Dyscalculia From Detection To Diagn

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Dyscalculia: From Detection to Diagnosis

Gaurav R. Wankhade1*
ABSTRACT The article is an examination and illustration of the most common reasons behind the occurrence of learning difficulties in mathematics, medicinally termed as Dyscalculia. When the basic emotion i.e. Fear dominates over thoughts; a central equilibrium for learning mathematics, Danger Alert System of the body, perceiving any real or imaginary threat puts the defence reaction on backseat activating the defeat reaction, which is one of the main causes of Dyscalculia. Assessment of Dyscalculia contains three main types viz: Neurological, Neuropsychological and Neuropediatric assessments. Diagnosis Dyscalculia is a help measure which provide the exact environmental framework for the treatment of Dyscalculia by distinguishing in between Dyscalculia and other forms of learning difficulties in mathematics i.e. Acalculia, General learning difficulties, PseudoDyscalculia and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). The paper concludes by taking an overview of Management of Dyscalculia which includes Remedial measures such as mathematical screening, tests and Help.

I. Introduction: The article is related with a specific cognitive process in action (operations) where the brains logical application is being implied to understand Mathematics. The basic purpose of this article is to analyse & interpret learning Mathematics as a subject and the consequences of difficulties thereof. Though an important part of our everyday life, the way, the subject is taught is uninspiring and unfortunately irrelevant, mounting the basic fear of mind and questioning the self esteem of many peoples especially childrens and youngsters. When the basic emotion i.e. Fear dominates over thoughts, Danger Alert System of the body, perceiving any real or imaginary threat puts the defence reaction on backseat activating the defeat reaction, which is one of the main causes of learning difficulties in mathematics. The result is repeated failure leading to disliking and complete denial to the further learning of the subject. Dyscalculia is the medicinal term reflecting the basic problem of Learning Difficulties in mathematics which is the main reason behind the creation and which forms the core of this article.

II. Development of Mathematical Ability: The process (How Does Mathematical Ability Develops?) Understanding of Numbers (logical symbols and specific mathematical characters), which are the representation of visionary objects already exists in an elementary format in every childs mind, by birth. The entire learning process of the subject of mathematics passes through many stages before it gets fully developed and a child gets fully aware of it. Here is the depiction of the process which helps a child to get into the world of mathematics.

*E-Book, What is Dyscalculia?, by Dr. B. Adler, published online by Kognitivt Centrum Sweden, 2001, summarized by Gaurav R. Wankhade, Research Associate, ICFAI Research & Publication Centre, IBS - Mumbai.

Table I: Mathematical Learning Process of a Normal Human Being Stage Characteristics

Sr. No. 1.


At Birth




of Development of feelings, reln-ships

categories and prototypes (Size, colour, (instead of faces, mamma, daddy comes forms etc.) 2. 1 years into picture)

Understanding of existence of objects Replacement of concrete objects by irrelevant of the sight & vision of the numbers for e.g. no. 3 replaces three observer oranges etc. Understanding and Child understands that every object has


From 1 Questioning;

years 2 classification based on characteristics of some special characteristics years 4. From 2 the object Ability to distinguish properly variances in shape and size Counting and sequencing 5. 4-6 years Strategic understanding For the purpose of counting child extracts data from memory instead of actual count 6. 6-7 years Learning of basic parameters for e.g. Understanding of little-big, high-low, Scale, distance, time etc. 7. 8. 7 & after 8 years Working with numbers starts long-short etc. Automatization Learning of orderly and correct

years 4 years

Ability to analyze quantities with sequence of numbers

Deeper understanding of numbers & the Number system: In which each digit is particular number system separated from the adjacent no. by 01. (principles of e.g. 20 coins are same whether grouped or spread-out


9-10 years




number constancy) without remembering) 10. 10-12 years

Understanding that numbers are symbols Understanding of a number as different of concrete things with further knowing of parts which can be divided. (no. 25 as multiplication & division 25 separate parts divisible as 7 parts of 5 each


12 years & above




(complex) Reading out figures from table, charts, diagrams, understanding

Mathematics which includes Diagrams, drawing

graphs and tabular forms of number direction etc.

system; visualization of things; More logical acting rather than the

development of problem solving and mechanical way. planning ability

Source: Compiled by Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

This is a normal process through which mind of every child has to pass without any major difficulties but things may become problematic at any of the above listed stage. Generally the basic problem starts at or after the age of 7. In many cases the beans of the problem already sown in early (premature) stages of Age. Someone may neglect them by terming them as normal difficulties which are the parts and parcel of learning course. So in many cases such problems (difficulties in learning mathematics) do not get their due recognition and care (corrective measures) at the stages of occurrence and over the period of time they take a shape of severe difficulties.

