Reference books DDL Commands DML Commands TCL Commands Queries, Sub Queries Operators
PL/SQL Reference books by author Scott Urman Cursors Trigger Packages, Procedure, Functions Forms 6i Reference books by Evan Baris Canvases types functionality Property Classes Visual attributes Programe Units Record Group Triggers Sequences Form functions like call form Reports 6i Variables like Bind, Lexical Columns - like Summery, Placeholder, Formula Report Triggers 6 types and sequence Format Triggers and Validate triggers Layout objects o Frame o Repeat frame o Anchor o Boilerplate
Functions Knowledge 30% Purchase Order Module Accounts Payable Module Order Management Module Inventory Module
Types of Projects a. Implementation Project: Client will be using another software to maintain the business solutions. Now the client wants to have Oracle Applications package to capture the data. That time we will start setups, data conversions, gap analysis, functions document preparation from the scratch. - first time
Old System Cobal Fox Pro New System Oracle Apps
b. Customization Project: Client was already using Oracle Applications, now the client would like to have few more modules to cover the business, for that we will customize new modules and integrate with existing modules.
Existing Ora Apps Few modules Financial Modules Migration Manufacturing Modules (Customization and Integration)
c. Migration or Up-gradation Project: Client was already using Oracle Applications older version now client would like to move new version of Oracle Applications that time we will migrate older version objects in to new version.
Existing Ora Apps Version 10.7 New Version 11.5.9 or 11.5.10
Version 10.7 11.0.3 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.5.5 11.5.6 11.5.7 11.5.8 11.5.9 11.5.10
Database Oracle 7 Oracle 8 Oracle 9i Oracle 9i Oracle 9i Oracle 9i Oracle 9i Oracle 9i Oracle 9i Oracle 10g
GUI Forms 4.5, Reports 2.5 Forms 6i, Reports 6i Forms 6i, Reports 6i Forms 6i, Reports 6i Forms 6i, Reports 6i Forms 6i, Reports 6i Forms 6i, Reports 6i Forms 6i, Reports 6i Forms 6i, Reports 6i Forms 6i, Reports 6i, Java, JDeveloper
d. Support or Maintenance: Once the implementation, customization and migration are over, then supporting project will be started where we will give supporting for the objects which were already developed, customized and migrated.
Types of Modules
Module: Module is nothing but one application it contains forms, reports and programs which are related for specific business functionality. Example: PO Module This will be used to capture purchasing information like suppliers, their contact details, supplying material, unit price and discounts and so on. ERP Manufacturing PO Purchase Order Inv Invoicing WIP Work in Process BOM Bills of Materials OM Order Management Production MRP Schedules Enquiring
Financial AP Accounts Payable AR Accounts Receivables FA Fixed Assets CM Cash Management GL General Ledger PA Project Accounting
HRMS People
CRM Customer Relationship and Management Tele Services Service Contract Mobile Process
Modules Integration :
WIP Production Supplier s Inventory BOM MRP Scheduling PO QA Testing AP GL HRMS FA CM AR OM Sales, Shipping
CLASS - 3 4) Types of Documents: The methodology of behind is AIM Application Implementation Methodology developed by Oracle Corporation RICE Module Design Forms & Reports Conversions Interface Number MDO 50 MDO 70 MDO120 CVO40 CVO 60 Support CR Document Name Functional Design Document Technical Design Document Migration Document Conversion functional Design Document Conversion Technical Design Document Change Request Prepared by Functional Consultant Technical Consultant Technical Consultant Functional Consultant Technical Consultant Technical Consultant
NOTE: Migration Document is two types 1) Installation Process: Installation Stages or three types development, testing, production. If any of the form or report is developed, when it is moving from one instance to another instance, to be moved all the components of that. Example functions, procedure, packages etc. This process will be done by DBA. 2) Execution Process: In this the execution of the form or report with a screen shoot to be specified along with the functionality CR Document: The document tell about the request made by the client, it could be very small change like single filed to be added or deleted to the form or procedure to be deleted.
Linux (Server)
Windows (Client)
Windows (Client)
CUS_TOP 11.5.0
PO_TOP 11.5.0
AP_TOP 11.5.0
GL_TOP 11.5.0
INV_TOP 11.5.0
AR_TOP 11.5.0
Admin script
Custom_ TOP: Custom top will be created by customer (client) for the custom development and customizations. At least one custom top is required for every client. We can have multiple custom tops also as per the requirements NOTE: 1) We are not suppose to develop are customize the product tops like AP, AR, GL, PO 2) If oracle applies the patches (scripts) against the application the script will over right both developments and customization whatever we have done. That is the reason we will us custom top. Oracle will not touch the custom top and it will not provide any type of support. US Folder: This folder is language specific by default American English language will be implemented. If we want to have multiple languages we can implement in Oracle Applications by specifying different folders. This folder is only applicable for Forms and Reports because both are GUI objects. Select * from FND_LANGUAGE where installed_flag in (B, I) Flag B - Base language, Flag I - Installed language, Flag D - Disable language 11.5.0 Folder: This oracle application release name based on the release it will be specified 10.7 10.7 11.0.3 11.0.3 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.5.0 11.5.5 11.5.6 11.5.7 11.5.8 11.5.9 11.5.10 11.5.10
CLASS - 4 Oracle Applications Database Design Predefined database Oracle 9i Schema Diagram
Invoice Schema
User connect only one schema at time Total approximately 4000 schemas available APPS Schema contains only synonyms Per ever database object we will find synonym in APPS Schema Table name and synonym name should be same No module to cover the Share Market Business New Module New Schema New Top
APPS Schema: This one of the Schema in Oracle Applications database it contains only synonyms. It has got access other schema database objects PO Schema: It contains only PO Objects like PO Tables Indexes, Sequences, and views and materialized views and so on. It will connect to PO Schema we can access only PO objects. We cant access other schema database objects. NOTE
We are not suppose to create tables in apps schema, we will create the tables in custom schema then we will provide grants to apps schema While development of forms, reports, programs we will always connect to apps schema in oracle applications. AOL Application Object Library
After o development / customization the objects to be registered with this. This has got the two responsibilities. 1) System Administrator: Which has got the functions like 1) users, 2) Responsibilities 3) Reports development / customization 4) Procedure 5) Printer Installation 6) Admin activities - Server Monitoring, Request submission
2) Application Developer: Which has got the functions like 1) Forms 2) Menus 3) Messages 4) Flexi fields 5) Profiles After installation of Oracle Applications the default User details as follows User Name : OPERATIONS Password : WELCOME And connect and select System Administrator responsibility To create New User Security User Define Enter To move in the form some shortcut keys 1) If you want to query all the record Ctrl + F11 2) If you want to query few records for form a. Open the form b. Press F11 Query mode c. Search criteria by using % d. Press Ctrl + F11 3) To close the form F4 To Connect to database or Bank End User ID : APPS Password : APPS Host string: PRODUCTIONS Creation of New User Front End 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Connect to the application Enter application User Name : OPERATION and Password: WELCOME Select the Responsibility called System Administrator Open the user Form - Security User- Define and enter Enter Username and password and attach Responsibility Save the Transaction. Once user is created we cant delete
WE can find all the user details in FND_USER table Select * from FND_USER where user_name = 20user Note: We can find the table names from front end by using help menu Help Record History option If open a form we can three types of fields
Yellow Color Mandatory Fields, White Color Optional Fields, Gray Color Read Only Effective Dates : From To Some of the records we cant delete in Oracle applications instead of the we will effective dates From and To to enable or disable the record. Who columns in Oracle Applications Ever Database table contains following Colums. CRETED_BY CREATION_DATE LAST_UPDATED_BY LAST_UPDATED_DATE LAST_LOGIN_DATE User Id System date User ID System Date System date
When we go to Record History option we can find all the who columns Help Record History CLASS - 5 Executables .rdf .sh .sql .proc, .fun, .pck .C .proC .ctl .prl
Reports Unix Shell Script SQL PL/SQL C Programe ProC Sql * loader Perl
Concurrent Programe Is nothing but instances of execution file along with parameter and incompatible programs We can register 11 types of executable as Concurrent Programe Advantages o We can execute multi language programmes as Concurrent Programe o When we run Concurrent Programe we can utilize 100% local machine hardware capacity o We can change the Concurrent Programe output based on employee profile o We can submit only Request o We can schedule the Concurrent Programe as per client requirement. Report Registration 1) Develop the report (.rdf) as per client requirement by using Reports 6i Builder 2) Move the report from the local machine in to the server a. CUS_TOP\11.5.0\reports\US .rdf (or) b. PO_TOP\11.5.0\reports\US .rdf 3) Select System Administrator a. Create Executable b. Executable name c. Application Name d. Execution Method e. Report (.rdf) file name 4) Create Concurrent Programe and attach a. Executable b. Parameters c. Incompatibilities 5) Create Request group and attach Concurrent Programe 6) Create Responsibility a. Request Group Concurrent Programe b. Data Group Collection of User IDs c. Menu Collection of forms 7) Create user attach Responsibility to the user 8) User will select the responsibility and go to SRS (Standard Request Submission) window submit the request Executable => Concurrent Programme => Request Group => User=> SRS Note: For Single Executable we can have different concurrent programs with different parameters To create simple report with below SQL statement Select User_ID, User_name, Trunc(creation_date) from fnd _user
CLASS - 6 Executable: After moving .rdf in to the server, we will crate executable by specifying execution name execution method and application name. Concurrent Programe: After creation of executable we will create concurrent Programe by attaching executable, if parameters are there we will attach parameter if incompatibility programs are there we will add those programs , for single executable we create multiple concurrent programs with different parameters. Request Group: After creation of concurrent program we must add the programme to the request group. Request Group is nothing but collection of Concurrent Programs and Reports. Responsibility: It is level of authority where we will combine Data Group, Request Group and Menu. Request Group is optional menu and data group is mandatory. Data Group: Data Group is nothing but collection of applications names and Oracle User Names based on this Username data will be retrieved from database. Menu: Menu is nothing but collection of functions(forms) and submenus. Create a simple report using below query Select * from PO_VENDORS Vendor_ID, Vendor_Name, Creation_Date Navigation Executable Window - Concurrent=>Programme=>Executable Concurrent Programem Window - Concurrent=>Programme=>Define Request Group Security=>Responsibility=>Request Responsibility Security=>Responsibility=>Define User Security=>User=>Define SRS Window View Menu => Requests To find out output file path and log file path we will write the below select statement Select logfile_name, outfile_name from fnd_concurrent_requests Where Request_ID = ;
CLASS - 7 Reports with Parameters Data Model Select * from FND_USER USER_ID, USER_NAME, CRATION_DATE Parameters From USER_ID, To USER_ID Layout Model Designing of layout User Parameters P_From P_To P_Title Data Model Change the SQL Query Select * from FND_USER WHERE user_id between :P_From :P_To Compile and save To register the parameter with applications Concurrent Programe window to be opened.
If report is having the parameters then we have to register those parameters at the time of creation Concurrent Programe. Value Set: values set is nothing but list values. It will be used to validate values while entering the parameters. Token: Token is one the filed wile be used to map concurrent Programe parameters with report builder find variable. We will enter the find variable name in the toke field so that parameters will be passed to the find variable. Required check box: By using this check box we cant make the parameters mandatory or optional Enabled Check Box: By using this we can enable or disable the parameter. Display Check Box: By using this we can hide or display the parameters in SRS window. Range Option: While defining the from and to parameters if we wanted to accept values in accession order menus from values is low and to value is high we will select the options called low and high. Default Types: If we are hiding the parameters user cant enter the values that time we can pass default values by using default type and default value filed. SRS Window Copy Button: This will be used to find out recent Concurrent Programe list with parameters in SRS Window.
When we are hiding the parameter in SRS windows user cant enter the values that time we can pass values internally by using defaults types. 1) Constant: If we want to pass constant values as default then we will select default type constant and we will specify the values in default value field. 2) Current Date: System Date 3) Current Time: System Time 4) Profile: By using the profile option we can pass user profile values as default 5) SQL Statement: When we want to pass select statement to rest as default values that time we will select default types as SQL statement and write the select statement in the default values filed. Select statement should not return more then one value. 6) Segment: When we wanted to pass previous parameter values as default to the next parameter then we will use segment, select default type as segment give the parameter name in the default values field. Report Builders Data Model Select User_ID, User_name, Trunc(creation_date) from fnd_user; Layout Model Object Navigator User Parameters 1) P_From_Date - Date - Input Mask 2) P_To_Date Date Input Mask 3) P_Title Character 100
Data Model Select User_ID, User_name, Trunc(creation_date) from fnd_user Where trunc(creation_date) between :P_From_Date and :P_To_Date Create a Summery Column Count of UserIDs Oracle Applications To register the parameter P_From_Date Values Set FND_DATE Default Values. P_From_Date Current Date P_To_Date Current Date
P_Title Constant To hide parameter To Uncheck the Display Check box in bottom of the form To write SQL Statement Min and Max creation Date Select MIN(TRUNC(CREATION_DATE)) FROM FND_USER Select MAX(TRUNC(CREATION_DATE)) FROM FND_USER Default values type SQL Statement option Default Value field SQL Statement Segment Default Type as Segment Option Default Values Specify the previous parameter VLUES SETS - Application Validation Set
Value set is nothing but list of values with validation. It will restrict the user to enter valid values. These are 8 types. 1) NONE : When we write maintain some format conditioning NO LOV Emp NO: => Only nos. 0 9 => 35 to 7856 => 45 to 0045 2) INDEPENDENT: Yes LOV user must select values from the list 3) DEPENDENT: Yes LOV The value which will depend upon the previous parameter Country Code: City Code:
i.e. based on the selection of country code lov city code lov will change
4) TABLE: Combination functionality of Independent and Dependent to provide database table name and column name. 5) TRANSLATED: Independent Multi language values 6) TRANSLATED DEPENDENT: Dependent Multi language values 7) Special : To Display Flexi field data 8) Pair: To Display Flexi field data. CLASS - 9 1) NONE a. When we want to restrict the user to enter the values based on some conditions then we will use NONE type. Here no list of values user manually will enter the value based on the conditions values will be accepted. b. Enter the values set name select format type enter the minimum size select validation type as NONE. c. Once the value set is created we can use it for any concurrent program either single time or multiple times. d. Once the value set is created we cant delete if value if value set is being used by concurrent program if we want to delete release from the concurrent program then we can delete by using delete option.
