Reducing The Braking Distance of An SQL Query Engine: Carey@almaden. Ibm. Corn Kossmann@db, Fmi - Uni-Passau - de
Reducing The Braking Distance of An SQL Query Engine: Carey@almaden. Ibm. Corn Kossmann@db, Fmi - Uni-Passau - de
Reducing The Braking Distance of An SQL Query Engine: Carey@almaden. Ibm. Corn Kossmann@db, Fmi - Uni-Passau - de
Michael J. Carey IBM Almaden Research Center San Jose, CA 95 120 Donald Kossmann University of Passau 94030 Passau, Germany
carey@almaden. ibm.corn
In a recentpaper, weproposedadding a STOP AFTER clause to SQL to permit the cardinalig of a query result to be explicitly limited by query writers and query tools. Wedemonstratedthe usefulness of having this clause, showed how to extenda traditional cost-basedquery optimizer to accommodate it, and demonstrated via DBd-basedsimulations that largeperformancegains arepossible when STOP AFTER queries are explicitly supportedby the databaseengine. In this paper. we presentseveral new strategies for eficiently processing STOP AFTER queries. Thesestrategies, based largely on the use of range partitioning techniques, o$er signtjicant additional savingsfor handling STOP AFTER queries that yield sizeable result sets. Wedescribe classes of queries where such savings would indeed arise and present experimental measurements that show the benefitsand tradeo$sassociated with the newprocessingstrategies.
clause,discussedhow a cost-basedquery optimizer can be extendedto exploit it, and used DBZbased simulations to demonstratethe large performance gains that are possible when STOP AFTER query support is explicitly added to the database engine. In this paper, we build upon our previous work by presenting several new strategies for efficiently processing STOP AFTER queries. Although we discussedSTOP AFTER query processing in general in [CK97], the major focus of our initial attention was on optimizing queries where N is relatively small (e.g., top ten queries). An example of a typical query that our previously proposed processingschemes will handle well is:
SELECT, e.salary FROM Ernp e WHERE e.age > 50 ORDER BY e.salary DESC STOP AFTER 10;
In decision support applications, it is not uncommon to wish to pose a query and then to examine and process at most some number (N) of the result tuples. In most database systems,until recently, applications could only do this by using a cursor, i.e., by submitting the entire query and fetching only the first N results. Obviously, this can be very inefficient, leading to a significant amount of wasted query processing. In a recent paper [CK97], we proposed adding a STOP AFTER clause to SQL to enable query writers to limit the size of a querys result set to a specified number of tuples; related SQL extensions have been proposed in [KS95, CG96]. The STOP AFTER clauseessentially provides a declarative way for a user to say enough already! in the context of an SQL query, enabling the system to avoid computing unwanted results in many cases. In our previous work we showedthe usefulnessof the new
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This query asksfor the namesand salariesof the ten most highly-paid older employeesin the company.Our previous schemeswill also work well for primary-key/foreign-key join queriessuch as:
SELECT, e.salary, FROM Emp e, Dept d WHEREe.age > 50 AND = d.dno ORDER BY e.salary DESC STOP AFTER 10;
Proceedings of the 24th VLDB Conference New York, USA, 1998 158
This query asks for the employees department names as well as their names and salaries. For queries such as these, it is possible for the query processor to manage its sorted, cardinal@-reduced intermediate results using a main memory heap structure, thereby avoiding large volumes of wasted sorting I/O as comparedto processing the query without a STOP AFTER clauseand then discarding the unwanted employeeinformation. In caseswhere the stopping cardinality N is large, our original approacheswould each end up sorting and then discarding a significant amount of data-albeit early (i.e., before the join in the example above), which still leads to a significant savings compared to the naive approach. The strategiespresented in this paper seek to avoid this wasted effort as well. Our new strategiesare basedupon borrowing ideasfrom existing query processingtechniques
such as rangepartitioning (commonly used in parallel sorting and parallel join computations), RID-list processing (commonly used in text processing and set query processing), and semi-joins (commonly used in distributed environments to reduce join processing costs). As we will show, adapting these techniques for use in STOP AFTER query processingcan provide significant additional savings for certain important classesof queries. We have implemented the techniques in the context of an experimental query processing system at the University of Passau,and we will demonstratethe efficacy of our techniquesby presenting measurements of query plans running there. Before proceeding, it is worth noting that proprietary SQL extensions closely related to our proposed STOP AFTER clause can be found in current products from a number of major databasesystem vendors. In addition, most of them include some degreeof optimizer support for getting the first query results back quickly (e.g., heuristically favoring pipelined query plans over otherwise cheaper, but blocking, non-pipelined plans). For example, Informix includes a FIRST-ROWS optimizer hint and a FIRST n clause for truncating an SQL querys result set. Similarly, Microsoft SQL Serverprovides an OPTION FAST n clause and a session-level SET ROWCOUNT n statementfor thesepurposes.IBMs DB2 UDB systemallows users to include OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWSand/or FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY clauses when entering an SQL query. Oracle Rdb (originally a DEC product) added a LIMIT TO n ROWSclause to SQL, while Oracle Server makes a virtual ROWNUMattribute part of its query results to support cardinality limits; including the predicate ROWNUM <= n in the WHERE clause of an SQL query tells Oracle Serverto stop returning result rows after n rows have been produced. RedBrick supports a SET ROWCOUNT n command as well as an SQL extension called RANK ( co1 ) which both imposes a result order and allows processing to be stoppedearly; adding the clauseWHEN RANK ( co1 ) c n to a query tells RedBrick to return the result rows that rank amongthe first n column values with respectto the indicated column. (In the event of a tie, RedBrick permits multiple result rows to have the samerank value.) Finally, several of these systemsapparently pass stopping information to operations such as Sort so that they can optimize for the desirednumber of results when merging sorted runs. Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge, there is no published information available that describeshow any of these systems SQL extensions are implemented. The remainder of this paper is organizedas follows: We presentbackgroundmaterial in Section 2, where we briefly summarize the query operators and kinds of query plans introduced in our previous work, review the basic idea of range partitioning as a query processingstep, and provide an overview of the experimental environment used to produce the performance results presented in later sections of the paper. In Section 3 we introduce our new rangebasedtechniquesfor processingSTOP AFTER queriesand
present experimental results that demonstrate their benefits and highlight their associatedperformance issues and tradeoffs. We focus on basic top N selection queries in Section 3, while in Section 4 we explain how range techniques can be utilized for processingqueries such as top N percentageselections, selections involving STOP AFTER subqueries,and joins. In Section 5 we show how RID-list and semi-join techniques can be applied to STOP AFTER queries. Finally, we present our conclusions and our plans for future work in Section 6.
