Jedi Classes For 3.5

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The Jedi are a group of people who are disciplined in the interpretation and manipulation of the Force, a mysterious field of energy that pervades the universe. Once an almighty order of knights and masters who upheld peace throughout the galaxy, their art is long lost since the culling of the Jedi by their arch rivals, the Sith Order of Dark Jedi. Even so, there are those sporadic cases, people gifted in the ways of the Force, as occasionally the Force manifests itself in the immaculate conception of such beings. Few become Jedi by choice, usually they are chosen, at a young age. Yet, their instinct and the Force itself are enough alone to guide them down the path of mastery. Most have a master, charged with the task of aligning the young Padawan with the upholding of justice, but where this fails, and the Jedi gives in to fear, hate, aggression, or obsession with power, the evil of the Dark Side sets in, and a dangerous rival is created. The nature of the Force is a mystery, even such that those of the former Jedi Council used to devote their longer hours to contemplating this very concept. It guides those who are sensitive to it. It is in every living thing. It even interacts powerfully with inanimate objects, and those who are gifted in its manipulation are capable of bending the will of others, moving large objects and fighting with incredible speed and anticipation. Those most powerful can read the waves in the Force, sensing danger across interplanetary distances and somewhat reading the future. It is the life of the Jedi to be an exponent of justice, and many are well fitted to leading and diplomatic roles in society. The Dark Side is not to be underestimated, though. It is hard to resist, and once a Jedi is converted, therein one finds a powerful threat to justice. Adventures The Jedi are headstrong people who see higher meaning to their quests. Rather than for power or any personal motivation, a Jedi will usually seek to neutralise evil as her main aim. Although they are not invulnerable to questionable or emotional motivations, they hold true to their cause. Only Dark Jedi warriors are likely to hold a great importance on personal wealth and power. Those of the Dark Side fall into three main categories, those who use the Force out of fear for themselves, those who relish making others suffer, and those who have called upon the Dark Sides destructive power. Characteristics Due to the disciplinary nature of learning the ways of the Force, Jedi tend to be quite serious. Even those gifted in the Force will not successfully develop unless they recognise this potential and apply themselves to harnessing their talents. Despite this, Jedi warriors radiate special charm, and are well capable of persuasion, and are the last to give up in battle. The preferred weapon of the Jedi is the lightsaber.

Alignment To be successful, a Jedi must be disciplined, and so they are all of lawful alignment. They can either be good or evil, never really neutral. Good Jedi who do not stick to their nature, give into fear, aggression or lust for power, become evil and suffer consequent penalties for this change. Religion Jedi do not normally worship a God. Their devotion to the Force is their piety. Where multiclassing is concerned, the Jedi might worship a God, provided it agrees with their alignment. Races Jedi may be of any race, although humans are most common. Other Classes Jedi are very influential, and make for natural leaders. They cast themselves well in the role of diplomat, and are well suited to dealing with other beings. They tend to get along with other Jedi, monks and paladins, if they share the same goals. They can have a rough time with rogues or barbarians though, whose unpredictable nature is dissimilar from the Jedi. They are not limited to a leading role, and their willingness to serve a cause underlines their potential in a supporting role.


Jedi have the following game statistics. Abilities: Jedi rely heavily on their dexterity, wisdom and charisma. These reflect the need for skill with the lightsaber, and also for their Jedi powers. The Force in this case lends itself as instinctive wisdom. Remarkably, physical strength is little required to be strong in the Force. Alignment: Lawful good or Lawful evil Requirement: Wis and Cha 14 or higher Hit Die: d6 Skill Selection: (6 + Intelligence modifier) x 4 Skill Progression: 6 + Intelligence modifier Starting Wealth: 0gp

The Jedis class skills (and the Key Abilities for each skill) are: Concentration (Con); Diplomacy (Cha); Gather Information (Cha) for Jedi or Intimidate (Cha) for Dark Jedi; Heal (Wis); Jump (Str); Listen (Wis); Sense Motive (Wis); Spellcraft (Int); Spot (Wis); Tumble (Dex)

The following are class features of Jedi. Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Jedi are proficient with all simple weapons and the lightsaber. They are prohibited from wearing armour and helmets, cannot become proficient with them, and wearing these interferes with her special abilities (Jedi feats suffer