2) INDEPENDENT a. Provide the values to the user either number or character creates the independent value set to enter the values for the value set ApplicationValidation-Values b. If we want to provide list values to the user we will go for selecting independent values set type user must select the values from the list. c. Open the value set for an enter value set name select format type and select validation type as Independent.
d. Copy the value set name go to values screen enter the values set name and click Find enter the values in the values field save the transactions attach value set to concurrent program. e. Once the values are inserted in to the list we cant delete instead of deletion we can disable by using enable check box or effective date from and to. 3) DEPENDENT a. Dependent value set is nothing but another LOV but values will be changing based on the previous Independent value set. b. When we are creating dependent we must have 2 parameters 1)Independent 2) Dependent c. Open the value set form create Independent value set go to values from enter the values. d. Open the values set form create dependent value set by selecting validation type as dependent. e. Select edit information button attach Independent value set what ever we have created. f. Copy the value set name go to values screen click on find button enter the values based on the Independent value. India Hyderabad Mumbai Chennai Bangalore Newyork Newjersy California London Paris
CLASS - 10 4) TABLE Select user_name, user_id, creation_date From FND-USER Where row num < 20 Order by User_name desc a. If values are available in database table then we will go for using table value set, we will give the table name and column name system will retrieve the values from the database table. b. Open the value set form and give the value set name select validation type is table click edit information button. c. Enter the table name, column name in the value field. d. Enter the where clause order by clause in the text item called where order by. e. Use the additional column field to display extra columns data in LOV, we have to use alias name while specifying additional columns. f. Table Application : It is a optional field based on the table name we can find out table application name.
g. Go to Application Developer Responsibility Application=>Database=>Table query the records based on table name. h. Select User_ID, USER_name from FND_USER From front end user name should be available and internally user_id to be passed. i. Id Column in Value set form If we want to display one column to the user in the front end and pass another column value internally we will use ID column. j. Meaning Column This will be used to display the extra columns like additional columns it will work like a additional columns k. Display the values from multiple tables i. At the time of giving the table name enter table names with alias name by specifying. ( , ) ii. AT the time of selecting give the column name by giving the alias name, column name. iii. Join condition is mandatory in where / orderby clause iv. PO_VENDORS, PO_VENDORS_SITE_ALL. Select pv.vendor_name, pvs.vendor_site_code From po_vendors pv, po_vendors_sites_all pvs Where pv.vendor_id = pvs.vendor_id. 5) TRANSLATED INDEPENDENT & TRANSLATED DEPENDENT a. These two value set will work like independent and dependent value set but these two value sets will be used to display translation values (other thane English language values) if application is installed for mlti language there we will create these two value sets. Select * from FND_LANGUAGES Installed_Flag I - Installed languages B - Base language D - Disabled language
6) SPECIAL & PAIR a. These two value sets will be used to display flexi filed data. CLASS - 11 Develop the below report with parameters - CPLISTREP.RDF From Date : P_From_Date To Date : P_To_Date Title : P_Title CP Name CDate Application Name Executable Executable Method
When the width of the report is more we have chose the style of the output in Concurrent program window BACS instead of A4.
fav.application_name, fev.executable_name, fl.meaning fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fnd_application_vl fnd_executables_form_v fnd_lookups fcp.application_id fcp.EXECUTABLE_ID fl.lookup_type fcp.execution_method_code
Parameters: Lexical parameter to change the query dynamically. Bind parameter to be register before Oracle applications. If title parameter is null i.e. if user doesnt pass the value to the title parameter Format trigger. Begin If :P_Title is NULL then Return (True) Else Return (False) End if End If parameters were not passed to the :P_From_Date and :P_To_Date report should display all the records. After Parameter Form Trigger Begin If :P_From_Date is NULL and :P_To_Date is NULL then :P_lexical:= Else :P_lexical:= and Trunc(fcp.creation_date) between :P_From_Date and :P_To_Date End if End. ================ Exercise From User ID, To User ID, From Date, To Date Title User_ID User_Name CDate Responsibility Application Name Security Group From Date To Date
CLASS - 12 Query prepared by SIR in class Master Level SELECT USER_ID, USER_NAME, TRUNC(CREATION_DATE) CDATE FROM FND_USER WHERE USER_ID BETWEEN :P_FROM_ID AND :P_TO_DATE Detail Level SELECT FU.USER_ID, FRV.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME, FAV.APPLICATION_NAME, FSG.SECURITY_GROUP_KEY, TRUNC(FRG.START_DATE) FROMDATE, TRUNC(FRG.END_DATE) TODATE FROM FND_USER FU, FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS FRG, FND_RESPONSIBILITY_VL FRV, FND_APPLICATION_VL FAV, FND_SECURITY_GROUPS_VL FSG WHERE FU.USER_ID = FRG.USER_ID AND FRG.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = FRV.RESPONSIBILITY_ID AND FRV.APPLICATION_ID = FAV.APPLICATION_ID AND FRG.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = FSG.SECURITY_GROUP_ID Steps to develop a report Data Model Data link to be given between both the quarries. Adjust the margin and comeback to main page Report width to be increased - 13 135 Select the main from and other frames expand variable Place all the text fields. Take the repeating frame and source to master query o Put all the fields which are related to master query and what ever are needed. Take another repeating frame and place that on the first repeating frame and source to detail query. o Put all the fields which are related to details query and what ever are needed. Select all the fields and no fill and no line Define the User parameters P_From_ID and P_To_ID Applications o Create the table value set for select the parameters
Standards to develop a report in Oracle Applications 3 STANDARD STEPS. 1) Define the mandatory parameter called P_CONC_REQUEST_ID This is one of the bind variable when ever we submit a request in SRS window that request ID will be passed to this bind variable, based on this request id we can execute concurrent request process. Without this find variable we cant use userexits. 2) Call the userexit in Before Report Trigger SRW.USEREXIT(FND SRWINIT) 3) Call the userexit in after report trigger SRW.USEREXIT(FND SRWEXIT) Report Triggers 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Before Parameter Form Trigger After Parameter Form Trigger Before Report Trigger Before retrieving the data from database Between Pages Trigger - when ever courser goes between pages at first time. After Report Trigger After out is reached the destination i.e. printer, file, email.
Start End
Parameter form
Parameter form
It is one of the predefined program in Reports 6i will be used for stop the report execution process for sometime and transfer the control to the 3rd Generation Language get the data and completes the remain execution process.
1) FND SRWINIT: We will use this user exit in the before report trigger. It will initialize user profile values according to that profile values data will be retrieved from database. SRW.USEREXIT(FND SRWINIT) 2) FND SRWEXIT: We will call this user exit from ater report rigger to freeze the memory which is occupied by user profile values. SRW.USEREXIT (FND SRWEXIT) 3) FND FLEX SQL 4) FND FLEX IDVAL 5) FND FORMATCURRENCY CLASS - 13
Purchase Documents
Purchase Order
AP Interface
INV Interface
Requisition o Internal o Purchase RFQ o Standard o Bid o Catalog Quotation o Standard o Bid and Catalog
Purchase Order o Standard o Planned o Contract o Blanket Receipts o Direct Delivery o Standard Receipt o Inspection Required.
Before going to start PO application we have to define following things 1. Items Creation 2. Suppliers creation 3. Buyer creation
1) Item Creation a. Open the user from in System Administrator Responsibility attach the responsibility called Inventory, Vision Operations(USA) b. Open the Items from - Items Master Item enter, system will show the organization list, select the organization vision operations, enter the item name and description. c. Go to Inventory tab check the check box called Inventory Item. d. Go to purchasing tab check the check box called purchased and save the transactions. e. We can assign the item to the multiple organization by selecting tool menu Organization assignment option check the check box called assigned. Select * from ORG_ORGANIZATION_ DEFINETIONS - Organizatio_ID is primary key column Select * from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEM_S Where sgment1=Keyboad - Inventory_item_ID - Organizatin_ID - Composite Primary Key Select MSI.SEGMENT ITEM OOD.ORGANIZATION_NAME From MTL_SYSTEM_ITEM_B MSI ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINETIONS OOD Where MSI.ORGANIZATION_ID = OOD.ORGANIZATION_ID And MSI.SEGMENT1 = KEYBOARD 2) Supplier Creation a. Select the responsibility called Purchasing, Vision Operations(USA) b. Open the suppliers form - Supply Base Suppliers press enter c. Enter the suppliers name and save the transaction and we will get supplier number select status button enter site address select contact tab enter contact details and save Select * from PO_VENDORS where SEGMENT1=5080 - VENDOR_ID Primary Key Select * from PO_VENDOR_SITESM_ALL where VENDOR_ID=1010 - VENDOR_SITE_ID Primary Key Select * from PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS where VENDOR_SITE_ID= 2215 - VENDOR_CONTACT_ID Primary Key
CLASS - 13 3) Buyer Creation: a. Attach the Responsibility called HRMS Management; Open the Employee form (N) HRMS Manager People Enter and Maintain. b. Select new button enter employee name and Date of Birth, select action as creation employment chose the option called buyer and save the transaction. Select * from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F Where EMPLOYEE_NUMBER = 893 PERSON_ID is Primary Key column c. Go to system administrator create user name attach employee name in the filed called Person and save the transaction. Select FU. USER_NAME, PPF.FULL_NAME From FND_USER FU, PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PPF Where FU.USER_NAME = 20USER And FU.EMPLOYEE_ID = PPF.PERSON_ID
d. Copy the employee name go to purchasing application open the Buyers form attach to the Buyers list - Setup Personnel Buyers and enter. Select * from PO_AGENTS This contains only Buyer list and primary key is AGEN_ID PO PROCESS 1) Requisition: It is one of the purchasing document will be crated by employers when ever they required goods or services or training, we will find 2 types of requisitions. a. Internal Requisition: This will be created, when we receiving the materials from other organizations(Branches) b. Purchase Requisition: This will be created, when we are receiving the materials from outside means suppliers. c. We will enter the requisition information at 3 levels i.e. Headers, Lines, Distributions. d. One header will be there at least one line multiple line we create for every line at least one distribution or multiple distributions will be there. e. Open the requisitions form Requisitions Requisitions and enter. f. Select the requisition type at header level enter item details at line level (item Name, quantity, price and need by date) select bistributions buttion enter distribution details like quantity and account details and save the transactions. g. Select approve button press OK system will send the document for approval.
h. Go to requisition number select find button, it will show requisition approved status. Select * from PO_REQUISITON_HEADERS_ALL WHERE SEGMENT1 = 1656 Primary key - REQUISITION_HEAD_ID Select * from PO_REQUISTION_LINES_ALL WHERE REQUISITION_HEADER_ID = 11458 Primary Key - REQUISITION_LINE_ID Select * from PO_REG_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL WHERE REQUISITION_LINE_ID= 9922 Primary Key - DISTRIBUTION_ID i. Cancel the Requisition: Open the requisition summery form enter requisition number select find button go to tools menu select option called Control and chose the option as cancel requisition.
Select AUTHORIZATION_STATUS from PO_REQUISITION_HEADER_ALL j. We can find out requisition history by using tools menu option called view action history. Select * from PO-ACTION_HISTORY Where OBJECT_ID = REQUISITION_HEADER_ID Select PAH.ACTION_CODE PDF.FULL_NAME From PO_ACTION_HISTORY PAH PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PPF Where OBJECT_ID = 11459 And PAH.EMPLOYEE_ID = PPF.PERSON_ID k. Enter manual requisition Number: Setup Organization Purchasing Options and enter - go to numbering tab select requisition number entry as manual type. CLASS - 14 2) RFQ REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: It is one of the purchasing document after requisition is approved. We will go for creation of RFQ we have 3 types of RFQs. a. Bid : If company is going to purchase large number of items which are expensive. We will create bid RFQ where we will specify Headers, lines and shipments, where we are not specify any price breaks in Bid RFQ. b. Catalog : If company is purchasing materials regularly fixed quantity location and date, then we will select regularly we can include price breaks at different levels. c. Standard : This will be created for items we need only once or not regularly, we can include price breaks at different quality levels.
3) QUOTATIONS : After creation of RFQ document we will send this document to the different suppliers who are going to supply the materials, next we will receive quotations from the suppliers either by email or fax or by phone, a. Again quotation are 3 types i.e. Bid, Catalog and Standard b. What ever the quotation we are received from the suppliers we will enter those quotation details in the system for future purpose. c. If we are sending bid RFQ to the suppliers we will receive the bid quotation for catalog RFQ we will receive catalog quotation for standard RFQ we will receive standard quotation. d. RFQ Terms and conditions. i. Payment Terms At the time of creating RFQ document we will specifying the payment terms like due date, interest rates and so on. ii. Fright Terms: It is nothing by at transportation charges whether supplier will bear it or buyer. iii. FOB(Foot on Board) : It is responsibility of material damage or material missing during the transportation. iv. Carrier : We will give the transportation company name so that supplier will supply the materials by this transportation company. e. Navigation Open the RFQ form RFQs and Quotation RFQs and enter - select RFQ type from header level enter ship to location, Bill to location details select line level enter item details select price breaks button enter price break details select terms button enter terms and conditions details, select suppliers button and enter supplier name who are going to receive RFQ document Select * from PO_HEADERS_ALL Where segment1=306 Primary Key- PO_HEADER_ID Select * from PO_LINES_ALL Where PO_HEADERS_ID = 11845 Primary Key PO_LINE_ID Select * from PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL where PO_LINE_ID 12233 Primary Key LINE_LOCATION_ID Select * from FND_CURRIENCIES Primary Key CURRENCY_CODE Select * from AP_TERMS Primary Key TERM_ID Select * from AP_TERMS_LINES Select * from HR_LOCATIONS Primary Key LOCATION_ID f. AUTO CRATE OPTION : This is one of the feature application to create RFQ or PO documents automatically based on the approved requisition document. i. Create requisition and approve it
ii. Open the auto create form select clear button enter requisition number select find button which will display requisition then details iii. Select the line by checking the checkbox select action as create, document types as RFQ iv. Select automatic button click the create button whichwill create RFQ document will selected requisition lines and displays RFQ No. g. QUOTATION : - RFQs and Quotation Quotation and enter i. We will receive the quotations from suppliers against the RFQ either by fax or email we will enter those quotation details manually in the system to make the quote analysis and future purpose. ii. Quotation tables: One we create the quotation from front end data will be stored in the RFQs tables only by column type_lookup_code=quotation. Select * from PO_HEADERS_ ALL WHERE SEGMENT1 AND TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE CLASS - 15 4) Purchase Orders : It is one of the purchasing document at the time of purchasing from the supplier we will create this document by specifying terms and conditions and shipping details distribution details and so on. We have 4 types of Purchase Orders a. b. c. d. Standard Planned Blanket Contract = 500 =QUOTATION
Standard Purchase Order When we require the materials from suppliers we will cerate standard PO by specifying terms and conditions price, quantity and so on. Select * from PO_HEADERS_ALL
where segment1=3445 and type_lookup_id = STANDARD Select * from Po_lines_all where PO_Header_id = 11858 Select * from PO_Line_locations_all where Po_line_id=12216 Primary Key LINE_LOCATION_ID Select * from po_distributions_all where line_location_id Primary Key PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
(N) Open the purchase order form Purchase Orders-Purchase Orders and enter select PO type and suppliers information enter the line level details like Items quantity price and so on. Select shipments button enter shipping location details quantity promice date, need by date and so on select distribution button enter distribution details and save the transactions. Select approve button system will submit the document for approvals. Copy the PO number and go to purchase or summary form enter PO number select find button. To cancel the purchase order go the tools menu control option. Tools menu copy document to create the same document. Auto Create o By using Auto Create option we can create purchase orders automatically from approved requisition by selecting document type as Purchase order.