The general structure proposedfor STOP AFTER queries (and subqueries)in [CK97] is as follows:
FROM SELECT WHERE . . . HAviIz ... GROUP Si':.. ORDER BY (sort specification list) STOP AFTER (value expression) The STOP AFTER clauses <value expression>
evaluatesto a scalar integer value to indicate the number of result tuples desired; it may be a constant, an arithmetic expression,or even an uncorrelated scalar subquery. The semanticsof the STOP AFTER clauseare straightforward to explain: Let N be the integer stopping cardinality that <value expression> evaluatesto. After computing the rest of the query, the system is to return only the first N tuples of the result (in the specified ORDER BY order, if any) to the requestinguser or application program. Note that this producesthe sameresults as the cursor-basedapproach used by application programs today, but the presence of the STOP AFTER clause provides the query optimizer and runtime query processing system with cardinality information that can be exploited to reduce (or even eliminate, in somecases)wastedwork. 2.1 STOP AFTER Query Processing To processSTOP AFTER queries, we proposedextending the databasesystemscollection of algebraic query operators with a new logical query operator, the Stop operator. This operatorproducesthe top or bottom N tuples of its input streamin a specified order and discards the remainder of the stream. Like other logical query operators(such as Join), Stop has several alternative physical operators that can implement it in the context of query plans. We defined two physical Stop operators in [CK97]: Scan-Stop,for usewhen the Stop operatorsstreamof input tuples is already ordered appropriately, and Sort-Stop, for use when the Stop operators input streamis not yet rankordered. Scan-Stopis extremely simple; it is a pipelined operator that simply requestsand then passeseach of the lirst N tuples of its input streamalong to its consumer(i.e., to the operator aboveit in the query plan). In contrast, the Sort-Stopoperatorhandlesthe casewhere the input stream is not already sorted; it must therefore consume its whole input streamin order to produce the top (or bottom) N output tuples. When N is relatively small, Sort-Stop can operate in main memory using a priority heap [Knu73]. The
tuple that might end up participating in the final N-tuple query result can be discardedby a Stop operation. We also sort(shy) ridscan(age>50) proposedanAggressivepolicy that seeksto introduce Stop tbscan(Emp,age>50) idxscan(Emp.salary) operatorsin a query plan even earlier, placing a Stop optbscan(Emp,age>50) erator wherever it can first provide a beneficial cardinality Classic Sort-Stop Conventional Sort Trad. Index-Scan reduction. The Aggressive policy uses result size estimation to choose the stopping cardinality for the Stop operFigure 1: Traditional Plans for Query 1 ator; at runtime, if the stopping cardinality estimate turns first N tuples of its input are inserted into the heap, and out to have beentoo low, the query is restarted in order to each remaining tuple is then incrementally tested against get the missing tuples. This is accomplishedby placing a the heapscurrent membershipbound to determinewhether restart operator in the query plan; this operatorsjob is or not it warrants insertion into the heap of the top (or botto ensurethat, aboveits point in the plan, all N tuples will tom) N tuples. For larger values of N, external sorting is be generated. Thus, if its input streamruns out before all required to compute the desired Sort-Stopresults; we simN tuples are received, it will restart the query subplan ply used an ordinary external Sort operator followed by a beneathit to obtain the missing results. Scan-Stopoperator in such casesin [CK97]. For illustration purposes,consider a slightly more gen2.2 Range Partitioning eral version of the first example query from the IntroducRangepartitioning is a well-known technique that hasbeen tion (we will call this Query 1 in the following): applied with much successto numerous problems in the * parallel databasealgorithm area [DG92]. One successQuery]: SELECT FROM EmP ful example is parallel sorting [DNS9lb], while another is WHERE age > 50 load-balancedparallel join computation [DNSS92]; yet anORDER BY salary DESC STOP AFTER N; other example is the computation of so-called band joins [DNS9la]. The basic idea of range partitioning is exFigure 1 depicts three of the possible execution plans that tremely simple---the data is divided into separately procan be constructedfor this query by combining one of our cessable buckets by placing tuples with attribute values in physical Stop operatorswith other, pre-existing query operone range into bucket #l, tuples with attribute values in ators. The first plan, the CZassic Sort-Stopplan, usesa table the next range into bucket #2, and so on. In the case of scan(tbs can) operatorto find employeesin the appropriparallel sorting, each node in a k-node databasemachine ate age range followed by a heap-basedsort - stop (N) partitions its data into k buckets in parallel, based on the operatorto limit the results to the N highest paid older emsorting attribute(s), streamingeachbuckets contentsto that ployees. This plan is viable as long as N is small enough buckets designated receiver node while the data is being for the heap to indeed be a main memory structure. The partitioned. At the end of this process,the individual bucksecond plan, Conventional Sort, instead uses an external ets can be sorted in parallel with no further inter-node insort on salary followedby a scan-stop(N) to obteraction. Figure 2 illustrates this process. Successfulpartain the desiredresult. This would be the preferredplan for large N in the absenceof a salary index. Of course, titioning in this manner produces virtually linear sorting speedup,and sampling (or histogram) techniques can aid plans similar to these two, but with an Emp. age index in the determination of a good set of partition boundary scan used to produce the inputs to the Stop-relatedopervalues [DNSSl b] at relatively low cost. ators, are possible as well. The third plan in Figure 1, the In Section 3, we will propose and analyze the use of Traditional Index-Scan plan, would also becomeviable in severalpossible partitioning-based approachesfor improvthe presenceof an index