The Journal of Borderland Research 1967-09 & 10

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Round Robin



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TABLE OF CONTENTS THE IMPORTANCE OF EMOTIONAL CONTROL By the Yada di S h i ite. 1 - 8 THE JOURNEY HOME By a New Mexico Housewife . . .


THE ROSE-VEILED STRANGER By David Patterson Hatch................. 1 1 - 1 7 WORLD GLAMOUR Part II, by Janet C. W i l k i n s o n . ......... 1 8 - 2 2 CLIPS, QUOTES & COMMENTS AMA Encourages "Home Brew" Healing, How Dr. Jamison Was Trapped, MWO Helpful in Indian Clinic, Our Non-Profitable Search For Truth, "For Whom We Prey1 Is There An Unholy Al ', liance?, The Passing of Florance Verrico, "Arabia Decepta" and Hashish, A Relevant Message From Mars, Space Age Convention at Berkeley, The Music Transducer, BSRA Busi ness and L i t e r a t u r e ......... .. 23 - 3 4

THE JOURNAL OF B0RDEBLA5D RESEARCH Edited by Riley Hansard Crabb A Publication of Borderland Sciences Research Associates Foundation, Inc. The Journal is published at the rate of seven or eight issues a year, with the assistance of the Associates, at BSRA Headquarters, the home of the Director, 1103 Bobolink Drive, Vista, Phone No. 714-724-2043. . The Foundation was incorporated under California law, May 21, 1951,#254263, and has been in continuous existence since then. Address all correspondence to PO Box 548 Vista, Calif., 92063. The Journal is included in the A &&,9 Pifttio^meffibej^hjj}_ofS^OO^yeax^ Persons who do not care to join the Association, may receive the Journal by donating $5.00 or more a year to the Foun dation. Single copies may be purchased for a dollar. Membership has not been increased since BSRA was foun ded by N. Meade Layne in 1946, but delinquent members desiring back issues will be charged a dollar for each copy. Office manager for BSRA is Mrs. Judith Crabb. PURPOSES OF BSRA BSRA is a non-profit, informal organization of people who take an active interest in unusual happen-* ings along the borderland between the visible and in visible worlds. In the words of the late Meade Layne, founder and director of BSRA from 1946 to 1959, "BSRA publications are scientific in approach but employ few technical expressions. They deal with significant phenomena which orthodox science cannot or will not in vestigate* For example: the Fortean falls of strange objects from the skies, Teleportation, Radiesthesia, PK Effects, Underground Races, Mysterious Disappear ances, Occult and Psychic Phenomena, Photography of the Invisible, the Nature of the Ethers, and the pro blem of the Aeroforms (Flying Saucers). In the year 1946 the Associates obtained an interpretation of the phenomena which has since come to be known as the Etheric or 4-D Interpretation, and which has not been radically altered since that time. This continues to be the only explanation which makes good science, sound metaphysics and common sense," The chief present concern of the Association is to make this information available as a public serv ice, with Headquarters acting as a receiving, coun seling, coordinating and distributing center. A list of BSRA publications is available on request, send 251 in coin or stamps for a copy, 16 pages. * * *


Good evening my friends, it is an honor to come before you this evening* It is hoped that we can come together in harmonious ac cord knowing that we are dealing with vhat is called opinions gleaned from life* Nowhere is there to be found a concrete, homogeneous, un changeable condition. We can see that never can we make a statement and be sure this is what it is; and it shall be that way eternally. Let us keep the eyes open, let us keep the ears open, let us use mouth occasionally* My friends, life is a study, but the more emotional opinions we put into it the less we learn. All over the world in which you live, there are untold thous ands and millions of human beings, not only those that are now here, but those that have come many times in the past before - and those that will coae in whatever future that lies ahead. It is a great strug gling mass, a seething caldron of worry, worry, worryj blindness, in difference, cruelty, fear, with a little, here and there, of light and understanding flickering in the darkness of it all. Love, my friends, is the great initiation, the great initiation in the Order, the Great Mystical Order, of which all mankind is a member, called the White 3rotherhood. I know you have heard of the White Brotherhood many times in the past. People talk of the White Brotherhood as though it were something they did not have any attach ment to. But everyone has a direct membership in it. For this White Brotherhood is meaning the Brotherhood of the Light, the Light out of which you and I have come, into which we will return in due course. But, never will we return to it until we have learned our personal les sons. Thus you must give up a feeling of hopelessness, of insecurity and the uselessness of it all; for there is no uselessness. No matter how many tines we may have to return to the physical world, let us try to recall each time that it is another step, another degree in the great initiation, the great Order of the Light. Now, opinions are beautiful things. How else can man come to learn except by making judgments, by making inferences and confirming actions that are going on in the seeming extraneous world? And, as you as an individual find it to be, that*s the way it is; that is the truth. That is the last word in truth for you. And when another comes to you or you go to them, it is your duty to listen, to listen in love, in the will to understand. And we cannot do that if we are simply listening and impatiently waiting until the other gets through so we can come right in and show them how clever we are. More than they, we are go ing to shine the light of our wisdom in their eyes. Yes, we are going to wake them up to our Light, our great wisdom. This is the fatal mis take. For if your light does happen to be greater or brighter than Sept-Oct 1967 RP., Page 1

theirs, you will blind them if you shine it directly in their eyes. You will put them back to sleep in fear because they cannot comprehend * your better understanding, your brighter light. So let us cut our light as we move around among our fellow man. Why, why all this caution and careful approach? Because we are dealing with ourselves; you are me. How am I going to treat myself? How do I want to be treated? If I attack you violently it is because I make a very definite sign that I hope you will attack me violently. It is my masochistic nature, that will cause me to attack you in the hopes that you will attack me. When I approach you with love, I am hoping that you will approach me with love. Because I feel love. When I feel violent, I am asking you for violence when I approach you with it. But you see, my friends, if we do not know this we walk blindly into all manner of difficulty. If all those who are acting as teachers and helpers would put out the words, "Let us come together so that we can exchange our views." The teachers are carrying the Light and if they become offended with one another; if the teachers fight among themselves, what can we expect from the pupils? My friends, in the years we have been using this man's body to speak to people still in the physical world, I would, if I was capable of emotional attachments, I would be sorry to tell you, I would be pained to tell you that in all these years I have found this condition among teachers teachers! Proclaimers of the Truth. Upholders of the Light. Where are we in sanity? Everybody is criticising everybody else. The simple answer is to stop. To put your ego in the back. To set aside your feelings of personality. You are not looking for per sonality, you are looking for truth. If there are material scientific minds desiring to get together, they know there is a material problem to be solved. But if their personality, their ego is all wrapped up in emotional Jealousy and feelings of frustration; feeling that what they know is not really the truth, that somebody is going to belittle them if they say something, how much do you think you would have achieved to day in your matter world? This condition does not exist in the scien tific world nearly as much - a little - but not nearly as much as among the teachers of philosophy, metaphysics and occultism. But as I said before, if I was emotional I would become attached to all this and I would feel very violent about it, I would froth a little bit at the mouth. I would cause the blood pressure to go way up here and do what you Americans call, "Blow the top", but you see, my friends, it does not matter. Because in the scheme of existence, the scheme of your own being, all of it will stop. It does not need my raving about it. It does not need any violent approach from me. No criticism, unless con structive Ideas can be interwoven. And I have only one constructive idea, and I speak to the teachers. What is it? Simple! To understand the meaning of love. It is the basis of freedom my friends, for it means itself, complete understanding. If I come to you as Yada, thinking I am a thing called Yada, what the ultimate nature of this something called me is, I have no way of putting into words. Perhaps you do. I don't know. How are you go ing to know what, not who, because I am not who, or neither are you who (that is a good one - youwho!) I am what, but what Is the what of me? Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 2

4In the Christian teachings I would perhaps be what is called a spirit that is, when they look upon me in a more favorable way. A spirit or a soul. Not so favorable: an imp of darkness. An emissary of Satan. Poor Satan! In other teachings I am an astral shell. In other teach ings I am a spook, a ghost, a shade - a shade, but no one has pulled me down yet! How do you like my humor? This is because I have been with you American people so much now. I have caught to your wit. It was not too long ago that I had a talk with my very helpful "mid-wife", Dr. Mead Layne, the man who gave us voice again to your world. He said to me, "Yada, I do not want to seem foolish or facetious, but we live in a world where man likes to make experiments," and I think this is very good. How else are we going to learn? And he said to me, "we have a machine in my world that is called a radar and I m going to tell you how this works." He said, "I am thinking to get one and per haps it might be that I could 'pick you up'". And I said to him, "What will this do for me?" He said, "This would make you a bip." This is beautiful! This is something I have never been before. And so I will give myself to being a bip if it is possible. For undoubtedly I have been a bip many times in the past. When people call me these various things, I agree with them. For I have been all of them, including an emissary of Satan. You should get to know him better, you would feel sorry for him, my friends, because man's blindness keeps him wearing that horrible red suit. My friends, life is your personal initiation into the light; it should be felt as a thing of grandure. Now I know some of you will think that you, Yada, can say that because you are out of the physical world. You do not have our problems to deal with. You do not have the physical body to contend with. But I did. I know what it is. I have suffered untold agonies in a physical structure. I have also suffered untold Joys in it. But when I got to understand the laws of life, I saw the Joy of agony. I can see, in other words, what you Americans would call the "trick of it". It is a trick. And you are the magi cian. But you are playing "slight of hand" with yourselves. Even as I did. It is necessary to come to this realization. One needs a very heavy dose of patience, knowing within themselves, if they can know no thing else, that even this will pass. A great King in the past history of your world had this engraved in gold upon a scepter he carried. "Even this shall pass". Who was that? I will not tell you who it was. Why should a spook tell you. It Is not important that you know who, merely what he said. To tell the thing is important, but to tell the source is not necessary. It is not, for instance, important for you to know anything about Yada, for I am not Yada. Were I to give you the name of the King it would not be the King. Do you understand, my friends? How am I not Yada? Because I have had mnny, many other tags put upon me when I was here bei'cre. I use t h o title, the label, Yada, as something more convenient. It is easy to remember. And knowing how difficult it is for the hur.sji mind to reritnbor very much, we must take the simple things. You In your world, you are living in such complica ted steps, it is a marvel that you remember anything. Not that you for get so much.

