Unit 2 Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

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2.1 2.2 Introduction

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

2.2.1 Derivation of Shear Force and Shear Stress 2.2.2 Design Shear Strength of Concrete 2.2.3 Design of Shear Reinforcement

2.3 2.4

Torsion Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 Development of Stress in Reinforcement Curtailment of Tension Reinforcement in Flexural Members Spacing of Reinforcement Reinforcement Requirement in Members



2.6 Answers to SAQs

A beam, loaded in its own plane, with transverse loads will have applied bending moment and shear force. Shear force develops internal shear stresses both in horizontal and vertical planes causing tension and compression in two diagonal planes (Figure 2.1). The shear reinforcement is provided to resist tensile force while the compressive force is resisted by concrete itself. In case, if the transverse loading on a beam is not in the central plane of a beam of symmetrical cross-section, the beam, in effect, will have applied bending, shear as well as torsion. Torsional moment is resisted by development of internal shear force and bending moment and, therefore, additional reinforcement for shear as well as for bending are provided to resist torsional moment. Detailing of reinforcement in a member means provision of reinforcement at proper locations and in appropriate quantities with proper distribution, so that it can behave as a composite member fulfilling all design criteria such as durability, fire resistance, stability, strength, serviceability, etc. This unit is, therefore, devoted to achieve the following objectives :

After studying this unit, you should be able to design members for shear, design members for torsion, and give the detailing of reinforcement in members. 33

Theory of Structures-II

2.2.1 Derivation of Shear Force and Shear Stress
According to principles of Mechanics of Solid, rate of change of bending moment w.r.t. distance along the span of a beam i.e.
dM at a section at x is equal to dx

shear force (V) at that section. For beam shown in Figure 2.1, the bending moment at x and x + x are M and M + M, respectively.

Figure 2.1 : Development of Horizontal Shear Force

The horizontal forces due to bending on the portion CGHD of the beam, are C 1 and C2 on sections CE and DF, respectively. If C2 > C1 then a horizontal force (C2 C1) is acting on CGHD which is equilibrated by resisting horizontal force, called horizontal shear force, at surface GH. Similarly, vertical shear force (V) is acting on section x (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 : Development of Vertical Shear Force on Section at x

Then according to Principles of Mechanics of solid

v = V Ay Ib

. . . (2.1)


where v = Shear stress at section x, A = Area of concrete (Figure 2.1(b)), y = Distance of its CG from n.a. of area A,

I = Moment of Inertia about n.a. of the whole cross-section, and b = Breadth, GG. But the above derivation is for solid section for which the shear stress diagram for cross section at x is as shown in Figure 2.1(c). Though the section looks solid, in case of reinforced concrete, the concrete below the n.a. is not taken into consideration as it has cracked in tension. Only steel cross section below n.a. exists resulting in the shear stress diagram as shown in Figure 2.3.

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

Figure 2.3 : Shear Stress Distribution Over a Cross-section

Therefore, it can be derived that

v, max =
vu b jd

. . . (2.2)

where (jd) is lever arm in flexure and j is nearly equal to 1. Since exact value of shear stress cannot be derived for reinforced concrete section due to cracking of concrete in tension, v, max is represented as v and called Nominal Shear Stress. Its value is taken as
Vu bd

. . . (2.3)

where V = Vu in Limit State Method.

2.2.2 Design Shear Strength of Concrete

For Beams The design shear strength (c) of a beam is a function of concrete strength (fck) and percentage of tensile reinforcement in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 : Design Shear Strength of Concrete, c , (N/mm2)

As . This is concisely given bd

As bd

Concrete Grade M 35 0.29 0.37 0.50 0.59 0.67 0.73 0.78 0.82 0.86 0.90 0.93 0.96 0.99 M 40 and above 0.30 0.38 0.51 0.60 0.68 0.74 0.79 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.95 0.98 1.01

M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.35 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.54 0.56 0.57 0.59 1.00 0.60 0.62 0.64 0.66 1.25 0.64 0.67 0.70 0.71 1.50 0.68 0.72 0.74 0.76 1.75 0.71 0.75 0.78 0.80 2.00 0.71 0.79 0.82 0.84 2.25 0.71 0.81 0.85 0.88 2.50 0.71 0.82 0.88 0.91 2.75 0.71 0.82 0.90 0.94 3.00 and above 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.96 Note : The term As is the area of longitudinal tension reinforcement. 0.15 0.25 0.50


