source—and live. Impossible: Hack into an Alliance cruiser’s controls
and control it remotely.

money in local contests, hold your own in a bar
They say never hit a man with a closed fist, but Hard: Analyze opponent’s fighting style, judging
it is—on occasion—necessary. And sometimes whether or not he’s a better fighter; recognize exotic
nothing brings more satisfaction to one’s soul than martial arts; black belt in martial arts; fight for prize
delivering a good old-fashioned punch to the jaw. money in Core world casinos, know specialized kicks
For those who relish those occasions, this is the and punches that can quickly disable an opponent.
skill to use, whether it’s a knee to the groin, kick to Formidable: Break five thick boards with one
the shin, hook to the chin, chop to the throat or strike; know specialized techniques that can quickly
gouge to the eye. Note that while Unarmed Combat and silently kill an opponent; win a major boxing
doesn’t involve the use of weapons, this and the championship; hold a third-degree black belt or
Brawling specialty can allow you to use weapons of higher; disarm, disable, or kill an attacking, armed
opportunity (beer bottles, etc.). opponent.
Specialties: boxing, brawling, judo, karate, kung Heroic: Break five cinder blocks with one strike;
fu, savate, wrestling. pick up Jayne and toss him out a window.
Easy: Land a sucker punch; hit a head butt (“no Incredible: Take on twenty Reavers unarmed and
one ever expects a head butt!”); kick to the groin; by yourself.
twist an arm; gouge eyes; elbow to the gut. Ridiculous: Knock out a horse with a punch to the
Average: Identify major martial art styles and jaw.
techniques; hold average ranking (up to but not Impossible: Kick a hole in the metal door of an
including black belt) in martial arts; fight for prize Alliance cruiser using your bare foot.

Table 2-8: Traits & Skills
Assets Complications General Skills
Allure (Minor/Major) Allergy (Minor/Major) Animal Handling
Athlete (Minor/Major) Amorous (Minor) Artistry
Born Behind the Wheel (Minor/Major) Amputee (Minor) Athletics
Cortex Specter (Minor/Major) Bleeder (Major) Covert
Fightin’ Type (Major) Blind (Major) Craft
Friends in High Places (Minor) Branded (Minor/Major) Discipline
Friends in Low Places (Minor) Chip on the Shoulder (Minor/Major) Guns
Good Name (Minor/Major) Credo (Minor/Major) Heavy Weapons
Healthy as a Horse (Minor/Major) Combat Paralysis (Minor/Major) Influence
Heavy Tolerance (Minor) Coward (Minor) Knowledge
Highly Educated (Minor) Crude (Minor) Linguist *
Intimidatin’ Manner (Minor) Dead Broke (Minor) Mechanical Engineering *
Leadership (Minor/Major) Deadly Enemy (Minor) Medical Expertise *
Lightnin’ Reflexes (Major) Deaf (Major) Melee Weapon Combat
Math Whiz (Minor) Dull Sense (Minor) Perception
Mean Left Hook (Minor) Easy Mark (Major) Performance
Mechanical Empathy (Minor) Ego Signature (Minor) Pilot *
Military Rank (Minor) Filcher (Minor) Planetary Vehicles
Moneyed Individual (Major) Forked Tongue (Minor) Ranged Weapons
Natural Linguist (Minor) Greedy (Minor) Scientific Expertise *
Nature Lover (Minor) Hero Worship (Minor) Survival
Nose for Trouble (Minor/Major) Hooked (Minor/Major) Technical Engineering *
Reader (Minor/Major) † Leaky Brainpan (Minor/Major) Unarmed Combat
Registered Companion (Minor) † Lightweight (Minor)
Religiosity (Minor/Major) Little Person (Minor) * Skilled Only
Sharp Sense (Minor) Loyal (Minor)
Steady Calm (Minor/Major) Memorable (Minor)
Sweet and Cheerful (Minor) Mute (Major)
Talented (Minor/Major) Non-Fightin’ Type (Minor)
Things Go Smooth (Minor/Major) Overconfident (Minor)
Total Recall (Major) Paralyzed (Major)
Tough as Nails (Minor/Major) Phobia (Minor)
Trustworthy Gut (Minor/Major) Portly (Minor/Major)
Two-Fisted (Major) Prejudice (Minor/Major)
Walking Timepiece (Minor) Sadistic (Major) †
Wears a Badge (Minor/Major) Scrawny (Minor)
Slow Learner (Minor)
† GM Approval Required Soft (Minor)
Stingy (Minor)
Straight Shooter (Minor)
Things Don’t Go Smooth
Traumatic Flashes (Minor/Major)
Twitchy (Minor)
Ugly as Sin (Minor/Major)
Weak Stomach (Minor/Major)

MAL: “Zoe, is Wash gonna straighten this boat out before we get flattened?”
ZOE: “Like a downy feather, sir. Nobody flies like my mister.”

The door opened. Inara walked out. The door closed behind her with a bang. She flowed
down the stairs with her customary grace, her elegant gown fluttering in the wind, her jeweled
bracelets making soft tinkling sounds. But she was clearly annoyed. Her dark eyes flashed,
her lips were pursed.
“That was fast, Ambassador,” Mal quipped, though he looked uneasy. “Don’t tell me there’s
some man in this ‘Verse you couldn’t seduce? Did he have a heart of steel?”
“A head of steel is more like it,” stated Inara in disgust as she reached the bottom of the
stairs where the rest of the crew waited. She cast a frustrated glance back over her shoulder
at the entrance to the dance hall. “The guard is a robot. An armed-to-the-teeth robot.”
Mal whistled. “Here, now. That’s not good. What’s the rest of the security set-up like?”
“What you might expect.” Inara sighed. “Metal detectors, precious metal detectors, quasi-
metal detectors, security cameras—you name it.” She rearranged her bracelets. “We have
to get into that club, Mal! Garibaldi is blackmailing my client’s daughter and I promised we’d
stop him. I don’t break my promises.”
“Not to mention the fact Stanchi is payin’ us right well for this job,” Zoe stated.
“Anyone got an idea?” Mal asked, looking around at the assembled group.
Jayne spoke up. “I do, Cap’n.”
“Anyone else got an idea?” Mal asked.
“I dash in there,” Jayne persisted, as if the others were paying attention, which mostly they
weren’t. “Guns blazin’. I shoot up security, shoot up the damn robot, and dash back out. I take
off running down the street, and the rest of you mosey on inside like nothin’s happened.”
The group stared in stunned silence.
“Jayne,” said Wash, awed. “That’s downright brilliant!”
“It might just work, sir,” said Zoe
“It might at that,” Mal conceded. “Good thinkin’, Jayne.”
Jayne scowled. “Don’t know why you’re all looking so blamed surprised that I come up with
a good idea,” he stated defensively. “I graduated high school.”
“You did?” Zoe raised her eyebrows.
“Almost,” Jayne muttered.
“Okay,” said Mal. “Here’s what we do. Jayne runs in—”
“Sixth grade counts, don’t it, Kaylee?” Jayne asked in an undertone.
“Sure, it does, Jayne,” Kaylee said soothingly, as she gave his arm a pat.

Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it as banks hold the money for their customers
comes in useful when you need food, fuel, and the in interest-bearing accounts, investing it at the
occasional pretty. A sum laid by for emergencies is exchanges on Sihnon and Londinum. Most money
always a good idea, and it’d be nice to have enough transfer in the Core is done by computer, with
coin on hand for an impulse purchase every now data bytes and pixels replacing cold, hard cash.
and then. That’s why some folk decide to take jobs Currency exists in the Core, to be sure, in standard
as they come—they want just enough cash to keep paper notes issued by the Alliance. The notes are
flyin’. On the other hand, there are some folk like printed on special paper by fancy printing systems to
Jack Leland who figure that money buys freedom discourage counterfeiters. Tracers on each bill allow
and the more of both they have on hand the better. the money to be tracked as it moves about. Paper
Hard to say who’s right. bills and credit transfer are the only legal tender on
Core planets, and those with gold or platinum coins

 must go to a licensed money changer. Purchasing

goods with “hard coin” is illegal and untraceable,

The central planets—them as formed the
which is why it’s preferred by black market
merchants everywhere.
The Border planets, lacking the fancy trappings
Alliance—have a complex and sophisticated of “civilized” life, rely on precious metal coinage.
economic system. Financial institutions such While different planets have different standards

Table 3-2: Cash Equivalents
and mint coins in different ways, some Coinage Credit Dollar Platinum Gold Silver
basic standards have developed. The
coins most often used are made from
Silver ₡ 0.004 $0.10 0.01 0.02 –

set weights of silver, gold, and platinum. Gold ₡ 0.2 $5.00 0.5 – 50
‘Course, coins aren’t the only things used
for business dealings. Barter is common Platinum ₡ 0.4 $10.00 – 2 100
practice, especially in transactions
in which both sides have something can figure out the average costs for everything from
besides cash to offer. While simpler, this economic a posthole digger (it digs holes for posts) to a pair
system can also make prices and wages somewhat of fancy sunglasses. For those of you who don’t
more fluid out on the Rim, as there aren’t Cortex- deal with dollars on a daily basis, a quick look at the
accessible exchange rates to fall back on, thus exchange rates will give you the information you
making haggling an important skill to master. Debt need.
is tracked with a signed I.O.U., and often collected at The GM is the final word on whether a given
the end of a gun barrel. item is available, what it costs, and what game effects
it might have. As GM, if you know you’re going to
be faced with having to deal with prices, go ahead
 and make a quick comparison to items listed in this
Simplest way to figure the worth of your credits chapter and just wing it. Don’t let details such as
or coins is to relate it to money you’re most like the cost of a plastic dinosaur figure slow down the
to understand. It’s useful not only to get a “feel” game. If the players want to go on a shopping spree,
for how much your latest haul is worth, but also in they should provide you a list between sessions.
determining the value of gear that’s not found in
this chapter. (More on that later.) First, understand
that one standard credit authorized and used by the
Alliance relates to roughly $25 U.S. dollars on Earth-
So you’ve got a shiny new character, but he’s as
That-Was. naked as the day he came cryin’ into the world. Time
Then take a gander at how credits and platinum to outfit him for his first trip into the black. Here
coins equal out. are the starting credits for new characters based on
For those who like their cash to make a pleasant the heroic level of the campaign. If you have the
jingling sound, look over Table 3-2 for the rates of Moneyed Individual or Dead Broke traits, they affect
hard cash as they relate to credits and the ancient your starting cash, so remember to take the right
dollar—though I wouldn’t bet your ship on these amount ‘fore you spend cash you ain’t got!
rates being near a sure thing. You can purchase just about anything you want
with your money, though the GM can and may veto
Table 3-1: Currency certain choices. Especially if you can’t justify some
Credit Dollar Platinum Gold Silver purchases based on your character’s background
(or lack of one)! Once you have your stuff, it’s time
₡1 $25 2.5 5 250
to get out there and find some jobs. Platinum don’t
₡ 0.4 $10 1 2 100 grow on trees!
Table 3-3: Starting Cash
Moneyed Dead
Heroic Level Normal Individual Broke

 Greenhorn ₡ 750 ₡ 1,125 ₡ 375

₡ 1,500 ₡ 2,250 ₡ 750
 Veteran
Big Damn
If you’re looking for this chapter to be a price ₡ 3,000 ₡ 4,500 ₡ 1,500
guide to everything available in the ‘Verse, you’ve
come to the wrong place. The staggering variety of
goods and services available make such a prospect
nigh impossible. The good news is that many things
in the ‘Verse have equivalents for those of us still 
living on Earth-That-Was. A pair of tight pants is Every campaign is different. We’ve assumed
still pretty much a pair of tight pants, so if you really that for this game your characters will crew a ship.
need to figure out the costs, just use the conversion (Not that you have to do this, but if you don’t, your
rates listed above and do a little math! With this you GM will have a mite more work to do!) Don’t think

you’re going to be stuck in some rut—you’ll still the average model or if the toaster oven is easier
have plenty of chances for variation to keep things or harder to break. For assistance in the design of
interesting. Take Serenity into consideration. The ship extremely advanced equipment and guidelines for
is owned and captained by Malcolm Reynolds—no prices, look up the section on Newtech at the end of
questions asked (except by Jayne, and he don’t this chapter.
count). Aces & Eights is owned by rich gambler Jack
Leland, who hires Maxx Williams to captain the
boat. Already, there’s variety. 
If you are using the Serenity model for the It may be apparent to you that some things don’t
campaign, the crew and the GM will have to agree quite match up on the tables below. If you were to
on what kind of ship you’ll be flying and just who do the math and work out all the prices, you’d find
owns it before the game starts. A ship could be that sometimes the number of platinum pieces for
owned by the entire crew, with everyone holding an item doesn’t quite match the credits. Why is that,
“shares” (and working for their “fair” share of the you wonder?
profit). The crew might even work for someone else, There may be a fairly stable (‘fairly’ being the
someone who is not on the crew who owns the ship operative word) exchange rate between the two
and pays you a wage to do what you do. currencies, but hard cash and credits don’t get
You might think that owning (or even just spent the same way in the same places. In the Core,
captaining) a ship is a huge advantage and should be only credits and paper currency are legal tender,
an Asset, but ownership is a major decision that is a which means the gorram Alliance bankers could
basic part of the campaign. The responsibility that be tracking your every purchase. (And if they can,
comes with ownership or leadership usually offsets they probably are, right?) Because precious metal is
the perks (and if you’re the GM, it’s up to you to not traceable, it is illegal tender for transactions in
make sure that the perks are offset appropriately, if the Core—you try to flash some coin, and you may
not fairly). Malcolm Reynolds, for instance, loves find yourself bound by law, pending sentence. Out
Serenity so much that if she goes down, he’s going to on the Rim, most folk don’t want to bother with
go down with her. Maxx Williams is responsible for their credit accounts (and money-watching Feds), so
every member of the Aces & Eights crew, and he also coin is what you’ll generally need, unless you have
has a commitment to his employer. These prevent goods or services to barter. The Alliance tolerates
him from having the same amount of freedom this ‘cause none of them lily-skinned bankers feel
enjoyed by the rest of the crew. like setting up branches that far from “civilization.”
But if you want to spend your hard-earned platinum

You’ve got the character, you’ve got the credits,
on Ariel or Osiris, you’d better hit a money-changer
first thing.
As a result of all this craziness, platinum values
and now you need the stuff (if you don’t want to can get a mite fuzzy. Bartering with goods can make
push up daisies just yet, that is). This section will get the prices of some things shift a bit. Since most
you most anything you need to outfit a crew, though people deal in platinum and not gold or silver for
of course we’re waitin’ for you to fork over the their big transactions, you won’t find those smaller
cash… and convince the GM, of course. coins used in the tables here. That’s not to say you
You won’t find everything in the ‘Verse there is can’t use them on the Rim, but while you might buy
to buy is on the lists and tables here. But you’ve got yourself a soda or a fresh apple with those coins,
that handy-dandy conversion table to help you figure no one’s going to want to accept small change for
the cost of most things you’ll want. What you will anything much beyond that. Folk deal in platinum
find in this section is the equipment that you’re most for real jobs.
likely to come across at some point in your unseemly
career. If you don’t see something you need, ask the BIG DAMN PRICES
GM if you can find it, ‘cause, like as not, if people Some things may seem much too expensive
wanted it on Earth-that-Was, they still want it in the compared to others: food prices, Core medical
here and now. expenses, and the costs of traveling (and shipping
Another important thing to remember is this: objects) between worlds are all high. That’s just the
when humanity spread throughout the system, they way it is. Those big numbers you see are about right
brought with them corporations, businesses, and hot (though, perhaps, negotiable). Hopping around the
brand names. Keeping that in mind, the listings in system is pretty pricey. Owning and operating a ship
this chapter are the average goods you might find on can’t be done on pocket change. Finding fresh food
the outer worlds. The GM can decide such things as can be difficult on moons that have been suffering
whether or not a gun does more or less damage than from a ten-year drought. MedAcad trained doctors

Some game groups like to keep things • Monthly payments (on a ship that is
simple in terms of the money. After all, not wholly owned). A standard finance
drawing up a budget or working to balance payment on a Firefly in good condition
costs and expenses are hassles we deal could run about ₡ 750.
with enough in the real world. For most • Supplies (ammunition, medical
players, simply having an idea about how supplies, etc.). An average cost would be
each character is doing, along with the ₡ 200.
group as a whole, is enough to get flyin’ • Ship parts, upgrades to improve. These
and have a good time. vary according to need and desire (see
Others like to enhance the reality of Chapter Four: Boats and Mules).
their play by knowing to the credit how • Business expenses. This can fluctuate
much they have in the bank. After all, wildly, depending on the job.
Malcolm Reynolds certainly has to worry • Salaries of crew (anyone who is not in
about money. His crew works for shares for a “cut” of the profits). Monthly salary
of the profit, but often there’s barely for skilled crew members can run about ₡
enough to refuel the ship and buy the food 200 each.
they need to stock the kitchen. For those
who are interested in tracking money in a GETTING PAID
more detailed way, here are some general You do the job, you want to get paid.
guidelines that can be molded to fit the Below is a breakdown of standard rates
situation for a specific ship and crew. for hauling cargo. These rates assume
The examples use a Firefly Class ship like that a ship with the stowage capacity of a
Serenity as the baseline. Individual ships Firefly is filled to normal maximum or that
and crew will, of course, have unique jobs they’re carrying a full load of passengers
and bills to pay, but this will serve as a (4-6 on a Firefly, depending on whether
starting point. or not some of them share bunks). And
remember, this is for Firefly quality
POTENTIAL transport. See the section on Services for
REGULAR more detailed info and a breakdown of the
• The ship requires fuel (a primary cost). Even if you don’t use these figures in
Fuel cells to power a Firefly for 30 days the daily business of story and adventure
run ₡ 600. in the ‘Verse, they’re probably worth a
• The crew requires provisions. A crew moment’s consideration. Money is an
of five requires about ₡ 120 worth, if they important motivating factor for many
eat mostly packaged protein and canned crews.

Table 3-4: Cargo & Passenger Rates

Cargo / Passage Legal Cargo Illegal Cargo Legal Passenger Illegal Passenger

3 Day, Standard ₡ 175 - 250 ₡ 200 - 275 ₡ 50 - 85 ₡ 75 - 115

3 Day, Complicated ₡ 225 - 3300 ₡ 300 - 425 ₡ 60 - 100 ₡ 90 - 140
10 Day, Standard ₡ 575 - 850 ₡ 675 - 975 ₡ 170 - 255 ₡ 195 - 285
10 Day, Complicated ₡ 750 - 1,000 ₡ 1,000 - 1,250 ₡ 215 - 300 ₡ 245 - 350

can charge pretty much what they please ‘cause there
are so few of ‘em. Part of the expense of certain 
goods and services can be explained by the law of
supply and demand: those who supply can demand 
what they like. The normal rules for starting cash and
The other major reason for the high cost of outfitting a new character usually work
some goods on the Rim is simple: the Alliance has just fine, but sometimes the rules just
the power and they aim to keep it. After a long and don’t support the campaign’s story. One
bloody Unification War, and a government mostly easy solution is to forget starting cash and
steered by major corporations (such as Blue Sun), make a list of character-appropriate gear—
the Alliance doesn’t want no wong ba duhn from the with the GM’s approval, of course. For
Rim getting ideas as to his station in life and causing example, River was naked when she was
trouble. Consequentially, some prices are artificially smuggled onto Serenity in a cryogenic box,
inflated to make it more expensive to move things so she would not have any gear, just those
around on an interplanetary level. The corporations possessions her brother brought on board.
need some folk to run their goods, so it will never be Here are a few more examples of how
impossible, but it can certainly seem that way. campaign concepts could change what
new characters acquire for equipment:
• The crew are all in the military, so
 their standard gear is provided for them.
You can’t find everything everywhere. Your They may have a few personal effects, but
average General Store on Whitefall stocks only the everything else is standard military-issue.
basic necessities of life. For pieces of pretty, you • The crew starts the campaign
have to go to the fancy jewelry store on Persephone. incarcerated on a prison ship on route
You might find a gun dealer both places, but likely to a penal moon. In a fight, they have to
not sellin’ the same quality weapon. Plain common scrounge for whatever weapons they can
sense should speak to most things like that. You find.
can’t just stop at one bitty little mart (or even a • The crew is vacationing in the rugged
major triplex) and find everything you want. wilderness when they are kidnapped by
Unfortunately, things get even less smooth when slave-traders to be sold to an unscrupulous
you have a whole ‘Verse of planets and moons to terraforming station. They must fight their
shop on. The Core worlds manufacture pretty much kidnappers and take over the ship using
everything you could want, but shopping on the only materials that are on hand.
Core has its own associated problems (see Credits
and Coinage). Most of what you find out on the course, when it comes to guns and the like, some
Rim is secondhand, a little worn, or flat-out feh wu. types of weapons may well be illegal just because
Wherever the crew goes, the GM will need to know the Alliance wants to keep them out of the hands
what can and can’t be found for credit, cash, or of the general populace. That kind of illegal may be
barter. To help the GM make those decisions, all of overlooked if the perp is sufficiently generous (the
the equipment listed here has an “Availability” rating “10-60%-over-the-normal-price” kind of generous),
of Everywhere (E), Core Worlds (C), Rim Worlds dohn ma?
(R) or Illegal (I). Whether or not a given item is Frequently, you can find things on the black
actually available where these ratings suggest it is (or market that you can’t find elsewhere. ‘Course, such
where it shouldn’t be) is still up to the GM. So no things can get you dead by a variety of unpleasant
hasslin’ him when he tells you the gun shop is fresh means. Contacts can be made for some of the
out of Iskellian sniper rifles. cheaper wants, but the more expensive your tastes
run, the more likely a major boss—maybe from one
THE BLACK of the tongs or the Syndicate—will have his hand in
MARKET the acquisition. So . . . buyer beware . . .
Availability ratings of Everywhere, Core Worlds,
and Rim Worlds are fairly self-explanatory, and
it shouldn’t take no genius to find most of these 
things—GM willing, that is. Illegal items, now, can Here’s where you’ll find most basic goods:
be a mite trickier. Sometimes dealers sell these items clothes, food, and such. On the Core, you visit a
under the counter, but just as often not, it may be major triplex or market district to buy these things.
near impossible to find some of them (unless a body Out on the Rim, find the local General Store and
has contacts of a less than reputable nature). Of hope they’ve got what you need. Just remember

Table 3-5: Tools
Item Weight Availibility Notes
Fire Jelly ₡ 0.2 / 1p 2 E Heating element for cooking
Garden Bunk ₡ 18 / 45p 45 C Shipboard mini-garden
Gun Vac Case ₡ 2.6 / 7p 4 C Allows a firearm to function in a vacuum
Gun Cleaning Kit ₡ 2.4 / 6 p 4 E Gun and knife cleaning care and gear
Multiband ₡ 4.8 / 12p – C Multi-function watch
Patch Tape ₡ 1.2 / 3p 3 E 10-yard roll of airtight cloth patching
Purification Cystals ₡ 0.4 / 1p – E Prepares 20 gallons of water to drink
Trash Incinerator ₡ 7.4 / 19p 20 E Disposes of organic trash

that there’s a lot of gear not listed in this section. bag. Purchased on the Core, it will come in a
If you want a compass or pencils or tea bags, this is professional-looking metal case.
probably a good place to shop. Just ask the GM if Multiband: The evolution of the digital watch
you can find what you’re looking for and either do a has led, at long last, to the Multiband. It’s an all-
quick price conversion, or ask him to name a figure in-one watch, digital compass, calculator, alarm,
(such ordinary objects will most likely come cheap). radio receiver, generic remote control, and voice
memo. Unfortunately, multibands break easily and
TOOLS are mostly popular among students as a fashion
Fire Jelly: Sold in 8” tall tin cans, fire jelly was accessory. The varieties range from cheap versions
originally designed as an alternative to camp fires for in plastic cases to gold-plated ones sold out of
soldiers during the Unification War. When lit, the suitcases by shady men on street corners.
jelly burns at 550 degrees at a rate of ½” per hour; Patch Tape: A holdover from the war, patch
the can is largely heat-proof, and putting the lid back tape looks like a roll of shiny rubber material. The
on quickly snuffs the low-burning, smokeless flame. thin tape is airtight, and the adhesive coating on one
Garden Bunk: When you can’t afford to side provides a hold strong enough to seal a vacuum
buy fresh vegetables, you can grow ‘em–even on suit at full pressure. Hull breaches and the like
your boat where the ‘garden bunk’ has become usually can’t be fixed in this manner, but if some sah
moderately popular. Consisting of a plastic soil gwa wants to try it, it’s his funeral. Keeping a roll in a
trough (sized to fit on a small bed), it comes with vac-suit pocket can often be a life-saver.
growing lamps and a small sprinkler system. Garden Purification Crystals: Frontier settlers and
bunks don’t afford a huge harvest, but when morale soldiers usually stock packets of these powdery, pale
is down, a few fresh tomatoes can do wonders. The blue crystals. One packet (a box has 20) can cleanse
listed weight includes the soil and plants the unit will up to a gallon of water for human consumption,
hold. killing pretty much all bacteria and parasites, just as
Gun Case: Since most weapons need atmo to if you’d boiled it.
fire, it stands to reason someone would think of a Trash Incinerator: Most ships come equipped
way to fire one in space, too. A gun case is designed with some way to dispose of garbage, but there is
for a specific type of gun. It closes around the front always a market for ways to quickly and quietly get
end, making it look like it’s got a barrel about five rid of refuse. The incinerator is a small metal crate
times wider than it should be. The case pumps air fitted with electrical heating coils; it can destroy, in a
into the chambers and barrel when you pull the matter of moments, almost any organic material that
trigger, allowing the weapon to discharge normally. can fit into the 2’x2’x2’ space. The resulting residue
Unfortunately, a lot of the internal atmo is wasted and ash is collected in a small filter that occasionally
with each pull, so the air generally lasts for only 10 needs to be cleaned.
shots before the case needs to be refilled back on
the ship. FOOD AND
Gun-Cleaning Kit: Every good soldier (and SUPPLIES
settler) knows that you need to take care of your Crop Supplements: While terraforming has
weapons if you want them to take care of you. succeeded in making many planets habitable, the
Guns need to be cleaned and sometimes repaired. individual quirks of the various planets and moons
This small kit includes all the tools necessary for make it difficult to predict whether or not a given
such. Bought on the Rim, the kit most likely comes crop will grow on each. Highly concentrated
in a leather pouch about the size of a shoulder fertilizers and pesticides, packed into easily applied
chemical pellets, are one of the more common

“Fruity Oaty Bars, Pow! Hey! Fruity Oaty Bars, make a man out of a mouse,
make you bust out of your blouse, eat them now, bang! Ping! Zow!
—Try Fruity, Oaty Bars.”
solutions to this problem. Settlers usually bring a fair ice cream cake, caviar—such count as luxury goods
supply of crop supplements with them in order to to folk who live on the Rim. The units in which the
ensure bountiful harvests for the first few years. The goods are sold depends upon exactly what the food
pellets come in drums, bags, or boxes; one container is. The price can vary as well, but whatever it is, it
is enough for five acres when mixed with the seeds will almost always be quite expensive.
before planting or tilled into the earth beforehand. Foodstuffs, Nutrient Bars: Nutrient bars—a
The benefits usually last for two or three growing Newtech Alliance ration—are perhaps the most
seasons, depending on the crops being farmed. compact form of food ever developed. Each bar is
Drink, Fine Wine: A case of twelve bottles of about the size and shape of a gold ingot and each
extremely good wine; what more needs be said? is wrapped in foil. The actual bar is a brownish
Good wine is hard to come by, so it can get very compound, nearly tasteless, but at least it’s better
expensive, but many folk consider it worthwhile. than protein paste. If sliced thinly, a single bar can
Drink, Good Whisky: Wood alcohol is cheap. provide 30 days’ worth of nutrition for one person.
High-quality strong drink is a bit more costly. The person will still need water and additional
Foodstuffs, Canned: While not as good as fresh calories, but the vitamins, minerals, immune
food, canned or otherwise pre-prepared food is still supplements, and so on will allow them to subsist on
a fair bit better than processed protein. Since such an otherwise minimal diet.
food keeps indefinitely (or at least a whole lot longer Foodstuffs, Protein Paste: Tubes of colored
than the fresh stuff), food packs and canned fruit are and (supposedly) flavorsome protein paste are the
popular among settlers and ship crews. The given standard diet for spacefarers in the ‘Verse. The
price buys two or three boxes of different kinds of paste is sometimes molded into different forms and
food, allowing one person to eat decently for about cooked different ways. Sadly, it tastes about the same
a week. Rationed, the food will go farther. no matter what you do to it. Healthy, if boring, the
Foodstuffs, Fresh: This is what it’s all about: paste stores a good long while.
fresh vegetables, fruit, and meat. Unfortunately, real Spices, Common: Whether it’s protein paste,
food is fairly expensive; folk can’t usually afford it canned vegetables, or fresh meat, a sprig of
unless things are going real smooth for them. Most rosemary can make your day a little brighter.
often, fresh food is bought in small amounts or is Spices, Rare: Popular in the Core for those
carefully rationed over a period of time, at least by who can afford high class dining, rare spices such as
those who live in the black. saffron can be extremely expensive. A good cargo to
Foodstuffs, Luxury: This is the kind of fancy- carry, and even better to have if you can afford it.
pants yummies you can’t even find most places on
the Rim. A pound of fresh strawberries, a chocolate

Table 3-6: Food & Supplies

Item Availibility Notes
Fertilizer and growth-stimulating
Crop Supplements ₡ 300 / 750p C chemicals for most crop plants
Drink, Fine Wine ₡ 6.4 / 16p C One case
Drink, Good Whiskey ₡ 5.6 / 14p C One decanter
Foodstuffs, Canned ₡ 5 / 12p E Average cost for one person/week
Foodstuffs, Fresh ₡ 8 / 20p E Average cost for one person/week
Foodstuffs, Luxury ₡ 2 / 5p C Average cost for one ‘unit’
Foodstuffs, Nutrient Bars ₡ 570 / 1425p C Case of 100 bars
Foodstuffs, Protein Packs ₡ 2.5 / 6p E Average cost for one person/week
Spices, Common ₡ 2 / 5p C ½ lb package
Spices, Rare ₡ 5 / 13p C Five ounce package

Table 3-7: Protective/Emergency Gear
Armor Agility/Alertnes Cost
Item Weight Availibility
Rating Step Penalty (Credits/Platinum)

Ballistic Mesh 1W * – ₡ 46 / 115p 4 C

Chameleon Suit 1W – ₡ 40 / 100p 17 I
Helmet, Infantry 4W –1 Ale ₡ 16 / 40p 2 E
Helmet, Squad 4W –2 Ale ₡ 35 / 88p 3 C
Mask, NBC 2W –3 Ale ₡ 8 / 10p 3 C
NBC Body Suit 2W –2 Agi / –2 Ale ₡ 32 / 80p 14 C
Plate Vest 4W * –1 Agi ₡ 30 / 75p 10 E
Riot Gear 3W * –1 Agi / –1 Ale ₡ 92 / 230p 24 C
HeartLine Health Suit – – ₡ 28 / 70p 3 C
Tactical Suit 5W –2 Agi ₡ 110 / 275p 18 I
Vacuum Suit 2W –2 Agi / –2 Ale ₡ 67 / 168p 35 E
* see description

placed around it. When activated, the suit attempts

 to match its color to the surrounding area. It does
Whether you’re dressing for an evening shindig a fairly good job if the wearer is holding still. This
or just throwing on some overalls for grease-diving, effect adds +2 Skill steps to any Covert rolls to
you’re gonna need something to wear. remain hidden while unmoving; it also protects
Since you can figure the cost of most clothes as normal armor, though damage may cause its
by looking up the dollar price and doing a quick stealthiness to stop working (as determined by the
conversion, this section has a list of less-than- GM).
standard protective gear. If you want a fluffy pink
ball gown or some tight pants to show off your
backside, do a quick conversion to find the price.

Ballistic Mesh: Used much like the bulletproof
vests of Earth-That-Was, ballistic mesh is a finely-
woven cloth of metal and plastic over polymer
sheeting. In basic dummy-talk, the mesh stops
bullets, and it isn’t as heavy or bulky as other armors.
The mesh was often used by the Independents
during the war, since it was hard for them to find
heavier body-armor.
Ballistic mesh is meant to stop bullets and that’s
about it. The mesh absorbs 1 Wound point from any
attack on an area covered by the suit (torso, arms
and legs, usually), but it doesn’t do much more than
that to protect against knives, bombs and so on.
Against normal bullets, however, the mesh converts
all Wound damage to Stun damage (and Shock
Points, if the victim takes too much Stun). This
effect doesn’t apply to arrows, bolts, or explosive
Chameleon Suit: Snipers favor these to remain
hidden while on the job. Mostly consisting of a
baggy set of overalls with clumps of fiber optic Helmet, Infantry: A basic metal or composite
wires sprouting here and there, the suit also sports helmet with a cloth or mesh covering (to which
a small computer and dozens of light sensors the wearer can attach grass and foliage). Hits to a

helmeted head do not add extra damage except on off, though, so allow yourself some time to get into
Extraordinary Success (though the character must it. You need to take good care of these to keep ‘em
still make the Survival test to avoid being dazed). working. A bullet hole or similar can be closed up
Helmet, Squad: This helmet originated with with patch tape, but it is generally worthwhile to
the Alliance during the war. It functions in the same invest in a new suit when you have the credits.
way as an Infantry Helmet, but also includes a small
communicator to allow members of a squad to
stay in constant communication. Unfortunately, the
design impedes hearing and peripheral vision.
Mask, NBC: A fancy gas-mask, this gadget
lets you breathe safely in an area contaminated
by nuclear, biological, or chemical hazards.
Unfortunately, the mask doesn’t let you see all that
well, and it doesn’t protect the rest of your body.
NBC Body Suit: A full-body, airtight, hazardous
environment suit provides complete protection from
nuclear, biological, and chemical hazards. The mask
allows for slightly better vision than the NBC Mask.
The bulky material makes it difficult to handle small
objects or perform feats that require coordination.
Plate Vest: Ceramic inserts sewn into a ballistic
mesh offer torso protection on both the back and
the front. Any hits on an area covered by the vest do
only Stun damage (and Shock, if necessary), as with
ballistic mesh. Unlike the ballistic mesh, the plate
vest will protect against sharp instruments (knives,
axes), as well as bullets. Since the torso is the easiest
target on a human, assume that most attacks would
hit the vest, unless specifically targeted elsewhere
on the body. The upside—the plate vest looks like
a normal garment. The downside—the weight and
bulk restrict movement slightly.
Riot Gear: Full law-enforcement riot gear
consists of composite and ceramic plating sewn
in various special pockets all over a specially made
ballistic mesh suit. The effects of the mesh apply
only to bullets, but the Armor Rating reduces 
damage from all attacks (the suit includes a helmet Prayer for the Rim: “God grant me the
with face plate). Unfortunately, the helmet impairs serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
hearing and vision, and the suit is bulky enough to the courage to change the things I can, and the
be a mite cumbersome—but then, there’s some as firepower to make the difference.” This is where
like to see the law slowed down a bit anyway. you’ll find the gumption to make the difference.
HeartLine Health Suit: The HeartLine is an Gun shops everywhere carry pistols, rifles, and
undershirt wired with sensors and other gadgets shotguns; military surplus stores often carry more
to monitor body temperature, heart rate, blood unconventional arms and melee weapons.
pressure, and so on. It generally transmits this data You should keep in mind that the Alliance
to a doctor or to a computer where it can be read by strictly controls the sale of weapons on the
a doctor, who can monitor the patient’s health. Core. Permits are required for carrying weapons
Tactical Suit: This is the armor Alliance (especially concealed weapons) and many firearms
Federals wear, usually with a Squad Helmet. The suit and Newtech weapons are electronically tagged to
covers the entire body and is armored with ceramic make them traceable. Black markets exist on the
and composite plates, along with heavy padding. It central planets where you can buy illegal, untraceable
will stop a heap of damage, but tends to rattle when firearms, but getting caught with such a weapon will
you walk. land you on a penal moon.
Vacuum Suit: Heavy, bulky, and generally On the Rim, folk aren’t so picky. Gun shops are
restricting, vacuum suits are an absolute essential supposedly regulated, but, in truth, the government
out in the black. They can be tricky to get on and has better things to do than go around hasslin’ gun

dealers and manufacturers. There is also a black
market for guns on the Rim and these dealers tend
to carry weapons with a bit more bang for a bit
more buck. ‘Course, there’s always a good chance
their previous owners are looking for ‘em, so you
might want to keep what you buy under wraps until
you’re back on the ship.
There are so many kinds of weapons in the
‘Verse, we couldn’t possibly list them all here. Then
again, unless you’re straying off into the realm of
Newtech, most weapons tend to have the same in-
game effects and stats as others in the same class
(even if they look different). Spend some time
figuring out what kinds of weapons your crew
carries. A bullet fired from any type of gun can kill
you, but folk tend to give more respect to those
carryin’ big, shiny guns, as opposed to those totin’

AMMUNITION & more—but otherwise price shouldn’t vary too much

RELOADING from there. Double the cost for ammo purchased on
The amount of ammo you carry gets kind of the Core from a licensed gun dealer and quadruple
important. Some GMs may want each crew member the cost for black market ammo on the Core.
to keep track of how many bullets he has left, When you buy the bullets, you probably buy
while others may just want to keep things simple by them in a box and load your gun yourself. The
making the crew spend some cash every now and number of bullets in the box depends on the
then and say, “I’m stocking up on ammo.” Either weapon and how much you feel like spending.
way, if you’re empty, your slug thrower won’t mean Common numbers are 20, 50, and 100 bullets.
mi tian gohn when the Reavers start gnawin’ on your
insides. HAND-TO-HAND
Most ammo can be bought at the same place WEAPONS
you buy weapons. On the Core planets, bullets are Baton, Security: The collapsible metal rod that
sold only in gun shops and you have to produce extends up to two feet when unfolded is used for
the proper paperwork (though ammo can be found beatin’ on folk who trespass where they ain’t wanted.
on the black market). On the Rim, most General Usually has a rubber grip on one end.
Stores and similar will carry ammo. Because bullets Baton, Stun: Kinda like a standard security
are made of lead, there isn’t exactly a shortage for baton, but with more zap and less thwap. Instead
most folk; though there are some who like to buy of smackin’ someone with this, you use it like a
fancy, special-made bullets, such as explosive-armor cattle-prod and poke ‘em. A battery in the handle
piercing-hollow point-shaped
charge shells of gruesomeness. Table 3-8: Hand-to-Hand Weapons
That’ll be quite a bit more
expensive and most likely illegal, Cost
Item Damage Weight Availibility
even assuming you can find it.
Disregarding that kind of Baton, Security d2 S ₡ 1.2 / 3p 2 E
extravagance, here’s a pretty simple Baton, Stun d2 S * ₡ 12 / 30p 2 C
way to do ammo shopping on
the outer worlds. Different guns Brass Knuckles * ₡ 0.8 / 2p 1 E
use different caliber bullets, but Club d6 B ₡ 0.2 / 1p 3 E
the prices are basically the same. Hatchet d6 W ₡ 16 / 40p 4 E
Players should know whether
they’re buying shotgun shells or
Knife, Combat d4 W ₡ 1.6 / 4p 1 E

pistol rounds, and how much they Knife, Utility d2 W ₡ 0.8 / 2p – E

need. Figure the cost at about 0.2 Machete d4 W ₡ 3.2 / 4p 3 E
Credits/ 1 Gold to buy 10 shots. Sword, Combat d6 W ₡ 24 / 60p 6 E
If the guns are Newtech, the
ammo will cost more—maybe a lot Sword, Gentleman’s d4 W ₡ 26 / 65p 1 C
* see description B = Basic Damge; S = Stun Damage; W = Wound Damage

Table 3-9: Ranged Weapons
Range Increment Max ROF Cost
Weapon Damage Weight Availibility
(feet) (Magazine) (Credits/Platinum)

Bow d4 W 70 1 (–) ₡ 6 / 15p 6 E

Crossbow d4 W 150 1 / 2 turns ₡ 8 / 20p 13 E
Crossbow, Powered d4 W 175 2 (6) ₡ 24 / 60p 15 C
Derringer d4 W 30 1 (2) ₡ 14 / 35p 1 E
Grenade Launcher * 40 1 (8) ₡ 106 / 265p 12 I
Pistol d6 W 100 3 (8) ₡ 18 / 45p 2 E
Pistol, Laser d10 W * 100 3 (10) ₡ 330 / 825p 1.5 I
Rifle d8 W 225 3 (30) ₡ 30 / 75p 9 E
Rifle, Assault d8 W 150 3 (40) † ₡ 40 / 100p 11 I
Rifle, Sniper d8 W 1,000 * 3 (20) ₡ 160 / 400p 15 C
Rifle, Sonic d8 S 15 2 (50) ₡ 140 / 350p 6 I*
Shotgun d10 W 10 2 (10) ₡ 50 / 125p 10 E
Submachine Gun d6 W 60 3 (35) † ₡ 36 / 90p 4 I
† Can fire single shot, B = Basic Damge;
* see description burst, or autofire S = Stun Damage; W = Wound Damage

discharges a fairly large jolt, enough to shock Knife, Combat: A 6”-to-10” long blade is
without doing’ much real damage to the poor guy standard. Combat knives make deadly weapons.
on the other end. All the damage done by it is Can be used to stab or cut, and can also be thrown
converted to Stun (and Shock Points if it knocks with some accuracy if you practice at it.
‘em out). The batteries cost 1 Gold, and last for up Knife, Utility: A paring knife or pocket knife can
to 10 shocks. be used as a weapon, but not so well as others.
Brass Knuckles: This little piece of hand Machete: A broad, heavy knife used as both an
hardware converts unarmed damage into Basic implement and a weapon. Settlers on the Rim use
damage instead of Stun damage (see Chapter Five: machetes for chopping through brush.
Keep Flyin’ for information on unarmed combat). A Sword, Combat: Weapon made of metal
nasty little surprise in a bar fight. with a long blade and a hand guard. The art of
Club: A good, old-fashioned heavy stick. A bit swordsmanship is considered a gentlemanly sport
more brutal than a baton, since doin’ some serious in the Core and for the wealthy on the outer worlds,
damage is now an option. You can buy a metal one, where some indulge in the tradition of dueling to
but if you’re okay with something a little less deadly, the death. Might be troublesome if you don’t even
you can fashion a club out of wood that works the know which end to hold.
same, but does only d4 damage (Basic). Sword, Gentleman’s: Swords like this are all
Hatchet: One of the most versatile hurtin’ tools fancied up with extra frills and decorations, and are
ever invented, you can also use it to cut down trees more prone to breaking. Many gentlemen wear these
and chop firewood. You can even upend it and use it to fancy-dress shindigs, to show what bad taste they
like a club. (Just don’t grab it by the sharp part!) have in weapons.

ZOE: “Are those grenades?”
JAYNE: “Cap’n doesn’t want ‘em.”
ZOE: “Jayne, we’re robbing the place,
We’re not occupying it.”

Derringer: Small and concealable, the derringer

holds only two shots and is slow to fire—but it
makes up for it by packing a wallop. Not much range
to be had with one of these, though.
Grenade Launcher: These nasty devices can be
loaded with any normal grenade, allowing them to
be fired from a considerable distance. The damage
RANGED WEAPONS done by the grenade is the same as the grenade used,
Bow: Like the sword, the longbow has become but because the launcher is more inaccurate than
a fashionable weapon of sport in the Core. Most most guns, range penalties are doubled.
quivers hold 20 arrows, costing about 5 Silver per Pistol: The staple of gunfighters everywhere,
arrow. The Alliance does not regulate the sale of pistols come in all shapes and sizes. Most folk on the
bows and arrows. (Leastwise as of now.) Learning to Rim are allowed to carry them in even polite society,
skillfully use the bow and arrow can be part of the since having a gun shows you’ve got good sense.
training of a Registered Companion. Pistol, Laser: A highly coveted piece of Alliance
Crossbow: A little more practical than the Newtech, laser weapons are illegal for all except
longbow, the crossbow is used as a hunting weapon. those on the central planets who can obtain special
A case usually holds 20 bolts that cost about the permits for them (and that ain’t easy!) and the
same as arrows. Alliance military, who don’t often use them anyway,
Crossbow, Powered: High-powered, fancy because of the high cost involved. Laser pistols
crossbows are used almost like sniper rifles by some, inflict more damage than a normal weapon, and the
though they were meant for hunting game, not Wounds they inflict are considered burn wounds
people. The bolts for these cost as much as bullets. and thus are much harder to heal. Laser weapons
require extremely high-density batteries, which cost

Table 3-10: Explosives

Range Increment Cost
Weapon Damage Weight Availibility
(feet) (Credits/Platinum)

ChemPlast (CP-HE) Charge 3d12 W 5 ₡ 6 / 15p 1 I

Grenade, Concussion 4d6 B 10 ₡ 1.4 / 3p 1 I
Grenade, Flashbang 2d6 B * 5 ₡ 0.8 / 2p 1 I
Grenade, Fragmentation 5d6 W 15 ₡ 1.8 / 5p 1 I
Grenade, Smoke d4 S 20 ₡ 0.6 / 2p 1 C
Grenade, Gas 3d6 S 5 ₡ 1.2 / 3p 1 I
Mining Charge 5d10 B 2 ₡ 20 / 50p 5 E
Seeker Missile 2d8 W 5* ₡ 95 / 238p 4 I
Squadkiller 4d12 W 15 ₡ 48 / 120p 8 I
B = Basic Damge; S = Stun Damage;
* see description W = Wound Damage

2 Credits each and are very difficult to find. Laser a +2 Vitality Step bonus to the roll. Flashbangs
pistols don’t sit on the black market for long. don’t always have to be grenades. Certain creative
Rifle: Whether used for hunting or combat, the individuals have disguised these explosives in such
rifle is a very deadly weapon. Unfortunately, carrying innocent lookin’ objects as a stick of incense.
one of these around is a might conspicuous. Grenade, Fragmentation: Sharp fragments of
Rifle, Assault: Full-auto weapons are definitely metal rip through everything and everyone in the
frowned upon by most authorities (‘cept when area. The only effective protection usually involves
they’re the ones using them), but the attraction of diving behind something—or someone—big and
being’ able to saw a man in half is right strong in thick and heavy.
some. Most Feds carry a Newtech assault rifle as Grenade, Smoke: Inhaling the smoke does
their main weapon. some damage, seeing as you get less air that way,
Rifle, Sniper: Used by those who prefer one but mostly the smoke obscures vision inside and
shot, one kill. Remember, though, that the range through the cloud (counting as Thick Smoke, giving
increment listed is for someone bracing the rifle and +8 to the Difficulty to hit any target through more
using the scope. If you try to use this like a normal than 10 feet of smoke). The smoke fills the blast
rifle, it uses the range increment of a normal rifle area and dissipates slowly (usually in about two
(225 feet). minutes). NBC masks prevent the damage.
Rifle, Sonic: The standard issue weapon of Grenade, Gas: The grenades release a special
choice for law enforcement on the central planets, nerve-gas designed to knock out those who breathe
the sonic rifle looks like a fancy shotgun with a it. The effects are like several hours of hard drinking
couple of nested radio dishes about five inches on an empty stomach. An NBC mask will prevent
across where the barrel ends. The sonic rifle fires the damage. The gas dissipates in a few rounds.
a sonic burst that stuns the target, potentially
knocking him down (or out). Armor works at only
half effectiveness, rounded down, and there is no
risk of damaging any but the most fragile of goods.
The gun has a very short range and is inoperable in a 
vacuum. Like a laser weapon, it runs on hard-to-find
batteries (1 credit each), and like most government 
equipment it is usually equipped with a transponder
chip that allows it to be tracked. 
Shotgun: Two barrels of death. ‘Nuff said. To some, having to make a damage
Submachine Gun: SMGs are popular in the roll may seem more complicated than
criminal underworld. Machine guns eat ammo, but it’s worth. The general assumption is
at least you can sleep better at night knowing your that having a damage roll adds more
enemies are carrying around two pounds of lead. excitement to the game, but there rae
those who don’t like the extra rolling and
EXPLOSIVES prefer the option of giving weapons a flat
ChemPlast (CP-HE) Charge: A high-yield damage rating. Rather than rolling the
plastic explosive, these charges let loose their energy weapon’s Damage and adding it to the
in a relatively small area. Shrapnel isn’t an issue Stun or Wounds (or both) when a hit is
(unless whoever set the charge packed it full of scored, just add half the max roll on the
nuts and bolts and the such), but the blast wave is Weapon’s damage die, rounded down.
apparently a lot like being struck by a cruiser.
Grenade, Concussion: Used offensively Table 3-11: Optional Damage
because their smaller blast radius is less dangerous in Die Type Damage
the open, these grenades can still clear an area very
d2 1
Grenade, Flashbang: Designed to stun d4 2
enemies, flashbangs do relatively little damage,
but everyone within 20 feet of the grenade is d6 3
automatically stunned for one turn, and then they
have to make a Survival roll against a Difficulty d8 4
of 15. If they fail, they are stunned for 2d6 more
turns. If they succeed, they are stunned for only 2 d10 5
more turns. The only way to deal with this effect
is complete ear and eye protection, which gives d12 6

Mining Charge: Used to blast mine shafts, “Mjolnir” Mk II Cannon / Damage: 1d4
these charges are perfect for demolition of all kinds, (ship) / Range Increment: 250 / Max ROF
and often come with a remote detonator or a timed (Magazine): 1 (10)
electric fuse. The workers on the mining moon of Haven
Seeker Missile: A Newtech weapon from the have posted guards around their community and
war, Seekers are automated, flyin’ grenades. They use mounted an anti-aircraft cannon at the edge of
a small hover-drive to move around, and look a lot town. The Mjolnir sits on a rotating platform that
like a two-foot-long tadpole that wants to splatter is usually mounted on a defensive emplacement
you across the scenery. They tend to move toward or a hover-vehicle (which must be grounded while
motion and heat, and explode when they think firing).The large shells take two turns each to load,
they’re near a target–any mobile heat source not but can be fired once per turn. The cannon can
transmitting the proper transponder signal. Tossing be aimed and fired by one person, though you
a flare tends to fool Seekers, but the blast can still be might want to consider adding another person to
deadly at a range. continually reload. Note that the damage listed is
for ship scale. The damage is multiplied by 10 for
use against vehicles, and multiplied by 100 against
individuals. Any person taking a direct hit will be
an instant splotch! (See Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’ for
details on damage.)

When humanity’s home in the ‘Verse was
established, the tech-heads began working on an
interplanetary communications network. If the
central planets are the beating heart of the system,
then the Cortex is its nervous system. Nodes have
been placed around every planet—even newly
terraformed outer worlds—with communications
lines along most every trade route and shipping lane.
Only those who deliberately go out of their way to
Squadkiller: A horrific little surprise left avoid bein’ noticed (flyin’ under the Alliance radar,
by retreating Alliance forces during the war, for instance) will find themselves cut off from their
squadkillers are about the size of a large book, and fellow folk.
are usually buried or hidden at a major intersection The Cortex can be accessed by anyone with
or common areas where people are likely to the right equipment, which means to say anyone
congregate. Built-in sensors wait until there are at with the cash to afford an access terminal, or—for
least 12 warm bodies within 15 feet of this bomb, something even more shiny—a handheld access
and then boom! Folk are all dead, just like that. device. Once on the Cortex, a ‘Verse full of talk,
news, information, and entertainment is waiting to
be had.
 Most Cortex-based communication comes in the
Heavy artillery—auto-cannons and the like— forms of “waves,” which can be as simple as text
aren’t included on the weapon list. That don’t mean messages, but are more often viewed on flat-screen
you won’t ever run into them, but they’re not as video. And for those with the right equipment,
common as pistols or grenades. Of course, it is three-dimensional holographic imaging is possible.
possible to beg, borrow, buy, or steal big guns. Or Most waves are delayed messages, though if two
your crew might be military, in which case they will parties are close enough, the communication can be
have access to them. live and direct. While a source-trace can locate the
Generally speaking, a man who takes a direct hit origination node for each end of the signal, the trace
from a shell fired by an autocannon won’t be gettin’ cannot specifically track where a particular wave
up afterwards. The damage is just too massive for came from in the first place.
a body to withstand. However, if he gets caught in The Alliance government works to control
the blast wave of a shell, or in a near miss, or he’s content on the Cortex, and they are adept at doing
hit while inside an armored vehicle, he might have so for the most important and sensitive material.
a chance to survive. Below is a sample weapon—an But the sheer volume of information means that
artillery piece meant for destroying enemy aircraft. if some file or document is broadwaved from a

“You can’t stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes
somewhere, and I go everywhere.”
—Mr. Universe

location with the right equipment, it will reach every the Cortex are closely monitored, pretty much
data node strung throughout the system and can be everything interesting is locked up tighter than the
accessed by anyone ready to receive. First Allied Bank. About all you can do with this
One important thing to remember about Cortex clunky unit is send anonymous waves (basically
access points is that every screen serves also as voice and video mail) and read the news.
camera and microphone. Watch your favorite Cortex Terminal, Personal Access: What most
episode of Razor Frog and someone on the other Core citizens use. Essentially a 2’x 2’ touchscreen
end could be watchin’ you pick your teeth. Privately monitor, 5” thick, with a moderately sized base
owned devices are harder to pull feeds from, though to allow for the rest of the equipment, Cortex
someone with the right know-how can do it. Public terminals are a phone, a computer, and a TV all
terminals are supposedly private, but it’s widely rolled into one—to put it in the terms of folk back
known that someone could be watching you at just on Earth-that-Was. You can surf the Cortex, access
about any time. However, since there are so damn almost any information (assuming you can pay for
many screens in the ‘Verse, no one could watch a pass code), send waves, use progs, store almost
every one all the time. The truth is out there. You limitless amounts of data… assuming, of course,
can’t stop the signal. that the gorram thing wants to cooperate. Since a
Laws against electronic crimes are heavily terminal is just that—a terminal—sometimes you
enforced and law breakers punished, but the can lose Cortex access if a satellite or transmission
potential rich rewards of the bits and bytes still station goes down, and then you lose whatever you
encourage hackers and the like to keep on tryin’ were working on, and have to hope your connection
their luck. Black market tech helps the nefarious stay gets going mighty quick, because you have no
one step ahead of the Feds. storage capacity.
Cortex Terminal, Public Access: These
COMPUTERS, terminal panels can be found in all sorts of places.
HARDWARE Generally they serve a specific purpose, and can
AND PROGS access only a limited number of functions. Police,
Cortex Terminal, Black Box: An illegal Telofonix (a local-area communication service), and
terminal, designed to disguise the user from Alliance emergency calls (direct to a hospital or ambulance)
snoops. Unfortunately, since so many features of are three standard options. Docking berths on the

Table 3-12: Computers, Hardware, & Progs

Item Weight Availibility Notes
Cortex Terminal, Black Box ₡ 747.2 / 1,868p 20 I Illegal, nonstandard Cortex access terminal
Cortex Terminal, Allows access to profiles on
Personal Access ₡ 100 / 250p 15 C Cortex for data storage
Cortex Terminal, Allows access to profiles on
Public Access ₡ 52 / 130p 15 E Cortex for data storage
Data-library, Standard ₡ 22.8 / 57 p – E Annual renewal costs ¼ original price
Annual renewal costs ¼ original price;
Data-library, Professional ₡ 92 / 230p – C may require Alliance certification
Low-storage display unit; reads data discs
DataBook ₡ 30 / 75p 2 E and can interface with Cortex terminals
Data Disc ₡ 0.2 / 1p – E Stores electronic data or recordings
Allows access to Cortex, but also acts
Dedicated Sourcebox ₡ 154 / 385p 30 C as a local Cortex hub and database
Encyclopedia ₡ 60 / 150p 2 C Official Encyclopedic Data-library (OED)
Holo-Image A software bundle with additional
Development Suite ₡ 64 / 160p 5 C computer hardware
SubKelvin ₡ 80 / 200p – I A security-destroying software link
Computer security software;
XerO Security ₡ 7.2 / 18p – C 5 credit annual fee

Table 3-13: Communications & Security Equipment
Item Weight Availibility Notes
Barrier Field ₡ 1,062 / 2,655p 450 C Up to 50 feet of force-barrier fencing

Commpack, Long Range ₡ 37.8 / 95p 10 C Allows communication up to 300 miles

Commpack, Short Range ₡ 22.4 / 56p 7 E Allows communication up to 20 miles

Automated distress signal, range of
Distress Beacon ₡ 31 / 78p 14 C 750 miles, self-powered for 10 hours
A Newtech, miniaturized distress
Emergency Signal Ring ₡ 300 / 750p – C beacon, worn as a ring
Fedband Scanner ₡ 19.8 / 50p 3 I Reads most official frequencies

Gunscanner ₡ 132.8 / 332p 220 C Security device

Micro Transmitter ₡ 8 / 20p – C Wearable comm. unit

Motion Sensor Array ₡ 22 / 55p 12 C Redeployable security system

Handset linked to ship’s comm.
Ship-linked Handset ₡ 3.2 / 8p 1 E system, 10 mile range
Scanning and detection equipment
Surveyor’s Box ₡ 230 / 575p 65 C for laying out mineshafts
License is ₡ 1,000/year; can process
Transmission Station ₡ 2,200 / 5,500p 3,000 C
Telofonix and other Cortex signals
Signal Blocker ₡ 13.3 / 34p 10 I Powerful communication jamming unit

surface usually have public terminals for ship specs any terminal or computer station. The standard
and for logging travel plans, which can be useful if disc holds enough information to store even short
you want to advertise for cargo or passengers. holographic recordings and can be reused.
Data-library, Standard: Knowledge is power, Dedicated Sourcebox: Expensive sourceboxes
and power costs money. If you want access to a that not only act as terminals, but can also store up
vast library of literature, history texts, recipes, and to 200 terabytes of data and maintain a terminal link
so forth, then paying for a data-library subscription for up to a mile around.
is the way to go. These can provide a lot of Encyclopedia: Another expensive little toy,
information; how general or specific is up to the these devices are slick Core databooks with their
GM. own extensive data-libraries. While the common
Data-library, Professional: The latest features are Languages, Human History, and
in medical science, gravitic engineering, ship Universal Encyclopedia, different models come with
construction, and pretty much anything else can up to three other libraries. For example, a doctor
be had by those who feel the urge to pay for it. might get one with Medical Science, Anatomical
Sometimes a fellow needs to be licensed to get Engineering ,and a Bio-Physical Atlas in addition
access to such, but at least you can be guaranteed to the standard three. Otherwise, it functions as a
to get pretty much all the information the Alliance normal DataBook.
doesn’t feel it’s too dangerous for you to know. Holo-Image Development Suite: Holographic
DataBook: The exact appearance can vary, but tech is expensive, but not uncommon in the ‘Verse.
these data readers range in size from a paperback This device allows you to produce holographs. A
novel to a hardback textbook. They can store up to bunch of progs and a 3-D manipulator (little box
5 terabytes of data (enough for a few useful progs you stick your hand in, so you can move it about and
or 3-D schematics or such), read data discs, and shape the images) lets you make durn near anything
link to the Cortex through a terminal or sourcebox. you put your mind to (if you have the right skills).
They can even be linked to other electronic devices SubKelvin: Where there’s a will, there’s someone
to be used for programming or control purposes, workin’ against it. SubK is a well-known (and thus
though that’s less of a sure thing. Not many on the almost useless) security-removal utility. It works well
Rim bother with such a posh bit of gear, but it has against Core softies who don’t know their operating
its uses. matrix buffer from their main feedback path, but
Data Disc: These crystalline hexagonal discs that’s about it. There’s better stuff out there, if you
can be clicked into a data reader for access at most know where to look.

