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RedJak's Automated Imperial Variant V1.0.

Introduction Game Setup

RedJak's Automated Imperial Variant (RAIV) is a solo/co-op Event Deck
variant for Imperial Assault campaigns. RAIV is based on
RedJak's Automated Monster Variant (RAMV) for Descent 2E.

Unlike RedJak's Automated Emperor Variant (RAEV), RAIV does

not attempt to simulate an Imperial player. Instead the focus is
on giving the enemy forces a simple AI that governs how they
will react to their surroundings. The function of an Imperial
player is replaced by the use of Event cards, which harass the
players with various effects throughout a mission.

If you come across a situation where the rules are not clear, don't Remove all Imperial Agenda and Rebel Aid cards from the Event
fret over what to do. Just make a decision based on your best deck and set them aside in their own decks. These cards are
identified by the U and V symbols in their footers. These two
decks will be used to upgrade the Event deck at the end of each
Unless otherwise stated, normal Imperial Assault rules apply.
mission. Shuffle the Imperial Agenda and Rebel Aid decks. Draw
one card from each deck and shuffle them into the Event deck.
RAIV supports the core set, Twin Shadows, Return to Hoth, and
The Bespin Gambit. RAIV also supports the following Ally/Villain
Deployment Deck

Agent Blaise, ISB Interrogator

Alliance Smuggler
Bantha Rider
Boba Fett, Infamous Bounty Hunter
Bossk, Born Hunter
Chewbacca, Loyal Wookie
Dengar, Ruthless Killer
Echo Base Troopers
Set aside any unique Imperial and Mercenary Deployment cards
General Sorin, Vicious Tactician
Also set aside all Deployment cards with a threat cost higher than
General Weiss, Field Commander
6. The removed cards will be added back to the Deployment deck
The Grand Inquisitor, Sith Loyalist
as the campaign progresses.
Greedo, Ambitious Mercenary
Han Solo, Scoundrel
Shuffle the remaining cards into one new Deployment deck.
Hired Guns
Cards will be drawn from this deck when choosing open groups
IG-88, Assassin Droid
for the Deployment Hand.
ISB Infiltrator
Kayn Somos, Trooper Commander
Imperial Side Mission Deck
Leia Organa, Rebel Commander
Lando Calrissian, Charming Gambler
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight
R2-D2 and C-3PO
Rebel Saboteurs
Rebel Troopers
Royal Guard Champion
Wookie Warriors
Gather all side mission and forced mission Agenda cards. Shuffle
Some graphics and icons property of Fantasy Flight Games.
them together to form the Imperial Side Mission deck. Cards will
be drawn from this deck when a Priority Shift card is played.
Necessary Components
You will need a copy of the RAIV rules, as well as a printed set of
cards. The cards are available in lo-res sheets for printing at
Mission Setup
The initial Deployment group cards are placed in a row in the
home, and individual hi-res cards for professional printing.
Imperial play area. Place cards in the same order as listed in the
mission Deployment and Setup section. Any new cards deployed
The rules and cards for RAIV can be on my Google Drive at:
will be placed to the right of existing cards.
The reserve Deployment groups cards are collected and set
The Imperial Class and Agenda decks are not used in RAIV. The
To choose open group Deployment cards, shuffle the Deployment
function of these cards is replaced by the RAIV Event deck.
deck and draw cards equal to the number of open groups. Set
these cards aside, face down, to form the Deployment Hand.

Imperial AI Cards Deployment Hand
When choosing open groups for a mission, shuffle the
Deployment Deck and draw cards equal to the indicated number
of open groups. These cards will form the Imperial AI's
Deployment Hand.

During a mission, when a Deployment group is defeated, that

group's Deployment card is shuffled back into the Deployment

Note that for missions that do not list open groups during setup,
Imperial AI cards are used to determine the actions enemy the Imperial AI starts with no Deployment Hand.
figures will take during a mission. For each Deployment card in
the mission, find the corresponding Imperial AI card. If the Imperial AI is given the opportunity to resolve an optional
deployment at the start of a mission, draw the top card from the
Mission Cards Deployment Hand. If there is enough threat to deploy the card,
do so. If there is not enough threat to deploy the card, continue
to draw cards until one is drawn that can be deployed.

Sequence Of Play
RAIV adds a new phase at the beginning of each round as

1. Event phase
The Mission cards will indicate Rebel and Imperial objectives for
2. Activation phase
each mission. These cards will also notify when events are to be
3. Status phase

During mission setup, find the corresponding Mission card and

place it green (Mission Objectives) side up. The card will specify Event Phase and Cards
when it may be flipped to the red side. An Event card is drawn and resolved at the start of each round.