Bonus Double blade Effect Lightsaber has two blades, gain 1 extra attack per round at highest attack bonus (does not stack with haste), penalty of 2 to all attacks, bonus +2 to AC Keen Doubles critical threat range Improved Keen Requires Keen Critical threat automatically means critical hit Defending Bonus +2 to AC when using lightsaber Deflecting +2 to deflection checks with the deflection feat Ethereal blade Blade becomes attuned to the ethereal, ignoring worn armour and natural armour, lose ability to damage solid objects Silent Lightsaber no longer emits the characteristic noise Razor-sharp Doubles damage done to solid objects Doubles cutting speed through solid objects Efficient Allows an additional 2hr of activation each charge This enchantment may be gained multiple times Engulfing On contacting a critical component of the target creature, it must make a Will save (DC: 10+lvl) or be engulfed by the Force and die (works against Opposite alignment only) Almighty For each hit (triple for critical), add Jedis level to the damage dealt (does not apply to cutting objects) Table 1 Examples of lightsaber modifiers failure chance equal to arcane spell failure). They prefer to defend themselves with the lightsaber, as doing so allows them to use their power of anticipation (Wis bonus to AC). This is in addition to dexterity bonuses they may have. Lightsaber: Jedi use the lightsaber as their primary weapon. This is a device able to project either one or two blades of energy (usually light) and be used as a slashing weapon. The nature of the blade is special, not magical, so antimagic field does not affect the blade itself (although any magical enhancements are deactivated, as usual). It requires activation, a standard action, upon which the blade(s) lengthen to their full length. Inactivation likewise is a standard action, during which the light retracts. The lightsaber is used both as offence and defence. Ability to hit does not benefit from the strength of the Jedi, but rather his dexterity. Similarly, strength does not boost the damage inflicted by the weapon. While armour protects against the lightsaber, there is a 10% chance that the armour the blade contacts becomes damaged (d4 points). In defence, the Jedi requires dexterity and calls on her wisdom, whereby she can skilfully swing her lightsaber in anticipation to block the next blow. As a powerful energy source, it can light the surrounding area (20ft radius), or break through solid materials, given enough time. Due to the light emanating, a Jedi with an activated lightsaber suffers a 10 penalty to hide checks. Similarly, its characteristic whirring noise can easily be heard, imposing a 10 penalty to move silently checks. A normal lightsaber requires charging (by meditation), and can be active for a total of 2hr each time it is charged. Charging takes one hour, and is usually performed once a day. The statistics are as follows: Damage: 2d4 (do not add Str bonus) Critical: 19-20/x3 Size: Tiny when inactivated, Medium when activated Equivalent Numerical Bonus +3

+1 +2 (in addition) +1 +1 +4

+1 +1 +1 +4


Weight: 2lb Type: slashing, two handed Damage to solid objects: 2d4 per round in contact with object, or cuts a certain distance per round (1ft per round for iron, 2ft per round for stone, 6ft per round for wood). Thickness of object being cut is limited only from the length of the blade (normally each blade is 4ft long) AC bonus: Allows Wis bonus to AC (additional to Dex) when using lightsaber Such a weapon cannot normally be bought; rather the Jedi must create it herself. The initial weapon is created soon after becoming a Jedi. As the Jedi advances, she may enchant it further, up to a bonus equivalent to half her level (round up). The cost of lightsaber enchantment is the same as enchanting any equivalent weapon (see DMG pg 242), costing 4% of base price in XP and 50% base price worth of crystal gems. The gems determine the colour of the blade. The enhancement process takes a number of weeks (equal to the enhancement bonus) working on the item. Should this be interrupted, the process must be reinitiated. A Jedi may have multiple lightsabers. A Jedi may fully use only lightsabers of her own alignment. An attempt to use a lightsaber of the opposite alignment results in the inability to use the lightsabers enhancements (apart from double blade). This does not necessarily apply, however, if the Jedi undergoes alignment change and uses her own weapon. If the lightsaber is not hers, a Jedi must make a check (level+Cha+d20, DC: 10+2xEnhancement bonus) each time she activates it. Craft Lightsaber: This feat, automatically gained by the Jedi, is required to craft lightsabers Detect Good or Evil: Due to her acute sense of the Force, with particular regard to disturbances in the

balance of the universe, the Jedi may detect evil at will. Dark Jedi detect good at will. Evasion: The Jedi gains this feat as the rogue and monk. This reflects the Jedis amazing ability to anticipate trouble and get out of harms way with guidance from the Force. Uncanny dodge: The Jedi gains this extraordinary ability as the barbarian and rogue to the point where she can no longer be flanked. Jedi feats: The Jedi gains many supernatural abilities from her connection with the Force. Due to the nature of the Jedi feats, they are not subject to metamagic enhancements. However, they are cancelled out in an antimagic field (not counting feats granting permanent bonuses) and subject to spell resistance. These feats include permanent and spell like abilities. Jedi feats are structured in such a way that they fall into six domains. Within each of these are four feats, the first of which is counted as a first circle (innermost), and the last of which is fourth circle. A Jedi may invest in these feats every two levels, and within any given domain, the inner feats are required before she can access the outer feats (e.g. ghost sound is a prerequisite for mind trick). She is restricted to first circle feats until level 6, when she can access second level feats. She gains access to third circle at level 10 and fourth circle at level 14. Only Dark Jedi can access the evil domain, and only good Jedi can access the control domain. MENTAL DOMAIN Ghost sound: The Jedi can perform this trick like the spell of the same name with a flick of the hand (counted as a standard action). Unlike the spell, this feat lasts only one round, and can make only soft, Level 1 Base Attack Bonus +0 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 simple noises like taps or splashes. This can be used 5+Wis times per day. The Will save DC is 10+Cha. Mind trick: The Jedi can make a suggestion (like the spell) with a simple hand wave and verbal component, which must be heard by the target. This can be used 3+Wis/2 times per day. The Will save DC is 13+Cha. Telepathy: The Jedi can send a message like the spell Sending, except it requires only one full round action and a successful concentration check (DC: 15) to use. This ability, unlike the spell, does not overcome language or comprehension barriers. This is usable 2+Wis/4 times per day. Vision: The Jedi can choose a living character known to her and receives a vision, from which she can learn up to three things about that character, usually threats, intents and circumstances. This is usable once per day. This ability also allows her to use Detect Thoughts at will. MATTER DOMAIN Minor telekinesis: The Jedi can move objects, not creatures, up to small size and 50 pounds. Objects can be moved 10ft/rd and within a range of 10ft/lvl of the Jedi. This is usable 5+Wis times per day, each time up to one minute. Speed: The Jedi can double her speed for a total number of rounds per day equal to her Jedi level plus her Wis modifier. This can be activated as a free action. Force jump: The Jedi gains the ability to jump extraordinarily powerfully. This is exactly like the monk ability Leap of the Clouds. Telekinesis: This feat differs from the telekinesis spell. The Jedi may manipulate up to her Jedi level number of objects (Will save DC: 12+Cha). The weight limit is equivalent to the maximum heavy load for a medium size character with Str 10+lvl (refer to PHB pg 142). The control she has is excellent, conferring good manoeuvrability (refer to DMG pg 69). The maximum Special Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber, Weapon Finesse: Lightsaber, Craft Lightsaber Jedi Feat Uncanny dodge: Dex bonus to AC Jedi Feat Evasion Jedi feat Jedi feat Jedi feat Uncanny dodge: Cannot be flanked Jedi feat Jedi feat Jedi feat Jedi feat Jedi feat