XerO Security: One of the most popular Cortex get an emergency code call, they tend to respond in
Profile Protection Utilities, XerO self-updates, auto- force.
runs, and jumps through hoops on command. Fedband Scanner: A ship’s communication
system can be tuned in to most frequencies, but
COMMUNICATIONS civilian ships do not typically pick up the official
AND SECURITY government and police channels. There are ways
EQUIPMENT around this, if you feel like tinkering, but for most
Barrier Field: Force barrier technology may folks, a wave-scanner such as this does the trick.
once have been just bie jih mone, but now it’s just Gunscanner: A fairly standard security device
extremely costly. Some of the wealthier families in the Core, most banks and government buildings
on the Core and the outer worlds can afford to have a gunscanner installed at security checkpoints.
surround their homes with the 10” tall, square Of course, folk with the proper permits can carry
projector pillars that make up the generator system, weapons, but all others will have their weapons
but not many. A pillar has to be situated at each confiscated. The scanners can be calibrated to
corner and end point—as the fields only project detect a lot of things, though most look for a
along straight lines—and the tech is expensive. concentration of metals, traces of common
However, once operational, the barrier field is propellant chemicals, and the ID chips installed in
extremely durable: it takes at least 50 Damage most legally acquired firearms. Newtech gunscans
inflicted in one turn to overload it. Attacks on are even more efficient, and could include barrier
the barrier generally alert a security system to field tech to keep out anyone with a weapon.
the problem. Even if the security is disabled, the Micro Transmitter: Usually a hard-to-spot
fireworks may attract unwanted attention. Normally earpiece, micro-transmitters are used by the majority
invisible, the barrier field is highlighted by timed of security forces in the ‘Verse. The transmitter’s
energy surges to show that it’s active; when you range is generally limited to a few hundred yards, but
start pounding’ on it, the energy flow can get a lot it makes up for that by allowing easy and discreet
brighter. contact.
Commpack, Long Range: A backpack- Motion Sensor Array: A main hub unit
sized transmitter capable of sending and reading about the size of a small databook monitors the
on a range of frequencies. The batteries for the transmissions from the eight motion sensors. The
Commpack will last for up to two months of sensors are 1” cubes with glass panels over the
normal use, and are relatively cheap (between 40 sensors and can be stuck to walls, stashed in tree
and 50 Silver each), so this unit was often used by branches, or wherever. They just need to be placed
the Independent Faction during the war, despite the within 100 feet of the hub.
unfortunate fact that the signal isn’t exactly secure. Ship-linked Handset: A clunky little walkie-
Commpack, Short Range: Essentially the talkie handset, this is the standard device used for
same as the long range version, the difference in the keeping crew members in touch with their ship.
short range Commpack is that the signal is heavily Most ships come with several handsets, but generally
encoded. The drawback is that this reduces the additional or replacement units are needed—there’s
range available at the unit’s power level. always some lummox who sits on his handset and
Distress Beacon: A pre-set common distress smashes it.
signal transmitted at extremely high power will Surveyor’s Box: A local area geoscanner
generally attract the attention of the Feds or police combined with a mapping utility prog make this
if you’re on the Core. Out on the Rim, Alliance device, that is about the size of a foot locker, useful
patrols may hear the call and, if so, they’ll respond. for surveyors laying out mine shafts and tunnels.
Since patrols are pretty few and far between, though, Some are sold to nonprofessionals, but what uses
the chances are they may not hear it or they may they find for ‘em isn’t always apparent.
have other priorities. The beacon is only about the Transmission Station: Offering franchises for
size of a duffle-bag, so moving it around isn’t too carrying the Cortex signal has become an extremely
much of a problem for most folk. popular way for the Alliance to spread and maintain
Emergency Signal Ring: A Newtech distress the Cortex farther out on the Rim. Of course, once
beacon miniaturized down to where it can be worn you own a Transmission Station and the license, you
as a ring, and activated without any overt movement. still need an approved place to put it—usually that
Wealthy folks find them useful to protect them means on an orbital station somewhere, and that
against kidnappings and the like, since they can be usually means high rent and living costs, since you’ll
tracked easily and a personal code built into the ring be paying spaceport prices for food and services.
lets the authorities identify them. When the police Not a choice for those looking for an exciting, high-
paying life, though if you can afford to finance one

of these (and a few operators), they can be a good obsolete. Designed to be acceptable by any human
way to make money. body, the synthetic organs could eliminate the time
“Jabberwocky” Signal Blocker: The needed to grow a cloned organ. Blastomeres are
Jabberwocky box is only one of any number of longer-lasting and are more durable than normal
illegal devices used by some folk to prevent other human organs, potentially improving the body and
folk from hearing what they figure they have a increasing the lifespan of the recipient. Needless to
right to say. Once activated, the box can scramble say, they are extraordinarily expensive and, since they
all to hell any signal within five miles. If you use it are still undergoing testing, they are not yet available
for more than a minute or two, it quickly becomes to the public.
obvious to the authorities that something isn’t quite Cryo Chamber: Designed originally to put
right. The Jabberwocky is difficult to locate, but it patients in stasis until they can be properly treated
will be eventually be found. (or a cloned organ can be grown), cryogenic freezing
chambers have a number of other uses. Slavers
sometimes transport their victim in cryo, though
 this is expensive and can pose a problem if the
Some folk who are professionals in their people handling the cryo unit don’t know how to
particular field require gear that is specially designed use it properly. Putting a body in cryo requires giving
for their needs. Such gear can generally be effectively the person a carefully measured set of injections,
used only by those who have been professionally depending on how long the stasis is supposed to
trained in the operation of the equipment. Specialty last. Removing the person from cryo requires a
equipment can either be very expensive and difficult careful “warm-up” procedure. Not following these
to come by (such as a Cryo Chamber), or it may be procedures doesn’t necessarily mean that the subject
fairly commonly found (such as lock picks). Those will die, but this can happen if the user bungles it
who are professionals in their chosen fields will badly.
know where to obtain the equipment they need and Dermal Mender: Another fancy medical
how to obtain it. (Doctors will know where and how innovation, this is for those who don’t like
to acquire medical supplies; engineers will know stitches and can pay to avoid scarring. Through a
where to obtain cutting torches, etc.) combination of regenerative stimulation and the
application of artificial skin, the dermal mender
MEDICAL can close almost any wound in a matter of minutes.
EQUIPMENT Unfortunately, while the mender works well for
Blastomere Organs: Cloning and growing tissue bond (don’t fiddle with it and it should be
organs for those needing transplants has become good as new in a few days), the dermal mender can’t
a viable practice in the Core, but Blastomeres—a fix bone, cartilage, or organs. It’ll patch up your
recent Newtech creation—could make this practice skin (and maybe even help put an ear or a nose back

Table 3-14: Medical Equipment

Item Weight Availibility Notes
Blastomere Organs ₡ 18,000 / 5 I Newtech replacement organs;
45,000p can extend lifespan
Cryo Chamber ₡ 1,300 / 3,250p 275 I Suspended animation unit

Dermal Mender ₡ 800 / 2,000p 15 C Newtech wound-sealing equipment

Doctor’s Bag ₡ 27.4 / 69p 7 R Simple case with tools and supplies
A full set of portable Core
Doctor’s Bag (MedAcad) ₡ 210 / 525p 8 C MedAcad tools and supplies
First-Aid Kit ₡ 0.6 / 2p 3 E A basic first-aid kit
Powerful but short-lived inoculation
Immunization Packet ₡ 3 /7 p – C against most common diseases
MedComp ₡ 312 / 780p 23 C Vital-status diagnostic computer
Medical Supplies, Most commonly needed emergency
Emergency ₡ 110 / 275p 20 C supplies for one month
Standard medical supplies to keep an
Medical Supplies, Standard ₡ 46 / 115p 15 C infirmary stocked for one month
Operating Theatre, Base camp or shipboard infirmary;
Modular ₡ 346 / 865p 1,250 C installation costs ₡ 25

on, at least partially), but that’s it. After surgery, the MedComp: While a bit big to carry by hand
dermal mender can close the incision (maybe healing (being a little bigger than a Cortex terminal), the
some of the Wound damage) and prevent infection. medcomp combines most necessary medical
The GM is the final arbiter as to what Wounds scanners with a set of diagnostic progs. Most
inflicted on a character can be healed with a dermal of the sensors operate via a plastic-cased finger
mender. sleeve attached to the medcomp by a wire;
Doctor’s Bag: A collection of basic medicines, someone hooked up can have his heart rate, body
antibiotics, scalpels, extractors, etc. Everything a temperature, blood chem levels, and so forth
doctor needs to perform minimally in house-call monitored by the computer. Use of a medcomp
environments, though far from enough to treat gives a doctor +2 Skill Steps to diagnose a problem
everything he might encounter. Out on the Rim, or disease, and the monitors may allow a doctor
this may be the best there is. The GM will assign a extra time to react to and treat emergency situations
–2 to –4 Skill step penalty for trying to perform any (if a patient’s heart stops, for example).
surgery or complex procedure equipped with only Medical Supplies, Emergency: The doctor
the supplies found in this bag. who pays the monthly cost for keeping these on
hand should be equipped to deal with most major
medical situations he could reasonably expect
to encounter (serious gunshot wounds, major
infections, massive blood loss, etc.). Being well-
stocked with emergency medical supplies gives
+2 Skill steps to rolls to treat both major and
minor medical problems—as long as the GM rules
the situation is not so unusual that the doctor is
unprepared for it—and the bonus stacks with that
when the doctor has Medical Supplies, Standard,
when applicable. Constant use may require that the
supply be restocked more often than once a month.
Medical Supplies, Standard: Paying the
monthly cost to keep an infirmary stocked with the
Doctor’s Bag (MedAcad): A doctor who basics allows the doc to make rolls without penalty
graduates from one of the major Medical to treat most common or mild problems, such as
Academies (on Osiris, Londinum, or Sihnon) will a cold or a bullet in the leg. For treating a minor
almost certainly have one of these. Technically, wound (usually 1-4 Wound points), using such
they are available to any licensed practitioner in the supplies can even give a +1 Skill step bonus.
Core (as are most medical supplies, if the buyer Operating Theatre, Modular: Developed
can pay), but that means that the person much have during the war so that base camp hospitals could
attended one of the major MedAcads or has his be set up quickly almost anywhere, a Modular
training certified by one, which is no mean feat. Operating Theatre equipped with a MedComp and
These more advanced doctor’s kits include the best standard and emergency medical supplies counts as
in portable instrumentation, the latest in commonly Superior Supplies/Ambulance Conditions for first-
needed medicines (though in small amounts), and aid and surgery purposes. Since many ships were
so forth. The penalty for any surgery with this is equipped with them during the war, most ships use a
reduced to between –1 and –3 Skill steps from a similar model for their infirmary.
normal doctor’s bag, though some things (such as
major open-heart surgery) still require more than is COVERT OPS GEAR
available here. Debugger: A palm-sized signal scrambler,
First-Aid Kit: A standard first-aid kit containing these generally won’t interfere with high power
several pain killers, weaves, smelling salts and transmissions, such as the Cortex, but they play
other minor but useful items. At the GM’s option, merry hell with most electronic bugs in a 15’ radius.
someone using a first-aid kit can staunch bleeding, Disguise Kit: A suitcase filled with makeup, hair
apply painkillers to reduce Wound penalties, and so dye, wigs, fake beards, plasticskin, noses, ears, etc.
forth. It counts as “standard equipment” for first- Basically everything a professional spy might need,
aid rolls. including several bottles of pills designed to alter
Immunization Packet: These little foil packets the user’s skin tone and a few sets of ‘John Doe’
contain several hypos of medicine and a couple of artificial fingerprints that adhere seamlessly and
chewable tablets. Using a packet will help prevent remain good for 24 hours.
the user from being infected by almost any known
disease. The effects last for only about 48 hours.

Eavesdrops: If you want to know what people Unless the electrical equipment is hardened against
are saying behind your back, this is the way to find EMP waves (which is extremely difficult, if not
out. The microphones (no larger than the size impossible to do fully), all electrical equipment
of a pinhead) can be hidden anywhere within 30 in the 10’ affected radius will short out and stop
feet of the transmission hub. The hub collects the working until repaired. Most ships possess enough
audio data and stores it (up to 48 hours from each redundancies so that one of these will not cause
eavesdrop) or transmits it all in one burst. It can also fatal problems, but using them aboard a space vessel
transmit constantly at a range of up to half a mile. or atmospheric craft is not advised.
Fake IdentCard: Alliance IdentCards are Optical Bomb: A bundle of LEDs and fiber-
extremely hard to actually fake, since they are optic cabling around a capacitor, optical bombs are
embedded with hardwired microchips containing designed to temporarily blind an opponent (and
important data about the holder. As a result, it’s possibly nearby security cameras), making it easier
easier to steal someone else’s card and apply your to disable said opponent. To be truly effective, the
face to the picture, even though this means the card bomb must go off within 15 feet of people and
will likely get you caught if anyone puts it through 10 feet of cameras and must be within the line of
a card-reader. A truly usable fake IdentCard can sight of the people and cameras. An NBC mask will
be obtained only at obscenely high cost, and even protect a person’s eyes from this, while some more
then it won’t match Cortex records, meaning careful expensive security devices have an auto reactive
examination will reveal the fraud. coating to protect cameras from such attacks.
Laserlight Mist: A small can of mildly reflective Poison, Kortine (Debilitating): If a dose (usually
aerosol mist will reveal security alarms and barrier about two milliliters) of this poison enters a victim’s
fields, laser trip wires, and so on without setting off bloodstream, it will do 1d8 Stun damage each turn
alarms. The mist dissipates within two turns. for six turns, with extra Stun counting as Shock
Lock picks: An assortment of small picks and Points. Unless a further dose is applied, the poison
wrenches for opening locks rolled up in a piece will not raise a victim’s Shock Points high enough
of cloth. Not worth much, since old-fashioned to put him into a coma (so maximum Shock Points
mechanical locks are rarely used where there’s from Kortine is equal to a victim’s Life Points –1). If
anything worth stealing. ingested, the effects are the same, but the Damage is
Lock picks, Electronic: Especially in the Core, only 1d4/turns.
most locks are electronic in nature and require either Poison, Cyanol (Lethal): Equally lethal by
overriding a keypad or transmitting a code before ingestion or injection, a milliliter of this poison will
they’ll open. This little pack of gadgets can help do 2d12 Wound damage and the victim must make a
accomplish both. Hard Endurance roll (see Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’).
Mag Charge: A short-range, electromagnetic Failure indicates death by heart attack.
pulse charge, about the size of a large battery.

Table 3-15: Covert Ops Gear

Item Weight Availibility Notes
Debugger ₡ 20 / 50p 1 C Single scrambling hub; 15’ radius

Disguise Kit ₡ 65.6 / 164p 5 C Refill for ₡ 5 per 10 uses

Eavesdrops ₡ 47.2 / 118p 3 I Includes 4 bugs and transmission hub

Fake IdentCard ₡ 4,000 / 10,000p – I Illegal and hard to obtain

Laserlight Mist ₡ 1.8 / 4p 1 C One can, good for about 25 cubic feet

Lock Picks ₡ 14 / 35p – I Required for mechanical locks

Lock Picks, Electronic ₡ 35.4 / 88p 1 I Required for electronic locks

Mag Charge ₡ 27 / 68p 1 I Shorts out electronic devices

Optical Bomb ₡ 16 / 40p 1 I Wide-spectrum; may disable cameras

Poison, Kortine
(Debilitating) ₡ 11 / 27p – I Price per dose

Poison, Cyanol (Lethal) ₡ 12.6 / 32p – I Price per dose

Table 3-16: Engineer’s Supplies
Item Weight Availibility Notes
CAD Board ₡ 27.2 / 68p 5 C Design and schematic display tablet

Cutting Torch ₡ 4 / 10p 8 E Will cut through most metal

Gravcart ₡ 485 / 1,212p 150 C Can carry up to one ton

Scrapware ₡ 5 / 12p 50 E Junked parts, for repair materials

Used to cut sheet metal, bulkheads,
“Sticky” Scrapper’s Gel ₡ 2 / 5p 2 C etc; price per 10 yards of gel
Tool Kit, Basic ₡ 14.4 / 36p 15 E A full set of basic hand-tools
Used for computer and electronic
Tool Set, Electronic ₡ 138 / 345p 45 C device or circuit work
Tool Set, Mechanic’s ₡ 284 / 710p 130 E A moderately well-furnished workshop

ENGINEERING to have around. A carpenter, mason, metalworker,

SUPPLIES or similar will find that these are the right tools for
CAD Board: About the size of a dinner tray, the job. If you want a big workshop with table-saws,
this device operates much like a databook. The large sandblasters, and powered arc-welders, then you
screen is meant to aid engineers and architects in need one of the bigger tool sets.
the creation of plans and schematics, and allows in- Tool Set, Electronic: A full set of equipment
depth examination of building plans, ship layouts, for working with modern electronics in the ‘Verse.
and the like. If you’re a computer designer, a holo-set repairman,
Cutting Torch: Whether you’re working on or something along those lines, this is what you
your ship or cutting your way into someone’s vault, need. Most of the tools will probably fit in a utility
this is the tool of choice for most folk. The small belt, but there are one or two bigger pieces that are a
energy pack can be worn at your hip, and the device bit more difficult to carry around.
includes a face mask to keep you from burning off Tool Set, Mechanic: A full set of mechanic’s
your eyebrows. Requires atmo to work. tools used by ship’s mechanics, engineers, and those
Gravcart: A six-inch thick platform, two yards working in garages. You need this setup to do any
long and one yard wide, the gravcart uses a small real repair work on a vehicle of any sort from a mule
grav-drive to float and carry up to one ton. It does to a full boat.
not supply its own lateral motion, requiring it to be
pulled or towed.
Scrapware: Salvagers sell crates of good 
condition materials such as wire, metal sheeting, Robots are an interesting type of gear. They
springs, etc., at junkyards and spaceports. Scrapware could be just about any shape and size. They can do
won’t help you all that much if a catalyzer or some a helluva lot that real folks can’t. But before we get
other complex part busts, but it can allow a good to talking about robots, let’s get one thing straight:
mechanic to perform basic repairs on the fly, so you there aren’t any thinking robots in the ‘Verse! Sure,
can make it back to port. lots of progs and robots can sound like a person,
“Sticky” Scrapper’s Gel: When cutting your maybe even act like a person in some way, but
way into derelict ships, sometimes you have to do it they’re not people. Scientists and programmers are
with no atmo around—and then your trusty cutting working long and hard making robots ever smarter,
torch won’t work. The solution is Scrapper’s Gel. but there’s a big difference between convincing
The device lays down a line of the goo that has a programming and being sentient.
conductor embedded inside. When a small surge Robots in the ‘Verse are much like they were
of energy is applied, the goo turns into a powerful on Earth-That-Was. Generally, a robot is designed
acid that can eat its way through most metal. Since with a specific job in mind, and it can do only that
it doesn’t work in atmo, someone bent on cutting a job. Some have completely pre-set commands, and
hole in the hull with gel will have to go outside to do some are smart enough to make simple decisions
it. (such as “stop,” when they’d run into something).
Tool Kit, Basic: Hammers, saws, wrenches, Some of the more common models are described
screwdrivers, and the like (and their powered here, but there are other types in use, especially in
equivalents) can be used by most folks and are good heavy industries. Prominent manufacturers push

“I have a commitment to my LoveBot. It was a very beautiful ceremony.
Lenore wrote her own vows. I cried like a baby. A hungry, angry baby.”
—Mr. Universe

Table 3-17: Robots

Item Weight Availibility Notes
AgriCultivator ₡ 2,240 / 5,600p 1,300 C Automated farming robot
Receptionist; can take and transfer
Automated Secretary ₡ 1,600 / 4,150p 100 C Telofonix calls, greet visitors, etc.
LoveBot ₡ 1,960 / 4,900p 120 * Personal companion robot

Excavator ₡ 2,350 / 5,875p 950 R Designed for mining and digging

Household Assistant ₡ 1,344 / 3,360p 55 C Cleans floors thoroughly

Scout Drone ₡ 640 / 1,600p 12 I Military reconnaissance robot

their prototypes in mass advertising, so they pop Telofonix calls and greeting visitors. If you were
up on the Cortex as commercials. The Foreigner to steal a peep around the desk, though, you would
Corporation (Cybernetics & Robotics Division) has find the person has no legs—just the wheeled chair
more then a few models they’d like to see get some it’s built in to. The unit can answer simple questions
sales. related to its function, such as giving directions,
typing memos, and filing documents. When faced
ROBOTS with something it doesn’t understand, it will ask
AgriCultivator: A brilliant design, the politely if it can refer the person to a more capable
AgriCultivator has all the necessary tools to till, party, usually a help-desk or other human in the
plant, tend, and harvest a field. It runs off rails area. To operate, the automated secretary must be
suspended above the field on which it is working. plugged into the local power grid.
This robot has become colloquially known by LoveBot: No self-respecting robotics
the shortened name, AgriVator, because of its manufacturer makes such a self-indulgent toy, but
propensity for breaking down. there’s enough demand to keep a small but steady
Automated Secretary: To all appearances a underground market supplied with these extremely
pleasant-looking young person (man or woman, at expensive ‘bots. Usually built to custom specs
the buyer’s option) sits behind a desk, answering the (desired sex, build, skin tone, hair color, etc.), the

LoveBots are designed for companionship. They are wealthy Core-wanna-be’s living on the Rim consider
capable of a slow walk, simple conversation, and the them status symbols and will pay well for them.
physical acts for which they are primarily designed. Scout Drone: A newly modified expansion on
They generally lounge quietly on sofas or beds, and the Seeker missile, the scout drone is slightly larger
remain plugged into the power grid by a cord (which than its explosive predecessor. Capable of both
can be detached; a LoveBot can run on battery automated seeking and manual guidance, the drone
power for 12 hours). As a concession to practicality, can travel up to two miles from its launch-point
LoveBots have an internal emergency signal beacon, and return safely on a full battery charge. It carries
and are capable of summoning the police or an several cameras, an infrared sensor, and a variety of
ambulance if they detect the need. They can also other sensory instruments, all of which constantly
be used to record and play back simple messages. transmit data back to base. These drones have yet to
Anyone known to own such a device automatically undergo a real field test, since they went into mass
earns a black mark in the Companion Registry. production after the war ended.
Excavator: One of the few robots manufactured
and operated almost solely on the outer worlds,
Excavators are used in most mining concerns. 
Capable of identifying, cutting, and loading minerals Not all gear is created equal. Sometimes your
and ores into an attached cart, the unit runs on rusty old six-shooter looks mighty shabby compared
tracks that guide it and supply it with power. to the fancy new piece the Alliance has just issued to
Humans still have to do the truly dangerous work the Feds. Both guns do about the same thing—put a
of mining, since they still have to blast through hole in a man—and yours has sentimental value. But
rock, shore up tunnels, bring in and construct the while you’re having a sentimental gun jam, the Feds
tracks, and identify areas in which to concentrate have slapped you in cuffs and hauled you off.
operations. After that, the excavators are brought Because it would be too cumbersome to list all
in to do the rest. The arms that fold in to the the brands, makes, and models of each and every
rectangular body contain laser-saws, mining-charge bit of equipment in the ‘Verse, the tables here give
layers, measurement and cutting tools, sensors and the average stats for most things. If a character (or
claw-like manipulators. NPC) needs a pistol with a little more kick to it, a
computer with a bit more power, or a med kit with
the latest in bandages, the GM can let them find (or
buy) a Newtech version of what they’d normally use.
While it’s all well and good to design custom
equipment, it can get pretty complicated.
Technological developments require
experimentation, and things usually don’t go smooth
when you’re trying to invent a newfangled gun. So,
to keep things simple, the basic Newtech system
breaks technological development time into three
levels based on how much the object costs, which
will be two times, four times or ten times the normal
Of course, these levels can fluctuate. Unique or
truly dangerous items may cost considerably more.
Basically, the crew decides what they’re looking for,
and the GM will let them know if it exists and, if
so, how much it costs. The guidelines below should
serve to work out the price, though there’s sure to be
Household Assistant: Not much bigger than add-ons and gadgetry that aren’t listed, so don’t feel
a trash can, this angular little robot has a vacuum, limited by the following.
a static dust-cleaner, bays for polishes and waxes,
and so on. It can clean a room fairly well in a matter NEWTECH DESIGN
of minutes, assuming it doesn’t bungle its sensors When you are trying to put together Newtech
and start running into things. Popular as a show equipment, first try to find something—either in
of wealth in the Core, the Assistants are owned this chapter or from Earth-That-Was—on which to
by many of the wealthiest families (even though base your invention. If you can’t think of just the
they still employ housekeepers). Consequently, the perfect thing, try to come up with some basis for it
and work out the particulars with your GM.

That done, decide how much more advanced Modifications to equipment might include: auto-
you want this new item to be. If you see something target “smart” tracking, miniaturization down to
in the descriptions below that matches, that’s great. 1/10 normal weight, biotechnology (cloned or
If not, tell the GM what you want the object to do genetically improved replacement organs, body-
and let him set the cost multiplier. It might even pay enhancing gene therapy, etc.), cybernetics (robotic
the GM to make up his own Newtech chart for his prosthetics and the like). The item may also integrate
game, since everyone’s take on the ‘Verse may be a the features of more than one normal item or
bit different. possess capabilities generally beyond its scope
Then work out exactly what makes that item (subject to GM approval, of course).
special: does it shoot farther, last longer, or weigh Note: Cybernetics and biotechnology are both
less than its real life counterpart? There are a lot developing sciences in the ‘Verse. While they can
of possibilities at each level, but don’t go hounding make a person’s body better than it might be, they
your GM to cram every single bonus onto one aren’t perfect. They’re also hard to find, especially
piece of gear. In other words, don’t get greedy. And outside the Core. Even on Londinum and Sihnon,
remember, the GM can modify these lists however cybernetic limbs, better hearts, and muscle-boosting
he sees fit, and that includes disallowing anything he gene therapy are usually reserved for the military
finds might cause an issue in his game. and the very wealthy.
Eyetap Computer. Looks like a standard set
COST X2 of nondescript reading glasses that come in a bulky
Items at this level of Newtech are not all that case. The eyetap allows the wearer to view what
hard to find. They’re just a little too expensive to be might almost be considered a new level of reality.
the standard of the day. Most Alliance military gear Any flat surface can be turned into a “screen” in
is at this level (and is also tagged and tracked). the wearer’s vision (or a “screen” could be conjured
Suggestions: +1 Step to damage, magazine size up in the middle of empty space). Anything the
increased by 50%, range increment increased by wearer sees can be downloaded and recorded.
50%, durability doubled, usable lifetime increased The information can then be called up at any
by 50%. Modifications to equipment might time, so long as the glasses are being worn.
include: silencers, computerized scopes, automatic Essentially this mimics a photographic memory,
firing action, fancy ammo, computers, mechanics though some folks may wonder why the wearer is
miniaturized down to half the normal weight, staring blankly before speaking!
experimental medicines, holographic technology. Casual observers will not be able to detect the
The “Gilgamesh” shot-rifle: Essentially a fact that the eyetap computer user is accessing data,
shotgun with incredible range, the Gilgamesh is an for the “screen” and its contents are visible only
experimental weapon originally commissioned by to the person wearing the glasses. Commands can
a private party, but now available to others through be entered through a keypad on the inside of the
special orders. An on-board computer uses a laser glasses’ case or via a small touchpad device that can
sight to determine the range to the target and sets be palmed or kept in a pocket.
a charge on the slug to explode about 1 ½ feet To make this nifty little device, take a databook
prior to impact. When the charge detonates, the and miniaturize it down to 1/10 the weight, add
slug releases a cloud of shot similar to a shotgun some holographic tech as part of the display, and
blast. To create this gun, take a normal rifle from incorporate the features of a video camera. It’ll
the ranged weapons table and add +1 damage Step cost 300 Platinum, which is quite a hefty sum, but
(makes it d10, same as a shotgun), increase the range it might escape notice, and allow those folk who
increment by 1/2 (to 150), add a computerized bought it to make good on their investment.
scope, and top it off with fancy ammo. It costs 60
credits, but hopefully will keep its owner alive. COST X10
Anything this advanced will be extremely rare.
COST X4 Perhaps the basic technology is widely used, but
This level of Newtech is the high end of what this Newtech level represents the cutting edge of
retailers in the Core might be able to find. The achievement. Equipment at this level, especially
exceptionally wealthy can get their hands on it weapons, might be worth a lot more than just ten
to show off or give themselves an edge on their times their old value. For example, the laser pistol
opponents. The crew are not going to find this kind in the weapons listing costs a whole lot more than a
of equipment just lying around. normal pistol.
Suggestions: +2 Steps to damage, magazine Suggestions: +3 Steps to damage, magazine
size doubled, range increment doubled, almost size tripled, range increment tripled, almost never
impossible to break, usable lifetime doubled. wears out, never runs down. Extremely dangerous

ammo (armor piercing, high-explosive rounds, etc), SERVICES
miniaturization down to 1/100 normal weight, Allied Postal Service: The Allied Postal Service
force field technology, laser technology, gravitic is a fairly reliable way to send small parcels on
technology (other than for shipboard artificial interplanetary freight. The maximum possible load is
gravity). 500 pounds for a cost of ₡ 5 per 25 lbs, or fraction
Zero-G Thruster Cane. Not everything at thereof, beyond the 10 lb limit. If the recipient does
this level is deadly dangerous. Conceived of by an not have a permanent home address or lives on a
eccentric ship’s mechanic, the ZgTC appears to be ship (at least currently), the receiver will be sent a
a gentleman’s fancy dress cane, metallic black with wave and then have 2 weeks to pick up his parcel
a white tip and a silver handle. Unlike most canes, from a nearby Postal Office, though service and
however, the ZgTC has a small compressed air quality depend on the individual franchisee.
thruster built into one end (the tip of the cane acts Companion: Companions are trained in all
as the jet) and a magnetic grapple in the other (the the arts, at least rudimentarily (though they must
cane’s handle can be sent shooting out to up to 50 demonstrate skill at several), as well as games,
feet, attached to a thin cable). The cane is used for and pastimes of all manner, including fencing
dramatic entrances, quick getaways, and impressive and archery. Schooled in music, dance, etiquette,
party tricks. languages, and, of course, the physical skills
To make it, you have to combine two items. required, Companions provide comfort and care to
Assume the GM rules that the actual cane costs their clients. Companions choose their own clients
basically nothing, with the thruster and the grapple and may reject and even blacklist those who cross
costing as much as a vacuum suit, this would the line.
ordinarily be a x5 cost Newtech item. However, The Companion’s Guild has transformed the sex
because of the miniaturized machinery involved, trade into an established and respected industry. The
the GM decides it will be a x10 cost item. So add Guild is very powerful and protects its own (and its
the miniaturization and combine two items, and you reputation) through networks of contacts that they
have spent ₡ 670 for a walking stick—but a very have established over the years.
nifty one, all told. Interplanetary Freight: Running cargo and
passengers from one place to another is a necessary
part of the industry of the Alliance, and most
 other organizations in the ‘Verse. A reputation for
Some folks have special talents that others are speedy and reliable service, as well as the quality
willing to pay good platinum for. Knowledge can of the transport can be weighty factors in the
turn straight into cash if someone else needs the negotiation of prices. The rates given on the chart
knowing you’ve got in your head. This is the place represent the level of quality and comfort a Firefly
to look for such services. If you can’t find it here or similar vessel can provide—which is to say, not
or you can’t afford it, don’t despair—poke around all that much. A luxury liner like the El Dorado could
the odd spaceport, look through the Cortex listings, charge up to ₡ 300 per day, providing fresh food,
maybe post a sign. You’ll find someone with the entertainment, private suites, and the like to its
know-how you need at a price you can manage. customers.

Table 3-18: Services

Item Availibility Notes

Allied Postal Service ₡ 1.2 / 3p E Up to 10 lbs

Companion – – A Companion may be requested but Guild

• Evening ₡ 350 / 875p C law states a Companion chooses the client
• Full Day ₡ 450 / 1,125p C
Interplanetary Freight – –
• Cargo Run ₡ 70 / 175p E Basic rates per day, not counting expenses
• Passengers ₡ 20 / 50p E
Medical Care – –
• Antibiotic Course ₡ 10.4 / 26p E Medical treatment is not always
• Full Physical ₡ 8 / 20p E available on the outer planets
• Surgery, Major ₡ 600 / 1,500p C
• Surgery, Minor ₡ 150 / 375p E

Ship Repair ₡ 640 / 1,600p E Price per hour of labor; parts may cost extra

Sailing the black can be mightily expensive. The nobody with the money to pay ‘em. If you can even
ship needs to be in good condition to be space find a local doctor, chances are he’s a crackpot or
worthy. Since help may be far away, you need to keep a drunk, a self-taught “talent” or maybe even a
supplies on hand for all sorts of emergencies. Parts, fugitive on the run. In any case, this doc probably
supplies, and fuel are more expensive for spacecraft won’t charge as much as doctors on the Core. Then
than for planet-side vessels. You can make a lot of again, you get what you pay for.
money hauling cargo for the Alliance (and maybe a Sometimes a local baron might hire his own
lot more hauling it without the Alliance finding out), personal physician and pay to transport him from
but one big breakdown, a problem with a major the Core. If he allows the locals to use his M.D., the
crime boss, or a run-in with the law can cost you doctor will likely charge 10 times the going rate. The
your ship—and maybe even your life. Things often baron will get his cut, of course.
don’t go smooth, so the trick is to stay five minutes Antibiotic Course: A basic treatment course for
ahead of the posse and hope there’s a Shepherd an infection. Pop one pill once a day for about two
praying for you. weeks. Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t find even
Cargo Run: People pay to have cargo shipped. common antibiotics out on the Rim.
The cargo may be legal, in which case they are likely Full physical: A basic exam. Generally, it’s a
also paying government tariffs (cutting into profits good idea to get checked out regular.
on all sides). The cargo may be illegal, meaning you Surgery, Major: Major surgery can mean
might have to split the profits with a middleman, but anything from extensive cosmetic alterations to
you might well get more money due to the danger heart replacement surgery. The price varies widely
involved. If the goods are legal, then you’ll have between different operations, but the listed price can
to settle for less so the owner can get a tax-break serve as a median for surgery of this nature, which
(otherwise she’d just use legal channels). Banned probably requires at least three medical personnel
goods bring in a heftier profit, but can get you jailed and an extended stay in a hospital.
for possession. Either way, you’ll probably stand to Surgery, Minor: Minor surgery refers to
make money. reattaching ears, laser surgery on eyes, appendix
Passengers: Aren’t generally worth as much removal, or other operations that are potentially
as cargo on lower-class ships, but they can pay for serious, but do not require extraordinarily advanced
the cost of a fuel cell or two, and sometimes folk equipment, extended hospital stays, etc. However,
can’t afford better or they want to move around the prices can still vary, so use the listed cost as a
without much publicity (in which case they might baseline.
even be willing to pay a bit more!). However, since Ship Repair: The listed price refers to the time
a passenger eats food, takes up space, and uses air spent on repairs. Much of the higher costs come
(unless stowed away in a cryo chamber, in which from replacing expensive parts. Generally, replacing
case you definitely want to keeps the Feds’ noses out major parts (engine components, etc) should
of your business), the prices for travel still tend to cost about 1% of the value of the ship. Systemic
be high. repairs (replacing the entire drive system) should
Medical Care: Medical care on the Rim can be cost 10-20% of the value of the ship. For routine
spotty or nonexistent at times. Not many MedAcad- maintenance costs of a specific model, see Chapter
trained doctors want to move out where there’s Four: Boats and Mules.

“Money buys freedom.”
Plato said that, way back on Earth-That-Was.
Money also bought trouble. Plato had not said that. Jack Leland said it, though he found
very few who believed him.
Most folk figured that if a man was filthy rich, like Jack Leland (professional gambler by
trade), that man had no problems, because he could buy his way out of them. That was true
sometimes. Jack was able to buy the best ship, the best pilot, the best crew, the best body
He needed them because he had long ago discovered that having money tended to create
problems, the reason being the more money you had, the more some folk came to believe
that you didn’t deserve to have it—and they did. Which tended to complicate a man’s life.
Leland considered his life’s current complication as he carefully scrutinized the faces of
those gathered around the poker table. He was looking for the “tell”—those little twitches,
jerks, and fidgets a man gets when he’s playing cards. Mostly a person doesn’t even know
he’s doing it, but such habits can be a dead give away to whether a man’s holding a full house
or if that pair of queens on the table are all by their lonesome.
Jack recalled a fellow he’d met not long ago. Captain of a Firefly name of Reynolds. Malcolm
Reynolds. He’d been a fair to middling poker player, but Jack had found Reynolds amusing
and he’d let him win in payment for a pleasant evening. Besides, he could see that Reynolds
needed the credits. Reynolds was the type who would go through his life always needing the
Because Malcolm Reynolds was an unusual man. He was a thief who was too honest for
his own good, a smuggler with honor when honor wasn’t what was needed to pay the bills.
A man of faith, who didn’t believe in anything. If Malcolm Reynolds did a job for you, he fully
intended to keep his end of the bargain and he fully intended that you should keep yours. If
you crossed him, he shot you. Simple as that. Yes, there was a man with an uncomplicated
A life Jack Leland envied right about now. If he’d been Captain Reynolds, he would have
pulled out his six-gun and shot every son-of-a-bitch at the table. Jack Leland couldn’t do that,
though. He was wealthy and famous, with powerful friends and more powerful enemies who
were just waiting for him to make a mistake to take him down and worry his carcass like
ravening wolves.
Leland’s body guard, the drop-dead (and she knew numerous ways to make that happen)
gorgeous woman, Hwa Ling, had just informed him that a member of a rival Tong was planning
to have her assassinated tonight. And, of course, if they took out Hwa Ling, they’d have to
take out Jack Leland.
He looked around at every man seated at the table. He looked at a man’s eyes, looked at
his fingers, looked at what a man did with those fingers, those eyes. He looked at a jaw, saw
a nerve twitch. He looked to see a bead of sweat trickle down a man’s neck.
Jack Leland looked for the tell.
Not to find out which man was going to beat him at poker.
To find out which man was nerving up for the kill.

As often as not, characters in the ‘Verse are that happen. If you had to pick just one that was
always on the move. They are on the job, looking for most important, it would be the grand unification
work, or trying to stay ahead of the competition— of the theories of gravity and electromagnetism.
or possibly the Feds. Since hoofing it only gets you This breakthrough led to a relatively cheap means
so far, a crew is gonna need a ship. of controlling gravitic attraction and inertia that
A boat in the Serenity Role Playing Game is a changed the old notions of space travel and
precious thing to a crew—or at least should be. A propulsion. Previously only elite astronauts could
ship is more than a mode of transportation. The fly into the black. Now ordinary folk take such trips
ship is home, the source of work, the way to stay every day. The math behind all this will surely hurt
mobile, and the key to freedom. The focus here is your head, so we present the short version—the
on the vehicles that sail the black, though most of three techniques that cover most all of the basics:
the rules apply to other craft as well. Screening reduces the pull of one object
(usually a planet or moon) on another (a spaceship,

As far as folk in the ‘Verse are concerned,
hovercraft, or maybe a chandelier) and essentially
the other way around as well. This allows heavier-
than-air vehicles to float without the need for wings
traveling the black means traveling between the and rotors and such. Putting up a screening field
worlds and moons of a single star cluster. Maybe takes time and energy, but once the field is going,
in the future someone will come up with ships that it doesn’t take much energy to keep it that way.
can make it to other stars in less than a lifetime. Since aircraft no longer have to fight gravity every
(But don’t that sound like science fiction?) For now, moment, and they can take advantage of the almost
it’s hard enough sailing between a small group of total lack of friction when flying, aircraft are now
planets and stars. To get us through the basics, read practical for all sorts of jobs—from freight handling
the following information, courtesy of Christopher to rubbernecking. Spacecraft can save their fuel for
Rush of the Celestine Engineering University, Osiris. getting up to orbital velocity.
Spacecraft are made for interplanetary voyages. Note that screening by itself doesn’t change
They travel a lot slower than the speed of light, the inertia—the resistance to motion—that heavy
taking anywhere from hours to weeks to reach their objects have, else ships would be blowing away
destination. If you search the history of Earth- in the least little breeze. Screening does put every
That-Was for a parallel, you’ll find it’s somewhat object within the field in what amounts to zero
like the days of steamship travel, when sailing gravity, which would be awfully inconvenient for
from Marseilles to London was a relatively short, ladies in them fancy hooped skirts, if it weren’t for
safe trip, while rounding the Cape of Good Hope artificial gravity, which is next.
to California could be long and risky—and China Artificial gravity works the other way, pretending
might as well have been on another planet. Sad to be a planet-sized mass and pulling on everything
to say, though, space is even less forgiving than in its range. Artificial gravity provides nearly the
a stormy ocean. Make one wrong move, and you same effect as normal gravity inside a screening
could be sucking vacuum instead of just taking a field and also on ships in free fall. Although artificial
swim. gravity can’t actually change the forces of ordinary
No matter the risks (or mayhap because of acceleration, careful handling of the artificial g-
them), there have always been brave souls who sail field can cancel out most of the tossing caused by
the black. To understand these folk, what they do, movement and—so long as the pilot doesn’t get
how they do it, and how they live, you need to give too crazy—make for a smoother ride. Artificial
ship technology a moment’s consideration. gravity has also been used on a grand scale in the
terraforming of small worlds and moonlets, allowing
them to keep a breathable atmosphere despite how
 dinky they are.
In the nine hundred years since folk dreamed One last benefit of g-fields has to do with fusion,
about traveling to other worlds, all kinds of fancy which we’ll get into in a bit under the Power heading.
scientific inventions have played their part in making

“You can learn all the math in the ‘Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don’t love, she’ll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love
keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she’s hurting ‘fore
she keens. Makes her a home.”
—Malcolm Reynolds

All this was a big improvement over brute-force still barbecue anyone unlucky enough to be caught
rocketry and early space flight. Sailing to the nearest in the same compartment, of course. Which is why
planets would have still taken months if it weren’t it’s important to have a backup power supply for
for the third technique: inertia reduction. Artificial when the main fusion plant is offline.
g-fields and g-screening wouldn’t normally affect Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells, which combine the
the inertia of a ship, but setting them against one two gases to produce electricity without “burning”
another in a particular manner made it possible to them in the ordinary way, are popular aboard ship
drop the ship’s resistance to motion in a specific because they are cheap to run and the exhaust is
direction to next to nothing. Spaceships designed clean, potable water. The vapor condensers have
to take advantage of this trick have gained greatly other uses as well, for the imaginative. Many ground
in speed and efficiency, though there are some vehicles also use hydrogen-fueled motors, due
limitations (which we’ll discuss under Propulsion). to their high power-to-weight ratio and the ease
Even though screening, artificial gravity, and of manufacturing. Power cells—loops of high-
inertian reduction are three distinct effects, most temperature super conducting wire storing loads
folks just call the whole gorram thing a grav drive. of electrical energy—make good backup aboard
ship, as well as being the primary power source for
small electric vehicles and hand lasers. They are too
 finicky to bet your life on entirely, however, as they
Fusion power is nothing new: life on Earth- sometimes run out of juice before they ought to.
That-Was, or any planet, has always looked to free Along with power goes thermal management:
energy from the sun and other stars—the biggest all that power-using equipment generates heat,
damn fusion reactors in the ‘Verse. Harnessing all and dumping it into the perfect insulating vacuum
that energy into a power supply without blowing of space is a problem. Big ships, with a generally
everyone up was the joker that taunted four lower ratio of surface to volume, have an even
generations of high-energy physicists back around harder time with heat, and are designed with a lower
the last millennium. What finally did the trick was power budget per ton than smaller ones. Spaceships
artificial gravity, which let scientists recreate the ordinarily have nanomaterial heat pump wiring
intense pressures and temperatures in the center of running through their structure into radiator grids
a star, where fusion happens on its own. embedded in parts of their hull plating.
Fusion power plants consist of an electro-
magneto-gravitic “bottle” that contains plasma
(protons from hydrogen) at super high temperature 
under tremendous pressure. The protons fuse There are basically two kinds of propulsion
together to produce helium, releasing energy in the systems for air- and spacecraft in the ‘Verse: reaction
process. The hot plasma is tapped off the bottle and thrusters and pulse drives.
run through a magneto-hydrodynamic generator to Reaction thrusters are the most commonly
produce electricity. Other designs employ nanotech found. They include any sort of engine that
materials to convert heat energy directly into produces thrust in one direction by throwing energy
electricity (and cool the power plant in the process). out the other—remember Newton’s Third Law?
Because there are almost no moving parts, Rockets, air-breathing jets, and airscrew propellers
a fusion power plant can run for many decades all fall into this category. The most common type of
without a major overhaul. All you have to do is reaction thruster found on spacecraft is a “rocket-
occasionally replace the containment jacket (a based combined cycle engine,” or simply a pod.
sandwich of lithium alloys, boron, and plastics) Pods are often mounted on movable hydraulic
that surrounds the core and absorbs the stray swivels that allow them to shift direction quickly and
neutrons produced in the interior; else the jacket easily. An engine pod runs in one of three modes. In
gets brittle and breaks down over time. Without core atmosphere, it’s open on both ends like a jet engine.
containment, these high-energy neutrons would Heated plasma from the fusion power plant is
shoot right through you, poisoning you and turning routed to the pod, heats up a mass of air, and blows
the ship into a glow-in-the-dark deathtrap through it out the back to produce thrust. At low speeds, the
secondary radiation effects. heated air also spins a turbine that sucks in still more
Contrary to what you read in books, fusion air from in front to get the cycle started. Once the
plants don’t explode, even when severely beat up. ship goes supersonic, these turbine blades fold back
Despite the extremes of temperature and pressure out of the way and the pod continues in scramjet
in the core, the density of plasma is surprisingly low. mode. Running the engine in air-breathing mode is
The amount of hydrogen used to produce power is very efficient, since most of the thrust comes from
likewise close to none. Not that a plasma leak won’t the air itself, and not from the plasma.

WASH: “If she doesn’t give us some extra flow from the engine room to
offset the burn-through, this landing is gonna get pretty interesting.”
MAL: “Define interesting.”
WASH: “Oh god, oh god, we’re all gonna die?”

When the ship breaks atmo, there isn’t enough re-initiate. This can use up your fuel real quick. Tian
air for the engine to work on. The intake irises shut, tsai navigators will plot a course to use as little extra
and the pod switches to pure rocket mode. Extra fuel as possible, carefully choosing start and end
hydrogen “fuel” is routed through the fusion plant points, and taking advantage of any planet along the
to produce a steady stream of high-energy plasma, way to change direction without having to burn by
which the pod pumps out at extreme speeds to using a gravity slingshot.
produce thrust. This uses a lot of hydrogen and is Third, though the pulse drive is fast, it’s not very
good for only limited “burns.” In between those precise. Going from burn to off takes more than a
burns, a ship can either coast or use her pulse drive couple of seconds—a ship can travel 10,000 miles
(keep readin’). in the interval. In deep space this doesn’t matter so
Smaller boats and aircraft don’t carry big fusion much, but close to a planet (flying from one moon
plants, and use other kinds of reaction thrusters to another,) it is easier and safer to just use the
that have the additional advantage of being simpler reaction drives.
to build and operate. These thrusters range from
hydrogen-oxygen rocket engines to hydrogen-
burning jet engines to big electric turbofans run off 
power cells. Rockets like these can be very powerful People who spend their whole lives on
and fast for their size, but are extremely inefficient the surface of a Core planet have a hard time
with their fuel, thus limiting them to short range and appreciating how lucky they are. There’s air to
shallow orbits. Attitude control jets on spacecraft, breathe all around. Most places, fresh water falls
and chemical rocket engines on missiles are also from the sky. Meat animals and veggies are just there
widely used. The air-breathing types are, of course, for the taking. Even if there’s an accident—a forest
restricted to atmo. fire or a toxic chemical spill—a planet’s ecosystem is
Pulse drives, now, are another animal entirely, big enough to absorb the damage, spread it around,
separating deep space boats from short-range and recover.
orbiters. For the folks living on the newer Rim colonies
Take a ship equipped with regular grav and (where the finer points of terraforming are just
reaction drives. Tweak the grav and add some starting to sort themselves out) life don’t go that
control hardware so it can work the inertia reduction smooth. Sometimes the rains don’t come.
trick. Strap on a high-impulse (but low-efficiency) But that’s nothing like venturing into the Black
rocket motor to give her a big initial “kick” and keep with just a thin metal and ceramic wall between
her moving, and voila!—pulse drive. your precious hide and all manner of hurt: no air,
Pulse drives are very fast (around 60 times faster no water, nothing living, too hot, too cold, too little
than reaction drives), but with that speed comes gravity, too much radiation. A ship in space is a
some severe limitations. little world unto herself. Life support has to provide
First, the ship is mostly lacking in inertia (thanks everything needed to sustain life for a ship’s crew
to screening), and so the extra speed she gets from and her passengers.
the pulse drive isn’t real. That is, the ship keeps
moving only as long as the drive is running. Shut it HULL
off, and she goes right back to drifting. Since you A ship’s hull is more than just a box to hold all
don’t want to be on the drift, pilots run the reaction her parts. It’s a complex system that serves several
thrusters as well as the pulse drive for some part of critical functions. On the simplest level, the hull is
the journey to get the ship moving. a giant air tank that holds in atmosphere and keeps
Second, because the inertia reduction works out the black. The hull wouldn’t be of much use,
directly along the drive axis, the ship’s course is though, if you couldn’t get in or out of it, so this
more or less fixed when you turn on her pulse drive shell has access points—hatches, airlocks, ports,
(though it’s not strictly a straight line, due to gravity vents—through it. These have to be specially
effects). The pilot can bend the heading, but only designed, so that you don’t lose pressure on the
very slowly. To make a radical course change, you inside. Together with decks, bulkheads, and internal
have to drop out of pulse drive, turn the nose, and bracing, the hull provides a framework for mounting

other parts. It has to protect the ship’s contents as they grow. The algae is an almost perfect food,
from damage (stellar radiation, micrometeorites, providing most of the proteins, vitamins, and
debris) and act as a conduit for the artificial g- calories a person needs to stay healthy. Eating
field. Waste heat and comm signals have to go out the algae is a last-ditch survival effort for most,
through the hull and sensor data has to get in, so however, because the algae tastes like the pond scum
some sections of the hull are transparent to specific it is. No amount of flavoring or bulk additives can
kinds of radiation. Selected panels may allow a g- make it taste like steak. Most folk think even protein
field to pass through, too, but the strength drops paste is better. Needless to say, crews purchase real
off pretty rapidly. Finally, the hull must absorb food planet-side when they can afford it. This can
noise and vibration, which would otherwise damage include shelf stable food packs, fresh meat, fish, and
equipment and drive the crew nuts. produce. Serving fresh, high-quality foodstuffs is the
definition of “First Class” in space.
Maintaining breathable air aboard ship is a WASTE
tricky proposition. Not only do you have to pull MANAGEMENT
carbon dioxide and excess water vapor from the Waste water is collected in septic tanks and
air, replace it with fresh oxygen, and circulate it spun to remove the solids. The water goes to the
evenly throughout the ship, you also have to balance distillation rig to be purified; the leftover sludge
temperature and humidity, filter out dust and is pumped out at each refueling stop. Big ships
pollen, scrub away more than one hundred trace sometimes bake the sludge to sterile ash in a furnace
contaminants, prevent the growth of bacteria and first, to save on storage and get all of the water
mold, and replace the inevitable losses from leaks back. Trash and solid waste are compacted into
and absorption. Fire detection and suppression is standardized garbage bins that are swapped out in
also part of the atmo system. To save weight, most port. Docking fees pay for waste disposal, although
long range vessels use a closed-loop air recycling some organic-poor moons have been known
system, with specialized algae tanks doing most of to offer discounts, since they can use it for the
the work, helped along by mechanical and chemical fertilizer.
processes. Purely physical recycling systems exist,
but use a lot of power and are difficult to keep up.
On short range boats, air is supplied from storage 
tanks and regulated by passive filters; this also serves
as an auxiliary or back up system on deep space 
craft. Guidance, navigation, and control are the brain
and nerves of a ship. Sensors and comms are her
WATER eyes, ears, and voice.
Some really big ships have closed-loop water
systems. They recycle some waste water through NAVIGATION
the algae tanks, but distill most of it through heat Virtually all spaceships and aircraft have some
exchangers attached to the power plant. Smaller kind of computerized fly-by-wire system installed
ships make do with tanked water, supplemented by that lets novices handle the controls without killing
vapor condensed from the air and fuel cell exhaust. themselves. You may call yourself a great pilot,
Water for drinking, cooking, and minimal cleaning but unless you switch off the nav comp and go to
runs to 6 pounds per person per day; washing and manual, the ship is flying herself. You’re just telling
showering can add up to another 30 pounds, while her where you want her to go. Of course, she’s
laundering uses 30 pounds per person per day on going to be fairly conservative about it. The mark of
its own. Clearly, the less used the better. Livestock a true pilot is the ability to fly manually and get that
carried as cargo have their own requirements. last 3% out of her performance.
Long before the war, the Alliance established
FOOD a network of powerful navigational beacons
Growing fruits and vegetables in space has throughout the Core, extending out to the Rim,
turned out to be too time consuming for all but the though only in “high traffic” areas. Once you get out
very largest ships, or those family-run vessels that on the “edge”, there are fewer beacons around. This
have lots of extra hands. Most food production network is deliberately separate from the Cortex for
on shipboard is actually a by-product of the air safety and redundancy. Comparing the time-stamped
recycling system. With just a little bit of artificial signals from four or more of these satellites will
sunlight and some nutrients, tanks of blue-green tell a ship where she is and where she’s heading
algae take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen without having to shoot the stars with an astrolabe

or something similar. In an emergency, coded and scanners designed to provide enough detail
advisories can be sent out over the beacon signals. to tell you what that something is. Both types
All nav systems are required to be able to read the use a mix of active (transmitting) and passive
signals and inform the crew. (receiving) techniques spread pretty much across the
Worlds have their own, short-ranged systems electromagnetic spectrum. The actual hardware—
linked into their communications networks, and antenna blisters and frequency generators and
ships use these when available to recalibrate their such—matters less than the signal processing that
backup inertial guidance systems once they come turns the entire ship into one big phased array
off pulse drive. Even the poorest moon will have an antenna that allows you to hear and understand the
electronic benchmark left by the initial exploration softest whisper.
team somewhere near the docks that gives enough
data for a rough update, so the ship doesn’t have to COMMUNICATIONS
fly by guesswork. The Cortex is a vast signal network that ties all
the worlds in the ‘Verse together. It uses any and all
SENSORS available channels—laser, maser, broadcast radio—
It’s hard to be sneaky in space. The black is to ensure that a message is routed to the right
very, very cold, and a ship with any kind of power destination. Due to the speed of light lag caused by
running stands out like a bonfire on the desert in the distances involved (up to eight hours to send
a pitch dark night. The only place to hide is near out to the Rim and get a reply), messages, called
something bigger than you are or (if your pilot is “waves” because of the way they spread throughout
that good) in the blind spot caused by a ship’s hot the system, tend to be pre-recorded. Real-time
drive wake. conversations are limited to less than about 100,000
Sensors come in two modes: simple detectors, miles.
designed to tell you that something is out there;

 A cannon is any device mounted on a ship or
Most ships in the ‘Verse are unarmed. Since the vehicle that provides the energy to launch a warhead
war is over, there’s little enough need for one ship (and sometimes guidance system) externally.
to shoot down another, and the Alliance has always Cannon can be chemically powered (like a gun) or
been touchy over the notion of private citizens totin’ electromagnetic (a coilgun or railgun). The limited
cannons in space. maneuverability of cannon-launched warheads
Alliance ship are armed, of course. You never restricts their range to short or point-blank, and
know. Might be some bad people about. Military their military use to self-defense. They are often
weapons fall mainly into four categories. rapid-fire weapons, making up in volume what
they lack in accuracy. Since cannons are considered
SPACE MINES primarily defensive weapons, a civilian ship can
Space mines are small robotic spaceships sometimes get away with carrying one, whereas
launched from a larger vessel. They are instructed in carrying a missile launcher would result in automatic
what ships to attack and when. Their range is kept impounding and confiscation. Cannon are rated for
short on purpose, to prevent them from becoming the size of warhead they fire, ranging from 1 to 200
a hazard to ships other than their intended targets, pounds, though only 20-pounders and above are
and thus they rely on proper placement to catch really spaceship grade weapons.
their prey. Due to their programming and the
intentional lack of outside contact they are very hard WARHEADS
to spoof or shut down remotely. The deadly cargo that weapons systems deliver,
warheads come is a variety of types and uses.
MISSILES Kinetic: A kinetic warhead is just a bullet: a
Missiles (high-thrust chemical rockets with solid bar of metal that does damage by slamming
autonav, sensors, and a lethal payload) are the into the target at high speeds. At 2 miles per second
main offensive military weapons. Missiles come in (common for missiles and cannon), a kinetic
many sizes, from 50-pound “come-hithers” carried warhead does as much damage as an equivalent
by gunships on enforcement patrol, to multi-ton amount of high explosive, and it’s harder to disrupt.
battleship-killers. Missiles carry every kind of Explosive: Explosive warheads are dual-
warhead, and can be mounted in simple tube or purpose. They have a shaped charge for maximum
box launchers (disposable, often packaged with the damage on a direct hit and enough power to shake
missile) or on external rails. Target information is up the target even with a near miss (although this
provided from the firing vessel, however, missiles works much better in atmosphere).
can be ordered to operate in either command-guided Canister: A defensive warhead consisting of a
(to ensure positive control) or fire-and-forget mode. large number of dense ball bearings (up to an inch
Because of the guidance linkages, missiles are more across) surrounding a bursting charge. Once the
vulnerable to counter-measures than other weapons warhead is directed at the target and reaches optimal
systems. range, the charge scatters the balls in an expanding
cloud along its path like a giant shotgun shell. This
BOMBS is usually enough to trash the guidance systems of
A bomb is a warhead with minimal sensors missiles and bombs, and can damage light vehicles
and nav systems for terminal guidance. Bombs (and people), as well.
depend on a combination of gravity (falling) and Magnetic: More properly an “electromagnetic
aerodynamics (gliding) to reach their targets. Since pulse” warhead, these use an explosive charge to
they are dropped from a flying ship—which is why generate an extremely powerful, short duration
they are often called “drops”—bombs are only electric current in a coil of wire. The current sends
useful on or near the surface of a world. Bombs are out a wave of magnetic energy that will fry anything
mostly dropped on structures and other stationary electronic—computers, nav systems, sensors,
targets, since they are cheaper for this role than comms—within range. Mag warheads can be used
missiles, and easier to carry. Bombs come with every offensively or defensively against incoming missiles.
variety of warhead (although kinetic bombs require Jammer: A warhead that puts out signals or
high-speed attack runs), and are generally only highly reflective materials (chaff, “sand,” or smoke)
slightly larger than the warhead itself. designed to confuse sensors or shut down comms
on a wide variety of wave lengths. Jammers may
try to overwhelm the target with noise, imitate and
distort signals they receive to give false returns, or

send out low-level signals to cover up the target “cargo” (load/unload the ship). Smaller ships can’t
without being noticed. be bothered.
Decoy: This warhead attempts to mimic the One position will always be filled, however: the
sensor signature of a particular ship, usually to captain or ship’s master. He or she has authority
draw fire away from her. At engagement ranges, over and is responsible for everything the ship and
this involves flares, spoofing sensor signals, and her crew does or fails to do. In flight, the captain’s
sometimes smoke or chaff to provide a false target. word is Law. A passenger or crew member who
Larger decoys can produce a larger and more varied poses a danger to the ship can be tossed out the
signature. Beyond easy visual range, size does not nearest airlock, and the only thing the Alliance
matter so much. An effective decoy may depend Board of Inquiry will care about is that the incident
more on psychology than engineering to dupe its was properly noted in the log and arrears of pay
target. were sent to the next of kin. On the other hand, any
Nuclear: Unlike conventional explosives, nukes violations of Alliance law found on shipboard are
are effective proximity weapons even in space, presumed to have been committed with the captain’s
although the damage mechanism is somewhat knowledge until proven otherwise.
different. “Dirty” bombs that scatter radiation over
a large area inside of atmo aren’t effective in space
because normal shielding protects those inside. 
Planet-side, there’s always a lot to do: unload,

Working on a spaceship is pretty much like any
refuel, pick up new passengers and freight, scrounge
spare parts, negotiate with local authorities, and hit
the town. On the ship, space travel can alternate
other job except that you live where you work. between long stretches of sheer boredom and
You’re cooped up with the same folk for weeks at short moments of sheer terror with nothing much
a time, and there’s often few places you can go to in between. The terror part tends to take care of
get away from them. A crew is like family: you may itself—either you survive or you don’t. But having a
not like each other, but you’re stuck with each other, lot of time on your hands can also be trouble.
and you have to find some way to get along. (Some Even though the ship can fly herself, it’s a good
spaceships are owned and crewed by real families, idea to have a designated person, awake and alert
with kids and pets and all. These ships tend to be and sober, standing watch at all times, ready to
comfortable and well-maintained, but are not known respond to unforeseen problems. This is particularly
for taking on passengers.) important near the beginning and the end of a
As to how many people you need for a crew, voyage where space tends to get a bit crowded.
you hire as many people as you need to do the job. Those on watch don’t have to stay on the bridge,
This can be as few as two on a short-range orbiter. as long as they carry a pager so that emergency
Deep space vessels generally have at least four crew messages can be routed wherever they may be. Some
members to stand watches and perform routine ships split the entire crew into equal shifts. Others
maintenance. Freighters will get by with as few maintain a “day” shift and go to minimum manning
crew as possible to save money: a 100,000-ton bulk at “night.”
carrier might have three or four officers and only a Routine housekeeping and maintenance takes
dozen hands, contracting most repairs at a shipyard. up a fair amount of crew time. There’s always some
Passenger ships will have large crews, but most all compartment that needs cleaning or a filter that
of these (up to one crew for every two passengers needs replacing. You won’t see too much painting
on a luxury liner) are dedicated to taking care of on shipboard; fumes are hard on the air scrubbers.
the passengers. Military vessels will fall somewhere Unless the crew can afford a steward, they probably
in the middle: they rely on automated systems to take turns cooking and doing dishes afterward.
reduce their numbers, but carry extra crew for Mealtimes are often a source of entertainment for
damage control and replacements in battle. passengers and crew alike.
Crew positions and titles vary with requirements, A good captain will make certain that his crew
available skills, and taste. Officers normally have has something to occupy hands and minds. Exercise
some professional qualifications, and can be is important to keeping the body in good condition,
expected to know the theory behind the work as and most ships will have exercise equipment. Most
well as the practical aspects. Spacehands tend to crew have some kind of hobby they pursue in their
learn on the job, and may have experience ranging spare time. This can be anything from weight lifting
from complete novice to decades of hands-on to meditation—as long as it doesn’t pose a hazard
knowledge. Large crews may be divided into “deck” or an annoyance to anyone. Many people take up
(fly the ship), “engineering” (fix the ship), and musical instruments, practicing them daily, and

even forming bands or chamber orchestras. Books, SALARIES
movies, and other information can be retrieved off How the crew takes their pay is between them
the Cortex, though comm lags can prove a source and the captain (or owner, if he or she prefers).
of continual irritation depending on location and Spacehands on salary make 10 to 20 credits a month
quality of the equipment. Ship-born kids get their depending on experience and skills, plus free room
education from the Cortex, and many spacers have and board. Officer’s pay is roughly double this.
picked up a good deal of knowledge on a wide Captains and owners normally take shares of the
variety of subjects for the lack of anything better to ship’s profits, although a liner captain may receive a
do. A ship sometimes becomes its own subculture, flat 100 credits a month. The crew may be offered
with its own slang, traditions, and sense of style— shares instead of some or all of their pay, which
going even beyond the connection of a family. gives people an incentive to work hard—and keeps
overhead down.

 OTHER COSTS

Once you own a spaceship you now have to keep Insurance: Fancy liners and ships belonging to
her running. Operating costs include: salaries, fuel, big companies are insured at around 10 credits per
supplies, port fees, etc. (For figuring the costs of ton per year for small vessels and double that for
maintaining the ship, refer to the section, “The Ship large ones (more than 100,000 tons). This covers
As a Character”.) As with much else in the ‘Verse, not only accidents and damages, but also mechanical
the figures provided are a guide. Costs will vary breakdown of major parts. A captain running a
depending on a variety of factors. Parts or services Firefly like Serenity normally won’t be able to get such
on the Core worlds will be close to what’s listed. insurance on a bet.
A backwater planet may charge next to nothing Dock Workers: Crews requiring help loading
for the same services, or gouge every credit the or unloading can usually hire manual labor at half-
market will bear. Many poor settlements don’t have a-credit a day per person. There are always laborers
the equipment to liquefy and store hydrogen fuel, hanging around the docks looking for work, though
for example. In general, you can count on most dealing through the local union or tong (which may
everything being harder to come by on the Rim. be the same thing) rather than hiring directly is
sound business practice.
PORT FEES Rental: Equipment needed, but not on hand can
Docking for up to one week, administrative like as not be rented. Rentals cost 1% of purchase
costs, power hookup, septic flush, and fresh water price per day, and require a substantial guarantee in
fill costs 1 credit per 100 tons of ship. Each week the form of cash (a bond) or collateral (usually the
thereafter is 0.5 credits per hundred tons. ship) to insure that the equipment will be returned
in its original, undamaged condition.
FUEL Dry Dock: Repairs and maintenance can be
Liquid hydrogen delivered to the ship’s tanks contracted from local shipyards (if available). This
costs 5 credits per 1 ton of fuel. Fuel is available costs double what similar work would cost for parts
on Core planets and only on those frontier worlds and materials alone, and may involve substantial
with well-developed economies where hydrogen delay if there’s a lot of work already scheduled. But
is used to run a wide variety of smaller vehicles. it is much faster than do-it-yourself. The cost is one
Liquid hydrogen is unavailable elsewhere on the week per 100,000 credits, rounded up.
Rim. Hydrogen is normally cracked from water Fines: Various infractions of Alliance law and
or petrochemicals, then run through a series of local regulations are punishable by fines, which
refrigerations to liquefy it. Liquid hydrogen must run from 100 credits for something minor to fines
be kept extremely cold (-423 degrees F) and under that equal more than the value of the ship. Game
pressure, which makes storage a challenge. Leaks are Masters are encouraged to be especially creative
a festive occasion for everyone—forcing immediate when the question comes up.
attention to the problem.

PROVISIONS 
Costs for “real” food can be found by reading Running a ship costs money and there are
up on the subject in Chapter Three: Money and Gear. only a few ways to make it. The most common is
Ships taking on a large load of supplies or doing to sell either goods or services. Typical rates are
repeat business with the same supplier may be able given below. It’s important to realize that time is
to negotiate a discount. money—more trips and less time in port mean more
revenues—and that even a little money is better than

none at all. It can be better to offer a big discount
or take a bad deal than to have no deal at all and
fly a ship with empty holds or cabins. (This is how
really low-value cargo winds up getting shipped.)
Transportation is figured from origin to announced
destination. Arrival date is a good faith estimate
rather than a promise, and some deviations from the
schedule are to be expected.

Ships carrying cargo are paid one of two ways:
If the cargo belongs to someone else, the crew
is paid for bringing it from origin to destination.
The usual rate is 1 credit per ton of general cargo,
assuming the trip doesn’t take more than a week.
Longer trips or those involving danger or difficulty
will charge more accordingly; as will those where
the crew has to take a more active role in collecting
payment or making delivery. Some shippers will
offer bonuses for timeliness or charge penalties for A bare-hull charter usually requires substantial
delivery beyond a certain date. guarantees against theft (collateral or a bond in
The captain can buy the cargo and then try to sell escrow for a significant portion of the ship’s value)
it at the destination for enough to cover the costs and assurances that the customer will use the ship in
and risks involved. This is far more common out a reasonable and prudent manner, keep her in good
on the Rim, where banks are scarce and demand repair, etc.
for goods tends to be somewhat irregular. Payment
may be in cash or barter or a combination of both.
Quick turnover is the key to making a profit, so 
a smart captain will have a buyer in mind before It’s difficult to provide exact distances and travel
purchasing the goods. times in the ‘Verse, because the moons and planets
are moving in their orbits, and their relationships
PASSENGERS change. The table below gives general ranges for
First class passengers pay 100 credits per person, travel times. The Game Master should determine
and they expect spacious quarters, fresh food, where in the range the voyage falls. Divide by
and attentive service. Second class passengers pay the ship’s Speed Class (keep readin’) to get actual
50 credits per person, and generally are found on travel time; minimum time is always one hour.
transports. They expect the same quality of life as Communication lag is the time it takes for a Cortex
the crew. Steerage passengers pay 20 credits a head, message to cover the distance one way. Receiving a
take what they can get for comforts, and may have reply takes at least twice as long.
to provide their own food. As with freight, voyages
over a week with guaranteed express service or into TABLE 4.1 TRAVEL TIMES AND
known dangers are worth an additional premium. COMMUNICATIONS LAG
Journey Travel time Comm Lag
CHARTER Between moons
of the same 1-600 hour 0.1-10 seconds
Sometimes a customer wants to hire an entire planet*
boat; this is called a charter. It is also possible to Between
charter a shuttle craft aboard a larger vessel for moons of the 1-20 hours 0.1-10 seconds
private use. If the chartered ship comes with captain same planet
and crew, and the captain pays all normal expenses, planets in the 20-1,500 hours 2.5 minutes-2 hours
the cost is based on the ship’s potential revenue: same system
3 credits per ton of cargo hold plus 150 credits Between planets 500-2,500
in adjacent 1-4 hours
per passenger cabin, per month, with the usual systems hours
surcharges for hazardous duty. If the charter covers One side of 3,000-6,000
only the vessel itself (a “bare-hull” charter), the the ‘Verse to hours 4-10 hours
cost is 1% of the ship’s purchase price per month, the other
payable in advance. The customer provides a crew,
pays all operating expenses, and keeps the profits. * Using reaction drive only, rather than pulse drive.

