Charisindia Errors 01

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SEPTEMBER 18, 2012/OCTOBER 15, 2012

Error in Charisindia 01
Pro-contraception anti-life article in the July 2012 issue
"CHARISINDIA is a monthly magazine, published on behalf of the National Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (NCCRS) which has been recognised by the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) as the principal coordinating agency of the CCR* in India."- CHARISINDIA *Catholic Charismatic Renewal


1a. It has been my observation for a very long time that the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in India has been the propagator of errors and abuses especially in the liturgy of the Mass, something that, as an apologist, I now find impossible to ignore. I admit participating in most if not all of them at one time or another for several reasons, the chief among them being ignorance; moreover, no one objected to them and almost every charismatic priest, religious and lay leader practised them. However, circumstances -- and the personal counsel of some good CCR leaders who would like to see these abuses and errors stopped -- make it imperative that they be now exposed. 1b. It has been my experience -- when I have pointed out these abuses and errors on certain occasions -- that most "charismatics" are not very receptive to correction of any sort. Their responses have ranged from indulgence to hostility. My pointing out that I am only repeating the teaching of the Church has not saved me from being labeled "anti-charismatic". It is almost as if "charismatics" are "superior" to other Catholics and have a licence to modify the rubrics of the liturgy. No one is above the liturgy, not any priest and not any bishop. The rubrics must be followed by the Church to the letter. Since my antecedents are not known to many who visit our web site, I proudly affirm that my spirituality is charismatic. One of my spiritual directors, a holy and orthodox French Benedictine priest, actually finds it impossible to reconcile my "conservative" ministry with my being "charismatic". To him its an oxymoron. To me, it seems a natural thing. 1c. My wife and I helped plant several prayer groups in New Delhi starting 1982 and I was a founder-member of the very first Service Team of the CCR in New Delhi. As a life member and benefactor of CHARISINDIA, a stockist of the magazine in the 'mid 80s, and possessing back issues of CHARISINDIA almost from its inception, I have a relationship with the magazine that cannot be deterred either by criticism or by the ignoring of my letters by those who now run the magazine. I invite the reader to read pages 2 to 4, especially the section sub-titled "Errors and excesses" on page 4 of my April 2011 article CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL /docs/CATHOLIC_CHARISMATIC_RENEWAL.doc. The article will give the reader an idea of what to expect in this series on CHARISINDIA and the CCR in India. In this series, I will name names. I am constrained to do so because, over the 30 years of my sojourn in the Renewal, I have seen the condition of things deteriorate, while at the same time not a single prophetic voice has been raised in protest. My scores of letters to the senior most leadership have either elicited unfulfilled assurances or been studiously ignored. I must stress here on one point that I mention under point 5 on page 3 of my above-cited April 2011 article: the loyalty of too many rank and file charismatics is to their leadership instead of to the teaching authority of the Church. If the reader dismisses my statements as generalisations, the true incidents that I will record in the articles in this series -justifying my having to name certain people -- should convince him that this is not so. 2. The immediate reason for this series on CHARISINDIA/the CCR is the CHARISINDIA July 2012 issue. A pro-contraception article authored by a Protestant was published. On learning of it, I personally contacted the CCRs Episcopal Advisor Most Rev. Francis Kalist, the bishop of Meerut by 'phone and by email. He was cordial and expressed his thanks and appreciation of my initiative on the 'phone as well as in writing. My email letter and his response follow. However, all subsequent letters to the bishop have remained unanswered. Furthermore, all letters from me to Constantine Fernandez, the publisher of CHARISINDIA, its Chief Editor Cyril John, and to the National Charismatic Office [NCO] staff, Gilbert Faria and K.P. Shaji were also completely ignored by them. While I had spoken on the 'phone to Fernandez, Faria and Shaji, Cyril John simply declined to take my many calls or call me back. Two months have passed. The August and September 2012 CHARISINDIA issues had no refutation or correction of the error.

The July 2012 CHARISINDIA also carried a story on the funeral of Fr Rufus Pereira. I detected in that story what I believe to be an error: eulogies given during the Mass. That will be the subject of the immediately following article in this series. 1.


'Be Fruitful and Multiply' Is this a command, or a blessing? By Raymond C. Van Leeuwen, November 12, 2001