2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6/+1 9 +6/+1 10 +7/+2 11 +8/+3 12 +9/+4 13 +9/+4 14 +10/+5 15 +11/+6/+1 16 +12/+7/+2 17 +12/+7/+2 18 +13/+8/+3 19 +14/+9/+4 20 +15/+10/+5 Table 2 Jedi progression chart

speed of the objects is 60ft/rd, to a maximum range of 20ft/lvl, and is usable up to her level +Wis rounds per day. Using this ability to disarm opponents requires the Improved Disarm feat. Rules for telekinetic disarm use an attack bonus of her base + Cha, and as a medium size creature. Attacking with telekinesis is done as if the Jedi were proficient. Attack rolls are calculated from base + Cha, and can attack with up to her base number of attacks (separate objects for each attack). She must concentrate throughout her use of this feat. PROTECTION DOMAIN Jedi touch: Upon touching (standard action) with a successful Heal check (DC: 10), a Jedi may and heal up to twice her own level in HP each day. She may select how much she wants to heal each time. Force shield: The Jedi gains a +2 bonus to her AC. This bonus is counted as a deflection bonus (so does not stack with rings of protection). Force protection: The Jedi gains +1 bonus to all her saves. Resist magic: This ability grants the Jedi spell resistance of 10+level. CONTROL DOMAIN (Light Jedi only) Anticipation: The Jedi gains a +2 bonus to initiative. This is cumulative with improved initiative. Improved readiness: The Jedi is so intensely attuned to her circumstances that she can take 10 on initiative rolls. Skill mastery: The Jedi may take 10 in any 3+Int chosen skills, even under duress. This is identical to the rogue special ability of the same name. Refresh: The Jedi may meditate for one hour and wake up feeling refreshed, as if she had slept a whole night. She does not gain back hit points or ability scores like a full nights sleep, but gains back her Jedi feats (and spells if she has any) for the day. This can be used once a day and does not work if it is interrupted at any point during the hour. COMBAT DOMAIN Blind fight: The Jedi can take this feat as a Jedi feat due to her force-guided instincts. Deflection: While defending, the Jedi may uncannily react to spells cast as a ranged touch-attack, and deflect them with her lightsaber. Doing so requires a successful Spellcraft check to identify the spell, and then an attack of opportunity with the lightsaber must be made (DC as the spell) to deflect it. Upon successful deflection, the Jedi can try to direct the spell at a new target by attempting a ranged touch attack. During one round, the DCs for all rolls involved in deflection (Spellcraft, attack roll, ranged touch attack) are increased by 5 for each subsequent attempt. Regarding the range of spells, treat the Jedi as the new origin of the spell. As this must be done on the defensive, attacks for one round are completely foregone. Critical blow: Provided the Jedi can study an opponent for 2 full rounds, she doubles (truly doubles) her critical threat range in the next attack. This requires the Jedi to refrain from attacking for this duration. 2 more rounds studying the target allow the Jedi to add Wis bonus to attack. Severance: The Jedi can choose to sever a limb, hand or head, which will be successful provided the next hit is a critical hit. Those not susceptible to critical hits or without an obvious anatomy are not subject to severance. The target can attempt fortitude save DC: 15+Cha to avoid this effect. This feat can be used 2+Wis/4 times per day. EVIL DOMAIN (Dark Jedi only) Force lightning: As a standard action the Jedi can emit a lightning arc from her fingertips to engulf one target. The effect is damage (lvld4, cap 5d4, reflex save DC: 10+Cha for half) and stun for one round (fortitude save DC: 10+Cha to negate). This is usable 3+Wis times per day. Repulsion: The Jedi can push enemies directly away from her with a swift hand gesture (standard action). The range of this ability is a hemisphere, radius 30ft, and can affect up to 25lb per level. Those affected are allowed a Will save DC: 13+Cha. If affected, the enemy is flung back 20ft, takes 1d6 damage and must make a Reflex save DC: 13+Cha or become prone. This is usable 2+Wis/2 times per day. Grip: Making a fist with her hand, the Jedi can form a telekinetic grip around the windpipe of any living creature. The target cannot take any actions while gripped. The initial effect is 1d6 temporary Con damage, Fortitude save to negate DC: 15+Cha. The target then undergoes the effects of suffocation (refer to DMG pg 88). The target attempts fortitude save (DC: 15+Cha) every two rounds. If she succeeds, she has a chance to break free by making a constitution check (DC: 10). This is usable 1+Wis/4 times per day, and should the Jedi try to grip the same target again, the total Con damage each day from this ability may not exceed 10. Undetectable aura: The Jedi can no longer be detected by detect evil, nor any alignment discerning spell. In addition, this ability grants +5 to bluff checks.