At the start of a mission, the players may read the Mission If there is ever a conflict between the rules and an Event card,
Briefing section. Do not read any further! To prevent accidentally the Event card overrides the rules.
reading event text, cover the text on the mission page with a
Mission card. If an Event card is drawn that cannot be played, then it is
discarded. A replacement Event card is not drawn.
If there are no Mission cards for the campaign or mission being
played, use your best judgment in determining Priority Targets There are four types of Event cards:
and objectives for the enemy figures.
Instant: These Event cards are one-time effects that are
resolved immediately. Once the effects of an Instant Event card
are resolved, it is discarded.
Deployment Deck
The Deployment Deck is used when choosing open group cards
Global: These Event cards are an ongoing effect that apply to
for the Deployment Hand at the start of a mission. Initial and
the whole map while the card is in play. When a Global Event
reserve Deployment groups will be chosen from the Deployment
card is drawn, place it near the map and apply its effects.
Deck as required by the mission. Any remaining cards are
available for the open groups.
There can only be one standard Global Event card in play at a
time. When a new Global Event card is drawn, discard the current
The Deployment Deck will contain cards of a certain threat cost
Global Event card in play. Playing a standard Global Event card
depending on the threat level of the mission being played. As the
does not cause an existing Imperial Agenda or Rebel Aid card to
campaign progresses, higher cost cards will be added to the
be discarded.
Deployment Deck.
There may be effects that allow for more than one standard
At the start of a campaign. the Deployment Deck will contain
Global Event card to be in play at a time. In this case, if a
non-unique Imperial and Mercenary Deployment cards with a
standard Global Event card is drawn, and there are already the
threat cost of 6 or less. Cards are added to the Deployment Deck
maximum number of standard Global Event cards in play, discard
when starting a new mission depending on that mission's threat
the oldest standard Global Event card before playing the new
level as follows:

Threat Level 2: Cards that cost 6 or less Imperial Agenda: Imperial Agenda cards are special events that
Threat Level 3: Cards that cost 8 or less represent the direct and lasting influence of the Empire. Like
Threat Level 4: Cards that cost 12 or less standard Event cards, Imperial Agenda cards can be Instant or
Threat Level 5+: All non-unique cards Global.

When the Imperial AI acquires a unique Deployment card as a

reward, it is added to the Deployment Deck regardless of mission
threat level.

Imperial Agenda Global cards do not force the discard of a Resolving Events
standard Global Event card in play. Instead, Imperial Agenda When resolving events on Mission cards with multiple options,
Global cards are played in addition to standard Global Event follow the list on the card starting at the top. Apply the first valid
cards. They will remain in play for the rest of the mission. There option in the list.
can be multiple Imperial Agenda Global cards in play at a time.

When an Imperial Agenda Global card enters play, discard one

AI Cards and Response Actions
Rebel Aid Global card in play.
The AI cards list enemy responses to certain triggers. These
triggers and responses are formatted in an If this occurs, then
Rebel Aid: Rebel Aid cards are special events that represent the
do this manner.
Rebellion offering assistance to the heroes. Like standard Event
cards, Rebel Aid cards can be Instant or Global.
When a figure is activated, check its Imperial AI card to
determine which actions the figure will take. Check against each
Rebel Aid Global cards do not force the discard of a standard
trigger listed on the card in order from the top.
Global Event card in play. Instead, Rebel Aid Global cards are
played in addition to standard Global Event cards. They will
If the trigger in bold text exists, then the figure will respond by
remain in play for the rest of the mission. There can be multiple
taking the action or actions listed after that trigger. If the trigger
Rebel Aid Global cards in play at a time.
does not exist, then skip to the next trigger.
When a Rebel Aid Global card enters play, discard one Imperial
If the end of the trigger list is reached, and the figure still has
Agenda Global card in play.
actions remaining, start again at the top.

If a response to a trigger does not apply, due to previous actions

Activation Phase and Deployment Groups or other effects, then it is skipped.
During a round, the Imperial AI will activate Deployment groups
in order from left to right. Individual figures within the group will Some responses will have multiple parts in a do this, then that
be activated starting with the figure closest to a hero or priority format. If a figure has only one action remaining when resolving
target. this kind of response, resolve whichever response applies first.

