MIl Spec Mil-S-3725E

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MIL-S-3725E 2 November 1983 SUPERSEDING MIL-S-3725D 27 Octokr 1972 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SHELTER HALF, TENT This specification is approved

for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 10 SCOPE

1.1 Scope. This document covers one type and size shelter half which is one half of a small tent. Two shelter halves, when joined, form a tent with both ends closable~ 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS

2.1 Government documents. Unless otherwise specified, the followlng documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this document to the extent specified herein: SPECIFICATIONS FEDEW A-A- 203 V-T-285
CCC-C-419 CCC-D-950

DDD-L-20 PPP-B-636

Paper, Kraft, Untreated Thread, Polyester Cloth, Duck, Cotton, Unbleached, Plied-Yarns Dyeing and Aftertreating Processes for Cotton Cloths Label: For Clothing, Equipage and Tentage (General We) Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard

Beneficial comments, (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: US Army Natick Research and Development Center, Natick, MA 01760 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD fom 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.

FSC 8340

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MIL-S-3725E MILITARY MIL-P-501 MIL-P-608 MIL-L-1709 MIL-C-2399 MIL-F-10884 MIL-G-16491 MIL-R-30500 STANDARDS FEDEIWL FED-STD-751 MILITARY MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-129 MIL-STD-147 DWWI NGS U.S. ARMY NATICK RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER 5-4-29 5-4-30 Shelter Half, Tent; Illustration and Sections Shelter Half, Tent; Details Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes Marking for Shipment and Storage Palletized Unit Loads Stitches, Seams, and Stitchings Pins, Tent, Metal Pole Section, Tent: Upright and Adapter, Tent Pole Lines, Tent Cement, Liquid, Tent Patching Fasteners, Snap Grommet, Metallic Rope, Polyester

(Copies of documents required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)

Other publications. Unless otherwise specified, the following document of 2.2 the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MAXERIALS (ASTM) D 3951 Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging

(Applicatio~ for copies should & add~essed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-)

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MIL-S-3725E (Technical society and technical association documents are generally available for reference from libraries. They are also distributed among technical groups and using Federal agencies.)

2.3 Order or precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document shall take precedence.


3.1 Guide sample. Samples, when furnished, are solely for guidance and information to the contractor (see 6.3). Variations from this document may appear in the sample in which case this document shall govern.
3.2 First article. When specified a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection (see 4.3, 6.2 and 6.5). * * 3.3


(see 6.6).

3.3.1 Cloth, duck, cotton. The cloth, before finishing, shall be 8.25 ounce per square yard conforming to type III of CCC-C-419. Color and treatment. The 8.25 ounce cotton duck shall be dyed Olive Green 107 to match standard sample (see 6.3) and shall be water repellent and mildew resistant treated, conforming to type I, class B of CCC-D-950.
3.3.2 Thread, polyester. The thread for all stitching shall conform to type I, class 1, sub-class B of V-T-285. Size F shall be used for all stitching except size E shall be used for the looper of the type 401 stitching and for barracking. 3.3.2,1 Color. The thread shall be dyed Olive Drab S-1, C.A. 66022, and shall show fastness to weathering equal to or better than the standard sample (see 6.3). If no standard sample is available, the thread shall show good fastness to weathering.

3.3.3 Lines, tent. The tent lines shall conform to MIL-L-1709. The guy line shall be type XIII and the footstops shall be type 11. Alternatively, the lines may be polyester, conforming to MIL-R-30500. The finished requirements shall be as in MIL-L-1709.
3.3.4 Grommets. to MIL-G-16491.

The grommets shall be type II, class 3,

size No. 2J conforming

3.3.5 Fasteners, snap. The snap fasteners shall consist of a socket and studeyelet combination, conforming to style 2, finish 2, of MIL-F-10884. The studeyelet combination shall be size 1.

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Pins, tent, metal. When required (see 6.2), five (S) tent pins conforming to type I of MIL-P-SO1 shall be included with the shelter half.