When our two sons graduated college and set off on their own, my wife and I had a talk. I asked her what she hoped for. One thing she said took me by surprise, though it made perfect sense. She said, "I hope we don't live too far from the grandchildren." Surprise: We don't have grandkids yet, and our sons are not yet married. Perfect sense: Within his prayer that God would bless Jerusalem, the psalmist also prays, "May you see your children's children!" (Ps. 128:6, RSV). Children are indeed a blessing, and they are one of the Lord's purposes for creation. God made humans in two sexes, designed to complement one another, to image his glory, and by reproduction to fill the Earth with that glory. Amid the sexual chaos of our society, Christians need to be faithful to God's purposes for us as sexual beings created in his image. The Bible also teaches that our sexuality can be properly fulfilled only in the secure garden of delights we call marriage (though sin disturbs it). Outside the bounds of marriage, sex is like luscious fruit that God has said is not for usit does damage instead of good. Biblical commands against sex outside of marriage and divorce are designed to protect not only adults but also the next generation, the children who need a secure world of committed love and affection. For Jesus, marriage is rooted in God's purposes at the Creation. The other side of the coin is that Jesus calls divorce and remarriage adultery, because it goes against God's created order for the male and female (Matt. 19:1-12; Mk. 10:1-12). Following this teaching on marriage, Jesus blessed the children and warned adults not to stand in the way of the children coming to him. The implication is clear: Divorce and adultery create obstacles that can hinder children from entering the Kingdom. God's grace can and does overcome those obstacles, though rarely is the damage to children completely undone in this life. The opposite implication is also clear: Marriage ought to be a place where children experience God's promises and love in the kept promises and sacrificial love of their parents. In faithful marriage, children also experience a place where Christ's forgiveness heals and repairs the damage sin inevitably does. They discover that marriage is both blessing and work, and never one without the other. The Truth of Genesis 1:28 Many Christians correctly oppose the sexual and marital chaos that has infiltrated our churches. But in this struggle against sin and for marriage and family, some Christian traditions take a wrong turn. They argue on the basis of the created order (sometimes called natural law) and Scripture that God has actually commanded married people to have children. These Christians, who see this command as absolute, argue against birth control, except for what they consider the natural means of abstinence. They claim Genesis 1:28"Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth"as a proof text. Birth control seems to disobey this commandment, which is rooted in God's purpose for creation. Much could be said in response, but only one comment is essential: Genesis 1:28 is not a commandment, but a blessing. It does not refer to what humans must do to please God, but to what God does for and through humankind. The text says, "God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply'" (RSV). Fertility is not a command but a blessing that God gives to his creatures, to animals as well as humans (Gen. 1:22). The filling of the Earth is a gift of God's wisdom and shows forth his glory as Creator (Ps. 104:24, 31; Isa. 6:3). In English it is easy to confuse blessing and command, because the blessing of Genesis 1:28 sounds like a command. This verse and its context is often called the cultural mandate. Instead, we should call it the cultural blessing. A look at Genesis 24:60 shows why. There, Rebekah's family is about to send her off to marry Isaac: "And they blessed Rebekah, and said to her, 'Our sister, be the mother of thousands of ten thousands; and may your descendants possess the gate of those who hate them!'" (RSV). Here again, the first part of the blessing ("be the mother") sounds like a command in English. But it is not. The human blessing appeals to God to make Rebekah and her descendants fruitful. In the next generation, when this blessing does not come for Rachel, Jacob angrily responds to her complaint, saying, "Am I in the place of God?" (Gen. 30:2, RSV). The Hebrew grammar of blessing in Genesis 24:60 is identical to that in Genesis 1:28. But in English, the blessing comes through more clearly in the second clause of Genesis 24:60: "may your descendants possess" (RSV). In Genesis 1:28, of course, it is God who declares the blessing and fulfills it himself. So it would be inappropriate for the English translation to read, "May you be fruitful." What is the upshot of all this? God does not command humans to be fruitful. Rather, he himself will bless his creatures and see to it that they are fruitful. He has provided for this by making us male and female, by investing our humanness with sexual desire and love, and by ordaining marriage as the place for, among other things, joyful lovemaking. Marriage is also the God-given matrix from which family naturally springs, the place where children may be born and reared with love and

wisdom, "in the fear of the Lord." The biblical blessings show that marriage is the natural and safe place for humans to be open to, and even eager for, God's gift of children. 2. We must beware of confusing matters. God gave this blessing to the human race as a whole. He does not give it to everyone. Some couples are barren, and their earnest prayers for children are not fulfilled. Others, like the apostle Paul, are called to life without marriage. If Genesis 1:28 were a "command" that applied to every individual, then Paul would have been disobedient in his apostolic singleness. Paul and everyone else would be obligated to pursue marriage and to order their marriages to produce many descendants. Usurping God's Sovereignty? Marriage exists for God's glory, not just for the gratification of individuals. Thus marriage is a place where sex should be open to the awesome gift of childrenwithout fear. Outside of the committed love of marriage, the words I'm pregnant have frightening implications. Within marriage, those words bring joy and gratitude to God, even if the birth was not "planned," even if the rearing of a child may be difficult. But does the openness of marriage to children mean that birth control is forbidden? Some have argued that contraception "usurps God's sovereignty." It is true that God is sovereign in blessing couples with children (Ps. 127 and 128). But do we disobey God's sovereignty or reject his providence by spacing the children we bear or by limiting their number? And what of a couple who decide to have no children at allthough they would welcome a child that God in his wisdom might send them in spite of their precautions? Do they disobey a sovereign God? Some couples give up the good of having kids because of health problems. Others may believe they have a special calling together (say, missions in a dangerous land) that leads them to forgo the blessing and the task of parenting. Such decisions should be rare exceptions, not undertaken lightly or for reasons of self-indulgence. They should say No to God's blessing of children only for the sake of greater good or need. But they do not usurp God's providence or sovereignty. If God can use even evil to accomplish good (Gen. 45:5-8), surely he can use human actions that seek to serve God with the freedom he has given us. God's sovereignty works in and through human actions, and, if necessary, in spite of them. To suggest that birth control is evil or perverse because it undermines God's sovereignty is to underestimate God's sovereignty and reject our responsibility to serve him wisely. Of course human choices ought to be made in the realm of freedom set within the limits of God's law. But where there is no law, our choices are free (Gal. 5)provided they are wise and serve God. To be sure, God then holds us responsible for our freedom. Within the limits of marriage, sex is one of the good gifts of God's creation, to be used for love and glory, whether or not it seeks in every instance to be fruitful in a procreative sense. Within the boundaries God has set for sex, there is much room for responsible Christian freedom, for what God has made is very good indeed.