The old Jedi Order had a basic code of conduct, which basically said, Fear and aggression are the Dark Side. They must never be consorted with. A Jedi must be at peace and harmony with the Force before acting, even if it means being killed. Breach of this code presents a flirtation with the Dark Side, and possibly alignment change. Examples of turning to the Dark Side include the infamous Emperor Palpatine (who was embraced by the Dark Side, the calculative type who relishes in the suffering of others) and Anakin Skywalker (who was seduced by the Dark Side, the aggressive, confident type who relishes the power of the Dark Side). The basic conditions are: Defence: a Jedi must show no unnecessary aggression, and should only attack in defence of herself or allies Mercy: a Jedi should show mercy to those who are not inherently evil and refrain from unnecessary killing

Respect: a Jedi is to respect the will of others who are not inherently evil and refrain from unnecessary mind games Restraint: a Jedi is not to act on feelings of anger, aggression or selfishness at any time, only through patience and calm will a true Jedi battle Should a Jedi break these conditions, she faces a chance (usually 10%) of turning to the Dark Side. She becomes Lawful Evil, loses XP back to the beginning of her current level, her Control domain abilities (if any) are lost and converted to the equivalent Evil domain abilities by the next day (hence this can be avoided through atonement before the end of the day). The alignment may be restored through either a quest of atonement (a noble quest), or through the cleric spell of the same name. Atonement results in regain of Control domain abilities and the loss of the Evil domain abilities, by the start of the next day. This process does not cause the Jedi to lose XP. Truly evil acts, such as the killing of an innocent civilian, or killing with the sole intent to rob the victim, constitute acts of the Dark Side and cause immediate alignment change. reappear to force capable individuals they knew in their lifetime. While not capable of interacting physically with the world, they are powerful sages who offer support and advice to other Jedi. JEDI COUNCIL A council of Jedi Masters based in Coruscant governed the old Jedi order. The council body was required to review the Jedi code, deliberate the nature of the Force itself, and make decisions regarding difficult matters brought before them by other Jedi. The Jedi Council oversaw the passage of Jedi from time to time, looking at deeds and reviewing character. Reading the purity of the Jedis intents was a crucial determinant of whether she was allowed to continue or not. Exceptional deeds would reap rewards from the Jedi Council, and the most remarkable would be offered membership of the Council itself. General guideline: If a game is undertaken in the era of the Jedi order, then a Jedi should be made to pass a test of purity by the council every four levels or so. These might include, for example, demonstrating their ability in a Jedi skill, or undertaking a quest.


The Jedi have many other features that are worthy of note. Some are outlined here. JEDI TITLES The Jedi have a system of titling their ranks, Acolytes (beginners), Padawans (apprentices), Adepts and Masters. In the Sith Order, the only truly recognised rank is the Sith Lord, equivalent to the Jedi Master. These terms are used loosely, and have no strict bearing on the character or power of the Jedi. However, it can safely be said that masters are always more powerful than their own apprentices. General guideline: Masters should generally be level 15 or greater, Adepts between 10 and 15, Padawans between level 5 and 10, and Acolytes under level 5. TRAINING The old Jedi order had a system of training by apprenticeships and more recently the Jedi revival led to the building of a new academy where those identified as strong in the Force are matched with a master and trained. A Master usually only takes one apprentice at a time, although a few exceptions have been noted (Darth Vader had multiple apprentices at a time). Although training is the main way through which Jedi learn the ways of the Force, a few learn through selfdiscovery of their power. The most famous example is Luke Skywalker, who had guidance from Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, but mainly learnt the Force by himself through adventuring. JEDI SPIRITS Jedi Masters are seen to either burn or simply vanish on death, leaving behind their weapon and robes. This process leads them into the spirit world, where they can


The Pure Jedi are those who believe so wholeheartedly in the cause and ways of the Jedi that they forsake much to devote themselves more fully to learning the ways of the Force. Ben Kenobi was an example of a Pure Jedi. In a journey that takes them apart from society, the Jedi becoming a Pure Jedi meditates for a month and on completion of the ritual, may no longer use anything magical, except a lightsaber, such that she may concentrate on the Force. In return, the she is able to concentrate on honing Force-related techniques. Pure Jedi are also exceptionally wise and are generally better at wielding weapons than their normal Jedi counterparts. More often than not, the Pure Jedi is of LG alignment, as the Dark Jedi tends to relish the power and ease of magical enhancement. Dark Jedi tend towards the Sith Lord prestige class. Hit die: d6 Skill progression: 6 + Intelligence modifier Class skills: Same as Jedi/Dark Jedi

Concentration: 13 ranks Alignment: LG (Jedi) or LE (Dark Jedi) Ritual: A month meditation in a remote location Class: 8 levels in Jedi; cannot have spellcaster levels

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Same as Jedi.