Theory of Structures-II

For Slabs The design shear strength for slabs is kc where k is multiplying factor given in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 : Multiplying Factor (k) for Design Shear Strength for Slabs
Overall Depth of Slab, (mm) K 300 or more 1.00 275 1.05 250 1.10 225 1.15 200 1.20 175 1.25 150 or less 1.30

For Members under Axial Compression The design shear strength for member under compressive force is c
3Pu < 1.5 , where = 1 +
Ag f ck

. . . (2.4)

Ag = Gross area of the concrete section, and fck = Characteristic compressive strength of concrete. Limiting Shear Stress in Beams The nominal shear stress (v) in beams shall not exceed c, max given in Table 2.3. Table 2.3 : Design Shear Strength of Concrete, c, max (N/mm2)
Concrete Grade M 15 2.5 M 20 2.8 M 25 3.1 M 30 3.5 M 35 3.7 M 40 and above 4.0

c ,max

For solid slabs the nominal shear stress shall not exceed half the value of c, max given in Table 2.3 for beams.

(a) Discuss the following formula : (i) (ii) (b) (c) (d)
v = V Ay Ib

, and

v , max =

Vu b jd

Mention the design parameters on which design shear strength of concrete depends. How will you decide the design shear strength of a slab? Write down in tabular form the Maximum Shear Stress (c, max) values for different grades of concrete. When the shear stress (v) is less than design shear strength (c), minimum shear reinforcement in the form of stirrups shall be provided such that
Asv 0.4 b sv 0.87 f y

2.2.3 Design of Shear Reinforcement


. . . (2.5)


where Asv = Total cross sectional area of stirrup legs effective in shear, sv = Stirrup spacing along the length of the member, b = Breadth of rectangular beam or breadth of web of flanged beam, and fy = Characteristic or yield strength of shear reinforcement. Where the value of nominal shear stress (v) is less than half the shear strength i.e.
c and in case of members of minor importance the 2

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

above mentioned requirement of minimum shear reinforcement may not be complied with. (b) If the shear stress (v) is more than the design shear strength, the shear reinforcement shall be provided for the shear force, Vus =Vu c bd (c) . . . (2.6) If the shear stress (v) is greater than the maximum shear stress v, max (Table 2.3), the section should be redesigned.

Provision of Shear Reinforcement Vertical Stirrups The shear reinforcements are normally provided in the form of vertical stirrups. In addition to resisting shear, this form of stirrups, very effectively, keeps main reinforcement in position and bind concrete to prevent it from bursting. Figure 2.4 below shows different forms of this type of stirrups.

Figure 2.4 : Types of Stirrups with Respect to Number of Vertical Legs

For design
Vus = 0.87 f y Asv d sv

. . . (2.7) 37


Asv = Area of cross section of vertical legs, and

Theory of Structures-II

sv = Spacing of vertical stirrups along the span. Example 2.1 Determine the shear reinforcement in the form of vertical stirrups of 6 of a rectangular cross section of b d = 250 450 reinforced with 4 20 to resist 100 kN shear force. Use M 25 concrete, Fe 415 for main reinforcement and Fe 250 for transverse reinforcement. Solution The beam section is shown in Figure 2.5.
v = Vu 100 103 = 0.889 N/mm 2 < c , max (= 3.1 N/mm 2 ) (Table 2.3) = bd 250 450

202 4 For M 25 concrete and pt % = 100 = 1.12% 250 450

Figure 2.5 : Beam Section

c = 0.67 N/mm 2 from Table 2.1

c < v, hence, vertical shear stirrups are provided as follows :

Vus = Vu c bd = 100
0.67 250 450 103 N

. . . (2.8)

= 24.63 kN From Eq. (2.8)

Vus =
0.87 f y Asv d

0.87 250 2 28.27 450 24.63 10 3 = 224.68 mm c/c


Sv =

sv, max as per Code = 0.75 d = 0.75 450 = 337.5 mm c/c > 224.68 mm c/c Hence, provided 6 two legged stirrups @ 220 mm c/c. A Series of Main Bent up Bars or Inclined Stirrups at Different Cross-sections


Bent-up main bars may be provided for shear where these are no longer required for flexure (Figure 2.6). Inclined stirrups may also be provided in a similar manner as bent-up bars.