1. Raymond Van Leeuwen is a Calvinist. If the publisher and chief editor of CHARISINDIA and the NCO staff -- all of whom have a moral responsibility to their subscribers and to the Church at large -- had done their homework [a little research] even after their blind copy-paste from the Internet, they would have discovered that the author is Protestant. Still worse, it is apparent that none of them had even read the article almost a month after its printing. Or, maybe they read it but were ignorant either of English language or the subtle poison of the anti-Catholic arguments employed in the erroneous article? [The antidote has not been administered even 3 months later.] The publisher Constantine Fernandez could not [would not?] even tell me who submitted the offending article to him for publication. He would have to check up, he informed me. After talking to the bishop, the publisher and the NCO, I telephoned and spoke to maybe a score of senior CCR regional and national level leaders across the country, 2 weeks into the month of July. Not a one of them had any inkling of the issue. Either they did not receive CHARISINDIA or they had not opened it or had opened it but had not read the particular article. Remember that the publishers never fail to tout CHARISINDIA as the worlds best charismatic magazine. I completely disagree -- and not just because of the July 2012 issue -- but I leave that for later. 2. Other Protestants subscribing to anti-life teachings appeal to/cite Van Leeuwens works The same position as Van Leeuwens is held by Bart Garrett: CHRISTIANS AND CONTRACEPTION: Convenience or Kingdom Thinking? By Bart Garrett in IIIM Magazine Online, Volume 3, Number 25, June 18 to June 24, 2001 Garrett cites "Calvin Seminarys Raymond Van Leeuwen" thrice: Van Leeuwen, Raymond C. Breeding Stock or Lords of Creation, as found in a symposium on contraception in Christianity Today. Volume 35: 34-45, 11 November 1991, pg. 37. Being Fruitful EXTRACT Robert Stacy McCain, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, July 11, 2002 Sam and Bethany Torode oppose contraception. They say it interferes with the "one flesh" nature of marriage declared in the Bible 3. The Catholic Church condemns contraception as "intrinsically evil," but the Torodes are not Catholic. They are part of a new generation of young Protestants who disdain birth control and favor larger families The evangelical journal Christianity Today began questioning family limits in 1991, asking, "Is Birth Control Christian?" In 2001, the magazine ran an article by the Torodes: "Make Love and Babies," along with a rebuttal by Eastern College biblical studies professor Raymond Van Leeuwen. The Torodes endorse the Natural Family Planning (NFP) practices advocated by the Catholic pro-life Couple to Couple League, but most Americans don't know about NFP because the medical community almost unanimously endorses artificial birth control, Mr. Torode says. "It's so hard to get honest information. It's hard to find doctors who encourage large families." The Torodes base their opposition to artificial birth control on Genesis 2:24: "Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Prior to the 1900s, Mr. Torode says, most Protestants opposed birth control for the same reasons expressed by Pope Paul VI in his July 1968 encyclical "Humanae Vitae." "They believed contraception would increase promiscuity and encourage adultery by separating sex from procreation," he says. But after the Church of England approved birth control at its 1930 Lambeth Conference, "all Protestant denominations went on to endorse contraception, except for a few groups like the Amish," he says. Protestants "were following the spirit of the age. They were influenced by people like [Planned Parenthood founder] Margaret Sanger." Childfree (also known as voluntary childlessness) EXTRACT Another view, for example, is that the biblical text Gen. 1:28 "Be fruitful and multiply," is really not a command but a blessing formula and that while there are many factors to consider as far as people's motives for remaining childless, there are many valid reasons, including dedicating one's time to demanding but good causes, why Christians may choose to remain childless for a short time or a lifetime. Van Leeuwen, Raymond C. (September/October 2003). "Is It All Right for a Married Couple to Choose to Remain Childless?". Today's Christian Woman (Christianity Today International): pp. Vol. 25, No. 5, Page 24. Retrieved 12 December 2006. Protestant views on birth control EXTRACT Protestants, including Quiverfull adherents, also disagree over whether the Biblical statement "be fruitful and multiply" in Genesis 1:28 and 9:7 is a command or simply a blessing God spoke over its recipients. Mary Pride and Charles D. Provan see it as a binding command upon married Christians, while Dobson, MacArthur, Jordan, and Raymond C. Van Leeuwen do not see the statement as prohibiting family planning by contraceptive use. Raymond C. Van Leeuwen (2005). ""Be Fruitful and Multiply": Is this a Command, or a Blessing?". Christianity Today. Retrieved 2006-10-21. 3. Van Leeuwens own works We Really Do Need another Bible Translation By Raymond C. Van Leeuwen, October 22, 2001: In the above, to Van Leeuwen, William Tyndale is a "martyr". The Catholic Church regards William Tyndale as a heretic: Is It All Right for a Married Couple to Choose to Remain Childless? By Raymond C. Van Leeuwen, November 12, 2001 Yes, according to Van Leeuwen.


From: prabhu To: Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 7:31 AM Subject: FROM INDIA Dear Raymond, I write from India. I read your 2001 article 'Be Fruitful and Multiply' Is this a command, or a blessing? which was reproduced in a magazine here. From the Internet, I learn that you are a Calvinist by faith. The Catholic Church in this country had not too long ago asked believers to have more children. I would greatly appreciate if you would briefly and definitively explain your stand [without referring me to any of your online articles] on the Church's ban on the use of contraceptives. Thanking you in advance.