Spaceships generally carry enough fuel for
at least 600 hours of normal cruising, utilizing 
either reaction drive only, or pulse and reaction Ships have the same 6 Attributes as characters,
drives together. Each use of the pulse drive burns though their interpretation is different from the
100 hours’ worth of fuel. Pushing a ship to her same Attributes for people. Some ship Attributes
max speed (known as “hard burn”) adds 2 to her can have an undamaged rating of 0, as indicated in
effective speed class, but doubles her fuel use (both the descriptions. Ships do not have a set number
initial burn and cruise rate). of points based on Heroic Level as do characters.
Instead, the more Attribute points used to describe

 the ship, the greater her Complexity and cost.

When you spend as much time with a piece of
The Agility Attribute represents a ship’s reaction
speed and maneuverability. Agility—not Speed
equipment as a crew does with their spaceship, you Class—determines movement in combat. An Agility
get to know her like you would a person—her good of 0 is used for an orbiting base or space station
points, her moods, her flaws. After a while, it might that has only minimal attitude control thrusters. An
come to seem to you that she is a person—another average Agility for ships required to make more than
member of the crew. Before you start playing the the most basic maneuvers is d6—anything higher is
game, take the time to get to know your ship. Spend certainly a plus in a difficult situation.
some thought on the little quirks and curlicues that
make her real. TABLE 4.2 Spaceship-scale Agility
One point: there’s no “the” in front of a ship’s Agility Description Example
name. It’s not a title, just her name. d2 Slow, unresponsive Alliance Cruiser
Some GMs may want to use the Ship Characters maneuverability
that are provided in this book. That’s shiny! This Ungainly, slow
d4 Cruise Liner
section is for those GMs and/or players who
want to create their own ship from scratch. What d6 maneuverability Military Patrol Boat
follows in this section is a method of creating ships
as characters using mechanics that are similar to d8 Good maneuverability Firefly Class Transport
those used when creating people-type characters: Exceptional
Attributes, Traits, Skills. While not a comprehensive d10 Alliance Gunship
spaceship design system, this does allow the GM Near perfect
d12 Hummingbird Fighters
to come up with new ships or modify the samples maneuverability
given to fit his concept of the ‘Verse, and then
describe them in enough detail to play. Example: Firefly Class ships have a good Agility
To illustrate this process, we will follow the at d8.
creation of a ship using a basic design.
Note: while the crew’s ship is properly treated STRENGTH
as a character, she is always an NPC. It’s important The Strength Attribute represents the size of a
that the GM does not allow the ship’s Attributes and ship and her resistance to damage. Strength usually
Traits to overshadow the actions of the crew. equates to tonnage, but can vary.
 Strength Tonnage Example
Before you start crunching numbers and piecing d2 10-100 tons Escape Pod, One-
together Attributes, you’ll want to have an idea of Man Shuttle
Small Transport,
just what kind of boat you’re talking about. Is she 100-1,000
d4 Standard Short
a small, four-man craft built for speed rather than Range Shuttle
comfort? A slow-moving cargo hauler? Retired 1,000- Mid-bulk Transport,
d6 10,000 tons Firefly Class ships
military craft sold at auction and rebuilt from scrap?
10,000- Large Transport,
Get a few ideas in your head first, and the rest of the d8 100,000 tons Blockade Runner
process goes a lot smoother. 100,000-1
Our example ship is the Firefly Class transport, d10 Alliance Warship
million tons
Hotaru. She looks a bit like Serenity on the surface, 1 million-10
but has less specialized features. d12 Alliance Cruiser
million tons

Example: Hotaru is average size at 4,000 tons with operations. The Intelligence Attribute represents
a Strength of d6. the expert systems available in a ship’s control,
navigation, and guidance suite. Intelligence is also
VITALITY used to determine how easy it is to spoof her. No
The Vitality Attribute represents the a ship’s ship in the ‘Verse is really “intelligent,” though, in
repair and maintenance status. Vitality may be the sense of being self-aware. An Intelligence of
temporarily reduced to 0, but only as a result of 0 indicates manual controls with no autonomous
neglecting routine maintenance. capability at all.
TABLE 4.4 Spaceship-scale Vitality TABLE 4.6 Spaceship-scale Intelligence
Vitality Description Intelligence Description
Bare-bones; can make only basic
d2 Barely holding together d2 corrections, stop in emergencies,
or sound an alarm
d4 In need of regular service Substandard; can handle mundane
d4 flight details, and issue automated
d6 Performs well with standard maintenance responses to communication attempts
Average; can auto-calculate a flight
Newer model or design requires plan with correct input, account
d8 d6
low maintenance for unusual (but not unheard-
of) anomalies during flight
New model or design has Good; fast response and crash
d10 redundant systems built in d8 avoidance, auto-landing routine
Fresh-off-the-line model or design on predictable terrain
d12 has auto-repair systems built in Excellent; auto-checks sensor information
d10 to verify its accuracy, extensive
emergency response programming
Example: Hotaru may not look like much, but Amazing; sophisticated systems
she’s a Firefly, and will run forever if her mechanic is d12 can handle most flight details
half-awake. She has an above-average Vitality of d8. without pilot assistance

ALERTNESS Example: Hotaru has the average Firefly autonav

The Alterness Attribute represents the range and systems which are fairly primitive at d2.
resolution of a ship’s sensors and communications
equipment. Civilian vessels tend to skimp on WILLPOWER
electronics, installing only the bare minimum. The Willpower Attribute represents the
Military ships tend to the opposite extreme. redundancy and safety margins built into a ship’s
design. This is the measurement of the ship’s ability
TABLE 4.5 Spaceship-scale Alertness to operate despite damage, the ability to bypass
Alertness Description malfunctioning systems and jury-rig temporary
Rudimentary; only the barest substitutes, and a measure of how far a ship can be
d2 nav-sat, Cortex access, and
communications equipment pushed beyond her design limits.
Basic; typical needs for a privately-
owned civilian vessel, including TABLE 4.7 Spaceship-scale Willpower
d4 long range emergency beacons Willpower Description
for distress situations
Rudimentary; auxiliary life-
d6 Average; standard commercial vessel d2 support and little else
Basic; automatically seals bulkheads
d8 Good; standard military vessel d4 at critical sections, backups available
for the most critical systems
d10 Excellent; military listening post Average; often able to maintain optimal
Amazing; expensive sensor or function after modest damage
communications gear designed to send/ Good; most ship systems
d12 d8
receive broadwave messages, scan all have an auxiliary backup
spectrums, and analyze all frequencies Excellent; damage containment
protocols and redundant backup
Example: Hotaru’s basic comm/sensor suite is systems may allow ship functions to
continue after significant damage
pretty cheap at d2.
Amazing; modular, redundant system
designs and integrated emergency
INTELLIGENCE d12 procedures allow ship to often function
Virtually all ships have some type of autopilot— even after extensive damage
smart enough to follow simple course instructions,
and keep the ship from crashing during routine

Example: Hotura has the standard Firefly poor combat. That’s covered by Agility.) Speed Class is a
design of d2. She’s tough, but has little in the way of number, normally between 1 and 10. Speed Class 1
backup systems. is very slow, suitable for short range scows and bulk
cargo transports. At Speed Class 10—suitable for
fast couriers and racing yachts—a ship can reach
 anywhere in the central planets in a day, and most
Specifications are the physical statistics of a anywhere in the system in 25 days.
ship’s design. These include dimensions, tonnage, A boat has a “cruising” speed, which uses a
fuel and cargo capacity, and accommodations for normal amount of fuel and does not push the ship
passengers. While many of these details aren’t past its normal limits, and a top speed (often called
strictly necessary for play, they can be useful in “full burn”), that is 2 points higher, but uses 50%
determining what a ship might look like, how much more fuel and can stress the ship if run for long
cargo or how many passengers it could carry, and periods of time.
other details. Example: Hotaru has a Firefly’s Speed Class of 4.
(Here’s a hint for busy GMs: look up the Her maximum (full-burn) is Speed Class 6.
specifications on an historical ship from the period
1850 to 1950 of about the same type as the one FUEL CAPACITY
you have in mind and use those specifications. The A boat’s fuel capacity is generally a measure of
spaceship won’t look like the steamship, but the end its size, and is a measure of hydrogen for the ship’s
result will be similar.) fusion engine, represented in tons. Since hydrogen
We use as much information as possible gleaned is light, the tanks required to store it are larger. Fuel
from the film in the sample description of Firefly capacity can be higher or lower depending on the
Class ships. Hotaru is a basic transport model, design. Just remember that the required storage
however, and so she will lack many of Serenity’s volume is always 5 times the capacity. A fuel tank
special features. provides 600 hours of cruise endurance, give or
take. Volume dedicated to fuel storage above what is
DIMENSIONS required increases the number of cruise endurance
These are the overall length, beam (width), and needed before refueling.
height of the ship given in feet. Ships that expect to
enter and leave atmo cannot generally have a length TABLE 4.8- Fuel Capacity
Average Fuel Capacity/
more than 20 times longer than the beam (width) or Strength Tonnage Storage Volume
height. Ships designed to function only in the black d2 10-100 tons 1 ton / 5 ton tank
don’t have to take gravity and aerodynamics into
account, and don’t worry about it. 100-1,000
d4 12 ton / 60 ton tank
Example: Hotaru’s dimensions:
Length: 191 feet d6 10,000 tons 125 ton / 625 ton tank
Beam: 128 feet 10,000- 1,250 ton /
Height: 53 feet d8 100,000 tons 6,250 ton tank
100,000-1 12,500 ton /
TONNAGE d10 million tons 62,500 ton tank
The overall mass and volume of a ship is 1 million-10 125,000 ton /
measured in tons. For those interested in specific million tons 625,000 ton tank
numbers, you can determined “block volume” by
multiplying the three dimensions in feet together
(length x beam x height) and dividing the result by Example: With a Strength of d6, but only
100. Actual tonnage will be smaller, from one-half weighing in at 2,400 tons, Hotaru is on the low end
the number for a bulky ship up to one-sixth for a of the scale for this class. It is determined she has
truly sleek design. Otherwise determine the tonnage only half of the average fuel capacity for a Str d6
based on the ship’s Strength score, above. ship: 60 tons, which requires 300 tons of fuel tank
Example: The volume of a Firefly Class ship is space.
approximately 2,400 tons.
SPEED CLASS Crew members require living space. This ranges
Ships are rated for Speed Class, which is a from dinky (8 tons per person) to plush (30 tons
measure of both how fast she travels on her pulse per person). This space is split between individual
drive and how efficiently she burns on reaction rooms and common areas. The captain will often be
drives. (This does not determine maneuverability in

TABLE 4.9 - Ship Traits
allocated a larger cabin, which doubles as the ship’s Trait Type Description
Allure Asset A great-looking ship.
Example: Hotaru has three single crew cabins and The bonuses come
two doubles, one of which is the captain’s. This is into play when the
the equivalent space for seven persons at a generous ship’s appearance
is a factor.
210 tons. The rooms take up 90 tons, while the Branded Complication Ship gained
common area is 120 tons. negative notoriety.
If this factors into
CARGO AND a social situation,
the penalties apply.
PASSENGER Cortex Specter Asset Few records of the
CAPACITY ship exist, though
actions of the
Most ships are designed to haul cargo and/or crew can quickly
passengers, though the amount of space dedicated change that!
to this purpose varies. Small, dedicated transports Dull Sense Complication Penalty applies
should hold roughly 25% of their total tonnage in to one type of
sensor or piece of
cargo and/or passenger space (but can be higher communications
according to design). Large, bulk transports can equipment.
have up to 80% of the ship’s tonnage dedicated to Everybody Complication Extremely common
Has One model of ship.
hauling. Note that dense cargos give more bang for
the storage buck. Fast Throttle Asset Ship flies faster
at hard-burn
Passenger cabins take the place of cargo capacity
Fuel Efficient Asset Uses less fuel
at 8 tons per second class passenger and 16 tons (or than typical.
more) per first class. Passengers on small ships share Gas Guzzler Complication Uses more fuel
the crew’s common areas. Luxury liners may allocate than typical.
extra space for common areas and for entertainment Good Name Asset Ship gained some
(theaters, casinos, cabarets, dining rooms). Steerage positive notoriety.
passengers travel in the cargo hold as freight (at one If this factors into
a social situation
person per 4 tons’ capacity), although some large (with an admirer),
liners may have barracks-style quarters installed for the bonuses apply.
steerage passengers. Healthy as Asset (Minor Only) Vitality
a Horse bonus applies to
Example: As a Firefly of 2,400 tons and lacking maintenance.
an infirmary or passenger cabins, Hotaru has a 600 Hooked Complication (Minor only)
ton cargo capacity (2,400 x 25%). Ship constantly
requires something
(hydraulic fluid,
voltage regulators)
 or suffers the listed
Spaceships have extremely complicated systems Lightweight Complication Penalty applies to
that interact on many different levels. Quality maintenance rolls.
control varies from part to part, and fluctuates Loved Asset Crew feels a
over the life of the ship. This tends to make for deep connection
individual differences in performance that will not with their boat.
Memorable Complication Unique feature
show up on official spec-sheets. Crews call this a easily identifies
ship’s “personality,” and treat her accordingly. In the boat.
game terms, a ship has two personality types: Quirks Ugly as Sin Complication Boat is plain ugly.
and Assets/Complications:
Quirks: A ship as character may have one or some system is starting to go bad. Of course, if
more trivial quirks that have no direct game effect, playing the quirk results in a Complication (e.g., a
but which could gain Plot Points for those players static spark distracts the pilot’s attention at a critical
interacting with the ship character. For example, moment), the GM is justified in awarding Plot
a spacecraft may groan or shudder throughout Points to the player (the pilot) for it. Plot Points
her length whenever she makes contact with should be awarded only when the crew is interacting
atmosphere. Her hull may pick up a slight static with their ship. A crewmember being held prisoner
charge whenever the drive is engaged. The Game on board an Alliance cruiser will not receive Plot
Master is encouraged to invent bits of flavor like Points if the cruiser shudders causing him to fall off
this from time to time, then leave it to the players the catwalk.
to discover which of these unusual happenings Asset/Complication: A boat may have Traits
are simply quirks and which are indications that (either Asset or Complication), just like characters

of the two-legged variety. These Traits are the more GAS GUZZLER
significant features that distinguish one Firefly Class (MINOR COMPLICATION)
transport from another. The GM should determine The boat just ain’t economical when it comes to
these modifiers ahead of time and reveal them fuel, and either needs larger tanks or more regular
to the players slowly as they gain experience with trips to a refueling station.
their vessel. (Even a crew that’s been flying a ship Penalty: Standard space devoted to fuel yields
for a long time can still be unpleasantly surprised!) only 400 hours of cruise endurance.
Following are a list of Traits suited to a ship. Most
of the “people” Traits work in a similar fashion to LOVED (MAJOR ASSET)
those found in Chapter Two: Traits and Skills. Those This ship knew it was loved from the day the
Traits listed in bold are ship-specific Traits, not crew first saw her, when everyone else thought she
meant for folk. should be on the scrap heap. The “Loved” ship may
Example: Hotaru starts out with the “Everybody throw the occasional tantrum, suffer from health
Has One” Trait and “Healthy as a Horse” at the issues, or even have a nervous breakdown. But if
minor level, same as all Firefly Class transports. the crew believes in her and nurses her and keeps
Because of her age, she adds a major level of “Seen on lovin’ her, she’ll come through for them when
Better Days”. it counts. Note that in order to retain this Asset,
the crew must perform standard maintenance on
EVERYBODY a regular basis, keeping the ship in good repair as
HAS ONE (MINOR well as their means will allow. The Asset can be lost
COMPLICATION) if a crew with means falls behind on maintenance.
This model of ship is extremely common— A dirt-poor crew who still cares for the ship as
ubiquitous, in fact. Although there are some best they can (going without fresh food in order to
advantages (parts are easy to find), what this really purchase spare parts) will still retain the Asset, even
means is that everyone knows how you operate if maintenance suffers somewhat.
and what to expect from your ship—specifications, Bonus: Members of the crew can spend Plot
performance, weak spots—just by looking at her. Points from their personal pool for rolls whenever
A minor Trait of “Everybody Has One” means the ship’s Attributes or Skills are called into use,
production runs were in the hundreds. Models that even if their characters aren’t directly involved.
number in the thousands or tens of thousands have
“Everybody Has One” as a major Trait. Military SEEN BETTER
vessels, other than the very smallest, do not qualify DAYS (MAJOR/MINOR
for this Trait, due to the way they are ordered and COMPLICATION)
built. The ship is old and showing obvious signs of
Penalty: Anyone attempting to exploit the wear. At the minor level, a ship that has “Seen Better
known features of the design receives a +2 step Skill Days” is more than 20 years old. She’s been around
bonus to his action—though he must have some the ‘Verse some, but is still basically sound. Purchase
knowledge of the model in question. (A GM may price is 25% of the original price. Maintenance
allow an Intelligence + Knowledge or Mechanical costs are increased by +50%. As a major Trait, the
Engineering at Average difficulty to recall the right ship has really “Seen Better Days”—more than 40
details.) years’ worth. To anyone with an ounce of judgment,
she’s clearly a piece of luh-suh. She probably wasn’t
FAST THROTTLE working when you found her, and might be worth
(MINOR/MAJOR ASSET) more as scrap. Purchase price is 5% of the original
Though the ship performs normally at cruising price, if that. What it takes to get her runnin’ again is
speed, she flies faster than she should when pushing up to the GM. Double maintenance costs.
to hard-burn. Penalty: The ship suffers a –1 step Attribute
Bonus: As a minor Trait, the ship gets a +1 to its penalty for Vitality on monthly maintenance rolls.
speed rating at hard-burn. As a major asset, the ship As a major Trait, the penalty increases to –2 steps.
receives a +2 to the rating instead. An equal bonus applies to Influence rolls for
characters in social situations where their ship’s age
FUEL EFFICIENT comes into a factor. (These penalties are cumulative
(MINOR ASSET) with “Ugly as Sin.”) Note also the cost differences
Through a miracle of good design or dumb luck, listed above.
the boat doesn’t burn fuel as fast as most its size.
Bonus: Standard space devoted to fuel yields 800
hours of cruise endurance.

SHORT RANGE 
(MINOR COMPLICATION) Skills for ships (and other vehicles) represent
The ship is equipped with only reaction thrusters the programs and relational databases executed by
(engine pods, chemical rockets, etc.), and not a deep the controlling computer and its expert systems.
space pulse drive. Range is limited to wide orbit, Ordinarily, these systems lack the creativity
though travel among the moons of a single planet and flexibility to go beyond the general into
is possible. Travel to another planet or system will specializations; their Skills are limited to d6 unless
take months or maybe years. Short Range vessels are the GM grants an exception.
generally not equipped with regenerative life support
systems, and thus have limited supplies of air and TABLE 4.10 - Ship Skills
water. Skill Description
Penalty: With no pulse drive, cruising speed is Athletics Collision avoidance systems
limited to 1 (and “full burn” to 3). Life support will
run out without access to a mothership or space Covert Stealth programming
Heavy Weapons Automatic targeting
SLOW THROTTLE Internal encyclopedia/
(MINOR/MAJOR Knowledge database
COMPLICATION) Interactive maintenance
The ship functions normally at cruising speed, Mechanical Engineering manual
but her pulse drive doesn’t really accelerate like she Sensor routine and
should. internal security checks
Penalty: As a minor Trait, the ship gets a Pilot Autopilot/Autonav
–1 to its speed rating at hard-burn. As a major
Complication, the ship is not able to achieve hard-
burn at all. Ships have a variety of available Skills, but the
hardware and software necessary to make good
use of them are expensive. Each ship receives Skill
points equal to twice her Intelligence Attribute for
free. After that, Skills are purchased with Attribute

points like Assets, which may result in added costs A ship that has lost all her Life Points is
due to Complexity. “dead”—drifting, unable to move or perform
Example: With a d2 Intelligence, Hotaru begins any action—but not destroyed. Total destruction
with 4 “free” points for programs. Her owners requires Wound damage equal to double the ship’s
install 4 additional points for a total of 8. The ship Life Points. Stun damage heals normally, but ships
has Aerial Transport Operations d2 (bare minimum do not “heal” Wound damage without “surgery”
autopilot), Space Navigation d2 (bare minimum from a qualified mechanic.
autonav), and Perception d4 (internal security Example: Hotaru’s Initiative is d8+d2. She has 8
system). The 4 additional points used will be noted Life Points.
for use in calculating Hotaru’s complexity.

 Unlike more integrated systems, weapons and
Complexity measures the overall capabilities, armor for ships can be purchased and installed,
integration, and expense of a ship’s systems. Total usually at the expense of cargo capacity. Other gear,
all the points used for Attributes, Skills, and Traits, particularly auxiliary craft (shuttles, hovercraft, etc.)
(positive and negative), in the same manner as given can also be installed on the same basis.
in Chapter Two: Traits and Skills, and consult the Example: Hotaru has neither armor nor weapons,
table below. and she lacks the shuttles that come standard on
some Firefly models.
TABLE 4.11 - Ship Complexity
Attributes Complexity Cost MAINTENANCE
12-24 Very Low x0.4 The ship requires constant upkeep—changing
filters, replacing worn out or damaged parts,
26-30 Low x0.6 cleaning and lubricating and adjusting every moving
piece. Each ship has an average annual maintenance
32-36 Average x1.0 cost based on size, type, and age. See the individual
ship descriptions for this amount or consult
38-42 High x1.6 Maintenance Costs.
Monthly maintenance costs are detailed in the
44-48 Very High x2.4 ship descriptions. Each month the mechanic (or the
person taking care of the ship’s systems) must make
50+ Extreme x4.5
a Hard (11) Skill roll using the ship’s Vitality + the
mechanic’s Mechanical Engineering/Maintenance.
(If others help with upkeep, they can assist on
Ships designed for the military are normally two the roll per the rules in Chapter Five: Keep Flyin’.)
levels of Complexity greater than an equivalent The cost per month to keep flyin’ normally are
civilian ship. determined by the roll.
Example: With 28 points in Attributes, –4 points
TABLE 4.12 - Monthly
in Traits, and +4 points in Skills, for a total of 28
points, Hotaru rates a Low Complexity and a cost Result Cost
factor of 0.6.
Botch x2

 Failure x 1.5

Initiative is calculated for ships the same way
as for characters. Initiative is used only when the Success Normal
ship is taking some action on her own (executing Extraordinary x 0.5
a preprogrammed flight plan, for example). Most Success
times, the Initiative of the captain or pilot is what
matters. Example: The Firefly Class transport Hotaru has
Life Points for ships are based on Strength a monthly maintenance cost of 320 credits. Her
+ Willpower, rather than Vitality, due to the role mechanic, Bester, rolls Hotaru’s d8 Vitality and adds
that sheer mass plays in absorbing damage. Stun his own d6 for Mechanic Engineering/Maintenance.
points represent minor system overloads that will The final result is a 4—coming up quite a bit
reset themselves in short order if not messed with short. It will cost 480 credits to keep Hotaru flying
further. Wound points represent substantial damage.

KAYLEE: “Everything’s shiny, Cap’n. Not to fret.”
MAL: “You told me entry couplings would hold for another week!”
KAYLEE: “That was six months ago, Cap’n”
TABLE 4.14 - Spacecraft Missiles
normally, barring any further problems. Time to
Type Range Weight
look for a better mechanic.
The GM should describe a particular system Short 6 miles x5
or part that needs attention. If the crew does not
spend the cash (or find the parts some other way) Medium 10 miles x10
to make the repair, the ship’s Vitality is temporarily
reduced by -1 step, cumulative each month of Long 16 miles x20
missed maintenance. Once the Vitality reaches 0,
the ship breaks down completely and cannot move
or perform any other action without fixing the Example: Missile launchers are due to be
problem. This assumes fairly regular use. If a ship is mounted over Hotaru’s over-wing bays. These are
placed in mothballs or lies dormant for long periods, short range missiles with 100-pound warheads that
maintenance costs and the effects of such neglect weigh 500 pounds and could cost 600 credits each
are based on years, rather than months. for kinetic, explosive, canister, or magnetic; 1,000
credits for decoy or jammer. Figure 20 x 2,000 / 500
WEAPONS = 80 in each bay at no additional cost or weight.
SYSTEMS Cannons are either conventional or
Warhead cost and damage are based on weight electromagnetic. Specify the number of ready
and type. Bombs have the same weight, cost, and rounds carried in the cannon’s magazine (additional
damage as the equivalent warhead type. rounds may be carried as cargo). If conventional,
the weight of one round is double the weight of
TABLE 4.13 - Spacecraft-Scale Warheads the warhead; magazine tonnage is total weight of all
Weight Cost* Damage** rounds divided by 2,000. If electromagnetic, round
10 pounds 10 0 weight is the same as warhead weight, but the weight
of the magazine is twice the total weight of rounds
20 pounds 20 d2 to allow for power and cooling systems. Cannon
firing warheads smaller than 10 pounds are vehicle
50 pounds 50 d4 weapons—see Table 4.18.
100 pounds 100 d6 TABLE 4.15 SPACECRAFT-
200 pounds 200 d8 Warhead Weight Cost

10 pounds 1,000 pounds 10,000 credits

500 pounds 500 d10
20 pounds 1 ton 20,000 credits
1,000 pounds 1,000 d12
50 pounds 2 tons 50,000 credits
* Multiply cost by 5 for decoy, jammer.
** Damage is Wound for kinetic, explosive, and canister; 100 pounds 5 tons 100,000 credits
Stun for magnetic, jammer. Decoy does no damage.
200 pounds 10 tons 200,000 credits

Missiles are classified by range, as Short,

Medium, or Long. Weight is a multiple of warhead
weight. Cost is 1 credit per 100 pounds of missile, ARMOR
plus warhead cost. Missile launchers have negligible One point of Wound armor (damage resistant
weight and cost, but tonnage must be dedicated to hull plating) weighs 5% of ship tonnage, takes
them (at one ton per 2,000 pounds of missiles). In up 1% of ship’s tonnage as volume, and costs 10
a pinch, missiles can be carried as cargo, kicked out credits per ton of weight. One point of Stun armor
an airlock, and fired by remote. This is very slow and (electronic hardening, radiation shielding, etc.) takes
requires enough crew in pressure suits to manhandle up 1% of ship’s tonnage (both mass and volume)
the missiles, but this may be the only option for an and costs 1,000 credits per ton.
unarmed vessel.

Example: Adding one point of W armor to credits a year on average. Due to her age, that cost is
Hotaru would weigh 2,400 x 5% = 120 tons, take up doubled to 3,840 credits a year, average. That leaves
2,400 x 1% = 24 tons of cargo space, and cost 120 a monthly maintenance cost of 320 credits.
x 10 = 1,200 credits. One point of S armor would
cost 2,400 x 1% = 24 tons and 24 x 1,000 = 24,000
credits. 
Making permanent improvements to a ship’s
The original purchase price for a spaceship is 10 Attributes, Traits, or Skills is not as simple as
credits per ton, multiplied by Speed Class and the doing the same for a character. Upgrades require
cost factor for Complexity, plus the cost of installed replacement parts, new hardware, shipyard time,
gear. This is not the price you would be quoted in a and extensive reintegration. In game terms, calculate
contract from the shipyard for a new build; rather, it the difference between the ship’s original (not
represents the approximate market value of a nearly purchase) price and what her new price would be,
new ship currently in operation. This price may be based on increasing Complexity. That is the cost for
reduced for age and wear, as in “Seen Better Days”. the upgrade, in addition to any Progression Points
Example: Hotaru’s original purchase price was required. The ship will be in dry dock for one week
around 20 x 2,400 x 4 x 0.4 = 38,400 credits. Since for every 10,000 credits of the upgrade.
she’s 40 years old and has “Seen Better Days”, she Example: Upgrading Hotaru’s avionics suite and
went for just 5% x 48,000 = 1,920 credits at auction. thereby increasing Alertness from d2 to d8 will
bring her Attribute point total up to 30, raise her
Complexity from Very Low to Low (cost factor 0.6),
 and increase her original purchase price to 72,000
Each year, routine maintenance (not due credits. This is an additional 24,000 credits for the
to battle damage) costs an average of 2 credits upgrade, which will require two and a half weeks at
per ton of ship multiplied by the cost factor for a shipyard to install (assuming things go smooth).
Complexity (and modified by “Seen Better Days”, if
appropriate). Divide by 12 to determine the monthly
maintenance cost.
Example: If she were new, Hotaru would have
maintenance costs figured at 2 x 2,400 x 0.4 = 1,920

A privately-owned vessel, Aces and Eights is
 known throughout the Border and outer worlds as
The following ships just scratch the surface of the personal transport ship of an eccentric, rich,
what a crew might encounter flying out in the ‘Verse. roving gambler by the name of Jack Leland. Though
They can be used as is or modified to create unique officially the ship is his preferred accommodations
ships with features a crew won’t be expecting. Just for taking high-stakes poker games outside of the
be especially careful to watch for those ships painted Core, many folk are familiar with the fact that the
red and flying without reactor core containment! crew is for hire for certain jobs—hand-picked by
level of personal interest as much as money by
HOTARU (FIREFLY the owner and Leland’s hired-gun, Captain Maxx
Dimensions (LxBxH): 191 x 128 x 53 feet. Aces and Eights, though a mid-size transport,
Tonnage: 2,400 tons. has many expensive amenities. A loft area with low
Speed Class: 4 cruise/6 hard-burn ceilings and exposed pipes allows for incidental
Crew Quarters: Two double, three single cabins. storage and an out-of-the way spot for meetings.
Fuel Capacity: 60 tons (600 hours). The rec room comes complete with exercise mats,
Cargo Capacity/Maximum Deck Load: punching bag, and full set of weights. The galley
400/460 tons in hold #1; 200/490 tons in hold #2. is a combination kitchen and dining room. A large
Two 4-ton storage lockers. Cortex access terminal dominates the bow end of
Passenger Capacity: 4, in two double- the room. The ceiling has four enormous skylights,
occupancy cabins. allowing for an excellent view of the black. The
Price: ₡ 2,400 at auction. infirmary is rather small for a mid-bulk transport,
Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d8, Ale d2, Int d2, Wil and is suited to short-term care only.
d2; Init d8+d2, Life 8. Healthy as a Horse; The hangar holds the Captain’s Launch—a small
Everybody Has One; Seen Better Days. Aerial short-range shuttle that normally integrates into the
Transport Operations/Firefly d2; Space Transport ship during normal operations. (The roof of the
Operations/Firefly d2; Perception/Security d4. ship opens up to allows the launch exit and entrance
Complexity: very low. Maintenance costs to the body of the ship.) Captain Williams and the
₡ 3,840 a year. owner, Jack Leland, are the only two who have
A basic transport model Firefly, without any access to the launch area. High-tech retinal imaging
fancy frills. will lock out all but the most skilled and determined.
The room most often talked-about on the ship
ACES & EIGHTS is the Game Room, where Leland holds high-stakes
Dimensions (LxBxH): 195 x 125 x 65 feet poker games when the worlds he visits do not have
Tonnage: 6,000 tons. casinos or hotels suitable to his standard of living.
Speed Class: 5 cruise/7 hard-burn The game room has a card table, billiards table, and
Crew Quarters: 2 singles, 2 double bunks. liquor cabinet stocked with only the best booze in
Fuel Capacity: 125 ton (800 hours) the ‘Verse.
Cargo Capacity: 4-ton bomb bay; 8 tons of
external weapons. ESCAPE POD
Cargo Capacity: 300 tons. Dimensions (LxBxH): 8 x 4 x 4 feet.
Passenger Capacity: 2 singles, 2 queen beds. Tonnage: 1 ton.
Armament: Two 100-pound short-range Passenger Capacity: 1.
explosive missiles secretly mounted in the Life Support: 5 man-days.
undercarriage; missile mounts go “live” by entering Gear: Heat shield (armor, 1W).
the correct code sequence from the bridge or engine Price: ₡ 100.
room; Formidable Alertness + Perception/Search Agi d4, Str d2, Vit d6, Ale d2, Int d6, Wil d6;
action required on a search to find the missile bay Init d6+d2, Life Points 8. Sharp Sense (Radio).
during inspection. Expendable; Short Range. Aerial Transportation
Price: Unknown. Operations/Missile d6; Space Transport
Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d10, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d8; Operations/Missile d6. Complexity: very low.
Init d6+8, Life 14. Allure (minor), Good Name Escape pods using high-thrust chemical rockets
(minor), Memorable (minor). Aerial Transport carry survivors away from the site of a disaster in
Operations/Gunship d4; Perception/Search space. Once away, the pod’s computer takes over. If
d4; Space Transport Operations/Gunship d4. there is a world within range, the computer heads
Complexity: extreme. Maintenance costs ₡ 54,000 for it, picks out a likely landing spot, and makes
per year. the best entry possible, using the ablative hull of

the pod for a heat shield and aerobrake. If a world Search d4; Space Transport Operations/Gunship
cannot be found, pods will swarm together to wait d4. Complexity: average. Maintenance costs ₡ 80 per
for rescue. The pod carries life support for five days, year.
but living in a space the size of a coffin for that The most common vehicle for Alliance Federal
long is not particularly comfortable. It is possible Marshals, sometimes referred to as a “gunship,”
that a skilled pilot could override the computer, ASREVs have three principal roles: anti-boat
take control of an escape pod, and guide it in for a and anti-missile patrols around Alliance bases
landing. Only pilots familiar with the pod’s system and warships, airspace dominance over planetary
would know the proper codes, etc. settlements, law-and-order quick response missions.
Well-equipped spaceships (Alliance vessels and Although ASREVs are equipped with pulse drives
high-end passenger liners) provide escape pods for and the range for deep space flight, limited cockpit
150% of the crew and passenger complement. space and slow speed make ASREVs a poor choice
for long stern chases or courier duty.
SHORT-RANGE The Independent faction fielded an essentially
SHUTTLE identical vehicle prior to and during the Unification
Dimensions (LxBxH): 25 x 13 x 10 feet War. Captured models have been assigned to Federal
Tonnage: 20 tons. bases on remote moons. Some few are in private
Speed Class: 1 cruise/3 hard-burn (reaction hands and see a variety of uses from personal
thrusters only). shuttles to survey ships.
Crew: Pilot, Copilot.
Life support: 20 man-days. SMALL TRANSPORT
Fuel Capacity: 1 ton (1,000 hours). (WREN CLASS)
Cargo and Passenger Capacity: 12 tons, or up Dimensions (LxBxH): 60 x 25 x 20 feet
to eight passengers on fold-down benches. Tonnage: 100 tons.
Price: ₡ 480. Speed Class: 3 cruise/5 hard-burn
Agi d8, Str d2, Vit d6, Ale d2, Int d2, Wil d4; Init Crew: One, who acts as captain, pilot, and
d8+d2, Life 6. Healthy as a Horse; Short Range. mechanic, with room for one co-pilot/relief.
Aerial Transport Operations/Shuttle d2; Space Crew Quarters: Bridge doubles as cabin and
Transport Operations/Shuttle d2. Complexity: very living space for two.
low. Maintenance costs ₡ 16 per year. Fuel Capacity: 10 tons (3,000 hours).
A basic model space-and-atmosphere shuttle, Cargo Capacity: One standardized 40-foot
this boat is capable of reaching any moon around container (25 tons) in external frame.
a planet, or the planet itself, and returning. Can be Armament: none.
based on a ship, planet, or moon. Price: ₡ 1,600.
Agi d4, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d4, Int d2, Wil d4;
ALLIANCE Init d4+d4, Life 8. Aerial Transport Operations/
SHORT RANGE Transport d2; Space Transport Operations/
ENFORCEMENT Transport d2. Complexity: very low. Maintenance
VESSEL (ASREV) costs ₡ 80 per year.
Dimensions (LxBxH): 83 x 48 x 20 feet As long as cargos are bound for the frontier,
Tonnage: 40 tons. small transports will always be able to make a buck.
Speed Class: 5 cruise/7 hard-burn A Wren Class ship is essentially an oversized cockpit
Crew: Command Pilot, Weapons Officer, two with reaction engine pods and a pulse drive mounted
Marshals. to a universal structural frame. Cargo is loaded in
Crew Quarters: 4-seat cockpit, with 2 cramped a single, standard 40-foot container attached to the
bunks located behind. frame, which can be dropped at the destination. The
Fuel Capacity: 1 ton (500 hours). Wren can then pick up another load for the return
Cargo Capacity: 4-ton bomb bay; 8 tons of trip, haul back an empty container, or fly back clean.
external weapons. Ships of the Wren Class are relatively small,
Armament: One 1-pound autocannon with 200 can be operated by a single individual, and have an
rounds. Up to 8,000 pounds of bombs and 16,000 operations and maintenance costs lower than any
pounds of missiles. other class of ship known to the frontier. Different
Price: ₡ 3,400 plus ammunition. containerized load-outs can be mounted into the
Agi d10, Str d2, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d4, Wil d4; frame depending on the task at hand. A prospector
Init d10+d6, Life 6. Everybody Has One (the only looking for a new claim might want extensive survey
military ship to have this Complication). Aerial capabilities, while a scout going into dangerous
Transport Operations/Gunship d4; Perception/ territory will want some defensive capability. Of

course, this makes load-out something of a gamble, wagon was used for a one-way trip, then served
as one never knows what one is going to find as the basis for the new homestead. This was the
beyond the frontier. It takes a savvy spacer with a theory behind the Bumblebee Class homesteading
nose for what’s coming next to make it in this kind ship from Munroe Heavy Industries.
of life. If the salvage is on the very fringe of the A minimalist vessel, a Bumblebee has a small
black, odds are these guys will bring it back first—if pulse engine and weak reaction thrusters on a long
they get back at all. spire, set at a right angle to the circular descent
shield. The crew and passenger accommodations
HOMESTEAD cluster behind the heat shield. In traveling
TRANSPORT configuration, the top and bottom decks contain
(BUMBLEBEE CLASS) two double cabins each. The mid-deck includes the
Dimensions (LxBxH): 140 x 80 x 80 feet drives, common areas, and access through a long
Tonnage: 1,000 tons. boom to the flight deck, which is located in front of
Speed Class: 1 cruise/3 hard-burn the shield.
Crew: Pilot, co-pilot, mechanic. “Cargo modules” are attached externally to
Crew and Passenger Quarters: Four double the spire. These are not standardized; shipping
cabins. crates, freight boxes, feed silos, water tanks, tractor-
Fuel Capacity: 20 tons (1,200 hours). mules, and tools are held in place with straps
Cargo Capacity: 400 tons of external modules and occasionally cable netting, making the whole
and loose cargo. overburdened and haphazard and the oversized heat
Armament: Armor 1W. shield a necessity.
Price: ₡ 850. A unique feature of these ships is their ability to
Agi d4, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d2, Int d4, Wil d6; “circle the wagons” when traveling in groups of six
Init d4+d2, Life 12. Aerial Transport Operations/ or more. Fore and aft universal structural clamps
Transport d4; Space Transport Operations/ allow them to dock together to form stable geodesic
Transport d4. Complexity: very low. No “balls” so as to allow free movement among them
maintenance costs. during the trip, providing a measure of security and
Not all settlers of the frontier come via redundancy. The clusters then split apart for landing.
commercial transport. Historically, settlers and A Bumblebee is designed for one trip and one
homesteaders came West in their own wagons. A planet fall, using an ablative heat shield to unload
classic example is the Conestoga wagon of the most of her descent energy. She lands “head down”
nineteenth century—the “prairie schooner” of the and then unfolds the basic homesteading structures
North American West on Earth-That-Was. The and equipment from around her central access core.

The Bumblebee essentially cannibalizes herself to the g-field may take some hours to relax completely).
establish the homesteader’s farm. Structural panels Yamadera licensed her design to at least half-a-
and framework are also modular and designed to be dozen different shipyards over the 34 years the
disassembled into standardized components with Firefly stayed in production, and there were several
hand tools and then reassembled as needed. copycats, as well.
The original Firefly was designated 01-K64, for
FIREFLY model 01 and the year she first flew (2464). The “K”
Dimensions (LxBxH): 191 x 128 x 53 feet. in the type class is a pun: “kei” is a Japanese word
Tonnage: 2,400 tons. for “firefly.” More than 20,000 of the 01 model were
Speed Class: 4 cruise/6 hard-burn constructed between 2464 and 2473. The design
Crew Quarters: Two double, three single cabins. tended to shake badly in atmosphere, however, due
Fuel Capacity: 60 tons (600 hours). to turbulent air from the forward fuselage being
Cargo Capacity/Maximum Deck Load: sucked into the engine pods.
400/460 tons in hold #1; 100/220 tons in hold #2. A second model (02-K64) in 2468 tried to fix the
Passenger Capacity: Four double cabins aft of problem by having the engine pods swing up instead
#2 hold. of down, but that just caused her to be unstable
Gear: Two 20-ton shuttles. on the ground, and the model was dropped after
Price: ₡ 48,960. only a handful were launched. The solution—to
Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d8, Ale d2, Int d2, Wil d2; extend the wings to move the engine pods about 2
Init d8+d2, Life 8. Healthy as a Horse; Everybody feet outboard—was incorporated in the 03 model
Has One. Aerial Transport Operations/Transport in 2469, and production continued until 2498. In
d2; Space Transport Operations/Transport d2. all, more than 93,000 Firefly-class transports were
Complexity: very low. Maintenance costs ₡ 1,920 a constructed; maybe 40,000 are still in the air.
year. The ship’s layout is complicated by the systems
Caravel, outrigger, Douglas DC-3, Liberty Ship, package design. The bridge sits high and well
UH-1 “Huey”—every great era of exploration and forward on a gooseneck. The bridge includes
commerce has a signature vehicle, common as dirt stations for pilot, copilot, and flight mechanic on
and used for everything and anything. For the last the main level, and for sensor/comms operator on
great wave of colonization, the Firefly Class mid- tandem step-down in the nose. Aft of the bridge,
bulk transport is that symbol. in the gooseneck connecting to the main body,
The Firefly design was the brainchild of celestine the crew quarters are located beneath the corridor
architect, Jennifer Yamadera, of Beaumonde. She leading to the common room. The common
wanted to build a simple, cheap Everyman freighter area itself dominates the top third of the ship’s
for folk to use on the newly opened frontier worlds. midsection and includes a full galley, storage, and
By combining all the major power-using systems— shower facilities. Further aft, behind the constriction
gravitics, pulse drive, life support—into one big, caused by the external portion of the grav spinner,
elegant package, she cut down on production costs are the engine room and the internal portions of the
and developed the signature spinners-and-bulb combined drive—pulse, power, and life support.
engine layout that gives the class its name. The main (#1) cargo hold is located directly
This design makes a Firefly Class one of the beneath the common room in the midsection.
easiest ships of its size to maintain, and accounts for Catwalks lead to the port and starboard over-wing
its popularity to this day. The only drawback is that bays and down into the hold. In the most common
all the main systems run together—if one goes, they version, the over-wing bays hold two 20-ton
all go (although there is auxiliary life support, and shuttles; in other designs these bays are plated over

and converted to additional passenger or cargo
space. The rest of the engine section surrounding
the drive room was originally devoted to fuel tanks,
but later modifications (made standard on the 03-
K64) included a second cargo hold on the lowest
level. This sometimes causes weight and balance
problems with loading heavy cargo in the after hold.
The main hold opens through the forward
airlock onto a cargo ramp, with a built-in postern
hatch for personnel access while the ramp remains
up. An additional hatch in the underbelly allows
cargo to be slung into the hold at a hover. When
the ship is on the ground, drive-protective skids and Dimensions (LxBxH): 191 x 128 x 53
landing stabilizers make that hatch unusable. feet.
Tonnage: 2,400 tons.
VARIANTS Speed Class: 4 cruise/6 hard-burn
Because of its simplicity and low cost, the basic Crew Quarters: Two double, three single
Firefly transport has been modified and adapted to cabins.
a number of roles over the years. The specifications Fuel Capacity: 60 tons (600 hours).
at the top of this entry are for the most common Cargo Capacity/Maximum Deck Load:
design: two cargo holds, some passenger space, and 400/460 tons in hold #1.
two shuttles for moving personnel or freight. Passenger Capacity: Four double cabins
All-cargo: Carries 640 tons of freight, but has aft of #2 hold.
no shuttles or passenger space. Original price: ₡ Gear: Two 20-ton shuttles. Infirmary in
48,000. #2 hold. Hover mule. At least six 50-pound,
Blockade Runner: Not seen since the war, this short range decoy missiles in cargo.
variant added 2 points of armor and 80,000 pounds Price: Unknown, but probably no more
of missiles (in the over-wing bays) at the expense of than 2,500 credits.
shuttles, passengers, and cargo space. Carried 360 Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d2, Int d2,
tons of high-value cargo per trip through Alliance Wil d4; Init d8+d2, Life 8. Loved (Major);
lines. Original price: ₡ 51,600, plus ammunition. Healthy as a Horse (Major); Everybody Has
Bulk: Reconfigures the cargo holds to carry bulk One; Seen Better Days. Aerial Transport
products such as ore, grain, or liquids. The fore and Operations/Firefly d2; Space Transport
aft access ladders are converted to feed chutes to Operations/Firefly d2. Complexity: very
receive the cargo, and the forward airlock and cargo low.
ramp adapted to pump out the holds. Original price: Maintenance costs: ₡ 3,872 credits a
₡ 50,000. year.
Container: The 02-K64 model’s up-swung
engines allow this version to carry 16 standard 40- This 03-model Firefly may have started
foot containers (total 400 tons) in place of the #1 out life as a standard version, but she has
hold. This design retains the original fuel tanks for been converted and reconfigured several
100 tons (1,000 hours) total, and uses the over-wing times over her working life. At least one
bays for 40 tons of supplies. Fewer than 30 of this security-minded previous owner added a
variant remain. Original price: ₡ 48,000. number of hidey-holes for high value cargo.
Medship: This variant places a modular Her final conversion was as a medship for
infirmary in the #2 hold (making it useless for the war, and she served in that capacity
cargo), and uses the passenger dorm to house a until Armistice. With the war ended, she
forward support medical team (trauma surgeon, was decommissioned and sold to a scrap
nurse, and two medtechs). The shuttles are fitted yard on Boros, where she remained until
out for aeromedical evacuation, with the ship’s crew purchased by her current owner, Malcolm
doubling as ambulance drivers. Original price: ₡ Reynolds. Serenity’s Vitality and Willpower
52,000. have been raised by her ship’s mechanic.
Personnel Carrier: Used for passenger service A Quirk-level problem with the ship’s heat
or for transporting troops during the war, the management wiring led to the installation
personnel carrier variant holds 50 persons in relative of aftermarket radiator panels at several
comfort or up to double that many in cramped points around the hull.
conditions (“hot-bunking,” and so on). ₡ 54,000.

Survey: Retains the original fuel tanks (for 100 Crew Quarters: 85 quad cabins, 42 double
tons/1,000 hours) and adds an excellent sensor cabins.
suite. Alertness d8, Complexity: low. Original price: Fuel Capacity: 1,250 tons (1,500 hours).
₡ 72,000. Cargo Capacity: 3,000 tons.
Tanker: Retains the original fuel tanks and Gear: Sixteen 100-pound long range missiles
converts the mid-section to liquid hydrogen storage. (2,000 pounds each). Eight 100-pound medium
Carries 180 tons of fuel (enough to fill 2 additional range missiles (1,000 pounds each). Twelve 100-
standard Firefly Class ships), plus 40 tons of cargo. pound short range missiles (500 pounds each).
Some models add an articulated fueling arm to avoid Eighty 10-pound short range missiles (50 pounds
suiting up, allows for servicing a variety of ship each), with decoy or jammer warheads. Two 20-
configurations. Original price: ₡ 48,000. pound cannon with 160 rounds each. Four 1-pound
autocannon with 1,000 rounds each. Armor (1S).
ALLIANCE Two shuttles. Infirmary with ten beds.
PATROL BOAT Price: ₡ 4.6 million, plus ammunition (66,000
Dimensions (LxBxH): 340 x 155 x 45 feet. credits per full load).
Tonnage: 3,955 tons. Agi 1d2, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale 1d2, Int d6, Wil
Speed Class: 5 cruise/7 hard-burn d8; Init 1d2+1d2, Life 18. Tough as Nails. Aerial
Crew Complement: 4 officers, 12 space hands. Transport Operations/Warship d6; Space Transport
Crew Quarters: 4 quad cabins, 4 double cabins, Operations/Warship d6. Complexity: extreme.
4 single cabins. Maintenance costs:
Fuel Capacity: 200 tons (1,200 hours). ₡ 90,000 a year.
Cargo Capacity: 20 tons. Before the war, the Independent worlds didn’t
Gear: Eight 100-pound short range missiles (500 have a navy—just a few patrol boats for customs
pounds each). Ten 10-pound short range missiles duty or search and rescue, and some police gunships.
(50 pounds each), with decoy or jammer warheads. After the war started, there was never much chance
One 20-pound cannon with 160 rounds. Two 1- to catch up. The Independents tended to avoid
pound autocannon with 1,000 rounds each. Two directly confronting the vastly superior Alliance navy
shuttles. Two ASREV. 250 escape pods. Infirmary in space, relying on stubborn ground campaigns to
with four beds. wear down the Alliance’s will.
Price: ₡ 140,000, plus ammunition (11,000 That is not to say they gave up the fight in
credits per full load). space entirely. The Independent’s celestine strategy
Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d2, Int d6, Wil d6; concentrated on raiding the Alliance shipping
Init d6+1d2, Life 12. Perception d6; Pilot d6. and supply lines using hit-and-run tactics, and on
Complexity: high. Maintenance costs ₡ 10,560 a smuggling troops and material through the Alliance
year. blockades. While unsuccessful, these have created
The work horse of the Alliance enforcement stories remembered in the many years since the war.
arm, patrol boats can be encountered anywhere These operations required ships that relied on more
in the ‘Verse (though they are mainly found on speed and maneuverability rather than heavy
concentrated around the Core planets). Patrol boats weapons and armor. Virtually all Independent ships
perform customs duty, search and rescue, anti- were converted merchants with beefed up drives,
smuggling patrols, and maintain general control of increased manning, and weapons.
the space lanes. The only class of blockade runners the
Patrol boats saw service on both sides during the Independents managed to launch were the 10,000-
war, being one of the few classes the Independent ton Nu Hai Dao Class. Besides Nu Hai Dao, there
worlds had on hand at its outbreak. Those that were nine others in the Lady Pirate Class, each
were captured intact have been returned to Alliance named for famous female pirates or other notorious
service (or at least that’s what was supposed to women from Earth-That-Was: Lai Choi San, Anne
happen!). Bonney, Mary Read, Grainne Ni Mhaille, Ching
Shih, Charlotte de Barry, Alvilda, Rachel Wall, and
INDEPENDENT Jane de Belleville. Three of these vessels remained
BLOCKADE at large at the end of the Unification War and were
RUNNER never accounted for. Official records claimed they
Dimensions (LxBxH): 529 x 85 x 67 feet. were destroyed, but, in truth, the Alliance has no
Tonnage: 10,000 tons. idea where they are. Official accounts of the ships’
Speed Class: 9 cruise/11 hard-burn last known locations vary widely, and have become
Crew Complement: 24 officers, 340 space the subject of barroom tales for years.

CARGO LINER and the staff to support them all. A few high-
Dimensions (LxBxH): 396 x 262 x 101 feet. ranking officials even bring their families aboard.
Tonnage: 35,000 tons. The Tohoku design consists of four towers
Speed Class: 1 cruise/3 hard-burn (two large, two small) projecting out of a wide, flat
Crew Complement: Four officers, ten space base. The base provides primary support services,
hands. including engines, power, and life support. On the
Crew Quarters: One double, fourteen single underside of the base and inverted with respect to
cabins. the rest of the cruiser is the landing field; a control
Fuel Capacity: 700 tons (1,200 hours). tower projects downward to provide oversight. The
Cargo Capacity: 21,000 tons. main towers—hundreds of feet across at the base
Gear: A mobile crane/container lifter, four and hundreds of levels tall—offer maximum surface
forklifts, and a flatbed truck are standard pieces of area for heat management and contact with the
equipment to move the heavy loads this spaceship outside.
normally carries. When first commissioned, this Listing all the capabilities and gear for one of
cargo vessel comes standard with two 20-ton these fortresses would be pointless. Suffice to say
shuttles, configured as lifeboats. that while virtually any sort of defensive weapon
Price: ₡ 420,000. is available in quantity, Tohoku Class ships are
Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale d2, Int d2, Wil d6; unarmored and rely on their gunships for defensive
Init d8+d2, Life 8. Aerial Transport Operations/ actions.
Transport d2; Space Transport Operations/
Transport d2. Complexity: low. Maintenance costs ₡ EL DORADO
42,000 a year. Dimensions (LxBxH): 397 x 160 x 52 feet.
This is a fairly typical medium-to-large transport Tonnage: 10,000 tons.
of the sort used by big shipping companies to move Speed Class: 5 cruise/7 hard-burn
cargo on scheduled runs among the Core planets. Crew Complement: 8 officers, 16 space hands,
The Polaris Class was made famous by the Trans- 50 crew dedicated to passenger care, 10 entertainers.
Universal Shipping Company before they went Crew Quarters: 24 double cabins, two 40-ton
out of business in the wake of a war-profiteering suites (captain, chief mate/chief engineer).
scandal. Fuel Capacity: 600 tons (1,200 hours).
Cargo Capacity: 800 tons.
ALLIANCE CRUISER Passenger Capacity: 43 double cabins, three
Dimensions (LxBxH): 1,200 x 1,000 x 2,500 40-ton VIP suites.
feet. Gear: Six 20-ton passenger shuttles. Sixteen
Tonnage: 5.5 million tons. 20-ton shuttles configured as lifeboats. Auditorium/
Speed Class: 1 cruise/3 hard-burn theater with 500 seats and full stage. Two salons
Crew/Passenger Complement: 40,000, and (dining room and casino). Infirmary with three beds.
two squadrons of ASREV. Price: ₡ 1 million.
Minimum Crew: 40. Agi d4, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d6;
Fuel Capacity: 55,000 tons (600 hours). Init d4+d6, Life 14. Allure; Good Name. Aerial
Price: ₡ 0.5 billion. Transport Operations/Transport d4; Perception/
Agi d2, Str 1d2, Vit d8, Ale 1d2, Int d6, Wil Security d4; Space Transport Operations/Transport
d8; Init d8+d2, Life 20. Healthy as a Horse. Aerial d4. Complexity: high. Maintenance costs ₡ 32,000 a
Transport Operations/Cruiser d6; Perception/ year.
Security d4; Space Transport Operations/Cruiser Passenger liners and personnel carriers can
d6. Complexity: extreme. Maintenance costs: ₡ 50 be found throughout the ‘Verse, connecting
million a year. the Core planets to each other and to the outer
After winning the war, the Alliance moved worlds. Passage on one of these ships is like a
quickly to consolidate its hold over the outer planets. stay in a moderately priced hotel: clean, efficient,
The Tohoku Class was conceived as a mobile base safe. The ship has a dining room, a small bar, and
for pacification operations, and a visible symbol maybe a sundries shop. Most passengers take their
of Alliance power and prestige. In essence, each entertainment in their rooms. Such ships are simple,
Tohoku is a self-contained city in space, providing economic ways to reach a destination.
a platform for the Alliance to bring the benefits By contrast, the cruise liners of the Floating
of civilization to the backward worlds of the Rim. World Class have been designed for those who
The cruisers are manned more like a city than a want to enjoy the journey. Cruise liners come from
spacecraft: information and development specialists, a few select classes, but all have common elements:
economists and financiers, public administrators, luxurious, well-appointed state rooms; fabulous

restaurants; theaters; spas; and casinos that offer because the sheer numbers would clog up the
high-stakes gambling for those with the credits, airways. Private vehicles are also highly taxed,
and low stakes good-time gambling for those who making them incredibly expensive to own. The
just want to try their luck. The captain and crew elite use personal aircraft as their daily means of
are experienced and attentive to the needs of their transportation. Police and military forces also rely
guests. Security is paramount. on aircraft as their primary means of transport.
El Dorado is representative of the Class, though On the Rim, people walk or ride horses. The
individual models vary. Along with her sister ships common person doesn’t have much call to be
Nu Du Shen (Queen of Gamblers), Lotus Blossom, traveling. Roads are primitive or non-existent in
Galaxy Princess, and Truthful James, El Dorado sails most places—most often unplanned, growing up
a route throughout the system, taking her time, wherever there is a need through use. Horses, or
stopping long enough to give the passengers a look old-fashioned carriages pulled by horses, mules, or
at the “exotic” surroundings, take on food and the owners themselves provide transport from farm
water, exchange passengers, and change theatrical to town. More prosperous individuals may own a
troupes. ground car powered by power cells, hydrogen fuel,
Guests visiting El Dorado for the first time enter or even steam. Wealthy landowners might own a
via the long gangway leading to the reception area modern hovercraft or skiff.
on Deck 1 (if the ship is docked) or are brought For long distance travel, rail (maglev trains)
aboard by the passenger shuttles to the promenade and water (hydrogen-powered flatboats and
on Deck 4. One of two enormous staircases wherries) are available on worlds that can afford the
leads the visitor to the Grand Salon on Deck 3, infrastructure.
in the heart of the ship. That deck has the theater
(with 500 seats and a full-depth stage for live AIR TRAVEL
performances), the main dining salon (seating 60 Between the black and ground there’s a lot of
guests at a time in 5-star luxury), and, of course, the blue (or green or brown, depending on how well
gambling salon and casino. There are 17 passenger the terraforming is progressing). Going up and
staterooms on this deck. down in that ocean of air is easy—all but the largest
Deck 4 (above) is primarily passenger staterooms spacecraft can make a ground landing. Horizontal
(26, plus the three VIP suites). The bridge and travel is a bit more difficult.
senior officers staterooms are on Deck 5, along Some smaller vessels, like the Firefly Class
with the ship’s complement of lifeboats. Deck 2 is transports, are maneuverable enough to fly
split between crew aft and cargo forward, with the horizontally, even to threading their way around
lower drives arrayed outboard. It also features more surface obstacles. On remote worlds, such vessels
“access tunnels” than strictly called for by accepted may be pressed into duty as air transports, carrying
standards in celestine architecture, which lead to two cargo from one surface location to another. That
special storage vaults (often called the “lady holes”). isn’t the most cost effective practice, however. Air
The lowest level, Deck 1, is given over to cargo, travel is best performed by aircraft, be that jet-
reception, a few crew cabins, and pulse drives. Four powered grav vehicle (by far the cheapest and most
cargo lifts serve to bring baggage and provisions reliable) or propeller-driven plane. Helicopters,
aboard. ultralights, and hot air balloons still exist, mainly
as toys for the rich hobbyist or in special niche

There will be times when the crew will make
applications. Some developing worlds may find
that dispersed settlements favor a network of grav
vehicles, rather than investment in roads and rails,
landfall (or perhaps the characters live on land). but this requires a large amount of money from the
The crew will need transportation, and this section start.
provides information on both ground and air
transport. Since this will be similar to the players’
every day experience, this section will concentrate 
on the differences that are found in the ‘Verse, and Land vehicles can be described in the same sort
on the minimum rules needed to play the game. of game terms and statistics as spacecraft, adjusted
for their generally smaller size. Specific changes are
SURFACE TRAVEL noted in this section. Game Masters are encouraged
On the Core worlds, most citizens get to adapt existing vehicles to the ‘Verse as needed,
around on foot, or by excellent and cheap public using the examples provided as guidelines. Physical
transportation—buses, subways, air taxis, maglev attributes are listed as “P” while Mental are noted
trains, etc. Private vehicles are discouraged, simply with an “M” and are provided by die type.

SCALE STRENGTH Warhead Weight Cost
Strength Tonnage
0.1 pounds 100 pounds 100
d2 20-100 pounds
0.2 pounds 150 pounds 200
d4 100-500 pounds
0.5 pounds 220 pounds 500
d6 500 pounds-1 ton
1 pound 300 pounds 1,000
d8 1-5 tons
2 pounds 500 pounds 2,000
d10 5-20 tons
5 pounds 700 pounds 5,000
d12 20-100 tons
10 pounds 1,000 pounds 10,000

Multiply weight by 2 for ground-mounted

TABLE 4-17 VEHICLE-SCALE WARHEADS versions, and by 20 for towed versions.
Weight Cost* Damage** Multiply cost by 1.5 for ground-mounted
0.1 pound 0.1 0 versions, and by 5 for towed versions.
For comparison, a 0.1 pound cannon is
0.2 pound 0.2 d2 equivalent to a .50 caliber machine gun; a 1-pound
cannon to a 1.5” or 37mm gun; and a 10-pound
0.5 pound 0.5 d4 cannon to a 3.5” or 90mm gun.
1 pound 1 d6

2 pounds 2 d8
5 pounds 5 d10
Horses are the All-Terrain Vehicles of the ‘Verse:
10 pounds 10 d12 they can live on forage and a little bit of grain, and
you don’t need a factory to make more. Where
* Multiply cost by 5 for decoy, jammer. keeping horses is impossible (on a hostile moon, or
aboard ship), mechanical “mules” fill the gap. Mules
** Damage is W for kinetic, explosive, and canister;
S for magnetic, jammer. Decoy does no damage. come in a wide array of types and sizes, but most
are pretty much a 1-man or 2-man vehicle with open

seats, hydrogen motor, and three- or four-wheel Small Hovercraft: P d6, M –. Seats: 2. Speed:
drive. 150 mph. Weight: 1 ton. Cost: ₡ 100. Capacity: 500
Small Mule: P d4, M –. Seats: 1. Speed: 40 pounds.
mph. Weight: 500 pounds. Cost: ₡ 35. Capacity: 500 Medium Hovercraft: P d8, M –. Seats: 4. Speed:
pounds (on racks); 1,000 pounds (towed). 150 mph. Weight: 2 tons. Cost: ₡ 150. Capacity:
Large Mule: P d6, M –. Seats: 2. Speed: 40 mph. 1,000 pounds.
Weight: 1,000 pounds. Cost: ₡ 50. Capacity: 1,000 Large Hovercraft: P d10, M –. Seats: 6. Speed:
pounds (on flatbed in back); 1 ton (towed). 150 mph. Weight: 10 tons. Cost: ₡ 350. Capacity: 2
Wheeled vehicles are simple and cheap, but they SKIFF
are always limited by terrain. Hover mules use g- A skiff is an armored hovercraft used in military
screens to stay aloft and ducted fans for propulsion. operations. They come in a variety of configurations
Power is usually supplied by power cells charged off for different missions: command, reconnaissance,
the ship’s electrical system between uses. Different personnel carrier, ambulance, heavy weapons
makes of hover mule include: flatbeds, forklift tines, platform, recovery. Skiffs are powered by hydrogen
cranes, or buffers for carrying, lifting, or pushing fuel cells with power cell backup, and use armored
cargo. Lift capacity is less than a ground vehicle of turbofans for propulsion. The basic model comes
similar size, and towing a ground trailer is a pain. unarmed.
Small Hover Mule: P d6, M –. Seats: 2. Speed: Folk from the outer planets claim that Reavers
60 mph. Weight: 1,000 pounds. Cost: ₡ 70. Capacity: have converted military skiffs for their own use.
500 pounds. Carried by larger carriers, the skiffs are dropped on
Large Hover Mule: P d6, M –. Seats: 4. Speed: planets for raids.
60 mph. Weight: 1 ton. Cost: ₡ 100. Capacity: 1,000 Small Skiff: P d10, M d2. Armor 4W. Seats:
pounds. 4. Speed: 60 mph. Weight: 5 tons. Cost: ₡ 400.
Capacity: 1,000 pounds.
HOVERCRAFT Medium Skiff: P d10, M d2. Armor 6W. Seats:
Hovercraft are passenger vehicles designed 6. Speed: 60 mph. Weight: 10 tons. Cost: ₡ 600.
for speed over cargo capacity. Grav vehicles with Capacity: 1 ton.
significant free-flight capability, using hydrogen- Large Skiff: P d10, M d2. Armor 8W. Seats:
powered turbofans for extra power, they are most 10. Speed: 60 mph. Weight: 20 tons. Cost: ₡ 800.
frequently encountered on the central planets Capacity: 2 tons.
as private transportation, air taxis, or emergency Reaver Skiff: Pd12, M –. Armor 6W. Seats: 6.
vehicles. Cockpits may be open or enclosed in a Speed 60 mph. Weight: 10 tons. Capacity: 1 ton.
canopy during bad weather, dust, or when traveling Weapon: Harpoon launcher (short range only, d2 W
at high speeds. Hovercraft often fly only a few feet vehicle-scale.)
above ground for extra efficiency.

