32 Convocation
32 Convocation
32 Convocation
Prof. D. Krishna Rao Director No.ANU/CDE/EXAMS(UG & PG)/GM/Prizes/ Ranks/32 Convo/2012 Proceedings of the Vice-Chancellor Present : Prof. K.V. Rao Sub: ANU CDE Examinations 32nd Convocation - Award of Gold Medals/Ranks UG/PG Courses December 2009/January 2010 and May 2010 Examinations Orders Issued. Ref: Orders of the Vice-Chancellor, Dt:24-12-2012. **** ORDER: The Vice-Chancellor is pleased to order that the following students from both batches of Calendar Year of December 2009/January 2010 and Academic Year of May, 2010 under distance mode be awarded in 32 nd Convocation to be held on 10-01-2013 at A.N.U Campus and the subject wise Gold Medals shown hereunder: Dt:27-12-2012
I. Sri. Bhavanari Ramakotaiah and Anasuryamma,Satyanarayana & Jaya Lakshmi Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.Sc Mathematics examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
S.N o Enrol.No. Student Name Previo Final Grand us Class Total Total Total 247 277 524 FIRST Rank I
II. Smt. Irri Sarojini and Sri Irri Veera Raghavarao Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.Sc. Physics examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second year put together within two years period.
S.No Enrol.No.
Student Name
III. Professor J.Ananthaswamy Memorial Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.Sc. Chemistry examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
Gran d Class Total 816 FIRST
Student Name
Rank I
IV. Professor K.B.Reddy & Smt..Mythreyi Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.Sc Botany examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
S.No Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final s Total Total 397 404 Gran d Class Total 801 FIRST Rank 1
3 M.Sc MICRO BIOLOGY VI. Sri Tammineni Krishnaiah and Paladugu Hari Krishnaiah Naidu Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.Sc Micro Biology examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second year put together within two years period.
S.N o Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final Grand Clas s Total Total Total s 402 401 803 I Rank 1
VII. Prof. Vutchula Luther Das and Smt. Vidya Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.Sc Zoology examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
S.No Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final s Total Total 408 410 Gran d Class Total 818 I Rank 1
VIII. Prof. Velisetty Chandrasekhara Rao & Dr. Anasuya Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.A.(English) Examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
S.No Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final Grand Class Rank s Total Total Total 311 300 611 1 I
1 A08EG017019 K S S PRAVEENA
IX. Sri Chellapilla Sita Rama Murthy & Smt. Suryakantham Gold Medal for securing highest marks in First year Shakespeare paper in M.A. English course and passing all papers in first year and second year within two years period.
S.N o Enrol.No. C08EG014021 Student Name KAVITHA VEERAPANENI Paper Total 61 Gran d Total 600 Class I (293+307=60 0) Rank
X. Smt. Kollimarla Jaysree Memorial Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.A.(Telugu) examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
Gran d Class Total 601 I
Student Name
Rank 1
XI. Smt. Dr. Naladi Anie Udyasree Memorial Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.A.(Telugu) examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
S.No Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final s Total Total 306 295 Gran d Class Total 601 I Rank 1
XII. Sri. Polimetla Satyanarayana & Satyavathi Devi Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.A.(History) examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
Gran d Total 615
Student Name
Class I
Rank 1
XIII. Sri Pothuri Radha Krishna Murthy Gold Medal for passing all the papers of B.A. examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First, Second and third year put together within three years period.
S.N o
Student Name
Class 1
XIV. Dr. R.Santhi Sree Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.A. (Economics) examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
S.No Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final s Total Total 293 367 Gran d Total 660 Class I Rank 1
M.A (Sociology)
XV. Late Sri. Naraharisetty Ramakrishnaya & Late Peteti Krishna Rao Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.A. Sociology Examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final s Total Total 248 281 Gran d Class Rank Total 529 II 1
XVI. Sri Polimetla Gopi Chand & Rama Lakshmi Gold medal for passing All The Papers of MA (PSYCOLOGY) Examinations at first year Appearance and Secured Highest Aggregate Marks in First and Second Years Put together within two years period.
S.No 1. Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final s Total Total Gran d Class Rank Total
6 XVII. Chi. Madhavi Latha Memorial Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.A. (Social Work) examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
S.No Enrol.No. Student Name MARRAPU TRIMURTI RAO Previou Final s Total Total 371 313 Gran d Class Total 684 I Rank 1
1 C08SW014018
M.COM: XVIII. Prof. Lakkasani Venugopal Reddy and Smt. Vasundara Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.Com examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
S.No Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final s Total Total Gran d Total 697 Class Rank 1
341 356 I 1 A08CO055041 LAKSHMI PRADEEP INJEM XIX. Dogiparthi China Pullaiah Memorial Gold Medal for passing all the papers of M.Com examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period. Previou Final s Total Total 341 356 Gran d Total 697
Student Name
Class I
Rank 1
XX. Late Sri. Nagam Bikshalu Memorial Gold Medal for passing all the papers of MBA Examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First, Second and Third years put together within three years period.
S.N o Enrol.No.
Student Name
I year 398
Rank 1
XXI. Prof. Viswanadhuni Balamohandas & Smt. Vasantha Gold Medal for passing all the papers of B.Com examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First, Second and third year put together within three years period.
S.N o Enrol.No. Student Name PART-1 PART-2 301 1082 Gran d Total 1383 Class 1 Rank
B.B.M. XXII. Sri. Addanki Seshaiah & Smt. Raghavamma Memorial Gold Medal for passing all the papers of B.B.M. examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First, Second and Third years put together within three years period.
Enrol.No. Student Name Grand PART-1 PART-2 TOTA Class L 204 1029 1233 1 Rank
XXIII. Prof. Yakasiri Raja Hara Gopal Reddy & Smt. Vijayalakshmi Gold Medal for passing all the papers of LLM Examinations at first appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First and Second years put together within two years period.
Enrol.No. Student Name Previou Final s Total Total 355 226 Gran d Class Rank Total 581 II 1
1 A08LM033017
XXIV. Sri Kurmala Rama Chandra Rao Gold Medal for securing higherst marks in L.L.M. in Jurisprudence paper and completed total course within two years period, without a break, absence or failure in any subject.
S.No Enrol.No. Student Name Paper Total 62 Class II (325+225=550) Rank 1
XXV. Sri. Grandhi Annapurna & Nagendrudu Goldmedal for passing all the papers of M.C.A. Examinations at First appearance and secured highest aggregate marks in First, Second, Third year put together within three years period.
S.N o Enrol.No. Student Name FIRST YEAR 883 SECOND YEAR 841 THIRD Class Rank YEAR TOTAL 854 2578 I 1
Copies to the Co-ordinator (Examinations), CDE, ANU the Finance Officer, ANU the Joint Registrar, CDE, ANU. the Controller of Examinations, ANU the Deputy Registrar (PG & UG Exams), CDE, ANU the Deputy Registrar, Academic Section, ANU Assistant Registrar, Account Section, CDE, ANU. PA to Vice-Chancellor, ANU PA to Rector, ANU. PA to Registrar, ANU. OOF.