on Emp. salary. This plan pering the efficiency of STOP AFTER query processing. We forms an index scan (in descending order) on the salary will cover the details later, but the basic idea is simpleindex, uses the resulting record ids (RIDS) to fetch highthe relevant data can be range-partitioned on the querys salaried employeesand applies the age predicateto them, ORDER BY attribute into a number of buckets. The buckand then uses a scan - stop operator to select the top N ets can then be processed one at a time until N results have results since the index scan produces its output in the debeen output; buckets that are not accessedin this process sired s a 1a ry order. This third plan does very well if the need never be sorted at all. This provides a way to implesalary index is a clustered index or N is small. If N is ment a Stop(N) operationthat scalesbeyond main memory large and the index is unclustered, however, it would do sizes without requiring full sorting of the input stream. In too many random I/OSto be cost-effective,especially if the addition, we will seethat in certain contexts,additional sigage predicate is highly selective (in which casemany of nificant savingsare possible, e.g., casesinvolving usesof a the high-salaried employees found using the index would STOP AFTER clausein a subquery. subsequentlybe eliminated). We introduced two policies to govern the placementof 2.3 Experimental Environment Stop operators in query plans in [CK97]. One was a Conservative policy, which inserts Stop operators as early as As we work our way through the presentation of the proposed new approaches for executing STOP AFTER possible in a query plan subject to the constraint that no
sort-stop(N) scan-stop(N)
Figure 2: Sorting by RangePartitioning queries, we will be presenting results from performance experiments that demonstratethe tradeoffs related to the approachesand that quantitatively explore the extent to which they are able to reduce the costs of STOP AFTER queries. Like Query 1 above, our test queries will be queriesover a simple employeedatabase with the following self-explanatory schema: Emp(a, Dept(m,
with implementations for the scan - stop, sort - stop (using 2-3 trees to organize the heap [AHU83]), and res tart operatorsdescribed above; we also added support for the forms of range partitioning described in the next section. We ran AODB on a Sun workstation 10 with a 33 MHz SPARCprocessor,64 MB of main memory, and a 4 GB disk drive that is used to store code, the database, and temporary results of queries. The operating system is Solaris 2.6, andwe usedSolaris direct I/O feature;this disables operating systemcaching in a manner similar to raw disk devices. Since our databaseis small, we limited the size of the database buffer pool proportionally, to 4 MB, in those caseswhere we do not explicitly say otherwise. Of these4 MB, we always gaveat least 100KB to eachoperator that readsor writes data to disk in order to enable large block I/O operationsand avoid excessivedisk seeks.
Our instanceof this employeedatabase is fairly small, with a 50 h4B Emp table and a 10 MB Dept table. We kept the databasesmall in order to achieve acceptablerunning times and becausewe had somewhat limited disk space available for performing our experiments. The Emp table has 500,000 tuples which are generated as follows: eno is set by counting the tuples from 1 to 500,000, while works-in, age, and salaryare set randomly using a uniform distribution on their particular domains; address simply pads the tuples with garbage characters to ensurethat each Emp tuple is 100 bytes long. The domain of works-in is, of course, the same as that of Dept. dno (describedbelow), the domain of age is integersin the range from 10 to 60 so that about 100,000Emps (20%) are older than 50, and the domain of salary is integers in the range of 1 to 500,000. Our test databasehas no correlations; as an examplerelevant to our experiments, a young Emp is just as likely to have a high salary as an old Emp is. The Dep t table has 100,000tuples which are generated as follows: dno is set by counting the Dept tuples from 1 to 100,000;budget is set to 10,000for all Depts, and description padsthe Dept tuples out to 100bytes. In terms of indexes, our test database has clusteredBt tree indexes on the primary key attributes of the tables (i.e., eno and dno) becauseclustered indexes on primary keys are relatively common. To study plans such as the Traditional Index-Scan plan of Figure 1, we also have an Emp. s a 1ary B+ tree; naturally, this index is unclustered. Our experimentshavebeenperformedon an experimental databasesystem called AODB [WKHM98]. AODB is essentially a textbook relational databasesystem that usesstandardimplementationsfor sorting, various kinds of joins, group-by operations,and so on. We extendedAODB
We now turn our attention to the development of new techniquesfor processing STOP AFTER queries with less effort-i.e., techniques for reducing the stopping distance of an SQL query engine. The primary tool that we will be using is range partitioning. In this section, we present severalalgorithms that use this tool to help the engine to limit wasted work, thereby finishing sooner for STOP AFTER queries; we refer to these as range-based braking algorithms. We start by describing query plan componentsthat can realize the algorithms and illustrating them using a typical example query. We then study their performance,and we close this section by explaining how to choosean appropriatenumber of partitions and an effective set of partition sizes. 3.1 Range-BasedBraking As mentioned earlier, the problem of extracting the top (or bottom) N elementsfrom a large data set,where iV is large as well, can be dealt with by tirst range-partitioning the data into a number of buckets on the querys ranking attribute(s) and then processing the resulting buckets one at a time until all N elements have been output. As an example, consider again Query 1 of Section 2.1, which selects the namesand salariesof the iV highest paid employees over 50 years old. Let us supposewe have a corporation with 100,000older employees(as in our test database) and that N is 10,000. We could, for instance,partition the companys old employees into three buckets-those with salaries over $250,000 per year, those who earn between $50,000to $250,000annually, and thosewho earnlessthan $50,000. Supposethat we do this and find that the first (highest salary) partition endsup with 1,000tuples, the second with 12,000tuples, and the third with 87,000 tuples. If this is the case,we neednot sort the tuples in the last partition, as the 10,000 employeesin the answer set clearly lie in the first two partitions. While the basic idea of range-basedbraking is simple, there are several possible variations on this theme with costs and benefits that depend on the nature of the query