3.3.7 Pole section, tent. When required (see 6.2), three (3) tent poles conforming to Item 1 sections of MIL-P-608 shall be included with the shelter half. 3.4 Construction. The construction shall conform in all respects to the drawings listed in Section 2 and as specified herein. 3.4.1 Shelter half body. The shelter half body shall be of single panel, two panel or three panel construction depending upon width of material furnished. When using two or three panel construction the panels shall be joined in accordance with the applicable method of section G-G of Drawing 5-4-30 or in accordance with section H-H of Drawing 5-4-29. Location of seam(8) is optional. Seams shall be vertical as shown on Drawing 5-4-30. The finished dimensions of the shelter half body prior to folding the ends shall be as shown on Drawing 5-4-30. 3.4.2 Shelter half doors. The doors shall be of single panel or two panel construction. For two panel construction the joining seam shall be in accordance with section D-D or H-H on Drawing 5-4-29. Location of seam is optional. Seam shall be vertical as shown on Drawing 5-4-30 . The finished dimensions of the shelter half doors prior to folding the edges shall be as shown on Drawing 5-4-30. 3.4.3 Stitching, machine. FED-STD-751 as follows: For all stitching except stitching indicated by Z on drawings. For all stitching indicated by Z on drawings. Stitch margins. be 1/8 inch~ 1/16 inch. All stitching, except bartacks, shall conform to

Type 301, 7 to 9 stitches per inch.

Type 401, 7 to 9 stitches per inch.

Unless othe~se

specified, all stitching margins shall Type 301 stitchin~. Ends of all stitching shall be backstitched or overstitched 1 inch minimum except where ends are turned under in a hem or held down by other stitching. Thread tension shall be maintained so that there will be no loose stitching resulting in loose bobbin or top thread, or excessively tight stitching resulting in puckering of the materials sewn. The lock shall be embedded in the materials sewn.







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MIL-S-3725E as follows: Repairs of type 301 stitchin~ Repairs of type 301 stitching shall be

a. When thread breaks or bobbin run-outs occur during sewing, the stitching shall be repaired by restarting the stitching a minimum of 1 inch back of the end the stitching. ~/ b. Thread breaks or two or more consecutive skipped or runoffs stitches noted during inspection of the item (in-process or end item) shall b repaired by overstitching. The stitching shall start a minimum of 1 inch in back of the defective area, continue over the defective area and continue a minimum of 1 inch beyond the defective area onto the existing stitching. Loose or excessively tight stitching shall be repaired by removing the defective stitching, without damaging the materials, and restitching in the required manner. ~1 1/ When making the above repairs the ends of the stitching are not required to be backstitched.

of- Type 401 stitchin~. Ends of stitching for joining the doors to the body, at the bottom edge of the shelter half, shall be secured with bartacks across the seams as shown on Drawing 5-4-29. Thread tension shall be maintained so that there will be no loose stitching. All repairs shall be in accordance with and 304.3.2.l.b. Repairs in type 401 stitching may be made using type 301 stitching. The chain portion of the stitching shall not appear on the outside of the shelter half. Automatic stitching. Automatic machines may be the required stitch patterns provided the requirements for stitches per inch, size and type of thread are met, and at tying, overlapping or back stitches are used to secure the used to perform any of the stitch pattern, least three or more ends of the stitching. Bartacks. Unless otherwise specified, bartacks shall be 1/2 1/16 + inch long, l/8~ 1/32 inch wide, and shall contain 28 stitches. Bartack shall be free from thread breaks and loose stitching.

Lubrication of thread. There shall be no additional lubrication of the thread by any means prior to or during sewing other than that applied by the thread manufacturer at the time of manufacture (see Thread ends. than 1/4 inch.