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It is said that your scientists and medical men after great effort; much study of created conditions in your environment have caused' the human being to live a few years longer than he did fifty or seventyfive years ago. How much longer? I do believe the so-called average age for making the change is 67. And this earth from its point of con cept, from its very beginning is 7.25 billion years! 67! You, the human body, should continue to function in good order for 250 years. There is no reason, barring alleged accidents, no reason for you to die at that age. Nor any other age - if you know how. But there is the trick. You already know that this is a chemical body. You know that in order to keep it in balance you must put the proper chemical composi tions in it. Is that not so? But you cannot stop there, because chemi cal compositions are not something in themselves. In their inner na ture, they are the essence of mind substance or consciousness. You may eat the best of foods, the most balanced, the most nutritious, if this here (head) is uncontrolled, you will turn those nutritional substances, those properly balanced chemicals, into unbalanced chemicals. You will eventually cause a breakdown in the magnetic field that holds the cellu lar structure together, the whole body. It will cause a more rapid dis sipation of the vital forces that hold the cells together. This is the origin of all diseases. Not in chemistry per se, in consciousness per se. You built this physical structure, my friends, you do not think you are going to escape the responsibility of it by blaming the creation of it on a God, eh? You are He. You built it. Now I know there are a great many people, when I say you are God, become upset. Let us leave the word God out. Because there are many gods. The word god is meaning nothing - spelled backward it means dog. My friends, Creator, Creator, that is meaning something. And you are It. But if you do not comprehend this you will not act like it. How is it, to act like the Creator? In humility, in love, in understanding; to be of service to your fellow man. It is simple. But many people, when you use the word God and say, "you are He", they feel insecure within. For many thousands of years the word God has meant fear. People have been taught to fear God, fear his violent andvrathful nature. "You are a squirming little worm crawling on a moat in the vastness of things. You God - Ha! Such a fantasy!" My friends, it will remain a fantasy if you do not do something about it. And what can you do about it? You seek to know consciously if you are not. This is your work. This is the initiation. But if you are in fear and trembling, you will be a worm; and that is where you belong, crawling on the ground. But to feel that you are the Creator, is to find within yourself a feeling of grandure. A feeling of responsibility for your acts. You will not longer wait for someone to take the burden of your mistakes upon their shoul ders. You will no longer be waiting for the coming of a Christ or a Buddha or a Zoroaster, for you will know you are He. The resurrection is here. What does it take to teach you this? Is it necessary to build temples of brick, steel and stone, wood? It is useless, it is a vanity, a vanity born out of our blindness. This is the living temple of the living God, or Creator (the body). We do it honor by treating
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it naturally. According to your measure, your measure, and all around this room and around the world. Each and every one of you are distinctly different. And yet you have that divine quality of oneness within you. My friends, I do not come to speak to you from the world of the dead, but from the world of the living. You do not die. That is a part of the great illusion, the illusionary world in which you live. Now, where lies reality? Right here, in the eternal nowness of my being, I find all the reality there is. This alone should tell us waiting is a van ity - all it does is to enable us to decay. Stagnate. Many people com plain because they are what you call in your English language - fat. Fatness of the body can be corrected, but when you get fatness of mind, it is taking much hard work to cut through the layers of fatty tissues in the mind to find yourself again. I will stop talking now because while I like to hear my voice I did not come for that principal reason. I want to hear yours. Why so I can compare it with mine and realize how much better mine is than yours. Perhaps! Yes, my friends, we do love ourselves, but we haven't been taught to love ourselves properly. Then the love becomes a van ity, a boastfulness, a feeling of self-agrandizement. But as we come to properly understand, humility comes and we work in the Joy of life know ing that we are walking in the light. I listen to you please! "Will you incarnate again sometime?" asked a guest. I would like to say something in that direction concerning my self, but it is not modesty that forbids me, oh no, for modesty is a vanity. If you say to me, "You are a wonderful person," I am going to bow and thank you and appreciate that you are so smart as to see that. But there are other reasons that restrict me - if you do not mind. I will talk about reincarnation, if you are interested. But for myself I will talk about pieces of myself called you - it is more interesting. "What is the average length of time between so-called death and re-embodiment?" asked another guest. Is there any dynamite around here? For what I am going to say will be like lighting the fuse. My friends, I do not want to intrude on what you feel is true. I do not have any desire to change your opin ions, your ideas, your truths. My truths are not any greater than your truths. My truths are what I have gathered from my personal experiences called living. If you will accept my truth on those grounds, not com paring them with what you are being taught by somebody else, or what you feel personally to be so, merely looking at them to see if you can use them, if they make reason to you, If they have logic to you. I have said many times and I will say it again I do not say anything. I make sounds, I make noises, you, according to your environment, take these noises and form them into thoughts, ideas which you may be able to use to your advantage, your Joy, your pleasure, or may not. I do not know. On those grounds I will talk about that.

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,Some teachers say that you reincarnate within 72 hours after ! passing out of the body. I d like your opinion, Yada." My friends, listen closely please. Not that it is going to be of any staggering importance; I'm not going to give you staggering revelations. The only things that stagger us is the thing that we per mit to, emotionally. Let us observe with emotional detachment. Prom my experiences, the individual returns to the earth by his own desire, wrought out of his own needs to express himself in certain environments in order to get a better understanding of life. Now, you may go from here today, tomorrow, 10 years from now, a thousand years from now, if you could stay in the body that long. But, you may return in anything from one day to over or beyond 1,000, 10,000 years from now. 10,000 years from now! Why not? There is a little confusion in some of our thinking. We are trying to put conscious activity with what is called time. The element of time. My friends, there is no such thing as an element of time, as an entity extraneous from yourself. It is not an extraneous condition, time, as space, is a state of your own conscious ness, it is without the property of measurement. It depends entirely upon the feelings of that individual, the necessity he finds within him self and no more. Do not write this down as the last word in truth, please. If you doubt what I am saying, and I hope you do, then you will be doing what you should do - going in every direction to seek the truth of it. I am not your last, nor your first, nor your middle word in authority. I am only my own authority. And so should you be. If you have taken unto yourself a teacher, it is because you need one - we all need one. Pay attention to what he or she is saying. Make note of it in your consciousness. Dwell upon it. Take it into the silence. Take it into the lonliness of your own being. And then take it all over to various other parts. Then come back to your teacher and, no matter what you have come to in conclusions in yourself, say to him or to her, "Honored one, I am deeply grateful to you for these teachings. You here in the Western half of the world have not been taught to honor yourselves, how are you going to honor another? You have been listening from the temples to the talks of love, but nobody in your Country seems to know very much about what it is meaning. You go to the temples, then go home from the temples where you are forgetting every thing you were taught; fighting among yourselves, being depressed, being anxious, being all stirred inside. For 2,000 years you have been taught Christianity. Have you? No! You have been taught churchianity. How could you get anything from that? The true mystical Christian teach ings you have never gotten, unless you have personally sought for it yourself outside of the temples. And this is how it should be. Truth lies not in the temples, it lies in your temple. To return to the term called reincarnation. I bring you this thought - One has many, many physical experiences or reimbodiments, but there is, from ray understanding, 66 mystical rebirths. But remember my friends, I am speaking in mystical terms. The 66 mystical meanings, the mystical, meaning that you come back in one of these times with knowledge of having the light, of being aware of your own being - of

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your own divine nature. Consciously mindful of the Christhood within. This is what you would call, if one returned to your earth knowing a great deal of music for instance, you would call him a musical genius. And so with spiritual pursuits, you could be in a period, that expres sion, at that so-called period of time, a genius in understanding of life. This does not mean that you would be a Master. This does not mean that you would be an Avatar. This does not mean that you would become the annointed one in that lifetime. It simply means that you have come back in this period of time with a great deal of inner under standing. You go away again and when you return the next time you may not have it at all. You will have no conscious awareness of it. It will be there, but the thereness of it is not in what you would call space-time. It is in consciousness. Do you want to prove whether it is so? There are many forms of control of another's mind. Why is this possible? It is because there is no such thing as another's mind. There is only my mind. Capital "M". My in your English word - My mind. And I am only where my consciousness is. No place else, for there i ^ s no place else. I come back to learn. Perhaps in this higher grade of understanding, in the attainment of it there were yet certain things on the grades below that I had passed beyond because I did not need to know them at that time. Now I can better comprehend them, so I come back in the next lifetime prepared to listed more closely to that. My friends, if this makes reason to you, try to work with It. Do not try to put it on somebody else and do not go away from here and say-if you accept it- "Oh I heard a great one say-is called Yada-he is telling me these things." No, say you said it. Because if you accept them, it is because you know it - my words are only causing a reawaken ing, stimulation of what is called "the recall mind". I am using a very lot of English words - I must use these - I have no other choice. But such terminology - there is no concreteness of it, so you be very careful about words. Do you want to say something concerning what I have been saying? "Then there is no creative law which determines any particular space of time relative to one's being reincarnated?" inquired a guest. No, sir, according to my understanding. None at all, except the inner need for that individual to express, and, in that particular kind of expression, learn what it is necessary for him or her to learn. Would you care to deny me? Would you care to say, "no", I am coming to learn too - eh? Perhaps what you say will give me awakening. You may drop a gem of wisdom for me, even though you may not be aware that you are - I come up back of you and grab it, If I am awake. But, if I am afraid of you, if I distrust you, if I believe that what you are teach ing is foolish and silly and without any meaning, then I will not be alert and you will be strewing gem3 all over the place and I would be going around hungry and a pauper, because of my stupidity and my blind ness. So you give me gems please, eh? years? "Have you a formula for defatting the brain to attain to 250 That's a good one isnt it?"