being processedand the data being accessed.One important option has to do with how the partitions are handled: they can either be materialized (i.e., stored as temporary tables), or they can be recomputedon demandfrom the input data. In addition, these two options can be combined to produce a hybrid approachthat materializessomeof the partitions (those that are likely to be accessed, e.g., the first two partitions above) and recomputesthe rest on demand (the onesthat are unlikely to be accessed). To provide for these different options, we propose adding several new query operators to the execution engine. The first is a part -mat operator, which takes a partitioning vector as a parameter and uses it to scan its input data and write it to disk in a specifiednumber of partitions basedon the splitting values given in the partitioning vector. The second is a part - scan operator that is used to scanthe resulting partitions one-by-one. The third new operator is a part-reread operator,which takes a set of predicates that describethe membershipcriteria for every partition(e.g., {salary > 250,000, 50,000 < salary 5 250,000,salary < 50,000)) and materializes a partitions tuples by read&g (or re-reading) its input stream from the beginning. The final new query operator is a part - hybrid operator,which materializes a specified number of its highest (or lowest) ranked partitions and computesthe contentsof the other partitions only on demand.We will turther illustrate how eachof theseoperators works, and discusstheir performancetradeoffs,by using the example plans presentedin the next subsection. 3.2 Range-Based Top N Query Plans To demonstratehow the different variations of range-based braking actually work, let us turn once again to Query 1, our favorite STOP AFTER query example. Figure 3 shows three possible partitioning plans for processingQuery 1 in the absenceof any useful indexes. (We will discuss STOP AFTER query processingwith indexesin Section 5.1.) The first plan, labeled Materialize, takes the approach of materializing all of the employee partitions and then sorting (only) those neededto yield N results. The execution of this plan is demand-driven and best explained by looking at what happens as result tuples are requested from the scan - s top (N) operatorat the top of the plan. When the first result tuple is requested,the scan - stop (N) operator attemptsto obtain and produce its first result, so it asks the re s tart ( N) operator for a tuple, which in turn asks the sort operatorunderneathit for a tuple. The sort operatorrespondsby consumingand sorting all of the tuples it can get before getting an end-of-input indication from the part - scan operator beneathit. The part - scan operator obtains tuples by scanning the first partition produced by its child, the part - mat operator,which materializesa full set of partitions with all of the old employeesby partitioning the result of its input (coming from the employee table scan) before allowing the part - scan to proceed. When the part - scan finishes scanningthe first partition, it returns an end-of-input signal to the sort, which sorts
scan-stop(N) scan-stop(N) rest$(N) sort(salary) I Part;=J par&mat I tbscan(Emp,age>50) rest&(N) , sort(salary) part-reread tbscan(Emp,age>50)
Figure 3: RangePartitioning Plansfor Query 1 the partition and then incrementally passesthe results for the first partition to the scan - stop (NJ operatorthrough the restart (NJ operator. When the restart (N) operator receivesend-of-input, it sendsa restart signal back down the tuple pipeline; when this signal is received by the part - scan operator,it respondsby moving on to the next partition, and so on. The result is that the partitions createdby the part -mat operator are sorted,one by one, until the scan - stop (N) at the top has produced N results. Partitions not neededto achievethat goal remain unsorted, thereby saving on sorting cost as compared to the Conventional Sort plan of Figure 1. The second partitioning plan shown in Figure 3, the one labeled Reread, does not materialize its partitions as temporary files. Instead, it computes and sorts the partitions on demand by feeding a sort operator one partition at a time from a part - reread operator. Again, the plan is controlled at the top by a scan - stop (NJ and a restart (N) operator. In this case, each time a partition is computed and sorted, the employee table scan will be repeated;this happensbecausethe part - reread operator respondsto a restart signal by re-initializing its input operator (i.e., the table scan in the example) or its input operator tree (for more complex query plans), which then starts over from the beginning. The execution of this query plan is otherwise similar to that describedabove, so hopefully its control and data flow details are now clear. The advantageof the Rereadplan for our favorite query is that it savesthe cost of writing and re-reading the materialized partitions; note that this can include partitions, like the large third partition in our earlier example,that are not neededat all to obtain an N-tuple result set. On the other hand, it hasto re-scanthe employeetable for eachpartition that it doesuse, so there is a read cost associatedwith the write/read savings that this approach involves. The final partitioning plan which is shown in Figure 3, labeled Hybrid, attemptsto combine the advantagesof the other two plans while avoiding their disadvantages. In particular, it is structured in such a way that it materializes its first few partitions but recomputesthe remaining ones.
At this point, we have a collection of five query plans that all could be used to process our favorite query in the absenceof indexes: the Classic Sort-Stop and Conventional Sort approachesof [CK97], shown in Figure 1,
