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Particulars Introduction Research Methodology I. Data Source II. Research Approach III. Sampling Unit Findings Conclusion Appendix-Questionnaire & Interpretation Bibliography
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This report is about Harley Davidson which is coming to India with its new lower range of bikes for Indian consumers so its gives us a point to think whether this brand will be preferred by consumers or not. Harley Davidson wants to target the young customers for its upcoming bikes so this is a survey research which will help analyse the factors affecting the biking sentiments of the people and what image do they have of the company in their mind. It gives us immense pleasure to present this project report to know the Consumer perception about Harley Davidson bikes in India and their buying behaviour.
To analyze the most important factors that influence the buying behaviour of customers for the bike.
Hypothesis : H0: Harley Davidson is the most preferable brand amongst the Cruiser bike brand segment.
H1: There are other brands which are more preferable than Harley Davidson in the cruiser bike segment.
The Research includes gathering of both Primary as well as Secondary data. Primary data is the data which is collected for the first time. They are also known as first hand data, and thus happen to be original in character. Primary Data was crucial to know various customers and past consumer views about bikes and to analyze which is the most preferred and satisfying brand among the different brands. Secondary data are the data which are already available or collected by some one and which has been already passed through statistical processes. Secondary data has been taken from internet, newspaper, magazines and companies web sites.
2.2 Research approach The research approach was used survey method which is a widely used method for data collection and best suited for descriptive type of research survey includes research instrument like questionnaire which can be structured and unstructured. Target
population is well identified and various methods like online questionaires are employed.
2.3 Sampling unit It gives the target population that will be sampled. This research was carried through a online survey so it carried across the world. 50 respondents were taken into consideration for the Data compilation and Analysis After the collection of data, tabulation is done and findings of the project is presented followed by analysis and interpretation to reach certain conclusions. The Sampling Technique is Non-Probabilistically and Convenience Sampling.
During this research project we came to know with many customers that they are willing to buy Harley Davidson. It has been found that in out of 50 samples 34 chooses cruiser bikes and out of that 34, 28 samples are in the favour of Harley Davidson. Mostly the customers are liking it because of its cruiser design and for the status symbol while the ratio of the customers using it because of their passion. Facts are also showing that this brand is preferable by the high class income group mostly and also the age group which lies between 20 to 30.The maximum numbers of customers that are using these bikes fall in the income group of 10,00,000 to 25,00,000. It is observed that the awareness of this brand bikes mostly comes from friends and Internet. Out of the sample size of 50 customers, 20 customers agree with the fact that Internet play a very significant role in influencing their behavior to choose the brand and its loyalty. On the other hand 13 customers do not agree to this fact. When the customers are asked that are they willing to buy Harley Davidson then most of them gave a positive reply to the fact. Out of the sample size of 50 customers, 28 customers say that they are willing to buy Harley Davidson bikes while 20 customers are not willing. The most preferable customers of Harley Davidson fall in the category of single. At a question about bright future of this brand out of 50 samples 35 people believes that this brand having a bright future in India but 15 said that its not. It has been observed that in sample size which showing least interest in this brand is because of the mileage of the bikes and sample size which preferring this because the value that it adds to the status symbol of the customers that is 25 are strongly agree with this. It is observed that in rating of different features of different bikes people give maximum rating to the speed of the bike. At the second level they give their
rating to the features. At the third level they rate Brand Image , comfort and design. It is observed that the customers gave highest rating to passion i.e. 57% people want this brand because of their passion.
1. Most of the bikes like Flame, Apache, Pulsar, CBZ & Karizma are purchased by youngsters ranging from 18 to 30 years because they prefer stylish looks and designs and rest of the models of Hero Honda and Bajaj are purchased by daily users who need more mileage giving bikes than looks. 2. Hero Honda is considered to be most fuel-efficient bike on Indian roads. 3. Service & Spare parts are available in all over India for both the brands. 4. While buying a motorcycle, economy is the main consideration in form of maintenance cost, fuel efficiency etc.. 5. Majority of the respondent uses their motorcycle for more than 3 years.