All thread ends shall be trimmed to a length of not more

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MIL-S-3725E 3.4.4 Attachment of guy line and footstops. The guy line shall be attached to either one of the guy line loops on the shelter half by passing the looped end through the loop on the shelter half and then passing the free end through the looped end of the line. Loops shall be pulled up tightly. The footstops shall be attached to the shelter half as shown on Drawing 5-4-29.

Setting of grommets . Holes punched to receive the grommets shall be 3.4.5 smaller than the outside diameter of the grommet barrel so that the barrel must be forced through the hole. The grommets shall be securely clinched without cutting the material. Roll of the clinched grommet shall not contain more than three scores (Splits)e 3.4.6 Setting of snap fasteners. The snap fasteners shall be located as shown on the drawings with all studs on the outside and the sockets on the inside. If a hole is punched &fore inserting the barrel of the eyelet, it shall be smaller than the outside diameter of the eyelet barrel so that the barrel must be forced through the hole. The fasteners shall be securely clinched without cutting the material. The eyelet shall not contain more than three scores (splits).
3.4.7 Location marks. Location and notice marks shall not be drilled except for locating snap fasteners or grommets. 3.4.8 Repairs. In addition to the stitching repairs allowed in 3.4.3 a maximum of one hole or tear per shelter half may be repaired providing that the hole or tear does not exceed 1/2 inch in length or diameter; does not occur on a joining seam or on the peripheral edge; is not within one inch of the outer edge of a grommet or s snap fastener, or the edge of a joining seam or hem. For L*haped tears the 1/2 inch dimnsion shall apply only to the longest length of the tear. The hole or tear shall be repaired as follows:

a. Place the damaged area over a flat surface with the outside surface of the shelter half facing up. (Outside surface is side with US marking.). b. Prepare a circular patch of a size such that when centered on the hole or tear that it extends a minimum of 3/4 inch from the nearest edge of the hole or tear. c. Prepare a circular template having a cutout 3/8 + 1/16 inch larger in diameter than the patch. Center the template over the d~maged area and mark off the circle using a ball point pen.

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MIL-S-3725E d. Coat the surface of the patch and the area to be patched that was marked off with the template with cement conforming to MIL-C-2399. The cement shall be evenly and smoothly applied and shall be worked well into the fabric. Allow the cement to dry to a gummy state and apply a second coat to the same surfaces. NOTE: As an option, in lieu of using the template for marking off the area to be coated with cement the template may be held Iq position and the cement applied to the area within the circle.

e. With the cement still wet, position the patch centrally over the cemented area on the shelter half and press the cemented surfaces together. Roll excess cement and air bubbles from under patch with a roller. f. Complete the repair by sealing the edge of the patch all around with the tip of a finger or by using an appropriate tool. 3.5 Markin~. The identification marking shall be applied in the location shown on the drawing and shall conform to type IV, class 5 of DDD-L-20. The letters US* shall be applied in the location and in the size characters indicated on the drawing and shall conform to type IV, class 9 of DDD-L-20. Fastness of the class 9 marking shall be as specified for class 5 marking.
3.6 Workmanship . The finished shelter half tent shall conform to the quality established by this document. The occurrence of defects shall not exceed the applicable acceptable quality levels. 4.


4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the document where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.1.1 Certificate of compliance. Where certificates of compliance are submitted, the Government reserves the right to check test such items to determine the validity of the certification.

Classification of inspection. 4.2 are classified as follows: a. b.

The inspection requirements specified herein

First article inspection (see 4.3). Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4)0

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First article inspection. When a first article is required (see 6.2), it 4.3 shall be examined for the defects specified in 4.4.3 and 4.4.4. The presence of any defects shall be cause for rejection of the first article.
4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Unless otherwise specified, sampling for inspection 6hall be performed In accordance with MIL-SIW105.