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

Figure 2.6 : Inclined Reinforcement to Resist a Part of Shear Force

The design formula for such shear reinforcement is

Vus =
0.87 f y Asv d


(sin + cos )

. . . (2.9)

where = inclination of bent-up bars or inclined stirrups. Where bent-up bars are provided as shear reinforcement, their contribution towards shear resistance shall not be more than 50% of the total shear reinforcement. When a Single Bar or a Group of Bars are Bent-up at the same Cross-section Such cases (Figures 2.7(a) and (b)) are economical since these bent-up bars cover the whole distance (d + d cot ) for which shear reinforcement is needed. The design formula in this case is Vus = 0.87 fy As sin . . . (2.10)

(a) Single or Group of Parallel Inclined Bars at the same Cross-section


Theory of Structures-II

(b) Maximum Distance between Bent-up Bars or Inclined Stirrups Figure 2.7

Example 2.2 Design shear reinforcement for the beam, shown in Figures 2.7(a) and (b), for the following data : No. of bent-up bars = 2 16 at = 45 Vus = 180 kN Grade of shear reinforcement = Fe 415 for vertical stirrups. Grade of main bars = Fe 250. Solution Vus1 = 0.87 fy Asv1 sin
= 0.87 250 2 1 162 4 2

. . . (2.11)

= 61.83 kN <

180 (i.e. 50% of total SF) 2

= 61.83 kN
Vus2 = (180 61.83) kN = 118.17 kN Vus2 = 118.17 103 =
0.87 f y Asv 2 d sv2

Adopting 8 bars for vertical stirrups or,

sv 2 = 0.87 415 2
82 450 4 = 137.49 mm 118.17 103

Provided 8 two legged stirrups @ 135 mm c/c in addition to 2 16 bent-up bars.

(a) (b) (c) Determine spacing of two legged vertical stirrups of 8 for a rectangular beam b d = 250 500 if v < c and fy = 415 N/mm2. Describe the procedure for design of vertical stirrups for shear in reinforced concrete beams. Explain the formulae with figures for the design of shear reinforcements in the following cases : (i)

Series of bent-up bars or inclined stirrups at different sections.


When a single bar or a group of bars are bent-up at the same cross-section.

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

Torsion or twisting moment is a moment about the axis of a member. If the cross section of the member is circular*, shear stress only will develop on it. But if the cross section of a member is other than circular, shearing as well as bending stresses are produced due to warping of the surface. The phenomenon is complicated, hence, only codal provisions are explained here.
* Refer formula

q G T = = J r l
which is valid only for cylindrical member, where symbols have their usual meanings.

2.3.1 Provision for Torsion

Provision for torsion is not made separately but its effect are taken care of along with shear and bending. Mathematically, at a section on which shear, bending and torsion are acting simultaneously, Equivalent shear, Ve = Vu + 1.6 Equivalent bending moment
M e1 D 1 + b = M u + M t = M u + Tu 1 .7

Tu b

. . . (2.12)

. . . (2.13)


D 1 + b M t = Tu 1.7 ve = Ve bd

Now, (a) (b)

If ve < c only minimum shear reinforcement is provided. If c < ve < c, max and Mt < Mu the shear reinforcement for Vus = Ve c bd as well as longitudinal tensile reinforcement at tension face for Mel are provided. But if c < ve < c, max and Mt > Mu the shear as well as bending reinforcement are provided as in (b) and, in addition, longitudinal tensile reinforcement at compression face is provided for a bending moment equal to (Mt Mu).