40 20
Figure 6: Queryc~~~$&t-point
600 KB Buffer, N = 20,000, Perf. Part.
andthe partition-basedMaterialize, Reread,andHybrid approaches,which we just introduced, and which are shown in Figure 3. To investigate the quantitative tradeoffs between the five approaches, we constructedeachof the query plans and conducted a series of experiments using our test employee databaseand the AODB system,which are both described in Section 2.3. Figure 4 showsthe overall Query 1 responsetime results that we obtainedby experimenting with stopping cardinality values ranging from 1 to 100,000(i.e., from one up to all of the old empioyees). The Conventional Sort plan has the worst performance throughout most of Figure 4 becauseit sorts all of the data before it is able to identify the top N results. The performancefigures for this plan thus always include the cost of a two-phase sort of 10 MB, which takes approximately two minutes in our test environment. The cost increasefor larger values of N are due to the N-dependenceof the final merge phase of the sort; for N = 1, only the first page of each run is read, while for N = 100,000 all pages of all runs are read and merged. The Classic Sort-Stop plan provides much better performancethan the Conventional Sort plan as long as it is applicable; its curve stops at N = 10,000 becauseits sortedheap structure no longer fits in the buffer pool beyond that point. The relative performance seen for these approachesis essentially just as predicted in [CK97]. We now turn to the three partition-based approachesin Figure 4. In this experiment, we assumethat the optimizers selectivity estimator has accessto accuratedistribution data; this meansthat we assumethat partitions are ideally sized (a notion that we will examinemore closely in the next subsection).As a result, all partition-based plans end up with just over N tuples in their first partition. Looking at the performanceresults for Query 1, we seethat the Materialize plan endsup being the worst performer among the three partitioning plans becauseit always materializes 10 MB of temporary partition data, much of which is subsequently not needed. Despite this cost, though, it outperforms the Conventional Sort plan for all valuesof N except N = 100,000 (where their performancebecomesessentially the same).The other two partitioning approaches end up providing the best overall performance for this query; both sort only the required amountof datahere,neither ma163
terializes any excessdata in this case,and no excessscans occur, either. Thesetwo partitioningplans evenoutperform the Classic Sort-Stopplan for small N; they use quicksort to sort their first (and only) partition, which makes them slightly less costly here than Classic Sort-Stop,which uses its heapto order the results. Finally, asN increases,the differencesbetween the different approachesdiminishes becauseall of them end up sorting the sameamount of data when N reaches100,000. 3.4 Partitioning and Safety Padding The preceding experiment provides quite a bit of insight into the relative performanceof our old and new Sort-Stop processing schemesfor a basic top N query; however, it assumed perfect partitioning. Before we accept its results, we need to explore the sensitivity of the partitioned plans to the number and sizesof partitions used. We need to do so for two reasons. First, we need to understand how to choosethe partitioning parametersfor each type of plan. Second,we need to fmd out how costly partitioning errors are so we know how to pad the partition sizes for safety; in practice thesevalues will be selectedbasedon a combination of database statistics and optimizer estimates,and they will thereforebe imperfectly chosen. Figure 5 showsthe results of a seriesof experimentsthat differ in two ways from the ones we just looked at. Here, we have fixed N at 20,000 and decreasedthe buffer pool size by a factor of about sevento 600KB (i.e., 150 pages of 4 KB). We use an even smaller buffer pool here so as to stressthe needfor partitioning; this is similar to scaling up the size of the employeetable, but keepsthe cost of the experimentswithin reason. The x-axis in Figure 5 is the number of partitions utilized, and the y-axis is the overall query responsetime (as before). In this graph, the number of partitions is varied with a perfect cut, meaning for P partitions and a query stopping cardinality setting of N, we have P - 1 winner partitions with N/( P - 1) tuples in eachone plus one loser partition with the leftover tuples in it. For comparison and baseline-settingpurposes,in addition to showing the performance of the three partitionbased plans, the graph also shows the timing results for the Conventional Sort plan (which do not vary since N is fixed); the Classic Sort-Stopis not applicable here since its
heapwill not fit in the available buffer memory. The results shown in Figure 5 provide clear insights into how eachof the partition-based plans should be dealt with with respect to choosing the number of partitions. The Reread approach, as one would obviously expect, is very sensitive to the number of partitions used; to avoid costly re-reads,two partitions (one winner, one loser) is the optimal choice. The Materialize approachperforms best when the winner tuples are partitioned into memory-sizedpieces so that eachpartition can be sorted in memory in a single pass; this is the casein the figure with five (or more) partitions. The Hybrid approachhas a similar optimal point, for the samereason;it outperformsMaterialize by about20 secondsworth of responsetime since it doesnot materialize the 80,000 loser tuples. Figure 6 showsthe results of a seriesof experimentsthat explores the question of what happensto the different partitioning plans when the winner/loser cut-point (which is the x-axis in the figure) has been incorrectly estimated;let us call this cut-point C from now on. The goal of this experiment is to obtain insights that we can use to guide the sizing of partitions (e.g., so we know which direction it is better to err in). As before, the query used for the experiments here is Query 1, the buffer pool size is 150 pages, and iV = 20,000. Learning from the results of Figure 5, Reread has one winner and one loser partition in this experiment, whereasMaterialize and Hybrid further partition the winner tuples into memory-sizedpieces. When C is set too low, Figure 6 shows that all of the algorithms get into fairly big trouble. This is becausesome of the winner tuples, which belong in the query result, end up being placed into the large loser partition. In this case, Rereadand Hybrid both have to re-scanthe entire 50 MB employee table to get at these tuples, while Materialize must sort even the large loser partition. Under these circumstances,the Conventional Sort plan is able to beat all three of the partitioning plans. Materialize performs the worst here becauseit does a great deal of expensivereading andwriting, and this endsup actually being more costly than a secondsequentialscanof the employeetable. When C is set too high, Figure 6 shows that the partitioning algorithms still manageto do quite well for Query 1. Materialize has roughly constant cost in this region, as it always materializes all of the old employees(independent of C). Hybrid grows slowly more expensiveas C increasesbecauseit materializes C but not all old tuples. Reread grows costly much faster with an increasing cutpoint over-estimate. To see why, we need to look at the amount of sorting carried out in the three plans: Reread, which has only one winner partition (with C tuples), must sort this whole winner partition in order to find the top IV tuples. On the other hand, Materialize and Hybrid partition their C winner tuples into several small winner partitions so that they need not sort all of these winner partitions in casesin which C is set too high. In any case,the bottom line of this experiment is that all of the partition-basedalgorithms suffer quite strongly if the number of tuples placed
into winner partitions ends up being too small, and suffer much less if too many tuples are classified as likely winners. Thus, it is better to err on the high side, placing too few tuples into the loser partition (i.e., too many into winner partitions), to avoid potential performanceinstabilities. 3.5 Choosing a Partitioning Vector Before moving on to other queries, it is worth discussing the issue of how the partitioning vector-i.e., the splitting values that control which attribute value rangesare associatedwith which partitions-can be chosenfor the partitionbasedplans. The preceding subsectionshowed us how to choose the partition cardinalities, so the remaining open problem is one of successfully mapping these desired cardinalities back into attribute rangesfor the ORDER BY attribute(s) of a STOP AFTER query. This is essentially the dual of the selectivity estimation problem, which takes a querys attribute value rangesand attemptsto estimatecardinalities from those ranges; moreover, it is amenable to the sametechniques. There are essentially two potential answershere. The first is histograms, which have already been thoroughly studied (e.g., [PIHS96]) and are available in most database systemstoday. In particular, equi-depth histograms that provide good accuracyeven in the presenceof skeweddata are well understood [Koo80, PSC84, MD88], and in the caseof correlatedattributes, multi-dimensional histograms will help [PI97]. Thus, if histogramsare available, they can be usedto determinepartition vectors at query compilation time. If no histogramsare available, or it is known that the availablehistogramsprovide insufficient accuracy(e.g., for complex querieswith many unpredictable joins or grouping operations), then sampling at run time can be used. Sampling has also been thoroughly studied in the database context (e.g., [LNS90, HS92]), and it has also been shown to be quite cheap[DNS9lb]. To conclude, at this point, we rely on existing technology, andthe new partition-basedapproacheswe proposein this paper can directly take advantage of any improvementsmadein this field in the future.