Fort Ref Will Save Save Save 1 +1 +0 +2 +2 2 +2 +0 +3 +3 3 +3 +1 +3 +3 4 +4 +1 +4 +4 5 +5 +1 +4 +4 6 +6/+1 +2 +5 +5 7 +7/+2 +2 +5 +5 8 +8/+3 +2 +6 +6 9 +9/+4 +3 +6 +6 10 +10/+5 +3 +7 +7 Table 3 Pure Jedi progression chart Level BAB Special Jedi Feat, True Wisdom, Magic Forsaking Jedi Feat, Purity of Mind (+1 Wis) Jedi Feat Jedi Feat, Purity of Mind (+1 Wis) Jedi Feat Jedi Feat, Purity of Mind (+1 Wis) Jedi Feat Jedi Feat, Purity of Mind (+1 Wis) Jedi Feat Jedi Feat, Purity of Mind (+1 Wis)

Magic Forsaking: The Pure Jedi forsakes all magical items (worn or otherwise) and potions. The exceptions to this are lightsabers, and tomes, manuals etc. that contribute to raised Ability or Knowledge scores. If a Pure Jedi attempts to use a prohibited item, she loses her Pure Jedi bonuses (All Jedi feats gained under the Pure Jedi class, True Wisdom, Purity of Mind) and has a 10% chance of turning to the Dark Side on grounds of breach of restraint. Jedi Feats: The Pure Jedi may gain Jedi Feats every level. She has access to the same feats of a similarly aligned Jedi of equivalent level. The Pure Jedi remains unable to access third and fourth circle feats until her combined Jedi and Pure Jedi levels reach 10 and 14 respectively. True Wisdom: This comes through having forsaken magic to become truly one with the Force itself. The Pure Jedi is endowed with great acuity where instinct is concerned. The Pure Jedi gains her Pure Jedi level bonus to her Wisdom based skills (Heal, Listen, Spot, Sense Motive etc) and anticipation/dodge bonus to AC (stacks with Dexterity and lightsaber wisdom bonuses). Purity of Mind: The Pure Jedi gains an extra +1 to Wis for every two levels of Pure Jedi she has completed. Alignment Change: The Pure Jedi is subject to the same code of conduct as normal Jedi. The rules for atonement are also the same as for a normal Jedi.


The Sith Lords are the most powerful advocates of the Dark Side of the Force. Already accomplished wielders of the Force, the most experienced Sith become masters of evil itself, and tend to spend much resources in the quest to eliminate the Jedi and extend their own power. Sith Lords are experts in the fields of deception and intimidation. They often command either a band of lesser Force wielders or a whole army of their own. Excellent examples of the Sith Lord are Emperor Palpatine, Exar Kun and Darth Vader. Hit die: d4 Skill progression: 6 + Intelligence modifier Class skills: Same as Dark Jedi + Bluff (Cha)

Bluff: 6 ranks Concentration: 13 ranks Diplomacy: 13 ranks Alignment: LE Class: 8 levels in Jedi

Evil pact: The Sith Lord has a duty to evil. If she dares undergo atonement after having entered the path of the Sith Lord, she loses all her special skills from this class and loses XP to the start of her level. Should she succeed and return to LG alignment, her Sith Lord Special

Fort Ref Will Save Save Save 1 +0 +0 +2 +2 2 +1 +0 +3 +3 3 +2 +1 +3 +3 4 +3 +1 +4 +4 5 +3 +1 +4 +4 6 +4 +2 +5 +5 7 +5 +2 +5 +5 8 +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 10 +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Table 4 Sith Lord progression chart



Evil Pact, Sith Touch, Improved Influence, Track Jedi Jedi Feat Jedi Feat Jedi Feat Jedi Feat Jedi Feat

levels revert to Jedi levels. She does not gain extra HP despite the different hit dice. Also, other Sith Lords are likely to hunt down the atoned Jedi. Sith touch: The Sith Lord gains access to this ability in place of the Jedi touch ability. She inflicts wounds with touch attacks, totalling up to double the characters level in HP each day. Jedi feats: The Sith Lord gains Force Feats every 2 levels like the Jedi. She becomes exceptionally strong at using the feats of the Evil domain. For Force Lightning, Grip and Repulsion, she adds 2 to the Save DCs and can use them one time per day extra. Like the Jedi core class, she is restricted from gaining third and fourth circle Jedi feats until her combined Jedi and Sith Lord levels reach 10 and 14 respectively. Track Jedi: A Sith Lord can detect good-aligned Jedi with incredible acuity. Up to a thousand feet away, she automatically detects the presence and location of the Jedi. Improved influence: The Sith Lord gains the extraordinary ability to add her Sith Lord level to Charisma based skill checks (bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, gather information etc.) but this does not apply to save DCs for the Sith Lords Jedi feats. the Jedi heritage, such as magic and religion. Some of the most useful holocrons educate on subjects like bestiary and engineering/architecture. Use of a holocron consumes all of its power, and it may never be used again. Cost to create: 20,000gp +5,000gp diamond +1,000XP. Requires a minimum of 10 ranks in the appropriate Knowledge skill, Craft Wondrous Item. Minimum caster level: 10. Cost to purchase: 50,000gp for common ones, up to 100,000gp for rare ones. BIONETIC SUIT Bionetics is the technology for artificial body parts. Darth Vaders body was entirely bionetic, with exception to the head and a few other vital internal organs. A bionetic suit should not be used to replace a healthy body. It is only indicated when medically there is no other way to restore full functionality. A standard bionetic suit assumes a base of 10 for each of STR, DEX and CON. On top of this, magical enhancements stack. Limbs can confer STR or DEX bonuses, to a maximum of +10 for each attribute between all parts. Torsos confer CON bonuses up to a maximum of +5. Special effects: Bionetics confer a damage reduction bonus of 5/+1 whenever that part is struck. However due to the electrical nature of the technology, lightning causes double damage and paralysis of the bionetic part(s) for 1d4 rounds. There is a 1 in 20 chance that lightning will render the part useless. Roll separately for each part. Resistant parts (roll 50% chance to avoid lightning vulnerability each time you are struck) cost double the price of the non-resistant part. Cost to create: Half of cost price + 4% cost price in XP (see below). Requires Craft Magical Arms and Armour, 12 ranks in Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering Minimum caster level: 10 Cost to purchase: Arms, legs standard 50,000gp each, +1/60,000gp, +2/80,000gp, +3/110,000gp etc; Torso standard 100,000gp, +1/120,000gp, +2/160,000gp, +3/220,000gp etc STARSHIP The Jedi experience would be made complete with the construction and use of a starship. They form the basis of interstellar travel and are formidable weapons in their own right. They are by no means unique to the Jedi, and in the era of the Galactic Empire and the Old Equivalent Numerical Bonus +3 +2 +2 +3 +1 per passenger +2 +1 per tube