4.4.1 Component and material inspection. In accordance with 4-1, components and materials shall be inspected in accordance with all the requirements of referenced documents, unless othe~ise excluded, amended, modified, or qualified In this document or applicable purchase documents. Certification. The contractor shall furnish a certificate of compliance for the requirement of prohibiting the use of additional thread lubricants prior to or during sewing.
4.4.2 In-process inspection. Inspection of sub-assemblies shall be made to ascertain that construction details which cannot be examined in the finished product are in accordance with specified requirements. The Government reserves the right to exclude from consideration for acceptance any material or service for which inprocess inspection has indicated nonconformance. *

End item visual examination. The end item shall be examined for the 4.4.3 defects listed below. The lot size shall be expressed in units of shelter half tents. The sample unit shall be one completely fabricated shelter half tent or one completely fabricated shelter half with pins and poles, as specified (see 6.2). The inspection level shall be II and the acceptable quality level (AQL), expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 2.5 for major defects and lS.O for total (major and minor combined) defects.

Examine Cloth

Defect Any hole, cut, or tear. Any abrasion marks, broken or missing yarns, or multiple floats clearly visible at normal inspection distance (approximately 3 feet). Needle chews: - Any (Except on guy line loops). - On guy line loops, up to 1/8 inch in length. - On guy line loops, more than 1/8 inch in length.

Classification Major Minor x

x x x x

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MIL-S-3725E Classification Major Minor

Examine Hardware, general

Defect Broken or malformed; corroded areas; burrs or sharp edges. Finish omitted or not as specified. Clinched excessively tight, cutting surrounding material. Clinched loosely, permitting either component to rotate freely in the hole in the material or permitting separation of components. Any snap fastener reversed. Incorrect style. Number of snap fasteners more or less than specified. Three or more scores (splits) in any one eyelet. Clinched excessively tight, cutting surrounding material. Improperly set, i.e., two or more teeth exposed inside of barrel, clinched loosely permitting gro~et to rotate in hole or insecurely clinched such that grommet and washer become disengaged. Size or type not as specified. Washer installed on incorrect side of material. Grommet barrel split. Roll of a grommet contains more than three scores (splits). Not in Not in type specified (when specified 6.2). quantity required (when specified 6.2).

x x x

Snap fasteners

x x x x x x


x x x x x

Tent pins

x x

Tent pole sections

Not type specified (when specified in 6.2). Not quantity required (when specified in 6.2).

x x

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MIL-S-3725E Classification Major Minor

Examine Seams and stitching: Open seams (on stitch types 301 and 401)


Up to and including 1/2 inch. More than 1/2 inch. Any seam open on both rows of stitching. A seam shall be classified as an open seam when one or more stitches joining a seam are broken, or when two or more consecutive skipped or run-off stitches occur. On double stitched seams, a seam shall be considered open when either one or both sides of the seam are opn. More than 1/2 inch when securely caught in stitching. Raw edges not securely caught in stitching shall be classified as open seams. Wrong seam or stitch type. Seams pleated or badly puckered. Tension loose, resulting in loose bobbin or top thread. Tension tight, resulting in puckering of material.

x x


Raw edges (except where required) NOTE :

Seam and stitch type

Stitch tension

x x


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MIL-S-3725E Classification Major Minor

Examine Seams and stitching: (conttd) Stitches per inch


me or two stitches less than minimum specified. Three or more stitches less than minimum specified. One or more stitches in excess of maximum specified. NOTE: (1) Variation in the number of stitches per inch caused by operator speeding up the machine and pulling the material in order to sew over heavy places, or in turning corners shall be classified as follows: (a) (b) Within the minor classification Within the major classification defect NO defect. defect Minor defect.


(2) Except for stitching for forming tucks in ridge, defects are to be scored when condition exists on any one seam for a length of 3 inches or more or when the combined length of several areas exceeds 6 inches. Thread breaks, skipped stitches or run-offs NOTE : Overstitched less than 1 inch in each direction beyond the defective stitching area. Thread breaks or two or more consecutive skipped or run-off stitches not overstitched shall be classified as open seams.