When ever company would like to have the agreement with supplier that time first we will create Blanket Agreement, when ever we require materials we will go for releasing the purchase orders. Open the purchase order form select Blanket Purchase agreement and enter the details and approve the purchase order. Select releases form either blanket PO Number and Item quantity details select distributions button enter distribution details, select approve button for approvals.
Match Approval 2 way 3 way 4 way PO Qty 100 PO Qty 100 PO Qty 100 Receipt Qty 80 Receipt Qty 80 Invoice Qty 50 Invoice Qty 80 Invoice Qty 80 Invoice Qty 50
At the time of creation Purchase Order in the shipments, release we will specify the Match approval option. Two way matching is nothing but company purchase order quantity, price with Invoice price. Three way matching is nothing but comparing 3 documents Purchase Order, Receipt and Invoice. Four ways Matching is nothing but company PO receipt inspection and Invoice documents.
Receipt Documents 1. Standard 3 Way 2. Direct Delivery 2 way 3. Inspection Required 4 way
It is one of the purchasing document will be created while receiving the materials form the suppliers we have 3 types of receipt. Navigation Receiving Receipts and enter. Create the purchase order and approve it open the receipts from enter PO Number, select find button, system will show the PO Line details, check the check box save to transactions, system write automatically generate Receipt number
Create PO write 3 lines o Go to receipt generate the receipt for only one Item and either the PO Number again create another receipt until all the Items over.
Select Receipt_Num From RCV_shippment_headers Where shipment_header_id IN (Select shipment_header_id From rcv_shpment_lines Where PO_header_id IN( Select Po_Header_ID From PO_heaer_all Where segment1=3452)) CLASS - 17 MD050 Functional Design Document Based on above develop Quotation Report Query MASTER QUERY SELECT PHA.PO_HEADER_ID, PHA.SEGMENT1 QUOTENO, PHA.QUOTE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE, TRUNC(PHA.CREATION_DATE) CDATE, PPF.FULL_NAME BUYER, H1.LOCATION_CODE SHIPTO, PHA.QUOTE_VENDOR_QUOTE_NUMBER QUOTEAMT , H2.LOCATION_CODE BILLTO ,
PHA.CURRENCY_CODE CURR, PV.VENDOR_NAME, PVS.ADDRESS_LINE1, PVS.CITY, PVS.ZIP FROM PO_HEADERS_ALL PHA , PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PPF , HR_LOCATIONS H1 , HR_LOCATIONS H2, PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL PVS, PO_VENDORS PV WHERE TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE = 'QUOTATION' AND PHA.VENDOR_ID = :P_VENDOR_ID AND PHA.AGENT_ID = PPF.PERSON_ID AND PHA.SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID = H1.LOCATION_ID AND PHA.BILL_TO_LOCATION_ID = H2.LOCATION_ID AND PHA.VENDOR_SITE_ID = PVS.VENDOR_SITE_ID AND PHA.VENDOR_ID = PV.VENDOR_ID LINE QUERY SELECT PLA.PO_HEADER_ID, MSI.SEGMENT1 ITEM, MSI.DESCRIPTION ITEMDESC, MC.SEGMENT1||','||MC.SEGMENT2 CATEGORY, PLA.UNIT_PRICE PRICE FROM PO_LINES_ALL PLA, MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B MSI, MTL_CATEGORIES MC WHERE PLA.ITEM_ID = MSI.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID AND PLA.ORG_ID = MSI.ORGANIZATION_ID AND PLA.CATEGORY_ID = MC.CATEGORY_ID Purchase Order Interview Questions. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) What is the Flow of Purchasing Module Where the types of Requisition and table Types of Purchase orders and tables What is the different between standard PO and Blanket PO We have created a Item but which is not available in the pO what will be the problem 6) What are the types of Match approvals 7) What are the Receipt types 8) When we enter a Blanket Release data where it will be stored 9) If give the requisition no how to find out corresponding PO Numbers 10) If give the PO Number how to find out corresponding Receipt Numbers 11) What is Auto Create and Advantage 12) In which table we can find out i) Shipped Quantity ii) Received Quantity iii) Canceled Quantity
13) Can we create Purchase order directly without i) Requisition, ii) RFQ iii) Quotation 14) Can we have the Receipt without Purchase order 15) What are the tables for RFQ, Quotation, Purchase Order CLASS - 18 PL / SQL Procedure registration with Oracle APPS. Create or Replace <Procedure Name> ( Errorbuff OUT Varchar2(10), Retcode OUT Varchar2(20) , , , , )
Local Variable declaration Cursor Declaration Collection Declaration Begin Space for Control Statements like IF LOOP s Procedure, Function and Package Calling DBMS_OUTPTU.PUT_LINE - ----- we will not use this function. FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, Write message || Variable name) FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUT, Write message || Variable name) Exception When Others then FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, Write message || Variable name) End <Procedure Name> ErrorBuf: While registering the procedure in concurrent Programe we are suppose define errorbuf out parameter, which will give the error messages in the log file if any occurs in the procedure. Retcode: It returns the status of concurrent program either 0-Normal, 1-Warnining, 2Error API Application Programe Interface FND_FILE: API is nothing but Application Programming Interface, instead of DBMS_OUTPUT package we will use FND_FILE.LOG to write in the log file, FND_FILE.OUTPUT to write in the output file. NOTE: We can register procedure or package procedure as concurrent Programe to do some DML validation and some other programming logic, we cant register function as concurrent Programe.
Registration Steps
Develop the procedure and compile, specification of the procedure will be stored in the Database. Select System Administrator Responsibility - Crate executable with execution method as PL/SQL Stored Procedure Create concurrent Programe and attach Executable, Parameters, and Incompatibilities. Create the Request Group and the Concurrent Programe Attach the Request Group to the Responsibility Attach Responsibility to the User User submit Request from SRS window
Simple Example Create or Replace Procedure EX20( Errorbuf out Varchar2, Retcode out Varchar2) as L_no number(8) default 1000, L_Name Varchar2(100) Default Mr. Rajan Bhatnagar, Begin FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, Write message || L_no) FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, Write message || L-Name) Exception When Other then FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, Error has occurred during the execution) End EX20 Procedure with parameters Develop a Procedure which will take two parameters 1. Vendor ID 2. New Vendor Name System should find weather vendor ID is exist or not if it exists it should update the Vendor Name. Create or Replace Procedure VEN_UPDATE20( Errorbuf OUT Varchar2, Retcode OUT Varchar2, V_ID IN Number, V_Name IN Varchar2) as
L_Flag Varchar2(10) Default Y; L_Name PO_VENDORS.VENDOR_NAME%TYPE; Begin Select Vendor_name INTO L_name from PO_vendors where vendor_ID=V_ID; Exception When NO_DATA_FOUND then FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, There no records in the Table)
L_Flag:=E; When TOO_MENY_ROWS then FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, There multiple records in the table) L_Flag:=E; End; If L_flag:= Y then Update PO_VENDORS SET VENDOR_NAME=V_NAME Where Vendor_id=V_ID; Commit FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, vendor name changed ) Endif; Exception WHEN OTHERS then FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, Error occurred while updating) End VEN_UPDATE20;
While registering the procedure, if we have user defined parameter we are suppose to define those parameter at the time of registering concurrent program, select parameter button enter sequence number parameter name attach value sets if required attach default types. Token filed will be disabled for procedures, it is enabled for only reports because report builder find variable may or may not be in the sequence order but procedures variable or permits will be always in the same sequence. First parameter values will be passed to the first variable second parameter values will be second variable and so on
Exercise Develop a procedure to transfer the following details in to the Temporary Table. Create Table Quotation_temp( Total Quotations Number(8), Total amount Number(8)); Qno Qtype Cdate Buyer BillTo ShippTo Currency Number(8), Varchar2(10), Date Varchar2(100), Varchar2(100), Varchar2(100), Number);
Program will accept one parameter supplier name LOV Vendor Name Internally Vendor_ID should pass Based on the Vendor_id find the Quotation Details and load in the temp tables;
NOTE: 1. Crate Two table 2. Define the cursor based on Vendor_ID 3. Transfer the data in to quotation temp and quotation details 4. Define local variable to count to calculation and transfer to quotation_temp CLASS - 19 SQL * LOADER - Oracle Tool It is one of the Oracles tool will be used to upload the data from flat files in to oracle database tables. 1. Flat file or Data file: It contains the data in specific format it will be either text file (.txt) or excel sheet. (.txt, .dat, .csv Comma Separated Value) 2. Control File: It contains SQL * Loader program contains data file path, database table name and column mapping and soon, once we develop the control file we will execute this, that time data will be transfer from file to Oracle Database Table, during this data transfer, the following files will be created. The extension of the control files is .ctl. 3. Badfile: It contains the rejected records which are rejected by SQL*Loader, because of bad format or data type mismatch and so on. The extension of the bad file .bad. 4. Discard file: It contains the rejected records which are rejected by control file if we have specified any condition in the control file if record is not satisfying the condition the complete record will be inserted in the discard file. The extension of file is .dis. 5. Log file: It contains information about control file execution like, execution start time and end time, successful records count, bad records count, if there are any errors in the control file, those error messages will be available in segments, the extension of file .log. The Syntax of the control file is as follows: Load Data Infile Data file Path Insert into table <Oracle Database Table Name> Fields terminated by , or $ ( Column1, Column2, Column3, , , , , ,, ); And save as .ctl file For execution Command for .ctl file. SQLLDER username/password@hoststring
Connect to Scott Schema and create temporary table ( empno Ename JDate Deptno Sale Comm Tax Number(8), Varchar2(100), Date, Number(8), Number(8), Number(8), Number(8) );
Prepare data file and save in the local machine. Develop the control file like as follows and save it with extension .ctl Load Data Infile C:\20\load\emp.txt Insert into table emp_details Fields terminated by , ( Empno, Ename, JDate, Deptno, Sale, Comm, Tax ); Go to Command Prompt select following path o D:\Oracle\proddb\8.1.7\bin> Execute the control file with SQLLDR Command SQLLDER SCOTT/TIGER@PROD Control = C:\20\LOAD\EMP.CTL
To find path to execute the SQLLDR command is HOST Command from SQL prompt which will shows the path where we can execute control file o Select * from v$parameter.
CLASS - 20 Control File INSERT - Table should be empty New records will be inserted. APPEND New records will be add for existing records TRUNCATE It will delete existing records and inserts new records from the file.
.csv file (Comma Separated Valu) If data in excel sheet we can save that file as .csv file. If any string contains commas we will enclosed this will in double quotation in the control file we will specify the following statement syntax Fields Terminated by , optionally enclosed by If one of the field is missing for the database column we can generate sequences and also we can use the some functions like to_char, NVL, Decode, Instr, Rtrim, Trim and so on Training Nullcols Inserts NULL columns if no data is there, we can not use any DDL, DML or TCL command in control file. LOAD DATA Infile C:\20\load\emp.txt. Truncate into Table emp_details Fields Terminated by , optionally enclosed Trailing Nullcols ( Empno emp_seq.nextval, Ename upper(:ename), Jdate Sysdate, Deptno, Sal, Commn, Tax ) Fixed format control file exampled Sometimes data may found in fixed format - for example Empno - 5, Ename 10, Jdate 11, Deptno 2, Sal 5, Comm 3, Tax -3 If data is in the fixed format the control file will be developed in different format LOAD DATA Infile C:\20\LOAD\FIXED.TXT Truncate Into table emp_details ( Empno position(1:5), Ename position(6:15), Jdate position(16:26), Deptno position(27:28), Sal position(29:33), Commn position(34:36), Tax position(37:39))
In control file itself we can specify the data and at the time of insertion we specify the specify the condition and we can also specify the discard file pat in control file it self - for example
LOAD DATA Infile * Discardfile C:\emp_rejected.dis Truncate Into table emp_details When deptno=20 ( Empno position(1:5), Ename position(6:15), Jdate position(16:26), Deptno position(27:28), Sal position(29:33), Commn position(34:36), Tax position(37:39)) Begin Data Fsfsd fgdfdsf Fsfsfsf fdfdsfsd gsfsdfg gdgd
Along with the SQLLDR command we can also use the few commands like as bellow LOAD Will be used to load the first N records SQLLDER username/password@Hoststring Load=10 SKIP TO skip the first n records SQLLDER username/password@Hoststring skip=10 ROWS It will be used to issue the commit after insert Nrecords for every 10 records internally auto commit will happen SQLLDER username/password@Hoststring rows=10
INIT.ORA file contains the default values for the commit point CLASS - 21 Data Uplaoding in to two tables Create Table emp1 ( Empno Number(5), Ename Varchar2(30), Job Varchar2(30)); Create Table dept1( Deptno Number(2), Dname Varchar2(30)); Positions of the data in datafile Empno 5, Ename 10, Job1, Deptno2, dname 7 DECODE Statement to be used to Code the A for Analyst M for Manager and Multiple data files can also be called in single control file
Example control file Load data Infile C:\20load\multiple.txt Truncate Into table emp1 (Empno Position(1:5), Ename Position(6:15), Job Position(16:16) Decode (:Job ,A, Analyst,M,Manager)) Insert Into table dept1 When deptno:= ( Deptno Position(17:18), Dname Position(19:25)) Register Control file as Concurrent Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Develop the control file and move the both data file and control file in the server CUS_TOP\11.5.0\BIN\ .CTL Create executable by seleting the execution method as SQL*Loader create concurrent Program attach executable, Parameters Attach the concurrent program to the Request Group Attach the Request group to the Responsibility Attach Responsibility to the user will submit the request form SRS window.