 
Combat in the Serenity Role Playing Game is about
Vehicles range in size from 20 pounds (a tiny
robot) to 100 tons (a large aircraft or tank). This
intentionally overlaps with “Personal Scale” and
character decisions and dramatic action. The same is “Spacecraft Scale” at either end. It’s up to the Game
true of battles involving transports. The difference Master to determine which scale best fits the action.
is simply a matter of scale. In Vehicle Scale combat, ranges are increased.
On an Earth-sized planet at ground level, any target
beyond about 5 miles is below the horizon and out
 of sight. On smaller worlds and moons, the distance
Spacecraft are armored against the perils of is correspondingly less.
space flight. By the same token, spacecraft in
vacuum move much more quickly than vehicles in
atmosphere, and spacecraft weapons are designed to TABLE 4-19 VEHICLE-SCALE RANGES
do far more damage than a man-portable or vehicle- Range Feet Miles
mounted weapon. Point Blank 1,000 0.2
To represent these differences, combat in the
game involves three different scales: Personal, Short 5,000 1
Vehicle, and Spacecraft. Personal combat is covered
in Chapter Five, Keep Flyin’, and includes any battle Medium 10,000 2
fought primarily with hand weapons against people
and animals. Combat for armed vehicles and Long 20,000 4
spacecraft uses the same basic rules, but adjusts
the ranges and damage factors to reflect the larger, Extreme 40,000 7.5
faster targets involved.

 
Spacecraft range in size from 1 ton and up; When a spacecraft or vehicle collides with
there is no theoretical limit, although vessels get another object, the damage it causes is equal to its
progressively weaker for their size at the top end Strength. Game Masters should adjust up or down
and so as a practical matter are limited to around 10 by steps, based on relative speed and angle—a head-
million tons. on collision at full speed will do much more damage
Combat in space can take place at tremendous than sideswiping when traveling at nearly the same
ranges, and is limited only by sensor and time-of- speed.
flight lags. Most space battles in the game will take
place at the pace of Personal Combat (roughly 3
second combat turns), which sharply restricts the 
range: For purposes of figuring damage and Life
Points, Vehicle Scale is roughly 10 times greater
TABLE 4-21 SPACECRAFT- than Personal Scale, and Spacecraft Scale is roughly
SCALE RANGES 10 times greater than Vehicle Scale. When using a
Range Miles weapon from one Scale on the next higher Scale,
Point Blank 3 treat the damage as 0 (that is, only the basic damage
applies). When going from higher Scale to lower,
Short 6 multiply damage points by 10. If using Spacecraft
Scale weapons on personnel, any hit is pretty much
Medium 10 an automatic kill (unless Plot Points or the GM
decide otherwise).
Long 16

“’Hands and knees and heads bowed down! Everybody! Now!’” Captain Malcolm Reynolds
ordered the group of frightened bank customers.
This scene might have come from the movie, Serenity. In fact, it was coming from the living
room of Margaret’s house, where the group had gathered to play the Serenity Roleplaying
Game. Sean, playing Captain Reynolds, was comfortably seated at the game table.
“What sort of folks are these?” Sean asked Jim, the Game Master.
“Looks to be about fifteen people in the little trading post, mostly farm folks and a few
“Should be easy pickings,” said Margaret in the character of Jayne.
Jim grinned. “Would be, except for the two farmers who leap to their feet. They are rushing
straight at both of you—one going for Mal and a younger fellow going for Jayne. What are
you both doing?”
“I wave my pistol at the guy and stare him down,” Sean said, picking up his dice. “Maybe
he’ll think better of the notion.”
Margaret had a different idea. “Hell with that! I grab the older guy and sit his ass down
Jim scooped up his dice. “Roll for Initiative!”
Margaret and Sean rolled their dice and announced their numbers. Jim rolled the dice for
the farmers.
After looking at the farmer’s numbers, Jim said, “These hayseeds aren’t fast enough to
get the drop on you. Sean, you’re up first.”
“Like I said, I’m staring at him down the barrel of my pistol.”
“Roll Willpower plus Discipline to see if you cause him to have second thoughts.”
“I’m grabbing hold of this guy,” Margaret said.
“Go ahead and give me a Strength plus Brawling roll.” Jim turns to two other players.
“Renae, what is Zoe up to?”
“I’m checking over the hostages to see if any of them have any bright ideas,” Renae
answered, playing Zoe.
Sean rolled a 10 for his intimidation attempt, while Margaret rolled a 17 for Jayne’s
unarmed combat. Jim rolled for the non-player characters and compared the numbers.
“Sean, your farmer backs up and swallows hard,” Jim said.
“Figures.” Sean grinned.
Jim turned to Margaret. “Extraordinary success! You clothesline the guy as he rushes
forward, hitting him so hard he spins upside-down. You’re able to grab his legs and pile-drive
him right into the floor. You’re pretty sure he’s not getting back up anytime soon.”
Jim turned again to Renae. “You’ve walked through about half the bank and taken a hard
look at seven people. Roll Alertness plus Perception.”
Renae rolled her dice and got a 6. She looked up at Jim, a bit worried.
Jim shrugged. “No one seems about to make any trouble.”
Sean stood up from the table. “I raise my pistol and make a slow turn. ‘You folks want
to be looking very intently at your own belly buttons. If I see a head start to rise, violence is
gonna ensue.’”
Margaret rubbed her hands together. “Looks like this is the place.”
Sean took a drink from his soda can. “So, Jim, do the people listen?”
Jim nodded. “Yep. Everyone sits down and stares at the floor, including the guy who rushed
you a moment ago. At this moment, River steps up to the door. She’s bare-foot and wide-
“I motion for her to come in,” Renae said. “I’ll watch to see how she reacts to the people
inside. Maybe she can read the insides of their heads, see if they’re gonna try something.”
“Jayne, what are doing?” Jim asked.
“I’m heading to the vault.”
“I’ll step a bit closer to River, so I can watch her back in case someone tries any funny
business. Time for another announcement.” Sean raised his voice. “‘You’ve probably guessed

we mean to be thieving here, but what we are after is not yours. So let’s not have any undo
Jim checked his notes and looked over at Margaret. “Vault’s locked up.”
“I tell the others.”
Jim, who is playing River as Non-Player Character, makes another dice roll and
announces, “River looks troubled for a moment, then points over to a young man. Looks
like he’s reaching for his gun.”
“Handy having a reader around! I stick the barrel of my hogleg in his ear and say to him,
‘You know what the definition of a hero is? It’s someone who gets other people killed. You
can look it up later.’”
“The young man tosses the gun across the room,” said Jim.
Renae grinned. “Thought so.”
Jim turned his attention back to Sean. “The trade agent stands up, his hands raised.
‘This is just a crop moon. Don’t think you’ll find what you—’“
“I tell him to shut up and make us wealthy,” Sean interrupted.
“The old man sighs, then he shuffles over to the wall and punches in a code. A tiny
little wall safe pops open, revealing a few bundled bills, some scattered coins. Not very
impressive, and definitely not what you came here to find.”
Renae turned to Sean, her voice dripping sarcasm. “’At last. We can retire and give up
this life of crime.’”
Sean laughed, then addressed Jim. “I look around for the secret catch that Mingo told
me about in his wave.”
“Roll Alertness plus Perception.”
“I’m not taking any chances. I’m going to spend some Plot Points on this roll.” Sean slid
four poker chips over to Jim, and added an extra die to those in his hand. Everyone stared
eagerly as the dice hit the table.
“14!” Sean said, pleased.
“The floor opens up just a few feet away, revealing a six-foot-wide entrance and stairs
leading down to a corridor. Everything is gleaming metal and blue lights. You’ve found the
Sean turned to Renae. “You were saying? . .”

A ship brings you work. Your crew helps you run gaming table. Rules allow players to understand how
the ship. Your gun helps you keep all of it. And in the crew interacts with the rest of the ‘Verse.
this game, sort of like in life, a roll of the dice will If you’re a player, feel free to casually browse this
determine whether you succeed or fail. chapter and check up on the subjects important to
Now we get to the rules of the game. If the your crew. Only one person needs to be intimately
Serenity Role Playing Game were a ship, this chapter familiar with all the rules, and that’s the Game
would be the engine. Just remember that there’s only Master.
one law in these parts: the rules serve the story. (If
a Shepherd tells you different, pay him no mind.)
The game rules are meant to support game play
and game play is supposed to be fun. The rules are
So you’ve broken out of a torture chamber run
guidelines for the Game Master to use, modify, or by a sadistic madman and you are trying to sneak
discard in pursuit of that goal. past his guards to get the hell off this skyplex. Or
There’s a flipside, of course. A bad GM perhaps you’re flying a small transport ship through
may decide to ride roughshod over the rules, a narrow canyon with an Alliance short-range
changing them at a whim and enjoying newfound enforcement vessel hot on your tail. Could be that
megalomania. If that happens, the bad GM will have the catalyzer on your port compression coil has
a hard time convincing the players to come back completely blown out, and you’re trying to jury-rig
for more. The rules are here for a reason. They are a replacement. Might find yourself dueling with
meant to simulate life in the ‘Verse, allowing the pistols, staring a man down and hoping you’ll be the
crew to get shot, stabbed, or blown out an airlock one to draw first. What do you do?
while those playing the crew sit comfortably at the Answer’s easy. Pick up the dice and roll. Our
game is designed to provide the players with fast,

dramatic adventure. While some actions in the
game are automatic (eating a Fruity Oaty Bar, for 
instance), others have a chance of failure (keeping You’ll find lots of examples, modifying
from heaving up your Fruity Oaty Bar when you circumstances, and optional rules in this
stumble upon victims of Reaver attack). When you chapter. Important thing to remember is
want to take action that may or may not succeed, the basic mechanic of the game:
you roll some dice and add the numbers together.
Higher is better—trust me. Attribute + Skill = Result
‘Course, things don’t always go your way and
that’s especially true when it comes to dice. But your When someone tries to do something,
crew won’t be left helpless in the face of fickle Lady he rolls the appropriate dice and
Luck. Crew and GM alike get shiny Plot Points. Plot generates a total. High numbers generally
Points let you bend the normal rules of the game mean success, low numbers indicate
in your favor. If you really need to hide from those failure. The game situation and the number
guards, you can spend a Plot Point and roll an extra rolled give the Game Master a starting
die toward your total. Maybe that shot coming at point to describe how a given action plays
you is going to blow right through your brainpan, out—the more imaginative and descriptive
ending your unseemly career. A few Plot Points may the better.
turn that mortal wound into a minor graze. Don’t go That’s it. Dohn ma?
hogwild with Plot Points, though, because you start
with just a few. Earning Plot Points can be a mite
The basic play of the game is pretty darn simple.
You state what you want to do. You’ll probably have
The roll of the dice is a fun element of the game,
to roll some dice, maybe spend a few Plot Points, but only a b’n dahn would roll them for every single
then tell the Game Master your total. After that, you action attempted. Truth be told, most actions in the
find out what happens—good or bad. game don’t require the use of dice at all. The rule of
thumb: if an action might fail, you should roll for
it. Most of the time, actions that aren’t important
 to the overall story simply happen, nice and simple.
There is an element of chance in almost every Those that are crucial to the story require a toss of
action. Talent, skill, planning, strategy—they all play the bones.
an important role in a bank job, for example, but if Jayne doesn’t need a Skill roll to reload Vera.
you’re trying to intimidate the teller and you’re only Simon doesn’t require a roll to give someone
rolling a d4 for Willpower, you’ve likely tripped on an injection. Folks don’t need the dice in order
your own boot lace and fallen flat on your face in to talk, walk, sleep, eat, or go about the other
front of the teller’s window. mundane business of an average day. But change
‘Course, if you’re rolling a d12 for Willpower, the circumstances just slightly, and suddenly the
you have a much better chance for a happier result. same action might be call for a dice roll. If Jayne is
But that depends on your character. Jayne picking riding on the back of the mule flying down a dusty
off his enemies with a sniper rifle is much more trail at high speed, he might find it a little trickier
likely than Kaylee accomplishing the same. The to reload his prize rifle. If Simon’s patient is flailing
numbers that pop up on those dice tell a story, if about in the operating theater, then he’ll discover
you’ve got the imagination for it. that administering the medication becomes a mite
Each Attribute and Skill in the Serenity Role Playing harder.
Game has a die type. If you’re a lummox, you might Most actions are judged a success or failure by
have an Agility of d4, while a ballet dancer could comparing the numbers to the Difficulty Chart.
have a d10. Skills work the same way. A d2 means If the total of your dice equals or exceeds the
you know just enough to be dangerous, while a d12 Difficulty, the action succeeds.
indicates true mastery. This is all explained back in
Chapter Two: Find a Crew and Chapter Three: Traits
and Skills, so flip back if you need a little review.
Most actions require that you roll the Attribute “Bit of a rockety ride.
die and the Skill die. If you don’t have that Skill (and Nothing to worry about.”
decide to try anyway), then you roll the Attribute
only. Add all the numbers together and find out if
—Malcolm Reynolds
you’ve saved the day or just made things worse.

Table 5.1: Action Difficulty
Action Difficulty
Difficulty Number + 7 = Extraordinary
Easy 3 Example: Jayne is running for his life through an
Alliance-held complex and he comes up on a door.
Average 7 He decides to kick it open. The GM determines the
door is Hard, but Jayne’s player rolls the dice and
Hard 11 totals a 19! Extraordinary Success! Jayne not only
kicks the door open, the door flies off its hinges and
Formidable 15
smacks a guard who was about to open it from the
Heroic 19 other side.

Incredible 23
Table 5.2: Extraordinary Success
Action Ordinary Extraordinary
Ridiculous 27 Easy 3 10
Impossible 31 Average 7 14

Hard 11 18

Examples of actions attempted at different Skill Formidable 15 22

levels can be found in Chapter Three: Traits and
Skills. Circumstances can make actions harder or Heroic 19 26
easier, and the number required higher or lower.
Incredible 23 30
Other factors can change the type of dice rolled to
get the job done. Ridiculous 27 34

Impossible 31 38
Some folk don’t want to know that they did Complex Actions: Extraordinary Success does
good, they want to know just how good. This not apply during complex actions (see below).
optional rule is an easy way to determine when
Extraordinary Success is achieved. The rule is pretty EXTRAORDINARY
simple to understand, but the GM is the final word SUCCESS &
on just what Extraordinary Success means at any DAMAGE
given moment. Note that on opposed actions, the When folks get hurt, healing them is often a bit
opposing roll is the Difficulty Number. more complicated than applying a bandage. Bones
get broken and bullets hit major organs. Severe head
trauma can put a fellow into a coma. Here’s how
Extraordinary Success works with damage. (See
Taking Damage later in this chapter.)
If an attack gains an extraordinary success, the
victim must make an Average Endurance action
(Vitality + Willpower). If successful, the damage
is taken normally. If the action fails, the damage is
taken along with the following (based on the type of
Basic: The character suffers a debilitating injury,
either a broken limb (which is useless until treated),
or he has been rendered blind or deaf. The exact
nature of the injury is determined by the GM,
depending on the situation.
Stun: If the damage is Stun-based, the character
falls unconscious immediately, taking a number of
Shock Points equal to the Stun damage inflicted
during the attack.

Wounds: If the damage is Wound-based, the Memorize: Intelligence + Alertness. Used to
character has suffered a serious injury. Without commit important information to memory.
successful treatment, the character will suffer an Recall: Intelligence + Willpower. A check to
additional d2 Wounds every ten minutes. remember an important event or fact.
Resistance: Vitality + Vitality. Made to resist
environmental hazards, diseases, alcohol, and toxins.
Some actions the crew might attempt don’t
require skill at all. These are tests of a character’s 
raw Attributes. They are rolled with Attributes only, Most actions in the game are those related
and depending upon the situation, may either be two to Skills. (That doesn’t mean, however, that you
Attributes rolled together or one Attribute rolled always have the Skill you need in a given situation!)
twice. A modifier to an attribute roll always affects When a player declares an action, the Game Master
the lower attribute only. Here are a few examples. determines the appropriate Attribute and Skill
Burst of Strength: Strength + Strength. Made required. Remember that when you don’t have
to see if you can perform a brief feat of physical the specialty, you can always use the General Skill
strength, such as shoving a heavy object out of the instead. The dice are rolled, added together, and
way. the total is compared to the Difficulty chart to
Endurance: Vitality + Willpower. Rolled when determine success.
you’re taken more Wounds than Life Points to see if Example: Kaylee is trying to repair Serenity’s
you stay alive. navigational controls in mid-flight. The GM secretly
Get Out of Harm’s Way: Agility + Alertness. determines that this is a Hard action (Difficulty 11),
Made when reacting to sudden danger, such as and decides Intelligence + Mechanical Engineering/
diving away from a grenade that lands at your feet. Repair are the Attribute and Skill required. The
Initiative: Agility + Alertness. Determines how player rolls the dice and hopes for the best.
quickly you react each combat turn. There is no universal pairing of Skills with any
Long Haul: Strength + Vitality. Made when one Attribute. As circumstances change, so do the
trying to perform an extended feat of strength that rolls required. The GM is the final word on which
has to be maintained more than a few seconds, such Attribute and Skill go together for a particular
as carrying a heavy load up a hill. action.

Example: Kaylee continues to work on the • Mal haggles with Badger over the worth of his
navigation system and might have a chance to salvage, both trying to get the better of the deal.
discover that it has been sabotaged. The GM asks Both roll Willpower + Influence/Negotiation.
Kaylee’s player to roll Alertness + Mechanical
Engineering/Repair to see if she spots the problem.
Another simple example involves running across 
a room, with varying details: Just as Lady Luck sometimes smiles upon you,
• The room is empty, requiring only speed to she can also spit in your face. In game terms, you’ve
make it to the other side. Strength + Athletics/ rolled a “botch.” A botch happens when all the dice
Running. you rolled come up as 1’s. This means Something
• The room has obstacles, requiring some Bad happens, giving the GM free reign to be both
maneuvering to avoid them. Agility + Athletics/ creative and fun-loving as to just what this failure
Running. means in the story. In combat, a botch usually
• The room has caltrop-mines scattered all about, means that you lose your next action. Perhaps your
requiring extreme care not to set them off. Alertness gun misfires, or you drop it, or you slip on the deck
+ Athletics/Running. plating and it takes a moment to regain your footing.
Here are a few examples:
UNSKILLED CREW • Jayne attempts to be on his best behavior at a
AND SKILLED social engagement, but he rolls all 1’s on his dice.
ACTIONS He intends to pass the gravy boat, but passes gas
Sometimes you just don’t have the know-how instead.
needed for a situation. A ship’s mechanic may have • Zoe lifts the butt of her hogleg to smash a
to pick up a gun to defend herself. A doctor may drunk’s face, but she rolls all 1’s. The sawed-off
have to take the helm of a shuttle and attempt an shotgun slips out of her hands and goes flying
emergency landing. A mercenary thug might be across the room.
asked to give a speech in the town square. When this • All alone on Serenity, Mal tries to replace a
happens, you gotta roll anyway. When you have an crucial engine part, but he botches his roll. He drops
Attribute but no Skill, you roll the Attribute alone. the part through the grating and has to go down
Best hope a Shepherd’s praying for you! Note that below to retrieve it.
you can always spend Plot Points on a roll when Sometimes a botch means you’ve endangered
you’re desperate for success. yourself or someone else. The GM may ask you
to make an attack roll to see if you accidentally hit
an unintentional target. And may the Maker of
 the ‘Verse protect you if you fumble while you’re
Most actions are easy or difficult based on the lobbing a grenade!
situation. (Baking a tasty chocolate cake using
only leftover protein packs is Hard!) Others are
even trickier because someone is working directly 
against you, and you have to be the better man—or A standard action is one that can be
woman—to succeed. Resolution on these actions is accomplished in a short period of time. Complex
simple. Both players make the appropriate rolls, with actions require more time, and are more difficult to
success granted to whichever player rolls highest. perform: open-heart surgery, major engine overhaul,
Sometimes the Attributes and Skills are the same for defusing a bomb, hacking into an Alliance security
both (individuals in direct competition) or they may system.
be completely different (two characters attempting Complex actions are handled slightly different
different yet opposing actions). Examples include: than standard actions. Complex actions have a
• Mal and Jayne arm wrestling at the dining room Difficulty Threshold—a number that is usually too
table. Both roll Strength + Athletics/Arm Wrestling. high to succeed in one roll. Good news is this: you
• Zoe slips past an Alliance Fed, hoping he can roll multiple times, and you keep adding the
doesn’t hear her. She rolls Agility + Covert/Stealth, results together. Each roll represents a block of
while the Fed rolls Alertness + Perception/Hearing. time that varies, depending on the circumstances

“Kaylee, you got a day’s work to do and two hours to do it.”

—Malcolm Reynolds

(determined by the GM) and might be minutes, surgery, acting as a copilot, or helping someone bake
hours, or days. Difficulty Thresholds are five times a chocolate cake—rolls are not totaled together.
the Difficulty of standard actions. Instead the totals are compared and the highest is
Table 5.3: Complex Actions
Action Difficulty Threshold
Easy 15 Table 5.4: Dice Steps
Average 35
Hard 55
Formidable 75
Heroic 95
Incredible 115
Ridiculous 135
d12 + d2
Impossible 155
d12 + d4

d12 + d6
A botch rolled on a complex action (see below)
does not mean automatic failure, but it does tend to d12 + d8
have unfortunate side-effects: your roll for that time-
block does not count at all, and you’ve increased the d12 + d10
difficulty by one category. For example, an Average
complex task becomes a Hard complex task after d12 + d12
a botch. Rolling two botches in a complex action
results in automatic failure.
Example: Kaylee is engaged in a lengthy repair,
trying to get the grav boot working properly without 
shutting down the main engine. The GM assesses
the difficulty as Hard (55), and requires Intelligence 
+ Mechanical Engineering/Repair rolls, assigning It would be shiny if we all lived in a ‘Verse where
each roll a 15 minute increment. The first three things go smooth all the time, but that ain’t like to
rolls (45 minutes!) go well, and get her close to the happen. Instead, circumstances are always changing.
total. Unfortunately, the player rolls a botch, which In game terms, that means you have to make a
raises the total to Formidable (75). It takes her three few adjustments now and then. Glad to tell you
additional rolls to reach the new threshold. It takes it’s pretty darn easy. Only thing you really need to
Kaylee an hour and a half to complete the repair. know is whether the circumstances are outside your
character’s ability to control (a sudden dust storm)
or whether your character has the ability to control
 the circumstances (starting up the mule’s engines).
When your friend is in need, you can pitch in and Change of Circumstance: If things change for
help out. How much your help counts depends on better or for worse, and if the changes are outside
the nature of the action. Not every action benefits the crew’s control (or the control of the character
from assistance, but many can. Aiding actions about to roll the dice), then the Game Master simply
functions exactly the same way for either simple or adjusts the Difficulty of the action. A quick glance
complex actions. at the chart can give the GM an appropriate target
Direct Assistance: When your efforts directly number, or he may simply make an arbitrary increase
contribute to the success of an action (for example, or decrease. Generally, a Difficulty is adjusted in 4-
helping to lift a heavy load), you roll as usual and point jumps. Larger numbers make reaction to the
your total is combined with the total rolled by change more difficult. Smaller numbers mean that
person who is receiving your aid. it’s easier to handle.
Indirect Assistance: When you can only offer Example: Jayne is engaging in a drinking contest
aid to another character—such as assisting during against the local champ, with some hard-earned

credits down on the table. Lucky for Jayne, the actions, prevent someone from getting killed or
lady bartender is a bit sweet on him, so she starts badly injured, or even used to alter the story. Just
weakening Jayne’s drinks to give him the edge. The note, however, that the Game Master gets a few Plot
GM lowers the Difficulty of Jayne’s Resistance rolls Points for his important Non-Players Characters,
by 4. too!
Personal Edge: If the factors that change are Plot Points should be represented by something
within a character’s control, then the Difficulty physical in the game: colored beads, poker chips,
stays the same, but the dice that are rolled change. or pieces of hard candy. (Watch out for the latter,
If that sounds nonsensical, think of it more like though, as players might be tempted to eat their
this: if you’ve got an advantage, you roll bigger reward!) Giving and taking Plot Points is easier
dice. If you’re hindered, you roll smaller dice. The and less distracting if you use something that can
changes to the roll are called “steps” (as in a ladder be handed out. In fact, we recommend that once
or staircase). everyone understands just how Plot Points work,
Thusly, if the original die is d10, then a 1-step stop talking about them. While they have a big
bonus results in a d12; a 2-step bonus to the d10 impact on the game, you don’t want to hear or say
becomes d12 + d2. A 1-step penalty results in a d8, the words “Plot Points” every few minutes. Players
while a 2-step penalty means a d6. Step bonuses can and the GM are encouraged to translate the use of
go as high as they need, with each increase over a Plot Points into imaginative game play.
d12 adding a new d2 and starting a new progression. Example: Wash is doing some tricky flying
If ever a die is penalized one or more steps below a through significant cloud cover, hoping Serenity can
d2, the die is eliminated from the roll entirely. If that evade a small Alliance gunship. His player decides
means no dice at all, then the action automatically to spend 3 Plot Points on his next action, so he
fails. hands 3 poker chips to the GM and then adds a d6
Traits and equipment often provide step bonuses to his next action roll. The extra die saves him from
or penalties to a given die roll. It’s always important a Botch, so the GM announces that the gunship is
to note, however, whether you are modifying the still hot on Serenity’s tail. Wash then decides to pull
Attribute or Skill. If something affects a Skill that a rapid deceleration—essentially “putting on the
you don’t have, the modifier is ignored. Sorry. brakes” so the Alliance boat will fly past them. The
Example: Wash is trying out a fancy new flight GM is pleased with Wash’s clever maneuver, and
simulator while killing time at a refilling station. quietly hands the player two Plot Points as a reward.
He decides to make life easy, and sets the simulator
on Beginner level, giving him a 2-step bonus to his
Aerial Craft Operations/Starship roll. Shiny! Wash’s 
performance score is amazing. A bit later, Kaylee Every character starts a new campaign with 6
goads Simon into giving the flight simulator a try. Plot Points, as explained in Chapter Two: Find a
Simon has no flight training whatsoever. Even at Crew. Plot Points can be spent or saved as the player
a Beginner level, with no Skill to modify, Simon’s sees fit, but only 6 points can be saved between
results are jao gao. He crashes his virtual ship into a game sessions. The rest become Progression Points
virtual asteroid. and are used to improve Skills, Attributes, and either
add or remove Traits. Plot Points are the primary

The crew in our game are the heroes of a story
reward in the game, and are handed out for good
role playing, good ideas, and succeeding in goals.

(even if they don’t always act the part). While COMPLICATIONS

they don’t always succeed (or even survive) every IN PLAY
situation, the game wouldn’t be much fun if they Complications are meant to provide a continual
always failed miserably at everything they tried to source of “interesting times” for a given character,
do. Plot Points are a way for major characters in the and as such, they become a regular source of
game to add a little drama to the story. Plot Points additional Plot Points when they affect the story.
can be used to improve the odds for important Note that when a Complication becomes an issue,

MAL: “I am a lost lamb. What in the hell happened back there?”

WASH: “Start with the part where Jayne gets knocked out by a
ninety pound girl. ‘Cause I don’t think that’s ever getting old.”

the reward should happen only once per given should be done rarely, and the Plot Points given only
situation. in extreme circumstances.
If Jayne succumbs to his Greedy nature and
attempts to cheat at cards, he is rewarded once with REWARDS
a few Plot Points. He doesn’t gain any further points Plot Points are awarded throughout the game,
for later slipping an ace up his sleeve. However, and their allocation is solely at the discretion of the
if he were to sneak into Simon’s room in order to GM. The general rule is that Plot Points should be
rifle through Simon’s clothes for cash to make up given out as a reward for good role playing. Here are
for what he lost at cards, that would be worth a few just a few possible rewards:
more Plot Points. ‘Course, Jayne had better watch • “That was cool!” (1): The player comes up
his back if the rest of the crew finds out! with a great idea, engages in some superior role
Character-Initiated: Many Complications are playing, or just does something so gorram cool it
factors of a character’s personality. As such, they must be acknowledged. Toss him a Plot Point to
kick in when the player role plays his character’s less- encourage that sort of thing!
than-perfect personality traits. When this happens, • Complication in Play (1-3): A character’s
they should be rewarded accordingly (see the Jayne Complication makes life more difficult for her. Plot
example above). Points ease the pain.
GM-Initiated: Traits that deal with a character’s • Completed a Challenge (2-4): The character
personal history often become a factor only when or group makes it through a threatening situation
the GM so desires. Even if an entire story revolves or overcomes a significant obstacle. This could be
around such a Complication (such as a Deadly something physically dangerous—such as a fight,
Enemy plotting the crew’s demise), the points are defusing a bomb, preventing the ship from crashing.
rewarded to the player only the first time the truth It could also be a mental or social challenge,
(or the bad guy) is revealed. including completing a difficult negotiation, gaining
Example: Mal has a Deadly Enemy—a certain access to a forbidden location, etc. The more
sadistic old man who runs a skyplex. Mal’s player challenging the situation, the more points awarded.
does not receive the Plot Points when the old man’s • Personal Goal (3-5): A character achieves
anonymous goons first show up and haul him off— an important personal goal in the current story.
but gets several when the old man tortures him! This could be anything from gaining a piece of
Situational: Some Complications come into information to acting out vengeance on a hated foe.
play only when the circumstances are right and, as Note these are personal goals specific to a smaller
such, are generally out of the player’s control. The story. If a character achieves a life-long personal
players should be rewarded with Plot Points only if goal, such as buying his own Firefly, the rewards
the situation places them in direct danger or causes should be substantially higher!
some other difficulty. • Crew Goal (4-6): This is a reward for each
Example: Kaylee is guarding the entrance to the player for succeeding in an important mission. For
airlock while the rest of the crew has gone into a example, the crew of Serenity obtains some illegal
skyplex. When several guards show up and start salvage and successfully outmaneuvers undercover
shooting, her Combat Paralysis kicks in, and she Alliance marshals, Reavers, and Niska’s thugs to
freezes up. Her player gets a few Plot Points, since get paid. When they do, everyone deserves the Plot
the cute mechanic is now in f ’n zse. Point reward (and hopefully a share in the cash).
Constants: Each Complication is a bit different. Each player can decide how to make use of his
Some are constant—such as a character’s disability hard-earned Plot Points. Some players will want to
(blindness, missing limb, etc.). The players with a use most of them in the current session to improve
constant Complication should not be rewarded in their chances at succeeding in the short-term, while
ordinary situations, but only when the Complication others will hoard them and use them for Progression
becomes a significant hindrance. Points to improve Skills, increase Attributes, buy
Example: A character with a missing leg does not off Complications, or even purchase new Assets.
receive a reward for walking through the cargo bay, There’s no right or wrong approach. Just remember
but does so when she is running away from a ticking that only 6 Plot Points can be saved in between
bomb! game sessions—the rest become Progression Points.
One more thing—if the GM has a story that
makes life especially un-fun for a particular character
(even if the player is enjoying the extra attention!), 
it might be worth a few Plot Points for that player The only thing more fun than gaining Plot Points
even if there is no Complication involved. This is spending them. Use them to stay alive, pull off
some heroic feat of daring-do, or affect the story

in a tangible way. Here are the basic uses of Plot
Points, though these can be expanded upon by the

When a character spends Plot Points on an
action roll, the player gains an extra die that is added
to his dice pool before he rolls. A few Plot Points
spent might gain an extra couple of points, while
a bunch of points spent could potentially lead to
amazing success. There are no guarantees with this,
however. Even if you spend 6 Plot Points for an
extra d12, there is always a chance you could roll a 1!
Table 5.5: Plot Points
Points and gain an extra d10 to the action. Tzao-gao!
and the Bonus Die
Plot Points Die Type
Even with the extra die, the total is only 7—failure!
Instead of allowing Mal and the horse to plummet
1 d2 into the ravine, Mal’s player decides to go ahead
and fork over 4 additional Plot Points to achieve
2 d4 bare minimum success. Mal’s horse makes it over,
sending a cascade of rocks and dirt clods down into
3 d6 the ravine.
Complex Actions: When using Plot Points to
4 d8
gain an extra die on complex actions, the bonus die
5 d10 counts for only one roll during the series. To gain
the die multiple times, you have to spend more Plot
6 d12 Points each time.

7 d12 + d2 STAYING ALIVE

There will come times during a game when you’ll
8 d12 + d4 want your character to not be dead. As we’ve said
often enough—the ‘Verse is a dangerous place. One
9 d12 + d6 bullet might put you over the top as far as Wounds
go, and some hwoon dahn out there is using auto-
10 d12 + d8
fire against you! Whenever you take damage, you
11 d12 + d10 have the option of spending Plot Points to reduce
it. Essentially, you’re doing a quick re-write of the
12 d12 + d12 story—making sure you live to the next scene.
Plot Points spent to reduce damage grant you
a die roll exactly the same as a bonus die for an
action (see Table 6.4). Take the results and subtract
it directly from the damage dealt—counting
Plot Points “After the Fact”: You can also Wounds first, then Stun. And just in case you were
spend Plot Points to affect an action after the dice wondering, you don’t gain Life Points back if your
have been rolled. This is generally much more roll ends up higher than the damage dealt on an
expensive, but can still make a difference on really attack.
important actions. Each Plot Point spent improves You can use Plot Points to deal with damage, but
the die total by only 1. Note that you are allowed to you have to do so as soon as the GM announces it.
spend Plot Points both before and after the roll. You can’t go back later and decide you would like to
Example: Mal is riding horseback through some reduce damage dealt from a previous injury. Another
light scrub with an angry lynch mob hot on his thing to keep in mind is that you’re stuck with the
tail. (Why can’t things ever just go smooth?) He results of the roll. If it comes up as a 1, deal with it
sees a small ravine up ahead. Mal decides to make and call for a medic.
the horse jump the ravine. The GM decrees that Example: Shepherd Book is caught in the
this is a Hard action, and Mal’s player needs an 11 crossfire when a negotiation between Mal and a
to succeed. Mal’s player decides to spend 5 Plot potential buyer goes south. Book catches a bullet

that does 7 Wounds and 4 Stun—some serious What you can do with Plot Points is stretch the
damage! Book’s player opts to spend 5 Plot Points, story in a convincing and believable way, leastwise
and rolls a d10 to reduce the damage. He lucks out to the GM’s satisfaction. It’s not hard to believe that
and rolls an 8, completely eliminating the Wounds a Border world bumpkin might fall in love with a
and reducing the Stun damage to 3. Book is hit but beautiful, registered Companion. A character who
the bullet lodges in his copy of the Bible, stunning hails from Persephone might remember he has
him slightly from the impact. a cousin who works at the Eavesdown Docks. A
Note that the GM does not announce that former Independent soldier tracking down a bounty
Book saved himself by spending 5 Plot Points! The on a fellow Browncoat could easily find out that
GM provides an exciting account of Book diving they were both in the same outfit.
head-first into a ditch as the bullets kick up dust all When you want to use Plot Points in this way,
around him. make your suggestion and give the GM the number
of Plot Points you are willing to spend, based on
COVERING how far you are stretching the realm of believability.
YOUR ASSETS If he’s not agreeable to the notion, you’ll get your
Some Assets require that you spend Plot Points points back. If he likes the idea, but thinks that you
in order to use them to their full effect. If you’ve didn’t spend enough Plot Points to gain the impact
got “Friends in High Places”, you’ll need to spend you were hoping for, he could determine the Points
at least 5 Plot Points to obtain that large loan from spent and devise a slightly different version of
one of your buddies. Someone with “Mechanical events. (Perhaps the dockworker is not actually your
Empathy” can spend Plot Points to get right to the cousin, but you did go to school with the fellow.)
heart of a problem. Using Plot Points in this way
is explained in Chapter One: Find a Crew. The GM Table 5.6: Plot Points and Story Impact
may adjust the required number of points or even Cost Impact
disallow the use of an Asset in a given situation if it Inconsequential: “The bartender is a former
doesn’t suit the story. Don’t fret, though—you don’t 1-3 Independent. I’m sure he won’t mind a
have to spend Plot Points for actions when you fellow Browncoat running up a large tab.”
don’t gain the benefit of the Asset.
Example: The catalyzer on the port compression Minor: “I completely forgot I’d hid that
4-6 hundred credit note in my boot!”
coil has completely burned out on Serenity’s engine,
leaving the ship on the drift and life support Significant: “Rosco! Ain’t seen you since the
completely out. Kaylee’s player is able to spend a 7-10 reunion back on Shadow. So you’re a Federal
few Plot Points to learn the nature of the problem. Marshall, now. How ya been, old buddy?”
Realizing how crucial the situation is, Kaylee’s player Major: “We’ve been drifting through
attempts to spend even more points to figure out a 11+ the black without power for nigh onto
way to fix things. The GM has secretly determined two days. Amazing that your ship just
happened by this outta the way spot!”
that Serenity’s mechanical woes are the heart of the
adventure, so when Kaylee’s player attempts to
spend the Plot Points, the GM hands them back to It’s important to remember that at no time
her and says that the ship has nothing more to say. does the use of Plot Points let you take over the
While players are free to burn Plot Points on story. The GM gets to play with your idea, and
actions that might still fail, players do not have to things may not exactly turn out like you plan. The
lose them when using Assets that don’t apply to the bartender may let you run up a large tab, but when
current story. you’re unable to settle up, he may decide you’re a
disgrace to the Independent forces and call in his
STORY bouncers. Your cousin may let you hide at his place,
MANIPULATION but it turns out he owes a local rail baron a ton
It’s no secret that you are playing characters of platinum and the kneecap-breakers arrive that
in a story being mostly told by the Game Master. very night. The folks who pick you up on the drift
But Plot Points give you the power to change the may decide to shoot you and strip your ship! The
story line in small ways. This is often done to your GM isn’t going to hump your character over (we
character’s advantage and should always be done to promise!), but don’t expect things to be all roses and
make life more interesting for your character and sunshine just because you forked over a few Plot
the crew. That being said, Plot Points won’t let you Points. That just ain’t the way of the ‘Verse.
rewrite the story in the middle, change the nature of Here are a few ideas about how you can use Plot
an important character, or any other stuff like that. Points, now that we have the costs out of the way.
Best let such notions go.

• Attack of Stupidity – Everyone gets stupid • Twinge of Conscience – Maybe he’s not so bad
sometimes, makes a really moronic decision. This is after all. It may take him all of a moment to decide
that moment. whether to finish you off now or let you crawl away
• Can’t Hire Good Help – Folk neglecting their on your belly.
duties. (“The guards are drinking and playing dice!”) • Unexpected Consequences – Something you did
• Deception – Someone has lied about his true before had unforeseen results. (“Those thugs you
identity or background. (“Turns out he’s an Alliance shot back on Whitefall once attacked my wife. I’ll
undercover officer.”) help you however I can.”)
• Dissension in the Ranks – A formerly solid group • Unprepared – An NPC is plum caught off guard. It
ain’t lookin’ so unified. (“I get seven percent and I will take a moment for him to get his act together!
have to share my bunk with that fellow.”) • What the—? – Something unexpected happens. The
• Green-Eyed Monster – Jealousy is an ugly thing, trigger-man sneezes, a snake spooks the horse, or
and someone is lookin’ mighty ugly. something else upsets the whole shebang.
• Good Fortune – A stroke of good luck, just when it

was needed!
Hatred – Or at least strong dislike. Someone is really
itching to beat (or shoot!) the tar out of another
It’s an unfortunate truth that sometimes it takes
fellow. a gun or a fist to get things done. Even peaceable
• It Broke! – A supposedly reliable object fails to folk may be forced to defend themselves when
perform. The pistol misfires, the rope snaps, the conducting business, traveling, or trying to have a
saddle slips. quiet drink.
• Love is the Air – Well, maybe it’s just lust. But The combat rules—like the rest of the game—
sparks are definitely flying! are meant to convey fast, cinematic action. It’s up
• Overly Cautious – Instead of assuming the obvious, to the players and the GM to keep things lively and
she’s going to make sure everything’s exactly right descriptive, and not make combat just a bunch of
before she shoots you. numbers and die rolls. While combat does slow
• Remember Me? – You knew him from the old down the flow of time (in game terms), fights
days. And after a moment’s consideration he may should be dramatic and quick-paced, whether it’s
remember you, too. Might be a good thing. Might a one-on-one gun duel, or a barroom brawl with
not. twenty combatants.

“Can I make a suggestion that doesn’t involve
violence, or is this the wrong crowd?”
—Hoban “Wash” Washburne

The vast majority of times these rules are used

in a game is when fists, bullets, and knives are flying. 
But there are other, non-lethal situations where the Each turn allows for one action without penalty.
combat rules also come in handy. These rules come This action can be most anything that could be
into play any time the GM needs to “zoom in on” accomplished in the short time frame. You can run
the action and deal with it in short segments, or across the room, throw a punch, shove another
needs to know who goes first and does best. magazine into the pistol, or perform a similar action.
But let’s say you want to run across the room and
punch a fellow in the face, or you want to fire off
 several rounds. You can’t perform simultaneous
When all hell breaks loose, life can get a mite actions at the same level of skill that you use for
complicated. To prevent combat from becoming just performing one action, but you may not have
a lun bei jo jei, the game breaks combat down into the luxury of time to do this perfect, especially if
turns. Each turn lasts about three seconds of game the guy across the room is holding a gun on your
time, long enough for folks to take one careful partner!
action—or multiple actions that are less-than-
careful! Initiative is rolled to determine in what MULTIPLE ACTIONS
order everyone will act. Each character takes his Every action beyond the first taken in a turn
actions in sequence. Pretty simple, huh? brings a cumulative –1 step Skill penalty to all
actions in the turn. Two actions bring a –1 step
INITIATIVE penalty, three actions –2, etc. If a reduction would
When combat first breaks out, the GM reduce your Skill die below d2, you lose that action
determines who acts first—usually the one who entirely—so don’t try it! (Though many actions
initiates the ensuing violence. That person (or group can be attempted unskilled, trying to do something
in the case of an ambush situation) gets a “free” you’re not good at while simultaneously doing
turn ahead of everyone else. Otherwise, everyone something else is ill-advised.) The GM may rule that
rolls Initiative for their characters. As explained you’re trying too many actions for one turn, and put
back in Chapter One: Find a Crew, this is an Agility a limit on how many you can do. In addition, most
+ Alertness roll, though it can be modified by Traits weapons have a limit on how many rounds can be
and other factors. This roll determines the turn fired (see Chapter Three: Money and Gear).
order—highest goes first. Ties result in simultaneous You can include defense actions in your total
actions, with opposed Agility rolls made when it’s if you want for the turn (“I dodge out of the way
really important to know who’s faster. If a character and shoot the thug in the face!”). You may decide
is waiting for something, he can hold his action until to add defense actions even after your turn is over,
later in the turn, though if the turn gets to the end but those will count against your total for the next
and he still has not acted, he loses the chance to act combat turn.
that turn entirely.
RESOLUTION Not everything you do counts as an action
Actions are resolved in order. Things are against you. You can take a quick look around the
happening fast, so there isn’t time for a lot of room, speak (or holler) a short phrase, or drop to
questions and table talk! If a player asks too the ground. All these are considered “free” actions.
many questions or can’t make a quick decision Note that reaction rolls (innate defense rolls or
(determined by the GM’s discretion), then the any other roll made in resistance to something that
character spends the combat turn looking around happens during the turn) do not count against your
and trying to assess the situation. total actions for the turn.

OPTIONAL Agility or Strength roll, while any maneuvering
INITIATIVE requires the use of Agility.
Maybe your group decides that rolling There is one exception to the multiple action rule
Initiative each and every turn takes too listed above: if a character’s only action in a turn is
much time or the GM thinks it is slowing movement, then there is no penalty to the Skill roll.
the pace of the game. Here are a few If the character attempts other actions in addition
alternatives: to movement in a turn, the character receives the
Merry-Go-Round: Initiative is normal penalty to all actions. (A character who is
determined normally, but everyone goes running does not take a penalty to his Athletics/
in the same order each turn until the Running Skill die if movement is the only action for
battle is over. Characters who “sit out” the turn. A character who is running and attacking
an entire turn trying to get their bearings in the same turn is penalized for taking three actions,
can re-roll the Initiative roll to establish a incurring the usual –2 step penalty to all Skill dice.)
new place in the turn order. This has the
advantage of speeding things up, but can Table 5.7: Movement
seem repetitive. Pace Actions Speed
Action as Initiative: Instead of a Walk 0 Base (normally 15 ft.)
separate Initiative roll, everyone rolls the
first action of the turn. (If the actions Hustle 1 Base x 2 (normally 30 ft.)
do not normally involve a die roll, the
(Base x 2) + (Attribute +
player rolls Agility + Alertness.) This Run 2 Athletics/Running)
roll serves as both Initiative and the
result of the first action—with secondary
actions resolved normally with separate Example: Hwa Ling takes one look at the
rolls. This is another way to speed up explosive and realizes she only has moments to run
combat. The main drawback is that the for her life. She breaks into a full run, so the GM
most successful actions always go first, asks for an Agility + Athletics/Running roll. Since
which means that those most likely to fail Hwa Ling does not have the Running specialty, she
always go last. must rely on the Athletics general Skill. A quick
glance at the character sheet reminds the player
that Hwa Ling’s base speed multiplied by 2 is 30 ft.
OPTIONAL Her player rolls a d10 + d6 and gets a total of 11.
SECONDARY Hwa Ling makes it only 41 feet before the explosive
ACTIONS charge detonates. (Perhaps she should have spent a
Generally, each player resolves all few Plot Points!)
the actions for the turn at once. One
alternative is to let all players take DEFEND YOURSELF
their first actions in the turn in order of No one enjoys being stabbed, shot, or kicked in
Initiative, and then go back through the the groin (especially the latter!). While standing there
order again for secondary actions. This taking the beating may prove you’re tough, most
can sometimes create more “realism” in folk would just as soon dodge, block, or dive behind
the order of actions, but has the potential some cover. A wise man once said: “You can’t get
to slow things down. paid when you’re dead.” And if you can’t avoid the
fight, you can at least try to avoid the bullet.
You can incorporate defensive actions into your
MOVING ABOUT regular actions during the turn. The defense kicks in
Most folk have a base movement speed of 15 against the next attack to which it could apply. (So if
feet per turn. This number represents a leisurely you decide to block as a defensive action, the block
walk and doesn’t count as an action during a turn. won’t count against the shot fired at you, but will
Anyone can pick up the pace and go twice his base count against the next punch or kick.) Good news
speed (hustle), or he can break into a run. Use the is you can still take a defensive action even after
following table for determining movement and the your normal turn is over, but any active defensive
number of actions taken. Note that a run uses an actions count against your number of actions for
Attribute + Skill roll to calculate speed for the turn. the following turn.
The GM determines which Attribute to roll based Example: Zoe finds herself in the middle of yet
on the situation. A flat run without any obstacles another barroom brawl. (Funny how that always
in the way usually relies on the better of either an happens when she’s with the Captain in an Alliance

bar on Unification Day!) At the beginning of the Cover: There’s a reason why people start diving
turn, Zoe announces that she’ll punch a drunk in under tables when guns are drawn. Cover makes
the face and block his first attack. Her attack roll is you harder to hit. The numbers modify whatever
a good one, and she gives the Alliance-loving thug difficulty normally applies. For instance, if you’re
a one-way ticket to a dentist’s chair. On the thug’s standing still behind medium cover, the difficulty to
Initiative, he throws a punch her way, and her block shoot you at close range jumps from 3 all the way to
action (announced earlier) is successful. 11. (See Table 6.7.)
Bad news, though—two of the guy’s buddies
show up later in the same combat turn, swinging bar Table 5.8: Cover
stools. Zoe decides to dodge both of those attacks, Cover Difficulty Description (Example)
but since her turn is over, she’s already used up two Light Cover +4 Up to half the target is
concealed. (A man standing
actions for the next turn, which means she’s at a big behind a small overturned
disadvantage and things may start going south— table that conceals the
fast. A strategic withdrawal is advised. lower part of his body;
someone lying down.)
Innate Defense: Even if you’re too busy Medium +8 More than half the target
bringing on the hurt to worry about actual defensive Cover is concealed. (A woman is
maneuvers, moving around is still better than hiding behind her horse.)
standing flat on your feet, which makes you an Heavy Cover +12 Most of the target is
concealed. (A man is peeking
Easy target (Difficulty 3) at close range. If you are out from around a corner.)
aware of your attacker (even if you are otherwise Total Cover +16 Only a tiny portion of the
occupied), you can make an unskilled Agility roll target is visible. (A man
is looking out through
(meaning the die value counts only once) as your the keyhole of a door.)
defense number. If you roll high enough, the lurn
shwei jah jwohn might miss you. Using Plot Points
never hurts, either. You cannot Botch on an Innate Range: If you can’t find cover when the bullets
Defense roll. (Innate Defense counts as 0 actions.) are about to start flying, you might want to be in
Block: Fancy folk call the action “parry”— the next county. Unlike cover, which affects the
meaning that you intercept a hand-to-hand attack. difficulty number, range modifies the Skill die of
Blocking a punch with your arm, or deflecting an the attacker for ranged weapons only. (You don’t
enemy’s blade with your own—it’s all handled the get a point-blank modifier for punching someone in
same. Blocking an action requires an Agility + the the face!) See Chapter Three: Money and Gear for the
appropriate Skill roll, which opposes your foe’s ranges involved for specific weapons.
attack roll. If your roll is higher, you succeed in
blocking. If your roll is equal to or lower—ouch.
Note that if you block a weapon attack while you
are unarmed, your opponent automatically inflicts
the weapon’s listed damage on you. Probably not
as bad as getting stabbed in the gut, but you’re still
gonna bleed.
Don’t try to block firearms or energy weapons—
that’s the same as just standing still. Dodge those
instead. (Blocking counts as 1 action.)
Dodge: Some idiot once said that the best
defense is a good offense. The best defense is
not being there in the first place! Use an Agility +
Athletics/Dodge roll, which becomes the Difficulty
number to hit you. As always, higher is better.
(Dodging counts as 1 action.)
All-Out Defense: When you’ve decided that you
really, really want to live, and running isn’t an option,
an all-out defense might be the way to survive. If
your only actions for the turn are defensive, you gain
a +2 step Skill bonus to the rolls (though multiple
action penalties still apply). It may even keep you
alive! Note that if you have any actions carrying over
from a previous turn (such as defensive maneuvers)
you cannot declare All-Out Defense.

Table 5.9: Range Table 5.10: Called Shots
Range Skill Modifier Type Skill Modifier Effect
Point-Blank (within Limb –1 step +2 step modifier
+1 Skill step to damage dice.
10 feet)
Endurance test to
Short – avoid incapacitation.
Vital Area –2 step +4 step modifier to
Medium –2 Skill step (head, groin) damage dice. Endurance
test to avoid stun.
Miniscule –3 step +6 step modifier to
Long –4 Skill step (heart, damage dice for critical
kneecap) area. Endurance test
to avoid special injury.
Protective Gear: Some folk feel it’s prudent to
wear protective gear—anything from bullet-proof
vests to full body armor, though folk decked out • Limb: Damage increased by +2 die steps, and
head to toe in such are likely to draw the wrong kind the victim must succeed at an Average Endurance
of attention. Armor doesn’t make you harder to hit. roll. If the roll fails, a Stun or Basic damage weapon
In fact, if it slows your movement, you might make makes the limb immobile for 1d6 turns; a Wound
an easier target. Armor does block damage, based on weapon makes it immobile until repaired through
its Armor Rating. As an example, an Armor Rating surgery.
of 4W protects against the first 4 points of Wound • Vital Area: Your damage die gains a +4 step
damage on a given attack. Note that called shots modifier. The victim must succeed at an Average
to unarmored parts of your body or an attack that Endurance roll. Failure means the target is knocked
gains Extraordinary Success will penetrate or get out and cannot take any actions for 1d6 turns.
past your armor protection. A protective vest isn’t • Miniscule Target: If you are aiming for
much help if you’re shot in the head. See Chapter 3: a critical area (shooting for the heart or in the
Money and Gear for more details. eye), you gain a +6 step modifier to the damage
die and the victim must succeed at an Average
INFLICTING Endurance roll or fall dead instantly. If you’ve
VIOLENCE aimed for a kneecap or elbow, damage is normal,
This is the part where you drill an enemy with and the Endurance roll determines if the limb is
holes, knock the teeth out of his mouth, or some immobilized until major surgery is performed;
similar enjoyment. A basic attack action is an pain incapacitates the victim for 1d6 turns. If
Attribute + Skill roll like any other. If your roll is you succeed at a precise shot such as this, you
equal to or greater than the Difficulty needed to can deliberately forego any or all of the damage
hit, you inflict damage. Otherwise you miss. Things bonus (if, say, you are a Shepherd willing to shoot
change just a bit if you try something tricky. kneecaps, but don’t want to kill anyone).
Aim: You can aim a shot from a ranged weapon Disarm: You reckon that the gun (or whatever
for up to three turns. As long as no other actions are weapon) is better off on the ground than in your
taken (including movement of any kind), you gain a enemy’s hand. You make a normal attack at –2 Skill
+1 Skill step bonus per turn aimed. steps if you’re fighting melee and –4 if you’re using
All-Out Attack: When all you care about is a ranged weapon. If your attack succeeds, the target
seeing the other fellow dead, with no regard to your must make a Hard Agility + Willpower roll or he
own safety, you have a better chance to hit—but so drops the weapon.
do all your enemies! When you choose this option, Feint: You want to make a false move that tricks
you can make only attack actions in the turn (which your opponent into expecting the attack is coming
means no defense or carry-over actions from from another direction. This works only in hand-to-
previous turns), and you may not take defensive hand combat. Close observation of your opponent
actions later in the turn. This provides a +2 Skill can really come in handy, and so the GM determines
step modifier on your attack actions for the turn. your roll based on the nature of your feint (often
Called Shot: Sometimes you want to aim for an Alertness + the hand-to-hand Skill you’re using).
the head, kick to the groin, or blow off a kneecap. Your opponent opposes with either an Alertness or
Any time you are going for a specific location on Intelligence + Perception/Intuition roll. If your roll
a larger target, you use a called shot (unless you’re is higher, your target may use only Innate Defense
trying to disarm; keep readin’ for more info on that). against your next attack.
A called shot affects your Skill roll, but can also Grapple: (There can be a salacious connotation
yield gratifying results. The GM may decide that to the word “grapple” in the ‘Verse, but here we’re
Extraordinary Success on such attacks has results talking about combat—not sex!) Say you feel the
that go beyond what is listed below. sudden urge to snap that sadistic old man’s neck.

Or maybe you want to subdue your crazy sister to standing still are Easy targets, which mean they are
keep her from smashing up the infirmary. First you automatically hit. Anyone who fails his roll is hit
have to get hold of the person, which is done with as if struck by the original attack roll against his
an Agility + Unarmed Combat/Specialty (several defense. Plot Points can be used only to add a bonus
specialties work just fine—including brawling, die to an attack against one target.
certain martial arts styles, and wrestling). Example: Jayne switches his submachine gun to
Once you have a hold, your opponent must autofire and sprays the 10-foot area where three
succeed at an Agility + Strength action against you security guards, Harry, Joe, and Burly, stand. Jayne’s
in order to break free. (Good news—holding on player rolls a 13 on the attack roll, far more than
does not count as an action.) Each turn you have a the 3 he needed to “paint” the area. The GM rolls
hold, your foe is an Easy target for unarmed attack defense for the trio. Harry dives for cover, and his
actions—or you can choke him (see “Suffocation” in Agility + Athletics/Dodge yields him a 15—saving
the Damage section). You can also use the same type his pee goo for the moment. Joe is an aware, moving
of attack to push a foe (handy if he is standing at target, and gets Innate Defense. His Agility-only
the edge of a ravine) or knock someone down. The roll yields a 5—meaning he’s hit with the original
target is Prone (more later on) until he gets back on 13 attack! Burly’s attention was elsewhere, and he’s
his feet. standing still and an unaware target. He’s hit and the
Sneak Attack: A target who isn’t aware of your poor bastard gets only a 3 (the Easy difficulty) as a
presence is usually an Easy target—unless he’s defense.
moving quickly and erratically enough to warrant an
Innate Defense roll. COVERING
Thrown Weapon: Some weapons are made for You might want to keep your eyes (and weapon)
hurling (darts, knives, etc.). Some are not (pistols). trained on a spot to attack the first misfortunate to
Use this rule when you throw a weapon that wasn’t walk into your sights. Doing this essentially allows
designed for the purpose. The GM determines if you to delay your action during the turn. (You
this is feasible, and what your Skill step penalty might lose the chance to act at all if the area you are
(–1 through –4) is based on the distance of the covering remains empty during the course of the
enemy from you and the unwieldiness of your turn!) As long as you maintain the covering action,
chosen weapon. This can come in handy if you find it will carry over to the next turn, allowing you to
yourself in some chwen sword fight and want to give take attack actions the moment an enemy appears
your foe a surprise! (allowing you to act out of the normal Initiative

 THREATENING
As if things weren’t chaotic enough during a Sometimes you’ve got someone dead to rights—
fight, unusual factors may come into play that will be it a gun trained on his head or holding a knife at
make your life a lot more complicated. his throat. If the target you are threatening decides
to take any sort of action, you have the option to
AUTOMATIC take a free attack attack action outside the normal
WEAPONS Initiative order at +2 step Skill bonus. You’ll get to
When one bullet just isn’t enough, automatic act normally on your turn in Initiative order. The
weapons come in mighty handy. Most have three free action does not count against your total for the
settings, which act in the following ways: turn.
• Single-shot: The weapon fires one bullet per
attack and is handled with a standard attack. BREAKING STUFF
• Burst: The weapon fires a short burst of three Plenty of times you’ll want to kick down the
rounds. A burst counts as one attack action and door, break out of a pair of handcuffs, or shoot
allows you to make three attack rolls against the through the rope to stop the hanging. Inanimate
target, though with a –2 step Skill penalty, since objects that are not moving have standard
firing a burst is less accurate. difficulties to hit based on their size and range.
• Autofire: This is where you target a general Moving targets (such as the tires of a sandbuggy)
area (about 5 to 10 feet wide) and spray it full of have a defense based on the operator’s Skill or
lead. You make one Easy attack action to make otherwise determined by the GM. Objects are
sure you targeted the area correctly. If your attack immune to Stun damage and have protection
succeeds, all potential targets must make defense identical to an Armor Rating in order to damage
rolls (just as they would against normal attacks) them at all, along with “Life Points” in order to
against an Average difficulty. Those unaware and break them. A few examples:

• Handcuffs: Armor 6; Life Points 2 IMPROVISED
• Reinforced Door: Armor 10; Life Points 8 WEAPONS
• Rope: Armor 2; Life Points 2 Weapons of opportunity can be beautiful things,
• Standard Door: Armor 4; Life Points 6 especially when a bar fight breaks out, and you didn’t
Note this is for damaging such items. Dealing think to strap on your iron this morning. Brawling
with them in other ways incurs standard difficulties allows you to use appropriate improvised weapons
(picking locks, untying a knot, etc.). (broken beer bottles, pool sticks, bar stools) just as
you would use a weapon in which you are skilled.
EXPLOSIONS For example, you want to use a broken beer bottle
Jayne once said, “Boy, sure would be nice if we as you would use a knife. You apply your Skill in
had some grenades, don’tchya think?” Some things the appropriate similar weapon, but also apply a
go boom and when they do, it’s best not to be penalty of –1 to –4 Skill steps, depending on the
standin’ close by. An explosion has damage listed as size and heft of the weapon as decided by the GM.
multiple dice. (The first number lists the number of (A broken-off chair leg is easier to wield than a
dice to be rolled.) Anyone within the first distance step ladder.) The GM also determines damage,
increment takes the full brunt of the explosion, usually basing that on the weapon the object most
while each increment reduces the damage by one resembles (a knife for a broken bottle, club for a
die until there are no dice left. A thrown explosive pool stick, etc.).
requires an Average attack action to hit the correct
area, otherwise it lands somewhere unintended OBSCURED VISION
(determined by the GM). If circumstances give a Can’t shoot what you can’t see, and sometimes
step bonus or penalty to damage, that increases the lights go out. Such situations cause the Difficulty
or decreases the die type, not the number of dice to shoot up, making easy pickings tricky targets.
rolled. Cover might reduce damage, as dtermined by • Dim Light, Thin Smoke, or Fog: Add +4
the GM. to the Difficulty of hitting any target more than 10
Example: Jayne isn’t finished with those security feet away. (An Easy target 20 feet away would now
guards, so he lobs a frag grenade at them. An require a 7 or better to hit.)
Agility + Gun/Grenades roll yields an 8. Not great, • Dark, Thick Smoke, or Fog: Add +8 to
but good enough! The grenade does 3d6 Wound the Difficulty of hitting any target more than 10
damage at a distance increment of 5 feet. Poor feet away. (An Easy target 20 feet away would now
Harry is standing right over the pineapple when it required an 11 or better to hit.)
explodes. The GM rolls 3d6 to inflict 11 Wounds. • Pitch Black or Blinded: When you can’t see
Joe is 10 feet from the center of the blast, and the anything, any type of ranged attack has only a small
GM rolls a 1d6 for 2 Wounds. Burly was over 15 feet chance of hitting a target, and that’s assuming you
away, so he isn’t damaged by the grenade at all. have a rough idea of its location. Any potential
target (intentional or not) must make a normal or
FIRING INTO innate defense roll against an Easy Difficulty. Failure
A CROWD means they are hit, with the lowest roll getting the
Ranged weapons fired at a target engaged in hit if there is more than one failure. If someone
hand-to-hand combat or fired into a crowd can be is hit, make a new attack roll against the target’s
especially dangerous. You take a –2-step Skill penalty original defense roll to determine damage. Note
on the attack roll, and if you botch, you’ll have to that characters with the Blind trait don’t suffer this
make a separate attack roll against an unintentional penalty, but have their own penalties.
target (determined by the situation and the GM).
This makes it inadvisable to try to shoot the fellow PRONE
who is trading punches with one of your crew You got knocked on your ass. Getting up is an
(unless you know you are a damn good shot!). action. Attacking while you’re down incurs a –2-
step Attribute penalty. If you are lying flat, you have
UNARMED COMBAT the benefits of light cover (see “Cover”, Table 6.7).
Unarmed attacks are resolved normally, but Attacking or not, you’re a non-moving target.
inflict Stun damage only. In other words, instead of
calculating basic damage, subtract it from the target’s UNSTABLE
Life Points as Stun damage. The “Mean Left Hook” TERRAIN
Trait is for those scary people who might easily kill Whether you’re in an earthquake or a ship
someone with their bare hands. If you’re brawling maneuvering in atmo (when the grav drive starts
and reach for a weapon within easy reach, however, working against actual gravity, it tends to stir up the
you’ll need to read on. lunch), there’s a whole lot of shaking going on. All

actions taken on such unstable terrain suffer a –2- 1. DETERMINE
step penalty to all Attributes. When there is a sudden BASIC DAMAGE
lurch, characters must succeed at an Average Agility The better the shot, the deader the target. The
+ Alertness roll to avoid being knocked Prone. higher your attack roll, the more damage you inflict.
(Just remember this works against you when it’s the
ZERO-GRAVITY other guy’s turn!) Simple damage is determined by
Movement and certain actions are more difficult this formula:
in zero-G conditions. (You might be “out for a
walk” in a space suit or the grav drive could be fried Attack – Defense = Basic Damage
on-board ship.) Before you take an action during Divide between Stun and Wounds (favor Stun)
the turn, you must succeed at an Average roll using
the Survival/Zero-G Skill (or other Skill reflecting Subtract the defense (either a roll or a flat
experience in such an environment). If you fail, you Difficulty number) from the attack, and you get your
suffer a –2-step penalty for all actions during the basic damage. Now split those evenly into Stun and
turn. The GM determines the Attribute for the roll Wounds, favoring Stun if you end up with an odd
based on the situation and your actions during the number. If the attack roll was much higher than
turn. Moving to a specific spot would be Agility- the defense, that means inflicting serious pain. But
based, for example, while shooting a free-floating we’re not quite done yet…
target would be Alertness-based.
Even sheltered rich folk fall down and skin
A successful attack—even one that only equals
the defense—makes a damage roll based on the
their knees every now and again. Sooner or later, weapon. Each weapon lists damage as Stun, Wound,
you’re gonna wind up hurt. Each character has Life or Basic (which is split between the two damage
Points—a number based on Vitality, Willpower, and types, exactly as above). Once that damage is rolled
certain traits (explained in Chapter One: Find a Crew and recorded, the attack has been fully resolved.
and Chapter Two: Traits and Skills). You can take Note that if Plot Points are being used to reduce
two different kinds of damage—Stun and Wounds. the damage done by an attack, their use is taken into
When your total damage (both Stun and Wounds) account after both basic and weapon damage are
equals your Life Points, you’re probably out like figured. Damage reduction roll reduces all Wounds
a light. When you’ve taken all your Life Points in first, then Stun if there are any points left over.
Wounds, you’re most likely about to be dead.
Stun: Fortunately, some damage is just light 3. FALLOUT
trauma: exhaustion, bruised muscles, scratches, If the injury is minor, you can slap a bandage
abrasions, shallow cuts. These are not serious and on it. But if things are more serious, Bad Stuff can
heal quickly with rest. happen.
Wounds: This trauma is more worrisome: Passing Out: If your total damage from both
broken bones, punctured organs, deep lacerations, Stun and Wounds equals your Life Points, you must
significant burns. Such injuries cause considerable make an Average Endurance (Vitality + Willpower)
pain, which means that at a certain point you’re not roll or fall unconscious. For every turn thereafter
going to function as well (see “Wound Penalties” (unless you somehow recover enough damage to
later on). While time heals all wounds, these Wounds put you back under your Life Points total), you must
will require medical attention for any hope of a make the check again with a cumulative +4 to the
speedy recovery. Difficulty.
Example: Desperate to protect his sister, Simon
attacks an Alliance Fed using his fists. The two
 exchange blows for a few turns, but the Fed has
Maybe a lug nut falls off your lao deow ya ship the upper hand. One final punch puts Simon’s total
and hits you in the head, or you eat some of damage equal to his total Life Points. Simon’s player
Jayne’s cooking. Other times, a fellow gets himself makes a Vitality + Willpower roll against a difficulty
bloodied as a result of an attack. When that of 7 and scores a 9—success! He is able to function
happens, here’s what you do: for one more turn. Simon manages to stagger away
from the fight as his vision starts to blur. The next
turn his roll must be an 11 or higher, otherwise the
good doctor is down for the count.

