Math Anxiety

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Forum: Science & Society

Math anxiety: who has it, why it develops, and how to

guard against it
Erin A. Maloney and Sian L. Beilock
Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, 5848 S. University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Basic math skills are important for success in school and Math anxiety: antecedents and developmental
everyday life. Yet many people experience apprehension trajectory
and fear when dealing with numerical information, The first years of elementary school are critical for learning
termed math anxiety. Recently, researchers have started basic mathematical skills. Yet until recently the dominant
to probe the antecedents of math anxiety, revealing view among educators and researchers alike was that
some surprising insights into its onset, risk factors, math anxiety only arose in the context of complex mathe-
and remediation. matics (e.g. algebra) and thus was not present in young
children. Math anxiety was thought to develop in junior
high school, coinciding with the increasing difficulty of the
Understanding math anxiety math curriculum towards the end of elementary school [2].
For people with math anxiety, opening a math textbook or Recent research challenges this assumption. Not only do
even entering a math classroom can trigger a negative children as young as first grade report varying levels of
emotional response, but it does not stop there. Activities anxiety about math, which is inversely related to their
such as reading a cash register receipt can send those with math achievement [4], but this anxiety is also associated
math anxiety into a panic. Math anxiety is an adverse with a distinct pattern of neural activity in brain regions
emotional reaction to math or the prospect of doing math associated with negative emotions and numerical compu-
[1]. Despite normal performance in most thinking and tations. When performing mathematical calculations,
reasoning tasks, people with math anxiety perform poorly math anxious children, relative to their less anxious coun-
when numerical information is involved. terparts, show hyperactivity in right amygdala regions
Why is math anxiety tied to poor math performance? important for processing negative emotions. This in-
One idea is that math anxiety is simply a proxy for low creased amygdala activity is accompanied by reduced ac-
math ability, meaning that individuals with math anxiety tivity in brain regions known to support working memory
are less skilled or practiced at math than their non-anxious and numerical processing (e.g. dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
counterparts. After all, math anxious individuals tend to tex and posterior parietal lobe) [5].
stay away from math classes and learn less math in the Both social influences and cognitive predispositions
courses they do take [1]. Yet low math ability is not the probably play a role in the onset of math anxiety in early
entire explanation for why math anxiety and poor math elementary school. In terms of social influences, teachers
performance co-occur. It has been shown that peoples who are anxious about their own math abilities impart
anxiety about doing math over and above their actual these negative attitudes to some of their students. Inter-
math ability is an impediment to math achievement [2]. estingly, this transmission of negative math attitudes
When faced with a math task, math anxious individuals seems to fall along gender lines. Beilock and colleagues
tend to worry about the situation and its consequences. found that it was only the female students of highly math
These worries compromise cognitive resources, such as anxious female teachers (>90% of elementary teachers in
working memory, a short-term system involved in the the USA are female) who tended to endorse the stereotype
regulation and control of information relevant to the task that boys are good at math, girls at reading by the end of a
at hand [3]. When the ability of working memory to main- school year. Girls who endorsed this stereotype were also
tain task focus is disrupted, math performance often suf- most likely to be behind in math at the end of the school
fers. year [6]. Similar to how social mores are passed down from
Despite the progress made in understanding how math one generation to another, negative math attitudes seem to
anxiety relates to math performance, only limited atten- be transmitted from teacher to student.
tion has been devoted to the antecedents of math anxiety. Some children may also have a cognitive predisposition
Determining who is most likely to develop math anxiety, to develop math anxiety. In adults, math anxiety is associ-
when they will develop it, and why is essential for gaining a ated with deficits in one or more of the fundamental
full understanding of the math anxiety phenomenon and building blocks of mathematics. For example, adults who
its role in math achievement. are math anxious are worse than their non-anxious peers
at counting objects, at deciding which of two numbers
represents a larger quantity, and at mentally rotating
Corresponding authors: Maloney, E.A. (;
3D objects [79]. Similar to how people who lack knowledge
Beilock, S.L. ( in a particular domain are often easily swayed by negative
Forum: Science & Society Trends in Cognitive Sciences August 2012, Vol. 16, No. 8