Example Create the table in APPS Schema Create table MTL_ITEMS( Item ItemDesc ItemCost ItemTax BasicCost Varchar2(10), Varchar2(100), Number(8), Number(8), Number(8))
Basic Cost to the calculated field in the Control file i.e. ItemCost ItemTax Development of Control file Load Data Infile * Insert into Table MTL_ITEMS Fields Terminated by , Optionally Enclosed by Trailing NULLcols ( Item, Item Desc, ItemCost, ItemTax, BasicCost (:Itemcost - :Itemtax)) Begin Data Fdfdsf sgdfg fgdgdgds dgdgdgd gfgdgd hgdghdg Fdfdsf sgdfg fgdgdgds dgdgdgd gfgdgd hgdghdg
Move the .ctl file in the Inventory top i.e. BIN Directory And register the control file with applications. Go to System Administrator and register with the applications and concurrent program and method should be SQL * Loader Data file pat can changed dynamically o Infile &1 o We muse use the 1` degit o We are allowed to submit only one parameter that should be data file path
SQL * Loader with Parameters At the time of defining concurrent programe select parameter butiton define the parameter specify the &1 in the control file so that what ever the values we have passed that will be replaced in the control file. Interview Questions 1. How to issue the commit in the control file a. By suing ROWS Command 2. What are the types loading we have a. Direct Method Load b. Conventional method load (Default) 3. How to upload the data in to multiple table at with time a. By using WHEN command 4. Can we have the data in Fixed format and how to upload a. Yes, we can have fixed format that time we will use POSITION keyword 5. What is the difference between Bad file and Discard file a. Both file contains rejected records Bad file contains records which are rejected by SQL*Loader and Discard file contains which are rejected by Control file. 6. What are the SQL functions we can use in the control file a. TO_CAHR, TO_DATE, INSTER, SUBSTER, RTRIM, LTRIM, DECODE, NVL and so on. 7. can we use user defined functions a. NO We cant user defined functions 8. If control file rejected more than 10 records error the I would like to stop the process how to do it a. We have a file called INIT.ORA file where we will set parent called maximum errors allowed and max auto commit other parameter also. 9. How to skip specific field data
a. By using FILLER command In this position column will not accept the data and it inserts the NULL values. For example ( Empno, Ename , JDate FILLER, Deptno);
CLASS - 22 SQL * Plus 1. Develop the SQL Program (.sql) 2. Move the file form local machine to server in to respective path a. CUST_TOP\11.5.0\SQL\ .sql 3. Create executable execution method as SQL*PLUS 4. Crate concurrent program and attach executable and parameters 5. Attach concurrent program to the request group 6. Attach request group to the responsibility 7. Attach responsibility to the user. 8. Submit request from SRS Window SQL * Plus Program Column Column Column Column User_id User_name Cration_Date &3 format Format Format Format 9999999999 A25 A11 A50
Prompt SQL Report with User Details Select User_ID, User_Name, Creation_Date, &3 from fnd_user Where User_id between &1 and &2 Save as the file .sql and create the parameters in Oracle apps systems administrator and column can be added dynamically NOTE
We can define Maximum 100 parameter We are suppose to use &1, &2, &3 We are not suppose to skip the sequence WE can use same parameter values in multiple places in the script SQL * PLUS concurrent program to execute DDL and Connect to remote database and executes the scripts and so on.
Submission of Concurrent Program from Back End because, sometimes we dont have the access to the front end. Executable
Concurrent Program Request Group SRS We need to use the Application Programe Interface details in 115devg.pdf 21 chapter FND_PROGRAM.EXECUTABLE FND_PROGRAM.REQUEST FND_PROGRAM.PARAMETER FND_PROGRAM.REQUEST_GROUP FND_PROGRAM.ADD_TO_GROUPSubmission of CP from Back End SQL PL/SQL Report Report Triggers Forms Form Trigger FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST( ) - It will be used to submit the Request from Back end. Sample Program Declare l_request_id number(10); Begin Fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id, Resp_id Resp_appl_id); l_request_id:= Fnd_request.submit_request ( PO, Users Information Script, User Desc, , FALSE, 1000, 1200, Email_address); Executable Concurrent Program Attach Parameter Create Request Group Add Concurrent Program R.G
Commit; If l_request_id is != 0 Fnd_file.Put_line (Fnd_file.log Program successfully submitted Request ID is || l_request_id); Else Fnd_file.Put_line (Fnd_file.log Program not successfully submitted); Endif; Exception When other then Fnd_file.Put_line (Fnd_file.log Error occurred during the program submission); End;
NOTE: If we are submitting concurrent program from the Form Trigger we are suppose to pass the 100 parameter. If parameter are not defined, still we are suppose to pass NUL values
- responsibility_key - application_name
Scheduling the Concurrent program We can submit the Concurrent program future date or date by using the schedule button in SRS window 1. As soon as possible: This is default option whenever we submit the request it will submit the as soon as possible 2. Once: It will submit the rest only once for future date. 3. Periodically: WE can specify the from_date and to_date to submit program periodically no of. Days months, hours, minutes and so on. 4. Specific Days: If we want submit concurrent program in the specific days we write select this option 5. Save this Schedule: This check box will be used to save the schedule and apply same schedule to other concurrent programs by selecting the button called Apply save schedule NOTE: After schedule the Concurrent program we can also cancel by selecting the cancel button. CLASS - 23 PROFILES Profile is one the changeable option it will change the way of application execution, when we crate user in oracle applications we will design the profile values for ever user by selecting any of this level. Profile levels User Responsibility Application Site 1. Site Level: Site is the lowest profile level when we install Oracle Applications by default values will be assigned at this level, site level values will be applicable for all the users.
2. Application Level: If we want to assign profile value to the specific application users then we will select this level specify the application name and assign the value, application level profile value will over write site level values. 3. Responsibility Level: We will select the responsibility name assign the profile value, this is applicable only for the users, who are having access to the specified responsibility. Responsibility will overwrite the both application and site level values. Most of the profile will setup at responsibility level because it will be creating responsibility for ever position in the organization we will also assign the profile values based on position. 4. User Level: We will select the user name and assign the profit value this is only for specific user which we have specified at will over write responsibility, application and site level values. Definition Application: It is collection of forms, reports and programs which are related for specific business functionality Responsibility: It is also collection of forms, reports and programs which are related for specific position in the organization. Navigation Application Developer Profile - press enter
We will find profile name and validation access levels, weather we can visible the values or we can update the values. Based on the access level we will go to system administrator open the profile form assign the profile values.
Select profile name and profile level by default site select find button, it will shows profile values at 4 levels
Important Profiles: 1. GL Set of Books Name: It is one of the GL application profile, set of books is nothing but collection of currency, calendar, and chart of accounts. We will assign this profile values at responsibility level based on this currency and calendar and accounts will get change. 2. MO: Operating Unit: This will be used to setup user operating unit name which operating unit user is working, when ever user login to the system by using this profile. System will understand the user operating unit (Branch Name)
3. HR: Business Group: This profile will give the user business group which group user is working. 4. HR: User_Type: This profile will give the user employment type which user is Permanent, Contract or consultant will be identified. USER_ID USER_NAME RESP_NAME RESP_ID RESP_APPL_ID All these are user personal profile values for user will be there whenever we create it contains the values. We cannot change the values. CLASS - 24 GL: St of Books Currency Calendar Chart of Account Select Currency_code Period_set_name Chatof_account_id Name From gl_set_of_books 18user 19User 20User Currency Calendar Accounts SOBName
Go to Systems Administrator and open the profile form and select the profile name and assign the values.
When we assign set of books to the user based on the that set of book name currency, calendar and accounts structure will be changed Create there different users go to systems administrator assign the profile values, select user level enter user name and profile name select find futon and assign the user level values. Login with the user name select GL responsibility open the Journals form, Journals Entry and press enter we will find the different currencies in currucy filed
Personal Profile To find (N) Help Diagnosis Examine and press enter
Select block as profile we will find profile names in the filed Profile values in the values field Technical Consultant Job Get - Procedure Value Function 2 APIs to be used FND_PROFILE.GET(Profilename, Local Variable); Local Variable:= FND_PROFILE.VALUE(PROFILE Name); APIs will be used to retrieve the profile values form Backend like SQL, PL/SQL, Forms, and Reports. NOTE: Here get() is a procedure and Values() is a function both will be used to get a profile value from the backend Example: In Select clause we cant use procedure that time we can use function. Simple PO Report User Name : Responsibility Name : Set Of Books Name : Supplier Name Supplier ID PO Type Date Query Select PHA.SEGMENT1 PHA.TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE TRUNC(PHA.CREATION_DATE) PHA.CURRENCY_CODE From PO_HEADERS_ALL PHA Where VUNDER_ID=&PO_VENDOR_ID Report Development Process Lexical Parameters P_CONC_REQUEST_ID P_USER_ID P_RESP_ID P_SOB_NAME SRW.USEREXIT(SRWINIT) - Before Report Trigger SRW.USEREXIT(SRWEXIT) - After Report Trigger And adjust the margin and design the layout Before Report Trigger
:P_RESP_ID := FND_PROFILE.Value(Resp_name) User Name Username Resp_name Responsibility name i.e. personnel profiles GL_SET_BOOKS_ID MO: Operating Unit ORG_ID Access the Profile values from the reports Define find variable to store the profile values, go to before report trigger call the following APIs, then use the find variable either in the layout or in the report builder FND_PROFILE.GET(USER_NAME, :P_USER_ID) FND_PROFILE.GET(RESP_NAME, :P_RESP_ID) :P_SOBNAME := FND_PROFILE.VALUE(GL:SET_OF_BOOKS_NAME) PL/SQL Procedure as Concurrent Program Temp Table Perfomr_taart User_name Varchar2(50) Resp_name Varchar2(50) SOBName Varchar2(50) ORGName Varchar2(50) Develop the procedure and register as Concurrent program and user submit the request form SRW window system should capture the dynamically and inserts in to the temp table :X:= FND_PROFILE.VALUE(ORG_ID) Select name from HR_OPERATING_UNITS Where organization_id=:x Chapter 15, 115devg.pdf FAQs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is profile What are the profiles you have come across in your experience Profile levels in sequential order How to get profile value from Backend How to pass profile values as default in parameter Default Types Constant Segment SQL Profile - Concurrent Programe window Parameter At the time of defining parameter select default type as profile and give the profile name in the default values field.
CLASS - 25 Multi Org Multi Org is nothing but implementing multiple organization under single oracle APPS implementation. We will define the multi org levels like follows: Business Group Top level org where employee will be define Currency, Calendar, Chart of accounts Financial Entities
Set of Books
Legal Entity
Operating Unit
Inventory Organization
Sub inventories
Stock Locations
Business Group: It represents the highest level in the organization structure, it can be a major division or operating company or consolidated enterprises, Business Group secure human recourses information. Example: When we request list of employees assigned to the business group where organization is a part Set Of Books: It is a financial reporting entity it uses particular functional currency, chart of accounts and accounting calendar, Oracle General Ledger application secures this transaction information like, journal entries, balances, we will use the Set of Books to capture these financial information. Legal Entity: it is a legal company for which we prepare physical or tax reports and we will submit company flanking sheet to Government. Operating Unit: It is an organization where company is going to do the main business operations like sales, purchasing payments, receiving and son, it may be a sales office
or division or department, operating unit information will be secured by following applications like PO, AP, AR, OM, CM Inventory Organization: It is an organization for which we will track Inventory transactions and balances, Inventory Organization means warehouse, distribution center, manufacturing plants and sales offices, the following application secures information by Inventory organization Oracle Inventory Bills of Material Work in process Enginering Capacity MRP and so on
Again we will define Inventory Organization as 2 levels 1) sub Inventory 2) Stock location inside of this location we will keep the items.
Data Secure: We can assign users to the particular organization when ever user logon to the application then we can get the data access, which is related to their organization Multiple Organizations Reporting: We can setup Oracle applications implementation to allow the reporting across operating units we can allow the reports either at SOB level or legal entities level or operating unit level We can sell the products from one legal entity and ship the products from another level entity that time we can easily create financial transactions. We can receive the good from the suppliers in any Inventory organization. Example: A branch employee will create the PO then we can rece4ive the material in B branch Inventory organization but these two organization should be defined under same set of books. When employee creates internal requisitions in one organization thesewe can ship the materials from another organization with corrent inter company inventory.