How do we recognize Dyscalculia? The word Dyscalculia is a combination of two different words i.e. Latin word dys meaning a form of special difficulties and the Greek word calculus which means counting stone. Thus the word literally refers to the special difficulties with counting. In more proper words it means specific (particular) or special difficulties with learning Mathematics. The basic difference between Dyscalculia and General Learning Difficulties is that in the later one need extra time to complete the learning process. Another important difference is that General Learning Difficulties are characterized by even performance i.e. students with such difficulties perform very slowly and evenly over the time. But in case of Dyscalculia the uneven performances (students excel at one point of time and suddenly dispel at the next moment) are the main problem.

Origin of Dyscalculia: Small initial difficulties for e.g. writing down any number or deriving specific value (fixed amount) from each number of the Numerical System occur with some children at the beginning of their school. Either they take very long time or simply lack continuity when asked to perform a mathematical task. This may be because of cognitive resistance or emotional blocking in the mind of a child arouse out of the childs overall attitude towards the subject. This further leads to repeated failures creating knowledge gaps at the initial stages. These initial special learning difficulties in mathematics often develop into more general learning problems by the end of primary education. The learning process of mathematics showing the beginning of learning difficulties is depicted below.


Learning Difficulties--

Early Stage Blossoming, Later stage Difficulty

No Difficulty at all

Early stage difficulty, Later Stage Blossoming

Early stage difficulties developing into Dyscalculia

Mathematics Fig I: Origin of the Learning Difficulties in Mathematics

Source: Compiled by Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

But Dyscalculia indicates specific or special learning difficulties in mathematics which differs from General learning difficulties. One can detect or recognize Dyscalculia from some important symptoms shown by the student as given below_ i) Lack of continuity in handling same or different mathematical tasks,

ii) Lack of implementation of skills (misunderstood as disinterest of the student) instead of having the basic knowledge of mathematics, iii) Inability of easy access and fast retrieval of stored information from the long term memory when required which gets severe with the passage of time, iv) Because of some difficulties whole subject of mathematics seems impossible to solve to the child creating a sense of stupidity within. v) Problem with certain cognitive thought processes for e.g. telling correct time with analog clock, problems with temporal orientation, problems with planning and remembering etc. Pedagogical Signs: Further recognition could be obtained from the pedagogical signs or characteristics displayed by the person with Dyscalculia. The list is provided below. The list is not a complete analysis, but representation of common examples.


Table II: Pedagogical signs with their respective examples Sr. No. 1. Difficulties with reading and comprehension 2. Difficulties with writing Difficulty in Reading directions, maps, diagrams, tables, space comprehension and recognizing symbols. Difficulties in recalling, copying, calculating or simply writing down in order the numbers & the symbols (geometric shapes & figures). 3. Problems with understanding concepts and symbols Difficulty in understanding and implying concepts of amount, weight, space, direction (sequencing), time etc. and mathematical symbols (+, -). 4. Problems with number sequence and mathematical facts 5. Problems with complex thinking and flexibility Difficulty in sequencing, calculation, reverse counting, arranging numbers in their mathematical order. Rigid or concrete level thinking, restricting childrens to choose strategic options wisely, following specified steps, ability of making reasonable judgement and difficulty in planning.
Source: Compiled by Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

Pedagogical Signs


It is most important to first examine & discover the causes of the childs difficulties and then apply the appropriate remedial methods. For that examination the above listed pedagogical signs are of very much importance as they clearly describe most commonly occurring symptoms of the disorder.