Shear Reinforcement

Shear reinforcement is provided in the form of closed hoop enclosing all the corners having an area of cross section (Asv) given by
Tu sv V u sv Asv = + b1 d1 (0.87 f y ) 2.5 d1 (0.87 f y )

. . . (2.14)


Theory of Structures-II


Asv =

( ve c ) b s v 0.87 f y

. . . (2.15)

whichever is more. where

b1 = Centre to centre distance between corner bars along width, and d1 = Centre to centre distance between corner bars along depth. Example 2.3

Design longitudinal as well as transverse reinforcement for a rectangular beam shown in Figure 2.8 for the following data :
Vu = 100 kN; Mu = 100 kN-m; Tu = 9 kN-m; fck = 25 N/mm2; fy = 415 N/mm2.

Figure 2.8 : Beam Section

Ve = Vu + 1.6 Tu 9 = 100 + 1.6 = 148 kN 0.3 0.3

ve =

Ve 148 103 = = 1.1 N/mm 2 bd 300 450

Ast f y M u = 0.87 f y Ast d 1 b d f ck

or, or, or, or,

Ast 415 100 10 6 = 0.87 415 Ast 450 1 300 450 25

100 106 = 162472.5 Ast 19.98 Ast2

Ast2 8131.76 Ast + 5005005 = 0
Ast = 8131.76 (8131.76 2 4 5005005) 2

= 670.83 mm


pt % =

Ast 670.83 100 = 100 = 0.5% bd 300 450

For M 25 concrete and pt % = 0.5%

c = 0.49 N/mm 2 < ve (= 1.1 N/mm 2 )

Hence, both longitudinal as well as transverse reinforcements shall be designed including torsional effects.
M e1 = M u + M t = M u D 1 + b + Tu 1.7

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

500 1 + 300 = 100 + 9 = 100 = 14.12 1.7

= 114.12 kN-m Here Mt < Mu, hence, no tensile reinforcement on compression force will be required.
Ast f y M e1 = 0.87 f y Ast d 1 b d f ck

or, or, or, or,

Ast 415 114.12 10 6 = 0.87 415 Ast 450 1 300 450 25

114.12 106 = 162472.5 Ast 19.98 Ast2

Ast2 8131.76 Ast + 5711711.71
Ast = 8131.76 (8131.76 2 4 5711711.71) 2 = 776.55 mm 2

Hence, provided 4 16 as tensile reinforcement

pt% =
804 100 % = 0.6% 300 450 (0.57 0.49) (0.6 0.5) (0.75 0.5)

c = 0.49 +

= 0.52 N/mm2 < ve (= 1.1) Hence, transverse reinforcement will be provided as follows : Design of Transverse Reinforcement
Asv = Tu s v Vu s v + b1 d1 (0.87 f y ) 2.5 d1 (0.87 f y )

Assuming 2-legged 8 closed hoops to be provided, then

Asv = 2 50 = 100 mm2


b1 = 300 2 50 = 200 mm d1 = 500 2 50 = 400 mm

Substituting these values in the above equation,

100 = 9 10 6 s v 100 10 3 s v + 200 400 0.87 415 2.5 400 0.87 415


Theory of Structures-II

= 0.31 sv + 0.28 sv = 0.59 sv or, Again or,

sv = 100 = 169.49 mm c/c 0.59

Asv < /

(ve c ) bsv 0.87 f y 0.87 415 100 = 207.5 mm c/c (1.1 0.52) 300

sv > /

Asv 0.4 b sv 0.87 f y


100 0.4 300 169.49 0.87 415 0.00197 0.0011 (Hence, O.K.)


Figure 2.9 : Designed Section

x1 = 200 + 8 + 10 = 218 mm y1 = 400 +

8 16 8 10 + + + = 421 mm 2 2 2 2

169.49 >

( x1 + y1 ) (= 159.75) < x1 (= 218) < 300 mm 4

Hence provided closed hoops of 2-legged 8 @ 155 mm c/c. As depth of beam is more than 450 mm, additional side longitudinal bars shall be provided as follows :
Side Reinforcement

Longitudinal Ast, min = On each face Ast, min =

0.1 300 450 =135 mm2 100 135 = 67.5 mm2 2

Hence, provided 2 8 as shown on each face (Figure 2.9). Example 2.4


Design longitudinal as well as transverse reinforcements for a rectangular beam, shown in Figure 2.10, for the following data :
Vu = 50 kN; Mu = 75 kN-m; Tu = 50 kN-m fck = 20 N/mm2; fy = 415 N/mm2. Solution Ve = Vu + 1.6