CLASS - 26
Column ORG_ID
Multi Org table contains multiples organization data. This table names are goint to end with _all and this table contains common column called org_id Whenever user login to the systems by using MO:OPERATING UNIT profile, systems will understand user operating unit code (ORG_ID) Multi Org views These are created based on, multi org table having the where clause like where org_id=client_info. If we are using multi org views in the RICE components, we will get the data from the database which is related for the user organization. Ex: PO_HEADERS, PO_LINES, AP_INVOICES, AP_CHECKS, OE_ORDER_HEADERS CLIENT_INFO: It is one of the RDBMS variable, it contains user operating unit code (org_id) whenever user login to the application o Select * from hr_operating_units (you can get all the branch codes) To create Operating units navigation o HRMS Responsibility Work Structures - Organization Description In before report trigger we will write SRW.USER_EXIT(FND SRWINIT) it will initialize the user profile values (MO:OPERATING UNIT)
Create 3 users, assign to them different branches by using MO:Operating Unit profile and develop the report, use the multi org tables and register it as concurrent program and submit from SRS window form 3 users we will get all the operating units data in the output instead of multi table, use multi org view. Submit request from SRS. It will display the output which is related for user organization. If we are not using the user exit (FND SRWINIT) system will not initialize user profile values including MO operating Unit profile that time, client_info variable values is null. In SQL & PL/SQL We need to use API SQL> select count(*) from PO_HEADERS_ALL 2777 POs are created form multiple organizations
SQL> select count(*) from PO_HEADERS output 0 becoz system doesnot know the branch working for which branch SQL> Begin FND_CLIENT_INFO.SET_ORG_CONTEXT(204) END; SQL> select count(*) from PO_HEADERS - Now it is showing the 1645 Pos fro branch 204 Begin FND_CLIENT_INFO.SET_ORG_CONTEXT(FND_PROFILE.VALUE(ORG_ID) END It will retrieve User ORG_ID value Table shows details about the Multi Org structure table Organization Name Table Profile Business Group HRFV_BUSINESS_GROUPS HR:Business Group ID Set Of Books GL_SET_OF_BOOKS GL:Set of Books Name Legal Entity HR_LEGAL_ENTITIES Operating Unit HR_OPERATING_UNITS MO:Operating Unit Inventory Organization SubInventory Stock Locations Items ORG_ORGANIZATION_ DEFINITIONS MTL_SECONDARY_ INVENTORIES MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONSQ MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS
While developing or customizing the RICE component we will be using Multiorg views. We are not supposed to use the Multi org tables. By suing the following select statement we can find whether multi org is implemented successfully or not o Select multi_org_flag, release name from fnd_product_groups Multi_org_flag Releasename Y 11.5.7
Y Implemeted successfully (Business Group, I.E., Set of Books, operating Unit, Inventory organziaiton) BUSINESS_GROUP_ID: This at Business group level we can find them common column in all the table, which are in HRMS tables like o PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F o PER_JOBS o PER_GRADES o PER_POSITIONS ORG_ID: It is at operating unit level it we will find this common column in all the table at operating unit level like o PO_REQUESITION_HEADERS_ALL o PO_HEADERS_ALL o PO_DISTRIBUTION_ALL NOTE: But PO receipts functionality will come at Inventory organization level. Because we are crating receipt means we are receiving the goods from supplier. We will be receiving the material at Inventories (stories, gowdans ) only. Example: RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS table is not having the _ALL it is not having ORG_ID column ORGANIZATION_ID: It is at Inventory Organization level we will find all the manufacturing tables column this ORGANIZATION_ID column including PO Receipts Tables o MTL_SYSTEM_ITESM_B o WIP_ENTITITES o BOM_RESOURCES o BOM_DEPARTMENT
PO_VENDORS is not having _ALL PO_VENDORS_SITES_ALL is having _ALL Supplier is global we can access from any organization Supplier site is organization specific and we create site based on the user ORG_ID sites will retrieved. FAQs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What is application hierarchy or Multi org flow? What is Business Group? What is legal entity and operating unit What is meant by multi org table What are module will come at operating unit level Will PO Receipt will come tat Operating Unit level or Inventory Organization level? 7. What is difference between OR_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID? 8. Why there is no _ALL for PO_VENDORS table? 9. How to implement multi org in reports? 10. How to populate ORG_ID from SQL prompt? 11. What is meant by Client_info? 12. When user login in to the system how the system will identify user operating unit?
CLASS 28 Flex Fields Flex Field is nothing but a normal field but it is a ore flexible in the application either to extend the form functionality or to capture the key information We have 2 types of flex fields in oracle applications 1. Descriptive Flex Fields , 2. Key Flex Fields 1. Descriptive Flex Fields: DFF will be used to capture extra information from the end user without changing form code and without altering database table a. We will use the attribute column while working with DFF b. We will find all the DFF in Application Developer Responsibility i. N Flex Filed Descriptive Register c. To find DFF in form PO Requisition Form d. Customization of DFF i. Open the form in application (PO, AP) we will find the fields which are enclosed with [ ] it is nothing but a DFF we can enable this DFF by using Application Developer Responsibility ii. Find the DFF title from following navigation 1. Help Menu Diagnostics Examine and enter password as apps and Block name $Descriptive Flex field$ we will find the list of DFFs in the fields select Field: PO_REQ_HDR_DESCRIPTIVE_F4 we will find the DFF in the value fields Value: Requisition Header (Oracle Purchasing) iii. Copy the value go to Application Developer 1. N Flex field Descriptive Segments and enter and press F11 enter the title Ctrl + F11 iv. Un check the checkbox called Freeze Flex field definition select segments button enter the column names select attribute column and value set and save the transactions. v. Check the check box called Freeze Flex Field Definition click on compile button internally system will submit concurrent program (Flex field view Generation) to compile flex field it will generate one flex field view to capture the data. vi. The view name will be database table name _DFV vii. Go to the form where DFF is attached, place the cursor, it will open DFF form enter the data save it go to backend query the records. Select Attribute3 Buyertype, Attribute9 Buyerlocaton, Attribute13 Last Date From PO_REQUISITION_HEADER_ALL Where segment1=15467 viii. Create the value set in system administrator; attach the value set at the time of creating DFF column name in the value set field. ix. We can make the DFF column is optional or mandatory by selecting required check box in the segments form.
CLASS 29 x. Context Field: While creation of DFF we can define multiple structures based on the user selection we can change the DFF structure. While defining the context field we will enter context field values for every context value there will be a structure here we can use the entire attribute column from attribute 1 to 15. 1. NOTE: One we use the attributes in one structure we can use the same attributes in another structure, because user can enter only one structure details at a time. 2. NOTE: Once we enter the value in the context field it will be stored in the Database column called Attribute Category
Inventory Sub Inventory Item Location Stock Location Available Qty Item Details Item Quantity Reserved Qty Purchasable Item Item Attributes Inventory Item Customer Item Production Item
xi. Global Data Elements: While defining the context field we will enter the context field values based on the value we can change the DFF structure if we want to define any field globally we will select option called Global Data elements, select se4gments enter the details. 1. Once we use the attribute column in Global Data elements it will not be available for the context field values.
2. Key Flex Field : These will be used capture key information which is in the code language for every code there will be a specific meaning in the application we will find all the KFF s in the Application Developer Responsibility. Navigation Flex field Key Register and enter we can find the structure in the segments form Navigation Flex Field Key Segments and press enter when we enter the data
in KFF it will be stored in segments columns we will find segments column around 30 based on the requirement. Differences between DFF and KFF DFF 1. DFF will be used to capture EXTRA 1. Information 2. Attribute columns will be used 2. 3. We can register MAX DFF 3. 4. 5. 6. DFF will be accept what ever Data we 4. enter WE have context field 5. DFF data will be stored in Attribute 6. Columns
KFF KFF will be used to capture KEY Information Segment columns will be used We have 29 built in KFF we are not suppose to create new KFF KFF we can define rules to capture valid data WE have no Context field DFF codes will be stored in segments KFF description will be stored in FND_FLEX_VALUES tables.
To find a table of DFF go to the segment form of DFF System Last Query Value - Quary will get KFF_List.xls file contains all the important KFF to study Application KFF name Table Name Accounting Flexfield GL GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS Assets KFF FA FA_ASSET_KEYWORDS Category Flexfield FA FA_CATEGORIES_B Location Flexfield FA FA_LOCATIONS Sales Tax Location Flexfield AR AR_LOCATION_COMBINATIONS Territory Flexfield AR RA_TERRITORIES Item Catalogs INV MTL_ITEM_CATALOG_GROUPS Item Categories INV MTL_CATEGORIES_B Stock Locators INV MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS System Items INV MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B
Staructure Column
To Capture the Key Information We can query the Information at any level Data entry to the user will be very easy System will accept valid accounting transactions GL_CODE_COMBINATION All Codes GLFV_CHARTS_OF_ACCOUNTS Structure Details
Accounting Key Flex Field: This is one of the built in KFF available in GL application to capture accounting transactions. Accounting KFF is nothing but Chart of accounts in the set of books when ever we assign the profile (GL: Set of Books Name) to the user based on the this profile system will assign Accounting KFF to the User. ******* Set of Books o Currency o Calendar o Chat of Account ******* Select Name, Currency_code Currency Period_set_name Calendar Chat_of_account_id ChartOfA/C From GL_SET_OF_BOOKS ******* 16USER GL:SET OF BOOKS Vision Operation(USA) USD 101(5) 17USER GL:SET OF BOOKS Vision Italy ITL 50173(4) 18USER GL:SET OF BOOKS Vision Belgium BEL 50714(6) ******* Structure Column While defining the KFF we will find structure column field if it is null value then KFF has got only one structure, if there is a structure column that will find multiple structure, open the segments form query the records based on KFF title, we will find structure details For Accounting KFF structure column is CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID And we will get all the structure details from this table GL_CHARTS_OF_ACCOUNTS. All the accounting KFF transaction will be stored in the data based table called GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS Developing the Reports on KFF - Process 1) Call the user ext from before report trigger SRW.USER_EXIT ( 'FND SRWINIT'); 2) Call another User Exit from After Report Trigger SRW.USER_EXIT ('FND SRWEXIT'); 3) Define the following parameters 1) P_CONC_REQUEST_ID 2) P_FLEXDATA 3) P_STRUCT_NUM segment1||'\n'||segment2||'\n'||segment3||'\n'||.......||'\n'||segment30
4) Call another User exit from before report trigger SRW.USER_EXIT ('FND FLEXSQL CODE NUM APPL_SHORT_NAME OUTPUT MODE DISPLAY
5) Define the Query like follows SELECT &P_FLEXDATA FROM KFF Table WHERE KFF Structure Column = :P_STRUCT_NUM; 6) Define Formula Column and CALL another User Exit from formula column SRW.USER_EXIT ('FND FLEXIDVAL CODE = "GL#" NUM = ":P_STRUCT_NUM" APPL_SHORT_NAME = "SQLGL" DATA = "Column Name where the data is available" VALUE = "to get KFF Values we will give formula column Name" MODE = "SELECT" DISPLAY = "ALL"); CLASS 31 Flex Fields Reports development P_FLEXDATA: It is one of the lexical parameter having the default value it is a contribution of all the segment columns, we will use this lexical parameter in the select statement to retrieve the data from database P_STRUCT_NUM: This is a bind variable will be used to capture KFF structure number FND FLEX SQL: It is one of the User Exit we will define in the before report trigger to retrieve KFF segments data FND FLEXIDVAL: This is another user exit will called from formula column to display the KFF data in the output 1) Call the user ext from before report trigger SRW.USER_EXIT ( 'FND SRWINIT'); 2) Call another User Exit from After Report Trigger SRW.USER_EXIT ('FND SRWEXIT'); 3) Define the following parameters 1) P_CONC_REQUEST_ID
2) P_FLEXDATA 3) P_STRUCT_NUM 4) Before Report Trigger function BeforeReport return boolean is L_NAME VARCHAR2(100); begin SRW.USER_EXIT( 'FND SRWINIT'); l_name :=fnd_profile.value('GL_SET_OF_BKS_NAME'); select chart_of_accounts_id into :P_STRUCT_NUM FROM gl_sets_of_books where name = l_name;
= "ALL" = "ALL"');
7) Go to layout model design the report and register with Oracle Applications and submit from the user SRS form SRW.REFERENCE( ) : It we are using bind variable in source column the user exit we will refer to get the latest values for variable and source column Changing the structure number dynamically: KFF structure number is nothing but chat of accounts ID, if we know the user set of books name we can find out chart of Accounts ID. Set of books name is one of the user profile by using FND profile API we can get from report triggers Go to before report trigger declare the local variable write the following API o L_name varchar2 (100) o L_name:=fnd_profile.value(GL_SET_OFBKS_NAME); Write the following select statement to get the structure number based on the set of books name Select INTO From Where CLASS 32 Develop the report on PO Module and display the charge account in PO Distributions Form Line Level Dist Level ReqNO Type Cdate Lineno Item ItemDesc DistNo ChargeA/C FAQ in Flex Fields 1. What is FLEX FIELD? 2. What is KFF 3. In you experience what are the KFF you have come across? 4. Have u created any KFF? NO 5. Have u created any DF? Yes 6. What is FND FLEX SQL and FND IDVAL? 7. What is SRW REFERENCE? 8. What are parameters we suppose to pass for FND FLEXIDVAL? 9. How to change structure number dynamically? 10. What are the KFF are there in Inventory module? 11. Is there any KFF in PO? NO 12. Where the KFF data will be stored? Segments 13. Where the DFF data will be stored? Attributes 14. What in Attribute_Category? CLASS 33 Chart_of_account_id :P-STRUCT_NUM GL_SET_OF_BOOKS name=L_name;
Concurrent Programe
Request Group
Forms Development Process 1)We Will download the TEMPLETE.fmb from AU_TOP\Resource Folder Application Utilities 2)Open with Forms6i builder and delete the existing Block Canvas Window 3)Create New Block , Canvas , Window attach oracle apps Properties 4)Develop the from as per client requirement Note:We will change the Property called First Navigaction Data Block as Datablock Name in the Module Properties. II)Customize folooiwng two triggers1) Pre-Form -New Window Name 2) WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE -New form Name 3) APP_Custom package -New Window Name
5)Save the form we will get (.fmb) 6)compile the form we will get(.fmx) 7)Move the .fmb into au_top\11.5.0\Forms\US\ .fmb 8)Move the .fmx into CuS_top\11.5.0\Forms\US\ .fmx 9)Goto Applicaton Developer and create Form 10)create Function attach form to the function 11)Create Menu attach function menu
12)Attach Menu to the responsibility , Responsibility will be attached to the user so that user can open the from and enter/Query the Data. Develop the User Form First Form User ID User Name Creation Date Second Form Supplier ID Supplier Name Supplier Creation Date Template.fmb: It is a built in form available in AU_TOP resources folder, it has got 21 libraries to support menu functionality standard toolbar functionalities and other oracle apps functions like who columns, profiles, flex fields, multi org and so on. Form Registration: After moving the .fmb and .fmx in to the server we will take the .fmx name select application developer responsibility register the form Navigation Application Developer Application Form and enter Enter the .fmx name and application name where the .fmx is located enter user form name Copy the user form name attach to the function. Function: It is nothing but instance of form along with parameter navigation Applicatoin Function and enter Enter the function name and user function name go to properties tab select type as form, go to form tab attach user form name what ever we have created Copy the user function name attach to menu Menu:
Group of submenus and functions, enter menu name sequence no, prompt, attach user function name in the function field, copy the user menu name, go to responsibility form in system administrator attach in the menu field Select the responsibility we will find the form in object navigator window.