The Jedi bring with them many interesting things, including technology and knowledge. The starship, the holocron and the bacta tank are some of the most useful technologies of the Jedi, and in the course of Jedi history, many famed characters have left their legacy in the form of powerful artifacts. Some of these items are described below.

HOLOCRONS Holocrons are like vast libraries full of information about the Jedi. These tomes of knowledge deliver their information through holograms. In particular, they can be used to enrich a users knowledge about whatever subject they contain information on. Holocrons add up to +10 to the users knowledge skill in one subject. Holocrons on the same subject don't stack. It is common to find holocrons on Jedi Lore, Sith Lore and Astronomy. Very few exist on matters distanced from Enhancement Extra lasers Hyperspace Effect

Add 2 extra lasers (4 default), may be gained multiple times Allows hyperspace as per the spell, teleport, as a standard action, given it is powered up and moving Improved Hyperspace As hyperspace, but teleport is without error (requires hyperspace) Advanced Doubles speed and manoeuvrability, +4AC speed bonus Capacity Add room for passengers Shielding Add shield layer (0 default), +4AC per layer, extra 5% cover for pilot, may be gained multiple times Torpedoes Add torpedo tube (capacity 3 torpedoes); Cost each: 500XP, 1 day; fire rate 1/tube/rd; may be gained multiple times Table 5 Star ship enhancements

Republic, they were a mainstream form of transport (unarmed versions). Base statistics are as follows: Attack: 4 laser attacks, at 15+Wis. Attacks may be made with the same or separate attack rolls (counts as +3 weapon) Torpedoes (none standard) share the same attack roll as the laser, but homing can be achieved (two successful attack rolls in two consecutive rounds without firing) Range inc.: laser 150ft, torpedo 1500ft Damage: laser d10+10, torpedo 10d10+20 Critical: laser 20/x3, torpedo has no crit AC: +16 (natural, size), +4 (moving), +Wis (if aware of attacker), +Shielding (enhancement) Hit points: 30+15d12 Damage reduction: 20/+1 Size: Huge (35ft long) Weight: 4000lb Max Speed: 360ft/rd Climb: 120ft/rd Acceleration/Deceleration: 120ft/rd/rd Manoeuvrability: Can turn up to 360 minus Speed degrees per round (above 1/3 speed), below 1/3 speed turn up to Speed x2 degrees per round. Special: The Star ship provides 75% cover to the pilot (and passengers) inside. A pilot cannot, however, use her Jedi feats, spells or Uncanny Dodge, while piloting. Ranks must be spent in the Star ship piloting skill (Int), and the DC to activate is 10. The ship takes 2 rounds to power up once activated, and then can begin movement. If grappled, the ship is powerless, and can only be opposed by other forces, e.g. Jedis telekinesis ability. Some example enhancements are shown in Table 5. Cost to create: raw materials (base worth 200,000gp; +40,000gp for +1; +120,000gp for +2; +240,000gp for +3 etc.), Craft Wondrous Item, 15 ranks in Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering, XP (8% of the raw material gp cost) Minimum caster level: 15 Cost to purchase: double raw materials cost, must find a dealer (probably not found on the same planets as most DND game worlds) BACTA TANK The Bacta Tank is a tank filled with viscous greenish fluid, capable of containing anything up to medium size. It is a slow-acting device, but powerful, restoring lost hit points, negative levels and ability scores to the being contained within. It takes four hours to work maximally, and has the effect of Greater Restoration and Heal. Like all other charged items, it is limited to 50 uses before it expires, but it can be flushed and refilled with new liquid. Cost to create: 40,000gp + 25,000XP (20,000gp + 25,000XP to create refill liquid), Greater Restoration, Heal, Craft Wondrous Item Minimum caster level: 13 Cost to purchase: 120,000gp (refill: 80,000gp)