Appendix- Questionnaire
Q1) what type of bike do you prefer? Objective fulfilled : (which types of bikes are preffered) [A]Cruiser Bike [B] Touring Bike [C] Tracking Bike [D] City Bike [E] Any Other Q2) a] In case you are preferring Cruiser bike, are you aware about any companies? Objective fulfilled :(Awareness about the product segment) [A]Yes [B] No b] If yes, name them by following option? [A] Harley Davidson [B] Kawasaki [C] Ducati [D] Any other Q3) How much you are familiar with Harley Davidson? Objective fulfilled : (Awarness about the brand) [A] Least [B] Less [C] Moderate [D] More [E] Most
Q4) Styling, is it important as per looks and appearance of your vehicle? Objective fulfilled : (Preference of style over performance) [A] Yes [B] No Q6) what do you like most in Harley Davidson as per rank? Objective fulfilled: (what attracts cutomers to the bike) [A]Design [B] Speed [C] Comfort [D] Features [E] Brand Image
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Q7) what your age? Objective fulfilled : (Demographics) [A] 20-25 Year [B] 26-30 Year [C] 31-35 Year [D] 36- 40 Year [E] 40 and above Q8) Martial Status Objective fulfilled : (To know the effect of relationship status on the desirability of the bike ) [A]Married [B] Committed [C] Single [D] Widowed/Divorced Q9) Are you willing to buy Harley Davidson? Objective fulfilled : (Desirabilityamong the people) [A]Yes [B] No Q10) Income Group [A] 2, 50,000 To 500000 [B] 500000 To 7, 50,000 [C] 7, 50,000 To 1000000 [D] 1000000 To 2000000 [E] 2000000- above [F] none of the above
Q11) how do you know about Harley Davidson? [A] Print Media [B] TV Media [C]Internet [D]Magazine [E] Friends Q12) Do you think Harley Davidson has its bright future in India? [A]Yes [B] No
Q13) IS Harley Davidson a status symbol? [A]strongly agree [B] Agree [C]Not sure [D]Disagree [E]Strongly disagree Q14) how will you rate Harley Davidson on Quality? [A] Poor [B] Fair [C] Good [D] Very Good [E] Excellent Q15) considering your Style which of the following values do you feel are most important? [A]Success [B] Honesty [C] Need [D] Passion [E] Desire
KMO and Bartlett's Testa Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. Approx. Chi-Square Bartlett's Test of Sphericity df Sig. a. Based on correlations .656 95.457 45 .000
INTERPRETATION: Since in this Kaiser-meyer-olkin sampling adequacy is more than 0.5 i.e. 0.656 which shows a accurate adequacy. It is a unit matrix. 2.
Communalities Raw Initial Prefrence Awareness Brand know Martial status Willing to buy Promotion or advetise Status symbol Value Income 1.439 .108 .735 .956 .482 .240 1.192 .456 1.602 2.523 Extraction 1.315 .007 .389 .640 .059 .032 .841 .099 1.060 2.481 Rescaled Initial 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Extraction .914 .063 .529 .670 .123 .133 .705 .218 .662 .984
Interpretation : In this only those component accepted whose Eigen values is more than 1.
Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total 3.599 2.080 1.245 % of Variance 36.983 21.372 12.788 Cumulative % 36.983 58.356 71.144
Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total 2.289 2.084 2.551 % of Variance 23.516 21.411 26.217 Cumulative % 23.516 44.927 71.144
Interpretation: Showing the % variance and % cumulative of those values whose eigen values are more than 1.
Rotated Component Matrixa Raw Component 1 Prefrence Awareness Brand know Martial status Willing to buy Promotion or advetise Status symbol Value Income -.014 .002 .250 .797 -.029 .126 .863 .291 -.782 .362 2 1.142 -.015 .541 -.018 .047 -.013 .173 .093 -.668 .007 3 .104 -.081 .184 .063 .237 .126 .256 -.076 .051 1.533 1 -.012 .007 .291 .816 -.041 .258 .791 .431 -.618 .228 Rescaled Component 2 .952 -.046 .631 -.019 .068 -.027 .158 .138 -.527 .005 3 .087 -.247 .215 .064 .342 .257 .234 -.112 .041 .965
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
In component table part 1 maximum value is 0.816 and second highest is 0.791 which shows relation that Harley Davidson is known in consumer through different advertisement like internet. Similarly, in part 2 maximum value is 0.952 and second highest is 0.631 which shows relation that Cruiser bike prefer only because of Harley Davidson brand. Similarly, in part 3 maximum value is 0.965 and second highest is 0.342 which shows relation that this brand prefer on the basis of martial status and income. As if he is single (for example) then most of chance its preference will Harley Davidson but if he is married then may be he will go for four wheeler in the same range.