Introduction To The Eurocodes
Introduction To The Eurocodes
Introduction To The Eurocodes
European Standardization
Scope of Presentation
Objectives of the Eurocodes Scope of the Eurocodes Eurocode system National Annexes Implementation of the Eurocodes Surprises - Eurocode terminology, symbols & words Classification/Cross-sectional resistances Publications/Training Summary
The Eurocodes to establish a set of common technical rules for the design of buildings and civil engineering works which will ultimately replace the differing rules in the various Member States
The Eurocodes
10 sets of design codes with 58 Parts separated into packages Packages include buildings, bridges, towers and masts, silos and tanks. The head code EN 1990 applies to all types of structures.
Structural Eurocodes
EN 1990
Eurocode 0 Eurocode 1 Eurocode 2 Eurocode 3 Eurocode 4 Eurocode 5 Eurocode 6 Eurocode 7 Eurocode 8 Eurocode 9
EN 1999
Basis of structural design Actions on structures Design of concrete structures Design of steel structures Design of composite steel and concrete structures Design of timber structures Design of masonry structures Geotechnical design Design structure for earthquake resistance Design of aluminium structures
EN 1990
EN 1991
EN 1992 EN 1995
EN 1997
EN 1998
Part 1-1 General rules and rules for buildings Part 1-2 Structural fire design
Part 2 Bridges
Limit state design Rules validated by reliability Clauses are split into Principles and Application rules BS5950 concentrates on member design (e.g. beams columns etc), EC concentrates on structural behaviour (e,g, buckling, shear etc). The ECs are less codified than the British Standards, with more aspects left open to be determined using first principles. Contains National Annex with NDP More theory based
Current Position
62 standards published as ENVs or experimental standards 58 standards are planned to be published as EN (20 standards on steel structures)
All but two standards published by BSI (exceptions are EC3: Part 3.1 and Part 3.2) National Annexes available end 2008 BSI to withdraw conflicting national standards March 2010
BS EN 1993-1-1 BS EN 1993-1-2 BS EN 1993-1-3 BS EN 1993-1-4 BS EN 1993-1-5 BS EN 1993-1-6 BS EN 1993-1-7 BS EN 1993-1-8 BS EN 1993-1-9 BS EN 1993-1-10 BS EN 1993-1-11 BS EN 1993-1-12
BS to be replaced
BS449, BS5400-3, BS5950-1 BS5950-8 BS5950-8 BS5950-5, BS5950-6 ,BS5950-9 None BS449, BS5400-3, BS5950-1 None BS5400-3 BS449, BS4604, BS5400, BS5950-1 BS5950, BS7608 BS449, BS5400-3, BS5950-1 None None
Current BS to be replaced BS 5400-3 BS 8110-1,2,3 and 4 BS 4076 None None None BS 449, BS 5950-1 BS 449, BS 2853, BS 5950
National Annexes
Eurocodes recognise the responsibility of Regulatory and other Relevant Authorities in each Member State and have safeguarded their right to determine values related to safety matters at National level where these continue to vary from State to State This is through the National Annex
National Annex (NA) only needed if EN Eurocode part is relevant in a country Each EN will have a National Foreword that implements the EN through national standards The National Annex enables the EN to be used by publishing Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)
a b a b c d e f National title page National foreword EN title page EN text EN Annex(es) National annex c d e f
National Annex must be published within 24 months of DAV of EN National Annex can only contain items left open by the EN for national choice:
Values and/or classes where alternatives are given in EN Values where only a symbol is given in the EN Country specific data (e.g. snow map) Procedure to be used when Eurocode contains alternatives
Alternative Expressions Ultimate limit states of STR/GEO - Fundamental combination for persistent and transient design situations Expression (6.10)
0,85 1,00
Alternative Application Rules Amendments to clauses, values or methods NA is not a handbook No explanations of CEN procedures Should not give design guidance Interpretation of clauses No development of clauses to amplify their use, but references to complementary information are allowed NCCI ( PDs (PD 6688 Loading; PD 6687 Concrete etc)
Decision on informative annexes will be made by national competent authority (BSI) and given in NA
Other Guidance
The National Annex may have to refer to National (rump) standards. These standards will specify essential guidance not covered in the Eurocode
NA for EC0 Basis of Structural Design NA for EC1: Part 1.1 Densities, Self-weight, and imposed loads NA for EC1: Part 1.2 Fire NA for EC1: Part 1.3 Snow Load NA for EC1: Part 1.5 Thermal actions
All other NAs are in preparation and should be ready by the end of 2008.
