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Federal Register / Vol. 67, No.

175 / Tuesday, September 10, 2002 / Notices 57415

with any agency’s ability to perform its be accessed from http:// of personnel shortages in rehabilitation
statutory obligations. The Leader,, by selecting the as identified by the Assistant Secretary;
Regulatory Information Management ‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and and
Group, Office of the Chief Information by clicking on link number 1947. When (3) Projects that provide support for
Officer, publishes that notice containing you access the information collection, medical residents enrolled in residency
proposed information collection click on ‘‘Download Attachments ‘‘ to training programs in the specialty of
requests prior to submission of these view. Written requests for information physical medicine and rehabilitation.
requests to OMB. Each proposed should be addressed to Vivian Reese, Eligible Applicants: State agencies
information collection, grouped by Department of Education, 400 Maryland and other public or nonprofit agencies
office, contains the following: (1) Type Avenue, SW, Room 4050, Regional and organizations, including Indian
of review requested, e.g. new, revision, Office Building 3, Washington, DC tribes and institutions of higher
extension, existing or reinstatement; (2) 20202–4651 or to the e-mail address education, are eligible for assistance
Title; (3) Summary of the collection; (4) Requests may also under the Rehabilitation Long-Term
Description of the need for, and be electronically mailed to the e-mail Training program.
proposed use of, the information; (5) address or faxed to Applications Available: September
Respondents and frequency of 202–708–9346. Please specify the 10, 2002.
collection; and (6) Reporting and/or complete title of the information
Deadline for Transmittal of
Recordkeeping burden. OMB invites collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or Applications: October 25, 2002.
public comment. Deadline for Intergovernmental
the collection activity requirements
Dated: September 5, 2002. Review: December 24, 2002.
should be directed to Joseph Schubart at
John D. Tressler, Individuals who Estimated Available Funds: The
Leader, Regulatory Information Management use a telecommunications device for the Administration has requested
Group, Office of the Chief Information Officer. deaf (TDD) may call the Federal $42,629,000 for the Rehabilitation
Office of Postsecondary Education Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1– Training program for FY 2003, of which
800–877–8339. an estimated $2,725,000 would be
Type of Review: New. allocated for this competition. The
Title: Final Reporting Forms for FIPSE [FR Doc. 02–22906 Filed 9–9–02; 8:45 am] actual level of funding, if any, depends
International Consortia Programs. BILLING CODE 4000–01–P on final congressional action. However,
Frequency: Annually. we are inviting applications to allow
Affected Public: Not-for-profit enough time to complete the grant
process if Congress appropriates funds
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour [CFDA No.: 84.129E, 84.129F, 84.129H, for this program.
Burden: 84.129L, 84.129P, 84.129Q, 84.129R]
Note: This competition is being announced
Responses: 40.
in FY 2002 for grants that will be awarded
Burden Hours: 240. Rehabilitation Training: Rehabilitation
using FY 2003 funds.
Abstract: Protocols for final Long-Term Training
performance reports for the European Estimated Range of Awards: $75,000
Notice inviting applications for
ACTION: to $100,000.
Community-US Higher Education
new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2003. Estimated Average Size of Awards:
Program, the US-Brazil Higher
Education Consortia Program and the Purpose of Program: The $100,000.
Program for North American Mobility in Rehabilitation Long-Term Training Estimated Total Number of Awards:
Higher Education are necessary to program provides financial assistance 31.
assure the quality of program for— Maximum Number of Awards,
management and progress toward (1) Projects that provide basic or Maximum Level of Awards, and
meeting performance objectives which advanced training leading to an Absolute Priorities: The maximum
include student learning, encouraging academic degree in areas of personnel number of awards to be made are listed
international cooperation, and shortages in rehabilitation as identified in parentheses following each priority
partnerships among higher education by the Assistant Secretary; area. We will reject any application that
institutions in the U.S. and abroad. (2) Projects that provide a specified proposes a budget exceeding the amount
Requests for copies of the submission series of courses or program of study listed under maximum level of award in
for OMB review; comment request may leading to award of a certificate in areas any project year.