Below given is a simple check-list detailing dyscalculia. To determine conclusively whether a child really suffers from dyscalculia, a thorough assessment in collaboration with an informed psychologist or doctor is necessary.

Table III: Detailing Dyscalculia Dyscalculia: Characteristics in everyday life Difficulties with temporal orientation (time planning ability) Inability to make rational and reasonable judgements calculating values. Lack of logical understanding caused by poor working memory. Tracing Existence of DyscalculiaPopulation*2 having Dyscalculia Dyscalculia have been observed to be existed for more than 100 of years .8 .4 B, 4 A, 6 Theories put forward in this regards_ 0 -Gerstarms (German scientists) first used the C, 2 .5 , 62 E term Dyscalculia D*, -L Koscs theory of developmental Dyscalculia, 6.2 based on -A lurias theory of Brain and its 3 functional blocks namely Regulating, Analysing and A B C D* E Ruling block Can Dyscalculia be curedValue of a Diagnosis Definitely, Yes and with a course called as Value to The Child Diagnosis Dyscalculia. The Diagnosis Dyscalculia is a course of The Parents maximum of 1 year and it is the current The Teachers stage developmental descriptive framework Psychologists and Doctors which is available today. Society Difference in Between Dyscalculia and Dyslexia Dyslexia mean Difficulties in reading written text fast and fluently, while Dyscalculia means handling out specific mathematical tasks There is a variant of Dyscalculia which is called as Dyslexic Dyscalculia, meaning primary reading difficulties leading to mathematical problems Automatization difficulty i.e. lack of flow in reading Similarities A poor working memory Recalling inability
Source: Compiled by Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

*Where, A- Problem in Counting, B- Problem in Reading, C-Other types of Mathematical Difficulties, DChildrens having Dyscalculia, E Rest of the Childrens.

What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

Value of Diagnosis: (The Child) Helps them to understand their own difficulties while dealing with mathematics and offers remedial measures. Eliminates or lowers the risk of depression, traumatic circumstances and suicidal tendencies. (The Parents) A great relief to the parents when they discover that the disease is not incurable and a diagnosis is available. (The Teachers) It enables them to plan their remedial work accordingly and in accurate directions avoiding un-required areas. (Psychologists and

Doctors) Design their diagnostic framework appropriate to the need and type of learning difficulty in a child. (Society) It can help in improving societies all over health care system. III. Thoughts, Emotions and Mathematics:

Thought: Def: An inner conversation with self. It is different from emotion. It may be origin of emotion. Our thoughts play a major role in our well-being. They allow us to move beyond the present memories both back into the past, through memories and forward into the future, through the power of imagination. Thoughts express themselves in words and pictures. It is the essential ally of logic which enables us to work towards a solution, step by step. We both think and feel (emote) with the brain. Even, these two processes use the same path. Because, emotion moves at double the speed of thoughts we concludes that emotions are stronger than thoughts, which in reality is not true. In simple words We are our Thoughts, but we emotes through our Acts.

Mathematics is not merely an answer to the problem but rather a guanine process of arriving at the answer. It is the journey itself and not only the destination. It is a network which links together our different ambitions through which we try to reach to the Goal. So there are multitudes of paths which lead to that goal and i.e. the right answer. Hence mathematics is a well-defined, exclusively structured cognitive thought process. It is based on two fundamental parameters of Recognizing; demands reasoning & ability to recognise things and Seeing Patterns.

In this framework, Thought is that central equilibrium which controls and guide us through mechanical processes of learning this language of symbols; Mathematics. Here please remember that we are talking about positive thoughts as there exist negative thoughts too, which get transformed into unconscious references, which may show up later in different situation and are the main cause of learning difficulties with mathematics. And it is our ability to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, and then overcome the later, which will act as a foundation for positive thought development.


