Earthing Mat Design For Sub Station: As Per ANSI/IEEE STD 80-1986 Code

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As per ANSI/IEEE Std 80-1986 code

:Enter Your Details: Length of Area Occupied by Earthing Grid Width of Area Occupied by Earthing Grid Fault level at Incoming Bus Incoming Voltage Outgoing Voltage Soil Resistivity Resistance of Main Eartjing Mat Resistance of surface Material (Crushed Rock ) Thickness of Surface Material (Crushed Rock) Depth of Earthing Grid Conductor Diameter of Earthing Grid Conductor Reference Depth of Grid Area Occupied by Earthing Grid Spacing between Parallel Conductor of Grid Duration of Fault (To determine Size of earthing Mat) Duration of Fault (To determine safe Step & Touch Potential) Margine Factor in Earthing Mat against corrossion and Rusting Number of Adjacement Earthing Mat Conductor Relaction Factor Constant (KS) Constant (Ki) Number of Parallel Conductor in Longitudinal direction Number of Parallel Conductor in Transverse direction No of Lighting Arrestors No of Transformers Decrement Factor for entire duration of Fault(to allow asymetrical of the Fault curernt wave) Corrective projection factor according for the relative increase fault current during S/S life( Zero future system growth Cp=1) Ambient Temperature Maximum allowable Temperature Temperature of Thermal Co-efficient of resisitivty at 0C Thermal Capacity Factor Thermal Co-efficient of resistiivty at referance Temp of Tr Df Cp Ta Tm Ko TACP & la lb fault Vin Vout q qs hs h d 105 66 5000 132 66 40 0.5 3000 0.1 0.5 36 1 6930 5 3 0.5 100.00% 23 -0.97 0.33 4.61 21 13 10 2 1 1.1 35 1084 3.85 0

D t t nm K Ks Ki na nb

Earthing Conductor Standard Dia of Conductor (mm) 32 36 40

804 1018 1257 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0


Enter Your Data in White back Ground Cells mt mt MVA KV KV -m -m mt mt mm2 mt m2 mt sec sec nos DESIGN OF EARTHING MAT Fault Current At Primary side Sizing of Earthing Conductor Size of Earthing Conductor after considering Margine Factor Standard Size of Earthing Rod (Round) Approximate Length of Earthing Mat Conductor Reduction Factor Tolerable Touch Potential Estimated Touch Potential
L Cs Etouch Esti(Etouch) lg A Final A

New Selection of Earthing Mat Conductor Length is OK

Now New Length of Earthing Conductor New Estimated Touch Potential

New L L Esti(Etouch) Final L Estap Esti(Estap)

Result : Size of Earthing Mat Conductor is OK which is

Tolerable Step Potential Estimated Step Potential

Estimated Step Voltage is Less than Tolerable Step Potential

Station Ground Resistance Earthing Grid Currrent Ground Potential Rise (GPA) 0C 0C J/cm3/c No of Earthing Rod used in Earthing Mat No of Earthing Rod used at perimeter Extra Earthing Rod used at 4 coners of Earthing Mat Earth Electrode for Lighting Arrestors Eatrh Electode for Transformer Control Room Earthing Total Earthing Rods Total Length of Earthing Mat Conductor Longitudinal direction Transverse direction Earthing Rod

Total Length of Eartning Mat Conductor Estimated Touch Potential Estimated Step Potential Estimated Length of Earthing Mat Conductor No of Earthing Rod


21869 460.17 920.35 36 2203 0.66 570 885

Amp mm2 mm2 mm mt

OR Enter Your Value

Selection is O.K




Volts Volts

3450 3450 565 3450 1788.1 387.600

mt mt Volts mt Volts Volts 0

0.224 24056 5400

Amp Volts

68 16 20 6 2 112 2205 858 336

Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos mt mt mt

3399 565 388 3450 112

mt Volts Volts mt Nos

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