For example: A Stormtrooper has already used an action to

Status Phase attack. For its next action, it is attempting to resolve the If
During the Status Phase of a round, the Imperial AI will decide adjacent to a target trigger. The response is Attack a target, then
whether to reinforce an existing deployment group, or deploy a Withdraw. Since the Stormtrooper has already attacked, it cannot
new group. attack again, so the first part of the response is ignored. The
second part of the response, then Withdraw, is a valid action. The
If the Imperial AI has four or more deployment groups in play, or Stormtrooper performs a Withdraw action.
there are no cards in the Deployment Hand, then it will attempt
to reinforce one of the deployed groups. Some triggers and responses will only be resolved for Elite
figures. These will be noted by an E prefix.
If the Imperial AI has fewer than four deployment groups in play,
or all deployment groups are full, then it will attempt to deploy a Some figures will have special triggers and responses that can
new group. occur outside of its normal activation. This is a reactive trigger,
and will be noted by an R. Responses to reactive triggers only
When reinforcing and deploying, place new figures at the closest
occur when the trigger is met, they are not necessarily checked
active Imperial spawn point to the most heroes.
as a possible trigger during normal figure activation.
Locate the first deployment group in play (from the left) that can There may be cases where a figure has actions remaining, but is
unable to resolve any of the possible responses in the trigger list.
accept reinforcements. The Imperial AI will spend threat to
reinforce that group with as many figures as possible. If this occurs, simply end the figure's turn.

If the Imperial AI places reinforcements, then it will not attempt For example: A figure has used one action to attack. The figure is
also already engaged with its target. Attack responses are
to deploy a new group.
skipped because the figure has already used its one attack
action. Engage responses are skipped because the figure is
If the Imperial AI does not have enough threat to place
reinforcements, then it will save threat for the next Status Phase. already engaged with its appropriate target. There are no more
responses that the figure can resolve, so its turn ends.
Draw the top card of the Deployment Hand. If the Imperial AI has For purposes of targeting and applying other effects, Rebel allies
enough threat to deploy the card, then do so. Place the new are considered to be heroes.
deployment card to the right of any other deployment cards in
play. Enemy Figures With A Priority Target
Some figures will be assigned a Priority Target, which will be
If there is not enough threat to purchase the card drawn, then indicated on the Mission card. A Priority Target in range for an
enemy figure's actions will always be targeted before any other
place it on the bottom of the Deployment Hand. Do not draw
another card. The Imperial AI will save threat for the next Status possible targets.
In most missions, the Imperial figures will be assigned Priority
Targets. Mercenaries will usually not be assigned Priority Targets;
their purpose is to cause general mayhem.

If multiple Priority Targets are listed for a figure, then the targets When resolving an Engage action, an enemy figure will move
are checked in the listed order. though opposing figures if necessary, if the enemy figure has
enough movement points.
There are four terms that are used to define what type of actions
a figure can take during its activation. If a Priority Target is not attack-able, then the engage range to
the target will be whatever range is necessary to Interact with
Attack the target.
The figure will attack a target within its max attack range and
line of sight, following these rules: For example: If the Priority Target for the figure is to exit off the
map, then the engage range will be whatever movement is
If the figure has a Priority Target, then the closest necessary to move off the map through the exit.
Priority Target will be attacked.
A figure already at engage range with its target will skip the
If the figure does not have a Priority Target, or there is Engage action.
no Priority Target within max attack range, then the
target with the least amount of remaining health will be For example: A figure with no Priority Target has used one action
attacked. to attack. The next response on the Imperial AI card is to Engage
a target. The figure is already at engage range with the closest
Max attack range is determined by the activated figure's attack target with the least amount of health, so it skips the Engage
type as follows: action.

Melee: Adjacent space Use Ability

Reach: Two spaces The figure will activate the indicated ability. Choose targets using
Ranged: Four spaces the Attack action targeting rules unless otherwise indicated by
the response text.
If a ranged figure has a non-surge +Accuracy modifier, that
modifier is added to that figure's max attack range (e.g. An E- When resolving an ability that moves a hero, move the hero in a
Web Engineer would have a max attack range of 7). straight line away from the figure and any hero objectives.

If there are no targets in range or line of sight for an attack, then Withdraw
the Attack action is skipped. A Withdraw action is a means for a figure to attempt to move out
of range of hero attacks.
If a Priority Target is not an attack-able object, then whatever
action is necessary to interact with the Priority Target will be Like an Engage action, a figure performing a Withdraw action will
completed. In this case, the Attack action becomes an Interact use a move action to gain movement points equal to its speed.
The figure will then move away from any nearby heroes,
For example: If the Priority Target is a token that needs to be attempting to move out of attack range of melee heroes and
picked up, then the figure will use the Attack action as an heroes with reach.
Interact action to pick up the token.
Many Withdraw actions will indicate a specific number of spaces
If an AI card response indicates a specific target for an attack, to withdraw. This is intended to keep the figure in the fight, but
then that response will override these attack rules. make it more difficult for heroes to counterattack.