BRAIN Sensing/ Perception

Travels to (Impulse)


Sends fast message to


Transfer signal to

Amygdala; (Brain Alarm present in rear part of the brain which interprets sights/ impressions)

Joyful situation (Real/Imaginary)


Traumatic situation (Real/Imaginary)

Joyful situation (Real/Imaginary) Emotion

Traumatic situation (Real/Imaginary)









Expressing/ Acting/ Responding


Fig II: Origin of Thoughts and Emotions from the Brain

Source: Compiled by Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

Fear is a basic emotion and a very powerful one, which can be countered through another equivalent emotion and i.e. Happiness; An impactful motivational force, and happiness create enthusiasm. This is a best effective remedy to counteract fear. A common symptom amongst most people with learning difficulties or Dyscalculia is the fear of failure (real or imaginary). There are two major reactionary subsystems which forms a basic degree of alertness in the biological structure of the defence mechanism existing in our bodily system. These are i) The Defence Reaction

ii) The Defeat Reaction The Defence Reaction caused by stress hormones mainly Adrenalin & Noradrenalin and useful for getting ourselves out of an immediate dangerous situation by exhausting all available resources and also to overcome short strokes of stress. Bu the reaction triggered too often and for too long a period may become unhealthy. On the other hand Hypothalamus, Hypophysis and Adrenal gland cortex causes the 2nd reaction which is The Defeat Reaction. Feeling of panic is more in the Defeat Reaction than Defence reaction and is closely associated with fear which leads to anxiety and such repeated panic attacks imbalances mental state feeling the brain with depression and negative thoughts. They can be cured by motivation, happiness, enthusiasm and such similar positive thoughts. It is normal that we as a human being are afraid of threats both real or/and imaginary. But being afraid too often and for too long, leads to sensitizing our danger alarm system regularly making it more vulnerable to stress and panic attacks. Since our mind on its own cannot able to distinguish in between a real and an imaginary threat, as it functions on the basis of input (in the form of emotions and thoughts) provided by our senses; its in our hand to think more positive and less emotional or sentimental.

When negative emotions become too strong to control, we try to_ Simply avoid the situation (the main cause) Blame or/and attack ourselves or others

In such cases all the positive sources of emotional intelligence gets weakened, existing negative thoughts create more and more negative feelings and we get trap into a loop of trauma which sometimes leads to shattering of our self confidence and in many cases total collapse of our Mental Defence Mechanism. To overcome such circumstantial limitations, the best remedy available is to fell happy, relaxed by feeling proud about ourselves and recollecting some joyful memories of our past. This surely strengthens our self motivational system (Self confidence and Self esteem).


Assessing Dyscalculia:

When a child or a student does not show any progress or improvement despite all the facilitation and help offered then assessment is the only tool which may detail the exact situation or the case of that student. The initial assessment should begin at the school level and should be carried out by teachers from relevant field. This is for simple cases. But it is advised that a neuropsychiatric is appropriate in more complex cases which are already assessed by teachers in the school. An Appropriate Assessment consists of three well-structured tests. They are briefed in the following table.

Table IV: Assessment of Dyscalculia Assessment Tools (Tests)
It should includes an examination of




Mathematical knowledge and understanding Reading ability and comprehension Writing ability and spelling Communication and interaction with his environment Progress in lessons Strategies for the own work The students handling of oral, written and visual information The students strategies for solving specific tasks The students general learning strategies The students attitude to their own learning ability The students motivation Mathematical Screening: Understanding number structure, number sequence, Simple counting operations, Complex counting operations etc. Understanding arithmetic signs and symbols Numerical comprehension Understanding geometrical figures Understanding spatial relations Spatial memory Planning ability Time planning Temporal orientation

Dyslexia Dyspraxia and dysgrafia Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Asperger syndrome Tourette syndrome Schizophrenia Autism Epilepsy Skull trauma, brain tumors, stroke Personality ( Interaction, Communication, Behaviour, Temperament, Character ) Cognitive development (Processing information, Flexibility in working out solutions, Strategies) Specific neuropsychological processes (Attention, control and concentration, Motor coordination and sensory integration, Basic perception, Spatial ability, Imagination, Language ability, including comprehension, Memory and learning strategies)

Fine motor skills General motor skills Coordination Perception Balance Lateral thinking Muscle tone Concentration and mental stamina Automatization of movement Motor planning and conscious movement Excessive movement Choice of movement Refining the choice of movement Automatizing the choices through practice

Source: Compiled by Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

The assessment is necessary for parents & teachers to answer many of their immediate and secondary questions like what are the reasons for the learning difficulties? Are we facilitating, helping and teaching properly? Or are we only responsible for this situation? how we can overcome this situation?

is there any possible solution available to the problem? Etc. While assessing Dyscalculia, it is necessary to assess reading and writing ability in order to make one sure that out of the two none is causing the other.