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That is a good one, and it will be a better one if I can an- * swer it! All that I have been saying. But you may cast out all of the sounds that I have been making and try to hold on to one or two, which is this: Not to have tolerance - tolerance means you can barely under stand and agree with another. You can barely stand what they believe. This is tolerance. But to understand, to love, this is the first step; but you can not do this unless you take the real first step - and what is that? Emotional control. Emotional detachment. This is necessary my friends. If you, without this, should take on what is called Yoga practices, you start taking conscious control of the breath. You start to cause this breath to consciously work upon the Kundalini forces at the base of the spine. You start to stir that force or that "snake" into action. You bring it up to here (head) feeling that you are going to get samadi. You'll get samadi - and samadi will get you. Because why? Because without this emotional control, all of the inner, the socalled inner things that lie in the so-called unconscious self will come rushing to the surface when you try to go into these higher states of consciousness, without being prepared. All of the sufferings of past lifetimes as well as this one, will appear as monsters to you. They will attack you. My friends, you see how much it is necessary for emotional control?
(The above discourse, channeled through Mark Probert, was recorded Oct. 2, 1954 at the Ft. Shelby Hotel, Detroit, Michigan. A duplicate tape can be dubbed for you on a 5 in. reel. Monaural, 3 3/4 speed, at $4.50 a copy. BSRA publication list, 25$.) "A NEW IDEA. POWERFUL AS ANY IN HIST0RY1" Tuesday, Aug. 15, 1967 it happened. The Los Angeles "Times" and other newspapers across the nation published the first full picture of the earth taken from the moonj Lunar Orbiter 5 actually took the pic ture Aug. 8th and NASA released it yesterday. Will British Astronomer Fred Hoyle*s prophecy of 1952 come true? Your editor hopes soj Here it is again from Chap, I of Hoyle*s "Nature of the Universe": ."Once a photograph of the Earth, taken from outside, is available, we shall, in an emotional sense, acquire an additional dimension. The common idea of motion is an essentially two-dimension idea. It concerns only transportation from one place on the surface of the earth to anoth er, How many of us realize that but for a few miles of atmosphere above our heads we should be frozen as hard as a board every night? Apart from the petty motion of the airplane, motion upward as yet means nothing to us. But once let the possibility of outward motion (away from the earth) become as clear to the average man at a football match as it is to the scientist in his laboratory, once let the sheer isolation of the Earth become plain to every man whatever his nationality or creed, and a new idea as powerful as any in history will be let loose. And I think this not so distant development may well be for good; as it must increasingly have the effect of exposing the futility of nationalistic strife. It is in just such a way that the new Cosmology may come to affect the whole organization of society,"

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A Psychedelic Experience by a New Mexico Housewife My intense prayer for years has been, "0 Great Being, my I see Thou as Thou truly art!" This agonizing hope of seeing God with my eyes open, seeing Unity in diversity, became a reality when I participated in a psychedelic experience on August 25, 1963 in Socorro, New Mexico. Many have said that it is unusual to receive the exact experience desired, and since my preparations may have contributed to this, I note them: My mental attitude was one of reverence; "My trip to Mecca" was my reference to it. My diet consisted exclusively of fruit, vegetables and nuts for a month previous to the experience. My reading consisted solely of the writings of mystics, and I increased the length and depth of my meditations. The group gathered for the experience had excellent rapport, and previous meetings with Drs. John and Louisa Aiken had provided an atmosphere of acceptance, warmth and spirituality. After taking the chemical, and it began to be effective, I became concerned for the others in the group; but after satisfying myself that all was in order, I lay down and relaxed. The music became my body, or vice versa - they were one in vibra tion, an exhilirating experience. At the same time,, the music became moving color, dancing in various speeds, lines and shapes, exquisitely lovely. Breathing became difficult, and the body extremely heavy. As to the mind, it desired aloneness, but was grateful afterward for considera tions and reading. There was neither need nor ability to express thoughts. The mind constantly rejected phenomena, and mental pictures were put aside in order to know The One Without A Name, for I know that God was beyond such opposites as light and dark ness, or any other duality. In the afternoon as I meditated, my head seemed to open as a lotus made of light. As I observed this, the golden light within became brighter and brighter, approaching the brilliance of burning magnesium. The fascination of this almost trapped me, but a keen awareness shook me: "God is beyond light!" - and so the light dissolved into its native nothingness. Then body and mind became lost in Awareness, as I became AWARENESS purely and simply. Soon after I became one with the music, a Zen record portrayed my many lifetimes - . as masses of nude bodies, climbing slowly, painfully up the spine. How I ached to help them - cheering inwardly as they reached each higher center! I felt Dr. Aiken hand on my forehead (evidently I had been showing signs of s restlessness), which calmed me and created a jeweled crown at the hair line. It was then that I passed over into that indescribable state of just BEING. This awareness remained, either with eyes open or closed, for the next ten hours. This EEINGNESS is \ above and beyond emotion (the body), and beyond thought (mind, ego, intellect, efco,). And then I knew I was HOME, where the Now in all exists as One, and THAT was my Beingness. This is peace, calm, wonder,beyond human limitations, for It is the Limit less!
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By some means unknown to me, in this- state a part of "me" could ask the real "ME" questions - and 60 I did. Most questions made me laugh inside, they seemed so irreve* lanti My first question was, "Who am I?" But in looking throughout a.n infinity Anfl eternity, I could, find nothing, absolutely nothing, to which I could attach an "I"! All other questions seemed as meaningless in The Void, for there are no relationships ' there. But I tried; I threw Memory? into the Ocean. The waves giggled, "What is there to remember?" Thoughts? was pushed in, and the little thoughts, for they are one and words as God, Wisdom, Justice, Mercy, Words are limiting, and there is only Enlightened ONE. Cm. Peace. answer eagerly awaited: "There no great or the samei The reaction was the same to such Love. There is only BEING, and no word is TEAS* INFINITY. Yes, we are all the Buddha, the Living,

As to after-effects - they are many. First was a new, inner quietness, peace; an acceptance of myself (much more than before, anyway). And there was a re-evaluation of everything in the light of Reality. There is a definite absence of the continual "tied in knots" feeling which I had unknowingly had before. I did not realize how much pain I had been in, until it left! My "irritation level" has become almost unreachable* How the children have changedi I have found a greater, true interest in others. It was quite a shock to find that I had not really cared, although I had considered myself quite lovlngl I am realizing too, that it is not important what others think of me, but that it is Important what I think of ME! Blessed is the day that I returned HOME! * * *

PEACE AND LOVE, JAMAICA STYLE "There is a sect here in Jamaica called the Rastapharians. The men braid their hair. They dont dhave. They wear w&Sl in bright col ors the year round. They dont work and they want some government to pay their way back to Africa and give then houses and land. Also, they all carry long bladed knives. "Qne day I greeted a Mr. Beckford, a white, native.Jamaican, with a Mussolini salute raised hand, open palm forward saying, Peace. He continued with, "and LoveJ" Ho-told me this is the.Rastapharian salute, Peace and Love, and they all carry those long bladed knives to enforce the peace and love!" Associate L.M. Smith .UFOs, A VERY IMPORTANT PROBLEM "In the very middle of the Mid East crisis U.N. Secretary General U. Thant took time to do a very significant thing. He arranged to have one of the top advocates of thebry that Flying Saucers are from another planet, speak before the Outer Space Affairs Committee of the United Nations, . . On June 7 Dr. James E. McDonald of the Univ. of Ariaona, a firm believer in UFOs, spoke before the U.N, outerspace committee. . . Thant has confided to friends he considers UFOs the most important pro blem next to war in Vietnam. . * " Drew Pearson Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 10

"THE LETTERS OF A LIVING DEAD MA N " . by JUDGE DAVID PATTERSON HATCH Written Down by Elsa Barker Adapted for Radio by: Riley Hansard Crabb, Director, Borderland Sciences Research Associates PO Box 548, Vista, California 92083 PROGRAM NO. 14, THE ROSE-VEILED STRANGER THEME MUSIC ANNCR: BSRA presents, the Borderland Players, in the fourteenth program of a series from "The Letters of a Living Dead Man" by Elsa Barker. The Letters were adapted for radio by Riley Hansard Crabb, Director of Borderland Sciences Research Associfttes, Vista, California. This is a part of BSRA's continuing program of research, analysis, summary and presen tation of unusual information about the Veil which separates the visibile from the invisible worlds. The Letters appear to be communications from the other side of the veil of death, and were given to the world by Judge David Patterson Hatch, who died in Los Angeles, February 12, 1912. The Letters were first published in a national magazine in 1913 and in book form the following year. Regardless of which side of the Veil you happen to be on, you will find the Letters contain shrewd and kindly observations on life. Here now is Elsa Barker, the Judge's secretary. THEME UP AND OUT, MYSTERY THEME ELSA: It may be of some interest to my listeners if I describe the process of this writing, which was at first a violent and mechanical seizure of the hand. As time wore on and I received more letters from the Judge, the control gradually changed to a quiet impression on the mind. After that first group of letters were finished in 1913, and the Judge went on his tour of the planets, there was a period of about two years when I had only two or three brief communications from him, these were on personal affairs. Then, on the Fourth of February, 1915, in New York City, I was suddenly aware that the Judge stood in the room beside me and wished to write. Just as I had done before, I picked up notebook and pencil, and, by an effort of will I stilled the activity of my objective mind until there wa sn t a shadow of a thought in it. Then, into the brain itself came the words, which flowed out, without conscious effort, at the point of the pencil.