Other Examples
Thus far we have seenexperimental results (involving our favorite query) that demonstratedthe basic tradeoffs related to the alternative range partitioning techniques and that showed some of the advantagesof using range partitioning for STOP AFTER queries. In this section, we present three additional examples with experimental results that highlight several other advantagesof range partitioning. Theseexample queriesinclude a percent query, a nestedquery, and ajoin query. Since the tradeoffs between the three alternative partitioning approachesare very similar for all STOP AFTER queries, we will focus on Hybrid plans, which use our preferred partitioning method, in this section.
PamHybrid 20 Conv.son
sortstop ---)f---.-m,' . 100 . .' ' 1000 .' 10000 . c 1omo ,' 10
Part/Hybrid 0 1 '
Our fist additional example (Query 2) is a so-calledpercent query. The query asksfor the 2% highest paid Emps that are more than 50 years old.
Query 2: $3$CT
WHERE age > 50 ORDER BY salary DESC STOPAFTER x%; Percent queries are interesting because an additional counting step is required in order to fmd out how many tuples are to be returned. That is, we need to count the number of Emps that are over 50 before we can actually start STOPping (so to speak). Looking back at the plans studied in the previous section, we seethat we can directly apply the Conventional Sort plan (Figure 1) to this percent query: the counting step can be carried out as part of the tb scan (Emp, age> 5 0 ) operator, and the result of this counting step times c% can be propagatedto the scan- stop (N) operator before the scan- stop (N) operator starts to produce tuples; this is possible because the sort in between is a pipeline-breaking operator.Likewise, all three partitioning plans of Figure 3 can be applied to our percent query: again, counting can be carried out as part of the tbs can (Emp, age> 5 0 ) operatorsand propagatedto the scan - stop (N) operatorsbecausethere exists a pipeline-breaking operator in between (sort and/or part-mat or part-hybrid). The Classic Sort-Stop plan of Figure 1, however,cannotbe directly applied in this case. To use a sort - stop operator, we can either read the whole Emptable twice (once to carry out the counting stepand onceto find the top z%), or we can readthe whole Emp table thereby carrying out the counting step and materializing the Emps with age > 5 0 as a temporarytable and then read the temporary table in order to find the top 2%. Which one of thesetwo plans is better dependson the selectivity of the age predicate; in our particular example, the secondplan is better becauseonly one out of five Emps is older than 50 in our test database.In any case,both of these adjustedClassic-Sort-Stopplans are more expensive than the (inapplicable) Classic Sort-Stopplan of Figure 1. Figure 7 shows the running times of the Conventional Sort, the adjustedClassic Sort-Stop(with a materialization
step), and the partition-based Hybrid plans for this percent query. As describedabove,the Conventional Sort and Hybrid plans have almost the samerunning times here as for Query 1 in Section 3, whereasthe Classic Sort-Stop plan has a higher cost due to writing and reading temporary results from disk. As a result, the Hybrid plan is the clear winner for all z 5 50% for this percent query. Note that the Classic Sort-Stopplan cannot be applied for x > 50% becauseits memory requirementsthen exceed4 MB. To find the proper partitioning vector for the Hybrid plan for this query, the observations of Section 3.4 essentially still apply. That is, we should partition the data into memory-sized portions and play it safe by materializing too many rather than too few Emp tuples in the part-hybridoperator. 4.2 STOP in a Subquery In the secondexample of this section (Query 3), we consider a query that has a STOPin a subquery. Our example query asksfor the averagesalary of the N best paid Emps withage > 50. Query3: ;;X2;CT g;iJ6;alary) salary FROM Ew age > 50 WHERE ORDER BY salary DESC STOPAFTER N) e; Both the Conventional Sort and the Classic Sort-Stop plan of Figure 1 can be applied to this query; they simply need an aggregate operator at the top in order to compute the average. These traditional plans, however, perform a greatdeal of wastedwork sincethey produce their output in salary order and this ordering is not neededto compute the average.With a partition-based plan, most of this sorting can be avoidedby partitioning the Emps into three partitions: one partition containing the top L Emps (L slightly smaller than N), onepartition containing the next M Emps such that it4 is small and L + M 1 N, and one partition with the all of the other loser Emps. In this case,only the M Emps in the secondpartition need to be sorted in order to find the N - L highest paid Emps in that partition. Figure 8 showsthe running times of the three alternative plans for this query. We can seethat the Conventional Sort plan again has the highest cost becauseit sorts all 100,000
Emps with age > 5 0, independentof N. Also, as in the previous experiments,the cost of the Classic Sort-Stopplan increaseswith N and is in betweenthe Hybrid and Conventional Sort plans. What makesQuery 3 and this experiment special is that the cost of the Hybrid plan is almost constant here becauseHybrid sorts very few Emps, independentof N; only for very large N doesthe cost of the Hybrid plan slightly increase,due to materializing many Emptnples. As a result, the differences in cost between the Classic SortStop and Hybrid plans increase sharply with N, and the Hybrid plan outperforms the Conventional Sort plan even for N = 100,000. It should be noted that the cost of the Conventional Sort plan is lower for this query than in all previous experimentsbecausethis query can be evaluated using only the salary colnmn of Emps (i.e., the other columns are projected out after the tbscan), permitting the sort to be carried out in one pass in memory. Similarly, the Classic Sort-Stop plan can be used for all N for this query without exhausting the buffer space. It is somewhattrickier to find a perfect partitioning vector for this query than for Queries 1 and 2. If we set C = L + M (C is the cut-point between winners and losers as in Section 3.4), then we need to make sure that L < N in addition to C 1 N and C as small as possible. In other words, here we need to find a good left cutting point, L, in addition to a good right cutting point, C, whereaswe only neededto find a good right cutting point for Queries 1 and 2. Figure 9 shows the sensitivity of the cost of the Hybrid plan towards casesin which L is set imperfectly for N = 20,000 and C = 25,000. Obviously, the Hybrid plan performs best if L is close to N. However, the figure shows that the penalty for a poor setting of L is not severe(20% at most) due to the fact that the additional work is proportional to the number of misclassified tuples (i.e., errors here dont causeentire additional partitions to becomeinvolved in the query plan); in any casethe Hybrid plan outperforms both traditional plans. (Figure 9 shows the cost of the Classic Sort-Stopplan, the better of the two traditional plans, as a baseline.)