For the purpose of opening doors, the Attack action will become Other Withdraw actions may indicate that the figure should
an Interact action. Withdraw towards a specific target.

Standard Imperial Assault rules for the number of allowable When performing a Withdraw action, a figure without a Priority
attacks will apply. Target will not move through opposing figures unless absolutely
The figure will use a move action to gain movement points equal A figure with a Priority Target will attempt to Withdraw towards
to its speed. The figure will then attempt to move to within its the Priority Target, regardless of any target indicated in the
max attack range and line of sight of a target, following the response text of the Imperial AI card.
shortest route, as follows:
A figure that is within max attack/interact range of a Priority
If the figure has a Priority Target, then it will move Target will only Withdraw if that figure would remain within max
towards the closest Priority Target, regardless of how far attack/interact range of the Priority Target.
away it is. If movement towards the Priority Target is
blocked, then the figure will move as close as possible
towards the Priority Target.

If the figure does not have a Priority Target, then it will

move towards the closest target with the least amount
of remaining health that is within movement range.

If there are no targets within movement range, then the

figure will move towards the closest target.

Surges Appendix A: Optional Rules
If any surges are rolled during a figure's attack, spend surges on These rules can be used to adjust the difficulty of the game.
a valid option in the following order:
Door Alarms (+Difficulty):
1. If a ranged figure would miss an attack due to rolling Whenever a hero opens a door, that hero tests I. If the test
insufficient range, then spend a surge on +Accuracy if it
fails, then the Imperial AI resolves a free reinforcement.
would make the attack hit. Reinforce up to full the first deployment group in play that can
2. Surges listed in lower ability section of Deployment card.
accept reinforcements at no cost.
3. Surges gained from Event cards.
4. Double-surges.
This effect is in addition to any other effects for opening a door
5. Apply other surges as listed in upper ability section of specific to a mission.
Deployment card from left to right, starting in the top
row. Trapped Crates (+Difficulty):
Do not attempt to resolve useless surges. For example: If a Whenever a hero searches a crate, that hero tests J. If the test
figure has a surge option to apply a Condition, and the figure has fails, then that hero is Stunned.
not rolled enough damage to damage the target, then there is no
need to attempt to apply the Condition. This effect is in addition to any other effects for opening a crate
specific to a mission.

Conditions On Enemy Figures Increased Threat (+Difficulty):

Increase the threat level for each mission by 1. The Deployment
If an enemy figure has suffered a Condition that would require an
Deck is still configured based off the original threat level.
action to remove, then that figure will use an action at the start
of its activation to remove the Condition.
Aggressive Optional Deployment (+Difficulty):
When resolving an optional deployment, the Imperial AI will draw
and deploy cards from the Deployment Hand until one is drawn
Terminology that costs more than the remaining threat. This can result in
In standard Imperial Assault rules, the term Imperial (as in multiple deployment cards being put into play during an optional
Imperial forces) refers to all figures from both Imperial and deployment.
Mercenary deployment groups.
Random Deployment Group Activation (+Difficulty):
In RAIV, the term Imperial specifically applies to figures from a When activating a deployment group at the start of an Imperial
U deployment group. Figures from a W deployment group are AI turn, gather the Imperial AI cards for all deployment groups
not considered Imperial. that have not yet activated this round and shuffle them together.
Draw one card to determine which deployment group will activate
This is especially critical on Mission cards. The term Imperial that turn. If there are multiple deployment groups of the same
name for the card drawn, choose the leftmost one.
Priority Target indicates a Priority Target for U deployment
groups only. No Events (-Difficulty):
Play without Event cards (including Rebel Aid and Imperial
The intent is that U deployment groups are more disciplined to Agenda cards). This is a great way to play with kids.

follow the Empire's orders. Where W deployment groups are All Event cards Are Standard (-Difficulty):
more likely to follow their own agenda. Rebel Aid and Imperial Agenda Global cards are played as if they
were standard Global Event cards. They are not permanent, and
replace (and can be replaced by) standard Event cards in play.
Completing A Mission
The Imperial AI does not gain or spend XP or influence during the No Pressure (-Difficulty)
campaign. If one of the Imperial victory conditions is end/beginning of
round X, then increase that round number by 1 or 2. This will
If the Imperial AI would gain a deployment card as a reward from give the Rebels less of a time pressure for the mission.
a mission, then it is added to the Deployment Deck, regardless of
the card's deployment cost.

If the Imperial AI would gain a non-deployment reward card for

any reason, add an Imperial Agenda card to the Event deck

If the heroes won the mission, draw one Imperial Agenda card
and add it to the Event Deck.

If the Imperial AI won the mission, draw one Rebel Aid card and
add it to the Event Deck.

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