Form Setup First step AU/11.5.0/FORM/US Copy the files in to resource folder like Templete.fmb and appstand.fmb Second Step
Start menu Run Regedit Hkey_local_mechine -> software -> oracle Forms60 _path - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - ; give the template.fmd file path CLASS 34 Table registration Note: connect to custom top (wip) --wip/wip@prod 1) create table custom_vendors 2) grant all on custom_vendors to apps; 3) conn apps/apps@prod 4) create public synonym custom_vendors for po.custom_vendors; 5) exec ad_dd.register_table ('po','custom_vendors','t', 8, 10, 90); Exec Ad_dd.register_table( p_appl_short_name , p_tab_name , p_tab_type , p_next_extent , p_pct_free , p_pct_used ) 6) exec ad_dd.register_column ('po','custom_vendors','vendor_id', 1,'number', 10,'n','y'); Exec ad_dd.register_column ( p_appl_short_name , p_tab_name , p_col_name , p_col_seq , p_col_type , p_col_width , p_nullable , p_translate , p_precision default null, p_scale default null) Note: register all columns 7)commit; Value sets Who columns Flexfield (dff,kff) Note :
If we are registering table by using AD_DD package we can utilize following functions 1) Who columns 2) Flex fields 3) Multi org 4) Profile, Table Value set creation and so on. Create Table wip_item_details( Item Varchar2(50), ItemDesc Varchar2(100), ItemDate Date, ItemLoc Varchar2(50), Item Category Varchar2(50), ItemCost Number(9), Created_By Number(9), Creation_Date Date, Last_Update_By Number(9), Last_update_date Date, Attribute_Category Varchar2(100), Attribute1 Varchar2(100), Attribute2 Varchar2(100), Attribute3 Varchar2(100), Attribute4 Varchar2(100), Attribute5 Varchar2(100)) Grant all on WIP_ITEM_DETAILS to APPS; Conn APPS/APPS@PROD; Create Public Synonym WIP_ITEM_DETAILS for WIP.WIP_ITEM_DETAIS Table type contains three values T Table, V View, S Synonym Exec AD_DD.REGISTER_TABLE (WIP,WIP_ITEM_DETAILS,T,0,10,90) EXEC AD_DD.REGISTER_COLUMN (WIP,WIP_ITEM_DETAILS, ITEM,1,VARCHAR2,50,N,Y); All the columns to be registered To know the table status about registration Navigation Application - > Database - > Table and press enter And query for the required table. Implementing who columns
Call the following API from the both the triggers. o Fnd_standard.set_who(); This API is available in the library called FNDSQF.PLL
Go to the field properties, change the property called list of values Enable_List_Lamp Create the trigger called KeyListVal at Item level call the following API o It is available in the library called APPDAYPK.PLL
Record Group-> LOV -> field Create Record Group by enter list of value or by enter select statement Create LOV attach record group Attach LOV to field property called list of values
Reference: 115devg.pdf - 24th Chapter CLASS 35 Development of Master Details Form Master Form PO-VENDORS Vendor_ID, Vendor_name, Creation_Date Detail Form PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL Vendor_ID, Vendor_site_code, Site_Creation_Date, Address1, Address2, City.
Develop the form with master table by using template.fmb (Primary Key must be selected) Crate detailed data block after selecting the column click next futon, can check the check box called Auto join data blocks, select the button called create relationship, select radio button called based on join condition. Select Primary Key from Master Item, reference key from detail Item, system will automatically create join condition and select finish button. At the time of selection layout style select tabular format and select number of records to be displayed in the layout.
Attach property classes and save the .Ffmb generate .FMX move in to the custom top.
Practice development PO_HEADERS_ALL PO_header_id, PO_NO, type, Cration_Date POLINE_ALL Po_heder_id, item_desc, quantity, Unit_price, Line_total(quantity*unitprice) Manual Development of Form Crate a table in WIP Item, Item_Desc, Item_date, Item_loc.
Create new data block by select the manual option Change the following the properties o Subclass: Block o Database source Name: Table Name o Database Column Name: Column Names Go to canvas create and change the property class to Frame_Rect Define the Text Item attach following properties o Subclass: Tex_Item o Column Name: DB column Register the column and compile and generate .FMX
Table should contain attribute column and also it should be registered Go to application developer open the DFF register form navigation Flex Field Descriptive Register and enter Create New DFF by giving database table name. Copy the DFF table go to segments form query based on table, select segments button, enter DFF structure details. Open the template.fmb select all the attribute column at the time of data block creation Define the field in the Canvas change the field property database items as "no"
Define the Package like follows. Package Specification: ---------------------PACKAGE DFF_PKG IS PROCEDURE DFF_PROC(EVENT VARCHAR2); END;
Call this Package from WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE Trigger o Packagename.Procedure name('WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE'); o DFF_PKG.DFF_PROC('WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE'); Call another API from WHEN-NEW-ITEM-ISNATCE Trigger o fnd_flex.event('WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE'); o It will Populate the DFF in the Form.
Note: FNDSQF library will support for all the flex field APIS like FND_DESC_FLEX.DEFINE FND_FLEX.EVENT FND_KEY_FLEX
Function Security:
For single form creation of multiple functions at the time of creation function passing the parameter which will change the form functionality. Develop a form register in application developer at the time of creation function pass the parameter called QUERYONLY=YES Attach the functions to menu and menu to responsibility and responsibility to the user. NOTE: At the time of crating function select form tab pass the parameter in the field called parameter
Calling another form from the existing form. Form 6i feature APPS Call_Form, New_form, Open_form FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE( )
OPEN_FORM built-in Opens the indicated form. Use OPEN_FORM to create multiple-form applications, that is, applications that open more than one form at the same time. NEW_FORM built-in
Exits the current form and enters the indicated form. The calling form is terminated as the parent form. If the calling form had been called by a higher form, Form Builder keeps the higher call active and treats it as a call to the new form. Form Builder releases memory (such as database cursors) that the terminated form was using. Form Builder runs the new form with the same Runform options as the parent form. If the parent form was a called form, Form Builder runs the new form with the same options as the parent form.
CALL_FORM built-in Runs an indicated form while keeping the parent form active. Form Builder runs the called form with the same Runform preferences as the parent form. When the called form is exited Form Builder processing resumes in the calling form at the point from which you initiated the call to CALL_FORM. CLASS 37 1) Develop both forms and register in application. 2) Place the Button in first form 3) Write the following code in WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger. Fnd_FunCtion.execute ( function_name open_flag OTHER_PARAMS
=> 'Second from function Name', => 'Y' , => 'P1 = '||:PO_VENDORS.VENDOR_ID);
P1 is Second form parameter 4) Open the Second form and define the Parmaeter called P1
5) Go to PRE-QUERY trigger and write the following code to change the query dynamically. :PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL.VENDOR_ID := :PARAMETER.P1; --:Blockname .fieldname := :PARAMETER.Parametername 6) Goto the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE Trigger at from level. write the following code: GO_BLOCK('PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL'); EXECUTE_QUERY;
Sub Menus Sub menu is nothing but is collection of function and menus we will create the submenus just like menus, then we will attach to main menu by using the field called submenu. Calling the SRS window from Menu
Go to the function form in application developer (N) Application - funcatoin Create new function for the user form called Run Reports, copy user function name attach to menu.
Create Request Group in System Administrator Copy Request Group name application short name and Request group code. Go to application developer create function for the form called Run Report and pass the following parameters in the parameter field o REQUEST_GORUP_CODE = 20SUPPLIER_CODE o REQUEST_GROUP_APPL_SHORT_NAME=PO o TITLE = 20SUPPLIERS
At the time of creating responsibility we will attach menu by default all the submenus and functions will be available if we want to hid we will go to Menu Exclusion tab in Responsibility form select type as function or menu and give the function name or menu name in the name field.
CLASS 38 Forms Customization Two Ways 1) Download .fmb from au_top\11.5.0\Forms\resource\US 2) Custom.pll a. When_new_form_instance b. When-new-block-instance c. When-new-record-instance d. When-new-item-instance e. When-Validate-record f. Special g. Zoom If we want to customize standard oracle forms will going to use custom.pll by using this we can customize few events in the form. This custom.pll is available in the au_top resource folder 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Hiding the fields Chane the promplt Change visual attributes Make field is mandatory Attaching the menu options.
Before going to customization the form should know following details Form Name : Block Name : Field Name : What Customization : When we would like to do
Data capture Form Name : Help About Oracle Applications Block Name : Help Diagnostics examine Minimum : Amount Hide the filed When form is opened (When-new-form-instance) Forms Customization Steps: 1) Download the CUSTOM.pll from AU_TOP\11.5.0\Resource folder. 2) Open with Forms 6i. 3) Write the Following Code in the place of 'Real Code Starts Here' form_name block_name begin varchar2(30) := name_in('system.current_form'); varchar2(30) := name_in('system.cursor_block');
4) Compile the Library we can get .pll (Program link Library) Execute the Library we will get .plx (Program Link Executable) (File ->Administration->Compile File) 5) Transfer both .pll and .plx files into the Resource folder in the AU top. (Note: before going to copy into the server close the complete Application)
CLASS 39 Zoom Trigger Zoom event will be used to call the another forms from Oracle standard forms, by default zoom will be disabled for the form, first we have to enable, the \we will go for execution.
Open the Custom.pll got the function call zoom available and creat the following code in the place of Real Code Starts here form_name varchar2(30) := name_in('system.current_form'); block_name varchar2(30) := name_in('system.cursor_block'); begin if (form_name = 'POXRQERQ' and block_name = 'PO_REQ_HDR') then return TRUE; else return FALSE; end if;
Go to the event procedure and write the following code in the place of Real Code Starts Here form_name varchar2(30) := name_in('system.current_form'); block_name varchar2(30) := name_in('system.cursor_block'); Begin if (event_name = 'ZOOM') then if (form_name = 'POXRQERQ' and block_name = 'PO_REQ_HDR') then fnd_function.execute(function_name=>'PO_POXRQVRQ', open_flag => 'Y'); end if; end if; Ave the custom.pll and compile this execute the custom.pll Copy both .pll and .plx in to the resource folder (Close the applications before copying in to the respective top)
Special Trigger: - Total 45 are available. We will use the special trigger to attach the menu options to the forms. FAQs: 1) What are the steps we will follow for the form development 2) What are the libraries are available in TEMPLETE.FMB? 3) How to register table and primary key? 4) Why do we need to register the table 5) How t o implement who columns? 6) How to attach a calendar? 7) How to call another form from the standard forms? 8) How to implement DFF in the forms? 9) What are the events we can use in custom.pll? 10) What is meant by zoom? 11) We cant copy the CUSTOM.PLL in to the server when applications is opened?
a. In oracle applications all the forms are developed by TEMPLETE.FMB including Navigator. So that, that time CUSTOM.PLL IS being used by the application we can not update the library. 12) When we are working in the project we are not able to close all the users application that time how to copy in to server. a. We will be having the link file (crated by DBA), we will copy in to that path only we have to logout and login then we can find the customization effects. 13) How to generate .fmx and .plx in LINIX operating system a. In windows we will use CTRL + T b. In linix we will use F60GEN command F60GEN MODULE=TEST.FMB USERNAME/PASSWORD@HOST F60GEN MODULE=CUSTOM.PLL TYPE=LIBRARY USERNAME/PASSWORD@HOST 14) In which top we will execute this F60GEN command a. IN AU_TOP\11.5.0\FORMS\US CLASS 40 INTERFACES Interface is nothing but a program will be used to transfer the data from flat files to database table or from database table to flat files with validations. WE have two types of Interfaces like Inbound Interface Outbound Interface. Inbound Interface It will be used to upload the data from legacy system into Oracle Applications base table Note: Legacy system is nothing but other applications which is used by client like SAP, JAVA, Mainframe so on. Example: In implementation project we can implement forms and report so that users can enter the data after implementation but the previous data will be available in the legacy system we need to bring that data in to Oracle Applicatoins with validations. Usage: SQL*Loader, .txt, .ctl, .dis, .bad, .log Outbound Interface It will be used to extract the data from Oracle Applications base tables in to flat files Example: Client is using to applications one is for financial and another one is for manufacturing, we have to transfer manufacture data in to financial applications, so that we can generate the Invoices in financial applications. Usage: UTL_FILE_PACKAGE UTL_FILE.FOPEN() - Crate / Open file UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE() - Transfer the data in to file UTL_FILE.FCLOSE() - Close file Exercise OUTBOUND INTERFACE
We can generate flat file only in specified directory - to find directory list Select * from V$PARAMETER Where NAME like %UTL_% Or INIT.ORA file contains the information about active directory list. Flat file Requirement PO Number, Type, Creation date, Buyer Name, PO Type STANDARD Purchase orders only Process Steps 1) Develop a procedure or package and register it as Concurrent Program 2) Writ the cursor to retrieve the data from database 3) Define the file by using UTL_FILE.FOPEN() 4) Open the cursor for loop and transfer the data in to file by using UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE() 5) Close the cursor and close the file by using UTL_FILE.FCLOSE() Create or Replace PO_Information ( Errbuf OUT varchar2, Retcode ouT varchar2,) as
Cursor c1 is Select pha.segment1 PoNum, Pha.type_lookup_code POType, Trunc( pha.creation_date) CDate, Ppf.full_name Buyer From po-headers_all PHA Per_all_people_f PPF Where PHA.type_lookup_code = STANDARD AND PHA.agent_id = ppf.person_id;
l_id := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(d:\........................, PO_ORDERS.TXT, W) For c2 in c1 loop Utl_file.Put_line (l_id, c2, PoNum C2.POType C2. CDate C2.Buyer); End loop; UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(L_ID); End PO_Informaton; ||$|| ||$|| ||$||
Inventory Outbound Interface Requirement Fields - Item, itemid, itemdesc, uom, name, id , category CREATE OR REPLACE procedure INV_Out( f_id t_id in number, in varchar2) as Errbuf OUT varchar2, Retcode ouT varchar2,
cursor c1 is select msi.segment1 item, msi.inventory_item_id Itemid, msi.description itemdesc, msi.primary_uom_code Uom, ood.organization_name name, ood.organization_id id, mc . segment1||','||mc.segment2 Category from mtl_system_items_b msi, org_organization_definitions ood, mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories mc where msi.organization_id = ood.organization_id and msi.inventory_item_id = mic.inventory_item_id and msi.organization_id = mic.organization_id and mic.category_id = mc.category_id and msi.purchasing_item_flag = 'Y' and msi.organization_id between f_id and t_id; x_id utl_file.file_type; l_count number(5) default 0; begin x_id:=utl_file.fopen('d:\oracle\proddb\8.1.7\plsql\temp','invoutdata.dat','W'); --select * from v$parameter where name like '%utl_file%' for x1 in c1 loop l_count:=l_count+1; utl_file.put_line(x_id,x1.item ||'-'|| x1.itemid ||'-'|| x1.itemdesc||'-'|| x1.uom ||'-'|| ||'-'|| ||'-'|| x1.category ); end loop; utl_file.fclose(x_id); Fnd_file.Put_line(Fnd_file.output,'No of Records transfered to the data file :'||l_count); Fnd_File.Put_line(fnd_File.Output,' '); Fnd_File.Put_line(fnd_File.Output,'Submitted User name '||Fnd_Profile.Value('USERNAME')); Fnd_File.Put_line(fnd_File.Output,' '); Fnd_File.Put_line(fnd_File.Output,'Submitted Responsibility name '||Fnd_profile.value('RESP_NAME')); Fnd_File.Put_line(fnd_File.Output,' '); Fnd_File.Put_line(fnd_File.Output,'Submission Date :'|| SYSDATE); Exception WHEN utl_file.invalid_operation THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_File.log,'invalid operation'); utl_file.fclose_all; WHEN utl_file.invalid_path THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_File.log,'invalid path');
utl_file.fclose_all; WHEN utl_file.invalid_mode THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_File.log,'invalid mode'); utl_file.fclose_all; WHEN utl_file.invalid_filehandle THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_File.log,'invalid filehandle'); utl_file.fclose_all; WHEN utl_file.read_error THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_File.log,'read error'); utl_file.fclose_all; WHEN utl_file.internal_error THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_File.log,'internal error'); utl_file.fclose_all; WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_File.log,'other error'); utl_file.fclose_all; End INV_Out;
Flat File
.bad or .dis SQL* Loader
Base Tables
Process Steps: 1) Stage Table Cration 2) Control file development 3) PL/SQL Program 4) Submit Standard Program
Inbound interface will be used to upload the data from legacy system in to Oracle applications base tables. We will receive the flat file from the client then we will create staging table upload the data from flat file in to stage table. Develop the PL/SQL program to validate the data weather it is valid or not, if it is valid we will insert in to interface table, if it is not valid we will insert in to error table. Once the data is available in interface table submit the standard program from SRS window, and we will transfer the data from interface table to base tables. Note o o
Staging table is required because the flat file structure may or may not be compatibles with base table structure. Interface table is required to make the pre validation and populate dynamic records.