YODAS CLOAK (Minor Artifact) This cloak appears as a common, well-worn cloak, with little indication that it bears much magical power within. Once worn by the great Jedi master, Yoda, this item disappeared with him at the time of his death, and was seemingly lost forever. However, it may yet be found, and should it be recovered, it may once grant power to the forces of light once again, and tip the ever continuing battle against the Sith in their favour. Description: This plain looking cloak emanates powerful magic, of a magnitude that far exceeds the power that it bestows on any non-Jedi who wears it. Effect: To those untrained in the Force, it acts as a Cloak of Charisma +6. When identified, it will seem to be a Cloak of Charisma +6, and only its true powers will be discovered through use of the Analyse Dweomer spell. To a good-aligned Jedi, it acts as a Cloak of Charisma +6 with the following added effects: grants +2 to saves; grants the ability to take 10 on any skill at any time. When worn by a Dark Jedi, the Cloak acts in an opposing fashion, decreasing the wearer's charisma by 6, and granting none of the added effects. Those larger than medium size cannot wear this small cloak. DARKSABER (Major Artifact) Legend has it that the dark Sith Lord, Exar Kun, once built a saber of pure darkness. Its mission was to destroy the Jedi once and for all, which was never to be since Exar Kun's ultimate defeat, and the separation of the saber. There are two components to the Darksaber, each a single-bladed saber emanating red light and extreme power. When combined, however, their powers multiply and form the weapon of the Sith Lord who was the torment of Jedi all over the realm. The handle is completely black, and the blades of the combined Darksaber totally capture all light and appear only as darkness. The blade cannot be destroyed (only separated), except by neutralisation with something of the light, equally as great. As yet, there has never been such an artifact. Description: There are twin parts, part one (+5 Improved Keen Engulfing) and part two (+5 Improved Keen Almighty), which can be combined to form the Darksaber. The combined artifact acts as a +8 Improved Keen Engulfing Almighty Double-bladed lightsaber. Additionally, the combined artifact confers no penalty to hide checks, and makes the wielder invisible (as improved invisibility) whilst activated. Note that it requires a Level+Cha+d20 check DC: 56 to activate, i.e. practically impossible to all non-deity Jedi. Exar Kun, himself, was not of deity status, nor was he of sufficient level to create the Darksaber conventionally. It was created through channelling the dark side, infusing the powers of the two blades he had previously created into one. The ritual nearly killed the Sith Lord, and took three full months of intense

concentration. Only through such unconventional means was the creation of the Darksaber possible. Move Silently (Dex) Search (Int) Sense Motive (Wis) Spellcraft (Int) Spot (Wis) 23 (8+15+0) 27 (7+16+0) 30 (10+20+0) 32 (7+25+0) 40 (10+30+0)


Sex: Male Class: Jedi20/Sith Lord10 Race: Human Alignment: LE Age: 58 Height: 6'4" Weight: 180lb Eyes: Aqua Hair: White Ability scores: Total STR 14 DEX 27 CON 16 INT 24 WIS 31 CHA 33

Feats: Weapon Focus (lightsaber); Skill Focus (move silently); Skill Focus (concentration); Improved Critical (lightsaber); Improved Initiative; Expertise; Improved Disarm; Great Fortitude; Quick Draw; Spell Penetration; Power Attack; Combat Reflexes Class & Racial abilities: Bonus Feat; Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber); Weapon Finesse (lightsaber); Craft lightsaber; Jedi feats (Ghost sound, Minor telekinesis, Mind trick, Speed, Sith touch, Telepathy, Force shield, Force protection, Force jump, Force lightning, Repulsion, Grip, Telekinesis, Resist magic, Undetectable Aura); Uncanny dodge: Dex bonus to AC, Cannot be flanked; Evasion; Evil Pact; Improved Influence; Track Jedi

Base 11 16 13 14 18 18

Tomes 3 5 3 4 5 5

Items 0 6 0 6 8 10

Mod +2 +8 +3 +7 +10 +11

Items: Cloak of Charisma +6; Headband of Intellect +6; Periapt of Wisdom +6; Gloves of Dexterity +6; Ring of Protection +5; Rod of Splendour (+4 Cha); Incandescent Blue Ioun Stone (+2 Wis); Ring of Freedom of Movement; Bracers of Armour +8; Boots of Flying; Crystal Ball with True Seeing; Rod of Security Background: Probably the mightiest Force wielder who ever lived, Exar Kun the Sith Lord was the nemesis of all Jedi during his lifetime. Practically unbeatable, he made the double blade fashionable after building his awesome Darksaber. He began life a forbidden child in a sect of dark sith and honed his skills hunting Jedi with the clan. His power grew, and he relished his position, eventually usurping the leader of the cult and himself becoming a Sith Lord. In his efforts to destroy his enemies, his most famous venture was one of mystery, where he vanished for a period of three months secluded within his Rod of Security, where he meditated intensely to join his two red lightsabers into the one most powerful saber ever described. He returned, after the ritual that nearly killed him in the process, and systematically began a slaughter of the most powerful Jedi he could find. It became his downfall when he tried to take on a group too large all at once, and the Sith Lord was finally overcome. While safe now, should the halves of the Darksaber reunite, it would only be by the most powerful of dark forces that could wield such a weapon, and woe betide the enemy of such a Sith Lord. It may be a mission of great importance to see to the complete and utter destruction of the Darksaber.