Shock Points: When a character receives Dying: When your Wound damage equals or
Stun damage after falling unconscious (or beyond exceeds your total Life Points, you must make an
his capacity if he has suffered no Wounds), the Endurance check every minute or be dead. The
additional Stun is recorded as Shock Points. good news is that the check starts off Easy, but you
An unattended character with Shock Points is must repeat the check for every minute of game
unconscious for one hour. After that, he may time with a cumulative +4 to the Difficulty—so
make an Average Endurance check once per hour first aid is definitely advised. If your total Wounds
to reduce the Shock Points by 1 each. Medical ever equal a number that is double your total Life
treatment can speed up or circumvent this process. Points, you are dead in a most brutal fashion with
With proper medication, 1 Shock Point is Easy to no chance of salvation (at least the worldly variety).
eliminate with a cumulative +4 to the Difficulty for Time to work on that new character.
each additional Shock Point. A botch may damage
the patient even further! Once Shock Points have
been reduced to zero, the character recovers Stun 
normally. If accumulated Shock Points equal or
exceed the character’s Life Points, he is in a coma 
and requires serious medical attention to recover. Bad enough that you might get beaten up, filled
Example: The Alliance Fed follows Simon and with lead, or knifed in the back. There are other,
delivers one final haymaker. Poor Simon is knocked even nastier ways to get hurt. Try hard to avoid
unconscious and gains 3 Shock Points to boot. them!
With no one around to help, Simon is left lying on Burns: Make a special note of burn damage
the floor. After an hour (in game time), Simon’s taken as Wounds. Except with the use of expensive
player makes an Endurance roll and fails—leaving and sophisticated medical equipment, burn damage
his Shock Point total unaffected. Fortunately he heals at half the normal rate and can leave you with
succeeds on the next three rolls (thanks to some disfiguring scars.
Plot Points!). He’ll wake up after four hours. The Black: If you get the urge to take a swim
Wound Penalty: Blood is pouring out of your out in space without benefit of a suit, you might
mouth and a Reaver harpoon is sticking through want to reconsider unless you’re curious to see how
your leg. Chances are you’re not performing at fast your blood can boil out of your ears. Exposure
your best. When your Wounds are equal to or to the vacuum of the ‘Verse is pretty much instant
greater than half your Life Points, you are seriously death. If a player really wants to know how much
wounded and suffer a –2-step penalty to all damage he’ll take, the GM is encouraged to pick
Attributes. For easy reference, here are the Wound up all the dice at the table, roll ‘em, and count the
levels that cause penalty. number as Wounds—an excellent reason not to turn
on your crew and tempt your captain into tossing
Table 5.11: Wound Penalties you out an airlock.
Total Life Seriously Wounded Drugs & Poisons: Alcohol, drugs, and poison
Points (–2 Penalty)
are fought with a Resistance roll (double Vitality)
8 4 roll, with difficulty and effects adjudicated by the
GM. This could lead to a mild buzz, certain death,
10 5 or you might start seeing little lights in front of your
eyes before you pass out in a puddle of your own
12 6
14 7 Environmental Hazards: Extreme (yet still
Earth-Normal) conditions of heat and cold, along
16 8 with other hostile environments (high altitude or
low oxygen, for example) result in 1 Stun damage
18 9 every hour if the character does not have adequate
protection. A character with the Survival Skill
20 10 might discover a way around the problem through
resourcefulness and a good roll. Conditions that are
22 11 worse might increase the damage or decrease the
time between rolls.
24 12
Falling: A fall from 10 feet or less is an Easy
Agility + Athletics/Gymnastics (or other Skill
approved by the GM) test to avoid damage. There
is a cumulative +4 difficulty for each additional 10

feet. The total Difficulty becomes an “attack” and STUN DAMAGE
the character rolls a defense, with damage accrued Exhaustion, bumps and bruises can usually be
just as in combat. overcome after just a little bit of rest. There are
Example: Shepherd Book is pushed from the two ways to deal with Stun. (If you’ve accumulated
catwalk in Serenity’s cargo bay and falls 30 feet. Shock points, read up on them above to find out
The “attack” of the fall is 11. Book rolls Agility how you’ll recover.)
+ Athletics for a total of 8. He takes 2 Stun and 1 • Second Wind: Once per day, a character can
Wound as damage from the fall. “shake off ” some Stun damage, gathering inner
Illness: When you’re exposed to an illness, you reserves and strength to keep flyin’ (or walking, or
must make a Resistance roll to see if your immune whatever). Roll either your Vitality or Willpower die
system fights it off. (The Difficulty varies based on (you pick!) to gain back that many Stun.
the nature of the illness.) A simple cold might mean • Rest: Periods of high activity (anything where
you are at a –1 step Attribute penalty for a few days, you’re moving around a lot) don’t allow a fellow to
while major diseases could have dangerous or lethal heal any Stun damage at all. Periods of low activity
consequences. Some serious illnesses can be cured (still awake, but not doing much) let a character heal
or at least “stalled” by specialized medication. 1 point for every 2 hours. Resting (sleep is best, but
Radiation: The most common form of just laying in bed is fine) allow for healing 1 point
radiation exposure in the ‘Verse come from a per hour.
badly-maintained (or deliberately altered) spaceship
engine. Exposure to radiation requires a Resistance WOUND DAMAGE
check for every time increment starting at Easy, by More serious damage takes a mite longer to
increasing by a cumulative +4 Difficulty for each recover. Sure you don’t want that doctor? First
roll. Failed rolls during exposure result in d2 Stun off, forget any sort of recovery if you don’t get
damage. After no further Stun can be taken, the sufficient rest and nourishment. After one full day,
character suffers both Wound and Shock damage. you must succeed at a Endurance test to be “on the
Proper precautions (inoculations, protective gear) mend” and starting to heal. The worse hurt you are,
can prevent any chance of damage. the harder it is to recover. Recovery is automatic for
Suffocation: Breathing is good. Holding your the first couple of Wounds (1-2), but after that, the
breath starts out Easy, made every other turn with a check becomes Easy (for 3-4 Wounds); difficulty
Resistance roll, with a cumulative +4 difficulty each increases by 4 for every two additional Wounds
roll. Once you fail, you must resume breathing or suffered. Once a character is on the mend, 1 Wound
suffer d2 Stun every other turn. When you run out is healed for every two days of rest. Note that
of Stun, additional damage is taken as both Shock extreme damage is very difficult to recover without
Points and Wounds, meaning you’ll be out for a long medical aid (see Table 6.11).
while at the very least—or dead at the very most. Getting Worse: If you botch on a recovery
roll for Wound damage, you’re getting worse—not
better. You will take 1d2 points of additional Wound
 damage every two days from infection, internal
Contemporary medicine in the ‘Verse is capable bleeding, or some other complication. Each period
of truly amazing things. Organs can be transplanted you suffer more damage you may make another
without fear of rejection, severed limbs can be fully Endurance check (based on your current number
re-attached and will eventually be good as new. Dead of Wounds) to halt the process. It will take another
patients can sometimes be resuscitated. Of course, two days and another successful check to start
the best care anywhere is in a Core world hospital— recovering Wounds. Medical intervention can really
but like as not you’ll be on some frontier moon with help in this case!
only a portable medical kit.
Not every hurt needs a doctor around to Information on specialized devices and wonder
mend. And sometimes your enemies don’t have drugs can be found in Chapter Three: Money and
enough gorram courtesy to wait until a doc shows Gear, while the Skills required to use them are
up before they start shooting at you. In such an covered in Chapter Two: Traits and Skills. The
instance, you’re on your own, forced to trust to the following are more general uses of medicine, with
miraculous healing powers of the human body. the note that Difficulties can vary based on those
dang circumstances.

Table 5.12: Healing Difficulty & Wounds Reviving the Dead: When someone has expired
there is a chance to revive them. One step beyond
Wounds Difficulty Surgical Difficulty first aid, this requires the same check and modifiers
No check as a first aid attempt, but the check is Formidable
1-2 –
required and goes up by a cumulative +4 Difficulty for each
3-4 3 15
minute the victim has been clinically dead. If the
check is successful, the character is allowed another
5-6 7 35 Endurance check (at the same Difficulty as his last)
to “come back to life.” Further first aid is required
7-8 11 55 to stabilize the patient and prevent death from
happening all over again!
9-10 15 75 Waking the Unconscious: Someone knocked
out can sometimes be revived with a light slap,
11-12 19 95 cold water, a loud shout, or other unsophisticated
method. This allows for an Average Endurance
13-14 23 115
check by the character to regain consciousness.
15-16 27 135
The recently-awakened will be groggy and unable
to engage in any but the mildest activities, but can
17-18 31 155 otherwise recover damage normally. The use of
stimulants can give temporary Stun back to the
19-20 35 175 patient (anywhere from d2 to d12), though after the
stimulants wear off (usually within a few hours) the
21-22 39 195 points immediately disappear—potentially leading
to unconsciousness. As a side note, sedatives work
23-24 43 215 exactly the opposite way, causing a given amount of
temporary Stun damage.
Painkillers: Sometimes you don’t have a bullet
First Aid: If someone is in immediate danger of to bite on (or you’d rather not). In this case, the right
dying, either suffering additional Wounds or from drug can ease you something wonderful. The proper
a vicious attack (see “Extraordinary Success”), you medication can negate the Attribute penalty for a
can attempt to stabilize the character and prevent seriously wounded character (see above). An Easy
the worst (that final ride into the sunset). This takes Intelligence + Medical Expertise/Specialty check
a few minutes and a Hard Alertness + Medical provides the proper dosage. (An overdose can have
Expertise/Appropriate Specialty. The use of your nasty side-effects, while an under dose might not
Skill is modified by the situation. help at all.)
Surgery: When you’re really tore up from the
Table 5.13: First Aid latest scrape, you need someone who can cut you
Skill Step
First Aid Conditions Modifier open, dig out a bullet, or re-attach your leg. This
sort of treatment (even the most minor stuff) is
Improvised supplies, heavy distractions –2
considered “surgery”, and is a complex action. The
Limited supplies, light distractions –1
Difficulty depends on the level of Wounds (see
Table 6.11) with a time increment of usually 10 or
Standard supplies, no distractions ±0 30 minutes. If surgery is successful, the patient is
automatically considered “on the mend” and will
Superior supplies, ambulance conditions +1 heal at the normal rate—though severe injuries
might require rehabilitation, advanced equipment,
Cutting-edge supplies, hospital conditions +2 expensive drugs, or something else to get the person
back in fighting form. (A person who has had his leg
sewn back on won’t be jogging for a while!)
Botching twice in a surgery is jwohn gao bu yi,
causing d2 additional Wounds to the patient and the
whole process must be started anew.

Captain Maxx, of the ship Aces and Eights, lay on his belly in the crew quarters, cussing.
He was not doing this by choice.
He was doing this because Devil, his medic, owned at least 4,568 pairs of shoes--give or
take a pair--and she had a bad habit of kicking them off whenever she sat down and then
never bothering to pick them up . Maxx was convinced that he’d tripped over at least 2,568
of Devil’s shoes since she’d come on board his ship.
Which is just what had happened now.
Captain Maxx had served on board an Alliance cruiser until the loss of an arm meant the
loss of his military career. He was used to barreling through a ship, never watching where
he was going, because no one in the gorram Alliance military ever carelessly left his or her
shoes (or anything else, for that matter) lying around on the deck.
Maxx glanced over his shoulder. Sure enough, there was a red shoe at his feet. He cussed
some more, and was about to push himself up off the deck, when he stopped, stared, focused,
blinked, focused again, and choked on his swear words.
In front of him was a bomb.
At least, he was 99.9% sure it was a bomb. He wasn’t an expert, but he’d seen more than
a few in his lifetime. The bomb was attached to one of the girders on the bulkhead. The bomb
was at floor level and stuck to the shadowy side of the girder. He would have never noticed
it if he hadn’t been flat on his belly on the deck.
“Captain!” Devil’s voice rang out. By the sound, she heading this way. “Have you seen one
of my red wedgies—Oh! Never mind. There it is by your foot. Cap’n, what are you doin’ on the
“Don’t move!” Maxx growled.
Devil froze. She knew by the tone of his voice that something was up.
“What is it, Cap’n?” she asked in a whisper.
“I think there’s a bomb in here,” Maxx said as calmly as he could manage. “Go over to the
comm and tell Time Bomb to get his ass up here.”
“I can’t, sir. You told me not to move,” said Devil, still frozen.
Maxx ground his teeth. “I also told you to pick up your gorram shoes and you didn’t do
“Going to the comm, Cap’n,” said Devil and, slipping out of her shoes, she padded slowly
and cautiously over to the comm. “Time Bomb!” she whispered into the comm.
Maxx rolled his eyes. “You can talk normally!”
But he noted that he himself had not yet moved from his prone position on the deck.
Thinking things over, he decided that if motion made the bomb go off, his tripping over the
shoe and falling flat on his stomach with a resounding crash--he’d taken out a metal stool
on his way down--would have sent him and his crew to their eternal reward by now. Slowly
and cautiously, he eased himself up off the deck and went over to the bomb to take a closer
“Yup,” said Time Bomb. Leaning over, he adjusted his wire-rim specs, and nodded. “She’s
a bomb.” He sounded pleased. “Now, Captain, if you would step aside so that I can take a
closer look—
“Now, then, little darling,” he added softly, speaking to the bomb. “What are you,
sweetheart? What sets you off, you pretty thing?”
“Jeez, you’d think he was in love,” Devil grumbled.
“Devil!” Maxx whipped around. ”What are you still doing here? Get the hell off this ship!
You and Rawhide both—”
“If you say so, Captain,” Devil answered with surprising meekness. She generally argued
with him when he ordered her to do something. This time, she was out the door before he’d
finished his sentence.
“And Devil—” he bellowed.
“Sir?” She sounded a long way off.
“Contact Jack and Hwa Ling and tell them that wherever they are, they should stay
“Captain,” came Rawhide’s voice over the comm. He was on the bridge, and it occurred to
Jack that he hadn’t yet told his pilot yet what was going on. “I just heard from Jack and Hwa
Ling. There’s been some sort of trouble—”

“Gorramit! Are they all right?” Maxx demanded.
“They’re all right.” Rawhide sounded grim. “But some other folk ain’t. Apparently our
friends ran into some Tong assassins. Hwa Li and Jack had to fight their way out. They’re
racing back, with the bad guys in pursuit. Jack wants to be able to take off the moment
they’re safely on board.”
“That may be a problem,” said Maxx grimly. “We’ve discovered a bomb down in the crew
“Damn,” said Rawhide. Maxx waited for more, but that was it, apparently. Rawhide was
never much for unnecessary talk.
“Captain, sir,” said Time Bomb, rising to his feet. “She is armed. All she needs is a
transmitter signal and she’ll blow. She’ll do a fair amount of damage, too. Likely open up a
largish size hole in the bulkhead. Would be very nasty.”
“How did it get here?” Maxx demanded. “I assume we haven’t been trotting all over the
Rim with that thing ticking its little heart out--”
Time Bomb hooked his glasses back around his ears and gazed fondly at the bomb. “No,
sir, it hasn’t been there very long. My guess is the cleaning crew that came through today
planted it.” Time Bomb blinked at Maxx. “They were Chinese . . .”
Maxx scowled and shook his head. “Last time I ever let Jack talk me into letting strangers
on my ship!”
“Oh, and, sir,” said Time Bomb. “There’s probably more like her hidden around the ship.
We should do a sweep--”
“Captain!” Devil’s voice came over the comm. She sounded panicked. “The hatch controls
won’t work! We can’t get out!”
“Rawhide!” Maxx roared.
“I’m on it, sir.” Rawhide came back a moment later. “Some of the electrical systems are
going jeoh huo loo moh, Sir. We can’t do a damn thing. Can’t open the hatches. Can’t do a
sweep. Can’t take-off. Wait a moment. Someone’s got somethin’ to say to us . . .”
He was silent, listening. Jack could hear the crackle of voices, then Rawhide returned,
“I think you better get up here, Captain. The Tong fellas want to have a little talk with you.
Something about an exchange. Us for Hwa Ling. If not, they’ll blow up the ship.”
Maxx turned to Time Bomb, eyed the young man. “Can you disarm these things?”
“I think so, Captain. The people who planted them didn’t have time to do anything really
sophisticated and it’s obvious from where they put this one that they wanted to hide them
from us. Lucky you found her.” Time Bomb crossed his arms over his chest. He shook his
head, puzzled, “But, say, what were you doing crawling around on the deck anyway?”
“Never mind!” Maxx grunted. “Just disarm that blasted thing. Then take Devil and find the
“It’s a mighty big ship, Captain,” said Time Bomb.
“It’ll be a mighty small one if you fail. I’ll be up on the bridge. I’ll do my best to stall them.”
“I’ll go get my tools.” Time Bomb trotted off, whistling. He actually looked happy—for a
Maxx shook his head. “Red wedgies nearly kill me. A mechanic in love with bombs. What a
He sighed deeply, and went to have a nice little talk with the da dwei liu tse threatening to
blow up his ship.

 
Playing the Serenity Role Playing Game can be a lot
When referring to the folk playing the
game and the characters inside the game,
there are a few terms that help keep
of fun. Taking on the role of Game Master can be everything straight.
even more challenging and exciting. And now we’re Player: A person in the real world who is
going to get a little serious. We’ll try to keep things playing the game.
fun, but there are some important lessons to learn PC: “Player Character.” An individual
here. fictional character controlled by a player.
Being a Game Master takes some work, but Crew: A group of player characters.
will bring you greater rewards than pulling off a GM: “Game Master.” The person who
successful train job. As a Game Master, you make prepares the game and presents the world
up the adventures, reveal the secrets, create new and all the characters not controlled by
dramas, imagine new places to visit, and then invite players.
others to join in the fun. Together with your players, NPC: “Non-Player Character.” A role in
you bring to life the stories of folk working hard to the game portrayed by the Game Master.
survive in a dangerous and exciting world.
This chapter of the book will give you some
ideas on how to prepare a campaign, help your
players create great characters, design exciting 
adventures, and provide tips on running the game. The world of Serenity exists five hundred-odd
Most important tips: 1) The story is the heart of years in the future. Humanity has escaped a dying
a Serenity adventure. 2) The rules serve the story, not Earth to seek new lives among the stars. Against
the other way round. In other words, if it comes to a popular expectation, humans found no other
fight between story vs rules, shoot the rules. life forms—no emotionless aliens with pointed
Keep in mind that the more thought and ears, no cutesy furry bears. The Core worlds were
preparation you put into the game, the richer and established, and then humanity began to spread to
more rewarding the experience will be for everyone the rest of the available planets and moons in the
involved. You’ll be providing your friends with an system. Much of that new territory is considered the
enjoyable game, while creating great memories. Rim.
On the Core Worlds, most people live lives

The start of any campaign should be selection
of ease, assisted by the most advanced forms of
technology. Mansions float in the sky. Shuttle-craft
clog the airways. Advanced medical care is available
of the campaign concept, creation of the characters, to everyone. The Core worlds are “peaceful”—the
and determining the relationships of the characters peace of those who have given up independence in
to each other. Each one of these activities can order to be safe. But don’t kid yourself—there’s a
affect the others, so they should be done around the dark underside to life on the Core. You just have to
same time. You may find it most effective to have a know where to look to find it!
session where you and your players come together On the Rim, folks are less safe and more
to discuss concepts and characters. You don’t need independent. Some might think that’s a pretty good
to share everyone’s secrets, but the group may come trade-off. Life isn’t easy. It’s rare for a piece of
up with an interesting mix of roles, personalities, Core-tech to show up out there and when it does,
and relationships. it is undoubtedly in the hands of the local officials
or gentry. That being said, you find all types on the

All role playing games are intended to relate
Rim—the rich, the poor, and the in between. A
shiny new ship with a well-off crew might be plying
the black for reasons of their own. And they might
to a specific genre, time period, or universe. Rules not take kindly to questions.
are meant to assist the role playing that brings the Serenity is a different type of futuristic setting.
setting to life. Not everyone is running around with a laser blaster,
To that end, the Game Master should be aware nor do we transport people through space by
of—and respect—some basic conventions of the scrambling their molecules. In the ‘Verse of Serenity,
‘Verse. Keep these in mind as you are selecting a space ship captain might ride a horse when he’s
campaign concepts, creating characters, and on land and tote a six gun or a Bowie knife. The
designing adventures. blending of future and past is what makes this world

unique and just plain fun. This world gives you, the mechanics in the ‘Verse are familiar and common
Game Master, a wealth of material from which to to the crew. They would talk about them in
choose. “short hand,” much like we talk about a car or the
Will you set your campaign beneath the glaring dishwasher.
lights of a teeming Core city that glitters on the
surface, but is rife with crime and corruption
beneath? Or will your players adventure in the wide- 
open spaces of a backwater moon on the Rim? Are Folk in ‘Verse use very colorful language. They
your heroes eating protein out of cans and worrying cuss in Chinese, use witty turns of phrase, and
about where their next fuel cells are coming from? speak with all types of accents. With folks coming
Or are they flying the black in luxury, worrying from all cultures on Earth-That-Was, any accent or
about the assassin who is hot on their trail? Doesn’t ethnicity is possible. There are also new swear words
matter what you choose. The world of Serenity offers in English that can let your players indulge in earthy
you a wide variety of exciting possibilities. language without having to hustle the children out
of the house.
TECHNOBABBLE Players schooled or fluent in secondary languages
Serenity is not meant to be a “hard” science fiction can bring them into play as tongues their characters
game, where you have to have a degree in quantum speak. Since the Chinese are a predominate force in
mechanics in order to be able to describe how the the ‘Verse, most everyone in the ‘Verse who speaks
spaceship functions. On the other hand, you want to English also uses Chinese phrases and exclamations
make your players feel as if they are really living in a in situations where the English language just doesn’t
futuristic world, and it helps the reality of things if quite tell how really gun tah ma duh bad things are!
you can tell them a bit more about the engine of the
spacecraft than that “the part’s broke.” 26TH CENTURY
Anytime you need to describe technology you SLANG
know nothing about, try using technobabble (words Folk who curse in English stick with the basics:
that sound plausible, but don’t come with a detailed Gorram (“Run! It’s the gorram law!”); Ruttin’ (“It’s
description). For problems with the ship’s engines, gettin’ too ruttin’ hot in here.”); or Humped (“He’s
roll on the Technobabble chart to come up with got a gun on us. We’re humped!”).
quick details about mechanical problems. (If you Since most everyone’s picked up some Chinese
don’t like the results you’ve rolled, try again, or pick just to get along, its no shock that the curse-words
the one that seems to best fit the situation.) are the most popular words folk learn. You can find
You might want to give some of the a list of Chinese words and phrases in the Appendix
technobabble to the players who have Mechanic or at the back of the book, along with some of the
Engineer characters so they can also use the right 26th century slang that gets the most use.
words when speaking in character. Remember,
Table 6.1: Technobabble
Die Roll Part A (d6) Part B (d8) What Happened (d10) What It Means (d12)
1 Primary Boot Cracked No ability to steer or maneuver

2 Compression Coupling Wedged Engine quits, part can be repaired

3 Grav Housing Collapsed Engine quits, part must be replaced

4 Hydraulic Stabilizer Bent Engine fire, can be repaired

Performance problem, one ship
5 Reg Vent Fell Off Attribute suffers –2 step penalty
6 Power Lines Shattered Ship won’t stop unless shut down or repaired

7 – Converter Seized Fuel consumption doubles until fixed

Major system (propulsion, navigation,
8 – Feed Jammed communications) completely loses power
Engine emits a horrible sound that can
9 – – Burnt be heard throughout the ship
Engine startup routine becomes
10 – – Exploded erratic until repaired
Nav sats and communications equipment
11 – – – broadcast “noise” on all frequencies
12 – – – Landing gear won’t function

Knowing the lingo helps out a bit. You should commercialism. Everyone is always busy, always on
know, for example, that “the black” means outer the move. In the Core worlds, only people of money
space. “On the drift” means you’re stuck in the and influence seem to matter. The average working-
black with no way to get home. A “shindig” is a class person is reduced to a number.
fancy party. “Shiny” means good. A “Browncoat” is Characters from the central planets are often
someone who fought for or sympathized with the more educated and worldly, familiar with the latest
Independents. technology. Folk who leave the Core are usually
running away from something—or maybe running
to something. Either scenario makes for interesting
 stories.
What makes the ‘Verse of Serenity unique is the Players in a campaign should be constantly
mingling of futuristic technology with the distinct reminded of the flavor and mood of the
flavor of the post-Civil War American West. campaign as they role play their characters during
Spaceship pilots hang out with preachers, whores, the adventures. This will help keep their minds
and gunslingers. A spaceship might soar over a herd immersed in the ‘Verse.
of galloping mustangs.
As the GM, you should provide the Old West IN WITH THE
flavor that will spice up a campaign. Folk met on OLD, AND IN
the Rim should be described with a bit of a Western WITH THE NEW
flair. Instead of simply saying a man is “armed,” tell A good campaign set in the ‘Verse should feature
the players he’s “strapping iron.” Human settlements a mixture of Old West sensibilities with a dash of
on the Rim will have a “wide-open spaces,” agrarian modern or futuristic flavor. For example, folk in a
feel to them. Communities might appear both boom Rim-world saloon might wear clothes that have an
and bust in a single glance. Inspiration for the look old-fashioned Western cut to them, as these same
and personalities of the people who live on the folk toss darts at a holographic target. When they
frontier of the future can be drawn from many of are done with their beers, they may hop into an all-
the classic archetypes of the Western tradition— terrain-vehicle to go back to their spaceship.
though with unexpected twists. Those on primitive planets have to make due
Core world cities should have a more futuristic with the most basic technologies, and can’t usually
feel to them—skyscrapers, flying cars, rampant rely on help or supplies from the outside. Survival

issues override most other concerns, including A daughter may rebel against an overbearing father.
civilized sensibilities or old-fashioned notions of Two brothers who are steadfastly loyal to each other
morality. Some of the folk who are on these out- during crisis situations may fight like wildcats any
of-the-way places are here for a reason. They might other time.
not be the best folk to turn your back on. Glad to Characters can be tied to each romantically. Such
say, though, that there are plenty of good-hearted ties offer the potential for love triangles, jealousies,
people in such places as well—just trying to get by misunderstandings like those that occur between
and mind their own business. Kaylee and Simon. Even a loving, committed couple
Folk making due with the basics usually only like Wash and Zoe find many things to argue about,
have a few high-tech trinkets to remind them of the though when the chips are down, they can count on
other worlds. Social activities such as festivals and each other more than on any one else in the ‘Verse.
card games become the primary entertainment for Some members of the crew may stick together
those without easy Cortex access. because of a common experience or tragedy.
Zoe and Mal fought in the war together, and they
LIVIN’ LEAN & survived the bloody Battle of Serenity Valley. Such a
HUNGRY bond, forged in desperation, danger, and anguish, is
The keys to portraying life and adventure on stronger than steel.
the Rim are the principles of scarcity and necessity. The best crews will show a reflection of deep
Like life in the frontier towns of the West, the more bonds and affection, but there will also be plenty of
recently terraformed planets have small settlements room for conflict as well. Jealousy, rivalry, and even
with the bare beginnings of local industries. High some genuine dislike might be present among one or
tech gear is pretty rare. The money required to ship more of the crew. Living in close quarters with other
expensive tech from the central planets places is folk can be trying at times, and when flying out in
outside ordinary folks’ reach. the black there are not many places you can go to
When you’re scratching food out of moon rock “get away”. Arguments, feuds, and bickering among
without many credits in the bank (if there is a bank), the crew will increase the “real” feel of the game.
you tend to figure out what’s important pretty quick. Note we said “crew”. As Game Master, you will
Why waste the money on a power-driven tool when need to help the players remember that they are
an ordinary hammer will do the job? Why worry that acting out parts, taking on roles. It can sometimes
your fancy grav-car will break down on you and you be easy for “fake” arguments to turn into real ones.
can’t get the spare parts, when you can raise your This can cause hurt feelings, make other players feel
own horses? uncomfortable, and ruin the game for everyone. If
Still, that doesn’t mean that such folk won’t a couple of players appear to be taking things a mite
dream of some day owning that shiny grav-car… too seriously, you should pause the game just long
enough to remind everyone that they’re here to have
ALL IN THE FAMILY fun. Either that or take the two aside and ask them
Created family is a very important concept in to cool it!
the Serenity style of storytelling. The crew may have
come together for various reasons—looking for THERE’S NO PLACE
work, running away from something, or just wanting LIKE HOME
to walk the world for a spell. No matter where they Most everyone needs a place where they feel
came from, out in the black, all they have is each safe. In a classic Serenity campaign, the crew live on
other. A bond can (and should!) form among the a ship of some sort, taking work as it comes, and
crew, along with all sorts of interesting relationships. doing their best to keep flyin’ in a ‘Verse that’s not
This thinking allows for a diverse crew who get always easy or fair. The ship is their home, their
the job done. Even if they squawk at each other haven, a place they can escape to (and escape in!).
like old married couples, ultimately they may come Home could be a Firefly (an obvious choice) or a
to realize that they have somehow accidentally fancy boat like Aces & Eights. Home could just as
formed a family. Course, not every family is fully easily be a giant gambling ship like the El Dorado, an
functional... Alliance Cruiser, or a run-down space-station out on
There are many kinds of ties that folk have with the Rim. Home, whatever and wherever it may be,
each other. Characters can be related by blood—the is a place for the crew to relax, for everyone to be
closer the relationship the stronger the tie. Parents themselves, to find solace for a spell.
and children or siblings such as Simon and River are Once the heroes have their home, they’ll become
good examples. Blood ties can make for excellent very attached to it, and protective of it. If home
character development potential. And just because is a ship, that ship becomes another character in
they’re related doesn’t mean they always get along! the campaign. Each ship should have quirks and

characteristics. Even luxury cruise ships break down Or perhaps they are a group of bounty hunters
at inopportune moments. The crew aboard an traveling the Rim in search of criminals or enemies
Alliance cruiser might have to contend with spies, of the Alliance. This sort of campaign will suit
sabotage, or potential mutiny—and that’s just in one players who like lots of action, who enjoy settling
game session! matters with fists and sidearms. The group could
The captain of a ship will probably feel more be a band of mercenaries or gunfighters looking
affection for his ship than a mere passenger. for work. Sometimes the job might not pay well,
However, if that passenger goes through a crisis but there’s some honor in it that has appeal. Then
on board the ship, and the ship is responsible for again, a job might pay well, but it’s low-down, mean,
saving his life, then he may also come to love his and involves hurting innocents. The crew would
new-found home. A good crew will be well aware of have to decide whether or not to accept—a hard
the role the ship plays in their lives, and treat her the decision, especially if their bellies are creakin’ with
best they can given their circumstances. the empties.
Not every campaign or character thinks of a The group might be agents of an Alliance
ship as “home.” Home could be a favorite watering organization with its own agenda. Doesn’t have to
hole (where the beer is good and cheap), the family be sinister. Might be out to do some good, even if
ranch of your home planet, a religious monastery, they have to knock some heads together to get the
Companion House, or the space station where your job done. All sorts of characters can be drawn into
grandpappy works an Alliance postal franchise. their plans and schemes. They might even require
quick passage aboard a rust-bucket Firefly!

 Concepts that allow for a varied mix of people

tend to make for better play, since the differences

When the time comes for a Game Master to start
between the characters will provide plenty of
opportunity for conflict and role playing.

a new game, he needs to roll up the mental sleeves

and figure out the concept that will serve as the 
framework for the whole campaign. The idea should Some basic themes can help involve the
appeal to him, and work well with the style of the crew in the story you’re creating in your role as
players. Game Master. Your campaign might emphasize
Some groups may want to play the characters some themes more than others, suiting them to
from the movie on board Serenity, ready to do most your group’s individual style. Campaign themes
anything it takes to keep flyin’. The crew of Aces & are important enough to warrant a moment’s
Eights are another good choice for those who want consideration.
to get started quickly. The Aces & Eights crew lives a Thrilling Heroics: The heroes are supposed to
bit higher on the hog, but they have their fair share act heroic sometimes. Be wary of allowing players
of troubles and obligations. Experienced gamers to create characters who are nasty, evil, no-good
may well want to jump straight into character skunks. Some greedy scoundrel-types are acceptable,
creation and make up a new crew from scratch; but there’s a limit. Flawed people are interesting, but
a crew with a unique style and stories that will be flat-out evil folk will end up locked up or—more
completely different from anything yet seen in the likely—on the wrong end of a gun barrel. Let
‘Verse. consequences in the game teach a crew member the
Perhaps your gaming group is fluid, attendance error of his ways, and if that doesn’t work, allow
is irregular, people never know if they can make events to reach the natural conclusion.
the game session or not. Yet, when they do come, Hidden Secrets: Secrets are an important
they want to feel like they’re making a contribution. concept in Serenity-style storytelling. Most everyone
In that case, you should consider designing a has something to hide, even if it’s just a crush
game setting where crew members come and go on a fellow member of the crew. Could be more
frequently. dramatic, like a Shepherd who knows the ins and
This crew could be members of a community outs of the Alliance military. A Shepherd who beats
(a settlement on one of the outer planets or on an up Federal Marshals. A Shepherd who can shoot
orbiting skyplex) who are trying to survive and make out kneecaps with frightening accuracy. The secret
their fortunes on the frontier. Adventures come might be the reason the character is on the move
riding in on horses or landing in spaceships. They out in the black, instead of living whatever life he
have to deal with other locals, and since they can’t started once upon a time. Interesting secrets lead to
just zoom away from those they don’t like, they have interesting role play.
to learn to manage these relationships.

Outcasts & Misfits: The kind of folk who get Most important question: “What are my
into the scrapes likely to happen in a campaign are character’s motives?”
not the sort who settle down and raise a bunch of
young ‘uns. The scrapes they are in may not have MOTIVATION
been part their original life-plan (such as Simon Just about everyone’s got one (or more) forces
and River), but circumstances have forced them to driving his life. Motivation should be one of the first
become misfits who can’t find a place in life—but things to consider when creating a character.
might find one with a group of other misfits. In the film, Simon loves his sister and will do
Freedom: Try all you like—you can’t take the anything to keep her safe. Not only did he give up
sky from me. Freedom and what it truly means to be his original life and become a criminal to save her,
free is a strong underlying notion that should play he pushes aside other people when he feels they
a part in any Serenity campaign. What is the price of might distract him from taking care of River. Jayne
freedom? Should living safe be purchased at the cost acts out of greed. Book follows his beliefs. Mal does
of freedom? Answers aren’t that simple, as the crew whatever he can to keep his ship flying and protect
will likely find. his crew.
A motivation for a new character is a good

 foundation for layering on the complexity. Mal is

trying to steer clear of Alliance trouble, yet he takes

Whether you’ll be running adapted or pre-
on the Tams as passengers. Jayne’s ready to be a
bad guy to get his reward, yet would likely tear the
head off of any uh soo who laid a rough hand on
packaged adventures, or if you plan on weaving Kaylee. Jack Leland would normally never transport
your own tales in the ‘Verse, you need to know livestock aboard Aces & Eights, but he might do
your crew. Your stories should feature a fair bit of so to honor a lost bet or if one of his crew was in
customization to allow the strengths and flaws of trouble.
the heroes to each shine in the spotlight for a spell. Coping with difficult situations that test a crew’s
If the crew are a scruffy lot living hand- motivations leads to great role playing and excellent
to-mouth and willing to take whatever jobs are stories at game’s end. As GM, you’ll want to note
available, your adventures will reflect that. If money how well players follow each character’s various
and basic survival aren’t an issue (due to wealth motivations, and reward them with Plot Points for
or connections), then the adventures will have a following them. (And withhold Plot Points from
different tone (though being rich doesn’t necessarily those who ignore their characters’ motivations!)
mean you can’t find yourself in a pack of trouble!).
During the brainstorming session, encourage
 discussion between the players. Ideas in some may
If your players want to use one of the pre- spark ideas in others. The players will want to have
generated crews, grab ‘em and move right along. an idea of what functional roles the characters will
But if your players want instead to create their own play in the campaign. For example, everyone can’t
characters, then first you need determine what sort be captain! A crew on a Firefly won’t be likely to
of characters they’d like portray. Hand out paper and need three doctors. Nor should everyone take skills
pencils. Encourage the players to think of possible that focus on engineering (who’ll fly the ship?). As
characters, and then discover the various aspects of the players talk about the campaign concept, you
those characters by brainstorming facts about them might want to have them look over the various
on paper. For example, Renae wants to play a dance Skills that are available so they realize what roles and
hall girl on the run. She needs to ask herself these skills would make sense in support of the campaign
questions: “Why is my character on the run? Who concept. For example, if your group is playing
is after her? What did she do to get herself into Badger and his gang of thieves, you probably don’t
trouble? How does she plan to get out of trouble?” need someone with the piloting Skill.

“I’ll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he’s gonna start a fair fight,
or if he bothers me, or if there’s a woman, or I’m gettin’ paid—
mostly only when I’m gettin’ paid.”
—Jayne Cobb

Group brainstorming also allows the players to develop stronger bonds with their characters and the
find natural relationships between the characters. characters with each other if they determine how
Possible links can be suggested and either accepted they met, how they feel about each other, and why
or declined. Two players may determine that their they should risk their lives for the party.
characters will likely not get along, which is just fine For those crew who already know each other,
for role playing. such relationships should be predetermined during
If a player is having trouble coming up with character creation. For those who don’t know each
some ideas, suggest that he try to imagine just one other, ask the question: “Why are you together?”
thing about the character. Suggestions include: what You and the players could start with the
is his racial background, what type of gun does assumption that the crew has all known each other
she carry (if any), how much money does he have for years, and are already a part of a unit. While
in his pockets, how nice are her clothes, what does this makes things simpler, it robs the players of
she look like, what is his most refined skill, what the chance to role play the interesting ways people
does she believe in, what does she want most in the meet or the reasons why they decide to join the
world, what is his favorite activity, or even just what group. Such beginnings can have profound impacts
is the person’s name. Once you have one detail, the on character relationships later on. For example,
next details come easier. Zoe and Mal get a very clear impression of Jayne’s
It is important to have a diversity of player character when they first meet him, discovering right
characters, so encourage your players to consider away that he can be bought for the right price.
this as they are creating their characters. Their views Character relationships can be guided by the
on life and values should vary greatly. They should character creation process, but they will also develop
come from all walks of life, be of different racial organically. Two characters who are meant to fall
and ethnic backgrounds, and could even be of in love may end up role playing the origin of that
drastically different ages. relationship in many different ways, giving their
relationship unexpected nuances. (Zoe dislikes Wash
ESTABLISHING when she first meets him.)
RELATIONSHIPS As a Game Master, you might want to set up
Many gaming groups skip over the reasons that the “origin events”— situations and scenes where
bring the characters together. “We’re all in the same characters meet each other, are introduced, and
bar looking for work” is pretty lame. The players will decide to join the group. These can be separate from

adventure events, or the introduction of characters
can be entwined with a first adventure. 
Give a lot of thought to the origin events. For It possible that a particular part
characters who are joining the group for the first of a character’s history or a type of
time, you’ll be weaving them together in ways that relationship is not well-represented by the
will affect the relationships they form with their Traits listed in the book. In that instance,
fellows. First impressions do mean a lot. Whether the GM can create a new Trait (Asset,
someone pays for her passage or is smuggled aboard Complication, or situation) by following
is likely to have an effect on what the captain of the these guidelines:
ship thinks of her. An engineer looking for a job • The new Trait should not significantly
might be seen as a salvation to the crew or merely copy or replace an existing Trait. The
tolerated if certain aspects of his character rub folk current Trait might work as is.
the wrong way. • The benefit of an Asset should be
Within the crew of the Serenity, we have many weighed against the other Assets to
different relationships: unconfessed love (Mal determine whether it should be a Major or
and Inara); marriage (Zoe and Wash); business Minor Asset.
arrangement (Mal and Jayne); circumstance (Simon • The penalty of a Complication
and Mal); family (Simon and River); admiration should be weighed against the other
Kaylee and her Captain); fate (Shepherd Book). Complications to determine whether it
Most of these relationships are even more complex, should be a Major or Minor Complication.
having several different layers. (Mal has a business • If you’re unsure of the power of a new
relationship with Jayne, but doesn’t trust him.) Trait, tend toward a weaker version to
Layers of relationships bring complexity and avoid unbalancing the system.
depth to characters, making them more fun to • The flavor and origin of the Trait should
play, and allowing the GM to design more in-depth be well described and suit the flavor of the
adventures for them. ‘Verse.
For characters who will meet for the first time
during the game, give some thought as to why
they would choose to join the others. These new TRAITS AND
relationships will have be worked out through role RELATIONSHIPS
playing, so it’s fine if they are unpredictable. Many The choice of Traits can also help in defining
of the same relationships as mentioned above could a character’s motivations and relationships. By
apply, but now others can be added. Some of the choosing the most fitting set of character Traits
less tangible reasons for characters to join and stay (Assets and Complications, see Chapter Two: Traits
with a group are: the need to escape, the need for and Skills), a player can capture not only the major
freedom, the need for love, the need to belong, the points of a character’s background, but also his or
need for a home, the need to make a difference in her relationships within the crew. Traits encourage
the world. role playing and Plot Point rewards encourage
In addition to understanding the positive playing Traits well.
relationships characters have with each other, Choosing Traits suitable for each character will
it is also important to understand the negative take some thought and discussion among the players
relationships, as well. Which characters get on and GM. Here are some examples of how the right
each other’s nerves? Who teases whom? Who Asset or Complication can not only reinforce the
suffers from a conflict of interest, forcing him to character’s relationship with others, but earn the
continually choose between sides? Such interesting player Plot Points.
aspects of the crew will enhance the role playing. Here are a few ideas about how Traits can serve
Note that much of this will not (or even should) be as inspiration to how your character relates to
determined before the game starts. Much of this will others.
come out in the role playing, as players “grow into” Allure: When you smile, people fall all over
their characters and learn more about them. themselves to do your bidding.
Here are some interesting personality aspects Amorous: There are some right pretty women
that can be used to create character friendships and on board that ship! Think I’ll join up!
friction: optimism vs pessimism, civility vs barbarity, Branded: The cause of your branding makes
piety vs atheism, cold-blooded killer vs avowed you a hero to a select few who will welcome you to
pacifist, law-abiding vs law-breaking, quiet vs boorish, their crew. Too bad the rest of the ‘Verse don’t see it
high class vs low class, haves vs have-nots. that way.

Credo: Your beliefs have earned you many by giving the players something to do, the group
enemies, but they have also earned you friends. doesn’t have to sit around trying to decide where to
Good Name: People trust you. go and what action to take. The over-all adventure
Highly Educated: Your medical degree allows may be related to this job, or the opening sequence
you to save lives. could simply serve as an introduction to what’s
Hero Worship: I love my captain! coming next.
Leadership: You exude confidence and a sense If you haven’t run an origins event, this can
that you know what you’re about. also be a good way to introduce characters to each
Loyalty: You’re part of my crew and under my other. People naturally tend to bond in the face of
protection. imminent threat or peril. A group of strangers who
Math Whiz: Your reputation as a poker player find themselves in danger may run to the nearest
has earned you the status accorded high rollers. ship just in order to escape, only to discover that
Remember, Traits are described in general terms. they are unlikely companions for the rest of the
They need to be role played in very specific ways journey.
to provide a good characterization. Don’t just say Make sure when you start the players in the
that the character is greedy. Show his greed in the middle of the fun that they have a believable
small ways he tries to sneak a few extra credits or motivation for doing what they’re doing. A group
cheats at card games played around the dinner table. of law-abiding settlers will not appreciate the GM
Sure, he’d consider selling out his crew mates if the telling them they are currently engaged in robbing
money is good enough, but not all role playing of a bank. That same group of settlers might find
complications needs to be on that grand scale. themselves the victims of a robbery, however, and
that could start the action.

 A teaser scene gives the players plot momentum

and a starting point. As the adventure and campaign

Adventures are created by outlining a plot
continue, the players may want to be more involved
in finding and selecting their jobs, or they may prefer
to let you handle that as the story moves forward.
or plots, and then enriching the plot by adding You can create a similar amount of excitement
characters, complications, interesting places, and by creating a scenario that isn’t necessarily action-
situations. Specific situations in the adventure are oriented, but offers a lot of tension and forces the
known as “events”. You assemble events like a players to make quick decisions. For example, you
puzzle to enhance or carry the plot forward. You might let the crew know they’ve been stuck on one
should continue to create pieces of the puzzle until planet for weeks, unable to get enough cash to refuel
you have enough so that you know how the story the ship so they can leave. Meanwhile, the crime
might go, the folk the characters are likely to meet, boss who loaned them money is coming to collect
and how the action might flow. You will end up his payment—that payment being their ship!
tossing out some pieces, while others will take on
more importance than you expected. Remember:
Game Master and players create the story together! 
Don’t make the players feel like they’re being herded When creating adventures, you can benefit
along the story trail. by understanding some basic principles of story
Remember to save all the pieces you’ve created, structure. While the adventures will likely stray from
even if you don’t use them. You might not use any defined model, the following elements have
certain colorful characters in this adventure, but their place, and can assist you to tell the stories of
you’ll have them available for use next time. the individual characters.

 All drama is born of the desires of the
characters. Understanding those desires is crucial to
 creating adventures that will hold the interest and
One of the best ways to start the game quickly excitement of your players.
is to begin with the players landing square in the We’ve already discussed creating interesting
middle of the action: performing a salvage job under characters who have motivations, goals, needs,
the nose of the Alliance, delivering a dangerous and problems. Adventures are born from the
cargo to a planet swept by storms, wearing a crew’s attempts to address those needs, to obtain
brown coat when walking into an Alliance bar on what they do not have, or to keep what they do
Unification Day. When you start the adventure have. Adventures should incorporate the desires

developed in character creation. The players are Choices should be difficult to make, not obvious.
likely to be disappointed and confused if they find The characters should not be given a choice between
they have to deal with desires that come out of saving orphaned children from being evicted by a
nowhere for no reason. heartless landlord or robbing a bank. One option
is obviously good, the other bad. The heroes could
CONFLICT be given the choice of saving children from being
You’ve established the desires of your characters, evicted by robbing the bank (to come up with
and now the characters are ready to go after them. enough money to buy off the landlord). That would
In order to create drama, there should be forces that not be a tough call for heroes who are not above
oppose the characters’ goals, or choices presented breaking the law, but a group of law-abiding settlers
that will test their commitments to those goals. might have trouble making such a decision. Each
Characters should have to struggle to attain their choice should have consequences that make the
wants and needs. The meeting of these two forces, decision interesting.
or the presentation of difficult choices creates
The characters’ response to troubles, conflicts, To engage players and build a compelling
and difficult choices will reveal much about them. adventure, action should start out low-key and then
When Mal takes a job that helps others, but doesn’t rise as the stakes grow greater, and the details of the
profit him, it proves that he values some things situation or predicament become known.
above his expressed goal to ‘just keep flyin’. Rising action is not restricted to combat (going
Opposing forces can take many forms: from a scuffle to an all-out gun battle), but also
individuals, organizations, civil authorities, criminal refers to the development of the situation, as well
elements, hazardous environments, the vagaries and as the consequence of actions the characters take.
hardships of everyday life. At the beginning of a story, the crew doesn’t much
The major organization involved in a Serenity care which cargos or passengers they allow on their
campaign is the Alliance; either overtly with its ship for a trip to Whitehall. As the crew becomes
military and police forces, or covertly with its enmeshed in plots and conflicts, the people they’ve
secret agents. The Alliance can be good or bad, brought on board, and what they do with them
depending on how the characters view it, and it and for them becomes much more important and
is likely that they will none of them view it in the dramatic. Getting rid of a troublemaker once you’re
same way. Other organizations exist in the ‘Verse, in space has greater consequences than if you’re
all with their own agendas and degrees of influence. on land where you can leave him unconscious in an
These include Guilds, such as the Companions alley.
Guild, and corporations like Blue Sun. Any of As you map out your plots in an adventure,
these organizations may act in ways that indirectly consider how situations could escalate and the
affect our heroes, or the organizations may take a crew’s actions become ever more important. Keep in
particular interest in the heroes. mind that the crew may not always succeed in their
Criminal elements exist at all levels of power endeavors. Don’t be dismayed by failure or tempted
within the ‘Verse, from government corruption to to let the heroes win every time, especially if it is
groups of petty thieves. If the crew is known or obvious that there’s no possible way they can. A
believed to be threatening a criminal organization’s failure can be a setback that challenges the crew to
reputation or solvency, the heroes will definitely be overcome their obstacles another way. A few defeats
targeted for some level of interaction—whether it will make the final victory all the more satisfying.
be a message to back off or hired guns kicking in
the door. CLIMAX
Sometimes the world itself is out to get This is the point in the adventure where
you. Problems with the ship may leave the crew important questions are answered, and the crew
threatened by catastrophic mechanical failure may or may not overcome the obstacles in their
(explosion or loss of hull integrity), or the dangers path. The crew are tested as never before, with the
of outer space (freezing, asphyxiating). On planets, most at stake should they fail. Plots are resolved and
all manner of weather and terrain may serve to relationships may be permanently changed.
thwart the heroes’ goals. Do the characters achieve what they’ve set out
The heroes may be their own worst enemies. to do? If not, they must decide if the struggle was
Internal conflicts among the crew or situations worth it anyway. Is what they sought still important
where the clash of multiple goals forces the crew to them? If they fail, will they try again another
to face moral choices or decisions may significantly day? The climax is the point where actions based
alter their relationships with others in the group. on previous decisions occur. What’s done can’t be

undone. Characters make choices, the dice are cast, Entwined with the A Plot are secondary plots.
and then it’s time to live with the results. These “B” plots may directly involve either one or
While a climax is born out of the plots, providing several members of the group. B plots are often a
a good setting for a climax is also important. good way to explore a minor point unrelated to the
Dramatic situations could include: battles in space, A Plot, permit two characters to deal with friction
gunfights, daring rescues, a long-planned heist, the between them (perhaps coming to some resolution),
revelation that an ally is an enemy, the delivery of allow characters to pursue private agendas, or deal
the cargo in a dangerous situation. with a minor Complication. The course of a B plot
can certainly interfere with the A Plot, or the two
RESOLUTION can exist without much interaction.
Once the climax of an adventure has been When characters separate for a significant
overcome, it’s time to pause a moment to catch a amount of time, B Plots are a good way to keep
breath and reflect on what has occurred, celebrate those who are left out of the A Plot involved. Let’s
victory, mourn a loss. As Game Master, you need say some of the crew go into town to steal a laser
to consider the consequences of the crew’s acts gun (the A plot), leaving the others on the ship.
and decisions. Do others change their opinions of Those who are left on the ship suddenly find out
the crew? Does success earn them wealth, respect, that the group going to steal the laser gun is walking
friendship, or something else? Does failure rob them into a trap (B plot that involves the A plot). Or the
of something? This is also the time to deal with any group on board ship might look out a window to see
deaths that have occurred. that they are being surrounded by lawmen who have
There will likely be some cleanup to do during reason to believe that a local hoodlum has sneaked
the resolution period as crew ties up loose ends aboard. (B plot has no bearing on the A plot.)
and address issues from earlier in the adventure.
Mundane decisions, deferred due to the rising FLESHING
action, may now be considered. Their future courses OUT PLOTS
of action are discussed, and either planned or set Once you’ve created a major and some minor
into motion. plots, run them through your head and ask questions
Resolution is the best time to take care of about them. How do the characters learn about the
bookkeeping, allowing characters to improve plot? How they will get involved? What questions
themselves with unspent Plot Points, buy new Traits will the characters ask? To what locations does the
or remove old ones, and discuss the direction their plot take them? Can you describe those locations
characters might take. That last bit is important, so and the NPCs that they meet there? This process
the Game Master should have input on the direction should help you predict the questions that the
of the campaign. (Do the players like the current players will ask, and predict the directions in which
adventure style? Do they want to pursue a secondary they might take the plots. It also gives you a guide to
clue left unresolved in this adventure in the next what material you’ll need to create before the game
adventure?) session begins.
Determine how the plot starts. (How do the
characters first become involved?) For example,
 you might have a man deliver a mysterious message
At its simplest level, game plots usually involve to the crew. He dies before they can question him,
an achievable goal that is helped or hindered by and they find out he’s been shot. Now the players
NPCs, and influenced by the relationships of the are head-over-heels in danger and mystery. The
characters with each other and by their needs and message could be the A Plot, enticing them to travel
desires. somewhere or meet someone. The man’s death
and the mystery of who killed him and why could
PLOT TYPES be B Plots or a twist on the A Plot. Thinking of a
The major plot line is usually the most obvious dramatic way to begin an adventure is a great way to
plot (the “A” plot). If you are playing the crew of get players hooked, and establish the level of danger,
Serenity, this could be a job the crew is hired to do. intrigue, and opportunity at hand.
Plots can also include: goals one character wants Don’t bother writing all the plots fully from
to pursue with the aid of his friends, group goals beginning to end. You aren’t creating this story on
all agree to pursue. The A Plot should appear your own. This is a collaborative story with your
straightforward. Its completion will indicate that one players adding much of the input. To paraphrase
adventure has ended and the next one can begin. No Helmuth von Moltke, “no plot survives first contact
matter what else goes on, the group’s obvious goal with the players”. Create general outlines, important
should be completion of the A Plot. NPCs, locations, and events, but always be prepared

to change things around to suit the story as it EVENTS
unfolds at the table. Events are the building blocks for plots and
Here’s an example. You have a simple cargo adventures. An event is a scene that may include
hauling job as the A Plot with a B Plot of a NPCs, and offers a chance to advance or alter one
disruptive passenger who knows a member of the or more plots. Events might include: a showdown
crew from the past. You expect the action to occur with a tenacious adversary, a negotiation for fees
on the ship in this order: Event – Get the Job. for a job, in-character conversations, dealing with
Event – Meet the Passenger. Event – Passenger mechanical problems on board the ship, encounters
Gets Unruly. Event – Settle Passenger (either lock with Reavers.
him up, knock him out, soothe him). Event – Reach Key events often signal the revelation of a
Destination. Event – Get Rid of Passenger. Event secret or an important piece to a puzzle. The
– Deliver Cargo/Get Paid. It is quite possible that heroes might spot someone they thought was dead
the way the PCs handle the passenger in the very in conversation with their adversary. Recovery of
beginning will throw the job off-schedule, incur a cherished possession might cause an NPC to
the wrath of the person who hired the crew (the open up to the characters and share what he or she
passenger was his son!), and cause them to fail to knows. Scenes involving intimidation, bribery, or
deliver the goods. interrogation might reveal secrets and clues.
For each event you want to plan, set the scene by
NON-PLAYER making some notes as to where it might likely occur,
CHARACTERS who will be involved, and how it might affect the
An important aspect of any plot is understanding course of a plot or the adventure. You might want
the actions that will be taken by the Non Player to organize all the events related to a particular plot
Characters. Determine how different NPCs will line and put them together. Keep your descriptions
affect the plots and the course of events. Then flexible in case player choices necessitate the event
spend a moment reflecting on each NPC or NPC occurring in a different location or with different
group to try to understand their motivations, people.
which are as important as the motivations of the You may also consider having some ‘flavor’
characters. What are the goals of the NPC? How events close to hand. These reinforce the look and
might NPC actions, decisions, or plans be altered or feel of the Serenity ‘Verse without having a direct
affected by the heroes? The more you know about influence on the plot. They remind the players that
the NPCs, the richer the campaign will be for the they are not the center of the ‘Verse, as well as
PCs, who will need to defeat them, resolve their reinforcing the “common man” element to their
issues, or gain their assistance. See Fellow Travelers in lives. Good flavor events include: resupplying the
this chapter for some ideas on NPCs. ship, visiting the local town for entertainment, a
rendezvous with an old friend, encountering the
PLOT TWIST Alliance in action, mechanical difficulty with their
One aspect that can enhance the game is the ship, stopping at a skyplex to pick up supplies,
plot twist—something for which Serenity is known! receiving messages from friends and loved ones over
Just when things are going great, all hell breaks the Cortex.
loose. And when things can’t possibly get worse,
they get worse. Coming up with plot twists takes STRANGE SCENES
time and thought, and you might not want to do it You can change the pace and feel of an
for every campaign. But it’s often fun to spring the adventure by introducing a carefully prepared
unexpected on the players when they’re least looking flashback or dream for a particular PC. You could
for it. also choose to present an interlude where the players
It is important to remember that a plot twist are witness to something their PCs are not.
must be believable and fit into the plot, or the For dreams, present the scene privately to the
players will have good reason to shoot the Game dreamer and let that person decide if he will tell
Master. The person who appears to be an innocent his dream to the rest of their crew. Some things are
passenger has actually been hired by the bad guys better left private. Dreams can deal with personal
to make sure the crew doesn’t deliver the cargo on demons, choices confronting the character, or
time. Or the cargo they’ve been hired to transport future events. The dream might help a PC work
turns out to be hot, and the Alliance is tipped off out her conflicts or may foreshadow trouble ahead.
that they’re carrying it. A job, like life, is never Dramatic or terrifying dreams may end with the
simple. dreamer waking with a scream, while other dreams
may fill them with elation.

Flashbacks are extremely useful for filling in a
character’s background, expanding his understanding 
of past events, or planting information that may A good inspiration for Serenity-flavored plots are
become useful later on. The PC generally does not the television shows and movies of the American
have any control of a flashback, but experiences it as Old West. Such plots include elements often seen
vivid memories. If the past event was shared among in the ‘Verse: folks seeking their fortunes in the
multiple characters, they can all recall the same frontier, the absence of law and order, the struggles
events. Flashbacks work well when presented before of the weak against the powerful, the individual
the whole group, while saving any secrets or private against companies, civilization overtaking an
information as a note or quick discussion with a untamed land.
single player in the other room. Such themes are why tales of the Old West
Interludes are best used to reinforce the flavor of have fascinated people for years. People leaving
an adventure, the nature of a foe, or the truth about behind an old life to start anew. People being
what is really at stake. You describe events to the judged for who they are, not who they were. People
players outside of what the PCs could be perceiving. experiencing a sense of absolute freedom, with no
Perhaps you will describe the villain in his place of laws to constrict them. Comes with a cost, though,
power, showing how he speaks and to what extent as there are no laws to protect them. People striking
he is willing to go to stop them, or they see the pain it rich over night. People fleeing religious, racial,
and suffering in an orphanage whose director is and other types of persecution. Disillusioned and
calling for aid. Other interludes could include crucial embittered Civil War veterans leaving a South that is
events which the PCs could reasonably learn about undergoing reconstruction. Countless numbers of
through gossip or via reports on the Cortex. homesteaders—men, women, children—risking all
You can prepare much of these scenes ahead of to find a better life.
time, giving you a chance to provide exceptionally Depending on the theme of your campaign, you
inventive and rich descriptions. The right time to could choose a few of these to be regular parts of
present one of these scenes is during a pause in the your adventures.
drama of the adventure.

LONG ARM OF Alliance and an Independent insurgency. The planet
THE LAW on which they’ve landed might be experiencing
If the crew are sometimes on the shady side of a bloody revolution. Perhaps a settlement leader
the law (like the crew of Serenity), it’s important for has been assassinated, prompting a witch hunt.
“the Law” to play a large role in their adventures. Strangers are always prime suspects when anything
Serenity doesn’t have any ship’s weaponry, so blasting goes wrong.
it out in a space battle isn’t an option. If the crew
can’t outrun the Alliance, they’ll have to expect to be BREAKING
boarded. The presence of Alliance soldiers in a city THE MOLD
or town (or on a train!) can certainly alter a crew’s Adventures in the ‘Verse should be fun, fast-
plans. paced adventures, with plot twists and humor used
If the crew commit crimes, they should be to elevate the mood. It will be important to not let
pursued by the authorities. This might happen yourself fall into the rut of time-worn plots and
immediately, if a sheriff and his posse hear that stereotypical people and events. The game excels
they’ve robbed the train, or later as word of their when twists and turns are thrown at the crew,
misdeeds travels through beaurocratic channels. forcing them to adjust their plans on the fly and
Fugitives and outlaws can expect to be accosted by at times explore parts of their characters they had
officers of the law and bounty hunters on a regular not anticipated. The setting and mood is gritty and
basis, especially if their deeds and actions continue realistic, but open for in-character humor.
to attract attention. Remember that the bad guys should not be
monolithic, single-minded individuals. Villains have
SOMETIMES depth too, making dealing with them more realistic
DANGER FINDS YOU and interesting. If your antagonist has several goals
You can’t always wait for your players to get into and things he cares about, the crew are more likely
trouble (though some groups will have no problem to find ways to convince him to let them live.
finding it regularly on their own). The ‘Verse is Don’t reveal everything about PCs’ or NPCs’
a dangerous place, and your campaign needs to pasts at the start. Campaigns work best when the
remind the crew of this. revelation of people’s pasts occurs over time,
During their travels, they might come across the naturally, as clues appear or the people become close
aftermath of a Reaver attack. A con artist might try enough to let others into their secrets. This doesn’t
to swindle them out of their loot. Through bad luck mean that every character will be a brooding loner
or poor maintenance, they may need to deal with that the others avoid because he isn’t willing to put
the dangers of mechanical failure aboard their ship it all on the table. Folks on the Rim tend to take a
while in deep space. person at his word, until its proved that word isn’t
Sometimes the crew may get swept up by major good.
events over which they have no control. They Another trap to avoid is casting the player
might blunder into a major space battle between the characters as larger than life heroes. These aren’t the
people plotting to take down the tyrannical Alliance
through another war. Serenity characters are generally
TELLING working-class folk making their way in the world
WHOPPERS the best way they know how. They earn the title of
Everyone lies—including NPCs! An NPC heroes by the way they treat others and how they
may have some information the crew stand by their beliefs.
needs, but this doesn’t mean he’s going
to spill his guts even if they ask politely
and say the magic word. Create some 
lies for your NPCs to hand out along with As Game Master, you are responsible for
the truth. Some good reasons for NPCs describing the ‘Verse to the players--everything
to lie include: protecting themselves, from the mountains and prairies and the stars, to the
protecting others, protecting their wealth dangers around them, to the people they encounter.
and possessions, serving masters who Serenity does not focus on futuristic technology
are opposed to the crew, a need to make or the weirdness of aliens. Serenity focuses on
friends, messing with the characters’ the characters and how they interact. Portraying
heads, advancing the NPCs’ own ambitions interesting and realistic NPCs is extremely
and goals. important.
You will need to portray the NPCs that your
players see, meet, talk with, and possibly fight.