From: prabhu To: ; Cc: nco ; charisindia ; ; National Charismatic Office ; ; ; Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 5:20 PM Subject: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Dear Bishop Francis Kalist and Prof. Constantine Fernandez, Thank you for giving me your kind attention in your respective capacities of Episcopal Advisor to and Publisher of CHARISINDIA, the official CBCI-approved monthly of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal [CCR] in India, when I called you both up earlier this morning concerning the issue in the subject line of this email. I have reproduced the article in its entirety below as desired by Bishop Francis. The article appears -- to me and to a few other Catholics who contacted me to check the article out -- to justify the choice of married couples to delay pregnancy, limit their progeny, and even not have babies. Using Scripture, the author -- who is apparently a Calvinist (Protestant) pro-choice theologian -- argues that there are circumstances that may justify "birth control". Pro-choice is inevitably anti-life and anti-Catholic. Van Leeuwen advocates a subjective approach to a couple's decisions to have or not to have children. That I believe is not the Catholic position as it overrules the will of God in our lives. Let us be reminded that about two years ago the Cardinal of the Catholic Church in Kerala exhorted Catholics to have more children. Uninformed Catholic readers of CHARISINDIA are quite likely to interpret Van Leeuwen's article as a licence to use contraceptives, this in a situation when most Catholics contracept anyway -- or are looking for an excuse to justify using contraceptives -- and when the issue is almost never broached upon in the ministry of the Church at any level. Pardon me for a couple more observations which I am including though not for the first time in my letters to CHARISINDIA: Around 50% of the articles in CHARISINDIA are lifted from the Internet. Most of them are old, really old. The Van Leeuwen piece is as ancient as November 2001. The articles are written by "foreigners". They probably have been or should have been read a long time ago by genuinely zealous Catholics, especially those involved in ministries. As Bishop Francis astutely observed when we spoke, there is an inherent danger in undiscerningly downloading -- and reproducing for public consumption -- information from the Internet. My second observation is that the photographs illustrating the articles are "foreign" too by an overwhelming majority. Praying hands, a commonly used image, is always "white". Surely one expects more from three decades of CHARISINDIA . I may be mistaken, but I believe that the CHARISINDIA photograph of Van Leeuwen is not of the writer. Please correct me if I am wrong. I reproduce below the actual photograph* of the author of 'Be Fruitful and Multiply' Is this a command, or a blessing? retrieved from *The photo, see page 2, is from the Internet article. The photo in CHARISINDIA is different. I may also be wrong in my personal interpretation of Van Leeuwen's article. If what has been written by him and published in CHARISINDIA is in line with the teaching of our Church, I offer my sincere and humble apologies in advance, requesting you to enlighten me -- and my other Catholic pro-life friends -- as to why I am in error. In the event that I/we am/are correct and that spiritual damage/scandal might have been incurred by the article, I/we think that it is imperative that CHARISINDIA publish an apology/correction and also support that correction with a couple of articles clearly stating the Catholic interpretation of Genesis 1:28 and the use of contraceptives and other methods of "birth control". To conclude, I wish to make a final observation. Since the article was brought to my attention just 36 hours prior to my contacting you, I would have thought that by now at least one discerning Catholic among all the thousands of CHARISINDIA subscribers might have found the article problematic and contacted someone in CHARISINDIA about it. However, when I talked to CHARISINDIA office staff in New Delhi several hours after I called the both of you and almost two dozen nation level leaders, I learned that this was not so. I look forward to an acknowledgement to this letter. Michael Prabhu, Catholic apologist, CHENNAI NOTE: The offending article was brought to my attention by Elma Barreto of Goa. Elma, a subscriber, wrote to CHARISINDIA by snail mail but received no response till date. Anil Joseph Alexander of Mumbai, another

subscriber, sent an email [see pages 6 and 7] to the CHARISINDIA office on June 24. He too reports having not received an acknowledgement. Sunny Kattukaren, a pro-lifer from Agra telephoned the CHARISINDIA office but informed me that his call was not taken seriously. Sunnys wife Lisa has had her 4 th child, his co-prolifer Jojus wife Sapna in Delhi their 6 th , and Elma too her 6 th, so for them this is a very serious issue. 5.


From: Francis Kalist To: prabhu Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 10:54 PM Subject: Re: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Dear Brother Michael Prabhu I am able to read your mail and the article just now only since I am in Raipur to preach a retreat to the SMMI sisters. Yes the article in question is confusing and it is not a proper article. I regret that such article is published. I thank you for the concern that you show for the truth and the right teaching of the Church. I am trying to contact Cyril and professor to rectify the mistake done. Thank you for making us aware of the mistake. God bless you. Yours in Our Lord Francis Kalist


From: prabhu To: Cc: Anil Alexander ; Sunny Kattukaren Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 9:34 PM Subject: Re: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Dear Bishop Francis Kalist, I thank you for your reply dated July 13 concerning the erroneous article. Permit me now to draw your attention to the following fresh information: 1. Mr. Anil Joseph Alexander of Bombay wrote to the National Charismatic Office [NCO]/CHARISINDIA on June 24, a full TWENTY DAYS before I brought the article to their attention. [His letter is reproduced below, and this letter is copied to him.] Yet, when I spoke to Mr. Gilbert Faria and Mr. Shaji K.P., both claimed that they were unaware of the problem with it and Mr. Faria assured me that he would look into the matter. It seems that they, having received his letter, apparently neither informed you, their Episcopal Advisor, nor the Publisher Mr. Constantine Fernandez or Chief Editor Mr. Cyril John, both of who are in Delhi itself, probably hoping that nobody else would notice and that the problem would go away. If so, it does not reflect well on the NCO. 2. Mr. Sunny Kattukaren of Agra, a full time Catholic pro-lifer called the NCO yesterday after I contacted him and he studied the article. He informed me today that when he called Mr. Gilbert Faria yesterday at the NCO to express his disappointment regarding the same, he felt that Mr. Faria took it very lightly. Mr. Kattukaren's email address is, tel: 0562 645 6380. 3. My email letter to you of the 13th instant was co-addressed to Prof. Constantine Fernandez under copy to the NCO and to Mr. Cyril John. I had also spoken to both Fernandez and Faria on the 'phone. [I could not get Cyril John on his 'phone.] It is a matter of regret that I have not received an acknowledgement and assurance from any of them after five days. For your kind information, I am a revert to the Catholic faith who planted charismatic prayer groups in New Delhi in the early 1980s, organised [with the blessings of the then Archbishop Angelo Fernandes] the very first full night vigils and full day rallies, and served on the very first Delhi Service Team which I helped constitute. I am now a full time Catholic apologist with an internet ministry and I have given talks and seminars on Catholic apologetics and the dangers of the New Age Movement in several cities. I am a writer whose Catholic articles have been carried in The Examiner, The New Leader, Shalom Tidings [Kerala], Renewal Voice [Bangalore], Streams of Living Water [Kolkata], The Observer [Bombay, now defunct], Vishal Jagruti [Goa], etc. I request your permission to send you an article on the Catholic position on contraception vis-a-vis Raymond Van Leeuwen's, for publication in CHARISINDIA. Yours obediently, Michael Prabhu