HP: 201 AC Unarmed: 31 (10 +8dex +5def +8bracers) AC Armed: 43 (10 +8dex +10wis[lightsaber] +2[lightsaber] +5def +8bracers) Initiative: +12 (+8dex +4improved init) Speed: 30ft Base attack: +22 Spell resistance: 40 (10+lvl) Saving Throws: Fort: 15 (9 +3 +3[force protection, great fortitude]) Ref: 28 (19 +8 +1[force protection]) Will: 30 (19 +10 +1[force protection]) Weapon: "Darksaber" +8 Improved Keen Engulfing Almighty Double Bladed Melee: +36/+36/+31/+26/+21/+16 Damage: 2d4+38 (crit: 15-20/x3) Special: +2 to AC; Good creatures struck with Crit Will save DC: 40[10+lvl] or die; Critical Threat always means Critical Hit; No penalty to hide checks; confers invisibility to wielder Skills Bluff (Cha) Concentration (Con) Diplomacy (Cha) Gather Information (Cha) Heal (Wis) Intimidate (Cha) Jump (Str) Knowledge: Jedi Lore (Int) Listen (Wis)

53 (11+27+15) 38 (3+33+2) 41 (11+20+10) 32 (11+11+10) 17 (10+7+0) 44 (11+23+10) 35 (2+33+0) 23 (7+16+0) 30 (10+20+0)

Sex: Male Class: Jedi10/Pure Jedi10 Race: Human Alignment: LG

Age: 64 Height: 6'1" Weight: 170lb Eyes: Blue Hair: Grey Ability scores: Total STR 9 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 16 WIS 27 CHA 24 Items: Nothing magical of note Background: Ben Kenobi, once known as Obi-Wan Kenobi, is an extremely pure-hearted Jedi Knight, now deceased and in spirit form. Under the tutelage of Qui Gon Jinn, young Obi Wan proved a capable student of the Force and set off with his master to confront the Trade Federation during the siege of Naboo. The pair escaped the trap set for them; little did they know that they were facing the arch nemesis of the Jedi, the Sith Lords. Their quest took them across the galaxy to Tatooine where they met Anakin Skywalker, only a child at the time. In a culmination to the episode, Obi Wan witnessed the death of his master in a duel with a Sith Apprentice whom Obi Wan subsequently killed. It was in this capacity that he was vindicated in his Knighthood. He trained the young Anakin, and while this boy showed much promise in the Jedi arts, his impatience got the better of him and following a series of unfortunate events, culminating in Anakin sustaining several disfiguring, permanent injuries, Obi Wan knew the boys attitude had turned him over to the Dark Side. Anakin subsequently became Darth Vader, the Sith Lord alongside the most evil Emperor Palpatine. At this point, Obi Wan, having hidden Anakins children away from their fathers evil influence, decided to lead a life of hermitage on the planet of Tatooine. From here, he was known as Ben, the strange one from far over the hills. Luke, son of Anakin, was led to Ben by some droids sending a message. Knowing Lukes powers, and the need for a new hope in the battle against the Sith Lords, Ben took Luke under his wing and trained him in the early arts of Force Control. This was the start of the resurgence of the rebellion from the Outer Rim, and both Ben and Luke were to play vital roles in pivotal battles. Carrying out covert operations on board the first Death Star, Ben met Darth Vader for the final time. He was engulfed; the blade of Lord Vaders lightsaber zapping through Bens physical form, and Ben was no longer. Since his death, Ben has assumed spirit form, and remains Lukes teacher and guide.

Base 9 13 9 13 22 19

Tomes 0 5 3 3 5 5

Items 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mod -1 +4 +1 +3 +8 +7

HP: 98 AC Unarmed: 24 (10 +4dex +10class) AC Armed: 32 (10 +4dex +8wis[lightsaber] +10class) Initiative: +10 (+4dex +4improved init +2anticipation) Speed: 30ft Base attack: +17 Saving Throws: Fort: 9 (6 +1 +2[great fortitude]) Ref: 18 (14 +4 +0) Will: 22 (14 +8 +0) Weapon: Lightsaber +3 Improved Keen Engulfing Melee: +25/+20/+15/+10 Damage: 2d4+3 (crit: 15-20/x3) Special: Evil creatures struck with Crit - Will save DC: 30[10+lvl] or die; Critical Threat always means Critical Hit Skills Concentration (Con) Gather Information (Cha) Heal (Wis) Jump (Str) Listen (Wis) Move silently (Dex) Search (Int) Sense Motive (Wis) Spellcraft (Int) Spot (Wis)

26 (1+23+2) 30 (7+23+0) 23 (8+5+10) 19 (-1+20+0) 30 (8+12+10) 12 (4+8+0) 15 (3+12+0) 38 (8+20+10) 13 (3+13+0) 43 (8+23+12)


Feats: Weapon Focus (lightsaber); Skill Focus (spot); Skill Focus (concentration); Improved Critical (lightsaber); Improved Initiative; Great Fortitude; Quick Draw; Spell Penetration Class & Racial abilities: Bonus Feat; Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber); Weapon Finesse (lightsaber); Craft lightsaber; Jedi feats (Anticipation, Ghost sound, Mind trick, Minor telekinesis, Blind fight, Speed, Force jump, Deflection, Critical blow, Improved readiness, Skill mastery (Concentration, Listen, Spellcraft, Spot), Jedi touch, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Vision); Uncanny dodge: Dex bonus to AC; Evasion; True Wisdom; Purity of Mind (+5 Wis)

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