Luckily, while there are millions of folks in the friends, old enemies, local celebrities, mercenaries,
‘Verse, you don’t need to portray them all with gunfighters, prostitutes, Companions, government
the same level of detail. Most will have limited agents, hijackers, renegades, outlaws, etc.
interaction with the heroes and can be summed up Important NPCs should have distinguishing
in a sentence or two. Only the very most important mannerisms and descriptions, specific ways of
NPCs will need to be defined as thoroughly as a PC. speaking, full stats, Skills, and Traits. You should
The rest fall in the middle. You should know a few have some idea of their history, background, and
things about them, find interesting ways to describe their current positions. Understand their primary
them, and have their stats so that you could run goals and the importance of these goals, so you
them in combat if the need arises. know what they’ll do in order to accomplish them.
Make your NPCs colorful by using flamboyant
“STOCK” or interesting speech patterns, a memorable style of
CHARACTERS dress, imposing physical attributes, or an unusual
These are the people who walk the streets of obsession. Perhaps they have characteristics that
Persephone or who are patients in the hospitals of run opposed to their profession or nature. The
Core worlds. They farm the soil of Higgin’s Moon local school marm has the beauty, the manners, and
and fill the bars and gambling dens of countless charm of a Registered Companion. A cattle rustler
Rim settlements. You should have a list of names is well-versed in the plays of Shakespeare and quotes
and professions for these NPCs within easy reach, in them frequently.
case a hero talks to one long enough to require more For example, the GM is going to create a
details. Such NPCs aren’t usually fighters and don’t competitor for the heroes for a classic-style Serenity
have notable skills beyond whatever their job or campaign. Name of Thomas Barnaby Liu. Liu is the
situation requires. Their numbers can be generalized owner of another space vessel similar to a Firefly
or assumed if they are ever forced to take part in the Class ship. He is Asian in appearance, although,
action. since he was raised by a Caucasian, Irish mother, he
Stock NPCs who are true to their stereotypes doesn’t speak Chinese so well.
don’t make much of an impression and are easily Thinking on his history a spell, the GM decides
forgotten, even if you’ve named them. Not that Liu has been flyin’ the black most of his life,
everyone in the ‘Verse is striking or memorable. This working one menial job after another, all the while
dilutes the ones you want them to remember. saving his credits to buy his own ship. His dream
When you want a stock NPC to be remembered, has come true, though he now has a large debt that
consider giving him at least one aspect that he has difficulty paying down. The GM determines
will make him or her memorable: an annoying Liu’s attributes and skills, giving him skills in most
mannerism (such as spitting on the sidewalk), of the critical operations of a ship.
remarkable beauty, unbelievable klutziness, or even So what makes Liu even more interesting? The
an Asset or Complication. GM decides that during the war, Liu ended up as a
Thugs and minions of important NPCs, guards, civilian contractor on a Browncoat destroyer. The
and gang members need little more than the most pay was good at times, but he never developed
basic stats in case they need to use a Skill or fight. an affection for the cause. He is in constant need
Even “faceless” members of organizations, such of money, so that is his driving factor. He is very
as a Chinese Triad gang member, should be given protective of his ship and his ability to keep flying.
cursory descriptions, Attributes, and Skills, since Liu is a bit vain as well, liking to boast about his
they may be rated better than ordinary street thugs. abilities as a mechanic and a pilot. That vanity could
be used against him if handled the right way.
IMPORTANT NPCS As for a physical description, Liu is a wiry
Some Game Master-created characters, such man in his fifities. He has a friendly manner and a
as allies, bystanders, or opponents, who will have cool demeanor, unless the whisky is flowing and
significant direct interaction with the crew, should someone is willing to listen to his braggadocio. He
be detailed more fully. These NPCs might have the wears coveralls that are generally grimy. He has
same amount of detail as the crew, with descriptions, surprising strength in his skinny arms and a knee-
skills, and traits. knocking case of the nerves when confronted
The crew will most likely have to interact with by pretty women. He loves dogs and he has any
and test their skills against these NPCs during the number of mutts living on board his ship. They all
course of an adventure. Such NPCs may include: accompany him when he goes to town. The dogs
con artists, criminals, officers of the law, private are extremely well-trained and protective of their
detectives, bounty hunters, businessmen looking master.
to move cargo, passengers, competitors, old

The GM will have to name his ship and decide nothing of it. She, on the other hand, loses face with
what kind of ship it is, but that can come later. The those whose regard she has worked hard to foster.
key is that Liu could be a potential ally, rival, or She must pay back Jack Leland for the humiliation
enemy, all depending on how the heroes interact of her loss and she will spend every waking moment
with him and how he reacts to the events in the working toward Leland’s defeat, humiliation, or
adventure. death. Leland, of course, knows nothing of this and
it will come as an unpleasant surprise to him when
VILLAINS he finds out.
Above and beyond stock NPCs and even A villain may not notice the PCs at first, but if
important NPCs are the villains. Since these they thwart his schemes, he may take a much greater
NPCs will have the greatest impact on the heroes’ interest in them. The villain may perceive the PCs as
adventures, villains should be given the same a threat to his security. The villain might be jealous
amount of detail as an important NPC with one of their success or angry that they cut him out of a
additional aspect—motivation. The GM must job.
understand why this person is an enemy of the Villains don’t generally stalk about the ‘Verse
heroes or, if he is not an enemy now, what happens dressed in black capes and breathing heavily. Some
that will make him an enemy in the future. of the best villains may be friendly and charming,
When creating a villain, remember one important appearing to the PCs to be their best friend, all the
fact: No one wakes up in the morning and says, while smoothly manipulating the PCs toward their
“Gosh darn it, today I’m going to be evil!” Good doom.
villains should be human, with flaws and foibles and In general, tend to avoid running insane villains.
maybe even some redeeming characterisstics. Good These may seem tempting, because they are
villains do what they do for logical reasons—or at guaranteed to act irrationally and they don’t require
least reasons that appear logical to them! much motiviation for doing the horrible things
Seeds of villainy include: suffering a humiliating they are doing. This lack of logical motivation can
defeat, obsessive competitiveness, avenging a bring about a real sense of let down if and when the
personal insult, a difference of beliefs, jealousy, heroes finally catch up to the lunatic. “Oh, him? He’s
greed, overweaning ambition, lust. just crazy.” Even Nitska has a logical rationale for
For example, Jack Leland defeats the settlement’s torturing people (beyond taking a sadistic pleasure
championship poker player at cards. He thinks

in watching them suffer). He has his reputation to Rifle d8, Knowledge d6/Military History d10,
uphold! Perception d6/Tactics d12.
Based on how the adventures play out and the Description: He is in his middle-years. He’s
PCs act, an important or even stock NPC may seen it all, done it all. He knows every trick in the
naturally develop into a villain. Actions which may book, and can size up a person in a glance. He once
appear harmless or unavoidable to the PCs at the wanted to be a hero, but he came to his senses
time could be viewed quite differently by those during the war. He’s not going to rise higher in rank.
harmed or disadvantaged by it. The villain may He is counting the days to his retirement and his
seek to avenge a wrong the heroes honestly don’t pension. He won’t make trouble for folk, if they
remember inflicting. don’t make trouble for him. After all, shooting
Villains are most exciting to portray when they someone means filling out a ton of paperwork.
are as real and complex as the PCs. Devote plenty of
time to their creation. ALLIANCE OFFICER,
As your players explore the ‘Verse, their
Agi d8, Str d10, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d6;
Life Points 14; Initiative d8 + d6.
Traits: Military Rank (Minor Asset), Prejudice
characters will encounter many different people (Minor Complication), Overconfident (Minor
along the way. Some of NPCs the players encounter Complication).
will be of vital importance. These NPCs might have Skills: Athletics d6, Discipline d6/Interrogation
valuable information to impart or perhaps they have d8, Guns d6/Pistol d8/Assault Rifle d8, Knowledge
been hired to kill the crew or are planning to arrest d4, Perception d6.
them. Description: He was a bonafide hero in the
But not every person the crew meets is going to war, and he has the medals to prove it. He hates
have an impact on their lives. In fact, in order to give Browncoats, considers them terrorists who are
the characters the feeling that they are living in an trying to destabilize the government. He is working
immense ‘Verse populated by millions of people, the hard to ingratiate himself with his superiors, and
GM should provide encounters with a wide variety a fine show of heroics would certainly go a long
of people who may have nothing to do the plot. way to earn him that promotion. He is looking for
This section provides the GM with various trouble, and if none comes his way, he’ll make it up
“stock” characters that can be used either as major on the spot.
NPCs or minor ones, including minor characters
from the movie, Serenity. These characters come with ALLIANCE OFFICER,
all the stats necessary for use in the game, as well as YOUNG AND GREEN
some hints as to how to play them in order to give Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d4; Life
each of them a unique personality. Some also come Points 12; Initiative d6 + d6.
with story “hooks” that can be used by the Game Traits: Weak Stomach (Minor Complication),
Master to further the plot. Any of these characters Skills: Athletics d4, Discipline d4, Guns d6/
can be altered, expanded upon, or “fleshed out” by Pistol d8, Knowledge d6/Military Regulations d10.
the Game Master in order to meet the needs of a Description: He has just graduated from the
particular adventure. Academy. This is his first assignment. He is proud
Please note that although the NPCs are of his new uniform. You could cut a steak with
portrayed as either male or female in the text, the the knife-edge crease in his pants. His head is
stats for most could apply to either a man or a filled with rules and regulations that he can cite
woman. Those who are obviously male (Buddhist chapter and verse. He gives an outward appearance
Monk) or obviously female (Dance Hall Girl) are of confidence, but secretly he knows he’s in over
listed as such. his head, and he’s scared to death. He constantly
touches his gun, as though to reassure himself
ALLIANCE OFFICER, it’s still there. He’s guaranteed to lose control the
DISILLUSIONED moment the situation gets tense, and may start
VETERAN shooting at anything that moves.
Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d8; Life
Points 18; Initiative d6 + d8. ALLIANCE GRUNT
Traits: Tough as Nails (Minor Asset), Military Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d8; Life
Rank (Minor Asset) Points 16; Initiative d6 + d6.
Skills: Athletics d6, Covert d4, Discipline d6/ Traits: Military Rank (Minor Asset), Loyal
Mental Resistance d10, Guns d6/Pistol d10/Assault (Minor Complication).

Skills: Athletics d6, Discipline d6, Guns d6/ Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset),
Assault Rifle d8, Perception d6, Melee Weapon Fightin’ Type (Major Asset), Loyal (Minor
Combat d4. Complication).
Description: He does his duty. He obeys orders. Skills: Athletics d6, Covert d2, Discipline d6,
He tries to never think for himself, since that’s Guns d6/Assault Rifle d8, Melee Weapon Combat
against regulation. He’s well-trained, well-armed, d4, Perception d4, Survival d6.
efficient, and nobody’s fool. Description: She served in the war on the side
of the Independents. Though she’s a stranger, she
BOUNTY HUNTER, will immediately come to the aid of anyone she
HIGH TECH recognizes as a fellow Browncoat—no questions
Agi d12, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale d10, Int d8, Wil d8; asked.
Life Points 14; Initiative d12 + d10.
Traits: Fightin’ Type (Major Asset), Steady Calm UNIFICATION
(Minor Asset). WAR VET AND
Skills: Athletics d6/Dodge d10, Covert d6/ PROUD OF IT
Stealth d10/Infiltration d10/Surveillance d8/ Agi d6, Str d10, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d4, Wil d6;
Streetwise d8, Discipline d6/Concentration d8, Life Points 14; Initiative d6 + d6.
Guns d6/Pistol d10/Sniper Rifle d12, Influence Traits: Mean Left Hook, (Minor Asset),
d6, Knowledge d6, Melee Weapon Combat d6, Prejudice (Minor Complication), Overconfident
Perception d6/Tracking d10 (Minor Complication).
Description: She works alone, because she Skills: Athletics d4, Discipline d2, Guns
doesn’t like to share the wealth, and she doesn’t trust d6, Knowledge d4, Melee Weapon Combat d4,
anyone anyway. She has her own ship—top of the Unarmed Combat d6/Brawling d8.
line, of course. She has the best weapons money can Description: The sight of a brown coat is like
buy, the best information, the best sources. She is an a red flag to a bull. He will immediately try to pick
expert, skilled at her job, and she will do whatever a fight, no matter where the characters are or under
it takes to bring in her quarry. She has no feelings, what circumstances.
no heart, no sentimental side to her nature. She
once caught her man by murdering his only child, BARTENDER
knowing that he’d come out of hiding to go to the AND OWNER
funeral. Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d10, Int d8, Wil d6;
Life Points 12; Initiative d8 + d10.
BOUNTY HUNTER, Traits: Sharp Sense—Hearing (Minor Asset).
BORDER PLANET Skills: Guns d6/Shotgun d10, Knowledge d4,
Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d10, Int d8, Wil d6; Influence d6, Perception d6.
Life Points 12; Initiative d6 + d8. Description: The owner of the saloon doubles
Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset), as the bartender. She takes a dim view of fights that
Greedy (Minor Complication). break up the furniture, and she’ll order everyone
Skills: Covert d6/Surveillance d10/Streetwise outside the moment there is trouble. She keeps a
d12, Guns d6, Influence d4, Knowledge d6, double-barreled shotgun behind the bar to let folk
Perception d6/Tracking d8/Intuition d10 know she’s serious. She will use the shotgun to insist
Description: He is too lazy to go chasin’ all over that folk pay for any damages or blood spill clean-up
the black for his prey. He hangs around the bars that may be necessary. She’s an excellent marksman.
and saloons in places like the Eavesdown Docks on
Persephone, waiting for his prey to come to him. BARTENDER,
He keeps a record of faces, and names, and how HIRED HELP
much money they’re worth in a handheld electronic Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d4; Life
database. He has a small camera hidden in a shot Points 12; Initiative d8 + d10.
glass that can take a picture whenever he raises the Traits: Hooked—Alcohol (Minor Complication).
glass to his lips. He then runs the picture through a Skills: Knowledge d4, Influence d4, Perception
face-recognition program on his handheld device. If d4.
it matches, he sends in his hired goons to make the Description: He is hired to serve drinks, and
capture. that’s it. No one is paying him to be a hero. He hits
the floor behind the bar at the first sign of trouble,
BROWNCOAT ALLY taking a glass and the best whiskey with him “to
Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d6; Life keep it safe.”
Points 12; Initiative d8 + d8.

BARFLY Performance d6, Ranged Weapons d4, Unarmed
Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d4, Wil d6; Life Combat d6.
Points 12; Initiative d6 + d6. Description: She is elegant, beautiful, refined,
Traits: Heavy Tolerance (Minor Asset). sophisticated, well-educated. She can intelligently
Skills: Athletics d4, Guns d2, Melee Weapon discuss art and music, literature and philosophy.
Combat d4, Unarmed Combat d6/Brawling d8. She is a superb dancer, and plays a wide variety of
Description: He works all day at a boring, musical instruments. She knows the right thing to
grubby job. He lives for the moment the whistle say at any social gathering. Gentle and gracious,
sounds, and he can go join his buddies for a beer. she goes out of her way to make people feel at ease
He won’t throw the first punch, but he does enjoy when they are around her. She strictly adheres to the
the occasional bar fight, because it breaks up the tenants of her Order. She is highly skilled and well-
monotony of his otherwise bleak existence. He trained in the art of sexual pleasure. She is widely
won’t much care what side he takes. respected and welcome anywhere, gracing important
social, political, or business functions with her
Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d6; Life She is trained in the art of self-defense, and
Points 12; Initiative d8 + d8. since she never goes to a client armed, most of her
Traits: Dead Broke (Minor Complication), training is in the martial arts. She can use a variety of
Combat Paralysis (Minor Complication). weapons, however. She has access to an impressive
Skills: Influence d6, Performance d6/Saloon data base that she uses to screen her clients,
Dancing d10/Singing d8. selecting only those who meet her high standards.
Description: She sought a career on the stage She protects her clients, and will never, under any
on Londinum. She couldn’t make the big time, circumstances, reveal their secrets to anyone.
and ended up in a touring company that came to
the Rim. The company went bust here, leaving her REGISTERED
stranded. She took this job because it was either COMPANION (MALE)
dance in a saloon or starve. She longs for the day she Agi d8, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d10;
can leave this place and return to civilization. Life Points 16; Initiative d8 + d8.
Traits: Allure (Minor Asset), Friends in High
BAR FLOOZY (FEMALE) Places (Minor Asset), Highly Educated (Minor
Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d8; Life Asset).
Points 14; Initiative d6 + d8. Skills: Artistry d6, Covert d4, Influence
Traits: Greedy (Minor Complication), Filcher d6/Seduction d10/Persuasion d10, Knowledge
(Minor Complication). d6, Melee Weapon Combat d4, Perception d6,
Skills: Covert d4, Influence d6/Seduction d8. Performance d6, Ranged Weapons d4, Unarmed
Description: She rents a room over the saloon Combat d6.
where she entertains her clients, paying the owner a Description: He is suave, handsome, refined,
percentage of her take. She spends her time in the sophisticated, well-educated. He can intelligently
bar, looking for marks, and enticing men into buying discuss art and music, literature and philosophy. He
her drinks. She wears a red spangled dress, limp is muscular, in excellent physical condition. He is a
feathers in her bright orange hair, and too much good dancer, and can play a wide variety of musical
make-up. Her only love is money, and she’ll do instruments. He knows the right thing to say at any
anything in order to earn it, including lacing drinks social gathering. Charming and witty, he goes out
with knock-out pills or rifling through the pockets of his way to make people feel at ease when they
of her slumbering victims. are around him. He strictly adheres to the tenants
of his Order. He is highly skilled and well-trained
REGISTERED in the art of sexual pleasure. He is widely respected
COMPANION (FEMALE) and welcome anywhere, including important social,
Agi d8, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d10; political, or business functions.
Life Points 16; Initiative d8 + d8. He is trained in the art of self-defense, and
Traits: Allure (Minor Asset), Friends in High since he never goes to a client armed, most of his
Places (Minor Asset), Highly Educated (Minor training is in the martial arts. He can use a variety of
Asset). weapons, however. He has access to an impressive
Skills: Artistry d6, Covert d4, Influence data base that he uses to screen his clients, selecting
d6/Seduction d10/Persuasion d10, Knowledge only those who meet his high standards. He protects
d6, Melee Weapon Combat d4, Perception d6, his clients, and will never, under any circumstances,
reveal their secrets to anyone.

Agi d8, Str d4, Vit d6, WITH A
Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d10; HEART
Life Points 16; Initiative d8 OF GOLD
+ d8. (FEMALE)
Traits: Allure (Minor Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d6,
Asset), Friends in High Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d10;
Places (Minor Asset), Life Points 16; Initiative
Highly Educated (Minor d8 + d8.
Asset). Traits: Allure (Minor
Skills: Artistry d6, Asset), Highly Educated
Covert d4, Influence d6/ (Minor Asset).
Seduction d8/Persuasion Skills: Artistry d4,
d10/Administration Covert d6, Influence d6/
d10, Knowledge d6, Seduction d10/Persuasion
Melee Weapon Combat d10, Guns d6, Knowledge
d4, Perception d6, d6, Melee Weapon
Performance d6, Ranged Combat d4, Perception
Weapons d4, Unarmed d6, Performance d2,
Combat d6. Ranged Weapons d4,
Description: A Unarmed Combat d6,
registered Companion, Survival d4
middle-aged, still beautiful Description: A
and alluring. She is the former registered
mistress of a Companion Companion, she left the
Training House on a world Order under mysterious
far removed from the circumstances. She runs
shiny lights of the Core. a bawdy house on a Rim
This is the first House world. She cares for her
the Alliance has ever people, and runs a clean
established in such a remote area. She is skilled in and well-ordered establishment. She employs both
her craft, though she is not as gifted as some—a fact men and women. She has worked hard to build her
that she is wise enough to recognize. She personally business, and will fight anyone who threatens it or
selects those boys and girls who are chosen to enter tries to harm her people.
the House, looking for intelligence, breeding, beauty,
charm, and discipline. SETTLER FAMILY
Hard-working folk, they could be encountered
BUDDHIST anywhere—on a ship traveling to a newly
MONK (MALE) terraformed planet, on their own homestead, at
Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d4, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d6; Life a town festival. The parents, father and mother,
Points 10; Initiative d6 + d8. are poor and not that well-educated. Their clothes
Traits: Religiosity (Major Asset), Non-Fightin’ are worn and shabby, but clean. The children, boy
Type (Minor Complication). and girl, are exuberant and rowdy, but fairly well-
Skills: Craft d4, Discipline d6, Knowledge d6/ behaved. The parents are working hard to make a
Buddhism d10, Medical Expertise d4, Perception d6. better life for the children. The parents may or may
Description: He is thin and wiry. His head is not be carrying weapons. If so, the weapons are
shaved. He wears the traditional red robes. He is a probably old and neither parent is a very good shot.
vegetarian and a pacifist. He does not drink alcohol.
He has no martial arts training or weapons training FATHER
of any kind. He is strong in his faith, and will do Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d4, Wil d6; Life
what he can to protect the innocent and defenseless. Points 14; Initiative d6 + d6.
He will spend part of every day in meditation. Traits: Tough as Nails (Minor Asset),
Superstitious (Minor Complication).
Skills: Animal Handling d6, Athletics d4, Guns
d4, Survival d6.

MOTHER certainly need to present the correct ID before they
Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d6; Life are even permitted on board. Such facilities have
Points 12; Initiative d6 + d8. been hijacked before, and the Alliance is taking no
Traits: Religiosity (Minor Asset). chances.
Skills: Animal Handling d2, Craft d6, Guns d2,
Perception d4, Survival d6. TRAUMA SURGEON
Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d10, Wil d6;
LITTLE BOY Life Points 12; Initiative d8 + d8.
Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d4, Ale d6, Int d4, Wil d4; Life Traits: Highly Educated (Minor Asset).
Points 8; Initiative d6 + d6. Skills: Discipline d6/Concentration d8,
Traits: Allergy—Flowers (Minor Complication) Influence d4, Knowledge d6, Perception d6, Medical
Skills: Animal Handling d2, Perception d4, Expertise d6/Internal Medicine d10/Physiology
Survival d2 d10/Surgery d12.


Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d4, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d4; Life Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d6;
Points 8; Initiative d6 + d6. Life Points 12; Initiative d6 + d8.
Traits: Sweet and Cheerful (Minor Asset). Traits: Steady Calm (Minor Asset).
Skills: Craft d2, Perception d4, Survival d2. Skills: Discipline d4, Knowledge d4, Perception
d6, Medical Expertise d6/Physiology d8/
SALOON PIANO Pharmaceuticals d8.
Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d8, Wil d6; Life HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR
Points 12; Initiative d6 + d6. Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d6; Life
Traits: Talented—Piano (Minor Asset). Points 12; Initiative d6 + d8.
Skills: Performance d6/Piano d10. Traits: Good Name (Minor Asset).
Description: His mother was the local piano Skills: Influence d6/Administration d10,
teacher. He’s classically trained and works at Knowledge d6, Perception d6, Medical Expertise d6.
the saloon to make his living. He likes his work,
especially the free drinks that go with it. He SECURITY GUARD
occasionally gets bored playing the same old tunes Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d6; Life
and will sometimes break into a fit of Chopin or Points 14; Initiative d6 + d6.
Rachmaninoff. When that happens, the patrons Skills: Athletics d4, Guns d4, Melee Weapon
throw beer mugs at him until he goes back to the Combat d6/Clubs d8.
standards. He enjoys accompanying the bar fights
with exciting music. He will play requests, but only if PARAMEDICS
you buy him a drink first. Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d6; Life
Points 12; Initiative d8 + d8.
ALLIANCE Traits: Steady Calm (Minor Asset).
HOSPITAL Skills: Discipline d6, Knowledge d4, Perception
PERSONNEL d6, Medical Expertise d6/Physiology d8/
Depending on where they are and who they are, Pharmaceuticals d8/Surgery d8/Internal Medicine
the characters may or may not be admitted to an d8.
Alliance medical facility. If the characters come into
an Emergency Room in a hospital on a Core planet, SCHOOL TEACHER
they will have to present the proper identification Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d8, Wil d6; Life
and proof of government-issued insurance. If Points 12; Initiative d6 + d6.
they don’t have insurance or if their paperwork is Traits: Highly Educated (Minor Asset).
questionable, the hospital personnel may refuse Skills: Artistry d4, Influence d6/Leadership d10,
treatment and send them to a hospital for “charity” Knowledge d6/Education d10, Perception d6.
cases. Description: She is from one of the Core
If they are accepted, they will be triaged by a planets, where she received her education at one
nurse first, then, depending on the severity of their of the universities. She has been hired by the local
injuries or illness, they may encounter a long wait townsfolk on this far away world to educate their
before the doctor sees them. children. She traveled to the Rim with high ideals
If they come to a medical facility on a space that have since been shattered by the harshness and
station or an Alliance cruiser, the players will most brutality of the life. She has come to respect the

hard-working settlers, and she is doing what she who will take her to the Core and introduce her to
can to bring a better life to them and their children. “people who count.”
She is the most educated person in the town and
often has to fight against ignorance, prejudice, and ITINERANT
superstition in order to protect her charges—and FRONTIER
Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d10;
Life Points 16; Initiative d6 + d6.
Traits: Religiosity (Major Asset), Superstitious
(Minor Complication).
Skills: Influence d6/Leadership d10, Knowledge
d6/Religious Retribution d12, Melee Weapon
Combat d6, Performance d6/Hell-Raising d12.
Description: He totes a Bible in one hand
and an axe in the other. He travels from planet to
moon holding revival meetings. He is fanatically
opposed to just about everything, including demon
rum, gambling, and prostitution. He is a rabble-
rouser, and can move crowds to tears of repentance
or acts of violence. Saloons and bawdy houses
are his favorite targets, and he often leads hymn-
singing, axe-wielding mobs of zealots against such
Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d8; Life Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d10;
Points 14; Initiative d6 + d8. Life Points 18; Initiative d6 + d6.
Traits: Moneyed Individual (Major Asset), Traits: Religiosity (Major Asset).
Overconfident (Minor Complication). Skills: Craft d4, Influence d6, Knowledge d6/
Skills: Athletics d4, Guns d6/Pistols d10, Religion d10, Medical Expertise d4.
Influence d6/Negotiation d10, Melee Weapon Description: He is sincere in his beliefs and
Combat d6/ Sword d12, Perception d4. humble in his nature. He is truly determined to
Description: He bought and paid for his social do what he can to help people find a better life,
standing. He is pretentious and arrogant, but has a or at least a better place to go to when they die.
certain amount of charm that he can turn off and He doesn’t have much, but what he does have he’s
on when needed. He is convinced that everyone has always willing to share. He is tolerant, merciful, and
a price. His business dealings are shady, but he never forgiving.
gets caught, since he has bribed all the right people.
He wears fine clothes, and is sleekly handsome. He ANGEL OF MERCY
is an expert in dueling with either pistols or swords. Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d8, Wil d6; Life
Points 12; Initiative d6 + d6.
SOCIETY BELLE Traits: Trustworthy Gut (Major Asset).
Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d4, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d6; Life Skills: Craft d6/Homeopathy d10, Influence d4,
Points 10; Initiative d6 + d8. Knowledge d6/Herbalogy d12, Medical Expertise
Traits: Moneyed Individual (Major Asset), d2, Perception d6.
Prejudice—‘Lower Classes’ (Minor Complication). Description: She has no formal medical training.
Skills: Artistry d4, Influence d6, Performance Her remedies are homeopathic, handed down from
d4. mother to daughter. She can treat most ordinary
Description: Thanks to Daddy she has all the ailments with good results, and is an excellent
money she wants. She dresses in what she believes to mid-wife. She has a store of herbs that she uses to
be the latest fashion trends from the Core, though make poultices, potions, crude pills, tinctures, and
her clothes are, in reality, cheap knockoffs she buys salves. She knows her limits, and will not hesitate to
because she doesn’t know the difference. She is summon trained medical help if such is available. If
snooty and prideful, silly and vain. She despises her not, she’ll do the best she can for her patients.
parents and the Border planet on which she was
born. Her main goal in life is to find a rich husband

DUNG HEAP Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d6; Life
Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d10, Int d8, Wil d8; Points 14; Initiative d6 + d6.
Life Points 14; Initiative d6 + d10. Traits: Wears a Badge (Minor Asset).
Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset), Skills: Athletics d4, Guns d6/Rifle d10/Pistol
Greedy (Minor Complication) d10, Influence d6, Perception d6, Melee Weapon
Skills: Covert d6/Streetwise d12, Guns d6, Combat d4.
Influence d6/Negotiation d8/Intimidation d10, Description: There are mainly two types of
Knowledge d6, Perception d6/Black-Market Trends sheriffs on the Rim. Both are skilled with weapons
d10 and fists. Their personalities are vastly different,
Description: The leader of a gang of thugs, however.
pick-pockets, smugglers, and petty thieves, he is One sheriff is brutal, corrupt, and self-serving.
into every sort of illegal enterprise that he thinks He protects those who pay him, including outlaws.
he can safely get away with, including protection He may be hired by the mine owners, or whoever
rackets, smuggling, trafficking in stolen goods, etc. runs the town, to keep everyone in line. He enforces
He is street-wise, cocky, and smart-mouthed. He law and order by means of torture, intimidation, and
maintains control by having something on everyone murder. He is a bully and a coward.
who works for him. He never goes anywhere The other sheriff is determined to bring justice
without his well-armed body guards. to the frontier. He is not afraid to take on the bad
guys. He does what he can to protect those who
BULLY BOY (MALE) can’t defend themselves. He is hard-working, honest,
Agi d6, Str d10, Vit d10, Ale d6, Int d4, Wil d6; and courageous.
Life Points 20; Initiative d6 + d6.
Traits: Tough as Nails (Major Asset). FRONTIER DEPUTY
Skills: Athletics d4, Guns d4, Melee Weapon Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d6; Life
Combat d6/Knives d8/Clubs d8, Unarmed Combat Points 14; Initiative d6 + d6.
d6/Brawling d10. Traits: Wears a Badge (Minor Asset)
Description: This guy is all muscle, from the Skills: Athletics d4, Guns d6/Pistol d10,
head down. He is big and brawny, tough and mean, Influence d2, Perception d4, Melee Weapon Combat
and uses his size to intimidate. He is good at beating d4.
up people and not much else. Description: As goes the sheriff, so goes his
Agi d8, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d10, Wil d10; FRONTIER DOCTOR
Life Points 18; Initiative d8 + d6. Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d10, Wil d8;
Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset), Life Points 14; Initiative d6 + d8.
Leadership (Major Asset) Traits: Steady Calm (Minor Asset), Hooked—
Skills: Covert d6/Streetwise d12/Stealth d10, Alcohol (Minor Complication).
Discipline d6/Interrogation d12/Mental Resistance Skills: Discipline d4, Knowledge d4, Perception
d10, Guns d6, Influence d6/Negotiation d10/ d6, Medical Expertise d6/Physiology d8/
Intimidation d10, Knowledge d6, Melee Weapon Pharmaceuticals d8/Internal Medicine d8.
Combat d6/Swords d10/Knives d10, Perception Description: He has formal medical training,
d6/Black-Market Trends d10, Unarmed Combat but his work is often hampered by the fact that
d6/Tai Chi d12. out here on the Rim, he lacks the proper medical
Description: The Alliance has worked hard to supplies and equipment. He sees folk dying that
eradicate the Chinese gangs known as “Tongs” and he knows he could save, if only he had the right
has been mostly successful on the Core planets, medicine, which he can’t obtain due to government
forcing the Tongs underground, or causing them ineptness. He has grown callous and embittered. His
to move their base of operations to the Rim. The bedside manner is atrocious, and he is never quite
leader is cruel, clever, resourceful. He is skilled in sober. But he is good at his job, and often pulls his
the martial arts, and can use most weapons. His patients through, when by rights they should have
followers are fanatically loyal. He is into various died.
illegal enterprises. He is not a person to cross, and
most people in his community know him and fear RIM SHOP KEEPER
him. Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d8, Wil d6; Life
Points 12; Initiative d6 + d8.
Traits: Trustworthy Gut (Minor Asset).

Skills: Influence d6/Negotiation d8, Knowledge Skills: Athletics d6, Discipline d4, Guns d6/
d6, Perception d6. Pistol d8/SMG d8, Knowledge d4, Perception d4.
Description: She is brisk and business-like, Description: He’ll work for anybody, no matter
polite to her customers, and determined to make a what the job, so long as the money is good. He’s a
sale. She is knowledge about her wares, be it guns, drifter, never stays in one place long. Most people
butter, or bullet-proof corsets. She will bargain, don’t know his name. Or care to know it.
but only up to a point. How good a deal you get
depends on how good business has been for her CON ARTIST
these past few weeks. If she has a large store, she Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d10, Wil d8;
will have a security guard at the door. If not, she Life Points 14; Initiative d6 + d6.
handles her own security. She doesn’t prosecute Traits: Greedy (Minor Complication).
shop-lifters. She shoots them. Skills: Covert d6/Pickpocket d8/Forgery d8,
Guns d4, Influence d6/Persuasion d10/Seduction
d10, Knowledge d6/Poisons d8, Perception d6.
She is a swindler, a cheat, a liar. She generally
has some scheme going all the time. She is a master
of deception and disguise. She can be charming,
ingratiating, seductive, and deadly. She is an expert
in poisons and drugs, and small, easily concealable
weapons. Whatever name she is using at the time is
likely not her own.

Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d10, Wil d6;
Life Points 12; Initiative d6 + d8.
Traits: Natural Linguist (Minor Asset).
Skills: Covert d6/Forgery d12, Influence d6,
Knowledge d6, Linguistics d6, Perception d6.
Description: He can forge anything from money
to documents and he will—for a price. The really
good forgers are found on the Core planets, where
they have access to advanced technology.


Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d10, Wil d8; STOLEN GOODS
Life Points 14; Initiative d6 + d8. (THE CORE)
Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset), Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d8, Wil d8; Life
Greedy (Minor Complication). Points 14; Initiative d6 + d6.
Skills: Covert d6/Streetwise d12, Influence d6/ Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset).
Negotiation d10, Knowledge d4, Perception d6/ Skills: Covert d6/Streetwise d8, Influence d6/
Black-Market Trends d12. Negotiation d8, Knowledge d6, Perception d6.
Description: Identical twins, they have paid Description: Her front is an antique business.
informants scattered all over the ‘Verse, who Those who want to do business with her have
send word of “sweet deals”—such as the arrival to maintain the charade that they are dealing in
of unguarded payroll in a small town bank. The antiques, or she will pretend not to know what they
twins then hire folk who aren’t too picky about the are talking about. Those who have guns to sell, for
kind of job they take to perform heists, smuggling example, speak knowingly about “Louis XIV chairs”
operations, or whatever the deal happens to be. The and “Ming vases”. She screens her clients carefully,
twins’ cut varies, depending on what they think they and will not accept anyone without the proper
can get away with. Their HQ is a bar known as the references from former clients. Her security guards
Maidenhead on Beaumonde. are top-notch.


Agi d8, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d6; Life FENCE (BORDER PLANET)
Points 14; Initiative d8 + d6. Agi d6, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d8, Wil d8; Life
Traits: Greedy (Minor Complication). Points 14; Initiative d6 + d6.
Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset).

Skills: Covert d4, Influence d6/Negotiation d8, Skills: Covert d6/Security d12+d4,
Knowledge d4, Perception d6. Discipline d6/Concentration d10, Knowledge
Description: His front is a pawn shop. He will d6/Truth (Specialty restricted to Mr. Universe)
buy or sell anything, no questions asked. d12, Perception d6/Deduction d10, Technical
Engineering d6/Cortex d12+d8
TOWN LEADER Description: A young man, unkempt, over-
Agi d6, Str d8, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d10; caffeinated, and sweet in a geeky kind of way.
Life Points 16; Initiative d6 + d6. He lives in his own “mediaverse”—a satellite
Traits: Leadership (Minor Asset) moon that appears to have once been a gigantic
Skills: Guns d6/Rifle d8, Influence d6/ communications complex. Some of the equipment
Leadership d10, Knowledge d6, Perception d6, is new. Some of it is old and long-neglected.
Survival d4 No one knows much about Mr. Universe. There
He is the leader of a small community of settlers. is speculation that he either bought this complex
A charismatic individual, he is devoted to his job, from a corporation that went out of business, or he
and dedicated to his people. Even if he is corrupt, is a squatter who moved in and performed necessary
as some are, he will maintain that he does what he renovations.
has to for the good of his people. (This may be He sits at his central control panel, day and night,
true!) He is not very well educated, and is suspicious surrounded by screens that each show different
of outsiders, who will have to prove themselves to feeds coming from all parts of the ‘Verse. He
him in order to get on his good side—either that or sees the truth of what is happening in the ‘Verse,
provide him with something he desperately needs. and at the same time, he sees the propaganda the
He is the only law in these parts, and his followers government dispenses to an unsuspecting public.
will see to it that his law is enforced. No one knows how he makes a living. He is
completely and totally absorbed in watching life
MR. UNIVERSE flash past on his screens.
Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d4, Ale d10, Int d12, Wil d8 His only companion is a manikin-like LoveBot
Life Points 12; Initiative d6 + d10. named “Lenore.” She says nothing, rarely moves. He
Traits: Cortex Spectre (Major Asset), Talented— quite obviously adores her.
Technical Engineering/Cortex (Major Asset),
Loyal—Lenore (Minor Complication), Hooked— REAVER
Cortex (Major Complication). Agi d8, Str d10, Vit d10, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d10;
Life Points 24; Initiative d8 + d8.
Traits: Tough as Nails (Major Asset), Fightin’
Type (Major Asset), Sadistic (Major Complication).
Skills: Athletics d6, Covert d6/Stealth d8,
Discipline d6, Guns d6/Pistol d8, Perception d4,
Melee Weapon Combat d6/Knives d10/Club d8,
Unarmed Combat d6/Brawling d10.
Special Note: If Reavers feel pain, they are
not hindered by it—but rather thrive on it. Reavers
ignore the effects of Stun damage, and do not suffer
Wound penalties for injuries. (They will, however,
suffer penalties for obvious physical problems. A
Reaver whose arm has been severed can only attack
with one arm!)
Description: A terrible corruption of something
that was once human, a Reaver is obsessed by
pain—both causing it and feeling it. The Reaver’s
flesh is disfigured with radiation burns, slashed by
self-inflicted knife wounds, and pierced by various
sharp objects—everything from nails to barbed fish
hooks. His hair is sparse and falling out in clumps.
His teeth are filed to sharp points and stained with
blood. His clothes are ragged, held together by
patches made out of human skin stripped off his
victims. The cloth is stiff with the dried blood of
those he butchered.

His breath is foul. He stinks of blood and death. Traits: Fightin’ Type (Major Asset), Steady Calm
His weapons double as implements of torture. He (Minor Asset), Lightnin’ Reflexes (Major Reflexes).
takes pleasure in the killing, and he wants his victim Skills: Athletics d6/Dodge d10/Climb d8,
to remain alive as long as possible. He is utterly Covert d6/Stealth d10/Infiltration d12/Surveillance
savage, without mercy or compassion of any kind. d8/Streetwise d8/Disable Device d8, Discipline d6/
He has no fear of dying himself—he may even Concentration d10/Interrogation d12, Guns d6/
welcome the thought. The threat of death will not Pistol d8/Sniper Rifle d8, Influence d6, Knowledge
deter him from his bestial, brutal acts. d6, Melee Weapon Combat d6/Swords d12+d6,
Perception d6/Tracking d10/Intuition d8, Unarmed
DR. MATHIAS Combat d6.
Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d4, Ale d8, Int d12, Wil d6; Description: Known only as the Operative, he is
Life Points 10; Initiative d8 + d8. obsessed with his mission. He does the work of the
Traits: Steady Calm (Minor Asset). Parliament, though he no name, rank, or title. The
Skills: Discipline d6, Knowledge d4, public knows nothing of his existence. He receives
Perception d6, Medical Expertise d6/Physiology government funding, and has high-level security
d10/Pharmaceuticals d10/Surgery d10/Internal clearance. He is granted anything he wants or needs
Medicine d8/Neurology d12. in order to fulfill his assignment.
Description: Coldly analytical, he views He is thoroughly convinced that the ends justify
his patients as mere scientific experiments, the means. He believes that he is working to bring
indistinguishable from lab rats. He works on an about a better future for humanity. He has a certain
unnamed project for the Alliance at a lab in a secret amount of regret for the terrible acts he commits,
location. The project is shadowy, but rumor has it but he is able to justify them by the belief that even
that the government is performing brain surgery on though he is forced to commit monstrous acts to
people who have psychic powers in order to train gain his goal, the end result will be a better world.
them as spies and assassins. His favored weapon is a sword that he uses
for ritualistic, ceremonial killings. A death for
THE OPERATIVE OF his cause is a “good death,” particularly one
THE PARLIAMENT that is met bravely at the end of his sword. He
Agi d12, Str d10, Vit d10, Ale d10, Int d8, Wil sometimes admires his victims for their work or
d12; Life Points 22; Initiative d12+d2+d10. resourcefulness, but he does not waver in his belief.

Agi d8, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d10, Int d10, Wil d6;
by Core standards, but are to him far more real than
the “plastic” people of the Core. Jack also enjoys the
unpretentious living conditions on board Aces and
Life Points 12; Initiative d8+d10. Eights—a marked contrast to his life on the Core.
Traits: Deadly Enemy (Minor Complication), Jack’s poker games are much anticipated by people
Dull Sense—Taste (Minor Complication), Friends on the Border planets, where they are the social event
in High Places (Minor Asset), Moneyed Individual of the season. The games are by invitation only. Jack
(Major Asset), Talented—Covert/Gambling (Major carefully screens all players in advance, though he
Asset). will take walk-ins if they have the cash. He looks not
Skills: Artistry d4, Covert d6/Gambling d12 + only for those with stakes, but also those who might
d8*, Discipline d4, Guns d6/Pistol d8, Influence d6/ provide him a challenge, and he has been known to
Etiquette d8, Knowledge d2, Perception d6, Scientific bankroll players who are low on funds.
Expertise d4. (Gambling skill is modified by the Jack is an expert at cheating and spotting cheaters,
Talented trait.) though he never cheats at cards himself. As he says,
Description: Jacob Leland was born to poker— cheating is the hallmark of a bad poker player. He is
literally. His untimely arrival caused his mother to remarkably observant of other people. He can tell
have to abruptly leave a high stakes game. by the twitch of a man’s eyebrow if he’s holding that
The Lelands owned a casino on Osiris. Jacob was third queen (or if he’s about to go for his gun).
raised in a world of fast money, high rollers, roulette Jack is aware that the ship’s crew does their own
wheels, and glitzy dancers. He could deal blackjack business on the side during his travels—this is part of
by age nine and his father often sent the boy onto the the deal he made with the captain. Jack makes it his
casino floor to help spot card counters. business to find out all he can about what’s brewing.
When the casino went bust through poor business He will help, if called upon. Otherwise, he won’t
practices, Jack saw where his father had gone wrong. interfere—unless the odds are against them.
Jack went to college to further his education, using Jack carries a small, silver and gold-plated
poker to fund his schooling. He gained degrees in derringer in an inside pocket of his expensive and
accounting and business. He often says the smart finely tailored dress jacket. He is an expert shot with
gambler knows how to hang onto his winnings. this weapon.
Jack did quite well for himself. He is in his early Jack has friends in high places in the Alliance. He
forties and his skill at poker and his smart investments has enemies, too, though he doesn’t know it. Before
have already made him a very wealthy man. leaving the Core, Jack played a game of high-stakes
Handsome, with black skin, melting brown eyes, and poker with a high-ranking government
a disarming smile, he is suave and debonair and is at official. Jack won big that night and,
home in all the fine casinos on all the Core planets. rather than embarrass Cabinet Minister,
Jack is a high roller. Limo-shuttles pick him up. He Ferdinand Vita, who could not cover his
is given penthouse suites, and provided with whatever bets, Jack accepted his I.O.U.
his heart desires, including a generous line of credit. The Cabinet Minister is on the
He is always seen in the company of beautiful verge of financial ruin and he
women, though rarely the same woman twice (with cannot cover the I.O.U. Knowing
the exception of his female bodyguard, Hwa Ling). that such a scandal would finish
This is Jack’s life six months out of the year. him politically, Vita has put a
The other six months, Jack travels the black in private government arrest flag for
his own ship, that he named Aces and Eights, taking Jack, claiming that he is a “reader.”
his high stakes poker game to the Border planets. Government agents hunt him, ready
More than few wonder why Jack would leave a life to secret him to an installation to do a
of glamour and luxury to endure the hardships and surgical examination of the gambler’s
danger of life on the frontier. Some sneer that he brain. Jack knows nothing of any of
does so in order to bilk the “yokels” out of their this.
hard-earned cash. Jack Leland is a loner who trusts
The truth is, Jack rarely breaks even on these trips. only one person implicitly and that is
He has grown bored with the easy, over-regulated his bodyguard, Hwa Ling. He likes
life of the Core planets. He is a gambler. He enjoys the companionship of women, but
risk-taking. He likes the unpredictability of life on the his true passion is poker.
Border. He also likes the people, who may be crude

Agi d10, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d6; Life
Oriental weapons, as well as standard military issue.
She wears her blue-black hair in a bob with straight
cut bangs over arching eyebrows. She has large,
Points 14; Initiative d10+d6. almond-shaped dark eyes that can, as Maxx once
Traits: Deadly Enemy (Minor Complication), remarked, “skewer a man at twenty paces.” She wears
Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset), Steady Calm fatigues and combat boots when on board ship.
(Major Asset), Talented—Unarmed Combat/Kung When she accompanies Jack to his high-stake games,
Fu (Minor Asset). she wears a simple, elegant, long-sleeved, ankle-length
Skills: Athletics d6/Dodge d8, Covert d6, Guns black sheathe that is slit to the thigh, in case she needs
d6, Influence d2, Knowledge d4, Medical Expertise to use her feet or legs in a fight.
d2, Melee Weapon Combat d4, Perception d6, On such occasions, she is a walking armory.
Ranged Weapon Combat d2, Technical Engineering Her star-shaped diamond necklace is really a lethal
d4, Unarmed Combat d6/Kung Fu d8. throwing star. Her long gloves hide a knife strapped
Equipment: Pistol, Throwing Star (d2W, 10 ft. to her arm. The knife is made of hard plastic and
range), Small Knife, Hidden explosive, “flash bang” will not be picked up by metal detectors. She can
hair barrettes. draw and hurl this knife with deadly accuracy as fast
Description: Hwa Ling was born to violence as as a man can draw and fire a gun. Her jeweled hair
Jack was born to poker. Her father and mother were barrettes are “flash-bangs”. When tossed into a room,
both members of the 14K Triad, a Chinese “Tong” the bright flash and loud noise will temporarily blind
that has been around since 17th century China on and stun anyone inside.
Earth-That-Was. Her brother was killed in a gang It is well Hwa Ling has this training, for a Tong
fight and Hwa Ling might well have met the same fate known as the Hip-Sing—the same gang that killed
but that she was, oddly enough, saved by the draft her father—has vowed vengeance and they are
board. actively searching for her. The Hip-Sing are known
When the Unification War started, the Alliance to have a large presence on several of more populous
was forced to draft young men and women into the border planets. Her own Tong also has people on
military. The twenty-year-old Hwa Ling was called these planets and they
up. Taking note of her exceptional skills as a martial will provide Hwa Ling
artist, the military sent her to commando training. with information,
Hwa Ling participated in numerous secret and support, and
dangerous missions during the war. assistance should she
After the war ended, Hwa Ling was planning on require it.
making the military her career when she received Hwa Ling told Jack
word from her mother that her father had been the truth about her
brutally tortured and killed by a rival Tong. Hwa Ling past when he hired
took leave to attend to “family matters”. She and her her, for Hwa Ling
mother avenged her father’s death, with the result has her own code of
that both were arrested for murder. Nothing could be honor. None of the
proven against them, for no one dared come forward crew of the Aces and
to testify. She was freed, but the military didn’t like the Eights knows anything
scandal and handed her discharge papers. about her, however,
Hwa Ling went to work as a security guard for except that she was in
one of the large casinos on Osiris and this was where the military. She likes
she met Jack Leland. He admired her martial abilities, and admires Captain
but what particularly caught his notice was her Williams and the
professional demeanor, her aloof detachment. one time Hwa Ling
Hwa Ling saw and did a lot that was ugly and ever seems to relax is
brutal during the war. She was particularly close to when the two swap
her father and his death and her experiences in the “war” stories. Captain
war combined to leave a deep gash in her soul. She Williams did some
reasons that if she doesn’t want to get hurt like that private investigating
anymore, she can never come to care for anyone. This on his own about
includes her boss, Jack Leland. She works hard at not her past. He keeps
caring about him. what he found out to
Hwa Ling is thirty years old. She is tall and slender himself.
with the hard-muscled body of the martial artist.
She is expert in just about every weapon, including

Agi d8, Str d10, Vit d10, Ale d8, Int d6, Wil d6;
Maxx runs his ship with military discipline.
Square-jawed, well-built, with buzz-cut gray hair, he
keeps himself in top physical condition. He is an
Life Points 16; Initiative d8+d8. expert in all types of weapons, a crack shot with any
Traits: Friends in Low Places (Minor Asset), sort of gun. He buys only the best.
Leadership (Minor Asset), Loyal—Family (Minor His prosthetic right arm and hand are
Complication), Two-Fisted (Minor Asset). indistinguishable from the real deal and will even
Skills: Athletics d6, Discipline d6, Guns d6/Pistol “bleed” if cut. He has above normal strength in his
d8/Assault Rifle d8/Sniper Rifle d12, Influence prosthetic arm. His right fist packs quite a punch. He
d6, Knowledge d4, Melee Weapon Combat d6, is ambidextrous, having trained himself to use his left
Perception d6/Tactics d10, Pilot d2, Ranged Weapon hand while his right was healing. His prosthetic arm
Combat d2, Technical Engineering d4, Unarmed is extremely expensive, specially made to his design
Combat d4. by a company on Sihnon. Maxx carries a “spare” for
Equipment: Pistol, Assault Rifle, “Good” emergencies, but the spare arm is of cheaper quality
Prosthetic Arm (Strength bonus of +2 steps when and he doesn’t like it. One of the few things that
using this arm, plus the benefits of the “Mean Left will cause him to lose his temper (and his cool) is
Hook” trait; Armor 4, Life 10), Spare Prosthetic Arm someone damaging his “good” right arm.
(Strength/Agility penalty of –1 step with the arm; Maxx knows the military and not much else. He is
Armor 2, Life 6). an expert in military tactics, strategy, and history. He
Description: Career military, as was his father is bitter at the Alliance for sidelining him when he lost
and grandfather before him, Maxx Williams was a his arm, but he carefully maintains his connections
member of an elite commando squad in the Alliance in the military, figuring that this is good for business.
during the War of Unification. Trained as a sniper, he He will hire out for any type of work—legal or
did his job well, was wounded several times, and was illegal (the lines are blurred on the Border), except
decorated for his bravery in his battle. He was looking bounty hunting and fighting Reavers. He considers
forward to a brilliant career when an enemy missile the first demeaning and the second suicidal. He will
brought down his troop carrier. Maxx lost his right battle bandits, assist
arm at the shoulder in the crash and, although he was in range wars, or
fitted with a prosthetic arm that functions as well or launch an assault on
better than his real arm, the Alliance relegated him to a neighboring moon.
a desk job. He can put together
After the war, Maxx resigned the military and went a small army, if called
into business for himself. He now earns his living for, or handle the job
selling his services to anyone who has the means to with his team.
pay. Maxx what he knows he is worth—and that is Maxx’s only soft
considerable. spot is for his wife,
Maxx has done extremely well for himself and Irene, and baby
now, in his early forties, he owns several ships of daughter, Elizabeth,
various types, suitable for a variety of purposes. He who live on Sihnon.
has put together a good team of men and women, all He sets aside
expert in their fields. time every day to
Maxx has made an arrangement with Jack Leland communicates with
to ferry him around the border planets for his high them and only a dire
stakes poker games. Under this arrangement, Maxx emergency will cause
serves as captain of Jack’s ship (which Maxx helped him to miss this. His
him buy and outfit). He takes Jack where he wants to people have learned
go and sees to it that he gets there safely and leaves that at such times, he
safely. Aside from that, Maxx is free to pursue his is interrupted only at
own business on the side. their peril. They also
Maxx and Jack have come to respect each other. know to flee when
The two maintain a distant, politely cool relationship. he takes out the baby
Each knows that the other has lines that are not to be pictures.
crossed. During the few times that they have found
themselves caught in a tight spot, they have learned
that they can rely on each other. Maxx is not above
asking Jack to help on occasion and Jack, who always
enjoys an adventure, generally agrees.

Agi d8, Str d6, Vit d6, Ale d8, Int d10, Wil d6; Life
His engine room is so clean that one could eat
off the compression coil. His quarters are neatly
organized with everything in its proper place. He
Points 12; Initiative d8+d8. freaks out if the smallest object has been moved. He
Traits: Dull Sense—Sight (Minor Complication), blushes easily and giggles at jokes. Yet, when Time
Talented—Heavy Weapons/Demolitions (Major Bomb is dealing with any sort of explosive device,
Asset). he becomes another person—cool-headed, steady of
Skills: Athletics d2, Discipline d6, Heavy hand and eye, completely and totally in command of
Weapons d6/Demolitions d12+d2, Knowledge himself and the situation.
d6/Explosives d10, Mechanical Engineering d6/ He can dismantle bombs, as well as build them.
Construct Device d8/Repair d10, Melee Weapon When he does this, he has the unnerving habit of
Combat d2, Perception d6, Survival d6, Technical talking to the bomb lovingly, as if it was a woman.
Engineering d4, Unarmed Combat d4.
Equipment: Concussion Grenades (3), Flash-
bang Grenades (3), Tool Kit.
Description: Joe Henderson (a.k.a. “Time
Bomb”), is the ship’s mechanic of Aces and Eights and
demolitions expert. A short, meek-looking young
man, Time Bomb is often mistaken for an accountant.
He wears wire-rim glasses, for he is quite near-sighted.
He is very neat and tidy and precise in everything he
does—borderline obsessive/compulsive. He always
cuts his food—any food—into one inch squares
before he will eat it.
The twenty-five year old Time Bomb was born
and raised on a mining colony. His father was the
owner of the mine and Time Bomb could have lived
a life of relative ease, but he was fascinated with
explosives and spent as much time with the miners as
possible. After an accident in which he nearly blew up
himself and the family home, his father took the boy
to the mine foreman and told him to teach him all he
Having learned all he could about blasting rock,
Time Bomb went to college to learn more. He studied
chemical, mechanical, and civil engineering and
accumulated a lot of hours, but never bothered to
take the courses necessary for gaining a degree.
The commercial flights from his home planet
to the college being long and boring (with nothing
to blow up), Time Bomb became friends with the
ship’s mechanic and spent his time studying the ship’s
engines, which he found almost as interesting as
explosives. Maxx met Time Bomb on one of these
voyages. Bored himself and always interested in ships,
Maxx wandered down to the engine room. Before the
end of the trip, he’d hired Time Bomb on as ship’s
Guns make Time Bomb nervous and he is a
hopeless shot. He is shy around women, has trouble
even looking at one. He generally stares at their shoes
and there is speculation among the crew that he’s
never seen Hwa Ling from the waist up. The only
woman he’s really comfortable around is Devil.

Agi d6, Str d4, Vit d6, Ale d6, Int d8, Wil d8; Life
each planet they visit. She has uniforms for every
branch of the military on every planet and for every
branch of government. She has ladies’ ball gowns,
Points 14; Initiative d6+d6. gentlemen’s fancy dress clothes, frontier chaps and
Traits: Allure (Minor Asset), Greedy (Minor dusters, kimonos, homespun shirts and dresses, law-
Complication), Talent—Covert/Disguise (Minor men gear, executive suits, shepherd’s wear, Buddhist
Asset). monk’s robes, and so on. She also has a wide selection
Skills: Artistry d4, Athletics d6, Covert d6/ of rubber masks, false noses, ears, eyebrows,
Disguise d8/Forgery d8/Sleight of Hand d8, Guns eyelashes, etc. Devil can pass for a twelve-year-old
d6, Influence d6/Negotiation d8/Seduction d8, boy one day and an eighty-year-old matriarch the
Knowledge d6, Medical Expertise d6, Perception d6, next. Devil has extensive connections on all the major
Perform d6/Acting d10, Pilot d4, Planetary Vehicles Border planets. If she doesn’t have what’s needed, she
d2, Scientific Expertise d4, Survival d2, Technical knows where to find it.
Engineering d4, Unarmed Combat d6. Devil is so charming that half the time her own
Equipment: Pistol, Pocket Knife. associates don’t know when they’re being scammed,
Description: The ship’s doctor, “Devil-Take- including Maxx, who has no idea that Devil has never
Me” Cortez, or Devil, as she’s known for short, was a received any formal medical training. Thus far, she’s
medic in an army field hospital during the war. This is managed to keep the crew alive and has patched
where she met Maxx, who was there recovering from up a good many serious wounds and injuries with a
the loss of his arm. They became good friends and, combination of skill and luck.
when Maxx left the army, Devil went with him to be Devil has made a lot of enemies in her time and if
his ship’s medic. Unfortunately, Devil “forgot” to tell any of them should ever chance to recognize her, she
the army she was leaving. could be in a world of trouble.
Devil is officially AWOL, something Maxx
does not know. Since Devil didn’t give the army her
real name when she joined, the military is having a
difficult time tracking her down.
Devil gained her nickname from her habit of
using the oath, “devil take me if I’m not telling
the truth!” Due to the fact that she never tells the
truth and generally has no idea what the truth even
is, she figures that she is safe in this, for the devil
undoubtedly laid claim to her long ago.
Devil is a good medic. She can also be a good
university professor, a good lawyer, a good dance-
hall girl, a good pilot, a good corporate executive. In
other words, she can take on the role and occupation
of any person and be good (not great) at it. Devil
is a con woman, a scam artist, an expert forger. She
has dabbled in blackmail. She can disguise herself as
anyone—male or female. She can pass for a cowpoke
down on his luck or play the part of a registered
Companion. She is fast-talking and glib, with a vast
store of knowledge about all sorts of things. She is
utterly convincing in all she says and does. Devil is
not particularly good with weapons and relies instead
on her wits and charm to get her out of difficulty.
Devil is twenty-eight, slender and graceful, with
a boyish figure and a highly mobile face that she
can mold like putty. She has a shaved head because
she almost always wears wigs from her large wig
collection, changing them on a daily basis. She
has dark eyes and an irresistible smile. She is witty,
likeable, and never loses her temper.
Devil has an immense wardrobe of costumes that
she and the team often find useful. She adds to this
wardrobe on a regular basis, picking up pieces from

Agi d10, Str d8, Vit d10, Ale d8, Int d4, Wil d6;
excited. He never panics. He keeps a cool head in
any emergency. If he’s in a barroom brawl, he’ll sit in
his chair unless someone hits him, then he’ll calmly
Life Points 16; Initiative d10+d8. stand up, calmly slug the guy, and then calmly resume
Traits: Religiosity (Minor Asset), Steady his seat. If someone brings up the war, Rawhide says
Calm (Minor Asset), Straight Shooter (Minor nothing. He will simply get up and leave the room.
Complication). Rawhide can handle a gun and is a good shot
Skills: Athletics d6, Discipline d4, Guns d6, when he needs to be. He wears a sidearm in a holster
Knowledge d4, Mechanical Engineering d4, whenever he leaves the ship.
Perception d4, Pilot d6/Mid-Bulk Transports d10, Rawhide admires and respects Captain Williams
Planetary Vehicles d6, Technical Engineering d4, and would do anything for him. Rawhide is in awe of
Unarmed Combat d6. Jack Leland, considering him to be the most brilliant
Equipment: Pistol, Bible. man in the ‘Verse. Rawhide has fallen quietly in love
Description: The pilot of Aces and Eights is Ross with Hwa Ling. He knows quite well that she cares
Macintosh, known to all as Rawhide. One of eight nothing for him. He suffers in silence, as is his way, so
children of a struggling rancher, he never went to that no one except the sharp-eyed Devil suspects.
school, but had to work on the ranch to help support Devil is Rawhide’s best friend. They make a truly
his family, as did all his brothers and sisters. When odd couple. As the Captain describes them, “they run
his parents died—worn down by their hard life—he together like a rat terrier and a sheep dog.” If Devil
and his siblings sold the ranch and split the proceeds. has a tender spot in her heart, Rawhide has managed
Rawhide used his share to put himself through flight to touch it. She looks out for him and he is protective
school, figuring this was the only way off the moon of her, though he is often bewildered by her schemes
that had killed his parents. and intrigues.
He had a tough time in school, for at age twenty- The only thing in the ‘Verse that Rawhide truly
three the only book he’d ever even read was his hates are Reavers, who killed his favorite sister and
mother’s tattered Bible. Learning doesn’t come easy her family in a raid. Rawhide had the misfortune to be
for Rawhide. By working twice as hard as anyone else, the one who found what was left of their bodies—a
he managed to graduate, though at the bottom of the horrible sight that he’s never
class. forgotten. Once, when an
When the war broke out, Rawhide joined the Alliance officer was on
Independents as a bomber pilot. He was wounded board their ship, making a
several times and taken prisoner once. He never talks routine inspection, he
about his experiences during the war. made the mistake
Rawhide is a tall man, lanky and bony. He is all of claiming that
muscle, no gristle. He is thirty years old, but his Reavers are nothing
leathery skin and a perpetually sad look in his blue more than figments
eyes make him appear older. He is generally solemn, of overwrought
for he takes life seriously, and rarely smiles. When he imaginations.
does, his smile is wide and generous and seems to Rawhide coolly
warm even the cold black of space. and calmly
Rawhide wears denim jeans, cowboy boots, slammed the
serviceable shirts, and a leather vest. His most officer into a
treasured possession is his mother’s Bible. If he has bulkhead, breaking
religious beliefs, he never shares them. the man’s neck.
Maxx found Rawhide from an employment Maxx’s quick talking
agency on Persephone. Maxx was in desperate need and Jack’s influence
of a pilot, his own having been shot through the kept Rawhide out of
head in a bar fight. The agency sent over various an Alliance prison,
candidates and, after interviewing several pilots, Maxx but now, whenever
chose Rawhide. He didn’t have the best references or any Alliance officials
credentials, but there was something about the tall, board the ship,
quiet man that Maxx liked. Maxx sees to it that
Rawhide is a better pilot than he gives himself Rawhide is confined
credit for, as the captain is always telling him. Rawhide to his room.
is a slow learner, but once he learns something,
he never forgets it. His most valuable asset is his
unflappable calm. Nothing ever gets him riled or

“I think we can safely say that bei bi shiou ren won’t be blackmailing any more young
women for some time to come,” Mal stated, emerging from a store room in the back of the
dance club.
Zoe nodded agreement. “That was a clever scheme of yours, Inara.”
“I’m like Jayne,” said Inara, smiling. “I graduated high school.”
Mal grunted. “Most likely the only time Jayne came near a school was to part the kiddies
from their lunch money at gun point. You got the incriminating evidence?”
“Right here,” said Inara, placing her hand on her breast. “Next to my heart. No one will
find it.”
“Not ‘less they pay for privilege,” Mal remarked.
He stepped out among the tables. Pink spotlights glared on the crowd on the dance floor
or shone on scantily clad women in pink cat costumes jiggling in cages suspended from the
ceiling. The bar was lit with neon lights, as were the tables, as were the waitresses, who
wore glowing pink body paint and little else.
Mal halted in the swirling shadows, reached down to his boot, drew his pistol, checked to
see that it was loaded, then slipped it back into the boot. “I’m thinking we best make ourselves
scarce. Uncle won’t be too pleased when he finds out what we’ve done to his nephew. Just
walk onto the dance floor like nothin’s happened. Don’t make ourselves conspicuous. Zoe,
you see that husband of yours?”
“Yes, sir,” said Zoe, pointing. “He’s over there by the bar.”
“No, he’s not,” said Inara. “He’s by the cage watching the dancer.”
“You’ve both gone gorram blind,” said Mal impatiently. “He’s sitting at that table—”
“I think I should know my own husband, sir,” Zoe began. She stopped, blinked.
“Wo bu shin wo dah yan jing!” Inara exclaimed. She stared into the room. “’Don’t make
ourselves conspicuous’, you said . . .”
“I’m gonna have to kill him,” said Mal. He put out his hand to collar the Wash that was
sitting at the table. His hand passed right through Wash’s shirt, came back with nothing.
“Soon as I figure out which one he is.”
For there were Washes everywhere. Wash was leaning against the bar. Wash was
dancing. Wash was telling a bawdy joke. Wash was strolling across the floor. Wash was
perusing the menu.
Then Wash—the real Wash—was right in front of them, grinning like a pink Cheshire
pussycat. “Isn’t it great, honey?” he asked Zoe. He waved his hand at himself. “You always
said you wanted more of me to love! Well, now you have twenty! They’re holograms! Half the
people in this place are holograms! You see, they have this machine and you go behind the
curtain and for only one credit—”
“I have dibs on the killing him, sir,” said Zoe.
“Wife’s rights should always come first,” Mal said gravely, nodding. He reached down to
his boot, surreptitiously slipped out his gun. “Though you might get some argument with
those folk as just walked through the door. They don’t appear right friendly and I think they
may be lookin’ for us.”
Six men, big and husky, with guns drawn, walked into the dance club and began shoving
their way through the crowd.
“How do they even know what we look like?” Wash demanded.
Inara glanced over her shoulder, saw a half-naked and thoroughly irate young man standing
in the door of the storeroom. He was pointing them out to an older man who was saying
something into a headpiece.
“I wonder how he got out of those handcuffs? I must be losing my touch.” Inara shook her
head. Sighing, she tugged on Mal’s sleeve and pointed. He glanced over his shoulder.
“’Cause Junior is giving the old man a complete description,” Mal said grimly.
“We could go out the back,” suggested Inara.
“Like as not the goon boys got their goon twins posted in the alley,” said Mal. He paused
a moment, thoughtful, then said, “They want us, they’ll get us—about twenty of us apiece.
Wash, I may let you live after all. Take me to that gorram holo machine . . .”