4.3 Join Queries
second plan carries out the join first, in order to find all Emps that work in a Dept with a high budget (Gracehashjoin is best for this purpose in our test database),and then it finds the N highest paid of these Emps using a sort - stop operator.As an alternative to thesetwo traditional plans, Figure 12 showstwo partitioning-based plans for this query. The idea here is to partition the Emp table before thejoin, and then to join one Emppartition at a time with the Dep t table until at least N Emps that survive the join havebeenfound. Thus,just aspartitioning was usedin the previous examplesto avoid unnecessarysorting work, partitioning is utilized in these two join plans to avoid tmnecessarysorting and join work. The difference between thesetwo plans is that the first one usesindex nested-loops for the join, whereas the second one uses hashing. Note that for small N, the hashjoin of the Part+HJ plan can be carried out in one passif the part - hybrid operatorpartitions the data into memory-sizedportions. Figure 10 shows the running times of the four plans, varying N and using our test database in which all Dep t s actually have a budget > 1,O 0 0. We seeimmediately that the partitioning plans clearly outperform the two traditional plans. The Sort+NLJ plan has the highest cost, independent of N, becauseit always sorts all 10 MB of Emps with age > 50. For N > 1000, it has extremely high costsbecause,in addition to the expensive sort, the NLJ becomesvery costly becausemany Emp tuples generate probes, resulting in an excessiveamount of random disk I/O. The GHJ+Sort-Stop plan has low sorting costs for small N, but it has poor performance becauseit performs a full-fledged Grace-hashjoin. For N 2 50,000, the GHJ+Sort-Stopplan is again inapplicable becausethe buffer requirements of the sort - stop (NJ operator exceed the limit of 4 MB. (Replacing the sort - stop (N) operator by a conventional sort and a scan- stop (N) operator would yield an execution time of about 250 sets here.) Both partitioning variants avoid unnecessarysorting and joining of Emp tnples. The Part+NLJ plan performs best for small N, but its performance deteriorates for N > 1,000 due to the high cost of the NLJ, just as in the Sort+NLJ plan. The Part+HJ plan shows better performance in thesecasesbecausehashjoins are better than index nested-loopjoins when both input tables are large. In terms of sensitivity, the points mentioned for Queries 1 and 2 still basically apply; we should make sure that the first partition contains all of the Emptuples needed to answer the query. We must keep in mind, however, that for the Part+HJ plan, the penalty for setting the cutpoint too low is higher than for the partitioning plans for the simple sort queries becausea restart involves not only re-scanningthe Emp table, but also re-scanning the Dep t table in the Part+HJ plan. Since the Part+NLJ plan never actually scansthe Dep t table, the Part+NLJ plan doesnot pay this additional penalty for restarts.
The last example query of this section involves a join; this exampleshowsthat partitioning becomesevenmore attractive for more complex queries. The query asks for the N highest paid Emps that have age > 50 and that work in aDept withbudget > 1,000.