From: prabhu To: Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 8:14 AM Subject: RE: CHARISINDIA -- REMINDER, PLEASE

From: prabhu To: Cc: ; ; charisindia ; nco ; ; National Charismatic Office Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 8:00 AM Subject: SECOND SERIOUS ERROR IN A REPORT IN CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE

Dear Bishop Francis Kalist, It is a matter of great regret that your Lordship did not deign to respond to my letter [reproduced below] of July 17 or to the reminder sent to you on July 24. 6. In that letter, I had offered to submit through you an article to counter the errors in the article published by Prof. Constantine Fernandez and Mr. Cyril John. Both of them have not deigned to respond to my two letters to them either. Neither did the NCO. Can it be a reflection on the sorry state of internal affairs in the senior leadership of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal which some very senior national and regional level leaders privately and in confidentiality lament to me in the context of my ministry? As the subject line of this email letter says, there is another error, a serious one in my opinion, in the same issue of CHARISINDIA. I was waiting for your response to my emails of July 17 & 24 [and that of the above-named leaders] to bring the second one to the attention of your good self and the National Charismatic Office. Yours obediently, Michael Prabhu

1. Bishop Francis Kalist was apparently well disposed towards me in his initial encounter with my ministry as seen from my telephone conversation with him on July 13 and from his email to me of the same day. Thereafter his attitude towards me changed as is obvious by his sustained silence and ignoring of my letters. I stand accused of judging but I can only imagine that he has responded to the cautions of seasoned CCR office bearers. The bishop has only recently assumed charge as Episcopal Advisor to the CCR and it is a matter of regret that he is under control instead of taking control and revamping the CCR in India.

2. As mentioned in my second letter to the Bishop, Mr. Anil Joseph Alexander of Mumbai wrote to the National Charismatic Office [NCO]/CHARISINDIA on June 24, a full TWENTY DAYS before I brought the article to their attention. His letter is reproduced herewith:
From: Anil 'Joseph' Alexander To: prabhu Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 11:01 PM Subject: Fwd: Be Fruitful & Multiply - Is this a command or a blessing? Michael - I was troubled by the same article and had written to them also. Not sure if I used the correct email. I did not receive any response. Joseph ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Anil 'Joseph' Alexander <> Date: Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 3:28 AM Subject: Be Fruitful & Multiply - Is this a command or a blessing? To:, Hi - I just received the latest issue of Charisindia and was wondering whether the article titled in the subject line was in line with the Church's teaching. I probably need to read the article several times (again) to conclude if the author's position is contrary to the teaching of the Church on contraception, spacing of children and/or limiting family size. But at first read, I was a bit disturbed. Joseph From: prabhu To: Anil Alexander Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 8:34 PM Subject: Re: Be Fruitful & Multiply - Is this a command or a blessing? Dear Joseph, I am very happy to note not just your spiritual discernment but also that you ensured to write to the National Charismatic Office. I wish you had notified me earlier about this article. You wrote to CHARISINDIA [yes, the addresses are both correct] a full 20 days before I did and yet, when I talked to both of the longstanding persons serving at the National Charismatic Office [NCO], New Delhi, on July 13, they feigned complete ignorance of the issue and assured me that they would look into the matter -- as if it was fresh news to them. Moreover, it seems that they, having received your letter, apparently neither informed the Episcopal Advisor Bishop Francis Kalist, nor the Publisher Mr. Constantine Fernandez and Chief Editor Mr. Cyril John, both of who are in Delhi itself, probably hoping that nobody else would notice and that the problem would go away. It certainly does not reflect well on them. [Incidentally, neither Mr. Constantine Fernandez nor Mr. Cyril John nor the NCO has responded to my letter even after five days.] All of this is once again a very serious matter, as serious as the careless publishing of the article itself. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will be writing once again to Bishop Francis Kalist about this grave lapse. His letter is copied below. I am informed that when Sunny Kattukaren, the head of a particular Catholic pro-life ministry in Agra, contacted the seniormost person at the NCO [I am intentionally not typing his name out here] yesterday to express his concern about the

article, the person at the NCO gave the impression of taking the issue very casually, making light of Sunny Kattukaren's concern. I am Bcc-ing copies of this letter to pro-lifers as well as all those national and regional leaders and priests who either telephoned me or acknowledged my alert of July 13. Love and prayers, Michael 7.

From: Anil 'Joseph' Alexander To: prabhu Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:17 AM Subject: Re: Be Fruitful & Multiply - Is this a command or a blessing? Dear Michael I praise and thank God that this article fell into your hands. Although I wrote to Charisindia expressing my concern about the article in question, I failed to follow up with them. I sincerely apologize not alerting you about it. It was the least I could do knowing fully well, how articulate and driven you are by the Holy Spirit when it comes to the Truth of the Catholic Church and its teachings. Regarding the lack of response from Charisindia, I had mentally chalked it up to a small team at Charisindia being overwhelmed with the numerous queries that they might have received regarding this article. I foolishly presumed that a corrigendum would follow in the next issue. You can therefore imagine my surprise when they told you that no one raised any concerns regarding this. I know that many of our church leaders can be evasive on the appropriate interpretation of the verse 'Be Fruitful and Multiply'. I am even aware of a situation where a priest parked 'the sin of Onan' as an Old Testament dictate that held no relevance today. God does work in mysterious ways and I like to think that this is His way of getting the Church leaders to be silent no more on this issue. Blessings in Christ Our Lord, Joseph