Neuropedagogical Assessment A wider framework of broader prospective & observations is admirable to offer not only initial help but a remedy with proper direction. The test is structured for the cognitive process lying at the core or which is the main cause of learning difficulties.

Neuropsychological Assessment: Designed by Neuropsychologist, the test examines link in between working of brain and our behavioural responses. But it excludes examination of mathematical skills & knowledge. Cognitive and Psychological assessment is the main objective to identify some very specific problems like uneven growth or development, lack of concentration, restlessness, hyperactivity, lack of perceiving ability, poor motor coordination etc.

Neuropediatric Assessment: Its a medical health examination based on overall medical background (past or history) of the student under assessment. It includes physical check-ups, eliminates neurological disturbances and serious progressive diseases which may be the cause of learning difficulties in mathematics. Part of this medical test also covers students motor skills (movement ability) like choice, speed, refining, and automatizing choices. The early age (baby age) symptoms related with coordination are problems with focusing for long time, problems with crawling and walking, repetitive actions, difficulty with learning new things, stress and anxiety in new situations, delayed speech development, excessive motor activity etc. etc.

V. Diagnosis Dyscalculia: The staircase from Assessment to Diagnosis consists of two major steps. First is to understand individual difficulties and second one is to make a suitable & specific diagnosis. A Diagnosis is the abstract of explainable wide range of observed symptoms. It is not medical in nature, but rather it is a development of special remedial environmental framework within the domain of medical care but treated outside i.e. at the home or/and at school.

Let us first make ourselves clear about the fact that Dyscalculia is neither a disease nor a chronic condition, but it is an inability of our mind and bodys dynamic equilibrium (which is continuously

changing & trying to adapt to new circumstances), to get adjusted with over demanding & vast filed of mathematics. If we are able to understand this, it is possible to create that remedial environment which will not only diagnose the Dyscalculia but in some cases will show enormous improvement which will be beyond our prediction.

Developing Diagnosis is a medical concept constructed over centuries through a biological model of progressive understanding (i.e. treatment should be different for different disorders. This model further enables to standardise a worldwide classification and uniform system for the diseases. Such two major systems are ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases, injuries & causes of death), developed by World Health Organisation (WHO) and DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) developed by APAC (American Psychiatrists Association) which are compared below. Table V: Comparing ICD-10 and DSM DSM


DYSCALCULIA: In the ICD-10, dyscalculia is named as a The DSM IV states that in the case of dyscalculia: Definition specific mathematical difficulty and is
defined as follows: As measured by a standardized test that is given individually, the person's mathematical ability is substantially less than you would expect considering age, intelligence and education. This deficiency materially impedes academic achievement or daily living. If there is also a sensory defect, the mathematics deficiency is worse than you would expect with it.4

315.1 retardation



Disorders in which the main feature is a serious impairment in the development of arithmetical skills which is not explicable in terms of general intellectual retardation or of inadequate schooling.

Source: Compiled by the Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

It is imperative to check for psychiatric or neurological disease, before making a diagnosis e.g. an individual with obsessive compulsive disorder might find counting and general learning difficult because of their uncontrollable tendency towards compulsive thoughts and actions5. A comparison of Diagnosis Dyscalculia with other learning difficulties can be well understood from the following table

What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

4 Ibid 5 Ibid

Table VI: overlapping Diagnosis & Cognitive & Diagnosis Psychological Causes Acalculia (Pop: <0.2%) Total Inability to carry Brain Damage out any Mathematical Task -Medical Therapy -Medicines - Teaching mathematics with modern techniques. Dyscalculia Group of related and -Certain highly special -ICD-10 and -Emotional development, Cognitive Knowledge expansion, Maturity in learning, -providing guidance proper ability,