Maximum level
CFDA Nos. Priority area (maximum number of awards in parentheses) of award

84.129E ....................................... Rehabilitation Technology (4) .................................................................................................... $100,000

84.129F ....................................... Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment (4) ....................................................................... 100,000
84.129H ....................................... Rehabilitation of Individuals Who Are Mentally Ill (3) ............................................................... 100,000
84.129L ........................................ Undergraduate Education in the Rehabilitation Services (8) .................................................... 75,000
84.129P ....................................... Specialized Personnel for Rehabilitation of Individuals Who are Blind or Have Vision Impair- 100,000
ment (7).
84.129Q ....................................... Rehabilitation of Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (5) .......................................... 100,000
84.129R ....................................... Job Development and Job Placement Services to Individuals With Disabilities (5) ................. 100,000

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57416 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 175 / Tuesday, September 10, 2002 / Notices

Note: The Department is not bound by any Application Procedures: APPLICATION system. You will receive
estimates in this notice. an automatic acknowledgement, which
Note: Some of the procedures in these
Project Period: Up to 60 months. instructions for transmitting applications will include a PR/Award number (an
Page Limit: Part III of the application, differ from those in the Education identifying number unique to your
the application narrative, is where you, Department General Administrative application).
the applicant, address the selection Regulations (EDGAR) (74 CFR 75.102). Under 4. Place the PR/Award number in the
criteria that reviewers use to evaluate the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. upper right corner of ED 424.
your application. You must limit Part III 553), the Department generally offers 5. Fax ED 424 to the Application
interested parties the opportunity to Control Center at (202) 260–1349.
to the equivalent of no more than 35
comment on proposed regulations. However,
pages, using the following standards: these amendments make procedural changes
• We may request that you give us
• A ‘‘page’’ is 8.5″ x 11″, on one side only and do not establish new substantive original signatures on all other forms at
only, with 1″ margins at the top, bottom, policy. Therefore, under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A), a later date.
and both sides. the Secretary has determined that proposed You may access the electronic grant
• Double space (no more than three rulemaking is not required. application for the Rehabilitation
lines per vertical inch) all text in the Training: Rehabilitation Long-Term
application narrative, including titles, Pilot Project for Electronic Submission Training program at: http://e-
headings, footnotes, quotations, of Applications
references, and captions, as well as all The U.S. Department of Education is We have included additional
text in charts, tables, figures, and continuing to expand its pilot project of information about the e-APPLICATION
graphs. electronic submission of applications to pilot project (see Parity Guidelines
• Use a font that is either 12-point or between Paper and Electronic
include additional formula grant
larger or no smaller than 10 pitch Applications) in the application
programs and additional discretionary
(characters per inch). package.
The page limit does not apply to Part grant competitions. The Rehabilitation
Training: Rehabilitation Long-Term Please note that due to the
I, the cover sheet, Part II, the budget Department’s end of the fiscal year close
section, including the narrative budget Training program, CFDA 84.129, is one
of the programs included in the pilot out activities, the e-APPLICATION