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Examine Seams and stitching: (centd) Stitching ends (on type 301 stitching)


Classification Major Minor

Ends of stitching not secured as specified (except when caught In other stitching or turned under in a hem). Chain portion of stitching on outside of shelter half.

Stitching indicated by Z on drawings (Type 401 stitching) Rows of stitching Bartacks

Any row missing. Any bartack misplaced causing end of any row of type 401 stitching to be not secured. Any bartack omitted. Stitching loose, incomplete, or broken. Number of stitches not as specified. Any required component or operation omitted, (unless otherwise classified herein), Ridge corner not formed, i.e., intersection of door and body panels at ridge not formed and stitched with triangular stitch pattern as required. Raw edge at end not turned under at assembly. Cut, chafed, or abraded. Not attached to loop as specified. Cut, chafed, or abraded. Not attached as specified.

x x x

Components and assembly

Door panels

Loops for guy lines

x x x x x

Guy line



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MIL-S-3725E Classification Major Minor

Examine Patching

Defect Patch not firmly adhered, located in unauthorized area or on wrong side; more than one patch. Cement not extended beyond edge of patch. Mis-located, i.e., grommet not through reinforcement around entire periphery (check by feel). When using optional construction raw edge exposed along top edge. Omitted, incorrect, illegible, misplaced, or size of characters not as specified. Grease, ink, or oil stains clearly noticeable. Thread ends not trimmed throughout as specified.

x x

Grommet reinforcement

x x

Identification marking


x x

4.4.4 End item dimensional examination. The end item shall be examined for conformance to defects listed below. The lot size shall be expressed in units of shelter half tents. The sample unit shall be one completely fabricated shelter half tent. The inspection level shall be S-3 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 4.0 for major defects and 10.0 for total (major and minor combined) defects.

Examine Overall dimensions

Defect Smaller than nominal dimensions, less applicable minus tolerance indicated on drawings, but not smaller than nominal dimensions less twice the applicable minus tolerance.

Classification Major Minor


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Exmine Overall dimensions (centd)

Defect Smaller than nominal dimensions, less twice the applicable minus tolerance. Larger than nominal dimensions and applicable plus tolerance. Snap fasteners misplaced by more than applicable tolerance but not more than twice applicable tolerance: (1) (2) One or two fasteners. Three or more fasteners.

Classification Minor Major

x x

Snap fasteners


Any snap fastener misplaced by more than twice the applicable tolerance. Door and body joining seams (applicable individual seam, top or bottom) Edges of door(s) and body at top or bottom of joining seams not finished even: (1) (2) Patch By more than 3/8 inch, but not more than 1/2 inch. By more than 1/2 inch.

x x

Patch not specified size overlapping damaged area: (1) (2) NOTE : Less than 3/4 inch, but not less than 3/8 inch. Less than 3/8 inch.

x x

Size of patch relative to damaged area to be checked from opposite side except when patch is located on opposite side of hemmed edges. Any not within specified tolerance. Stitch margin or gage defects shall be scored only when condition exists on major portion of the seam.

All other dimensions not cla.sNOTE : slfied herein including stitch margin or gage

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Packaging inspection. An examination shall be made to determine that 4.4.5 preservation, packing, and marking comply with the section 5 requirements. Defects shall be scored in accordance with the list below. The sample unit shall be one shipping container fully packaged except that it need not be closed. Examination for closure defects listed below shall be made on shipping containers fully packaged. The lot size shall be the number of shipping containers in the inspection The inspection level shall be S-2 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects lot per hundred units shall be 2.5.

Examine Marking (exterior)

Defect Omitted; incorrect; illegtble; of improper size, location, sequence, or method of application. Any component missing, damaged, or not as specified. Inadequate application of components, such as: incomplete closure of container flaps, improper taping, loose strapping or inadequate stapling. Bulged or distorted container. Number per container is mre or less than required.