MYSTERY THEME UP AND OUT JUDGE: I have come back to tell you the story of this world war as seen from the other side of the Veil. Believe me, Elsa, you Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 11

will know more of the inside story than all the Chancelleries and consulates of the nations* EISA: But what of the trip you were supposed to be making through the solar system, visiting the planets with your angel friend, the Beautiful Being? It ended in a far away star when she said* . *


It is time that you go back to your planet earth, and learn the mystery of lcve and hate. I did not know what I was coming back to, but returned as commanded. As I neared the earth an army of angry beings sought to bar my way. There was one who seemed to be a leader of demons. He was unlike the others. He was more personal, more egocentric. He aroused my curiosity. Who are you? You seem to be a ruler among your kind.n I am indeed a ruler, a ruler on earth, and up here, too! On earth also? Yes, also on earth. For I am the deeper self of a man who is great among men, the ruler of Germany. He will follow my will as others follow his will. If you are the evil self of a man still living, how is it that you stand apart from him like this up here? I broke away from the earthly form that enchained me when he acknowledged my rulership and worshipped me as his genius. He set you free? He set me free by acknowledging me as his master* He called me by a name that I despise, but so long as I rule (FADE) I care not what name I rule by.






MUSIC BRIDGE JUDGE: TEACH: JUDGE: Teacher! I am here. How is it that the evil self of the Kaiser is not bound to him, as it is to most other human beings? When a man exalts himself too much, he sets free the demon within him. He often thinks that he rules this evil self, and sends it on errands through the invisible; but it is really the demon who commands, and the commands of the man are only echoes. Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 12



And it took thi 3 vision of h ell to teach me that? What you would have learned in due time by reason or by precept you now learn by example. You have truly beheld the evil self of a great leader of men. It is very powerful. It will grow in power for a time, and then it will go to Gehenna. And when will that be? When peace returns to the world, after the war is exhausted in heaven. What war is about to be fought? The Armageddon of the Bible, the greatest war f all time up here and also on the earth. And when will it begin? It has already begun here as you have seen. far away you would have known it before. Had you not been




I have indeed been far away. The Beautiful Being, here, has shown me many stars and Ihave learned much. I kept you away from the world until you should be strong enough, and rested enough, to work as well as to learn. But where does my work lie? You can be the historian of this conflict. Thousands of bodies will be destroyed. You can help the newlyarrived souls adjust to life over here. Why must all this happen in the first place? A new race has to be born; and races, like men, are born in the pain and blood of their parents, the older nations. Is that what brought this war on? Did it have to come?




Mankind has been listening to the suggestions of envy and hate from the forces of evil within and around the world. A seed of cowardice and hate has been sown in the heart of Europe. And I suppose the seed has been watered by those demons we met on the way here? Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 13



You have seen the sources of wrath and hate and love. You must understand that evil is co-existent with good so long as the egos of men evolve. The forces of good and the forces of evil are complimentayy. And I had to come back to tell that to the world? Once more, after two thousand years of sleeping, the world is awake. We must not let it fall asleep again. There will be more love born of this war than the world has known since the time of Christ. And since you have come back to your own planet to learn the mystery of love and hate I have decided to introduce you to a stranger from a far distant star one who is quite unfamiliar with our sorrow-stricken planet.



MUSIC BACKGROUND Rose-veiled one, permit me to present to you my friend, the Judge, a native of this planet you are visiting. He will consent, I am sure, to conduct you over a section of the world where history is in the making. Ask him anything you will -he will answer if he can. JUDGE: ROSEY: It*s a pleasure, I m sure. battlefield? Would you like me to show you a But I should like

I do not understand the idea, battlefield. to see it.


You will understand far less when you have seen it.

SEQUE MUSIC TO BATTLE NOISE ROSEY: JUDGE: What is it those men are sending back and forth down there? The objects being hurled back and forth between those men on the plain below us are explosive shells. These have marvelous power to shatter the bodies of people and scatter them in all directions. Is it a form of play? It is not. It is war!


And what is war? A horrible passion felt mutually and indulged in by two oppos ing aggregates of souls. This passion for war enables them to overcome their natural pity and to destroy each other1s bodies in vast numbers. Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 14


And does God permit this horror? He permits it on the planet earth! Earth is a strange star indeed. The inhabitants of this world have a common saying to that effect. It is a fragment of race wisdom handed down from their remote ancestors. Mankind, in trying to adjust his celestial consciousness to the baffling conditions of this star on which he had been placed for his education Is often heard to say, This is a strange world. And are men obliged to perpetrate this horror going on before us by the conditions of this planet, earth? No. Then why do they do it? From force of habit. Then was it ever necessary? In far away times men were more isolated than at present. There were fewer of them in incarnation, and a brilliant archangel who had their training in charge taught them to develop courage and resourcefulness and to accentuate their egos by struggling with each other, two by two. But there are thousands of men down there! bodies falling by the hundreds! And I see the






That is what they call a great victory, and one of their victorious commanders is given a little iron cross when he has slaughtered a vast number of men. An iron cross? Why iron? Mars, their war god.


Iron is the metal of Mcrs. And why a cross?

The cross is a symbol of their Christ. The one who died down there to make men love one another? The same. Truly, I agree with the remote ancestors of these people: This is a strange world. Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 15


Would you like to approach closer? My friend wishes me to learn something of this star. I will approach nearer. (PAUSE) Why losk, the souls are leaving thei bodies! Is that the purpose of this business, to free souls from bondage? Not directly, each opposing side would like to hold the other in bondage; but, being unable to do that to any great extent, they take the opposite way. My rose-veiled friend comes from a planet where the Law of Opposites does not apply. You never took me there in our wanderings. No, you were so attached to the Law of Opposites. See these flashes of light from beyond that line of hills? The shells which fall below us come from there. As the human artillerymen say, they are getting the range of their target. If I mistake not, that was a staff car which just came into that German command post, and if this next salvo gets the proper correction I think I understand. One of their leaders is with the men below us now, and if his soul is freed from the bondage of the fle6h The French battery over yonder hill will be commended for its skill.







SOUND OF EXPLOSION ROSEY: BEBE: SCHMIZi BEBE: SCHMIT: BEBE: Look! There is a soul coming up toward us now.

One of us should greet him. . . . Welcome. Where am I? You are in the region above the world. You mean. . . ?

I mean that your name will be in the list of the dead, tomorrow. Then it has come. Yes. But I always feared death. Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 16



You see, it is nothing to fear. Vhere is the Kaiser? At his headquarters I suppose. Can I not report to him? If you wish.

UP BATTLE SOUNDS AND OUT JUDGE: We moved eastward over Germany rather slowly, for the newly freed soul had not yet learned that distance is nothing on this side of the Veil. We finally found the War Lord of Germany seated beside a table in a huge room. As he looked at a map of the battle areas his face was warn and haggard. Who is that? There is the man who is believed by the whole world outside his own country, to have caused this vast war. (AWAY FROM MIKE) The slaughter of our forces! God punish France! I am the Lord's chosen. General Von Schmidt has blundered; I shall degrade him! I am Von Schmidt. This defeat is his fault. I ordered him to take that town. He has lost his own position instead. I am the Lord's chosen. I cannot make a mistake! Do you wish to report to your Kaiser? I will not trouble him. Cant I do something for you? Will you take me to my mother, who died of grief for my only brother's death on the first day of the war? I am very tired. I want to see my old mother. Why, there love even on this strange planet, earth!






THEME MUSIC (The above is the first of the second volume of "Letters" in pre paration for publication. Vol. I of these heart-warming, highly dram atic, deeply spiritual stories of the profound philosophy of the Mas ters of the Wisdom is available now for reading and study. BSRA No. 23, "The Letters of the Living Dead Man", about life on the other side $2.50) of the Veil. Mimeo book, 95 pages. .................. .. Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 17

WOHLD GLAMOUR Humanitys Greatest Problem, a Review of Alice Baileys book, "Glamour, a World Problem", Part II, by Janet C. Wilkinson.

