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Syllabus and Course Outline Marketing Management 1 June - October 2011 Faculty: Shailendra Singh Bisht Office: C-115, C Block Office phone: 08417-236660-Extn 5006 Email: Office hours: 9 AM- 10:30 AM Mondays and Tuesdays Please send an email if you wish to consult at any other time. A. Course Objective, Expectations and Assessment The objectives of this course are To provide an in-depth introduction and understanding of the unique challenges inherent in marketing management. Participants will be introduced to and have the opportunity to work with tools and strategies that address these challenges. To develop an understanding of the state of the art marketing management thinking. Expectations from the participants Come to each class well prepared to be able to discuss the assigned cases and required readings in detail. Actively participate in the case discussions as much of the learning will come from discussions during class. Internalize the concepts covered in the course, and be able to creatively use them in an applied context. This course is all about understanding and application to the real world. House Rules for everyone to follow: - Bring your text book and the copy of your case to the class. Otherwise, you might be denied participation in the class discussion. - Do not come late for class - Sit at the same place and display your name sign for all sessions! - Switch off your mobile during the class - Do not use laptop in the class - Do not talk while fellow students are presenting or asking questions - Respect everyones opinion. Required Text Principles of Marketing: A South Asian Perspective by Kotler, Armstrong , Agnihotri and Haque, 13/e, Pearson India, New Delhi Components of Assessment In-Class Case Discussion: 45 Marks (15 + 15 + 15 marks) Class Activity: 25 Marks End-term Examination: 30 Marks The class participation would be evaluated over three timeperiods and the marks would be awarded by the end of 12th session, 22nd session and 32nd session.
Shailendra Singh Bisht Marketing Management I MBA Class of 2013 egaP
B. Class Participation & Policy Class Participation The key ingredient to you class participation grade is impact. This is qualitative measure of your effective contribution to class discussion. For each class, you are expected to do the pre-assigned readings, and prepare to discuss them in class. You are expected to be a good listener and show respect towards others opinions. In the class, you are expected to be alert, original and contextual during discussion. Refer below for sample class participation rubric. No-shows: attendance is mandatory for every class and in case you are not able to make it to the class you are expected to take prior permission for the same. Entering late to the class would negatively affect your class participation grade, so be on-time. If you would like to open case discussion, please talk to the faculty beforehand. Go-shows strongly preferred: just raise your hand in class!
CLASS PARTICIPATION RUBRIC LEVELS CRITERIA 43210 Disruptive Behavior Student displays disruptive behavior during class:
Never Rarely Sometimes Largely Always Interrupt another speaker (b) Speak out of turn (c) Taking the discussion back to a point already covered (d) Is rude to others Preparation Student was prepared for class with: (a) Suggested reading material (b) Case facts Completely Largely Partially Minimally None Contribution to Class Student plays an active thoughtful role by: (a) Volunteering to participate in discussion (b) Raising pertinent issues & asking important questions (c) Building on the ideas/ discussion points of others (d) Taking risks and asserting own opinion in a logical manner Always Mostly Sometimes Rarely None Shailendra Singh Bisht Marketing Management I MBA Class of 2013 egaP
Detailed Session Plan S. No. Sessio n No Topics Case Case Code Required Text Supplementary Reading 1 1 - 2 Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process Grove Fresh Ltd - Marketing Organic Juices (2006) MKTG128 Chapter 1 Marketing Myopia by Theodore Levitt (HBR) 2 3 Defining Marketing and the
Marketing Process Haldirams Group Seeking the Right Marketing Mix (2003) MKTG048 Chapter 1 Marketing MixBorden (1984) 3 4-5 Analyzing the Marketing Environment ITC Foods Growth and Future Prospects (2006) MKTG135 Chapter 3 4 6-7 Capturing Marketing Insights Unilevers Real Beauty Campaign for Dove (2006) MKTG155 Chapter 4 5 8-9 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyers Behavior Kelloggs Indian Experience (2001) MKTG017 Chapter 5 Indian Consumers: Shopaholics by Chance, Dealaholics by Choice? 6 10 Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior Cummins India Consumer Driven Modularization Strategy (2005) MKTG104 Chapter 6 General Model for Understanding Organizational Buyer Behavior by Webster Jr. & Wind 7 11-12 Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers. BMWs Company of Ideas Campaign : Targeting the Creative Class (2006) MKTG137 Chapter 7 8 12-13 Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers. SB0004 Chapter 7 Marketing Success through Differentiation - of Anything
9 Obesity Concerns: Burger Kings Product Revamp (2005) 14-15 Products,Services, and Brands: Building Customer Value MKTG166 Chapter 8 10 Glaceau : Marketing Vitamin Water (2007) 16-17 New Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies New Product Development at Schwan Food CompanyMKTG082 Chapter 9
Shailendra Singh Bisht Marketing Management I MBA Class of 2013
Innovation through Communication (2004) 11 MM0026 Chapter 9 Exploit the Product Life Cycle by Levitt 12 18 New Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies Lifebuoy in India: Product Life Cycle Strategies (2009) MM0033 Chapter 10 13 19-20 Pricing: Understanding and Apple iphone Price Cut: Is it a Capturing Customer Value Right Strategy? (2010) DIS0029 Chapter 11
14 21-22 Pricing Strategies Moser Baers Pricing Strategy: Competence based and Value driven? (2009) OPER031 Chapter 12 15 23-24 Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value Pepsicos Distribution and Logistics Operations (2004) Channel Conflict at Apple (2005) MKTG108 Chapter 12 16 25-26 Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value BSTR043 Chapter 13 17 27 Retailing and Wholesaling Westside : The Indian Retailing Success Story (2003) MKTG110 Chapter 14, 15 18 28-29 Communicating Customer Marketing & Communication Value: Integrated Marketing Strategy of Titan Industries Communications Strategy Watch Division (2005) MKTG194 Chapter 15 19 30 Advertising and Public Public Relations at Microsoft Relations (2008) CLMC-026 Chapter 16 20 31 Personal Selling and Sales Aventis Successful Sales Promotion Promotion (2005) 32 Direct and Online Marketing:
Unilevers digital strategy (2008) MKS0113 Chapter 17 Building Direct Customer Relationships 21 33 Contemporary issues in Marketing
Shailendra Singh Bisht Marketing Management I MBA Class of 2013