messages [10], children who start formal schooling with them to reinterpret their arousal as advantageous rather
deficiencies in these mathematical building blocks may be than debilitating. For example, when students view a math
especially predisposed to pick up on social cues (e.g. test as a challenge rather than a threat, the stronger their
their teachers behavior) that highlight math in negative physiological response to the testing situation (measured
terms. here in terms of salivary cortisol), the better, not worse, is
their performance [15].
Alleviating math anxiety
Understanding the antecedents of math anxiety provides Summing up
clues about how to prevent its occurrence. For instance, Education, psychology, and neuroscience researchers have
bolstering basic numerical and spatial processing skills begun to uncover the antecedents of math anxiety. Not only
may help to reduce the likelihood of developing math is math anxiety present at the beginning of formal school-
anxiety. If deficiencies in basic mathematical competencies ing, which is much younger than was previously assumed,
predispose students to becoming math anxious, then early but its development is also probably tied to both social
identification of at-risk students (coupled with targeted factors (e.g. a teachers anxiety about her own math ability)
exercises designed to boost their basic mathematical com- and a students own basic numerical and spatial compe-
petencies and regulate their potential anxieties) may help tencies where deficiencies may predispose students
to prevent children from developing math anxiety in the to pick up on negative environmental cues about math.
first place. Perhaps most striking, many of the techniques employed to
Knowledge about the onset of math anxiety also sheds reduce or eliminate the link between math anxiety and
light on how to weaken the link between math anxiety and poor math performance involve addressing the anxiety
poor math performance in those who are already math rather than training math itself. When anxiety is regulated
anxious. If exposure to negative math attitudes increases or reframed, students often see a marked increase in their
the likelihood of developing math anxiety, which in turn math performance. These findings underscore the impor-
adversely impacts math learning and performance, then tant role that affective factors play in situations that
regulation of the negativity associated with math situa- require mathematical reasoning. Unfortunately, it is still
tions may increase math success, even for those individuals quite rare that numerical cognition research takes into
who are chronically math anxious. Support for this idea account issues of math anxiety when studying numerical
comes from work showing that when simply anticipating and mathematical processing. By ignoring the powerful
an upcoming math task, math anxious individuals who role that anxiety plays in mathematical situations, we
show activation in a frontoparietal network known to be are overlooking an important piece of the equation in
involved in the control of negative emotions perform terms of understanding how people learn and perform
nearly as well as their non-anxious counterparts on a mathematics.
difficult math test [11]. These neural findings suggest that
strategies that emphasize the regulation and control of
negative emotions even before a math task begins may This work was supported by US Department of Education, Institute
enhance the math performance of highly math anxious of Education Sciences Grant R305A110682, and NSF CAREER Award
individuals. DRL-0746970 to S.B.
One means by which people can regulate their negative
emotions is expressive writing in which people are asked to
write freely about their emotions for 1015 min with re- 1 Hembree, R. (1990) The nature, effects, and relief of mathematics
spect to a specific situation (e.g. an upcoming math exam). anxiety. J. Res. Math. Educ. 21, 3346
Writing is thought to alleviate the burden that negative 2 Ashcraft, M.H. et al. (2007) Is math anxiety a mathematical learning
thoughts place on working memory by affording people an disability? In Why Is Math So Hard for Some Children? The Nature
and Origins of Mathematical Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
opportunity to re-evaluate the stressful experience in a
(Berch, D.B. and Mazzocco, M.M.M., eds), pp. 329348, Brookes
manner that reduces the necessity to worry altogether. 3 Beilock, S.L. (2010) Choke: What the Secrets of the Brain Reveal about
Demonstrating the benefits of expressive writing, Getting It Right When You Have To, Simon & Schuster
Ramirez and Beilock showed that having highly test 4 Ramirez, G. et al. (2012) Math anxiety, working memory and math
anxious high school students write about their worries achievement in early elementary school. J. Cogn. Dev.
prior to an upcoming final exam boosted their scores from 5 Young, C.B. et al. (2012) Neurodevelopmental basis of math anxiety.
B to B+ (even after taking into account grades across Psychol. Sci. 23, 492501
the school year) [12]. Similar effects have been found 6 Beilock, S.L. et al. (2010) Female teachers math anxiety affects girls
specifically for math anxiety. Writing about math-related math achievement. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 10601063
worries boosts the math test scores of math anxious 7 Maloney, E.A. et al. (2010) Mathematics anxiety affects counting but
not subitizing during visual enumeration. Cognition 114, 293297
students [13]. 8 Maloney, E.A. et al. (2011) The effect of mathematics anxiety on the
Negative thoughts and worries can also be curtailed by processing of numerical magnitude. Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 64, 1016
reappraisal or re-framing techniques. Simply telling stu- 9 Maloney, E.A. et al. (2012) Reducing the sex difference in math anxiety:
dents that physiological responses often associated with the role of spatial processing ability. Learn. Individ. Diff. 22, 380384
10 Petty, R.E. and Cacioppo, J.T. (1986) The elaboration likelihood model
anxious reactions (e.g. sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat) are
of persuasion. Adv. Exp. Soc. Psychol. 19, 123205
beneficial for thinking and reasoning can improve test 11 Lyons, I.M. and Beilock, S.L. (2011) Mathematics anxiety: separating
performance in stressful situations [14]. Having students the math from the anxiety. Cereb. Cortex
think positively about a testing situation can also help cercor/bhr289

Forum: Science & Society Trends in Cognitive Sciences August 2012, Vol. 16, No. 8

12 Ramirez, G. and Beilock, S.L. (2011) Writing about testing worries 15 Mattarella-Micke, A. et al. (2011) Choke or thrive? The relation between
boosts exam performance in the classroom. Science 331, 211213 salivary cortisol and math performance depends on individual
13 Park, D. et al. (2011) Put your math burden down: expressive writing differences in working memory and math anxiety. Emotion 11,
for the highly math anxious. Paper presentation at the Midwestern 10001005
Psychology Association, Chicago, IL.
14 Jamieson, J.P. et al. (2010) Turning the knots in your stomach into 1364-6613/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
bows: reappraising arousal improves performance on the GRE. J. Exp. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, August 2012,
Soc. Psychol. 46, 208212 Vol. 16, No. 8


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