The study of Physics tells us that where there is light, there are also vibration and sound, as well as color. So that if the rate of vibration, or the color of your aura is similar to that of another person, you are sure to have an agreeable feeligg toward him, even though you may not guess the reason why it is so. The Tibetan reminds us that as we look out upon the surround* ing world, we must look out through our aura and we therefore have to deal with Glamour and Illusion. It then behooves us to purify our own auras, in order to see clearly! Before the occult student can take a giant step forward, he must know where he stands. His problem is to duly recognise Glam our when it arises and to become aware of the Illusions which build a wall between him and the light. The word "light" as used here means truth. Most people are not aware that Glamour and Illusion even exist. Not to recognise this fact is productive of discrimin ation and one will find himself using self-examination to discover where his weakness lies. Perhaps you should ask yourself, "(1) Do I suffer from Glamour or from Illusion? (2) Vhich quality in my nature makes it so easy for me to tune in on world glamour? (3) What is my personal Dweller on the Threshold, and can I state what form it takes?" (p. 35) To answer these questions truthfully helps to gain true self-knowledge and thus free oneself from o nes subtle enemies. Let consider for a moment the "illusion of power" and "the glamour of authority". "The latter has its roots in mass psychology and is one of the indications that humanity is still at the nursery stage. In this case, men are safeguarded from themselves by a set of laws, state security and the dictatorship of one ruler. This state of affairs reduces mankind to set forms and standardizes their activities and modes of thought." It is imposed on man by catering to the fear complex, which is one of the most fruitful sources of Glamour we have. There is fear based on what the neighbors will say; fear that our dress or our homes are behind the fashion; fear that our lack of attendance at church may be considered a sin; and that worst of all fears, the fear of eternal damnation, or hell, which is now among the old-time exploded theories. Look in your Bible for Hark 3.:29. "When the glamour of authority transfers its activities into Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 18

the higher spiritual consciousness we have inquisitions" with all their cruelty and intolerance; we have Church authority with emphas is on organization, rules and penalties; we have the autocratic rule of some leader or some teacher. For instance, suppose that "a dis ciple on the Path has freed himself from some orthodox creed or teach ing. He stands free" and is on guard against his weaknesses. So he learns to stand on his own feet, mentally and morally, to make his own decisions, and to distinguish between Iruth and Illusion. The snare of this new-found freedom based on what he calls "the rule of his own soul" is, that "he becomes the p risoner of freedom . . Having forsaken the guidance of another, more experienced brother on the Path", he now seeks to go on his way alone, forgetting that he treads the Path in unison with others, and that there are certain "Rules of the Road" which he must master. The last of these six rules says that "The Pilgrim, as he walks upon the Boad, must have an open ear, the giving hand, the siltnt tongue, the chastened heart, the golden voice, the rapid foot, and the open eye which sees the light. He knows he travels not alone." So let us make sure that, in demanding freedom, we are not seeking a way of escape from certain duties and avoiding occult obedience. Perhaps you are asking "What is occult obedience?" and "What authority must we obey?" It is the Light of the Soul which we must recognis?, "with its new laws, new responsibilities, new duties and obligations, and new relationships to others". JUST HOW H0N3ST ARE YOU? As we go on to realize what real Truth is, and to greater ex pansions of consciousness and farther horizons, we will find how much more important the smallest details of everyday life have become. Vken you are given too much change from a bill, do you return it? Or do you feel it is not important? And just how exact are you when making out your income tax returns? Small things perhaps, but the way you handle them represents vour concept of real truth. It would be wise to ask yourself "Why am I so beglamoured??' if you believe that half-truths take the place of real truths. "The illusion of Power is perhaps one of the most serious tests which comes to a seeker of the Light" (p. 51), and there are but few who escape its lure. Even after meditation and study, when the student becomes aware of the results of his successful work and seeks to serve and to love his fellow man as a brother he may become more en grossed in a sense of power than in the proper sense of proportion.and of spiritual values. "He begins to call attention to himself, to his mission, and to his importance in the Great Plan", thus feeding his spiritual pride, that most subtle sin. This Illusion of importance and power causes this kind of person to overestimate himself "so his subjective demand for recognition enters in and spoils what might have been a life of fruitful service. Anr emphasis on the personality can distort easily the pure Light of Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 19

the soul as it seeks to pour through the lower self", which pour ing has to be a spontaneous happening. It is not difficult to re call the names of persons whose downfall has been their selfimportance: Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini are outstanding examples and there are many others. THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF GLAMOUR There are seven different ways in which Glamour and Illusion present themselves: 1. Through Perception of an idea by an un trained and unillumined mind. The cure is training in the tech nique of r.aja Yoga, or union with the soul." 2. Through wrong interpretation of an idea, by an over-estimation of ones mental powers or mental pride. "The cure is the development of a cautious spirit" and also a sure knowledge of the basis of the idea. 3. Through wrong appropriation of an idea. This is based on the self-assertion of the little self or personality who appropriates an idea as his very own, in order to get credit for its discovery. The cure is to make a steady attempt to live and think as a soul rather than as a personality.

4. Through wrong direction of ideas because of a limited point of view. Its cure is further education and a veil-stocked mind, as well as in the practice of discrimination. 5. Through wrong integration of an idea. This consists in selfish grasping of an important idea without using discrimination as to its application to a good, constructive use in the life plan. "This is illusion through selfish acquisitiveness. It ccure is a humble spirit." 6. Through wrong embodiment of ideas. This may be done by those who do touch spiritual ideas, but who start the idea out on the wrong way to materialization. "Its cause is a lack of esoteric training in creative activity. Its cure lies in developing the mental plane , and the faculty of discrimination through a study . of metaphysics. 7. Through wrong application of an idea, due to a general state of Illusion. Of course "Illusions vary from age to age according to the trend of m e n s thoughts and new concepts which arise". Also, the so-called modern ideas which are said to be "keeping up with the times". The cure for this is to learn con trol of the personality by eliminating unworthy ideas, and striving to make the soul, mind and brain worthy channels for light and truth to flow through.
So it is in this department of our lives that we are urged to by the Teachers to work through meditation and contemplation. As Glamour and Illusion disappear, the recognition of reality is felt through the intuition. This is a great spiritual step but can be made only through the practice of self-examination and discrimination, coupled with a mental awareness of our personal Glamour problem. Humanity is mainly glamoured by materiality, sen timent, devotion to a cause, or the desire for possessions. "That which will meet a need that is vital and real, always exists within the divine plan for man." That which is unnecessary can be gained or possessed, but only through the loss of the more spiritual and Sept-Oct 1967 F.n, Page 20

* real values. It is only when material possessions slip out of our hands that we begin to realize a new standard of values, and it is then that we can change to a new way of life. After the depression of 1932 a greater number of people joined the churches than ever before. There seemed no place to go down any further, therefore no place to go hut up. SLOPPY SENTIMENTALISTS It is the glamour of sentimant that holds the good people of the world in a dense fog of emotion. Love is, for many, a mixture of the desire to love and to be loved. The Master D.X. describes this as "a pseudo-love since it has not the impersonal and desireless quality of soul-love which asks nothing for the little self. After all, true loving is unselfed giving. Affec tion is not love." (p. 77) The glamour of devotion affects "those aspirants who are devoted to a cause, a teacher, a creed, a church, another person, a duty or a responsibility." When powerful desire obliterates the wider vision and shuts a man within a tiny circle in order to satisfy his sentiment or devotion, this state of glamour takes on beautiful colorings and is therefore very dangerous. The Masters of the Wisdom do not wish such personal devotion as it is not possible for them to penetrate the dense glamour of such ador ation* It works through the solar plexus. Upon the Probationary Path the glamour of the pairs of oppo sites continues so long as the disciple lays the emphasis on feel ing or emation; and, until the Middle Way is found, he cannot be released. For "the Middle Way, which is that of the consciousness aspect or soul aspect" was produced by the same God who produced the pairs of opposites, spirit and matter. The Path seems to lead through another fog or mist through which w e must penetrate the fog of self-centeredness, selfimmolation, self-aggressiveness, self-assertiveness in spiritual work. Only as a disciple learns to hold his mind "steady in the light" and as the rays of pure Light stream forth from the soul, can the glamour be discovered, recognised, and made to disappear even as the mists of earth dissolve in the rays of the rising sun. The intuition is a higher power than the mind and is a faculty latent on the spiritual plane; it is the power of pure reason and lies beyond the world of the ego or of form. Illusion is dispelled and thrust away through the conscious use of the intui tion. By insulating oneself against the unreal, one comes in touch with reality in all forms which have been hidden by the veil of illusion. THnEE CONDITIONS WHEP.E GLAMOUR IS FOUND "(1) Where unwarranted criticism is expressed; or where it is not one's duty or place to criticize. Sept-Oct 1967 F.R, Page 21

"(2) Where one has pride in achievement, or satisfaction that one is a disciple. "(3) Where there is any sense of superiority, or a tendency separativeness." (p. 84) We stand free from Illusion through use of intuition, from Glamour through Illumination, from Haya through inspiration and discrimination. Glamour on the higher mental planes is called The Dweller on the Threshold. This can be defined as "the sum total of the forces of the lower nature, as expressed by the per sonality, before his illumination". At this point we should be well aware of the differing qual ities of Illusion, Glamour, Haya and the Dweller on the Threshold, and of how they affect our lives. Our next step is to find out how to meet these subtle enemies and banish them from our thinking. A HINT AT TECHNIQUES The brief outline presented here does not begin to cover all the techniques given in part three of the book on Glamour. These can be used to dissipate the fog of Illusion which now surrounds mankind. Of all those mentioned, the Technique of Light is probab ly the most practical for use at the present level of understanding (1) The Light of Knowledge is a most important factor in the earlie phases of the task, and is used by the light of the mind. (2) The Light of Wisdom which includes long experience and also discrimin ation, uses the Light of the Soml blended with the Light of Know ledge. (3) The Light of the Intuition blends with the other two lights to form the One Light, most powerful in its radiance. To destroy Glamour through meditation, just relax and do not try to think of anything. Do not imagine any form or forms. Free the mind from all picture-making thoughts, relax and just BE. As you attempt to enter the Silence, if you are successful, you will see a small point of light. Where there is light, there is also color and sound. This light in the head indicates that the Real or Spiritual Self has been contacted. With practice It will be expanded so that in time, Glamour and Illusion can thus be dissi pated by isolating the Real from the illusory and unreal. This process of meditation sounds rather simple, but we labor long and faithfully to overcome the age-long identification with the form or material side of life. However, success will come eventually, provided there is clear thinking, earnest purpose and planned, scientific work. # * #

More information on Alice A, Baileys works can be obtained by writing to the Lucis Trust, 11 W. 42nd St., 32nd floor, New York 36, M . Y .