Invoices Payments
Sales Orders
GL Interface
GL Execution Report Journal Import
CLASS 42 GL_INTERFACE_TABLE STATUS: This column will accept any string but we will always insert standards string called new it indicates that we are brining new data in to General Ledge Applications. SET_OF_BOOKS_ID: We have to enter the appropriate set of books ID, it should be valid set of books id is available in GL_SETS_BOOKS table it is valid, otherwise i8t is invalid. USER_JE_SOURCES_NAME: We have to enter the journal sources name for the transaction we can find all the valid source names in the tabled called GL_JE_SOURCES. USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME: WE have to find out weather journal category is available in the GL_JE_CATEGORIES table. It is is available then we will insert, otherwise we will reject.
CURRENCY_CODE: We have to enter the valid currency code in FND_CURREINCES table we can find out weather it is valid or not. ACCOUNTING_DATE and CREATION_DATE: Both columns will accept valid date but that date should be less than or equal to System date. CREATED_BY: WE have to enter valid user_id from FND_USER table we can identify weather it is valid user_id or not. PERIOD_NAME: We have to enter valid period name and period should be in the open status from GL_PERIODS table we can find out weather it is valid period or not, from GL_PERIOD_STATUS table we can find out period is in the open status or not. ENTERED_DR and ENTERED_CR: Both columns will accept positive number Debit and credit amount, both debit and credit should be equal otherwise account will be imported as suspense account. GROUP_ID: WE will enter unique group number while importing from interface table to base table it will be used as parameter. CTUAL_FLAG: This column will accept single character either A or B or E a- Actual amounts, B- Budget Amounts, E- Encumbrance Amounts
Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4 Reference 5 Reference 11 to 20 Chart_of_accounts_id Transationc_date Je-Batch_id Je_header_id
Batch Name Batch Description Dont Enter any value Journal Entry Name Journal Entry Description Dont enter any values. Dont enter any values. Dont enter any values. Dont enter any values. Dont enter any values.
Pre requisites for GL Interface: 1) 2) 3) 4) Set of books should be defined (Currency, Calendar, Chart of Accounts) 2) Currency Conversion Rates needs to be defined. Accounting Period should be defined and also opened Source name and as well as category name should be defined.
Process Steps: 1) We have received flat file from client 2) We have created Staging table as per flat file structure 3) Developed Control file and uploaded data 4) Developed PL/SQL Program to upload the data from stage into interface table i. declare Cursor ii. open cursor iii. Validate each record iv. If no invalid record then insert into interface table. 5) Run the journal import from GL => Journal => Import => Run i. Give the two parameters 1)Source 2)Group ID 6) Open the Output if status is 'SUCEESS' then take Request ID. 7) open Journal Enter screen Query the records based on the %requestid% As batch Name - Select Review journal button we can see the journal detailed transaction 8) If we want correct the journals we can correct from Journal=>Import=>Correct 9) If we want delete the journals we can delete from Journal=>Import=>Delete Temporary Table Creation
Create Table GL_INT_TEMP ( STATUS Varchar2(10), SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Number(8), ACCOUNTING_DATE, Date, CURRENCY Number(8), DATE_CREATED Date, CREATED_BY Number(8), ACTUAL_FLAG Varchar2(1), CATEGORY Varchar2(10), SOURCE Varchar2(10), CURR_CONVERSION Number(8), SEGMENT1 Varchar2(100), SEGMENT2 Varchar2(100), SEGMENT3 Varchar2(100), SEGMENT4 Varchar2(100), SEGMENT5 Varchar2(100), ENTERED_DR Number(8), ENTERED_CR Number(8),
Control File Creation To transfer the data from flat file to staging table. LOAD DATA INFILE * INSERT INTO TABLE GL_INT_TEMP FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS (STATUS, SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, ACCOUNTING_DATE, CURRENCY, DATE_CREATED, CREATED_BY, ACTUAL_FLAG, CATEGORY, SOURCE, CURR_CONVERSION, SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2, SEGMENT3, SEGMENT4, SEGMENT5, ENTERED_DR, ENTERED_CR, ACCOUNTED_DR, ACCOUNTED_CR, GROUP_ID) BEGINDATA "NEW",1,"11-AUG-2002","USD","11-AUG2002",1318,"A","Inventory","JETFORMS","Corporate","01","000","1410","0000","000",555,555,555,555, 66 "NEW",1,"11-AUG-2002","USD","11-AUG2002",1318,"A","Inventory","JETFORMS","Corporate","01","000","1410","0000","000",554,554,554,554, 66 "NEW",1,"11-AUG-2002","USD","11-AUG2002",1318,"A","Inventory","JETFORMS","Corporate","01","000","1410","0000","000",321,321,321,321, 66 "NEW",1,"11-AUG-2002","USD","11-AUG2002",1318,"A","Inventory","JETFORMS","Corporate","01","000","1410","0000","000",431,431,431,431, 66 "NEW",1,"11-AUG-2002","SGD","11-AUG2002",1318,"K","Inventory","JETFORMS","Corporate","01","000","1410","0000","000",1500,1500,1500, 1500,66 "NEW",1,"11-AUG-2002","EUR","11-AUG2002",1318,"A","Inventory","JETFORMS","Corporate","01","000","1410","0000","000",1600,1600,1600, 1600,66 Creation of PL/SQL procedure to transfer the data from staging table to interface table after validation.
IS -- cursor declaration CURSOR gl_cur IS SELECT status , set_of_books_id , accounting_date , currency , date_created , created_by , actual_flag , category , source , curr_conversion , segment1 , segment2 , segment3 , segment4 , segment5 , entered_dr , entered_cr , accounted_dr , accounted_cr , group_id FROM GL_INT_TEMP; l_currencycode VARCHAR2(25); l_set_of_books_id NUMBER(3); l_flag VARCHAR2(2); l_error_msg VARCHAR2(100); l_err_flag VARCHAR2(10); l_category VARCHAR2(100); L_USERID NUMBER(10); BEGIN DELETE FROM gl_interface; COMMIT; FOR rec_cur IN gl_cur LOOP l_flag:='A'; l_err_flag:='A'; --This PL/SQL Block will do the currency validation --end of the currency validation --Category Column Validation BEGIN SELECT USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME INTO l_CATEGORY FROM GL_JE_CATEGORIES WHERE USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME = REC_CUR.Category; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_category:=NULL; l_flag:='E'; l_error_msg:='Category does not exist '; END; Fnd_File.put_line (Fnd_File.LOG,'Inserting data into the Interface TABLE'||L_FLAG); --End Category Column Validation
--User ID column validation BEGIN SELECT USER_ID INTO L_USERID FROM FND_USER WHERE USER_ID = REC_CUR.created_by; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN L_userid:=NULL; l_flag:='E'; l_error_msg:='User ID does not exist '; END; Fnd_File.put_line (Fnd_File.LOG,'Inserting data into the Interface TABLE'||L_FLAG); --End of Created_by OR UserID column Validation --Set of books Validation BEGIN SELECT set_of_books_id INTO l_set_of_books_id FROM GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS WHERE set_of_books_id=rec_cur.set_of_books_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_set_of_books_id:=NULL; l_flag:='E'; l_error_msg:='set of Books ID does not exist '; END; Fnd_File.put_line (Fnd_File.LOG,'Inserting data into the Interface TABLE'||L_FLAG); -- End Set of books Validation --Status Column validation /* BEGIN IF rec_cur.status = 'NEW' THEN l_flag:= 'A'; ELSE l_flag:= 'E'; Fnd_File.put_line (Fnd_File.LOG,'Status column has got invalid data'); END IF; END;*/ BEGIN SELECT currency_code INTO l_currencycode FROM fnd_currencies WHERE currency_code=rec_cur.currency AND currency_code='USD'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_currencycode:=NULL; l_flag:='E'; l_error_msg:='currency code does not exists'; END; Fnd_File.put_line (Fnd_File.LOG,'Inserting data into the Interface TABLE'||L_FLAG); Fnd_File.put_line (Fnd_File.LOG,'Inserting data into the Interface TABLE'||L_FLAG); --End of Actual Flag Column validation IF l_flag!='E' THEN Fnd_File.put_line (Fnd_File.LOG,'Inserting data into the Interface TABLE'); INSERT INTO gl_interface(status, set_of_books_id,
accounting_date, currency_code, date_created, created_by, actual_flag, user_je_category_name, user_je_source_name, user_currency_conversion_type, segment1, segment2, segment3, segment4, segment5, entered_dr, entered_cr, accounted_dr, accounted_cr, group_id) VALUES (rec_cur.status , rec_cur.set_of_books_id , rec_cur.accounting_date , rec_cur.currency , rec_cur.date_created , rec_cur.created_by , rec_cur.actual_flag , rec_cur.category , rec_cur.source , rec_cur.curr_conversion rec_cur.segment1 , rec_cur.segment2 , rec_cur.segment3 , rec_cur.segment4 , rec_cur.segment5 , rec_cur.entered_dr , rec_cur.entered_cr , rec_cur.accounted_dr , rec_cur.accounted_cr , rec_cur.group_id); END IF; l_flag:=NULL; l_error_msg:=NULL; END LOOP; COMMIT; END GL_IN_PRO;
PO Flat File
.bad or .dis SQL* Loader
PO_INTERFACE _ERROR Standard Program
Pre Requisites 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Supplier sites contact details should be defined Organization structure should be defined Ship to bill to locations needs to be defined Set of books needs to be defined Items, item categories, UOM needs to be defined Employee creation, buyer setup should be defined.