Materials Workmanship


4.4.6 Inspection for palletization. An inspection shall be made to determine that the palletization complies with the section 5 requirements. Defects shall be scored in accordance with the list below. The sample unit shall be one palletized unit load fully packaged. The lot size shall be the number of palletized unit loads in the inspection lot. The inspection level shall be S-1 and the AQL, expressed in terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 6.5.

Examine Finished dimensions

Defect Length, width, or height exceeds specified maximum requirements. Pallet pattern not as specified. Interlocking of loads not as specified. Load not bonded with required straps as specified. Exceeds maximum load limits. (knitted; incorrect; illegible; of improper size location, sequence, or method of application.


Weight Marking


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MIL-s-3725E 5.

PACKAGING Preservation shall be level A or Commercial as specified

5.1 Preservation. (see 6.2). 5.1.1 Level A. Shelter half. Each shelter half shall be laid out flat with the guy line attached and placed toward the center. The triangular ends shall be folded to the center forming a rectangle. The top and bottom edges shall be folded over to meet at the center and then folded in half, covering the fasteners, to approximately 14-1/2 inches. The shelter half shall then be folded Into eighths by folding the two side edge6 to the center, then in half, edge to edge, twice, resulting in dimensions of approximately 14 by 10 by 3-1/2 inches. Shelter half with tent pins and poles. When procured as a complete assembly (see 6.2), the shelter half tent shall be folded as specified in 5.1.1. Three tent pole sections, as specified in 3.3.7 shall be wrapped in 30 pounds basis weight kraft paper, approximately 36 by 18 inches, conforming to A-A-203 and placed next to the folded shelter half adjacent to the longest dimension. Five tent pins, as specified in 3.3.6 shall be wrapped in a sheet of 50 pound basis weight kraft paper, approximately 36 by 18 inches, conforming to A-A-203 and placed next to the folded shelter half along the shorter end. Each shelter half assembly shall then be placed within a one-piece folder conforming to PPP-B-636, type CF, class domestic, variety SW, grade 125. The approximate inside dimensions of the box shall be 16 inches in length, 10-1/2 inches in width and 3-1/2 inches in depth. Each box shall be closed in accordance with method II of the appendix of PPP-B-636. 5.1.2 Commercial. Each shelter half or shelter half with tent pins and poles, shall be preserved in accordance with ASTM D 3951. 5.2 Packin~. kvel Packing shall be level A, B, or Commercial as specified (see 6.2). A packing.

* *

5.2.1 Shelter half. Twelve shelter halves, preserved as specified in 5.1 shall be packed In a snug-fitting fiberboard 6hipping container, conforming to style RSC-L, grade V2S of PPP-B-636. The inside of each shipping container shall be fitted with a box liner conforming to type CF, c1as6 weather-resistant, variety ~, grade V15C of PPP-B-636. Level A unit packs shall be packed flat, two in depth, six in height, alternately reversed within a shipping container. Inside dimensions of each container shall approximate 14 inches in length, 10 inches in width and 21 inches in depth. Approximate dimensions are furnished as a guide only. Each container shall be closed in accordance with uethod V as specified in the appendix of PPP-B-636.


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MIL-S-3725E k Shelter half with tent pins and poles. When procured as a complete assembly (see 6.2) twelve shelter halves ~ preserved as specified in 5.1$ skll be packed in a snug-fitting fiberboard shipping container conforming to style RSC, weather-resistant of PPP-B-636. Level A unit packs shall be packed type SF, class flat, two in depth, and six In height within a shipping container. Inside dimensions of each container shall approximate 22 inches in length, 16 inches in width, and 15 inches in depth. Approximate dimensions are furnished as a guide only. Each container shall be closed in accordance with method V as specified in the appendix of PPP-B-636. 5.2.2