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

50 Tu = 50 + 1.6 b 0.3 = 316.67 kN

Figure 2.10 : Beam Section

ve =

Ve 316.67 103 = = 2.346 N/mm 2 300 450 bd

Ast f y M u = 0.87 f y Ast d 1 b d f ck

A 415

or, or, or, or,

st 75 106 = 0.87 415 Ast 450 1 300 450 20

75 106 = 162472.5 Ast 24.973 Ast2

Ast2 6506.024 Ast + 3003243.5 = 0
Ast =


6506.024 2 4 3003243.5 2

= 500.042 mm
pt% =

Ast 500 100 100 = = 0.37% bd 300 450

c = 0.36 +

0.12 0.12 = 0.42 N/mm2 < ve (= 2.346 N/mm2) 0.25

Hence, both longitudinal and transverse reinforcements shall be provided.

500 1 + 300 = Mu + Mt = 75 + 50 1.7

. . . (2.16)

= 75 + 78.431 = 153.431 kNm


Theory of Structures-II

Here Mt > Mu Hence, longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided on the flexural compression face, such that the beam can also withstand an equivalent Me2 = (Mt Mu), the Me2 being taken opposite to Mu.
Me2 = 78.431 75 = 3.431 kN-m

Aste 2 415 300 450 20

or, or, or, or,

Me2 = 0.87 415 Aste2 450 1

2 3.431 106 = 162472.5 Aste2 24.973 Aste 2 2 Aste 2 6506.024 Aste2 + 137388.38 = 0

Aste 2 =


(6506.024 2 4 1 137388.38) ) 2

= 21.186 mm Hence, provided 2 10.

Ast for Mel

Mel = 0.87 fy Ast d 1

Ast f y b d f ck
Ast 415 300 450 20

or, or, or, or,

153.431 106 = 0.87 415 Ast 450 1

2 153.431 106 = 162472.5 Ast 24.973 Ast 2

Ast2 6506.024 Ast + 6143875.38 = 0

Ast = (6506.024 (6506.024 2 4 6143875.38 ) ) 2

= 1146.31 mm2 Hence, provided 4 20.

pt% =

4 314 100% = 0.93% 300 450

c = 0.56 +

(0.62 0.56) (0.93 0.75) = 0.60 N/mm2 < ve (1.0 0.75) (= 1.93 N/mm2).

Hence, transverse reinforcement will be provided.

Design of Transverse Reinforcement
Tu s v Vu s v Asv = + b1 d1 (0.87 f y ) 2.5 d1 (0.87 f y )

Assuming 2-legged 8 closed hoops to be provided, then

Asv = 2 50 = 100 mm2 b1 = 300 2 50 = 200 mm d1 = 500 2 50 = 400 mm


Substituting these values in above equation,

100 = 50 10 6 s v 50 10 3 s v + 200 400 0.87 415 2.5 400 0.87 415

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

= 1.731 sv + 0.138 sv = 1.869 sv or,

sv =

100 = 53.51 mm c/c < 300 < 0.75 d (= 337.5) 1.869

( ve c ) b s v 0.87 f y

Asv < /


sv > /

0.87 415 100 = 68.93 mm (2.346 0.6) 300


Asv 0.4 b sv 0.87 f y

100 0.4 300 53.51 0.87 415 0.006 > 0.0011

x1 = 200 + 8 + 10 = 218 mm y1 = 400 +

(Hence, O.K.)

20 8 8 10 + + = 423 mm + 2 2 2 2

53.51 <

x1 + y1 (= 160.25) < x1 (= 218) < 300 mm 4

Hence, provided closed hoops of 2-legged 8 @ 50 mm c/c. As depth of beam is more than 450 mm, additional side longitudinal bars shall be provided as follows :
Side Reinforcement

Longitudinal, Ast, min =

0.1 300 450 = 135 mm2 100 135 = 67.5 mm2 2

On each face, Ast, min =

Hence, provided 2 8 as shown on each face (Figure 2.11).