Process Steps 1) Create the Staging tables 2) Develop the Control files and register as concurrent program 3) Develop the PL/SQL Program and write the validations and insert into interface table 4) Run the standard program called Import Standard Purchase orders from PO Responsibility Parameter : Default Buyer : Null Create or update items : No PO Status : APPROVED Batch ID : 13 (We can get from headers interface table) 5) Take the Request ID execute following query we can get the PO numbers select segment1 Ponumber from po_headers_all where request _id = 145233; 6) Go to the PO Application and Query the PO from as per the PO number. Control File: - PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE load data infile * TRUNCATE into table XX_HEADERS fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
,FOB ,FREIGHT_TERMS ) BEGINDATA 1,13,"ORIGINAL",204,"STANDARD","USD","Stock, Ms. Pat","IBM","IBM-BAN","H1- Detroit","V1- New York City","APPROVED","UPS","Origin","Due" 2,13,"ORIGINAL",204,"STANDARD","USD","Stock, Ms. Pat","SONY","SONY-CHN","H1- Detroit","V1- New York City","APPROVED","UPS","Origin","Due"
Control File: - PO_LINES_INTERFACE load data infile * insert into table XX_LINES fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( interface_header_id ,interface_line_id ,LINE_NUM ,SHIPMENT_NUM ,LINE_TYPE ,ITEM ,ITEM_DESCRIPTION ,item_id ,UOM_CODE ,QUANTITY ,UNIT_PRICE ,SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_CODE ,SHIP_TO_LOCATION ,list_price_per_unit) BEGINDATA 1,1,2,2,"Goods","AS54999","Sentinel Standard Desktop Rugged",2155,"Ea",10,120,"M1","Adelaide",45 1,2,3,3,"Goods","75100005","Colour Cartidge",6076,"Ea",11,111,"M1","Adelaide",55 1,3,4,4,"Goods","AS54999","Sentinel Standard Desktop Rugged",2155,"Ea",1,1400,"M1","Adelaide",65 2,4,5,1,"Goods","AS54999","Sentinel Standard Desktop Rugged",2155,"Ea",222,234,"M1","Adelaide",105 Procedure for Insertions of data from Interface tables to Base tables after validating. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PO_Int1(Errbuf OUT VARCHAR2, Retcode OUT VARCHAR2) AS CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM PO_HEADER_TABLE; CURSOR c2 IS SELECT * FROM PO_LINE_TABLE; l_vendor_id number(10); l_item varchar2(150);
l_flag varchar2(4) default 'A'; l_msg varchar2(200); l_site_code varchar2(100); l_curr_code varchar2(10); l_org_id number(6); BEGIN DELETE FROM PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE; DELETE FROM PO_LINES_INTERFACE; COMMIT; FOR x1 IN c1 LOOP BEGIN SELECT vendor_id INTO l_vendor_id FROM po_vendors WHERE vendor_name = x1.VENDOR_NAME; -- AND ORG_ID = Fnd_Profile.Value('ORG_ID'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_flag := 'E'; l_vendor_id := 0; l_msg := 'Vendor id is Not in SYSTEM'; END; --Vendor Site code Validation /* begin select vendor_site_code into l_site_code from po_vendor_sites_all where vendor_site_code = x1.vendor_site_code; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_flag := 'E'; l_site_code := 0; l_msg := 'Vendor Site Code is Not in SYSTEM'; END;*/ --End of Site Code Validation --Currency Code Validation Begin select currency_code into l_curr_code from fnd_currencies where currency_code = x1.CURRENCY_CODE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_flag := 'E'; l_curr_code := 0; l_msg := 'Currency Code is Invalid'; END; --End of te Currency Validation --Operating Unit ID Validation Begin select organization_id
into l_org_id from hr_operating_units where organization_id = x1.org_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_flag := 'E'; l_org_id := 0; l_msg := 'Invalid Organization ID'; END; --End of the ORG ID Validation IF l_flag != 'E' THEN INSERT INTO po_headers_interface ( INTERFACE_HEADER_ID ,BATCH_ID ,ACTION ,ORG_ID ,DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE ,CURRENCY_CODE ,AGENT_NAME ,VENDOR_NAME ,VENDOR_SITE_CODE ,SHIP_TO_LOCATION ,BILL_TO_LOCATION ,creation_date ,APPROVAL_STATUS ,APPROVED_DATE ,FREIGHT_TERMS ) VALUES ( x1.INTERFACE_HEADER_ID ,x1.batch_id ,x1.action ,x1.org_id ,x1.document_type_code ,x1.CURRENCY_CODE ,x1.AGENT_NAME ,x1.VENDOR_NAME ,x1.VENDOR_SITE_CODE ,x1.SHIP_TO_LOCATION ,x1.BILL_TO_LOCATION ,SYSDATE-10 ,x1.APPROVAL_STATUS ,SYSDATE ,x1.FREIGHT_TERMS ); end if; END LOOP; FOR x2 IN c2 LOOP l_flag := 'A';
--Item Validation begin select segment1 into l_item from mtl_system_items_b where segment1 = x2.item AND ORGANIZATION_ID = fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'); exception when others then l_flag := 'E'; l_vendor_id := 0; l_msg := 'Item is not valid Item'; END; --End of the Item Validation if l_flag != 'E' then INSERT INTO PO_LINES_INTERFACE ( INTERFACE_LINE_ID ,INTERFACE_HEADER_ID ,LINE_NUM ,SHIPMENT_NUM ,LINE_TYPE ,ITEM ,ITEM_DESCRIPTION ,item_id ,UOM_CODE ,QUANTITY ,UNIT_PRICE ,SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_CODE ,SHIP_TO_LOCATION ,NEED_BY_DATE ,PROMISED_DATE ,list_price_per_unit ) VALUES ( x2.INTERFACE_LINE_ID ,x2.INTERFACE_HEADER_ID ,x2.LINE_NUM ,x2.SHIPMENT_NUM ,x2.LINE_TYPE ,x2.ITEM ,x2.ITEM_DESCRIPTION ,x2.item_id ,x2.UOM_CODE ,x2.QUANTITY, X2.UNIT_PRICE, X2.SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_CODE, X2.SHIP_TO_LOCATION, X2.NEED_BY_DATE, X2.PROMISED_DATE,
X2.LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT); END IF; END LOOP; COMMIT; END PO_INT1; CLASS 45 Conversion Conversion is one of the program which will be used to upload the data from legacy system in to oracle applications, base tables, one time data transfer like Customer Conversion Supplier Conversion Employee Conversion Items Conversion and so on Differences between Inbound Interface and Conversion Inbound Interface Conversion It is schedule concurrent process which will One time data transfer be executed multiple times WE will not be knowing the flat file volume We will be knowing the exact flat file volume We need to handle the all the expected We do not need to know all the exceptions exceptions Error Reports and sending email alerts, if It is not required we have to upload all the any error occurs records and close. Enhancement or customization projects Implementation, Migrations or up-gradation projects we will find. Request Set
It is nothing but collection of concurrent programs and report, which will be used to submit more than one program at a time from SRS windows
Navigation Concurrent Set and enter - Select Request Set Wizard button, select sequentially or parallel option, enter request set name and enter concurrent programs select finish button. Go to the request group, select type as set attach request set. Go to SRS window select Request set option instead of single request.
PO Transfer to GL Receipts
Without supplier we cannt create invoices Without Invoices we cant make payments.
Types of Invoices Standard For all the normal payments we will crate this. Prepayment - Advance Payment to the supplier based on the requirement. Credit Memo - If supplier give the discount - for negative amount Debit Memo - If company is going to deduct the amount - for negative amount With holding tax if supplier is not recognized, the on be half of the supplier company will pay the tax. 6) PO Default - We will give the PO number according to that it will generate the Invoices. 7) Recurring Invoices WE will generate the Invoices multiple times for fixed supplier, fixed amount, fixed duration. 8) Expense Report Employee expenses 9) Quick Match 2 Way, 3 Way, 4 Way 10) Mixed Invoice Miscellaneous expenses 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) After creating the invoice we have to do the 3 steps 1) Validate Invoice with Distribution lines Invoice Amount = Distribution Amount 2) Approve Invoice 3) Create Accounting Transactions.
Creating Invoice Payables, Vision Operations (USA) Tools View Accounting AP_INVOICES_ALL AP_INVOICES-DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Creating accounting transactions these data will be stored in the following tables. AP_AE_HEADERS AP_AE_LINES NOTE: WE can give same number to other invoice number for other suppliers.
Open the Invoice form N-Invoices-Entry-Invoices select Invoice type supplier data enter Invoice number and amount. Select distributions button and enter the distribution details save the transactions. Compare Invoice table and distribution total Select actions button check the checkbox called approve to get the Invoice approval Select actions button check the check box called crate accounting, it will crate invoice accounting transactions. Select tools menu view accounting option to find the accounting entries.
Distribution Set:
(N) Setup Invoices Distribution Set and press enter It will be used to generate the invoice distributed automatically. AT the time of creating invoices we will attach distribution set which will distribute the amounts Tables o AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS_ALL o AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS_LINES_ALL After creation of invoice we have to submit the transfer program called Paybles transfer to General Ledger. o Copy the Invoice data, go to SRS window select the following program Payables Transfer to General Ledger From Date To Date o After completion of this program system will automatically submits the Journal Import program to transfer in the GL Base Tables. o Copy the Request ID of Journal Import program go to GL application o Open the journal enter screen and enter %Request Id% in the batch filed which will shows the Invoice date o Select the Review Journal button which will displays the invoices detailed transactions.
Process Steps 1) AP Table a. AP_INVOICES_ALL b. AP_INVOICES_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL 2) Payables transfer to General Ledger 3) Select * from GL_INTERFACE 4) Journal import program a. GL_JE_BATCHES b. GL_JE_LINES c. GL_HEADERS 5) Positing Journals a. Select * form GL_BALANCES. CLASS 47 Payment in Payables 1) Quick - System will automatically generate check 2) Refund Refund Approval payments 3) Manual Cash or check
Crate the Invoice validate approve it and crate accounting transactions, select payments from (N) Payments Entry Payments and enter select Payment type, Bank Account Name, Document as check system will automatically generate check number enter supplier details, select the button called enter invoices select invoice number save the transactions. Select actions button, check the check box called crate accounting to create accounting transactions, select tools menu, view accounting option, it will displays accounting debit, and credit transactions, select the button called payment overview it will give complete payment details.
Important AP Payment Tables AP_INVOICES_ALL AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL AP_CHECK_ALL AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS AP_BANK_BRANCHES Payment Holds Invoice needs re-approval then we can check hold buttoned and see AP_HOLD_ALL AP_HOLD_RELEASE_NAME_V
Expense Report AP_EXPENSE_REPORTS_HEADERS_ALL AP_EXPENSE_REPORTS_LINES_ALL Recurring Invoices AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_ALL ORACLE INVENTORY Items Item Attributes Assign Organizations Assign to categories Define lot / serial no Define revisions Unit of Measure Sub Inventory Transfer Miscellaneous Transfer Move Orders Inter Organization Transfer Inventory Sub Inventory Stock locations Items on Hand Qty Items Resserved Qty Item Available Qty Item Attributes Purchasable Inventory WIP Item Customer Stackable
Item Transactions
Item Locations
Item Quantities
Items Items Defining Master Items ORG-ORGANIZATIONS_DEFNINITIONS MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B To Assign the Multiple Organizations (N) Tools -> Organization To Revisions Tools - > Revision MTL_ITEM_REVISOINS - Inventory_item_id and Org_id To know quantity MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES Do PO Cycle Inventory Receiving Receiving Transactions
Open the Items form, enter Item name and description select the tabs and check the check box called Inventory items, and Purchased Item - Go to tools menu select option called organization assignment to assign the item to the organization. Select Revision option to create Item revisions. Open the on hand quantity form enter Item name select find button, it will give item quantity and details report. Once we create item quantity will be zero we have to purchase from suppliers or we have to receive from other organizations. Select PO Applications create requisitions purchase order and receipt copy the receipt number to Inventory applications, open the receiving transaction form (N) Transactions Receiving Receiving Transactions ----- Enter the receipt number select find button check the check box save the transactions. o MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES o MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS o MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES o MTL_CATEGORIES o MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS o MTL_MATERIAL_ACCOUNTS o MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS (N) Setup Organization- Sub inventories and press enter o WE can transfer the Item form one sub Inventory to another sub inventory by using sub inventory transfer o MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES o MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSCATIONS o MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS Other Tables o MTL_PARAMETERS Contains both Master and child organization o FINANCIAL_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS Financial setup details o CST_ITEM_COST Item cost Details o CST_ITEM_COST_TYPES o ITEM_LOT_SERIAL_NUMBERS o MTL_LOT_NUMBERS o MTL_SERIAL_NUMBER o MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE
CLASS 48 Order Management Enter Sales Order Book Order Pick release Ship confirm Auto Invoice We get orders from Customer Customer Confirmation Release the Materials from Inventory Delivery Details, Shipping Details. Generate the Invoice
After Pick Release if the goods are not available again PO cycle we have to follow Drop Shipping : Sales and Purchase the materials without having the Inventory Client
(N) Orders & Returns Sales Orders and data 2 levels headers and lines header level customer Information customer ship to bill to and sales person other tax details, select line items tab enter the Item, quantity, price and other details select the button called book order to book the sale orders select availability button it will gives the Item available on hand reserved quantity details select ATP details button it will give the available to promise date details. Select actions button to cancel the sales order to calculate the tax and to keep the sales orders on hold and release the hold and so on. o OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL o OE_ORDERS_LINES_ALL
(N) Shipping Release Sales Orders Release shipments and enter the, and the enter sales order number select the button called concurrent, it will submit the concurrent program to release the sales order it picks Items from Inventory tables and user in to deliver tables.
Once the Items are released, we will confirm the materials packing, then we will give the shipping date (N) shipping Transaction and enter o RA_CUSTOMER_TRS_ALL o RA_CUSTOMER_TRS_LINES_ALL o WSH_DELIVER_DETAILS o OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL o OE_ORDER_HEADER_ALL o WSH_NEW_DELIVERS.
It is nothing but not compatible for other programs we will select this button we will list out the programs which are not compatible. Run Alone check box: By using this check box we can make the program is incompatible for all other concurrent programs.
Copy to Button: By using this button we can create new concurrent program including the parameters and incompatible programs.
We want to pass KFF data as a parameter to the executable then we will use validation type as paid select edit information button. Pass the parameters like applications short name KFF CODE, Structure number and so on o Example: GL_SRS_LEDGER_FLEXFIELD
$FLEX$ It will be used to retrieve the previous parameter value in to the next parameter values set o : $FLEX$.Previous Value set name $PROFILE$ To Get the front end the table value set where clause from backend we will o Fnd_profile.value o Fnd_profile.get o Select segment1, org_id from PO_HEADERS_ALL WHERE ORG_ID=$PROFILE$.ORG_ID
26 March 2007 Monday - Class 27th March, 2007 Tuesday 29th March, 2007 Thursday 30th March 2007 Friday 31st March 2007 Saturday 1st April, 2007 Sunday 2nd April 2007 Monday 05th April, 2007 - Thursday 07th April, 2006 Saturday 08th April, 2006 Sunday 09th April, 2006 Monday 11th April, 2006 Wednesday 12th April, 2006 Thursday 13th April, 2006 Friday 14th April, 2006 Saturday 15th April, 2006 Sunday 16th April, 2006 Monday 17th April, 2006 Tuesday 18th April, 2006 Wednesday 22nd April, 2006 Sunday 23rd April, 2006 Monday 24th April, 2006 Tuesday 25th April, 2006 Wednesday 26th April, 2007 Thursday 27th April, 2007 Friday 28th April, 2007 Saturday 30th April, 2007 Monday 1st May, 2007 Tuesday 2nd May, 2007 Wednesday 6th May, 2007 Sunday 7th May, 2007 Monday 8th May, 2007 Tuesday 9th May, 2007 Wednesday 10th May, 2007 Thursday - Holiday 11th May, 2007 Friday 12th May, 2007 Saturday 14th May, 2007 Monday 15th May, 2007 Tuesday 17th May, 2007 Thursday 18th May, 2007 Friday 19th May, 2007 Saturday 20th May, 2007 Sunday 21st May, 2007 Monday 22nd May, 2007 Tuesday 23rd May, 2007 Wednesday 24th May, 2007 Thursday 28th May, 2007 Monday 29th May 2007 Tuesday 30th May 2007 Wednesday 31st May 2007 Thursday