justification; Part IV, the assurances and system will be unavailable from October
certifications; or the one-page abstract, project. If you are an applicant under
the Rehabilitation Training: 1 through October 5. It will become
the resumes, the bibliography, or the available for users again on Monday,
letters of support. However, you must Rehabilitation Long-Term Training
program, you may submit your October 7.
include all of the application narrative For Applications Contact: Education
in Part III. application to us in either electronic or
paper format. Publications Center (ED Pubs), P.O. Box
We will reject your application if— 1398, Jessup, MD 20794–1398.
• You apply these standards and The pilot project involves the use of
the Electronic Grant Application System Telephone (toll free): 1–877–433–7827.
exceed the page limit; or FAX: (301) 470–1244. If you use a
• You apply other standards and (e-APPLICATION, formerly e-GAPS)
portion of the Grant Administration and telecommunications device for the deaf
exceed the equivalent of the page limit.
Applicable Regulations: (a) The Payment System (GAPS). We request (TDD), you may call (toll free): 1–877–
Education Department General your participation in this pilot project. 576–7734.
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in We shall continue to evaluate its You may also contact ED Pubs via its
34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, success and solicit suggestions for Web site:
85, 86, and 99. (b) The regulations in 34 improvement. edpubs.html.
CFR parts 385 and 386. If you participate in this e- Or you may contact ED Pubs at its e-
APPLICATION pilot, please note the mail address:
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 79 If you request an application from ED
apply to all applicants except federally following:
• Your participation is voluntary. Pubs, be sure to identify this
recognized Indian tribes.
• You will not receive any additional competition as follows: CFDA number
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 point value or penalty because you 84.129E, F, H, L, P, Q, or R.
apply to institutions of higher education submit a grant application in electronic FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
only. or paper format. Ellen Chesley, U.S. Department of
Selection Criteria: In evaluating an • You can submit all documents Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
application for a new grant under this electronically, including the (Room 3318, Switzer Building),
competition, we use the selection Application for Federal Assistance (ED Washington, DC 20202–2649.
criteria in 34 CFR 385.31 and 386.20. 424), Budget Information—Non- Telephone (202) 205–9481 or via
The selection criteria to be used for this Construction Programs (ED 524), and all Internet:
competition will be provided in the necessary assurances and certifications. If you use a telecommunications
application package for this • Within 3 working days of device for the deaf (TDD), you may call
competition. submitting your electronic application, the Federal Information Relay Service
Priorities: This competition focuses fax a signed copy of the Application for (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339.
on projects designed to meet the Federal Assistance (ED 424) to the Individuals with disabilities may
priorities in the regulations for this Application Control Center following obtain this document in an alternative
program (34 CFR 386.1). The priority these steps: format (e.g., Braille, large print,
areas of personnel shortage are listed in 1. Print ED 424 from the e- audiotape, or computer diskette) on
the chart published in this notice. APPLICATION system. request to the program contact person
Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3) and 34 2. Make sure that the institution’s listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CFR 386.1, we consider only Authorizing Representative signs this CONTACT.
applications that provide training in the form. Individuals with disabilities may
areas of personnel shortage listed in the 3. Before faxing this form, submit obtain a copy of the application package
chart. your electronic application via the e- in an alternative format by contacting