Theory of Structures-II

Figure 2.11 : Designed Section


Reinforced concrete is a composite material, hence a proper bond between the two materials concrete and reinforcement is the first requirement. A minimum length of reinforcing bar is needed to develop the full bond strength between concrete and steel. This length is expressed in terms of development length. Development length on each side of any section is the length over which the force in the reinforcement at that section will be developed without bond failure between these two materials. Sometimes a reinforcing bar is extended and/or bent at its ends to satisfy development length requirement. Such extension and/or bending of a bar at its ends is called anchorage. A bent bar provides a greater safety against bond failure as during a pull-out the whole concrete is to be crushed. Reinforcing bars have limited lengths for ease of handling and transporting; hence in case of a continuous member or a member of large span it is necessary for continuity to join two bars by overlapping the ends at the joint. The overlapping portion are joined together either by concrete itself by providing proper development length or by welding in case of limitation of length for overlapping. Such jointing of two bars for continuity of reinforcing bar at any section is called splicing. Reinforcements are round bars. They are provided as straight or shaped appropriately to suit the requirements. These reinforcements are placed at certain spacing to meet the design requirements. But these spacing must be within a range of the minimum spacing and the maximum spacing for ease of casting, compaction, control of cracking, etc. as laid down in the Standard Code of Practice. All types of reinforcements must have sufficient concrete cover to protect them from environmental exposure conditions and also against fire. Such cover is called Nominal Cover. Other requirements of detailing are the minimum and the maximum amount of reinforcement, side face reinforcement, distribution of reinforcement, etc. All detailing requirements defined above have been discussed in the following sections and explained in the examples given in appropriate Units.

2.4.1 Development of Stress in Reinforcement

The calculated compression or tension in any reinforcing bar must be developed on each side of a section by providing appropriate development length or anchorage or a combination thereof. The development length,
Ld =
s 4 bd


= Nominal diameter of the bar, s = Stress in bar at the section considered at design load, and bd = Design bond stress defined below.


Bond Stress is longitudinal shear stress at the interface between concrete and reinforcing bar. The Design Bond Stress in Limit State Method for plain bars in tension are given in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 : Design Bond Stress for Plain Bars in tension
Grade of Concrete Design Bond Stress bd, (N/mm2) M20 1.2 M25 1.4 M30 1.5 M35 1.7 M40 and above 1.9

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

It is evident from Table 2.4 that the design bond stress increases with increase in concrete strength. Design bond stress for deformed bars of Grades Fe 415 and Fe 500 in tension shall be greater by 60% of those given in Table 2.4. Similarly design bond stress for above mentioned bars in compression shall be greater by 25% of those given in Table 2.4. Where sufficient development length in tension is not available such as at ends of a beam, anchorage is provided by bends or hooks. The anchorage value of a bend shall be taken as 4 times the diameter of the bar for each 45 bend subject to a maximum of 16 times the diameter of the bar. The U-type standard hook shall have anchorage value of 16 (Figure 2.12).

Figure 2.12 : Standard Hooks and Standard 90o Bend

In compression, only projected length of the bar along with its bend, hooks or straight length beyond bend shall be considered for development length (Figure 2.13).


Theory of Structures-II

Figure 2.13 : Projected Lengths only to be Considered for Ld for Bar in Compression

Splices are provided to maintain the continuity of the bar. Lap length including anchorage, if any, for flexural tension shall be Ld or 30 whichever is greater.

For bar carrying compression, the lap length shall be Ld or 24 whichever is greater (Figure 2.14).

Figure 2.14 : Transverse Reinforcement at a Splice

2.4.2 Curtailment of Tension Reinforcement in Flexural Members

To economise the design of a flexural member, the tensile bars are curtailed at the section beyond which it is no longer required to resist flexure. Such curtailed bars are extended for a distance equal to 12 or effective depth, whichever is greater, except at simple support or free end of cantilever. At simple support, positive moment tension reinforcement shall be limited to a diameter such that Ld computed for fd does not exceed
M1 + L0 V

where M1 = Moment of resistance of the section assuming all reinforcement at the section to be stressed to fd,
fd = 0.87 fy, V = Shear force at the section due to design loads, L0 = Sum of anchorage beyond the centre of the support and the equivalent anchorage value of hook, etc., and