Sept-Oct 1967

HR, Page 22




AMA ENCOURAGES "HOME BREW" HEALING "Greetings, Friend Riley: "Thanks a lot for the publicity on my arrest of last Dec. 2. The prepared release by the city hall boys was a gasser, of course. I got out of jail in jig time and to the local newspapers with my side of the story in time for it to be published in the local press. Even so, the effect was not good. "The article by Dr. E.E. Rogers on Concerning Miracles* hit the button. (July-Aug 1967 Journal) Right indeed! Energy is the healer. Many people have so little that the MWO supplies them with some and they then can heal themselves. Either this, or they cannot direct what energy they have to areas of damaged tissue and thus heal it. You see, the key to healing is that health is the primary reality, In other words, no matter how sick a person is, they still have some small degree of health. Otherwise they would be dead! The trick is to get them to realize they have this healthy energy, one way or another. "Healing always comes from within. Nobody can heal* anybody or ever has. The healer can help, but that is all he can do. A good helper is a healer, in common language. The Kingdom of God is within you! Precisely so, and this is where the healing comes from! The type of energy that does the work of helping is the type of energy we investigate in radiesthesia. It seems to be charac teristic of the etheric vortices; or we set up an etheric vortex to do the work of helping. Refer to The Structure of the Atom by C.F.Krafft. The part on magnetic force. You will see that the magnetic field* is a fiction and that the real magnetic field is a matter of ether circulation. So, magnetic healing has some sense to it. "Take wheatgrass, freshly cut. It has the same type of energy in it that the MWO puts out. You can heal sunburn with wheatgrass. The attitude of the AMA is such that home healing will have to be come the rule. We will use MWOs, oscillating circuits made of wire, wheatgrass and spiritual methods to do this. Probably the MWO will not be needed. As the great Emerson said, The first lesson of history is that evil is good! AMA policy is suppressing healing so that soon it will all be home brew* healing and no need for a large number of allopathic physicians any more. Ten years from now we will wonder what all the hollering was about." S.L. Jamison, DVM, ND Universal Life Center PO Box 1002, Turlock, Cal. 95380 Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 23

HOW Dr.. JAMISON WAS TP.APP3D In a letter dated Aug. 29, 1967, Dr. Jamison enclosed this news clip from the "llodesto Beei : ! 'Turlock -- Veterinarian Stanton L, Jamison yesterday was fined 249 in Turlock Judicial District Court after being convicted of three charges stemming from his use of an electronic machine to treat human patients for cancer. A jury of nine women and three men returned a verdict of guilty on one count of practicing medicine without a license and two counts of advertising a device represented to have effect on cancer, stomach ulcers or bone diseases. The de cision followed a two day trial in which Jamison defended himself. . "They (Jamison and his assistant, Martha Ann Davis) were arres ted last December following a lengthy investigation by Turlock polic officers and agents of the State Bureau of Food and Drug Inspection. The investigation began when Police Chief John Viarengo requested assistance from the bureau after learning *the cancer-curing machine was being operated here. "During the investigation, Food and Drug agents Willis Worley and Harvey Lee arranged several meetings with Jamison on the pre tense they were interested in purchasing machines similar to his. Jamison reportedly organized a church as a front for his operation. The facility, located at 200 West Main St., was known as the Life Aquarium Center. Worley and Lee became bishops of the church as did deputy District Attorney Frank Damrell, Jr., who prosecuted the case. At the time of the investigation, Damrell was employed in the State Attorney General*s office. "Worley said Jamisons intention was to open other treatment centers throughout the state, using his bishops to set up facilities under protection of the church. 'This was the most fantastic inves tigation I*ve ever been involved in,' said the agent this morning. (Yes, it is fantastic to think anyone would want to give or donate healing services free when there are billions to be made on the four kinds of cancer treatment authorized by the California liedical Association: Drugs, Surgery, T.adiation and Death. ?.HC.) Worley point out the manufacturer of Jamison*s machine was convicted of grand theft two weeks ago in Los Angeles after selling a similar machine to a Food and Drug agent under false pretenses. (This was probably Ralph Bergstresser, 3urbank, Calif., who was man ufacturing and selling the Bob Beck model MWO for 250.) "After Jamisons conviction yesterday, Damrell called for impo sition of a prison term for the veterinarian. If he had received the maximum penalty, he could have been sentenced to 18 months in jail and fined $1,500. " We felt very strongly on this,1 said Worley, 'fcvcause Jamison ' could have easily become a menace to many innocent victims through out the state.*" Sept-Oct 1967 R Z , Page 24

MWO IN US2 AT INDIAN CLINIC "I am continuing my experiments with the MWO and my experience is that in practically all cases there is an aggravation of the ex isting symptoms or new symptoms which were there long back are brought to the surface. Hemorrhage was seen in another case and treatment was stopped forthwith. This is one problem which has to be tackled before MWO can be used with confidence. I think MWO treatment should not be given to tubercular cases. Also in cases where there is a hemorrhagic tendency this would do more harm than good. "Neuritis seems to respond nicely to this treatment. Sciatica is definitely cured by this. Some cases of Rheumatism and Arthri tis are benefitted, responding at first but the improvement does not last much longer. I cannot understand the reason for this ec centric behavior. I think there must be something with the fre quencies." Dont blame it on the frequencies, Doc, blame it on the patient who stubbornly clings te his fixed ideas and rigid, unyielding men tal patterns. We have no evidence that the radio frequencies of the MWO reach into the mental world. Each persons aura is loaded with "signatures", national, family and religiuus concepts hammered into him over the years. Ilis creative energies, flawing freely down from the higher worlds, channel through these deeply cut "grooves" in mind and emotions. The health or illth of the physical body in dicate whether the persons ideas are in tune or out of tune with Creation. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. "Can you please let me know what are the ranges of frequencies these machines have? Have they been measured and are they the same in all instruments? Is there any difference in the models prepared in the USA and France? Which model was tried by Lakhovsky in the New York hospital? What are the actual frequencies used by him?" The only frequency readings we have on an MWO were those sub mitted by Bob Beck originally, from the output of his own machine. "It radiates RF interference over a bandpass of 15 Kilocycles to well beyond 250 megacycles. This blocks AM, FM and Television reception for hundreds of yards. . . " But so does my electric razor, and I ve been using one for years. I was told by a sailor that electric razors are very effective as "scramblers" for knocking out the electronic brains of guided missiles, and have been so used as defensive equipment during missile exercises on aircraft carriers at sea. No one has furnished us with RF outpout figures from origin al Lakhovsky equipment, either at the New York hospital or from Eu rope. If anyone has these figures I hope they will be kind enough to forward them to you. "An Associate writes *A very good psychic in Flerida gave the following, in a sitting devoted to the MWO. It is not anywhere near developed to its potential. It has unlimited amplifications to be made. The use of the MWO can change the auric field, thus Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 25

spiritually it can change the individual. This is done with the work of the seven rays of life. The MWO should be used in conjunc tion with the radionics instrument.* What about this radionics instrument? I would appreciate it if you can throw some light on this.5 Sorry, Doc, the punitive hand of the American Medical Associa tion has driven radionics builders and users underground here in the United States. No one but a fool like me would stand up on the firing line. England isn't quite the police state America is and you can information on radionics and radionics equipment from the Delawarre Laboratories, Oxford, England, and from Bruce Copen, British T.adiesthesia A s s 1n., "The Lodge", Brantridge Forest, Balcombe, Sussex, England. T.adionics experts have developed rates for every organ in the body. Equilibrating those rates with speci fic radio frequencies offers an interesting field for borderland research. "I have tried both the Vitic and the Eeman Screens. I am still continuing my experiments with the Eeman Screens. Only a couple of days back I gave a set of screens to a patient who is having an en cyclopedia of complaints. The MWO did not give her much improvement hence the change. I have one set of Vitic with me and whenever I feel a bit out of sorts I sit for ten minutes and get back my vigor. I am using a very strong pair of magnets and a carbon rod 1^ in. in diameter. After I received the HWO my interest in the other two flagged. I think I will have to cultivate them again," Dr. A.X. Bhattacharya, Shastri Villa Kaihati34 PGS, West Bengal, India RECTIFYING THE MWO OUTPUT | r- _L 1B3 ^

To Spa rk Gap and Condenser

' Wind 15 or more turns of fairly heavy insulated copper wire around the middle of the Model T Ford Coil. Cne lead from the winding goes to the Hi-voltage output of the Coil, and to pin 2 or 7 of the 1B3 tube. The other lead goes to the other * pin, as only two pins of the tube, 2 and 7, are used in this hookup. The souped-up or rectified voltage is drawn off the top of the tube to the spark gap and condenser.

The 1D3GT or 1G3GT high-voltage fcube can be bought from local radio stores for 2.75. It is listed at 1.38 in Allied's latest catalog, No. 270, page 263, Dept. Mo. (25328) for T.CA and GE tubes. Allied T.adio, 100 N. Western Ave,, Chicago, Illinnis 60680.