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Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 175 / Tuesday, September 10, 2002 / Notices 57417

the Grants and Contracts Services Team, contacting the Office of the Secretary of and Wrap-Up
U.S. Department of Education, 400 Energy Advisory Board at (202) 586– Public Participation: During its
Maryland Avenue, SW., Room 3317, 7092. meeting in New York City, the
Switzer Building, Washington, DC NAME: Electricity Advisory Board. Electricity Advisory Board welcomes
20202–2550. Telephone: (202) 205– DATES AND TIMES: Friday, September 20, public comment. In keeping with
8207. If you use a telecommunications 2002, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Eastern. procedures, members of the public may
device for the deaf (TDD), you may call observe the business of the Electricity
ADDRESSES: The second public meeting
the Federal Information Relay Service Advisory Board and submit written
of the Electricity Advisory Board (EAB)
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339. However, comments or comment in person during
will be held at the Regent Wall Street
the Department is not able to reproduce the scheduled public comment period.
Hotel, 55 Wall Street, New York, New
in an alternative format the standard Members of the public wishing to
York 10005. The meeting will be held in
forms included in the application comment on the two Draft Reports at the
the hotel’s Mezzanine of the Ballroom
package. Electricity Advisory Board meeting are
from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Electronic Access to This Document required to preregister by submitting a
request by e-mail, fax, or mail.
You may view this document, as well Craig R. Reed, Executive Director,
Preregistration will help to determine
as all other Department of Education Secretary of Energy Advisory Board
how much time to allot each speaker in
documents published in the Federal (AB–1), U.S. Department of Energy,
light of the time constraints of this
Register, in text or Adobe Portable 1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,
meeting of the Electricity Advisory
Document Format (PDF) on the Internet Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586–7092
Board. Members of the public will be
at the following site: or (202) 586–6279 (fax).
heard in the order in which they
legislation/FedRegister. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The preregister. All requests for public
To use PDF you must have Adobe Electricity Advisory Board was comment preregistration must be
Acrobat Reader, which is available free chartered to provide the Secretary of received no later than Monday,
at this site. If you have questions about Energy with essential independent September 16th at 5 p.m. Eastern
using PDF, call the U.S. Government advice and recommendations on Daylight Savings Time and should
Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1– electricity policy issues of importance to include (1) the name of the person who
888–293–6498; or in the Washington, the Department of Energy. The will make public comments, (2) his/her
DC, area at (202) 512–1530. Electricity Advisory Board is to provide association or business, if any; and (3)
Note: The official version of this document timely, balanced, and authoritative if possible, a summary of the proposed
is the document published in the Federal advice to the Secretary of Energy on the comments. Please send preregistration
Register. Free Internet access to the official Department’s electricity programs; requests to one of the following
edition of the Federal Register and the Code current and future capacity of the locations:
of Federal Regulations is available on GPO electricity system; issues related to
Access at:
1. E-Mail to
production, reliability and utility;
index.html. restructuring; and coordination between 2. Facsimile to (202) 586–6279 as a
Program Authority: 29 U.S.C. 774. the Department of Energy and state and fax; or
regional officials and the private sector 3. Mail to Dr. Craig R. Reed, Executive
Dated: September 4, 2002. on matters affecting electricity supply
Loretta Petty Chittum,
Director, Secretary of Energy Advisory
and reliability. Board (AB–1), U.S. Department of
Acting Assistant Secretary for Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services. Tentative Agenda Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20585. Note: Due
[FR Doc. 02–22870 Filed 9–9–02; 8:45 am] The agenda for the September 20,
to mail delays, persons wishing to pre-
BILLING CODE 4000–01–P 2002 meeting has not been finalized.
register for public comment are
The following is a tentative agenda:
encouraged to fax or e-mail their
Morning Session requests.
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Persons who fail to preregister for
9–9:15 Introduction/Welcome
9:15–10:45 Transmission Grid public comments may sign up at the
Electricity Advisory Board; Notice of
Solutions Subcommittee Draft meeting, but such later requests will
Open Meeting
Report only be allotted a portion of whatever
AGENCY: Department of Energy. *Brief presentation, public comments, time remains following the preregistered
SUMMARY: This notice announces an and Board discussion public comments. The Chairman of the
open meeting of the Department of 10:45–12 Electric Resources Electricity Advisory Board is
Energy’s Electricity Advisory Board. Capitalization Concerns empowered to conduct the meeting in a
The Federal Advisory Committee Act Subcommittee Draft Report fashion that will, in the Chairman’s
(Public Law 92–463, 86 Stat. 770), *Brief presentation, public comments, judgment, facilitate the orderly conduct
requires that agencies publish these and Board discussion of business. The Electricity Advisory
notices in the Federal Register to allow 12–1:15 Luncheon Break Board will make every effort to hear the
for public participation. The purpose of views of all interested parties.
the meeting is to review and discuss Afternoon Session Written comments on either of the
Draft Reports by the Electricity Advisory 1:15–1:30 Formation of Subcommittee’s Draft Reports may be
Board’s Subcommittee on Transmission Subcommittee on Corporate submitted to one of the following
Grid Solutions and the Subcommittee Governance and Practices locations:
on Electricity Resources Capitalization 1:30–2:40 Guest Panelists on 4. E-Mail to
Concerns. Note: Copies of the two Corporate Governance and Practices;
subcommittee’s draft reports may be 2:40–3:25 Board Discussion on 5. Facsimile to (202) 586–6279; or
obtained from the following internet Corporate Governance and Practices 6. Mail to Dr. Craig R. Reed, Executive
address or by 3:25–4 Member Final Observations Director, Secretary of Energy Advisory

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