= Diameter of bar. The value of

M1 in the above expression may be increased by 30% when the V

ends of reinforcement are confined by a compressive reaction. At least one-third of positive moment reinforcement in simple member shall extend along the same face of the member into the support, to a length equal to 50
Ld . 3

Flexural reinforcement shall not be terminated in tension zone unless one of the following conditions are fulfilled : (a) (b) The shear at the cutoff point does not exceed two-thirds of that permitted. Stirrup area in excess of that required for shear and torsion is provided along each terminated bar over a distance from cutoff point equal to three-fourth the effective depth of the member. The excess stirrup area shall be not less than 0.4 bs/fy, where b is the breadth of the beam and s is the spacing. The resulting spacing shall not exceed d/8 b where b is the ratio of the area of bars cutoff to the total area of bars at the section. For 36 mm and smaller bars, the continuing bars provide double the area required for flexure at the cutoff point and the shear does not exceed three-fourths of that permitted.

Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing


2.4.3 Spacing of Reinforcement

Minimum Spacing between Bars in Tension

The minimum horizontal spacing between two parallel main bars shall be diameter of larger bar or maximum size of coarse aggregate plus 5 mm. However, where compaction is done by needle vibrator, the spacing may be further reduced to two-third of the nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregate. The minimum vertical distance between two main bars shall be (a) (b) (c) 15 mm, two-third of the nominal size of coarse aggregate, or maximum size of the bar or whichever is greater.

Maximum Spacing between Bars in Tension

Normally these spacing will be as mentioned below : (a) For beams, these distances are 300 mm, 180 mm and 150 mm for grades of main reinforcement of Fe 250, Fe 415 and Fe 500, respectively. For slabs (i) the maximum spacing between two parallel main reinforcing bars shall be 3d or 300 mm or whichever is less, and the maximum spacing between two secondary parallel bars shall be 5d or 450 mm or whichever is less.



2.4.4 Reinforcement Requirement in Members

Ast 0.85 = . bd fy
* For Flanged Beams b = bw.

(a) (b)

Minimum tensile steel is given by the ratio,

Maximum Tensile Reinforcement in Beams shall not exceed 0.04 bD.


Theory of Structures-II

(c) (d)

Maximum area of compression reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 bD.

Beam having depth exceeding 750 mm, side face reinforcement of 0.1% of web area shall be provided. This reinforcement shall be equally distributed on two faces at a spacing not exceeding 300 or web thickness or whichever is less.

Detailing for the other types of members have been explained in appropriate Units.

Design of a section for shear is carried on in the following steps : (a) (b) (c) Determine nominal shear stress, v =
Vu . bd

Determine design shear strength of concrete, c (Table 2.1). Provide shear reinforcements as per requirement and convenience.
Tu . b

Similarly, for design of a section for torsion one may proceed as given below : (a) (b) Determine the equivalent shear force, Ve = Vu + 1.6

Calculate nominal shear stress, v and if c > v, only nominal shear reinforcement is to be provided. But if c < v, both longitudinal and shear reinforcements are required. Provide longitudinal reinforcement on tensile side for equivalent bending moment, Me1 = Mu + Mt where
D 1 + b M t = Tu 1.7


If Mt > Mu, provide longitudinal reinforcement on flexural compression face such that the beam can also withstand an equivalent Me2 = (Mt Mu), the moment Me2 being taken as acting in the opposite sense to the moment Mu. (d) Provide two-legged closed hoops enclosing corner longitudinal bars of area Asv, given by
Asv = Tu s v Vu s v + b1 d1 (0.87 f y ) 2.5 d1 (0.87 f y )

But the total transverse reinforcement shall not be less than

( ve c ) b s v 0.87 f y


For composite and integral behaviour of a reinforced concrete beam, the reinforcements are detailed in such a way that the stresses at every section are appropriately developed with the provision of appropriate amount and type of reinforcements. Proper cover to all reinforcements are also provided for durability and fire resistance.



Shear, Torsion, Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

(a) (b) (c) (d)


Refer Section 2.2.1. Refer Table 2.1. Refer Table 2.2. Refer Table 2.3. Refer Section 2.2.3. Refer Section 2.2.3. Refer Section 2.2.3.

(a) (b) (c)


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