The National Charismatic Office [NCO]/CHARISINDIA were thus fully aware of the problem a full three weeks prior to my intimating them, and apparently DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. The publisher who lives in Kerala, the chief editor who lives in Delhi and the Bishop who lives in Meerut were apparently not informed by the NCO/CHARISINDIA staff and this is a grave dereliction of duty on their part. If on the other hand any of them were informed and pretended to me to be unaware of such a serious error, other unavoidable questions arise.
Out of concern, I wrote also to the Human Life Commission, Mumbai with a similar response From: prabhu To: Cc: Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 1:27 PM Subject: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ANTI-LIFE ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Dear Bishop Agnelo Gracias and the Diocesan Human Life Committee, Bombay, I have reproduced the subject referred article in its entirety below. It appears to me to justify the choice of married couples to delay pregnancy, limit their progeny, and even not have babies. Using Scripture, the author -- who is apparently a Calvinist (Protestant) pro-choice theologian -- argues that there are circumstances that may justify "birth control". Pro-choice is inevitably anti-life and anti-Catholic. Van Leeuwen advocates a subjective approach to a couple's decisions to have or not to have children. That I believe is not the Catholic position as it overrules the will of God in our lives, and our being open to children gifted to us by God. Let us be reminded that about two years ago the Cardinal of the Catholic Church in Kerala exhorted Catholics to have more children. Uninformed Catholic readers of CHARISINDIA are quite likely to interpret Van Leeuwen's article as a licence to use contraceptives, this in a situation when most Catholics contracept anyway -- or are looking for an excuse to justify using contraceptives -- and when the issue is almost never broached upon in the ministry of the Church at any level. I may be mistaken, but I believe that the CHARISINDIA photograph of Van Leeuwen is not of the writer. I reproduce below what I believe to be the actual photograph of the author of 'Be Fruitful and Multiply' Is this a command, or a blessing? retrieved from I may also be wrong in my personal interpretation of Van Leeuwen's article. If it does not contradict the teaching of our Church, I offer my sincere and humble apologies in advance, requesting you to enlighten me as to why I am in error. In the event that I am correct and that spiritual damage/scandal might have been incurred by the article, I think that it is is imperative that CHARISINDIA publish an apology/correction and also support that correction with a couple of articles clearly stating the Catholic interpretation of Genesis 1:28 and the use of contraceptives and other methods of "birth control". I look forward to receiving your acknowledgement to this letter. Michael Prabhu, Catholic apologist, CHENNAI, CC: Fr. Cajetan Menezes, Snehalaya, Mumbai - I look forward to receiving your acknowledgement to this letter. PS. I would be most grateful if either of you give me the email address and/or telephone number of Dr. Jeanette Pinto.

From: prabhu To: St.Pius College ; Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 5:16 PM Subject: Re: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ANTI-LIFE ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Dear Bishop Agnelo, I sent this communication to the email address given to me over the telephone by the Archbishop's House. However, the address has bounced. Hence I am sending it to you directly. With regards, Michael 8. From: Snehalaya Family Centre To: prabhu Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:26 PM Subject: Re: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ANTI-LIFE ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Your mail will be fowarded to DHLC chairperson Bsp. Agnelo Admin Dept, Snehalaya Family Centre, Victoria Campus, L. J. Road; Mahim; Mumbai - 400 016 Mah.; India. # 91-22-2444 8218 / 2446 8218 (10am - 1pm & 4 - 7pm) WEBSITE: Neither the Human Life Commission nor the Bishop responded.


From: prabhu To: ; nco ; charisindia ; ; National Charismatic Office ; ; Cc: Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 8:24 AM Subject: RE: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, REMINDER PLEASE Even though this is a matter of the utmost seriousness and concern to all Catholics, I have not been favored with an acknowledgement to my letter of eleven days ago either by Professor Constantine, Mr. Cyril John, or the National Charismatic Office. After I hear from you all in this matter, I will inform you about another serious error in the same CHARISINDIA issue. Michael


[THERE WERE DOZENS OF ENCOURAGING TELEPHONIC RESPONSES FROM CCR LEADERS AND OTHERS] From: Name Withheld 1 To: prabhu Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:40 PM Subject: raymond c. van leeuwen: 'Be Fruitful and Multiply' Is this a command, or a blessing? [Protestant links] From: Name Withheld 1 To: prabhu Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:59 PM Subject: raymond c. van leeuwen [Protestant links] From: Name Withheld 2 To: prabhu Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 8:30 PM Subject: Thanks for the mornings call Dear Michael & Angie, Thanks for calling me today. We will pray about the message that you have been receiving that we should start Rachel's Vineyard in Goa. We also await the scanned copy of the article in Charisindia which cleverly proposes the legitimizing of contraception/ no babies at all. I am sending you some emails and if possible phone nos. of pro-lifers. [] PRO-LIFE MINISTRY, GOA From: Name Withheld 3 To: prabhu Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 10:05 PM Subject: Re: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Thanks Michael, here are a couple of contacts in the pro life area in Mumbai Diocesan Human Life Committee Archbishop's House, 21, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Mumbai 400 001 Tel: 2281 5762 / 2202 1093 / 1193 / 1293 Pro-Life Committee C/o Archdiocesan Board of Education, Holy Name High School, 2nd Floor, 5,Convent Street, Mumbai 400 001 Telefax: 2287 3990 PRO-LIFE MINISTRY, MUMBAI From: Name Withheld 4 To: prabhu Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 10:52 PM Subject: Re: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE My dear Michael, I appreciate your zeal in immediately pointing out the flaw in the article which clearly is erroneous. The worst part of this article is that it is clearly anti-Catholic, judgmental, and the language used is that of inciting the faithful to rebel against the authoritative church teachings on the subject and affirming them if they have already rebelled. Surely, this man does not understand the whole of the human person, the nature of man and woman, the sanctity of Christian marriage. He needs to do more study in the Catholic argument and reasoning's before he could set him self on the judgment seat, judging the Church of God. He like a true protestant has taken a lopsided view of scripture and interpreted it according to protestant mind set. How can an esteemed magazine like CharisIndia indulge in such corruption? PRIEST, MUMBAI