Sept-Oct 1967 HIT, Page 26

LET US COIITBIUS OUR NON-PROFITABLE SEARCH FOR TRUTH Having long since realized that I never join an organization to see what it can do for me, but rather for what I may be able to do for it, I hasten (for the very first time) to answer a letter of controversy, that of Armour J. Huntsman, in the Ilarch-April RR. llr. Huntsman takes offense at your radical views* and *persecu~ tion of any religious sect*. If he has read the last paragraph of the back of every cover page he should know that one of the func tions of BSRA is that of counseling, as well as editing and coor dinating materials for distribution. The role of counselor always demands constructive criticism. If Hr. Huntsman knew you and your principles better, he would be fully aware of'the fact that you do not care to persecute any one or any religion, but to bring know ledge to your readers who may be wary enough for their own good. "Since God has given me the gift of discernment, I would'now defend Hr. IIuntsman*s views; and knowing you to be a fair man, Riley, I am positive that if you choose to print any part of this letter, you will print it all, 1 understand how you feel, Hr. H., for once in a great while I have found Riley throwing what appeared* to be rocks at certain viewpoints. It never lends to ones prestige to take part in even a *little* name calling or spiteful criticism, it only degrades them to the others level. This, I feel positive, is how you feel at times and your fine feathers become ruffled, because you feel you are being exposed to *one man*s erroneous apinion*. But if you were a highly spiritual person, you would know you cannot be affected by anyone else*s views. It is all a part of the whole and you not forced by anyone to *chew* that which is unpalatable to you. Rather, you would be further ahead to overlook any editorials; for they are all, in any publication, only the editor's interpretation. On the other hand, if you know the editor to be a man educated in his field, then you would be further ahead to delve into his opinions. Why does he see it thus or so?* And maybe, if you are open enough to Truth, a new light of discernment will be cast upon it for you. feel that, in his position as editor, Riley must see, read I and hear much that would set the average mans blood to boiling! How fortunate we are not to have to delre over all the garbage* that Riley must, in order to get to the *meat* of the truth! How many times an ordinary man would lose his temper and throw up his hands in total disgust I How many times he would feel like Chucking the whole business!! And a non-profit one at that!! "No, Hr. Huntsman, you see that in the long run I cannot agree with you, but tend to wonder if you might be one of those *lesser* intelligents who are here to discredit expounders of Truth Teachings. Forgive me if I am wrong; but you see, we are still all entitled to our own opinions! Hay God bless you and lead you unto the Path of Righteousness for His Name*s Sake!"Q Helen A. Cort Cardiff-by-the Sea, Calif.
Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 27


P.cligion is here to stay and your BSRA director encourages anyone to worship the God of his choice. Our concern is the sep aration of church and state as spelled out in the Constitution.

Our Founding Fathers knew from direct observation of the state of affairs in Europe that if the Church ever gained control of pol itics in America, that would be the end of Democracy or our Republican form of government -- whichever way you want to put it. That sad state of affairs has already arrived. The following item, from Madalyn Murray 0 , IIair,s "For Whom We Prey'1 proves it:
"Take Chicago, Illinois, as an example. There are 6,220,913 people in the consolidated populous area of Chisago and the Homan Catholic Church made gawd-damaed certain that the politicians know that the RCC controls a minimum of 4,000,000 Catholies in that area. The politicians are afraid, and a typical situation develops. I give you one. "Jesuit Loyola University has wanted the land and the build ings of the big Hines Veterans* Administration Hospital in Chicago for many years. So kindly Senators Everett Dirksen and Paul Dou glas, along with Representative E.R. Finnegan, introduced a bill into Congress for a direct legislative gift to Loyola University of this hospital land. Unfortunately, the news leaked out, public reaction was hostile, and the bill was withdrawn. "Then John Gleason, serving on the Loyola Advisory Board, got his head together with the president, Father James F. Maguire. It just happened that Gleason was with the Veteran*s Administration. Conflict of interest? Dont be naive. Only his father confessor knows for certain what agonies of conscience Gleason suffered. We know what he did, though; he promised Hines Veterans* Administra tion Hospital to Loyala free. First he undertook to get a gov ernment declaration that the Hines site was excess to the Veterans* Administrations* needs. Anyone with common sense could deduce that there is no need for a Veterans Hospital in a metropolitan area of 6.5 million people; he could simply assume that there couldn*t pos sibly be any veterans there. Maybe they were right, for subsequent events proved that the people in Chicago were too yellow to fight too yellow ever to have been in a fight. (Or maybe they were just practicing sentimental religious tolerance. RHC) "The public had to wait for the proverbial fly in the oint ment, which vas V.A. general counsel (attorney to you) Fred B. Rhodes, Jr. Rhodes, a Baptist, firmly believed in the separation of church and state, especially since in this instance it was the RCC trying for the give-away and not his own beloved church. There is no proof of his position when the Baptist Church took a part of the 0 Reilly V.A. Hospital in Missouri (A mere 32,844 worth of buildings for 116.60). He balked at the gift to Loyola University and refused to approve it.

"The remedy was simple.

Sept-Oct 1967 RP., Page 28

He soon found himself out of a job.

He was replaced by Cyril F. Bickfield. One of Brickfield*s first decisions was that Hines Veterans* Administration Hospital was in excess of the Veterans* Administrations* needs and he wrote a legal opinion favorable to the giveaway. Another devout RC, Bernard L. Boutin, head of the Federal GSA (General Services Administration) was next in line to pass on the proposal. He quickly declared the hospital to be surplus to government needs and passed the deal to Secretary Abraham Ribicoff, head of the Department of Health, Educationaand Welfare. Everyone knows of the strong Roman Catholic support for Ribicoff in his Connecticut campaign for the Senate. What Ribicoff promised in return we dont know, we can only judge by what we can see that he did. On August 10, 1962, he gave away absolutely free . 61.7 acres of land, in Chicago, along with 60 buildings on that land the famed Hines V.A. Hospital, purchased by American taxpayers for $6,343,474 to the RC Loyola University. "Dont get so shocked that you stop reading now. There*s an epilogue. Just eight months later the Veterans* Administration dis covered that there were some veterans in the Chicago area after all, and that those veterans did need hospital facilities. The V.A. then proceeded to ask Congress for $18,500,000 for the purchase of land and the erection of a new hospital in that city. "Well, as they say, *The real glory attached to being a citizen of the United States of America is that it always comes second. Being a Catholic comes first* Commonweal* RCC magazine, 2/2/49" There are over 20 pages more of this kind of religious "gar bage" to wade through in Madalyn*s printed brochure, as she details the greed of America*s churches. If you can stand more of it send a buck to "The Society of Separation!sts", PO Box 2117, Austin, Texas 78767. IS THERE AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE? "Enclosed is a clipping about a Flying Saucer landing at Healdsburg. Thought you would like to read it. Also enclosed is an in teresting booklet (*A11 America Must Know THE TERROR That Is Upon Us* by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver.) Would you please prepare and print in the Journal an article showing the connection between Communists and the Roman Catholic Church? They seem to be working together. I like to read your Journal." Ralph W. Sorin Santa,Rosa, California Do you mean to say that the conflict in Vietnam is just a front, Ralph? That neither side really means it? Your Director has been brainwashed! Before we "rush to judgment" on this, let*s wait and see how the Church and the Russkies divide up that huge oil pool just discovered under the continental shelf off South Viet Nam*s coast. No wonder our generals are talking of the necessity of staying in South Viet Nam for ten years or more. The first i i 1 r. well hasn*t even been spudded in yet! It just wouldn*t be good business to let them Orientals keep it all to themselves! Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 29

THE PASSING OF FLORANCE VERRICO The Vice-President of BSRA passed on or made her transition Wednesday morning, Aug. 9, 1967 at the age of 73. As an exemplar and instructor in body conditioning in the Los Angeles schools for years Florance was the picture of physical health. But when the Soul or Higher Self decides to wind up its physical affairs and with draw, no physical power can stop it. There were indications as long as a year ago that this was happening. We were privileged to give the last talk of the 1966-67 series of her Questors group in Los An geles only the Sunday before, and are most thankful that this New Age lecture platform was available to us in the City of the Angels. Her unwavering support of BSRA and its program was a constant joy to us and we hope it continues from the other side of the Veil in an expanded capacity. Services at Pierce Brothers Mortuary, Holly wood, Saturday morning, Aug. 12th were attended by quite a number of BSRAssociates and friends of the New Age work. Her closest as sistant, Bertha Falconer, informed us then that she had no plans for continuing the work that Florance had started. WAS "AE" A FORMER SPACE SHIP PILOT? "I have been reading 'The Candle of Vision* by AE, published by University Books, Hyde Park, NY, Geerge William Russell, who wrote under the pen name AE, was one of the kpy figures in Ireland. He had an honorary degree of Litt, D. from Yale University, He was active in political movements in Ireland and was a leading thinker on rural cooperatives. He was frequently consulted by the U.S. Dept, of Agriculture. "Russell was a gifted visionary as anyone discovers in reading tjiis remarkable book. He was a very discriminating analyst of vis ionary material. Here is his description of one of his visions of what we would now refer to as a space ship: fI seemed to myself to understand the mechanism of these airships, and I felt, if I could have stepped out of this century into that visionary barque, I could have taken the wheel and steered it confidently on to its des tiny. I knew that the closing of a tube at one side of the bow would force the ship to steer in that direction, because the force jetted from the parallel tube on the other side, no longer balanced an equal extension of power, operated to bring about the change. , . I have been unable to place them (space ships) even speculatively in any world or any century.* In our present metaphysical under standing this has the appearance of a former incarnation experience of this writer, AE." John. A Vanderwerf Rte 1, Alto, Michigan 'ARABIA DECEPTA: A PEOPLE SELF-DELUDED' Associate Ron Ross sent us this two-page clip from 'Time" Maga zine, July 14, 1967 on the puzzle of Arab behavior. One thing the article does prove, there will be no peace in the world as long as it is loaded with people of this quality. A couple of paragraphs from the beginning will suffice. Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 30