“Half of history is hiding the truth.”
—Malcolm Reynolds

If you’re going to make your way in the ‘Verse, ain’t that simple. Most worlds fall somewhere in
best to understand a bit about its planets and moons. between. On certain planets and moons, you may
Don’t expect to learn everything here—just enough fly over miles and miles of desolate landscape, then
to keep flyin’. For now. The black holds its secrets suddenly see the glittering lights of an enormous
close. ‘Fore you go out, take a little knowledge with city rise up before you.
you. ‘Course, life in the ‘Verse extends far beyond the
planets and moons. Space stations, such as skyplexes

Life in the ‘Verse depends a lot on where you
and refueling stations, are strung about the system.
Such stations offer a wide variety of goods and
services and play host to a wide variety of folk, from
live and into what circumstances you were born. honest business people to wanted criminals.
The central planets, those as formed the Alliance, When you’re flyin’ the black, just keep this in
are flush with the newest technologies. Folk live in mind: not all Core people are good-for-nothing
large cities and travel in style on highways of air. snobs and not all those who dwell on the Rim are
Advanced medical care is free to all. There are no good-old-boys. Don’t matter where you travel. Folks
slums in those huge cities, but there are many who is folk. Might be a good idea to watch your back no
don’t live quite as comfortable as other folk. There matter where you are.
are some dark parts to those cities of light, too.
On the Core, those born suckin’ on the
proverbial silver spoon lead lives of comparative 
luxury. They are well educated in good schools. They
live in a world full of technological marvels. Their 
lives are safe and secure. Least for the most part.
The biggest threats folk face in the Core cities is
that business and dealings are more socially oriented
The history of the ‘Verse, as far as most folk
than physical, though there is the occasional duel are concerned, begins with the terraforming of the
(despite the laws against dueling). Men and women central planets. People don’t have a real sense of
and children are expected to behave with dignity the history of Earth-That-Was, nor do they much
and grace at all times. Honor and position are just care. Not with the pressing concerns of the present
as important as the credits in the family account. weighing them down.
Losing face can be as hurtful as a bullet to the belly. Some cynical folk don’t believe much of what
There are some wealthy folk who dwell on the is written about the past, thinking it to be the
outer planets—often called “the Rim.” These folk propaganda of an oppressive government. Others
do their best to copy the lives of the rich on the are moon-brained enough to swallow every campfire
Core, though truth be told, their Core cousins look tale. The wise know that if you don’t learn from
down their noses at them. The ordinary folk on history, you’re doomed to repeat it, which it seems
the Rim don’t much worry about social sparring we keep doin’ again and again and again . . . .
or high-and-mighty matters of honor. They tend The following text comes courtesy of Andrew
to concern themselves with basic notions, such Falcon, Professor of History and Planetary Studies,
as where they’re going to find their next meal. now living on Persephone, retired.
Survival is at the forefront of their lives. The newly
terraformed planets don’t have the infrastructure
to support many of the luxuries that Core folk 
take for granted—supermarkets, telephonic The original cradle of humanity, Earth, has long
communications, and advanced medical care are just since faded into legend. Dreamers and tale spinners
a few of the many things in short supply outside the glamorize Earth-That-Was. It’s become a sort of
Core. Hard work and the kind of smarts that don’t Garden of Eden, where mankind was always happy.
come from books make life work on the Rim. Its relics are now priceless. Truth is, mankind sucked
Some folk tend to lump the worlds in the ‘Verse Earth dry.
into two categories: civilized and primitive. You’ve The story goes that depleted resources,
either got the diamond sky elevators of Londinum overpopulation, and a compromised ecosystem
or the sod huts of Whitefall. Truth is, things just forced mankind to abandon Earth-That-Was.

Some do speculate, however, that the planet wasn’t
completely abandoned, that folk still survive on
mankind’s original home, though there is no proof
to back the notion and no easy way to conjure the
truth. It is possible that Earth is not quite as drained
as the old legends suggest and has been quietly
regenerating ever since man left. One day, mankind
may find the lost keys to Eden and return to their
old home once again. That day is a long way off,
though. If it even comes at all.
The wise searched the heavens and found a star 
system with planets and moons that could, with a
little help, support human life. Mankind began the 
great exodus. They set out in enormous ships they Even after continued refinement, the process
called “arks,” after the tale of Noah and his crew. of terraforming a moon or a planet takes decades.
Lacking “faster-than-light” drives, folk found the Terraforming requires atmospheric processing
journey to their new home long and taxing. At least plants, the regulation of gravity, environmental
one full generation was born, lived, and died without adaptation and the introduction of creatures
ever leaving the huge, contained ships that crawled great and small brought from Earth-That-Was—
through the black. The initial excitement of the everything from algae and bacteria to insects, birds,
voyage quickly faded into the monotony of keeping and mammals. The power to make such jing chai
the ships moving, keeping the life-support systems changes is astonishing, but is not without its limits.
intact, and perfecting the technologies that would While most all terraformed worlds are suitable for
give future generations good lives on new worlds. human life, each has its own quirks.
Naturally, some folk expected to encounter alien life, The first two planets terraformed and settled
but the only signals on the scanner were the natural were Londinum and Sihnon, and they became the
static of the stars. So far as we know, mankind is center of culture and business throughout the
alone in the ‘Verse. system. The governments of these two planets took
With so many different folk of all nationalities an enlightened view of civilization. They worked
and races packed inside small ships, the old ethnic to maintain order, but also encouraged diversity
and political barriers began to blur. People learned of language, ethnicity, religion, and expression of
the native tongues of their fellow ship dwellers. thought.
Subsequent generations would come to speak Despite all the best efforts and intentions of the
fluently the two dominant languages, English and original founders, the problems of the common
Chinese, and phrases from other cultures. folk did not go away with the formation of new
Not surprising, some folk lost hope along the worlds. Mankind is restless, always looking to find
way. There were accidents, malfunctions. If an ark greener pastures somewhere else. Pioneers left the
lost life support, thousands died. The arks became crowded cities and traveled out to the most newly
their coffins, forever drifting in the cold. But for terraformed worlds, hoping to build a better life for
every person that lost hope, hundreds were there to themselves.
keep it alive. Each day brought mankind closer to As mankind spread out, he brought with
home. him his usual miseries: greed, corruption, crime.
And then, one day, there it was. Disagreement over resources, trade, and political

“Earth-That-Was could no longer sustain our numbers, we were so

many. We found a new solar system with dozens of planets and hundreds
of moons. Each one terraformed—a process taking decades—to support
human life. To be new Earths.
“The Central Planets were the first settled and are the most
advanced, epitomizing civilization at its peak. Life on the outer planets is
much more primitive and difficult. That’s why the Central Planets formed
the Alliance, so everyone can enjoy the comfort and enlightenment of true
civilization. That’s why we fought the War for Unification.”
—Primary School Lesson, Osiris

ZOE: “In the time of war, we woulda never left a man behind.”
Mal: “Maybe that’s why we lost.”

influence led to general unrest among the planets.

A movement began in the oldest, most stable 
planets to form a unified parliamentary system The War for Unification was the most
of government that would work to regulate such devastating war in human history. All those who
matters and keep the peace. The popular idea was lived through it are marked, like a scar left behind by
quickly ratified and the Alliance was formed. an old wound. (Just that some happen to have big
The Alliance was started out of an idealistic scars traced all ‘cross their faces while others have
belief that a strong central government that tiny ones hidden away.) Outer planets, including
controlled every aspect of a person’s life, from Shadow, Persephone, and Hera, mustered forces and
cradle to grave, could provide that person a better, formed an alliance of their own—the Independent
safer, and more secure life. Some folk in the Alliance Faction (known as “Browncoats,” thanks to the
truly believed this and they dedicated their lives to brown dusters their soldiers took to wearing). The
bringing this about. Other folk saw this as a chance Parliament of the Alliance instituted a draft to build
to grab power for themselves. its forces. They were considerably astonished to
The Parliament formed a military council learn that more than half of the Independent forces
that acted quickly to quell any unrest among the were composed of volunteers. The Alliance (known
Core planets and their neighbors. Maintaining as the “Purple Bellies” for their style of dress) had
order meant keeping tight control over the the manpower, the ships, and technology to make
populace, and that led to the creation of many the result of the war a forgone conclusion—but no
secret programs. Their hope was to make people one anticipated that freedom would be something so
obedient, complacent, compliant— “better” by the many folk would be willing to die to protect.
government’s definition. The war raged for just over five years, taking
The Alliance was the protective parent. The Core place on land, sea, and in the dark of space. The
worlds were model children. But the Alliance had largest space battle in terms of scale and human cost
another problem. They feared their “good children” was the Battle of Sturges, one in which countless
were going to be corrupted by the bad seeds who ships were destroyed, creating a massive graveyard
lived on the wrong side of the ‘Verse. The worlds preserved in the vacuum of the black. The largest
on the Border and the Rim were self-governing, land battle, the one that brought about the end of
outside the limits of Alliance control. Each world the war, was fought on the planet Hera in Serenity
had its own set of laws and rules that suited its Valley. This battle raged on for seven weeks before
own particular needs. Folk living on these frontier the Independent High Command surrendered. Even
planets had been forced to be self-reliant in order then, some of the Browncoats continued to fight
to survive, and they had come to be free-thinkers on for two weeks after that. Those soldiers who
who saw no need for a lot of government meddling. continued to fight even after being ordered to lay
The Alliance considered such independence a threat down arms were captured and tried for war crimes.
to civilization. (They also considered that a lot of Ultimately, the Alliance released the soldiers and
valuable resources and real estate were outside their officers as a peaceful gesture to those outer planets
control!) For the benefit of all people in the ‘Verse, now under its rule. Some look upon those who
the Alliance decided that every planet in the system fought in the Battle of Serenity as criminals. Others
should come under Alliance rule, whether its people see them as big, damn heroes.
wanted it or not. Since the battles were mostly fought on the
Idealistic folk of the Core planets thought this Border and the Rim, the Core planets escaped
was a great idea. Doesn’t everyone would want to unscathed. To this day, many outer planets still bear
live on a safe, civilized world where folk are cared terrible scars. Shadow was effectively destroyed, and
for by their betters? The movement for Unification it remains uninhabitable seven years later. Major
spread like wildfire through dry brush. The leaders cities on Athens were bombed. Several key land
on the Core thought they had only to open their battles were fought on Persephone. Moons that had
arms in a wide embrace and those poor benighted no strategic value, such as Whitefall and Jiangyin,
souls on the Rim would come running home to their were untouched, but they still suffered as a result
mothers. of the disruption of trade. Supplies had been hard
Those on the Border did come running. Only to get as it was, and the war made it harder. Almost
problem—they carried guns. every person living on those planets saw their homes

leveled, their businesses fall into ruin, their loved outer planets. Some might be thinking they made
ones killed or maimed—all in the name of making a mistake. If they do, they’re keeping mighty quiet
their lives better. about it. These days, the Alliance is all about keeping
Small wonder folk are still bitter. things quiet.
There are local governments on the Border
and Rim planets. Cities have mayors. Planets have
 governors. Moons have magistrates. All these answer
Life in the ‘Verse has returned to normal— to the Alliance. At least, that’s the way it’s supposed
leastways on the surface. In truth, no one has to work. Local officials on the outer worlds tend to
forgotten and few have forgiven. The Alliance wield heaps more power then their counterparts on
now has jurisdiction over every inhabited planet the Core, just because no one’s close enough by to
in the system. The Alliances does not fully control tell them they can’t.
everything within its far-flung territory,. In reality, The Independent Faction is gone, but that isn’t
the Alliance only has full control over the Core to say there are no more Independents. Some are
planets. On these worlds, the eyes of the Alliance still fighting the war, though now they do it more
are everywhere. Federal police can be called at by being an annoyance than a major threat. But
a moment’s notice, and cameras record every over the last few years, some of these folk have left
citizen’s every move. The Core worlds have the best off fighting guerrilla actions and are now fighting
comforts that money can buy. ‘Course, every citizen on the political front. Be right interesting to see
pays for such security and comfort with more than a what happens when someone from the inside starts
bit of his freedom. prying open secret doors.
The outer planets were meant to be kept under Then of course, there are the corporations.
the same level of strict control, but the Alliance is Large corporations control powerful lobbies that
short on manpower and ships. They just don’t have have considerable influence inside the government.
enough folk to keep a proper eye on things. Yes, Favors are traded and eyes stay blind and the wheels
it’s true that they hire security firms to help enforce of commerce and politics keep turning. We’re going
their laws and maintain order. And they send their take a brief look at all this, just so you know where
hulking patrol ships out into the black to remind you stand.
everyone who is in charge. Still, the cracks in the
system are large enough for folk to fly a Firefly
through. 
Take slavery, for example. Slavery is outlawed
by the Alliance government, but it’s an open secret 
that terraforming companies, mine owners and The Anglo-Sino Alliance is the governing
the wealthy on the Rim regularly use slave labor in body for the entire system. Originally formed
their operations, and pay big sums for human cargo. between the two first-settled planets, Londinum
Every so often, the Alliance will bust one of these and Sihnon (where the “Anglo” and “Sino”
owners and free the slaves—always looks good on come from), the Alliance is rich and powerful,
the nightly news. But then it’s back to business as with resources that most folk can’t begin to
usual. Same with indentured servants. That’s not imagine—manpower, intelligence-gathering, military
legal, either, but most folk on the Border planets might, and technological innovation. And, like an
accept indentured servitude as a way of life. If overprotective parent, it thinks it knows what’s best
you’re desperate for the credits and you got nothing for its “children”—all those who live and work
to offer up as collateral except yourself, then that’s under its rule. The Alliance government believes
what you do. Dohn ma? that by controlling information, technologies and
even people’s lives, they can forge a better ‘Verse,

These days, there is only one central government
one where people live in peace and no one ever goes
hungry. Some call this Utopia. Others call it hell.
Londinum is the formal seat of government,
in the ‘Verse. Leastways, that’s what the Alliance home to Parliament and the Prime Minister. While
wants you to believe. It’s hard work to rule over every planet (at least within the Core) is allowed
a whole star system of bazillions of people and to organize its own affairs on a planetary level,
hundreds of worlds, especially when so many of system-wide policy is set by legislation. The planet
those worlds are so very far away from the Core. of Sihnon is home to the headquarters of the trade
Some in the Alliance might be starting to wonder associations and guilds in the system. The most
if maybe they bit off more protein than they can powerful of these have their academies here. Trade
chew by trying to extend their control over the

tariffs for all manner of goods are established in and way of life fight a hell of a lot harder than those
Sihnon’s bureaucratic halls. drafted into the army or who carry arms in exchange
Most people of the Alliance are allowed a say in for credits. What the Independents lacked in training
their government. Anyone can stand for a seat in and equipment, they made up for in spirit.
the Parliament and be voted in by the home folk. Sad to say, spirit wasn’t enough. The
But the money required to run a campaign generally Independents couldn’t combat the massive
prevents the common man from ever winning a Alliance forces. Outgunned, outmanned, and
governmental position. To raise the necessary funds, outmaneuvered, they were forced to surrender. The
one must make deals with businesses, guilds, and Independent governments of every planet that had
private interest groups. As to voting, only those who resisted Alliance control were removed and replaced
are “full citizens of the Alliance” actually get a vote. with an Alliance Governor. Very little actually
Folk who fought in or supported the Independents changed for the people who lived on these planets,
are not considered “full citizens.” (After all, if as the new Governors usually kept much of the
they couldn’t be trusted to fight for the right side, political infrastructure intact. The people still paid
how could they be trusted to vote for the right their taxes to the local tax collector. Except now
candidate?) Thus only candidates who support the the money went to the Alliance, not to those who
Alliance are ever elected. That law is due to expire needed it at home.
after ten years, though there are some on the Core The Alliance promised they would send the
worlds who are pushing for it to be extended. manpower, money, and supplies needed to rebuild
Since the Alliance can’t be everywhere at once the bombed and burned-out cities. To give them
(not for lack of trying!), it has to trust the local credit, they did send some. Just not near enough.
governors to do the right thing. Each Core world You see, some folk on the Core think the former
under Alliance control has a governor who holds Independent supporters should be punished for
a vast amount of power. The Alliance has given their rebellion. So when government folk start
guidelines on how such a person is elected, but out bringing up measures to help those on the outer
of respect for the sovereignty of each world policies worlds, such measures usually find themselves voted
vary from place to place. Some Core worlds are down.
fairly ruled by honest folk. On others, local political Each planet outside the Core is ruled by an
machines or long-standing family dynasties rule. Alliance-appointed Governor (or Magistrate,
in the case of a moon). These individuals wield
tremendous power, and though some wield it with
 an iron fist, others take a more hands-off approach
and allow the smaller communities to deal with their
 own problems.
The confederacy of planets and moons that When a Border planet or moon requires the
formed the Independent Faction was doomed from assistance of the Alliance government, the governor
the start. Each of the outer worlds had its own form has to wade through an immense amount of
of government. They’d never really worked together bureaucratic red tape. Instead of going through
except to do one thing—deliver the mail. Out on the the hassle, they’ll hand over problems to Alliance-
frontier, folk liked to keep themselves to themselves, contracted private security firms. While these firms
dealing with their own trouble in their own way. On are tightly regulated in theory, in practice they are
the Border planets, it could be dangerous to stick generally poorly managed, if not downright corrupt.
a gun in someone’s face because often as not three The cure is worse than the ailment.
more could be pointing back at you. Tough times for some mean good times for
While leaders among the scattered outer worlds others. The unrest has been a boon to the mercenary
expressed concern over the formation of the Sino- trade. Former soldiers from both sides now hire
Anglo Alliance, most folk didn’t much care, figuring out their guns to communities, security firms and
it wouldn’t affect them. They were concerned businesses who pay them to clean up their towns,
with far more mundane troubles: food shortages, fight range wars, or put down slave revolts.
low medical supplies, and the “quirks” of recently
terraformed planets. It wasn’t until the Alliance’s
proclamation that it intended to extend control over 
the entire system that the folk on the outer worlds The strength of the Alliance military ensures
woke up and smelled the tea leaves. They came that the Alliance stays in control. Though currently
together to present a unified front of resistance. stretched quite thin, the military is still impressive.
And resist they did—far more than the Alliance had Massive cruisers the size of small cities patrol
anticipated. Folk fightin’ for their homes, freedom, space, keeping a watch for smugglers, illegal salvage

operations and pirates. No one in the system is
willing to take on an Alliance cruiser, which has 
enough firepower to atomize most other spacecraft. Some wit said: “The Alliance runs the system;
The men and women who serve in the military the corporations own the system.” The wheels of
are well-trained, disciplined, and carry state-of- government turn smooth due to the liberal amount
the-art firearms and body armor. On the upside, of corporate grease spread on them. Some folk have
like any other immense organization, the military a tough time trying to figure where business ends
has its share of blackguards, idiots, and scoundrels and politics begins. The war was bad for business on
who can be bribed, bluffed, or fooled. And, yes, the the whole (though arms dealers and manufacturers
occasional soldier might fall asleep on guard duty. did right well for themselves). Stability and
But don’t count on it. Most troopers in the Alliance predictability make the surest money, and the largest
military are dedicated, smart, and know every trick companies are the least likely to take major gambles.
in the book.
 Without doubt, the ubiquitous Blue Sun is the
The Alliance military tends to ride to the rescue richest and most politically connected corporation
only when the big guns are needed. For the more in the system. Blue Sun is on every planet, in every
mundane crimes, the local sheriffs, Interpol, and the home—rich and not so rich alike. For all its fame,
Feds are the folk to call. it is one of the most shadowy institutions in the
Just about every town on every planet and moon ‘Verse.
has some form of local law. In many cases, the law The Blue Sun logo is everywhere: on T-shirts,
is a man with a tin star looking to keep everyone billboards, posters, food cans, etc. The logo has
in town honest. In others, the law is a bunch of become so much a part of daily life that people
brigands who go around breaking kneecaps on don’t even notice it anymore. Blue Sun products are
orders from the local governor or magistrate. considered essential to a person—like water and
Whatever form the local law takes, they tend to deal breathing. Just look for the Blue Sun label. It’s never
with petty theft and hooligans. When something difficult to find. The company doesn’t operate retail
major comes along—such as the assassination of outlets, but every shop stocks its products. While
a governor or the kidnapping of a powerful Guild not the best on the market, Blue Sun products are
leader —the locals call in either Interpol or the the most reliable. If you buy Blue Sun, you always
Federal Marshals. know what you’re going to get. There are never any
Interpol (Interplanetary Police) deals with surprises—good, bad, or otherwise.
criminals who have fled the jurisdiction of local Blue Sun produces a lot of different things, but
law enforcement, as well as crimes committed in the company concentrates mainly on the basics
areas that are outside local control, though still of life. Folk will always need food and drink, and
under Alliance control. (In other words, just about Blue Sun is there to sell it. They hold the monopoly
everywhere.) Interpol generally deals more with on packaged foodstuffs, and their products
tracking suspects and investigating interplanetary have become essential to people on the newly
crime than direct enforcement. The enforcement terraformed worlds. Many new settlers wouldn’t
of federal law and the pursuit of criminals across have made it through their first year without Blue
interplanetary borders falls under the jurisdiction of Sun packaged food.
Federal Marshals. Like all corporations, Blue Sun didn’t get into
Federal Marshals (or simply, “Feds”) track down business out of love for their fellow man. They
wanted criminals and/or bring to trial those who started the company to make a profit. No one
fail to answer a summons. Some Feds are righteous begrudged them that. Profit pays the bills and folk’s
enforcers of the peace, but there are a few who are salaries. But then, as the company grew bigger and
more bounty hunter than law enforcer and will go bigger, and became more and more powerful, greed
after anyone if the money’s good enough. Since and corruption took over. Profit was the only thing
they have to travel a far piece to do their jobs, the those running Blue Sun could think about. They set
Feds have a great deal of autonomy. Feds work out to make more and more money by extending
alone or in teams. They are provided with excellent their power as far as they could mange.
ships and equipment, though some choose to work It’s an open secret that Blue Sun engages in
undercover if they are on the trail of particularly deadly corporate espionage and then calls in favors
dangerous (or lucrative) fugitives. from powerful government officials to cover their
tracks. Its subsidiaries and shell corporations have
branched out far from food and service industries,

going into computer systems, communication ISKELLIAN
technology, and even spaceship design, along with TECHNOLOGY
the biotech industry—even going so far (some SOLUTIONS
whisper) as to conduct experiments involving living There are many tech companies throughout the
humans. Only top executives have a good grasp system, producing everything from computers to
on what the “big picture” is when it comes to this lasers, and Iskellian is the largest. Iskellian holds the
mega-corporation. Its research and development Alliance contracts to produce arms, spacecraft, and
division is a mysterious place guarded by security weapons for their troops. The products it sells are
equal to top secret Alliance military projects. the best money can buy, and what Iskellian charges
for its wares more than makes that point. Given that
THE CORONE the Alliance buys arms from Iskellian, the Alliance
MINING has laid down the law that none of these weapons
CONSORTIUM can be sold to anyone else.
The Corone Mining Consortium, formed However, Iskellian does manufacture weapons
just before the war, is made up of several of the for civilian use. These are not the same weapons
most powerful mining corporations in the system. that the military buys, of course, but they are of the
Those corporations were having a problem same high quality and have the price tags to prove
with prospectors mining claims of their own. it. Such weapons are rarely seen on the outer worlds
Individually, the corporations couldn’t muster the and few are on the black market. If you can get hold
resources to put the small fry out of business. By of an Iskellian weapon, you count yourself lucky.
combining, they could afford the best lawyers, pay
off the right politicians, and acquire the technology UNIFIED
needed to buy up claims, drive people off their land RECLAMATION
or simply make it unprofitable for the lone miner to There is a lot of trash in the ‘Verse, and Unified
keep operating. Reclamation owns it.
Corone will first try to buy any claim that appears The company began small with a few garbage-
to be worth a full mining operation. If that fails, scows, but its founders were wise enough to see the
they buy a piece of land nearby, and then encroach potential of trash hauling and, by taking out huge
on other folk’s claims by digging tunnels underneath and risky loans, they were able to secure an exclusive
them. When the locals complain, they are told it was contract with the Alliance government to haul off
an unfortunate accident that caused the company to folk’s refuse.
strip their assets. Few locals can afford to take the At Unified Reclamation, they consider garbage
company to court to get back what was stolen. a growth industry. Picking up dirty diapers isn’t a
Corone keeps costs down by making use of very glamorous job, but someone has to do it and
indentured workers. Some even claim they use it makes for a very good living. Where Unified
slaves, going so far as to pay well for human cargo Reclamation struck gold wasn’t in diaper pails,
and never mind where it came from. On the flip however. Real money comes from issuing licenses
side, they’ve been known to employ the locals they for legal salvage. Currently Unified is the only
put out of business, promoting them to positions of system-wide operator allowed to claim salvage
authority and paying good salaries. They recognize rights. Due to the sheer magnitude of a system-wide
the skills these people have, and hope that loyalty salvage collection operation, Unified Reclamation
can be purchased with platinum or credits. also issues licenses for small operators to collect
Corone does not operate every mine in the salvage on their behalf. The small operator can go
‘Verse. Not every claim is worth bringing in the through the local government to obtain a salvage
expensive technology. Most locals have learned to license, but that involves mounds of paperwork and
keep real quiet about any major finds on their land, fees. Such licenses are more quickly obtained by
though Corone agents always seem to be in every going through United Reclamation, though they see
two-bit mining town, poking around in the hope to it that you pay for the convenience.
that they can loosen a few tongues with bribes, Small operators make more money if they
trickery, or threats. run unlicensed, illegal salvage operations. Best to
In some areas, the Miners’ Guild has taken on be careful, though, as things can get right ugly if
the Corone Consortium and won, bringing about Unified catches you poaching on their territory.
improved condition for workers and justice for You’d better hope the Alliance catches you doing
those who lost property. illegal salvage before Unified Reclamation gets its
hands on you.

approved profession officially titled “Companion.”
 The Companion’s Guild established Guild Houses
Guilds have been around for centuries, starting throughout the system to train its members, though,
way back in history on Earth-That-Was. Then came due to the war, there are few Houses currently on
the union movement and guilds died out. Now, in the outer worlds. The Guild establishes its own
the face of ever-expanding corporate wealth and laws and rules. For example, Guild law states that
power, the guilds are back, stronger than ever. These no House may ever be run by a man. The law also
days, guilds wield great power and influence. In an states that a Companion is free to choose her clients.
area the guild controls, you cannot find work unless Originally a female organization, the Guild has since
you are a member of the guild. This can often allowed males to enter. The men undergo the same
impose real hardships on people, yet the guild is also training as the women and, like the women, they
in place to protect its members. Guilds negotiate service both sexes. The Houses exist to provide
with employers and fight for the rights of workers. training to the Companions. No work is ever done
Many guilds, such as the Companion’s Guild, inside a House.
provide a member with a recognized qualification Girls and boys as young as twelve may begin
that is respected and honored throughout the ‘Verse. training, which includes a well-rounded education
and years of physical discipline, religious study, and
COMPANIONS’ the arts. Girls and boys are taught dance, martial
GUILD arts, calligraphy, how to play musical instruments,
The oldest profession in the ‘Verse has one of and singing. The children undergo rigorous testing
the oldest and most respected guilds in the Core. on all subjects, and those who fail are sent back to
Prostitution as it had existed on Earth-That-Was their homes. They are taught the art of love play
was abolished long ago, replaced by a government- only upon successful completion of their schooling.

“On Sihnon we started training at twelve. Years of discipline and preparation

before the physical act of pleasure was even mentioned. Control was the
first lesson. And the last.”
—Inara Serra

Companions must pass a test in order to gain clients, though they may not make as much money
their registration. To maintain that registration, as working on the wealthy Core worlds. One has
they must also pass a yearly physical examination to wonder, though, what secrets would cause a
conducted at a licensed hospital. beautiful Companion to leave a life of privilege and
Clients must pay a subscription fee to earn security for the dangers and uncertainties of the
a place in the client registry. The Guild and the black?
Companion must approve of the client. If a client
ever mistreats a Companion, that client will earn a THE SYNDICATE
black mark in the client registry, preventing him or While not a guild in the official sense, the
her from ever securing such services again. Syndicate styles itself as such and has many of the
A Companion House is run much like a same trappings. The Syndicate controls most of the
monastery, protecting its inhabitants and sheltering organized crime in the system. Only a few people
them from the outside as they undergo their are aware the Syndicate even exists, and they know
training. The services a Companion performs better than to start mouthing off.
for the client are steeped in tradition and ritual. If a crime boss manages to claim a territory for
A Companion greets a client and bids that client himself, or comes to monopolize a certain area of
farewell with ceremony, and the act of lovemaking illegal trade, he may be offered membership in the
is designed to make each client feel that he or she Syndicate. Those who receive such an offer are fools
is special and valued—only one of the reasons an to refuse. While the position brings responsibility, it
evening with a Companion is so highly sought after. also brings benefits. (Plus those who say “no” have a
Contracting with a Companion earns the client tendency to become very dead very quick.)
“an evening of pleasure” that goes far beyond the When a Ser Toh joins the Syndicate, he is in hog
sexual encounter. A Companion is trained to listen, heaven. The Syndicate makes it clear to the rest of
to entertain, to soothe, and even to offer advice, the underworld that their boy is now in charge and
for they are well-versed on any variety of subjects no one better try to muscle in. It is the crime boss’s
from politics to the economy. A Companion knows responsibility to maintain his position, since his
traditional and contemporary dance. They are assets are effectively considered Syndicate property.
skilled musicians, schooled in literature and stay Members of the Syndicate help each other expand
current with all significant newsworthy events. They their businesses into other areas not currently
have a high degree of empathy and are trained in controlled by Syndicate members. The Syndicate can
psychology, so they can understand their client’s also provide muscle and loans to help keep business
needs. running smooth.
The beauty, elegance, and skills of the The Syndicate does not demand money from
Companions have earned them the highest respect its members, but they do expect to paid in other
in social circles. There is no stigma to bringing a ways: receiving preferential treatment, getting cut-in
Companion to a party, as doing so proves you have on sweet deals, warned of any potential problems
both money and the ability to impress the Guild, with the law, doing favors for the board or other
whose members set very high standards. However, members.
few Companion marry the wealthy prince and go When the boss joins the Syndicate, he is
off to live in the glittering castle. While of the presented via wave to the entire Syndicate board (the
social elite, Companions still exist outside society. current board numbers fifteen people). They see
Though a Companion is welcomed as an escort at him, but he does not see them. He communicates
party, a Companion would not be so well-received with them through go-betweens, never meeting
as husband or wife. A Companion might commit them in person. Who they are or where they reside,
to an exclusive, long-term contract, but that would no one knows, though there is speculation that they
still be a business arrangement. A Companion is all live on the Core worlds under the guise of honest
encouraged to enjoy the work, but is taught to stay business men and women.
emotionally detached from the clientele.
Most Companions work on the Core planets, THE TONGS
entertaining clients in their own suites or meeting The Tongs come from ancient China on
them elsewhere. Some choose to travel and may Earth-That-Was. The word “tong” is innocent
contract with a luxury liner—servicing clients on a enough, meaning “hall,” or a place to meet and
cruise or flying the ship’s shuttles to visit clients on talk. The original tongs began as business or social
nearby worlds. Few Companions choose to travel organizations for Chinese men. When the Chinese
on their own or ally themselves with a small ship, immigrated into the West, the tongs provided an
and even fewer visit the outer worlds. Those who extra measure of security for the immigrant, giving
travel off the beaten path can pick and choose their

“Sermons make me sleepy, Shepherd. I ain’t looking for help from on high.
That’s a long wait for a train don’t come.”
—Malcolm Reynolds

him a “family” that would protect his interests in a THE MINERS’ GUILD
strange land and unfamiliar culture. The Miners’ Guild is one of the largest guilds
Problem is, this meant that rival tongs would in the system, and probably the most controversial.
often clash—a business deal gone sour, a dispute Though it has successfully fought for the rights
between families—and they would settle the of exploited miners and gained a great many
matter with bloodshed. Traditional rivalries also concessions from the large corporations, some
caused wars to break out between the tongs, some human rights groups have accused it of turning a
of whom have been enemies for centuries. Many blind eye to slavery.
tongs got wrapped up in lawless activities—running When it comes to the rights of the individual
illegal gambling concerns, brothels, and opium prospector on the frontier, the guild has been
dens—gaining for themselves a criminal-minded of great help. It provides lawyers and money for
reputation. individuals to take on corporations such as the
The tongs continue to operate in a not-so- Corone Mining Consortium. It was the Miners
different way to this day. To their credit, tongs help Guild that forced the Alliance to send much needed
their own members, whether they are rich or poor; medical supplies to the Georgia system to help the
speaking up for them when they are in trouble miners who had contracted a rare disease in the
with the community or helping out if they get mines.
into disputes with rival tongs. Still, human nature The Miners’ Guild is very large. It is slow moving
being what it is, the traditional hatreds and feuds and like any other organization has its share of
carry on, and have even grown stronger. Some of heroes and goats. The guild claims that it is trying to
the tongs are mightily involved in various illegal fight the practice of using indentured servants and
dealings throughout the system. Tongs have a slaves to work in the mines and, to give credit where
strong presence on the outer worlds, where they it so happens to be due, the Miner’s Guild has done
can operate openly, as opposed to the Core worlds, some good in some places. In others, however, guild
where they tend to keep a low profile. It is said, members have taken bribes from the corporations
though (however quietly), that their influence can be to look the other way. The guild is under immense
felt even in the Halls of Parliament. pressure to clean up its act, and corrupt members
are finding that things are getting a little too hot for
One of the newest guilds, the Traders’ Guild,
came about to help small and independent traders
compete against the mighty corporations. This 
Guild offers legal advice to its members, allows Despite (or maybe because of) man’s
them to work together to gain large contracts, and technological achievements, a majority of folk in
provides contacts. Anyone who lives by trade can the ‘Verse still follow the tenets of one religion or
join the Guild, be he store-owner, cargo ship captain another to some degree.
or supplier. Buddhism—usually of the Mahayana tradition—
Despite the small size of the organization, the is the dominant religion throughout the system,
Alliance has taken a keen interest in it. Businesses particularly on the Core planets. Christianity ranks
and officials on Sihnon are alarmed at the rise of the second, with larger concentrations on the outer
Guild, fearing that it may cut in on their profits. If worlds, as Christians migrated away from the centers
the Traders’ Guild becomes a power in the system, of Buddhism. Most Christians in the ‘Verse follow a
it could seriously damage the economic power of Protestant tradition hailing back to Earth-That-Was.
Sihnon. Sihnon does everything it can to discourage Catholicism still exists, though the exodus of long
membership and works against the organization. ago ended its original structure.
The Guild has support from important members of One group of Christian missionaries, the Order
Parliament, though that has raised suspicion as to of Shepherds, still follows the monastic tradition.
the motives of those involved. These men and woman take vows of poverty and
chastity similar to those of a priest or monk of old.
They may live and work in an abbey or travel the

Black to find a flock in dumped their failures on
need of a Shepherd. Their a far away planet. Or that
peaceful order is generally the experiments found
respected throughout the a way to escape their
system. Shepherds look to tormentors and ran as far
Christian scripture as their as they could.
faith’s grounding. They do All that’s truly known
not claim to have all the is that the Reavers have
answers, but are here to carved out a territory on
help spread the word to the outer reaches of the
those that need it told to. Burnham quadrant (and
There are many other no one has a guess of just
religious groups in the how many are out there).
‘Verse, including Muslims, They keep their ships
Jews, and Hindus, who going by cannibalizing
tend to form their own other ships and machinery.
communities where Reaver ships run “hot,”
they can worship in a operating without engine
body, follow their own core containment, leaking
traditions, and bring up enough radiation to kill
their children in their own normal folk twice over.
culture. Their ships are often
Out on the Rim, one cobbled together from
can find any number other craft and look like
of faith healers and nothing ever seen in the
wandering preachers ‘Verse. The ships are
who have founded their crudely painted in garish
own churches or, in some instances, established colors, and often sport gruesome totems, such as the
entire communities. Some of these people are skeletal remains of victims strapped onto the bow.
well-meaning and do lots of good, but others are Reavers themselves suffer from horrible radiation
swindlers, who use what they call religion to bilk the burns and practice self-mutilation, marking their
innocent out of their hard earned. skin with primitive tattoos, body piercings, and by
cutting on their own flesh.
Reavers send raiding parties out to steal ships,
 technology, and supplies. Unfortunate folk who get
Some folk scoff at the campfire stories about in the Reavers’ way are captured, raped to death,
men gone mad on the edge of space, saying they are eaten and skinned—in no particular order. The
too fanciful to be true. Unfortunately, the stories are savages seem to feel no pain themselves. They derive
generally a tame version of a truth so horrible that it pleasure only in inflicting pain on others. Sometimes
has been kept from the knowledge of even the most they force one victim to watch their reavings, then
powerful. they leave him behind to go mad. Ships that venture
How Reavers came to be, no one really knows, into Reaver territory are never seen again.
and no one is about to ask them. Leastways anyone Those folk living their safe comfortable lives on
looking to not have their insides yanked out and the Core planets don’t believe in Reavers, thinking
gnawed on. It is said that they are the travelers who them tales dreamed up by illiterate hicks. Those
went too far from humanity. Out there on the edge on the outer worlds know better. Ships, farms, and
of space, cut off from their own kind, they looked entire communities have been lost to the Reavers’
into the great void beyond and went mad. Another savage appetites. Reavers do not discriminate in
theory about the Reavers’ descent into madness says their choice of victims and will attack, torture, and
it wasn’t random, but deliberate. That some shady kill men, women, and even little children without so
dealer tried experimenting with folk’s brains and much as a glimmer of mercy.

“He didn’t lie down. They never lie down.”

—River Tam, regarding Reavers

Reaver space should be avoided at all costs. If The authorities will tell you that crime is almost
by some mischance you bump into them flying the non-existent on the Central Planets, since their
black (and every year they seem to be venturing scanners are almost everywhere. Still, folk being
farther and farther out), don’t try to run from them. folk, there are some who manage to find a way to
Reavers have a wolf ’s instinct to chase their prey. If poke the Alliance in its electronic eye now and then.
you are lucky and stay put, they may not notice you, Most folk on the Core worlds are content. They
or they could decide you’re not worth the trouble. lead comfortable lives, with time and leisure to
If you come across a ship that has been attacked spend with their families. Their children all have
by Reavers, be mindful that they often leave booby access to the best quality education and health care.
traps for the unsuspecting. They have found the peaceful, prosperous existence
Only a fool thinks of Reavers as mindless that mankind has been seeking since he left the
savages. They’re insane, not stupid. They are Garden of Eden. If they have to trade away some
cunning and capable of using modern technology. of their freedom to get this, they would tell you it
They’re not monsters. They’re humans. And that’s was worth it.
what makes them terrifying. These are the same folk who can’t understand
why other folk on the outer worlds fought so hard

Now, if you’ve turned to this section to find out
against it.

all there is to know about the planets and moons Like the rest of the Core worlds, Ariel is a
that make up the ‘Verse—how much each planet paradise of technology. Tall buildings constructed
weighs, what the percentage of oxygen is compared of gleaming glass and steel reach into the sky.
to hydrogen, how many continents each planet Holographic billboards advertise all manner of
has, that’s bai lih mohn. Truth is, we just plain don’t wonders. The night is filled with light. The day with
have room for all that in this book. Someday we the hustle and bustle of business.
might come out with a book that does have room. Ariel is known among the central planets for
But this ain’t that day. We’re going to give you the its excellent medical facilities. The technology in
information on each world you might need to land, Ariel’s hospitals is the very latest, featuring such
do the job, then pack up and leave. fancifications as holographic scanners and lots of
After all, no one gets paid for sight-seeing. machines that you gotta shout “clear!” to use.
The restaurants on Ariel are so good that folk
travel here from other worlds just to have dinner. All
 the famous chefs come from Ariel or go to Ariel to
The central planets are a wonderland of peace open their own restaurants. It is said that even the
and technology. All citizens have enough to eat. hot dog vendors on Ariel are gourmet.
They work in glistening skyscrapers and live in high- As with most planets in the Core, Ariel is a
rise apartment buildings. The grass is green and the restricted landing zone. Only those with legitimate
skies are clear and no one wants for anything. That’s business (such as bringing in a Companion for a
if you believe the Alliance propaganda. yearly check-up) are allowed to land. (Though, in
To be fair, the propaganda is mostly true. Even most cases, if you look like you belong on a Core
the poor who live on the Core worlds rarely want for world, no one asks many questions.)
shelter or food. Still, contrary to what the Alliance
might want everyone to think, not everyone on the BERNADETTE
Core worlds is well-to-do. Those who aren’t wealthy After the initial colonization of Londinum
don’t find life much better than those living out on and Sihnon, Bernadette was the first planet to be
the Rim. They may be better schooled, and their terraformed and settled by humanity. The only
work might not involve dirt collecting beneath their remaining ship that brought the folk who made the
fingernails, but there are plenty of folk who don’t Exodus stands in the capital city of New Paris as a
much like their lot in life. monument to their courage. The ark is a monstrous
Trapped in repetitive, unimaginative jobs, starship, at least five times the size of an Alliance
viewing nothing but the four low walls of a cube all cruise. The sheer sight of the ark inspires all manner
day, they have the watchful eye of the Alliance on of awe and jaw-dropping. The inside of the ark
them at every turn. There is so much surveillance is a museum containing information about the
on a Core world “to prevent crime and ensure the journey, and also information on the cultures and
safety of citizens” that almost everything a person history of Earth-That-Was. The great ark is named
does is recorded on a monitor somewhere. Prometheus, after the legendary god who gave man

Bernadette is a traditional launching point for As the center of Alliance control, Londinum has
those leaving to settle on other worlds. Settlers a strong military presence. The Alliance flagship,
arrive here from other planets on the Core and make Victoria, patrols its space. The planet is home to the
preparations to set off for a new life on the Rim. elite SAS (Special Alliance Support) troops. The
Many businesses cater to these settlers, selling tools Ministry of Intelligence also has its headquarters
and supplies. here.
Best watch your step here. There is an Londinum is heavily restricted with “no fly”
underground slave-trade on Bernadette. Settlers are zones above and around government buildings.
captured and hauled off to work on terraforming Any ship venturing near these areas is shot down,
stations. The slavers are smart enough to leave locals no warning given. Tourists arrive on Londinum via
alone. They figure outsiders won’t be missed. authorized shuttles that travel to and from the other
Bernadette is also home to many churches and Core worlds. Tourists may visit only those areas that
religious groups. Buddhists and Christians rub are approved. Anyone caught venturing outside the
shoulders with Islamic clerics and Hindu fakirs. In approved areas without proper ID is immediately
addition, the planet is home to a number of fringe arrested.
cults and fanatical devotees.
Bernadette is a restricted landing zone. However,
if you claim to be a settler or you have a group of
kiddies on board for a field trip to see the ark, you’re
usually welcome.

Of all the planets, Londinum is the most like
Earth-That-Was and was therefore one of the first
two planets to be settled, since it needed little work
to make it ready for human habitation. Most of the
original colonists from the European and American
continents came to Londinum, where they honored
their roots by combining old tradition with new
technology. All the buildings are constructed of the
most modern material, but they look as if they were
built of stone and are of archaic design. The general
look of the cities is what book-smart folk call the
“imperial gothic” style of London from Earth-That-
Was. May not look so shiny to those from the Rim,
but it still makes the place popular with looky-loos OSIRIS
and picture-snappers. Osiris is the heart of the Alliance’s judicial
The Parliament building and government branch. Here the High Court hears important
complex that surrounds it are the most impressive cases. Their decisions affect the interpretation of
sights on the planet. As big as a small city, the parliamentary law with repercussions throughout
Parliament building contains the great debating the system. The Court is housed in a large pyramid-
chamber (“The House”), while the surrounding shaped building (honoring the Egyptian god of the
building complex provides offices for all the dead for whom the world was named) in Capital
ministers and civil servants. It also features a huge City. The most important law firms are also based
clock tower that has become the planet’s symbol. here, linked to their branch offices on other worlds
Seems like almost everyone on Londinum works for by the Cortex. The University of Osiris boasts the
the government or for businesses who deal with the most prestigious law school in the Core, as well as a
government. fine medical school.
Government is not the only business of The corporate offices of the Blue Sun
Londinum, however. The planet is also home to Corporation are also on Osiris. Originally
some of the greatest collections of western art in on Sihnon, they were recently moved into a
the system. The Londinum Museum, which contains massive structure that is attached to a combined
the Museum of History and the Museum of Art, is a manufacturing plant, distribution center, and
splendid building that holds all manner of treasures. spacedock. The Corporation complex is off-limits
Most come from the early days of colonization, but to everyone except employees. No one enters, even
the most valuable pieces are the ancient artifacts on business, without first undergoing a thorough
from Earth-That-Was. background check. The very latest in security

systems makes this complex nigh impossible to
break into. 
Landing on Osiris is restricted, though not as The Border planets are near enough to the
heavily as some planets (just so long as you don’t central planets that they have business dealings with
go near Blue Sun). If you claim you need to see those on the Core. However, the Border planets are
your lawyer, you’ll usually be permitted to set down. far enough away from the Core that the eyes of the
University students and their parents are always Alliance can’t always make out what’s going on.
welcome. Thus, these planets are excellent locales for
certain unscrupulous folk from the Core to conduct
SIHNON business dealings “in private.” They don’t have to
The world of Sihnon is known for its beauty. move to these planets, thank God! (Though there
Words alone won’t do the great city itself justice. At are those eccentrics who travel here from the Core
night, it is said to be an ocean of light. to “get away from it all”—the kind of people who
Sihnon is the heart of the Buddhist religion, a build strong fortresses to keep out the riffraff and
fact made obvious by the many monasteries and would never dream of socializing with the local
temples located here. Those seeking to learn more yokels.) The irony is that these same folk are all
about Buddhism travel here to study. in favor of the rules and regulations that govern
Sihnon is also the central hub for the guild business dealings throughout the system—just as
system. The Companion’s Guild is based here, with long as those rules and regulations don’t affect them.
multiple houses in the large cities, and a massive To give the folk on these planets credit where
temple dedicated to the schooling of young girls and credits are due, there are plenty on the Border
boys. worlds who are eager to do business with those on
All other guilds have headquarters on Sihnon or the Core. And there are always countless numbers
maintain a large presence here. Guild business takes without a silver in their pocket here looking for
place behind closed doors. Disputes are handled by work.
registered arbitration houses. The city of Chang’Pei Landing on Beaumonde and Persephone is
is given over completely to trade administration, supposedly regulated, but the traffic is so heavy
making it the largest civil bureaucracy in the ‘Verse. that the harried Alliance officials who try to police
The penalties for bribes, taking or giving, are it have mostly thrown up their hands in frustration
harsh, but that doesn’t stop some folk. Officers of and sometimes don’t even bother to ask what your
the Sihnon Trade Commission work undercover to business is. (Perhaps they figure it’s best they don’t
root out the worst offenders. The officers know that know!) Landing on Bellerophon is more difficult,
they cannot stop the corruption completely, but they since the world is basically off limits to all who don’t
work tirelessly to see that it doesn’t get out of hand. own one of its elegant estates. Still, there are ways...
These folk take their jobs seriously. They are well The Border planets are the best and worst of
trained in combat and interrogation procedures, as all possible worlds. Tall, elegant skyscrapers and
well as espionage and accounting. magnificent mansions stare down their steel noses
The capital of Sihnon is Lu’Weng. Local legend at cardboard hovels and crowded slums. You can
maintains that Lu’Weng was once a fire-breathing buy anything on the Border planets, from someone
dragon that fell from the sky and was bound to the to pick off your worst enemy to a pink ruffled
planet with silken ribbons. The numbers of hot dress that looks like a layer cake. (Just don’t buy the
springs here seem to bear this theory out, and every “Good Dogs” from the vendor in the Eavesdown
home traditionally has a silken awning or a curtain Docks. Not if you care that the sausage inside the
across the door to keep the dragon bound. Lu’Weng bun was once actually a good little dog.)
(the city) is one of the largest producers of silk in
the system. Raw silk is farmed all over the planet and BEAUMONDE
then sent to Lu’Weng, where it is refined and bolted The heavily industrialized planet of Beaumonde
or made into beautiful clothing that never falls out is the manufacturing hub of the system. Its cities
of favor with the rich throughout the system. are surrounded by factories that produce everything
Landing on Sihnon is restricted, though there from computer parts to ceramic coffee mugs. Some
is so much traffic coming and going on this busy of the factories are owned by Blue Sun, though
world that the government issues passes to those there are rumors that a few of these are not really
who come here on a frequent basis. Such passes factories at all or, if they are, that they’re turning out
aren’t hard to get, nor are they hard to forge. something other than canned beans. Security is tight
at all Blue Sun plants, so no one has ever been able
to get inside one of these buildings to find out. Or

least if they did, they never got back out to tell the since it takes roughly six years to complete one. A
tale. full battalion of Alliance troops is barracked here,
Due to the high industrial output, pollution is as the moon is a target for terrorist attacks and
a problem. Beaumonde’s cities are covered in a corporate raiders seeking the newest technology.
perpetual haze. Weather control systems process Few ever manage to penetrate this perimeter, as the
the worst of the pollution, but the science-minded Alliance is more vigilant here than anywhere outside
reckon the long-term effects may not be quite so the Core.
simple to take care of. Every year more pollutants The planet Boros is not as industrialized as
find their way into the water and the soil, causing Beaumonde. It has a lot of prairie land where you
all manner of difficulty for those who live off the find sprawling ranches and farms. Boros’ cities have
land. Some people have moved their homes and some factories that manufacture goods, though the
businesses underground to escape the air pollution. products are meant mostly to be used on the planet.
Once you get away from the cities and out into The major industry of Boros is scrap metal. Parts
the countryside, the air quality improves a mite. that didn’t meet the Alliance’s rigorous standards,
Farmers and ranchers manage to make a good living. castoffs, damaged parts, and plain old junk find their
There is also a thriving spaceport on Beaumonde, way from Ares to Boros. Smaller and less reputable
much like the more famous port on Persephone. tech-companies hoping to pick up the scraps of
New Dunsmuir is the capital of Beaumonde. Alliance contracts keep outlets on Boros. Small
The city is the only one on the planet that has no wonder that folk see Boros as a good place to find
factories. Located on an ocean, New Dunsmuir is parts for almost anything, often at a good price.
a popular tourist destination. Many wealthy factory Better still, the planet has few landing
owners make their homes here, as do those who restrictions. Ares is, of course, off-limits unless you
work in the tourist industry. New Dunsmuir is a can prove that you have a damn good reason to be
beautiful city with avenues of trees and carefully there. Assuming the patrolling Alliance doesn’t just
maintained flower gardens. shoot you first to be on the safe side.

Bellerophon is a world home to the private Hera is a largely agricultural world, considered
estates of the system’s wealthiest folk. Anything they the breadbasket for the entire system. Food is
want is shipped in from off-world, so they have no grown, processed and packaged on Hera.
need for shops or local color. The planet is also the home of the infamous
The estates themselves are each the size of a Serenity Valley, where the bloodiest battle of the war
small town and float gracefully a mile above the clear was fought. Lying midway between the Core and the
waters of Bellerophon’s oceans. Each estate is a self- outer planets on a major shipping lane, Hera was of
contained world of its own. They all share a similar great strategic importance during the war, making it
basic design and standardized amenities—such as a an important staging ground for both sides. Taking
rubbish collection system. Hera was a key to winning the war, and Serenity
The wealthy pay well for their privacy and the Valley became the turning point for the conflict.
skies above Bellerophon are patrolled by both the The war devastated Serenity Valley. Seven years
Feds and private security companies. Visiting the past, the valley is still blackened and charred by the
estates is by invitation only. Those who come to fire storm that swept through it. The only landmark
work on the estates have to provide a damn good is a graveyard on the hills next to the valley. Over
reason why they’re here. (Fresh flowers anyone?) half a million men and women—Alliance and
However, there is a lot of empty desert on this Independent alike—are buried here, each with his
planet—a nice, quiet place to meet someone if you or her own small identical headstone. Some have
can sneak past the Feds. names. Most don’t.
The graveyard is located on the opposite side of
BOROS the valley from the town of Serenity View. Families
Ares, one of Boros’ moons, is home to and friends of the fallen come to Hera to visit
Iskellkian’s primary military shipyards. It’s no the graves, which bloom with flowers, photos and
wonder then, that the planet is crawling with all mementos. Even the unmarked graves have their
manner of government agents and bureaucrats and share. Plenty of families never saw their children
military folk. Ares is restricted to Alliance personnel return, and many have picked an unnamed grave and
and Iskellian technicians. However, anyone who honor it, hoping someone else is doing the same for
travels near to Boros can lay eyes on the Alliance their son or daughter.
cruisers being built in orbit around Ares. There are Serenity graveyard is one of the most hallowed
usually five cruisers in production at any one time, and sacred pieces of ground in all the ‘Verse.

NEWHALL and such. While not as heavily populated as the
Newhall is a newly-terraformed planet with large worlds of the Core, Persephone still seems a very
oceans. Stands to reason that water is the planet’s big place to those from the Rim. Persephone has a
primary commodity. Newhall’s people live on small tradition-oriented aristocracy, a small but thriving
island chains or on floating stations on the oceans. middle class, a fair share of the poor and desperate,
Newhall’s water plants are always in need of and a shadowy underworld.
workers, hence the Alliance’s generous incentives for The Eavesdown Docks is the largest spaceport
settlers who move here. Terraforming new worlds on Persephone. Even folk who think themselves
requires a lot of fresh water, and Newhall has water hotshot pilots are confused now and again by its
to spare. Processing the water and preparing it for chaotic layout. (And woe to the new pilot trying
shipping isn’t an unproblematic job, though. The to make his way to a dock for the first time!) Ships
water needs to be collected, desalinated, purified, often touch down only a few yards from street
packaged, then loaded for transport. vendors selling cheap goods to the crews and
Those of Newhall don’t want to work the water potential passengers. The docks are situated in the
plants can make a good living fishing. And there’s poor section of town (the nobles and other rich folk
always the tourist centers, for those who like to have their own private airfields), but it’s just a short
swim and cavort—or who want to tend to those drive or a long walk to the business district—in
who do. which just about anything in the ‘Verse can be
bought for the right price.
PAQUIN The docks are home to several criminal “lords,”
Known far and wide as the “gypsy planet,” who collect illegal salvage, move contraband off-
Paquin is home to more carnivals and sideshows, world and have hundreds of other ways to make
galleries and theatres than you could shake a cruiser- quick, if not Alliance-approved, easy cash. A good
sized stick at. It also seems to be home to every con- crew with a flyable ship could make good coin
artist and swindler in the system. here, so long as their morals aren’t overly high and
When it was being terraformed, Paquin was they don’t mind avoiding the Feds. Not far away is
chosen to host a grand opera house. Paquin’s unique a famous racetrack that is home to a famous derby
atmosphere produces sunrises and sunsets the likes that brings in folk from throughout the system (not
of which would lift even the burden of death, with to mention the throngs of Cortex-viewers), offering
colors ranging from purple to blue to red to orange. a huge cash prizes to the winning horse.
This stunning display provides a wonderful natural Like the horses, the aristocracy of Persephone all
backdrop for the opera house, which is located on lay claim to a pedigree. Then again, anyone with the
the shore overlooking a vast ocean. right stack of coin can purchase his own lordship,
As the new opera house brought theater lovers what with its fancy sash and all. Noble families live
to the planet, more theatres were built to take on large estates, attending to business, dancing at
advantage of the new trade. Paquin is the place to opulent balls, playing golf or tennis, and settling
see all manner of entertainment from Noh theatre matters of honor in formal duels.
to experimental dance. Many new plays debut here, Persephone is an impressive cross-section of
and those that become popular travel to the Core humanity, which is just another way to say that it’s a
where they play for the elite. Artists and writers world with an over abundance of opportunity and
make Paquin their home to be “closer to the muse.” danger.
Paquin is the artistic center of the Border worlds
and rivals Sihnon in terms of culture (though the SANTO
people of Sihnon will get all manner of indignant One of the great triumphs of terraforming is the
denying this!). planet Santo. The planet is picture-perfect, with clear
Like other worlds, Paquin has a dark side. blue seas, azure skies and ideal weather. Though
Countless carnivals and sideshows dot the world, it has a thriving agricultural base, Santo was once
providing good honest entertainment for the prairie known for the tourists who thought it a paradise.
folk, featuring circus acts and magic shows, freaks The rich flocked to the planet as an exclusive
and jugglers. But there are those carnies who exist vacation spot, and resort communities commanded
purely to fleece their patrons of all their cash or use every good view to be had.
their bright lights as cover for even darker activities. The war ended Santo’s glorious days as a
destination for the rich and beautiful. Though the
PERSEPHONE planet escaped destruction, no one from the Core
Persephone is an interesting mix of people and worlds dared travel here while the fighting was
cultures. The world’s environment is much like about. Hotels and casinos were abandoned. Those
Earth-That-Was: desert, rainforest, plains, tundra, that stayed open did so by finding other ways to

attract customers. Brothels, strip clubs, and other horseback, farm with archaic tools, and resort to
ventures catering to less savory appetites opened entertainment that doesn’t require electricity or
up. Santos has become known as a “fun” place, no batteries to operate. While some folk dream of
matter what pleasures you’re into. After the war, the luxuries available on the central planets, others
casino owners found that they could avoid Alliance enjoy the freedom of open air and hard toil. In their
restrictions by operating in this out of the way place. own way, they’re as stuck-up as the Core-Worlders,
The world became a Mecca for high rollers (and looking down their noses at soft folk who’ve never
those who were not so high). dug a ditch or mucked a horse stall.
Santo’s resorts are now beginning to recover. No While the Alliance government has a presence on
longer a playground exclusively for the rich, Santos the Rim, its grip is more than a mite looser here than
attracts a more middle-class crowd. Its resorts are elsewhere. Folk can’t count on help coming right
still beautiful, its small towns picturesque, its casinos away (or at all), so they are accustomed to taking
open twenty-four seven. care of themselves and their own. Frontier-folk are
You’ll have a good time here, but you might not usually armed, ready to draw at a moment’s notice.
want to bring the kiddies. Children learn to aim by shooting cans off a fence
post. The lack of government interference and
VERBENA monitoring has made the Rim a haven for outlaws,
Verbana is a lush world of thick forests., making outcasts and shady business folk, as well as a middle
the land difficult to clear and farm, though several class who started to feel like their own planets were
fruit-producers have done well with large orchards. getting too crowded for comfort. There is money to
The world was largely underdeveloped until the be made on the outer worlds, something plenty are
Alliance made it a centerpiece of its “rejuvenation just now figuring out.
after Unification” campaign. Government incentives Each world has a Governor, each moon a
funded new construction, including a factory to magistrate. As long as the general peace is kept and
supply parts for military vehicles. the proper reports are filed, such powerful figures
The factory seemed a promising start may pretty much do as they please, least as far as the
for Verbena, but that ended when a former Alliance is concerned. Some government officials
Independent soldier-turned-terrorist bombed the are good. Some not. Same here as most everywhere
factory, killing hundreds of people and destroying else in the ‘Verse.
the structure. The bombing sent the world into an A citizen of the central planets who wakes up
economic depression and—far worse—created on a Rim world might think he’s traveled backwards
an atmosphere of paranoia, fear, and hatred for in time: people riding horses and shooting six guns.
Browncoats and the Independence movement. Yet, here and there, you can still find the technology
There were riots, lootings, burnings, as both sides of the 26th century, from Cortex access terminals to
lost their heads. high-security bank vaults.
The Alliance has pledged to help the people
of Verbena, but the appropriate legislation and ATHENS
resolutions are trapped in parliamentary committees. Located in the Burnham quadrant, Athens is
The world is low on the government’s list of a world known for rapidly changing weather and
priorities. Some folk have fled, hoping to find a winds that blow constantly. Aside from that, the
better life elsewhere. Many more would like to leave, climate is relatively mild. Certain crops thrive here,
but don’t have the means, and so remain trapped. and there’s plenty of beautiful marble to be quarried
A small security force is more or less and shipped off-world.
permanently stationed on Verbena. While ostensibly One of the few outer planets to fully
there to guard against more terrorist action, it is support Unification, Athens was captured by the
really there to watch a restless population. Independents. “Ownership” of the world changed
hands several times during the course of the war.
Finally, running low on manpower and weary of
 ground battles on this otherwise minor rock, the
Out on the farthest edges of the system, life can Alliance took to bombing the world’s major cities
be quite challenging. The Rim worlds are the latest to drive out the Browncoats. ‘Cept for the piles of
results of terraforming technology, only recently dead civilians and heaps more hurt and homeless
settled, and raw and untamed. The comforts of that lost everything, the strategy worked.
civilization common to the Core Worlds just Recently, the Alliance opened up the bombed-
aren’t so here. Technology and power are far more out cities for legal salvage operations. Licenses
expensive out on the outer worlds and moons, for these operations can be obtained from United
so folk have to make due without. People ride Reclamation or (more slowly) from the Alliance.