From: Name Withheld 5 To: Michael Prabhu Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 10:06 AM Subject: RE: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Dear Michael, Thank you for sending me the article. I still have not see CHARISINDIA. I wanted to reply quickly so that you know I agree with your conclusion; this is NOT the teaching of the Church. There are a lot of important statements running through my mind that I have read, but will need time to look up. The marital act always has to be open to the possibility of new life. 9. Contraceptives therefore run counter to God's design for Christian love. When the Church speaks about spacing children, or perhaps not having any more children, it speaks about the seriousness of the decision that needs to be made with much prayer, guidance and mutual consent and only using natural family planning methods. I agree that CHARISINDIA should run an apology, and even better, print an article with the correct teaching of the Church to undo whatever misinformation this article has transmitted. Will get back to you on this. Praying for your eyes! May the Lord continue to increase your spiritual perception and vision! REGIONAL CHAIRPERSON, CCR From: Name Withheld 6 To: prabhu Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:05 PM Subject: Re: Fw: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Hello Michael Read this mail and if I have to sum up this article by Raymond C. Van Leeuwen in one sentence. It would be like he is licensing the mass to commit murder without guilt attached. A definite violation of the 5th commandment of the Lord. It doesn't surprise me a bit that CHARISINDIA got away with publication of this article!!! In the past too they have done it. Keep up the good work, May God bless in your all works. SAUDI ARABIA From: Name Withheld 6 To: prabhu Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:39 PM Subject: Re: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Thanks Michael! FORMER REGIONAL CHAIRPERSON, CCR From: Name Withheld 7 To: prabhu Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 10:31 PM Subject: Re: Fw: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Dear Michael Noted your mail PRIEST, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE OF INDIA, NEW DELHI From: Name Withheld 8 To: prabhu Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: Re: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Thank you for bringing this article to our notice. Will definitely warn people about this. God bless your ministry. From: Name Withheld 8 To: 13 others Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:32 AM Subject: Fw: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE Dear All, This is regarding one of the articles published in July issue of Charisindia with an argument for contraception. I am grateful to Michael for having brought it so quickly to our notice. Please do read through to become aware so that we can warn people against this article and the idea it promotes. REGIONAL CHAIRPERSON, CCR From: Name Withheld 9 To: Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 12:42 PM Subject: RE: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Dear Michael, A very good observation and congratulations for your roving eye! Though I get a copy I did not read it in detail myself and I wonder how many do read it in detail! Since as you say no one brought it to their notice! Great, at least someone like you noticed it and they should clarify it in the next issue. The editorial board must filter all articles before it goes out or else confusion will persist! God be with you PRIEST, CCR, MUMBAI From: Name Withheld 10 To: Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 9:15 PM Subject: Re: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Dear Michael I am in a hurry, but read your article and I am not surprised that the author of this pro-pill article is Dutch. One is not be prejudice, but alas, the Dutch are so liberal and helped in the European Union for the advancement of the homosexual law which equalizes a same sex marriage to a union of man and woman! [] PREACHER, CCR

From: Name Withheld 11 To: prabhu Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 2:39 AM Subject: Re: Fw: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Hi Michael, Really, really happy to read this post and God bless you for the same. [] PRAYER GROUP LEADER, CCR, MANGALORE/OVERSEAS 10. From: Name Withheld 12 To: Michael Prabhu Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:20 AM Subject: RE: ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN IN THE CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE My dear Michael, congrats for taking up an issue that is at the heart of the survival of the Catholic family. God did not ordain that parents were to have children in what I would call an irresponsible manner; that is without thought of their future care and upbringing - Hence God in His wisdom has provided different periods in a woman's life where she is incapable of having children. I have couples who very successfully practice the "natural family planning" Ten years ago, one father said that he had practiced it for the last seven years if I meet him today, he would say - not seven, but seventeen. Hoping that Angey and the rest of the family are well, From: Name Withheld 12 To: Michael Prabhu Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 10:35 AM Subject: RE: MORE ON THE CHARISINDIA ARTICLE Dear Michael, I appreciate your follow up on your observations to the concerned authorities [] PRIEST, MUMBAI From: Name Withheld 13 To: prabhu Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:38 PM Subject: Re: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Dear Prabhu, Peace and joy be with you. Thank you for sending me the article. These days I am not getting the CHARISINDIA any more, so I do not know what all are being printed there. Yes I agree with you. If one has to follow the [Church] must do so in all situations and there should be no excuse about it. [] FORMER NATIONAL CHAIRPERSON, CCR, OVERSEAS NATION From: Name Withheld 14 To: Michael Prabhu Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:31 AM Subject: Fw: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Dear Michael, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. Refer attached file. Genuine Catholic teaching on contraception is much stricter than many Catholics would even know or imagine. Unfortunately this genuine teaching of the Church is not taken up in its entirety at marriage-encounter courses and many Catholics may not even know what all amounts to contraception according to Church teaching. The article in CHARISINDIA is not in line with authentic Catholic teaching and should not have been allowed to be published in it at all. It would mislead many Catholics to justify the wrong they may already be indulging in either from lack of knowledge or willful indulgence. CHARISINDIA owes an apology in the next month's issue to all subscribers. I myself don't subscribe to this magazine and was not aware of this till I received the below email from you. Thanks for the same. I really appreciate your taking this issue up strongly with the proper authorities. God bless you for standing up to defend true Catholic teaching. PRAYER GROUP LEADER, CCR, MUMBAI From: Name Withheld 15 To: Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:52 AM Subject: Fwd: Fw: CHARISINDIA MAGAZINE JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Dear friends, [] This issue affects greatly the future of our faith and families and God's original plans, designs, will, commands and purposes for mankind, His most beloved of all creation/creatures. I also encourage all of you to browse through the most interesting and helpful apologetics website of our dearly beloved Catholic apologist and evangelist, Bro. Michael Prabhu, EVANGELIST, MANGALORE From: Name Withheld 16 To: prabhu Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:15 AM Subject: Re: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Hi Bro. I have not gone through the article will go through it soon. God Bless. LEADER, COVENANT COMMUNITY From: Name Withheld 17 To: prabhu Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 4:29 PM Subject: Re: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN May God continue to use you to open peoples' eyes to "THE TRUTH" in line with God's Word. God bless you for serving Him with a single mind and a willing heart. May u and ur family be blessed with Gods best always!!!! []

From: Name Withheld 18 To: 'prabhu' Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 6:08 PM Subject: RE: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Dear Mike Thanks for the e-mail it is a very good pointer about what is being wrongly taught about birth control. This is the personal view of one individual and not the view of the Catholic Church. Even his examples of choice of missionaries etc not to have children are wrong!