Type Disorder

of Definition Characteristics

Remedial Work


specific cognitive (thought) DSM -Mathematical Screening

learning difficulties in processes. mathematics. (Mathematical -Automatization

Difficulties (Causal (specially designed tests) -pedagogical diagnosis

correspondent of the factor) reading and writing -Language difficulty; Dyslexia) difficulties (understanding mathematical concepts) -Difficulties planning, perception, ability etc. General in visual logical

General problems with Need longer period Providing more Slower teaching


of with

Difficulties in the complete learning of time than normal time Mathematics (pop: ) process and not only for learning. mathematics i.e.

simplified teaching material

problems that are not limited areas. PseudoDyscalculia Learning difficulties -Loss of self belief -Individual care, -private talks with -separate of teaching etc. the teacher, or -in tougher cases to specific

arise from emotional and confidence Despite -feeling

(pop: Girls> blockings.

Boys) having cognitive uselessness, failure -Motivation Boosting activities -emotional support with the school

ability face problems. Despite intelligence, average possess

psychologist, where emotional blockings can be cured.

severe difficulties with mathematics Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) &

Fundamental Problems -affect mathematical -diagnosis of with attention and ability indirectly concentration being behaviour

Can use some of the remedies discussed in the above listed disorders

working memory.


easily disturbed, and problems learning to draw, read and write letters and numbers, as well as with


planning, keeping to a strategy, and

generalizing learned knowledge. Attention Deficit High other incidence of Problems with Behavioural Can use some of the remedies discussed in the above listed disorders

learning counting, and Writing

reading Diagnosis

Hyperactivity difficulties. Disorder (ADHD)

Source: Compiled by Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

VI. Help Work: As an appropriate diagnosis cannot be done before the age of 10 years, it is not the only way. Another way is to provide help and use of other remedial measures. The complete help is rather a long process. Help starts very much earlier than diagnosis and has to be provided long after the diagnosis is over. Hence it is advisable to provide remedial support throughout the span of 20 years from the beginning of Childs learning process to tackle this disorder effectively. A general model of help is elaborated below


Role of Teachers -Motivating relearning - Working with Numerical Comprehension - Working with Automatization, - Working with Language Comprehension - Working with Problem Solving - Working with Logical Thinking

Role of Parents -Relieving, -reducing, -compensating the problem. - Working with Motivation Blockings


Child /Student Dyscalculia


Role of Society (Others) - Working with Motivation and Blockings -change in mindset from traditional to modern is necessary Fig III: A General Model of Help

Role of Counsellors, and Psychologists - Working with Concentration and Attention - Working with Perception and Spatial skill - Working with the Temporal Awareness - Working with the Memory

Source: Compiled by Author from What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

Action Plan: The action plan should be developed by teachers, parents and the student themselves, working in alliance, and it should be understood and agreed on by the student themselves. A successful action plan will include the following features6:

Professional presentation Clearly assigned responsibility Realistic goals Clearly defined structure Collaboration and allocation of roles

There should be some one mainly responsible for the implementation and evaluation of the program. It is important that every school finds a simple but effective way to systematically document each students

What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

progress, relevant assessments, and the development of the program itself7. Everyone involved in the program should receive regularly up-dated copies of the action plan.8 There also needed open meetings of experience sharing, transforming negative feelings of student into positive one. Individualistic help as compared to group help should be more appropriate for clear and comprehensive action plan & for the action plan to work. Identification of exact order to implement different strategies of action plan is necessary. Moreover, it is also essential to repeat a remedial exercise in case it does not work in first attempt. Also identifying exact difficulty to effectively counterattack it, which can be termed as Mathematical reasoning is required. Further student should be provided with mathematical tests designed exclusively for this purpose.

Time has come that we should addresses important issues concerning dyscalculia, and it has been our main aim to present what we in the field now know about the subject in a clear, understandable way which we have fulfilled. The discussion above was helpful look at reasons for dyscalculia, diagnosis, and above all, how to provide the right kind of help. Disclaimer: The Article is a Summary by Gaurav R. Wankhade of an e-book by Dr. B. Adler 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden titled What is Dyscalculia?

7 8

Ibid. What is Dyscalculia?, Dr. B Adler, 2001, Kognitivt Centrum Sweden (An e-book).

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