Then again, these cities are so chaotic that it’s not so assassins, but in truth the man choked on a piece of
hard for the unlicensed to sneak in and out. chicken.) The lieutenant governor was ill-equipped
The world’s farmers were more fortunate than for the job. To make matters worse, thousands of
the city dwellers. Those dwelling in rural areas found war refugees and former soldiers from both sides
it easier to scratch by during the war. It’s taken time, were pouring into Ezra. Jobs got real scarce, the
but they’re slowly reconnecting their ties to the rest ranks of unemployed swelled, and the economy
of the ‘Verse. went belly up. Criminals flocked to Ezra as word
Athens has four moons, all terraformed and a lot spread of overwhelmed law enforcement and the
nicer to live on than the planet they circle. Folk on potential to hide under the larger problems.
the moons live by farming and ranching. Everyone It was during this chaotic time that a crime
keeps an eye out for Reavers, since undefended lord, one Adelei Niska, moved his skyplex into
moons are easy prey for the nearby marauders. On Ezra’s orbit and set himself up as the local power.
Whitefall, the fourth moon, the threat of Reaver Using some legitimate businesses as a front, he
raiding parties has made the settlers over-protective manages to avoid prosecution through the use of
and perhaps a bit paranoid. bribes, assassination, and the threat of his torture
There is also a rumor currently circulating that chambers.
the Blue Sun corporation has a hidden factory or The Alliance Parliament is currently considering
complex located in the mountains on one of the what to do about the “Ezra situation.” A new
moons, though what they manufacture or why they governor is needed, but he or she would have to
would come here is anyone’s guess. confront Niska, and thus far there have been no
candidates willing to take on that task.
BEYLIX Farming and ranching are still common pursuits.
While the planet has many large farming Ezra’s business enterprises have at least provided
communities, Beylix has the distinction of being the jobs for some folk. The law of the gun is absolute
system’s garbage dump (make that “reclamation and on Ezra: if you can’t defend yourself or what you’ve
recycling center”). got, someone will take it from you. That rule applies
The scrap yards and refuse centers are managed to people as well as property, since many slavers
by United Reclamation, which owns property all come here to pick up a little extra cargo. Despite
over Beylix. Soon after the company began to dump the risks, there is now work to be found on Ezra,
trash here, its agents reported that scavengers were though it may not be to everyone’s liking.
coming to pick over the remains, since there was
little to no security. It turned out that what was trash GREENLEAF
to people on the Core was treasure to the folk out The world has a large tropical belt, creating
on the Rim. massive jungles and rainforests. Tropical plants
United responded by licensing junk dealers. provide a variety of life-saving drugs that cannot
Some entrepreneurs began selling rebuilt ships— easily be synthesized in a laboratory. Major drug
everything from old Starfinders to out-of-service companies set up shop on Greenleaf, providing the
Fireflies. Others devised creative uses for scrap, bulk of work for the locals.
either jury-rigging old technology into something Some of Greenleaf ’s residents, seeing the
useful or turning it into art and selling it back to the enormous profits that were being made, began to
Core where it decorates office lobbies. make “clippings” of pharmaceutical plants and
Beylix is a place to start a new life, as you can grow them privately to sell on black market. The
often find some old ship and the parts to get problem became so great that the drug companies
her flyin’. Beylix is also a good place to drop off began engineering new plant strains with traceable
smuggled goods. It’s not as if the Alliance or the genetic tags, so that confiscated merchandise could
corporations want to pay any attention to this be traced back to the origin point. The technique
gorram heap of feh wu. has not yet led to any major arrests, mostly because
there are dozens of small cartels, and they are
EZRA difficult to track down in the jungle.
A planet in the Georgia system, Ezra is currently The Alliance is aware of the drug-smuggling
in transition. Once Ezra was a relatively peaceful problem out of Greenleaf, and they are clamping
world known for farmers and ranchers. Then, near down on enforcement. Landing is more restricted
the end of the war, its governor died unexpectedly, on Greenleaf than on other Rim worlds, though
throwing the planet in chaos. (Conspiracy theorists smugglers who know the jungle can always find ways
alternately blame either Alliance or Independent to sneak through.

HAVEN from the outside. Those who do come here from
A small mining moon, Haven is home to an off-world usually have goods to sell to the ranchers
independent group of miners who laid claim to and foresters.
this rock and are not about to be shoved off it. The Since the planet really has nothing of value, it is
miners of Haven have not yet struck it rich, but they ignored by the Alliance, which doesn’t even bother
have seen enough signs to believe that they are close to patrol it. Jiangyin has no central government.
to a major haul (just what, they’re not saying!). Each town or village is left to govern itself. It is
Others in the ‘Verse apparently think that Haven one of the most primitive and backward planets, its
has something worthwhile beneath the surface. The people in such desperate need that they are forced to
Corone Consortium recently sent in spies to try to steal what they can’t acquire by lawful means—such
dig up information. The spies were caught and, after as doctors to treat their sick.
revealing the name of their employer, they were The people of Jiangyin are a simple lot, especially
sent back—a little the worse for wear—carrying a those who live apart from what little civilization
message for the Consortium to stay the hell out of there is. These “hill folk” are superstitious and
Haven. mostly uneducated, easy prey for unscrupulous
Since then, the mining communities of Haven leaders. A strong show of force is usually enough to
have pooled their resources to buy a large surface- intimidate them.
to-air cannon which they have mounted near the
edge of the largest mining town to discourage LILAC
visitors. Lilac was named by someone gullible enough to
believe what the terraformers promised—a planet
HIGGINS’ MOON of perpetual springtime. As it turned out, Lilac is
A man named Higgins was appointed magistrate more like a planet of ri shao gou shi bing. A small crop
of a small, unnamed moon. (There were rumors that moon, Lilac is plagued with heat and a serious lack
he won his appointment in a card game.) At the time of water. Most of the farmers wage a continual
the moon was founded, it did not appear to have battle against the elements, and what crops they do
useful resources or much potential for agriculture. bring in are generally self-sustaining. There are some
A few years later, it was discovered that some areas locations on Lilac where the rain falls on a regular
have a mineral-rich clay that can be harvested, basis and the sun nurtures the crops, not fries them.
chemically treated and kiln-fired into a ceramic that Farmers lucky enough to have land here do very well
is ten times stronger than steel at half the weight. It for themselves.
formed a new industry: mud. To add insult to injury, Lilac is located on the
The company town of Canton was founded near edge of what has now become Reaver territory.
the largest mud pits. Over two thousand workers, The people of Lilac fear that it’s just a matter of
known as “Mudders,” live in Canton and work for time before they’re attacked. Several of the major
Magistrate Higgins. Many of these are slaves and land-holders have joined together to contract with
indentured laborers (who probably will never be able a private security firm to protect their property and
to purchase their way out of debt). Higgins rules lives in case of Reaver attack. That private security
through intimidation and the use of force, and is firm has its payroll delivered to one of the local
hated by virtually everyone. The foreman and his banks. Just in case you’re interested in making a
prods enforce the company rules, either with long- withdrawal.
term hard-labor, imprisonment, or hacking folk up
and rolling them into the bog.
The Mudders of Canton sing songs of a hero
who has twice defied the magistrate and sailed away:
Jayne Cobb. The Hero of Canton, they say, will one
day return to Higgins Moon and free them from
oppression. The more likely way for conditions
to improve will be the magistrate’s son, Fess, who
is quietly working to reverse some of his father’s
harshest policies.

Jiangyin is a small planet suitable for cattle
ranching and foresting and little else. Jiangyin is
dotted with small towns, where folk generally go
about their business without much interference

MIRANDA about the might of the Alliance. Instead, the
The planet Miranda is not listed in the Cortex bombing only hardened the resolve of those who
nor is it found any history database. Miranda fought and increased the Browncoats’ hatred of
is rumored to be a Blackrock, a planet where a their enemy. Those few from Shadow who survived
terraforming “event” killed the settlers and left the this difficult time lost loved ones, their lives forever
planet forever uninhabitable. Some folk might still changed.
be curious enough to pay Miranda a visit, maybe Shadow today is a ghost planet. No one lives
see if there might something left to salvage, were there. No one can.
it not for the fact that it lies in the heart of Reaver
territory. TRIUMPH
Triumph is a tiny moon in orbit around the
REGINA Heinlein gas giant near edges of the system.
The mineral-rich planet of Regina is known for With little to offer other than small areas suitable
its massive mining operations. Over three-quarters for farming, the moon became a refuge for folk
of the population work in one part of mining who wanted nothing to do with modern life. The
industry or another. Most of the mines are run by Triumph settlers live like the Amish of Earth-That-
the Corone Mining Consortium, although there Was, using little in the way of advanced technology
are still a few local owners hanging on. Corone’s (though they do have the ability to contact the
workers are underpaid and their working conditions outside world if they are in need of aid).
can be extremely dangerous. The miners of Regina The people follow their own customs. For
take a stoic pride in their work and the suffering example, in one town, the young girls are raised in
they endure. As if things were not hard enough, a convent called the Maiden House. Trained to be
the ore-processors and atmospheric conditions of subservient and to respond to a man’s needs, girls
Regina have created conditions for a disease called are married off in trade—a form of currency for
Bowden’s Malady, a degenerative affliction of the settlers who have little else to offer.
bone and muscles that leaves victims weak and Thugs and bandits find the settlements easy
in constant pain. While there is no cure, regular pickings, since the people are pacifists. The thieves
treatment with Pasceline-D halts the progression of steal goods and rough up the locals. The people
the disease and makes life tolerable. of Triumph sometimes arrange with bands of
The Alliance sponsors regular shipments of the mercenaries to protect them.
expensive drug to Regina. The drug is drop-shipped
to central location and delivered by train to the ST. ALBANS
individual mining towns. The people of the world One of the coldest planets in the ‘Verse, St
are dependent on this government handout, though Albans’ terrain is almost entirely mountainous. What
shipments are not as frequent as they should be. really makes St Albans a whole lot of unpleasant is
the gorram weather, for it snows almost continually.
SHADOW The entire planet is covered in drifts, even during
Once it was said that the prairies of Shadow what some laughingly call summer.
stretched out so far under such a clear sky that a The people here are a hardy folk. The principal
man could see from here to God’s plan. These days, work is mining the world’s rich mineral deposits.
all that is left is charred and blackened rock. The Consortium’s not interested due to the harsh
Shadow was known for its grain farms and cattle climate. The planet is divided into claims that the
ranches. The planet was almost entirely rural, with inhabitants prospect for whatever they can find.
small towns dotting the countryside. While it had a Theirs is a tough and lonely life, so the folk have
few impressive towns, there were no actual cities. Its developed a very strong community. If you offend
people were hard workers and independent-minded. one of them, you have offended all of them. The
Shadow was one of the first worlds to stand against reverse is true, however: if you make one friend on
the aggression of the Alliance. Most of its young St. Albans, the entire community will look out for
people volunteered to fight for Independence. you.
The aggressive bombing of Shadow during the
war was meant to teach the Browncoats a lesson

The movement to leave Earth-that-Was stands a few additional crude cuss words have been added
out as a remarkable event in human history, one in to the common man’s vocabulary.
which cross-cultural cooperation helped to achieve The basics include Gorram (“Run! It’s the
what some thought was impossible. In the effort to gorram law!”), Ruttin’ (“It’s gettin’ too ruttin’ hot in
find a new home for humanity, the primary powers here.”), and Humped (“He’s got a gun on us. We’re
of the era—the United States of America and humped!”). Cursing in Chinese is considered more
China—worked together to create the necessary imaginative and expressive, and most everyone does
technology, manpower, and logistics for the largest it—at least when his mother has left the room.
migration of people ever known.
Once the exodus of mankind had begun, the
close quarters and difficult survival conditions in 
space broke down traditional barriers of language Some speech isn’t cursing by traditional
and culture. After a full generation had lived and definition, but it will cause fists and bullets to fly
died in the massive convoy of ships slowly trudging just the same. Religion, politics, social class, and
from star to star, the average person was at least wealth are touchy subjects—as is mention of the
bi-lingual and had a very multicultural outlook. A Unification War.
person’s ethnicity became far less importance than Browncoat: Member of the Independent
competence and character. Factions, Independent veteran. Adopted early in
Thus many generations later, the children of the war by the Independent Factions, a brown coat
Earth-That-Was don’t think much back to the has become indelibly linked to supporters of the
days of colonization, but continue the legacy by Independents’ cause. After the war’s end, clothiers
their almost universal fluency in both English and made good money dying brown coats blue or gray
Chinese. Culture and language have both continued as folks wanted to forget the past and let the past
to evolve, with economics becoming a primary forget them. Those that still “wear the brown’ do it
dividing line. It is easy to distinguish a person from on purpose.
the central planets from one born and raised out on
the Rim. Slang and linguistic shortcuts are used on
the frontier, though some have filtered back into the 
refined speech usually found on worlds of the Core. In English, there are two predominant speech
patterns. “Core Speech” is carefully used and
grammatically correct. “Frontier Slang” sounds
 sloppy and quaint to Core speakers, who judge the
Folks in the ‘Verse speak English or Chinese, speaker as poorly educated and low class. Those
one or the other being the dominant tongues most born outside the Core are more likely to have at least
everywhere. It pays to know at least a little of both a little of the Frontier in their speech.
if you plan to get very far. Of the central planets,
Londinium is primarily English-speaking, while BASIC RIM
Sihnon stands out as a center of Chinese influence. WORLD SPEECH
• Truncate the “g” for “ing” words (“Schoolin’”)
• Pepper with slang adjectives.
 • Double negatives. (“It don’t mean nothin’ out
Hundreds of languages made the great leap here.”)
from Earth-That-Was and most of them survive in • Using odd words and word forms in phrases.
pockets and ghettos on most worlds. Only rarely, • Use “don’t” instead of “doesn’t.”
however, will anyone encounter a community that • Ain’t.
speaks a non-dominant language exclusively. • Odd Words: druther, yonder, dang, plumb, right
• Prefixing on “-ing” (“a-runnin’”).
 • No –ly on adverbs. (“She described the plan
Human beings have happily fouled the gift of real simple. That job’s awful hard to do.”)
language with whatever inventive, vindictive, and • Subject and Verb don’t match. (“We was goin’
insulting expressions they can imagine. While the there. He got none of that.”)
traditional English swear words have survived intact,

• Malformed verbs. (“He growed up real good. SLANG:
He come by here last night. I seen it with my own UNDERWORLD
eyes. He done run off again.”) • Doxy – prostitute.
• Drops – illegal, addictive, narcotic drugs.
A FEW EXAMPLES • Second story job – breaking and entering
—“Looks like we got us some imminent robbery.
violence.” • Scratch – valuables.
—“We got no short of ugly ridin’ in on us.” • The goods – loot.
—“I’m just feeling kind of truthsome right • Went south – problems appeared, the plan fell
now.” apart.
—“We’re in some peril here.” • Tonic – amateur or illegal alcoholic drink.
—“We just need a small crew, them as feel the • Bushwhack – ambush.
need to be free.” • Footpad – pickpocket thief in a town.
—“This here’s a recipe for unpleasantness.” • Hornswoggle – to trick someone.
—“I’m shocked my own self.” • On the dodge – wanted by the police.
—“We’ll be there directly.”
—“But she does have an oddness to her.” SLANG: TECHNICAL
• Advocate – a lawyer.
SLANG: • Cortex – wide-spread information network
FRONTIER LIFE • Genseed – Genetically engineered crop seeds
• All-fired — completely. (“Where’d she go used on freshly terraformed worlds.
gettin’ all-fired jealous ‘bout this?”) • Skyplex – orbital city or space station.
• Awful, Dreadful, Mighty, Plumb, Powerful • Wave – a communication: text, audio, video, or
– adjectives for emphasis. (“Gettin’ awful crowded holographic.
in my sky.”)
• Bang-up – great. (“They did a bang-up job.”)
• Bughouse – mental hospital. 
• Git – go away. The Chinese that became one of the two primary
• Ornery – Stubborn, not passive. tongues of the ‘Verse was originally known as
• Peck – a large amount. Mandarin—China’s official language. Mandarin, or
• Preacher – anyone religious. Pekingese, is a dialect once spoken in that country’s
• Shindig – A party, usually with dancing. northern part, primarily around the Beijing city. The
• Shiny – good or valuable. other major Chinese dialect was Cantonese, spoken
• Size someone up – judge how tough they are down south in the Canton Province. Way back in the
or what their intentions might be. Earth-That-Was days, the Chinese folk actually went
• Tetchy – sensitive or complaining. through a bruhaha as to which of the two tongues
• Run afoul – to get into trouble with. to make official. Though no blood was shed far as
we know, it was a verbal civil war. North vs. South
SLANG: fought with volleys of dead-waking hollers over the
SPACEFARING virtues of their respective cant.
• Atmo – atmosphere, as in to “leave atmo.” Obviously in the end Mandarin won out. So
• The black – space. instead of yat zeu, people shout chui se to tell folks to
• Clean your housing – to give a thorough go to hell.
beating (as in a spaceship’s engine housing). Chinese is a very different tongue than English,
• Feds, Federals – Members of the Alliance, its and is difficult to learn for those who don’t pick it
military, law enforcement, or functionaries. up in the earliest years. Traditional Chinese has four
• Go to blackout – shut down power on the ship inflections, five if you count the fifth, “soft” one.
to avoid detection. You best enunciate each just right or you might have
• On the drift – in space without fuel unable to folk scratching their head, wondering why you’re so
travel. upset about losing a shoe when you’re really trying
• Reavers – madmen who live on the edges of to alarm them of a man overboard.
civilized space, flying dangerous ships and preying We said traditional, because in the 26th century
on other space vessels. we go by New Chinese. Like English where new
• The Rim – frontier planets, not the core. words constantly replace the old and nobody utters
• The ‘Verse – inhabited space or the universe. the Earth-That-Was slang, Chinese got a makeover
• Being buzzed – Sensors from another ship are too. The progression of humans into a bilingual
actively sweeping you. community evolved the original language into a

strip-downed version. The main languages, Chinese Big stupid pile of stinking meat: Yi Dwei Da
and English, each have certain subjects and ideas it Buen Chuo Roh.
can express more efficiently. Over time, folks figured Big sister: Jei or Jei-Jei.
out what they are and started replacing different Blindside or conspire against someone
parts of speech with whichever language that related secretly: Fahn Leong Jian, literally “shoot a cold
their thoughts the best. A doctor in the 26th century arrow.”
wouldn’t hope to explain chi flow in English, for Bottoms up: Gon Beh, literally “dry cup.”
instance, any more than a control station would give Brilliant: Jing Chai.
docking instructions in Chinese. Browncoat (slang for soldiers of Independent):
Words and phrases became further Jone Yee.
streamlined—curmudgeon sticklers would say Cheap floozy: Jien Huo.
“corrupted.” But only those reared in true Old Check at once: Ma Shong Jien Cha.
Chinese-speaking households would complain, and Cheering or urging someone on: Jah Yoh,
the accessibility made it much easier for lower-class literally “add fuel,” equivalent of “go (name)!” in
folk of English-speaking heritage. English.
Chinese/Mandarin language: Jwohn Guo Hua.
GUO HUA LIKE A Commit blunder of great magnitude: Bie Woo
The above would read “Speaking Chinese Like a Complete disarray or sheer pandemonium:
True Spacer” in English. In humanity’s new home, a Tian Fuhn Di Fu, literally “sky tumbles while earth
collective of humans is all able to swear in a 5,000+ turns over.”
year-old language — with a cowboy twang. Completely useless: Tian Di Wu Yohn.
The following phrases can be tossed into Congratulations: Gohn Shi.
whatever situation seems most appropriate—or not. Conniving or scheming person: Guay Toh Guay
These just scratch the surface of Chinese cursing Nown, literally “ghost head and ghost brain.”
possibilities. While even educated, refined folk swear Crazy dog in love with its own feces: Ai Chr
every now and then, you’re more likely to hear most Jze Se Duh Fohn Diang Gho.
of these phrases out of a free-boosting fringe rat. Cursing: Ma Jung Hwa, literally “chastise with
A switch to those girls’ backsides is just good dirty words.”
enough: Byen Dah Tah Muhn Dug Bay Jo Go Lai. Cute: Kuh Ai.
Abracadabra-alakazam: Tian-Ling-Ling, Di- Damn or damn it: Ta Ma Duh, literally “his
Ling-Ling. mother’s...”
Accusing someone of lying, a ridiculous Dangerous person or animal: Wei Shian Dohn
notion, or talking out of the posterior: Fuhn Pi, Woo.
literally “farting.” Daydream or wishful thinking: Bai Lih Mohn.
Agitate someone out of hiding: Da Chow Jing Deserving of bad consequence or fate: Hwo
Ser, literally “beating the grass to startle the snake.” Gai.
Alas, not good, what a mess, too bad: Jao Gao, Despicable: Kuh Wu.
literally “spoiled cake.” Do something for nothing in return, or
Alliance: Nien Mohn. wasted endeavor without a payoff: Yee Yan,
Are we clear?: Dohn luh mah. literally “a charity show.”
Attributing an unfortunate longshot Done for or imminent doom: Wong Dahn,
occurrence: Yeh Lu Jwo Duo Luh Jwohn Whei Jian literally “finished (cooked) egg.”
Guay, literally “do enough nighttime travels and one Dumbass: Chwen, descriptive, literally “retarded”
will eventually see a ghost”; also a warning of future Earthshaking: Jing Tian Dwohn Di, literally
retribution. “startle the sky and shake the earth.”
Awesome or extraordinarily clever: Gao Guhn, Engage a monkey in feces-hurling contest:
literally “high pole.” G’en Ho Tze Bi Dio se.
Baboon’s ass crack: Feh Feh Pi Goh. Enough of this nonsense: Go Hwong Tong.
Bastard, jerk: Huen Dahn, literally “rotten egg.” Everything under the sky: Tian Shia, can be
Big boss or operator of a business: Lao Buhn; used to allude to the world or universe.
Lao Buhn Ni’un for female boss or proprietor’s wife. Excrement: Mi Tian Gohn, slang, derives from
Also informal appellation for acquaintances. the fact that when you stack the three characters
Big brother: Ghuh or Ghuh-Ghuh, the former is — “mi” (rice), “tian” (paddy), and “gohn” (public
more intimate and connotes blood relation. or mutual) — from top to bottom in that order, they
form the ideograph for excrement.

Explosive diarrhea of an elephant: Da Shiong Idiot, moron: Buhn Dahn, literally “stupid egg,”
La Se La Ch’wohn Tian. or Chwen Joo, literally “retarded pig.”
Fear nothing but (fill in the blank): Tian Bu Pa, Impossible: Bu Kuh Nuhn.
Di Bu Pa, Tze Pa. . . Impressive display or visage but no
Fellow: Ja Hwo, also slang for weapon. substance: Da Chung Wu Dahn, literally “big gun, no
Female companion or girlfriend: Ma Tze, a bullet.”
somewhat derogatory slang; add Dow in front for In someone’s doghouse: Luhn Gohn, literally “a
“looking to get a girlfriend.” cold palace,” which is where an emperor confines
Filthy fornicators of livestock: Ung Jeong Jia those concubines who have fallen out of favor.
Ching Jien Soh. In that case, never mind: Nah Mei Guan Shee.
Fire!: Kai Huo (as in shooting), Fuhn Huo (as in Junk: Feh Wu.
starting). Leader of a criminal operation: Ser Toh,
Fire at will or terminate with extreme literally “snakehead,” derogatory.
prejudice: Da Kai Sa Jeh, meaning “breaking the Leave one to his own fate: Tze Sh’un Tze Mieh.
Buddhist vow against killing.” Let me repeat myself: Wuo Jai Jeong Yi Chi.
Flat-chested: Hur Bao Duhn, slang, literally Life support failure: Shuhn Ming Shi T’wohn Gu
“eggs cooked sunny side-up.” Jong.
Foiled or ruined at the last moment: Soh Ya Like hell: Jien Ta Duh Guay, literally “see his
Feh Tian, expression, literally, “a cooked duck flies ghost.”
away.” Little brother: Di or Di-Di.
Fool: Sah Gwa, literally “stupid melonhead.” Little sister: Mei or Mei-Mei.
Friend, pal, buddy: Puhn Yoh. Long time no see: How Joh Bu Jian.
Gang, crew, or confederate of diehards: Se Male companion or boyfriend: Kai Tze, also a
Duhng. somewhat derogatory slang.
Gang or faction leader: Da Gher Da for male, Manipulate, or playing somebody for a fool:
Da Jeh Da for female, slang. Swa.
Garbage: Luh Suh. Merciful Buddha protect us: Rung Tse Fwo Tzoo
Get bold or audacious: Fahn Dahn, literally Bao Yo Wuo Muhn.
“release courage.” Merciful God, please take me away: Rung Tse
Get lost: Kwai Jio Kai. Song Di Ching Dai Wuo Tzo.
Go all out, hold nothing back: Ping Ming, Merciless bastard: Lurn Shwei Jah Jwohn, literally
literally “fight for one’s life.” “cold-blooded mixed breed
Go to hell: Chui Se, literally “go die.” Merciless hell: Ai Yah Tien Ah.
Good or okay: How. Mind your own business: Gwon Ni Tze Jee Duh
Good journey or bon voyage: Yi Lu Shwen Fohn. Shr.
Good luck: Joo How Rin. Miss: Shao Jeh, literally “little lady.” Follows a
Greetings: Ni How. name when addressing a known person, so River
Handsome: Shwie. would be addressed as Tam River shao jeh, or simply
Happy development or fortuitous turn of Tam shao jeh.
event: How Shi Sung Chung, literally “a good show’s Mister: Shian Shen, literally “born before me,”
about to start,” can be used sarcastically. also follows a person’s name.
Have desires above one’s social/financial Monkey raping: Cheong Bao Ho Tze.
position, or beyond one’s ability to realize: Lai Motherless goat of all motherless goats: Mei
Huh Moh Sheong Tze Tian Uh Zoh, literally “for a toad Yong Ma Duh Tse Gu Yong.
to think of eating a swan.” Muddled, mixed-up, confused: Wu Toh Wu
He or she: Tah, tah-duh for his or hers, tah-muhn Now, literally “without a head or a brain.”
for them, tah-muhn-duh for theirs. No problem: Mei Wen Ti.
Homewrecking tramp: Hu Li Jing, literally “fox Not advised: Jwohn Gao Bu Yi.
spirit.” Not enough: Bu Goh, or Hai Bu Goh for “not
Hump: Gun. enough yet.”
Hurry, speed up: Guhn Kwai. Not keeping a rendezvous: Fahn Gher Tze,
I or me: Wuo, wuo-duh for mine. literally “release a pigeon” but insinuating not
I don’t believe my eyes!: Wo Bu Shin Wo Dah picking up the bird at the destination.
Yan Jing. Now, immediately: Ma Shong.
I neither see nor hear you: Wuo Dwei Nee Boo Nuts: Shiang Jing Ping or just Shiang Jing; Fah Shiang
Ting Boo Jen. Jing for “going nuts.”
Oddball or a goof: Chai Neow.

Of course: Duhn Ruhn. Sir: Da Yeh. When used as a nobility, Nuhn Jwei,
Oh my God: Wuo Duh Tian Ah. following the name.
Old: Lao. So guilty as to deserve a thousand deaths:
Old man/husband: Lao Gohn. Jwei Gai Won Se.
Old lady/wife: Lao Puo. Son of a bitch: Wong Ba Duhn, or Go Neong Yung
One must be ruthless to be a great: Wu Du Bu Duh for a more literal and vicious translation.
Juhn Fu, literally “a person without poison is not a Speak now and quickly: Yo Hua Kwai Suo.
great man.” Speaking without a clue: Shiah Hwa, literally
Outdo someone or doing one better: Dao-Gao- “blind talk.”
Yee-Chi Moh-Gao-Yee-Juhn, expression, literally “the Stop talking: Joo Koh.
solution advances a yard, the problem advances a Stupid son of a drooling whore and monkey:
mile.” Lio Coh Jwei Ji Neong Hur Ho Deh Yung Duh Buhn Jah
Pal: Lao Sheong if addree’s older, Lao Di if J’wohn.
younger; used for men only. P’n Yoh for “friend.” Swindle: Gwai.
Pathetic wretch: Bei Bi Shiou Ren, literally Suicidal idea: Tze sah ju yi.
“shameless dirty little person” Surrender, give up: Toh Shung.
Peon, small fry, a nobody: Wu Ming Shao Jwu, Take care, stay healthy: Bao Jone, literally
literally “nameless little foot soldier.” “maintain weight.”
Prehistoric: Lao Deow Ya, literally “so old as to Talk nonsense: Shia Suo.
lose all teeth” Thanks: Sheh Sheh.
Pig’s Sty: Joo Fuen Chse. There’s nothing in this plan that isn’t
Pile of sun-baked dog poo: Ri shao gou shi bing. horrific: Juh Guh Jee Hua Juhn Kuh Pah!
Plain, bland, bare: Yong Chwen Mien, slang taken Things never go smooth: How W’rin Bu Lai,
from the namesake generic, flavorless noodle dish. Whai W’rin Bu Jwo, literally “good luck don’t come,
Please be quiet: Ching Ahn Jing Yi Dien. bad luck don’t leave.”
Pool of excrement: F’n Zse, can be used in an To throw in a monkeywrench: Gwai Ma Jeow,
expression for “deep crap.” literally “twist a horse’s legs (while it’s galloping).”
Pool of pig droppings: Joo Fuen Chse. Trouble, problem, complication: Ma Fuhn.
Posterior: Pi Gu. Tyrant, iron-fisted ruler: Ba Wong.
Precious, darling, sweetheart: Bao Bei. Ugly or perverted person: Joo Bah Jeh, insult
Real man: Nuhn Tze Huhn. taken from the name of the hoggish, lecherous
Really dangerous: Wei Shan, more poetic, Wo character in the popular Chinese folktale, “Journey
Hu Chung Long, which is “crouching tiger, hidden to the West.”
dragon,” an expression for something dangerous. Understand: Dohn, dohn-ma for “understand?”
Redundant, unnecessary complicating dohn-luh-mah for “are we clear here?”
something: Wua Ser Tian Jwoo, literally “draw a Very: Feh Chun.
snake and add feet to it.” Wait/hold on a second: D’un Yi Shia.
Retreat, run away: Jio Weh Sung Chiuh, Warning someone against doing things
phrase summarizing the last of the Chinese “36 “the hard way”: Jin Joh Bu Chi Chi Fah Joh, literally
Stratagems,” which extols the virtue of fleeing to “choosing to sip the wine of penalty over that of
fight another day. respect.”
Ridiculously stange, illogical or nonsensical: We, us: Wuo Mun, Wuo Mun Duh for ours.
Mo Min Chi Meow, literally “not understanding the We will enjoy your silence now: Bai Tuo, Uhn
pecularity.” Jin Yee Dien.
Ruined, finished: Wan Duhn Luh. What: Shuh Muh?
Ruthless or savage beast of a person: Ching What the hell is this crap: Juh Shi Suh Mo Go
Soh. Dohng Shee?
Screw him/her running: Gun Ta Jwo Lu. You: Ni, ni-duh for yours, ni-muhn for plural, ni-
Screw you: Chwee Ni Duh. muhn-duh for plural possessive.
Shameless Hussy: Meh Lien Duh Jyah Jee, literally You don’t deserve it: Ni Bu Ying Duh Jur Guh.
“faceless bastard prostitute.” You wanna bullet right in your throat?: Nee
Shiny, awesome, fantastic: Jahn! Yow Wuo Kai Chiung?
Shut up: Bi Jweh. You wanna die?: Nee Tzao Se Mah?
Shut up and make us wealthy: Bi Jweh, Lung Young one: Nyen Ching Duh, or Yo Chr, slang for
Wuo Mun fah tsai. underaged (literally “infant teeth.)
Water: Swei.


Aces & Eights (spaceship) 28, 71, 115, 116, 167 arbitrary gear (optional rule) 73
Aces & Eights crew 189-94 architecture Specialty 58
acting Specialty 62 Ares 213
action as Initiative 151 Ariel 210
Action Difficulty (chart) 141 armor 81, 153
actions 142-54 armor, of ship 113, 114
actions, complex 143-44 armory 77
spending Plot Points 147 arrows 80
actions, improving 147 artificial gravity 97, 98
actions, opposed 143 artillery Specialty 59
actions, skilled 142-43 Artistry (Skill) 56
addiction, see Hooked ASREV, see Alliance Short Range Enforcement Vessel
administration Specialty 59 assault rifle 79, 81
Advancement (chart) 37 assault rifles Specialty 59
Advancement Points 32, 37, 48 Assets, character 30, 31-32, 41-48, 170
adventure; see also story 5, 171, 173 chart 67
aerial navigation Specialty 63 Assets, creating new 170
Agility (ship Attribute) 106 Assets, of ship 109-10
Agility (character Attribute) 30, 32, 33 Assets, using Plot Points 148
Agility, spaceship scale (chart) 106 assistance, direct 144
AgriCultivator robot 90 assistance, indirect 144
aiding others 144 astrogation Specialty 63
aiming 153 astronomy Specialty 63
air travel 129 astrophysics Specialty 63
aircraft Specialties 63 Athens 199, 215-16
Alertness (character Attribute) 30, 32, 33 Athlete (character Asset) 42
Alertness (ship Attribute) 107 Athletics (character Skill) 57
Alertness, spaceship scale (chart) 107 Athletics (ship Skill) 111
algae, as food 100 atmosphere, planetary 98
aliens 163 atmosphere, shipboard 100
all-cargo Firefly 124 attack of stupidity, spending Plot Points 149
Allergy (Complication) 48 Attribute Die Costs (chart) 32
Alleyne, Zoe 9, 10-11, 13 Attribute Points 40
Alliance 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 23, 69, 73, 82, 172, 197, 199 Attribute rolls 142
Alliance agents 167 Attributes, character 6, 29, 30, 32-34
Alliance cruiser 128 Attributes, of ship, increasing 114
Alliance grunt (NPC) 179-80 auto-cannon 82
Alliance hospital personnel (NPCs) 183 autofire weapons 154
Alliance IdentCard 21 Automatic Secretary robot 90
Alliance officer, disillusioned veteran (NPC) 179 automatic weapons 154
Alliance officer, gung-ho (NPC) 179 axes, throwing Specialty 64
Alliance officer, young and green (NPC) 179 back story (character development) 35
Alliance patrol boat 125, 126, 127 Ballistic Mesh 76
Alliance planets 209 bar floozy, female (NPC) 181
Alliance Short Range Enforcement Vessel (ASREV), barfly (NPC) 181
statistics 118 barrier field 84, 85
Allied Postal Service 93 bartender and owner (NPC) 180
all-out attack 153 bartender, hired help (NPC) 180
all-out defense 152 barter 70, 71
Allure (character Asset) 41-42, 170 barter Specialty 59
Allure (ship Asset) 109 basic damage 156
Ambassador, see Inara basic tool kit 89
ammunition 78 Bathgate Abbey 21
Amorous (Complication) 48 batons 78-79
Amputee (Complication) 49 Battle of Serenity 199
angel of mercy (NPC) 184 Battle of Sturges 199
Anglo-Sino Alliance; see also Alliance 200-01 beacon, distress 84, 85
Animal Handling (Skill) 56-57 beacon, navigation 100
animal training 56 Beaumonde 112-13, 121, 186
antibiotic course 93, 94 Bellerophon 213
appraisal 56 beneficial traits, see Assets
appraisal Specialty 60 Bernadette 210-11

04 May 2006 © Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. All Rights Reserved.

Beylix 216 cargo capacity, of ship 109

Bible 21 cargo liner, statistics 128
Big Damn Hero 30 cargo rates (chart) 72
biotechnology 92 carpentry Specialty 58
Black Box Cortex Terminal 83 cash equivalents (chart) 70
black market 69, 73, 77-78 cash, starting (chart) 70
black, the 6, 157 catapults Specialty 59
blacksmithing Specialty 58 Catholicism 206
Blastomere Organs 86 Central Planets, see also Core planets 198, 210-12
Bleeder (Complication) 49 Chameleon Suit 76
Blind (Complication) 49 change of circumstance 144
blinded 155 Character Concept 30-31, 32
blockade runner Firefly 124, 125 character creation 5, 163
blocking defense 152 character development 35
blowguns Specialty 64 character improvement 37
Blue Sun Corporation 73, 172, 202, 211-12 character relationships 163, 166, 169, 170
boat, see ships character-initiated Complication 146
bombs, shipboard 102 charter of a ship 105
Bonus Die (chart) 147 ChemPlast 80, 81
Book, Shepherd 20-21 Chinese language 164, 198
Border planets 7, 69, 199, 201, 212-15 Chinese phrases 220-223
Born Behind the Wheel (character Asset) 42 Chip on the Shoulder (Complication) 49
Boros 213 Christianity 46, 206
botching 47, 143, 144 climbing Specialty 57
bounty hunter, border planet (NPC) 180 clubs 61, 78-79
bounty hunter, high tech (NPC) 180 Cobb, Jayne 13, 14-15, 21
bounty hunters 167 coins 69, 70, 71
bow 79, 80 collision damage, vehicles and spaceships 136
bows Specialty 64 combat 149-56
boxing Specialty 66 combat, spaceship-vehicle 135-36
Branded (Complication of ship) 109 combat, unarmed 155
Branded (Complication) 49, 170 combat knife 78-79
brass knuckles 78-79 Combat Paralysis (Complication) 50
brawling Specialty 66 combat sword 78-79
breaking stuff 154 commpack 84, 85
Browncoat ally (NPC) 180 communications, shipboard 100, 101
Browncoats; see also Independent Faction 4, 9 communications equipment (chart) 84
Buddhism 21, 46, 206 communications lag (chart) 105
Buddhist monk, male (NPC) 182 Companion; see also Inara 4, 93
bulk carrier Firefly 124 Companion Client Registry 19, 46, 205
bully boy, male (NPC) 185 Companion Training House 19
Bumblebee Class transport 119-21 Companions’ Guild 46, 93, 172, 204-05
bureaucracy Specialty 59 Complex Actions 141, 143-44
Burnham quadrant 207 complexity, of ship (chart) 112
burns 157 Complications, character 30, 37, 48-55, 145-46, 170
burst of strength, die roll 142 Complications, creating new 170
burst weapons 154 Complications, of ship 109-10
CAD board 89 Complications, removing 37
called shot 153 computers (chart) 83
camouflage Specialty 57 con artist (NPC) 186
campaign 5, 28, 163, 167 concentration Specialty 58
can’t hire good help, spending Plot Points 149 concussion grenade 80, 81
canister warhead 102 conflict, story element 172
canned food 75 container Firefly 124
cannon 82 contortion Specialty 57
cannon, land vehicle-scale (chart) 132 conversation Specialty 59
cannons, shipboard 102 cooking 56, 58
Canton 217 Core 83, 163, 199, 201
Capital City, capital of Osiris 211 Core cities 165
captain 29, 103 Core planets 6, 7, 40, 69, 73, 163, 197, 210-12
Captain of Serenity; see also Reynolds, Malcolm 8 Core speech 219
cargo 93, 94, 105 Core-tech 163

04 May 2006 © Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. All Rights Reserved.

Corone Mining Consortium 203 demolitions Specialty 59

corporations 200, 202-03 deputy, frontier (NPC) 185
Cortex 7, 82-85 Derived Attributes, character 33-34
Cortex Profile Protection Utility 85 Derived Attributes, of ship 112
Cortex Specter (character Asset) 42 Dermal Mender 86-87
Cortex Specter (ship Asset) 109 derringer 79, 80
Cortex Terminal 83 desire, story element 171-72
Cortez, Ramona 193 detectors 101
costuming Specialty 62 Devil (Ramona Cortez) 193
counseling Specialty 59 dice 6, 140
cover, taking 152 dice rolls 139-49
chart 152 Dice Steps (chart) 144
covering action 154 die roll, spending Plot Points 147
Covert (character Skill) 57 Difficulty Chart 140, 141
Covert (ship Skill) 57, 111 Difficulty roll 144
covert ops gear 87-88 Difficulty Threshold (chart) 144
chart 88 Difficulty Threshold, of complex actions 143-44
Coward (Complication) 50 dim light 155
CP-HE (ChemPlast explosive) 81 direct assistance 144
Craft (Skill) 57-58 disable devices Specialty 57
credits (currency) 35, 71 disarming 153
Credo (Complication) 49, 171 Discipline (Skill) 58
crew, definition 163 disguise kit 87, 88
crew, forming 26-37, 168 dissension in the ranks, spending Plot Points 149
crew goal, reward 146 distress beacon 84, 85
crew of Serenity 5, 8-25, 35 dock worker cost 104
crew quarters 108-09 doctor, see also medic, medical; Tam, Simon 40
crew size 103 doctor, frontier (NPC) 185
criminal elements 172 doctor, see also Dr. Mathias
crop supplements 74-75 doctor’s bag 86, 87
crossbow 79, 80 dodge Specialty 57
Crude (Complication) 50 dodging defense 152
cruise liners 128-29 doors, breaking 155
Cryo Chamber 86 Dr. Mathias (NPC) 188
cultures Specialty 60 dreams, in plot 174
currency, see also coins, credits 69, 70 drink 75
currency (chart) 70 drugs 157
cutting torch 89 dry dock costs 104
Cyanol poison 88 Dull Sense (character Complication) 50
cybernetics 92 Dull Sense (Complication of ship) 109
Damage 34 dung heap, king of the (NPC) 185
damage, optional 81 dying 157
damage, taking, determining 156 Earth-That-Was 197-98
dance hall girl (NPC) 181 Easy Mark (Complication) 23, 50-51
dancing Specialty 62 Eavesdown Docks 21, 214
danger, in plot 176 eavesdrops 88
darkness, pitch-black 155 economics 69-70
darts Specialty 64 Ego Signature (Complication) 51
Data Disc 83, 84 El Dorado luxury liner 93, 130, 131, 132
databank, see Cortex El Dorado, statistics 128
DataBook 83, 84 electronic lock picks 88
data-library 83, 84 electronic tools 89
dead, reviving 159 emergency gear (chart) 76
Dead Broke (Complication) 50 emergency medical supplies 86, 87
Deadly Enemy (Complication) 50 emergency signal ring 84, 85
Deaf (Complication) 50 empathy Specialty 62
debugger 87, 88 encyclopedia 83, 84
deception, spending Plot Points 149 endurance, die roll 142
decoy warhead 103 energy weapons Specialty 59
Dedicated sourcebox 83, 84 engineer’s supplies (chart) 89
deduction Specialty 62 English language 198
defense actions 150, 151-52 environmental hazards 157

04 May 2006 © Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. All Rights Reserved.

Escape Pod, statistics 117-18 Game Master, instructions 160-94

Everybody Has One (Complication of ship) 109, 110 Game Master, playing parts 176-77
Excavator robot 90, 91 game rules 139-59
experience, see Advancement Points garbage 203
explosive warhead 102 garden bunk 74
explosives 81-82, 102-03, 155 gas grenade 80, 81
explosives (chart) 80 Gas Guzzler (Complication of ship) 109, 110
Extraordinary Success (chart) 141 gear, character 6, 35, 68-94
Extraordinary Success and Damage 141 gear, of ship 112
eyetap computer 92 General Skills 34, 55
Ezra 216 chart 67
fake IdentCard 88 general store 73-74
falling 157-58 gentleman, high-falutin’ (NPC) 184
fallout of damage 156-57 gentleman’s sword 78-79
Fanty and Mingo (twins) (NPCs) 186 get out of harm’s way, die roll 142
Fast Throttle (ship Asset) 109, 110 g-fields 97
Fate, see Plot Points Gilgamesh shot-rifle 92
Fedband Scanner 84, 85 GM, definition, see also Game Master 163
Federal Marshals 5, 202 GM-initiated Complication 146
Feds, see Federal Marshals goals, of characters 173
feinting 153 gold 70
fellow travelers, in plot 179 good fortune, spending Plot Points 149
Fightin’ Type (character Asset) 42 Good Name (character Asset) 41, 43, 49, 171
Filcher (Complication) 51 Good Name (ship Asset) 109
fines 104 Gorram Chinese 219-23
fire jelly 74 governments 200
Firefly, statistics 121 Governors 201
Firefly Class 4, 72, 106, 117, 121 grapple, in combat 153
Firefly class variants 124-29 gravcart 89
firing into a crowd 155 gravity control 97-98
first aid 159 Greedy (Complication) 51
First aid conditions (chart) 159 green-eyed monster, spending Plot Points 149
first-aid kid 86,, 87 Greenhorn 29, 32
flashbacks, in plot 175 Greenleaf 216
flashbang grenade 80, 81 grenade launcher 79, 80
fog 155 grenade launchers Specialty 59
food (chart) 75 grenade Specialty 64
food, shipboard 100 grenades 80, 81
Foreigner Corporation 90 guilds 203, 204-06, 212
forger (NPC) 186 gun case 74
forgery 56, 57 gun shops 77-78
Forked Tongue (Complication) 51 gun-cleaning kit 74
forward observer Specialty 59 guns 77-81
fragmentation grenade 80, 81 Guns (Skill) 58-59
free actions 150 Gunscanner 84, 85
freedom, as theme 168 gunsmithing Specialty 59
freight 93, 105 gymnastics Specialty 57
fresh food 75 gypsy planet, see Paquin
Friends in High Places (character Asset) 41, 42-43 hacking Specialty 65
Friends in High Places (chart) 43 handcuffs, breaking 155
Friends in Low Places (character Asset) 43 hand-to-hand weapons 78-79
Friends in Low Places (chart) 43 chart 78
frontier planets 199 hard coin 69
frontier speech 219 hatchet 78-79
fuel capacity (chart) 108 hatred, spending Plot Points 149
fuel cells 72, 98 Haven 82, 217
fuel costs 104 healing difficulty (chart) 159
Fuel Efficient (ship Asset) 109, 110 Healthy as a Horse (character Asset) 43
fusion power 98 Healthy as a Horse (ship Asset) 109
gambling Specialty 62 Hearing (character Asset) 46
game designing 56 hearing Specialty 62
Game Master 4, 5, 29, 40, 41, 139, 163 HeartLine Health Suit 76, 77

04 May 2006 © Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. All Rights Reserved.

Heavy Tolerance (character Asset) 43 intuition Specialty 62

heavy weapons 82 investigation Specialty 62
Healthy as a Horse (character Asset) 43 Iskellian Technology Solutions 203, 213
Healthy as a Horse (ship Asset) 43 it broke!, spending Plot Points 149
helmets 76-77 Jabberwocky Signal blocker 84, 86
Henderson, Joe, see Time Bomb jammer warhead 102-03
Hera 4, 6, 199, 213 javelin Specialty 64
Hero Worship (Complication) 51, 171 Jayne, see Cobb, Jayne
heroes 167 Jiangyin (moon) 199, 217
heroic levels 29-30 judo Specialty 66
Higgins’ Moon 217 juggling Specialty 57
High Court 211 jumping Specialty 57
High Priestess 19 karate Specialty 66
Highly Educated (character Asset) 43-44, 171 Kaylee 16-17, 21
hired gun (NPC) 186 kinetic warhead 102
history Specialty 60 knives 78-79
holographic imaging 82 knives Specialty 61
Holo-Image Development Suite 83, 84 knives, throwing Specialty 64
Homestead transport 119, 120 Knowledge (character Skill) 60
Hooked (character Complication) 51-52 Knowledge (ship Skill) 111
Hooked (Complication of ship) 109 Kortine poison 88
hospital administrator (NPC) 183 kung fu Specialty 66
Hotaru, sample ship 106-110 land vehicles 129-136
Hotaru, statistics 117 language 164, 219-23
Household Assistant robot 90, 91 language Specialties 60
hover mule 133 laser pistol 79, 80
hovercraft 133 Laserlight Mist 88
hustle, movement speed 151 Law 202
Hwa Ling 190 law Specialty 60
IdentCard, fake 88 Law, long arm of the 176
illness 158 Leadership 171
immunization packet 86, 87 Leadership (character Asset) 44
impersonation Specialty 62 leadership Specialty 58, 59
improvised weapons 155 Leaky Brainpan (Complication) 52
Inara 18-19, 21 leatherworking Specialty 58
income 104-05 Leland, Jack 189
Independent blockade runner 125 lethal poison 88
Independent Faction 4, 199, 201 lies, telling, by NPCs 176
Independents 6 Life Points (Vitality + Willpower) 30, 34
indirect assistance 144 life support 99-100
inertia 97 Lightnin’ Reflexes (character Asset) 44
inertia reduction 98, 99 Lightweight (character Complication) 52
Infantry Helmet 76-77 Lightweight (Complication of ship) 109
infiltration Specialty 57 Lilac 5, 217
Influence (Skill) 35, 41, 59-60 limb damage 153
Initiative (Agility + Alertness) 30, 33 Linguist (Skill) 60
Initiative, die roll 142 literature Specialty 60
Initiative, in combat 150 Little Person (Complication) 52
Initiative, optional rule 151 locations, in plot 173
innate defense 152 lock picks 88
insurance 104 Londinum 69, 87, 92, 197, 198, 200, 211
Intelligence (character Attribute) 30, 32, 33 long haul, die roll 142
Intelligence (ship Attribute) 107 Long Range Commpack 84, 85
Intelligence, spaceship scale (chart) 107 longbow 80
interludes, in plot 175 love is in the air, spending Plot Points 149
interplanetary freight 93 LoveBot robot 90, 187
Interplanetary Police, see Interpol Loved (ship Asset) 109, 110
Interpol 202 Loyal (Complication) 52
interrogation Specialty 58 Loyalty 171
interrogation Specialty 59 Lu’Weng, capital of Sihnon 212
Intimidating Manner (character Asset) 44 machete 78-79
intimidation Specialty 58, 59 machine guns Specialty 59

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Macintosh, Ross, see Rawhide chart 45

mag charge 88 monthly maintenance, of ship (chart) 112
Magistrate 201 morale Specialty 58
magnetic warhead 102 motion sensor array 84, 85
maintenance, of ship 112-13, 114 motivation 168, 171
Major Assets 30 mounted guns Specialty 59
Major Complication 37 movement (chart) 151
Major Traits 31 Mr. Universe (NPC) 187
Mal, see Reynolds, Malcolm Mudders 217
marketing Specialty 59 mules, mechanical 132-33
Math Whiz (character Asset) 44, 171 multiband 74
Mean Left Hook (character Asset) 41, 45 multiple actions 150
mechanic 16, 28 Munroe Wagon, layout 120
mechanic’s tools 89 musical instruments Specialty 62
Mechanical Empathy (character Asset) 41, 45 Mute (Complication) 52
chart 45 natural healing 158
Mechanical Engineering (character Skill) 60-61 Natural Linguist (character Asset) 45
Mechanical Engineering (ship Skill) 111 Nature Lover (character Asset) 45
mechanical engineering Specialties 61 navigation 100-101
MedAcad doctor’s bag 86, 87 NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) Mask 76, 77, 81
MedComp 86, 87 NBC Body Suit 76, 77
medic 28; see also doctor New Dunsmuir, capital of Beaumonde 213
Medical Academies 23, 87 New Paris, capital of Bernadette 210
medical care 93, 94 Newhall 214
medical equipment 86-87 Newtech 77, 82, 85, 86, 91-93
chart 86 Non-Fightin’ Type (Complication) 52
Medical Expertise (Skill) 61 Non-Player Character (NPC) 5, 163, 174-78
medical Specialties 61 Nose for Trouble (character Asset) 46
medical supplies 86, 87 NPC, see Non-Player Character
medicine 158 NPC, stock characters 179-88
medship Firefly 124 nuclear warhead 103
melee weaponsmithing Specialty 61 nuclear, biological, and chemical hazards, see NBC
Melee Weapon Combat (Skill) 61-62 nunchaku Specialty 61
Memorable (character Complication) 52 nutrient bars 75
Memorable (Complication of ship) 109 obscured vision 155
memorable characteristics, of NPCs 177 Old West 165, 175
memorize, die roll 142 open locks Specialty 57
Mental Attributes 32 operating theatre 86, 87
mental resistance Specialty 58 Operative of the Parliament (NPC) 188
mercenaries; see also Cobb, Jayne 167 Operative, The 5
metalworking Specialty 58 opposed actions 143
micro transmitter 84, 85 optical bomb 88
microphones 88 optional damage (chart) 81
military, Alliance 201-02 oratory Specialty 62
Military Rank (character Asset) 45 Order of Shepherds 206-07
mimicry Specialty 62 organized crime 205
Miners’ Guild 203, 206 origin events 169-70
Mingo, see Fanty and Mingo Osiris 23, 87, 198, 211-12
mining 203 outcasts 168
mining charge 80, 82 outer planets, see Rim
miniscule target damage 153 outer space, see black, the
Minor Assets 30 outfitters 86
Minor Complications 37 Overconfident (Complication) 52
Minor Traits 31 overly cautious, spending Plot Points 149
Miranda 208, 218 painkillers 159
misfits 168 painting Specialty 56
missiles, on ship 102 Paquin 214
chart 113 parachuting Specialty 57
Mjolnir Mk II Cannon 82 Paralyzed (Complication) 53
Modular Operating Theatre 86, 87 paramedics (NPCs) 183
money 69-70 parasailing Specialty 57
Moneyed Individual (character Asset) 41, 45 Parliament 43, 199, 201

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Parliament Operative (NPC) 188 protective gear, for defense 152

passenger capacity, of ship 109 protein paste 75
passenger rates (chart) 72 provisions 72, 104
passenger service 93, 94, 105 psychic, see Tam, River
passing out 156 Public Access Cortex Terminal 83
patch tape 74 pulse drives 98, 99
pawn broker/fence (NPC) 186-87 purification crystals 74
PC, definition 163 Purple Bellies 199
Perception/Read Lips (character Skill) 50, 62 purveyor of stolen goods (NPC) 186
Perception (ship Skill) 111 quirks, of ships 109, 124
Performance (Skill) 62-63 race 31
Persephone 21, 23, 40, 73, 197, 199, 214 radiation 158
Personal Access Cortex Terminal 83 range (chart) 153
personal edge, die roll 145 range defense 152
personality 35, 41 Ranged Weapons (Skill) 64
personality traits of characters 170 ranged weapons (chart) 79
personnel carrier Firefly 124 ranged weaponsmithing Specialty 64
persuasion Specialty 59 Rawhide 194
philosophy Specialty 60 reaction rolls 150
Phobia (Complication) 53 reaction thrusters 98
photography 56 read lips Specialty 62
Physical Attributes 32-33 Reader (character Asset) 46
physical exam, full 93, 94 Reader (chart) 46
pilot 12, 28, 100 Reaver (NPC) 187-88
Pilot (character Skill) 63 Reaver skiff 135, 136
Pilot (ship Skill) 111 Reavers 5, 207, 210
pistol 79, 80 recall, die roll 142
pistols Specialty 59 recovery roll 158
Planetary Vehicles (Skill) 63-64 Regina 218
planets, Border 212-15 Registered Companion (character Asset); see also Inara 46
planets, Core 209, 210-212 Registered Companion, female (NPC) 181
planets, Rim 215-18 Registered Companion, male (NPC) 181
plasma 98 Registered Companion, school mistress (NPC) 182
platinum 70 religion Specialty 60
player character, definition 163 religions 21, 206-07
playing the game 137-59 Religiosity (character Asset) 41, 46
plot 173-75 reloading 78
Plot Points 36, 41, 145-49 remember me?, spending Plot Points 149
chart 36-37 rental costs 104
Plot Points, spending 146-49 repair heavy weapons Specialty 59
Plot Points and Story Impact (chart) 148 repair, technical Specialty 65
Plot Points and the Bonus Die (chart) 147 resistance, die roll 142
pod 98 resolution of combat 150
poetry Specialty 56 resolution of story 172
poison 88, 157 rest, for recovery 158
Polaris Class cargo liner 128 revivalist, itinerant frontier (NPC) 184
pole arms Specialty 61 rewards 146-49
pole vaulting Specialty 57 Reynolds, Malcolm 4, 5, 8-9
politics Specialty 59 riding 56, 57
port fees 104 rifle 79, 81, 92
Portly (Complication) 53 rifles Specialty 59
pottery Specialty 58 Rim 163, 165, 197, 199
powered crossbow 79, 80 Rim planets 7, 73, 215-18
preacher man (NPC) 184 Rim shop keeper (NPC) 185-86
Prejudice (Complication) 53 rising action 172
price, of ship 114 River, see Tam, River
prices 71-72 robots 89-91
Progression Points 145-46 chart 90
prone, combat 155 rocket engines 98-99
propulsion 98-99 rocket launchers Specialty 59
prostitution 204 role playing 4
protective gear (chart) 76 roles of characters 168

04 May 2006 © Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. All Rights Reserved.

rope, breaking 155 ship-linked handset 84, 85

rules, serve the story; see game rules 163 ships 97-136
running 151 ship’s cannons Specialty 59
running Specialty 57 ships, samples 115-29
sabotage Specialty 57 Shock Points 34, 157
Sadistic (Complication) 53 Short Range (Complication of ship) 110
salaries of crew 104 Short Range Commpack 84, 85
saloon piano player (NPC) 183 short-range shuttle, statistics 118
salvage 203 shotgun 79, 81
Santo 214-15 shotguns Specialty 59
savate Specialty 66 siege weapons Specialty 59
scales, mixing in combat 136 Sight (character Asset) 46
scanners 84, 85, 101 sight Specialty 62
school teacher (NPC) 183-84 signal blocker 86
sciences Specialty 64 Sihnon 19, 69, 87, 92, 198, 200, 212
Scientific Expertise (Skill) 64-65 silver 70
Scout Drone robot 90, 91 Simon, see Tam, Simon
Scrapper’s Gel 89 singing Specialty 62
scrapware 89 single-shot weapons 154
Scrawny (Complication) 53 situational Complication 146
screening field 97 skiff, armored hovercraft 134
scuba diving Specialty 63 Skill Costs (chart) 34
sculpting 56 Skill Levels (chart) 56
searching Specialty 62 Skill Points 30
second wind 158 Skill Rolls 35
secondary actions, optional rule 151 skilled actions 142-43
secrets 35-36, 167 Skills, character 6, 55-67, 168
security, crew member 29 Skills, General (chart) 67
security baton 78 Skills, of ship 111-112
security equipment (chart) 84 skyplexes 197
security guard (NPC) 183 slang 164, 219-23
seduction Specialty 59 slavery 200
Seeker missile 80, 82 sleight of hand Specialty 57
Seen Better Days (Complication of ship) 110 slings Specialty 64
sensors, shipboard 100, 101 Slow Learner (Complication) 53
Serenity Slow Throttle (complication of ship) 110
(starship) 4, 9, 11, 17, 19, 71, 72, 122, 123, 124, 163, 167 small transport, statistics 118
Serenity crew 8-25 Smell (character Asset) 46
Serenity Valley 4, 6, 9, 11, 199, 213 smell Specialty 62
Serenity Valley, Battle of 9 smoke grenade 80, 81
services (chart) 93 smoke 155
session 5 sneak attack 154
settler family (NPCs) 182-83 sniper rifle 79, 81
sewing Specialty 58 socialite 29
Shadow 9, 199, 218 society belle (NPC) 184
Sharp Sense (character Asset) 41, 46 Soft (Complication) 53
Shepherd; see Book 4 software (chart) 83
Shepherds, Order of 206-07 sonic rifle 79, 81
sheriff, frontier (NPC) 185 sourcebox 83, 84
Sheydra, mistress of Registered Companion school (NPC) 182 space, see black, the
ship, as a character 106-29 space mines, shipboard 102
ship, owning 70-71 space stations 197
ship attributes 106-07 space survival Specialty 63, 64
ship dimensions 108 spacecraft missiles (chart) 113
ship maintenance 112-13 spacecraft Specialties 63
ship operating costs 104 spacecraft, see ships
ship repair 93, 94 spacecraft-scale cannon (chart) 113
ship Skills (chart) 111 spacecraft-scale warheads (chart) 113
ship specifications 108-09 spacefaring slang 220
ship Traits 109-11 spaceship, as home 166
chart 109 spaceship-scale ranges (chart) 136
shipboard life 103-06 spaceship-vehicle combat 135-36

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spacesuits, see Vacuum Suit technobabble (chart) 164

Special Alliance Support 211 techshop 82-83
Specialty Skills 34, 55 Telofonix 83
speech 219-23 terraforming 74, 97, 197, 198
speed class 108 terrain, unstable 155-56
spices 75 That was cool! reward 146
sports Specialty 57, 60 Things Don’t Go Smooth (Complication) 54
squad helmet 76, 77 Things Go Smooth (character Asset) 47
Squadkiller explosive 80, 82 threatening 154
St. Albans 218 thrown weapon attack 154
staying alive, spending Plot Points 147-48 thrust 98
Steady Calm (character Asset) 47 Time Bomb (Joe Henderson) 192
stealth Specialty 57 Tohoku Class cruiser 128
Sticky Scrapper’s Gel 89 Tong leader (NPC) 185
Stingy (Complication) 53-54 tongs 205-06
stock characters 177, 179-88 tonnage 108
story, see also adventure tool kit 89
story action, rising 172 tools (chart) 74
story climax 172 Total Recall (character Asset) 47
story impact, spending Plot Points (chart) 148 Touch (character Asset) 46
story manipulation, spending Plot Points 148 Tough as Nails (character Asset) 41, 47
story resolution 173 town leader (NPC) 187
Straight Shooter (Complication) 54 tracking Specialty 62, 65
streetwise Specialty 57, 59 trade associations 200
Strength (character Attribute) 30, 32, 33 Traders’ Guild 206
Strength (ship Attribute) 106 Traits; see also Assets, Complications 31, 38-67, 170
Strength, land vehicle-scale (chart) 132 Traits (chart) 41
Strength, spaceship scale (chart) 106 Traits, creating new 170
stun baton 78-79 Traits, of ships 109-11
Stun Damage 34, 141, 156 Traits & Skills (general table) 67
Stun recovery 158 tramp freighter, general expenses 72
Sturges, Battle of 199 Transmission Station 84, 85
SubKelvin 83, 84 trapping Specialty 65
submachine gun 79, 81 trash incinerator 74
suffocation 158 trauma nurse (NPC) 183
suits 76, 77 trauma surgeon (NPC) 183
Superstitious (Complication) 54 Traumatic Flashes (Complication) 54-55
supplies (chart) 75 travel times (chart) 105
surface travel 129 Triumph 218
surgery 93, 94, 159 Trustworthy Gut (character Asset) 47
surveillance Specialty 57 twinge of conscience, spending Plot Points 149
survey Firefly 125 Twitchy (Complication) 55
surveyor’s box 84, 85 Two-Fisted (character Asset) 47
Survival (Skill) 65 Ugly as Sin (character Complication) 55
survival Specialties 65 Ugly as Sin (Complication of ship) 109
swai (smooth-talker) 29 Unarmed Combat (Skill) 66, 155
Sweet and Cheerful (character Asset) 41, 47 underworld slang 220
swimming Specialty 57 unexpected, spending Plot Points 149
swords 78-79 Unification War 4, 6, 9, 199
swords Specialty 61 Unification war vet (NPC) 180
Syndicate, organized crime 205 Unified Reclamation 203, 216
Tactical Suit 76, 77 universe, see ’Verse
tactics Specialty 62 unprepared, spending Plot Points 149
tailor 76 unskilled actions 35
Talented (character Asset) 47 unskilled crew 143
Tam, River 23, 24-25 utility knife 78-79
Tam, Simon 17, 22-23, 25 vacuum exposure 157
tanker Firefly 125 Vacuum Suit 76, 77
Taste (character Asset) 46 vehicle scale 135
taste Specialty 62 vehicle Specialties 63
Technical Engineering (Skill) 65 vehicles, on land 129-36
technical slang 220 vehicle-scale ranges (chart) 135

04 May 2006 © Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. All Rights Reserved.

vehicle-scale tables 132

Vera (Jayne’s Callahan full-bore autolock) 15
Verbena 215
Verse 163
‘Verse 4, 5, 6-7
‘Verse, guide to the 195-218
Veteran 29
veterinary Specialty 56
Victoria, Alliance flagship 211
villains, in plot 176, 178-79
violence, inflicting 153-54
vision, obscured 155
vital area damage 153
Vitality(character Attribute) 30, 32, 33
Vitality (ship Attribute) 107
Vitality, spaceship-scale (chart) 107
walk, movement speed 151
walkie-talkie 85
Walking Timepiece (character Asset) 47
War for Unification 199
Warheads, land vehicle-scale (chart) 132
warheads, shipboard 102-03
Warheads, spacecraft-scale (chart) 113
Washburne, Hoban “Wash” 11, 12-13
waste management, shipboard 100
water 74, 100
Weak Stomach (Complication) 55
weapon damage 156
weapon damage, simplified (optional rule) 81
weapons 77, 203
weapons, improvised 155
weapons, shipboard 102-03, 113
Wears a Badge (character Asset) 48
weight lifting Specialty 57
whips Specialty 61
Whitefall (moon) 73, 197
whore with a heart of gold, female (NPC) 182
Williams, Maxx 190
Willpower (character Attribute) 30, 32, 33
Willpower (ship Attribute) 107
Willpower, spaceship-scale (chart) 107
wine 75
Wound Damage 34, 142, 156
Wound penalty (chart) 157
Wound recovery 158
Wren Class transport 118
wrestling Specialty 66
writing Specialty 56
XerO Security 83, 85
Yamadera, Jennifer 121
Zero-G Thruster Cane 93
zero-gravity 156
ZgTC, see Zero-G Thruster Cane
Zoe, see Alleyne, Zoe
zoology Specialty 56

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