The West is baffled by this people. Most Arabs from Aden to Algeria are poor, sick, uneducated, and desperately in need of survival training for the 20th century. The vision of a onne great civilization moving into the modern world should be a cause to fire the Arab mind and spirit, a unifying challenge to build national pride and progress. Yet for two decades, Arab leaders have been more interested in mounting suicidal wars against Israel. If the Arabs truly weighed their own self-intqrest after their latest dis astrous defeat, they would face facts or so a Westerner would reason accept Israels extended hand, and join in desert-blloming projects that could lift the whole Middle East to unprecedented heights of peace and prosperity. To begin this process, they would not need suddenly to embrace the Israelis, or grovel to them; they would need only to acknowledge the countryfs right to exist. But most Arab leaders utterly reject this idea. Even seeminjfcy ratioaal and well-informed Arabs cry that perpetual warfare against the enemy has only jjtust begun and sincerely argue that justice* re quires the end of ihrael as a state. "The worlds 110 million Arabs have shown time and again a total inability to swallow their national pride and a total abil ity to swallow their own hyperbole. The worse their humiliation, the more unbending they become. A refusal to accept unpalatable reality can be a vwry human trait on which the Arabs have no mono poly; yet the Arabs carry it to dazzling extremes. What ails them? Can they overcome their condition and function successfully in today world? Or are they really a case of arrested development, doomed for generations to the kind of emotional and political instability that makes the Middle East one of the worldfs danger iones? WHAT AILS THE ARABS? DOPEJ

Associate Ada Ferguson sent us this revealing letter, clipped from the San Francisco Chronicle", June 19, 1967: "One explanation for Israels remarkable victory over the Arab world, and the Arabs wild claims of Herculean feats while being annihilated, is the fact that hashish is sold and used e? openly in most Arab countries as tobacco in the r est of the world. Hashish, chemically, is exactly the same as marijuana, the only difference being that it is stronger Medical science knows that this devilish chemical not only distorts on es ability to evaluate date and, therefore, give any kind of re liable report based upon reality (wishful thinking and fact become intimately entwined as a result of prolonged use of marijuana or hashish), but insidiously removes ones ordinary motivational dynam ic from his mind, rendering that person impotent to pursue his goals of conscience, i.e., if he has any in the first place." Jeremy M. Ets-Hokin FUNCTIONING SUCCESSFULLY IN THE MODERN WORLD The Arabs will never be able to catch up with us until they stop degrading their women. The child born to an illiterate, super stitious mother starts out with an insuperable handicap in the tech nical Western world of today. His plastic young brain gets no men Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 31

tal challenge from his mother in those all-important, early, f o r - * mative years. Mental vibrations are just not there in an illiter ate mother. Until this racial blight is removed the Arabs will never be the equal of the Israelis in a war using modern weapons. Billions of dollars worth of weapons donated by the'Russians will not give the A rab the mental capacity to use them skillfully. And of course the use of hashish robs him of his manhood. A RELEVANT MESSAGE FROM MARS While going over UFO contact material for our new talk, "Who Flys the Saucers", to be given at the 11th Annual Northern Califor nia Space Craft Convention in Berkeley, Oct. 21-22, we uncovered one Martianfs view of the earth and its continuing troubles. I t fs in the late Franklin Thomas* "We Come In Peace" booklet. This glowing UFO, big as a house, landed on the high plateau between Austria and Styria in the summer of 1954, perhaps as the call of the Austrian Borderlander who had come there to meditate in real? solitude. A single Martian approached him. The Visitors critical analysis of our political, military and religious leaders and their motives is as appropriate today as it was 13 years ago: "We do not come as your enemies. We want to help you to ban these unholy crises on earth that occur again and again, so that you poor human beings shall at last attain to that lasting peace and happiness which we possess. You have remained backward in science to such an extent that you use it mainly to destroy man kind. And this is not the fault of humanity, but solely the fault of a few human beings who enslave you and ffied you with false words and concepts, and who do not live in Truth. They have given you great ideals and systems of religions, but none of these so-called lords live according to these ideals. On the contrary, they sneer at them and drag them around in the mud. But woe unto you if you do likewise, for then you shall stand before the tribunal and you shall be burnt like living torches for having desecrated a God. And the judges themselves do not believe in a God. They only know the dead letter of their law books. 0 how unhappy you are, be cause your so-called free will is forever'being shackled with new speeches and high sounding words while being derided. And so that you shall more easily succumb to this disgrace, they give you alco hol and tobacco, which are taxed by these high lords, ao that you have to earn and pay for your shame and disgrace. "My friend, all this have we become aware of by witnessing the radiations or vibrations that issue forth from the hearts of men. We know everything that is transpiring on this earth, and we often have to go back into our own past in order to understand these hor rors, which devour the tiny little bit of happiness you have here, just as ants eat up what is strewn in their path. "We will help you. And in the near future you will stand face to face with events that shall fill you with wonder, but which you will greet with joy as soon as you comprehend their true signifi cance. And so you may do so, we will help you. . . " Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 32

SPACE CRAFT CONVENTION The Eleventh Annual NorthernCalifornla gathering at the Hotel Claremont, Berkeley, Oct. 21st and 22nd, 1967. BSRA, along with six other UFO research groups, is helping Angela Kilsby sponsor this oldest and most popular of West Coast events. The Inner Circle will be represented through Mark Probert. Asso ciate Fred Kimball is also on the lecture program, along with your Director. At our BSRA display booth we will do research on the effect of moving color and music on consciousness, on any volunteer subject who comes along. For those who want to feel the music as well as hear it, by the use of a music transducer we can send it through the subjects body in the form of random, weak electronic impulses. Registration: $3.00 per day; two days, $5.00; teenagers, $1.50 pd. For a Convention Program, write to the Chairman of Arrangements: Mrs. Angela Kilsby, 1265 Monterey Blvd., San Francisco, California 94127, or call (415) 334-1158. Mrs. Kilsby tells us the Space Age Conven tion program has been invited to give repeat performances at Sacramento, Oct. 25-26; at the Glass House Motel, Dunsmuir (Mt. Shasta), Calif., Oct. 28-29; Boseburg, Oregon, Oct. 31-Nov. 1; and possibly Portland and Seattle after that. More details later from her. "WHO FLYS THE SAUCERS?" This is a review of some of the more exciting and shocking physical contacts between Saucer crews and earthmen in the 1950s. It also gives a brief outline of the general program of the Guar dians for saving us from the tragic results of our own blunders. Ve havent had time to transcribe this from tape te mimeo brochure yet, but if you have a tape recorder-playback and want to hear the talk we can supply a copy on 5 in. Mylar, Monaural, 3 3/4 speed for $4.50 plus tax. The Music Transducer used in our Color research is a solid-state device which can be bought from us for $12.50, plus tax. It has a voltmeter, std. phone Jack for plugging into the Extension Speaker of your tape or phonograph, and six-foot electrode leads for hold ing in each hand. W e ll also make up a special semi-classic music tape, 7 in. reel Monaural, for $7.00. MORE BSRA BUSINESS - Rising production costs are forcing us to con sider two propositions: 1. Raise membershipsubscription to $6 a year and produce Journal at present rate. 2. Hold membership-subscription to $5 a year and cut Journal back to six issues a year as in the days of Meade Layne. We welcome your comment and opinion on this 1968 proposal. Sept-Oct 1967 RR, Page 33 SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR


Compiled by Meade Layne, 5th Edition

This sophisticated work contains the 4-D explanation of the ori gin of the Flying Saucers. It has biographical notes on the mem bers of the Inner Circle who communicated UFO informatinn through Hark Probert. There are portraits of four of them, and picture* of Meade Layne and Rolf Telano (Ralph Holland), This Associate was the channel for significant information about the Venusians and their role as Guardians of the planet. There are notes on Probert mediumship, and Dr, Kappa*s chart of the Etheric Zones surrounding the earth. Here BSRA makes the claim that no ordinary human can make the big jump between planets and survive. If he is taken under special conditions, the memory wont survive anyhow (total amnesia) and h e *11 have to develop a new personality on the new planet] 90-page mimeo book, BSRA No. 3, 8^x11. , , $3,00 Of the Inner Circle Transcripts of 1951. This is the latest in the hitherto unpublished com munications through Mark Probert, from Lo Sun Yat, the Yada di Shi*ite, Ramon Natalli, Prof. Luntz and Maharaja Natcha. Their metaphysical and philosophical observations on war at the height of the Korean conflict and equally applicable today; for the forces of the Extreme Left and Extreme Right are again locked in combat in Vietnam. An outstanding feature is a l o n g discourse from the Hindu adept, Natcha, on such diverse subjects as Astral Shells, Magnetic Vortexes, Rincarnation, the secrets of Egyptian initia tion on the Cross, and Soul Seed. Prof. Luntz gives an explanation of the psychic operations of the Cameron Aurameter and the dowsing rod or water compass. 32 pages, 8^x11 miraco............. $1.25 BSRA No, 10-Q






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