NA for EC3: Part 1.1 (BCSA, Corus, SCI) NA for EC3: Part 1.2 (BCSA, Corus, SCI) NA for EC3: Part 1.8 (BCSA, Corus, SCI) NA for EC3: Part 1.9 (HA) NA for EC3: Part 1.10 (HA) NA for EC4: Part 1.1 (BCSA, Corus, SCI) NA for EC4: Part 1.2 (BCSA, Corus, SCI)
All other NAs are in preparation and should be ready by the end of 2008.
BS EN 1990
BS EN 1991: Part 1.1 Actions on structures Densities, self-weight and imposed loads BS EN 1991: Part 1.2 BS EN 1991: Part 1.3 BS EN 1991: Part 1.5 BS EN 1991: Part 1.6 BS EN 1991: Part 1.7 BS EN 1991: Part 3 Actions on structures Actions on structures exposed to fire Actions on structures Snow loads Actions on structures Thermal actions Actions on structures Actions during execution Actions on structures Accidental actions Actions on structures Actions induced by cranes and machinery
a. Changes in 2008
References to the Eurocode to be included Will be issued for Public Comment Needs an impact assessment Due Spring 2008 b. Changes in 2010 Bring the AD in line with Eurocodes BS will be removed Withdrawn standards will be allowed
What surprises?
Different symbols
BS5950 EC3 BS5950 EC3 BS5950 EC3
A Z S Ix Iy
A Wel Wpl Iy Iz
P Mx V H J
N My V Iw It
py pb pc r
fy fy LTfy i
Cross-section symbols
b = section breadth h = section depth d = depth between fillets (or diameter of CHS) tf = flange thickness tw = web thickness r = root radius
Major axis is y-y Vertical axis is z-z X direction is along the member
r y tw y d h
z b
EC3 definitions
British Standard Force Capacity (Mc) Design strength (py) Dead load Live load Wind load
Eurocode Action Resistance (Mc,Rd) Yield strength (fy) Permanent load Variable load Another variable load
Change in Values
BS 5950
Load factors Load combinations 1.4 Gk + 1.6Qk
Eurocode 3
1.35Gk + 1.5 Qk More combinations EHF included with every combination 210,000 N/mm2 81000 N/mm2
N c . Rd = A f y M 0 M c . Rd = W pl f y M 0
, epsilon
Note that in EC3, is based on 235 not 275
235 fy
in BS 5950,
275 py
Cross-Sectional Resistance
Gamma M, 6.1
Defined by National Annex
recommended in EN 1993-1-1 as:
M 0 = 1 ,0 M 1 = 1 ,0 M 2 = 1 ,25
Tension, 6.2.3
N Ed 1 ,0 N t ,Rd
N t ,Rd
Af y the lesser of N pl , Rd =
N u ,Rd =
0 ,9 Anet f u
Compression, 6.2.4
N Ed 1 ,0 N c ,Rd
Af y Class 1, 2, 3 N c , Rd =
Class 4
N c ,Rd =
Aeff f y
Bending, 6.2.5
M Ed 1 ,0 M c ,Rd
W pl f y Class 1, 2 M c , Rd = M pl , Rd =
Class 3 Class 4
Wel ,min f y
Weff ,min f y
Shear, 6.2.6
VEd 1 ,0 Vc ,Rd For plastic shear resistance
Vc ,Rd = V pl ,Rd =
Av f y
hw > 72 tw
Economic Effects
Design costs initially may be slightly more due to unfamiliarity of the codes and more complex analysis Over a period of time the cost are expected to be similar Material costs ?
Eurocode Training
Eurocode course already available from SCI (See BCSA/TWI event on execution to EN 1090-2 Corus events across the UK in 2008 Eurocode expert ( Access-steel ( Worked examples Tedds Lite examples Case studies Harmonised guidance on steel design
The Eurocodes are coming A National Annex is need before a Eurocode can be used in the UK 58 parts 23 are Steel and Composite Available end of 2008 National Standards withdrawn in 2010 Rationalises, design and terminology across all materials and countries The European region is 10 times bigger than the UK Design guides will be available 2008 Companies need to develop a strategy to implement the Eurocodes over a period of 2 to 3 years
British Standard Elastic Modulus Plastic Modulus Radius of gyration Torsion constant Warping constant Z S r J H
BS 5950 Class 1 and 2 MC = pYS Class 3 semi-compact Mc = pYZ or Mc = pYSeff Class 4 slender Mc = pYZeff Low shear Fv < 60% Pv
Eurocode 3 Class 1 and 2 Mc,Rd = fyWpl/M0 Class 3 Mc,Rd = fyWel,min/M0 Class 4 Mc,Rd = fyWeff,min/M0 Low shear VEd < 50% Vpl,Rd