About His example of St Paul, it is again in the wrong perspective and wrong quote. St Paul did this to follow Jesus Christ most closely and to plant churches all over Judea, Samaria and the Roman colonies and Rome itself. It is what Jesus said some become eunuchs for the kingdom of God. It is also very good that that you have pointed out that some of the articles of CHARISINDIA are copied and pasted from the Internet. It is more shocking to know that this article is 10 years old. This shows the easy way out that they are taking. What a tragedy that where there is so much talent in the Catholic Church in India, and so many eminent persons can write wonderful articles, that CHARISINDIA has to take old and irrelevant articles from the www that are not Catholic sources. Please keep up the good and thankless work. From: Jude Last namecarvalho To: prabhu;; Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:48 PM Subject: Fw: Re: Fw: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Genesis 38 NIV 1 At that time, Judah left his brothers and went down to stay with a man of Adullam named Hirah. 2 There Judah met the daughter of a Canaanite man named Shua. He married her and made love to her; 3 she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, who was named Er. 4 She conceived again and gave birth to a son and named him Onan. 5 She gave birth to still another son and named him Shelah. It was at Kezib that she gave birth to him. 6 Judah got a wife for Er, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. 7 But Er, Judahs firstborn, was wicked in the Lords sight; so the Lord put him to death. 8 Then Judah said to Onan, "Sleep with your brothers wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother." 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brothers wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lords sight; so the LORD put him to death also. Dear Bro Prabhu and all the Catholic friends in the network including those in the CHARISINDIA network, I am Jude Vallabadas Carvalho, Catholic-daily communicant in the Holy Mass and am in the Infant Jesus Parish in ChennaiChinmayanagar. What Bro Prabhu has said in his retort to the specious article of one Van Leeuwen which has been circulated (cut /paste, I think) in the CHARISINDIA monthly electronic bulletin of July-22/12, are certainly the wholehearted sentiments of Catholicsyes all Catholics (those Catholics who use unnatural contraceptive methods for their carnal pleasure are not Catholics any more in my opinion) on this issue. I only wish to give to this Mr. Leeuwen a scriptural reply, which I have excerpted from the same Book of Genesis, much before the generation of Joseph in Ch 45 to which this gentleman is referring to without context to this issue. You would have read the excerpt from Genesis 38:1-10 given above. Onan is the infamous father of unnatural contraception; in fact the poor fellow thought that he should not defame his brother by producing offspring from his seed through his brother's wife, after his brother had been punished with death by God. ... But the SCRIPTURE says," What he did was wicked in the Lords sight; so the Lord put him to death also." Every person who practices such unnatural acts of contraception is an Onan. What this punishment of God on Onan means is that same is in store for all "Onans". God does not permit, allow or accept any unnatural act in the sacrament of marriage. I am not a theologian but a man of faith in my Lord and my Church. I believe what I have said is what every Catholic would endorse. Thanks Bro .Prabhu for taking up this cause so well with His Lordship, the Bishop. Pray that we Catholics pride in our faith heritage given by God and our parents. In Christ Our Lord and Saviour, Jude Vallabadas From: Name Withheld 19 To: prabhu Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:47 PM Subject: Re: Fw: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Thanks for the insights Brother. God bless you and continue to give you the strength to do his will. LEADER, CCR, MUMBAI From: Name Withheld 20 To: Michael Prabhu Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 12:08 AM Subject: RE: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN

Got it in the missions now... Ill read it offline... Still proud of u and will always be SEMINARIAN From: Name Withheld 21 To: prabhu Sent: Monday, September 03, 2012 8:26 AM Subject: Re: CHARISINDIA JULY 2012 ISSUE, ARTICLE BY RAYMOND C. VAN LEEUWEN Thanks Brother Michael. I sincerely appreciate your work. Hope the authorities pay attention. Its the silence and inaction that is costing and destroying the faith.


From: prabhu To: ; ; Cc: nco ; charisindia ; ; National Charismatic Office ; ; ; Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 10:30 AM Subject: CHARISINDIA ERRORS-01 From: prabhu To: ; ; Cc: nco ; charisindia ; National Charismatic Office ; ; ; ; Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 4:43 PM Subject: CHARISINDIA ERRORS-01 Dear Bishop Francis Kalist, Constantine, Cyril and others, This file is being uploaded tomorrow [September 18] in as no response has been received to our several letters to all of you leaders in the CCR. A timely response as well as a correction of the published error would have avoided this report which is now the first in a series of a recording of errors in CHARISINDIA and the CCR and its leaders. Michael Prabhu Catholic apologist

The October 2012 issue of CHARISINDIA casually carried an article on contraception from the Catholic perspective. There was no corrective statement, no admission of or a single word of apology for the erroneous publication in the July issue. The leadership of CHARISINDIA which represents the CCR apparently does not possess the humility to admit its utter carelessness in printing an article that is pro-choice and against the teaching of the Catholic Church, so much for a magazine that its publishers tout ad nauseam as the worlds best charismatic publication. As is mostly the case, the October 2012 article is not one that has been written by an Indian Catholic -- although there are a number of Catholic pro-life ministries operating within the Indian Church -- but by a Canadian theologian, Fr. Vincent Foy, as with a majority of CHARISINDIA articles lifted from the Internet. And, as always, at least 50% of the articles in this October issue are also copy-pasted from the Internet.

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