e, Dept a WHERE E% i.Edget > 1000 AND = d.dno ORDER BY salary DESC STOPAFTER N;
Figure 11 shows two traditional plans for this query. The first plan is basedon (conventionally) sorting the Emptable into sa 1ary order and then probing the top Emps one by one in order to find out whether they work in a Dep t with a high budget (i.e., it uses an index nested-loopjoin). The
sort(salary) / lbscan(Emp.agw50) Sort + ridscan(b>1000) I idxscan(Dept.dno)
ridsc&b=4000) idxscan(Dept.dno)
5 Other Techniques
We have seen that range partitioning can be very helpful to improve the responsetime of severaldifferent types of STOP AFTER queries. In this section, we will show how two other techniquescan be applied to evaluateSTOP AFTER queries. The first technique is also basedon partitioning, but it is basedon using ordered indexes (e.g., B+ trees) to partition the data. The secondtechnique is based on using semi-joins to reducethe size of temporaryresults. 5.1 Partitioning with Indexes Let us return to Query 1, which asksfor the N Emps with the highest salary and age > 50, and see what happens when we have a B+ tree on Emp. salary. The Traditional Index-Scan plan that executesthis query using the Emp. salary index was shown in Figure 1 and discussedin Section 2.1; it reads the RIDS of the Emps one at a time in salary order from the index, then fetches the age, address, etc. fields and applies the age predicate, until the top N old Emps have been found. In Section 2.1, we noted that this plan would be very good if the Emp. salary index is clustered or N is very small, but that it would have a high cost if N is large and/or the age predicate filters out many high paid Emps because,in this case,the ridscan operator would lead to a great deal of random I/O and many page faults for rereading pages of the Emp table if the buffer is too small to hold all of the relevant pagesof the Emptable. For large N and unclustered indexes, we can do better by using, of course, partitioning. The idea is to read the RIDS of the top N Emps from the index, sort these N RIDS inpage id order, do the ridscan with the predicate, re-sort into salary order, and cut off the top N tuples or repeatif less than N of the top IV' Emps have age > 5 0, 167
Similar RID sorting ideas are known as RID-list processing and have been commonly exploited in text databases (e.g., [BCC94]) and set query processing (e.g., [Yao79]), but they can only be applied in the STOP AFTER context if they are combined with partitioning. The beauty of this Part-Index approachis that the ridscan operator becomesquite cheapsinceit readsthe Emppagessequentially and readsno Emppage more than once from disk. On the negative side, this approach involves two sorting steps. If N and N are small, however, these sorts are fairly cheap because they can be carried out in one passin memory. Figure 13 shows the running times of the Traditional Index-Scanplan and a Part-Index plan for Query 1, varying N. As baselines,the figure also shows the running times of the Hybrid plan that does not use the Emp. salary index (as in Figure 4) and the ideal running time for Query 1 generatedby running the Traditional Index-Scan plan on a special version of our test databasein which the Emp. salary index is clustered. We see that the PartIndex plan clearly outperforms the Traditional Index-Scan plan for a large range of N. While the Traditional IndexScan plan is only attractive for N 5 100, the Part-Index plan showsalmost ideal performanceup to N = 10,000. (After that its sorts become too expensive.) Only for N = 10 doesthe Traditional Index-Scan plan slightly outperform the Part-Index plan (0.9 sets vs. 1 set). The right setting of N, of course,dependsupon both N and the selectivity of the age predicate. In this example, N should be set to 5 * N becauseevery fifth Emp is older than 50 in our test databaseand the values of the salary and age columns are not correlated. It should be noted, however,that the penalty for restartsin the Part-Index plan is very low: rather than re-scanning the entire Emp table, a restartsimply involves continuing the Emp. salary index scanand fetching the next N Emptnples.
, Trad-Index pafi-,ndex
, i !
20 0 1
. .' 100 N
,' 1000
.' 10000
5.2 A Semi-Join-Like Technique The idea of semi-joins is to reducethe cost of I/O intensive operations, such as sorts, joins, and group-by operations, by projecting out all but those columns actually neededfor an operation; doing so reducesthe size of the temporaryresults that need to be read and/or written to disk or shipped through a network. The disadvantageof semi-joins is that columns that were projected out must be re-fetched (using a r idscan operator) after the operation in order to carry out subsequentoperations or becausethey are part of the query result. Semi-join techniqueshave been extensively used in the early distributed databasesystems(e.g., [BGW+81]), but they have not been widely used in centralized databasesystems. One reason for this is the potentially prohibitively high and unpredictable costs of refetches, though the cost of the re-fetches can be reduced with the sameRID sorting trick describedin the previous subsection. What makes semi-join-like techniquesattractive for STOP AFTER queries is that the costs of the refetches are limited and can be predicted accurately during query optimization if the re-fetchesare always carried out at the end of query execution: if a query asksfor the top N tuples, then at most N re-fetchesare required at the end. We studied two different semi-join-like plans for Query 1. In both plans, the sorting of the Emp tuples can be carried out in one pass in main memory becauseonly the RIDS and the salary fields of the Emp tuples are kept. The difference between the two plans is that the first plan which we call the Standard 53 Plan does not apply the RID sorting trick described in the previous subsection in order to improve the re-fetches,whereasthe secondplan, the SJ+Ridsort Plan, does apply this trick. We ran both plans with varying N, and Figure 14 shows the results of theseexperiments. The figure also showsthe results of the Conventional Sort and Hybrid plans of Section 3 as baselines. First, we seethat the impact of the RID sorting trick is less pronounced than in the previous experiments with the Part-Index plan. The reason is that in both semi-join plans, the Emp table has already been read once, and the old Emps have already been filtered out, so the ri dscan gets more hits in the buffer pool and is applied to fewer tuples. Second,we observethat for small N, the two semi168
join plans indeed outperform the Conventional Sort plan, while for N 2 1000, the performance of the semi-join plans deterioratesdue to their high re-fetching costs. Finally, we see that the semi-join plans are clearly outperformed for all N by the partition-based Hybrid plan; like the semi-join plans, the Hybrid plan of Section 3 carries out its sort (salary) in one pass (for N 5 lO,OOO), and the Hybrid plan hasthe additional advantageof sorting slightly more than N rather than all 100,000 Emps with age > 5 0. We note that it is not too difficult to find other examplequerieswhere a semi-join plan would actually outperform a partitioning plan (e.g., for very large and highly selectivejoins with small N); sometimesthe best plan to executea query may be a combination of partitioning and semi-joins.
In this paper, we presentedseveral new strategiesfor efficiently processing STOP AFTER queries. These strategies, based largely on the use of range partitioning techniques, were shown to provide significant savings for handling important classesof STOP AFTER queries. We presentedexamplesincluding basic top IV queries, percent queries, subqueries,and joins; we saw benefits from the use of the new partitioning-based techniques in each case due to the reduction in wastedsorting and/or joining effort that they offer. We showed that range partitioning can be useful for indexed as well as non-indexed plans, and we also showedthat semi-join-like techniques can provide an additional savingsin somecases. There are several areas that appear fruitful for future work. One area of interest is STOP AFTER query processing for parallel database systems. Our techniques should be immediately applicable there, and they may offer even greater benefits by reducing the amount of data communication required to processsuch queries. Another avenue for future investigation would be experimentation with the effectivenessof histogram and/or sampling techniques for determining the partitioning vector entries for STOP AFTER queries on real data sets.
We would like to thank Paul Brown of Informix, Jim Gray of Microsoft, Anil Nori of Oracle (and DEC, in a previous job), and Donovan Schneiderof RedBrick Systemsfor informing us about the support for top N query processingin their respectivecompanies current database products.
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