Level B packing. Shelter half. Twelve shelter halves, preserved as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a snug-fitting shipping container conforming to style RSC-L, type CF (variety SW) or SF, class domestic, grade 275 of PPP-B-636. The inside of each shipping container shall be fitted with a box liner conforming to type CF, class domestic, variety DW, grade 275 of PPP-B-636. Level A unit packs shall be packed flat two in depth, six in height, alternately reversed within a shipping container. Inside dimensions of each container shall approximate 14 inches in length, 10 inches in width and 21 inches in depth. Approximate dimensions are furnished as a guide only. Each shipping container shall be closed in accordance with method V as specified in the appendix of PPP-B-636. Shelter half with tent pins and poles. When procured as a complete assembly (see 6.2) twelve shelter halves, preserved as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a snug-fitting fiberboard shipping container conforming to style RSC, type CF (variety SW) or SF, class domestic, grade 275 of PPP-B-636. Inside dimensions of each container shall approximate 22 inches in length, 16 inches in width and 21 inches in depth. Approximate dimensions are furnished as a guide only. Level A unit packs shall be packed flat, two in depth and six in height. Each shipping container shall be closed in accordance with method V as specified in the appendix of PPP-B-636. Commercial. Shelter halves ~ preserved as specified in 501~ shall ~ 5.2.3 in accordance with ASTM D 3951. packed

5.3 Palletization. When specified (see 6.2), shelter halves packed as specified in 5.2, shall be palletized in accordance with load type I of MIL-STD-147. The pallet pattern shall be in accordance with the appendix of MIL-STD-147. Interlocking of loads shall be effected by reversing the pattern of each course. Each prepared load shall be bonded with primary and secondary straps in accordance with bonding means K and L.


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Markin~ 5.4 In addition to any special marking required by the contract or purchase order, unit packs and shipping containers and palletized unit loads shall be marked in accordance with MIL-ST&129 or ASTM D 3951, as applicable.


6.1 Intended use. The shelter half may be used by itself as a fly for shade and shelter or when joined together with another shelter half provides a shelter for two men. Snap fasteners are provided to join the shelter halves.
* 6.2

Ordering data. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Acquisition documents should specify the following:

Title, number and date of this document. -n a first article sample 1S required (see 3.2, 4.3 and 6.5). Selection of the applicable levels of preservation and packing (see 5.1 and 5.2). When palletization is not required (see 5.3). When pins and poles are required (see 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 4.4.3,, and

6.3 Samples. For access to samples address the contracting activity issuing the invitation for bids.

6.4 Components. The following components, ordered with the shelter half or issued in the field, are required to erect the shelter half tent: 5 each pin, tent, aluminum, 9-inch. 3 each pole, tent, single section. First article. When a first article is required, it shall be inspected and approved under the appropriate provisions of DAR 7-104.55. The first article should be a preproduction sample. The first article should consist of one complete shelter half, tent. The contracting officer should include specific instructions in all acquisition instruments regarding arrangements for inspection and approval of the first article.
6.5 *

Recycled material. It is encouraged that recycled material be used when 6.6 practical as long as it meets the requirements of the document (see 3.3).
6.7 Changes from previous issue. The margins of this document are marked with an asterisk to indicate where changes (additions, modifications, corrections, deletions) from the previous issue were made. This was done as a convenience only, and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue.

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MIL-S-3725E 6.8 International standardization agreements. Certain provisions of this document are the subject of international standardization agreement as cited in NATO, STANAG NO. 2882, relative to camouflage requirements for tents, shelters and subsidiary components. When amendment, revision, or cancellation of this document is proposed which will affect or violate the international agreement concerned, the preparing activity will take appropriate reconciliation action through international standardization channels including departmental standardization offices, if required. custodians: hily-GL Navy - NU Air Force - 99 Review activities: Army-MD Air Force - 32 User activities: Navy - YD, MC Mr Force - 45 DLA-CT Preparing activity: Army - GL Project No. 8340-0444

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US Army Natlck Research and Development Natick, Massachusetts 01760

















Commander US AruJyNat ick Research and Development Center ATTN : DRDNA-ES Natick, MA 01760

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